#beta bob velseb
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askmafiabobvelseb · 1 month ago
"well babes? sign the contract.."
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beta bob x beta dexter art >:] (mainly cuz i miss drawing bob in his suit-)
originally dexter was gonna be an escaped prisoner who needed work, but I decided to turn him into a universty student who desperatley needed a job lol.
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storming-phrophecies · 7 months ago
so,, list of [☎️] kins that i can remember
they'll be under the cut
[[NC = Noncanon , CD = Canon Divergent , C = Canon , OC = Original Character]]
Sariel [Otherkin , Angel ]
Mike TV / Showrunner [NC Deltarune]
Vessel [Canon Deltarune]
Baneberry [OC , Undertale AU]
Unnamed Fazbear/Fredbear Employee [NC]
The Mangle [CD , FNAF]
Annie + Minus Annie [CD , FNF Hazy River]
Girlfriend [Canon FNF + Mods]
"Beta" / "Alone" Luigi [CD , Mario + FNF Mod]
Diablo [FNF Rerun UST]
Rewrite/Reboot [CD Sonic.EXE]
Amend [OC , Knuckles.EXE Take]
Scourge the Hedgehog [CD , Archie Comics]
Knuckles the Echidna [CD , Games + IDW]
Project Grim Reaper [OC , Madness Combat]
Bendy [CD , BATIM AU]
Toby Rogers [CD , Creepypasta]
Kurloz Makara + Bloodswaps [CD , Homestuck]
GHB + Bloodswaps [CD , Homestuck]
Karako Pierot [Canon Hiveswap]
Hearts Boxcars [CD , Homestuck]
Lamb [CD , COTL]
Anatole Seed [NC Farcry 5]
Ochaco Uraraka [CD , BNHA/MHA]
Bob Velseb [CD , Spooky Month]
Licorice Cookie [CD , Cookie Run Kingdom]
Neo Agent 3 [CD , Splatoon 3]
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year ago
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#BobVelseb #SpookyMonth #BobsBurgersOriginalPilot #Courage #JeanBon #JeanBonWife #ActualCannibalShiaLabeoufSong #MyThoughts
What's Bob Velseb favorite cartoon and episode?
The original pilot for Bob's burgers.
Original Bob's Burgers Pitch - YouTube
Bob's burgers is looking pretty weird.
Where his wife and kids at?
I'm surprised no one has done a crossover art of beta Bob's Burgers as cannibals with Bob Velseb.
What these cannibal like characters like Tate Frost and Bob remind me of.
This song and that anthro pig couple from Courage.
Actual Cannibal Shia Labeouf (Song: Rob Cantor) (youtube.com)
Jean Bon | Courage the Cowardly Dog | Fandom
Jean Bon's Wife | Courage the Cowardly Dog | Fandom
Now I want someone to make a AU where Bob Velseb is Bob Belcher he could be like the original pilot Bob or just Bob Velseb acting normal but him being oblivious about him referencing cannibalism but is actually a nice guy that has meat facts ready for someone to hear them.
Images and videos not mine but links are there.
Original Bob's Burgers Pitch (youtube.com)
Bob Velseb | Villains Wiki | Fandom
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crossover-enthusiast · 1 year ago
fnaf fangame but with
-every animatronic in ucn
-every animatronic forgotten in ucn +glamrocks
-the beta and alpha kids
-dhmis teachers
-beta and alpha trolls
-skid and pump
-bob velseb
-lil hal
-nightmare version of lil hal
-betty crocker ads (on cameras) (if you dont close them fast enough, it will add 1-20 to every animatronic)
-paper mario and dimentio
-stanley (the stanley parable)
what the fuck happened?
Kevin went to a homestuck party with tsp and spm playable, his drink got spiked, some asshole put weed and more in the smog machines, kevin got really high and really drunk, and he is in a coma for seven nights (if you beat all 20, you get to play a midnight motorist-esque minigame where kevin goes to the party, than the thing happens and he passes out.
