#best travel places in virginia
fanficimagery · 1 year
The Lost Girl
You just wanted to travel and forget all about the drama you left behind. You didn't expect to fall in with four boys who would become another family. Maybe more.
[Part One of Three]
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm- I'm alive? Surprise! I'm still in a bit of a pickle with where I want part two to go, but I figured if I post this now then I can't back out and delete it. I need your help, but I'll ask at the bottom so I won't spoil this.
Words: 7.9K
Santa Carla is the total opposite of Mystic Falls and you couldn't have loved it here more if you tried. You grew up with pageants and balls and trying to stay at the top of the popularity totem pole, but you secretly loathed every second of it. Not to mention your sister was a beacon for the supernatural, attracting vampires like no one's business, which eventually led to you getting caught in the crossfire and being turned at the ripe age of twenty.
Stefan Salvatore did his best to teach you how to feed and control your blood lust, but his techniques just weren't cutting it for you. So Damon took over, leading Bonnie, Matt, Elena, Jeremy, and Tyler deeming you untrustworthy. You don't know why they disliked your friendship with Damon so much, but their wariness of you only grew when you eventually befriended the Original Vampires that once sought to kill you, your family, and friends.
The last straw was when everyone started fighting over a cure for vampirism. They all thought there was enough of the cure to go around for all those who wanted it, but nope. There was only a single dose, and both Elena and Rebekah wanted it. So when you saw the lines being drawn, you packed a couple of bags and left to see the world.
The only person who knew of your travel plans were, surprisingly, Elijah and Klaus. Elijah was sad to see you go, especially since you were one of the only ones who he could trust, but Klaus was all for you seeing the world and experiencing life as you should have. You were more than content compelling your way through the trip, but the Mikaelson's were having none of that and gave you a card to use since they amassed a ridiculous amount of money over the years.
After deleting all social media, with the exception of a traveling Instagram account that was newly made, you bought a new phone and only gave your new number to Elijah and Klaus. You traveled abroad first, touring the most beautiful cities, museums, and seeing every landmark you could. You kept the Mikaelson brothers in the loop about everything that they sometimes surprised you by showing up for a week before flying back home.
For a year you saw all you could and then headed back to the States. You wanted nothing to do with Mystic Falls, Virginia, so you settled in California. Santa Carla was the most nitty gritty town you'd ever seen, and it was the last place anyone in your family would expect for you to stay in.
It was perfect.
With a new hotel having been built in Santa Carla, you compelled yourself one of the suites indefinitely. You didn't want to purchase a house in case you needed to up and leave, and having a housekeeper stop by weekly was perfect.
You stood out amongst the locals of Santa Carla, it seeming like everyone walking around either had some crazy hairstyle, hair color, or numerous piercings. And then there was you, skin untouched and the only piercings you had being those in your ears.
So after a week of settling in and compelling those who needed compelling, you finally decided to hit the infamous boardwalk.
The boardwalk, for some reason, feels like you've stepped into the past. Could be because of the music playing or the way everyone dressed, but you know you didn't actually slip into the past given the cell phones in people's hands or air pods in people's ears. The bells, whistles, and flashing lights make you giddy, taking you back to a time when you were excited as a child to be attending the annual fair Mystic Falls put on, but the attendees were the total opposites of those you'd find in Mystic Falls.
The employees in charge of the various game booths attempt to entice you to play, but you rather spend your cash at the crafts section of the boardwalk. There was no use in paying for a rigged game that made sure you lost ninety percent of the time when you could buy handmade crafts and help support someone's living.
After buying some handmade jewelry and a couple of shirts, you decide to eat. There's a Chinese place that smells marvelous as you stroll by, so you turn back around and enter the establishment. And then almost as soon as you're seated, a waitress comes by to take your drink order. You quickly skim the menu as she gets your drink, then order a bowl of Hot and Sour soup, a plate of Chicken LoMein, two egg rolls, and a pan of fried dumplings. The waitress seems impressed, and you merely laugh it off before sipping your Coke.
As you wait for your food, you grab a napkin and start ripping it apart piece by piece as you stare out the window you'd chosen to sit by. People pass by, uncaring for what's going on in the small restaurant, but then there are two boys that you just so happen to clash gazes with. Both fit with the eighties aesthetic- one with wildly tamed blonde hair that only a true rocker could pull off and the other with a dirty blonde, curly mullet. Both hairstyles are wildly out of place, even if they're trying to make a comeback now, but fortunately for the boys they can pull it off.
"Hey, chika, you want some company?" The blonde with the teased hair shouts so you can hear him through the window.
Holding back a wince at his loud volume, you shake your head. "Maybe next time!"
"Aw. Come on, babe. You're breaking my heart!" He pouts, even as his friend smirks behind his fist.
You shrug, grinning, but are saved from having to interact any further when the waitress appears with your food. As the food is set in front of you and you thank her, you glance at the boys one last time while giving them a wink before digging in.
You casually devour your food bit by bit, asking for a refill on your Coke only once. Then when you've had your fill, you ask for your leftovers to be boxed up. And as you walk outside, you hand said leftovers to a couple of teens digging through a trash can.
Walking around, you soak in the night time atmosphere. The sweat from the humans and the oil used to deep fry all sorts of food is rather distracting from the ocean scented air wafting in, but none of it is as distracting as the copper smell you pick up on one particular gust of wind. There doesn't seem to be any panic-induced mayhem on the boardwalk, so you figure someone must have cut themselves and is getting bandaged up.
A diner further down the boardwalk advertises milkshakes on its main window, and suddenly a strawberry milkshake sounds superb. So after making a quick trip inside to secure yourself a milkshake, you're back on the boardwalk once again.
No one has bothered you the entire time, but the moment you perch yourself on the railing to sip and people watch, one confident individual saunters towards you. It hardly takes you two seconds to realize this individual is in his teens obviously thinking you're a teen as well. But given you were twenty when you were turned and have spent a few years undead, you're so not interested in whatever this boy has to offer.
Before the individual can open his mouth, you hold a hand up to stall him and shake your head. "Stop right there. Not interested."
The boy's expression drops into shock before quickly morphing back into his too confident persona. "Aw, come on, girl. You look like you're in need of some fun."
"I am, but you need to be at least this tall-" you say while holding your free hand at least a foot above his head, "-for me to ride that ride."
There's a snort to your right, but you ignore it, even ignoring the presence that jumps onto the railing next to you before sliding their arm around your shoulder. "Sorry, kid. Maybe the next girl you hit on won't have a height requirement."
There's even more laughter and the boy rethinks his approach before scoffing and leaving. You grin, wrapping your lips around the straw of your milkshake and turning your head to your new companions. "Blondies one and two," you muse. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Just thought we'd play knight in shining armor," blondie one says. "I'm Paul. My friend is Marko."
Paul practically vibrates with energy. "So do I meet your height requirements?"
You laugh, uncaring when he steals your milkshake to sip from. "You may meet the height requirement, but I don't go for blondes. Sorry."
"Aw, chika, you wound me!" He feigns his hurt, holding a hand to his heart as you take your milkshake back. Marko can only laugh, shoving at his friend's shoulder when he leans a little too far his way. Once he corrects himself, he doesn't remove himself from your side. "So what's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone? Waiting for friends? Family?"
"Ugh, no." Your nose wrinkles. "Too much family drama for my tastes so I've been traveling the world for a little over a year now. Santa Carla seems like the least likely of places my family would think to look for me, so I'm staying as long as I can."
Marko seems interested as he leans around Paul to ask, "What's been your favorite place so far?"
"Tromsø, Norway," you reply.
"Because ever since I was a little girl, I've been obsessed with the aurora borealis. It's the best place to view it."
"Where are you staying?" Paul asks. "Maybe we can have a party one of these nights."
"Doubtful. I'm staying in a hotel suite and I have a feeling partying with you would lead to my place being trashed. No thanks."
Marko smirks. "Smart girl."
You grin and sip your milkshake as Marko comes around to lean against the railing on your other side. They ask some more about the places you've been, and you don't know what comes over you that you feel comfortable enough with these two to regale them with your tales of travel. In return, Marko and Paul tell you about themselves and their two other brothers. They tell you that they're all not originally from Santa Carla, but ended up finding each other throughout the years and made their own family unit in town.
Then just as you hop down to throw away your empty cup, the crowd seems to part as two individuals approach. Another blondie with a mullet and a brunette whose hair is almost as wild as Paul's. You can't tear your eyes from the brunette who is all too comfortable going shirtless with nothing but a weathered leather jacket hanging off his frame and some snug fitting jeans.
"Oh, I see how it is." Paul muses in your ear. "You like 'em dark haired."
You throw your elbow back, tearing your gaze away from the brunette in front of you to smirk over your shoulder at Paul when he grunts. Marko snickers at his brother's misfortune. "YN, this is David and Dwayne."
Both the new blondie and brunette nod at you, and you flash them back a faint smile. You're quick to toss your trash, then head back to your new friends. "Well, it was nice meeting you boys, but I should get going."
"Aw, come on, girlie. Hang for a bit more," Paul pleads, but you shake your head.
"Maybe next time."
"Will there actually be a next time or are you gently letting us down?" Marko wonders.
Your eyes roll. "We've only just met and you're already clingy?" You tut at him. Marko gapes and you wink at him. "Yes, there will be a next time. At least there will be if we cross paths again."
"We'll take that," Paul says. He slings an arm around Marko and smiles. "See you around, girlie."
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The next afternoon, you decide to have some fun in the sun. You spend the early afternoon in your room, ordering room service and having a nice steak and fry lunch. While eating, you post a few pictures you snapped of the boardwalk nightlife, ferris wheel, and carousel all lit up. Then afterwards, you dress in a bikini before pulling on a pair of jeans shorts and a tank top. Only after slipping your feet into a pair of flip-flops do you pack a backpack with a beach towel, your phone, sunglasses, and some cash before taking your leave.
You're surprised to find that the beach isn't packed, so you pick a spot on the beach to lay out your towel and backpack. You spend a bit of time searching for sand dollars and shells, then go swimming in the ocean. Afterwards, you lay out on your towel with your sunglasses shielding your eyes. You doze on and off, and then just as the sun is setting you start to get up.
Shaking off your beach towel, you get rid of all the sand before folding it and shoving it into your backpack with your clothes. Then heading over to the beach showers, you rinse off all the sand and ocean water, and let yourself dry in the lingering sun rays before slipping your shorts back on.
In the middle of choosing what to eat, you hear catcalls and wolf whistles. You try to ignore it, hoping they're directed to someone else, but nope. They're directed at you. However, when you turn to glare and give the boys a piece of your mind, you find Paul and Marko beaming at you with their other brothers Dwayne and David just watching on.
Your glare vanishes and you roll your eyes as you slowly untense. "Do you guys have nothing better to do than check out girls on the boardwalk?"
"Nope." Paul hops off his bike and practically skips towards you. "What are you doing?"
"Heading to dinner. I spent most of the day on the beach so I'm starving."
"Ohhhh. What are we having?"
"I'm having pizza and wings. If you want to tag along, you buy your own."
"Done." He turns around and shouts, "Come on, boys. We're getting pizza!"
You shake your head and greet Marko when he approaches, smiling at the other two who have yet to speak up. Paul takes the lead and you walk side by side with Marko. The pizza place isn't far and you all head inside. You place your order first- a medium Hawaiian and a side order of boneless honey bbq wings. You accept your number tag after paying and then wait for your new friends to order as well. Then once they've got their own number tag, Paul leads the way to a large booth meant for a large group at the back.
Paul and Marko slide into opposite sides of the booth, and it only takes you a second to scoot in next to Marko before placing your bag at your feet. Paul gasps and you chuckle. "What? Marko seems less likely to continuously elbow me as I try to eat."
"That's cold, girl."
You wink at Paul and are surprised when Dwayne scoots in on your other side. David settles in next to Paul and his ice blue eyes practically pierce you. "So what's a girl like you doing out here all alone?"
"You mean Paul didn't tell you?"
"I'm asking you."
The coolness of his voice makes you arch an eyebrow at him, but Paul's snickering keeps you at ease. So in the end, you shrug. "My siblings and I weren't seeing eye to eye for a while. I had some money put away to take a trip out of the States, but my new found family wasn't having any of that and gave me access to their money. I've traveled for a year before coming back, staying in a place furthest from my hometown."
"Dead." Paul's smile falters and you kick him under the table. "None of that. It's been a while. It's fine."
"How did it happen?" Marko asks.
You face him briefly before saying, "My sister had a fight with her boyfriend and asked our parents to pick her up from a party. They did, but on the way back home my dad somehow lost control of the car and drove off a bridge. A bystander found them, but by the time he dove under water, my dad made the bystander get my sister out first. My parents ended up drowning."
"Do you have plans on returning?"
"Eventually." Just then a waitress stops by to deliver your drinks. You grin as Paul immediately starts flirting, sipping your Coke as the waitress blushes and stutters before leaving. "These poor Santa Carla girls have no idea how to handle you, do they?"
"Not a clue."
As Marko and Paul laugh, you shake your head rather fondly. You don't know what it is about this group that makes you feel at ease with them, but you're glad to have some people to talk to while you're in town. Another group enters the establishment, a little unruly as they find themselves a table. One of them catches your gaze and you grimace when you notice him leering at you.
Feeling a little exposed, you reach for your bag under the table and pull free your tank top. You quickly pull it on and then free your phone while waiting for your food, not paying much attention to Dwayne who's shifting in his seat next to you. You do, however, notice when something is dropped on your shoulders and realize Dwayne has given up his jacket.
You freeze and quickly glance up at Dwayne, taking a moment to stare at all the bronze skin now on display, but his glare is directed at the table of troublemakers who are snickering among each other. "Uhh.."
"Just wear it."
Those are the first three words Dwayne has spoken to you and you absolutely do not shiver at the sound of his voice. Paul, Marko, and even David sense something else and you flip them off after slipping your arms through the sleeves of Dwayne's jacket. Then just as you go to sip on your drink, your phone starts ringing with a video call.
Big Bad Wolf, complete with a wolf emoji, is stamped across the top of your phone above a picture of a smirking Klaus. "Uhh, do you guys mind if I accept this?"
"Go ahead, girlie."
You accept the call, keeping it so that only you're on screen. "What do you want?"
"Is that any way to talk to me, love?" You roll your eyes, grinning, and Klaus chuckles. "What are you doing?"
"Uhh, I'm out to dinner with some new friends," you say.
"You've already made friends?"
"Mhm. Look." You turn so Marko is in frame. "This is Marko." Marko grins and nods. Then you flip the camera and catch Paul. "This is Paul and David is next to him, but David is glaring at me. I'm pretty sure he'd kill me if I put him on camera."
Klaus chuckles. "Fair enough."
"And then this.." You glance at Dwayne, but he merely arches an eyebrow at you. You grin and turn the camera on him. "This is Dwayne."
A split second later and then, "No."
"W-What?" You splutter. Paul and Marko choke on a laugh, and finally both David and Dwayne smirk. "What do you mean no?"
Your eyes widen. "Why are you calling 'lijah? Don't call 'lijah!"
Elijah appears next to Klaus and you groan. "Go on, sweetheart. Put your friend on."
"Marko? Or Paul?"
"Don't play dumb."
You grumble and put Dwayne on camera. "Absolutely not," Elijah says.
"You guys are embarrassing," you grumble. "He's literally only said three words to me."
"Mhm. And whose jacket are you wearing?" Klaus asks.
You pout. "I hate you." Just then you catch sight of two waitresses coming with your pizza. "Oh, look. Food's here! I'll talk to you gentlemen later."
"I'm fine, Klaus. I'm okay and I'm happy. I promise."
"Well okay then. Call me back when you get to your room."
"Will do, big bad wolf. Talk to you later."
You end the call just as a pizza is being placed in front of Paul and Marko, then yours is placed in front of you, and then another is placed in front of David and Dwayne. You're handed your boneless wings, and you happily wiggle in your seat. You're starving!
After you take your first bite of the sweet Hawaiian pizza, David asks, "So was that your boyfriend?"
"Ew. No." Your nose wrinkles and you quickly swallow your bite of food. "Klaus and Elijah are like my older brothers. They're the two who are funding my whole trip."
"They sound fancy with those posh accents of theirs," Paul muses.
"They are fancy," you admit. "They host balls and everything. I seriously hated wearing those dresses with a poofy skirt. They're so uncomfortable to sit in."
"No way!" Paul laughs.
"Mhm. Look."
As you eat some more of your food one-handed, you open the photos app on your phone and seek out the album from all the parties you attended. You hand your phone over to Paul, and Marko actually leans across the table to get a glimpse of the life you left behind.
As the two of them swipe picture after picture, laughing, you eat in peace. You even crack a grin when Dwayne picks off your tray of boneless wings, chuckling when he tells you it's payment for wearing his jacket. You end up having to tell the boys who is who every time they ask and deny any romantic relationship accusations when a picture of you dancing with Damon pops up. You admit he was a good friend up until his feelings for your sister clouded his judgment and you'd had enough of their drama.
Dinner proceeds uninterrupted, but it's when you get up to leave that the table of troublemakers from earlier causes an issue. With Dwayne's jacket returned to him, you follow the group as David leads the way out. You've just passed the table of leering individuals when a loud smack! resonates in the room and a brief stinging pain blossoms on your butt. You freeze, your new friends freeze, and then you're whirling around to glare at the culprit. You slowly look at the smug individual as his friends cackle like morons.
Anger flaring, your hand whips out and grasps the guy by the back of the neck. You slam his head down onto the table, causing him to grunt and his friends to fall quiet. You lean down so your mouth is next to his ear and grit out, "Touch me again and I'll rip your fucking throat out." You put pressure on his neck, causing the table to groan under the weight of the pressure. "With my teeth," you hiss. Pushing off the too quiet guy and facing your new friends once more, you shrug. "What?"
David, Dwayne, Marko, and Paul just stare at you before chuckling.
"You're scary, girl. I like it."
With a roll of your eyes, you step forward and push past Paul. "Come on. Show me what Santa Carla has to offer."
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Over the course of a week, you hang out with who the locals have dubbed the Lost Boys. Paul and Marko treat you like a long lost best friend, Dwayne has taken to hovering over your shoulder, and David is pretty indifferent to your presence although he will stand up for you if need be. Your senses tell you there's something off about the boys, but you don't realize what it is until you scent the coppery fragrance of blood coming off of them one night they're late to meet you.
If they're vampires, they must be vampires who don't know who the Mikaelsons are because none of them recognized the family in your pictures. But you don't call them out, nor do you hint about yourself, at least not until you're walking on the beach one night and your senses are assaulted with the scent of a lot of blood and screams off in the distance.
Glancing around, you notice the boardwalk is empty and shutting down. The beach where you're at is empty as well, and as you speed towards the sound of terror, your suspicions are proven correct about the Lost Boys.
They're unlike any vampires you've seen, more brutal in their feeding than even the Big Bad Hybrid himself. Their vampire visages showcase a true monster, but for some reason it doesn't bother you as it probably should. They're sinking their fangs into necks, shoulders, torsos, and even skulls, laughing all the while their victims scream in horror.
In their feeding frenzy, they don't notice you standing just on the outskirts of the firelight. Limbs are ripped from bodies before being tossed into the fire, blood spraying carelessly across the sand. But the moment the frenzy dies down, you can't help but make an entrance.
Slowly clapping, you smirk as all four vampires freeze and turn towards you as you walk into the light. David snarls, his monstrous face still on display as Paul and Marko quickly change their features. Their expressions are a bit crestfallen as you continue to find amusement in this situation, so you walk towards Dwayne who has gone stoic. "I get the bloodlust, but do you guys have to be such messy eaters? Gross." You wrinkle your nose as you kick an arm into the raging fire.
"W-What?" Paul splutters.
Looking back at Dwayne, you reach over and run a finger through the blood staining his chest. Then popping that same finger into your mouth, you wrap your tongue around your finger and savor the fresh blood now coating your tongue. You feel the veins beneath your eyes slither to the surface and your fangs elongate in your mouth. Then meeting Dwayne's gaze, you flash him a fangy grin. "I prefer to compel, eat, and release, but you do you I guess."
"Holy shit. You- you're a vampire?!"
Meeting Marko's stunned expression, you wink.
"You have a lot of explaining to do," David says.
"Sure." You meet his now ice-blue gaze. "But only after you clean up after yourselves. This," you say while gesturing to their dismembered victims, "is sloppy."
You watch as David oversees the cleanup of their little section of the beach, burning the bodies and kicking sand over the spilled blood. Afterwards, they all take a dip in the ocean to cleanse themselves of their meal.
On the way to their bikes which are parked just a bit down the beach, Paul asks, "So how old are you?"
"Which age are you referring to? The age I was when I was turned or how many years I've been a vampire?"
"I was turned at twenty," you say, "and I've been a vampire for less than five years."
"No shit? How were you introduced to this world?"
"That.. is a very long story. Why don't we get someplace where I can actually tell it?"
As their bikes get nearer, you hiss at Paul when he pushes you in Dwayne's direction. Almost as if it was expected of you to ride with Dwayne, he settles on the seat of his bike before offering you a hand so you can situate yourself behind him.
Hanging on loosely, you enjoy the ride and take amusement in the sudden turns and jumps they take to try and startle you. But instead of being shaken, you merely laugh and pinch Dwayne's side when you're jostled too much.
The drive to the cliffs that you know to be Hudson's Bluff, overlooking the disgruntled sea, is rather short. You have a moment to glance down a rickety, wooden staircase before the group is driving down them one by one. You're jostled even more as the bike is driven over various rocks and through a gaping hole in the fence that's meant to keep trespassers out. They drive into a cave where the bikes are then parked, and you climb off to follow Paul down a very humid path.
Swiping cobwebs, vines, and roots out of the way, you're then led into a cavernous room. There are shafts of moonlight lighting up the space, and then Paul and Marko fire up barrels all around the space. The place is trashed, but you quickly realize it's not a normal cave. There's a sofa, chairs, and a broken water fountain. There's what appears to be a long counter- or was it a desk?- and a tattered portrait hanging behind it.
"What is this place?" You ask as you glance around in wonder. They obviously made it their own- seashells and broken CDs hanging from every place available, as well as hundreds of melted candles over every surface. You even spot a mattress, pillows, and blankets hidden behind some type of gauzy material.
"This was the hottest resort back in the day," David drawls. "Too bad they built it on a fault line though. When the big one hit San Francisco in 1906, this place took a header down into the ground when it split open. It's been our home ever since."
"Nice." You plop down on a couch, sighing as you stare at each boy. "So what do you wanna know?"
"Everything." David takes a seat on a wheelchair, staring right at you. "Start from the beginning."
"Fair enough. I was born and raised in Mystic Falls, Virginia to parents who ran their own business. I didn't want for anything and ended up being a letdown when I wasn't into pageants as my mother hoped I would be."
"Did your parents even die by drowning?" Marko asks.
"Yes. That was true," you tell him. "After their death, my aunt Jenna took in me, Elena, and Jeremy. Both my siblings grieved differently, but when the new school year started, my sister did a complete turnaround when Stefan Salvatore entered the picture."
"Why do I get the feeling this Salvatore dude is a major player in your story?" Paul asks.
"Because he is. Unbeknownst to any of us, Stefan Salvatore was vampire number one. He was drawn to Mystic Falls all because of my sister Elena."
"Why your sister?" Dwayne asks, startling you. He rarely spoke up, but when he did, you couldn't help but be drawn to him.
