#beta!Yaku morisuke
realcube · 2 months
MOTEL MORISUKE yaku thirst
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synopsis → yaku invites you to stay at his house because you can't find a hotel while visiting russia
a/n → part one here. @4unnyr0se 🥳🎂 wc - 3.8k
tws/tags → player! ts! yaku, fem!reader, swearing, alcohol, oral (receiving), praise, yaku is a munch & no beta — minors dni!
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while exiting the stadium, some fans and news outlet had taken notice of lev and began asking him for pictures and 'quick' interviews. and lev being himself was more than happy to entertain all of their requests, meaning he was held back while you and yaku left.
admittedly, yaku was a bit peeved that lev was the one getting all the attention after a match he played and won, but he shouldn't complain too much, as it meant he got to spend more time alone with you.
together, you had paused outside the men's changing room, still blethering away. you both knew yaku had to go in and that he couldn't take you into the changing room with him — despite how much he wants to — so you stood to the side for ages, just talking about anything and everything. turns out, he is pure charm and charisma, packed into a 5'6" vessel.
'sounds like a waste of such a pretty face.' that compliment rung through your mind like a melody; a mantra that clung to you. being the cousin of two russian supermodels has really shattered your ego (infalted your bank account, but none the less, shattered your ego). whenever you meet a guy now, there's always a tiny voice in the back of your head telling you that he's disappointed that you're not as tall as lev or as stunning as alisa. you are related after all, surely you sound have an ounce of their beauty.
but yaku was something else, right from the beginning he has put you at ease and reassured you that not only as you as attractive as they are, but you're attractive enough to do what they do. model. you couldn't envision yourself as one, but somehow he could.
his words were so intoxicating you truly couldn't let them go, and little did you know, he thought the same of you.
your coversation is interupted by lev appearing between you both, "i'm back! what are we talking about?" he asks cheerily, and you just awkwardly glance between each other, unsure how you should explain that you were discussing how toxic the beauty industry is and that models perpetuate unattainable beauty standards.. to a model.
although, you don't have to, because as soon as lev notices the looks you're giving each other and how he's being left out, he says, "okay, then. (y/n) and i should go. sorry for leaving so soon, yaku, but their flight is tomorrow morning so we only have today to spend together."
just as lev is about to grab your arm and rush you out the stadium, yaku takes your hand to hold you back, calling out, "wait, (y/n) already explained that to me. i said they could sleep at mine so they can stay longer."
lev turns around and raises his eyebrows, wide-eyes darting between you and yaku, "do you want to go to yaku's house, (y/n)?" he gulps, afraid of your answer.
you nod, sheepishly.
lev visibly winces, at which yaku has to stifle a chuckle. lev says, concerned, "you know you don't have to say yes just because he is your only option."
yaku gasped while you titter. "it's okay. i'd really like to stay with yaku." you reassure him, and he simply sighs, defeatedly.
"if that's what you want, (y/n)." lev straightens his back, demeanour suddenly switching, and he smiles sweetly, "yaku is great guy, i'm sure you will both get along well." a single tear runs down his cheek.
"don't be so dramatic, asshole!" yaku yells.
"yeah, i'm just sleeping over. it's not like we're getting married or anything." you add.
lev pouts, "but you were supposed to come to russia to spend time with me, your favourite cousin."
now didn't feel like the appropriate time to correct him and say alisa is your favourite cousin. instead, you rubs his arm, "obviously i'm going to spend the day-time with you! i'm just going to yaku's house to sleep. just think of it as a free motel!"
"a really big motel." yaku remarks.
that seems to cheer lev up quite a bit. evidently he had misunderstood the arrangement as you spending the rest of your visit with yaku, so he's relieved when you cleared things up. he nods contently, and begins to walk away, "that's good. i will get going then, unless you want me to come with you to the hotel, (y/n)?"
you shake your head, and wrap lev in a quick hug before he leaves, "it's alright, thanks. see you tomorrow!" you wave him goodbye.
"it was nice to see you again, yaku." he nods to his former upperclassmen, and waves to you, "see you, (y/n)."
once lev has left the stadium and is no longer in ear-shot, you turn to yaku, who has a devilish grin playing on his lips, "you're not really going to spend tonight at a hotel, are you?"
"i am. like i said, i was able to book a hotel for tonight but beyond that, there was no rooms available."
"yeah, i know you were able to book it, but why would you want to sleep in some stinky motel when you can sleep in my house?"
of course the real answer was that you didn't want to overstay your welcome by sleeping over on a night that you have other accommodation available, but you knew if you said that aloud, yaku was the type to insist you're always welcome. so, you use the other excuse, "well, i paid the deposit, and they don't do refunds. might as well go."
yaku rolls his eyes, "just because you paid for something doesn't mean you have to use it. i own a motorcycle that i've never rode and a pool i've never swam in."
you have a suspicion that he only mentioned those examples in order to show-off. still, you reply, "i'd feel weird if i paid for it and didn't show up."
he shrugs, not hellbent on getting his way, "you can do what you want. if you'd rather spend the night in a random bed that some strangers have probably fucked in, then go for it. i'll see you tomorrow."
he turns around and heads towards the men's changing room, but as he expected, he felt your hand on his shoulder, and you're timid voice say, "uhm, actually, i guess if it's not over-stepping, i'd like to stay at yours, please?"
✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
yaku had showered and changed out of his jersey, then you both took a taxi ride back to his place. by the time you arrived, it was well into the night, and sky was painted black.
it was dark out so it was heard to discern exact details of his house's exterior, but what thing you could see for certain is that he wasn't lying when he said it was big. it looked to be about two or three floors, with a massive drive way and an impressive width.
it was also partially illuminated by spotlights attached to the walls, which you assume were to provide secruity cameras with a clear view. it was the sort of house you'd see in hollywood movies; this is where the president is supposed to live!
unlocking his front door and turning off the house alarm, yaku leads you inside, tossing his bags and stuff to the side as he shows you through his living room. it's an open floor plan situation, so his living room — in which you see a TV screen that's probably taller than you — also has massive kitchen attached.
while you are trying your best not to pass out from shock, yaku muses, "i didn't want to say it but i'm glad you chose to stay here tonight. a girl as gorgeous as you shouldn't be sleeping in a hotel with less than five stars; it's unnatural."
you blush at his comment, throat drying up, and so flustered you can't think of an equally flirty response, so you just say the first thing that comes to mind, "i've never stayed at a five star hotel before."
walking around his kitchen island, casually snagging a banana from the bowl of fruit atop it, he says, "in that case, welcome to motel morisuke. where you don't need to pay for any of the drinks in the fridge, and you have the peace of knowing that strangers haven't fucked in your bed. just me."
you cringe at his statement, playfully asking, "ew! how does that make it a five star hotel?"
"because you get a complementary bottle of wine with each visit." while chewing on his banana and leaning on the counter top, yaku pulls out a bottle from underneath, presumably where there is a mini-bar. he slides it across for you to inspect, but as soon as you notice the name is a long french sentence you can't pronounce, you know it's the expensive shit.
"this is cool 'n all. but i still can't overlook the 'sex'd up bed' thing." you joke.
"if you wanted to stay in a place where the mattresses haven't seen any action, you shouldn't asked lev if you could sleepover at his." yaku chuckles, while you roll your eyes a little.
"he's a model. his bed is probably worse than yours."
yaku's eyes widen, as if to stay he doesn't believe you but he's willing to entertain the idea. as he throws his peel away, he walks towards the stairs, expecting you to follow behind him, "you'll be staying in the guest room, anyway. and i don't think i've done it on that one, yet."
you hurriedly rush after him once you realise he's showing you to your room, "you don't 'think'? that doesn't sound awfully convincing." you tease.
"some nights that are hazy and i don't quite remember all the details, but who am i taking to?" he glances at you with a smirk, "you're too sweet to understand."
before you can reply, yaku has opened a door and grandly gestures for you to go inside. you take a look, and gasp when you lay your eyes upon the decor. it's spacious, with a queen-sized double bed in the middle. the sheets and duvet are prisitine and white, while the bed runner and accent pillows are crimson red when a floral design embroidered.
there's a wardrobe too, and another door to the left of the bed, which you assume leads to the ensuite. yaku admires the foolish grin that spreads across your face, and he can't help but revel in your joy, his ego inflating a little bit at how he's impressed you. it charms him too, your reaction to his wealth. the type of girls he usually has over are all used to seeing big houses and luxury furniture, therefore are unimpressed. but this was all so new to you, it's such a delicious sight for morisuke, seeing that sparkle in your eyes.
"like it?" he asks, despite knowing the answer.
although, what he doesn't expect is for you to throw your arms around him and pull him close for a tight hug, as you bury your nose into his firm shoulder, "i love it! thank you so much for having me, yaku, and letting me into your beautiful home."
he is taken aback by the endearing display and tenses for a moment, until he soon melts into your touch and hugs back by slipping his arms around your waist and lightly caressing your sides, "you're my guest, so it's just as much your home as it is mine."
with nothing to say, you continue to embrace each other in comfortable silence an extended period of time, enjoying the warmth, until you slowly pull away, "anyway, i'll let you get ready for bed. it's late." you avert your gaze, hence you don't note the longing in his eyes.
yaku nods in agreement, stepping back and shuffling down the hall to his room.
✖ ✖ ✖ [NSFW] ✖ ✖ ✖
you spend the rest of the night unpacking and familiarising yourself with the controls of the shower. that took around ten minutes too; rich people showers have so many settings! after that, you changed into a robe, brushed your teeth and did your full skin care routine. now, you were sitting on the bed, folding away the towel you had dried your hair with, while staring at the blank tv, wondering how much it cost.
that's when you hear a knock at the door. "yes?" you call.
the door creeps open and enters yaku, wearing a pair of red shorts and a black shirt, with short-sleeved that exposed his tones arms; your breathing faltered at the sight.
"oh, yaku, i'm glad you're here." you stand up from behind the bed, to reveal yourself clad in nothing but a short robe, with your drenched hair stands falling into your face, which causes his breathing to falter. "i have this wet towel. is there a dryer i should put it in? or do you have a washing line?"
"uh," yaku drones as he tries to pry his eyes and mind off of your alluring figure, "just throw it in the hamper."
you nod, hastily opening the wardrobe to do so. as you notice him staring at you from the corner of your eyes, you take a seat at the top of the bed, and say, "i know i've probably already said this, like, a thousand times. but thank you for letting me stay here. i should really pay you back for it wh—"
"don't start that." yaku scoffs, marching towards you and standing over you with this arms crossed, "getting to spend time with such an angel is payment enough." the contrast between his fierce tone and mellow words perplexed you.
"i'm far from angel." you mutter, bashful gaze cast to the ground.
he grins widely, pushing his tongue into his cheek, picking up on a lewd implication that wasn't your intention. a hand slips under your chin and bring it up, so you look him in the eye. "want t' prove it?"
your cheeks heat up at as it dawns on you how your previous statement may have sounded, accompanied by his sensual touch. choking on your words, you're unsure of how to respond. though you want to clear the air and insist you had wholesome intent, a part of you was afraid to change the subject as it may cause you to lose this golden oppertunity. being touched like this by yaku made you aware of a carnal yearning you've had inside you this whole time.
yaku detected this apprehension, and shifted his grip on your chin to your cheek, gently caressing it with his thumb, "it's up to you."
without another thought, you push yourself up of the bed to capture his lips in your own, and wrap your arms around his neck to bring him in. eager, his lips move fiercly against yours and he allows himself to stumble forward onto you.
not wanting to part from the cathardic kiss, you both scramble about on the bed for a hot moment, trying to establish your bearings, until you both settle for a position where you laying on your back and he is holding himself above you, grinding down against your hips.
your lips dance ferociously together, and you both revel in the feeling, moaning into the kiss. finally free, you let your hands wander from his neck down his muscled back, over his broad shoulders until they eventually reach his arms. so strong and possessive, they flex through the short sleeves of his shirt, and his biceps have you pooling with arousal already.
he chuckles slightly while kissing you, amused by how you feel him up, and he takes it as an indication to do the same to you. one arm braces his while the other slips under your robe and rubs at your bare folds, slick with your heat. his fingers dips in and out, occasionally brushing or prodding your clit, assessing how wet you are.
each subtle whine and mewl that is torn from you simply fuels his fantasies, the vibrations of your lips against his egging him on further. "the things i want to do to you, baby." he groans, pulling away, only so he can see your face contort when he shoves his two fingers into your sopping hole.
you cling onto his arms for the life of you as he thrusts his fingers; the way his digits drag against your walls causing an uproar of fiery bliss in the pit of your stomach. you choke back your moans for the sake of your pride, but yaku grits, "i wanna hear you."
