#beware. You may see more x-men stuff in my blog
lokidanger · 3 days
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4 year old me saw him once and went "wow he's blue" and I've loved him ever since
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Hiya, guys~!
So this is partially a writing blog (I’ll reblog some aesthetic stuff, or just anything I like sometimes, so beware~). I write fan fiction and some original fiction, but I’ll just be posting the fan fiction stuff here. Feel free to make requests or just drop by to chat/ask questions, whatever you want really. Keep it appropriate and be kind, though, please!
None of the characters, art, gifs, etc. I use are mine and I am in no way taking credit for anything but my own writing so all credit goes to their respective owners (I’ll try my best to credit when I can, but if I don’t and you know whose it is, please tell me! I’ll credit it right away~!).
So with that out of the way, here’s some info about me and my blog!
Fandoms in bold are the ones I’m most comfortable with, but I’ll try writing for any and all of these!
(Keep in mind that some of these are a bit rusty since I haven’t watched/read/indulged in its content recently, but I’ll brush up as much as I can if necessary~)
DC Comics
Bat Family
Young Justice
Teen Titans
The Avengers
Guardians of the Galaxy
Harry Potter
Marauders (but I’m open to try the other generations, so feel free to ask anyway!)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
General (House specific characters, e.g. Hufflepuff x Slytherin or the like)
Criminal Minds
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Miraculous Ladybug
Star Trek
Reboot Movies
Star Wars
All 8 (including Rogue One!)
The Clone Wars series (somewhat)
Percy Jackson
The books
Chronicles of Narnia
Merlin (BBC)
Final Fantasy XV
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Basically everything except Descendants since I haven’t watched it
And probably a bunch more! If you don’t see something here feel free to ask anyway and I’ll tell you if I’ve seen/read/know of it and if I can write something for it!
Things I Do:
Reader Inserts!
All of the things below will most likely be with a Reader or S/O (for headcanons and the like)
I will try to write any Reader. I want everyone to feel included! If I get something inaccurate or if you feel like I’ve misrepresented you, let me know! Offending anyone is most certainly not my intention. If I don’t think I can do a certain Reader justice, I’ll tell you so and hopefully recommend you to someone else who can do your request!
Readers might include: female, male, gender neutral, etc.
One Shots
Series/Multi chapter fics
I may or may not try Match-Ups/Ships, so stay tuned~
AU’s are my life, so if you want anything like that please send it, I love them to death and I’ll love you even more~
Things I DO NOT Do:
Most other trigger warnings, but I’ll do a few - it’s very circumstantial so ask, but I can’t guarantee anything.
Any content that I think might be triggering will be tagged and have a warning beforehand - stay safe, bugs! If something makes you uncomfortable don’t read it!!
If you think something should have a specific tag or warning, let me know!
Song fics
Fics somewhat inspired by songs are fine though!
I’m just not too comfortable writing for a character I don’t know all that well or that I didn’t make or just things along this line.
Exceptions may arise, but it’s not too likely
I am not too comfortable with my ability to write this, so I’d rather just wait until I am (if ever)!
While I love looking at them, I cannot make them -_-’’’
Requesting Format:
Okay, so now that you know what I write for and what I do, how do you request something? Easy!
All I need from you is something that looks like this:
Additional Notes
Okay~? This will help me organize and keep everything in order. Obviously the more detail you provide for the plot, the easier it will be for me to complete your request.
Example of a request:
Character: Jason Todd/Red Hood/Robin II
Fandom: DC/Bat Family/Young Justice/etc.
Plot: Soulmate AU where their name is tattooed on your body, etc.
Additional Notes: Gender neutral!Reader, Vigilante!Reader, Fluff, Angst, etc.
You can get as detailed as you like, more is better than less! However, I may change or add or remove certain aspects of a request if I just can’t seem to write it exactly as requested. If you are unhappy with what I do for a request, let me know! I can always try again, but if I just don’t think I can do what you’re asking, I won’t. I’ll always let you guys know if I decline a request, so if you don’t see your request somewhere and it’s been a while, I may have just not gotten to it yet or I don’t have it, so don’t be afraid to ask!
Note: this template is typically for longer requests. Things like headcanons won’t need as much detail or plot seeing as you’d be requesting for my headcanons.
 If I do decide to open ships/match ups I will add a template for that (but it would really just be anything you’d like to share about yourself, the fandom(s) [up to three] you’d like to get shipped with, and your gender preference [would you like to get shipped with a male? Female? Don’t care? etc.]).
How long will it take for a request to be completed?
I honestly don’t know. I’ll try to be as consistent as I can, but I’m in college so I don’t know when I can post other than whenever I have free time. I’ll complete requests on a sort of “first come, first serve” basis, or at least try my best to, though.
How many requests do you take at a time?
At this point, I’m going to try to keep a maximum of 15 requests at a time. Later on I’ll break it down based on what type of request it is (One shot? Headcanon? Drabble? Etc.).
Do you post anywhere else?
I do not! Tumblr is my only platform right now, so if you see my work anywhere else (I don’t see why you would, but just in case) it is not me. Please tell me so I can take care of it.
