#betty barrel racer
partum-memoriae-muses · 9 months
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Name: Danielle McNeil
Series: Jojo's Bizarre Adventures Part 7
Faceclaim: Anna from Frozen and Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran Host Club
Stand: Picture To Burn
Horse: Sparks Fly
Age: 21
Height: 5'3"
Birthday: March 11th 1869
Birthplace: Ohio, United States
Orientation: Heterosexual
Species: Human
Occupation: Racer in the Speed Ball Run
Father: Tim McNeil
Mother: Betty McNeil
Sibling(s): Daniel McNeil and multiple other unnamed siblings
Danielle McNeil, a young woman who lives on a farm in Ohio with her parents, twin brother and younger siblings. While with other twins, many wonder who’s the younger and older twin, it was clear as day that Danielle was the younger twin and Danny was the older one. She was considered a crybaby as a child, easily startled by just about anything and a little shy. Her brother was confident, ran his mouth a little too much and was quite the trickster.
Yet things were peaceful, Danielle would help her mother with the farm animals while Danny would help their father with the tasks called ‘man’s work’, a term she never understood. Surely a girl could easily ride a horse at full speed or lift a barrel!
As much as she wanted to argue back, she was a timid lady and just stayed quiet as her brother ran their horses around the farm for work.
Although things were incredibly ordinary, a drought killing their crops in the summer and flood caused by a storm earlier in the fall would kill most of their animals. They only had a few chickens left from it, her family would surely be starving and left with nothing come the Winter.
All they had was one horse they could try to sell, an American Paint Horse named Sparks Fly. As much as they didn’t want to sell their horse, because she was their best mode of transportation, Danny came up with an idea.
The Steel Ball Run race had been announced by Steven Steel and the prize was a heft one, Danny proposed that if they scramble up enough money to enter, Danny could win and save them all from starving to death! Although it was a heft risk, Danielle’s parents agreed it was better than nothing and used every penny they had for an entry ticket.
Yet things took a turn for the worst again, Danny had gotten sick. They couldn’t afford a doctor to come out and look at him, but his skin is pale and he’s having a hard time breathing. He was so sick that he’s unable to race, but what were they going to do!?
Danielle thinks back to her younger years, how she wondered why women couldn’t do the same things men could and it’s when an idea pops into her. If a man can race a horse, a woman can too! Slamming her hand down on the table, showing an air of confidence to her, Danielle announced that she would enter the race in her brother’s place and win it.
Though her father was concerned, since Danielle was usually so timid and shy who couldn’t dare try to survive on her own, a determined Danielle slammed her mind again where she managed to convince her parents. On one condition anyway, Danielle would have to disguise herself as Danny.
Danielle cut off her long red hair, dyed it black and wore her brother’s clothes. His weak voice wished her luck while she promised him that she’d get a doctor to help him and save their family. Off Danielle went, disguised as a boy into the race.
Disguised as her twin brother in the race, Danielle has to try and act the way he did. She hides her worried face or jumpy personality by mimicking anger instead, telling people to back off as best she can. Her and Sparks Fly journey across all of America, but it won’t be easy.
Danielle has never been on a horse for long periods of time without feeling too scared, so she’ll have to work in getting Sparks Fly to listen to her. This race really is a challenge, one to prove how much Danielle can handle this ‘man’s world’.
Yet on the path to an attempt at victory, Danielle encountered a strange area in the Arizona Desert. Something about this area made her feel sick, and dizzy. It even startled Sparks Fly, where she took off running with the horse.
Danielle was starting to wonder if she caught whatever her brother had, but it seems to not be the case. On one particular night at camp, Danielle was lost in thought when…a camera appeared in her hands!? Unknown to her, she developed a stand through the power of the Devil’s Palm.
Picture To Burn is a stand that takes the form of a black 1950’s polaroid camera.
Whatever Danielle snaps a picture of with her stand, the area covered by the photograph will catch on fire. This includes people, animals and more.
Danielle has had to get her hands dirty and use Picture To Burn to cause forest fires to the people behind her, maybe only slightly realizing the damage she’s causing. Yet developing this stand changes a lot for her, it shows her the inner strength she had.