and that's all it takes for you to let loose, allowing your breathy moans and obscene pleads to spill from your lips like an endless chorus. yoru eyes squeeze tightly shut, so you can focus on every rough jerk of his fingers.
out of nowhere, he slides them out, wiping the sticky coating against the sheets of your bed. he shuffles backwards so his body his over your legs and his head is near your cunt, "let me taste that pretty pussy." he practically growls, shoving your legs open to display his newest obsession. he leans forwards and closes his eyes as his tongue worms between your folds, licking up your juices and moaning against your skin as your thrilling scent engulfs him.
then, he plunges his tongue into your tight cunt, eyes almost rolling back in your head at the sensation of the thick intrusions, wriggling inside you and poking against all the right places. it felt good at first but your legs shot up in s surge of pleasure when he started to thrust his tongue in and out of you, all while his lips were still fixed to your folds, sucking and nibbling.
your legs wrapped around his head instinctively to push him further into you, all while you moaned loudly, and you didn't think much of it as you were far too drunk on lust to care. yaku noticed though, and he fucking loved it. how needy you are for him already, the way your sweet little pussy needs more.
it affirmed him in his believe that you've been longing for this just as much as he has, ever since he laid eyes on you. how he craved to see that supple body hidden under your clothes, and now that he finally has, he's exhilarated.
however he's not been satiated quite yet, he still needs your delicious cunt to cum on his face. your back arched into him as you felt his hot muscle dig into you, poking against all the right places, while his lips messily lap up your wetness. his fingers eagerly dug into the meat of your thighs, almost piercing flesh, to hold you in place while he got to work. although you didn't mind, you were too distratced by the growing knot in your abdomen, pulsing and stretching with each desirious lick.
the tip of his nose teased your aching clit, as he continued to fuck your hole with his mouth, only pulling away every so often so he could exhale a caught breath and mumble some dazed comment about your soft skin or addicting taste. every single moment spent between your legs was his personal heaven, getting to soak up your wanton arousal until it was dripping off his chin onto the bedsheets. he had his eyes closed and was lost in the feeling.
with the way his tongue ravished your insides, occasionally freeing your hole from the onsaught of stimulation to lick up between your folds. your hips jerked against his face to aid to him, desperate from more, but he firmly held you in place, insistent on eating you out at his own pace.
because he wanted to enjoy every moment before the knot inside you tightened, bending and threatening to snap at any moment. he could tell you were close by the way your moans heightened in pitch, your pussy fluttered around him and your body's attempts to rock against his face became increasingly harsh.
his tongue moved quicker and rougher. from a leisurely rate to full-on feverish face-fucking, he wanted to see — to feel—you come undone all over him, so there was no way he was going to let you lose this high. in fact , he helps you chase it with everything he's got left in him.
despite his sore tongue he perseveres in thrusting into your hole, letting you grip his hair for dear life, regardless of the pain. it was all worth it anyway, with how your twitching walls envelop him. "fuck. c'mon. cum for me, baby. i know you want to." he groans hungrily into your pussy.
the vibrations from his speech cause a final surge of stimulation to rush through you, and a shriek-like whine is ripped from your throat as you reach your climax. even as you do so, and your pussy grips into his tongue, yaku fucks you all the way through your high with a constant level of severity, not letting up his frenzied pace until you have deflated onto your back, panting and heaving.
then, he gradually stops, easing his tongue out of your pussy, resulting in a small sigh from you at the emptiness. his hands on your thighs keep them apart, while he leans forwards to plant a gentle kiss upon your cute, glistening hole. as he sits up, he says, "thank you, angel." while stroking your thigh, and gazing down at your fucked-out figure with a smirk. "you're so good for me."
you weren't sure what he was thanking you for, though your mind was too hazy to question it, so you just mutter a quiet 'yeah'; the most intelligible response you could articulate currently.
he chuckles and shuffles so he can lie down beside you, using his arms to brace the back of his head, "wow, i was gonna do you in missionary next but it looks like you're fucked-out enough already. poor girl."
you raise your eyebrows upon hearing this and instinctively snap your head around to look at him. though you don't have the strength to string together a sentence, so you simply stare at him with sparkling, wide eyes.
at which, he laughs, "not tonight, angel. don't want to go too hard and break you on accident." he stands up, and walks round to your side on the bed to look down at you, "how about we pour some wine and watch some tv instead?"
you nod meekly. mentally about to gather the strength to attempt to stand up as well, so you can go downstairs, however you no longer need to worry about that as yaku scoops you up off the bed and into his strong arms in one swift motion, so he has picked you up bridal style.
you gasp from the suddeness and he only laughs heartily, while exiting the room, "it's quicker this way. and you can carry me back to my room after i get wine drunk." he jokes.
"pussy drunk and wine drunk in one night. you're really going all out."
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skippysartq · 1 year
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Pronouns: He/Him - Alpha Parents: Miya Atsumu and Sakusa Kiyoomi
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Pronouns: He/Him - Omega Parents: Narita Kazuhito and Kinoshita Hiasahi
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Pronouns: He/Him - Alpha Parents: Terushima Yuuji Ennoshita Chikara
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Pronouns: She/Her - Beta Parents: Matsukawa Issei and Hanamaki Takahiro
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Pronouns: He/Him - Alpha Parents: Kindaichi Yuutaro and Kunimi Akira
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Pronouns: They/Them - Beta Parents: Haiba Lev and Yaku Morisuke
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Pronouns: She/Her - Alpha Parents: Haiba Alisa and Kageyama Miwa
Haikyuu LC OC Evolutions Part 3
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kurotsuki-ao3feed · 1 year
what if we held hands in our pyjama pants?
by Anonymous
“It’s your turn to go first.” Tsukishima adds after that. He sounds sober already.
Tetsurou doesn’t even have to think about it. “Why did you stop talking to me?”
 - Or the fic where Tsukishima keeps staying the night at Kuroo's apartment.
Words: 9355, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kuroo Tetsurou, Tsukishima Kei, Yaku Morisuke, Bokuto Koutarou
Relationships: Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Haikyuu!! Time Skip, also during time skip?, Haikyuu!! Manga Spoilers, Betaed, Attempt at Humor, Idiots in Love, Background Relationships, Minor Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, implied demisexual character
Read it on AO3 here.
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ao3feedkuroken · 18 days
My Soul Among a Pile of Treasures
by Crystalogy Akaashi stared Kuroo down, “I’ll have to say that he’s not too far from what I think as well about the whole situation. I think that you’re hung over this thief character because they’re interesting to you.” “Of course they’re interesting! Can’t you see? They always find a way to escape my chase. And, they always do that while also getting the stolen goods.” He hit the desk, accentuating every word coming out his mouth, “Each. And. Every. Time!” Bokuto looked at him like he should maybe belong in a sanatorium, “I think you have a crush on this phantom thief. Maybe you should get yourself checked out.” ━━━━ °•: ☽ :•° ━━━━ Or, The Detective x Phantom Thief krkn AU nobody asked for in a short oneshot! Words: 4134, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 3 of Various KuroKen drabbles! Fandoms: Haikyuu!! Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Kuroo Tetsurou, Kozume Kenma, Akaashi Keiji, Bokuto Koutarou, Yaku Morisuke (mentioned) Relationships: Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou Additional Tags: Phantom Thief Kenma Kozume, Detective Kuroo Testurou, Alternate Universe - Detectives, Friends to Lovers, Love Confessions, Kuroo's obsessed with this phantom thief., Minor Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Akaashi knows sth's up, Kozume Kenma is Bad at Feelings, Fluff and Humor, beta? what's that. via https://ift.tt/oZFrLlQ
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 1 year
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/f0bQBj4
by miteraa
He let out a low breath, anticipation leaving an uncomfortable itch under his skin. Keji brushed a few of his dark curls from his eyes, narrowing them as he did so. He was on a mission. A mission that required the right amount of emotional distance to not appear suspicious. He had to be acute. He had to leave no loose ends.
Keji has been tasked with infiltrating the corporation getaway. His mission: eliminate all of the opposers. He has a plan. He has a partner. He is ready to become a man-made monster.
Words: 2508, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Akaashi Keiji, Akaashi Keiji's Father, Bokuto Koutarou, Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi, Kuroo Tetsurou, Yaku Morisuke, Kozume Kenma, Haiba Lev, Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Shirabu Kenjirou, Semi Eita, Tendou Satori, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Goshiki Tsutomu, Narita Kazuhito, Kinoshita Hisashi, Ennoshita Chikara, Kai Nobuyuki, Fukunaga Shouhei, Shibayama Yuuki, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Nishinoya Yuu, Yahaba Shigeru, Kyoutani Kentarou, Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei
Relationships: Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Akaashi Keiji & Bokuto Koutarou, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Tendou Satori/Ushijima Wakatoshi
Additional Tags: Violence, Blood and Violence, Serious Injuries, Murder, Murder Mystery, Not Beta Read, Spies & Secret Agents, Scandal, Blackmail, Awkward Sexual Situations, Sexual Content, Sexual Tension, Tags Are Hard, Tags May Change, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/f0bQBj4
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ao3feed-daisuga · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/HCFsUB4
by KittyKat2515
Secrets. We all have them. Some small and others huge. The question is how far would you go to keep your secret safe?
(⚠️TW in advance)
This story does contain
mentions of verbal/physical/sexual abuse swearing omegaverse weapons killing Mentions of eating disorder Stalking Etc
 if any of those topics make you uncomfortable then please proceed with caution
Words: 2614, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Sugawara Koushi, Hinata Shouyou, Semi Eita, Shirabu Kenjirou, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Ennoshita Chikara, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Kozume Kenma, Kuroo Tetsurou, Akaashi Keiji, Bokuto Koutarou, Azumane Asahi, Nishinoya Yuu, Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru, Sawamura Daichi, Tsukishima Kei, Haiba Lev, Yaku Morisuke, Kageyama Tobio
Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Semi Eita/Shirabu Kenjirou, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Azumane Asahi/Nishinoya Yuu, Ennoshita Chikara/Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou, Haiba Lev/Yaku Morisuke
Additional Tags: Omega Verse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Assassination, Blackmail, Fluff, Smut, Mates, Falling In Love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/HCFsUB4
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haikyuucute · 3 years
Hiya! I have an omegaverse request, but it's a little...atypical? So I understand if it's not really up your alley!
But I was hoping you'd do something for Beta Yaku (he's my favorite character and completely underappreciated) who's cute omega crush takes the initiative to start courting him first--bringing him food, or small gifts, and asking him to scent her things and being very pleased by his (muted) scent.
And if you don't mind it getting into some nsfw, maybe she then asks him to help with her next heat, as much as he can?
Thank you! ;w;
Atypical (Omegaverse AU)
Warning: NSFW
Ahhh I love this concept sm
I’m gonna make this a college au
But the two of you went to Nekoma together and he’s had a crush on you ever since first year when you joined the team as manager
But he never pursued a relationship with you since you were an Omega and he was a Beta even though he really wanted to 
Unbeknownst to him though you had had a crush on him as well and the only reason you never tried pursuing anything was again due to your presentations
But when you had realized the two of you ended up at the same college and even shared a class— you took it as a sign and began courting him 
And ahhh it’d be so cute cuz you were so awkward and clumsy about it
You had never courted anyone before and especially not a Beta
You started by making him lunch the days you two had your shared class together
And even though you’ve known him for three years and were good friends already, every time you gave him a bento and asked if he wanted to eat together after class, you were a shy, blushy mess
In turn it made Yaku a blushy mess as well, but he NEVER turned down an invite 
He tried to not think too much of it when you made him lunch since you always made snacks for everyone on the team back in high school
And he knew that was something some omegas liked to do for their friends
Your heart would always flutter when he complimented your cooking but it seemed as if your first attempts were going no where
So then you had moved onto giving him gifts
They were always small sweet gifts, that you didn’t know if he’d really like but it meant the world to you whenever he accepted them
Like one time you gave him a cute stuffed bunny that reminded you of him and he was SO confused but the way your face lit up when he accepted it made his heart pound out of his chest
It was at this point where he started getting kinda suspicious 
Like he was able to put some pieces together
He knew that when omegas liked alphas they’d give them food and presents 
But still...
He wasn’t an alpha so there was no way you could be courting him
So he continued to stay in denial because it was much more safe than entertaining the thought that you liked him back when you didn’t 
And then... you asked him to scent you
He was so taken aback and in shock that he was speechless 
You took it as a bad sign and quickly ran away in embarrassment 
But now Yaku was SURE you were trying to court him
Yaku didn’t know whether to feel elated by this fact or completely self loathing because he freaked you out and made you run away 
And unfortunately for him, he didn’t understand omegas very well so he called the last person in the world he ever wanted to ask for romantic advice
But he was the only competent alpha he knew
He called Kuroo lol
And after a lot of annoying teasing from the Alpha he did give him some good advice
So the next time Yaku saw you, he apologized and regifted the cute bunny you gave him, saying:
“I-I thought that maybe you’d like to hold onto him since he reminded you of me... and he smells like me...”
