samssolutions · 3 months
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𝘉𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘔𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘚3 𝘚𝘙𝘊 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘛𝘰𝘦/ 𝘒𝘦𝘷𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘍𝘶𝘭𝘭 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘦
EN ISO 20345:2011 S3 SRC
FEATURES: Color: Black Sizes: 38-46 Upper: High Quality Smooth Grain Leather Lining: Abrasion Resistant BK Mesh In-sock: Breathable EVA In-sock Outsole: PU/PU injection, Dual Density Tested By: SGS, Certificate F120/966024 Toe Cap: Composite Toecap to Resist 200 Joules Impact Penetration: Kevlar Plate to Resist 1100 Newtons Puncture
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dewifeipro · 2 years
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Reposted from @dewifeipro Puji Syukur atas berkat Tuhan yang sungguh luar biasa ini. Berada di posisi ini, diantara para senior, merupakan hal yang sulit untuk diraih. Tapi ini satu bukti bhw kuasa Tuhan itu nyata dan amin. Rasa terima kasih dari lubuk hati terdalam, teruntuk: ❣ Semua member team PropertyPRO yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia ❣ Semua Team Leader yang sangat tabah dicerewetin setiap hari ❣ Semua PIC Projects yang full support untuk team ku ❣ Semua Team PRO Support & PRO Event yang super keren, termasuk training2 nya ❣ Semua Team Admin & Team Projects ❣ Management PropertyPRO Mr. Mart, Bu Diana dan Pak VP Achmad juga VP Andy ❣ Daannnn..tentunya Bu VP Nia 💜 Terima kasih buat suami dan keluarga besar atas doa dan support till now and on 💜 #HandInHand #BestMember #BestTeamLeader #BestManager #TeamDewiFei #PropertyPRO #BestPIC #BestATL #GodBlessUsAllAndAlways #IamNothingWithoutYOUandAllOfYou #AkuBisaKamuJugaBisa #YuksJoin #JenjangKarir #freelancer #NothingIsImpossible #ActionNow #KeepItUp https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckg9WNBvzEH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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happyhappybios · 1 year
Alnair Cranes
This page contains mention of injury, violence and death.
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Danger scale: Calm
Key notes: Ex-Dancer, Sarcastic, Primadonna, Famous, Smooth-Motherfucker
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(Symbol by @.greatestgamer)
🎭Alnair's mood🎭
Name: Alnair Cranes
Age: 14.77 sweeps (32 y.o.)
Height: 6'2 (187 cm)
Blood colour: Indigo
Wiggling day: 25 February
Symbol: Grus
Gender: Male (He/His)
Orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: Ex-dancer, Director of the theater, Lynceu’s manager
Place of residence: Hive is around 5 floors with a big neon blue sigh ‘Dance of Evil’
Lusus: DadGrus (small size)
Hobby: Singing and dancing
Hemoloyalty: If the troll have a talent, then it doesn’t matter what kind of blood color they have
Fetch modus: Button. Wherever he presses the button, he gets more buttons and each button gives an item
Strife specibus/Weapon: Fist/Fistkind
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Troll Tag: BestManager [BM]
Typing quirk: Replace O and D with []
Typing quirk example: 
[BM]: I kn[]w, i kn[]w but can y[]u tell it again?
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Alnair is a calculated and organized troll that is always busy and in action. He is sarcastic, gets easily bored and too busy for others' bullshit, but at the same time he has a soft and sweet side of him towards some trolls. Alnair acts quickly, always noticing things that others couldn’t and follows the trends in the world to be aware of what trolls like or dislike. He knows what to say or how to make others believe him and is always confident in his decisions. Even if the project/idea fails, he always has a plan B that will succeed. Alnair is a hardworking troll that tries everything to make his theater to be famous and successful.
He can be selfish sometimes, thinking of himself more and his appearance, but it mostly shows near regular trolls. Alnair is more softer with dancer groups or just talented trolls in general.
Alnair likes to experiment with outfits or make ups to look more unique for the dancers. He also likes to give advice on how to move, speak and sing and in general he likes to help his dancer crew with everything.
Talented trolls
Dancing shows
Show costumes
Being late
His strength
Alnair is a blind in one eye.
Alnair is not only director of the theater, but also a manager of a few dancers in his group.
DadGrus has become old and weak over the years, so Alnair lets him live with him and take good care of him.
Alnair has a big scar on his hip from a surgery.
Alnair was a famous dancer once, but was quickly forgotten in the media.
Alnair isn’t fond of his natural indigo strength, almost hates it, so you’ll never see him touching anything, except his tablet. His tablet is made of a special metal that is hard to break, even for indigos.
