#bex ate her up
daenysthedreamer101 · 4 months
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Ate her up, as per usual
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blckvchaos · 23 days
WIP Tag Game
So the lovely @graysparrowao3 tagged me for the wip tag game - thank you!!
I'll tag whoever wants to join - additionally maybe @dutifullylazybread @sasha199 @forget-me-maybe @reverieblondie @lemonsrosesandlavender @tealfling
So a snippet for the third chapter of my Rolan x Tav fanfic is underneath the cut, but my writing process is always quite messy and I throw around everything until the spaghetti sticks to the wall, so anything underneath might be bound to change!
I hope you enjoy either way!
“She was terrifying, the githyanki woman. Asked me about the other gith Yul and I saw on our way to the mountain pass.” Zorru inhaled another spoonful of mashed potatoes before reaching for the flask of water. “I swear she was about to gut me right then and there. She even wanted me to grovel before her as if the whole situation was not humiliating enough. Feyre stopped her very quickly though.” 
He gulped down some water, Bex looking in his direction with concern etched onto her delicate features, Danis beside her slowly sinking his spoon back into his bowl of mashed potatoes grilled meats. Zorru ate as if it would be his last meal. Must’ve felt like it too, judging by the way his face grimaced as he retold his encounter with the gith, Lae’zel was her name if Rolan remembered correctly. 
Of course, he remembered correctly. 
These busybodies made it exceedingly harder hour by hour to ignore them.
“She is amazing, really. Shot the githyanki one single withering look, and told her to stand down. And it worked! Even apologized to me for her companion's behavior, while the other one looked like she was about to skin me alive. And still, she had the compassion to be kind to me, to ask me for help. As if I was the one holding all the cards right there. The whole encounter felt surreal.” 
Something flashed on Zorru’s face resembling reverence. It made Rolan’s skin itch. 
Rolan could not stand her. 
Not her interference in any business, no matter how big or small. Nor her fierce gaze when she walked by him, talking to her companions about their next steps, or when she confided with Zevlor about their progress. 
He did not like how everybody seemed to fall to their knees in front of her, figuratively speaking of course, as they praised and thanked her countless times. 
It made him want to scream how Cal and Lia seemed so besotted with her too, how they laughed and bickered together, and how she shot toothy smiles in his direction when Lia and Cal talked about him. He hated how her smile made him feel warm inside his veins and his stomach all fuzzy, how he perked up whenever he heard her name and turned around in her direction whenever he heard her voice. 
He absolutely loathed how she indulged him in discussions, asking about his apprenticeship, which schools of magic he was most interested in and why, and which spells he was intrigued to learn. 
How she showed so much compassion and interest in all their kin, and yet whenever he saw her extend her good nature and kindness, and her pretty smiles, all he wanted was her attention to himself. 
Rolan truly could not stand her.
It must have shown on his face because Cal leaned over, asking him in a whispering tone “Are you alright? You look like you are about to punch someone in the face. Did Zorru’s story wind you up that much?”
“What? No!” Quickly, as if Cal had not already seen the scowl on his face, he tried to fix his posture. “I am just ever concerned. It has been days, and still, we’re all just sitting here on our asses, doing nothing to progress our journey to Baldurs Gate. No one has any idea how long it will take or what the next steps will be, and ever since those adventurers came through it seems as if everyone is content to not even lift a finger. They have helped defend us, and as if that was not enough, now they even feed us! Do none of you feel humiliated by the prospect of accepting handouts without giving anything in turn?”
Cal looked struck, making Rolan regret his harsh words immediately. He hadn’t meant to lash out at Cal like that, not at anyone really, but Rolan was frustrated and the feeling only grew by the minute. His fingers itched to do something, anything really. 
“Look”, Zevlor interfered with a sigh from behind Rolan, having appeared out of seemingly nowhere. He must’ve overheard Rolan's outbreak and decided to prevent further escalations. “We are all trying our best within the circumstances we are given. The scouts are patrolling at all hours, bleeding into the lands to try and find a way to cross the mountain pass safely. We try to train all those who require assistance so that no one is left helpless in case of an attack. Some are trying to discuss matters with the druids to prolong our stay here until we can leave without being slaughtered seconds after leaving.”
In his periphery, he could see Ethel craning her neck to listen in on the conversation. Busybodies, all of them. 
“We are all trying, in whichever way we can - sometimes that has to be enough. At least for the time being. And it is not like we are letting them take all responsibilities from us, we help them, too. There is no shame in accepting a helping hand when it is offered.” 
Of course, Zevlor was right. He knew how to handle situations like this, having been a hellrider commander. Leading qualities flow through Zevlors blood. 
But Rolan had never held such a station. Rolan had never had to sit out a conflict, because Rolan never had the luxury to not fight for his life, and the life of his siblings when conflict arose. It had always been fight or flight, there never was an option to stop and think about the next steps.
Additionally, he did not like sitting here, reading within the same book about beginners' evocation magic over and over again. He had run out of material to revise over and over again a while ago, and now he felt like he was left with nothing to further progress his magical capabilities. One could only advance a spell so many times before he could not think of further ways to modify them. 
He felt frustrated and useless, and it made him dislike the strange ragtag group around the green-haired druid with her piercing eyes even more.
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blubushie · 4 months
Home finally.
Misty's back too. She was a good girl and did fine—no sedation necessary. She's been put on more anti-inflammatories and an antibiotic. Didn't even bark except when I picked her up and the tech brought a new cone. She hates the cone.
Meanwhile I'm fucken exhausted...
Mattie's running fine. No clue what was up with her doing that sputtering shit but she's fine now and running perf on the 91. And no more radiator overheats, which is good. I'm probably gonna end up putting some electric radiator fans in her at some point just to be safe, though. Fuck stock, that's a hazard.
But her ticker's ticking good.
I'm thinking of washing up before I make dinnie, maybe. But right now reckoning I could go for a Bex wank and a good liedown. I'm stuffed 😅
ETA: I got Misty a plain burger to praise her for being good, but for some reason she didn't wanna eat it which meant I had to fucking chew it for her. And guess what? It worked. I chewed it, gave her the chew, and she ate it readily. She's so smart but she's so dumb sometimes.