He was so red in the face and completely embarrassed but Kuroo said you’d appreciate having something with his scent
So that was what he did
And Kuroo was completely right 
You had smiled so big and tackled him in a hug, eagerly accepting the bunny
That was what marked the beginning of your relationship 
It was a bit awkward and clumsy, and he didn’t really understand a lot of your instincts but he did love learning about them and learning how to be a better mate for an omega 
but to his chagrin he’d be calling Kuroo with many more questions about omegas
However nothing could prepare him for when you asked him if he could help you through your next heat
As clueless as he was about what that might entail, he wouldn’t dream of telling you no
Yaku was out of his element.
You were like a completely different person, and he was terrified that he was going to reach his limit soon.
It had only been two hours too, and there was still an entire week left.
Yaku collapsed onto the bed beside you, completely out of breath, his jaw clenching at the frustrated whine that left you.
You climbed on top of him, grinding down on his softening cock, making him hiss from the oversensitivity.
He gripped your hips, stilling your erratic movements, “(F/N), enough—“
”No— need more Beta, please.”
He had to admit he felt bad. You were so desperate and needy, you looked like you were in pain, ready to break down in tears any second. A part of him couldn’t believe you managed to get through heats by yourself all these years. It also dug up some insecurities he had managed to bury about not being able to take care of you like an alpha would.
However, the truth of the matter was that he was your mate and he was the one helping you right now. And though Yaku knew he couldn’t keep up with you like an alpha, he did learn early on how to make you listen to him.
Yaku wrapped a hand around your throat, giving it a gentle squeeze.
He looked up into your lust addled eyes, once again amazed at how little of the Omega that he knew was found there.
”Behave Omega.” He ordered, your body stiffening as you responded to the tone (a fun trick he learned the first time you two slept together). “If you don’t start acting like a good girl, I’ll leave—“
“No— please-“
”Then behave,” he said, “If you want to get off that badly, then you can use my thigh— don’t give me that face.”
”What did I tell you before we started?” 
”C’mon Omega,” he muttered, giving your throat another squeeze.
”...We go at your pace.”
”Exactly. So be good and make yourself cum on my thigh.”
”Yes Beta,” you whimpered.
He had let go of your throat as you moved to straddle his thigh, gripping your hips to help you find a steady pace.
It was a struggle to keep up with you, but honestly, there wasn’t anything Yaku wouldn’t do for his Omega.
Requests are open.
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hinahaikyuu · 2 years
short story. Wedding Date
Yaku needed a date to his younger brother’s wedding, and after years of back and forth he finally asked you to go with him. Not as friends, but as a real date. Little do you know that he has a plan as well.
Word Count: 2.9k
→ This was not beta read. I will die on this hill like a queen. 
all works owned by @hinahaikyuu​— please do not plagiarize, copy or modify my works.
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“You want to what?” You sat there, mouth half way full of food looking at your closest friend through the phone in shock before chewing and swallowing your snack.
“You heard me you brat.” He chuckled, it’s not like you hadn’t done this before. The same deal was struck when your own sibling got married, “Go with me to Masahiro’s wedding.” He was so casual about it.
“What happened to that cute barista you were seeing in Moscow?” You popped another handful of popcorn in your mouth waiting for him to answer.
“Didn’t work out.” That seems to be the routine. Morisuke had been trying to date and build a life in Russia. After his first year he wanted to try and stay even after volleyball. He was coming up to the end of his second contract, the end of a tenth year.
“How’s it feel having your little big brother getting married before you hmm?” You teased, taking a drink and setting it down on the table.
“Hey that same shit goes for you!” he caught what you said, and yes his younger brothers were both barely taller than himself (by a few inches), but would that matter?
“And you already know I’m healing from a broken heart.” You looked off to the side, hoping he’d buy it.
“Ya know, I’d still believe you if there was a guy, but even then it’s been like eight years since whoever it was, if they're real.” You watched him dig around in his kitchen for snacks himself, before he grabbed a bottle of scotch. You stepped into your kitchen to follow suit with your favorite chaser. 
Morisuke Yaku was an idiot sometimes, despite how smart he was. By now he should have realized you were talking about him, right?
“That’s rude. What kind of bestie are you?” Morisuke could barely hear you as you left your phone in the living room before coming back, “I’ve tried to move on, it just didn’t work out.” You used his words against him. It wasn’t a lie, you just realized when it was too late and nothing ever felt the same.
Ten years later you're still in love with Morisuke Yaku.
“Are you staying for another contract?”
“Changing the topic are we?” He leaned back, “Not sure. I thought I’d have more than an overseas professional career by now.” You could see the look of uncertainty in his eyes, you wanted to reach out, how could you?
“Well you got plenty of game time left so take it easy. My house is always ready for your return.” To you it sounded desperate, more than half the time you’d been in this apartment it was just you or a friend between places. You wanted to have a space if he came home for him. Not that he would need it but part of you couldn’t let it go.
“As always, thank you.” He looked almost sad. “Well, the family wants to see you again anyway, so even if you're not my date will you still go?” He poured the drink, raising it into the air with you. Like every second Sunday, you toasted each other with a bottle of alcohol to an imaginary glass. “Mom keeps asking me when she’ll see you again.”
“I love your mom but she’s got to stop shipping us, in front of us.” You chased down your drink with a sour look on your face, heart fluttering when you heard his soft laugh through the phone.
“Is it really that bad?” He teased, setting his hand in his palm. You took a look at him again, he was wearing just a button t-shirt and a pair of jeans. He left the top button undone and he had styled his hair the way you showed him, so simple but so handsome. You looked away from the phone trying to hide your face.
“I’ll go with you, When’s the wedding?”
Morisuke was over the moon when he arrived at the bar with his team mates, nothing could have bothered him. The smile plastered on his face, left his whole team wondering how he could have been so happy. They shouldn’t have asked, because he wouldn’t have shut up. 
“Do you remember those friends of mine who came to visit a few years ago?” He asked, taking a drink of his cup. “Especially the girl, yn?”
“Yeah, I remember. You wouldn’t shut up for days. She had just been dumped by her ex or something right?” 
“Yeah.” Yaku made a face, “Well anyway, she’s going to be my date to my brother’s wedding.” He smirked, Yaku remembered how this team mate liked to flirt with you when you had come to visit with Kuroo the third summer after he left just before college graduation. 
“Wait, so no more platonic dates? It’s a date?” The setter asked, hyped for his friend, giving Morisuke a high five when the Libero nodded. “Finally man, but... what are you going to do about the distance?”
“What do you mean?”
“Contract renewals are coming up, in March, it’s December.” Oh, that’s all. Yaku shrugged, taking another drink from his glass. 
“I haven’t decided yet.” Yaku nodded to his teammate when a hand rested on his shoulders. “I didn’t realize how I felt about yn, until after I got here. I tried to move on and settle a life here but nothing fits outside of Volleyball. I thought Sasha was going to be it for me, but that was a waste of time. I have an awesome life here, don't get me wrong, I love playing with you guys. I feel like my future outside of volleyball is just-”
“Her.” The setter smiled, “Look, we’ve been teammates and good friends for almost ten years, Morisuke. I remember when you told me that you think you liked this girl more than you originally thought, I knew you did way before I ever met her. She was all you talked about. If you are not going to do another contract, go home, be with her. It’s that easy.”
“You make it sound so easy, but how do I choose my career over a woman?”
“You don’t? Do you really think, the starting, foreigner Libero of the Cheegle Ekaterinburg, couldn’t get on a professional team in his home state? The Olympic athlete, the Libero of his Monster generation?” 
“Okay, okay, Ilya you have a point.” You smacked his hands away, Ilya Petrov was a Russian American setter on the team. He had been born in the United States with his twin sister, Anna. They were raised in the states but came home to Russia as soon as they could. Ilya had been Yaku’s closest friend since the day he arrived. 
“Think of the girls you’ve dated here, could you see yourself having a family with them? Any of them?”
“Not at all.”
“But can you see it with her?” Ilya watched Yaku struggle, had he never really thought of that before. The dirty blonde sat there in thought, thinking of you at the altar, thinking you pregnant and being a mother to your children, that questionable look quickly turned into a smile.
“Yeah. The clearest picture I’ve ever seen.”
From that day, the wedding was three weeks away and Morisuke would be home for two weeks. He knew you would say yes, but when you did say yes to letting him stay with you instead of at his parents house, he couldn’t help his heart from doing little flips. Ilya and Anna went out to help him find a new suit, and helped him talk his way into a decision. He had time, but not enough he thought.
You continued on, looking for a dress for the wedding, visiting the Morisuke household like you did in high school and well through college when Mori was gone. His mother loved you, always wanted you together, you could ride that train with her to the end of the world. When Masami had stopped by, you found yourself admitting to him you had feelings for his brother, but it seemed to be too late. Masami gave you a hug, telling you he’d see you at his twin's wedding. 
Little did you know Masami was texting Yaku your answer. 
“That’s it. If she says yes, I'm staying in Japan.” Yaku held up the phone to the Russian twins, “I also know what her dress color is so we can go find me a match. She showed my mom the dress for approval.”
“What are you waiting for?” Anna cheered, “Let’s go!”
It was two days before the wedding when Yaku had arrived at the airport. You had to work so it was Kuroo who picked him up and took him over. The former captain had his own key, grabbing Yaku’s from the counter drawer where it was kept for when he visited. 
“Masahiro agreed to that?” Kuroo laughed, wiping up some food in your kitchen for themselves, and extra for you when you got home in a couple hours. The wedding was a simple black and white theme, western style. You had picked out a nice, soft pink dress according to the photo his mom had sent him. He was going to wear a matching tie. 
“Yeah, as long as the suit was black and the shirt was white. Apparently my mom isn’t the only one who wants us to end up together.” Yaku took a moment, looking at Kuroo while he tossed around the food in the pan. “I think I’m staying in Japan.”
“Wait. Really?” Kuroo turned to look at his friend while tossing the food in the pan. “I thought you were going to settle down in Moscow.”
“Nothing really felt right. It was a great experience, but I also thought I’d have the start of a family right now, then I realized my future wasn’t in Moscow.” Kuroo took the hint, looking at Yaku with a curious gaze looking for confirmation, “Yeah, if she says yes, I’m coming home. I’m certain my future is with yn.” The two of them finished eating, putting a plate for you in the fridge before settling down and watching movies and shit on your couch, waiting for you to come home. 
It was a wonderful couple of days. You had gotten most of Mori’s visit off from work and the two of you spent plenty of that time together catching up and spending it with old friends. Kuroo was careful not to slip up, but hinting enough to keep you dazed and confused. When the time came for the wedding, you looked so beautiful. 
Your hair was done simply and softly, your makeup barely existed and the soft pink dress you chose to wear to the wedding fit your complexion. Best of all you fit perfectly under Yaku’s arm. You adjusted the tie a little bit, just as an excuse to touch him. 
“We match.. Masahiro said it was okay?” Your fingertips lingered, his hands brushing over yours. 
“Yeah, he liked the idea.” He took your hand, grabbing your keys off the counter. “Let’s go, I’ll drive.” 
The drive was nice, but left you feeling very confused. Yaku was being just as cryptic as Kuroo and he had placed a hand on your thigh to keep you from bouncing it and wrinkling the dress. It kept it there, the warmth filling your heart, after a moment you put your hand on his. He spread his fingers just a little so he could hold your hand the best he could in the situation.
When you arrived, he loved trying to keep you on his hip. Left little lingering touches and made sure you were included in everything. It was different than at your sister's wedding. It was more intimate. It was warm. 
This was Yaku’s plan; he wanted to show you his interest without being overbearing. He wanted to leave clues about staying home and being with you. He still had to ask you out, he was sure you wouldn’t see it coming. Even if you thought the feelings were finally mutual, you knew he had to go back to his second home. 
The ceremony was gorgeous. You sat next to the Yaku family, holding hands with his mother on the groom's side of the venue. Hanabi, Masahiro’s now wife, had picked the prettiest mermaid gown she had found. Apparently she was in love with western wedding dresses in this style, she had to have one. She got it and it was beautiful.
Masahiro and Hanabi shared their kiss, Mori looking at you while you watched them with fondness, before looking at him and sharing a smile at your date. The feeling was mutual. He spent the whole time clapping, looking at you and vice versa. 
