#beyond that is a nebula of general ideas I’m not fully committed to yet
so i was re reading some chapters and you said that ray locked away the anacondrai while mya locked away the venomari which tribes did the other ems lock up and who locked up the pyro vipers was it brice since ice would be useful against them and what are plans for them and aspheera and why did you make them a full on separate tribe
Ray -> Anacondrai
Maya -> Venomari
Brice -> Pyro Vipers
EM of Light (predecessor to Paleman) -> Hypnobrai
EM of Shadow (Shade’s grandparent) -> Constrictai
EM of Surprise (Jesse’s predecessor in the Alliance, but not the EM that had his powers before him) -> Fangpyre
All had help from Garmadon + Collin Pevsner + Sacred Song, and gets discussed further in S4 and S7
As for why I made the Pyro Vipers a full-on tribe…well, it makes them feel like they came less out of nowhere later on, and because that’s much more fun~
My current plans for them are very very loose and very very subject to change ;P
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grumpytrashpanda · 7 years
Sweetest Of Dreams - My Valentine - [Archive Of Our Own]
A Valentine’s Day themed project by Archive Of Our Own.
Original Link - Click Here To Read It @AO3
Chapter 1/3: My Valentine
Author: Go_LuckyFanfics
Word Count: 3149
Rating: General - Will change later in the plot for heavy smut.
Summery: It’s the holiday for endless romance among the stars and our hopeless romantic Peter Quill is looking to indulge his fiancé and favorite trash panda in the foreign traditions known as Valentine’s Day. Perhaps a spicy retreat away from the Guardians while planet-side is in order to help kindle their relationship.
It’s another special time of year, one that our romanced Guardians have of yet to celebrate and the humanly side of the relationship would stop at nothing to make it another occasion for the future. It’s a holiday meant for sharing the closest of moments with our significant other, though it’s not a time to treat them with extra kindness simple because it’s a holiday of love but rather to remember why two souls can still be together despite all the differences between them.
It’s the kindling of romance in the night sky, an unsure ache in someone’s heart of what might await down the road and where to go from here. I’m of course talking about Valentine’s Day.
So let’s begin our story...
The Milano cruised just outside Xandar’s atmosphere in the galaxy with their new designated pilot Kraglin, at the helm. The humbled Xandarian gladly accepted the role bestowed to him allowing everyone else to attend to their own things, the importance of their current activities questioned when comparing it to his current place in the cockpit.
Drax was downstairs in the common room benching with a large white towel draped over the room’s table nearby, the growing band of misfits always making a beeline to avoid eating in the room whenever the muscular brute was working on his abs. At least since they’d gotten some proper exercise equipment, the Destroyer had mostly stopped taking his rage out on the ship’s accommodations and dashboard.
Gamora had mostly been keeping to herself for the past few days in her bedroom away from the others, sometimes talking to her sister who’d long since left after the events on Ego’s Planet. She felt like something really changed in Nebula back there in the caverns, something she’d been hesitant to believe was still a part of their sibling rivalry, a piece inside that wanted to know more and maybe have an actual relationship like they once did. Maybe she was right.
Mantis and Groot had made a surprising connection as of lately, the two of them sparking their own little thing in the background. The empath with using her abilities could connect with the growing teenage tree in the same fashion as his friend Rocket could but it went beyond just communicating. For someone like him that only spoke three simple words there was always such a profound meaning in how they were spoken.
She learned through their time together bonding alone that Groot wasn’t angry at everyone around him, rather more at himself. He might’ve been a teenager and had his typical mood swings like anyone else in his place but there was a place of him that felt left out, like they knew his entire life and he didn’t. it was frustrating for everyone in his family to know his life and yet he didn’t but of course he couldn’t. That was someone else, another soul that gave itself up to ensure his new family could go on without him leaving this small gift for Rocket to care for all those nights like the friendly log did for him al his lowest points in the form of a potted twig not to take his place but to carry his heart and the love hidden inside.
