#beth my girlll
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conanssummerchild · 7 months ago
ive dipped my toes into a little bit of unserious fic writing for rnm and i felt it was about time i dropped an autistic rick fic 🫡
ive had this idea circling around in my head for a while but i wasn't really sure what direction the fic would go in but ive decided to go for some good old internalised ableism (me writing angst? shocking /sarc) bcs rick never seems to see his autism as a disadvantage which is super slay BUT there is also a lot of difficult things to deal with being autistic and you know that old fucker hates admitting he needs help with anything so im gonna fucking force him to >:) this is set in like maybe season 2 or early season 3 btw just to make rick even less inclined to admit he needs any help !!
ok enough yapping, here we gooo
It was awfully quiet in the house for a Saturday afternoon. Usually by now Rick would've come barging into the living room, demanding Morty come with him and tugging him through a portal without waiting for an affirmative answer, always at least a little drunk on whatever he could get his hands on.
Today there was none of that, only fragrant smells of whatever dinner Jerry was cooking coming from the kitchen, juxtaposed with the harsh screaming match going on between him and Beth. Summer was scrolling on her phone absently next to Morty on the sofa as he pretended to watch some film that Jerry insisted was a masterpiece on non-interdimensional TV.
Overall, it was a normal night at the Smith's house from before Rick had come into their lives, but Morty wasn't relaxed like he would've been before, or even upset over having to listen to his parents' petty argument. No, he was ansty, fidgeting around enough to earn several annoyed glances from Summer.
He combed back through his memories, doubting whether he'd seen Rick today at all. He hadn't been at lunch or breakfast, in fact Morty hadn't seen him at all since their brief adventure yesterday, during which Rick had been in an increasingly foul mood. Had no one else even noticed his disappearance?
"I'm gonna check on Rick." He blurted out, stumbling off the sofa.
Summer didn't even spare him a glance.
He tried not to run down the hallway, nervous jitters going through his whole body. What if he had left again? No, probably not, Morty had seen his ship in the driveway. Shit– Rick had thousands of enemies, what if he was lying dead in his room right now?
Morty knocked on Rick's door so hard his knuckles stung a little, ignoring the small buzzing sound that accompanied the knocks. He heard a groan akin to one of a dying man and some shuffling from inside the room.
"Rick?" Morty called out to no answer, anxiety only rising.
He shifted nervously from foot to foot. If he just barged into Rick's room and he was fine Rick would be super pissed, but if he didn't and Rick was dying Morty would never forgive himself.
He shoved the door open. It didn't have a lock anymore. Morty held his breath as his eyes darted around the room, he feared it would look like a crime scene, but it looked... normal. He hadn't been in Rick's room that many times but, despite the darkness and slight mess, nothing seemed particularly out of place.
Well, that was, of course, apart from the translucent green force field type thing in front of the door.
He frowned, calling Rick's name again, but he was lying in his cot, facing the wall, unresponsive. Not even seeming like he'd heard Morty, the rise and fall of his tense shoulders the only thing showing he was still alive.
Morty chanced a careful touch to the force field, preparing for some kind of electric shock, but none came, only a quiet hum was emmited as Morty's fingers passed through. Rick moved again slightly, but other than that showed no visible reaction.
The field gave way easily and Morty passed though completely, standing meekly at the doorway of Rick's room. He was surprised to find that it was silent, like completely. No sound passed through the green barrier, not the sounds of sizzling pans, or the movie playing faintly in the background. Nothing.
"Rick? A-are you okay?" It wasn't said particularly loudly, but it felt that way in the complete silence.
No answer. He took a step closer, repeating himself louder, in case Rick just hadn't heard. "Rick? W-what's– is everything good?"
He expected anything, from Rick yelling at him to the person in the bed just being an alien wearing Rick's face, not even Rick himself.
He didn't expect Rick to cover his ears and curl into himself further.
"Uh-" Morty hesitated. His head hurt? Was he, like, hungover? Dying?
He only paused for a second more before turning and running out of the room, if something really was greviously wrong with Rick he would much rather be safe than sorry.
"Mom!" He called, running into the kitchen, interrupting the argument going on abruptly.
Beth downed a large sip of her wine glass, emptying it and setting it down on the counter with a sharp clink.
"Morty, honey, the adults are talking right now." She said, rubbing her temples tiredly.
"Mom, something's w-w-wrong with Rick."
"What?" That got Beth's attention, straightening from where she was topping off her wine once more. "What's wrong with Rick?"
"I don't know." Morty replied, agitated. "He's in his room just– just lying there, he's not answering me."
Beth was already heading in the direction of his room—not without grabbing her wine. "Come on, sweetie." She said to Morty.
"Wha- Beth, come on! We were having a conversation here!" Jerry exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.
"I have more important things to deal with right now, Jerry." She said coldly.
Jerry's complaints were drowned out by Morty's rushing thoughts as he led Beth down the hall.
She peeked into the dark room without passing the noise-cancelling field, expression changing when she saw Rick curled into a ball, hands still clamped over his ears. While her frown stayed, a sort of realisation flashed in her eyes.
"Um, I think your grandpa just needs a little bit of alone time right now, okay? Let's give him some space." She said, taking a step back and closing the door gently.
"What? Why?"
"He just... Well, honestly, I don't know. I just vaguely remember he would get like this sometimes when I was a kid, when he was stressed. Mom always told me to just leave him alone for a while. I thought he'd probably grown out of it, like it was a midlife crisis thing or whatever. Guess not." She gave a small shrug.
That didn't really answer any of Morty's questions and raised several more, but Beth didn't seem to have the answers.
"Okay." Beth echoed, taking a swig of wine, her demeanour changing back to a bored one. "Well, I gotta go deal with Jerry now, go play video games, or something."
For the rest of that day, and then one more after that, Morty waited anxiously for Rick to emerge from his room. He felt like he was losing his mind, all while everyone else didn't even seem to care that Rick was gone at all.
