#best travel destination for christmas
jounetyfinder · 1 year
Best Places To Celebrate Christmas Around The World | Magical Christmas Destinations
Christmas is one of the most beloved festivals around the globe. If you’re planning a vacation this Christmas, here’s a list of some … source
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goingplacesfarandnear · 7 months
Cheeriest Driveable Destinations for Celebrating Winter Holidays
With tons of dazzling light displays, holiday markets, festive shows and seasonal attractions like the light show on City Hall, the holidays are a magical time in Philadelphia © Karen Rubin/goingplacesfarandnear.com By Karen Rubin, Travel Features Syndicate, www.goingplacesfarandnear.com Let the spirit of the holiday season enwrap you and carry you on a scintillating getaway to these cheeriest…
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kkginfo · 2 years
Singh Maheshwar: Every year Shiva Lingam is increasing in size. | KKG INFO
Singh Maheshwar: Every year Shiva Lingam is increasing in size. | KKG INFO
A temple in Hamirpur (Uttarpradesh) is also home to many secrets. The size of Shiva Lingam here increases every year. Not only that, sandalwood trees also grow here by themselves. Singh Maheshwari Temple Ham Singh Maheshwar Temple: India is a land of spirituality. There are many wonderful temples in our country. The mysteries of some temples still challenge science. Today we have a temple in…
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goldsbitch · 6 months
That one Christmas flight
summary: Y/N and Lando Norris are seated next to each other on a long flight. Innocent little Christmas tradition that Y/N does every year brings them just a little too close.
warnings: fluff, one-shot (whops a lie!), meet cute
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Christmas. Y/N felt like an alien walking among people. It was impossible to avoid it. It was present in songs, in decoration, in fashion, online and on the news. Everywhere.
It's not like she was a grinch or anything. Nor was it because of some tragic incident causing trauma. Just pure fatigue from all the logistics and travel connected, which most kids of divorced parents faced every year.
Flying from Japan back to England, from her mother to her father, was a chore that seemed unavoidable. Her mother was kind enough to splurge on first class ticket for her, which her fancy Tokio job allowed. Ever since fours years ago, she continued a tradition that was introduced to her by a fellow Christmas traveller - the most stylish sassy French woman, who often spend the holidays on a plane. She would get herself and who ever was sitting next to her a glass of champagne and chat them up. Y/N has never laughed so much in her life like she did when she met this woman - so she took the tradition as her own.
Lando's plan wasn't to be on a flight from Japan to London on the 24th of December. He had so little time with his family and friends that this secret work trip to the Honda factory was really pushing him into staying with McLaren for the following years and not switching to a different team. This whole situation was like fuel for his current headache.
Y/N second guessed her tradition when a super gorgeous looking boy, who seemed to want anything but to be bothered, was sat next to her. She was used to having older people sitting next to her. Anyway, tradition is a tradition, so she eventually got up to order the classic. She nearly turned back at the thought that this guy was giving off some serious "I'm a dick" vibes, he had barely acknowledged her since she sat down. Luckily, she ignored this feeling.
When a glass of champagne appeared before Lando, he was sure it was a mistake.
"Well, to Christmas," his neighbor toasted. While he thought that she was a rather good looking girl, he was in no mood for a fangirl.
"I'm very sorry, um...I'll be happy to take a photo with you or something, but I am not in the best mood for a interaction with a fan."
She gave him a baffled look.
He continued. "Look, I'll be more than happy to sign anything. Or a photo, just as long you keep between un on which flight you saw me."
Y/N put her glass down, this was a first one.
"First of all, sorry for invading your private time. I have this stupid tradition of having a glass with whomever I'm destined to spend this Christmas flight. Guess I was mistaken. Second of all, I have no fucking idea who you are. So, calm down." She downed half of her glass. Of course this stupid year would include an asshole like this. Oh well.
Lando was confused for a moment and immediately after that he felt like an idiot.
"Apologies," he slowly replied, somewhat baffled. "I thought you were a fan and I'm just not in the mood for that." Y/N rolled her eyes and downed the rest of her champagne. "I'm Lando, by the way."
"Is that a stage name?"
"No, " he laghed. "I think it was a random decision of my mom."
"Interesting. Y/N," she introduced herself, without looking at him.
There was a weird tension in the air. Lando was determined to break it. Y/N was currently casually offended.
"Let me get you another one so that we can have a toast."
"Great, getting drunk is also an option. Hate flying sober," she joked.
Another glass was brought by a smiling flight attendant.
"So, how does this work?" Lando asked. Y/N was a person easily annoyed, however as quickly this came it also ended.