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blackjackkent · 6 months
Highlights from Rakha's further explorations in the tiefling camp:
She terrifies the group of small children trying to train for battle when the trainer asks her to encourage them. "Soak the battlefield in blood. Do not resist death, but embrace it!" The trainer is unimpressed by this: "Good job. Now they're even more scared." Rakha doesn't see why that's her problem.
The super inept fellow striking at a nearby training dummy has a slight panic attack on seeing Rakha's face; apparently he's not too familiar with orcish folk. Rakha is pretty fucking angry about this (especially in light of Aradin's 'half-breed' comment); she doesn't care about her own heritage but she knows what an insult is and is starting to realize that from some people she garners them just by existing. There is no option to punch him in the face, which she totally wants to do (and more, and more, spill his blood all over the training floor) but I suspect Wyll probably steps in instead and starts helping him, so she contents herself with sarcasm from the sidelines. "Try hitting the target."
She chats with Bex and Danis, who ask about her plans after reaching Baldur's Gate. "How can you make plans? I can't remember what I ate for breakfast," Rakha says. Bex, excited for their new life ahead, encourages optimism. The Narrator purrs in Rakha's head: "Surely destined for the slaughter. What would be more perfect than to die by your love's side, and know love was not enough?"
Okta, the woman at a giant cauldron on the camp's lower level, offers Rakha a bowl of gruel for having helped them fight the goblins off. The scent of the food triggers something strange in Rakha's head - memory. "Grey goo. I think I ate things like this in the past. When I was desperate." No image comes along with the thought, but the scent is familiar and goes along with a feeling of bewildered loneliness. She half-expects the woman to take it as an insult, but strangely, she doesn't, just offers the bowl more firmly and asks if Rakha has had similar hard times. Rakha feels tremendously perplexed and has no answer to offer, but she suspects the answer is yes.
INCREDIBLY unexpected little interchange: Another old woman near Okta - human, not tiefling - is selling potions. Ethel has a Durge-specific response to how tore-up-from-the-floor-up Rakha looks: "Oh! You're twitching something fierce, love. And your eyes! You look like you don't know the meaning of the word sleep." True enough. Rakha's two long rests have been scattered and fitful at best. This attention to her well-being from this stranger startles Rakha enough to admit: "I've had such a pounding headache recently." The woman of course has more questions, and slowly, Ethel manages to draw out from Rakha all the salient facts: she has no memory, she has intrusive thoughts, she sleeps with dreams of blood and slaughter. Ethel tuts and offers crooning words of sympathy and concern along with a healing potion. "Were you hurt recently?" she asks. Rakha shrugs sharply. "All I know is that right now, I'm imagining drowning you in the boiling stew over there." Her companions, who have never heard Rakha speak so candidly, all look at each other in bewilderment. Ethel laughs. "Oh, you cheeky pup," she says, and pokes Rakha playfully in the arm. "That might scare someone else, but I know what naughty girls need - a bitta love and care. If I was back at my teahouse, I'd make you a cuppa and tell you to put your feet up. Alas, here I can only tell you to be kind to yourself, petal. And encourage you to browse my bits and pieces, of course. Let me know if anything catches your eye." She chuckles and gives Rakha a wink. "Myself included." Rakha stares blankly at her. Any subtext is pretty much lost on her, but the strange kindness completely undeterred by the knowledge of Rakha's violent cruelty is... perplexing. "Thank you. For being nice to me," she hears herself say gruffly. "Sure! What else am I here for?" Ethel says airily.
"Well," Gale says cheerfully as they wander away. "That was a refreshing bit of kindness in this little wilderness waystation, was it not?"
"Chk," mutters Lae'zel. "Platitudes and insipid benevolence are no solution; they merely invite carelessness." She squints at Rakha. "Do not be taken in; our business has not changed. We have no time for such prattle, or a visit to this 'tea-house.' Let us find Zorru and be gone from this place."
Rakha shrugs and says nothing. No doubt Lae'zel is right; it was a wasted conversation.
'Be kind to yourself' - what does that even mean? The words rattle in her head like scattered caltrops, stinging, painful for some reason she can't define. There is no kindness to be had in her, not for other people and certainly not for herself - nor does she wish it.
She wants vengeance and she wants answers. And she agrees with Lae'zel - this strange old woman can provide no answers; certainly not the ones she needs.
So why did Rakha thank her? Why did she even listen at all?
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grace-nakimura · 7 months
[wip] but sunday addition
i'm trying to write PLS
According to her parents, in her three-year-old wisdom, she wanted to shave her face, too. Just like Daddy, was what her parents told her, which led to a polaroid of her Dad holding her up by the arms in front of that looking glass with her lower face covered in shaving cream. Mom said it was her favorite photo, the second being a photo of Uncle Mose’ and Dad sleeping with their mouths open against each other—apparently, it was New Year's Eve and they couldn’t handle their liquor as well as they said they could. 
“Your Dad and I just got back together,” she explained when Bex was much older, “and both of you were attached to the hip.” 
“Why did you and Dad break up?” She had asked. Bex was seventeen at the time. 
Her Mom gave a grimace, crinkling her nose the same way Bex did when she ate something sour, and the same mannerism lived on in her younger siblings. “We were immature. We learned the hard way, but we still learned, and are learning every day.” Then her Mom’s face melted into something softer as she raised her hand to comb her fingers through Bex’s hair. It had blonde highlights at the time. Now it was her natural medium brown; she promised Jiji and Baa-baa she wouldn’t color her hair until after her Shijin-Shiki. “You always have a choice, Bex. Never forget that.” 
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 5 months
Hmmmm 103 words today? <3
Alex leans into Willie’s side. “It was fine.”
Willie wraps their arm around Alex’s shoulder, pulling Alex fully into them. They kiss the top of Alex’s head. “Just fine?”
“Yeah. Did blocks. Ate food. Read stories. More blocks. More food. More sleep. Same old, same old.”
Willie hums thoughtfully. “No outside time today?”
Alex shakes his head. “No, wasn’t up for it. And not really time, I guess.”
“We could do that this afternoon if you wanted?”
