#betty binns
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chuckbbirdsjunk · 8 months ago
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alexlacquemanne · 3 days ago
Février MMXXV
Embrasse-moi, idiot (Kiss Me, Stupid) (1964) de Billy Wilder avec Dean Martin, Kim Novak, Ray Walston, Felicia Farr, Cliff Osmond, Barbara Pepper, Doro Merande, Howard Mc Near et Henry Gibson
Mauvaise Graine (1934) de Billy Wilder et Alexander Esway avec Danielle Darrieux, Pierre Mingand, Raymond Galle, Jean Wall, Paul Escoffier, Michel Duran et Marcel Maupi
Top Secret (The Tamarind Seed) (1974) de Blake Edwards avec Julie Andrews, Omar Sharif, Anthony Quayle, Bryan Marshall, Oskar Homolka, George Mikell, Dan O'Herlihy et Sylvia Syms
Psych: The Movie (2017) de Steve Franks avec James Roday, Dulé Hill, Timothy Omundson, Maggie Lawson, Kirsten Nelson, Corbin Bernsen, Zachary Levi, Kurt Fuller, Jimmi Simpson, Robert LaSardo et Jazmyn Simon
Le Nouveau Stagiaire (The Intern) (2015) de Nancy Meyers avec Robert De Niro, Anne Hathaway, Rene Russo, Anders Holm, JoJo Kushner, Andrew Rannells, Adam DeVine, Zack Pearlman, Jason Orley et Christina Scherer
Flic ou Voyou (1979) de Georges Lautner, Georges Géret, Marie Laforêt, Jean-François Balmer, Claude Brosset, Julie Jézéquel, Michel Beaune, Tony Kendall, Catherine Lachens, Juliette Mills et Venantino Venantini
Jane (Becoming Jane) (2007) de Julian Jarrold avec Anne Hathaway, James McAvoy, Laurence Fox, James Cromwell, Maggie Smith, Julie Walters, Ian Richardson, Anna Maxwell Martin, Joe Anderson et Jessica Ashworth
Porc royal (A Private Function) (1984) de Malcolm Mowbray avec Michael Palin, Maggie Smith, Denholm Elliott, Richard Griffiths, John Normington, Tony Haygarth, Bill Paterson, Liz Smith et Jim Carter
La Chiasse Américaine (2014) de Lucas Feltain avec Armand Jussman, Charles Jouanic, Clémence Féat, Nicolas Guirlet, Pierre Feltain, Madjid Abba, Erwan Loas, Gaelig Loas et Guillemette Chambon
SOS Fantômes : L'Héritage (Ghostbusters: Afterlife) (2021) de Jason Reitman avec Mckenna Grace, Finn Wolfhard, Carrie Coon, Paul Rudd, Logan Kim, Celeste O'Connor, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Harold Ramis et Sigourney Weaver
Douze Hommes en colère (12 Angry Men) (1957) de Sidney Lumet avec Henry Fonda, Martin Balsam, John Fiedler, Lee J. Cobb, E. G. Marshall, Jack Klugman, Ed Binns, Jack Warden, Joseph Sweeney, Ed Begley, George Voskovec et Robert Webber
Le Triporteur (1957) de Jacques Pinoteau avec Darry Cowl, Béatrice Altariba, Pierre Mondy, Roger Carel, Maurice Gardett, Jacques Thébault, Simone Jarnac, Christian Nohel, Jean Ozenne et Pierre Doris
Terreur sur le Britannic (Juggernaut) (1974) de Richard Lester avec Richard Harris, Omar Sharif, David Hemmings, Anthony Hopkins, Shirley Knight, Ian Holm, Roy Kinnear, Jack Watson, Roshan Seth, Freddie Jones et Clifton James
Ghost World (2001) de Terry Zwigoff avec Scarlett Johansson, Thora Birch, Steve Buscemi, Brad Renfro, Illeana Douglas, Bob Balaban, Anna Berger et Stacey Travis
Appelez Nord 777 (Call Northside 777) (1948) de Henry Hathaway avec James Stewart, Richard Conte, Lee J. Cobb, Helen Walker, Betty Garde, Kaza Orzazewski, Joanne de Bergh et Moroni Olsen
Elle boit pas, elle fume pas, elle drague pas, mais… elle cause ! (1970) de Michel Audiard avec Annie Girardot, Bernard Blier, Sim, Mireille Darc, Catherine Samie, Jean-Pierre Darras, Micheline Luccioni, Jean Le Poulain et Anicée Alvina
Pile ou Face (1980) de Robert Enrico avec Philippe Noiret, Michel Serrault, Dorothée, Guilhaine Dubos, Bernard Le Coq, Fred Personne, André Falcon, Pierre Arditi et Jean Desailly
Le Parfum vert (2022) de Nicolas Pariser avec Sandrine Kiberlain, Vincent Lacoste, Rüdiger Vogler, Léonie Simaga, Arieh Worthalter, Jenna Thiam, Alexandre Steiger, Pascal Rénéric, Thomas Chabrol et Xavier de Guillebon
Rocky 3 : L'Œil du tigre (Rocky III) (1982) de Sylvester Stallone avec Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Mister T., Burt Young, Burgess Meredith, Carl Weathers, Tony Burton, Hulk Hogan, Ian Fried, Al Silvani et Wally Taylor
Astrid et Raphaëlle Saison 4
L'Œil du dragon - Les 1001 nuits - 30 000 pieds - Immortel - Sacrifice du fou - La Passagère du temps - L'Ankou - Coupable
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 24
Le livre des morts - Toutes griffes dehors - Un climat de mort
Kaamelott Livre I, II
Décibels nocturnes - La Fête de l’hiver - Gladiator - La Blessure mortelle - Le Dragon des tunnels - Retour de campagne - L’Escorte - Tel un chevalier - La Pâte d’amande - La Fureur du dragon - Vox populi - Unagi - L’Éclaireur - Lacrimosa - La Quête des deux renards - Agnus Dei - Le Tourment - La Retraite - La Vraie Nature du Graal - Spangenhelm - Les Alchimistes - Le Dialogue de Paix - Le Portrait - Silbury Hill - Le Reclassement - Le Rassemblement du Corbeau - Les Volontaires II - Le Terroriste - La Chambre - Le Message Codé - La Délégation Maure - L’Enlèvement de Guenièvre - Les Classes de Bohort - Le Monde d’Arthur - Les Tuteurs - Les Jumelles du Pêcheur - Sept Cent Quarante-Quatre - L'Absolution - Les Misanthropes - La Cassette - Plus Près de Toi - La Révolte - Sous les Verrous - Séli et les Rongeurs - Un Roi à la Taverne II - L'Ancien Temps - Le Passage Secret - Les Mauvaises Graines - La Garde Royale - L'Ivresse - Mater Dixit - Spiritueux - La Ronde - Merlin l'Archaïque - Les Exploités - L’Escorte II - Le Larcin - La Rencontre - Les Pigeons - O'Brother - La Fête du Printemps - La Voix Céleste - L'Invincible - Amen - Le Cadeau - Le Complot - La Vigilance d’Arthur - Les Chiens de Guerre - Always - Arthur in Love - Excalibur et le Destin - L'Absent - The Game - La Quinte Juste - La Fumée Blanche - Unagi II - La Joute Ancillaire - Le Donneur - Le Jeu du Caillou - L'Alliance - Le Secret d'Arthur
K2000 Saison 1, 2
Amnésie - Cœurs de pierre - La liberté ou la mort - Opération Topaze - Une si jolie petite ville - L'or des Aztèques - L'oiseau blanc - Les pirates de la route - Trafic - Marchandage - Goliath : première partie - Goliath : deuxième partie - Souvenirs d'enfance - Les marchands de mort - Vivre en paix - Retour à Cadiz - Cambriolage - Vol de voiture - Le bon programme - Le cercle de feu
Friends Saison 8
Celui qui découvrait les joies du bain - Celui qui découvrait le placard secret - Celui qui visionnait la vidéo de l'accouchement - Celui qui avouait tout à Rachel - Celui qui voyait dans les feuilles de thé - Celui qui était trop positif - Celui qui se faisait interviewer - Celui qui animait un jeu stupide - Celui qui passait un entretien d'embauche - Celui qui assistait à la première - Celui qui avait un bébé : première partie - Celui qui avait un bébé : deuxième partie
L'Île aux trente cercueils
Premiers Mystères - Retour aux Sources - La Prédiction - François - Jumeaux - Chantage
Peacemaker Season 1
Monkey Dory - Murn After Reading - Stop Dragon My Heart Around - It's Cow or Never
Affaires sensibles
"Cannibal Holocaust", le film le plus controversé de l'histoire du cinéma ? - 1910, Paris inondé - "Underground", Palme d'Or de la polémique - L’assassinat de Jaurès - Bernard Natan, un génie du cinéma effacé de l’image - Clairvius Narcisse, l’homme-zombie - La communauté de Monte Verità en Suisse
James May : Oh Cook! Saison 1
Comme au pub - Un air d'Asie - Pasta Delisioza
Mademoiselle Holmes Saison 1
On ouvre ses chakras ! - RechercheK-Lista - Sortie de route - Baker Street - -20 degrés - Le dernier problème
Bref. Saison 1