"Fine. There are rules, btw."
"Of course there are."
"Ehm, ehm, " she cleared her throat. "So, this tradition was started by Madame Tatanova and from now on, if you find yourself on a plane on 24th or 25th of December, you need to toast with your fellow neighbor passenger and answer the following: why and for how long-"
"I will have to write this down, I have a memory of a dead chicken."
"-I'm not finished! And then you follow up by your biggest regret and one thing nobody knows. The purpose of this is to gain or pass on wisdom and use the opportunity you'd normally miss by blasting up your headphones." She's done this for four times now, still the introduction was missing the "Madame Tatanova magic". Maybe one day.
"Ok..." Lando was not following yet, but he was keen on doing so. She raised her glasses, as did he.
"Cheers, to Christmas flights."
"Cheers, " he replied and they both sipped their champagne. "Wait, I have a question - what would you do if I did not speak English? Or if I was deaf?"
Lando was being his cheeky self and Y/N was not having it. She answered the question with a look.
"Got it! Anyway...what was the question?"
"Why? Why is the sky dark or....?"
"Why are you on this plane."
"I'm trying to get to London from Tokio."
"I swear to god, I will ask to be seated somewhere else, Orlando."
"Lando, actually."
"If you say so..."
"Huuh, I'm going back from a work trip. And since you claim not to know me, I can probably tell you more than I should. Um, imagine I am in a band, right? I'm singing for a band and every few years they change their lead singer, one of the two actually, and I'm a the lead singer who might go to a different band now. But it's not clear yet and super secret actually. So, please keep it to yourself." Lando felt like someone who has just discovered speech and this was the first time he was using it. "Does that make any sort of sense?"
"Sort of I think. So you're cheating on your band?"
"Uhh, I'd say checking out options."
"Remind me never to date guys like you," she joked and immediately regretted that. Y/N was not good at flirting and did not want to appear creepy.
Lando passed on this comment, still not sure if he could trust this girl. "So, what about you? Why?"
"The curse of the divorced parents. One lives in London, the other one in Japan and I'm a package they pass each year," she said rather bitterly.
"Sorry to hear that."
"Yeah. I get to see mom twice a year and it's all always so planned and predictable. I would kill for spontaneity."
"Take me with you next time, I'm sure she'll be surprised." "Yes, she is a big fan of British guys, that's why she divorced one!"
"Great, happy to follow that route!"
Y/N started to relax a bit. This could be good, actually. "Ok, so now. For long are you staying in London, Lando?"
"Only few weeks. Then our music season starts. "
"Yeah, the one with all the singing, of course."
Y/N laughed a bit. He was suprisingly easy to talk to.
"So, how long?"
"A week. Then I'm off to Bologna."
"Uuuh, fancy that!"
"Yeah, I'm studying history there."
"Bologna is the one with the old university?" he asked, pretending he has never heard of that.
"No, not really, they just opened. Last year we did not have chairs, because the shipment got delayed," she replied with a dry tone.
"One does always study better while standing. I believe it was Socrates, who said it."
"Oh, yes. They teach you this at the singing music school?"
"Exactly. We were never allowed to sit."
They continued to chat all the way through the airplane dinner, getting few more glasses of champagne during that. Their laughter was interrupted by a flight attendant, who acted on a complaint from a fellow passenger. They both fell asleep watching a movie. Y/N woke up few times in the night and observed the boy next to her. Knowing this was the best Christmas plane encounter she ever had. Lando woke up as well, feeling strangely happy about the fact she was resting her head on his shoulder.
"Wait." Lando stopped her at the entrance to customs hall and pulled them both behind a column, so that they could not be seem by bystanders.
"Yes?" she turned to him.
"This might be weird, but can I kiss you?" Y/N looked at the boy in a hoodie standing in front of her, cheeky guy suddenly appearing nervous. He was absolutely gorgeous. She hated the fact he was random guy on a plane to London and not to Bologna.
"Yes. Must be midnight somewhere. So it could be like a New Years thing."
"Yeah. Just an airport thing." With that he kissed her. Just two young people having a little moment of silence. His kiss was a light slow brush on the lips. He cupped her cheek and her hand brushed through his curly hair. First kiss usually does not take long. For a person passing by, this would appear like kiss these two shared a thousand times before.
When they eventually parted, it all seemed a bit surreal.
"We never got to the second part of your Christmas interview," Lando commented.
"Well. Let's say that the one thing nobody knows is that I just kissed a random guy from the plane. And that my biggest regret is that we will never see each other again." For the first time, she was this bluntly honest with somebody who had just kissed her for the first time. It felt intoxicating.