Alex shrugs. 
Willie gently rubs Alex’s shoulder. 
They both turn toward the sound of Luke and Bex emerging from her bedroom. Bex is perched on Luke’s shoulders and they’re both sporting pleased grins.
send me a number and I'll write at least that many words for a wip
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mrbexwrites · 6 months
Spread the Joy Tag
Tagged by the amazing @kaylinalexanderbooks here - thank you so much :D
Rules: Make a list of all of the things that have made you happy recently! Then, tag as many people as you want that you think may need it to keep the positivity going 💕
Passing the tag onto @words-after-midnight @cee-grice @queen-tashie @scifimagpie @pure-solomon and leaving an open tag for any one who would like to spread some positivity in their blog :)
Theater Trip to see Peter Pan Goes Wrong with Mr Bex
Dinner with my family
Having a short week at work
Catching up with my friends
Getting some tea with @sarahlizziewrites who tolerated me fangirling all over Sitora and her other WIPs
Freshly made apple pie with custard
Lighter nights and sunshine in the morning (spring is coming!!)
Getting my bed linen washed and hung outside to dry
Ate my first Creme Egg of the season (side note: I tried one of the white ones, and they were vile! I'm sticking with the classic!)
Found out that I'm going to be an auntie, so have to get knitting.
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domripley · 10 months
You and Us (four)
pairing(s): Becky Lynch x Reader; 4hw x Reader
warning(s): oral sex on a strapon, daddy kink, slight voyeurism, verbal degradation, mentions gangbang, soft!dom becky, anal fingering, spit as lube
word count: 1,920
summary: You had been Becky’s sub for a while, and now you’re starting to become the other four horsewomen’s submissive.
It had been a week since the four of them all fucked you, and honestly, you were missing them. Of course, Becky was still around - she was on Raw alongside you. You had just grown used to them being there with you, that it began to feel weird.
“What’s the matter?” Becky asked you, placing a hand on your thigh as she continued to drive. Refusing to take her eyes off the road - she knew what she was doing.
“Miss them if I’m being honest, Daddy.” you sighed, placing your hand on top of hers. You had hoped Becky would give you want you want instead of teasing you, but that was more than likely not going to happen.
“Ya? I’ll make sure to tell them, baby,” she smiled to herself as her eyes continued to stay glued to the road. You always admired that about her - she was always so good at concentrating. “Did I say you could touch my hand?”
You’re quick to pull your hand away from hers. “No Daddy, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. Just let Daddy’s hand roam, okay? Want ta touch ya until you’re desperate.”
The rest of the ride to the hotel, Becky kept running her fingertips up and down your thigh. Never giving you exactly what you need, but you didn’t want to complain, considering you were glad she was touching you.
“Maybe we’ll be able to FaceTime them tonight, would you like that? Because, I’m positive that they’d love that.”
Finally putting the car in park, she looked at you as she waited for your response. You bit your lip, nodding, but that wasn’t good enough for her. Reaching over and gripping your chin, she spoke up again. “Use yer words baby girl.”
“Yes, Daddy, I’d love that.”
“Good girl. Let’s go to our room, I’m gonna order room service, I’m starving.” Becky chuckled, moving her hand away from your thigh as she turned the car off and got out. Your mouth was wide open, not expecting that from her - you both knew what she was doing. Unfortunately it was working.
After the two of you ate, Becky had turned the TV on to see what was on. She was just trying to have background noise on so the people in the rooms next to you couldn’t hear what was going to be going on. All you could think about was Becky fucking you into the mattress.
“Becky?” You called out as you watched her. She was just sitting at the edge of the bed, and you got a good idea. You knew she didn’t answer to her name when the two of you were alone, it was just what the two of you agreed on. You took a deep breath, ”Daddy.”
You moved closer to her, noticing that she was still packing, despite changing into her sleepwear. An idea had popped into your head, but you weren’t sure how up for it she’d be.
“I have an idea.” you licked your lips - a nervous habit you had picked up since high school.
“Tell me,”
You walked over to, getting down on your knees in front of her before you told her your idea. “Wann suck your cock while you’re FaceTiming them.”
Becky’s eyebrow quirked up, quickly pulling her strapon out of her pants. You didn’t take your eyes off it as she reached for her phone. She was quick to call Charlotte’s phone, thankfully she picked up.
“Hey, Bex. What’s up?” Charlotte asked, and you bit your lip. You knew you were being a bit ridiculous - but you missed their voices.
“Our slut here thought that maybe she could suck my cock while the three of you watched. Would you like that?”
Charlotte bit her lip, “Yes, Daddy. Let me go get them.”
She placed her phone on the bed as she got up to go get the others. You weren’t surprised she didn’t bring it with her, but you just hope she didn’t take her time in getting both Bayley and Sasha.
Finally the three of them came back into the room, earning a soft smile from Becky. You could tell she truly loved them all equally, and it warmed your heart. “Charlotte told us what you wanted to do, (Your Name), is that true?” Sasha had asked you, and Becky turned the camera to where it would be facing you.
“Yes, Sash.” you whispered. You bit your lip to try and keep the noise that was threatening to escape. You were too embarrassed to let them know how turned on you were from just the thought of Becky’s strapon. However, you had a feeling that they already knew, and didn’t have to ask.
Becky held her phone at an angle so they could see you much better as you went between her legs. You took a hold of the toy through Becky’s pajama pants, earning a grunt from her. You wanted to tease her just a little bit before giving into what you both were wanting.
Pulling her pajama pants down, you licked your lips at the sight of the toy. It was a baby blue dildo that she used on you a few times before - however this would be the first time you were actually going to be sucking on it. You looked up at the phone, you gave your best pouting face knowing how Sasha would react.
“Aw don’t pout, baby, Daddy’s gonna give you her cock. Don’t worry baby.” Charlotte cooed, watching as you leaned in closer to the toy between Becky’s legs. She gripped the base to hold it still for you as you wrapped your lips around the tip. You decided not to use your hands - wanting nothing more than to impress the others as they watched you.
“Good fuckin’ cock sucker we have, don’t we?” Becky groaned, holding the phone still as you did all the work. Pushing down further on the toy, only stopping when you began to gag.
