#betty bell rea
fashioninpaper · 4 months
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Mister Cavill, your dog is kinda fat - Chapter 17
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Summary: Veterinarian Olivia Tran has zero time for bullshit. After becoming a mom at age twenty three, the one thing she wants is a good life for her daughter Vanessa. Her ex didn’t want anything to do with her nor the baby and she decided that man are officially banned out of her life. But then she meets Henry Cavill at her clinic and her ban slowly starts to crumble apart. Henry on the other hand is looking for one thing: a family. And when he meets Olivia Tran, he finds just that.
Henry Cavill x Olivia Tran (ofc)
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 2.4k
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Henry’s life is slowly but surely becoming what he originally wanted. He adopted Vanessa a few weeks ago and he never thought he could be so emotional. He cried while he had to sign the papers, he cried the entire way back to the car, to a point where Olivia decided it would be best if she drove back to his parents’ place. He sat in the back of the car, right next to Vanessa, who wasn’t crying, but went out of her way to comfort him. He was just so happy that it was official now.
If—God forbids—something happen to Olivia, Vanessa goes right to him. They don’t have to bother with that low life of a Wesley, she is going right to him. They even changed their will. If something happens to the both of them, Vanessa goes to his family.
But right now Olivia is officially thirteen weeks pregnant and it’s getting harder and harder now to hide her belly. Since she is out of her first trimester, she is been feeling a lot better. She told him that during her pregnancy with Vanessa, she puked quite a lot, but that was nothing compared to how she is feeling with this baby.
But right now, her glow is mesmerizing. She was always beautiful, but seeing her in her underwear before she trows on his shirt at night, he realizes that she is a whole different kind of breathtaking now. After she steps into the bed, he lays behind her, wraps his arm around her waist and sneaks a hand under her shirt. He loves feeling her tiny bump. It’s still beyond him that this is happening, that they’ve created an already beautiful human. He cannot wait to see the more definite changes of her body, the further she gets into this pregnancy.
It’s Friday and they are waiting for Vanessa to walk out of the school. Henry wraps his fingers around her hand and pulls Olivia closer to his body. The weather is getting nicer and nicer, making it even harder for her to hide her little bump. She opted for a pretty midi skirt with a large shirt over it, that doesn’t show anything yet.
Today they are not only going to tell Vanessa about the baby when they are at home, but they are going to tell his entire family, since they are having a little dinner at his mom’s. The school bell rings and it doesn’t take long, before Vanessa rushes out of the school. Thankfully she has adopted a new normal by jumping into Henry’s arms, instead of Olivia’s, like she used to do. She presses tons of kisses on his cheeks, before she leans down to give Olivia a kiss.
Keeping this a secret has been the hardest thing, especially since Henry wants to share this with everyone.
‘Ready to go home, sunshine?’ Henry asks her and she nods. While he carries her to the car, she keeps on talking about how wonderful school was. Though he doesn’t quite understand that she likes school this much (especially with the witch that calls herself miss Sue in front of the class), he likes her stories. He could listen to her for hours on end and not be bored for a second.
Henry helps his official daughter in her carseat and while he drives back home, he holds Olivia’s hand. Once they are home, Olivia pulls Vanessa with her and the two of them sit on the couch.
He leans against the doorframe, wanting to see everything that is going to happen, but also allowing them to experience this. He might be officially Vanessa’s dad now, it’ll take a long time before they will have the bond that Vanessa has with her mother. Their bond is so tight, it’s mesmerizing. ‘Vanessa, sweetheart,’ Olivia says, ‘I have something to tell you.’
Vanessa looks at her mom with a frown between her brows. ‘Okay… What is it, mommy?’
Olivia takes Vanessa’s hand and places it onto her stomach. ‘Mommy is growing a baby in her stomach right now,’ she says in a soft voice. ‘And that means you are going to be a big sister.’
Henry had looked online on how to tell your kids that they are going to be a brother or sister. He saw all those sweet and funny videos online, with cakes, balloons and other stuff, but when he showed Olivia, she simply frowned and said that she just wants to tell Vanessa.
And now when he sees this moment happening in front of his eyes, he knows damn well that it shouldn’t happen any other way than this one.
Vanessa’s eyes light up, as her hand rests on Olivia’s bump. ‘I’m going to be a big sister?’ she asks, just in case.
‘Yes, sweetheart.’
And for the first time since he met Vanessa, she is crying happy tears. They drip over her cheeks, yet a smile is evident on her face. ‘I’m doing the happy tears thing,’ she sniffles.
‘Oh sweetie,’ Olivia says, a few tears in her eyes as well. She pulls her daughter closer to her body and presses kisses on her cheek. She ushers Henry over and he walks over to his two favorite girls.
He takes place on the other side of Olivia and looks at the two of them and he can’t hide his smile.
‘Daddy,’ Vanessa says, looking up, ‘I’m going to be a big sister.’
He wipes the tears from her face. ‘I know, sunshine. You are going to be a wonderful sister,’ he tells her.
She takes his hand from her face and places it on Olivia’s bump, just like her own. ‘Are we going to tell grandma, grandpa and everyone today?’
‘We are,’ Olivia says, stroking through the soft hairs of Vanessa.
‘We do have to tell you something,’ he says to Vanessa.
‘And what’s that?’
He clears his throat. He really wants to tell her this, because he thinks it’s important. He talked about this with Olivia and she agreed to it. ‘We love you so much and we always will, sunshine, but you have to know that a new baby is hard work. Both me and your mom will be pretty tired. There is also a chance that we will not have as much time for you as we usually have.’
Vanessa nods. ‘I know,’ she tells him. ‘Bettie’s mom is usually pretty tired too, when she is pregnant and when she just had a new baby. I can help around the house and otherwise, I can sleep at grandma’s place. I think she and grandpa want to babysit, so you can maybe sleep in.
How is he going to be an excellent father, if Olivia has managed to do this by herself? He is so lucky that this amazing woman is going to be the mother of their kids.
‘Then we have nothing to worry about,’ Olivia chuckles, kissing Vanessa’s cheek. ‘You are such an angel.’
Vanessa smiles. ‘So when is this baby going to be born? Bettie’s mom always knows, but she said something about a flu date?’
Olivia chuckles. ‘Due date, sweetheart. The doctor can guess a little bit. So the due date for this baby is the twenty first of November.’
‘That’s near my birthday.’ She smiles even brighter than before. ‘I kind of hope that the baby will be born on my birthday. That means we are going to have an even bigger party.’ Vanessa looks at Olivia’s stomach and asks: ‘When do we know if it’s a boy or girl?’