Lando smiled. "See, I knew we had something in common."
Lando was usually not so open with his crushes, if he could even put her in that category.
"Don't worry. I won't search for you online or anything. I want to keep the mystery of Lando alive."
He kissed her once more, before they parted.
Their hearts felt a little more heavier than usual on midnight that New Years Eve. Both standing surrounded by their favorite people, yet with the one they would wish to kiss being impossibly far away.
part 2
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lumi-nescentt · 6 months
What A Blessing To Feel Your Love
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Pairing: Pierre Gasly x Reader
Warnings: a few sex jokes here and there bc they like to tease each other
Words: 6k
Summary: You and Pierre have been dating for a few years and he always loved spoiling you so when Max tells him about his stay in st barts, Pierre decide that he has to take you there.
A/N: I did ended up quoting the song Red Desert by 5sos... couldn't help myself :)
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Being Pierre's girlfriend was already a great life experience during the season, the man loved to have you with him as much as he could whether it was in the paddock, in his Milan apartment or in whatever place he had to be for work or pleasure.
Since you had to work with his schedule, yours was a little less busier, it was simpler that way. Pierre insisted on paying for everything when you travelled to meet him. You had tried arguing with him but whenever it happened, Pierre just shut you up with a kiss and told you that whatever he was paying for was worth it if he got to see you a little more often.
It was hard to argue with that logic, especially when he smiled so fondly whenever you agreed to come with him. Despite having this kind of intimidating aura, Pierre was the kindest and most thoughtful boyfriend you ever had. Being with him felt like coming home in a way and that was the most comforting feeling.
When the summer break came, you usually tagged along to wherever his friends had planned to go that year. It usually circled back to the same three locations: Greece, Italy and the South of France. All three destinations were great: beautiful landscapes, clear waters and warm sun. It was the perfect destination to get a good tan for both Pierre and you.
The Frenchman knew how much you loved your summer trips so when he had heard Max talk about this beautiful island he had gone to for New Year's, he had immediately booked a trip for the both of you during that same time.
Keeping it a surprise had been the trickiest part. He wanted to surprise you but he needed to be sure that you were free during that time. In the end he settled for just telling you that he was taking you somewhere right after Christmas until after New Year's. You had tried to get more information out of him but the little fucker had kept his mouth shut, no matter what sneaky tactics you had tried to use. 
That’s why you were currently sitting in a private jet, still clueless about your destination. Pierre had only told you to let your best friend pack your suitcase because it was the only way to keep the secret for this long. The only thing you knew was that the flight was going to last around 9 hours so you were prepared to be a little bored. 
Pierre hated flying, he had told you countless times, when it was just the two of you laying down in bed at night. How, even with how much he did it, he couldn’t shake how terrified he was to crash. A 9 hours flight meant that you were most likely crossing the Atlantic ocean and that took a lot out of your boyfriend so, even though there were a lot of seats you could have taken, you sat on the one right next to him, holding his hand and letting him rest his head on your shoulder.
You knew Pierre had relaxed a little when his breath evened and the death-grip on your hand loosened slightly. A wave of relief washed over you as you saw his peaceful face, brushing a strand of hair away from his face before resting your head on top of his, finally allowing yourself to rest now that Pierre was fast asleep. 
You woke up a few hours later to Pierre trying to remove his head from under yours without waking you up. Noticing he had failed, the Frenchman offered you an apologetic smile that you brushed off with a soft press of your lips on his cheek. Since you were now both awake and still had time to kill, Pierre got his laptop out so you could watch the latest show you had been watching together. 
The both of you got so lost in it that you didn’t notice right away as the plane started to go lower. Pierre was the first one to realise, his whole body tensing and gripping the arm rest as discreetly as he could. However, you knew him too well not to see that so you put his hand back in yours and started to trace random shapes on the back of it until the plane finally came to a stop. 
The first thing that hit you when you got out of the plane was the heat. Gone was the December cold and the snow you had experienced in Europe, you felt the heat envelop you and your sweatshirt was gone the second you put one foot outside.
The second thing that hit you was that you weren’t heading towards the terminal and instead you were being led to an even smaller private plane. You looked at Pierre with a questioning look on your face but all you got in return was a cramped smile. 
The Frenchman tried to look as chill as he could but Max had told him that the plane ride from St Maarten to St Barts was one of the scariest he had experienced. And that came from Max Verstappen so Pierre took it more than seriously.
Once you were back in the air, you watched in awe the crystal blue water that seemed to stretch forever as Pierre tried his best not to let the fear take over. Luckily for him, the flight barely lasted 15 minutes and soon the both of you watched as the plane’s nose dipped towards the earth at a rapid pace. Pierre watched terrified as the plane manoeuvred between two mountains before dropping down on the runway he could see from the plane’s windshield from where he was sitting. 