He was picking at his pancakes uninterestedly when he finally caught a glimpse of blue hair in the hallway.
"Rick!" He exclaimed, making the old man nearly jump out of his skin.
"Jesus fucking christ, M-Morty." He muttered, grabbing some orange juice from the fridge and downing it straight from the carton.
"What happened?" Morty asked, getting up from the table and hovering by Rick. No one told him off for leaving the table. He could tell that they were all listening in on the conversation.
"What happened when?" Rick asked dismissively, playing dumb. He rummaged around in the overhead cupboard until he found an opened box of wafers. "What– who the fuck opened my wafers?"
Morty rolled his eyes. "You did, last week."
"Oh yeah." Rick shoved a wafer in his mouth.
"Rick, come on, seriously, I was worried."
"Well then maybe you should mind your own business, Morty."
Morty huffed. "What so you'd prefer I didn't care about you at all?"
"Yes. Obviously. Why does that surprise you? I've clearly stated it on multiple occasions."
"Well, I'm sorry, but I do care about you, Rick. I just want to make sure you're okay, because it seemed like you weren't" Morty said earnestly.
"Ugh, I'm fine, Morty." He scowled. "Don't be so– so weird about it."
"I'm weird?! Y-you're the weird one, Rick! Wh-what the hell is wrong with you? You just dissapear for– for two days and won't even tell me why? Can you give half a shit about anyone but yourself?"
"Jesus, I was overstimulated! O-okay? I'm autistic! Is that what you want to hear? You– you fucking dick."
Morty shook his head lightly, processing the stream of information "...What?"
"What? You can't be autistic." Jerry chimed in from the dining room.
"Okay, Jerry, and you won't be alive when I stuff your tiny dick in your mouth and freeze you, so we can put you on the mantle like some kind of fucked up decoration with your balls hanging out. Wait, actually, you will be alive. You'll feel the whole thing. Suuuper painful."
Rick snatched up Morty's virtually untouched stack of pancakes and sauntered out.
A quiet washed over the table, Morty looking over at Beth and seeing that she seemed just as surprised as him.
"What, you guys seriously didn't know?" Summer's bored voice broke through the silence.
"Y- you did?" Morty asked incredulously.
"Uh, duhh, Morty. It's like super obvious?" Summer drawled, not even looking up from whoever she was texting on her phone.
"How is it obvious?!"
"Becuase, Morty, I'm not uneducated like all of you guys."
"What? Wh-whatever, I'm just– I'm gonna go talk to him."
Summer didn't grace him with a response.
Morty peered into Rick's room but he wasn't there, so he wandered towards the garage. As he approached, he could already hear the sounds of Rick tinkering with something or other.
"H-hey, Rick." He said carefully, but Rick didn't seem particularly upset, offering Morty a small grunt in greeting.
"S-sorry I said there was something wrong with you." Morty added.
Rick looked up this time, quirking an eyebrow at him. "Okay?"
He went back to his project for a bit, but when Morty still didn't leave after several minutes he sighed, setting his wrench down harshly next to Morty's now half-eaten pancakes. "Yes, Morty?" He asked, irritated.
"I-I just... You could've told me, you know? That you're autistic. I'm not– you don't have to be, like... ashamed."
"Screw you, I'm not ashamed." Rick snapped. "L-look at me Morty, do you know how smart I am? You think any fucking neurotypical could ever reach my level of genius? Fuck no!"
He crossed his arms like a petulant child, pouting at the floor.
"Oh– Sorry." Morty stuttered. "I just thought..."
"What? That just because I'm autistic I have to be ashamed? Pretty ableist stuff there, Morty." Rick said sharply.
"No! Jeez, That's not– not what I meant, Rick. Jeez... I was gonna ask why you never t-talk about it, then?"
"Becuase it's none of y-your damn business, that's why."
"But– I mean, sure, but not even my mom knew. Did... did your wife? Did she know?"
Rick's shoulders tensed and he looked away, his loose grip on the table becoming harsher.
"She... knew." He said tightly.
"Did anyone else?" Morty made his tone a little gentler, seeing Rick wasn't exactly thrilled to talk about it.
"...Birdperson. And Squanchy."
"That's– no one else?"
Rick frowned. "My parents knew. But they didn't like it... Diane– my wife she was the first person I chose to tell myself."
"I'm sorry." Morty said quietly. "About your parents and... Diane."
Rick sat silently, staring at the work bench in front of him without saying a word.
"Is that... why you guys divorced, or?"
"No, Morty, jesus." Rick huffed. "She was actually the only one that didn't treat me like less than because of it. I mean, until BP and Squanch."
"So why–?"
"I don't want to talk about my failed marriage, M-morty." Rick sighed.
Rick shrugged.
Silence stretched on as Rick went back to his project again, it wasn't an uncomfortable silence, but it wasn't exactly comfortable either.
"It's embarrasing. Sometimes." Rick said haltingly. "When I get overstimulated. Becuase I know that doesn't happen to normal people and I don't like admitting I need help with things that other people don't. It's a sign of weakness."
"That's not–!"
"Shut the fuck up, Morty. This isn't a discussion, you got what you wanted out of me, so now you can fuck off."
"But, Rick you–"
"Morty, just fuck the fuck off."
Morty hesitated for a second, before lunging towards Rick and trapping him in a tight hug. Rick tensed up.
"Morty, you little shit, get off me!" Rick wriggled, trying to get out of Morty's embrace.
"I love you, grandpa. Thank you for opening up to me, I know it's hard for you." Morty whispered, which only made Rick thrash around harder. "I don't think you're weak, by the way. Or that there's anything wrong with you."
Morty finally pulled away from the hug and Rick crossed his arms again, his face now a little flushed in embarrasment.
"Don't do that again, you asshole." He grumbled. "I don't like it when you hug me."
"Sorry." Morty said, mostly meaning it. "Hugs always make me feel a lot better."
"Well I'm not you, Morty, and they m-m-make me uncomfortable."
"Sorry." He repeated. "But I-I still mean everything I said."