‘Somewhere in August,’ Henry says.
‘How can they know?’
Olivia gestures that she should stay put, as she walks over to her purse. ‘The doctors have a machine and what that one basically does is that it can make pictures from what’s inside my stomach.’
‘Oh,’ Vanessa says, ‘like the pictures daddy makes?’
Olivia chuckles. ‘Absolutely not.’ She plops back on the couch and shows Vanessa the picture of the ultrasound.
‘I don’t get it. There is nothing on here.’
Henry places his arm on the back of the couch and explains: ‘This little bean right here,’—he points to the same spot that the doctor showed him, because if he is being fair, he can’t see it—‘is your brother or sister and when we go back there in August, the baby is a little bigger. Right now he or she is as big as… what was it again, sweetheart?’
‘A lemon, so there isn’t much to see yet.’
Vanessa nods. ‘When you go to the doctor to see if I get a baby brother or sister, can I come with you?’
Olivia nods. ‘Of course you can,’ she says.
Vanessa leans down, pushes up her mom’s shirt, as she whispers against the tiny bump: ‘When you are older, you and I are going to eat chocolates at night, but don’t tell mommy and daddy, because I don’t think they’ll allow it.’
Henry is insanely nervous for meeting his family. He knows that they will love it, he is absolutely sure of that. Though it doesn’t stop him from being nervous though. His family definitely knows how babies are made, but exposing the fact that they have been having sex and now she is pregnant…
He holds onto Olivia’s hand so tightly, that she has to whisper that he needs to chill, because he is hurting her.
And he never wants to do that of course.
Olivia came with the idea to involve Vanessa in the reveal to his family and he honestly couldn’t agree more. Vanessa was and will always be his first baby and she means the absolute world to him. The fact that she was already thinking about how she is going to be the best daughter in the world to them, how she is going to help not only her mom, but also himself out whenever she can, speaks volumes about how she is going to handle this big sister thing.
They walk around the house, to enter the garden and everyone seems to be totally happy that they have finally arrived. Vanessa continues to look at Olivia, waiting for the right moment. ‘Everybody,’ Olivia finally says. ‘Our little Vanessa has a little surprise.’
‘Little princess, what you got?’ Charlie says.
She unzips her vest and shows everyone her shirt. ‘I’m going to be a— Oh my God!’ Belle screams, running towards Olivia. The rest is further away from Vanessa, so they haven’t even read it yet, by the time Belle has pulled Olivia in a hug. ‘I’m so happy for you, babe.’
Henry watches as the rest of the family has yet to catch on, but his mother is the first to notice. She starts to tear up and Henry quickly walks over to her, to engulf her into a tight hug.
While his brothers and father are the first to congratulate Vanessa, giving her big hugs and saying how she is going to be such an amazing big sister, he hears his mother sniffle: ‘This is wonderful news, my dear.’
Since he officially adopted Vanessa, he realized that his mother was finally getting what she wanted. A big family, where she would be the grandma of the entire clan, a role that she had been wanting ever since his brothers and he reached the age of twenty. She never pushed them to get married and to have kids, but now she is finally getting the larger family she always wanted. It’s long overdue.
The fact that Olivia already had a wonderful daughter and him being really serious about having kids, made it easier for them to get pregnant, though it wasn’t necessarily planned. A couple like Simon and Belle are not even thinking about children. Well, they are, as in: we don’t want them right now.
After everyone gave him one hug, Vanessa at least two and Olivia a big hug and a kiss on her cheek, he can finally stand next to his beautiful girlfriend again. ‘Can I?’ he asks, letting his hand hover over her stomach.
‘You can always do that,’ she whispers, pressing a kiss on his jaw.
He gently places his hand on her tiny bump and she places her hand on top of his. ‘God, you are so amazing,’ he chuckles.
‘Don’t forget to give yourself credit, Henry,’ she says. ‘Remember, you are going to be a wonderful father, I just know it. You have already proven how much of an excellent dad you are with Vanessa.’
‘Can I take you with me for just a second?’ he asks, looking over at how Piers and Niki are showing off their football skills, though Vanessa doesn’t seem impressed at all.
Henry carefully pulls Olivia with him, until they are inside. He clears his throat and asks: ‘Should I share this with my fans?’ It has been a question that has been running through his thoughts for quite a while now.
Since he met Olivia, he posted pictures of course. After he first met her, he took a picture of Kal on the couch, looking a little sad and he wrote in the caption: Thanks to the greatest veterinarian who did pick up at three in the morning, Kal is all okay now after he vomited over my new carpet, though I was informed that he was kinda fat, so I have to work on that.
After that he posted pictures of Kal, of the Christmas tree and the cookies that he attempted to make for them. But he kept both of them out of the picture and since Valentines Day, he didn’t post anything.
Olivia smiles before she nods. ‘You can, as long as my face or Vanessa’s isn’t splattered on the news.’
Henry scoffs. ‘You think I’d allow that?’ He leans in to press a kiss on her forehead. ‘I just feel like I should tell them that we are expecting.’
‘You should tell the whole story,’ she tells him, grabbing his hands. ‘That you have a girlfriend, adopted Vanessa and that we are expecting.’
‘Are you sure?’ he asks. ‘I mean, I know that you two didn’t ask to be in the spotlights like that and I don’t want to force it on you.’
She pulls him closer and gives him a long kiss on his lips. ‘I am one hundred percent sure, sweetheart.’
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kieralee: sooooo, we are getting Dad!Henry content? because i’m up for it!!!!
julia5487: hold up… he adopted someones kid and now they are having a kid on their own? wth happened?
muziarealm: I really want to see the lucky ass lady who is giving him babies.
kittycat421: OMG THIS IS SO AWESOME?!?!?!?!?!?!
ursula_9903: HOLY CRAP!!!!!! congratulations are in order!!!
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Scars That Heal || Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader Series
• Ch. 1: Please Don’t Go, Girl •
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- 𝗝𝗨𝗡𝗘 𝟭𝟵𝟴𝟵 -
     The final bell at Derry High School rang, doors flung open and a mix of disorderly students had spilled out into the halls like sheep. Books were being hurled into the trash, lockers emptied out, papers were strewn all over - summer had officially commenced. Swept up among the madness is Bill Denbrough, Richie Tozier, Stan Uris, and Eddie Kaspbrak.