As soon as the doors were opened, Pierre was outside with his bags. He ran towards the minuscule airport, giving you a sorry smile as he bent over the edge of the closest bin and finally released what his stomach had tried to hold onto during the short flight. 
After passing the border control surprisingly fast, it only took you 2 minutes from the moment you crossed the first door to the moment you were back outside, Pierre stopping to the bathroom to brush his teeth, the Frenchman looked at you with a brighter smile.
-“ Welcome to St Barts mon coeur”
-"Pierre, this is beautiful. That's the best surprise ever." you exclaimed, wrapping your arms around his neck
-" Wait till you see the place we're staying at, it's even prettier."
You had trouble believing Pierre but the moment your boyfriend stopped in front of the hotel, you knew he might actually be right. The hotel was overlooking a beautiful white sand beach with red sunbeds and a few swings. Pierre went to grab the room key and as he did a quick room tour, you let yourself crash onto the bed, groaning into the pillow.
-“ You should really get up and take a look at the view, you know ?” Pierre chuckled as he sat on the edge of the bed, his hand coming to rest on your lower back
-“ I will in a minute, I promise. I just need to rest my neck for a second.”
-“ Are you feeling alright ?” Pierre asked, sounding a little worried as you shifted on your side to face him
-“ Don’t worry about it, I’m just a little tense because of the flight but I’ll be alright.”
-“ Come here, sit up please.” Pierre said as he patted the space in front of him “ Tell me if I’m putting too much pressure on it, okay ?”
-“ You don’t have to give me a massage Pierre.” you affirmed but as soon as his hands were on your neck, you couldn’t keep the sigh of relief from leaving your mouth
-“ First off, I’m doing this for both of us because I’m not going to be able to enjoy myself if you’re in pain and you should know that. Second, I won’t miss out on having my hands on my beautiful girlfriend.” Pierre smiled cheekily, pressing a kiss on your cheek
-“ Well, when you put it like that.” you said, not able to keep a laugh from escaping your lips
After Pierre’s massage that had inevitably turned into a quick and needed makeout session, you finally got to do your long awaited room tour. The bedroom was facing an enormous window with a sea-view and over your own private little infinity pool. The next room was a walk-in closet made of oak with a glass sliding door that opened on your terrace with a little table and two sunbeds. 
Finally, the bathroom was separated in three parts: the toilet room that was just what it seemed only expensive looking, the double sink part with a marble countertop and a mirror that reached the ceiling and finally, the italian shower that was entirely covered in black stone tiles with a small square window that, of course, showed you a clear view of the beach and the never-ending ocean in front of you. 
You were still looking at the bathroom when Pierre sneaked his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder which made you jump slightly.
-“ So, what do you think ? Is that a good surprise ?” 
-“ It’s perfect, I couldn’t dream of a better place to spend the holidays.” you smiled, caressing his cheek softly
-“ What about the company ?” 
-“ You already know what I think about that, Pierre. You only want to hear it again because it flatters your ego…”
-“ Maybe I just like to make sure my girlfriend is as in love with me as I am with her.” Pierre retorqued, kissing your shoulder 
-“ The company is the best. Thanks for bringing me here, darling.”
-“ It’s my pleasure.” the Frenchman smiled “ Do you want to have a quick nap or do you want to go explore a bit ?” 
-“ I don’t think we came here to sleep so let’s get ready, Gasly.” 
-“ I mean, I wouldn’t mind a little time on the bed but you’re the boss so let’s go.” Pierre winked, unwrapping his arms from your waist
-“ Get your mind out of the gutter and get out so I can shower please.” you laughed, grabbing the nearest towel, fakely hitting your boyfriend who started laughing
-“ You’re no fun, you know that ? If you change your mind, just yell. I’ll come in a sec.” 
-" It won't happen but alright, now go please." you smiled, kissing Pierre tenderly 
Now that you were finally free of your very loving boyfriend who had gone on the balcony to lay in the sun, you finally got ready to go explore the island a little before jetlag caught up with the both of you. 
When Pierre showed you the car he had rented, you couldn’t help the laugh that got out of your mouth. The car was cute but it was a bright orange small open car that looked straight out of a cartoon. It definitely wasn’t something you had expected your boyfriend to drive but with his white linen outfit, he weirdly fit in this beach day paradise picture. 
