softwareoncloud · 4 years
How To Monitor Your Kids Internet Usage? Let’s Try Computer Monitoring Software For Parents.
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Do you know that according to a report, only around 20 percent of parents supervise the online activities of their kids?
Today Internet safety has become an essential need for every person around the world. Still, many of the parents show their negligence towards monitoring their kids' online computer activities. When it comes to parents monitoring, it is not about privacy but the safety of kids. As a parent, you must know how to protect your child from the dark side of the internet. 
Here I have shown some of the major concerns showing why to use computer monitoring software for parents.
Online Predators- 
Children are easy targets to the online predators, as they can lure kids with their fancy talks and try to befriend them. Without internet tracking, parents can't learn about such people. Such predators can also take advantage of kids' privacy to make their own money.
 Online bullying is one of the major concerns of the internet safety of kids. Harassment causes emotional distress, while children never tell parents about their problems. Tracking online activities of kids, parents can learn about such bullies, or you can also find that your child is bullying someone else’s kids.
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Bad Apples- 
At a young age, it is usual for kids to behave ignorantly, as they don't know what is really good or bad for them. While some kids lose their moral sense. They get addicted to drugs and do shoplifting also, while you don't want your own kids to befriend them. In that case, you can use internet tracking software to make sure there won't be any bad apples.
Identity Theft- 
Without enough online safety, your kids are prone to fall for phishing traps. By stealing information, they could try to sneak on the bank and credit card information and make you lose money.
Viruses & Malware-
 It's not necessary that your kids will only access informative and safe websites. Sometimes they may also peep on the websites that are not good for them.
Time Limit- 
Parents should know how much time their children are spending on computers. Enforcing time limits to their computer is the best way to do so. In a way, it would help you kid to spend time playing outdoor games, doing exercise to be active.
Be Involved With Your Kids-
As a parent, you should try to involve in the online activities of your kid. That way, you can not only monitor their activities but also teach them things, which are beneficial for their intellectual growth.
Here are some of the things which you can try with your kids:
Limit the time duration of kids playing online games.
Follow your kids and friend them on social media.
Watch online movies and videos together with them.
Share informative and cool content with your kids.
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However, in a busy work-life, you may not have enough time to spend and do such activities with your kids, while you need one of the best computer monitoring software for parents- EmpMonitor.
Tools To Monitor Internet Usage Of Your Kids:
Is it okay to monitor kid's online activities? Sure, as a parent, it is your duty to track your child's internet movements. But working parents don't have the ability to keep their eyes on the kid's internet usage all the time. To bring up the solution, we would advise you to use EmpMonitor software, using which you can remotely track the online actions of your kids.
It allows you to check the online browsing history. Besides, it has screenshot and keystroke monitoring features that would automatically help you to learn about any cyber-bullies or online predators' activities.
While you can also utilise its firewall protection that allows parents to restrict online access with domains, which are not good for the kids. There you have the option to create rules to implement firewall options. Based on the different types of sites (gaming, movies, social media, etc), you can create rules to restrict online actions of your kids. 
The internet technology is really helping the children to grow their skills, but we have also found some negative aspects. Being a parent, you need to make sure to protect your kids from such bad things. And try to encourage them to chase after knowledge and intelligence.
So, what are you waiting for!
Install computer monitoring software for parents and live your life in peace. 
I hope you find this article interesting. In case you want to mention anything, please write them in the comment section.
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softwareoncloud · 4 years
How To Keep Children Safe On The Internet By Using Computer Tracking Software?
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The Internet is everywhere these days it is on the phone, tv, computers, and even on the watch. Due to such advancement in tech, it is natural for younger generations to be surrounded by gadgets. They are cocooned in such a technical environment right from their birth; thus, they will adapt to it from an early age. The issue is that the Internet is filled with so many hidden threats that are lurking in the shadows to attack the innocent.
The next question that comes into mind is how to keep the children safe from these attacks?
Computer tracking software is the ideal solution for such scenarios, but there are other ways with the help of which you can ensure the safety of your kids on the internet.
Use a computer tracking software
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The best way to ensure the security and safety of your children on the Internet is to use a computer tracking software that has some parental control features, like EmpMonitor. By deploying this software on your child's system, you can monitor everything he/she is doing. You can also restrict the sites they visit by blocking the address of websites. 
This technique is the best and most accurate one as this software runs completely anonymously on the system, and users can’t see it on task manager too. This complete stealth feature allows you to monitor your child’s activity easily. 
Know about the latest tech
There is no debate that millennials know more about technology today than generation boomers. Therefore it is important for the parents to learn about the new technologies and be as familiar with them as their children. By acquainting yourself with the latest tech, you can be more prepared for cyber attacks.
Have a converse with your kids
Talk with your kids about the usage of the Internet and help them understand the risks related to it. Calmly and clearly tell them about all the aspects of the internet, both bad and good. Be their mentor, not a strict parent. 
Studies have shown that children whose parents have been their friends are well behaved and understanding, whereas the children whose parents are strict turn out to be mischievous and rebellious. Therefore, it is important for you to be friendly with your child and talk about their issues.
Establish some ground rules
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Ground rules are necessary to establish. You must form a set of rules for data security stating when to use the internet and how much to use it. Overuse of the internet is really harmful to the growing kids as it can have a negative impact on their growing consciousness. Therefore it is important that you keep an eye on your kid’s internet usage and limit it.
One more thing you can do as a parent is to minimize the usage of mobile phones. Let’s face it, kids today are more into smartphones as compared to PC or laptops, as phones can do all those things and some more. Set some rules for the use of such devices at home, like not using the device at the dinner table, or when socializing with everyone in the living room, etc.
Restricting the children completely from the internet is not possible these days. There are many factors, like schools nowadays are also moving onto the internet, they send kids homework and parent’s notification on the net only. Plus, the projects assigned to children can’t be done without the help of the internet. We are so far ahead in this technological era that we can’t retract it from our child’s life; the only thing we can do is restrict the use of it. 
Deploy a  best computer tracking software on their system and keep them safe by monitoring their activities. Implement some ground rules about the usage of the internet and technology in the house. And the most important, be their friend, guide them on how to safely use the internet and talk about any complications they have.
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