"Do you guys know what a doppelganger is?" At their nods, you explain. "Elena was the latest human doppelganger. The previous doppelganger, Katherine, toyed with two brothers back in 1864. The Salvatore brothers, to be exact."
"Shit." Paul giggles. "Talk about a vampire novella."
"Anyway, Katherine toyed with Damon's feelings and made him fall in love with her. When she tried the same with Stefan, he resisted so she compelled him to love her. And then when it came to light that there were many vampires in town, every vampire was rounded up, vervained, and anyone who associated with them were killed. As it just so happens, the Salvatore brothers' father found out his sons were romantically linked with Katherine, so he shot them. Unfortunately for him, Katherine had been feeding the boys her blood, so when they were killed, they didn't stay dead for long.
"Fast forward to the present time and both Salvatores are now salivating for the newest doppelganger. Only this time, Stefan has fallen in love with Elena without any compulsion, and so has Damon. Katherine's apparently been keeping tabs on the brothers and she's not happy that Elena has the love of the brothers."
David makes a motion with his hand to hurry you along. "How did you turn?"
"Katherine has made it her mission to make Elena's life a living hell, so what better way than to kill one of her best friends and older sister?"
Paul gapes. "You're joking."
"Nope. The crazy bitch fed me her blood before snapping my neck, then smothered Caroline who happened to have Damon's blood in her system. When we woke up in transition and fed on human blood to complete the transition, half of our friends turned on us. We had to rely on Damon and Stefan to teach us to control our bloodlust, but things were never the same. And to top it all off, learning to become a vampire was the least of our worries."
"What's more important than knowing you've died and have to kill people to survive?"
"How about that one of the Original vampires- who is over a thousand years old, by the way- needs the blood of a human doppelganger to break the curse on him, so he decides it's his turn to make your family's life hell as well?"
"Oh shit. What curse?" Paul asks.
You slowly smirk. "Niklaus Mikaelson is not just one of the original vampires, but he's the one and only original hybrid. He's half vampire, half wolf, and one of the most lethal individuals that still walks this earth."
The boys fall silent, but then Marko speaks up.
"Hold on. The dude funding your trip around the world is the same person who made your life a living hell?"
"Yep," you muse. "We were at each other's throats for the longest time, then his sister killed my sister which turned her into a vampire as well, and there was just a shit load more drama with doppelgangers, witches, werewolves, and hybrids." You shrug. "Elijah was never truly terrible, so I spoke more with him first, but then Klaus really took the brother role to heart. The Mikaelsons have kind of adopted me, and my siblings and friends didn't take too kindly to that. So, to avoid all the drama, I left. And now here I am."
For the rest of the late night and early morning, you answer all questions you can. Paul and Marko are interested to see the differences between you and them, but David and Dwayne are more interested in learning about the Original vampires and their unique differences. Their biggest hangup, however, is that the sun has no effect on you like it does them. Sure you both will catch on fire, but it doesn't pull you to sleep the day away like it does them. You're a bit jealous that they can fly, but you're so much faster than any of them.
The moment David mentions the impending sunrise is your cue to go, so you bid farewell to your friends before winking at Paul and disappearing before they can even blink.
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For the next couple of days, you keep yourself busy by running some errands for Klaus. You meet with vampires and piss off a couple of werewolf packs, but all in all the work gets done. You hadn't been able to keep in touch with the Lost Boys, so Paul and Marko whoop in cheer when they spot you.
"Well if it isn't Miss Mystic Falls," Paul muses. "Where the hell have you been, chika?"
"Sorry. Sorry!" You lean against the railing in between the group, grimacing. "I had a few things to do and since you're all allergic to modern technology, I couldn't text or call."
"Anything we need to know about?" David wonders.
Normally you'd say no, but Santa Carla is his territory and you don't want any bad blood with him. "Not really. I had a few things to pick up for Klaus and a few messages to deliver to some werewolf packs up North."
David frowns. "There are packs nearby?"
"The closest one is fifty miles out, but they're all pretty scared of Klaus and what he can do so they stay in line. If there's anything to worry about, it's any lone wolves who decide to take shelter in the woods around Hudson's Bluff and don't give a flying fuck about the Original Hybrid."
"Pft. We can take on a rogue werewolf if need be," Paul says.
"You say that now, but you won't be saying much when you get bitten by one. Remember, werewolf bites are lethal to us vampires." Paul's smugness dims. "Now who's good to eat around here? I didn't have time to grab some blood bags from the hospital."
"Stay away from the Surf Nazis," Dwayne says.
"Surf Nazis? What the hell kind of name is that?" Your nose wrinkles in distaste.
"A name that they've had since the eighties," Marko says. "It just stuck because they're still a bunch of racist and bigoted pricks."
"Fair enough. So, if I can't eat them, who can I eat?"
All four boys readily scan the crowd, excited at the prospect of picking your dinner.
"Do you have a preference? Male or female?" David asks.
"No junkies and I'm good with either male or female."
After mere seconds, David already has his pick. "On your three. Group of guys keep glancing this way. I'm pretty sure they're not checking Marko out."
You subtly glance at them and figure any one of them is good enough. "Alright. Since you guys are intimidating as fuck, you're gonna say goodbye and go do your own thing. Whoever approaches me first is dinner."
"Boo. You're no fun." Paul's the first hop off his bike, giving you a side hug. "We'll be watching from the roof."
"Of course you will." You roll your eyes, laughing.
Marko winks at you as he follows after Paul, David nods at you, but it's Dwayne who makes you arch an eyebrow at him as he glares at the group of guys before leaving. You chuckle at the oddness of it all before shaking it off and then pulling out your phone to kill some time.
It doesn't take long at all for someone to approach you and you easily fall into the role of the lone human girl way too easily. You chat for a bit and find out he's in fact in college, on break for a week and just looking for some fun. You tell him you're taking a gap year, just passing through Santa Carla and was hoping for some fun as well. His lecherous grin lets him know you have him on the hook.
"Wanna take a ride on the ferris wheel?" He asks.
"I'll do you one better. I say we visit an alley away from prying eyes without giving any ride operators an eye full."
"Oh, fuck yes."
Smirking in triumph, you hop off the railing and grab up the guy's hand. You briefly meet his friends' gaze before winking at them, leading their friend off to what they think is going to be a very good time. For you it will be, but for him? Not so much.
Once at an alley that doesn't have much traffic passing by either end, you lure the guy inside. In the middle of the alley, you turn so your back is against the wall and let him grab you by the hips. But as you cradle his face before he kisses you, you meet his gaze and say, "Don't scream. Don't fight. This will be painless."
The guy goes quiet, and you let your face change before his very eyes. He tenses, but he stays stock still without uttering a peep. Then reaching around to grasp the hair at the back of his head, you angle his head so you can sink your fangs into his neck. You drink and drink, satiating your thirst while listening for the first skip of his heart. When you've had enough, you clean his neck wound of any blood and then prick your tongue with a fang to smear your own blood on the bite wound. It heals after a minute, and you pull back to meet his gaze once more.
"When you get back to your friends, you're gonna be smug but also a little bit let down. Admit I'm the greatest kisser you've ever had, but before we could get to any of the good stuff, we were interrupted by a homeless couple."
"We were interrupted by a homeless couple," he parrots back.
"Good boy. Now to make things more believable..." You slowly smirk before pulling him close, capturing his lips with your own.
The guy is shaken out of his compulsion and his arms wrap low around your waist to pull you even closer to him. You kiss him roughly to make sure his lips appear swollen and even muss his hair up. But the moment you reach under his shirt and rake your nails across his back, causing him to groan, you hear someone drop down beside you.
One second, you're enjoying a kiss and the next your victim is shoved away from you. Dwayne practically puts himself between you and your meal as he snarls, "Get. Lost."
The other individuals drop down into the alley, and you meet three amused expressions. Paul and Marko are snickering quietly whereas David is smirking at his dark-haired brother.
"You alright there, Dwayne?"
Dwayne turns, expression unimpressed at David's question. Instead of answering him, he turns his stare on you. "What?" You feign innocence. "I had to sell it. His friends needed to believe I brought him in here for anything other than feeding."
"Whatever. Next time, just kill the guy."
As Dwayne stalks off, you smile at his back. The moment he disappears, you ask, "Was that- was that jealousy?"
"Yep." Paul skips to you, draping an arm around your shoulders. "Dwayne's always been possessive, but it's been a long time since he took real interest in someone."
"This is going to be fun," Marko muses.
You roll your eyes and sigh but can't help but agree.
Over the course of another few days, it's now very obvious that Dwayne's hovering wasn't just because you were a female. He most definitely knows you can take care of yourself, yet he's still there, but now he's openly snarling when someone looks at you a little too long. To placate him, you only ride with him and pull him into the V of your thighs when you're sitting on the railing. He starts tensing up the moment you all people watch for your next meal and other guys stare back, but the tension drops from his shoulders when you hop onto the railing, pull him into the V of your thighs, and hug him from behind.
Nothing intimate happens between you and Dwayne, but it becomes an unspoken rule among the small coven that you're off limits.
Everything seems to be going well until you meet the boys on the boardwalk one night and David looks livid.
Your smile instantly vanishes. "What's wrong?"
"The woods smell like fuckin' dog," he seethes.
Immediately your gaze snaps towards the sky and your heart sinks. "It's a full moon."
"We know. We're gonna try and kill this wolf for stepping into our territory and pissin' all over the place."
"What?" Your voice is lethally quiet as you meet David's gaze. "You have to be joking. One bite- hell, even one nip!- is a death sentence."
"We'll be fine. We just thought we'd let you know."
As they turn to mount their bikes, you swear. "Goddammit. Wait for me. You're not doing this alone."
You climb onto the back of Dwayne's bike, wrapping your arms around his waist as you glare at the others for their idiotic choices. They're quite solemn as they drive to the woods, and you keep your eyes peeled for the werewolf in question. As they come to a stop, you climb off and glance around the eerily quiet woods.
"So do you have any tips on tracking a werewolf?" Paul muses.
You gulp. "It's a full moon and this wolf most likely claimed these woods as theirs. It'll be hunting us."
The boys chuckle and start walking, combing the woods for any sight of the wolf. It isn't long until a twig snaps- a twig that neither you nor the boys have stepped on. You all freeze.
"Showtime?" Marko wonders.
You sigh. "Be prepared to run. Werewolves can match a vampire's speed on the nights of a full moon."
"We'll be alright."
Almost as soon as the words leave Marko's mouth, the werewolf rushes in. It takes down Paul by his knees, standing on his back and snarling. Before he can snap his jaws, you rush over and kick the werewolf to send it flying.
"What the fuck was that?!" Paul incredulously asks as he hurriedly climbs back to his feet.
"A werewolf," you deadpan. "Keep your guard up. It'll come back."
For a few minutes, it seems like the werewolf is toying with all of you. It keeps knocking down the boys, snarling before disappearing. You've kicked it off your friends three times by now, but the second you hear a howl in the distance, you and the boys freeze.
"There's a second one?" You ask. David shrugs and you bite your tongue to keep from giving him a verbal lashing. "It was stupid to do this on the night of a full moon. We need to leave right now, and I'll do my best to sniff out the werewolves tomorrow so we can handle them when they're in their human forms."
"How much harder can two werewolves be?"
"Pretty fuckin' hard, David. I know you're a badass and all, but we need to do this another night."
Before David can answer, Dwayne shouts. You whirl around, eyes widening at seeing a werewolf pinning him to the ground with its sharp teeth inches from his face. Without thinking, you fly at the wolf, tackling it off of him. You and the wolf scramble for the upper hand and you hiss when there's a pain in your shoulder.
Eventually, you manage to pin the wolf to the ground by its neck and shove your hand into its chest cavity to yank out its heart. With the wolf dead, you toss the heart aside. "Now will you listen to me? This was such a stupid fucking idea." The boys remain quiet, staring at her.
Actually, they're staring at your shoulder.
Dwayne steps forward, carefully reaching for your arm and pulling you a step towards him. You frown, but then hiss when he moves the neckline of your shirt off your shoulder. "You're bit."
Your heart falls into your stomach and you quickly glance at the shoulder that you now realize is burning. Your eyes fill with tears. "O-Oh."
"Oh? Oh?!" Dwayne nearly shouts. "Werewolf bites are lethal, remember? How could you be so goddamn stupid?!"
Your bottom lip trembles. "I'm well aware of that, Dwayne. I was the one who told you to hunt the werewolf another night, remember?" You sigh and pull your hand free from his grasp. You take a moment to collect your thoughts before admitting, "There's a cure. Only a select few know and the cure is hard to get your hands on unless you're on friendly terms with those who have access to it. It's not my secret to divulge, so I was compelled to not say anything unless it was an emergency."
"What is it?" Dwayne asks. "We'll get it."
"You can't. But I can," you admit. "Let's just get to the cave. I have a phone call to make."
So, for part two, do we want the Mystic Falls gang to follow Klaus to Santa Carla or do we want the Santa Carla gang to visit Mystic Falls?
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anniebeemine · 2 months
our little astronaut- s.r. x fem!reader
warnings: pregnancy, mentions of a complicated birth
The sun dipped low on the horizon, painting the Midwestern sky in brilliant hues of orange and yellow. You and Spencer had just finished a case, and now you were on the long drive back home. The air was filled with a quiet sense of relief and exhaustion, but there was also a shared anticipation for the journey home.
You stared out the window, captivated by the stunning sunset. The rays of sun stretched across the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the landscape. You felt a surge of emotion well up inside you, a mixture of awe and the overwhelming hormones that came with pregnancy. You reached up to wipe away a tear that had slipped down your cheek.
Spencer glanced over at you, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Are you crying over a sunset?" he teased gently, his eyes twinkling with affection.
You laughed through your tears, nodding. "I know it sounds silly, but it's just so beautiful."
Spencer chuckled, reaching over to place a comforting hand on your growing bump. "I think it's sweet. Our son is already getting to experience some of the most beautiful sights in the world."
You placed your hand over Spencer's, feeling the warmth of his touch and the connection you shared. "I just want him to have a good life, Spencer. I want him to see all the beauty in the world and know that he's loved."
"He will," Spencer said, his voice filled with certainty. "He already is. And he's got the best mom to show him all that beauty."
You smiled, leaning into his touch. "And the best dad to teach him everything he needs to know."
You drove in comfortable silence for a while, the rhythmic hum of the car and the fading light of the sunset creating a peaceful ambiance. The road ahead stretched out into the distance, leading you back to Virginia and the life you were building together.
As the last rays of sunlight disappeared below the horizon, Spencer squeezed your hand gently. "Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?"
You shook your head. "I'm good. Just a little tired, but that's to be expected."
Spencer nodded, keeping his eyes on the road but his thoughts on you. "We'll stop soon and get some rest. I don't want you to overdo it."
"I'm fine, Spencer. Really," you reassured him.
"Always," Spencer said softly. "I love you. And I can't wait to meet our son, but when is the next time we’ll be on our own?"
"I love you too," you replied, feeling a swell of emotion again. "And I can't wait either."
As you continued your journey, the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, casting a serene glow over the landscape. The road ahead was long, but you faced it together, united in your love and the new life you were about to welcome into the world.
With every mile you traveled, Spencer felt a deep sense of contentment. He had found a partner in you, someone who understood him and shared his passion for helping others. You had faced countless challenges together, both professionally and personally, and now you were about to embark on the greatest adventure of all: parenthood. Your hand remained on your bump, feeling the gentle movements of your son. You knew there would be tough times ahead, but with Spencer by your side, you felt ready to face anything. The future was bright, filled with promise and possibility.
A few hours later, as the night grew darker and the stars brighter, you found yourself once again overwhelmed by the beauty of the sky. Tears streamed down your face as you gazed upward, unable to contain the emotions that swelled within you.
"Spencer," you whispered, your voice trembling. "Tell me about the stars."
Spencer glanced over, concerned but gentle, and began to speak. "Well, the stars you see up there are just a fraction of what's out in the cosmos. Each one is a giant ball of gas, primarily hydrogen and helium, undergoing nuclear fusion. That fusion process is what produces the light and heat we see."
You sniffled, trying to focus on his words. "What about our star signs? Do they mean anything?"
Spencer hesitated, clearly more comfortable with scientific facts than astrological lore. "Star signs, or zodiac signs, are based on the positions of constellations relative to the Earth at the time of your birth. Some people believe these positions can influence personality traits and life events, but there's no scientific evidence to support that."
You nodded, a small smile breaking through your tears. "So you don't believe in astrology?"
He chuckled softly. "Not really. I understand why people find it fascinating, though. It's a way to connect with the universe and find patterns in our lives."
You sighed contentedly, listening to the soothing cadence of his voice as he continued to talk about the vastness of space, the life cycle of stars, and the mysteries of the cosmos. His words were like a gentle lullaby, and before long, you began to doze off, the steady rhythm of the car lulling you into sleep.
You woke up with a start as the car came to a halt. Spencer had stopped at a small, cozy hotel for the night. He stepped out to check in, and you followed suit, clutching your bag. As you exited the car, the sight of the moon and stars twinkling above brought fresh tears to your eyes. Spencer returned to find you standing there, your eyes glistening with tears as you gazed at the celestial display. He walked over, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
"It's so beautiful," you whispered, leaning into him.
"It really is," Spencer agreed, his voice soft. "And so are you."
You both stood there for a few moments longer, taking in the night sky and the sense of peace it brought. The moon cast a silvery glow over everything, and the stars seemed to dance in their celestial patterns.
Finally, Spencer yawned, and you knew it was time to head inside. "Come on," he said gently. "We should get some rest."
You nodded, feeling a mix of gratitude and exhaustion. Together, you made your way into the hotel room, where the bed looked incredibly inviting. As you settled in, you couldn't help but think about the sky, the stars, and the life growing inside you.
Spencer lay down beside you, his hand resting protectively on your bump. "Goodnight, Y/N," he whispered.
"Goodnight, Spencer," you replied, feeling a sense of calm wash over you.
A few weeks had passed since the drive back from the Midwest, where you and Spencer had marveled at the sunset and the stars. Now, you were back home, adjusting to life with your newborn son. The days were a whirlwind of feedings, diaper changes, and sleepless nights, but every moment with your baby filled your heart with joy. You had experienced some complications during childbirth, necessitating an extra day in the hospital. Spencer had been a constant presence by your side, despite his occasional disappearances. The team from the BAU had stopped by to meet your son, their newest member, and you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the love and support surrounding your growing family.
Finally back home, Spencer had something special planned. "Close your eyes," he instructed as he gently guided you towards the nursery. "I want to see your reaction."
Curious and excited, you complied, feeling Spencer's hand warmly leading you into the room. The nursery had always been cozy, with soft pastel colors and a comfortable rocking chair by the window. But as you opened your eyes, you gasped in awe.
Spencer had transformed the room into a sanctuary of comfort and wonder. The walls were adorned with shelves filled with books, plush toys, and small, handmade decorations. The curtains were drawn back, allowing the soft afternoon light to filter in and illuminate the room in a warm glow. But what truly took your breath away were the stars that adorned the ceiling. Spencer had painstakingly placed them one by one, creating a celestial canopy that twinkled softly in the dim light. It felt like stepping into a night sky, serene and magical.
"So that way, he can always see the stars at night," Spencer explained softly, his eyes reflecting the same wonder that filled your heart. 
Tears welled up in your eyes, and Spencer gently wiped them away with his thumb. "Are you okay?" he asked with a small, affectionate smile.
You shook your head, overcome with emotion. "It's... it's perfect, Spencer. Thank you."
He pulled you into a warm embrace, holding you and your son close. "I want him to grow up surrounded by love and wonder, just like you do," Spencer murmured.
You leaned into his embrace, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude. "We'll give him the best of everything," you whispered, your voice filled with determination and tenderness. “Our little astronaut.” 
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Before He Cheats | Dagger Squad Imagine
Takes place after the events of TGM
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TGM Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: female pilot!reader x Dagger squad (platonic), reader x ex!oc (past romance)
Content Warnings: angst, cheating, profanity, ends with sweet revenge | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 3.8k
Requested 📨 yes/no (rules for requests)
Premise: One thing about cheaters, they’re always gonna get caught. Whether right when it happens or years down the road the truth always comes out. And one thing they should realize is revenge is a dish best served cold.
Note: I finally finished my first year of grad school!!! Fucking finally people. Now I can relax and get to the drawing board. I already have visions and outlines for all current requests in my inbox and be sure to check out my April/May upcoming works and my pinned works in progress for what’s coming and posted! Thank you for your patience and to the anon who requested this I hope you liked it!
Also y’all….is there like some freaky shit going on with the universe and my works 💀 cause three days after I posted Lover inspired by Taylor swift she and her man of 8 years broke up and now I’m posting a cheater imagine (this request is from end of February) when there’s stuff going about Glen 👀 this is just freaky now
Friday night at the Hard Deck consisted of a full house ready to kick off the weekend with beer and music. For a few years now Y/n had been working at the bar serving drinks and singing from 8pm to 9 as a way to make extra cash while her college sweetheart Ryan, who was a Lieutenant Junior Grade, was stationed at Miramar. Having not been married despite being a couple for so long, Y/n lived off base with some roommates while her boyfriend stayed in the dorms, however, he’d come to her place after work and stayed on weekends.
It was rare to see a military couple not be the stereotypically, “we got married right after I commissioned so my partner can be my dependent and travel with me when I get orders.” No, that wasn’t Y/n and Ryan. After Ryan’s commission Y/n stayed to finish up her Master’s at the University of Miami where they met while he was sent to Japan for two years. Then he was stationed in Virginia, followed by Lemoore, and now he was at Miramar. The longest base he’d been at. Y/n had been with him in Virginia, but didn’t move to Lemoore as she had a three-year contract with her job at the University of Virginia.
Toward the end of his two years at Lemoore, Y/n called Y/n to inform her he was being stationed at North Island and the contract was to be at least five years. Wanting to be close to him after being apart for so long and filled with hope they’d finally settle after Ryan hits ten years in the Navy, Y/n transferred to the University of California San Diego as the history of music professor. She also took on a part-time job as a bartender Friday and Saturday since she was only teaching two sections that occurred on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Plus Penny allowed her to sing Friday nights as an added bonus knowing she loved music.
Y/n settled rather quickly in North Island. With her two jobs she developed a friendly social circle consisting of the UCSD staff on campus and regulars at the Hard Deck. Several of the aviators took a liking to her. They knew Ryan and would often meet up every Friday after work to catch up on the week and watch her sing. Y/n always had their rounds ready the moment they walked in, “got ya seven cold ones.”
“The newbie over there didn’t read the sign. Round’s on him.”
They’d cheer Y/n on when she sang, literally the loudest bunch in the whole bar. “Sing it girl!”
“Ariana ain’t got nothing on you!
Phoenix sometimes sat at the bar when she needed to get away from the guys. “Are you working tomorrow?”
“Penny gave me the night off since I got papers to grade…but If I get done early I’ll be free.”
“Please, I am in need of a girls night. Hell I’ll even come help you grade if you tell me what to do.”
“Damn, Nat, were the guys too much this week?” She placed another beer in front of the pilot, removing the empty one to discard. “This one’s on me. You look like you need it.”
“You have no idea, Y/n. All week we’ve been training for an upcoming mission and they’ve been driving me nuts.”
Ryan had his own group of friends from the base who’d come toward the later hours of the night. They’d usually take up the space at the bar, Ryan greeting Y/n with a kiss and telling her how the day was. He’d nurse a couple beers before he and Y/n would retreat to her apartment when the place closed at eleven.