Pierre seemed to know where he was going, reading the indications on the signs and smoothly manoeuvring the car on the tight roads. The drive wasn’t long and yet it seemed like you had travelled elsewhere. Gone was the busy hotel and the white sandy beach full of tourists, you were now faced with an empty beach covered with rocks and waves crashing on the shore in intervals. 
You were rendered speechless by the view, turning towards Pierre to say something, anything, to tell him that it was the most beautiful place you’d ever been to but there was no word to describe exactly how magical the moment felt. Especially when the sun was slowly getting down and casting a warm orange light on Pierre who was just smiling at you with so much love. The whole scene made you want to do a single thing and you quickly did, pressing your lips against Pierre’s as a way to express the tumult of feelings you were feeling inside. 
The two of you sat on a small stonewall overlooking the beach as you watched the sun descend behind the horizon line, your head on Pierre’s shoulder and his hand on your thigh. Neither of you said anything until the sun was completely hidden and Pierre tugged on your hand, motioning for you to get off the wall. 
You could have stayed there forever with him but if you were being honest, the jetlag was starting to catch up with you and you were getting hungrier by the minute. Pierre was well aware of the last part as your stomach grumbled rather loudly during the car ride back to the hotel, making the both of you laugh. 
Despite wanting to discover the island a little more, you decided to order room service for the night, too tired to go out. Plus, eating in your room wasn’t a bad thing at all, you got to eat while listening to the peaceful sound of the waves crashing and nobody would be telling you anything about decorum if your body was leaning and desperately clinging onto Pierre. 
The Frenchman wasn’t complaining at all about that last part, happy to have you close and even happier when you agreed to go for a quick swim in the pool with him before bed. Well, swim was a big word because you were mostly hugging Pierre the whole time as he tried to move around before giving up and sitting on the stairs to cuddle in the water. 
You could have dozed off right there under the pale moonlight and the warmth of Pierre’s skin but he wouldn’t let you because he knew better. You were tired and not used to the temperature yet so that could make you get sick easier than usual and Pierre didn’t want that at all. Knowing that you’d be too tired to do anything now that you were almost asleep, Pierre just dragged you to the bathroom, washing your face and rinsing the chlorine off your skin before giving you one of his shirts to sleep in. 
Between the softness of your boyfriend’s t-shirt, the weight of his arm around your waist and the AC softly blowing air in the room, you could definitely say this was one of the best nights of sleep you got in a while. Pierre would have honestly said the same if he hadn’t been woken up by the feeling of your finger poking his ribs and tickling his neck. He tried to feign annoyance and act grumpy but the act was dropped the moment you started peppering kisses all over his face until piercing blue eyes were looking at you with an infectious smile. 
Breakfast was eaten in a hurry, Pierre telling you he had planned a whole day of activities and that you needed to be ready soon. His warning would have been nice if he had actually said what you were doing so you knew how to dress but he was adamant on keeping it a surprise, only telling you to wear a swimsuit. When he jokingly complained that you were taking too long to get ready, you reminded him that looking this gorgeous took a little time, teasingly adding that he wouldn’t know about that as you came out of the bathroom. 
When your eyes fell on him, your urge to tease him completely melted. His body was resting against the door frame, lazily playing with a few unruly strands of hair and he couldn’t have looked more attractive to you. It didn’t even look like he was trying hard to look good too with his crisp white linen shirt and those orange swim shorts you had found horrendous at first. Now you couldn’t help but notice how it complimented his already tanned skin and toned body. 
-“ You like what you see, mon coeur ?” he exaggeratedly winked
-“ You don’t look too bad for someone who took 5 minutes to get ready.” 
-“ What can I say… Some of us are just naturally breathtaking.” he laughed as you pouted
-“ Some of us ? Should I feel insulted ?” 
-“ No, never. You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. No matter what you’re wearing or not wearing.” Pierre teased, putting his hands on your hips, pulling you against him to kiss you slowly
-“ Alright, as much as I love what we’re doing right now, you said we couldn’t be late to what you had planned so we need to leave now.” you mumbled, lips inches away from his as he grunted, knowing you were right
The drive to the mysterious spot was nice and despite how short it was, Pierre’s hand was on your thigh as you watched in awe the turquoise water that seemed to stretch for hundreds of miles and the trees full of colourful flowers. You were so focused on the scenery around you that you almost didn’t notice when he stopped the car and came round to open the door for you. 
You looked around, trying to guess what you were doing today and when your eyes fell on the yachts lined up next to each other, you turned towards your boyfriend with an excited look on your face. Pierre nodded before wrapping his hand in yours and walking towards one of the boats. Since it was only you and him, you expected to go on the smallest one but instead Pierre marched towards the biggest one and saluted the man waiting in front of it before climbing aboard.