Oh this would be chaotic as all hell
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minusgangtime · 6 months ago
(Lacey's Dream Gang facts, but it's gonna be a bit long- So.. get ready-)
(TW: Mentions of death and murder)
This AU is based on those nostalgic 2000s flash kids games with a "secret" hidden within them (mostly inspired by Lacey's Games and other fanmade digital horror flash game videos-)
The gang act like the actual gang for the most part
Each member of the gang has their own game: "Beta's Beats" (Beta), "What's MB's Mood Today?" (MB), "Blue's Friendship Match" (Blue), "Pico's Gym Exercise" (Pico), "Girlfriend's Fashion Show" (Girlfriend) and "Skid and Pump's Sugar Rush" (Spooky Bois)
The website that has their games claimed that the scar around MB's neck is a "birthmark" (it's not...)
The games are cute and happy at first like how a kids' game should be but slowly get creepy and unsettling as they progress or if the player gets something wrong
Each game the gang has is actually based on their trauma.. if you know, you know Ó~Ò"
Skid and Pump's game is sort of an ARG where two nine year old boys were killed by Bob Velseb (the in-game Skid and Pump are alive, btw))
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domesticatedstew · 2 years ago
A Bob Velseb x Rick first meeting fanfic! Will be posting on my ao3 with an extra little treat
@zombiedeers originally came up with this ship, so check them out!
TW: Ask to tag!
Work. The time of day that Rick hated most. Well technically time of night for Rick but still, point stands. It would be his first Halloween working at the Candy Club and he wasn't excited for the crowds of young children invading the store. Normally since Kevin was there Rick could just stick to doing inventory and moving boxes full of candy. But since Kevin finally had that night off, Rick was stuck doing register.
He'd probably just quit or get fired after tonight anyways since Rick never really cared what anyone did when he ran the register. Even when he worked at the mall he let kids get away with shoplifting. Only one could imagine how much candy would be stolen that night. Rick was surprised he was able to keep getting jobs even after his countless firings. But he didn't really care. There wasn't a lot for him to care about, mainly just being alive but even then he didn't care about living. Why he kept trying even if he didn't want to live? That he didn't know.
Anyway back to the present, no more depressing thoughts. Whoever worked the afternoon shift must have been new, they didn't even sweep the floors. Candy, leaves, and dirt was all over the floor. One thing Rick was thankful for was that it wasn't raining. He probably would have walked out then and there if he had to mop up muddy foot prints. Rick grabbed the broom and dustpan from the back and swept away any noticeable messes. As he was finishing up his half assed job of sweeping two kids walked in. Rick probably should work on his customer service, but he couldn't be bothered. "Two candy cans please!" The pink one asked, they were barely tall enough to look over the counter. Then again both of them were rather short, but that might just be because Rick was ridiculously tall.
"Sure," Rick replied in a very monotone voice. He didn't enjoy putting any effort into sounding friendlier or happier. He pulled out two paper bags of candy and handed it to the two little kids. A rather fancy looking car pulled up to the front of the store and an equally fancy women stepped out. She sauntered in and shoo-ed away the two kids. Rick could tell she was going to be an annoying customer. Rick wasn't bothered to give her a greeting or ask what she wanted, he just kind of stared past her. Rick was pulled out of his thoughts when the woman rudely snapped her fingers in front of his face. "Give me one of everything and double it!" He knew she was going to be rude just by her aura but he didn't expect her to snap at him like a dumb dog.
He just sighed and started grabbing the ludicrous request. Who even needs this much candy? The woman impatiently tapped her foot against the floor while Rick slowly bagged candy from the individual tubs. Eventually, a large bag stuffed to the brim with candy sat on the counter as Rick rang up the price of all the candy. And as quickly as the lady entered she quickly left. 'Thank god.' Rick let out another sigh. Two more kids entered the store, but this time he recognized the pair. They looked around the store in confusion like they were looking for something. "Where's Kevin?" The pumpkin one asked trying to look behind the counter as if Kevin would be hiding behind there. "Yeah he's always working!" The skeleton one took their search a step further by trying to make his way into the storage room.