Bref. J'ai dragué cette fille - Bref. Je remets tout à demain - Bref. Je me suis préparé pour un rendez-vous - Bref. J'ai passé un entretien d'embauche - Bref. J'ai fait un repas de famille - Bref. J'ai traîné sur internet - Bref. Je joue de la guitare - Bref. J'ai vu un psy - Bref. J'ai recroisé cette fille - Bref. J'ai un plan cul régulier - Bref. Je suis comme tout le monde - Bref. J'ai eu un job - Bref. J'étais coincé dans un ascenseur - Bref. Mes parents divorcent - Bref. Je suis allé faire les courses avec mon frère - Bref. Je me suis bourré la gueule - Bref. Je suis allé à ce mariage - Bref. J'ai couché avec une flic - Bref. Mon pote s'est fait larguer - Bref. J'ai eu 47 minutes de retard - Bref. Je suis allé au supermarché - Bref. On a enterré Croquette - Bref. Mon coloc a fait l'amour - Bref. J'ai fait un rêve - Bref. J'ai fait un dépistage - Bref. J'ai un pote à conditions générales - Bref. J'ai recouché avec mon ex - Bref. J'aime bien cette photo - Bref. Je suis hypocondriaque - Bref. J'ai pas réussi à dormir - Bref. Je suis allé au cinéma avec cette fille - Bref. Je sais pas dire non - Bref. J'ai couché avec Émilie - Bref. J'ai fait un concert - Bref. J'ai monté un meuble - Bref. J'ai dîné avec cette fille - Bref. J'y pense et je souris - Bref. J'ai voulu partir en vacances - Bref. J'ai déménagé - Bref. J'étais à côté de cette fille - Bref. J'ai pris le métro - Bref. J'ai un nouvel appart. - Bref. Je suis allé aux urgences - Bref. Je me suis fait agresser - Bref. J'ai eu une panne - Bref. J'ai eu 30 ans - Bref. Je suis vieille - Bref. Ma copine travaille dans un sex-shop - Bref. Baptiste est Super Flippant - Bref. J'ai fêté le nouvel an - Bref. Mon frère a quelqu'un - Bref. Je suis en couple - Bref. Y a des gens qui m'énervent - Bref. J'ai aucune mémoire - Bref. Je m'appelle Éric Dampierre - Bref. J'ai grandi dans les années 90 - Bref. On était des gamins - Bref. C'était sa chanson préférée - Bref. Mon père veut être jeune - Bref. Je suis un plan cul régulier - Bref. J'étais dans la merde - Bref. J'étais toujours dans la merde - Bref. J'ai fait un choix - Bref. J'ai fait un dessin - Bref. J'ai un nouveau pote - Bref. Mon frère est gay - Bref. J'ai perdu mes cheveux - Bref. J'ai passé un coup de fil - Bref. C'est la merde - Bref. J'ai fait une connerie - Bref. J'ai fait une soirée déguisée : première partie - Bref. J'ai fait une soirée déguisée : deuxième partie - Bref. J'ai fait une soirée déguisée : troisième partie - Bref. J'ai fait une soirée déguisée : quatrième partie - Bref. J'ai tout cassé - Bref. Je suis en mode survie - Bref. J'ai envoyé un texto - Bref. Je me suis réveillé à côté d'une fille - Bref. Je suis né - Bref. J'ai fait une dépression - Bref. Lui, c'est Kheiron - Bref. Dernier épisode - Bref. J'ai croisé Michel Denisot - Bref. J'ai une voix off - Bref. J'ai pas eu de croquettes - Bref. Nous sommes 2 millions
Les cinq dernières minutes Saison 1
L'inspecteur sur la piste - Meurtre par intérim
Voulzy Souchon : Le Concert (2016)
Queen : Hungarian Rhapsody: Live in Budapest (1986)
Face au Public : Les Charlots : 4ème Festival International du Rire de Rochefort (1984)
Le Technicien (2012) d'Éric Assous avec Roland Giraud, Maaïke Jansen, Jean Barney, Martine Mongermont, Zoé Bruneau, Arthur Fenwick, Jean Franco et Jean-Yves Roan
Dos à la mer de Steve Moreau
Astérix, tome 18 : Les Lauriers de César de René Goscinny et Albert Uderzo
Dans les coulisses du Vendée Globe avec Romain Attanasio de Bertrand Parent et Romain Attanasio
Détective Conan : Tome 25 de Gôshô Aoyama
Détective Conan : Tome 26 de Gôshô Aoyama
0 notes
htishk · 2 months ago
sorry dasse in da fria so a Mimose war, i han gestern relativ lang ned gspannt wia anstrengend der Tag für mi war und i han zurzeit ned vui Energie und han ned gspannt wia schlechts ma dann abends ging und aufoamoi war dann betti zeit und jo dann ware richtig fertig und woit eigentlich nur gebebied werden und getröstet, hans oba ah ned gschafft des zum kommunizieren oba du warst ah fertig vom dog und woits dei ruah und jo wenne dann ah no schlecht schlof binne ned so easy zum handln, i hoff bei dir bast ois und du kannst heid gscheid schlofa
Ich hab irgendwie damit gerechnet, dass du mich sofort in den Arm nimmst, dass du mich einfach ins bett packst und mir sagst, dass alles in Ordnung wird. Dass ich nicht alleine auf der Welt bin, auch wenn es sich manchmal so anfühlt, dass du bei mir bist, dass du manchmal an mich denkst. Ich vermisse dich. Ich vermisse deine wärme und nähe. Ich hab gestern sooo gefroren. Ich wollte einfach nur dass du mich in den Arm nimmst. Am besten die ganze Nacht, aber mir hätten auch nur zehn Minuten gereicht. Ich habe mich sooo sehr nach Nähe gesehnt. Ich weiß nicht genau, warum ich davon ausgegangen bin, dass du das gestern machen würdest, aber ich bin unglaublich enttäuscht gewesen, als du es nicht gemacht hast. Ich fühl mich elendig, einsam und unglaublich verloren. Ich reiche mir hinten und vorne nicht. Ich wollte dich nicht darum bitten mich zu kuscheln, weil es den Akt kaputt macht. Ich hätte mir gewünscht, dass du es einfach von selber machst, aber du willst nicht. Weil ich sooo viel zu viel in unsere nicht vorhandene Beziehung interpretiere. Fragen dich die anderen auch immer ob wir jetzt offiziel sind? Ich glaube nicht. Es nervt mich langsam immer Nein zu sagen. Ich hab dann immer das Bedürfnis mich zu rechtfertigen, so als würde es sie wirklich etwas angehen. Aber die Deadline steht. Island. Danach wird alles anders, hoffe ich zumindest. So kanns zumindest nicht weiter gehen. Ich bin soo unglaublich Müde und würde mich gerne bei jemanden ausruhen. Ich hätte gerne ein Zuhause dort draußen. Ich sehne mich nach kontinuität, nicht, dass sie lange aushalten würde, aber alleine die Möglichkeit sie eine Zeitlang aufrecht erhalten zu können, wäre es mir schon wert. Einen eigenen Platz, der nur mir gehört, an dem ich wirklich willkommen bin.
0 notes
armoredsuperheavy · 5 years ago
Resources for Bookbinding
Here’s a big list of resources. If anyone has further suggestions please send me a message and I can add it to the list (and enhance my own knowledge!)
How to Make a Book ArmoredSuperHeavy - Self-Published - 2019 This is document is still in development but you can read the entire thing for free This is a service I am offering to fandom and part of the fandom gift culture.
Physical book construction
Introduction To Bookbinding & Custom Cases: a Project Approach For Learning Traditional Methods Tom Hollander-Cindy Hollander - Schiffer Publishing - 2019 ISBN 9780764357350
Bookbinding & Conservation By Hand Laura S. Young - Oak Knoll Press - 1995 ISBN 1884718116
Fonts, Typography, & Layout
Better Type: Learn to see subtle distinctions in the faces and the spaces of text type. Achieve legible, beautiful, and expressive type every time. Betty Binns - Watson Guptill - 1989 ISBN 0823004848
The Complete Guide to Typography: A Guide to Setting Perfect Type James Felici - Adobe Press - 2003 ISBN 9780321127303
Just My Type: A Book About Fonts Simon Garfield - Gotham Books - 2010 ISBN 9781592406524
Contemporary Book Design
Bookmaking: Design/Edit/Production Marshall Lee - W. W. Norton & Company - 2004 ISBN 0393732967
Notes on Book Design Derek Birdsall - Yale University Press - 2004 ISBN 0300103476
Historical Book Design
The Book: The Story of Printing and Bookmaking Douglas C. McMurtie - Dorset Press - 1943 ISBN 0880293489
Modern Book Design: From William Morris to the Present Day Ruari McLean - Essential Books - 1959 (no ISBN)
Book Typography 1815-1965 in Europe and the United STates of America ed. Kenneth Day - University of Chicago Press - 1965 (no ISBN)
Victorian Book Design and Colour Printing Ruari McLean - Faber & Faber - 1963 (no ISBN)
Art of the Printed Book 1455-1955: Masterpieces of Typography Through Five Cecnturies from the Collections of the Pierpoint Morgan Library, New York Joseph Blumenthal - Pierpoint Morgan Library - 1973 (no ISBN)
Illustrierte Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst: mit Besonderer Beruecksichtigung Ihrer Technischen Entwicklung bis zur Gegenwart Karl Faulman - A. Hartlebens Verlag - 1882
Talas Online Talasonline.com - huge selection of archival, library, bookbinding, includes heavy equipment and things like real vellum.
Hollander’s Hollanders.com - best selection of decorative paper; also different bookcloths, offers Davy board custom cutting service which is worth it
Etsy Etsy.com - search Bookbinding Supply, you can get deals on things, also decorative papers.
Blick Art Supply DickBlick.com - Stocks some essentials; if you have a brick and mortar near you it’s great for emergencies like if you run out of glue in the middle of winter.
Affordable Binding Equipment by Jim Poelstra https://affordablebindingequipment.com/ His “simple sewing frame” and “simple book press” are very similar to my homemade ones. They do the job.
May 24th, 2020
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ginnympotter · 4 years ago
to the garden
here it is, my betty inspired jily one-shot. to be honest i’ve been struggling to write this for so long i don’t even know if it’s good, but i finished it and i’m at least proud of that. i hope you guys enjoy it. thanks so much for reading 💗 p.s. this is a covid free universe
you can also read it on AO3 here.
Thursday Afternoon
“I fucked up,” James announced as he sat down for lunch.
No one looked up, but Sirius responded after a large gulp of his soda. “That’s nothing new.”
James growled, stabbing at his roast beef. “No, you don’t understand. I fucked up so bad, I’m not even hungry.”
Remus was kind enough to spare him a sympathetic look. “Well if it ruined your appetite, it must be serious. What happened?”