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Matesprit - Open!
Moirail - Closed. (One-sided pale crush for Lynceu.)
Kismesis - Open!
Auspistice - Open!
Out of quadrants
His dance group - Alnair loves and cares so much about his dancer group, that sometimes he forgets about himself for a moment. (but not for long)
Dancer/Pale crush - Lynceu. Alnair can say for sure, he is the luckiest manager in the whole of Alternia. He adores Lynceu and her talent and skill in dancing as she reminds him of himself a few sweeps ago. He’ll do anything to protect her and her career, even covering a m-....
Frenemies - Coatha. He hates the fact that his best dancer (and one-sided pale crush) has to deal with a troublemaker roommate and he can’t do anything about it. They meet each other a few times to talk in private, but end terribly each time. So in the last conversation, they made a deal to stop bothering each other and Lynceu.
Acquaintance/New dancer - Auruma. Alnair saw her dancing in one of the clubs once and was impressed by her. He gave her his business card and a few days later, Auruma came to his dancing lessons. They get along pretty well and he is proud of her achievements in his class.
Acquaintance - Muarae. He vividly remembers him as one of trolls who was in the operating room when he had a surgery on his leg. He was told later that it was a practice week for medical students. He is still not sure how to feel about it.
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Since his childhood, Alnair always loved to dance. It was his goal to become the best dancer in Alternia, so he trained his whole life to achieve it. 
And the first step is to get to a famous dance school - ‘Superstars’. He trained his dancing moves the whole 3 months non-stop and when the day came, he passed it as one of 10 best trolls in the audition. Alnair almost cried when he heard his results and promised himself to work harder to keep high expectations. 
The school days were the most memorable days in Alnair’s life. He enjoyed his classes a lot, always did his homework and never skipped dancing training. It was his element and he enjoyed every bit of it. 
He also had a few friends in school that shared a passion for dancing together.
After he graduated, he immediately got a job in the dance studio called ‘One step’ where his career as a dancer started. He quickly became famous at the age of 10.62 sweeps (23 y.o.), performing in events and concerts such as ‘Spring on the horizon’, ‘LuckyLuck’, ‘Evil in the Shadows’ and so on. All attention, love and affection from fans was on him. It was the peak of his career.
Suddenly it changed one day. 
There was an important event called ‘Sky Stars’ that Alnair was training his whole life. It was an event that was performed every 23 sweeps (50 years) where artists from every corner of the Alternia could participate in and show their talent to the whole world. It was his dream to participate in it and when he finally had a chance, he turned it into a goal to win. 
He trained a lot during this time, exhausting himself to the point of passing out in the studio and ignoring a growing pain in his body. His manager warned him a lot about the risk of getting injured, but Alnair dismissed it, feeling as if he needs to train more because he is not good enough. 
And soon near the event’s date, Alnair sprained his leg. It was a nightmare for him, a painful one. He couldn’t believe that after all those training sessions, he couldn't participate in the event. 
He won’t let it happen. Not to him.
Ignoring all the warnings from doctors and manager, Alnair performed on the stage, but…
…in the middle of his performance when he jumped, he landed on his feet wrong and his leg gave up. He fell on the floor, pain spreading throughout his body and the only thing he could think was how good he was in the jury's eyes.
He woke up in the hospital on the next day with bad news waiting for him. The doctor told him that he needs surgery for his leg as soon as possible as it is seriously injured and even if the operation is successful, he will no longer be able to dance.
It was devastating to hear. 
How could he not dance if it’s his whole life?
Reality hit him hard at this moment.
He agreed to the operation and thankfully, it was successful. As the doctor stated whenever he tried to dance, his leg just refused to cooperate and gave up on him, feeling full pain. 
It was painful, but it made Alnair fully realize his mistake.
Later on, he found out that he was disqualified from the event and fired from the studio after the rumor about his injury spreaded through the media. It was heartbreaking to witness, but understable for Alnair as no one wanted to deal with a ‘dancer’ who is no longer able to do his job.
But Alnair didn’t give up, yet.
He was at the lowest point of his life, but he already had a plan B for situations like this - opening his own theater. He put all his money to open and advertise his theater where his dancers could show off his talents and skills. It slowly started to get recognition and soon his theater was in the top list of best theater in the magazines.
His lost popularity returned back to him, but not as a dancer, but as a manager and director. He was at the peak of his career once again.
During all of this, he dated a few trolls that he was interested in, but no one stuck with him long enough. Thankfully, all of them were peaceful break ups, but the last one was quite a mess. It happened before he injured his leg.