“Okay, the family photographs are about to start!” His mom came up to the two of you to drag you away, Masahiro’s wife insisting that you join. After all these years, you were family too. Just like before the ceremony, Mori kept you close with him. Holding your waist, or your hand. Brushing a loose lock of hair from your face. You didn’t know that the photographer was taking candid photos of the family and their dates. It was Hanabi’s idea, it would make the photos more genuine. 
Masami had stolen you to dance first, leaving Mori to talk to his mother and congratulating his brother and new sister in law. You heard a small squeak come from their Mother, sharing a soft smile looking down at your feet. “You know, if you asked him to stay, he would probably come home for you.” Masami smiled, spinning you slowly. 
“I couldn’t ask that of him, he has a career in another country. One he worked hard for, who would I be to destroy that?”
“The love of his life?” You lightly hit Masami on the chest, causing him to giggle. “You really should just tell him how you feel, it’s been too long yn.”
“Maybe.” He gave you a pout, before Morisuke came over, grabbing your other hand and spinning you into him. His hand wrapped around your waist tightly, pulling you into him. “Oh. Hello there.” You giggled and his heart melted. 
“What kind of date am I, to let my brother dance with you first?”
“A good date, and a wonderful son and brother to focus on your family before your friend.” you teased, “I wouldn’t expect you to handle it any different.” He swayed you back and forth, waiting for Masahiro and Hanabi to sit at their stands. “Hey, Mori...”
“I know you’re going to be here for a couple more weeks, and this is so inappropriate but-” He cut you off, putting his forehead to yours. 
“No, hold on.” He smiled, moving you slowly you almost weren’t moving at. “I want to ask you something first.” He waited for you to nod, admiring the deep blush across your face. “I know it’s late, but I have a few chances coming up in my life and I wanted an opinion.”
“Okay, shoot.” You gave him a curious gaze. 
“I know, it’s taken some time for this. I’m sorry I was stupid and couldn’t see it but I’m positive everything had lead to these few weeks here.” he stopped you, pulling you to the side of the dance floor. “I want to stay home, maybe with you? Maybe, to be my own future wife?” 
“Wait..” you let out a mix between a sigh and chuckle, “This is very surprising and very charming, but at your own brother's wedding? What brought this on all of the sudden?” You tried to clear the nerves, he just chuckled. 
“Don’t worry, as long as I don’t make a scene or get on one knee I’ll be fine. It was actually Hanabi’s idea.” He smiled, “So what do you say? Can I take up that extra space in your apartment?”
“We’re going to have a talk about this when we get back home-”
“Our home, I like that.” You laughed at his words. 
“Yeah, me too.” Yaku gave you a little kiss, before turning and looking at his brother at the stand holding his glass. Mori took you to the table with his other brother and mother. 
“Thank you all so much for coming. I know this ended up not being as small as we would have liked, but we thank you all for making it so wonderful for us and yourself. We wanted our special day to have some sort of fondness for all of you as well, the people we love the most.” Masahiro looked around, holding Hanabi’s hand. His father had placed two slices of cake in front of them, “Now we have the first bite.” He let go of his wife’s hand to pick up the piece, and together they shoved the slice into each other's mouths making a loving mess before chewing and sharing a kiss. 
The whole venue was in an uproar, smiling and cheering and hollering. Masahiro picked up the mic one more time, “Oh, and Morisuke.” He held up his glass, “You’ve been an amazing big brother, an amazing role model. Yn, you have been a wonderful sister to me growing up and words can not explain how happy we were for you two to be here today. To have two of my biggest wishes and fondest thoughts come together in one day, is the greatest blessing I could have. We love you both, and welcome home.”
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sunfish-studies · 3 years
Fresh, Cutting Through
[Part 2]
➜ Pairing: Hinata Shoyo x Reader | Kageyama Tobio x Reader | Oikawa Tooru x Reader | Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader | Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader | Yaku Morisuke x Reader |
➜ Warning: none, just pure fluff and adoration for the reader as a beta
➜ Notes: reader is a girl and a Beta. This is an Omegaverse HC
Amongst the flurry of leathery and dominating scents along with sweet and sugary ones, your fresh, cool, and crisp scent cutting through it perfectly.
Hinata Shoyo
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Hinata adored your scent and doesn’t afraid to let everyone know. Once your figure was in his line of sight in the gym, he immediately sprinted towards you in a giddy manner and never failed to compliment you.
“Hi, [Last Name]! You smell really good today!” boy was he straightforward with his praises, sometimes it even left you flustered.
When practice was over, his steps automatically directed towards you and he would be giving you the sparkling look. You’re extremely familiar with this particular stare of his–it’s his way of subtly pleading to scent you. Hinata was really respectful, trying his best to hold himself and ask for your permission instead of jumping right into.
Karasuno was your temporary pack and you don’t mind to scent your packmates if they asked to or when your beta instinct tingles from the distress waving off from your alphas or omegas.
To Hinata your scent is the perfect reflection of fresh cold air–the morning air that every day greeted him when he went on his way to school with his bicycle. It made his inner alpha purred in content every time he inhaled a lungful of your scent.
He’s similar to a child being given a packet of candy once you opened up arms. Nuzzling into your shoulder, soon his nose trailing over your next close to your scent gland–sighing in content as his nose was greeted with your fresh scent.
That and your scent always successfully recharged him after being exhausted–his energy seemed to be top notch and he could do his best.
 Kageyama Tobio
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Kageyama was more reluctant in letting you know he needs your scent. However, he knew it’s you even if you’re quite far away–it was easy to distinguish your scent in a mix of others. His alpha constantly longed to be close to you.
Once you entered the gym, his head would perk up upon your arrival. And for the rest of the time before practice, he would trail over your like a lost puppy.
He didn’t know exactly how to ask you to scent him or him to scent you. No, it’s not because of his alpha pride or something–because he’s too awkward to even ask, words came tumbling incoherently when he tried although there’s a complete sentence already arranged in his head.
In short, he failed greatly at asking in a normal way.
Thankfully, you completely understood his wants every time he stood close to you–stuttering immensely as he tried to communicate. Opening your arms, he could feel his inner alpha yipped happily for the invitation. He wasted no time to immediately dived into your arms and buried his face into your neck.
His head formed an image of winter wonderland once he inhaled a lungful of your scent–just fields of snow and freshly white powder raining down gently on him.
In official matches, he frequently shoved his match uniform to your hands and you always accepted it. Kageyama knew you would wear it the whole evening and then returned it to him the day of the match.
Your scent would attach on his uniform and he had more concentration than ever in his match, because your fresh scent cutting through the heavy layers of other scents. His best sets were mostly because your scent was around to make his mind clearer.
 Oikawa Tooru
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He’s not going to beat around the bush if he’s craving for your scent–he would just skip towards you and asking if he could scent your of not, and of course most of the time you would say yes. You’re the manager, so you’re the part of Aoba Johsai pack.
While the others would just scent you briefly, Oikawa would trail over you wherever you go–to the point Iwaizumi almost thwack him with a volleyball. His arms would be wrapped around your form, and he would bury his face into your shoulder, neck, or hair.
His inner alpha purred in happiness, completely enjoying the scent of first snow of winter waving from you.
He frequently urging you to wear his jacket throughout practice because once the practice ends, you gave back the item to him–and he would bury his nose into the collar. Your scent lingered and it brought him great joy.
Aside from practice, he would stay close to you even at school during lunch–understandable because you, Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, and Hanamaki always hanging out together at that time.
Oikawa would place his chin upon your shoulder, or pressed his forehead against your shoulder–anything close enough to get a whiff of your scent. Sometimes he thought this was some kind of obsession towards your scent or just him being scent drunk.
Anyways, you always indulged into his wants and needs and he’s grateful for it.
And scenting you before match successfully boosted his confidence, making his mind clearer than ever.
Iwaizumi Hajime
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Similar to Kageyama, it was quite hard for him to expressing his wishes directly. Though, he’s more composed than the younger boy. He would rub the back of his neck nervously, words rolled from his tongue with many ‘uh’s in between and it’s difficult to meet your eyes.
However, you would smile and approached him instead–dropping your head upon his shoulder lightly and playfully. Iwaizumi would chuckle and finally pressing his nose to your hair.
His hand cradled your head gently as he slowly buried his nose into your shoulder, close to your neck. Occasionally, he would rub his head against yours to let you know that he’s thankful for your attentiveness.
His inner alpha would growl in pure content, basking in your fresh scent amongst heavy alpha scents trapped in the gym.
Every time he closed his eyes, his imagination brought him to a beautiful foggy forest with thick canopy–the depiction of what he thought of your scent. It’s calming–washes every other scent away gently but surely.
There would be times he’s craving for your scent, but he tried to hold back because he didn’t want you to portray him as a needy alpha. But as if you’re reading his emotional fluctuation like a book, whenever he’s in need you would always ready with something–scarfs, handkerchief, or even his jacket which already had your scent.
Iwaizumi would thank you and in return, he sometimes treated you to snack or even lunch.
 Kuroo Tetsuro
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Similar to Oikawa, this boy would let you know exactly what he wants–confident steps towards you and instead of waiting for you to realize he would just poke at your cheek. You would turn to face him, only to witness him opening up his arms–gesturing you to approach him with that infamous smirk of his.
You would scoff in return but walking towards him nonetheless. Once you’re close, he wrapped his arm around you tightly but not to the point of suffocating.
Kuroo loved to bury his nose into your shoulder–your scent was prominent there. If he’s needs a little more, then he could just move his head and found your neck. Hugs with Kuroo was entertaining because the Kuroo’d rock the two of you gently from side to side like swaying tree–making you burst to giggles.
Despite being a quite a touchy fella–he would poke your cheek out of blue, flicking your forehead, ruffling your hair, or even slung an arm across your shoulder; he never once scents you without your consent.
He still put you to high regards because for him being an alpha meant you’re there to protect the pack, not to assert dominance.
Every time he’s agitated (either in the match or else), he found himself approaching you automatically–knowing you would bring comfort for him. Your scent wasn’t something he could describe vividly, however he could name a few words to expressed it; hygienic and clean.
Maybe similar to the cooling fever patch his mother gave him when he had fever when he’s still a little kid, maybe something like the hygienic scent of freshly cleaned room or even to the point of something medicinal.
Nevertheless, he wondered if he could stay close to you all the time–your scent was like a fresh air amongst sickening sweet or overly masculine scent which surrounded him.
 Yaku Morisuke
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Even though Yaku’s not the type to shy away from the thought of scenting, he made sure to let you know and gained your permission every single time. Your comfort is his priority than any others.
Rather than anyone seeking for comfort through your scent, Yaku’s probably the one scenting you to calm you down–the exact opposite. It’s sometimes quite overwhelming from the sharp scents of other alphas in the pack during practice, he took it as his duty to take care of you.
But he wasn’t going to deny that your own unique beta scent also bring comfort for him in the middle of practice or the time when his head filled with dark clouds.
Beta scent was something he’s fascinated about–different from the musky and dominating of alphas, nowhere near as sweet and alluring as omega’s. It’s clean–cleansing all of the heavy scents like fresh air. Every time Yaku inhaled deeply, he could imagine himself standing near a waterfall–scent of falling water and greenery surrounding it.
Ultimately, rather than fulfilling your duty as a beta in your pseudo-pack of Nekoma’s Male Volley Club, you’re more like being taken care of because Yaku’s around–he made sure to not have you shouldered all the burden from having different sub-gender alone in the club.
Though there were times he was craving for your scent as well–and it flattered you because it’s quite rare thing for Yaku to indulged to his own needs since he’s a really composed alpha. His restrain to himself and the power to hold back his urges amazed you.
Yaku would gesture for you to sit down on the bench before moving closer to lean on your shoulder. If he found you comfortable with what he did, that’s his cue to nuzzle his nose into your neck.
He’s just an astoundingly sweet alpha.
What do you guys think about this? Please wait for the next part!