“Evans switched her homeroom,” he muttered under his breath, looking around to make sure she was not near. He spotted her at her usual table across the room, out of earshot. “And I won’t make assumptions but…I think it’s ‘cause of me.”
“I believe that was an assumption,” Remus replied. “And a ridiculous one, at that.”
“But it’s true! She knows,” James cried hopelessly. “She knows I got with Alison this summer.”
Peter laughed. “Well, the whole school knows that.”
James’s eyes widened. He felt his stomach drop. “What do you mean, Pete?”
“Inez,” Sirius answered, still not looking up, browsing through different motorbikes on his phone.
James groaned. Of course Inez ran her mouth. If Inez got word of anything, true or false, she spread it like wildfire.
“On the bright side, I also heard from Inez today that Snape and Lily aren’t talking anymore,” Peter told him comfortingly.
Despite all odds, James’s spirits lifted just the tiniest bit. “They aren’t?”
He shot his eyes back at Lily’s table and noticed that Snape wasn’t there. Mary was sitting next to Lily and Marlene sat across from them, animatedly telling a story. He forced himself to look away so Lily wouldn’t catch him staring.
“Regardless,” Remus said, looking pointedly at James. “Lily switched into my homeroom, and she told me this morning it’s because she’s taking AP Lit instead of regular English class, so she had to move some things around to make it work.”
“Classic Evans,” Sirius laughed, putting his phone down and taking a bite of his sandwich. “It’s going to be a tight race between you two for valedictorian, Prongs.”
James sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Okay, so maybe I’m not the sole reason she switched her homeroom, but she still hates me.”
“No, she doesn’t,” Remus said impatiently. “But if you’re so convinced, why don’t you just apologize?”
James got a distinct feeling that Remus knew something he didn’t. “Did she mention me to you in homeroom today? What are you hiding?” he asked eagerly.
Remus rolled his eyes. “I’m not hiding anything. Just talk to her yourself,” he responded, then gave a look that James clearly understood to mean ‘I’m done with this conversation,’ and dug back into his lunch.
Despite James’s conviction that Lily Evans hated him now, something about the way Remus was even more fed up with his antics than usual made him feel slightly less nauseous, and so he began to eat as well.
But only a moment later, the sound of Sirius’s voice made him feel sick again. “Just hook up with her at her party tomorrow night and it’ll all end well, I’m sure.”
James choked on his mashed potatoes. “Her what now?”
“Her party. You’re invited,” Sirius answered.
“I don’t follow,” James said, feeling as if very little air was entering his lungs. “How do you know she’s having a party? And that I’m invited?”
“She told me,” Sirius informed him. “We sit next to each other in AP Physics because of Vector’s alphabetized seating arrangement. You know that. That’s why you’re stuck with Peter.”
“I’m going to choose to ignore that,” said Peter.
“Anyway,” Sirius continued. “She told me she’s having a party tomorrow night at her house and to bring you guys along.” He lifted up his phone and shoved it in James’s face, a picture of a motorcycle on the screen. “What do you think about this one?”
“It’s fine,” James snapped, taking Sirius’s phone out of his hand. “Did she say my name specifically when inviting us or was she just talking vaguely about our group?”
“James, I don’t know,” he groaned reaching for his phone across the table. “I don’t analyze every word that comes out of Evans’s mouth! Now give me back my phone-“
“Give it to him, James,” Remus said sternly.
James resigned, handing it back over. “Sorry, Dad.”
“Now, eat,” Remus ordered.
James was going to listen- he really was- but then Alison passed by with Inez. Alison looked at James and smiled sadly, offering a little wave. With regret in his stomach and guilt in his throat, he waved back, and then quickly looked back towards his friends.
“Coward,” Sirius muttered under his breath.
James gasped. If someone wanted to bruise James Potter’s ego, ‘coward’ was all they needed in their arsenal to defeat him. Above all, James has always prided himself on being brave. “How DARE you. Sleep on the street tonight, traitor.”
“Euphemia would sooner kick you to the curb for this Evans stupidity than depriving me of shelter for simply calling you out on your bullshit.”
“You don’t understand how painful my last conversation with Alison was…having to admit that I still had feelings for Lily…apologizing for not being more straightforward about it in the beginning…you can’t call me a coward after that.”
“Well, until you apologize to Lily too, I’ll continue berating you as I see fit.”
Friday Morning
James almost couldn’t complain; he knew he deserved this type of misery. But it still hurt.
Because as he walked into government class on Friday morning and spotted Evans, she was wearing a particular item of clothing that made his heart stop and his throat close up. Her white, knitted cardigan that it was definitely too hot to be wearing enveloped her like a hug.
“I like my sweaters oversized,” she had told him that night.
And now he couldn’t concentrate on a single thing Binns was saying because the very little self-control he had over his daydreaming was ripped away by that cardigan. He sat two seats to the left and one seat behind Lily and stared at the white material, remembering the feel of it through his fingers as he pulled her to him that night under the streetlight, as he took it off of her in his car…
He cursed himself for not treasuring that night more than he did…then maybe he wouldn’t have stormed out of the dance. Then maybe he wouldn’t have gotten in the car with Alison. Then maybe he would have actually had the courage to ask Lily to be his girlfriend when he had the chance.
Sirius was right. He was a coward.
He drowned himself in the memories of that night, letting his ego melt around him, suffocating him with regret. Out of the corner of his eye, waking him from his reverie, he noticed Snape a few seats away texting furiously and glancing at Lily, who pointedly turned her phone over on her desk so that she couldn’t see any messages that might be popping up on her home screen. She started tapping her pencil against her desk in frustration.
He smiled in spite of himself, knowing what each of her little quirks were, because he’d wanted her for so long, and he just made a mess of it all.
He didn’t know how, he didn’t know if he could, but he had to clean it up.
After far longer than he could bear, the bell rang. James was deciding whether or not to approach Lily, but before he could even make a decision, she threw her books into her bag, jumped up, and bolted towards the door. For a moment, James thought she could somehow read his mind and was trying to avoid him before it was too late, but he quickly realized that it was another man in Lily’s life driving her away.
Snape got up almost as quickly as her, his greasy hair blowing behind him as he followed her. James gathered his belongings and followed the class out, curious to see if Lily had made her escape or not.
She hadn’t. Rather, she was at her locker, rummaging through, as Snape stood at her locker door, speaking rapidly to her. As James approached, it sounded like Snape was pleading with her.
“Lily,” Snape said with urgency. “How many times do I need to apologize-“
“None,” she snapped, slamming her locker door. “Because I’m done forgiving you. Just leave me alone.”
“Will you please just listen-“
He strode over. “Snape,” he growled.
Snape turned sharply towards him, his features all narrowed in anger. “This is none of your business.”
“It seems like you’re harassing Evans. She told you to leave her alone.”
Lily finally looked at him, her expression unreadable. She kept her gaze on him as she spoke to Snape. “Please, Sev. Just go.”
But he remained rooted to the spot, his face red, yet seemingly unable to speak.
James adjusted his bag’s shoulder strap unnecessarily. He spoke to Lily. “You have art next, yeah? So do I. Come on.”
And without thinking much about it, he grasped her wrist and steered them away from Snape and down the hallway. He tried to ignore the familiar feel of the cardigan against his hand, noticing how Lily was striding along with him, quickening her pace as they turned the corner to enter the staircase. They walked down the stairs quickly in silence. As they reached the landing, Lily glanced up at him.
It was the first time he got a good look at her face since the dance. The summer sun seemed to have brought out her freckles. Her face was slightly flushed. Her red bangs had grown so long she had to part them in the middle so they wouldn’t fall in her eyes. Her eyes, as beautiful, as wide, as green, as lethal as ever.
When he processed all its parts as a whole, his stomach dropped; she looked… sad. Her eyes flashed to his grip on her wrist, and he removed his hand from her and ruffled his hair anxiously.
She spoke first, her voice not giving her away. “I appreciate the intention, Potter, but you didn’t have to do that. I can handle him myself.”
“I know you can,” he assured her, feeling the heat rise on his neck. “Sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize…” she sighed, crossing her arms. “For that, at least.”
James’s stomach dropped. She stood for a moment, as if waiting for the implied other apology, but then offered a smile that was gone so fast that perhaps it was just his imagination, before turning out of the staircase into the hallway. Afraid to speak, he followed her into the art classroom. As they were the first ones in the room, Lily chose a table, and feeling reckless, James sat down next to her. “Sirius told me you’re having a party tonight.”
She nodded. “I am.”
“And that I’m invited.”
Her expression was suspicious. “You are.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You sure you want me there?”
She yanked her sketchbook out of her bag, opening it up roughly. “Show up, don’t show up, your choice, I don’t really care.”
But her voice was impassive, whereas it was usually filled with inflection and passion and emotion, so the lack thereof was a giveaway that she did care. He almost wanted to call her bluff, but the rest of their classmates started trickling in, including Lily’s friend, Mary Macdonald, who sat down and gave James a scathing look. He nodded at her politely and then focused on his bag, taking out his materials. Sirius strode in and sat next to James, giving him a questioning look. James just shook his head as he doodled on the corner of his sketchbook.
“Evans. Macdonald,” Sirius greeted their desk mates. “Ready to get smashed tonight?”
“Always,” Mary said.
“How difficult do you think it will be to impose a three-drink maximum?”
“Maximum?” Sirius gaped.
“Impossible, Lil,” Mary told her.
“What for?” asked Sirius, seeming deeply offended.
Lily sighed, pulling on her cardigan sleeves. “I just don’t want anyone breaking anything. Or vomiting on anything. My parents would kill me.”
“Or worse than that,” Mary looked at her. “Petunia,” she and Lily said simultaneously, grimacing.
Sirius let out a laugh like a bark. “Your boring, uptight sister? I’d like to see her try.”
“Oh, she will try,” Lily assured him.
“She won’t be home though, right?” Mary asked. “She’ll be off with her loser boyfriend.”