     Eddie was abnormally small for his age, his inhaler holstered in his medicine-filled fanny pack to his left, Stan. A tall boy with curly blonde hair and wore a kippah, next to him was Bill, a young gangly boy with a stutter. And Richie Tozier, who wore glasses and was notorious for being a trash mouth. He was Eddie's best friend.
     In that same moment, one floor down, Y/n L/n flooded into the hallway with her classmates, exhaling in relief. She scanned the hallways and glazed over the many figures of the crowd hoping to catch sight of a familiar head of fiery red hair that belonged to her best friend. Beverly had excused herself near the end of class for a smoke in the girl’s bathroom, naturally, that was where she was headed to find her friend.
     Y/n weaved her way through the hallway stuffed with people, walking on her toes hoping to get a better look above the mass of heads. She passed through the stairway, cringing at the sudden influx in volume caused by the echo from the rowdy students in the stairway. That's when she spotted Greta Bowie.
     Y/n cursed under her breath as she saw the 13-year-old bully heading for the top of the stairs. She got a bad feeling in her stomach and she immediately knew where Greta was headed.
     Beverly and Y/n were the bully's favorite victims, particularly Bev. And Y/n had an inkling Greta was looking for her Beverly too.
     Y/n sprinted up the steps after her, the swarm of students blocking her way. Up ahead, she saw Greta reach the landing of the second floor and she shoved herself past one of Richie Tozier's friends, who turned to glare at her.
     At that moment, two rambunctious boys who were racing down the stairs, and much too absorbed in their interaction hadn't seemed to realize they were obstructing her path. And blocking Greta out in the process.
     She huffed. "Do you mind- Hey!"
     Rather than stop, the two boys blew past her on either side, their shoulders crashing into hers as they sneered. Her heart leaped into her throat as she felt herself lose balance. She lost her footing and was sent tumbling backward down a few stairs and onto the landing, a few students slowing her fall. Luckily, she hadn't made it far up the stairs. Had she, and Y/n would have left the school in a wheelchair, or worse.
     Laughter erupted around her and she lay there, the wind knocked out of her. The two boys never even acknowledged the damage they had caused and they were well on their way to the exit of the school. Figures.
     "Hey, are y-y-you, o-okay?" Y/n peered up and saw four boys hurrying down the steps towards her.
     One of the boys, Richie Tozier, she recognized. At Derry High School, it was almost impossible not to know about the trash mouth, but she also had a handful of classes with him. They had even been partnered up once at the beginning of the year.
     Y/n had a hard time figuring out what he actually sounded like that day, he kept switching between so many different accents.
     "I'm fine," She sat up abruptly, wincing and hissed in pain, clutching her elbow.
     "You sure?" Asked the curly-haired boy, who was peeking his slightly over his friends. "That was some fall you took."
     "You know toots, when people come barreling towards me, I usually get out of the way, but you know, that's just me." Said Richie, readjusting his glasses.
     Y/n rolled her eyes, huffing. "Ever learn how to shut up, Tozier?"
     "Nah, still trying to crack that one."
     Eddie, who had been unusually quiet, hesitantly brought his hand out to her to help her up. She took it gratefully, forcing a smile, still wincing from her fall. And Y/n muttered a thanks.
     The poor hypochondriac boy realized what he had done and quickly reached into his fanny pack, grabbing his pocket-sized hand sanitizer. He squeezed a small amount into his palm and quickly rubbed it into his hands frantically, though a small blush resided on his cheeks.
     Y/n would have taken slight offense to the kid's actions but she was far too distracted by the fact that Greta had gotten away.
     She was probably terrorizing Beverly right now, Y/n thought.
     "Are you sure you're okay? That looked like a really bad fall." Stan asked.
     Y/n forced another smile as she rotated her ankle wincing. "Yeah, I'm fine thanks. Look I rea-"
     Eddie, whose voice finally caught up with his brain, began speaking rapidly, cutting her off unintentionally.
     "You should take extra precaution with your ankle for a while. Did you know over one million stair related injuries occur every year, and people who have them, statistically speaking are more likely to experience another incident due to injury from the first fall?"
     Y/n blinked a few times, still trying to catch up with his words. Richie and Stan smirked at one another and Bill looked between his friend and the baffled girl before him. Bill remembered how it was hearing Eddie speak for the first time. It took him a couple of weeks before he could hold a conversation with him without asking him to repeat himself.
     "Uh, yeah, I think I heard that somewhere, thanks. I'll keep an eye on it. Uh, listen, thanks for the concern, and the help, but I really gotta go," Y/n said quickly, not as fast, but close to, Eddie's speed.
     The unexpected response triggered a few raised eyebrows among the three boys, and a small smile formed on Eddie's face.
     Y/n nodded and gestured to the top of the stairs behind them.
     "Excuse me," She said, pushing her way through between Eddie and Stan.
     Eddie and the rest of the boys turned and watched as she squeezed through the flood of students like a fish swimming upstream. Eventually, they saw her [b/t] figure disappear into the crowd at the top of the stairs.
     Without his eyes leaving the spot through which she disappeared, Eddie spoke up.
     "Hey, Richie, who was that?"
     Richie looked between his best friend and the stairs.
     "Y/n L/n. Why? You want to get in her pants?" He chuckled.
     Eddie's face scrunched up and he shook his head feverishly, though it didn't stop Richie from noticing the pinkish hue creeping up on Eddie's cheeks and Richie suddenly regretted his joke.
     "Aw, nothing to be ashamed of Eds. We're happy you're finally going after a woman that's not your mother!" Richie said, plastering on a smirk.
     Eddie then launched into a lecture about the nickname and the four boys continued downstairs.
     Meanwhile, at just past the top of the stairs Y/n approached the bathroom just as Greta and her posse were leaving. They were snickering and Greta met Y/n's eye and burst into laughter, her friends following suit.
     "Oh, crap." Y/n took off into the bathroom.
     Y/n didn't need to hear a response to figure out where her friend was. She winced when she saw the water pooling out from the far right stall. Mixed into it were various pieces of garbage that were floating amongst it.
     "Beverly? It's me, come on open up," Y/n knocked softly on the stall, and she took a step back when it swung open.
     There Beverly stood, her legs and the end of her dress soaked and dripping. Beverly looked at her best friend, a deadpan look on her face. She held her drenched backpack out away from herself, it swung slightly where the handle was hooked around her finger. There were wet napkins and paper towels that still clung to her backpack.
     "Shit, I'm sorry. I tried going after her, but I... guess I fell short." Y/n chuckled weakly at her own joke, but quickly shook her head. "Never mind. Here, let's get you dried off."