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obeymesimp11 · 3 years
Top & Bottom
In here you'll find who's top and bottom in the ships. ❤️
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Top, Bottom:
Toshinori Yagi x Inko Midoriya
Shota Aizawa x Hizashi Yamada
Oboro Shirakumo x Nemuri Kayama
Hanta Sero x Mina Ashido
Fumikage Tokoyami x Tsuyu Asui
Izuku Midoriya x Ochaco Uraraka
Mashirao Ojiro x Toru Hagakure
Denki Kaminari x Kyoka Jiro
Eijiro Kirishima x Katsuki Bakugo
Rikido Sato x Koji Koda
Shoto Todoroki x Momo Yaoyorozu
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu x Itsuka Kendo
Hitoshi Shinso x Neito Monoma
Tamaki Amajiki x Mirio Togata
Nejire Hado x Yuyu Haya
Tenya Iida x Mei Hatsume
Seiji Shishikura x Camie Utsushimi
Toya "Dabi" Todoroki x Keigo Takami
Shinji Nishiya x Yu Takeyama
Tomura Shigaraki x Himiko Toga
Kai Chisaki x Hari Kurono
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Top, Bottom:
Kōshi Sugawara x Daichi Sawamura
Yū Nishinoya x Asahi Azumane
Ryūnosuke Tanaka x Kiyoko Shimizu
Chikara Ennoshita x Hitoka Yachi
Shoyo Hinata x Tobio Kageyama
Kei Tsukishima x Tadashi Yamaguchi
Keishin Ukai x Ittetsu Takeda
Kenma Kozume x Tetsurō Kuroo
Yaku Morisuke x Lev Haiba
Toru Oikawa x Hajime Iwaizumi
Issei Matsukawa x Hanamaki Takahiro
Kentarō Kyōtani x Shigeru Yahaba
Takanobu Aone x Kenji Futakuchi
Keiji Akaashi x Kōtarō Bokuto
Satori Tendō x Wakatoshi Ushijima
Kenjirō Shirabu x Eita Semi
Shinsuke Kita x Aran Ojiro
Atsumu Miya x Kiyoomi Sakusa
Rintarō Suna x Osamu Miya
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From Top to Bottom:
Barbatos, Diavolo, Mammon, Leviathan, Beelzebub are the "Alpha's", Belphegor, Satan, Asmodeous, Simeon, Solomon are the "Beta's", Lucifer, Rapahel, Thriteen, Mephistopheles, MC are the "Omega's". Also, the brothers aren't romantically/sexually involved with each other, so no incest/demoncest!
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Top, Bottom:
Giyu Tomioka x Shinobu Kocho
Obanai Iguro x Mitsuri Kanroji
Sanemi Shinazugawa x Kanae Kocho
Kyōjurō Rengoku x Akaza
Tanjiro Kamado x Kanao Tsuyuri
Zenitsu Agatsuma x Nezuko Kamado
Inosuke Hashibira x Aoi Kanzaki
Tengen x wives, from Top to Bottom:
Uzui Tengen
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Top, Bottom:
Manjiro Sano x Takemichi Hanagaki
Chifuyu Matsuno x Keisuke Baji
Takashi Mitsuya x Hakkai Shiba
Haruchiyo Akashi x Kazutora Hanemiya
Nahoya Kawata x Ran Haitani
Rindo Haitani x Souya Kawata
Senju Kawaragi x Hinata Tachibana
Ken Ryuguji x Emma Sano
Shuji Hanma x Tetta Kisaki
Hajime Kokonoi x Seishu Inui
Izana Kurokawa x Kakucho
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Top, Bottom:
Albedo x Kaeya Alberich
Eula x Amber
Gorou x Arataki Itto
Barbara Pegg x Noelle
Beidou x Ningguang
Razor x Bennett
Xingqui x Chongyun
Venti x Diluc
Ganyu x Kequing
Hu Tao x Yanfei
Jean x Lisa
Kaedehara Kazuha x Scaramouche
Lumine x Ayaka
Kamisato Ayato x Thoma
Kujou Sara x Sangonomiya Kokomi
Raiden Ei x Yae Miko
Rosaria x Sucrose
Tartaglia x Zhongli
Aether x Xiao
Xinyan x Xiangling
Rosaria x Aloy
Amber x Collei
Scaramouche x Mona
Yelan x Kuki Shinobu
Yelan x Shenhe
Shikanoin Heizou x Kaedehara Kazuha
Cyno x Tighnari
Kamisato Ayaka x Yoimiya
Yunjin x Xinyan
Dehya x Nihya
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ladysunamireads · 2 years
You Asked, I Answered
you asked, i answered by kosamekei
A simple JNT Q&A. Centrestage: Kageyama Tobio. How can it go wrong?
Spoiler: It did. Very wrong.
Words: 3170, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Hoshiumi Kourai, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Miya Atsumu, Kuroo Tetsurou, Yaku Morisuke, oikawa is mentioned, Iwaizumi is mentioned, Hinata Natsu is mentioned
Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Additional Tags: Interviews, Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluff and Crack, Crack, Humor, Boyfriends, Pro Volleyball Player Hinata Shouyou, Pro Volleyball Player Kageyama Tobio, Post-Time Skip, Jealous Hinata Shouyou, Hinata Natsu is a plot device, unhinged and not beta read i'm sorry, Happy Ending
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40822149
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moonlit-island · 3 years
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fairytale endings
—everything felt like a fairytale with him
Pairings: Yaku Morisuke x Reader
Warnings: None
Genre: Angst, Breaking up, Falling out of love
Word count: 900+
A/N: Thank you so much to @lovemeian for being the kind soul who beta read this. I owe u my heart ✨
This was heavily inspired by that scene in Ted Lasso. Still finding my groove again with writing so here’s something like a re-imagining of that.
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Truth to be told, you didn’t expect to spend your night like this.
With a candlelit dinner prepared by your one and only boyfriend, Yaku Morisuke. The two of you laughing the night away while drinking wine and eating your favorite dish that he cooked, in the comfort of your shared apartment. Your home.
The place where the both of you would do movie nights that were actually just cuddling sessions, making fun of the films you were watching or shed a few tears to. Early days where you and him wake up in each other's arms, wishing for more time to laze around before getting up and starting the day. Playful nights chasing each other into rooms, laughter echoing around the whole place. Calm days where you lazed around and whispered sweet nothings into each other's ears, or when you played games until you both got tired from being so competitive. Quiet but comfortable dinners like the one you were doing now.
You noticed Yaku fixing his plate after he was done eating— before he stood up abruptly, making you confused. He offered his hand to you as he asked,
“Would you like to dance?”
You stared at him for a few seconds before smiling and putting your hand in his, letting him pull you up and lead you into the living room. He paused for a minute to play a slow song from his phone and set it down on the table, before putting his hands on your waist while you placed yours around his neck, intertwining your fingers across his nape. You rested your head on his shoulder as he pressed a kiss on the top of it.
Everything felt like a fairytale with him and you didn’t want it to end.
The song was reaching its climax when he all but suddenly whispered your name softly, so softly like he was afraid he would ruin the peaceful atmosphere the both of you created.
“Hmm?” You hummed.
“I love you.”
Tears were slowly welling up in your eyes. You wanted to laugh at the situation but instead you let out a choked sob.
It took a few seconds before you could utter your response.
“I know.”
Lies. All lies.
Slowly, the picture perfect that was your relationship begins to crack.
Everything felt like a fairytale with him and you didn’t want it to end…until it did.
You weren’t stupid. You knew the moment when the touches became less prominent, quality time became almost non-existent, the light in his eyes became more and more dull when he looked at you, arguments became more frequent, and finally, the “i love you’s” became more of chore to say and so he stopped saying it to you.
When your home became less of a home and felt more like a cage.
It was over.
You have finally reached the conclusion of your love story with him.
You couldn’t even really be mad at him because you knew he tried his best. You have seen him do so.
Yet, it really wasn’t the same anymore.
“I was always hoping that one day I can wake up and feel the same for you as I did back then but—“ he looked down at his hands because he couldn’t bear to see you break anymore because of him.
“But it never happened. I’m so sorry.”
Denial clouded your heart and mind at first. You didn’t want to believe that it was the end. No. You refused. And so you wanted to bargain with him. Plead that this was all just a phase and the both of you will get past it. You wanted to be selfish. And you did. You asked if he could just try one more time and see where it goes. Maybe if he pretended for a little while longer he’ll grow to love you genuinely once again.
But it still wasn’t enough and by this time, as you were both dancing in the middle of your once safe haven, you accepted the inevitable.
He had been so good to you and you didn’t want to make him suffer anymore than this.
Because you love him.
Because you want to see him happy.
Because you knew that this was hurting him as it was hurting you.
Because even though he fell out of love, he still took so much good care of you.
He still loved you.
Just not in that way any longer.
And so as the music came to a stop and your last dance reached its finale with one final twirl, you pulled yourself away from his embrace and held his hand in yours. You wiped your tears—but no matter, they still kept falling—and you smiled at him.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to pretend anymore.”
You said as you gripped his hand tighter.
“I’m gonna be okay.”
And with one last squeeze of his hand, you finally let him go.
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Once Yaku had collected his things and gone, you wanted to laugh at the irony. The irony in which the same place you began your fairytale was also the same place where you finally closed the book.
There was just a different kind of hurt in knowing the both of you tried your hardest but still fell out of love regardless.
Another kind of hurt in the quietness of the break up that follows the acceptance in realizing that the best thing to do is to let go of each other.
“Thank you for everything. Goodbye.”
Maybe in another time, you’d finally live your life where you could put down the book of your fairytale and start writing another one. You laid in the guest room bed—too afraid to sleep in the once shared bedroom—and let the clutches of sleep take you.
Maybe another time but for now, you would dream of him.
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© story is by moonlit-island. reblogs are much appreciated!
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yacoka · 4 years
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──⊱ [repost] three times kuroo said marry me, and the one time he (really) meant it
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character(s) — kuroo tetsurou, kozume kenma, yaku morisuke, kai nobuyuki
pairing — kuroo tetsurou x reader
genre — fluff
warning(s) — none
word count — 2400+
beta(s) — none
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the first time
Your phone buzzes for the millionth time, and you don’t even need to check it to know it’s Kuroo complaining about how he had left his lunch at home. Even though you knew he was just complaining for the sake of it, you planned to rush home and make him lunch anyways. For him, you would do anything.
If it meant rushing off straight after class ended and running back home under the scalding afternoon sun, so be it. After all, love makes fools out of everyone.
You ignored the yelps of surprise and annoyance as you dash past people on the streets, checking your watch occasionally. You had to be back in school in an hour to make sure Kuroo had at least half an hour to eat, and you weren’t going to waste a single second.
The second you reached home, you threw down your bag and began yanking out the necessary ingredients to make his favourite dish - grilled salted mackerel pike. You knew that that was meant to be saved for your brother’s lunch tomorrow, but he could always buy another one in the evening.
Strands of hair stuck to your sweat-slicked neck, and you resisted the urge to brush them away, your hands handling the pungent fish. You had never understood Kuroo’s love for fish, but if he liked it, you would cook it.
Once the vegetables and fish were done, you carefully plated it into the bento box, laying them as nicely as you could over the rice. You didn’t have any time to make it look presentable, and you figured Kuroo would be too busy scarfing it down to admire the aesthetics of it anyways.
A quick glance at the clock told you there was only ten minutes left for you to get back to school, and you let out a sharp curse. There wasn’t enough time for you to do the dishes. Casting a guilty glance at the mountain of dirty utensils and pots in the sink, you sent a silent apology to your parents, swearing to do them when you got home later.
You dashed out of the house, bento box clutched tightly in one hand and your phone in the other. As much as your chest tightened in protest of the lack of oxygen from how hard you were pushing yourself, you kept going.
Kuroo needed his lunch, oxygen could wait.
Skidding to a halt just before the gym doors, you checked yourself in the phone camera. You grimaced at your tousled hair and flushed face, there wasn’t much that you could do to fix those right now.
Right, time to give the damn rooster head his lunch. A few deep breaths to even out your breathing, and you stepped into the gym, where Kuroo was slumped onto the floor next to Kenma’s sitting figure, complaining loudly that he would die from hunger if Kenma didn’t share his lunch with him.
“Kids these days have no respect for their elders, leaving them to starve to death.” Kuroo pulls a face at the two-toned blonde.
“Kuroo!” You called out, cutting off whatever retort Kenma had planned.
“Oya? Y/n? are you here to bring me food?” He teased, getting to his feet.
“As a matter of fact, I am,” you thrust out the lunch box.
Kuroo’s mouth popped open. “That- that’s for me?” He pointed at himself.
You rolled your eyes. “No it’s for Kenma, because he clearly needs a second lunch.”
The mentioned boy snickers, earning a glare from Kuroo before he turns back to you.
“Y/n,” he says, face filled with seriousness. “Marry me.”
You flush, heat spreading all the way to the tips of your ears. “Shut up and take the food or I’ll leave with it!”
He grins and takes the container from you, fingers brushing lightly against yours. Once you were sure he had a firm grip on it, you yanked your hand back and clutched it to your chest, fingers burning where he had touched.
“Enjoy it or whatever, just return it to me tomorrow.” You turned on your heel abruptly and darted out of the gym, catching only the thanks Kuroo threw after your retreating back.
“Thank you Y/n!”