The downside of Picture To Burn is that it only effects what’s in it’s field of view which is that of a standard polaroid camera of that model. If someone wishes to avoid an attack, they would need to move from the attack. There is no timer on the camera either so Danielle cannot use it like a bomb for a race and it’s range is perhaps the shortest a stand can have, being within her arm’s reach.
The stand is technically indestructible, in that destroying the camera does not kill the user, but Danielle cannot bring it out for a while due to her own mind’s poor handling of panic. The only real way to put a rest to the camera’s flames is by killing Danielle herself, where she becomes a target as soon as her camera is destroyed.
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heelsdown-toesup · 6 years
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Abrupt Awe (Surprise Party/Fleet Foot), also known by his stage name Winged Wonder, Awe is a professional Wonderbolt like his mama's and part-time rescuer of ponies in awkward situations.
Ain't So (Flam Scam/Chancellor Neighsay Err), a professional scam artist like her father, So learned the law very well from her other one. Often found peddling dragon oil and pickpocketing the Canterlot Elite.
Almond Milk (Buttermilk Maid/Corn Bread), a small foal who quite enjoys talking to those sweet cows who live near Sacremareto.
Apple Crumble (Apple Brown Betty/Trouble Shoes), an adolescent hony who loves to both help her clown dad and bake with her mama, dreams of being a barrel-racer.
Apple Turnover (Peppermint Twist/Apple Bloom), quite the graceful ballerina, she blames her flexibility on only having three legs (her friends think it's because her father's a dancer).
April Showers (Gardener S. Delight/Spring Cleaning), terribly shy, often she can be found flying under small rainstorms.
Aroma Therapy (Lavender Essence/Birch Bucket), the best spa pony in town if you ever need any essential oil or smell help.
Art Easel, loves children, and after having her own, opened up an art studio where she and her wives can teach other Trottingham youth to draw, paint and craft.
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aaljakni · 6 years
7 Smart Ways Of Selecting Barrel Racing Horses For Sale In Iowa
By Betty Robinson
Riders like finding good steeds so that they can win the competition. However, finding a good athletic steed takes time. So many people are selling these animals, but you must find the best from a good seller or breeder. There are several things that buyers should consider before making the purchase. For example, you should find an animal that is athletic, speedy and healthy. This is because the animal will be used to race. The following factors should thus be considered when you start searching for barrel racing horses for sale in Iowa. To begin with, you should find a good seller. Some local breeders can sell the steed to you. However, they tend to be costly because there are not so many of these professionals locally. Hence, you can go to the local 4-h club, tack shop or request your trainer to refer you to the best sellers. This will help you find a good prad. If you do not have enough money to purchase the animal, a good option is leasing. Leasing is also convenient for people who do not want to commit to all the responsibilities of caring for the animal. If you rent the animal for the competition, you can take it back to the owner when the contest is over. However, if you want to own a steed, you can purchase it. However, before you start searching for this animal, ensure that you have gained experience in this kind of racing. This is because you may need to train the steed as well. Also, you cannot take part in the race if you do not have the experience. If you happen to be a new rider, it is wise to select an experienced animal. You should also be very selective when you are searching for these animals. Look for the breed that you are sure is the best. Also, look for the bloodline of the ponies. If you are convinced that they are what you want, you can buy them. If you have doubts, it is wise to research some more so that you can find the best. When you find the steed that seems to be speedy and athletic, it is very wise to confirm. There are things that you can look at to be sure. For instance, the hind legs of an athletic horse tend to be larger than the front ones. This is one of the indications that the steed is athletic. Additionally, you have to test the horse before you purchase it. When riding it, start by walking it, then trotting it, then lopping it. This will give you an idea whether the pony is well trained. More so, ride it along the casks and check its response. If it bucks, look for another animal. When you buy the animal, make sure you take the time to train it if it has not been trained before. Take the training slow to make the animal perfect. These steeds have to be trained slowly so that they can master what you want them to. Proper training makes the animals good racers.
About the Author:
You can get valuable tips for picking a horse breed and more information about barrel racing horses for sale in Iowa at https://ift.tt/2O2i0aa now.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2Q7Bg84 via 7 Smart Ways Of Selecting Barrel Racing Horses For Sale In Iowa
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