Alnair was minding his own business in his own hive in the middle of the day (with sun in the sky), how suddenly, he heard a noise of something falling and DadGrus’s hissing. He quickly went down the stairs and saw his ex, whom he broke up with just a few hours ago, hitting his lusus with a stick. It made Alnair so angry that he forgot about his natural strength and broke the railings.
Then he grabbed their hand and squeezed it so hard, it broke their bone. Alnair heard their scream right near his ear and let go of them immediately, closing his eyes as he felt dizzy. Suddenly he felt a strong push on his chest and before he knew he was on the ground. While he was falling, he accidently grabbed the curtain and ripped part of it off, letting the rays of the sun enter his hive. It stunned him for a whole minute, trying to figure out where he was and what was going on.
But when he heard his lusus hissing once again, Alnair opened one of his eyes and was met with a sun ray. He screamed from pain as he grabbed his face, covering his face from more light. Alnair doesn’t remember what happened after that, but he later found out his ex stole some money from him and ran away.
It didn’t really bother him that much as he knew his ex would steal his money as they did when they were in the relationship. 
The only thing that worried him was his eye. The next day, he visited the hospital to check it and as he expected one of his eyes was blind. Strangely, it didn’t affect his popularity back then, but he was forced to cover his eye with bangs by his manager for some reason.
Later on in his life, when his theater became more popular, he took Lynceu, a purpleblood troll under his wing who was one of the talents he was searching for. She impressed him since her first audition in his theater and he still can’t forget her performance to this day. He sees himself in her.
Without realizing it, he slowly started to develop pale feelings for her. He knew it would be unprofessional of him to ask her to become moirals so soon, so he hides these feelings deep inside him, supporting her from the side and not asking for more.
Probably supporting too much…
As a manager, Alnair knew reputation is everything in the media, so when he found out much much later that Lynceu killed a popular dancer from a rival company, he just…
…covered it. He covered her murder and told the press it was an accident. He knew it was wrong and dangerous, but he believed Lynceu when she told him she wanted to be the only one who got 1st place. He believed her and will believe her to this day.
In between these events, Alnair’s theater got more popular and he himself got popular over the sweeps. He met a lot of new trolls, bad and good ones, and seems to enjoy his time with his dancing group.
Alnair’s life has its ups and down, but he is never gonna give up and will succeed.
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akash-saddlery · 3 years
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Ook de endurance ruiters willen het allerbeste voor hun paard. Theresa én haar Arabier El Barakee wonen inmiddels 3 jaar in Nederland en zijn nu alweer bezig met de voorbereidingen naar de 120km. Het is dan zeker van wezenlijk belang dat een zadel 100% past. Ze heeft een speciaal zadel zonder zweetbladen voor het verminderen van gewicht maar wel een solide zadelboom om de druk over een zo groot mogelijk oppervlak te verdelen. En voorals kort is, wat fijn is voor Arabieren door dat deze minder ribben hebben. Het was een relatief grote aanpassing want de kamer moest wel behoorlijk versmald worden maar dit was ook nodig om de druk te verdelen op r rug. El Barakee leeft wél als een God in Nederland maar is veel veranderd in haar lijf sinds ze in NL gestald staat. Veranderingen zoals omgeving, klimaat, voeding etc hebben altijd ene grote impact. Gelukkig heeft Theresa het management rondom haar Barakee goed voor elkaar en plannen we ieder kwartaal een fitting in. Gewoon omdat voorkomen van problemen nog altijd beter is dan verhelpen van problemen. #AkashSaddlery #AkashRiding #EnduranceRijder #EnduranceRider #EnduranceHorses #Endurance #Zadelmaker #ZadelFitter #ZadelSpecialist #ZadelExpert #ZadelPasser #StaySafe #VoorIederPaardEenPassendZadel #ArabianHorse #BestManagement #LovelyIndividuals #KassieZadelPassie www.akashsaddlery.nl (bij Helvoirt) https://www.instagram.com/p/COuX79sn1Lf/?igshid=1h493gfno56mo
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pricerubin1984-blog · 7 years
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Price Rubin and Partners #Music #Management #talent #representation #marketing #conduct #career #bestmanagement
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jc-quigley · 7 years
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Proudly we are announcing the coming of our new website! www.PriceRubin.com
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Admission Open for Best MBA colleges in Greater Noida, Noida, UP & delhi ncr, Accurate Institute of Management & Technology, Top Management Colleges in Delhi NCR. MBA in Greater Noida
