#beta men can knock up omegas and beta women can be bred by alphas it's just not quite as guaranteed
fuckingfinwions · 2 years
New A/B/O AU, set in Tirion. Lots of albeism in this one
Almost all elves are betas. Less than 5% of elves are alphas or omegas, which can be detected from an early age. Of course their families will still be nice to the child, but they aren’t seen as a person who can make independent decisions, too driven by their feral instincts.
Feanor’s first born child is an omega. Feanor still arranges for tutors for Maedhros, so that he can live as full a life as possible, and be able to read and learn to the limits of his ability even if he’ll never be able to function in elven society. But Maedhros has no need for lessons in court etiquette, and would be incapable of practicing a trade, and of course Maglor is Feanor’s heir. Maedhros grows up knowing his family loves him, but he also knows that someday soon he’ll start having heats, so he’ll never be smart enough with enough self control to live on his own.
A few percent of the population isn’t many, but it’s enough to have procedures for alphas and omegas. (After all, earth cities have dog parks.) When Maedhros goes into heat, Feanor takes him to the Heat Hotel. He makes sure Maedhros showered beforehand, and is fed and well hydrated. Then he carefully places a gag in Maedhros’s mouth, and ties a mask around his face. (If alphas and omegas chat and get to know each other, they might develop a relationship and try to bond! But it’s cruel to leave an omega unsatisfied in heat, and only an authentic alpha knot will work.) Feanor asks Maedhros if the mask is too tight, and when Maedhros shakes his head, checks Maedhros into one of the rooms.
Then Feanor takes the key to go mingle with the other guardians of alphas and omegas. When he finds one he trusts, the guardian arranges for their alpha to go into Maehdros’s room and fuck him. Once the knot goes down, the alpha’s guardian will lead him out of the room, and away to another omega. So Maedhros gets fucked by a dozen or more anonymous alphas every heat. If he mentions afterwards that one hurt him, Feanor won’t let that alpha at him again. (And there’s a small window into the room, in case either guardian wants to supervise and be sure no one’s hurt
The alphas are all wearing masks and gags as well, so they can’t bite and bond the omegas. Feanor also usually gives Maedhros contraceptives beforehand, so there’s no need to keep in contact with any of the alpha’s families outside of heat. And if Feanor decides that Maedhros should get bred, there’s still no need. Since Maedhros isn’t capable of running his own household, his children would be raised by Feanor, as Feanor’s sons. (The downside is that only around half of the offspring of alpha/omega couples are betas, and the others are unfit for society (alphas or omegas).)
And after his heat, Maedhros goes back to Feanor’s house with all his younger siblings. He can walk around the house and grounds, and ask for things from the servants. Sure his bedroom door has a lock on the outside, but it’s almost never actually used, only if he’s behaving erratically or if his heat started unexpectedly. He can even go into the city if he has a minder, to make sure he isn’t so overcome with sexual urges he forgets the way home or tries to molest someone. Maedhros knows that his families does a lot of work to accommodate his condition, and he’s so grateful for it.
Maedhros doesn’t have close friends really, but his cousin Fingon is also non-beta, and they write letters sometimes sympathizing with each other and coming up with more hobbies to do stuck at home. (After a few months it comes up that Fingon is an alpha. The main difference in daily life is that Fingon can schedule his trips to the Heat Hotel - alphas don’t have heats per se, but they get more and more aggressive the longer they go without knotting someone.) The letters are an especially good way of passing the time when Feanor skips the contraceptives one heat, and Maedhros get bred with twins. Maedhros isn’t allowed to leave the property even with an escort until after he gives birth, as pregnant omegas are “more vulnerable” (hornier). But once Amras (beta) and Amrod (omega) are born, Maedhros is back to his normal routine of occasional walks in the forest or trips museums as longs as he stays within arms reach of his brothers. Maedhros hasn’t met Fingon in person of course, as everyone knows that an alpha will try to bond and breed any omega they encounter unless restrained.