Rick pouted, turning away. Morty knew Rick was stubborn, and that he wasn't going to erase years of self-hatred and internalised ableism in a few minutes, but he hoped that one day Rick let him in enough to at least try.
"Okay, bye grandpa. Love you."
"Bye, asshole." Rick muttered back.
Love you too he thought, but didn't say.
+ extra
Rick had been in a shitty mood all day, and Morty could tell something was brewing under the surface, but he couldn't tell what until they were already on their way back home from grabbing some crystals from some drug planet Rick stole from all the time.
Usually Rick would be in high spirits after another succesful crystal-stealing mission, but today he just glared through the windshield, gripping the steering wheel tightly. Morty could tell that, despite his intense stare, he wasn't really paying too much attention, so it wasn't a huge shock when an large asteroid chunk flew into their field of vision and Rick didn't even try to swerve.
They crashed into the asteroid hard and an alarm started blaring, red rays flashing in the interior of the spaceship. Rick's hands flew over his ears, squeezing his eyes shut tightly.
Morty had seen this alarm go off several times, due to Rick's often reckless driving, and it usually didn't bother Rick very much at all, not warranting more than a curse and flipping the alarm off annoyedly.
Rick bit down on his knee hard as Morty hurried to shut down the alarm, Rick's hands moving into his hair and tugging when it was finally switched off.
Rick had a tendancy to hurt himself when he was overstimulated and it made Morty endlessly anxious. He searched desperately in the backseat for the noise cancelling headphones he'd given Rick and "forced him to wear" as Rick would say, but Morty could tell he appreciated it. Especially when he snatched them out of Morty's hands before he'd barely even handed them to him, shoving them onto his head agressively and clicking the button he'd added himself for improved noise cancellation, claiming the headphones were trash and that he'd had to modify them to make them at all a useful tool.
He slumped back in his chair with a sigh, his eyes were still shut but Morty could see the tears that had collected on his eyelashes.
"Do you want me to drive us back?" Morty asked, barely finishing the sentance before Rick was hitting the button that switched their chairs around so Morty would be in front of the wheel. Morty let out a small exclamation of surprise, but quickly took the wheel, putting the ship back on track.
Rick didn't say anything else for the short journey home, jumping out of the ship before it was even parked properly. Morty hurried to keep up with him as he unlocked the door. He stopped abruptly in the middle of the entryway and Morty almost crashed into him, managing to stop himself just in time.
"Thank you." Rick said gruffly, not giving Morty time to respond and just rushing off to his room.
Morty still smiled, though. He knew that was about as close as it got to his grandpa expressing affection.
"Love you too, Rick."
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amorestevens · 2 years ago
girlll i know you put my fine ass cartel daddy in this just for me 😭 i gagged
get your lick back sis with miguel and then you can go back to christopher and let’s how forgiving he is 😭 since he wants her to get over his cheating so quickly🙄 and i see he’s still working with beth… you must not want your wife back sir. lmao see this is why i need her to get her lick back with miguel and send the proof to rio (ok maybe not, we don’t need a war) so that this man can take her serious and start righting his wrongs.
sis you did not disappoint! so worth the wait, now i impatiently wait for the next part
“Are You Listening?”
Part Three: “Bad Idea”
Characters: Rio x Black!Reader.
Summary: It’s part three…expect the unexpected.
Warnings: Profanity, angst, fluff, drinking, and drama.
Word Count: 5,900+.
A/N: I just wanted to thank my lovelies again for showing this story so much love. I had no idea people would love it this much. Thank you for all the sweet, hilarious comments and asks💓. Enjoy the chaos😂😏😈.
"Are You Listening?" - The Playlist:
Apple Music.
Part One Here.
Part Two Here.
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Inspired By:
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Dark clouds filled the evening sky as a drizzle fell against your windshield. Your thoughts were adrift as you fought to make a proper decision. There were only two choices. Accept the offer and hope for a positive outcome, or leave immediately. The loud vibration of your phone halted your decision-making. Sucking in a shaky breath, you accepted the call. It was your best friend. The word hello barely left your lips as she began firing off questions.
“Did you make it to your destination safely? Are you sure it’s smart to be around him right now? Should you trust him?”
You cut your friend off.
“Sis, calm down. Let me answer at least one of your questions.”
“Seriously though, Y/N. How did he find you?”
“He didn’t find me, per se. We’re just in the same state, city, and establishment. Ironic as it may seem.”
“That’s just a little too coincidental for my liking. Look, just be careful and keep your guard up dealing with him. Y/N, you’ve got enough shit going on. There’s no need to fan the flames. Your situation is bad enough. Accept his offer but keep your head on a swivel. Now, take your ass inside that building. Call me once you’ve settled for the night. Do you need money, sis?”
“How’d you know I’m sitting in the car? Yes, I’m good on cash. I withdrew half of our joint account before I left town. I should’ve emptied the account and made his damn pockets hurt.”
“It’s my job to know. You’re my best friend. I agree you should’ve drained that account, girl.”
You inhaled, attempting to calm your nerves, “alright. I’m going in. I’ll call you later with an update. Love you, sis.”
Even after ending the call, you spent a few more minutes in the driver's seat of your vehicle. 
Oh, fuck this. Let me just see where it goes. It’s been years since I’ve been here. It wouldn’t hurt to accept the help of a familiar face.
Exiting the car, you enabled the lock as you walked towards the luxurious hotel lobby. Halfway across the threshold, you felt his presence to your left.
“I was starting to think you had changed your mind. It was as if I could see the thoughts racing through your pretty little head from the lobby window, sweetheart. I’m glad you decided to accept my assistance.”
“I’m not sure I’ve decided to do so. Listen, I appreciate the hotel recommendation, but don’t you think it’s odd, maybe even inappropriate?”
“Why’s that? Are you afraid that I’ll inform your husband of your whereabouts?”
“Cut the shit. Why are you being so helpful? What’s the real motive here?”