Meanwhile, secluded away in the captain’s bedroom our two space dorks have been attending to important matters of their own, slumbering away in somber from a long in and beyond their shared bedroom under the sheets when Peter blinked his eyes awake.
The half-human turned over and stared at Rocket always seeing a small twinkled shine in the peace during early mornings watching his fiancé sleep under the many blankets on their bed. The ringtail was always a cuddler in his own way even more so during his first rutting season while dating Quill. He’d likely obliterate anyone who accused him of being such a softie in these moments even though it wasn’t really a secret around the Milano, as if the idea of keeping secrets was a fruitful thought when you’ve got this many people living together in one place.
With a very tender touch lie caressing a gentle flower, Peter smoothed a single finger across Rocket’s left brow and watched his mate’s eyes gently awake to face him.
He used to be afraid of sleeping, the thought of being awakened from something or someone would draw the old instinct to fight like it meant thinking otherwise would spell something grave if he didn’t. Since he began sleeping with Quill in his room and their relationship continued to grow, there wasn’t a need to think about it anymore or the fear the threats of the outside world. When he feel asleep every night with his lover beside him there was no dread or despair and the nightmares were shared together when one couldn’t sleep.
These lives, the both of us here, it’s something we’ve learned to share. The pain of what we’ve endured before and those lost along the way. I choose to share it aside the one I trust the most, the only one I wish to spend my life with everytime I stare at our commitment when in doubt.
I share with you my pain, my tears, my past, and above all...my love.
These days Rocket would look forward to what might’ve awaited them when falling asleep for the night, it felt surreal at times.
“Good morning babe.” Peter chirped propped up on an elbow when he booped his mate’s wet nose as part of their morning ritual, gaining a small smile from the mammal.
“Mornin’ boo.” Rocket let out a long yawn while nestled under the covers and not making any attempt to move much aside from stretching his limbs as they popped a few times. “Does the charm ever die with this one? I thought you’d still be out and we could just sleep through the whole day.” His normally deep voice cracked mid-sentence, rubbing one of his eyes.
“Nah.” Peter replied as matter of factly on the subject. He’d always wake up ahead of the raccoon early in the morning, just the Star-Lord and Gammy silently sharing coffee in the common room before chaos would break loose when the rest of the crew would rise from the dead. “Someone on this ship has to cook and it isn’t Drax or you, as much as I love you when I say that.”
Hey for your information I can cook..” Rocket argued, the nude ringtail sitting up in the bed to match Peter’s height. “but why should I have to when I’ve got you to do it for me? I burned that casserole to prove a point to everyone.”
“That you’re an asshole and people don’t like tail-fur in their meals?”
“Yeah and you can’t blame me for that either, I know you of all people like tail-fur in your face.” The raccoon snickered to which Peter playfully shoved him aside, even if it was true to an extent. Truth be told Rocket was perhaps a better cook then any of them though his height made reaching some things difficult the few times he was tasked with making a meal more complicated then a sandwich. It wasn’t much different then advanced chemistry only with cooking you got to eat your creations when finished such as indulging in a decadent lava cake Rocket made once with Vyloo eggs, never minding the destroyed kitchen he left in his path to create the masterpiece.
“You’re something else...” Peter chuckled stepping outside the bed, putting on some jeans and staring at his bare shaved chest as Rocket did the same with a pair of grey boxers just out of sight when his voice perked to the figure collecting himself from the other side of the bedroom.
“Hey Rocket?”
He listened to the footsteps form behind when thinking on how to ask the question, the latter searching through varies clothes in their closet when he paused thinking something was wrong. They weren’t facing each other in the moment but Peter could feel Rocket staring over his shoulder while getting dressed so he quickly just spit the thought out to be heard. What’s the worse that could happen?