Do you give shout outs?
I do! I’ll do it for any kind of writing blog, fandom blog, whatever! By all means, I’m happy to help~
How do I know if requests are open?
My description should say whether or not I’m taking requests at the moment, so check there first! You can ask if you’re still not sure for whatever reason, but please do not send a request if they are closed. I will have to decline and tell you to request at another time.
What are AUs?
AU stands for “Alternate Universe”. So anything that doesn’t necessarily follow canon, but may contain certain elements of canon (depending on the AU) such as the characters or dynamics between characters (though not always). Some examples can include: soulmate! AU, high school/college! AU, fake dating! AU, roommates! AU, medieval! AU, royalty! AU, musician! AU, and many, many more!
What are OCs?
OCs are “original characters”, which are essentially characters that fans create. Often times the creator will insert these OCs into already existing fandoms/universes, sometimes pairing them with a character/characters from that show/movie/book/etc.
What are headcanons/blurbs/drabbles/one shots/etc.?
Alright, so every author will probably define these differently in order to fit their personal preference, so these rules only apply to me!
Ideas or concepts regarding a character/characters that aren’t specifically stated as fact or a part of canon. These are things that an individual likes to believe to be true about said character(s), that they consider to be a part of their own ‘canon’ in their head. Sometimes headcanons can become widely accepted by the fandom and thus become integrated as a part of the fandom’s interpretation of the character(s).
I’ll typically write these out as bullet point lists in regards to a certain topic, i.e. “headcanon for what it would be like to date [insert character(s)]”.
A very, very, very short piece of writing. Probably under 100-200 words. Usually based off of a prompt of some sort, e.g. “blurb for reader and [insert character(s)] cooking together”.
Still typically a shorter piece of writing, probably around 250-500 or so words. Can be based off of a prompt similarly to blurbs.
One Shots:
Pieces of writing that are stand alone fics. Can be any length, but will not have any chapters or additional parts. Sequels/prequels/etc. may be added if I get inspiration for it and you guys want more of this particular work, but I wouldn’t count on it every time.
Series/Multi-Chapter Fic:
As stated by the title, this includes multiple chapters! That means a certain prompt/request/idea/AU/etc. will span multiple parts and become a series. This means a fic will have at least two (2) parts/chapters, but can have as many as I/you want (as long as I have the inspiration for it, again).
Ship/Match Up:
(Keep in mind that these are not yet open, I’ll decide later on if I think I can do these, but I’ll put this here just so you guys know and just in case~)
These are where I would tell you who I think I’d ship you with (platonically, romantically, both, etc.) based on information you give me about yourself and what kind of character you’d prefer (fandom(s) [up to three], gender preference of character [male? Female? Don’t care? etc.]), etc.). You can tell me as much or as little as you want, however, more detailed reasons and responses as to why I would ship you with this character are easier with more information. I can’t really ship you with someone if all I know is that you’re a girl, your favorite color is green, and that you would like to get shipped with someone from Marvel. Personality, looks (not really necessary, but it does help!), preferences, hobbies, likes, dislikes, etc. all help! I can also take a look at your blog if you’d like me to (though any information you can provide would also be helpful as this does not act as a substitute for telling me about yourself)!
About Me:
So, feel free to ask me anything you’d like to know~! I’m pretty open, but I will not share some more private aspects of my life (for obvious reasons). If anything you ask me makes me uncomfortable or if I simply do not want to answer, I will say so. Don’t be afraid to be curious though! I won’t get mad at you (unless you’re being a jerk, then I may not be the most kind), I promise!
Here’s just some basic information about me:
You guys can call me Al (A-L, not A-I), but feel free to use any other nicknames or whatever you’d like to to address me~ Whatever you’d like is fine with me (as long as it’s appropriate and kind, as I’ve stated before)
I am 18 years old
I use she/her pronouns
I am a Hufflepuff, but my secondary house is Gryffindor
I am majoring in Aquatic and Marine Biology
I live in the United States (I have my whole life, though I would love to travel around the world and get to see new places)
I say I am 5’3” (but really I’m closer to 5’2 and ½”)
I try to love and accept everyone I meet~ though I also live by the motto of “you cannot tolerate the intolerant” based on the paradox of tolerance. Just be kind, guys~
I love to talk to people. I’m chatty, it’s part of my charm (love you if you get that reference, love you even if you don’t), so you guys are always welcome to talk to me! I may not be the quickest to respond, but I’ll try my best!
I am an INFJ and a Taurus (Dragon in the Chinese zodiac)
I love my friends more than anything in the world and would do absolutely anything for them
I don’t really like mayonnaise and I don’t like pickles on burgers (when I do eat pickles, I only really like bread and butter, sue me)
I use nicknames and a lot of teasing and physical touch to show my affection
I’m an introvert, though I have some extrovert qualities. So I guess you could say I’m an ambivert that leans on the introverted side~
I live for rainy days in bed with fairy lights and something good to read.
Annnnnnnd, yeah! I threw in some (hopefully) interesting tidbits so you can get to know me a bit better, but again, feel free to ask away~!
I love you all very, very much! Have a great day and happy browsing, bugs~!
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