That is, Maedhros and Fingon think they haven’t met in person. Actually Feanor and Nolofinwe encountered each other in the guardians lounge of the heat hotel years ago, and decided to see if their sons got along. Maedhros and Fingon got along very well and relaxed each other a lot, and since then Feanor notifies Nolo whenever Maedhros is in heat. Sometimes Nolo’s family has other plans of course, but usually Nolo will take Fingon down to the Heat Hotel to let off some steam. Some heats, they even let Fingon and Maedhros fuck multiple times! Feanor always makes sure to cycle in other alphas as well though, as everyone knows that if you let an alpha and omega spend an entire heat together even without bonding, the alpha will get growly and possessive. You generally have to use force to separate them at that point, and they’ll both be sad for months afterwards. Best not to let them get dependent - unless they’re going to bond.
So one day, Nolo walks into Fingon’s room. “I’ve been speaking to the guardian of an omega, and I’ve found someone for you to bond with. You’ll get along well”
“Oh? Who are you thinking of?” Fingon can try to talk his father out of it if he hates them, but if he’s in the room with an omega in heat and his mouth is free to bite, Fingon knows he’s going to bond. And the idea of an omega who is his, who he doesn’t have to leave after just a few hours, to bear his children and be in his bed every night, is really something he’s looking forward to. Some alphas and omegas are single forever, and he’s glad that Nolo is trying to make him happy, so Fingon will try to like this omega.
“Feanor’s son Maedhros. We know you’ve been exchanging letters, and Feanor thinks it’s time for him to have a mate.”
“Right, he said he’s a couple years older than me. We get along with each other by letter, but I don’t know if he’ll be physically my type.”
“There’s no need to worry about that. You’ve already relieved his heat over a dozen times; he’s the tall redhead who always kneels for you. Now that I think on it, you may have sired Amrod and Amras; the timing works.” Nolo paused.
Someone had hidden Fingon’s children from him - no, he remebered, the twins were legally Feanor’s sons because alphas can’t raise children fit for polite society. But Fingon had fucked that redhead so many times, and he’d thought it was the same one but he hadn’t been certain. That omega ought ought to be his already, with the number of times Fingon had knotted him. And Fingon’s bred omega had been so close; he had read all those letters from Maedhros complaining about sore feet and Fingon could have just gone down the road and shoved him to the floor, knot Maedhros until Maedhros was unable to think of anything but Fingon’s cock, if his feet were sore he should stay on his knees -
“Fingon, you know better than to growl at me,” Nolo said.
Fingon stopped growling. This was why, he reminded himself, he couldn’t go out alone in public; no one wanted to deal with someone snarl like an animal every time he was disappointed. Fingon very carefully focused on the bright side. He knew his future mate’s personality and body ahead of time, and liked both, so they would definitely get along once bonded. His father hadn’t just arranged a way for Fingon to be calmer by fucking someone regularly, but a relationship that he would enjoy.
“Sorry Father. You’re right, I think we will get along. Thank you for finding me a mate.”
“Of course Fingon; no one but the best for you.”
“Can I go see Maedhros in person, now that I know who he is, and we don’t have to worry about getting attached because we’re already planning to bond?”
“That can wait for the bonding, at the start of Maedhros’s next heat. It would be a better use of the next three weeks to decide what you want to pack.”
“I don’t think it will take me three weeks to pack for my honeymoon seclusion, unless Feanor is planning to make it tradtional and wall us into a cabin with no other food or water.”
“Of course not! Feanor built a house for Maedhros and his future mate as soon as he knew Maedhros’s condition. It has a courtyard that’s completely enclosed by the house, and only one door to the house itself. There’s even separate locks on the door of the house and the main bedroom, so you can cook for yourselves if you’re lucid enough, or have food dropped off without servants coming into your space.”
A house just for Fingon and his mate, where he would be the one in control, satisfied his instincts, even though it would mean less ability to explore the city since he would’t have his beta siblings on hand. “That sounds wonderful. Do you think Feanor would put locks on the inside of the door as well? It would help me feel like I was keeping my mate safe.”
“I’ll ask, and at least the bedroom should be fine; we already know you treat Maedhros well. There’s rooms for your children as well though, and they’ll need care even when you and Maedhros are too heat-drunk to do so.”
“I understand, Father.”
Maedhros was not yet in heat when Fingon was finally allowed to meet him. But he was clearly on the cusp of it, blushing and fidgeting with his sleeves out of nervous energy, and smelling so sweet.
“Hello,” Fingon said.
“Hello. You’re very handsome.”
“So are you.” Fingon brushed Maedhros’s hair back. “I want you now.”
“Bonding doesn’t work outside of heat-”
“But your ass does. I want to see your face while I fuck you and hear you moan my name, and I can’t see any more reason to wait.”