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giimscochinofficial · 4 years
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All Kerala Best Manager Contest | Season 5 Grand Finale @ GIIMS Kochi Title Winner - Ms. Riby Ann Varghese (Baselius College, Kottayam), First Runner up - Mr. Sidharth S Pillai (St. Thomas College, Pala), Second Runner up - Ms. Anju V Mathew (Bishop Moore College, Mavelikkara) & Ms. Athira Asok (NSS College, Panthalam) #BestManager #Kerala #GIIMS #Kochi #Season5 (at GIIMS) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9CNNvnqHvV/?igshid=8l3j6w7psisx
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jedibat · 4 years
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Sometimes if you want something done, one needs to go ahead and do it. One lunch and last break later a memorial poster for my manager at work 💙😭 #RIPMsHolly #bestmanager #imgonnamissyou #noothermanagercantopyou #screwcancer https://www.instagram.com/p/B81_NSQpbbF/?igshid=1ak8c1yvde4ie
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kylierosebou · 4 years
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My GORGEOUS manager with @teaglouise_ doing what she does best and finding this beautiful lady the PERFECT DRESS! #prom #promdress #jovani #jovanidress #dress #manager #bestmanager https://www.instagram.com/p/B74U466nRKy/?igshid=1v55a61960vjs
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loveisphotography · 5 years
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#italiano #bestmanager #hospitality #hotelier #teamwork #portrait #blackandwhite (at United Arab Emirates) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byi2-o2FT79/?igshid=61zne2u8o52f
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dewifeipro · 3 years
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Puji Syukur atas berkat Tuhan yang sungguh luar biasa ini. Berada di posisi ini, diantara para senior, merupakan hal yang sulit untuk diraih. Tapi ini satu bukti bhw kuasa Tuhan itu nyata dan amin. Rasa terima kasih dari lubuk hati terdalam, teruntuk: ❣ Semua member team PropertyPRO yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia ❣ Semua Team Leader yang sangat tabah dicerewetin setiap hari ❣ Semua PIC Projects yang full support untuk team ku ❣ Semua Team PRO Support & PRO Event yang super keren, termasuk training2 nya ❣ Semua Team Admin & Team Projects ❣ Management PropertyPRO Mr. Mart, Bu Diana dan Pak VP Achmad juga VP Andy ❣ Daannnn..tentunya Bu VP Nia, please jgn berhenti utk selalu "cerewetin" yaa. itu artinya Ibu sayang dan ingin aq maju. This achievement credits to you..ahli strategi yg ruarbiasaah..my awesome mentor..superlaff 💜 Terima kasih buat suami dan keluarga besar atas doa dan support till now and on 💜 #HandInHand #BestMember #BestTeamLeader #BestManager #TeamDewiFei #PropertyPRO #BestPIC #BestATL #GodBlessUsAllAndAlways #IamNothingWithoutYOUandAllOfYou #AkuBisaKamuJugaBisa #YuksJoin #JenjangKarir #freelancer #NothingIsImpossible #ActionNow #KeepItUp https://www.instagram.com/p/CVbCCh1BIUr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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omusedebordeaux · 7 years
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@epurerestaurant @nicolasboutinhk @olivierleguyader @sebastien_sommelier @dalloyauhk #hongkong #finedining #michelinstar #chef #bestchef #bestsommelier #bestmanager #bestrestaurant #epicurean #luxury #lifestyle #omuse #omusewater #france #gourmet #instagood #placetobe #mustgo
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raxlogo · 5 years
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@chrysler_building Icon Design by @raxlogo QUERIES? Just send a Direct Message 💬 . #identity #logo #monogram #icon #symbol #logomark #logodesigner #manager #communitymanager #managers #socialmediamanager #projectmanager #managerlife #stagemanager #propertymanager #thenightmanager #eventmanager #managerhwang #mobilemanager #bestmanager #tourmanager #assistantmanager #storemanager #officemanager #domanager #generalmanager #musicmanager #bestmanagerever #managerproblems . #raxlogo (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByvhsNsJIEW/?igshid=apwoqw4fzhwm
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pricerubin1984-blog · 7 years
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Price Rubin and Partners are excited to announce the expansion of its current business operations, and this means that we are looking for talented, committed and professional artists from all over! #Music #Management #talent #representation #marketing #conduct #career #bestmanagement
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exid-insta · 4 years
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soul.g_heo / 200710
우리 양팡찡이랑 넘넘 즐거운 시간이었어요 고마워요 팡매😍♥️ #일일매니저#최고의매니저#극한직업#양팡#솔지 #홍보짱짱🤩 #보다가웃겨죽을뻔ㅋㅋㅋ
I had so much fun with YangPang Thank you Pang Manager😍♥️ #OneDayManager#BestManager#ExtremeJob #YangPang #Solji #BestPromotion🤩 #Ialmostdiedlaughingwatchingit ㅋㅋㅋ
[Trans by CherrySunset247]
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