#beth this is the final part of the honesty trilogy
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funeral-clown · 6 years ago
at last, beth, the triad is complete
gay lawyers
Kevin Punt was an asshole. Violent. Angry. Sadistic.
You know, an asshole.
When Nelson and Murdock put him away for a few years, Foggy started resting a bit easier. Not much, because, well. Drop in the ocean. And. Well. Crime fighting partner with a masochistic streak. And. W e l l.
He didn’t sleep much.
But he slept better after locking Kevin Punt behind bars.
So when his parole hearing came up, he and Matt were quick to retake the case. The evidence was irrefutable, and the last thing they wanted was a monster like him back on the streets. 
Kevin Punt’s family was, to say the least, not pleased.
“Ma’am,” Matt interjected in his best ‘I am a sexy blind lawyer, please give me your attention and listen to me and maybe take your shirt off if you want haha just kidding but seriously listen to me’ voice (although that may just be Foggy’s interpretation). “I’m sorry you have to go through this again. But the fact of the matter is, your cousin was guilty. No one wants to face their family members’ dark side, but in Mr. Punt’s case, his violent tendencies and criminal persuasions make him a danger to the public.”
“My cousin,” the young woman hissed back, tears burning in her eyes like rage, “Was innocent. You’re liars. You’re as corrupt as everyone else in this damn city!”
“Hey,” Foggy began, “I know it’s hard to hear-”
His frankly very soothing tone apparently did not work. It was possible his frustration was poking through.
“He’s innocent! He would never hurt anyone, he’s just confused!”
“Sure,” Matt sighed, exhausted, “He didn’t commit egregious acts of violence. He just stumbled into that store owner with a baseball bat. Multiple times.”
“That’s unsubstantiated!”
“There was VIDEO!”
“Doctored evidence!”
“Miss Punt,” Matt broke through, a hint of his alter ego breaking through the thin veneer of civility, “I offer my condolences again. One can’t choose their relatives, and I admire your support. But I’m going to have to insist you leave.”
She stiffened.
“Fine,” she snapped, “But we’ll see how you silver-tongued lawyers do in court when the truth comes out.”
“Pretty sure we’ll rock it, ok, thanks for coming in! Bye!” Foggy watched as she stormed out the door. “Aaaaand she’s gone. Jesus, the whackadoo apple must consist of the whole family tree.”
Matt hummed.
“It was a little weird though, wasn’t it?”
“What she said. That last bit.”
Foggy shrugged.
“You didn’t see it, but she had desperate written all over her. She’s just another grieving family member with false hope. Sad, but not exactly uncommon. I expected her to say fake news next.”
Matt stared at the door, considering.
“Yeah,” he muttered.
“Anyway, are you hungry? I could murder some pad thai.”
Matt snorted, and the daily lunch argument began. The strange encounter soon fled to the back of his mind.
For the moment.
When Matt came in for work the next morning, his body was still sore from a relatively painful night. Not too much activity, with his reputation, but it just meant the people who were out and about were more prepared than usual. The armor could only do so much against a taser. Still, the ache was good. It was the ache of a job well done, an ache that saved lives. He took a quiet pride in it, in what his body could do. That said, the day would look much better after a cup of coffee.
“Wow,” Foggy remarked fondly, “You look like hell.”
Matt groaned.
“Do you ever get sick of making that pun?”
“Nah,” he said, “It feels fresh every time. Besides, you like the puns.”
“No, they’re childish and lame,” Matt says. 
This is not what comes out of Matt’s mouth.
“Yes, the teasing is a comforting reminder of how far we’ve come since you first discovered my vigilantism. I was afraid of losing you, and the fact that we can now openly joke about it is reassuring.”
Foggy stared, cup halfway to his mouth.
“Uh. Wow, buddy. Thanks for the. Honesty?”
Matt frowned.
“That’s. Not what I meant to say.”
“No, don’t wig out now. It’s kinda refreshing, not having to guess what you’re thinking.”
“Yeah,” Matt said dubiously, “I keep a lot of things private from you because I fear for your safety, and I know it frustrates you but I’m not willing to put you in harm’s way for my own sake.”
Matt glared down at his hands. Foggy’s eyes widened in shock.
“Are you feeling okay?”
Matt’s eyes snapped up.
“Lie to me.”
Foggy stood up, leaning over his desk.
“What’s that?”
“Lie to me. Something’s wrong. I need to make sure it’s just me.”
He could feel Foggy look him over.
“You look the same, pal. And by that I mean extremely attractive.”
Foggy breathed in sharply. Matt smirked.
“Let me guess.”
“I didn’t mean to say that!”
“Foggy. Something is very wrong.”
“I stole your pillow in college because it smelled like you and it helped me fall asleep!”
“Fog, I. You. Jesus, Foggy!”
“I need to leave right now immediately.”
Before he could stop him, his partner had grabbed his jacket and was out the door.
“Wait!” he called out. But Foggy was already gone.
Danny hummed thoughtfully over the phone, staring in consideration at the paper in front of him.
“Well, it’s a good thing you called me.”
Matt sighed.
“I couldn’t think of anyone else, and if I could have I would have called literally anyone else.”
“Rand, I can’t help it! I’m compelled to honesty!”
“Doesn’t mean you have to be a jerk. Well, more of a jerk than usual.”
Matt grit his teeth.
“You’re a man with the heart of a child and the power of at least a MINOR god, I don’t think you’re very responsible and quite frankly while I’m very proud of the strides you’ve taken with your company and wouldn’t want it in any other hands I’m morally opposed to billionaires.”
Danny nodded, beginning to fold creases into the paper.
“Yeah, sounds like a truth spell buddy. You piss off any witches?”
“None that I know of.”
Danny shrugged.
“I just shrugged.”