They’d been together for several years, coming up on their eighth anniversary when Y/n discovered his infidelity.
And it wasn’t just a one-and-done “I was drunk and stupid, she doesn’t mean anything,” type of deal. No, this was a long going affair lasting almost a year.
What was the kicker? The other woman was a married coworker of his.
Now Y/n may have had the reputation of being the sweet, down to earth, understanding person who would never hurt a fly. But as soon as her eyes landed on Ryan, her partner of eight years, shoving his throat down another woman’s throat while grabbing her ass like it would vanish from thin air…..she saw red. Kill Bill sirens blasting in her mind. Y/n wanted to ruin both of them seeing she wasn’t the only person betrayed. The woman’s husband was also being deceived.
And what was punishment for adultery and extramarital sexual conduct? Well, according to the Uniform Code of Military Justice those in the military who are married or have affairs with married personnel are dishonorably discharged, forfeited of all pay and confined for one whole year.
Was it harsh? Maybe some would see it that way. But cheaters need to be taught a lesson.
And Y/n was gonna make sure they got it.
For a whole week Y/n put on a brave face. Accumulating photographs and screenshots of text messages, emails, and bank statements to show proof of the affair and how long it had been going on. She secretly got in touch with the husband of the Lieutenant Ryan was sleeping with, presenting him with everything. Heartbroken and angry, he agreed to remain quiet until the meeting Y/n had set up on that following Friday with their partner's supervisor.
“I know this is a lot to ask,” she exhaled, tired from everything and having to act like she was fine. “But come Friday they’ll be faced with the consequences of their actions. I’m sorry you’re having to go through this as well.”
“It’s not your fault—you’re not the one who cheated on me. You’re the one who found out and had the decency to tell me. We both got screwed,” he rubbed his face with his hands, wedding ring flashing under the light. When it caught his eyes all he could do was glare at it. “The only thing making this somewhat bearable is the fact they’re gonna be hit with the ultimate blindside.”
Y/n nodded to his ring, “What are you gonna do?”
“I’m contacting a divorce lawyer once I leave here. Hopefully the papers will be drawn up quickly so I can bring them to the meeting. Make it a double whammy. You?”
Y/n threw back the rest of her gin & tonic, letting out another tired sign, “I booked a flight to Cabo. Spring break is next week so I’m gonna take a well needed week long vacation and then figure it out from there.” Sunny skies with margaritas and radio silence seemed to be the best therapy at the moment.
For the next three days Y/n maintained a strong façade. Whenever Ryan went to kiss her she’d kept it short or moved to where his lips hit her cheek. She continued to send screenshots to her phone and delete the conversations so he wouldn’t notice. When she surprised him at work for lunch the day before the meeting it really threw both the cheaters off.
“Y/n,” his eyes went wide, “what are you doing here?”
“Thought I’d surprise you for lunch,” she held up a bag of homemade stir fry, bidding a glance at the woman who also was white a sheet. “Hi, I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Y/n.”
“Becca,” she repeated, a smile tight on her lips. While doing so she gave an obvious glance to Becca’s ring finger, finding the diamond. “Beautiful ring you’ve got there. Are you engaged?” Becca became flustered, but kept calm.
“Ah, your husband has a great eye for jewelry. You’re so lucky.”
Ryan was quick to cut the conversation short after the mention of Becca’s husband. Visibly uncomfortable with how Y/n was throwing their aldurty in their face despite not knowing she was aware of it.
The next day Y/n marched into their superiors office, dressed like a corporate CEO ready to fire the entire team for an unforgivable mistake, with two boxes on each arm. One filled with all the evidence of Ryan and Becca’s affair, the other containing all of Ryan’s belongings he had at Y/n’s apartment. Becca’s husband, Tim arrived a minute later with a folder of divorce papers in his hands.
They met with the supervisor first. Y/n introduced who she was and who Tim was, presenting the box of evidence and explained while the Captain shuffled through the papers. Visibly disgusted, the Captain thanked Y/n for bringing it to his attention and promised the adults he would handle the rest.
“Are you calling them in right now?” She asked.
“I was planning to this afternoon, why?”
“I’d like to be present if you don’t mind,” a hand came up to the other box she had, “These are his things and frankly, I want to see the look on his face.”
“Me too,” Tim piped up and waved the folder in his hands. “These need to be served to Becca.”
The supervisor simply shrugged and said, “if that’s what you want, fine by me.” He hit a button on his phone, “Wilkins, please inform Lieutenants Stevens and Leeds they need to report to my office immediately.”
“Yes, sir.” Though her heart was racing, Y/n remained poised and took a seat against the wall of the room. Tim sat beside her, both setting their gaze on the door to await their soon to be exes.
Roughly ten minutes later, a knock on the door sounded and the Captain gruffly said, “enter.” The door opened to reveal Ryan, whose eyes went straight to his superior before scanning the room ultimately resulting in him to freeze where he stood. Turning white as a sheet, Y/n could only imagine what was running through her ex boyfriend’s mind. There was great satisfaction seeing his eyes flicker from her to Tim to the Captain.
“Have a seat, Lieutenant,” the older gentleman's finger pointed to the seat in front of his desk. It seemed to snap Ryan from his daydream, the man stumbling into the room and unable to form words.
When he sat the first thing he tried to say was her name to which the Captain voiced, “I didn’t say you could speak, Lieutenant. Keep quiet, we’re waiting on one more before we get started.”
Becca’s reaction was pretty much the same when she arrived two minutes later. “T-tim,” she stuttered, red as a tomato and fear etched on her face.
“Rebecca,” his tone was blank, matching his expression. Just the full name combined with the parties in the room indicated to Becca she was about to have the worst day of her life.
But hey, maybe she shouldn’t have cheated then.
And Ryan? Mans was shitting bricks where he sat. Couldn’t even bring himself to look at Becca when she sat in the chair beside him. He kept trying to plead to Y/n with his eyes but she wasn’t having it.
The Captain got right to it. He laid out all the evidence on the desk for the two to see, Becca immediately breaking into tears while Ryan tried to explain. What could he explain though? How could he defend a year long affair with a married coworker in front of her husband, longtime girlfriend and superior.
When it came time for the Captain to discuss where to go from there, Y/n excused herself by dropping the box of Ryan’s things into his lap, “Here’s all your shit,” it nearly spilled onto the floor when the action surprised him. “Don’t call, text, show up at my place or at the bar tonight otherwise I’ll call the cops. I’m done with you, Ryan. Thanks for wasting eight fucking years of my life.”
“Wait, Y/n, please—,” she cut him off when he went to stand.
“You’ve not been dismissed yet,” that got him to freeze, noticing the Captain smirking in the corner of her eye. She turned to Tim, “Thanks for your help. Good luck with everything and I hope it works in your favor.” Becca gasped, realizing what the folder in Tim’s hand represented. It spurred on another wave of tears.
“Thanks,” he gave a tired smile, “And good luck to you.” With that Y/n was out the door and Ryan was out of her life. First thing she did was go home, change, and drive to the Hard Deck. Penny immediately poured a glass for her, “long day?” Y/n accepted the beer with a nod.
“Glad it's almost over.”
“What happened?”
Y/n felt the tears welling in her eyes. The emotions she had been holding the past two weeks had finally broken free. Concern formed on Penny’s face. “Ryan was cheating on me for the past year.”
“No,” the woman gasped. Never had she thought Ryan, who always came to the bar to keep Y/n company and watch her sing and her partner of almost a decade would betray her like that. “Did you just find out today?”
“Last Monday. I went to bring him his dry cleaning he left at my place and found him making out with his married coworker.” Another gasp left Penny. “I’ve been playing actor the past two weeks to make him think everything was okay while I gathered proof. Told the woman’s husband a couple days ago and we both met with their superior today. Gave him his stuff while I was at it.”
“I’m so sorry honey,” Penny reached over to pat her hand, “he’s an asshole and you’re worth so much more than him.” Y/n softly smiled at that, mumbling a thanks. Penny served her another glass, “Take the night off okay, I can call Elise to take your shift.”
If Y/n was being honest the offer sounded like a dream. She wanted to go home and cry herself into a bucket of ice cream while watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine until she passed out. But part of her also wanted to sing her pent up feelings out. “Thanks, Penny. I’d still like to sing though if you don’t mind. I could use the release.”
“Of course,” Penny waved a hand, “Whenever you feel like it I’ll have Jose set up the mic. Your guitar’s in the back where I keep the stock.”
For the next couple hours Y/n caught up on grading some papers at a booth while she waited for 8 to roll around. By 6 most of their regulars from the base arrived, signaling the end of the work day. Nat was the first to spot Y/n, strolling over and immediately noticed by the professor's body language that something was off.
“What happened?” She sat across from her.
“What makes you think something happened?”
Nat gave a look, “first, you’re not working the bar.” Y/n shrugged, trying to be nonchalant.
“Penny gave me the night off. I’m still singing though so I thought I’d hang out for the time being—catch up grading before spring break next week.”
“The tone in your voice is off.”
Y/n scoffed even though the pilot was right, “It’s not off.”
“What’s not off?” Rooster comes up, pushing Nat aside so he could slide into the booth.
“Y/n’s acting off and won’t say why.”
“I’ve been grading papers for the last two hours,” Y/n rolled her eyes, “sixty to be exact and all are six pages each. If I sound off it’s probably because I’m tired.” Again, Nat doesn’t appear convinced.
“But you’re still gonna sing even though you probably would rather be home sleeping the day away?”
“Friday nights are what I look forward to during the week,” Y/n scribbled a grade at the top of the paper in front of her, placing it on the stack, “I get to see you guys and sing whatever I want. I wouldn’t miss this.”
“Is Ryan coming?” It was an innocent question and one to expect from her friends given they had no idea of the events that’d taken place. However it didn’t stop the sharp intake of breath Y/n did.
“No, he’s not,” she quickly added before they could ask why, “he got held up at work. His supervisor needed to discuss some things with him.”
“Uh oh,” Rooster made a face, unaware of the boiling anger surfacing in Y/n. “That can’t be good.”
“Yeah,” Y/n clicked her pen, finishing up the last paper. Nat decided not to press further on what was bothering her friend. If Y/n wanted to say then that was up to her.
So to brighten her mood Nat bought her a round and challenged Y/n to a game of pool. Y/n packed up her things, placed them behind the bar and then greeted the other daggers.
“There’s our favorite singer,” Jake announced with a smile. “We were wondering where you were.” Y/n took the cue Rooster handed her.
“Just trying to get through the semester, Hangman.”
The two women played best out of three with Y/n winning the first and final game. By the time they finished it was pushing 7:50 so Y/n informed Penny she was getting her guitar. Once retrieving the instrument she returned to the floor to see Jose had set up the mic and stool for her.
Grabbing a glass of water, Y/n took the stage and set the glass beside the stool before clearing her throat, “Hey everyone.” There were a few hoots and whistles from her friends and regulars at the bar. “How’s your night going? Good?” There were some ‘yeahs’ from the crowd, people moving to get drinks and settle close to the stage. “That’s great to hear. Just sit back, relax, and feel the music.”
Y/n played several songs, all acoustic, starting with Taylor Swift’s ‘Getaway Car’ followed by ‘Back to Black’ by Amy Winehouse. She changed the tune by playing Bill Withers ‘Ain’t No Sunshine,’ but changed ‘she’ to ‘he’ that not many caught. She played ‘Norman Fucking Rockwell,’ by Lana Del Rey and ‘Somebody That I Used To Know,’ from Gotye.
Coming up to the final five minutes of the hour, Y/n gulped the remaining bit of her water and put on a brave face. “This last song,” she paused to close her eyes, “fits the theme you’ve been hearing all night, but is a little more close to the heart. It’s dedicated to someone who’s not present in the crowd which really is a good thing because he knew what was best for him,” very quickly Y/n saw the confusion appear on her friends, some whispering to each other to ask if they knew what she was talking about. “If you can relate to this song because you’ve been on the receiving end of betrayal then my heart goes out to you for I feel your pain. If you can relate because you’ve been that one to betray someone, well, I’ve got nothing to say to you.”
Letting her fingers drum against the strings, the beginning chords of ‘Before He Cheats’ by Carrie Underwood echoed through the bar.
“Right now, he’s probably slow dancin’,” her voice carried into the mic, raw with emotion. “With a bleached-blond tramp and she’s probably gettin’ frisky. Right now, he’s probably buyin’ her some fruity little drink. ‘Cause she can’t shoot whisky.”
Out in the crowd Nat cursed under her breath, anger rising at the realization, “That sly bastard.”
“What?” Mickey whispered, the guys leaning in.
“Right now, he’s probably up behind her with a pool stick. Showin’ her how to shoot a como. And he doesn’t know….”
“Don’t you see?” She gestured with a hand to Y/n, “Ryan cheated on her! That’s why he’s not here. That’s why his supervisor needed to see him. It’s why she’s dedicated this song, a song about a cheater, to him!”
All the sirens ring in their heads as Y/n belts the chorus.
“I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive. Carved my name into his leather seats. I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights, I slashed a hole in all four tires. Maybe next time he’ll think before he cheats.”
“Oh,” the word left Jake’s lips, fury in his green eyes. Y/n was his friend, and nobody hurts his friends. “Oh he’s gonna regret that.”
“You guys thinking what I’m thinking?” Rooster crossed his arms over his chest. All of them shared a look. Nat took one look at Y/n and saw how she was holding back tears.
Kill Bill sirens flooded her brain.
“Yeah, I think we are.”
Come Monday Ryan was emptying out his desk while he awaited his discharge hearing, dark circles under his eyes and in dire need of sleep. As he carried the box out to his car, it fell from his hands with horror coating his face.
Parked in the same spot his beloved red Mustang Charger was not the way he left it. The windows were shattered, tires slashed, the leather of his seats torn. His license plates were missing and the word cheater spray painted in white along the sides.
Hiding behind the building, the guys were biting back their laughter at his reaction. Bob holding the spray paint can, Mickey with the Louisville slugger and Bradley and Jake with pocket knives. Reuben had the plates behind his back and Javy kept checking the phone where he had hacked into the building's security cameras to make sure they were disconnected.
Right on time, Nat came running around the corner in her PT gear, slowing her run when she approached a visibly distraught and furious Ryan. Removing her headphones the pilot whistled, “Damn. That’s gonna be a field day to fix.”
Ryan snapped his head to her, “Do you know who did this?” His tone was accusatory and Nat couldn’t blame him. He knew she was friends with Y/n and frequented the bar every week. He wouldn’t put it past Nat being involved. “Was it you and her? Huh? Y/n had to get one last final laugh—as if she hasn’t done enough!” Nat only scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“I wouldn’t throw accusations so loosely, Ryan. I’ve had PT all morning and Y/n left for Cabo yesterday.” There was no lie in her statement. Y/n was currently sitting at the poolside of her resort with a margarita in her hand. She’d posted on her instagram stories and let Nat know when she landed. Plus the pilot did have PT and was finishing up her run before heading to the flight line.
But she was the mastermind while the boys did the dirty work.
The truth only angered Ryan more, his face turning even more red. “Then who did this?!”
“How should I know?” Nat smirked, putting her headphones in as she started to move past him. “But maybe next time you’ll think before you cheat.”
TGM tag list: @avaleineandafryingpan @caitsymichelle13 @poppyalice2001 @cutelittlepotatofry @luckyladycreator2 @americaarse @elenavampire21 @back-tooo-black @wildellaa @artemissunn @pinkpantheris
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sgiandubh · 6 months
But first, time to say good-bye
It was to be a late departure (bureaucracy will someday kill us all...) from Athens, an endlessly diverted way North through a very early summer and some fitful sleep near the border, where poppies were already in bloom and elusive to the camera:
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I promised to share with you my story with Mycenae the day I would leave Greece for good. Yesterday was the day, so here goes.
I first went to Mycenae on a horrendously rainy day, in November 2018. The place struck me as a haphazard settlement of sorts in the wake of some ancient apocalypse, which was absolutely correct. We stayed in my colleague from Culture and Press' car, munched on some horribly stale koulouria as all hell broke loose outside, when she finally told me: ' you know what, I am happy we made it here: in Mycenae, you can only hear and tell the truth, you know'.
I have to say I ogled in suspicion. I was wet, hungry and completely unused to the Greek way of dressing everything up in mythology. She spoke Greek as I speak French and knew perfectly well what she was doing. She was casting a spell - an unbreakable one, for which I will forever be grateful. Oh, and as all myths would have it, the Lion Gate was closed, by the time we arrived.
It took me almost two years to go back there, during the pandemic, scared summer of 2020, when everything was empty and glorious to fully take in, like a big gulp of colors and sounds and life. My digs were to be always the same: unassuming Petite Planète, the last B&B in town, a stone throw away from Agamemnon's treasury, owned by the Dassis clan of archaeologists.
Their story begins in Constantinople, around 1875, when Konstantinos, a young orphan, begged Heinrich Schliemann to take him along to wherever he was traveling. He quickly became indispensable and helped with the first digs in Mycenae. He was the one who found Agamemnon's mask:
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When the digging was over, Schliemann bought him a tiny house for two pence and a half and told him to stay there. 'Many people will come to visit and they will need food and a roof. Make sure you do your best and it will make you a rich man.'
And they came. In droves. If you ask nicely, V. will show you their reception rosters, safely tucked away in a bank vault, in Argos. I had the privilege to see Virginia Woolf's signature and I was stunned. Schliemann's two pence house is now doubled by a garish modern addition you can see from the main road as La Belle Hélène B&B ('my cousin Agamemnon is a greedy idiot', says V), but Schliemann's room is piously kept as it was when the strange German gentleman left them to their fate. As is, they did not become rich, but that does not matter. You will always find a place at their wonderful table, where Mamma Dassis cooks the same food they ate back in Constantinople and they would not have it otherwise. The new, bigger and better B&B is called Petite Planète because of V's father undying passion for Saint Exupéry's Little Prince. It permeates everything without being obtrusive, because sometimes 'the essential is invisible to the eye'.
Back in 2020, they were worried. Very worried. The Lion Gate was open again, but the 'cretins at Google' wouldn't have it and kept on listing it as closed, on their maps. People were canceling their bookings. The village stood unusually quiet and forlorn.
I made no promises. But I did phone some people at the Greek Ministry of Culture. The least person I expected to be of any help, H, a transparent, mousey freeloader, who was always the last to leave all of our events in the hope we'd take her to dinner in town, happened to be some sort of underling at the Archaeological Sites Department. She immediately understood what I wanted her to do.
Three days after I left Mycenae, on my road trip to the Mani peninsula, I received this message in my Booking inbox:
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This started it all. And from that moment, all my Greek roads will lead there. It's also been a long time since I have trouble forcefully paying them for my monthly stays (booking and paying in advance helps, though), something they adamantly refused last time I went there:
'G., the girl wants to pay.'
'This is ridiculous, of course. This girl is family.'
Someday, I just know I will be back. For good.
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After five years and a half, many more fabulous stories (Mycenean potter and poet, anyone? mad postman? Kyria Stamatoula and her goats? Kyrios Pandelis and his jams?) the only thing I know about Greece is that, for all its (many) misgivings, this land is about two things:
Friends and Heroes.
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dark(ish) academia books that I don't see recommended enough
I read a lot, both fiction and non-fiction, and a lot of the stuff I've read over the past 2-3 years has had underlying academic tones. I've tried to include books I've at least enjoyed, although there are a few 3 star ratings. All of these books are ones I haven't really seen mentioned in compiled dark academia lists (mainly because some of them fall outside the general scope and are more ✨vibes✨). Feel free to add more less well-known books. I've included my own blurbs of the books but I've got shit memory and some I read like 2 years ago so yeah
"Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world." Voltaire
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Takes place over 10 years and explores family and the destruction left behind after WWI. It discusses the feminine vs. masculine in art and while it can be a little slow to read (took me close to 3 weeks!) theres some really beautiful passages and also some funny ones as well — the characters spend several chapters at a dinner party convinced everyone hates them and constantly hating other people too.
The Dark is Rising (series) by Susan Cooper
Okay, yes this is a kids book series from the 70s/80s but it explores English, Cornish and Welsh mythology and has really good characters and world-building. Even though chronologically the series goes: Over Sea, Under Stone; The Dark is Rising; Greenwitch; The Grey King; Silver on the Tree, it's best to read The Dark is Rising first and return back to Over Sea, Under Stone. Anyway, I love this series and I read The Dark is Rising every Christmas because it corresponds pretty much with the days and is easy to place and that's kind of what makes it feel very cozy and academic. Also, theres some brief moments of time travel to the past.
The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
This is a beautiful written masterpiece set across the 20th century featuring plenty of train rides across Europe and vampires. It explores some of the history of Walachia and Dracula, as well as the Ottoman Empire and European politics of the time. It's a hefty read but I loved it because it combines history, dark academia, fantasy and vampires.
Macbeth by William Shakespeare
My favourite of Shakespeare that I've seen so far and honestly murder is so dark academia I don't need to talk any further. Strangely, I don't see this recommended enough.
Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell
This was quite popular a year or two ago, and honestly for good reason. I think it's only really academic because it's linked to Shakespeare and explores the less well-known lives of Shakespeare's family, but it's very good and I thought I'd include it anyway.
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
This one feels really light academia to me, but I think it's mainly because of setting. It's set in this fantastical old and crumbling mansion that goes on forever. It's filled with statues and it floods and only two people live in the world. The story is told entirely through diary entries, but it's so well-written because it defamiliarises the reader entirely. It was a light and easy read for me, which is probably why I'm associating it with light academia rather than dark academia.
The Book of Goose by Yiyun Li
This book kinda mixes chaotic academia and cottagecore academia and is a reflection of girlhood and youth spent in the French countryside in the 50s. There's a toxic relationship between two friends who write a book together before one of them attends prestigious girls' school in England. Also the opening lines are amazing: "You cannot cut an apple with an apple. You cannot cut an orange with an orange. You can, if you have a knife, cut an apple or an orange. Or slice open the underbelly of a fish. Or, if your hands are steady enough and the blade is sharp enough, sever an umbilical cord."
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
Another classic! I love Waugh, and Brideshead revisited is amazing and my favourite of what I've read of his. The book is quite homoerotic — explicitly so at times, which is fascinating for something published in 1945 — and deals with romanticisation. It nestles quite snugly between Picture of Dorian Grey and Secret History in terms of a dark academic literary canon.
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
This is more gothic than dark academia, but it's also a satire of the gothic genre so I feel like it counts. It's definetly not as well known as some of Austen's other works and feels much more raw, particularly because its her first work (although not published until after her death). It's not my favourite Austen, but I love it all the same, especially because of its commentary on warning the romanticisation of other peoples lives and the gothic/dark academia. Although dark academia wasn't a thing in Austen's day!
Possession by A. S. Byatt
I love the main story but because its so metafictive and explores the relationship between two made-up poets (one of whom is bi and cheats on her gf with the second) from the perspective of modern academics, it can get quite hard to read sometimes. It's also really long, but definitely worth reading.
I feel like non-fiction is pretty over-looked when it comes to the academia aesthetic which really says something, given that its… kinda the whole point of academia?? Anyway, I read a lot of history books, but I only put down the ones which I found interesting or easy to read, so they're more popular histories than academic histories. Also; essays.
The Year 1000: What Life Was Like At the Turn of the First Millennium by Robert Lacey
This explores early medieval life in England based on the Julius Work Calendar, an Anglo-Saxon manuscript believed to date to 1020BCE. It's honestly a really light and interesting read and it talks about what everyday life was like, which I think is important in history. It's in a narrative style so it's quite easy to read even if you don't consume history often.