You knew Pierre was rich. You had been dating for years at this point and you had witnessed his financial growth first hand, going from quick and cheap cinema dates in small towns to expensive restaurants all over the world but this was something else. Pierre had always been pretty quiet about his wealth, he knew you didn’t exactly come from money and hated to feel like you were just leeching off him when there was a cheaper equivalent that was just as good. 
However, this was different. You couldn’t lie and say you didn’t enjoy the luxurious boat you had all to yourself. Not when Pierre was looking all too happy to show you around, explaining how he had asked for this specific boat and why. It was endearing really, the way he seemed so happy to please you and treat you like a princess. In all honesty, he was probably enjoying the smile and the kiss you gave him as a thanks more than the actual boat he had paid thousands to rent. 
Your day on the water started on a high because as soon as you were out of the marina, the boat threw the anchor down and suddenly jet skis were dropped down in the water for you and Pierre. The Frenchman tried to convince you to try it on your own first but when he realised that having you on the same one as him meant having you as close as possible, he stopped arguing and almost jumped on the jet ski with a sly smile. 
You spent about an hour and a half hanging onto Pierre for dear life as you let out screams of pure adrenaline when you jumped over the waves at high speed, crashing with brutal force, knocking the air out of your lungs for a few seconds before you laughed. The sound was music to Pierre’s ears and you could tell he was doing his best to pull it out of you as often as he could by showing off and going as fast as he dared. 
When you finally came back to the yacht, someone was waiting to tell you that lunch was ready whenever you were. You hadn’t realised how hungry you were until you saw the table filled with your favourite things and in quantities you could never ingest, even with a boyfriend that could eat his own weight in food easily. Nevertheless, you sat down on the bench determined to honour the time the people who cooked must have spent making this. 
You realised you had eaten too much a bit too late so when Pierre asked what you wanted to do after lunch, you just shrugged, wanting nothing more than to sleep until you were feeling less groggy and full. Without you having to say a word, Pierre understood and took your hand so you followed him towards the front of the boat where the sunbed was. It was the biggest one you had ever seen, taking most of the place there and it looked so comfortable you couldn’t help but sigh expectantly. 
Pierre lied down first, spreading his arms out as he settled on his back with one hand behind his head. He looked almost unreal like that, all flushed skin from the sun, shining with what you assumed was a thin layer of sweat from the sun that peaked above you. You didn’t ever care about the heat or the sweat as you joined him on the bed, half on top of him, your cheek resting on his chest, his chin on the top of your head. 
You hadn’t even realised you were starting to fall asleep until you felt something cold hit your back, shrieking at the feeling. You looked up when you felt Pierre laugh softly, glaring at him menacingly to make him stop whatever he was trying to do.
-“ Relax princess. I’m just putting sunscreen on your back so you can sleep without looking like a lobster tomorrow.” 
-“ Oh, that’s really nice of you. Thanks.” 
-“ Wouldn’t want you whining about how your back hurt the whole trip now, would we ?” 
-“ I don’t whine, Pierre.” you huffed, rolling your eyes as he smiled even bigger now
-“ You’re a terrible liar but it’s okay, I still love you.” he tried to kiss you, chuckling when you pulled back, still acting offended
-“ Even if I did whine, which I don’t… I thought you liked hearing me. Isn’t that what you said last time in your driver’s room ?” you asked, looking at him with the biggest doe eyes you could as his whole face flushed red
-“ You– You’re going to be the death of me one day, you know that ?” 
-“ It’s okay, we both know you love it.” you winked, pecking his lips before stretching and settling down against him again, ready to nap for real this time
-“ Oh no no, mon coeur. You don’t get to tease me like that and then just fall asleep after you reminded me of this. If I can’t sleep, you’re not sleeping either.” he promised, shuffling under you, picking you up with ease
-“ Pierre. Put me down.”
-“ What’s the magic word, princess ?” 
-“ I’m not calling you daddy, if that’s what you were asking for.” you teased, knowing it would rile him up
-“ For the last time, y/n, I do not have a daddy kink so please for the love of God, stop saying that every time we’re in public because people are going to actually start believing it.” Pierre blurted, his face flushing
-“ But you’re so cute when you blush. How could I resist when teasing you is so fun and so easy ?” 