“Well, I apologize in advance, Evans, but I am going to be having more than three drinks. I probably won’t throw up, but no promises about not breaking anything, especially if this one tags along,” Sirius said, elbowing James. “Becomes a complete klutz under the influence.”
Mary turned her head sharply towards James. “You’re coming? To Lily’s party tonight? Who invited you?”
“I did,” Lily informed her, looking at her friend pointedly as if trying to send her a telepathic message. “Well, technically, I invited Sirius and told him to invite the other three. But Potter hasn’t made his mind up yet.”
Mary looked like she was containing herself as she said quietly, “Well, maybe you shouldn’t come. We can’t risk anything being broken. Although maybe it would be fun to see James suffer from Petunia’s wrath…”
James offered her an obviously fake smile, to which she narrowed her eyes in response just as the teacher began to attempt to gain the class’s attention. As the room became quiet, James caught Lily’s eyes again. Her cheeks were flushed but she didn’t shy away, she held his gaze, as if daring him to do something. If only he knew what.
Friday Night
“James, stop being melodramatic.”
“Have you met him, Remus?” Sirius laughed, which James did not appreciate at all. As if he wasn’t melodramatic himself. “It’s his lifestyle.”
“Come on, we’re going to be late,” Peter urged them eagerly.
“I am unable to move,” James stated. “I have suddenly been rendered immobile. You guys go. I’ll just die here.”
Remus sighed heavily. “We’re two blocks away, James. Enough of your pretend psychosomatic syndrome and move.”
“Should I run back home and grab your skateboard?” asked Sirius, amused. “We’ll strap you to it and push you the rest of the way.”
“That could work.”
“No,” Remus refused. “Just be a man and go apologize to her. Excuse my gendered language.”
“You’re not excused,” James responded. But he grunted as he watched Remus turn and resume their route, so he forced his own legs forward, and he began to walk towards their doomed destination once again.
“Huzzah!” Peter shouted in celebration, scurrying after him.
“It’s a miracle!” Sirius gasped, throwing an arm around James’s shoulders. “Maybe I’ll convert from atheist to agnostic now.”
James chuckled nervously, fighting the urge to run very far away. He thought he could read Lily like a book, but with each step towards her house he felt increasingly doubtful of her intentions, how she would react when he arrived. It was the last time he could dream about what would happen when she sees his face again, and living in the best-case scenario fantasy was much easier than doing it in reality. But he knew if he didn’t seize this opportunity to apologize to Lily, he would never get another chance. And so he trudged on until they reached their destination. He could faintly hear the music that was blaring inside. Mary and Marlene were on the front porch laughing, Lily standing beside them.
Lily, who took his breath away with a singular glance, had her hair up the way he liked, wearing high-waist, denim shorts, a white t-shirt, and that damn cardigan. He felt his airways clog up with desire.
Mary gave James a similar dubious look as she did in art class. Marlene, who was protective of Lily but slightly more sympathetic than Mary, gave him a tight-lipped smile.
Sirius let go of James as Remus hugged Lily. James was filled with curiosity as he watched them quickly exchange whispered words in urgency. Remus patted Lily on the shoulder before walking in to her house. Peter and Marlene followed, but Sirius loitered outside, putting his arm around Mary.
“Come, Macdonald. It’s a beautiful night. Let’s walk.”
“Where?” she asked him skeptically.
“To the other side of the porch,” he told her, winking at James as if to tell him I got you covered, before steering her away from James and Lily.
It was just them for now.
There were so many things he wanted to tell her. How beautiful she looked, how much he missed her over the summer, how sorry he was for everything.
“So, I showed up,” is what he blurted out.
“And so you did.” She gave him a once over. “You look nice.”
“So do you,” he responded in haste. “More than nice- great.”
She shrugged, playing with the ends of her hair. James looked over to the other side of the porch and saw Sirius chatting up Mary, who was touching his arm and laughing.
For fear of Sirius’s distraction skills only lasting so long, James looked back at Lily. “Evans, I…I really need to talk to you. Do you think there’s somewhere we can do that with, er, a little more privacy? Like the garden?”
She bit her lip as she contemplated it. He tried not to stare, he really tried, but suddenly he felt like he was sweating.
Eventually, she nodded. “Sure. Follow me.”
She turned into her house and made her way through the living room and kitchen to the backdoor, striding without once looking back or making sure James was close behind. He followed her out the screen door and into the garden.
He sat beside her on the bench beside the orchids. The same bench where he kissed her last.
“The Evans household has a thing for flowers, huh?”
“Well the garden has a lot of flowers. You and your sister, both named after flowers. These orchids are really nice,” he rambled nervously.
“Thanks?” she responded, looking at him suspiciously. “So, you wanted to talk?”
He cleared his throat. “Sorry. Uh, anyway. Thanks, yeah, I do. Honestly, I thought you’d tell me to go fuck myself.”
He could tell she was holding back a smile as she said, “I strongly considered it.”
“I’d deserve it,” he told her honestly, mustering up his courage. “I mean, I do deserve it. That’s why I’m here, I…I want to- no, I need to apologize to you for the way I acted the last week in school before you went away for the summer… I know you already know about it, but I…” he paused, taking a deep breath and locking eyes with her. He needed her to understand this. “I hope you can trust me when I tell you that what happened with Alison was just a summer thing…it’s over now.”
“It’s fine, James,” she said, breaking eye contact and looking off into the distance.
“No, it’s not fine,” he said in earnest. “It was stupid. Leaving the dance like that and not even talking to you and then only a few days later getting with Alison. It’s probably the worst thing I ever did. It wasn’t fair to Alison, because I was just trying to get you out of my head. But it especially wasn’t fair to you. And I’m sorry.”
The silence sat heavy around them before Lily sighed. She continued to stare at the flowers in the garden. “I just don’t know where it all went wrong.”
“I do,” he responded quietly. “At the dance, your favorite song was playing. ‘Lover’ by Taylor Swift. Remember?”
“Well, I wanted to dance with you to it-“
“I wanted to dance with you to it too,” she said, snapping her gaze back to his. Her look was fierce. “But I couldn’t find you!”
“I was sitting in the corner of the gym taking a break from the chaos. The dance was overwhelming. If it’s not a football game, I hate the crowds. You know that.”
“I do know that,” she replied, her face red. “Which is why I was trying to find you- I thought…God this sounds so stupid now. I thought we could dance to it outside or something.”
James tried to swallow, but it felt like his heart had jumped up into his throat. He forced more words out of his mouth. “It’s not stupid, that’s what I wanted to do.” They both smiled for a fraction of a second, but then his face dropped again as he told her, “But then I saw you dance with…him.”
Lily’s smile evaporated too. “You mean Severus?”
Lily put her head in her hands. “Of course. Of course that’s what happened. God, how did I not put two and two together?”
“I know I was wrong now, I know nothing happened that night. Remus told me as much this summer,” he said, putting a hand through his hair, feeling the embarrassment spreading across his own cheeks. “But it was like my worst nightmare playing out before my eyes! I didn’t know you went looking for me at first, I didn’t know what you guys were talking about, I just saw his arms around you and was so angry I stormed out as fast as I could, so that I wouldn’t do something really stupid to him!”
Lily groaned, removing her hands from her face and pulling on her cardigan sleeves. “You could’ve spoken to me about it literally at any point after up until I left for my trip. I tried talking to you that last day in school and you gave me such a cold shoulder!”
“I know. And I’m sorry for that,” he apologized, hoping the sincerity was evident in his voice. “It’s not an excuse, but I was just hurt. We all know how obsessed Snivellus-“
“James,” she interrupted, rolling her eyes.
“Sorry, sorry, I know you hate that. We all know how obsessed Snape,” he corrected himself begrudgingly, continuing on, “is with you, and I know you two are like childhood best friends or whatever, so I jumped to conclusions when I saw you indulging him.”
“Well, you jumped wrong,” she almost spat. She was angry now, real angry, but James could not tell if her fury was directed at him or Snape. “I wasn’t indulging anything, he must’ve had his hands on me for fifteen seconds before I got him off me, told him off and stormed away.”
James felt a sense of relief and guilt tangled up inside him. “What happened?”
She fidgeted, exhaling deeply. “He was warning me about you for, I don’t know, the nine hundredth time at that point, saying how I should be with him instead, the usual bullshit. I went looking for you again but Sirius said you had left suddenly… And then you wouldn’t even look at me at school.”
“I was embarrassed. And furious,” he admitted.
“Yeah, I could tell as much.”
“But I still saw you talking to him,” James remembered, knowing it did not make a difference but wanting her to understand his entire thought process. “That last day in school. I saw you walk home with him. You two seemed fine.”
Lily frowned. “I was giving him one last chance to apologize, to salvage the small sliver of friendship I was still holding onto for only God knows why…we got to my house and he tried to kiss me. I had to physically push him off me, yelled at him like I’ve never yelled at anyone in my life, and he ran home. And that was the end of that.”
“Fuck,” James exhaled, feeling his anger burn every inch of his skin, boiling his insides.
“It’s ok, I’m fine,” she assured him, noticing how angry he looked on her behalf, and put the fingers peeking out of her cardigan sleeve on his hand to help level him. She let it linger for a few seconds in silence before bringing her hand back into her lap. “So that’s how my day ended before I left for Italy with my family. But I heard you had an interesting afternoon that day too, hm?”
It felt like a punch in the gut as she looked at him, her question pointed and knowing. His chest tightened as he asked, “Are you sure you want to know about it?”
“I’d rather hear it from you than Inez, so yes, if you’d please.”
He sighed, wanting so bad to look away from her but knowing he had to look her in the face so she’d see the remorse in his eyes. He summoned all the courage he had. “I saw you walking home with Snape, and was…besides myself. I took the long way home. Remember where we went on our date? That block with the broken cobblestones? I was walking there, thinking of you.” He paused and took a deep breath, Lily’s face still blank. “And then Alison pulled up in her car, noticed I was upset, told me to get in for a drive. It was like…a figment of my worst intentions. I thought you were with Snape, and Alison was throwing out hints left and right that she was interested, and so I went with it…we didn’t officially date or anything, but I spent time with her a bunch this summer. But it was so, so fucking stupid to think any other girl could distract me from you because…well, I dreamt of you all summer long. And so I told her that, and cut the whole thing off a couple of weeks ago.”