“Listen, believe it or not, we’re family. Just because you’re mad at Rio doesn’t mean I should just leave you out here all alone. I don’t plan on telling him I saw you. There are no plans to notify him of your location. I’m securing a place for you to stay because I wouldn’t feel right leaving you to sort everything out alone. I have no idea why you’ve left my dumbass cousin. The fact that you packed your bags and just left suggests it’s serious. I won’t pry. Tell me or don’t, but I will secure and pay for your entire stay here. No arguments.”
“If Christopher finds out you’re helping me stay away from him, he’ll explode. The two of you already have a strenuous relationship.”
“If he finds out. Then he’ll just have to get over it. I honestly don’t give a damn, darlin’.”
“What are you even doing in California, Nick?”
“I’m here on business.”
“What kind of business?”
“I’ll answer that once you explain why you left your husband. What exactly did my cousin do, sweetheart?”
Rolling your eyes at Nick, you walked over to the hotel clerk. She greeted you with a warm welcome, offering you help. Giving her your last name, she informed you that you were staying in the penthouse. About to object and ask for something smaller and less expensive, Nick interjected.
“It’s already been taken care of, cousin.”
Your head snapped in his direction with an incredulous expression.
“Are you out of your mind? No, on second thought, you're not paying for my stay here. I’m not letting you put me in a penthouse and allow people to think I’m your whore. Do you have any idea how that will look, Nick? Are you crazy? You must want Christopher to kill both of us. No wonder you two don’t get along. You love pushing his buttons. The whole damn family’s crazy.”
“Are you finished with your little tirade?”
“I see that you’re also a sarcastic asshole like Christopher.”
“Did you miss the point where I had no intentions of Rio finding out? Just take the room, and enjoy the luxury. I’m sure my cousin has been putting you up in the nicest of places since the day he laid eyes on you.”
“I’m starting to feel like you’re implying I’m a gold digger. Tread lightly. I’d hate to have to kick you in the nuts. Now do us both a solid and change the damn room. Be glad that I’m accepting your help, to begin with.”
“I think it’s best if you know something. I'm just as pushy and controlling as your old man, sweetheart. We both know I’m helping and paying, no matter what you say.”
“Switch. The. Damn. Room,” you growled.
“Fine. Jesus, you’re just as stubborn as your husband.”
“That offer to kick you in the balls still stands. Please stop tempting me.”
“I have a business meeting here at the hotel. I made arrangements for my associate to stay here for a few days. He’s a man of luxury. I’ll switch the rooms for the two of you.”
“Yes, do that, Nick.”
“I’ve got to admit I enjoy hearing you say my name.”
You had grown tired of his antics and landed a sharp jab on his chest.
“One more inappropriate comment and I’ll leave to figure things out myself. I don’t know what you think is happening between Christopher and me, but we are married.”
Not for long, but he doesn’t need to know that.
“Even if I were single, I wouldn’t give you a second glance, honey. Please do not fool yourself.”
“Why is that? Am I not rough enough around the edges, like your hubby?”
“You honestly want to know?’
Nick shrugged his shoulders as if to say, “sure, why not?”
“You’re overly arrogant, and your sense of entitlement is ridiculous.”
He started to interject, but you pressed on.
“I’m no fool, Nick. Deep down inside, you’re hoping that somehow, some way, Rio finds out. I see you. You’ve been sparring with my husband his entire life. You’ve spent your life trying to prove that you are the bigger, better man than Rio. What’s the difference between you two? Nick, you’ve spent your entire existence having everything handed to you. All while my husband did the heavy lifting, grunt work, and the bids. Or have you forgotten about that? Rio earned his empire. He got it out the mud. You just sat and watched, sticking your hand out to take a chunk when it was all said and done. While Rio can be arrogant, it’s warranted. He can talk his shit and back it up.”
Although I’m pissed to the highest level and treading the waters of divorce, I’ll be damned if he sits here and insults everything Rio has worked hard to accomplish.
“Do not flatter yourself. You’re nowhere near half the man my husband is.”
Even if he is a cheating ass bitch.
“Such a beautiful, passionate rebuttal, and yet you’re here. With me, might I add, after walking out on mi primo. Let’s just call a truce. I’ll try not to flirt with you, but I won’t lie and say my cousin doesn’t have good taste,” he teased.
I just insulted him, and he’s still thirsty. Lord, help me.
“For the love of God, Nick!”
“Okay, I’ll back off. Now let’s get you settled into your room, shall we? I’ll accompany you back to your car. Carry your bags up to your room,” he responded, throwing his hands up in surrender.
With squared shoulders, you lifted your chin into the air.
“That won’t be necessary. Don’t you have a meeting to get to?”
“Why do I feel you’re trying to get away from me? Are my good looks too much of a temptation for you?”
“Boy, stop! Don’t nobody want your shallow, overconfident, big-headed ass.”
“You’re so mean, mama.”
Did this motherfu-I know he didn’t just say that! Now he’s pushing it!
Moving closer, you crowded his space. The smirk dancing along the corners of his lips proved he knew the nickname he used was out of line and disrespectful. You looked around. Making sure he’d be the only one to hear what you had to say. Through clenched teeth, your words dripped with venom.
“So long as we both have breath in our bodies, don’t you ever make the mistake of calling me that again. Please do not get it confused or twisted. Rio did not marry a weak bitch. Call me that again. I’ll do Rio a solid and spray you full of bullets myself.”
“Aww, why not, sweetheart? Does it make you miss hubby?”
“Keep playing with me, Nick. It won’t be funny to you when I want to laugh too. I’m over this conversation. Thank you for the room. Now, leave me alone. Go make yourself someone else’s problem.”
“Fine. I’ll come by and check on you later, prima.”
“No, you will not. Goodbye, Nick.”
If Christopher finds out about this, he will lose the little sense he has left. Wait, why do I even care? It’s fuck him from here on out.
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“I Gave You More Than You Wanted. I Gave You More Than You Needed. So Tell Me, How Does It Feel To Lose The One You Believe In?”