“We’re in outdoors, anyone could come by.”
Fingon grabbed his future mate’s hand and walked into the house. “We have a home just for us, and I want it to smell of us and sex when I bond you. Unless your family has a welcome dinner planned for tonight, we can start now.”
“Nothing is planned for tonight. They wanted to give us time to get familiar without having to track too many other things.”
“Good. Kneel for me right here on the rug. Or I suppose you can run back to the main house now and get your father to call it off. ”
Maedhros moaned, and it sounded even prettier without the gag. He knelt. “It feels like we ought to get to know each other better before falling into bed.”
“You’re thinking like a beta. We wrote letters and I had you in heat, that’s plenty of courtship. Now I’m going to fuck you like my bitch, because you are, and you’re not going to argue anymore. Will you obey, or will I have to hold you down?”
“I’ll be good, alpha.”
“Good.” Fingon gave Maedhros a finger to suck on, and soon they were both too busy to talk.
Feanor walked in to find them still half-undressed and cuddling in front of the fireplace. “Seriously? I designed a very nice bedroom for you Maedhros, and you don’t even bother using it.”
Maedhros started to apologize, but Fingon cut him off with a growl. He was the one who decided where and when Maedhros had sex now, not Feanor. “This is our house, and I can have sex with my omega wherever in it I want to.”
Even Feanor knew better than to directly contradict an alpha whose omega was in heat. “You can, but I expect the beds will be more comfortable. And the servants won’t enter the same room as you two during heat, so unless you want to spend a lot of the next two weeks cooking I suggest leaving the entryway.”
Fingon stood up and led Maedhros to the bedroom. He slid the bolt into place, and heard Feanor turn the key from the other side. (It wasn’t so different from the start every heat before for Maedhros; his father’s voice and a hand on his wrist and an unfamiliar bed and a locked door.)
The room was very large - it currently held one enormous bed, but could easily have fit three or four, along with a seating area in front of a fireplace, a small desk with parchment for letters, and an attached bathroom. A second door led to the promised interior courtyard, but Fingon was distracted by movement at the corner of his eye before he could investigate it. He spun to see who else was in the room, but it was only Feanor.
Feanor was pushing back the curtains on the outside of the plate glass windows - windows that made up the entire front wall of the bedroom. Anyone standing in the hallway outside would be able to see in.
Fingon didn’t think, he just pushed Maedhros behind him and out of sight. Not that it worked, Maedhros just peered over his shoulder. “Dad, what does our bedroom have windows to a hallway? And why aren’t the curtains in here?”
“This will be your first time sharing your heat with the same alpha for the whole time. It can cause heightened responses, both emotionally and physiologically, so I’ll be checking to make sure you’re alright.”
“Maedhros is mine,” Fingon cut in. “You gave him to me, and I’m not giving him back.”
“Of course he’s yours, but if he’s hurt I’d like to know. I can get healers for him.”
“I’m his alpha. I can take care of him and protect him without your help.”
“I’ve watched out for him with you before; the windows in the heat hotel let anyone passing by see in.”
“Maedhros isn’t in a heat hotel now; and he’s never going backto one. He’s mine, and doesn’t need to think about anyone else during his heat.”
Maedhros wondered if he should be worried about his mate getting along with his father, maybe try to smooth thing over. But Fingon was so commanding and forthright, and every word he said went straight to Maehdros’s loins.
Feanor sighed, “No one is going to make either of you leave the house, or even the bedroom. I’m going to make sure - to help you make sure - that Maedhros is safe, especially as you aren’t yet familiar with what he looks like when unwell.”
Fingon stared Feanor down. “Fine, you can look and see if Maedhros is healthy. But I’m not bringing him up front on your word, and you definitely don’t get to touch.”
“Of course I won’t touch him, he’s my son.”
Fingon snarled at the possessive adjective, but didn’t argue further. Instead he turned and pushed Maedhros backwards onto the bed. If Feanor wanted to watch Maedhros be fucked until every part of his body bore Fingon’s marks, Fingon couldn’t stop him. As Maedhros’s beta guardian, Feanor still had more legal authority over Maedhros than an alpha bond-mate, because Fingon had so little authority of his own. But Fingon wasn’t going to let an audience distract or delay him from thoroughly claiming his omega.
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