     "Best feeling in the world,"
     Stan emptied the contents of his backpack into the trashcan in the courtyard, his friends did the same.
     Richie turned to his friend, putting his backpack back on.
     "Yeah? Try tickling your pickle for the first time."
     Eddie, who was used to ignoring the cheeky quips from Richie, turned to the others.
     "Hey, what do you guys want to do tomorrow?"
     Richie looked to Eddie, answering as if it was the most obvious thing in the universe.
     "I start my training."
     "Wait, what training?"
     "Street Fighter."
     "Is that how you wanna spend your summer? Inside of an arcade?"
     Without missing a beat, Richie replied and shrugged.
     "Beats spending it inside your mother," he turned to Stan, waiting for a high five.
     Without a thought, Stan forced Richie's arm down, and the conversation continued.
     "What if we go to the quarry?" He asked.
     Bill leaned slightly on the trashcans as he replied.
     "Guys, we have the b-b-ba-barrens,"
     An awkward silence fell over them and Stan nodded in understanding. "Right."
     At that moment, Eddie caught sight of a woman standing on the sidewalk, her eyes puffy from crying. They were accompanied by bags under them, and she waited with the police. She scanned the entryway, hoping to find a familiar face.
     Eddie nodded. "Betty Ribosome's mom,"
     The boys all turned to follow his eye.
     "Is she really expecting to see her come out of that school?" Stan asked sadly.
     "I don't know," Eddie muttered. "As if Betty Ripsome's been hiding in Home Ec. for the last few weeks."
     "You think they'll actually find her?"
     Richie answered immediately, with a slight scoff.
     "Sure. In a ditch. All decomposed, covered in worms and maggots, smelling like Eddie's mom's underwear."
     Eddie cringed and began sputtering. "Shut up! That's fricking disgusting."
     "S-she’s not dead." Bill urged. "S-sh-she's just m-missing."
     Richie adjusted his glasses nervously, and he felt a twinge of guilt knowing he hit a sore subject with his friend. Bill was still insistent that his own younger brother was still missing. After his little brother's disappearance months ago, still hoping he was out there somewhere.
     "Sorry, Bill. She's missing."
     Another silence fell over the four friends. They began walking away towards their bikes.
     "You know, the Barrens aren't that bad," Richie began. "Who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water?"
     Richie was stopped in his tracks, a hand had reached out and grabbed his backpack, and before he knew it he was thrown into Stan and the two boys fell in the grass.
     Patrick Hockstetter kneeled over Stan. He wore a wicked grin and was waving his kippah in his face. "Nice frisbee, flamer."
     Stan reached desperately for it, but Patrick kept it well out of his reach. "Give it back!"
     He rose to his feet and tossed the kippah straight into an open window of a passing school bus. "Fucking losers!"
     Eddie was too distracted to notice Belch Huggins creep up behind him. He burped into his face, causing him to gag profusely and Belch gave him a shove.
     Henry Bowers, the leader of the little gang and the one who knocked over Stan and Richie, stormed passed the boys. Bill went red in the face with anger and he shouted after them.
     "Y-y-you, s-s-s-suck, Bowers!"
"Shut up, Bill!" Richie warned.
     But it was too late, Henry and his friends stopped in their tracks, turning around to face the stuttering boy.
     "You suh-suh-suh-say something, buh-buh-buh-Billy?" He asked, feigning a stutter.
     He stalked towards him, towering over him menacingly.
     "You got a free ride this year 'cause of your little brother. Ride's over, Denbrough."
     Henry caught the noise of indistinct radio chatter and he looked past Bill, at his father, the chief of police. The scruffy man took off his glasses and glared at his son. Henry tried to shake it off but he backed up slightly.
     "This summer's gonna be a hurt train, for you and your faggot friends."
     Henry licked his palm and wiped it across Bill's face. Patrick snickered and three bullies retreated the car, where their other friend Victor Criss was waiting.
     Stan and Richie joined Bill and Eddie's side, glaring after the Bowers Gang.
     "I wish he'd go missing," Richie muttered.
     Eddie nodded. "He's probably the one doing it."
     Ben Hanscom grabs the handles of his bike with one hand and carefully moves it out of the rack. He was balancing a diorama of the Derry Standpipe in his other hand. He looked around the courtyard briefly, seeing the noiseless chatter of students around him as his music blasts in his ears. Completely unaware he and his bike were blocking the stairs.
     A now somewhat dry Beverly Marsh stood on the stairs waiting to pass. Y/n, who had helped her dry off in the bathroom, had promptly realized she never had the chance to clean out her locker. The duo decided to meet each other at their shared apartment complex. To kick off the summer break, Beverly was going to stay at Y/n's apartment for the night, and get a much-deserved break from her father.
     Beverly prickled at the small obstacle. She was impatient from the day's events and to get home and grab a change of clothes before her father got home from work. Eager to disappear to Y/n's next door. But the boy blocking the stairs didn't seem to know he was even doing it.
      "You gonna let me go by?" Beverly asked, bringing him out of his stupor. "Or is there a secret password or something?"
     Ben turned suddenly, and when he saw who it was before him, his stomach did flips and his heart was aflutter. He harbored a crush for the girl, ever since he first laid eyes on her in class. She never failed to make him blush, just with a simple look.
     "Oh," he turned his head down to the ground quickly to hide his scarlet face. "Um, sorry,"
     "Sorry's not," She trailed off when the diorama he had been holding fell to the ground, and he scrambled to pick it up. "password."
     Just as he had picked up his diorama, his bike fell to the ground. She felt a wave of guilt for being snarky, he was clearly sorry and at this point she knew, he had enough on his plate. Someone they both had to worry about. Henry Bowers.
     "Henry and his goons are over by the west entrance, so you should be fine," she eased, and Ben looked at her taken aback.
     "Oh, I wasn't--"
     "Everyone knows he's looking for you," she nodded.
     Ben sighed and shied away. She smiled and took a few steps forward, grabbing the headphones off his head.
     "What you listening to?"
     Ben was in shock, but he stood still waiting for the inevitable teasing she would bring. But instead she smiled brightly, making his heart pound faster and he could feel his face grow hotter.
     "New Kids on The Block," She took the headphones back off.
     "I don't even like them. I was just--"
     "Wait. You're the new kid, right? Now I get it."
     His heart sunk.
     "There's nothing to get."
     "I'm just messing with you," she assured.
     She placed the headphones on top of his head, and he promptly grabbed them, wrapping them around his head as best he could with one hand.