Pulling off of the toy to breathe, you continued to stroke it as you looked into the camera. You could see Becky biting her lip, watching with hunger in her eyes. You knew it was hard for her to sit and watch - wanting nothing more than to have you sit on her cock and fuck up into you. But she was doing a good job at holding still and containing what she wanted in the moment.
“Fuck she looks so good, suck a pretty little cock sucker.” Bayley praised as you took the toy in your mouth once again. You moaned around the toy at the praise she was giving you.
You took the toy all the way to where your nose was touching her stomach. You used your hands for leverage on her hips, finally pulling away for air once more. A strand of spit connected from the toy to your mouth followed.
“Fuck, that’s hot.” Charlotte moaned, and Becky chuckled.
“I’m guessing Bayley’s touching you, baby? Do you deserve to be touched?” she asked, causing you to whimper. This was the first time you were hearing her talk like this to any of the others like the way she talked to you. You loved it even more than you thought you would.
“Yeah, I’m touching her. She’s earned it today.” Bayley chuckled as Becky signaled you to bend over the bed.
“Good well, I hope you enjoyed watching,” Becky switched the camera once again so it was now facing her. “I’ll call you guys back once we’re finished. Love you.”
With that, Becky hung up the phone with a shit-eating grin. She sometimes wanted you to herself, even now, and this was one of those moments. “They’ve got enough to get them through the night, now where were we?” Becky chuckled, getting up off the bed.
Becky helped you to your feet, but as quickly as she got you up, she was quick to bend you over. “You want daddy to play with your hole?” she asked, causing you to whine. You hadn’t expected her to ask you that, but you were definitely wanting her to do so.
You hadn’t vocally said yes, even though you both knew you wanted it. That wasn’t good enough for Becky, no, she needed you to say it out loud. Bringing her hand down once on your ass, you let out a loud whimper.
“Yes, Daddy, want you to play with my hole. It’s yours.” you whispered, thankful that it was good enough for Becky.
“You’re fuckin’ right it’s mine.” Becky agreed, spitting a little onto two of her fingers. She rubbed her now wet fingers against your entrance, but you knew she wasn’t going to give you what you wanted that easily. She wanted to make you work for it, even if she loved fucking you in your ass.
You let out a soft whine, even if it was only the two of you in the room. Sometimes, you were still so shy, but Becky didn’t mind it at all. She understood that you sometimes got shy with certain things. However, she loved using your shyness to her advantage to embarrass you even more. Not that you were complaining - you loved when she did that.
“I don’t think I want to fuck ya just yet, I want you to tell me what you want the most.”
You groaned, knowing she was doing this to tease you, and it was working. Becky slipped the tip of her middle finger into you, causing you to let out an embarrassingly loud moan. “Please, Daddy,” you whispered, unsure if you could even gather your thoughts.
Becky pulled her finger out of you, and went to move towards the bathroom. “I guess you don’t want to get fucked that bad then.”
“Want you and the others to use me… at the same time, Daddy. Wanna have all three of my holes filled up so I’d feel so full.”
“That so? Where do you want everyone, slut?”
Becky wanted to know more so she could plan something for you, and you weren’t catching on. But she knew when you eventually caught on, you’d love it nonetheless.
“Wan’ you in my ass the whole time, Daddy. Want Bayley in my pussy first, while I suck on Sasha’s strap, and I wanna jerk Charlotte’s off for her, get it nice and wet with lube.”
You were glad you weren’t facing Becky, knowing full well you wouldn’t be able to look her in the eyes. All you could think about was them taking turns fucking your holes, and it wasn’t going to leave your head anytime soon.
“Fuck, lass. That’s what I want too - all four of us stretching your holes, ruining them for anyone else,” she paused, pulling her finger out of you. “So you’re going to be a good girl and wait until all five of us are together again. Understood?”
You cried out at the loss of contact, looking back at Becky as if what she said had shocked you. That would be three weeks away at the next pay-per-view, and you weren’t so sure you could last that long. You needed to be touched.
“Yer gonna warm my cock tonight, and maybe it yer good, I’ll let you come in the morning.” Becky said, watching as you moved all the way up on the bed. She was going to give you what you wanted eventually, considering how good you’ve been for her. She just enjoyed making you desperate.
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omgkalyppso · 10 months
I thought I was going to turn this into a little fic, but that's not happening, I have too many wips. Let me just share my vision. Étoile x Zevlor. Bal/dur's G/ate 3 end game spoilers:
It's around a year post-canon. Zevlor wakes up slowly in the sunlight of a eastern-facing bedroom, but it's cold, late autumn, not yet winter, the window rattles from the wind and he remembers that he forgot to buy fresh batting to insulate them as he meant to some weeks ago. Tired, he wonders why he's so cold and under dressed, until remembering that he has a guest and cracks open his eyes slowly, both because he doesn't want to yet face the day and because of habit — friends and fellow soldiers once frightened by the orange glow in the darkness.
He finds himself alone and stretches, savouring the slowness and solitude, so often having days filled with work and more recently, Doni; who is currently being minded by Bex and Danis elsewhere in the city, as they get in practice with young ones and decide whether they're prepared or interested in what parenthood could look like in their one-room apartment. Zevlor had gathered and watched the orphans for three very hectic months until a proper orphanage was able to pose as a base for where they'd rest between those who insisted on weaseling away — Mol, most notably; but while the others had mixed emotions about Zevlor's failure to save Asharak, Doni hadn't wanted to leave, and so he hadn't made him. He still sees the others through him now, and he thinks Mol knows that he would lie for her, or be a place for her to hide, if it ever came to that.
Dressed, or half dressed, he exits his room to the main area of his home. It would be spartan if not for the gifts that found their way to him, from Tilses, from Doni, from his unexpected trio of lovers, from members of his community who didn't carry the weight of resentment after — after everything. Spoons, books, letters, helmets, trinkets and ... things needed for living, for hosting, for ensuring that when he wants to be reliable that he isn't climbing a burning rope to give all of himself and his possessions to ensure those he chooses to serve can find what they need in him. He didn't need to be a soldier to serve, but how embarrassing would it be to have had fewer chairs than one needed, to lack a serving plate, a trivet, a cutting board, or a teapot.