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the second time
If you had a dollar for every time Kuroo disappeared from your side because he got distracted by his friends, you’d be a millionaire by now. Somehow you had managed to walk for god knows how long, just rambling to yourself without even realizing he had vanished. You let out a sigh of annoyance and began backtracking. Hopefully, you would bump into him somewhere along the way.
As you maneuvered your way through the various groups of students lingering in the hallway, you heard a familiar voice chuckle nervously. Your head whipped towards the source and found Kuroo backed up against the wall by a few girls who had sickeningly sweet smiles plastered across their faces.
You purse your lips in an attempt to keep your laughter back, amused by the desperate look on Kuroo’s face.
“Kuroo, are you free after school today? I know a great cafe that just opened down the road!” One of the girls batted her lashes at him, leaning in as she spoke.
Kuroo pressed himself further into the wall. “Ah, I have volleyball practice later. But thank you for the offer.”
He tried to inch his way out, but the group tightened around him, forcing him to stay put.
“Aww, can’t you skip just once? You’re always having practice,” another girl pouts, resting her hand on his bicep.
You stopped laughing.
Okay, that was enough fun at his expense, that girl was crossing a line by touching him. You cleared your throat loudly as you strolled forward, a look of pure boredom plastered across your face.
“Kuroo, how many times are you gonna get lost?” You chided him, intentionally ignoring the girls.
A look of pure relief had appeared upon his face the second he spotted you, and his eyes screamed ‘save me’ even as he replied to you smoothly, “As long as you come find me, I'll be fine.”
You frowned at him. “What if I decided not to find you one day?”
Kuroo let out a gasp of fake offense. “You wouldn’t!”
“Ahem, we were having a conversation here.” The first girl shot you a nasty look.
Raising an eyebrow at her, you replied coolly, “It seems to me that the conversation is over, so maybe don’t interrupt the one we have now?”
She scoffed, flipping her hair over her shoulder, narrowly missing Kuroo’s face. “Who said it was over? You’re the one who barged in.”
You stifled a laugh at the indignant look on Kuroo's face at almost eating hair. “I said it was over, I need kuroo for other things that are more important than you trying to come on to him. C’mon kitty, let’s go.”
Ignoring the soft protest from Kuroo at the nickname, you pushed past the girls and grabbed his arm, tugging him out of the circle they had formed around him.
“Bye girls.” You waved over your shoulder and walked off with Kuroo in tow.
Once you were a safe distance away from them, Kuroo draped himself over you. “Please, marry me. Maybe then they’d leave me alone.”
Trying your best to calm your racing heart and pretend you weren’t affected by him, you shrugged him off.
“Oh shut up, if you weren’t so friendly all the time maybe they wouldn’t try to make so many moves.”
Kuroo sighs loudly. “It's called being civilized, you should try it sometime.”
You raise a brow at him. “Did that save you from them?”
“Right so shut up.”
“Marry me tho?”
“I said shut up!”
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the third time
You sat under a tree, leaning against it as you flipped through your textbook. You were waiting for Kuroo to end volleyball practice so that you could go for dinner. His treat, he had promised you the other day, for finding kenma and dragging him to practice.
The time for the end of practice came, and you sat there patiently, waiting for him to walk past you. Members of the volleyball team had already greeted you on their way out, but still no Kuroo. Finally, as Yaku and Kai appeared, you stood up and walked up to them.
“Hey Yaku, Kai.” They greeted you back. “Where’s Kuroo?”
Yaku grimaced slightly as he replied. “The idiot got a leg cramp right as practice ended, so he’s sitting in the middle of the court trying to wait it out right now.”
You rolled your eyes. “Seriously? Okay, thanks, I’ll go find him and make sure he’s okay.”
“Give us a call if you need help, We’ll come back to school.” Kai told you.
“What? No, we won’t-“ Yaku squawked in outrage as Kai elbowed him. “Fine, we will.”
“Thanks guys, but I doubt I need to. I should be able to handle this oversized cat on my own.” You smiled at them and took your leave, heading towards the gym.
On your way in, you bumped into Kenma who had his eyes glued to his switch.
“Kenma!�� You reached out a hand to steady the boy.
“Oh, hey Y/n. he’s in there,” Kenma nods inside. “He has a leg cramp.”
“Yeah, Yaku told me. I’ll take care of him,” you patted Kenma’s arm. “Don’t walk and play, you might trip.”
Kenma frowned slightly, “I haven't tripped yet.”
You laughed and shook your head, waving at him as he left. Crossing the threshold into the gym, you spotted Kuroo lying spread eagle in the middle of the court, eyes closed.
“Oi, what happened to dinner?” You called out to him as you walked over.
He started, body flinging upright as he stared at you wide-eyed.
“Oh shit, that was today?”
You stared at him in disbelief. Really? He forgot?
Examining his face closely, you noted how exhausted he looked, with dark circles under his eyes and the exhaustion that sat heavily upon his shoulders. Sighing heavily, you sat on the floor next to him.
“Alright, which leg is it,” you asked, prodding both legs.
He pointed to his right calf, and you got to work, kneading the tight muscle. Kuroo groaned in pain.
“Could you be, a little gentler?” He gritted out.
Raising your eyebrows at him, you pressed down particularly hard, causing him to yelp and attempt to pull his leg away.
“Stop complaining and let me do my thing,” you demanded, smacking him lightly.
He sulked but stopped trying to move away from you, the occasional grunt coming from him as he watched you massage his leg. When you were sure the cramp had passed, you let go of him, shaking out your now sore hands. Kuroo grabbed onto them, clutching them gently as he looked at you.
“Marry me.” His voice sounded so serious for a second that you were taken aback until he burst into laughter. “Your face! God, you looked so startled!”
Scowling, you smacked him across the head hard. “Shut up, idiot! You’re the one that always fakes proposing to me when we’re not even dating!”
He grins at you, a smile that reaches his eyes as he asks, “Well then, will you date me?”
Kuroo takes your silence the wrong way and begins rambling. “Unless you don’t like me and I’ve been reading the signs all wrong, Then you can totally just take it as a joke because-“
You slap a hand over his mouth. “Yes.”
He says something, but the words are muffled by your hand and he tugs it down to repeat his words again. “Yes as in you’ll date me or yes as in I read the signs wrong?”
“Yes as in you read the signs wrong, because why else would I do all the stupid shit I do for someone who I don’t like.” You deadpan. Kuroo’s face shifts into mild panic and you facepalm.
“Yes, I do like you, you idiot!”
“Oh, jesus, don’t play with my feelings like that! What if I got a heart attack? I'm old, you know!” He yelps as you punch him in the chest.
“You’re 18, not 80.”
“Okay but you’d still date me if I was 80 right?” He smirks, tugging on the collar of your uniform.
“Who said I’d date you now?”
“You just did! And there’s no taking back that confession!” He laughs gleefully.
“What’s stopping me from rejecting you though,” you smile darkly.
He freezes, arms in mid-wave.
“Uhhhh, I’ll buy you food?”
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plus one
It's been a while since you had seen your boyfriend for more than brief moments in the morning and night, and for the first time in weeks, he said he was going to end work early and come home for dinner.
You hummed as you went around the kitchen preparing a variety of dishes for him, the most important one being his favourite grilled mackerel. Even after years of being together, you still hadn’t gotten used to the smell of fish and fought the urge to gag as the smell wafted up to you.
Kuroo knew how much you didn’t like it, so he never requested you to cook it, opting to eat it only when you guys went to his parents' house for dinner.
But seeing as how he had been working hard and pushing himself to the brink of exhaustion, you decided to suck it up and prepare the dish for him. What was one mere dish in comparison to love, huh?
Right as you set the last dish onto the dining table, Kuroo came through the door, tossing his bag onto the sofa carelessly and draped himself over your back.
“Hey kitty, how was work?” You smiled as you felt him burrow his face into your neck.
“It was tiring, as always. how was- is that grilled mackerel?” He lifted his head to stare at the table, where the dish sits smack in the middle smiling at him.
“Yeah, it is,” you said casually, twisting around in his hold to face him. “I figured you’d like to eat your favourite after working so hard for the past few weeks.”
“Marry me.” It comes out as a rush, the words tripping over themself as his tongue twists over the words.
There’s a ringing in your ears as you process what he just said, taking in the nerves that have settled upon his face.
Your answer escapes in a breathy laugh as you grin up at him.
A smile stretches across his face and he pulls you into a deep kiss, pouring every bit of happiness and love he felt for you into the kiss.
“I love you so much,” he says in between pecks. “I love you so so so much.”
“I love you too, Tetsu.”
“.....I forgot the ring!”
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 1 year
Up to Interpurrtation
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/oFauY9p
by CreatingRoyalChaos, RC_Steel
Flowers, food and cute hybrids aplenty. When Daichi invites everyone to the park to relax and celebrate Hanami, Kita makes sure the kittens have their own way to relax; catnip. But some kitty tongues get a little too relaxed.
"Did that kitten just fucking talk?"
Words: 16693, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 12 of Hybrid Hijinks
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kuroo Tetsurou, Kozume Kenma, Bokuto Koutarou, Akaashi Keiji, Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi, Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou, Matsukawa Issei, Hanamaki Takahiro, Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru, Kyoutani Kentarou, Yahaba Shigeru, Haiba Lev, Yaku Morisuke, Ojiro Aran, Kita Shinsuke, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Suna Rintarou, Kamasaki Yasushi, Moniwa Kaname, Aone Takanobu, Futakuchi Kenji
Relationships: Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Hanamaki Takahiro/Matsukawa Issei, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Kindaichi Yuutarou/Kunimi Akira, Kyoutani Kentarou/Yahaba Shigeru, Haiba Lev/Yaku Morisuke, Kita Shinsuke/Ojiro Aran, Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi, Miya Osamu/Suna Rintarou, Kamasaki Yasushi/Moniwa Kaname, Aone Takanobu/Futakuchi Kenji
Additional Tags: Hybrids, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Cat/Human Hybrids, Dog/Human Hybrids, Picnics, Fluff and Crack, First Meetings, Partying, Alcohol, Scenting, Marking, Possessive Behavior, Protectiveness, Recreational Drug Use, and by that we mean catnip, Drunk Shenanigans, Suggestive Themes, Implied Sexual Content, Sexual Tension, Omega Kozume Kenma, Omega Akaashi Keiji, Omega Hinata Shouyou, Alpha Kageyama Tobio, Alpha Iwaizumi Hajime, Omega Oikawa Tooru, Alpha Kyoutani Kentarou, Omega Yahaba Shigeru, Alpha Haiba Lev, Omega Miya Atsumu, Alpha Sakusa Kiyoomi, Omega Suna Rintarou, Alpha Miya Osamu, Hand Feeding
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/oFauY9p
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ao3feed-daisuga · 3 years
Pregnant with another kings baby
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JI4NWhO
by Iamnoasinnoone
Queen Kenma of nekoma mates with king Bokuto of Fukuroudani accidentally at a party and has to figure out what to do with the baby not to hide it mention From his husband King kuroo of Nekoma while at the same time Slowly falling for king Bokuto.
Words: 1281, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Akaashi Keiji, Kageyama Tobio, Iwaizumi Hajime, Tsukishima Kei, Kozume Kenma, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Azumane Asahi, Sawamura Daichi, Karasuno Volleyball Club, Kuroo Tetsurou, Yaku Morisuke, Komori Motoya, Nekoma Volleyball Club, Shiratorizawa Academy Volleyball Club, Bokuto Koutarou, Original Child Character(s), Sakusa Kiyoomi, Hinata Shouyou, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Fukuroudani Volleyball Club
Relationships: Bokuto Koutarou/Kozume Kenma, Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou, Sakusa Kiyoomi/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Aone Takanobu/Azumane Asahi, Haiba Lev/Yaku Morisuke
Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Cheating, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Verse, Mpreg, Not really that slow romance, Unplanned Pregnancy, pregnant Kenma, Lev haiba & Kenma Kozume friendship, Alternate Universe - Werewolf, No Smut, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Omega Azumane Asahi, Omega Sakusa Kiyoomi, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Omega Kozume Kenma, Beta Akaashi Keiji, Soft Sakusa Kiyoomi, POV Third Person, Alpha Ushijima Wakatoshi, Alpha Bokuto Koutarou, Pregnancy, pregnant Sakusa Kiyoomi, Top Ushijima Wakatoshi, Bottom Sakusa Kiyoomi, Self-Acceptance, Accidental Bonding, Accidental Knotting
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JI4NWhO
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
Stir-Fried Friendship
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Category: Friendship Fluff, Comedy
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Characters: Morisuke Yaku, Lev Haiba
Hi, everyone! I am happy to present my story for the @levyakubigbang���! I had a great time working with my artist Odio, who made a fantastic piece of art for the story, and my beta Cloe. Enjoy the cooking shenanigans!