     "I'm Beverly Marsh"
     "Yeah. I know that 'cause we're in the same class. Social Studies. And you were..." he trailed off, and shook his head slightly. "I'm Ben. But pretty much everybody just calls me..."
     "The new kid," Beverly finished, nodded in understanding. "Well, Ben, there are worse things to be called. Let me sign this."
     She stepped forward, grabbing the yearbook she had spotted sticking out of his backpack. Bev eagerly opened it up to the front and her face fell seeing nothing but blank pages save for the word typed in black ink, 'Autographs'. Grabbing the pen from her belt, she bit the cap and held it between her teeth as she signed her name, unknowingly being watched in admiration by Ben. His eyes just poking up from the book.
     She recapped the pen and handed the yearbook back to Ben. "Stay cool, Ben from sosh class."
     "Uh, yeah," He turned to watch her leave, smiling brightly after her. "You too, Beverly."
     As he watched her walk away, she called without turning her head, acknowledging his response. "Hang tough, new kid on the block."
     Ben smirked at her clever reference to the boy bands' song, and a big stupid grin formed on his face. He chuckled, shaking his head softly, not believing his luck and her kindness.
     He called back out to her, moments too late. "Please Don't Go, Girl. That's the name of another New Kids on the Block song,"
     His words trailed off, knowing he had been too late. Hopefully, she hadn't heard it, he thought. And it seemed she hadn't. He shook his head, ashamed but relieved she hadn't heard it. Nevertheless, he had a new firm hand on his bike and diorama, determined not to drop them again and he walked his bike to the entrance, his headphones trailing behind him and his heart still aflutter.
     Who cares that no one else signed my yearbook, he thought. When the only person he actually wanted to, did.
@seasidecrowbar @bevxmarsh @supernovavision @readyforitbitch @classiprincess @edsloveshisrichie @sivords @ravenclawsprincess @pigwidgexn @kricketwritesstories @sweetpeasserpentprincess23 @plum-duels @edmunds-torch @eddiegaykaspbrak @rosi3e @welcome-to-derry @beepbeep-pennywise @candycorntroll @bibliophilesquared @ongaku-ato-kakikomi @cocastyle @peachysinnermon @mochibarnes @captainshazamerica
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theladylabyrinth · 7 years
Come Away With Me
So, this is my first ever fan fiction, and it is a rea person fic. I know they are controversial and a lot of people find them uncomfortable, so if you don’t like it, please feel free to keep scrolling. I personally enjoy imagining the healthy and joyful relationship that these two have in my own way.
Huge shout out to @paperlesscrown for beta‘ing and encouraging me to write this idea, and to @jandjsalmon for beta’ing for me as well (the queen of editing!) I wouldn’t have done this if it hadn’t been for you two!
“We can walk it back later. We can and we will.” Lili delivered the line as she wiped a very real tear from her cheek. Cole had been eating lunch at craft services after finishing up his scenes for the day, and he was waiting for Lili to finish up as well so they could head home together.
However, he had gotten distracted from his sandwich when he heard the broken sound of Lili’s voice as Betty, speaking to KJ as Archie. His heart broke as he watched her swipe at her red-rimmed eyes and tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. When the director finally called “cut” on the scene, she took a deep, shaky breath and KJ gave her a bear hug and said something that made her laugh before walking off to head back to his trailer. Cole smiled a little to see his girlfriend’s spirits lifted, even momentarily. He stayed back for a moment to let her collect herself before walking softly to her and offering a hand to lead her back to her trailer.
They walked in silence, Cole knowing that Lili would need the time and fresh air to separate herself from the heartbreak her character was experiencing. When they got to her trailer door, he went inside with her and sat on her couch and scrolled instagram while she changed and washed her face, only speaking when she started collecting her things in her bag to go home.
“Hey Lil, you doing ok?”
“Yeah…Yeah, I am,” she said with a somewhat-forced smile, much less bright than the usual 100-watt grin reserved just for him. “It’s just that this episode has taken so much out of me. I’m just ready to get home and rest ASAP.”
They still had several days left of filming that episode, so Cole was a little worried. Even the table read had had a few cast members dabbing at their eyes. But he knew that Lili’s anxiety had been worse since the Teen Choice Awards. The time on the red carpet, on stage, and the exposure at the airport as they headed back to Vancouver right away had taken a lot of energy out of her. To be filming this challenging episode right away couldn’t be easy on her, but he hoped that some relaxing and Netflix plus a good night’s sleep would help her get back to herself.
Cole stayed quiet on the way home and even as they entered their apartment, giving her her space. Lili dropped her things, immediately heading to the bathroom. He heard the bath water start to run and he put the kettle on and got down a mug and a bag of her favorite tea. A half hour later, Lili emerged from the bathroom wearing her favorite white button down that he’d worn at Coachella along with light blue panties that he could just barely see the edges of underneath his shirt. Her hair was in a messy bun and her soft skin was pink and splotchy from the hot water. She smelled of chamomile and lavender. He smiled as he handed her the mug of tea and pulled back the throw on the couch for her to snuggle into him. He had queued up Stranger Things, and as she nestled into his side, she murmured a soft “thank you”. He kissed the top of her head in response and draped his arm over her waist as she sipped the perfectly cooled tea.
No sooner than she’d finished the mug and set it on the coffee table, he heard her soft breaths even out and he knew she was out for the night. He gently extricated himself from underneath her, and turned to lift her off the couch bridal-style and deposited her into their bed. She had hardly stirred even with all his awkward movements, and he hoped that this deep sleep would help her to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start over.
Cole had the next day off and he’d spent it at home, doing his best to recover from his own anxiety after the Teen Choice Awards. He took a walk to take a few pictures around Vancouver and played video games, and even called his brother to catch up.
He had felt a little better that morning since Lili had woken up with a smile and left for work with her usual pep back in her step. She seemed more herself and he hoped her scheduled scenes for the day would be less taxing than yesterday’s. He knew she had a night shoot that evening so he didn’t wait up for her. After hitting a bar down the street with friends, he crashed in their bed and sleep found him quickly, for which he was thankful because he had to be on set bright and early.
However, his dreams of sleep were crushed a few hours later when he awoke to see that the clock read 4 am. More alarming, however, was the sound of quiet sobbing coming from the living room.
Cole flung his legs out of bed and padded softly into the living room where he saw his beautiful girlfriend on the patio with the throw from the couch wrapped around her, her small frame shaking slightly as she sobbed and hiccupped into her folded arms.
Cole knew better than to ask what was wrong. He knew she had had to shoot late into the night and may have only been home for a hour or two. He quietly took his place next to her on the floor of the balcony and asked, “Which scene?”