He isn't worn thin, he isn't working for free, but the assistance has been welcome.
Étoile rises from his table as soon as he's out in the open, one of two elven partners who has to duck in his doorways. They're more than twice his age, were a paladin an extra twenty-years on his experience in his order before breaking their oath, and yet the elven-styled youth in their their features makes him feel self-conscious even now, as they smile so earnestly to see him, as they take him around the waist and stroke back his bed-head.
They steal a kiss.
They talk and bicker about sleep; as Étoile finds they often do with non-elven partners, they insist it's fine but their partners worry that the meditation is boring.
They drink warm drinks and eat good, simple food.
They consider doing Zevlor's morning exercises (Paladin training that is different enough from Étoile's that it's unusual, but not impossible, for them to follow along) and despite how Zevlor's body will protest later, they opt to indulge in more intimate stretching while time allows.
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 2 years
This life: Epilogue Change of Perspective
Book: Open Heart (post series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!mc Casey Valentine
Alan Ramsey, Louise Ramsey
Warnings: *****trigger warning- this series deals with issues of abandonment and addiction- reader discretion advised*****
*****trigger warning 2- mentions of pregnancy loss*****
Word Count: 582
Rating: Mature
Catergory: fluffy angst
Summary: Ethan and Casey head to providence on what is the 30th anniversary of Louise walking out.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry
Authors note: we are at the end, well an epilogue anyway. Thank you for those who have survived the angst I have thrown at you and made it this far.
Sunday 7th August, 2023.
It had been a tumultuous couple of months for Ethan and Casey. They had gotten married in a lovely ceremony and had a wonderful honeymoon but a missed miscarriage after their return put a spanner in what had been such a joyous time. Both Ethan and Casey were grieving the loss of a child that despite being a surprise was wanted.
They were invited to lunch today by Alan. He wanted to give his son and Casey time to grieve together but he also wanted to see them. Louise was invited to lunch also.
As Ethan and Casey were driving down, a realization dawned on him. It would be 30 years tomorrow since Louise walked out on him and Alan.
He reflected on how much he had changed since that day. He went from a carefree child to an angry young man. An anger that fuelled his teenage years and adulthood. How he would run and close off when everything got too hard. His mind went to now, the grieving process he was going through, there was no sign of running, or shutting down. Casey had questioned if she would leave him if they could not have children, he was saddened but then realized she had been given every reason to ask that of him. The fact he did not even think of running let alone not running was a sign of growth.
They pull up and Louise greets them. She had been told the news of Casey’s missed miscarriage and was saddened. She had spoken to Casey when she came down with Ethan and she was relieved and happy for her son and she hoped that they would have a family of their own. She gives them both a hug.
They sit down for a meal and Ethan brings up the events of 30 years ago and how this is the first year that the date does not make him angry.
Louise then thanks Ethan for not giving up on her.
“You had every right to send me out into the words again after three days. But you did not. I did not expect to go to rehab but I did, all because of you. As you know I reached out to apologize for the hurt I put you through when I walked on that day. The compassion you showed me is why I wanted to get better again, it was not something I thought would happen but I am glad it did because it allowed me to get to know the man that I knew you would become.”
Everyone was emotional after that. After they ate they all went for a walk. Alan and Louise sat down while Casey and Ethan played with Jenner.
“I know you said that Ethan would have gone on to do great things Alan but thank you for finishing raising our son.”
“He grew up lot that day Louise, in a way he raised himself. He wanted out of here as soon as he could and I understand now why but I am glad that you were able to reconcile.”
“Me too Alan.”
Ethan looked back at his parents, he never understood until recently his dad’s feelings but despite the loss he and Casey had just endured, today felt like as it was before Louise left and again he was happy and happy too that he was with the woman who showed him that he was indeed worthy of unconditional love.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @liaromancewriter @potionsprefect @a-crepusculo @bex-la-get @crazy-loca-blog @tessa-liam @cariantha @binny1985 @schnitzelbutterfingers @lucy-268 @ofmischiefandmedicine
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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accidentalharrie · 2 years
What blind item is that anon referring to?
Thought it was interesting that the Lainey article went on an on about how it was kinda convenient for the statement with 40 signatures to be released when it was and not before the release. And how people weren’t speaking out before then, but some people WERE. Matty said on multiple occasions that the set was harmonious. And this was BEFORE the anyone said anything about screaming matches. Arianne has, in her own way, stuck up for Olivia too. And I think there may have been a few more
I also agree with you that had something been going on…someone like a Matty or a Chris Pine (who has been friends with Olivia for two decades) would’ve said something. Like it just doesn’t compute that this woman that so many people spoke glowingly of post-shoot wouldn’t have had anyone say something if she were being unprofessional?? If she’d been as unprofessional as suggested, I think people would’ve just, ya know, not gone out of their way to talk about her. The timing of these “sources” is suspect to me. The movies done well, we got major proof H&O ate together; I don’t know. Just seems odd this comes out now. Also, didn’t we figure out when set pics (from indoor filming locations leaked) that there was a Larry on the crew? I could be making that up, but I feel like I saw that
Anon I’d rather not drive more traffic to either of the far-right conspiracy theorists but it’s something that makes no sense, per ujh, unless you are inclined to believe anything posted about the evil, evil woman. (I’m sure it’s easy to find on certain blogs too)
The more I think about the other article the more angrily amused I get, as the suggestion is that Olivia was too dickmatized to do her job and poor stressed out Florence had no recourse at all, because not Katie, not Bex, not Matty, not Chris could pry her out of Harry’s trailer.
No clue about the Larrie, I’m afraid.