“What do you think about us and Valentine’s Day?” Quill wasn’t sure why it seemed weird to ask scuffing his foot across the floor, especially to the guy he was planning to her married to within the new few couple months. Maybe it’s because even if they’d been dating for close to a year the two males hadn’t done much in the ways of traditions aside Christmas or other gimmicks with what they had going on.
“Aw here we go again with your dang’ traditions nobody besides you ever celebrated around here.” For a moment Peter thought they were going to have another long discussion about the history of Terra’s holiday rituals when it came into their conversation.
“Well I-”
“I’m just joshing you Pete, I know what yer’ talking about.” Rocket rolled his eyes, showing he did have an interest in Terra’s traditions after the Guardian’s celebrated Christmas last year. “Gotta admit though, should surprise me our hopeless romantic remembers something so mushy like that and forgets to tell about News Years Day which I might add would’ve been my favorite holiday.”
Rocket was quick on those feet when he wanted to be, already fully dressed in casual clothing and a black t-shirt and disappearing into their bathroom before Peter could reply now trotting after the smaller male whom jumped onto a stepstool to reach the counter’s sink running some cold water to wake himself up while reaching for his toothbrush across the sink.
“So what do you think about it?” Peter asked standing aside his partner, the latter only shrugging and mumbling something of uncertainty with an extra amount of mint-flavored toothpaste in his mouth, typical behavior by the overly-hygienic trash panda when it came to his presentation in public. From Rocket’s point it sounded like such a strange idea to make a special day out of something they had no issues embracing. Celebrating Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be anything different in his eyes since they didn’t need a foreign ritual or supposed holiday of love to solidify their romance.
“So....is that shrug agreeing to a special date? You know because we don't have to if you don’t like the idea.” Peter urged with a hint of hesitance in the question. He didn’t want to put pressure on the silly idea, being nothing more then just that but he also believed in trying new things to help the spark in their relationship. Without a doubt, Peter would love to share this special day with the first person he genuinely loved in a very long time. Sure he screwed around most of his life and with his smooth demeanor bedded all kinds of people among the galaxy but it’s not until you truly fall in love for someone that you realize no matter how much tail you chase in the universe and the amount of sex you get from various hookups, it’s meaningless if it doesn’t stand for anything the morning afterwards.
“I da’ know, sounds eh...” Rocket spat into the sink, rinsing his mouth with some more water and messing with the matted fur around his ears In the room’s mirror. “I mean, I’m not like some prancing gal-toy that’s swoon over some sweets and all that d’ast getups.”
“I know that, of course I do.” Peter eased wrapping his arms around his fiancé's waist from behind, it was nice to be able to hug his lover like this thanks to the height advantage of the bathroom’s stool. “I’ve got a few ideas for us if you’re interested.”
Rocket was resting with his paws on the sink and head hanging down staring at his reflection, considering the idea with a sigh as Peter placed his head on Rocket’s briefly and gave a very small kiss to his left ear while continuing to hug onto him. The smaller male wasn’t sure if it was intentional or not when it happened but a hint of him was already turned on when the man’s sheltered member was rubbing in clockwork against his hip from behind, a petite moan escaping Rocket’s muzzle he tried to keep hidden form being heard.
“Ok I give, so what would you have in mind for this dumb thing?” The raccoon straightened his posture putting his palms on Quill’s arms wrapped around him like a snuggled blanket. There was something comforting about being held in this way that always put Rocket at ease, his mind in a place of peace and warmth as the all-so quiet purrs filled the couple’s bedroom.
“Well...” Peter in-wrapped himself from the hug and spun his mate around on his heels so they could look at each other seeing the small twinkle in his white teeth and a hopeless romantic in the heart that’d only be of his Star-Dork. “I was thinking we could take the day and go out to this fancy club I made reservations for us at. Get some good food, actual good food and maybe some exotic drinks too, just the two of us.”