Lili lifted her head and smeared her sleeve across her eye. He noticed that she hadn’t even bothered to wash off her Betty make up before leaving set - something he had never seen Lili forget to do. After a few moments of silence between them, punctuated only by her breath catching on its way in and out of her body, she whispered, “the bus stop.”
Cole nodded his understanding and wrapped his arm around her shoulder to pull her into his chest. He had seen her rehearse that scene and even then his heart had wrenched at her pain. He knew her acting was phenomenal, but he also knew that the emotions she portrayed on screen came from a very real place inside her, as he was the one who saw the aftermath of every scene, including the most difficult.
He thought several months back to when they filmed episode one and, more specifically, her scene with KJ where Betty confronted Archie about his feelings for her. Cole and Lili had just begun to get to know each other then, but when he had come across her sobbing in Betty’s pink homecoming dress behind one of the set props, he sat down by her and wordlessly let her sink into him and cry until she was done, and then he walked her back to her trailer, using every quirky joke he had to try and bring a smile back to her face on the way.
A moist feeling on his chest brought him back to the present, and he realized that Lili’s tears had slowly soaked through the sweatshirt he’d worn to bed. Only when the cool night air hit the wet spot and gave him a chill did he realize that Lili was shivering behind her sobs, and he gently helped her to her feet and into the bathroom to help her get ready for bed. He sat dozing outside the door while she showered, and brushed her hair silently when she came out wearing his t shirt from that day with her favorite sleep pants. She climbed into bed with him and, with a shaky breath, she let sleep consume her instantly. As he watched her face slip into a peaceful expression, he realized that that was the first time he had seen her calm and happy in days. And it was then that he knew he had to do something to take her away from this when it was over.
The last scene either Lili or Cole had to film for the episode was their scene together at Pop’s. As he sat across from her and spoke his lines, he knew the anguish he saw on Betty’s face was actually Lili’s. She had thrown herself into this episode so passionately, and even as his heart swelled with pride for her incredible talent, it also ached for her. Between takes, his mind wandered to the backseat of his Jeep where his red suitcase sat full of both of their most comfortable clothes to last them the weekend. He had had to sneak it out while Lili was still asleep that morning, and hid it underneath the blue woven blanket he kept in the back. One last time before filming again, his mind ticked through all the reservations he’d made to make sure that everything this weekend would run smoothly and be a balm to Lili’s anxiety.
A while after filming, he emerged (de-juggified) from his trailer to meet Lili and as he walked toward her across the parking lot where their trailers sat, he was grateful that he’d planned their little surprise getaway. Her feet dragged the ground and her normally glowing face was sunken and marred by heavy bags under her eyes. When she met him he slung her bag off her shoulder and onto his in one fluid motion, and took the brunt of her weight as she sunk into him. He turned them both in the direction of the Jeep, and as he opened her door for her to climb in, she finally spoke in a small, tired voice.
“Can we please go to Taco Bell for dinner? I really need a soft taco. And one of your famous Baja blast margaritas.”
Cole smirked sheepishly and responded, “Taco Bell sounds great, but we’ll have to save the margaritas for another time. I may be quite the scoundrel but I don’t drive with open containers in the car.”
Lili’s brow furrowed in confusion. “What the hell are you talking about? We’re just going home…aren’t we?”
Cole thought about how to spring the news on her as he put the Jeep in drive and turned around to back out of his parking spot. He hadn’t really gotten to that part in his plans, so he decided to just come out with it. “Well, actually, we’re going to Whistler. You’ve just been so exhausted this week with filming this episode and I thought it seemed like you could use an escape from the Couv for a while. If you don’t feel up to traveling though, I totally understand. I can call and cancel everything, though all I really reserved was the hotel and dinner because I wanted you to be able to deci-“
Cole’s nervous rambling was cut off when Lili choked out a sob next to him. He slammed the brakes on his coast through the parking lot but before he could start apologizing, Lili mustered up the last of her energy to lunge across the gearshift to give him a salty, tearful kiss. She leaned back to her seat and wiped tears from her eyes as she grinned stupidly.
Cole sat frozen in the driver’s seat with a confused but optimistic smile. “So the vacation was a good idea?” he tried tentatively after a few breaths.
“Yes, Cole, this is the sweetest, most considerate thing anyone’s ever done for me! Thank you so much, seriously, you have no idea how badly I need to leave Vancouver right now. But we have to stop at the apartment so I can pack - I don’t have anything! I don’t have any clothes or my moisturizer, I-“
Now it was Cole’s turn to cut Lili off with a soft, smiling kiss. “Don’t worry, love. Everything has been taken care of. I promise. Do you trust me?”
“Absolutely,” Lili replied with a smile and one final overjoyed tear.
“Good.” Cole smirked confidently and took off once again, his destination plugged into Google Maps, and his hand on the thigh of the sweet blonde next to him who drifted off to a peaceful sleep before they hit the interstate.
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Jan. 1, 2020
Bennie C. Eller
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 Mr. Bennie Cleveland Eller, age 81 of Millers Creek passed away Monday, December 30, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
               Funeral services were January 2,  at Arbor Grove United Methodist Church with Rev. Dr. Susan Pillsbury-Taylor officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery.  
               Mr. Eller was born September 18, 1938 in Wilkes County to Russell and Mona Victoria Lovette Eller.  He was a member of Arbor Grove United Methodist Church where he held several positions in the church.  He was also a charter member of the Arbor Grove United Methodist Men's Club. He worked for Holly Farms/Tyson Foods for 35 years as 1st Shift Plant Superintendent.  He worked on the chain-gang for West Wilkes High  School for 30 plus years.
               In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by a sister; Connie Faye Parsons, a brother; Harold Dean Eller.
               He is survived by his wife; Esther Shepherd Eller of the home, one daughter; Sandra Bell of Millers Creek, one son; Rodney Eller and wife Lisa of Millers Creek, two grandchildren; Amanda Bell Chapman and husband Nathan of Cullowhee, Lindsay Eller of Millers Creek, great grandchildren; Hayden, Garret and Brodie Chapman and a sister-in-law; Emogene Eller and a niece and nephews.
               Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Arbor Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery Fund, c/o Lois Doss, 480 Old Hwy 60, Millers Creek, NC 28651.
