#bfdi paper cutout au
tansypawz · 2 months
hey party people i have an au id like to share with you im not gonna make this au into an askblog like @bfdi3008 but its still smth id like tumblr to hear about ive just been calling it "the paper cutout au" and its basically two becoming an object [by choice] and slowly getting used to their new body and realizing that.yeah.this is what they want the object they transformed into is a green paper cutout of the number two, since in tpot 2 they mentioned they liked being a green number two, and that those were things they knew they liked being. heres a wb doodle i made of it like a day ago.i need to make a full canon design for paper cutout two but yea
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i might write fanfiction about it later
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tansypawz · 2 months
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paper cutout two !!
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