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The suite turned out to be very spacious and elegant. Much better than the cramped room you had stayed in the night before. You trudge through the doorway of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. It hadn’t taken long for you to unpack and settle in. Fresh out of a hot shower, you mope to the bed and fling yourself backward. Thoughts race through your head. You hadn’t taken the time to soak in everything. You were too busy trying to run from the situation at hand. Yes, there had been many crying sessions and stewing in anger. Now that you were in another state and settled, it hit you.
Did I just walk away from everything I’ve known for the last four years? The one person I trusted with my heart. My soul. He ripped it out and stepped on it. The audacity. The unmitigated gall to play with my love and emotions. Did he? Rio did that shit, right? How can he possibly have a reasonable explanation?
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“You Never Miss A Good Thing ‘Til It Leaves You. And Finally, I Relaize That I Need You. I Want You Back. Baby Girl, I Need You Back. Gotta Have You Back, Babe.”
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Just as the tears started to roll down your face, a call came through. You huffed, tapping the ignore button. Seconds later, it started again. The call went unanswered a second time, and a text came through.
It’s me. Please answer your phone.
The phone lit up once more. With a heavy sigh, you accepted the call.
“What do you want, Mick? I don’t want to talk to him, and he knows that.”
“Since you won’t communicate with him. I’m in charge of finding out if you’re okay. I’d personally like to know myself. You good boss lady?”
“Mentally and emotionally, we both know the answer is no. Physically? I’m breathing and somewhat eating. That’s the best I can give you. I appreciate you checking on me. As for your boss? He can go fuck himself. Goodbye, Mick.”
“Hold up, boss lady. I need to see it for myself.”
Mick sent a FaceTime request. With an irritated sigh, you angle the camera so he’d only see your face and a white wall. You begrudgingly accepted the call.
“See. Just fine.”
He frowned as he looked at your red puffy eyes.  Mick could tell you hadn’t been sleeping much.
“Yes, I’m aware my eyes are puffy. I’ll be fine. Bye, Mick.”
Mick was about to plead with you to come home, but his face vanished from the screen. Your eyes sparked with resentment and anger as Rio appeared.
“What part of I don’t want to speak to you don’t you comprehend,” you spat.
“Can you just fuckin’ listen to me?”
“You suddenly have so much to say! That’s because you no longer have me sitting at home. I’m no longer playing my role as your stupid little unsuspecting wife. No, not anymore. Stay the fuck away from me. Don’t call, don’t text me. Tell your boys to stop looking for me. There is nothing we need to discuss!” “Oh, I’ma keep calling and texting. Please, believe me. Mama, I will find you. You’re coming home; we gon’ work this shit out. Just let me explain everything. You’ll feel silly when it’s all said and done, darlin’.”
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“You Didn’t Say It, But You Said It…”
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“Did you fuck that bitch, Rio?”
He looked at you with anger written on his face as his jaw flexed.
“That’s what the fuck I thought. Silence speaks volumes. Fuck out my face. Go find your whore and live a shitty life.”
You ended the FaceTime, not giving him another moment of your time.
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I'm Going Out Of My Mind, And I'm Running Out Of Time. Oh, I Just Wish I Could Find You, Girl.
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Rio stood there, rage coursing through his body. He gripped the phone in his hand tightly, “Fuck!”
“Anything I can do,” Mick questioned.
Rio took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. He handed Mick his phone.
“Let’s take a ride. Red better have a plan. If I don’t get my wife back soon, it’s game over for her.”
“You think she’s the reason behind this?”
“It doesn’t appear that she knows what’s going on. We both know that her innocent deer-in-headlights expression can sometimes be a facade.”
“You’re right about that.”
“We have to find her. I have to fix this. Real shit, man, I need her. I love that stubborn ass woman.”
“Then let’s handle business and get her back.”
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“Loved You More Than Ever, More Than My Own Life. The Best Part Of Me I Gave You, And It Was Sacrificed.
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Still reeling from the conversation, you tossed your phone across the bed. Everything was just too much. You were overflowing with anger, sadness, and grief. The betrayal of it all had you drowning. A sorrowful cry spilled from your lips as you curled into a ball. You remained in that position, cradling your face until sleep consumed you.
Hours later, your eyes fluttered open. The sun had set, and your room darkened from nightfall. Your feet flung off the side of the bed as a headache throbbed in your temples. The rumbles coming from your stomach echoed throughout the room.
I haven’t had shit since this morning. This stupid ass man got me going through it. I need a damn drink.
You called the front desk to ask if room service was still available. To your surprise, the clerk recommended the hotel restaurant. She explained that both tables and bar space were available. You thanked her for the recommendation as you dug through your wardrobe.
Let me at least look presentable. I can’t be walking around this nice hotel looking bummy. If I play my cards right, I may find my next husband. Nope, scratch that. Fuck these cheating ass men.
Rio sat slumped in the passenger seat with Mick at the wheel. Leaning back on the headrest with his hood pulled up. Rio sat there as his mind kept going over everything. They pulled into the park, waiting for dingbat and her crew. Once they were in sight, Rio gave his boy a nod. Mick exited the car, exchanging duffle bags with Beth. She told him she would have the next one ready at the appointed time. 
“Did you find a way to handle the situation we discussed the other day?”
Beth shook her head with pleading eyes. She promised to find a way to get to the bottom of it. Mick nodded in reply. As she started to leave, Mick halted everyone’s movements.
“Backseat now. We’re going for a ride.”
With a frightened look, Beth started walking toward the vehicle. Mick stopped her again.
“Not you. I’m talking to you half pint,” Mick ordered, pointing at Annie.
Annie’s eyes stretched wide as the three women gawked at him. With a devious smile, he taunted, “don’t worry, I’ll take real good care of her.”
Beth walked over to the passenger window and pounded on it. She took two steps back when Rio rolled down his window. The look he gave stole the breath from her lungs. 
“Is there a problem, darlin’,” his question dripped with danger.