-“ Who are you calling cute ?” he tried, flexing his muscles as he tried to pull you towards him, attempting a biceps curl 
-“ Slow down big boy, I don’t want to fall face first and whine all week about how much it hurts.” you teased back
-“ You know what ? I was going to be nice and just put you back down but I feel like you’re a little too feisty today and maybe you need to cool down a bit.” Pierre nodded to himself, walking closer to the end of the boat as you wiggled in his arms, demanding that he put you down with screaming giggles
Pierre liked to think he was a nice boyfriend or at least nice enough to make sure he warned you before jumping so you could close your mouth before entering the water. The water wasn’t particularly cold but you definitely felt a rush of blood course through your entire body from the suddenness of it . You tried to look mad when you looked at Pierre but between his goofy smile and the water dripping from his hair onto his nose and his lips, you didn’t last a second before pressing your lips against his. This may not be heaven but it felt pretty damn close to you. 
After kissing for a bit in the water, Pierre letting you control the pace and how long you did it for, claiming it was his way of apologising when you both knew he was enjoying this just as much as you, you finally got your nap in the sun. You were still laying on top of Pierre and as time went by and the sun slowly got down, you could feel your boyfriend grow restless under you. You tried to ask him if he wanted you to move off him or if something was wrong but he just told you not to move and that everything was perfect. 
You didn’t quite believe him but you knew he would tell you at some point if something was really bothering him so you let it slide. Still wanting to show that you were there for him, you tightened your arms around his body and started playing with the hair at the back of his neck just the way he loved. It seemed to make him relax a little because by the time the captain of the boat came to tell you they had to head back to the marina, Pierre was smiling again.
After spending your whole day outside doing activities, you expected Pierre to want to rest for the evening and have dinner in your room but as soon as you were back at the hotel, he was off to shower telling you that he’d leave you the bathroom once he was done so you could take your time to get ready. Before you could even say something, he told you that the restaurant was a surprise and that it was a pretty fancy place so you could dress up if you wanted to. 
You tried to drag your boyfriend on the bed when he came out only wearing a towel around his hips but despite giving you a long and languid kiss, Pierre didn’t give in. He was adamant that the plans he had made needed to happen and that even his drop dead gorgeous girlfriend, his words, couldn’t convince him to be late. Since he was never one to turn down such an offer to have fun, you couldn’t help but grow suspicious at his behaviour. 
Just when you were about to say something about it, Pierre pushed you towards the bathroom with a kiss, biting your bottom lip and playfully slapping your ass before leaving you to get ready. Now, that was more like the Pierre you knew so you brushed off your previous feeling and started getting ready. 
The restaurant was more than beautiful. Pierre had picked a place straight out of a fairytale with that one. It was on the beach, dim lights everywhere that created an intimate ambiance paired with the sound of the waves crashing and the low jazz music playing in the background. You expected to be seated at one of the tables you saw but the waiter walked a little further away on the beach, revealing a secluded table surrounded by palm trees and what looked like fancy fairy lights.
You let Pierre drag your chair for you as you took in your surroundings. The Frenchman was watching you with a soft smile on his face, a clear affection written all over his features.
-“ So, do you like it ?” he asked as he anxiously sat down
-“ Pierre, this is perfect.” 
-“ Really ?” 
-“ Yes, I couldn’t dream of a prettier place to eat with you.”
-“ I’m glad you like it, I had a bunch of options but this restaurant was the only one that felt right, the only one that felt like us.” he admitted, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck
-“ You made a great choice but you really don’t have to stress yourself over this. I’ll be more than happy to eat junk food sitting on the pavement if that means I get to spend time with you.” 
-“ I know, I just like spoiling you and showing you off I guess.” he smiled brightly as the waiter came back, stopping the moment you two had been sharing
It was a dinner filled with good wine, exquisite food and even better company. Despite having the waiter come back a few times to ask if everything was alright, it truly felt like you were the only two in the world right now. Pierre was a little touchier than usual, keeping your hand in his whenever you didn’t need it and scooting his chair closer to you so he could rest his hand on your thigh when you nodded both hands to eat. It was endearing and you couldn’t do anything but smile back and melt into his familiar touch. 
You knew your boyfriend too much not to notice he was growing antsy as the meal was getting closer to the end but despite moving around a lot, he was still smiling and he seemed happy so you let him be again, not wanting to ruin the romantic atmosphere. When the dessert finally came, you dug in with appetite in the beautiful tiramisu as Pierre laughed at your behaviour before moving his seat back a little. 
-“ I’m so happy to be here with you, mon coeur.” Pierre started while you were still looking at your plate and eating, your full focus on the food in front of you “ We’ve been together for almost 5 years now, you know ? I wish I could say that I find this crazy but I really don’t. I feel like I’ve known you forever and 5 years seems way too small compared to what I want with you.” 