He paused, watching her face, hoping for a hint of what was racing through her beautiful brain. She was contemplative, searching his eyes. When she still said nothing, James reiterated, “I’m so, so sorry, Lily. About all of it…about Alison, about ignoring you those last few days at school, about assuming something was going on with you and Snape and storming out of the dance…”
Lily sighed, crossing her arms. “I understand. But it still hurts… I mean, I finally let you in and went on that date with you and I felt so… and then just so suddenly…” she trailed off.
“I know,” he empathized. “The thing I’m sorry for the most is not asking you to be my girlfriend the moment after you kissed me on our date. I was going to ask you at the dance, but obviously those plans got thrown out the window.”
“You were?” she asked, her arms dropping as her face softened.
“Yes,” he told her, needing her to believe him. “But not just that, I wanted to tell you how I feel, because I don’t think you really know, do you?”
She didn’t respond, so he took that as his cue to keep going.
“It’s my fault. I should’ve told you on our date, but I was trying to keep it cool, which was dumb, and I’m done with that. I’ve been…crazy about you since freshman year. I mean, I know I asked you out a bunch so you must have known I was interested, but it’s more than that. You are… the most special person I’ve ever known. You have a way of making everyone feel important. You’re so damn nice to everyone, I wish I had that kind of heart. And God, you are so smart it’s the sexiest thing-“
She started to laugh. When James’s eyes widened at this reaction, she shook her head. “I’m laughing because I think the same thing about you. Especially the smart and sexy bit.”
He smiled. “I mean, you’re so much more than sexy, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. And when I’m with you I can just be myself. We just…fit, you know?”
“I know.”
“Evans, I’ll apologize for the rest of my life if that’s what it takes. I’m an idiot, an absolute fucking idiot for the way I acted. I’m still trying to figure this all out, you know? I’m only seventeen, I don’t know anything! I have no idea what I’m doing!” he laughed. She smiled back, and he took that as permission to hold her hand, and so he did. “But I know I miss you. More than I’ve ever missed anything or anyone. And I swear, I’ll never hurt you again. The only thing I want to do is make it up to you. Please believe me. You don’t have to forgive me yet, but at least say you believe me.”
There was a beat, and then Lily intertwined their fingers. “I believe you,” she told him. “And I forgive you.”
When James exhaled, it felt like it was the first time he properly breathed in months, his entire bodily system recalibrating. “Really?”
“Perhaps against my better judgment, but yes, really. I missed you, too.”
He suddenly felt electric, looking at Lily, letting her admission sink in. “I missed you so damn much,” he told her again, and unable to hold back a moment longer, he disconnected their fingers, put both his hands on her face and kissed her.
To his surprise, she kissed him back with matched enthusiasm, grasping at his sides and pulling him closer so that their bodies were connected. The feel of her was better than he remembered, more than he dreamed it would be. He moved one hand to the back of her head, and she opened her mouth to him. The world fell away as she let out a soft moan at the gentle sweep of his tongue. He sunk into her embrace and never intended to leave, because why would he need to do anything else?
But at some point, a few minutes too soon, Lily pulled away, leaning her head against James’s shoulder and breathing heavily.
“Alright, Evans?” he asked, kissing the top of her head.
She nodded against him. “Yeah, I’m just…hot.”
James chuckled, playing with her ponytail. “Well, that goes without saying.”
Lily snorted, picking her head up and looking at him, her eyes light and dazed. “No, I mean, I’m hot, like I’m sweating. Let me just…”
She pulled back just the slightest bit and unbuttoned her cardigan. As she shook out of it, her expression became mischievous.
“You wore that on purpose,” he accused her with an equally playful smile. “It was way too warm all day for you to actually need it.”
“Guilty,” she smirked, wrapping it around her waist. “I was hoping to spark something in your memory.”
“More like torture my memory,” he said, threading the sleeve through his fingers briefly. “You think I wouldn’t remember that you wore this on our date? The moment I saw you standing in your cardigan this morning, I knew I was fucked. I was distracted the rest of the day.”
“Too bad you didn’t see me sooner.”
“Well I would have if…”
He paused, contemplating whether he should ask her.
“If what?” she asked, looking at him curiously.
James sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Ok, random question, just thought of it like, one second ago, haven’t been ruminating on it since school started yesterday or anything. Did you switch your homeroom ‘cause of me?”
She raised her eyebrows. “Oh, so this is what you were bugging Remus about? No, of course not. I had to move my schedule around so I could take AP Lit.”
“Oh,” he exhaled in relief. “Well, good. But not good about you and my stupid friends conspiring behind my back-“
“There was no conspiring. You should be grateful for that stupid friend of yours; he pleaded your case rather convincingly.”
“He pleaded yours well too. Sometimes I don’t know whose side that guy is on.”
“Well mine, obviously,” she said. “Your assumption about homeroom was ridiculous. Did you think I was too afraid to see you or something? That I’m a coward?”
He tensed up again. “No! I would never- I just meant, I thought you were so sickened with me that the last thing you would want to do is start your day staring at the back of my head.”
She laughed, reaching over and running her fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes at the feeling, reveling in the familiar touch he last felt a few months ago, though it felt like ages. “Nah, I’m quite fond of the back of your head. An exceedingly annoying amount, actually.”
He sighed happily as her nails gently grazed his scalp.
“But as much as that may be true, and although I do forgive you, I do still feel hurt. And that trust needs to be rebuilt over time, you know?”
“I know. Lily,” her name left his lips like a whisper. Her hand paused on the back of his neck. He opened his eyes again and met hers, green and sparkling. He couldn’t blow it this time. “I really am so, so sorry. And I will do whatever it takes to make it all up to you. But can I do that as your boyfriend?”
She bit her lip, studied his face for seconds that felt like an eternity, and then nodded.
“Yeah?” he asked hopefully.
“Yeah,” she confirmed, smiling. “Let’s do it already. I’m in.”
“Finally,” he said, smiling ear to ear. Lily laughed, probably at the goofy grin on his face, before he swiftly swooped in, crushing his lips against hers again.
Her nails continued their work in his hair as she kissed him back fervently, pressing her body against his again, causing him to moan. He knew that every second he had with her was cherished, and he tried to cement them in his mind, but it was only a few minutes later a voice broke them apart.
“Lily!” Mary called out from a distance. They broke apart with a simultaneous sigh, turning to see her standing outside the back door, hands on her hips like an angry parent. Sirius pushed the screen door open, shouted, “Sorry, I tried!” and then retreated back into the house.
She marched toward them, a woman on a mission. “Really, Lil? Really?”
“Why, Macdonald, you look lovely tonight,” James tried.
“Do not test me, James Potter,” she snapped. “You can’t just-“
“Mary,” Lily called her friend’s name fiercely. “No need for the hostility. James and I hashed everything out-”
“Yeah, unfortunately, I can see!” she exclaimed in disgust.
“Could you give us some space, then? Please?” Lily asked. “I know what I’m doing. Trust me.”
Mary rolled her eyes. “Fine. But just in case you forgot, your party is happening in there without you. And you promised me a round of karaoke.”
“And I intend to keep that promise,” she told her firmly. “Just give us a few, alright?”
“Alright. I’ll be timing you though. And Potter, I got my eye on you,” she warned, pointing her index and middle finger to her eyes and then onto James.
He laughed, knowing that Mary always liked him before the summer and would soften up to him again eventually. “Understood.”
She nodded and walked off. They waited until the screen door closed behind her. Then Lily turned back to face him. “Sorry about that.”
“Don’t be, I get it,” he waved it off. “And I don’t want your friends murdering either of us, but there’s so much I wanted to catch up on, like your trip to Italy-“
“I know, me too,” she sighed.
He interlocked their fingers and lifted her hand to his lips. “Are you free tomorrow? Why don’t we get breakfast and take a drive, spend the day? That way no one can interrupt us.”
“I’d like that.”
“I’ll pick you up at nine?”
“It’s a date.”
“It’s a date.”
Knowing his time was running out, he leaned forward and kissed her once more with all he had, feeling elated as she returned each kiss with her own, already excited at the thought of kissing her more in the car tomorrow. With as much willpower as he could muster, he pulled away from her, running the hand that wasn’t holding hers down the length of her arm until it reached the cardigan around her waist. He felt a shiver down his spine at the twinkle in her eye as she squeezed his thigh. “C’mon,” she said, pulling them upwards.
He walked dreamily alongside her to the screen door, hardly able to believe his luck. Before she could open it, he stopped her. “Hey. I just wanted to say…thanks. For giving me another chance.”
“It’s your last one,” she told him, kind but certain. “So use it well.”
“I will. I promise.”
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emmanuelmonzonphotography · 5 years ago
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“The Road” exhibition collected images from 46 artists from across the country to create an exhibition that celebrates, highlights and explores the American road and all that it in-tells.  The exhibition will survey the notion of the American Road. The road is an iconic theme that runs in some of the best and well known American photographers work such as Stephen Shore, Ed Ruscha, Alec Soth and many others . Photographers have traveled these vast landscapes and across thousands of miles to document this country and all that surrounds the road; the landscape, the gas stations, the motels, the diners and everything that comes by its side and its lifestyle.
Curated by Dana Stirling & Yoav Friedlander and hosted at the JKC Gallery in New Jersey.
The Road will run from February 24th through March 27th with a reception and talk on March 12th from 5:00-7:00 pm. The talk will be at 6:00pm.