“I told you I would get you answers. I-I just need a little more time.”
“That’s cool, but you may want to watch your nephew for little sister. His mama’s going to kick it with Mick for a bit. Got a little side hustle for her.”
“I can do it.”
“Did I ask you to?” Rio snapped.
“Please keep her safe,” she whimpered.
“Get me that information. Baby sister will come back better than she left. Stay safe, Elizabeth. We don’t want anything bad happening to the little mama to be right? It’s not very responsible of you to be downing liquor bottles, don’t you think,” Rio questioned in a knowing tone.
Elizabeth looked at him with fear in her eyes.
“I notice everything, darlin’. We’re going to take a ride tomorrow. Just the two of us. Check on the little bambino.”
He rolled up his window before she could say anything else. They sped off, leaving Beth to explain everything to Ruby.
Not wanting to turn too many heads, you settled on a simple black dress. You figured it was appropriate, given that it matched your mood. The form-fitting bodycon paired well with the dark red heeled sandals and lipstick you sported. Checking that the room key was inside your handbag, you exited the room.
The hostess gave you a warm greeting. She granted your request for a seat at the bar. As you claimed your spot, the gentleman behind the bar asked for your drink of choice. His eyes had roamed your body from the minute you sat down. It hadn’t gone unnoticed. Prepared to answer his question with disinterest, someone stepped up next to you. Strong hands braced against the top of the bar. A silky baritone sounded, making your breath hitch.
Are you serious? Who else am I going to run into? This day is beyond me. Maybe it’s not him. I have to be trip-.
“She’ll have a whiskey sour. That’s what she used to drink whenever a frown touched that beautiful face.”
Yes. That would be the one and only.
You turned your head slowly to take in the familiar voice. His face was as beautiful as you had remembered it.
“Hello, mi amor. May I join you? I could use a drink myself.”
Confusion and shock danced across your face. You looked back and forth between the thirsty bartender and your long-lost friend. His eyes connected with yours as that handsome smile crept across his face. He signaled for the bartender to go ahead with the order. Taking the seat next to you, he chuckled at your expression.
“It’s nice to see you after all these years, querida. What brought you back here? Last I checked, you were happily in love. Are you and the husband here on business?”
Hearing him mention Rio snapped you out of it.
“Miguel,” you whispered.
His eyes crinkled as he gave you another beaming smile.
“It’s good to see you again. How have you been? Are you enjoying married life? What’s it been a year or two since the I Do’s?”
The smile that had occupied your lips for a moment faltered. Your eyes started to water as you looked away and faced the bar. Miguel’s hand covered yours gently. 
“What is it, sweetheart? Tell me what’s bothering you.”
Just as you were about to answer him, a familiar pain in your ass sounded off behind the two of you.
“Yes, prima. I’d like to know what’s going on as well. Most importantly, how do you know my associate here,” Nick questioned.
Nick waited for an answer as he sat there looking smug. A knowing look crept onto his face as if he had discovered a secret.
“How do you two know each-wait? Prima? You’re related to her husband?”
“What business are you two dealing in? Are you working with Rio, Miguel?”
Before he could answer, Nick answered for him.
“Relax, prima. It’s my business deal. Rio isn’t involved. We do have individual businesses. We butt heads too much to do everything together.”
“I wouldn’t do business with your husband without telling you, querida. Then there is the fact that we’ve never met in person. The meeting is my first encounter with your cousin. I’m sure you know Rio wouldn’t want to go into business with me.”
“And why is that? He used to tap that or something, prima? Maybe I should give Rio a call.”
“Are you interested in talking about business or not, Nick? That is the only thing that needs to be questioned or discussed,” Miguel responded in an aggravated tone.
“Hey, whatever you say, man. She knows I’m just teasing.”
“Then perhaps you should find someone else to aggravate. The lovely lady certainly doesn’t enjoy it. Is our table ready?”
“Yes,” Nick bit back.
“Then let’s get this over with. I do have other business to attend to. You have my attention for the next hour. We aren’t starting on a good note, wouldn’t you agree, Nick? You need to fix that. I assume the warehouse visit has been scheduled and prepped for tomorrow. Let’s make our way to our reserved table.”
“Right this way.”
Miguel’s hand gave your shoulder a light squeeze before he got up to follow Nick. 
“I’m sure you still have Nestor’s number,” he asked, tilting his head toward his security/cousin. 
“If you need anything, give me a call. It was a pleasure running into you, querida.”
You gave him a weak smile and nodded softly. Turning back to the bar, you downed the whiskey sour. Your fingers tapped the bar for another. The drink was halfway to your lips when Rio started blowing your phone up. With a deep sigh, you ignore it and turn your phone off.
“Bartender? Go ahead and bring me two more.”
The universe is funny as fuck. This man’s going to find me. I can just feel it.
You rubbed your temples as you contemplated where to go from here. One hour, four drinks later, you sat there wallowing in your pain. Thankfully you had made a conscious decision after the last drink to switch to a glass of red wine. Feeling buzzed, you decided it would be your last drink of the night. Taking your time with it, you nursed it for a while. Just as you had swirled the remaining liquid in its glass, Miguel reclaimed his seat from earlier.
“A penny for your thoughts, querida?”
Your eyes drifted from the stem of your wine glass to Miguel’s face. He noticed that you were slightly inebriated. His hand reached up and brushed your hair out of your face. The palm of his hand rested on your cheek.
“Don’t you have other meetings to get to?”
“I just wanted that smug asshole to hurry up and discuss the deal. The sooner we did that, the quicker your dear cousin would be gone,” he replied sarcastically.
“Hmm. Smug bastard, huh? That best describes his thick-headed ass,” you toast, downing the last of the wine.
“You shouldn’t be drinking at a bar by yourself, amor. I’ve watched half the men in here ogle you the entire time you’ve been here. Come. Nestor and I will escort you to your room.”
Miguel didn’t want to give you time to protest or continue drinking. He paid your tab and held his hand out. You stared at it for a moment.