“You always have to use booze to win me over for your plans?” Rocket snorted giving a small grin of his own. The sounds of foreign drinks did sound enticing and he’d try anything at least once, recalling back a few months at a bar when Drax jokingly ordered the tomboyish tyrant something called a Sunset Mimosa while he was in the washroom and upon returning to his barstool Rocket shrugged playing his bluff for ordering what many would call a frilly drink and downed it anyway. Now he’d never admit it to anyone aside Quill but he was head over heels fro any drinks with fruit in them, call him frilly for thinking so because he didn’t know alcohol could ever taste that good.
“Nope. I’ve just learned how to treat my favorite boy well, know all the things he enjoys and little quirks that’ll make him happy.” Peter was always a charmer when being persuasive and speaking in a softened tone he only used with his furred mate. His lowered voice sounded so dorky coming out but who said that wasn’t one of Rocket’s favorite kinks about him when trying to ease him over.
“Ok maybe I’m a tad intrigued, been so long since-” Rocket spoke up, his damp whiskers perked and unable to finish the sentence. The idea of this date didn’t sound too out of the ordinary for their usual outings but if he knew his partner better and the lengths he’d go to make it memorable for him, he was going to be spoiled rotten.
“It’s just been us? Yeah that’s part of living with five other people, ain’t much privacy to be had around here.” It was true with everything going on as of lately, that there wasn’t as much time for themselves as they would've wished but their last job brought in enough units to pay off their upcoming wedding and all the usual expenses for them to live lavishly for a while. “So I went ahead and rented us a room for tonight at one Xandar’s most lavish hotels, get us some private time away from the others and send them on their own adventure while we-”
Peter cooed his head next to Rocket’s and began to whisper with a very seductive breath, his smooth break tickling the hairs around his fiancé’s attentive ears a couple smutty things about he was going to make him feel beautiful tonight and ne nearly choked when his face blushed under all that facial fur, his own member unsheathing itself and aching to break free from the clothes separating them form conjoining in what would’ve been their fourth trip around the clock this week alone.
“Do what do you say, be my Valentine Rocky?” Quill asked with a goofy grin etching for permission on a mischievous retreat but it was given with the same sincere face as Rocket’s marriage proposal. He planned the whole night just for them both and it was the first time in a long time they’d be on a genuine date.
“Aw what the flarkin’ hell,” Rocket gripped Peter’s hands and pulled him closer causing the man to stumble lightly when the raccoon clicked his teeth and caught him, burying his head into his shirtless partner’s chest. “sure I’ll be your sack of hearts to pamper all night.”
“So it’s a date.” Peter exclaimed as they both nodded in agreement, staring into each other’s eyes and watched the unique speckles in each of their faces massaging one of his knuckles on Rocket’s left cheek. “We’ll have fun, I ain’t dressing formal or nothing for it.”
“Oh please. You, acting formal and in a suit? “Rocket laughed, deciding he’s just go with the flow and whatever tonight might bring for them. “Since when was that ever a thing for either of us? You’re just as much of a disaster as I am on that.”
“Well you’ll have to wear one at the wedding.” Peter shook his head turning around to exit the bathroom and leave Rocket alone while he made breakfast for the crew when he was snatched back into a surprise kiss from his mate’s inviting muzzle and many teeth grazing his lips, the strong scent of mint-flavored toothpaste they shared between their mouths when the raccoon gave him a taste of what awaited him later in the night.
“Yeah don’t remind me...” Rocket punched the man in the chest before sending him off to make some food and leaving the door open. “and take a d’ast shower already before we go out later, I’ll be back in my old room if you go another night without one.”
“What about you? You got that weird aroma going on...”
“I was going to when I came in here,” Rocket hollered with a humored snap at the trailing man’s voice leaving the bedroom. “until Hefner interrupted me with his stupid holiday rituals.”
He started undressing from his clothes listening to the door slide shut when he knew the Terran had left him to his thoughts to take a quick shower, the group heading planet-side after everything was discussed.
Huh, so Valentine’s Day...
Oh glorb, what did I get myself into this time...
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