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caitlinmarie671 · 2 years
Quinn looked at her best friend and Rebekah and put her hand on her forehead. “I love Nik so much Bek, but I can’t fight with him the way we did last night.” “Was it really that bad?” “Stefan came by after he found out Elena and Damon slept together and what happened between Nik and I and we almost kissed but we realized what we were about to do before we did it, but yes Bek. It was bad. I love my children. I love Nik. I love you guys. I just don’t know what to do. I don’t want to tell Stefan and my son that they can’t spend any more time together because it bothers Nik. But I also don’t want to dismiss Nik’s feelings. He already thinks there’s something going on between Stefan and I. Which there isn’t. I love Stefan like a brother, and he loves me like a sister. Not to mention he loves Elena and I love Nik.” Quinn said and she loved Nik but sometimes his insecurity and jealousy really caused problems in their relationship. “Wait!?! wait!?! wait!?!? What do you mean you almost kissed last night?!?!” Rebekah asked with wide eyes and crossing her arms over her chest. “He was hurt over Elena and Damon and I was upset over my fight with Nik but nothing happened, because we love Elena and Nik too much to do anything like that to them. We pulled away before our lips could touch and then Stefan left. That is all that happened I promise.” She reassured Rebekah as she gently reached over and squeezed Rebekah’s ‘s hand who looked at her unsure for a moment before squeezing her hand back. “I trust you Quinn.” “Thank you Bex. I just wish that other than painting together. I could find some thing that Henry and Nik could bond over the way that he does with Phoebe.” She said before she picked up another french fry and dipped in ketchup. She put it in her mouth and ate it. “Have you talked to Nik last night?” Rebekah asked. “No I haven’t. But I know Phoebe misses her daddy so I’ll probably take her to see him after this. Anyway. Bex how is it going with Matt?” Quinn smiled. “Really great actually!! He is the nicest sweetest guy I have ever meet!!” “I’m so happy for you Rebekah. That’s wonderful.”
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
omg but consider an enemies to lovers cheerleader x outcast 😵‍💫 you're cheer captain and absolutely hate eddie "the freak" munson, like would it kill him to shower every once in a while? or pay attention in class? he's always tapping you when he sits behind you and trying to talk to you
and he's not too fond of you either, he thinks you're prissy and stuck-up, and he only ever bothers you because you always know all the answers
and when mrs o'donnell asks you if you'd be willing to tutor eddie, you know it's less asking and more you have no choice, so you show up to the library to help him and he grins like he's the cat who ate the canary "my, my, do my eyes deceive me? the queen of hawkins high, helping one of her subjects? i didn't take you to be the charity type"
"i'm not. let's get this over with"
but over time, as you tutor him and help him raise his grades, you realize that maybe his dumb hair isn't so dumb, especially when he's pulls it off of his neck to concentrate. maybe he's funny sometimes, when the jokes aren't at your expense. maybe his lips are kinda nice when they wrap around his pencil as he struggles through the discussion questions.
and he starts to not mind the way the scent of your shampoo lingers when you flip your ponytail. maybe that garish orange and green cheer uniform actually looks really good on you. maybe your lipgloss makes you look so kissable.
and maybe. just maybe. you tell him that you'll give him a kiss if he gets an A on o'donnell's final.
so many good tropes
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Bex this literally killed me omg. If you ever decide to write this, I'll see y'all on the other side because I will go into immediate cardiac arrest over the combination of my two absolute favorite tropes
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grace-nakimura · 10 months
prompt. wolf. any.
for @poptart-cat-78 idk but von glower & whoops ! also ! mein kleiner welpe - my little pup oba-cha - grandmother in okinowan (informal) schlaf gut - sleep tight
Bex was a brave girl. She was nearly five, which meant she had only one more year before she'd start school, so it only made sense wasn't afraid of anything! In fact, Mommy said so!
"I wanna snack," she had requested one night; somewhat because she was hungry, but mostly to stall having to get ready for bed, because bedtime meant playtime was over forever.
Mommy raised her brow, which prompted Bex to amend her request, "May I has a snack, puh-lease?" Manners were important. Papa was old, something of an art-ist-carrot - someone who was old and came old money - and while he said yes to her more often than not, he only ever made a stern face when she wasn't polite.
"You're awfully brave to ask for food when you didn't eat much of your dinner, kiddo," Mommy had told her but because Daddy wasn't home, Mommy let her have a snack, anyway. It was celery with peanut butter - when Bex made a face Mommy gave her a look that made Bex shut her mouth - which she ate with a glass of milk.
Bex wasn't a princess, but because Daddy's family was really old, too, she lived in a big castle called Slosh Bitter. Actually, it was called something else, but sometimes words were tough to say, so that was the closest thing she could come up with. The castle was big and cold and old, but her room? Her room was the best. It used to be her nursery; Papa had decorated it himself and the paintings of a pack of wolves running in the starry sky, with a large moon behind them, still overlooked her bed. The only difference was that there were more stuffed animals and toys, and instead of a floral blanket she came home from the hospital in, she slept with a Little Mermaid one, as well as a stuffed animal Flounder from her favorite movie.
She liked living in a big castle.
Well, she liked it until she didn't, which was tonight.
Tonight there was a big storm! Mommy and Daddy were in a country named Polka-land because they were doing their Special Job. Bex still didn't know what their Special Job was, only that it made them go away for a long time, and it made her sad. Sometimes Papa went with them, and sometimes Papa had to leave for a little bit, which also made her sad. Papa didn't have a Special Job, but sometimes he had to hunt - he really liked hunting! It was how he and Daddy and Mommy met! - and he wanted the people he loved most to be safe.
It was raining cats and dogs, only not real cats and dogs, and the wind made the windows rattle. Flounder was getting scared, so Bex held him close to her, rubbing his back in small circles like Daddy did for her when she was upset. Her mommy would stroke her hair and sing a song in Japanese that her mommy, Oba-cha, sang to her when she was little.
The wind was really angry outside. Whistling turned to almost yelling as thunder clashed against the ground, illuminating her room, which was pitch dark because she didn't need her Little Mermaid Night-Light on anymore because she was fixing to be five, in bright light.
Flounder screamed. Loudly. Flounder was crying, too, and it definitely wasn't her, because she was awfully brave.
Papa ran into her room, still awake, probably sitting by the fire and reading like he always did. He tried to flip the light switch on, but nothing happened. He let out a bad word - in German, of course, which Bex was picking up on quickly - before hurrying to sit on her bed and pull her in her arms. He called her his kleiner welpe and rocked her back and forth, lifting her up in his arms - Flounder came with them, of course! - to his room.