Selected Artists: Hans Gindlesberger, Joel Stevenett, Lauren Grabelle, Dave Bennett, Michael Joseph, Heather Binns, Chris Bentley, Daniel George, Neal Johnson, Ryan Schude, Sam Angel, Marc Newton, Lori Pond, Lindsay Godin, Parker Reinecker, Emmanuel Monzon, Kelsey Sucena, Lindsey Rickert, Kathy Shorr, Jon Feinstein, Aline Smithson, Betty Press, Tracy Fish, Cody Bratt, Lauren Finch, Young Suh, Becky Wilkes, Roslyn Julia, Dave Hanson, Alanna Styer, Justin Curtis, Grace Weston, David Egan, John Puffer,Liz Albert, Paul Sisson, Caleb Churchill, Lisa Guerriero, Sara Macel, John Sanderson, Eric Kunsman, Will Douglas, Tabitha Timm, Noritaka Minami, Laura Glabman and Annette Lemay Burke.
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Selected Digital Slideshow Artists:  Joel Stevenett, Reid Temple, Nick Shepard, Lauren Grabelle, John Francis, Kevin Hoth, Cocoa Laney, Kyle Everett Smith, Jp Terlizzi, Alyson Bowen, Jaime Alvarez, Nika De Carlo, Darren Ellis, Anibal Pella-woo, Dzesika Devic, Dave Bennett, Michael Joseph, Jessica Brewer Prugh, John Slavin, Chris Bentley, Kelly Burgess, Daniel George, Neal Johnson, Ryan Schude, Charlie Zielinski, Mark Sawrie Sawrie, Sam Angel, Sarah Hinrichs, Marc Newton, Whitney Bradshaw, Heather Palecek, Jiageng Lin, Clifford Cooper, Evan Perkins, Parkewr Reinecker, Epiphany Knedler, Alexandra Gataeva, Kelsey Sucena, Lindsey Rickert, Mateo Ruiz Gonzalez, Kathy Shorr, Kimmo Sahakangas, Jon Feinstein, Dorie Dahlberg, Danny Degennaro, Micah Mccoy, Aline Smithson, Betty Press, Frank Schramm, Yael Nov, Andie  Capace, Dana Marks, Cody Bratt, Nicholas Gaffney, Anika Steppe, Nick Gorski, Lauren Finch, Michael  Amato, Young Suh, Noah  Winslow, Matthew Portch, Jacob Moss, John Kinney, Dave Hanson, Justin Curtis, Christine Tharp, Grace Weston, Marissa Iamartino, David Egan, John Puffer, Urizen Freaza, Liz Albert, Laia Albert , Paul Sisson, Caleb Churchill, Martin Krafft, Alice Renegar, Victoria Crayhon, Ira Wagner, Kristen Bartley, Michaela Warren, Anna Ryabtsov, Sara Macel, Eliot Rockett, Sarah Frazier, John Sanderson, Eric Kunsman, Alain Licari, Noritaka Minami, David Cann, Deshawn Mcleod, Ashley Moog Bowlsbey and Chris Herrera.
Float Photo Magazine was founded by Dana Stirling and Yoav Friedlander in March 2014 with the launch of the first issue “Into the Wild”. Float was created with the goal to share and celebrate the photographic work of versatile roster of contemporary photographers from around the world. From young and emerging to established artists, Float features high quality and creative work with the intention to inspire and push forward our photo community. We offer artists various opportunities and platforms for exposure - Instagram takeovers, book reviews, interviews, curated magazine issues, exhibitions with more to come. Float takes pride in collaborating with many other photo platforms to create a unique, open minded and welcoming space for photographers. And you as well are welcome to join us.
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galina5500 · 8 years ago
Untitled #4362
Untitled #4362 by natalyasidunova featuring Chanel ❤ liked on Polyvore
Casadei high heel shoes, 410 AUD / Lancel handbag purse, 565 AUD / Tom Binns pearl necklace, 1 900 AUD / Betty Jackson Black cabochon ring, 8.36 AUD / Adele Marie yellow gold earrings, 33 AUD / Chanel mascara, 46 AUD / Chanel lipstick, 49 AUD / Clive Christian fragrance, 745 AUD
0 notes
moomie-marketing · 7 years ago
‘n BORSVOEDENDE MAMMA SE DIEET – by: BabyGuideForTheModernMother
Gedurende swangerskap is daar ‘n redelike lang lysie van kossoorte wat jy liewers moet vermy, maar een item wat ek onthou mense my aangeraai het om maar so veel van te geniet voor baba kom, is sjokolade.
Hoekom dan nou sjokolade? Wel dis oor baie mense glo dat sjokolade vir baba sal krampe gee as mamma borsvoed. Daarom is daar dan ook ‘n lang lysie kossoorte wat mense graag met jou deel, van wat jy nie mag eet terwyl jy borsvoed nie.
Die lysie kan so lank word en die druk om perfek te eet vir goeie melk so groot, dat mens sommer mismoedig raak en wonder; "Nou wat mag ek dan nou eet? Ek gaan honger ly!"
Maar wanneer weet jy of jy die buur-tannie of vrou in die supermark se raad moet volg?
Wel wees gerus, ek gaan met julle deel presies watter kos soorte julle moet vermy as julle borsvoed.
Kos soorte om te vermy: 1. Kos wat julle nie van hou nie. 2. Kos wat baie potte vuil maak (As julle nie van skottelgoed opwas hou nie)
Dis korrek, julle het reg afgelei, ‘n borsvoedende mamma kan enige iets eet wat sy wil en ‘n mamma hoef geen spesifieke dieet te volg vir goeie melk nie, want haar melk is altyd perfek vir haar unieke baba en selfs vroue in hongersnood se babas floreer op hul moedersmelk.
Nou sit en wonder julle seker oor Sannie se baba wat dan verskriklik krampe kry as sy brokolie of uie eet?
Daar is natuurlik raar uitsonderings waar ‘n baba effens sensitief is vir iets in mamma se dieet, gewoonlik sal dit melk proteine wees, maar meer gereeld verwar mammas die normale krampe en winde wat elke baba kry as gevolg van hul derm sisteem wat nog onder ontwikkeld is, as ‘n sensitiwiteit tot haar melk.
Wanneer jou baba wel sensitief is tot iets in jou melk, sal daar ‘n hele paar simptome wees wat daarmee gepaard gaan. Daar sal gewoonlik ‘n oormate van opgooi en spoeg wees, koliek, ‘n vel uitslag, baie slym en ‘n toe neus (alhoewel pasgebore babas van nature ‘n oormate slym in hul sinusse het na geboorte wat self opklaar).
Gewoonlik sal jou Pediater toetse doen om te bevestig of jou baba enige allergië het. Dan is dit ook nie noodwendig die einde van jou borsvoed verhouding nie, jy sal dan waarskeinlik net jou dieet moet aanpas om daardie kosse te vermy en die 6 weke moet wag vir die melk produkte om uit jou sisteem te wees voor al die simptome weg is.
Jy as borsvoedende mamma kan dus gerus wees en al die kosse geniet wat jy graag wil eet. Melk word buitendien uit die prolaktien hormoon in jou bloed gemaak en nie die inhiud van jou maag.
Kossoorte wat mammas gewoonlik oor bekommer, maar eintlik kan geniet sluit in; Sjokolade, Kerrie, Brandrissies, Gas koeldranke, Melk, Kase (Hard so wel as sag), Uie, Groen groentes, Kole en boontjies, Ys water, Biltong, Sushi, Seekosse, Suur kosse, Lekkers, Suiker, Neute, Koffie (as jy meer as 5 koppies n dag drink en jou baba jonger as 6 maande is kan jy kyk na party koppies oorskakel na decaff indien jou baba sensitief is)…
…selfs Alkohol!
Die hoeveelheid alkohol wat in jou melk kan opeindig is so min dat kenners sê; "Om dit in perspektief te sit, sal hulle eers bekommer of oor jy jou baba gaan laat val, voordat hulle sal bekommer oor jou melk."
Daarom hoor ons ook gereeld die slagspreuk, "As jy veilig is om jou baba te hanteer, is jy veilig om te voed."
Indien jy wel steeds ongemaklik voel met die idee, raai kenners aan dat jy dan eers jou baba voed en jou drankie direk daarna geniet. Teen die tyd dat baba weer wil drink, is die alkohol uit jou sisteem. Dis ook nooit nodig om melk uit te pomp en weg te gooi nie.
‘n Verdere bekommernis wat mammas het is watter kos kan hulle eet om meer melk te maak? Wel die enigste manier om werklik meer melk te maak is om jou borste meer gereeld te ledig, dus jou baba meer gereeld te voed of om te pomp.
Borsmelk word vervaardig op die vraag en aanbod sisteem. Indien jy dus die aanvraag vergroot deur meer melk te verwyder, sal jou liggaam reageer deur meer melk te produseer?
Maar wat van Bettie wat elke oggend ‘n groot bak oats pap eet en dan baie melk maak?
Wel dis waar, daar is sekere kossoorte en kruie wat die prolaktien in jou bloed kan vermeerder, mens noem hulle Galactogogues, maar hulle sal absoluut geen impak hê as jy nie die aanvraag van melk ook vergroot nie. Hulle is ook net effektief daardie eerste paar weke na geboorte terwyl jou produksie nog hoormoon aangedrewe is.
So hoekom werk dit dan steeds vir Bettie na soveel maande en hoekom glo mense aan "Jungle Juice" wat nie eens enige Galactogogues as bestandele bevat nie?
Dis die krag van ‘n mens se brein. Die dokters noem dit die "placebo effect", jy glo dit gaan help, so jou liggaam reageer. Maar in waarheid kan "Jungle Juice" baie skadelik wees vir mens en die groot hoeveel suiker is die perfekte voeding vir Sproei (Thrush), ‘n gis infeksie wat mamma en baba kan kry binne hul lywe, op mamma se tepels en ook op baba se doek area.
Indien jy gewonder het wat is als Galactogogues, hier is die lys (wel in Engels oor party kruie name);
Alfalfa Anise Seeds Barley Basil Oil Blessed thistle Brewers Yeast Caraway seeds Chai Seeds Dill Fennel Seeds / Oil Fenugreek Flax Seeds / Flour / Oil Garbanzo Beans Goat’s Rue Herb Hops Lettuce Moringa Herb Oatmeal Pumpkin seeds Red Raspberry Leaf Sesame Seeds Shatavari Herb
Party van hierdie items kan egter dodelik wees vir mammas met spesifieke mediese toestande en moet onder konsultasie van ‘n dokter gebruik word.