"Kevin's not working tonight." Rick bluntly replied, not even really paying attention to what they were doing. "Aw man, well could we get two candy cans?" The pair did seem disappointed that Kevin was out that night, but were much more focused on getting candy. He handed the kids their free candy and they scuttered out of the store faster then Rick expected. He thought he could get away with going to the storage room to relax for a few minutes but something caught his eye. A large man dressed as a red devil stood at the front of the store, staring at all of the candy displays. Even though there was distance between Rick and the man outside, he could see the stranger breathing heavily and drooling.
'That's... gross' he cringed and wanted to ignore the weirdo so he could go on break but the man slinked into the store. Drool still dripping from his mouth. He just stood in the center of the store not looking at the candy anymore, but looking at Rick. The man tilted his head slightly to the side before inching his way to the front counter. Now that he was up close Rick could see how absolutely massive this guy was. Rick was a big guy, taller then most, but the devil in front of him put his height to shame. Just like the display candy in the window, the devil stared at Rick with a look of hunger. Most people would have ran away it tried to ask what the hell was going on. But Rick just didn't care, and that confused the tall devil. The strange man tilted his head to look at the wall of gumball machines behind Rick, a growl escaping his stomach.
Rick got the message, the guy was just staying in character because it's Halloween, everyone does it. He gave the man a shrug and grabbed a paper bag from the counter, "Any specific candy or?" The man just pointed to a machine filled with skittles. Rick was about to fill the bag with more candy then necessary, a chilling yet smooth voice came from behind him. "Did you know that the human body can naturally regrow parts of the liver?" Rick turned back around to face the costumed man. He slid the bag of skittles across the glass counter, ignoring the strange and unnecessary fun fact. "And you could theoretically continue to eat the same person's liver for years."
Ok this guy was really sticking to the creepy part of the holiday spirit. But Rick never showed his confusion or even fear. He could tell the guy was trying to get a reaction out of him and he wasn't about to just give it to him. What he would give the man though was the bag of candy for free. Might as well right? The man practically ripped open the bag and grabbed a handful of skittles before stuffing them in his mouth. A few stray skittles fell through his grasp and clinked on the floor. He didn't even seem to chew the candy. "Thank you for the candy," he took a glance to Rick's name tag, "Rick." For the first time that night, a chill ran down Rick's spine. A primal fear screamed at Rick to run out the back but he didn't listen. Rick never listens.
The man leaned down so he can be face to face with the cashier. "I will be seeing you later." He stood tall once again and turned his back to Rick with his bag of candy in hand. "The name's Bob Velseb. Don't you forget it now," He gave Rick a small, taunting wave before leaving the store. Rick didn't enjoy the possibility of seeing that man again, but a part of him was intrigued and terrified at the same time.
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lovelylittlemoth · 2 years ago
fanfic is up go wild
Bob Velseb x reader - Now You're Thinking With Portals (844 words) by ADoorToNowhere Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Spooky Month (Short Films - Sr Pelo) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Bob (Spooky Month)/Reader Characters: Bob (Spooky Month), Bob Velseb Additional Tags: this is essentially an isekai oh my god, no beta (I did check it over myself though!), gender neutral reader, I still don't understand how to use this site so the formatting might be off, POV First Person Summary: The Cult fucked up a summoning and isekai-ed reader into spooky month. But it's not all bad, they got some sick powers and the cannibal hunting them down is kinda cute.   (yes the title is a portal ref thanks for noticing)
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kuromipostsrandom · 2 years ago
Literally fucking me
Me about to tell everyone about beta character ai and how it makes you feel like you are rping with your favorite fictional characters
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Anyways please check it out it is an amazing website
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