Betty Shew,  85
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Betty Anderson Shew, age 85, of Wilkesboro, passed away Monday, December 30, 2019 at her home. Mrs. Shew was born December 6, 1934 in Wilkes County to Walter and Carrie Wiles Anderson. She loved making pound cakes, fudge and camping. She was a member of Fishing Creek Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband; Pete Shew, two sisters; Ella Sue Barker and Carol Jean McCulley.
               Mrs. Shew is survived by one son; Randall Wayne Shew, and wife, Barbara, of Wilkesboro, one grandson; Jimmy Wayne Shew of Wilkesboro, two great-grandchildren; Ryan Shew and Aaron Shew, two sisters; Mary Blackburn, and husband, Ray, of Concord, and Judy Call of North Wilkesboro.
               Funeral Service will be held 2:00 PM, Wednesday, January 1, 2020 at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Richard Cardwell officiating. A private burial will follow. The family will receive friends 1:00 to 2:00 PM, prior to the service, at Miller Funeral Service. Flower will be accepted or memorials may be made to; Fishing Creek Baptist Church, c/o Freida Smithey, 925 Old Hwy 60, Wilkesboro, NC 28697
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Linda Triplett, 78
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Mrs. Linda Rea Shepherd Triplett, age 78 of Wilkesboro, widow of Dwight Elton Triplett, died Sunday, December 29, 2019 at Wilkes Senior Villages.
               Funeral services were December 31,  at Mount Zion Baptist Church (Ferguson) with Rev. Michael Johnson and Rev. Sherrill Wellborn officiating.  Burial was in the church cemetery.                                          Mrs. Triplett was born November 5, 1941 in Wilkes County to Bob and Faye Welch Shepherd.  She was a member of Mount Zion Baptist Church (Ferguson).
               In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Dwight Elton Triplett.
               She is survived by her daughter, Sara Hole and husband, Anthony, of Clemmons; her grandson, Nicholas Hole; her sister, Glenda Huffman of Danbury; and her brother John Shepherd and wife, Judy, of Purlear.  
               In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Mount Zion Baptist Church, P.O. Box 7, Ferguson NC 28624, or the American Lung Association, 401  Hawthorne Lane, Suite 110 #298, Charlotte NC 28204.
 Axel Barlow
Axel Mack Barlow, age 3 days passed away Saturday, December 28, 2019 at Forsyth Medical Center.
               Memorial services will be held 5:00 PM Friday, January 3, 2020 at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Chaplin Sherry Jones and Rev. Dwayne Andrews officiating.
               Axel Mack Barlow was born December 25, 2019 in Forsyth County to Terry "Plug" Barlow and Victoria Christy Black Lambert.
               He was preceded in death by grandfather; Jerry Barlow, great grandfather; Donnie Black and great grandparents; Ray and Lois Jenkins.
               He is survived by his parents of the home, two brothers; Riley Lambert and Justin Barlow, one sister; Nicole Barlow, grandparents; John and Vickie Black of Hiddenite, Bernice Barlow of Ferguson and great grandmother; Lucy Riley of Statesville.
               In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Donor's Choice.
 L.E. Johnson, 78
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Mr. L.E. Johnson, age 78 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, December 26, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston Salem.
               Funeral services were December 30,   at Fishing Creek Baptist Church with Rev. Darrell Poole officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.  
               Mr. Johnson was born March 6, 1941 in Wilkes County to Noah Clay and Florence Brown Johnson.
               He was retired from Duncan Electric. L.E. was a member of Fishing Creek Baptist Church. He was a beloved Little League Baseball Coach, enjoyed playing softball and loved to rabbit hunt.
               In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife Brenda Johnson and a brother in law; David Joines.
               He is survived by a daughter; Renae J. Ward and husband Darrell of Boone, a son; Brent Johnson and wife Annette of North Wilkesboro, four grandchildren; Nathan Ward and wife Kayla, Rachel Ward Brown and husband Thomas, Tiffany Leonard and husband Matt and Megan Johnson and Seth Bell, seven great grandchildren; Sydney Ward, Cole Ward, Haddie Brown, Caroline Elizabeth Brown, Bailey Leonard, Tripp Leonard and Leah Bell, two sisters; Linda Joines of Wilkesboro and Janet Dillard and husband Billy of North Wilkesboro, four brothers; Don Johnson and wife Lucille of North Wilkesboro, Robert Johnson, Jerry Johnson and wife Joyce of North Wilkesboro and Bill Johnson and wife Becky of North Wilkesboro and numerous nieces and nephews.
James Kerley, 80
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Mr. James Elbert Kerley, age 80 of Cherry Grove passed away, Wednesday, December 25, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem.
               Funeral services were December 29,  at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Eddie Tharpe officiating.  Burial will be in Parker Cemetery in Moravian Falls.
               Mr. Kerley was born September 24, 1939 in Wilkes County to Charlie and Flora Belle Anderson Kerley.  
               In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by his wife; Arlene Burgess Kerley, and a sister; Annie Sue Kerley
               He is survived by one daughter; Pamela Joyce Ostrander of Flint, MI, three sons; Del Kerley of Moravian Falls, Jason Elbert Kerley and Forrest M. Spitzer both of Flint, MI., eleven grandchildren, three sisters; Ruth Benge of Taylorsville, Martha Crabb of Roaring River, Marilyn Royal of Ferguson and two brothers, Don Kerley of North Wilkesboro and Jerry Kerley of Swartz Creek, MI and his companion; Iva Dean Mink and many friends.
               Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Edgewood Baptist Church, 2300 Edgewood Road, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
 Jean Glass, 90
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Jean Abell Garrett Glass, age 90 of Wilkesboro, NC passed away on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2019.
               Jean was born November 5, 1929 in Burlington, NC to the late Sheffield Horrace and Ruby Marie Abell. She was raised in Yanceyville, NC and attended Elon College.
               Jean lived a great life and followed many passions. When faced with struggles in life, she always persisted. She was a dedicated wife, mother, and family provider. Jean spent her life caring for others. Taking great pride in her cooking, she brought joy to her family and friends through food. Her children and grandchildren remember her baking delicious treats with great fondness.
               Jean was an avid music lover, enjoyed playing the piano, and singing. She was a great sight-reader and loved playing all types of music, particularly Christmas music, which was her favorite. She sang in the N. Wilkesboro Presbyterian Church Choir where she was a member and attended women's circle meetings and she passed her love of music on to her children and grandchildren.
               Jean had a competitive spirit and relished in playing games as a member of several bridge groups, playing scrabble, ping-pong, and other games with her family. One of her favorite hobbies was shopping and hunting for a good bargain.