“Though you’re wearing heels, those cute little legs still dangle from the stool. Come, sweetheart. I promise to be a respectable gentleman. I don’t make it a habit of approaching married women,” he chuckled.
Not giving it any more thought, your hand gently grasped as he helped you down. The elevator ride was quiet. That was until you blurted the one question that lingered in the back of your mind.
“Where’s your wife, Miguel?”
You noticed how his jaw ticked, nostrils flaring slightly.
“She had other plans tonight,” he answered.
Before you could ask him to elaborate, the elevator dinged.
“I do believe this is your floor.”
Miguel placed his hand on the small of your back. Nestor stepped aside, allowing you two to step out first. He asked for your hotel key as you walked down the hall. You turned the corner as you placed the key card in his hand.
“You said the first door on the left, right?”
You lost your train of thought as you started to panic. There was a large bouquet of yellow roses in front of your door.
“What’s wrong, querida,” Miguel asked as he rubbed the small of your back.
The worry in your eyes set off alarm bells in his mind. Miguel took a look and noticed the flowers. The distress about possibly working with Rio. The teasing from Nick. He turned to face you, blocking the view of your door. His hand caressed your face.
“Tell me the truth. Are you in danger? Did you leave your husband, querida,” he whispered as he searched your eyes for the truth. 
No longer able to keep the emotions bottled up, your lip trembled as the tears slipped down your face. You nodded slowly. Miguel frowned at the response. He pulled you into an embrace as you cried into his chest. His hands rubbed your back as he attempted to soothe you.
The two of you stayed that way for a few moments. Pulling back from his embrace, you wiped at your tears. Miguel’s hands slid up and down your arms.
“Did he hurt you,” he asked, jaw ticking again.
“Rio would never put hands on me. He-he.”
Unable to finish the sentence, a fresh set of tears spilled.
“Okay, okay. Shhh. I think I’m starting to understand. Come here.”
He embraced you again. Once he calmed you, Miguel escorted you to the door. He nodded at Nestor, signaling him to pick up the flowers. Unlocking your suite, he grabbed the flowers and followed you inside.
“Thanks for getting me here safely. Sorry, I just unloaded all my emotions on you like a crazy person.”
“It’s fine, querida. That’s what friends are for. We were close once. Lost time won’t affect that.”
His thumbs swept residual tears away. He bent to your feet and helped you out of your heels. Standing, he grabbed your hand and held it. His finger lifted your chin.
“Try and get some rest. Come deadbolt the door behind me.”
Following him to the door, you watched as he opened the suite door. Stepping into the hallway, he turned to speak with Nestor.
“Have one of the other men come and watch her door for the night. If it’s not me, no one gets in here. Don’t even let them knock. Watch the door until your replacement gets here.”
Nestor nodded in agreement taking his position in front of your door. Miguel turned to you, his hand running down your arm again.
“If you need me, I’m on the top floor. Just ask whoever is guarding the door to call me. Better yet, here. Call me if you need anything.”
Miguel handed you a card that had both his business and personal number.
“Okay,” you whispered.
“I’m serious.”
“I’ll be fine, Miguel. Rio’s just adamant about us staying together. He would never physically harm me.”
“You can’t blame him for wanting to work it out. Any man would be a fool not to fight for you. Still, if you need me, call me.”
“Yeah, because Emily would just love that. She’s never been fond of me.”
“Don’t worry about her. I’m the least of my wife’s worries at the moment.”
No longer wanting to discuss his personal life, Miguel pecked your forehead.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
Locking the deadbolt behind him, you made your way to the bedroom. Stripping out of the tight dress, you bundled up in a complimentary robe. Falling into the couch, you turned your phone back on. Six texts and two voicemails. You rolled your eyes. Noticing the flowers, you mumbled to yourself, “fucking Nick probably snitched. Little shit.”
You snatched the card from the bouquet and flipped it over. Your breathing sped up as your mind started to race.
What the fuck? I don’t need this shit. What next?
Hands trembling, you re-read the card.
“I see hubby’s out of the picture. Who’s going to protect you now? What better way to kick Rio when he’s down? He would probably be beside himself if his precious jewel came up missing. Stay safe, pretty lady.”
To top it off, now I have to run from his ops too? You have to be shitting me!
Snatching the door open, Nestor saw the look of fright in your eyes.
“The flowers aren’t from my husband. I’m pretty sure whoever sent them just threatened me. Tell Miguel I appreciate everything he did tonight, but I’m getting the fuck out of here.”
Nestor talked you down. He instructed you to grab anything needed for the night and lock up. In less than twenty minutes, Nestor was escorting you to Miguel. He was anxiously waiting for your arrival. His hands instantly cradled your face.
“You’re staying with me for the night. We’ll figure out where you’ll go from here in the morning. Sleep in the bedroom. I’ll take the couch.”
“That’s nonsense. I can sleep on the couch.”
“No, you won’t. No arguments.”
“Why are most men in my life so damn bossy.”
“They also seem to have the same types of occupation. You don’t seem to like men who like legal work, querida.”
“Ha, ha. You’re so hilarious.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that. Those mentioned tend to be extremely successful at it,” Miguel replied with a shit-eating grin.
The conversation was interrupted by yet another call from Rio.
“Look, I'm going to have to answer him. I’ve been ignoring him for hours now. I know his veins are about to pop out of his neck.”
You excused yourself, taking the call in his bathroom.
“For someone who’s always so busy, you sure are blowing up my phone. Go back to ignoring me, please. I don’t have the energy to go back and forth with you, Rio. I’m tired and stressed out.”
“Just come home, mama. I’ll leave and stay somewhere else. Just come home,” he slurred.
“Are you at that stupid bar that demands your attention as well? Go home, Rio. Sleep off the liquor.”
“I gotta be near you, mama. Who's going to protect you? What if someone tries to harm you while you’re not with me? I can’t live with that shit. I need my wife to come home. Come on, mama.”