There would be darkness, but also a roaring fire and candles. And there they sat; Papa in his chair holding Bex, while Bex held Flounder who still cried, to his chest in front of that very fire while the storm outside continued to throw its tantrum. "Shall I tell you a story, mein kleiner welpe?" He asked and she, holding Flounder tightly, nodded. He didn't even scold her for not asking please, mostly because her thumb was in her mouth. "I think Herr Flounder would enjoy this, too. Hmm?"
Papa waited until Flounder said something. Flounder must've said something, even adding in please like he was supposed to, so Papa began. "One upon a time, there was a lonely big, black wolf. While many thought him scary, or mean, no one could see how sad he was. How all he wanted was a family, or a friend, or someone to love him..." Papa trailed off while Bex and Flounder both looked up at him, hanging on his every word.
Bex knew this story. It was one of her favorites. The Wolf would spend years looking for someone to be his friend.
The Wolf would grow bitter, because sometimes loneliness brought out the worst instead of the best, and when he found Little Red Riding Hood searching for treats to give to her Grandmother, he didn't want to help her. He thought about tricking her; maybe he would tell her that the flowers he found were supposed to help her Grandmother get better, but instead, they would make her itch something fierce! Or maybe he would grow hungry and eat Little Red up! After all, the Wolf wasn't allowed in McDonalds, so food was very scarce.
Little Red surprised him. She was nice, funny, and offered delectable - when Papa said this, he sounded like he was in pain, which always made Daddy and Mommy laugh - Happy Meal with him. He would lead her safely to her Grandmother's house and safely back home.
At first, he only helped her because of the Happy Meals; he wouldn't go hungry, and she wouldn't be hurt by the bigger, scarier beasts in the woods. Little by little, though, the Wolf would look forward to walking Little Red to-and-fro', if only because she was nice, she spoke to him and she cared about him. It had been so very, very long since anyone cared about him.
One day, the wolf waited at the mouth of the forest for Little Red. She didn't show. He waited and waited, and waited some more - nothing. He would wait for three days for his friend. Not for the food she offered, the companionship she'd bring, or even her voice to chase away the silence.
She came back on the fourth day, eyes filled with tears, saying, My grandmother told me we cannot be friends.
The Wolf asked, but why?
Because you are a wolf, Little Red said. She said you would eat me!
The Wolf felt guilty; he did consider eating Little Red, after all. He wouldn't tell her this - couldn't tell her this! - so instead he asked, Do you wish to still be my friend, Little Red?
Little Red nodded.
Then know that as long as I walk by your side, you and your loved ones shall never fear anything from me, the Wolf promised. The beasts that soar above, the beasts that lurk in the shadows, nor the beasts below shall ever darken your doorstep as long as I am there.
"And the Wolf and Little Red would continue their friendship for many years to come," Papa said, his voice lowering as her eyes began to grow heavy. "Little Red's children, and their children, and their children's children would never fear wolves as the other villages - for they ran with them. And they all lived happily ever after."
Papa chuckled as she did her best to keep her eyes open, hushing her as he began to rock her side to side, humming. He hummed better than Mommy, who sounded nice. Daddy wasn't good at singing or humming, so when he tried to, Bex would gently, but firmly, tell him to please stop. "Schlaf gut, meine kleiner welpe," he whispered, placing a kiss on top of her head.
And so Bex did.
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sethrollinsgirl · 2 years
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Being the daughter of the immortal original hybrid had its perks. Like for example, no one was stupid enough to mess with you and You usually got whatever you wanted. you once wanted a pony when you were seven, but not just any pony. the all-white pony some random tween was riding at the park. So you told your father Klaus, and he compelled the poor kid to give you it. You ended up naming it princess and the maids Klaus compelled took care of it. Although as you got older, you took over caring for it.
But it also has its downsides. Like for example, your first crush. You were twelve and had a crush on one of the maid's sons Ashton. She would normally bring him to work with her, and the two of you got along quite well. You had finally got the nerve to kiss him but before you could your father came out of nowhere and to say he was displeased would be an understatement. But it wasn't directed at you. It was towards the maid and her son. He ended compelling them to leave the state you two were in and to never come back or near you again. You didn't try to date or even so much as have a crush on someone again. Now you are twenty-one, and prior to three months ago, you could unfortunately say you never even had as much as your first kiss but now well let's just say you have experienced a lot of firsts.
Three months ago you began a relationship with no one other than Stefan Salvatore. You always found him to be cute but you didn't dare act on it. Which is why he made the first move. You two met when Stefan stroke a deal with Klaus to save his brother's life. You two had got close during those months but nothing came of it until after you returned to mystic falls. Stefan had confessed his feelings to you and the two of you have been dating since.
Now here you were currently at the mystic grill for lunch. You were supposed to be meeting your aunt Rebekah, but she was late. So you went on and order ahead. You got a double cheeseburger and fries with a peanut butter blast whipped cream on the bottom.
You heard her walk in.
"Careful Caroline, It's all well and good till
she stabs you in the back." Rebekah told the blonde vampire who was sitting with Elena Gilbert at a table.
"What are you doing here? I know your mom's rules. No more hurting the locals."
"Get over yourself Elena, It's not all about you." Rebekah sneered at Elena as she made her way over to you.
"Everything okay auntie Bex?" You asked as you picked up a fry and ate it.
"Yes, everything is fine little one. I'm planning on asking Matt to the ball."
"You serious? Buss boy? Oh come on! You can do way better than him!"
"Matt is actually a nice person and I really like him." She paused before asking you. "who are you gonna invite to the ball?"
"I.... I'm not inviting no one. It's just gonna be me, myself and I tonight. Oh look there's Matt go ahead and ask him." She eyed you suspiciously but went ahead to go ask Matt to the dance.
You could feel a heated gaze on you as you turned around to see elena staring daggers at you. You smirked before waving and turning back to finish your food.
The ball started at 8 pm. The guests were swarming in like flies. The dress you wore was beautiful, you paired it with black sparkly heels and some light makeup. You were having a conversation with Klaus as you each had a glass of champagne in your hands.