Dan is daar ook ‘n lys van kossoorte wat ‘n mamma se borsmelk minder kan maak indien sy te veel daarvan inneem;
Sage Peppermint (In candies as well) Spearmint (In candies as well) Parsley Oregano Chickweed Stinging Nettles Black Walnut Periwinkle Herb Herb Robert Yarrow Sorrel Lemon Balm Vitamin B6 (Inhibits the production of prolactin needed to produce milk)
Hierdie kossoorte sal egter net ‘n impak hê in baie groot hoeveelhede en jy hoef hulle dus nie heeltemal uit jou dieet te skakel.
Laastens soek mammas ook gereeld raad vir dieet planne om te volg om gewig te verloor. Dit is belangrik om te weet dat sensasionele dieet planne en vinnig werkende planne nie aanbeveel word vir borsvoedende mammas nie.
Die hoof rede hiervoor is dat die kenners sê dat indien ‘n mamma te vinnig gewig verloor, die skadelike  vetoplosbare omgewingsbesoedeling en gifstowwe wat in haar vet gestoor was, in haar melk kan beland.
Wat jy egter wel kan doen om jou dieet aan te pas en gewig te verloor is die volgende;
Begin eers met ‘n beter eet plan met die doel om gewig te verloor nadat jou baba twee maande oud is en jou melkproduksie goed onder weg is. Borsvoed op aanvraag en verkieslik langer as 6 maande, want studies het gevind dat mammas meer gewig verloor indien hulle langer as 6 maande aanhou en borsvoed verbrand ook kalorieë. Eet ten minste 1500 tot 1800 kalorieë per dag. Hou gewigsverlies onder 0.68kg per week. Verminder jou kalorieë geleidelik. Doen matige oefening. Vermy sensasionele dieet planne wat vinnige resultate belowe.
Het jy hierdie artikel geniet of baat gevind daarby? Kom volg asseblief my Facebook blad of webtuiste op die skakels hier onder;
Facebook:  http://ift.tt/2wDzqRL Webtuiste "Baby Guide for the Modern Mother": http://ift.tt/2xjj9oF
Skakels tot verdere inligting;
from Moomie Marketing http://ift.tt/2A41rEz via IFTTT
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moomiemarketing · 7 years ago
'n BORSVOEDENDE MAMMA SE DIEET - by: BabyGuideForTheModernMother
Gedurende swangerskap is daar 'n redelike lang lysie van kossoorte wat jy liewers moet vermy, maar een item wat ek onthou mense my aangeraai het om maar so veel van te geniet voor baba kom, is sjokolade. Hoekom dan nou sjokolade? Wel dis oor baie mense glo dat sjokolade vir baba sal krampe gee as mamma borsvoed. Daarom is daar dan ook 'n lang lysie kossoorte wat mense graag met jou deel, van wat jy nie mag eet terwyl jy borsvoed nie. Die lysie kan so lank word en die druk om perfek te eet vir goeie melk so groot, dat mens sommer mismoedig raak en wonder; "Nou wat mag ek dan nou eet? Ek gaan honger ly!" Maar wanneer weet jy of jy die buur-tannie of vrou in die supermark se raad moet volg? Wel wees gerus, ek gaan met julle deel presies watter kos soorte julle moet vermy as julle borsvoed. Kos soorte om te vermy: 1. Kos wat julle nie van hou nie. 2. Kos wat baie potte vuil maak (As julle nie van skottelgoed opwas hou nie) Dis korrek, julle het reg afgelei, 'n borsvoedende mamma kan enige iets eet wat sy wil en 'n mamma hoef geen spesifieke dieet te volg vir goeie melk nie, want haar melk is altyd perfek vir haar unieke baba en selfs vroue in hongersnood se babas floreer op hul moedersmelk. Nou sit en wonder julle seker oor Sannie se baba wat dan verskriklik krampe kry as sy brokolie of uie eet? Daar is natuurlik raar uitsonderings waar 'n baba effens sensitief is vir iets in mamma se dieet, gewoonlik sal dit melk proteine wees, maar meer gereeld verwar mammas die normale krampe en winde wat elke baba kry as gevolg van hul derm sisteem wat nog onder ontwikkeld is, as 'n sensitiwiteit tot haar melk. Wanneer jou baba wel sensitief is tot iets in jou melk, sal daar 'n hele paar simptome wees wat daarmee gepaard gaan. Daar sal gewoonlik 'n oormate van opgooi en spoeg wees, koliek, 'n vel uitslag, baie slym en 'n toe neus (alhoewel pasgebore babas van nature 'n oormate slym in hul sinusse het na geboorte wat self opklaar). Gewoonlik sal jou Pediater toetse doen om te bevestig of jou baba enige allergië het. Dan is dit ook nie noodwendig die einde van jou borsvoed verhouding nie, jy sal dan waarskeinlik net jou dieet moet aanpas om daardie kosse te vermy en die 6 weke moet wag vir die melk produkte om uit jou sisteem te wees voor al die simptome weg is. Jy as borsvoedende mamma kan dus gerus wees en al die kosse geniet wat jy graag wil eet. Melk word buitendien uit die prolaktien hormoon in jou bloed gemaak en nie die inhiud van jou maag. Kossoorte wat mammas gewoonlik oor bekommer, maar eintlik kan geniet sluit in; Sjokolade, Kerrie, Brandrissies, Gas koeldranke, Melk, Kase (Hard so wel as sag), Uie, Groen groentes, Kole en boontjies, Ys water, Biltong, Sushi, Seekosse, Suur kosse, Lekkers, Suiker, Neute, Koffie (as jy meer as 5 koppies n dag drink en jou baba jonger as 6 maande is kan jy kyk na party koppies oorskakel na decaff indien jou baba sensitief is)... ...selfs Alkohol! Die hoeveelheid alkohol wat in jou melk kan opeindig is so min dat kenners sê; "Om dit in perspektief te sit, sal hulle eers bekommer of oor jy jou baba gaan laat val, voordat hulle sal bekommer oor jou melk." Daarom hoor ons ook gereeld die slagspreuk, "As jy veilig is om jou baba te hanteer, is jy veilig om te voed." Indien jy wel steeds ongemaklik voel met die idee, raai kenners aan dat jy dan eers jou baba voed en jou drankie direk daarna geniet. Teen die tyd dat baba weer wil drink, is die alkohol uit jou sisteem. Dis ook nooit nodig om melk uit te pomp en weg te gooi nie. 'n Verdere bekommernis wat mammas het is watter kos kan hulle eet om meer melk te maak? Wel die enigste manier om werklik meer melk te maak is om jou borste meer gereeld te ledig, dus jou baba meer gereeld te voed of om te pomp. Borsmelk word vervaardig op die vraag en aanbod sisteem. Indien jy dus die aanvraag vergroot deur meer melk te verwyder, sal jou liggaam reageer deur meer melk te produseer? Maar wat van Bettie wat elke oggend 'n groot bak oats pap eet en dan baie melk maak? Wel dis waar, daar is sekere kossoorte en kruie wat die prolaktien in jou bloed kan vermeerder, mens noem hulle Galactogogues, maar hulle sal absoluut geen impak hê as jy nie die aanvraag van melk ook vergroot nie. Hulle is ook net effektief daardie eerste paar weke na geboorte terwyl jou produksie nog hoormoon aangedrewe is. So hoekom werk dit dan steeds vir Bettie na soveel maande en hoekom glo mense aan "Jungle Juice" wat nie eens enige Galactogogues as bestandele bevat nie? Dis die krag van 'n mens se brein. Die dokters noem dit die "placebo effect", jy glo dit gaan help, so jou liggaam reageer. Maar in waarheid kan "Jungle Juice" baie skadelik wees vir mens en die groot hoeveel suiker is die perfekte voeding vir Sproei (Thrush), 'n gis infeksie wat mamma en baba kan kry binne hul lywe, op mamma se tepels en ook op baba se doek area. Indien jy gewonder het wat is als Galactogogues, hier is die lys (wel in Engels oor party kruie name); ⏺Alfalfa ⏺Anise Seeds ⏺Barley ⏺Basil Oil ⏺Blessed thistle ⏺Brewers Yeast ⏺Caraway seeds ⏺Chai Seeds ⏺Dill ⏺Fennel Seeds / Oil ⏺Fenugreek ⏺Flax Seeds / Flour / Oil ⏺Garbanzo Beans ⏺Goat's Rue Herb ⏺Hops ⏺Lettuce ⏺Moringa Herb ⏺Oatmeal ⏺Pumpkin seeds ⏺Red Raspberry Leaf ⏺Sesame Seeds ⏺Shatavari Herb Party van hierdie items kan egter dodelik wees vir mammas met spesifieke mediese toestande en moet onder konsultasie van 'n dokter gebruik word. Dan is daar ook 'n lys van kossoorte wat 'n mamma se borsmelk minder kan maak indien sy te veel daarvan inneem; ⏺Sage ⏺Peppermint (In candies as well) ⏺Spearmint (In candies as well) ⏺Parsley ⏺Oregano ⏺Chickweed ⏺Stinging Nettles ⏺Black Walnut ⏺Periwinkle Herb ⏺Herb Robert ⏺Yarrow ⏺Sorrel ⏺Lemon Balm ⏺Vitamin B6 (Inhibits the production of prolactin needed to produce milk) Hierdie kossoorte sal egter net 'n impak hê in baie groot hoeveelhede en jy hoef hulle dus nie heeltemal uit jou dieet te skakel. Laastens soek mammas ook gereeld raad vir dieet planne om te volg om gewig te verloor. Dit is belangrik om te weet dat sensasionele dieet planne en vinnig werkende planne nie aanbeveel word vir borsvoedende mammas nie. Die hoof rede hiervoor is dat die kenners sê dat indien 'n mamma te vinnig gewig verloor, die skadelike  vetoplosbare omgewingsbesoedeling en gifstowwe wat in haar vet gestoor was, in haar melk kan beland. Wat jy egter wel kan doen om jou dieet aan te pas en gewig te verloor is die volgende; ⏺ Begin eers met 'n beter eet plan met die doel om gewig te verloor nadat jou baba twee maande oud is en jou melkproduksie goed onder weg is. ⏺Borsvoed op aanvraag en verkieslik langer as 6 maande, want studies het gevind dat mammas meer gewig verloor indien hulle langer as 6 maande aanhou en borsvoed verbrand ook kalorieë. ⏺Eet ten minste 1500 tot 1800 kalorieë per dag. ⏺Hou gewigsverlies onder 0.68kg per week. ⏺Verminder jou kalorieë geleidelik. ⏺Doen matige oefening. ⏺Vermy sensasionele dieet planne wat vinnige resultate belowe. ~*~*~*~ Het jy hierdie artikel geniet of baat gevind daarby? Kom volg asseblief my Facebook blad of webtuiste op die skakels hier onder; Facebook:  http://ift.tt/2wDzqRL Webtuiste "Baby Guide for the Modern Mother": http://ift.tt/2xjj9oF Skakels tot verdere inligting; http://ift.tt/2B119Sr http://ift.tt/2AEogQ5 http://ift.tt/2B39pRQ http://ift.tt/2x8Hajf http://ift.tt/2B39rsW
0 notes
moomie-marketing · 7 years ago
‘n BORSVOEDENDE MAMMA SE DIEET – by: BabyGuideForTheModernMother
Gedurende swangerskap is daar ‘n redelike lang lysie van kossoorte wat jy liewers moet vermy, maar een item wat ek onthou mense my aangeraai het om maar so veel van te geniet voor baba kom, is sjokolade.