“It’s a little too late to protect me now. Isn’t it? Don’t worry about me, Rio. I can handle this shit myself,” you snapped, quickly regretting the last sentence.
“Handle what shit, mama,” he barked.
He instantly knew something was up.
“It’s okay, Rio. I’m a big girl. Luckily my stupid ass husband taught me how to use a gun. You know I stay strapped.”
“Either come home or tell me where the fuck you are. I’m going to light whatever city you’re in up. Better yet, I’m about to spray any suspected target.”
“Don’t be stupid. There is no need to start a war on my behalf.”
“I’m not going back and forth about this anymore. Tell me where you are.”
“No, goodbye, Rio.”
“Don’t fucking hang-.”
Miguel stood propped against the door frame.
“I know he fucked up, but it sounds like he wants to keep you out of harm’s way.”
“Don’t, Miguel.”
He placed his hands up in surrender.
“If he can’t do that for you, I will.”
Yeah, cause my husband would just love that. Jesus, be a therapist. I need Iyanla to come and fix my life, bruh.
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“I Can Understand Why You Want A Divorce Now. Though I Can’t Let You Know It, Pride Won’t Let Me Show It.
-Jay Z.
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Rio had been sitting in his bar for a few hours. Though the argument made him even more aggravated, he took your advice. He wasn’t in the mood to take a chance at catching a DUI. Rio instructed Mick to drive him home.
He swaggered into the family room and lounged on the couch. The house was painfully quiet without your presence. Rio’s thoughts drifted to you as his chest tightened at the thought of you being in danger. Sighing, he closed his eyes in an attempt to shake the negative thoughts. Your scent still lingered throughout the house. Nothing seemed to help him shake the memories and intrusive thoughts. His eyes fluttered open, nostrils flaring. Rio was trying to be patient with you, but it was starting to wear thin. You could be mad for however long, but divorce was out of the question. Could he do a better job at loving you? Yes, and he was willing to do so. Would you be willing to give him another chance? 
Rio’s buzz had started to wear off. Blowing out a breath, he stared at a picture of you two. The frame on the console table contained a photo from your first anniversary. Shaking his head, he stood up and walked over to the bar cart. Throwing back another glass of brown liquor, he fixed one more and reclaimed his seat. He asked Alexa to play a specific song. The lyrics hit home as he nodded to the beat and recited them. Song Cry by Jay Z flowed through the entertainment system.
“They say you can’t turn a bad girl good, but once a good girl’s gone bad, she’s gone forever. Mourn forever. Shit, I gotta live with the fact I did you wrong forever.”
What happened to everybody deserves a second chance, mama? Damn, I miss my wife.
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Sis can't catch a break, huh lovelies😩😆? I hope you all enjoyed part three. More drama to come in part four! I can't wait for you all to read what happens next. Can't say for sure when part four will be done and ready for posting. I'm still taking things slow. Please, please, please love, reblog, and comment. I would love to hear from you all. My ask box is open as well. I missed y'all, man!
Be sure to check out the playlist I created for this fic. It's on both Apple Music and Spotify. The links are towards the top of this post (in case you missed. Still adding to it, so if you have any song suggestions just drop an ask. The playlist is pretty lengthy and it's best on shuffle in my opinion. Thank you once again for all the support. Words can't express how appreciative I am. Love y'all🥹🫶🏾! Keep scrolling for another bomb-ass mood board (saved it for the end so it wouldn't spoil the reveal)🥰.
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Divider Credit: @firefly-graphics
@4everbrookemarie @nightlywords7 @amorestevens @rio-reid-whoreee @abcdestinyyyy @hihellogoodbyebruh @sunshine-flower @lemmewritesomeish @catxo @naughtyslashers @realhotgurlshit @peaches007 @gardenof-venus @aizawash0e @minton131 @novaniskye @90sisthenew80s @cjricks98 @skyesthebomb @myownworstenemydw @lifeofthelovelyone @tashawar @gabbywontlose @skelly-baby @adg1115 @blessedboo @fandomcitysstuff @drinaj @being-worthy @sxkxna @elliesrealgf @batgurl42 @gotbeefbitch-blog @thedopestblackgirl @imjustheretoreads-blog @memeaaaa @djconde58 @astoldbychae @fineanddandy @1andonlytashae @alertyoulikeitsamber @blackmissfrizzle @darqchilddaydreamz @heytaewrites
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badedramay · 7 years ago
MIRHAAA SLAYED TODAYYY. WHEN SHE SAID KHEECHO ZUBAAAN I WAS LIKE YESSSSS GIRLLL don’t let him take you for a weak and timid girl!!! But OMGGG I need the next episode. Aiman looked so beautttt in the dress but I’m sure Arham’s gonna be like bro u fucked up and she’s gonna go home and then her chachi’s gonna be like munh kaala and then Mehraab’s gonna feel guilty and try and help. I just hope the execution’s amazing. Also Rushna acc loves Mirha so much fav platonic relationship on Pak dramas rn
ASKDJHADKAJ! I LOVED MY GIRL SO MUCH TODAY!! They keep showing Mirha inside the house where she has no power and really no other option than to silently endure all the abuse Chachi throws her way. But outside the house the girl has always been confident and courageous enough to fight for her belief as well as her self. So watching THAT Mirha today was a treat despite the horrible situation Mehraab threw her into. Also..urrghhh Mehraab -_- I was ready to give you a chance man but you screwed up. AB BHUGTO BETH KE!! Omgggeeee we gonna get the rain apology scene. That’s the scene I had been looking forward to the most anyway and seeing that it’s so close to me...yaaas!!! The next episode is really interesting. After a couple of meh-ish episodes I’m happy that the pace has picked up and we are getting such action filled episodes. I JUST WANT TO SEE MEHRAAB’S FACE WHEN ARHAM BREAKS THE NEWS TO HIM THAT THIS GIRL AIN’T HIS “MEENA”. Suffer Mehraab..SUFFER TILL YOU DIEEEE FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MIRHA!
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