Oh, to Be a Painter! by Virginia Woolf
This is actually a short, published collection of Virginia Woolf essays on art. I read the essays all in one sitting because they're quite short, but if you're into art and art academia, I'd highly recommend. There's also an essay on the cinema which provides some interesting insights into todays world particularly as Woolf was writing at the time when cinema was only just becoming widespread and an industry in its own right.
A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift
This is a satirical essay on attitudes towards the poor and it suggests that poor people might sell their children as food for the rich, highlighting the callousness of the upper classes. It's available free online and very much relevant today, despite being written close to 300 years ago.
The Time Traveller's Guide to Elizabethan England by Ian Mortimer
Very useful if you ever find yourself stuck in the Elizabethan period! It's read as a sort of travel guide but includes plenty on history as well, providing a picture of what England looked like in the late-Tudor period. Also people will think you're a time-traveller if you carry it around, which adds to your intrigue and mystery.
A Memoir of Jane Austen by James Edward Austen-Leigh
If you like Jane Austen and haven't read this memoir, you should. It's written by her nephew, so it's quite biased and it's not amazing in any way, but it provides a lot of context to her life and is a good light-read or coffee table book. Also my copy was pale pink so win.
Thats it folks. Feel free to include your own less well-known book recs that follow dark/light/chaotic, etc. aesthetics! I'd love to compile a huge list and read more outside my comfort zone.
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jqmalikhsgib · 2 months
in most stories being the youngest kid means being the sheltered child. everyone would see the baby of the family being favored more than the eldest or middle child. for you, it wasn’t ever like that.
you grew up in an classic middle class family. your mother was a nurse and your father was a detective. your older brother followed in his fathers footsteps. he went to college, worked his ass off, and became an officer.
your sister went a bit of a different route. she decided to be a lawyer. she was damn good at it too.
you on the other hand, you had different dreams. you never wanted to be cooped up in a bubble. your dreams were to travel the world, draw the most beautiful sights you’ve ever seen, meet new people, discover yourself.
when you graduated high school you saved up enough money over the years to do so. you took different jobs just to pay bills and continue to move along.
your parents never thought it was a great idea. they’d always scold you to go to college. they’d get your siblings along in it but it just never worked. you loved your free spirited life style.
you visited your family every once in a while. but after ten years of being free, ten years of constantly hearing the same things over and over, ten years of nonstop get bugged over when you’re gonna grow up and turn your life around, you were tired.
you stopped going to every christmas, every thanksgiving, every birthday, any holiday. you’d come up with some excuse. telling your family you had a shift at whatever job you had.
truth was, you needed to be away. your family back home may not have understood. besides your best friend, you didn’t really keep in contact with anyone.
spencer was the only one who stood beside you. he knew that you had other dreams and aspirations. he never judged you for drifting off and exploring the world. he was the one to encourage you.
“yn, remember what you told me when i had a hard time deciding to skip a few grades? you said that if i didn’t, id always wonder. you told me im too smart to be in seventh grade and i needed to get off my ass and go show those high school idiots how smart i truly am. you’re an amazing artist, yn! i know you can make a name for yourself.”
that was the only thing you needed to hear before you packed your bags, bought a plane ticket, and began your journey. you never regret your decision.
it’s why you’re so glad to be in virginia. getting to see spencer again made you happy. you haven’t seen your best friends since he made it into the behavioral analysis program. you knew spencer was beyond smart. knowing that he was working with the smartest people, fighting crime, and kicking ass, made you proud.
you smile at the guard up front. “hi, im here to see doctor spencer reid.”
the guard asked for a form of identification before smiling and giving you a visitors badge. spencer made sure to let them know you’d be coming by.
when you finally got to his floor your eyes widened with how big it truly was. you never thought you’d ever be here. standing in front of a team full of people who study human behavior.
“yn!?” spencer runs to his friend.
“woah, slow down there pretty boy.”
you opens your arms wide as spencer lifts you up and spins you around. you giggled before he sets you down.
“hi, genius!”
“god, i miss you.”
“miss you too bud. this place is incredible, spence. how do you guys get any work around here done. i wouldn’t know how to sit still.”
spencer just shrugs as he walks the two of you over to his desk. you spot two individuals.
one of them was a woman. she was beautiful. her dark locks were slowly fading to grey, but she definitely rocked it.
the other was a tall, muscular build man. he had a cocky smirk on his face. he was definitely handsome. you can tell he’s a bit of a player but ultimately a sweetheart.
“well pretty boy, you gonna introduce us?”
spencer smiles. “guys, this is my best friend since diapers, yn! yn thats emily and derek.”
you gently waved.
“hi. it’s nice to finally meet you. spencer talks bout you guys all the time. im glad he has someone else to bug besides me.” you playfully hit his arm.
“you must be someone special. reid doesn’t hug anyone. says—”
“it’s safer to kiss? he’s been saying that since we were children. i think he came up with that when he had a crush on our next door neighbor, dawn.”
“hey! it’s an actual fact!” spencer defends.
you playfully roll your eyes. “when are you off, butthead? i wanna look at places while im here.”
“im off this weekend.”
“you’re moving down here?!”
“yeah. spencer constantly tells me how great this place is. it’s gotta be better than nevada if it’s got spencer’s vote of approval.”
“it is a great state. you’ll love it. if you need help finding something im sure i could be of service.”derek flirts.
“thanks. i should probably let you all get back to work. ill—”
“we have a case!” you get interrupted. you slowly lift your head and your heart skips a beat.
he stares at you with a scowl on his face. you assumed it was a permanent one. he was tall, had a beautiful head of hair, his face was clean shaven, his suit was definitely dry cleaned. he looked like a man you’d see in a fairytale. like how you’d imagine prince eric from the little mermaid to look. he was breathtaking.
“i’ll probably be gone for a few days. will you be okays exploring the city without me?” spencer breaks you out of your trance.
“um—yeah. just be safe. and call me!”
spencer smiles as he squeezes your arm before walking away. you give your heart a second to go back to normal speed.
you think you’re gonna love it here.
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so, yes it’s an age gap between them. listen, im not gonna be like some people and say i have a huge problem with age gaps, because i do not!
yes, at times it can be gross. when someone is freshly eighteen and dating someone in their mid to late twenties or older, it’s gross
if someone knew the person when they were a child and begin dating them. even if they’re in their twenties, it’s gross
but as someone who’s 25 and has only dated men older since i was like 22, i don’t see much of a problem as long as they were two consenting adults.
that being said, read it if you want and if you don’t, scroll past it.
reader is 28
aaron is 44
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nhularin · 1 year
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PAIRING jake x reader GENRE best friends to lovers to exes, angst no comfort, highschool/college AU WARNINGS insecurities,infidelity surpriseeee WC 1.1k series masterlist
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March 3rd, 2003
leaning in close, with a melted popsicle in his hand, jakes eyes sparkled with excitement as he spoke of your future adventures. "Imagine this," jake said, a mischievous grin playing at the corners of his lips. "you get your driver's license, and we hit the open road. we drive across the country, all the way to Malibu."
your heart fluttered at the thought, a blend of anticipation and affection swelling within you. you leaned back, your eyes shining with a reflection of the dream jake had introduced. "malibu," you repeated, your voice filled with a sense of wonder and disbelief. "so you want me to waste perfect gas and go to malibu?? out of all places? sure, once we arrive, we'll find the perfect spot on the beach, lay out a blanket, and enjoy strawberry ice cream as we watch the rich rotting away with their money." you exclaimed sarcastically in which he only laughed. eyes formed into little crescents, complimenting the stars you held for him in your own.
"come on, we need to get out of this hell of a town! get a little bit adventurous! i swear, if i see Mrs O'Conners face any longer after we graduate, i'm going to go mental" he sighed dramatically, putting his whole body weight on your chest.
days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. the promise of the open road and the taste of strawberry ice cream lingered in your mind as you tried to navigate the final year of high school. but as graduation approached, a subtle shift began to weave its way into the fabric of your dreams.
the reality of adulthood loomed, casting a shadow on your plans. responsibilities and obligations tugged at your hearts, threatening to unravel the adventures you both had envisioned. doubt crept in, trying to extinguish the flames of growing up
one evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, jake and you found yourselves back on the park bench where your dreams had first taken flight. the weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air, a silent question lingering between you two.
he turned to you, his eyes filled with a mixture of hope and longing. "do you still believe in our dreams?" he asked, voice tinged with strange vulnerability.
you paused, your gaze meeting his with a smile plastered on your face and on that night, he thanked the lord for making you his. "of course i do," you replied, your voice filled with enthusiasm. "life may throw challenges our way, but as long as we believe in each other and the dreams we share, nothing can stand in our way. and hey, we're only a state away from each other. i believe in us"
as long as you were together, you understood that the road you had traveled had shaped you, him being accepted into his dream college in DC and you going to yours in virginia. and as you walked hand in hand, ready to face whatever laid ahead, you both knew that your dreams would continue to evolve, intertwining with the flow of life itself.
December 13, 2003
or that's what you thought.
in the quiet corners of the your room, a worn leather bound diary laid nestled among a sea of memories. its pages held a tale of roller coasters ,love and heartache, of a connection that was once unbreakable. you knew that the story of jake and you, two idiotic teenagers with little care of the future had ended not more than a month ago.
your journey began in the innocence of childhood, his scrawny self introducing himself to you in 3rd grade, which turned into an interesting friendship, where laughter echoed through the streets as you played and tormented your neighbors together. as time passed, your bond deepened, evolving into a love that topped friendship. jake became your moon, your sirius that guided you out of your lonely thoughts and into a world filled with hope
within the diary's fragile pages, your heart poured forth in ink, capturing every stolen glance, every touch that sent electric currents through your veins. you wrote of the way jakes presence made you feel alive, how his laughter echoed in your soul, and how his touch ignited a symphony of butterflies that danced within you.
but as with any fairytale, darkness eventually crept into their idyllic world. it showed up in the form of a lab class, where a new face captured your boyfriend's attention. your heart shattered when your friend informed you about his infidelity and something in you had died that night as you watched your lover gravitate towards this stranger, like a moth drawn to a flickering flame.
the diary became your safe space, your refuge in the storm called jake, trying to find shelter in the hot acidic rain of heartbreak. you poured your heartache onto its pages, expressing your confusion, your pain, and the overwhelming sense of betrayal that consumed you. every word etched into the paper was a bandaid slowly repairing the damage that he left behind in your heart
with shaky hands, you flipped to an empty page, thoughts of doubts plaguing your mind. "dear diary", the words came out messier than you have expected, in which you only cursed at yourself
"and dear jake,
i got my driver's license last week"
and as you poured your heart out once again, you felt a stone lifting from your chest. you should get over him at this point, you knew he moved on long ago, but you couldnt. you couldn't understand how a once so loving individual could break you into a million pieces. so, as you closed the notebook, a sense of peace settled within you. the memories would always be a part of you, but you had sworn to yourself that they will no longer held power over your heart. you were ready to embrace the unwritten chapters of your life, you were still young after all, to find love as great as you had with jake sim.
′Cause how could I ever love someone else?
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jaggedhorseteeth · 11 days
Better in the Morning // Ch. 11
Well, here we are. Time to meet the parents.
Word count: 7300+
CHAPTER WARNINGS: Language; talks of depression, suicide, and anxiety; strained parental relationship; talks of crime, murder, drugs/drug cartel, running from the law, and minor talk of sex trafficking (nothing too graphic); mentions of death of a parent; injuries sustained from a shooting, blood, removal of a bullet, stitches (I'm not a medical professional and have zero medical training. I'm making it up as I go.); some probably really bad and vulgar Spanish retrieved per Google and Google translate (and I can't for the life of me figure out how to do the accents so we're just going to ignore that for now); I also might be tiptoeing real close to 'No Country for Old Men' fanfiction 😅
Two and a half years. Two and a half years, countless ups and downs, and I was finally taking the love of my life to see an important part of me, a part of what made me who I am. He was going to get to see where I grew up.
I don’t know what made me want to go back, but when I proposed the idea to Jake, he eagerly jumped at the opportunity. Soon enough, we were packed and on the road to Thomas, West Virginia.
It was about a nine-hour drive from Nashville. Jake tried to convince me to just fly, but I felt like I was due for a good road trip. We could travel at our own pace, and besides, Jake was good company for the drive. Richie had reached out to Vivian, an old family friend, arranging for us to stay with her instead of one of the shitty, middle-of-nowhere hotels (which were few and far between).
Vivian technically lived in Coketon, a coal-mining town just outside of Thomas that was almost abandoned. Mining activity flourished in the early 1900s, and the 15 coal mines in Coketon shipped out a million tons of coal annually. But by the mid to late 1950s, pretty much all underground mining had ceased. Most of the residents left shortly after that, only a few deciding to remain. Vivian’s family was one, not far from where Finn’s family had put down roots.
I spent a good chunk of my childhood at Vivian’s house. It was one of the “safe houses” my dad would drop us off at, Vivian being one of the few people he trusted. It was where I met my best friend, and where I lost my brother. There were a lot of bad memories associated with the place, but enough good to lure me back occasionally. Vivian could be… tough, a little abrasive, but she took care of us when our dad was gone and taught me most of everything I know. I mostly missed the horses. Jake expressed his unease at being that close to a 1,000-pound animal, more so at the idea of trying to ride one.
I smirked. “I will definitely get you on a horse before we come home.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
It was almost sundown by the time we turned down the dirt road that would take us to Vivian’s house. The trees on either side of the road loomed darkly, appearing much taller and thicker than the last time I was here. It had been almost five years, after all. Everything still felt so familiar, though, as if I was only here yesterday. The house came into view as we rounded the corner. It hadn’t changed a bit. The two-story brick house with its worn white molding and wrap-around porch had seen a lot, witnessed me and Finn grow up, and Luca not quite make it out.
“It’s a little creepy out here. Quiet.” Jake eyed the thick woods wearily. He had gotten so used to city life in Nashville. This was such a big jump from that.
“At least I’m not freezing my ass off,” I huffed.
“Sounds like a skill issue,” he joked. I narrowed my eyes and poked at his side, causing him to squirm away.
“I’ll remember that.”
As we unloaded our bags from the trunk, I heard the front door creak open. “Glad to see you remember your way here.”
“I wouldn’t ever forget it, V.” I gave her a quick hug. Jake stepped up behind me and I introduced them to each other. Vivian eyed him distrustfully, as I expected, but Jake didn’t seem put off by it and maintained his polite demeanor.
Vivian led us into the house and directed us to the spare room upstairs we’d be staying in. The inside was just as I remembered. A collection of paintings, created by Vivian, decorated the walls over gaudy wallpaper. The ugly blue carpet was still in the bedrooms, and even uglier striped, red carpet covered the stairs, which creaked under our weight. The innards of the house were worn, and needed some serious upgrades in my opinion, but it had good bones. The double bed with the brass headboard had a fresh set of sheets and a yellow floral blanket that was probably older than me. And as outdated and musty as the house was, it was home to me.
After dropping our stuff off and heading back downstairs, Vivian gestured up the stairs with a tilt of her head. “I’ve got one right now, so keep your voices down.” She offered no other information and Jake looked at me quizzically.
“There’s someone else staying here. I’ll explain later.” I pretended I didn’t notice the way Vivian narrowed her eyes at me. She would have been livid if she knew I’d told Jake anything. It was her secret to keep, too. And she didn’t trust him, not yet.
She set the table for dinner and took a plate to whoever was upstairs before we all sat down to eat. We took the time to catch up, her inquiring about Nashville and Richie, and asked after Finn when I told her he’d come to town for a visit. She asked Jake about his career, not bothering to hide the judgement in her eyes when he told her was a musician. All these people I grew up with seemed to think if it didn’t involve physical, manual labor, it wasn’t a ‘real job.’
“Oh, your pa’s gonna love that,” she said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes, which earned me a scolding from her. “Don’t roll your eyes at me, girl.” I found it annoying that even as an adult, she still knew how to make me feel like a child that had done something wrong. Jake, on the other hand, was doing his best to hold back his laughter.
Exhausted from the drive, we decided to call it a night after dinner. I filled Jake in as we got ready for bed, keeping my voice down to a whisper. “Viv’s in the business of taking in girls, young women, that don’t have anywhere else to go, or got pulled out of some shitty situation. Chances are, they’re probably traumatized and terrified, a lot of times of men, if you get my drift.”
“Like, victims of sex trafficking?”
“Yeah, sometimes.”
He exhaled a puff of air. “Your life just keeps getting more and more interesting.”
“Hah. This one is all Viv.”
“I don’t think she likes me very much,” he said as he got into bed.
I crawled in and snuggled up next to him. “Don’t take it personally. She doesn’t like much of anyone until she gets to know them. She’ll warm up to you.”
“You don’t think your dad would warm up to me eventually?”
I snorted a laugh. “No, because he’s just an asshole. It’s a good thing you won’t have to be subjected to that. At least during this trip.” That wasn’t true, but I didn’t know that yet. I had no idea how much Jake would learn while we were here, much less how much I would learn.
We spent most of the next day in town. There wasn’t much to do, but we checked out local shops, got lunch, and I took Jake to the Purple Fiddle Coffeehouse and Market, a staple in the town of Thomas. In the late afternoon, we took a walk around Vivian’s property, showing him all my little hangout spots and secret hideaways.
“That was Finn’s place,” I pointed out the small, now abandoned house. I’d never been inside and had no idea what happened to his parents. Perhaps that was for the best.
There were several pathways through the woods, some of them quite overgrown now. I can pretend I didn’t really know where we were headed, which path led to where, but that would be a lie. I grew up here, under the aspen canopy, weaving between these tree trunks like I was born for it. Maybe some sick part of me needed to see the place again, to remind myself that it was real.
Jake had been talking but he quieted when I stopped walking. “You okay?” He cocked his head.
I didn’t speak right away, worried that my voice might betray the peace of this place. The forest knew death. It had seen it many times over the course of thousands of years. I wonder if the trees remembered it, though, if they remembered his death, or if they heard my scream as it echoed through the leaves. My vision zeroed in on the spot. There wasn’t anything that stuck out, nothing that distinguished it from any other place in this vast expanse of wooded ground, but I knew it. I wouldn’t ever forget it.
“That’s where Luca died,” I whispered.
I heard a sharp inhale of breath from Jake. His hand gently rubbed my arm as he stepped closer to me. “Do you want to talk about it?”
I just shook my head, not trusting myself to speak. Jake didn’t push. He guided me to a fallen log nearby and we sat, seemingly understanding what I needed without words. His hand didn’t leave mine. There we stayed, letting the leaves and the light wind do all the talking, us playing the role of mere witnesses, just bystanders.
As the sun sank lower over the horizon, casting deep shadows over us, Jake gently nudged me. “Do you know how to find your way back in the dark?”
It was a genuine question, but I laughed anyways. “Would you be scared if I didn’t?”
“I mean, we could camp out, but you might need to protect me from whatever cryptids live in these creepy ass woods.”
I nudged him back with my shoulder. “What do you think I was doing as a kid running around in the woods at night if not making friends with the cryptids?”
“I dunno, committing crime?”
“A little arson never hurt anyone.”
He raised an eyebrow at me. “Okay, Josh.”
My hand came to my chest, and I feigned offense. “Well, I never,” I exclaimed with an exaggerated southern accent. Our laughter seemed to fill the empty air around us, drastically lifting my own spirits.
The porch light was on when we made it back to the house. I sighed contently. “She always left the light on for us.” I didn’t miss the scamper of footsteps running up the stairs when we came in the door. I didn’t get a good look at the girl before she closed herself back up in her bedroom, her safe space, I imagine. It was mine, too, on some nights.
“Oh, c’mon, he doesn’t bite.”
“That is a blatant lie, and you know it.”
I giggled, slightly menacingly, as Jake eyed the animal in front of him wearily. He reached out slowly to pet it but jumped back when the horse stomped and huffed at him. The stable hand holding onto the lead rope couldn’t hide his amusement. I shrugged and sighed from my spot in the saddle of another horse. “Guess I get to tell your brothers you were too scared to ride a horse with me.”
It was a low blow, taunting him like that, but it was the results that mattered to me. He glared at me. “You’re the worst,” he muttered, before moving to grasp the saddle horn and sticking his foot in the stirrup. He took a deep breath and held it, hoisting himself up and swinging his leg over the other side. When he was confident the horse wasn’t going to bolt or immediately buck him off, he exhaled. “Happy now?”
“Yep!” I beamed at him, ignoring his grumbling. The stable hand adjusted Jake’s stirrups and gave us the okay to ride.
Jake was fidgety and white knuckling the reins, but he started to relax as the ride went on. I’ll go so far as to say he might have started enjoying himself a little bit. I even caught him talking to his horse once or twice, little admonitions of praise.
“So, what do you think, grumpy gills? Think I could talk you into doing this more often?”
“I could perhaps be persuaded,” he said as he winked.
I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure there’s lots of places around Nashville we could ride. Maybe we can make it a regular thing?”
“Sure. And with enough practice I’ll be riding circles around you in no time.”
I stuck my tongue out at him. “You’d have to catch up to me first.” I spurred my horse to run ahead, wondering if he’d be brave enough to commence the chase. After a few moments, he finally did, and I heard the patter of his horse trotting up behind me.
We slowed to a stop at the edge of a creek, and I laughed at the grimace on Jake’s face. “That is… fuck, that hurts.” He fidgeted in the saddle, adjusting to get more comfortable.
“Oh, just wait until after. You won’t be able to walk straight for the rest of the day.”
“Thanks for the warning,” he mumbled. At my smug look, he said, “Payback’s a bitch, babe.” I huffed in faux offense.
We took our time finishing up the trail, which looped around and led us back to the stables. I snickered as Jake attempted to walk, his legs and rear end sore from the saddle. I felt it, too, having gone so long without riding, but my stubbornness would never let me admit it to him. Before getting back in the car, he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. “Thank you for making me come do this. I really did have a good time.”
I was woken up to the sound of a door slamming down the hallway. At the sound of cabinets being slammed downstairs I sat up, listening. Jake reached out for me and mumbled sleepily, “What’s goin’ on?”
I checked the time on my phone; it was a little after midnight. “I don’t…” I got out of bed and padded to the door to listen closer. I wasn’t hearing as much noise, but could hear Vivian’s voice, along with a man’s, a voice that was unfortunately all too familiar. “Shit.” I turned on the lamp and hurriedly threw on some clothes. Jake started to do the same and asked me again what was happening. I was suddenly very worried; I did not sign up for this. “I think my dad’s here. And if he’s here, then something’s wrong. Just… stay here.”
Vivian was bustling around in the kitchen gathering supplies. “Good, you’re up. You can help. My hands ain’t as steady as they used to be. Wash your hands.”
I didn’t argue or ask questions. I knew better than that. The living room light was on, and I silently prepared myself for what I might find.
My father sat in the light, shirt off, his arm awkwardly bent to hold a bloodied towel on a spot just below his left shoulder blade. His hair was longer, but he didn’t look much different than the last time I saw him. He also didn’t seem surprised to see me; Vivian probably already told him I was here. Whether or not she told him about Jake was still unclear.
“Mija.” He nodded at me. He never was one for heartfelt greetings or hugs.
I sighed, moving to his side and pulling away the towel to examine the wound. “Bullet?”
“Still there.” If he could take care of a wound himself, he would do it. But this was in a hard-to-reach place, so it made sense he would need help. The problem was that there weren’t a lot of people he trusted to help, so he would suffer as long of a drive as he needed until he reached one of his “safe spaces.”