"So who has the honor of being your date tonight?" Klaus asked you. You shot him a glare.
"You are joking, right? All the people in this town are scared of you! They won't even look at me, they are too scared you might kill them." You had to play it up. He couldn’t find out about you and Stefan just yet.
"Good, you are far too young to be dating anyways."
"I'm twenty-one! I should have been had a boyfriend. Everyone is too terrified of you to even ask me on date."
"Good...." He trailed off as his eyes were stuck on the person walking through the door. You followed his line of gaze and rolled your eyes seeing as Caroline was making her way near you two.
"Which by the way, is a couple of years older than the girl you are trying to seduce. Which is creepy by the way." You ignored the glare he shot you as you made your way to your room. All those people downstairs were starting to get to you. You needed a breather.
You heard the door open.
"Sorry, this room is off limits."
"Even to me?" You turned around to see Stefan standing there looking handsome as ever. You rushed towards him wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss. He graciously returned. As his hands rested on your hips. Pulling back and looking at him as he gently stroked your cheek.
"Everything okay? I saw you rushed upstairs."
"I'm fine, this is bothering me though." You told him as you fixed his bow tie which was uneven.
"Thank you" he pressed a kiss to your lips again. Before pulling back and looking at you with concern.
"Something is definitely wrong. Normally this leads to a makeout session. You can tell me
Y/N. You can tell me anything."
You didn’t mean to go off on a rant but you did and you told him everything that was bothering you.
"I'm tired! I'm tired of all of this. Keeping our relationship a secret. My dad can date whoever he wants. Rebekah, Elijah everyone in this family can date But I can't! You are my lobster, Stefan! And I'm no longer gonna live in fear that my father might go after you for dating me. I'm twenty-one years old. I'm an adult. I should be able to do whatever I want. I think we should go tell everyone that we are in a relationship. I can protect you from him. I want the whole world to know that I....... I love you." You confessed to him as you took a deep breath.
"I love you too. You don't have to protect me from Klaus. I can handle him. If you want to tell him about us, we can do that together. I have your back." He pulled you into a hug as you layed your head on his chest and he kissed your forehead.
"There's no need for that. I already know." Klaus said he stood in the doorway. He stepped closer to you and Stefan. You moved to take a protective stance in front of Stefan.
"Don't you hurt a single hair on his head." You told Klaus. He laughed as he stood in front of you.
"I'm not gonna hurt him. Stefan is my friend. Despite what you may think Y/N, I want you to be happy. As long as Stefan makes you happy, he will come to no harm by my hands or anyone's in this family. I'm so-
I just want you to be happy. However, the minute Stefan ceases to bring you happiness, is the minute I tear out his intestines." You threw your arms around him hugging him, he hugged back. You pulled back as you straighten out your dress.
"Shall we rejoin the party? I'm sure uncle Eli is worried about us."
"Yes, he actually sent me up here to come to get you. We are about to take a family photo."
"Klaus go on ahead, we will be right behind you" Klaus nodded at Stefan, as he made his way back to the ball.
"Well, that went easier than expected. Five bucks says your scooby doo gang is gonna take the news far worse than my father did."
"Well, Caroline already knows. She's happy for us. I'm sure the others will be too."
You smiled at him as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Well might as well give them a show."
His hands went around your waist picking you up and twirling you around as you laughed. He set you back down, grabbing your hand to lead you back to the ball.
"What's a lobster? You said I was your lobster. What did you mean by that?"
"It's from friends. It's basically because when a lobster mates with another lobster, they end up mating for forever. And you Stefan, are my forever. I love you."
"I love you too. My lobster." He told you before quickly kissing you and leading you back downstairs.
(A/N I find it hard to write about the tvdu but I’m gonna keep trying lol. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy it. I don’t own anything but the plot.)
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peonierose · 2 years
My darling! Here are the HCs I want to know about regarding your two beautiful babies! ❤️
🐕, 🧹, 🖼, and 🍿!
Linds 💚
Thank you so so much for these emojis and the ask of course (emojis always make everything so much cuter 😱)
Luna and Bryce Headcanons from this wonderful prompt list
🐕 - Pets -
Luna wants a dog and she’d name him Sammy (like Sam Winchester from Supernatural)
Bryce doesn’t want one yet. He just thinks a pet is a lot of responsibility and you shouldn’t get one if you’re not ready.
But with Luna and the twins coming along they’ll convince him 😉
They both agreed they don’t want a too big dog - something small - like a maltipoo. I mean come on look at him. He’s adorable 😱😫
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(To be honest I’d adopt that dog in a heartbeat 😍😍😍😍)
🧹 - Cleaning -
Luna can sometimes be really lazy and just leaves dishes in the sink for a day or two. Or because she simply ”forgot“.
Bryce is the one who gets annoyed (Who knew he’d be a tiny neat freak)
But they both take care of the chores around the house.
Luna suggested a list of chores and they divide them up equally - so that everyone helps - and it’s fair - even though Luna, Bryce and Keiki sometimes ”forget“ to do the chores 😂 or complain 😂
🖼 - House decoration -
As for decorations. They‘ve got a lot of art on the walls.
Some of it was made by Luna.
Others they bought from local artists from Arts on the fence (a non-profit organization in Honolulu, HI - that supports and helps local artists) Luna is a part of that.
Some was made by her art students in college.
There is a bowl she made for their knick knacks
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There are pictures of their friends and family all around the house. Because both B and Lunes love to have their loved ones close.
🍿 - Late Night Snacks -
Everything is a snack these days (especially Bryce - Luna once accidentally said how he’s a snack - now he won’t let it go - he teases her mercilessly about it 😂)
But Luna loves chocolate covered pretzels probably the most.
Now that she’s pregnant? Believe it or not - she’s devouring fruits - any kind any time.
It’s not that she ate unhealthy before that (pizza doesn’t count 😂) It’s just she wasn’t that much of a health nut. Now? It’s a smoothie here, an apple there. She eats even more healthy than Bryce does.
When they have movie nights. They make a date for two or invite their family and friends and everyone brings something and they watch movies, eat and have fun.
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