               Jean also cared deeply for many people in her community. She enjoyed taking walks and talking with her friends and neighbors. She was a Girl Scout and served as a troop leader. Not only did Jean care for people, she loved taking care of her plants and enjoyed the beauty of flowers, especially orchids.
               In addition to her parents, Jean was preceded in death by her first husband, John Max Garrett, Jr; her second husband, Thomas Edgar Glass, Jr.; and her brother, Sheffield Horrace Abell, Jr.
               Jean is survived by her daughter, Victoria (Vicky) Garrett Kaneklides (spouse Norman) of Asheville; her son, John Keith Garrett (spouse Leasa) of N. Wilkesboro; four grandchildren, Joy Rogers (spouse Chris), John Kaneklides (spouse Regan), Madison Garrett, and Dylan Garrett; three great grandchildren, Noah & Miriam Rogers, and Malia Garrett-Holland; and her brother, Dr. James Curtis Abell (spouse Pat) of Statesville, NC.
               Funeral services were December 27,  at North Wilkesboro Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Steve Snipes officiating. Burial was at Mountlawn Memorial Park.
               The family wishes to thank all those who cared for her during her last days.
               Flowers are welcome and memorials may be made to Hospice of the Donors Choice.
 Ricky Lovette, 60
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Ricky Lovette, age 60, of Mulberry Way, died Tuesday, December 24, 2019.
               A memorial service will be held 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, January 1, 2020 at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Kent Wood officiating.
               Mr. Lovette was born April 5, 1959 in Wilkes County to Jimmy Nelson and Savannah Absher Lovette, Sr. He worked for his parents farm. Preceded his death; parents; Jim and Savannah Lovette, two sisters; Kathy Darnell, and Vicki Griffin, and his son; Eric Lovette.
Mr. Lovette is survived by; one brother; Jimmie Nelson Lovette, III, of Taylorsville, one nephew; Brian Griffin, of McGrady, two nieces; Andrea Grogan of West Jefferson and Julie Roberts of Monroe, grandchildren; Jacob Lovette of Wilkes County, Kaleb Lovette of Hamptonville, Katie Lovette of Wilkes County, and Kayleigh Renee Lovette of Hamptonville,
               In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the family to assist with funeral expenses c/o Andrea Grogan, 618 Cherry Ave. West Jefferson, NC 28694.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Lillian Call, 92
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Mrs. Lillian Opal Jarvis Call, age 92 of Elkin, passed away Monday, December 23, 2019 at Chatham Nursing Home in Elkin.
               Memorial services were December 28,  at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home with Rev. Ronnie Gregory officiating.
               Burial will be private.  
               Mrs. Call was born June 24, 1927 in Wilkes County to George Washington Jarvis and Minnie Eulala Miller She was retired from Holly Farms after 25 plus years. She was a member of Fairview Baptist Church.                                 Opal loved flowers and gardening and homemaking. Her hobbies were her grandchildren. She loved her family dearly.
               In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; James Monroe Call, a daughter; Mary Louise Long, infant son; James Kenneth Call, a son; Gary Wayne Call and two broth
ers; Jackson Paul Jarvis and Robert Jarvis.
               She is survived by a daughter; Dorothy Hayes and husband James of North Wilkesboro, three sons; Jackie Call and wife Tammie of Ronda, James Call of Lexington SC and Tommy Harrold Call of North Wilkesboro, eight grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren.
               The family would like to thank the staff of Chatham Nursing and Rehab and Mtn. Valley Hospice for their care.
               Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Mountain Valley Hospice 401 Technology Lane Suite 200 Mt. Airy, NC 27030.
  Billy Farmer, 54
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Billy Ray Farmer, age 54, passed away Saturday, December 21, 2019, at Accordius Health at Wilkesboro. Mr. Farmer was born September 27, 1965 in Wilkes County to Raymond Jackson Farmer and Alice Sue Bare Farmer Lambert. He was preceded in death by his parents.
               A memorial service was December 27,  at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Christopher Shumate officiating.
               Mr. Farmer is survived by; two daughters; Tasha Benge and fiancé, Shawn Williams of North Wilkesboro and Shanna Holt and husband, Tim Hall, of Traphill, two sons; Bradlee Farmer, of Southern Pines and Casey Holt of Moravian Falls, three sisters; Sandra Phillips and husband Rodney, of McGrady, Debra Blackburn and husband Keith, of Roaring River, and April Roten, and husband, Scotty, of Roaring River, one brother; Joey Farmer of Roaring River, granddaughters; Lesley Benge of North Wilkesboro, Payton Holt of Moravian Falls, grandsons; Tyler Benge of North Wilkesboro and Daylon Hall of Traphill, also surviving; several nieces, nephews and great nieces and nephews.
               Flowers will be accepted.  
               Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Jackie  Pruitt, Jr., 42
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Mr. Jackie "Jack" Stephen Pruitt, Jr., age 42 of North Wilkesboro passed away Saturday, December 21, 2019.
               Graveside services were December 28,  at Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church Cemetery on the Absher Road with Rev. Travis Brown and Rev. Tracy Nichols officiating.
               Jack was born October 4, 1977 in Wilkes County to Jackie Stephen, Sr. and Patricia "Pat" Sidden Pruitt. He worked for a landscaping business.
               He was preceded in death by two brothers; Garry Sidden, Jr. and Galvin Sidden, his maternal grandparents; Lib Bossi and Lee Bossi and a paternal grandfather; Van Pruitt.
               He is survived by his parents of the home, and his wife; April Wiles Pruitt of North Wilkesboro, his children: Tyler Cranfield of Hays, Alyssa Perdue of Traphill, Brandon Pruitt of Traphill and Vana Pruitt of North Wilkesboro and his grandmother; Mary Pruitt of Traphill
Harvey Helton, 81
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               Mr. Harvey Dee Helton, 81, of North Wilkesboro, passed away on Saturday, December 21, 2019.
               Harvey was born on April 17, 1938 in Yadkin County to John Henry Helton and Arffi Mae Cook Helton.  
               Harvey  is preceded in death by his parents; son, Earl Wayne Helton; daughter, Mary Louise Helton; sisters, Mallie Marsh, Glade Goins,  Gladys Helton, Bertha Adams, Roberta Hutchins; brothers, Robert, Lewis, Cryrus, Clearnace Helton.
               Harvey is survived by his son, Jimmy Helton; daughter, Dena Triplett; sisters, Flora March, Martha G Key; brothers, James W. Helton, Fletcher Helton , 5 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.  
               The family will conduct a memorial service at a later date.
               Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Helton Family.
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