“How long?”
“Four hours.”
That checked out. Infection was already starting to set in the edges of the injury, redness and inflammation spreading, but it wasn’t necrotic or life-threatening. Yet. Judging from the fact he drove all the way here (from wherever) and was still awake and alert, it was safe to say the bullet missed anything important. He was always lucky like that. I pulled out some of the supplies Vivian had already brought out and set to work removing the bullet. I’m sure the act of digging around with the forceps was painful, but he didn’t make a sound. He never did.
I was so focused on the task in front of me that I didn’t hear the creak of the stairs as someone came down, and I didn’t hear Vivian’s voice as she addressed them. I know I told Jake to stay put, but he either didn’t hear me in his half-asleep state or chose to blatantly ignore me. I’m gunning for the latter. Dad tensed up, and it wasn’t because of pain from the bullet I finally found and was carefully removing. I followed his eyes as they focused on the man he didn’t recognize, hackles raised and on guard.
“Can I do anything?”
Bless him. Despite the whole situation probably being unsettling, Jake was still here with me, offering his help. He got plenty of brownie points for not freaking out. With the bullet out, all I had to do was clean and stitch up the wound. “No but thank you.” I offered him a soft smile. Everything was under control. Except for the fact that Dad was staring daggers at him, and that was just how he handled strangers. We hadn’t even crossed the ‘discussing my relationship’ threshold yet.
“Dad,” I started cautiously. “This is Jake.” Bite the bullet, no pun intended, get it over with. “He’s my boyfriend, and I trust him. Jake, this is my dad, Antonio.”
Jake kept his distance, but wanting to be polite, as he usually is, said, “Nice to finally meet you. Wish the circumstances were a little different.”
“Give me one good reason I don’t gut you like a fucking trout.”
I was suddenly feeling very protective. I pressed my thumb as hard as I could into the edge of the bullet hole I had begun to stitch up. He hissed at the unexpected feeling and turned to shoot me a glare. “Knock it the fuck off,” I growled through gritted teeth. “You don’t get to show up out of the blue after however many years and be an asshole. Especially not to him.”
Of course, my father was incapable of knowing when to move on or walk away from a fight. And God forbid he actually apologize for anything. “Se ve como un imbecil. Pelegatos.”
“Yeah, real classy,” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. “You can’t even insult him to his face, in English.”
“Que te la pique un pollo,” he spat at Jake. I’m sure he could figure out it was an insult, even without understanding Spanish, but he didn’t shoot back any retorts, which I was grateful for. It only would have exacerbated the situation.
I jabbed another finger close to his wound, careful not to mess up my stitch job. “I said knock it off. Unless you want to stitch yourself up. I love him, whether you like it or not. So, get over it. The least you can do is be civil.”
He mumbled something else, no doubt another insult, but I stopped listening, and cut him off with a frustrated yell. I stomped my foot, much like a petulant child, and jammed the needle into the next appropriate spot, leaving it there. “Viv! I need you to finish this before I kill him!”
She quickly took my place, shaking her head. “You two…”
“He’s the one acting like a fucking child!” Everything felt too confined, too bright, too loud. The air felt thick, and my chest tightened with anxiety. I needed out. I rushed out the front door without another word. Jake followed. I paced back and forth, my fists balled up tightly as I tried to focus on the wood creaking beneath my bare feet. “He’s so insufferable! Can’t even pretend to act like an adult for two fucking seconds! He thinks he’s so tough ‘cause he can go out and get shot! It’s probably his own fucking fault, probably was being reckless because he thinks he’s invincible or something. Then he shows up out of the blue with a bullet lodged in his shoulder and has the fucking audacity to talk to you like that? What gives him the right? What is he gonna do the next time he gets hurt? His luck will run out eventually. You’d think he’d be a little more conscious of the fact that he faces death every single day, that any one of these days will be the last time we get to talk to each other, to see each other. But instead of just accepting that and just, I don’t know, being happy for me, for once in my life, that I found someone that makes me happy, he has to act like a fucking animal!”
Jake reached out and grabbed my arms, forcing me to stop my pacing and rambling. “Hey, hey, just breathe for a second, babe.” He gently placed his hands on my cheeks and used his thumbs to wipe away tears I didn’t even realize I’d been crying.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to meet him ‘cause I knew he was gonna be like that.”
“Shh. You don’t need to apologize. He’s an ass, but I don’t think that’s what this is really about.”
“He just makes me so mad, and-“
“I think you’re afraid of losing him.”
Well, that was absurd. “What? That’s not… what are you talking about?” I stared at him, blinking away tears as I tried to process what he was saying.
“You’re mad at him for acting like a dick, I get that. But is it possible that you’re upset he got hurt? I mean, he got shot. That’s a big deal. I… maybe that’s nothing new for you. If I had to take a guess, you’ve probably seen it a hundred times. But that doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to be worried about him.”
“You’re insane,” I mumbled.
“Am I wrong, though?”
He wasn’t. I always worried, it was just my nature. Every time Dad got hurt, I always worried if this would be it; each bullet, each stab wound, each broken bone threatened to be the one that would take him out. Life is never a guarantee, but death seemed to taunt him, dangling the thread of fate in front of his face as a warning. You’re next. Most children don’t think of death often, much less worry about it creeping up on them. We weren’t most children. I don’t remember losing my mom, but when it took Luca, I realized how close it was. Death rode our trail like the dust I kicked up on the dirt roads I ran down. Every time the phone rang, I imagined it was someone calling to tell Vivian “Antonio’s dead. He isn’t coming back for his daughter.” Realistically, there probably wouldn’t even be a phone call. He just wouldn’t come home, and we would know.
I fell forward, burying my face in Jake’s chest. “He used to be so good at it, whatever he did. And smart. Or maybe it was just dumb luck. But now it seems like every time I see him, he’s hurt again. And it scares me.” That last sentence I whispered. It made my heart clench. I pulled away and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. “And for once I would like to have a nice conversation, without him threatening my boyfriend’s life.”
“Don’t worry about me. I can handle it.” He nudged me toward the door. “Go talk to him. Say what you need to say. I’ll give you some space.”
I sighed. “You know I hate it when you’re right.”
He smirked. “But you love me anyways.”
“I do,” I grumbled as I wrapped my arms around him again. “I really am sorry.”
“Don’t be. I’m not going to let him scare me off. Other than threatening to gut me like a fish, I don’t even know what he said.”
“And I absolutely won’t be repeating it.”
“Pft. I’ll get it out of you eventually. But for now, go talk to your dad. I’ll wait for you upstairs.” He planted a kiss on my forehead.
“Thank you, Jake.”
I led him back inside and gave my hand one more reassuring squeeze before parting to walk back upstairs. I waited until I heard the door shut to approach my dad.
He was standing in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, arms crossed, while he spoke quietly to Vivian. They both went silent when they saw me. Vivian didn’t speak; she didn’t have to. She shot me a look that said, “Figure it out,” and left us alone.
I crossed my arms and looked around at anything other than him. In a perfect world, I’d wait for an apology, and we’d make up, but as I mentioned before, my father never apologizes for anything. And maybe it’s my inherited stubbornness, but I certainly wasn’t going to apologize to him; I didn’t do anything wrong. So instead, I would just wait for him to say something that would inevitably piss me off all over again.
“I don’t like him.”
“You don’t like anyone.”
“I don’t think he’s good for you, mija.”
“You don’t even know him. And how would you know what’s good for me, anyways? You haven’t been around enough to know I even had a boyfriend, and we’ve been together for over two years.” He seemed to ponder that for a moment. “Yeah, I haven’t seen you in over four years. Let that sink in.”
“It has to be like that, sometimes. You know that.”
“Still wouldn’t kill you to check in every once in a while, let me know you’re okay.”
“You don’t need to worry about me.”
“Clearly someone does!” I gestured toward him and his freshly stitched up bullet wound.
“It isn’t your responsibility, it never was. I taught you to take care of yourself only. And that also means not relying on some bastardo."
“It’s not about relying on anyone. I found someone that makes me happy, happier than I’d been in a long time. I found somebody that I can see myself spending the rest of my life with, and I want that with Jake. He sees me for me, not just some weird, damaged girl with a fucked-up childhood and without an actual family. Shit, even his family made me feel loved. His mother texts me more than you do! So, you don’t get to decide if he’s ‘good’ for me. I love him, dad. I know you know what that’s like because you loved my mom at some point, right?”
His jaw tensed and he avoided my eyes. “Don’t,” he warned.
“Don’t what? Is it so wrong of me to want to talk about her? My entire life you’ve done nothing but shut down when I try.”
“Let it go, Kya.”
“No! Stop fucking shutting me out! I can’t talk about mom; I can’t talk about Luca.” His breath hitched when I said my brother’s name. “I’m not asking you to be some perfect, therapeutic, emotionally available well of information, because I know that isn’t you. I just… sometimes I just want my dad. I know it hurts to talk about her, just like it hurts me to talk about Luca, but it feels worse to keep everything bottled up like that.” I rubbed my upper arms nervously. “Jake’s the first person I’ve talked to about Luca, outside of Finn or Vivian.” The fact that it was technically Josh I told first was irrelevant to this conversation. There was no need to introduce more strangers to my dad right now.
“Cuanto sabe el?”
He wasn’t just talking about Luca. He wanted to know how much Jake knew about him and his career. “Not much. Not enough for it to be a problem.”
“I don’t-“
“Trust him, I know. But I do, so just maybe you can trust me for now.” For some reason, I felt the need to reiterate, “I’m not a little kid anymore.”
He stayed silent except for the deep breath he took in. He never was great at handling confrontation, at least when it came from me. In his line of work, he could typically deal with it via some kind of violence. He would choose to die before ever hurting me in that way, so that option was off the table. I don’t think he had ever even raised his voice at me. Instead, he’d struggle to find the words until he gave up, shut down, and walked away, leaving me back at square one. I don’t know why I expected anything different tonight.
His expression was unreadable when he looked at me. “You should go get some sleep.”
I scoffed. “Yeah, so you can disappear before I wake up to avoid talking about anything. I’d bet money you won’t even say goodbye.”
It was then that I noticed how tired he looked. The dark circles under his eyes seemed more prominent than I remembered, and the air of arrogance and confidence he normally carried with him almost seemed completely dissipated. I tried not to dwell on it too much, blaming it solely on the late hour, his injury, and the amount of time that had passed since I’d last seen him. He stepped forward, held my face between his palms, and leaned in to kiss my forehead. “We’ll talk in the morning.” And with that, he walked away, leaving me standing in the kitchen, alone and dumbfounded. Did he mean that, or was it just another empty promise that would be broken by morning?
I’m sure it wasn’t for lack of trying to stay up, but Jake had fallen asleep by the time I made it back upstairs. I managed to get back into bed without waking him. I laid there in the dark, listening to his steady breaths until my thoughts finally quieted enough for sleep to take me, too.
Jake wasn’t there when I woke up, and the sun pouring in through the curtains seemed exceptionally bright. I checked the time on my phone and groaned; it was almost noon. I forced myself out of bed, and after a quick shower made my way downstairs.
“Well, look who finally decided to grace us with her presence.” Vivian was bustling around in the kitchen, cleaning things up as she went. Jake was helping prepare lunch. He smiled sweetly and greeted me good morning.
“Sorry, guess I just really needed that beauty sleep. I… oh, hello.” I didn’t notice her at first, the unfamiliar face sitting at the table. She was quiet, and I imagine really good at making herself seem small. Dirty blonde curls hung messily in her face, nearly concealing her eyes. She couldn’t have been more than 14 or 15. She had significant bruising on her wrists and neck, giving me an idea of what she went through, and also letting me know she hadn’t been here very long. “I’m Kya.” I kept my voice low and movements slow as I introduced myself and sat at the table.
She didn’t panic and bolt up the stairs to safety, so that was a good sign, but she avoided my eyes. “Sara,” she whispered.
“It’s nice to meet you, Sara.” In my experience and based on all the trauma this girl had obviously been through, it was better to let her come to me and call the shots. She would talk when she was ready, and nobody liked forced conversation and small talk. I glanced around the kitchen and into the living room, not sure what I was looking for or what to expect.
“He hasn’t left yet,” Vivian said. She never missed a beat. “He’s outside, I think. After you eat, you can go find him.” I wondered if dad had said anything to her about our conversation the night before.
Jake waited until we had a minute alone after lunch to ask how things went last night.
“About as good as I expected, I guess. In other words, I got absolutely nowhere.”
“Well, he didn’t threaten my life when I saw him this morning, so maybe you made some progress.”
“I’m shocked,” I laughed and rolled my eyes. “He said we could talk more today, so I’m gonna go corner him and see if I can’t hold him to that. Before he disappears again.”
“You’ve got this, babe. And I’m sure Vivian will find something to keep me busy with.”
“She absolutely will,” I grinned, hugging him and stealing a kiss before venturing out to find my dad.
At the northernmost edge of the property, there was a trunk from an old oak tree laid across the ground. That tree had been there before any of us, like an ancient forest spirit watching over the land it casted shadows across. Then one night when I was eight, a storm rolled through. I remember being fascinated by the flashes of lightning and rolling thunder, harmonizing with the heavy pelting of rain against the windows. We lit a bunch of candles after the power went out. Most kids would have been afraid. Finn hated storms when we were kids; he would hide in the closet until it passed. But I thought it was beautiful. I liked to think the sky sent the rain to clean the earth up a little, and that it would wash away all the bad stuff that haunted us.
It was during that storm the oak tree decided it had enough, and it couldn’t fight to stay strong anymore. It shook the entire house when it fell, shook it so hard I thought there was an earthquake. The next morning, while we surveyed the damage, I studied the splintered wood and the torn roots sticking up from the soil, and I felt… sad. I remember putting my hand on the rough bark and apologizing like it was a person. “I’m sorry it got too hard.” I didn’t understand at the time how much I would relate that oak tree to Luca, and eventually my mother, too.
My dad was seated on the fallen trunk, like we did often as kids. Luca spent a lot of time there; I think the sounds of the woods quieted the noises in his mind. I took a seat next to my dad, waiting to see if it would quiet my mind, too.
“He has an accent.”
That was a weird way to start a line of questioning about Jake, but I’d play ball. “He’s from Michigan.”
“How did you find him?”
“He came into Richie’s shop.”
Dad let out an exasperated sign. “Don’t tell me he’s a musician.”
“He is, and he’s a very good one. He plays guitar for a band. They have three albums and play sold out shows all over the world.”
“That isn’t a real job. It isn’t stable-“
“And working for a drug cartel is?”
“Kya,” he started. “I only want you to be taken care of.”
“He takes plenty good care of me,” I huffed. My next words came out before I could stop them. “Did my mom know what you do, who you are? Or did you shut her out, too?”
The silence that followed was deafening. I didn’t expect an answer, much less any kind of explanation, but after what felt like an eternity, he spoke. “Yes, she knew everything. I never told you how we met, have I?”
I stared at him, wide-eyed and confused. Who even are you right now? “No, you never told me much of anything.”
“She killed a man.” I’m sorry, what? “A preacher that was hurting children.” I didn’t need any clarification on what that meant. “I was in custody when they brought her in. She fought them every step of the way. She wasn’t afraid, and she was full of fire. I was intrigued, so when I left, I took her with me.”
“How’d you get her out?” I’m sure the details were nothing good. Richie once told me that when my dad was younger, he would let himself get arrested on purpose, just to see how long it would take for him to get out again. It was all a game to him. At least, it was before he became a father, and everything changed. When I first read ‘No Country for Old Men,’ I swore Cormac McCarthy wrote it about my father. Even the names were similar.
To answer my question, he said, “It was a different time in a small town, and much easier than it is now.” And he was good at running from the law.
“Did you… kidnap her?” I asked through narrowed eyes. I don’t know why I asked. I know he had done a lot of bad things, but I didn’t really think he would have done that. He was a criminal, a killer, but he had some morals.
He chuckled, an actual laugh. This was so surreal. Maybe these years apart changed him somehow. “No one could make your mother do anything she didn’t want to do. You’re a lot like her in that regard. She could have left whenever she wanted, but she chose to stay.” He sighed sadly. “She was a good mother, and she loved you.”
Now why did he have to go and say that? My eyes welled up with tears and I looked away to hide them. “What happened to her? I’ve only ever been told she got sick,” I whispered, barely audible. The quiet that followed made me wonder if he even heard me. I thought I’d cut my losses and be grateful for what he did give me, but then he surprised me once again.
“She did, and I couldn’t… she was sick, like Luca.”
I didn’t expect that, and I was suddenly feeling extremely nauseous. “How did she…?”
“It doesn’t matter how.”
“Tell me.” I’m not sure why I needed to know so badly. Knowing the gory details wouldn’t change anything. It wouldn’t bring her back. But still I pushed him until he caved. This was the most progress I’d made with him my entire life; I didn’t want to give up yet. “Please, just tell me what happened to her.”
He took a deep breath and straightened his spine, steeling himself. “She drowned. Whitecap in Corpus Christi. She went out into the ocean and kept going, until she couldn’t get back. She let the waves take her.”
My head was spinning now, and I had more questions but couldn’t figure out how to ask them. As the quiet settled between us again, my mind started to wander down a darker path, one of anger. He knew. He knew mom was sick, he saw what it did to her, and yet he still abandoned Luca when he was in trouble. He let this happen, left me to deal with it alone.
“Did you see it happen?” I asked, not waiting for his response. “Because I saw Luca die. I saw it happen right in front of me and there wasn’t anything I could do to stop him. I couldn’t save him. I couldn’t… why weren’t you here?”
“You’re strong, Kya. You always have been. You didn’t need me.”
“I was a kid for fuck’s sake! I was a kid who just watched her brother die, and who needed her dad! But you weren’t there.”
He clenched his jaw but didn’t respond. I didn’t expect him to say he was sorry or feed me some line of bullshit about wishing he could go back and do things differently. Every single choice he made in his life was thought-out and meticulous. It’s just that most of those decisions were made for him, not anyone else. I know he cared about me, on some level, in his own backwards way, but he made it so easy to be angry with him, to blame him for all the shitty, horrible things that happened to me.
The last thing I wanted was for him to see me cry. I spared him one last glance, one more opportunity to say something, before standing to walk away. I’d only gotten a few steps when he called my name. I stopped but refused to turn around and face him again.
“I am proud of you, Kya, who you’ve grown up to be. She would be proud, too.”
I squeezed my eyes shut to fight the onslaught of tears. It didn’t help, and his words did nothing to take the pain away. He didn’t try to stop me as I continued the trek back to the house.
By the time I made it back, I forced myself to stop crying but I’m sure I’d rubbed my eyes raw. Vivian was outside doing some work in her garden. She saw me as I walked by, but she didn’t say anything. She knew how conversations with my father usually ended; she was used to the tears.
I found Jake in the living room, seated on the floor by the coffee table, playing a board game with Sara. It surprised me to see her not only opting to sit in here with a man she didn’t know, but also letting herself have fun. It wasn’t lost on me that there was no way in hell Vivian would have left them alone if she didn’t trust Jake.
I watched them for a minute, how he seemed to connect with her so easily. She clearly felt some sense of safety with him, otherwise she wouldn’t be here. He made her laugh so effortlessly, like it came naturally to him. He’s going to make a good dad, someday.
When Jake realized I was there, he beamed at me. “Hey! Wanna join us for a game? We-“ His face fell once he got a good look at me and how red my eyes were. He pulled himself off the floor and came to me. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay.” I offered a weak smile. Part of me just wanted to take a nap; I was emotionally exhausted. But I didn’t want to worry him, so I sucked it up and pulled myself together. “I’ll tell you later, I promise. For now, I’ll take you up on the offer. What are we playing?”
Things were bittersweet when the time came to make our departure. We were ready to get home, but I always missed West Virginia when I was gone. It was my first real home and would always have a special place in my heart, even when I was hundreds of miles away.
Vivian was never big on heartfelt goodbyes, so she made it short and sweet. “Drive safe. And don’t forget to come back one day, ya hear?” Even Sara waved her quiet goodbye from the safety of the porch.
My dad, of course, left sometime in the middle of the night. I tried to push down the hurt; he didn’t bother to tell anyone he was leaving. What a surprise. Our conversation was still fresh in my mind, creating newly opened wounds I would need to work through. But as always, I would push it down, and bottle it up, at least until I saw him again in a few years.
I gripped Jake’s hand as I said a silent farewell to the memories that filled this place.
@hollyco @fleetingjake @musicislove3389
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ravenn-darkholme · 8 months
Permanent Price chapter 2
Alex Summers x Mutant!OC
Summary: Isabella Darkholme, sister of raven Darkholme and Charles Xavier. Also a mutant. Her mutation allows her to blend in with the light rays, turning herself and whatever she's touching invisible.
word count: 1685
warnings: none that I know of
series masterlist
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After Charles introduced Raven and Isabella to CIA agent Moira MacTaggert, they traveled to Virginia to visit the CIA headquarters.
Bella sat next to raven as Charles presented his lecture to the CIA. She didn't need to be a mind reader to know the CIA agents couldn't care less about what Charles was saying. As Charles finished he moved to sit down across from the sisters.
"MacTaggert, you really think that some crackpot scientist is going to make me believe in sparkly dames and vanishing men? You just bought yourself a one-way ticket back to the typing pool. This meeting is over."
"Please sit down, Agent Mactaggart. I didn't really expect you to believe me, given that all you could think about during my presentation was what sort of pie they were serving in the commissary. It's apple pecan. You see, one of the many spectacular things my mutation allows me to do is that I can read your mind." Charles said to the moody CIA men.
"I've seen this before in a magic show. Are you going to ask us to think of a number between one and 10 now?" Isabella wanted to hit that man over and over again, but she couldn't blow her cover. If it wasn't mentioned before she was sitting next to raven invisible and ready to show herself on cue if Charles's plan didn't work. As if sensing her discomfort, raven put her hand on her sister's hand to calm her down. They were both sick of humans calling mutants like themselves 'freaks' or 'clowns'.
"No, agent Stryker. Although, I could ask you about your son, William, who you were thinking about, which is very nice. But I think I'd rather ask you about the Jupiter missile America is currently placing in Turkey."
"He's a goddamn spy. You brought a goddamned spy into this facility!" The CIA agent raised his voice toward Moira. Raven squeezed her sister's hand telling her it was time to show herself. Raven stood up and her blue scales fell down her body revealing herself as the CIA man she was looking at. Then Isabella made herself visible. Gold and purple specs of light cascaded down her body, exposing her to the agents in the meeting. It was as if time had stopped in that room. All the CIA agents including Moira just stared at them dumbfounded. Isabella and Raven looked toward the rude men and just smiled.
"How's that for a magic trick?" Charles smirked.
"Best I've ever seen." A man at the back of the room said with a small genuine smile on his face. Maybe some of these men weren't so bad.
"I want them out of here. And locked down until I can figure out what to do."
"My facility is off-site. I'll take them." The same man said smiling at the two sisters.
They were on their way to the parking garage when Charles spoke to Moira in his mind. He planned to meet her up there and she was going to take them to the new lead on Sebastian Shaw.
"I've always known that there were people like you out there. I've been the laughing stock of this agency for years, but I knew it! You are going to love my facility." The man - Belle learned was named Agent Billy Koenig.
"That's going to have to wait."
"Agent Mactaggert has a lead on Sebastian Shaw, and if we don't move now, apparently, we're going to lose him," Charles said as Moira pulled up in an all-black slick SUV.