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Morisuke draped the water-soaked towel over his head with a sigh, immediately soothed by the cool water sliding over his flushed and sweaty skin. He massaged the fluffy fibers into his scalp with a hum, walking along the edge of the court to the bench. He snatched up his water bottle as soon as he got there to drain nearly the entire thing in one gulp, then poured the rest of it out over the damp towel. He heaved another sigh and rolled his shoulders, trying to stave off the ache that was already creeping into his overworked muscles. 
Practice had been particular grueling today; Kenma was currently face-down on the floor with Tetsurō fanning him with a piece of paper while looking all too amused, Taketora was kneeling over the trash can looking a little green in the face, and Yuki was slumped up against the wall looking like his soul was dribbling out through his mouth. Their coach had been motivated, to say the least, after their most recent encounter with Karasuno High, and apparently, that translated to trying to kill everyone on the team. Morisuke frowned as his bicep muscle in his left arm twinged, and he reached up to try to massage it before it started spasming. 
He nearly jumped out of his skin when someone grabbed onto his ankle. He looked down to see Lev dragging his long, skinny bulk across the floor, looking like a zombie. 
“Nyaaaaaa… Senpai, please… water…” he croaked, turning a sunken face upwards to plead like a dying man. Morisuke scrunched up his face in displeasure and shook off his large hand, then stomped off to the bench to snatch up his spare bottle of water. 
“Seriously!” the libero gruffed as he stalked back, shoulders hunched up to his ears. “Half this team can’t take a little exercise? Whatsa matter with you?” he scolded Lev as he slammed the water bottle down on the floor next to him. Lev leaped at it with a deranged howl, unscrewing the cap with his teeth before sucking the liquid inside down with the force of a vacuum. It was both impressive and disturbing. Morisuke snorted as he squatted down next to the boy, trying to ignore the obscene slurping noises as Lev inhaled the water like his life depended on it. “Yeesh… This is what you get for shirking on your training all the time.” 
“Come on, senpai, don’t be so harsh!” Lev said after popping his mouth off the bottle. “Coach was extra hard on us today; you know that! Why are you making it out to be my fault?” 
Morisuke just pursed his lips with a disdainful sniff. Sure, all of his muscles had collectively decided to go and die all and once and he was only holding his squat with stubborn willpower right now, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to admit that to Lev. 
“Look, if you’re done complaining, I’m going home. I have homework to do,” he said and began to stand. Lev suddenly latched onto his ankle again, and Morisuke looked down with a gasp. “What now?!” 
“I was going to ask! Senpai, will you teach me how to cook stir-fry?” 
Morisuke couldn’t help the utterly stupefied expression he gave him. What? Teach him to cook stir-fry? …What?
Lev sat up with a bashful look, while Morisuke continued to stare at him with his mouth agape. 
“Ah, I suppose that is a weird question, isn’t it?” Lev laughed and rubbed at the back of his neck. “Y’see, my mom and sister have been teaching me how to cook, but mostly Russian recipes, you know—so I wanted to surprise them this weekend by cooking something Japanese. I know you really like to cook stir-fry, senpai, so I thought it worth asking you!” 
Morisuke finally shut his mouth only to scrunch up his lips in an embarrassed frown. Sure, Morisuke knew how to cook, and it was no secret that stir-fry was his absolute favorite. Teaching someone else how to cook, especially a bungling oaf like Lev, didn’t necessarily sound like the most enticing idea. However… when Morisuke glanced down, Lev was staring up at him with big, round eyes that were just begging for help. 
Ugh… I probably wouldn’t be a very good upperclassman if I didn’t help him out, huh? Morisuke thought with a slight scowl. Lev wasn’t the type to take no for an answer, either, so he would probably bug him for days. 
“All right. I’ll help you,” he conceded, his tone uncertain—he could already tell that he had no idea what he was signing up for here. But it was too late to back down now; Lev suddenly found enough energy to spring to his feet and wrap his arms around Morisuke in a crushing hug. The libero squirmed in the tall, lanky boy’s grasp, but despite all his twisting and turning, Lev was determined to hug him until he was squished. 
“Thank you! I’m very excited to learn from you, senpai!” Lev squealed so loud that it made Morisuke’s ears ring. Finally, he managed to wriggle his way out of his long arms and slither a few feet away, panting and frantically smoothing down his disarrayed hair. Lev just smiled goofily at him. The guy had absolutely zero sense of tact, and it gave Morisuke palpitations. 
“All right, all right! Enough with the hugging!” he griped and tugged down his rumpled uniform tee. “As I said, I have homework to do, but you can come by after that. I’ll text you.”
“Okay! Uwah, how exciting, I’m gonna go to Yaku-senpai’s house~” Lev hummed as he spun on his heel, prancing off like he hadn’t been dying of dehydration not two minutes earlier. Morisuke’s body sagged with the weight of his sigh as the boy sashayed off, already feeling ten years older just from the interaction. 
I hope this doesn’t end up being a pain in the ass… he thought grumpily, but somehow, his heart already knew that this would be a long night. 
If it was any indication of what Morisuke was in for, Lev got lost on the way to his house. Morisuke had to go stand on the end of the street like an idiot and shout at him until he finally pranced over like an overexcited puppy. That definitely did not inspire much confidence, but a deal was a deal. He led Lev back to his house and straight to the kitchen, where he had already laid out all the ingredients that they would need. 
“All right,” Morisuke said as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, folding them at his elbows before grabbing the apron hanging over the back of the dining room chair. “Let’s get started.” He handed Lev the other apron, which happened to be his mom’s. It was way too small for him, barely reaching to the tops of his thighs, and it was patterned with flowers and hearts. Lev didn’t seem to mind, though, for he was drinking in all the delicious ingredients with bright eyes. Morisuke’s mouth curled up into a smirk, and then he motioned Lev over to the cutting board. 
“All right. I decided on beef stir-fry,” he told the taller boy. “So first, we need to cut the beef into small strips.” He grabbed a knife and used it to slice open the plastic packaging, then plunked a slab of the beef onto the cutting board. “You don’t want the beef to be too chunky because it’s mess up the balance, but you also don’t want it to be too thin, or it’ll fall apart,” he explained as he began slicing the beef into centimeter-thick strips. Lev watched with interest, cupping his chin in the webbing of his thumb and forefinger. 
“There’s another knife right there,” Morisuke said, using the tip of his own to point before shuffling over to allow Lev room. “You can cut the other slab of meat.” 
“Okay!” Lev grinned and plucked the knife from the holder, eagerly joining Morisuke at the counter. He dropped the beef onto the cutting board with a wet slap, and before he got to cutting, Morisuke hastily reached over to straighten it out because it was all folded over on itself. “Whoops. Thanks, senpai!” Lev hummed, and Morisuke just sighed a little. 
You’d think that would be common sense…
As Morisuke cut the strips, he piled them at the top of the cutting board. It didn’t take him long to notice the oddly-shaped strips joining the pile. Most of them were cut in an oblong shape, thicker on one end than the other, and a bit frayed from the knife being roughly pulled back and forth. Morisuke looked over to see Lev sticking out his tongue in concentration while he awkwardly dragged the knife through the beef, sawing at it roughly. 
“Lev, no,” Morisuke snorted, reaching out to grab his wrist. “You don’t need to hack at it. Smooth motions,” he instructed, using his hands to guide Lev through the motions. The next piece came out perfect, a straight cut with just the right thickness. 
“Oh! Man, this is a lot harder than it looks. How are you so good at this?” Lev laughed good-naturedly, apparently unfazed by Morisuke’s particularness when it came to the food. Morisuke snorted again, watching the next cut Lev made out of the corners of his eyes to make sure he was actually learning. It passed muster, and so he went back to finishing up his own beef. 
“It’s a skill just like anything else. Practice makes perfect.” 
“Oh, that makes sense!” Lev said, holding up the knife like he had an epiphany. Morisuke grimaced as beef juice splashed against the side of his face. He used the hem of the apron to wipe it off, while Lev resumed cutting the beef while humming a tune under his breath. 
At least he’s eager, Morisuke thought with a small purse of his lips. 
While Lev finished slicing the beef, Morisuke washed his hands and then grabbed all the ingredients for the sauce. Lev quickly followed suit, his head all the way turned around so he could train his gaze on the libero so he didn’t miss a single moment. It was equal parts endearing and disturbing, making Morisuke flush a little in embarrassment. 
Well… It could be worse… He hasn’t destroyed my kitchen yet. 
“Okay, so the sauce is arguably the most important part, right? It’s where you get all our flavor,” Morisuke said as he reached into a cabinet to grab a bowl to mix the ingredients in. “Your base is condensed beef broth, in this case,” he said while using a can opener to pop the can open. He poured the thick brown liquid into the bowl. Lev leaned over and gave it a sniff, raising an eyebrow at the strong odor. 
“Soy sauce, of course, is essential,” Morisuke smirked as he poured half a cup of the salty sauce into the bowl, “but you want to add sugar to give it just a hint of sweetness.” Lev raised an eyebrow as he added two tablespoons of sugar. 
“Wow. A lot sure goes into this,” he said appreciatively. “I thought stir-fry would be simple.”
“Tch. Which is why you needed my help in the first place,” Morisuke said with a roll of his eyes. “All right, the last step is to thicken the broth with cornstarch.” After adding the thick white powder, Morisuke thrusted the bowl into Lev’s hand. “Stir that while I get ready to brown the beef. 
Lev began to whisk the mixture with wide eyes. Morisuke grabbed the cutting board and carried it to the stove. The hairs on the back of his neck instantly began to rise, and he peeked over his shoulder to see that Lev had followed him, eyes wide. Blushing slightly by his underclassman’s rapt attention, he laid a wok over the burner and poured a small amount of oil in it. After swirling the wok to spread the heating oil around, he began to lay the strips into the oil. The meat hissed and pop as soon as it met the hot metal. 
“Here, senpai, I think I’m done!” 
As Lev held out the bowl looking proud of himself, Morisuke got up on his tip-toes to inspect it. He immediately scowled. 
“Lev! Does that look mixed to you?” 
“Um… Yes?” Lev blinked and looked down in the bowl, looking confused. Morisuke slapped a hand to his face with a groan. Ugh… I really have my work cut out for me here.
“I thought you said you had been cooking, but you don’t even know what mixed broth looks like?” Morisuke snorted and snatched the bowl back. “Look at all these chunks of cornstarch!” 
Lev looked sorrowfully at the clumps of light brown, broth-saturated cornstarch floating around in the bowl. Morisuke swirled the whisk, breaking up the clumps against the thin lines of metal while scowling at Lev. 
“Geez… What kind of Russian recipes have you been making, anyway?” 
“Mostly desserts,” Lev admitted sheepishly. “I can make a mean rugelach!” 
“I’m afraid rugelach is not going to help you make stir-fry,” Morisuke sighed. He looked down at the bowl, then tipped it forward to show Lev. “This is how the broth is supposed to look.” Lev nodded appreciatively, drinking in the smoothness of the broth. Morisuke set it on the counter, turning around to flip the strips of meat over to broth the other side. The kitchen began to fill with the aroma of cooking meat, clouding around them with the faint wisps of steam rising from the sizzling wok. 
“All right. I’m going to chop the vegetables, so watch this beef, okay,” Morisuke said, pointing firmly at Lev’s chest. As soon as it’s done, you can start helping me chop everything.” 
“Roger, senpai!” Lev chirped. He took his job seriously, walking right up to the stove to literally watch the beef. Morisuke considered telling him that wasn’t necessary, but it would probably keep Lev from being distracted and letting the beef burn. He smirked as he strode back to the sink to wash the cutting board, wondering how long it would take Lev to break with the hot steam rising into his face. 
The airhead’s gotta learn somehow… Still, I didn’t think he would be this much of a rookie in a kitchen!
After washing and drying the cutting board, Morisuke carried it over to the counter where he had arranged shiitake mushrooms, bok choy, red peppers, celery, and green onions. It was also about time to start the rice, so he took the rice he washed earlier and piled it into the rice cooker, starting the timer. He grabbed the mushrooms and began to slice them into thin chunks one at a time. He allowed himself to fall into the rhythm of the gentle tok-tok-toks of the knife, eyes growing lidded with contentment. 
Morisuke liked to cook. Maybe not as avidly as some people, but he did enjoy it. It was a welcome reprieve from all the stress and activity from school and volleyball. It was just him and his ingredients. He alone was in control of what happened; he didn’t have to worry about other people or an enemy on the other side of the net. He just had to follow a simple pattern, one step at a time, until he was done. It was almost mindless. 