“I could hear it.”
“You can hear shrugs?”
“Look, best I can say is let it runs it’s course. These type of things are meant to teach us lessons.”
“I don’t have time for zen bullshit!”
“Sure, Catholic. Also tampering with the spell might make it permanent. Which.”
“Have fun saying your Hail Mary’s for that.”
“Good bye, Daniel.”
“Bye, Matt!”
He waited for the click before presenting the table with a perfectly folded paper football.
“You ready for this, Luke?”
“Oh, I was born ready.”
“Foggy,” Matt’s phone politely informed him. “Foggy. Foggy. Fo-”
“Answer,” he snapped.
“It’s a truth spell!” Foggy blurted.
“Yeah, I know. I talked to Danny.”
“Rand? Really?”
“He was on a magical temple for most of his life. How did you figure it out?”
“I just asked Stephen Strange.”
“I’m his lawyer. And I never grumble at him, so he likes me better.”
“What did Strange have to say?”
“He said it would probably run about a week, and if he tampered with it it might become permanent.”
“Sounds about the same.”
“You know who did this, right?”
Foggy growled.
“I am getting really sick of that family, Matt.”
“It’ll be over soon.”
“This is going to make working on the case hell.”
“Because now I have to actively resist telling everyone I know that you’re Daredevil. And I have to actively resist telling you that I-”
The dial tone clicked.
Foggy had apparently found a loophole.
It was awkward. They both left the room multiple times. Matt didn’t know what Foggy was keeping secret, but he sure as hell wasn’t about to admit he was in love with him. Even if it was obvious to everyone else.
“You know,” Foggy remarked over noodles, “This curse sucks, but like. It kinda evens the playing field.”
Matt quirked an eyebrow.
“Well, I mean. You can tell I’m lying whenever you want. But. Now I know for sure you’re not lying to me, either.”
“I’m sorry I hurt your trust enough that you worry about that.”
“I’m sorry you felt you couldn’t trust me.”
“I didn’t want to put you in harm’s way.”
“I’d put myself in harm’s way for you any day. We’re bros.”
Matt bit his tongue.
Matt bit harder.
“Matt, what the fuck your mouth is bleeding! What’s going on?”
“I’m trying to keep things to myself,” he grunted, hoarse.
“Jesus, Matt, do I need to leave?”
“I never want you to leave.”
“I never want you to leave.”
Foggy paused, wheeling the chair around the desk to be knee to knee with him. He radiated caution.
“Well. I never want to have to leave you, buddy.”
“I don’t,” Matt choked out, throat closing from the strain of keeping the words down, “Want to be your buddy.”
Foggy smelled hurt.
“Foggy. I don’t just want to be your buddy.”
Foggy gulped.
“I’ve been trying really hard, here, Matty.”
“I know.”
“I don’t. Want to misunderstand. But it hurts to not say what I want to say. What I’ve always wanted to say. And I don’t. I don’t want to say it, if you’re. If you’re not gonna say it back. Not gonna feel it back.”
“Foggy,” Matt whispered.
“I knew you took my pillow.”
“I know you knew.”
“I never asked to switch back.”
“No, you didn’t.”
Foggy’s hand shook as it reached forward and rested on Matt’s. His skin nearly screamed at the sensation, aching all over from the long time sense he had last been touched like this. Carefully. As if he were fragile. As if he could break.
“Foggy,” he breathed.
“I really want to kiss you,” he admitted, half hope and half rue.
“I’ve wanted you to kiss me for almost 7 years.”
“Well,” Foggy leaned in, “Better late than never.”
It was soft, and firm, and a little wet. It was an everyday, normal, average kiss.
Matt lit up everywhere like an electric panel, gasping as the sensation washed over him. Gripping his hair, he pulled Foggy in deeper, opening his mouth in an attempt to steal back his breath.
“I love you,” he whispered into his mouth, “I think I might have loved you my entire life. I just didn’t know it yet.”
Foggy’s hands tightened around his thighs.
“I love you too. I’ve loved you since we first met. I’ve loved you for so long I don’t know how not to love you.”
“Don’t learn,” Matt hissed, fierce. “Don’t learn how. If you left I’d be lost.”
“Don’t worry, Matty,” Foggy laughed, pulling him in closer by his tie, “You’re the fast learner.”
The trial wasn’t very long. They presented the evidence, spoke of the victim’s family, mentioned his irrational behavior, spoke of the personal threats they’d received in the mail. 
Every word of it was honest and true.
Kevin Punt did not receive parole.
His cousin stood in the audience, crying as he was taken away, screaming threats.
“It’s true,” she whispered. “He really did those terrible things.”
Foggy lay a comforting hand on her elbow.
“I’m sorry you had to find out this way.”
She nodded, sniffling.
“Also, you’re a bitch for placing that spell on us.”
She stiffened, before sighing and nodding again.
“I just wanted him to have every chance.”
Foggy squeezed her elbow and left.
“I guess I deserved that. You make someone speak truth, he’ll call you a bitch.”
“Oh, he would have called you that anyway.”
“Yeah, he doesn’t like it when his privacy is invaded. I should know, I’m Da-”
“MATT. I need you to come take me home until this thing wears off!”
Matt turned towards the door.
“Be right there, sweetheart.”
He offered his arm to the woman.
“Thank you.”
“For what? I need you to lead me to my partner.”
“Oh! Right, I’m sorry.”
“Not a problem.”
Bitch, he added silently.
“We’re going to have victory sex after this,” he added.
“The spell wore off after the hearing!”
“I know,” he was giddy, “I just wanted everyone to know. I’m a very lucky man.”
“That you are, Matt,” Foggy took his arm from the stricken woman and gave his hand a squeeze. “That you are.”
“Did you just wink at me?”
There were some benefits to honesty.
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