"What?" Agent Koenig asked confused.
"Not only can he read minds, but he can also communicate with them as well," Bella said to the man.
"Moira and I have just had a lovely conversation."
"Yes, we did."
"That is incredible! But . . . I-I cannot take you anywhere else without permission from upstairs." He stuttered sadly.
"Like to see one more magic trick?" - "Okay." - "Get in the car." - "Good idea."
Isabella chuckled. He really was a powerful mutant. Three words and he could make ANYONE do whatever he wanted. That could come in handy one day.
as long as he doesn't lose his powers. She thought with a silent chuckle.
Oh, I would never lose them, my dear Isabella. He spoke to her mind with a smirk.
Belle got in the back with raven and Agent Koenig when he suddenly asked her.
"So what can you do? Just turn invisible or can you turn people invisible too? That's awesome-" He began to ramble on. Belle smiled and answered him.
"Well as you saw, I can turn myself invisible but also other people and objects. And I can phase through objects. But that's about it." She told sweetly.
"Wow. That is just incredible. You too." He said looking toward Raven. She just smiled sadly. At least someone liked her for her real form. Don't get me wrong she loved Charles dearly but telling her she needed to hide? Made her upset. Though she knew Isabella loved her true form.
Isabella Adored the ocean. It was probably because she and Raven's mother used to take them to the nearest beach when they were younger and they would all go swimming and have fun. That was one of the simple things she missed dearly from her childhood. Bella had tried to get Charles to go with her and raven once but he was too busy with uni stuff. Isabella also felt safe near deep dark open waters as her powers could save her or the people around her.
"I've lost Shaw," Charles spoke as he tried to read Shaw's mind from his position on the ship. "I've lo- I've lost Shaw." He repeated as he tried to find him.
"Th-There's something blocking me. This has only ever happened with Isabella, before." He informed the Agents around them. Isabella could stop Charles (or other mind readers if she came across them) from entering her mind by simply putting a forcefield around her mind, or trapping the mind reader in one would stop them from reading anyone outside of the bubble.
"I think there's someone like me on that ship."
"Like you?" Moira asked, not really understanding.
"What are you saying, there's a telepath?" Isabella asked, surprised. She knew there had to be others like Charles but it was still shocking to hear.
"Yes. This is incredible." Charles said, excitingly. "I can actually feel her inside my mind. I'm very sorry, but I don't think I'm gonna be much help to you tonight."
"Belle?" The two agents looked at her hopeful.
"I mean there's not much I can do from over here, and even if we were closer we don't know who is on that ship or what they can do," She informed them, watching the agent's faces drop.
"Looks like you guys are on your own, I'm sorry." She added, sad that she couldn't help.
"Get inside," Koenig told the three as they made their way to where Raven was.
"Stop, stop, stop, stop," Charles said as he curled over clutching his head in agony.
"Charles?" Isabella asked worryingly as she placed her hand on his arm, hoping to help him get through the pain. It surprised the two of them when it worked.
"There's someone else out there." He informed the three before they made their way back onto the deck.
"There." Charles pointed to something that was floating in the air. As Isabella looked closer, she saw that it was the anchor to Shaw's boat gliding through the air.
"Oh, my god." Bella gasped as she watched the anchor destroy the boat. Belle tried to search the water for the unknown person, but she couldn't see anyone. It wasn't until she saw a submarine coming towards them did she see a man following behind it.
"Let go! You have to let it go!" Charles called out to the man, knowing what he was trying to do by reading his mind.
"You have to help him. Someone has to get in the water to help him." Belle spoke to the agents while Charles called out the man. But before anyone could react Charles jumped off the ship to help him.
"Charles!" Isabella called out to the man as Moira held her back from going in after him.
"Charles!" She called out again as she tried to get out of Moira's grip. "Let go of me! Charles!"
It's fine, Belle. I'm fine. We're fine. She heard Charles' voice in her head which made her calm down a little.
Would you mind picking us up, Isabella?
And she did as she was told, using her forcefield shaped like a square, to safely pick up Charles and the unidentified man out of the water. Koenig and Moira stared at her in awe, watching her work.
"Incredible," Moira spoke, eyes wide.
She relaxed once Charles was back on the ship, with the unknown man. Bella was quick to pull Charles into a hug once she reached him, not caring about getting wet. Charles was happy to hug the girl back as he wrapped his arms around her.
"I'm happy you're okay." The girl said as she hugged Charles a little tighter before she let go of him.
"God, Charles if you ever do that again, I swear to god!" She said as she lightly hit him on his chest.
"I don't plan on it, belle." Charles couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the girl.
"But I would like to introduce you to our new friend." He added as he looked between Isabella and the man he found in the ocean.
"Isabella, this is Erik." He introduced the two.
"Well, Erik. It's nice to meet you." She smiled at the new man. Erik just looked the girl up and down without speaking and walking away.
be nice, he's had a hard time.
With that she poked her tongue out at her brother, childishly walking away and folding her arms, making him chuckle.
authors note
guess what... BELLA'S MEETING THE LOVE OF HER LIFE NEXT CHAPTER *cheers* and yes I made that CIA agent named billy koenig :) if you caught that hi fellow AOS fan <3
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scotianostra · 24 days
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September 6th 1826 saw the birth of Alison “Eilley” Oram Bowers at a farm near Forfar.
I learned about this extraordinary lady a few years ago, what a life she had, after marrying the first of her three husbands at aged just 15, she emigrated to America at 17 and during the next 60 years she became one of the richest, and most talked about women in the US, outlived three husbands and her children and reinvent herself, after becoming bankrupt as a fortune teller they called The “Seeress of Washoe”.
It is said Alison joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints as means to get across the Atlantic, and so it was after marrying the first of her three husbands, Stephen Hunter at aged just 15, she emigrated to America at 17. Other sources say she never became an actual follower of the Mormons, as they are generally known nowadays, but her Husband was baptised into the faith. I admit a lot of her life story is conjecture and on every occasion I have researched her new information arises.
Following the Mormon custom of her day, her husband, Stephen Hunter, took several wives after they had settled in Utah. Eilley, however, did not enjoy the polygamous lifestyle and soon divorced Hunter. In 1853, she married Alexander Cowan.
The two moved to the Carson Valley where they purchased 300 acres in Washoe Valley. In 1857, Cowan, who was also Mormon, returned to Salt Lake City during troubles between the church and the U.S. government.
Eilley chose to divorce Cowan rather than return to Utah and moved to Johntown, a mining camp below Virginia City, where she opened a boardinghouse.
During this time, she acquired a handful of mining claims from boarders unable to pay their debts and met a Comstock miner, Lemuel “Sandy” Bowers, who would become her third husband.
The two combined their mining holdings and, as luck would have it, ended up owning one of the Comstock’s earliest major silver strikes. Within a short time, the Bowers were among Nevada’s first mining millionaires.
Deciding to spend their seemingly limitless wealth, in 1864, the Bowers’ began building the huge stone mansion on Eilley’s acreage in Washoe Valley. While the home was under construction, they traveled to Europe to purchase furnishings. When it was completed, the mansion was one of the most magnificent homes in the state and the Bowers were willing party hosts. During the next four years, they indulged themselves on the finest clothing, furniture, and collectables.
In 1868, however, Sandy Bowers suddenly died of silicosis at the age of 35. By then, the original mine had become tapped out and he had invested much of their money in several unprofitable mining ventures.
After the estate was finally settled, Eilley found herself penniless. Despite her best efforts to hold on to the mansion, she was unable to keep it. Her misfortune continued when, in 1874, her adopted daughter, Persia, died at the age of 12. Since her days in Salt Lake City, Eilley had been intrigued by the occult.
Apparently during that time she acquired a crystal ball for fortune telling and had prognosticated for friends, although other sources say she brought the “Seer Stone” from her home in Scotland.
In 1875, following her many financial and personal setbacks, Eilley set up shop in Virginia City as the “Washoe Seeress.” Despite skeptics, she practiced her arcane arts for nearly a decade, until the decline of the Comstock.
In the 1880s, she moved to San Francisco, where she worked in various jobs, including–as she had so many years before operating a small boardinghouse. In 1898, she was placed in a rest home in Oakland, where she died in 1903 at the age of 77.
The Bowers Mansion survives and in 1946, it was purchased by Washoe County with the assistance of the Reno Women’s Civic Club and public donations; 20 years later, the property was updated and renovated. Today, it’s Bowers Mansion Regional Park. The home has been restored and refurbished with historic pieces donated by Nevada residents. The grounds contain hiking trails, picnic areas, spring-fed swimming pools, a playground, an amphitheater, and more.
Read more about this Eilley’s story here https://www.nevadawomen.org/research-center/biographies-alphabetical/alison-eilley-oram-bowers/
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drghostwrite · 1 year
dana scully x fem!reader
prompt 'you remembered'?
ty xoxo
I'm so happy you asked, kudos for being the first to ask, you're the best! I was so excited to write this and I so hope you enjoy it, though I will be honest it started as fluff and then turned into its own thing so if you want a rewrite just let me know. ;)
Dana Scully x fem!reader
Prompt: "you remembered?"
TW: fluff turns to smut [Minors DNI]
Summary: It's their two year anniversary and Dana was upset that she has to work and can't be with you but little does she know you have bigger things planned. The reader is a doctor, head of the Emergency department at a level 1 trauma center so she doesn't always have time and can be forgetful.
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Dana sat at her desk, leaning her forehead into her hand and letting out a frustrated sigh, and scribbled something into the case file laid out in front of her. Today was your two year anniversary and though you loved her and she knew that, and vice versa she just wished she could be with you right now, instead of sitting at this desk doing paperwork.
Her phone lit up revealing the cute selfie of the two of you from when you traveled to your cabin last winter, you had gone hiking and skiing giving you both the chance to escape your hectic lives and one morning you found yourselves sitting on the couch, watching the snowfall curled up next to one another under a mound of fluffy and soft blankets, Dana was leaning on your chest laid between your legs while you were drinking coffee and just talking when you saw her raise her phone in front of you and snap a picture, you leaned forward smiling into her strawberry blonde hair and that's the picture she snapped and then another as she turned halfway so you could place a kiss to her temple keeping eye contact with the camera.
She grabbed the phone quickly hoping it was you but instead, it was a message from Fox reading, Need you to come upstairs to the office, ASAP.
"Damn you Mulder, I'm never getting out of here," she grumbled getting up from her desk to make her way from the morgue office to the little setup in the local police department. She really wanted nothing more than to order takeout that she knew would get cold because she had other activities planned, and put it on the island as soon as it got there to be warmed up later but instead, she was stuck at the local police department in Virginia on a wild goose chase while she knew you were running your emergency department saving lives, and she knew that you would be so tired and a part of her worried that you might even forget that it's your anniversary.
She looked at the clock, 5:24pm, and quickly shot you a text saying, Hey Love I'm going to probably be home late but I'll order takeout and have it sent to the house, so don't worry I got you covered.
Read 5:27
She let out a small depressed sigh, slipping her phone back into her blazer pocket as she made her way upstairs gathering the files she had laid out and putting them under her arm. She heard the elevator doors ding and felt the cart jolt into place as the doors opened, she stepped out onto the first level and didn't spot Mulder just yet. She scanned her surroundings, peaking her head into the small office on the side only to find him looking at a bulletin on the wall covered in red thread and pictures scattered about, Monica Reyes was leaning back in a chair feet up on the table with headphones in and John Dogett was passed out on the couch.
"Scully look at this I think I figured out where its been hiding."
"Please tell me you didn't pull me from something important to tell me you think there's another mythical creature out there."
"No look I think it's the sewers."
"Mulder you think the Chupacabra is underground hiding in the sewers, there's nothing to prove that, we caught the kids, it was just a hoax a bunch of frats boys thinking they were being ritualistic but in reality, they were brainwashed by their charismatic leader into a killing spree." Monica sat up watching you two but still had her headphones in only slightly listening enough that she knew what was going on.
"Mulder she's right we're wasting resources at this point, if there were more attacks after the arrest maybe, but I think the boys were using that system to get around without being caught and to stash costumes and weapons." Monica finally spoke up taking Danas side.
"Come on Mulder," Dana rubbed her forehead, "I think were all tired and just ready to get in the car a drive home." He looked around seeing John stirring from his sleep and seeing the frustration on Dana's features, he gave the go-ahead command to pack up and go home but informed them that he was going to have everything faxed over just in case. Dana grabbed her things and basically ran out of the building, but as she got outside the door she dropped her keys and heard a voice.
"Hey Beautiful need a hand?" she quickly shot up and turned around hand on her gun, but she took in the sight before quickly realizing it was you. she jumped wrapping her arms around your neck as you held her waist, she pulled you into a chaste kiss not caring who was around you or who witnessed this moment.
"Hey you two!" yelled John as he and Monica laughed to each other, Mulder was still inside oblivious, Dana turned bright red and pulled away from you, she saw her coworkers a lot and they've been in pretty dire situations but they've never seen her like this before so dependent on one person. You tuned giving all of them a wave, you picked up the keys to the Tahoe that they all drove there in a tossed them to John as he gave you a nod of approval.
"I think I'm gonna take my wife home now, have a great night guys." You smiled pulling her closer to your side and walking her towards your SUV, you opened her door and helped her in, walking back around and jumping in the driver seat. You had gone picked up coffee and put her favorite playlist on, she kicked her shoes off reclined her seat, and grabbed your hand as you pulled out to make your way home, she talked about the case and her day but never mentioned what day it was because she felt bad and she didn't want to make you feel worse, she was just amazed that you drive 3 hours after a crazy ED shift to come pick her up yourself. 3 hours later and you pulled into your driveway, saw the lights still on, and thanked God that your sister got the message, she cleaned, got the takeout from your favorite Italian restaurant, and set everything up so that you could leave right from work and drive to Virginia to pick up Dana. As you walked in the house you guided her right upstairs.
"Baby aren't we gonna eat I'm starving and I doubt you got a break at the hospital today, with the full moon and all."
"Oh trust me you're going to want to wait." You stepped into your master bedroom and that's when she saw it, dimly lit candles with her favorite scent, you made the bed but changed the sheets to black satin with a deep maroon blanket, and she realized that you weren't wearing scrubs and that you had nothing but a lace bra under your cream boyfriend button up, you had left the top three buttons open just enough that she could see down your shirt making her go rabid but not enough for anyone to notice from a distance, you also had on the skinny jeans that she loved they accented your butt and thighs so well.
You turned and looked at her expression, chuckling you kissed her forehead.
"You remebered?" she asked almost confused but amazed, she looked into your eyes seeing the compassion and the small smirk you had.
"Dana Catherine Scully you’re the love of my life of course I remembered. Now let me show you just how much I love you."
You turned closing the door behind you and leaned down to kiss her lips backing her up against the door. she played with the buttons pushing your shirt off your shoulders, and you started the buttons on her shirt revealing the blue lace underneath, she undid the button of her pants let them pool around her ankles revealing the matching panties, she stepped and kicked them to the side. “Mm baby you look amazing.” You grabbed the back of her thighs picked her up and pressed her against the wall, you started working your way down her neck and onto the exposed skin of her chest leaving bites along the way as she threw her head back against the wall letting out low moans, moans that went straight to your core. You unclasped her bra and pulled a nipple into your mouth, she gasped at the action but then you felt her hand in your hair telling you to keep going, you could feel her muscles taut against you.
“mhmmhm, maybe we should move this to the bed.”You quickly made your way to the bed laying her on the edge and she pulled you down with her.
"Y/N I want to touch you, to feel you, please."
"Whatever you want baby." you slipped off the rest of your clothes and then crawled back up the bed hooking your finger in her panties and sliding them off tossing them to the side. You leaned forward placing yourself in between her legs, you could feel her start to grind against you, kissing her again and stayed there for a minute before snaking a hand down between her legs and sliding it through her folds.
"Oh my God Dana you're so wet for me baby."
She moaned at the touch letting out a small pained laugh into the kiss, "Y/N I've been waiting for this all day."
"Well, then you shouldn't have to wait any longer." You pushed your first finger in and then another gently kissing down her body, you could already feel how close she was as she bucked against your hand, you kissed down her stomach and stopped right where she needed you most, kissing up and down her thighs, slowing down your hand and watching her squirm. Before she could say anything you attached your lips around her clit sucking harshly and starting your hand back up. Her back arched and before she knew it you had her seeing stars. You pulled your fingers out but coaxed her through with your mouth tasting all of her, you climbed back up her body, letting her catch her breath and kissed her deeply, letting her taste herself.
"I'm sorry for thinking you forgot about our anniversary." She apologized in between kisses.
"Love, there's nothing to worry about, and by the way I would never forget the day I married the most gorgeous, smart, and badass woman in the world."
"Mmmm, in that case," she moaned looking into your genuine green eyes, she hooked her leg over yours and flipped you both other, her sapphire blue eyes blowing bigger with lust as she positined herself above you.
"I guess I better show you how loved you really are," as she deepened the kisses.
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steviebunny · 2 years
Pretty Astute Observations
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“Graham, how would you feel about a partner?” Jack asks stepping in beside Will.
“I’m sorry- what?”
"What if I could pull in a profiler from the BAU to help keep you on track, Dr. Lecter said I’ve been pushing you too hard, and Strauss knows the Behavioral Science Unit is understaffed”
“I don’t need a babysitter Jack.”
“She wouldn't be a babysitter, Will. She’s extremely knowledgeable in her field and has experience similar to your…particular situation. ”
“Another psychiatrist, Jack? Hannibal, too busy for your liking?”
The bell for the following floor rings, and Crawford moves off the platform just before the doors close he says “Not a psychiatrist actually, a marine.” The elevator doors close and Will Graham is left in stunned silence, having just missed his floor and apparently been assigned a new partner. 
“Most of the time in sexual assaults, the bite mark has a livid spot at the center, a “suck bruise”. In some cases it does not. For some killers biting may be a fighting pattern, as much as a sexual behavior.” 
Jack slams the class door, open and shouts at the room full of students.
“Ok, class dismissed. Everyone out! What did I just say?! Let’s go!”
“You’re making it difficult to provide an education, Jack.”
Despite the previous evening's barrage by his pseudo-employer will still managed, to put together a lesson plan for the day. Little did he know it would not be necessary.
“ We found a match to a set of prints we pulled from the Turner home. They belong to a thirteen-year-old boy from Reston, Virginia. His name is Connor Frist.”
“Another kid?” Will wondered aloud.
“Another missing kid. Vanished ten months ago, case was never solved.”
“How many kids in the Frist family?”
“Three.”  Will’s head snaps to the door of his classroom, he hadn’t noticed the red-headed woman approach. She had a delicate and sturdy build 5’5, maybe 5’6, and dark jeans and a tank top exposing her muscled biceps as well as the tattoo ‘semper- fi’ wrapping around her left arm just above the elbow. “just like the Turner family.”
“Agent, Lena Gibbs, I’d like to introduce you to Will Graham.” 
“It's a pleasure to meet you, Will.” The man offered a nod in return. “Jack eluded to the fact you’ve had experience with empaths.”
“Quite the opposite actually, I spent some time in London with a man who self-identified as a high-functioning sociopath but it's a very similar skill set the two of you possess.”
“Well…we’ll see about that. I’ll meet you at the car.” Will bristles and collects his coat, just barely brushing shoulders with the woman as he makes his way out.
“He’s a tough nut to crack, but he’ll warm up to you.”
“I’m not worried, Crawford. It’s nothing I haven’t experienced before.”
“Mr. Frist and the children killed first, saving Mrs. Frist for last. Same as the Turners.”
“Not exactly the same. Something went wrong.”
“Not a single present under the tree for Mrs. Frist…Are we all not going to acknowledge the Navy Brat in the room?”
“Always a pleasure Bev, the unsub took her presents, he took her motherhood.”
“Shooting her once wasn’t enough. The first bullet, travels beneath her scalp…to its final resting place, base of her neck.”
“Do we know the type of bullet? Trace the bullet, trace the possible gun, trace the killer.”
“No, the shell exploded on impact, what we could piece together wasn’t identifiable,” Price told her passing over a small glass jar with bullet pieces rattling inside.
“Do you mind?” She asked. No one in the room answered so she pulled out her phone and called an often-dialed number.
“Fortress of solitude at your service.”
“Hey, Babygirl can I ask a favor?”
“Anything for my favorite agent”
“Don’t let Morgan hear you say that. If I send over some photos of an exploded shell do you think you can use the naval ballistics database to piece it together”?
“I’m insulted you even have to ask.”
“You're the best, Garcia”
“I know.”
Turning back to the stunned room full of BSU agents and in Will’s case, an outsourced professor. “I give it thirty, minutes before we know the bullet type. Not that I don’t have faith in you guys but the Marine Corps has the largest database of fragmented shells and an algorithm made by a forensic analyst at NCIS to predict their shatter pattern, that most of the FBI just doesn't have access to.”
“And how do you have access?!” 
“My father,” she answered Zeller before moving back between Jack and WIll. “So who is our additional corpse in the fireplace”?
Will cleared his throat and said “I’d say Connor Frist. He’d been prepped to shoot his mother, not watch her suffer”
“Connor couldn’t put his panic back in the bottle. So he got shot too.
"Whoever shot him…disowned him.”
“Garcia got a hit on the ballistics match.”
“C.J. Lincoln disappeared six months before his mother’s murder. He hasn’t been seen since.”
“ He has none of the characteristics of a sadist or a sociopath.”
“Right, no shoplifting, no malicious destruction of property. No assault, no battery. He was kind to animals, for God’s sake.”
“Firearm says we are looking at Peter Pan to our lost boys.”
“ But it takes a sophisticated level of manipulation to convince young boys to kill their families in cold blood.”
“ Kindness to animals doesn’t suggest that particular kind of sophistication.”
“Well, he’s older, he’s been out in the world. Maybe he picked up a few things.”
Will walks through the entrance of Dr. Lecter’s practice holding a gift, he drops it by the foot of Hannibal's desk before moving further into the room.
“Good evening, Will. Please come in. Has Christmas come early? Or late?”
“Was for Abigail”
“I thought better of it, I wasn’t thinking straight, I was upset when I bought it. Maybe still am.”
“What is it?”
“A magnifying glass. Fly-tying gear.”
“Teaching her how to fish. Her father taught her how to hunt.”
“That’s why I thought better of it.”
“Pretty paternal, Will.”
“ Aren’t you?”
“Yes. Our good friend Doctor Bloom has advised against taking too personal an interest in Abigail’s welfare. Tell me why are you so angry?”
“I’m angry about being assigned a partner, I’m angry about those boys, I’m angry because I know when I find them, I can’t help them. I can’t, I can’t give them back what they just gave away.”
“A partner?”
“Yeah, Lena Gibbs. Jack introduced her as a marine though.”
“Fascinating…Tell me did she mention anything about the UK”?
“Yeah, actually. How did you-” Hannibal stood from his position to retrieve his tablet, he typed out a phrase and handed the device to his colleague. “I keep an eye on media around the world,” he said, taking in the man's reaction to the words.
“She was engaged to Sherlock Holmes, I’m sure you heard of him. She and a man by the name of John Watson both contributed to Mr. Holmes’s private detective work, right up until the moment he threw himself from St. Bart's hospital, according to speculation he did do to prevent Ms. Gibbs and others from being attacked by a terrorist known as Moriarty.”
“I didn’t take you as one for speculation, Hannibal.”
“Sometimes it’s a necessary measure when secrets are so heavily guarded.”