Hoekom dan nou sjokolade? Wel dis oor baie mense glo dat sjokolade vir baba sal krampe gee as mamma borsvoed. Daarom is daar dan ook ‘n lang lysie kossoorte wat mense graag met jou deel, van wat jy nie mag eet terwyl jy borsvoed nie.
Die lysie kan so lank word en die druk om perfek te eet vir goeie melk so groot, dat mens sommer mismoedig raak en wonder; "Nou wat mag ek dan nou eet? Ek gaan honger ly!"
Maar wanneer weet jy of jy die buur-tannie of vrou in die supermark se raad moet volg?
Wel wees gerus, ek gaan met julle deel presies watter kos soorte julle moet vermy as julle borsvoed.
Kos soorte om te vermy: 1. Kos wat julle nie van hou nie. 2. Kos wat baie potte vuil maak (As julle nie van skottelgoed opwas hou nie)
Dis korrek, julle het reg afgelei, ‘n borsvoedende mamma kan enige iets eet wat sy wil en ‘n mamma hoef geen spesifieke dieet te volg vir goeie melk nie, want haar melk is altyd perfek vir haar unieke baba en selfs vroue in hongersnood se babas floreer op hul moedersmelk.
Nou sit en wonder julle seker oor Sannie se baba wat dan verskriklik krampe kry as sy brokolie of uie eet?
Daar is natuurlik raar uitsonderings waar ‘n baba effens sensitief is vir iets in mamma se dieet, gewoonlik sal dit melk proteine wees, maar meer gereeld verwar mammas die normale krampe en winde wat elke baba kry as gevolg van hul derm sisteem wat nog onder ontwikkeld is, as ‘n sensitiwiteit tot haar melk.
Wanneer jou baba wel sensitief is tot iets in jou melk, sal daar ‘n hele paar simptome wees wat daarmee gepaard gaan. Daar sal gewoonlik ‘n oormate van opgooi en spoeg wees, koliek, ‘n vel uitslag, baie slym en ‘n toe neus (alhoewel pasgebore babas van nature ‘n oormate slym in hul sinusse het na geboorte wat self opklaar).
Gewoonlik sal jou Pediater toetse doen om te bevestig of jou baba enige allergië het. Dan is dit ook nie noodwendig die einde van jou borsvoed verhouding nie, jy sal dan waarskeinlik net jou dieet moet aanpas om daardie kosse te vermy en die 6 weke moet wag vir die melk produkte om uit jou sisteem te wees voor al die simptome weg is.
Jy as borsvoedende mamma kan dus gerus wees en al die kosse geniet wat jy graag wil eet. Melk word buitendien uit die prolaktien hormoon in jou bloed gemaak en nie die inhiud van jou maag.
Kossoorte wat mammas gewoonlik oor bekommer, maar eintlik kan geniet sluit in; Sjokolade, Kerrie, Brandrissies, Gas koeldranke, Melk, Kase (Hard so wel as sag), Uie, Groen groentes, Kole en boontjies, Ys water, Biltong, Sushi, Seekosse, Suur kosse, Lekkers, Suiker, Neute, Koffie (as jy meer as 5 koppies n dag drink en jou baba jonger as 6 maande is kan jy kyk na party koppies oorskakel na decaff indien jou baba sensitief is)…
…selfs Alkohol!
Die hoeveelheid alkohol wat in jou melk kan opeindig is so min dat kenners sê; "Om dit in perspektief te sit, sal hulle eers bekommer of oor jy jou baba gaan laat val, voordat hulle sal bekommer oor jou melk."
Daarom hoor ons ook gereeld die slagspreuk, "As jy veilig is om jou baba te hanteer, is jy veilig om te voed."
Indien jy wel steeds ongemaklik voel met die idee, raai kenners aan dat jy dan eers jou baba voed en jou drankie direk daarna geniet. Teen die tyd dat baba weer wil drink, is die alkohol uit jou sisteem. Dis ook nooit nodig om melk uit te pomp en weg te gooi nie.
‘n Verdere bekommernis wat mammas het is watter kos kan hulle eet om meer melk te maak? Wel die enigste manier om werklik meer melk te maak is om jou borste meer gereeld te ledig, dus jou baba meer gereeld te voed of om te pomp.
Borsmelk word vervaardig op die vraag en aanbod sisteem. Indien jy dus die aanvraag vergroot deur meer melk te verwyder, sal jou liggaam reageer deur meer melk te produseer?
Maar wat van Bettie wat elke oggend ‘n groot bak oats pap eet en dan baie melk maak?
Wel dis waar, daar is sekere kossoorte en kruie wat die prolaktien in jou bloed kan vermeerder, mens noem hulle Galactogogues, maar hulle sal absoluut geen impak hê as jy nie die aanvraag van melk ook vergroot nie. Hulle is ook net effektief daardie eerste paar weke na geboorte terwyl jou produksie nog hoormoon aangedrewe is.
So hoekom werk dit dan steeds vir Bettie na soveel maande en hoekom glo mense aan "Jungle Juice" wat nie eens enige Galactogogues as bestandele bevat nie?
Dis die krag van ‘n mens se brein. Die dokters noem dit die "placebo effect", jy glo dit gaan help, so jou liggaam reageer. Maar in waarheid kan "Jungle Juice" baie skadelik wees vir mens en die groot hoeveel suiker is die perfekte voeding vir Sproei (Thrush), ‘n gis infeksie wat mamma en baba kan kry binne hul lywe, op mamma se tepels en ook op baba se doek area.
Indien jy gewonder het wat is als Galactogogues, hier is die lys (wel in Engels oor party kruie name);
Alfalfa Anise Seeds Barley Basil Oil Blessed thistle Brewers Yeast Caraway seeds Chai Seeds Dill Fennel Seeds / Oil Fenugreek Flax Seeds / Flour / Oil Garbanzo Beans Goat’s Rue Herb Hops Lettuce Moringa Herb Oatmeal Pumpkin seeds Red Raspberry Leaf Sesame Seeds Shatavari Herb
Party van hierdie items kan egter dodelik wees vir mammas met spesifieke mediese toestande en moet onder konsultasie van ‘n dokter gebruik word.
Dan is daar ook ‘n lys van kossoorte wat ‘n mamma se borsmelk minder kan maak indien sy te veel daarvan inneem;
Sage Peppermint (In candies as well) Spearmint (In candies as well) Parsley Oregano Chickweed Stinging Nettles Black Walnut Periwinkle Herb Herb Robert Yarrow Sorrel Lemon Balm Vitamin B6 (Inhibits the production of prolactin needed to produce milk)
Hierdie kossoorte sal egter net ‘n impak hê in baie groot hoeveelhede en jy hoef hulle dus nie heeltemal uit jou dieet te skakel.
Laastens soek mammas ook gereeld raad vir dieet planne om te volg om gewig te verloor. Dit is belangrik om te weet dat sensasionele dieet planne en vinnig werkende planne nie aanbeveel word vir borsvoedende mammas nie.
Die hoof rede hiervoor is dat die kenners sê dat indien ‘n mamma te vinnig gewig verloor, die skadelike  vetoplosbare omgewingsbesoedeling en gifstowwe wat in haar vet gestoor was, in haar melk kan beland.
Wat jy egter wel kan doen om jou dieet aan te pas en gewig te verloor is die volgende;
Begin eers met ‘n beter eet plan met die doel om gewig te verloor nadat jou baba twee maande oud is en jou melkproduksie goed onder weg is. Borsvoed op aanvraag en verkieslik langer as 6 maande, want studies het gevind dat mammas meer gewig verloor indien hulle langer as 6 maande aanhou en borsvoed verbrand ook kalorieë. Eet ten minste 1500 tot 1800 kalorieë per dag. Hou gewigsverlies onder 0.68kg per week. Verminder jou kalorieë geleidelik. Doen matige oefening. Vermy sensasionele dieet planne wat vinnige resultate belowe.
Het jy hierdie artikel geniet of baat gevind daarby? Kom volg asseblief my Facebook blad of webtuiste op die skakels hier onder;
Facebook:  http://ift.tt/2wDzqRL Webtuiste "Baby Guide for the Modern Mother": http://ift.tt/2xjj9oF
Skakels tot verdere inligting;
from Moomie Marketing http://ift.tt/2AKgZAC via IFTTT
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