That was not the only state of mindlessness in his kitchen. 
Morisuke’s nose wrinkled as the familiar stench of burning meat wafted up his nose. He dropped the mushroom he was in the middle of slicing as he rushed to the stove; it bounced off the cutting board and down to the floor, only to be crushed under Lev’s foot as Morisuke shouldered him aside. 
“Lev! You’re supposed to be watching the meat!” he scolded as he hastily flipped off the burner and wrenched the wok off the hot one, moving it to the cool side of the stove. He grabbed the knife to use its edge to lift up some of the strips of meat, pouting at the charred black bits around the edges. He whipped around, pout deepening, to see Lev bashfully playing with his fingers. 
“I just wasn’t sure if it was done…” he answered while dropping his hands to twist them into the fabric of his apron. Morisuke just sighed and leaned down to grab the crushed mushroom off the floor, walking over to the trash can to toss it in. When he turned around, Lev was giving him a shy smile—like a puppy who had displeased its owner and was now trying to make up for it by being cute. 
“Don’t look at me like that. You’re hopeless,” Morisuke said and turned his nose up at Lev, who whimpered in response. Despite himself, Morisuke did feel guilty for snapping; Lev seemed to be trying his best, even if his best was giving Morisuke a headache. Sighing, Morisuke walked back over and punched Lev lightly in the chest, making the Russian boy yelp in surprise. “Look, it’s only a little burned. We can still use it. For future reference though, when the meat starts to turn darker brown, it’s done.”
“Right! Thank you, senpai!” Lev grinned, cheering up instantly. Morisuke couldn’t help but smile; some of the more hot-headed of his teammates would have been done with him right now, but Lev didn’t let things get him down for long. Morisuke gestured for Lev to follow him back to the counter, and he pranced behind him, already eager to get going again. 
“Okay, Lev, do you know how to cut veggies?” 
“Yeah! I help my mom and sister cut them sometimes,” Lev responded and picked up a knife. Well, at least I have something to work with, then, Morisuke thought. While Morisuke finished up the mushrooms, Lev began to work on the bok choy. Morisuke was relieved to see that he at least knew how to do that. 
“Okay,” Morisuke exhaled through his teeth once the vegetables were lying in a neat row on the cutting board. He piled the meat onto a plate and then used the knife to slide the vegetables into the wok, moving it back to the burner and flipping it on. The electric burner began to glow a hot red, and soon, the oil in the pot began to sizzle. Morisuke grabbed a spatula to begin swirling the vegetables around in the wok, coating it in the oil to cook. “Now the key to cooking vegetables is to leave just a little bit of crunch in them—not too much because an undercooked vegetable is one of the most uncomfortable feelings ever.” 
“Even more uncomfortable than watching Tobio Kageyama trying to smile?” Lev joked, and despite himself, Morisuke’s mouth twitched into a smirk. 
“Close, but not quite. That guy looks like he constantly has a stick up his ass.” 
“Yeah. It’s kind of a wonder that he gets along so well with Shouyou!” Lev laughed, holding his belly as he tipped back his head. Morisuke just grunted; people on other teams weren’t much of his concern, though he did like Yū Nishinoya—at least, he respected him and his talent. 
“Anyway, seriously—you do not want your stir-fry to be crunchy. If you take anything away from this, do not undercook your vegetables,” Morisuke asserted, pointing firmly at Lev with the business end of the spatula. 
“Roger, senpai!” Lev nodded eagerly, saluting. 
Well, everything considered, he’s not a bad student… Morisuke considered with a small smile. 
After the vegetables were finished cooking, he piled the meat back into the wok. He then grabbed the bowl and poured in the sauce, swirling it around until it coated the vegetables and meat completely. He let the stir-fry come to light boil while Lev unloaded the rice from the cooker into two serving bowls. 
“And that’s it,” Morisuke hummed as he flipped off the burner. “That’s how you make stir-fry.” 
“Thank you so much, senpai!” Lev beamed, slapping his hands together in a sign of gratitude. “I really appreciate it! I’m sure my mom and sister will love this.” 
Morisuke couldn’t help but blush and smile shyly under the praise. Lev might be a pain in the ass sometimes, but he was still his underclassman, and it was a little adorable to see him get so excited about something as simple as cooking for his family. They were all so close. It was kind of refreshing. 
“Well, be sure to let me know how it goes,” he said while he opened a drawer to get some chopsticks. He handed Lev a pair, and the tall boy clicked them together eagerly before pulling a piece of the sauce-soaked meat into his mouth. His eyes immediately fluttered shut and he let out a long sigh of ecstasy, his body even sagging a bit. Morisuke stood up straighter, his heart swelling with pride, and eagerly waited for Lev to say something. 
“It’s delicious!” Lev praised. He began eagerly shoveling the stir-fry and rice into his mouth. Even when he recoiled from the hot temperature, he still kept going until his cheeks were bulging like a chipmunk’s. “Absolutely delicious! You’re a genius!” he cried again, sauce dripping from his lips. 
“It’s just stir-fry, Lev,” Morisuke chuckled. He finally began to eat his, albeit more calmly. Maybe it was Lev’s shower of praise, but Morisuke thought that maybe this was his best batch of stir-fry yet. The sauce had the perfect balance of sweet and savory, the vegetables had just the right bit of crunch, and even despite the slight char, the meat had an excellent flavor. “But, I will admit that it is good.” 
“Hehe, I feel honored to have been taught by such a master of his craft,” Lev hummed. He piled some more rice and stir-fry into his bowl, looking elated. “I sure hope I can give my mom and sister a stir-fry that is half this good.” 
“Don’t sell yourself short, Lev.” 
Lev looked at him quizzically, which made Morisuke flush. Come on, did he really not compliment people that often? Feeling a bit awkward now, he swirled his chopsticks around in the bowl, mixing up the rice and stir-fry, while he dropped his gaze to his feet. 
“Don’t look at me like that! Even though you run away from training, you still learn fast and do your best. I’m sure your stir-fry will come out great.” 
When Lev didn’t answer immediately, Morisuke slowly lifted his gaze. Did he say something weird? He thought it sounded good in his head, but did it sound more like an insult than he’d meant? When he met Lev’s eyes, he found them brimming with tears. 
“That’s so nice!” Lev howled. As Lev whipped back his head, letting the tears stream down his cheeks, Morisuke flinched in shock. He’d thought he’d be used to Lev’s antics by now, but every time he managed to ramp up the drama and shock him. Before Morisuke could even recover from that, Lev had slammed his bowl on the counter and was wrapping Morisuke up in a bone-crushing hug again. “I’ll do you proud, senpai!” 
“Oi, oi, oi!” Morisuke wheezed. Lev lifted him straight off the ground, and Morisuke kicked his legs against Lev’s long shins. “What did I tell you about the hugging? Lev? Lev…? I-I can’t breathe!” he rasped, head lolling back as black began to fuzz at the edges of his vision. 
“Ah! Sorry!” Lev cried and hastily put him down. Morisuke rested against the counter, chest heaving as he fought for his breath back. With each inspiration, his rib muscles burned, making him grimace. “I’m just so grateful!” 
“And you show that by breaking my ribs?” Morisuke countered, tenderly poking at his intercostals and flinching when pain spiderwebbed across his nerves. He looked up to see Lev smiling sheepishly. Damn it, why couldn’t he be mad at Lev for long? It was like being mad at a big, stupid, adorable husky. 
Damn it… Well, at least this wasn’t a total disaster. It could have been a lot worse…
Morisuke sighed and straightened up, running his fingers through his hair before looking at Lev with a purse of his lips. 
“All right, all right, are you gonna finish that stir-fry or what?” 
Morisuke tipped his head back and poured the water bottle over his face. The cool water splashed over his heated skin, washing away the sweat. It splashed down past his shoulders, landing on the concrete and dying it a dark gray. Morisuke stood outside the gym, pouring the water on his head until it was empty. Then, he shook his hair, sending droplets sailing around him in all directions. When he opened his eyes, he was surprised to see Lev standing there with his hands behind his back and an excited gleam in his eyes. 
“Oh, what’s up, Lev?” Morisuke blinked, holding up his soaked bangs out of his eyes. 
Lev rocked back and forth on his heels, pulling his bottom lip into his teeth to nibble on it. Then, he suddenly revealed his hands to thrust a bento box forward. 
“For you, senpai!” 
“F-for me?” Morisuke spluttered, looking around wildly as his face turned the shade of tomatoes. There was no one else around… Ugh, why did Lev have to make it look like some cheesy love confession straight out of a romance anime? Morisuke hurriedly snatched it from his hands before someone could see. Still bright red, he peeled the lid off the top of the bento box, and… 
“That’s right!” Lev beamed, swaying his body from side to side as he practically radiated happiness. “My family really loved the stir-fry I that made them, but I wanted to save a bit for you. I know it’s your favorite, and besides, I wanted to see if it lives up to your teaching!” 
Morisuke turned his face away so Lev wouldn’t see his eyes watering. Damn it, why was he getting so emotional? It was just stir-fry! Still… To be gushed over by his kouhai… It did make his body warm from head to toe, filling him to the brim with cottony fuzziness despite how nauseatingly embarrassed it made him. 
“We’ll see,” he said and took the chopsticks out of the slot in the bento box. Ugh, why did his voice sound all shaky and weak? Lev watched him with shining eyes, which made Morisuke squirm even more. He tried to ignore the way his fingers quivered as he took a slice of the beef and slowly brought it to his mouth. He took it between his teeth before slurping it up. 
“... It’s not burned,” he remarked. No, it wasn’t burned at all, but cooked just to perfection. The sauce had a wonderful balance, just a hint of sweetness to compliment the savory beef flavor. He plucked up a piece of bok choy and popped it into his mouth. As he bit down, it crunched just a little under his teeth, and he smiled. Thank goodness he remembered the most important lesson.
“Yeah, my sister had to help me a little,” Lev admitted with a lopsided smile. “So? Is it good?” he asked hopefully, and not even Morisuke was grumpy enough not to tell the truth. 
“Yeah. It’s really good, Lev,” he said with a widening smile and lowered his chopsticks. 
“Really?” Lev gushed, and when Morisuke nodded, the tall and lanky boy did a little happy dance. “I’m so glad I could live up to your expectations!” 
“Silly,” Morisuke huffed and reached up to poke Lev in the forehead with the tips of the chopsticks. Lev let out an unattractive “hurk!” as the sauce smeared over his forehead, and Morisuke grinned. “I told you to stop selling yourself short. I didn’t mean that just on the court. You’re capable of all kinds of things as long as you put your mind to it. If you take anything away from this, let it be that.” 
“I thought the thing I was supposed to take away from all of that was to not undercook the vegetables?” Lev laughed lightly, and Morisuke’s smirk curled up a bit. 
“Well, that too. I’ll never forgive you if you fed me undercooked vegetables,” Morisuke sniffed in disdain. Lev laughed at that, doing that thing where he tipped back his head and shook his shoulders with loud guffaws. Somehow it wasn’t as grating to Morisuke as it usually was. 
“So that means I can make you some more stir-fry sometime?” Lev asked when he finished laughing. 
“Yeah,” Morisuke said as he resumed eating the food. “And I know how to cook other things, too, if you’d like. I could teach you, and in exchange, you can teach me how to make some Russian stuff. I’m not much of a baker, but I’d be willing to learn.” 
Morisuke raised the bento box over his head in anticipation of what came next. Lev dove forward to wrap his long arms around his middle, picking him up in the most crushing hug yet. All the breath was forced from his lungs as Lev squeezed him tight, crushing all his abdominal organs together. Morisuke gritted his teeth and suppressed the strangled groan rising up from inside of him, instead trying to keep his head upright so he could give Lev a wobbly smile of approval. After nearly killing him, Lev plopped him down with a radiant smile. 
“Absolutely, senpai! I’d enjoy that a lot! How about this weekend? I’ve wanted to try making okayu! Ooh, and yakitori or okonomiyaki, too!” Lev began rattling off Japanese dishes, immediately overloading Morisuke’s brain with information, and Morisuke had to raise his hands and wave them in front of Lev’s face to get him to settle down. 
“Whoa, whoa, one thing at a time!” Morisuke chuckled. A big excitable puppy, he thought again. “We can talk about it later. For now, I’m going to finish this awesome stir-fry,” he hummed and began eagerly scooping the food into his mouth. 
Now that he thought about it, he and Lev were like stir-fry… Lots of differing qualities that, when they came together, somehow found a balance, a harmony. Maybe it was odd… But Morisuke rather liked this little stir-fried friendship they’d managed to cook up.
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