“Is that a warning?”
“Who said they were her secrets?”
“Well, that's not vague at all.”
“I’m sure with time, you will come to bond with this new partner. Now tell me more about this ‘murder family.’”
“We call them “The lost boys”.
“Ms. Gibbs is likely lost too. And perhaps it can be our responsibility to help her find her way.”
“Bangor, Maine. Stanford, Connecticut, and recently Reston, Virginia.”
“You’re trying to establish a geographical pattern, when the murders were weeks apart.”
“ Other patterns too. Our shooters are minors middle children from traditional affluent families.”
“ We know they’re moving South, so that means we wanna cover the border of North Carolina and Georgia. We need to get files on every missing boy within two hundred miles of North Carolina.”
“There’s a pattern, less to do with geography than psychology."
“What kind of kid does this?”
"And what kind of kid follows a kid who does this?”
“There’s no indication that these kids came from abusive families.”
“No, no, no. Capture bonding. A passive psychological response to a new master has been an essential survival tool for a million years. Bond with your captor, you survive. You don’t…you’re breakfast.”
As the S.W.A.T vans pull into the scene Lena, and Will rush to the home, an agent passes the woman an M-4. She remains behind to steady herself for the shot as the rest rush forward. The eldest boy of the group raises his pistol to his “sibling’s” father, Gibbs pulls the trigger and sends off a round through the teenager's shoulder.
The scene erupts into chaos and the youngest boy runs off toward the pool. She and will chase after him, at the edge of the water the child grabs a pistol of his own aiming it at Will’s chest, 
“Don’t shoot!” Will isn’t only talking to the boy, he’s telling her.
Don’t shoot.
“Chris, wait. Don’t shoot. It’s OK. You’re home now, put the gun down, Christopher.”
His kidnapper emerges from the pool shed, and grabs the boy “Shoot him, Christopher.”
Don’t Shoot
“Christopher, please.”
Will freezes, and the kidnapper drops to the ground his ears ring out slightly as Lena moves to disarm the young boy.
“Chris, buddy are you alright?” Will can’t tell if she's whispering or if his ears are still ringing from the shot. He stands like a statue his gaze on the kidnapper's body, a single round through the middle of the eyes. Efficient, he can’t help himself but think. He doesn't even notice as his partner picks up the child and takes him over to the SUV. It’s not until Beverly taps him on the shoulder he breaks out of his trance.
05:00 The next morning
“I seldom have patients that ask to see me at such an early hour”
“Am I burdening your routine Dr. Lecter?” If he didn’t know better he’d think the question naive.
“A friend is never a burden.”
“A friend?”
“Would you like to be, or I could simply be your psychiatrist, someone to who you tell everything?”
“The last person I told everything…Killed himself, Doctor. I don’t think that's a track record you’d want to be a part of.”
“I think you and I both know that’s not why Sherlock did what he did.”
“Are you trying to defend him?”
“No merely seek the truth.”
“He was swayed by an evil hand.”
“Evil is subjective.”
“Evil is something that consumes. It digests. The rest of time it waits hungry and unseen waiting for the time to strike.”
Coquille (chapter 2)
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desertdollranch · 1 year
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Williamsburg, Virginia is a very exciting place to be lately! It's right in the middle of Publick Times, when Virginia's highest court was in session. So many people traveled to visit Williamsburg during Publick Times that the population of the city doubled. While people came to see trials, they also brought news from all over the colonies, as well as bringing new music, fashion, books, and philosophy not only locally but from Europe as well.
But Felicity Merriman and her best friend Elizabeth Cole are more excited about the fair that is being held in Market Square. There's so much to do, see, and buy, and eat. Jugglers, dancers, actors, musicians, and tightrope walkers entertain the fairgoers. There are footraces and horse races happening here too.
The girls have brought a few coins in their purses--they've each been given permission to spend them as they please! So they start walking around the Common, looking in each booth.
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Their first stop is to get some freshly made ginger cakes (what we now call cookies) dusted with sugar.
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After they finish, they're going shopping!
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Felicity quickly spends all her money on a fanciful wooden windmill whirligig with lots of moving parts. With a bit of wind blowing, the pennants flap and the propellers spin! Elizabeth decided to also be impulsive about spending her money, so she picked out a hobby horse that reminds her of Felicity's beloved horse, Penny. Now she and Felicity can race their horses together!
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Felicity's windmill (it really works), Elizabeth's gown & purse, the hobby horse, and the cookies were all made by me. Felicity's outfit and Elizabeth's mob cap were made by Pleasant Company.
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astrangetorpedo · 6 months
Lucy Dacus Brings It All Back Home
by Hilary Saunders | 9/2/16
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Back in March, when Lucy Dacus and her band passed through Boise, Idaho to play the opening night of Treefort Music Festival, every single member of the group—rolling four deep—wore shirts and caps that bore a variation on their home state’s motto: “Virginia Is For (Music) Lovers.” Before their set, they had stopped in Bleubird, locally considered Boise’s best sandwich shop, and while they waited in a line that stretched out the door, Dacus and the boys chatted eagerly and earnestly with those around them—especially if they asked about their shirts.
Four months later at the Harrison Street Café, one of her favorite sandwich shops in her hometown of Richmond, Virginia, Dacus remembers the festival fondly. Her debut album No Burden had only been out for about a month at the time, courtesy of Richmond indie EggHunt Records, and Boise was the farthest west the band had ever performed.
A lot has changed since then. Dacus has toured with indie-rock darlings like The Decemberists and Lord Huron, and impressed festival audiences at South by Southwest and Lollapalooza. On September 9, Matador Records will re-release No Burden, with the hopes that its eight songs will catapult the 21-year-old further into the scene’s fickle mainstream.
Comprised of Dacus’ first recorded works, No Burden showcases the singer/songwriter at her most revealing. Her contralto, which she manipulates from a whisper to a cry, conveys both self-awareness and self-deprecation. Meanwhile, the band, comprised of a traditional guitar-bass-drums set-up, stretches its volume and dynamics to parallel extremes, allowing Dacus to transform from demure chanteuse to rock band leader—sometimes even within the same song. Case in point: on lead single “I Don’t Want To Be Funny Anymore,” Dacus laments “being the odd man out” and “being the biggest fan,” right before the song erupts into a guttural roar. The album’s seven-and-a-half-minute centerpiece, “Map On A Wall” opens with Dacus acknowledging her physical flaws and begging, “Oh please, don’t make fun of me / of my crooked smile and my crowded teeth / of my pigeon feet, of my knobby knees,” but the song eventually builds to a tense crescendo, Dacus repeating similar lyrics with more force and tenacity.
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Sitting in a corner booth upstairs in the café, Dacus explains, “I make an effort to voice what I’m most sensitive about, because I know everyone else feels that way, too. The biggest hold-up, when it comes to insecurity, is when you think you’re alone in it. When you realize that you’re not, it’s easier to deal with. It’s just that somebody has to be the first person to break the ice of internal anxiety.”
Dacus grew up in Richmond’s neighboring town of Mechanicsville (its most famous export is Jason Mraz). She didn’t necessarily suffer from “extreme internal anxiety,” but she did drift in and out of the precarious social structures of the popular crowd in elementary and middle school. By the time she got to high school—the prestigious Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School, which is coincidentally located just down the street from the Harrison Street Café—she had found like-minded creative friends, and Richmond started to feel more like a home.
Although Dacus initially enrolled at Virginia Commonwealth University—also located near the café—to study film, she left after her second semester sophomore year to travel in Europe. Before leaving the country, she recorded what would become No Burden to help out now-bandmate Jacob Blizard on one of his college recording finals at Oberlin. It never occurred to either of them to release the recordings. “We were just going to put it on Bandcamp for our friends and family to see,” she says. “It’s the only accessible place for start up musicians to put their work.”
When Dacus returned, EggHunt Records’ co-founder Adam Henceroth saw her opening for his label’s own signees, Manatree. As Henceroth remembers, he only intended to watch Dacus for a few minutes.
“I sat in the front row like, ‘Hey lemme catch a few seconds of this before I meet this other guy backstage.’ Well, I forgot about whatever I was doing. Forty minutes later after being glued to her set, I was speechless,” he says. “The thing about Lucy is that, literally within 60 seconds of listening to her, you’re immediately drawn into her world. You’re caught in a tractor beam of sorts. She hits you square in the head and speaks to your heart.”
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Both in person and on No Burden, Dacus radiates that emotional authenticity that Henceroth describes. Part of that stems from her Richmond upbringing—specifically, the fact that Dacus was adopted. That fact is a bit oblique on the record; she never sings about her experience directly. But the lessons she learned reveal themselves in certain places—the album title itself is a reminder that we are not a duty to those who love us. They reflect Dacus’ desire to seek meaningful connections, especially when we are at our most vulnerable.
“[Adoption has] totally impacted what I write, because one of first things I learned as a philosophy was that life is worthwhile,” She says, “So much so that a bunch of people had to sacrifice a lot so that I would have one. As a four-year-old, that’s what I already knew.”
The most impressive element of Dacus’ debut is that while so much of No Burden resulted from growing up in Richmond, its messages transcend the city that raised her and embraced her. And everyone from EggHunt to Matador to the fans she’s gained in the meteoric past nine months seem to realize it. “It’s real cool how Lucy has seemed to stay true to her roots,” says Henceroth. “She talks about Virginia a lot, and she never had any obligation to include [EggHunt] in her story, but she did. She comes across as really honest. You can hear it in her music. There’s no pretense. She’s not trying to be something she’s not. It’s all coming from her. That’s the magical part of it.”
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hotchnerobsessed · 1 year
Expect The Unexpected - Part 1
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@kihli this one is for you ♥️
Sarah x Reid + Fem!Reader x Hotch | When your best friend meets a cute guy at the book store, you accompany her to one of his work get-togethers and his boss sparks your interest.
Warnings: 🤭 SO MUCH FLUFF!
Word Count: 8149
Series Masterlist / Main Masterlist
I don’t usually write stories for Reid, so here’s a little explanation! This is meant to take place in the mid-seasons, approximately 6-8.
It was a typical winter evening in November, the wind whipping up bursts of snow making it next to impossible to see 2 feet in front of you. “Why am I going out in this?” Sarah huffed to herself. She already knew the answer; as much as it meant trekking through the bitter cold, it beat sitting at home alone while you were away visiting family.
You two had moved to Virginia together a few short months earlier, feeling the pull to make a drastic change in your late 20’s and early 30’s. The beautiful hiking trails, the vast job opportunities, the historical value it held, and not to mention the fantastic local food, is what drew you to choose Washington to call home.
Visiting home was something you two always tried your best to do together, but things just hadn’t worked out that way this time. Between work schedules, and family plans, your holiday trips home would have to be made separately this year. You’d felt guilty for deviating from the norm, and leaving without her, but Sarah had been more than understanding, insisting you take the opportunity to travel home while you could.
Aimlessly wandering the aisles of her new favourite book store, Sarah found herself scanning the shelves under large letters that indicated HISTORICAL FICTION. Her fingertips trailed across the spines of the books, skimming the titles hoping something might catch her attention. As luck would have it, something would, but it wasn’t any specific arrangement of letters scrawled across paper.
Always the girl to be hyper-aware of her surroundings, the addition of another person to the previously empty aisle she was standing in caused her to glance over. She felt her breath catch in her chest as she took in the side profile of a young man standing only a few feet away. It only took him a matter of seconds to scan the shelves, pull a book out, and begin skimming the first page.
She hadn’t realized she’d been staring, unable to pull her gaze away from his boyish features. He quickly looked up at her, a soft smile creasing the corners of his mouth, before turning his attention back to the book in hand.
In an attempt to pretend like nothing had happened, and move past any potential awkwardness, Sarah simply reached for the last book her fingertips had made contact with and pulled it off the shelf. Tucking it under her arm momentarily, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and typed out a quick message before focusing back on the book.
A few hundred miles away, you felt your phone buzz on the couch next to you. Picking it up, you saw Sarah’s name on your screen, accompanied by a frantic message.
📲 Cute boy at the bookstore just smiled at me. It was probably just a courtesy smile (I promise I wasn’t staring), but I’d put my money on he felt a deep connection, and we’re going to get married one day.
Giggling softly, you shook your head lovingly as you typed out a response.
Back at the store, Sarah’s eyes trailed across the cover of the book she’d just picked up; War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy. It was one she’d heard talked about, but had never found the time to read herself. Just as she was about to open the front cover and read the synopsis, she felt her phone buzz.
📲 I can hear the wedding bells from here! Ask him for a book recommendation 😉
Letting out a soft laugh, Sarah was about to type out a response of her own when she heard a soft voice beside her, “War and Peace is always the first book of Tolstoy’s to get recognition but I think the true artistry lies in The Prisoner of the Caucasus.”
Not even bothering to open the message and reply, she simply slid her phone back into her pocket as she glanced up at him. She was completely captivated by the warmth in his eyes and the cheeky smile on his face, and before she’d had a chance to respond, he was adding, “Did you know his real name is actually Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy?”
Shaking her head, she finally spoke, “oh! No, I didn’t. That’s kind of cool! I love fun facts like that.”
His face lit up; his head was full of fun facts.
As he continued to explain how the Russian author had settled on the name Leo and began his writing career, Sarah listened intently, taking it all in. She was utterly fascinated, not only by the wealth of knowledge, but by the excitement in his voice as he spoke. He was clearly passionate, and she understood that feeling of desperately wanting to share the things that brought her joy with the people closest to her.
“And what are you reading?” she inquired, motioning towards the book in his hands. As he turned the cover of the book slightly so she could see it, he was about to go into detail about the first 20 pages he’d already skimmed, but she cut his train of thought short, “WAIT. Have you already read THAT much?!” Her eyes were trained on how far into the book his finger was holding his place.
The blush that crept onto his face was clear as day, as he mumbled, “oh, yeah I uh, I can read 20,000 words per minute.”
Sarah’s mouth dropped open, “wow! That’s, umm, that’s really impressive!” He blushed yet again, that smile of his growing even wider, and her heart swelled at the breathtaking sight. “So are you some kind of genius, or what?” she asked playfully, a smile plastered across her face as well.
“Well,” he hesitated slightly, not from embarrassment, but from the nerves he felt welling in his chest any time he looked at her, “I do have an IQ of 187 and an eidetic memory, so I’d say that’s an accurate assessment.”
Almost unable to contain the thrill she felt while talking to him, she just had to know his name. “I’m Sarah.” Her voice was quiet but firm, confidence rushing through her veins after the brief interaction.
“Spencer.” His voice was just as smooth and confident, even through the flustered smile on his face.
“Well Spencer, it’s nice to meet you.” The blush in her cheeks matched the one that consumed his at the sound of his name falling off her lips.
Logic told her she should be wary of him. The sad reality of meeting new people, especially men, was that their intentions were never clear. But with him, something just felt right. Like they’d known each other for ages. Like she could sit down with him and talk for hours on end. Like no harm could possibly come her way if he was around.
“Likewise.. Sarah..” He involuntarily hesitated when saying her name, his voice catching in his throat as fireworks lit up every corner of his mind.
She giggled softly, half from the butterflies that came to life in her stomach, and half from the flustered smile on his face.
It wasn’t long before she recalled the message from you, and the fact that he’d mentioned another book earlier. If only she’d actually been paying attention, instead of getting lost in his eyes. Now was her opportunity, and she couldn’t pass it up. “I’m sorry, but the, the other book,” she mumbled, “by Tolstoy, that you said you’d recommend over this one?” She lifted her hand, War and Peace still in her grasp.
“Oh! Yes!” He was clearly excited that she’d taken an interest in his opinion, and was eager to tell her more about it. Stepping closer to her, she couldn’t help but take note of the fact that he smelled amazing. And she couldn’t help but stare as his long fingers trailed across the spines of the books in front of her, the same way they had when he was picking out his own book. “Here!” With an excited smile, he pulled the book off the shelf and handed it to her.
Thanking him, she replaced the book she’d picked up earlier, and grasped the new one in her hands. Turning it over to the back, she skimming the synopsis. The story, based on the Russian author’s own experiences, was about two soldiers held prisoner by their enemy. Breathing deep, she looked up at him, “sounds intense.”
Spencer nodded, “it is. But the historical accuracy, based on the fact that Tolstoy was writing about his own trials and tribulations, makes it an intriguing read.”
She couldn’t get enough. Of his enthusiasm. Of his smile. Of his warmth. Now would be the natural time in a conversation with a stranger to thank them and bid each other farewell. But the thrill in her chest just wouldn’t allow her to move past it. With what she felt was bravery that could rival a gladiator preparing for battle, she spoke without a second thought, “I’d love to hear more about it, if you’d, maybe, want to join me for coffee?” She gazed over his shoulder in the direction of the small café in the front corner of the bookstore.
The true cause of the expression on his face was hard to read at first, as his mouth dropped open slightly and his eyebrows raised. She worried that she’d been a little too forward, and was trying to prepare herself for the conversation to come to an end.
Meanwhile, Spencer felt like his mind was short-circuiting, because it was so rare to find a person who didn’t try to stop his ramblings. Never mind a beautiful girl who enjoyed hearing him talk so much that she was voluntarily asking him to continue talking.
Just as Sarah was about to speak up, the slight shake in her head a dead giveaway that she was unsure of her request, Spencer broke the silence. “Would I ever! That would be great!” Glancing back up at him, the huge smile spread across his face was infectious, and soon they were walking side by side through the bookstore.
“So,” he inquired, “you didn’t have anywhere better to be on a Friday night?”
Giggling, she teased playfully, “I could ask you the same thing!”
Smiling bashfully, he glanced down at her, “you’ve got me there.”
Deciding he deserved a proper answer, she continued, “but no, not tonight. My best friend is back home visiting family for the holidays. The two of us love spending hours just wandering through bookstores, so I found my way here. I think it makes me feel a little closer to her.”
His warm smile tugged at her heart, “yeah, I get that. I don’t get to see my mom as often as I’d like to, so I’m always looking for things to keep her near me.”
The way his voice trembled slightly told her it was a touchy subject, so she simply nodded in understanding, not wanting to pry and ask for details. That was a conversation for another time, if there was ever going to be another time, and she hoped desperately that there would be.
After ordering their drinks, they made their way to the cozy seating area and chose a table for two. As they sat down across from each other, she couldn’t help but note the ease she felt with him. Any other day, talking to new people made her a little anxious, but there was an air of certainty around him that just made her feel safe.
She would come to find out later that he was thinking the exact same thing in that moment. Not one who usually put himself out there in social situations, there was just something about her, the warmth in her smile, and the comfort he felt in talking to her, that made him want to open up.
Diving straight into the book, he explained everything from Tolstoy’s childhood, to the history of the location where he was held hostage. Through it all she sat and listened intently, even chiming in every once in a while with her own tidbits of knowledge, and asking questions for him to expand on.
It didn’t take long for their conversation to shift to work and personal life. She found out that he worked for the FBI, in their Behavioural Analysis Unit, and that his title was Dr. Spencer Reid. Something about how official that sounded had her mind reeling. It also explained the comfort she felt around him; he made his living helping people, and protecting them from harm.
She filled him in on how it had only been a few months since you two had moved to the city, and how you hadn’t met many new people yet. His face lit up, “I don’t mean to be.. too forward.. but one of my coworkers is hosting a Thanksgiving get-together, and I think it’d be great if you would go. It’d be a good place to get to know more people. My team is amazing.”
Her initial excitement soon turned to hesitation for a couple reasons. She was unsure about meeting a large group of new people, in a new city, without you by her side. But she was grateful enough as it was that he had even asked, that she didn’t want to suggest bringing a plus one and overstepping his invite.
The delay in her response made it clear she was hesitant, and it didn’t take much for Spencer to figure out what the cause was. Speaking up once more, he extended the offer to you as well, “if your friend will be home by then, she’d be more than welcome to join, too!”
Her eyes smiled back at him, clearly surprised at how easily he’d been able to figure out exactly what she was thinking. “Profiler.. right.” she reminded herself; that was going to take some getting used to. “Okay!” She accepted the offer eagerly, “thank you so much, Spencer.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” he cooed, that blush spreading across his face yet again.
They sat there and talked for well over an hour, until the speakers throughout the bookstore informed them that it would be closing in a short 10 minutes. Looking back at each other, Sarah was the one to take the first step, “let me give you my number. You can give me more details about that supper.”
Nodding his head excitedly, Spencer pulled out a small notepad and pen from his bag, and slid them across the table. It wasn’t what she’d expected, but the giddy feeling that gripped her chest made her feel like she was on cloud nine. How could anyone be so pure, so innocent, so genuine?
Picking up the pen, she scrawled her name and number across one of the pages, before sliding it back to him. As he glanced down, Spencer smiled wide at the tiny heart she’d added beside her name.
Standing from the table, they slowly made their way to the front doors, as Spencer offered, “can I walk you to your vehicle?”
Laughing softly, she admitted, “oh no, I walked here.” The surprise on his face made her laugh, as he looked from her, out to the still blizzarding weather, then back at her again. “A little snow never hurt no one,” she teased.
Shaking his head, a soft smile finally pulled at his lips at her joke, but he insisted, “well, then let me give you a ride home? I’d feel much better knowing you got home safe.” Not one who typically drove either, rather he avoided it when he could, something inside him earlier had told him that he should drive tonight. He’d never been so thankful for this stormy weather in his life.
Her eyes locked with his, a thrill running through her as they simply gazed at each other for what felt like an eternity. “Okay,” she finally agreed, her voice soft.
“Okay,” he repeated, equally as flustered.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
That night, after Spencer had dropped Sarah off at home, you two had spent an hour or more on a video call discussing everything that had happened. The thrill in your chest knowing your best friend had not only met a cute guy, but things had easily clicked, had your mind racing; you couldn’t contain the joy you felt for her.
“Yes!!” she squealed excitedly, “I could hardly believe it myself!! But he wants me, US, to go!!”
“The second I get home we’re planning our outfits,” you admitted.
“Oh don’t you worry, I’ve already got ideas. SO many ideas. It’s going to be difficult to pick just one,” she joked.
You laughed, “why does that not surprise me?"
Time flew by, and before you knew it you were back home and at your apartment, wrapping Sarah in a big hug. “I missed you!”
She squeezed you even tighter, “I missed you, too!”
As you filled her in on your eventful thanksgiving with your family, you both dug through your closets in an attempt to piece together outfits to impress. Sarah wanted something to catch Spencer’s eye, draw him in even more than she already had. And you just wanted something that you felt comfortable in; no ulterior motives in mind, but simply wanting to feel good in your body.
The couple outfit choices Sarah’d had in mind weren’t quite working out the way she’d envisioned, so you chimed in with a suggestion of, “maybe we’ll have better luck at the mall?”
She smiled wide at that, and in a matter of minutes you were browsing the aisles of the various stores. Each of you had a few options thrown over your arms and were making your way towards the change rooms when Sarah saw it; it was a simple dress really, the spaghetti straps sewn into the shimmery silver material that glittered beautifully under the display lights. Typically you’d have thought that dress might be too formal for a thanksgiving dinner, but Spencer had informed Sarah that it was semi-formal attire, and the home it was being hosted at was “a mansion.”
“A mansion?!” You could remember being shocked by that detail of the invite. That’s what ultimately lead you both to the mall, rather than choosing something you already owned; nothing felt right for that setting.
“Ooo you definitely have to try that on!” you encouraged.
She didn’t need to be asked twice, flipping through to find her size and adding it to her pile. Too excited to wait, it was the first thing she tried on, and the second she stepped out of the change room, your jaw dropped to the floor. “YES. That’s the one!!”
“You think so?” You could tell she was a little uncertain, the dress was tighter than ones she typically wore, and barely reached her knees. She wasn’t sure if it was too much.
Nodding your head profusely, you repeated, “yes! Absolutely.” With your hands on either side of her arms, you stepped behind her to look at her in the mirror, “you look stunning! Spencer won’t know what hit him.”
That finally got a smile out of her, and she nodded her head in shy agreement. “Okay.. Now it’s your turn!”
You laughed softly before slipping into a change room of your own. You went through a couple different combinations of the things you’d picked out until you found the perfect set. “I think this might be it,” you stated, somewhat nervously, as you stepped out from behind the curtain.
Sarah’s face lit up as she took in the way the maroon bodysuit-style top, patterned with subtle lacy flowers, was complimented perfectly by the high-waisted black pants. “1000% YES. It’s totally you!!”
Turning slightly, you glanced in that same mirror and couldn’t help the pride you felt at how you looked. You’d never been the kind of girl who got excited dressing up and going out somewhere, but something about this felt different. You felt hopeful, like maybe if you put yourself out there, especially knowing you’d have your best friend by your side, things might finally start looking up.
“Besides,” she added cheekily, “Spencer can’t be the only cutie the FBI employs. Maybe stepping out of your comfort zone will catch the attention of one of his friends.” She nudged your arm slightly, causing heat to rise in your face, and hope to swell in your chest.
Making your way to the front of the store, new outfits in hand, you made your purchases and walked arm-in-arm back to your vehicle. The excitement both of you felt at getting all dolled up and going for a fancy dinner was overwhelming, and you both willed time to move faster.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Before you knew it, the day had arrived. It was a brisk, but sunny day, and neither of you could contain your excitement. As luck would have it, you’d both had the opportunity to leave your jobs early, so you took full advantage of it, racing home to get ready.
After helping each other with the final touches on your outfits, assisting with the taming of a stray hair, or straightening out of eyeliner, or choosing between two sets of jewelry, you were finally ready to take on the evening. Glancing at yourselves in the mirror once more, you couldn’t help the smiles that creased your eyes, confidence rushing through your veins. You felt like no matter what, you could take on the world, as long as you had each other.
Pulling up in front of the address Spencer had sent to Sarah, both of your eyes grew wide, and as you looked at each other, laughter erupted inside the vehicle. You couldn’t believe just how gorgeous the house was.
“And suddenly I feel very under-dressed,” you teased, watching a couple walking hand-in-hand up to the front door, dressed to the nines.
“Hey, we look hot, okay?” she encouraged.
Nodding your head, you smiled, “you’re right.”
With that, you both hooked your arms in each others like you always did, and made your way up the front steps, and through the massive doors of the stunning home. You’d been told to just let yourself in, and as you stepped into the large entry way, you both looked around in awe, your arms dropping to your sides. Glancing at each other, you couldn’t hide the smiles that spread across your faces.
While you were busy taking in your breathtaking surroundings, you were completely oblivious to the fact that you’d caught the attention of a man in the next room. His dark hair was styled simply, pushed back from his face with a small amount of styling gel and his fingers. The button up shirt he’d tucked into his dress pants hugged his chest flawlessly, and the tie that hung around his neck pulled everything together.
Aaron hadn’t been invested in the conversation happening around him, as his eyes travelled across the room. That’s when you’d walked in, and immediately captivated him. The wonder and awe on your face brought a smile to his, and he couldn’t quite pull his eyes away from you. The way your hair fell across your shoulders, the way your shirt accentuated your curves, and the way your smile lit up the room.
He wanted to talk to you. He wanted to know your name. But he was unsure of how to approach you. He’d never seen you at any of these gatherings before, and he didn’t think he recognized your friend either. “Who is she? Where did she come from? Where has she been hiding all this time?” These questions plagued his mind; he needed to find a way to introduce himself.
He watched intently as Morgan made his way up to both of you. It didn’t take a profiler to see that he’d never met either of you before, but he was making his interest known. It wasn’t until Spencer made his way through the crowd towards you, his interest in your friend clear as day, that Aaron knew he’d found his way in.
Across the room, you and Sarah stood side by side, as a handsome man with a flashy smile walked up beside you. “Well hello ladies! I don’t think we’ve met. I know I would remember those beautiful faces.”
You were almost flattered, but you could both tell by the bravado in his voice, and the confidence in his words, that he’d probably used that exact line on other girls who’d arrived before you, and you were sure you wouldn’t be the last.
“I don’t think we have, no,” Sarah was the first to respond, reaching her hand out. “I’m Sarah.”
You extended your hand in greeting, “and I’m Y/N.”
Shaking both of your hands, he asked, “so what brings you here this evening?”
Before either of you could answer, Spencer appeared and Sarah’s eyes locked with his. “Sarah! I’m so glad you made it!” There was no ignoring the smile that spread like wildfire across her face at his greeting.
The excitement in his voice made your heart swell. Sarah had told you all about him, but actually seeing him in person, hearing how he spoke to her, and seeing the way he looked at her, solidified your approval of him.
Morgan snapped his head in Reid’s direction, eyes wide; of all the reasons he expected you two to be there, Spencer was nowhere near the top of that list. But it didn’t take long for the shock on his face to shift to one of pride. “Play on, player,” he teased, slapping his hand against Spencer’s shoulder. “Sarah, it’s been lovely meeting you.” He shook her hand once more. “And Y/N, maybe I’ll see you around later,” he added with a wink.
As Morgan stepped away, Spencer’s face was scrunched up with embarrassment, “I’m sorry about him.”
You both laughed, “he seems harmless,” Sarah admitted.
“That’s a level of confidence I wish I had,” you teased, causing both of them to laugh along with you. “You must be Spencer,” you turned your focus back to him, before adding cheekily, “Sarah has told me a lot about you.” Glancing over at her quickly, you noticed the slight blush in her cheeks.
You saw the way his eyes focused on her, a soft pink rising in his cheeks as well, before taking in the stunning dress she had on. He finally looked back up at you, “likewise, Y/N.”
You laughed at that, “only the good things I hope.”
Nodding his head enthusiastically, not quite picking up on your joke, he looked back and forth between you frantically, “oh yes! It’s all been good!”
Sarah’s smile grew, his boyish innocence made her feel all giddy inside. Laughing softly, she nudged you with her elbow, “she’s just teasing, you can ignore her.”
The relief on his face was evident, finally understanding it was your attempt at making a playful remark, and not purposefully trying to make things awkward.
“Well then,” Spencer spoke once more, reaching out his arm to Sarah, “let me show you two around, I’ll introduce you to the team.”
Graciously accepting his offer, Sarah tucked her arm under his. As they took a step forward, she turned her head back to look at you momentarily and you shared a knowing look; one that effortlessly conveyed her excitement, and in return showed her how impressed you were with his kind and gentle nature. Smiling at each other one last time, she finally turned her attention back to where he was leading her, and you followed close behind.
It wasn’t long before you’d seen the entire first floor of the house, and most importantly the kitchen, where rows of warming trays were set up, and would soon be filled with delicious catered food. You’d also been introduced to just about everyone on the team. Morgan said hello again, this time with Garcia glued to his side; you could tell she brought so much light to any room she was in. Rossi graciously welcomed you to his home, and Prentiss and JJ immediately made you feel at home in their BAU family.
“The only person I haven’t introduced you to yet is our Unit Chief, Hotch,” Spencer stated as he glanced around the large living room, “he’s got to be around here somewhere, he’s hard to miss.”
You and Sarah began glancing around the room as well, even though neither of you knew exactly who you were looking for. In your efforts, a tall man with dark features caught your eye. The way he smiled as he chatted with the person he was talking to made your breath catch in your chest; he was so handsome. Just as you were about to look away, he glanced over at you, and it was almost as if he knew you were there, as if he’d looked over specifically at you. A flustered smile graced your lips, but you were soon pulled from your daydream by Spencer’s voice, “there he is!”
When you looked back at the two of them, Spencer was completely unaware of the moment you’d just shared with the handsome stranger, but Sarah had seen it all play out. “That was some intense eye contact,” she whispered.
Raising your eyebrows at her in agreement, you both glanced up at Spencer who spoke regretfully, “he looks like he’s busy right now, maybe I can introduce you a bit a later.”
Sarah caught on before you did, so she asked her next question not-so-innocently, in an attempt to nudge you in the right direction. “Which one is he?”
Before Spencer could answer, she glanced from you, to the man you’d just been caught staring at, then back at you. Your eyes grew wide with realization, just as Spencer confirmed, “the tall one with the blue tie, and dark hair.”
“Noted,” was all you could muster.
This time, Spencer caught on to your flustered mannerisms. “Or we could go say hi right now, if you’d like.”
You shook your head in an attempt to brush it off, “oh no, no it’s okay. I’m sure we’ll run into him later.”
Spencer and Sarah glanced at each other knowingly, before agreeing to leave it alone, and for that you were thankful.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
As the evening went on, you mingled some more, meeting new people every few minutes in the large crowd. At one point in time, after the meal had been served and everyone had filled up on the phenomenal food, Sarah and Spencer had made their way to a quiet corner in the back of the house. You’d encouraged it, knowing she was there to get to know him better, and you weren’t about to stand in her way.
Thankfully, you’d bumped into a few now-familiar faces in your travels. Garcia had such a warmth about her, and you immediately felt yourself drawn towards her. She welcomed you with open arms and you found yourself spending most of the evening with her. At one point in time, she’d been talking to Morgan and JJ, when Morgan asked, “has anyone seen the boss man tonight? He’s got to be here somewhere.”
You waited, hoping someone who actually knew him would chime in, but no one did. Your voice was quiet as you spoke, “I.. I think Spencer said he’d seen him in the front room earlier.”
Everyone’s eyes were trained on you, and you immediately felt your face flush. You were sure you hadn’t said too much, after all it was Spencer who had pointed him out, and yet you still felt as if the gaze you’d shared with the handsome man earlier was written across your forehead.
Morgan spoke up again, “ohhh so you’ve met Mr. Large And In Charge have you?”
You were starting to get the sense that he loved saying things just to get a reaction out of people, and judging by the look on everyone’s faces, you were right. Apparently being new to the group didn't mean you were free and clear of his playful remarks.
“Derek..” JJ warned.
“What??” he feigned innocence, “you know he’s single, right?”
“Very subtle,” you thought to yourself, as a flustered laugh escaped, “and why are you telling me this?”
JJ stepped in again, elbowing Morgan in the side as she spoke, “no reason. Derek needs to learn to stop meddling in other people’s personal lives. Especially someone he's JUST met.”
You smiled at her in thanks. You weren’t overly bothered by his teasing, but it was a little awkward when you took into consideration the fact that you hardly knew these people. Not to mention the fact that you hadn’t even officially met him yet. But you decided not to let it bother you. If anything, it made you want to find him and get to know him even more.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Meanwhile, in a quiet corner at the back of the house, Sarah and Spencer had found a spot where they could simply enjoy each other's company. As he'd lead her through the crowd, her arm still tucked under his, he slowly lowered his hand and she followed his lead. In a matter of seconds, their palms were pressed together, fingers intertwined effortlessly.
The seconds their hands connected, Spencer’s mind went blank. Quiet. Calm. The most at peace he’d felt in years. There were no more nagging anxieties. No more fears of being seen for who he truly was. No more worries about whether he was too much, and yet not enough at the same time.
Sarah felt it, too. She immediately knew she’d never feel alone again. She’d no longer have to worry about past what-ifs, because none of them mattered anymore. None of them would ever be able to hold a candle to the safety and security she felt with him.
But was it too soon to feel this way? If you’d asked either of them mere weeks earlier, they would have told you you were crazy. Love at first sight wasn’t real. That was a thing of fairytales and Hollywood movies. Yet here they were, both feeling as if they held the entire world in the palm of their hand, and not being afraid to take that leap.
Standing next to the patio windows, the brilliant moon shining through the sheer curtains, her hand never left his. With their fingers intertwined, he gave her hand a gentle squeeze, “I’m glad you came tonight.”
Looking up into his kind eyes, a flustered smile pulled at the corner of her lips, as she admitted, “I’m glad you asked.”
Sharing a soft smile, unable to pull their eyes away from each other, time seemed to stand still. Knowing the evening would be coming to an end soon, Spencer knew he couldn’t just let her walk away; he couldn’t stand the thought of pushing his feelings down the way he usually did, risking another man sweeping her off her feet before he built up the nerves to. With his mind clear, he knew what he needed to do.
Gazing back at him, she wasn’t sure if she was afraid her emotions were written across her face too clearly, or if she was afraid it wouldn’t be clear enough. The fact that she felt such a deep pull towards him this soon was terrifying, but it was strangely refreshing. She felt like her mind and body were finally awake, after having hidden herself away from the world, in the bustle of moving to a new place and attempting to get settled.
Uncertain of whether anyone was watching, but uncaring if they were, Spencer slowly lifted his free hand to the side of her face. Gently brushing his knuckles against her cheek, he tucked her hair behind her ear, before gazing down at her parted lips. His eyes lingered momentarily, before he finally looked her in the eyes once again.
The slight nod of her head, combined with the fact that she’d moved her free hand to his waist, fingers grasping the soft material of his cardigan, was all the confirmation he needed. Slowly, patiently, he leaned down, anticipation building with every second that passed. With one final tug on his shirt, he finally connected his lips to hers, tender, and soft.
The first to deepen the kiss, Sarah let go of his hand, wrapping both of her arms around his waist and pulling him close. His hands both found their way to her cheeks, cradling her face gently, as he pressed his lips against hers with even more passion.
Spencer hardly recognized himself, how bold and confident he had been all evening, and now in this moment. She brought out the best in him, made him feel unafraid of being seen or judged; she made him feel alive.
Finally pulling away, not wanting to get too carried away to the point of being unable to stop, he exhaled deep, their lips only inches apart. He placed one more kiss against her lips, then one on the tip of her nose, and one last one against her forehead.
Sarah couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her lips. As their surroundings slowly faded back in, she gazed up at him through a bashful grin, wondering if anyone had witnessed their exchange, but ultimately being unfazed by the thought.
She spoke softly once more, “I’m really glad you asked..”
That caused a laugh to rumble in Spencer’s chest as well, as they gleefully pulled each other into their warm embrace, his chin resting flawlessly on top of her head.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Across the house, you stood alone not far from the entryway. You’d excused yourself from the conversation earlier, although thankful to be included, you didn’t want to intrude on the bond they all had with each other. You’d made your way into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, your mouth was strangely dry after your nerves had got the better of you.
Glass in hand, you took small sips as you made your way towards the back of the house. Your eyes immediately recognized the sparkle of Sarah’s dress through the sea of people, and you couldn’t help but smile as you came to realize you’d caught the tail end of what was surely their first kiss. Your heart swelled as you saw him kiss her nose, then her forehead, before pulling her into his chest.
The joy you felt for your best friend left you with a strange mix of emotions swirling through your mind. You felt guilty for seeing their happiness and secretly yearning for your own. As you stood there alone, heart full of both happiness and longing, you were unaware of the man approaching you.
It was a strong, yet gentle voice that pulled you out of your daydream. “So you’re a friend of Spencer’s?”
Glancing up to the side, you were shocked to find the tall man with dark hair and blue tie standing next to you; the infamous Unit Chief of the FBI’s BAU. You’d needed a second to collect your thoughts, but you responded through a light laugh, “oh, uhm, well technically he invited me, but I don’t really know him that well. The invite was more for my friend.” You spoke as you motioned in their direction.
He nodded his head in understanding, “ahh I see. So how long have you two known each other?”
Smiling softly, you glanced from him back at Sarah and Reid deep in conversation. “It’s been, oh, 12 years now? But it feels like forever. She’s my person.”
A smile pulled at the corner of his lips as he followed your line of sight to where they stood. “It’s pretty clear Spencer sees something in her. She must be a great girl.”
Nodding your head proudly, your smile grew, “she is.” Turning your attention back to him, you inquired, “and him?”
A content sigh hugged Aaron's chest as he spoke, “he’s as genuine as they get. A little quirky, but it’s endearing.”
“I think we’re all a little quirky in our own way,” you added playfully.
Smiling down at you, his eyes scanned your face, and you couldn’t help the feeling that welled up inside you. That same eye contact you'd shared earlier was back, only this time you felt it in your bones, the proximity of your body to his making it hard to deny your attraction to him any longer. You could tell he was thinking the same thing, as his eyes lingered on yours a moment longer before he admitted, “you’ve got a point there.”
You couldn’t help the curiosity you felt towards him. The couple people you’d talked to said he was a great boss, but he was stern, and joked that he didn’t smile. You’d already seen him smile twice within a matter of minutes. Maybe these people just hadn’t taken the time to get to know him outside of work.
“So, Spencer said your name was.. Hotch?” you hesitated, unsure if you’d remembered correctly.
He laughed softly, “Hotchner, that’s my last name. But everyone just calls me Hotch.”
“Ahhh,” you sighed, “makes sense. No one ever calls you by your first name?!”
He could hear the surprise in your voice, but also detected the hint of curiosity in the way your pupils dilated as you asked the question. “Not often, no,” he laughed softly. “Let’s try this introduction again,” he spoke as he reached a hand out to you, “hi, I’m Aaron.”
A flustered grin spread across your face as you grasped his hand in yours. You felt electricity rush through your veins from the point of contact, as it coursed all the way through your body. His warm palm against yours, his fingers wrapped firmly around your hand, and his eyes trained on you, made you weak in the knees.
“Y/N..” you spoke softly, “it’s nice to meet you, Aaron.”
He couldn’t deny the thrill he felt at hearing his name fall off your lips. He was already so far in the deep end there was no use in even trying to swim back to safety. With his eyes locked on yours, he finally let go of your hand as he repeated, "Y/N.." his voice trailing off slightly, "well I hope my team has treated you well this evening."
A comforting feeling washed over you as you recalled the interactions you'd had. Yes, even the ones with Derek. "Everyone has been very welcoming."
"Good, that's good," he stumbled over his words slightly, and you could tell there was more he wanted to say, but he was holding himself back. He wanted to tell you that he thought you were stunning; effortlessly captivating. That he'd noticed you the second you walked through the door. That no one in the room compared to the beauty and grace you radiated.
Just as you were about to speak again, you were interrupted by the addition of two people to your conversation, “I see you’ve finally met Hotch!” Spencer’s voice rang in your ears.
Glancing over, you immediately made eye contact with Sarah, the smile on her face clear as day as she looked from you, up at him, then back at you. Biting your bottom lip to hide a smile of your own, you gave her a look of “not now..” and she rolled her eyes playfully.
The interaction between you wasn’t lost on the two men, as they both shared a knowing glance. That’s when you finally spoke up, “yeah, yes, I’ve officially met your whole team now.” You’d referenced the rest of the team in an attempt to not draw any more attention to the heat rushing through your veins.
“I can’t say the same quite yet,” Sarah added, reaching her hand out to Hotch, “I’m Sarah.”
Shaking her hand graciously, he nodded as he spoke through a smile, “pleasure to meet you.”
You all stood there and talked for what felt like an eternity, with the comfort of people who had known each other for years. You took note of how right it felt to be standing there, just the 4 of you, talking about life. It was all very natural, like fate had brought you together. Younger you would have laughed at such a preposterous thought, but you couldn’t ignore that the gut feeling you’d had in that store a week earlier, the one that told you to put yourself out there, had maybe been right.
As the conversation slowly died down, Sarah finally admitted, “I think we should maybe get going, don’t you think Y/N? I know you have to work early in the morning.”
Glancing at the clock on the wall that you’d been oblivious to until now, you were thankful Sarah had been paying attention. “You’re right, it is getting a bit late.”
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t disappointed that the evening was coming to an end; you’d truly enjoyed meeting new people in a city you were still growing into. You could only hope that this wasn’t the last time you would see everyone, and the way Spencer rested his hand on the small of Sarah’s back as you all made your way towards the door washed those worries away. This was only the beginning.
“Well thank you, Spencer, for inviting us to join you all tonight. We had a wonderful time.” Sarah glanced at you, and you nodded in agreement, before she looked back up at the boyish grin that creased his features.
“Thank you for coming! Both of you!” The excitement in his voice was clear as day.
Smiling at Spencer once more, you finally turned your attention back to Aaron, who had joined in the venture towards the front door. The way he looked at you told you that the connection you’d felt wasn’t one sided, and the thought made your stomach jump into your throat. You found yourself unable to speak, so he did first, “it was great meeting you.”
Your voice was shaky as you responded with a simple, “you too.”
Only a couple feet away, Spencer had both of Sarah’s hands held tight in his grasp, “you have my number. Please let me know when you get home safe.”
A soft, “I will,” was all she could muster.
With one final look shared between them, Spencer brought one of her hands up to his lips and placed a gentle kiss against her knuckles. You and Aaron, who had both caught the tender moment out of the corner of your eyes, smiled wide.
With your final goodbyes being shared, Spencer gave both of you a little wave, before you turned and pushed open one of the large doors, immediately linking your arms together. What neither of you had seen before the door closed, was the look that Spencer and Aaron shared; pride welling in Aaron’s chest at the confidence Spencer was finally showing, and Spencer smiling slyly at the sight of his strong, private, boss all flustered.
“Soooo..” you prompted, “how was the kiss?!”
Sarah blushed immediately, “oh my God, you saw that?!”
You laughed, “you were in the middle of a crowded room! Lots of people saw it.”
Bringing her hand up to cover her face, she let out a tiny shriek of excitement, “I might almost be embarrassed, except it was SO GOOD.”
Grasping her hand that was tucked around your arm, you squeezed it tight, “better than you imagined?”
Groaning dramatically, she admitted, “SO much better.”
You giggled along with her, the excitement you felt for her consuming your mind. “Good!! I’m so happy for you!!”
You’d reached your vehicle by now, and as you both climbed into your seats and you started the engine, Sarah turned to face you. She leaned on the center console eagerly, “and..” she teased, “you and Hotch?” a cheeky grin plastered across her face.
Heat rose in your cheeks as you thought back to the interaction. Swallowing around the tightness in your throat, you informed her, “Aaron..”
“WAIT. You got his first name?!” she squealed.
All you could do was nod, still unsure if you were ready to let yourself dive deep into this new crush.
“I told you,” she added, “the FBI was bound to have a cutie for you, too.”
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Tag List: @ssamorganhotchner ; @ccristata ; @anlin2058 ; @sannunah28 ; @hotchgirlsummer ; @red-red-rogue ; @chibsytelford ; @hannahufflepuff ; @mrs-ssa-hotch ; @ivyflowers13 ; @rousethemouse ; @emobabeyy
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midwestkali · 2 years
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Upcoming Roadtrips:
Dec 11 12 Phoenix AZ
Dec 13 14 Tucson AZ
Dec 15 Las Cruces NM
Dec 16 17 Albuquerque NM
Dec 18 19 Flagstaff AZ
Dec 20 21 Sedona AZ
Dec 22 Phoenix AZ
January: Nashville, Chattanooga, Knoxville… then Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina later in the month.
February: Gulf Coast (Texas to Florida)
March: Texas
April: Madison, Chicago, Indy (or maybe Iowa City, St Louis, Louisville… tbd) TN, KY and northern Mississippi
May: Boston and the Maine coast
Send me travel tips! More than half of these places are new to me so tell me the best neighborhoods, restaurants, music venues, hikes, parks, etc! 😘 💋
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