-“ Oh Pierre…” you started, finally looking at him as you felt your voice quivering with emotions
-“ I’ve thought about us a lot recently and there isn’t a single moment where I’d want us to be apart. You’ve been there for me at my worst and yet you still found it in yourself to love me for who I am and I don’t want to imagine where I’d be without you. I know I’m not usually one to talk about feelings and stuff like that but you make me feel safe enough to do so just by being yourself because you’re the most understanding, loving and caring person I know.” he declared, wrapping his hand in yours before continuing “I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else on this planet because I truly believe we are made for each other. I love you like I’ve never loved anyone else and that’s why I actually wanted us to come here because you deserve to know how much you mean to me and how much I love you.” 
-“ I love you so much, baby. I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else ever either.” you murmured, fighting back tears as you watched Pierre slowly grab something in his pocket
-“ I’m glad you said that actually because I wanted to ask you something.” he smiled, letting go of your hand to grab the velvet box in his hands
-“ No, you didn’t !” you exclaimed, slapping your hand over your mouth while Pierre dropped to one knee in front of you
-“ Y/n, mon coeur, you’re the love of my life and there’s nothing I want more than to be able to call you my wife and grow old with you. Will you give me the honour of calling you my wife ?” 
-“ Yes, God, yes I’ll marry you. I love you so much.” you cried as he put the ring on your finger before kneeling down on the ground and kissing him with all the force you had
-“ I love you too, amour. You have no idea how much.” Pierre smiled, tears wetting his cheeks too while you rested your forehead against his
-“ I think I do after your big speech.”
-“ That was kind of the point of the whole thing.” he laughed, the sound making your heart soar with love so intensely you felt a sob wash over you at thought that this beautiful man in front of you was now your fiancé
-“ You’re such an idiot making me cry like that, you big dork. I must look awful with the tear stains.” you sniffled, Pierre pulling you in for a hug before helping you sit back on your chair again
-“ You look perfect, I promise. You look like someone who just got engaged.” 
-“ It’s not fair, you look beautiful as always and not all snotty from crying like me. I hate you so much. I hope you know we’re not taking engagement pictures with me looking like that.” you scoffed, hiding behind your glass of champagne that was now empty
-“ Don’t worry, I’m not crying much now but the day we get married I’ll be a crying fountain and you can laugh all you want then.” 
-“ I still can’t believe it, you’re going to be my husband. Oh my God, I’m going to be your wife.”
-“ You’re not already regretting it, are you ?”
-“ Of course not. I know it doesn’t look like it with all the tears and the teasing but there’s no word to describe how happy I am that you proposed. You’re the love of my life, P. I mean it. You’re my person, always and forever.”
-“ Good because I might have invited our families and close friends to celebrate with us here for New Year’s.” he admitted with a grin, making you laugh
-“ You were that sure that I’d say yes ?” you teased him with a nudge of your shoulder
-“ I was just really hoping you would because it would’ve been really uncomfortable otherwise.”
-“ Well it’s a good thing I’m head over heels in love with you then.”
-“ The feeling’s more than mutual mon coeur.” Pierre smiled, pressing his lips against yours, pouring all the love he felt for you in that slow kiss
The days between your engagement and the arrival of everyone had been spent in a daze. You and Pierre were completely immersed in your own bubble and everything felt like the beginning of your relationship again. Whatever Pierre said made you blush and he couldn’t help but feel the need to impress you and make you fall in love with him all over again. 
Seeing the ring he had chosen on your finger was making him feel all kinds of things and it seemed like being apart from you for two seconds was now impossible. He was always touching you in a way and he gave you nothing short of the princess treatment. 
It was endearing and you couldn’t lie and say you didn’t feel the exact same way as you took pictures to share the news to everyone around you. Pierre was beaming with pride whenever he caught you looking at the ring with a smile or when he looked at his own. There was truly no one else he’d want to spend his life with so he was relieved you said yes. 
The day you finally got married, Pierre kept his promise and wept as you walked in and as he read his vows, taking a deep breath before saying the last sentence of his carefully written text. Holding your delicate hands in his, Pierre said: “ You’re the only one I'd do this with, what a blessing to feel your love, mon coeur.” 
That last sentence was engraved in your head and in your heart, probably resonating deep in your soul until you’d give your last breath and leave the love of your life before he joined you into eternity. Because you knew Pierre and you were bonded by something bigger, you were twin flames, two parts of one being separated in two bodies, destined to find each other in every life, no matter what form that took. You were sure of it, it was the reason you agreed to marry him, he was your person, always and forever.
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jupiter-soups · 1 year
guess I should've known from the look on your face
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part one of begging for you to take my hand. part two here
pairing: joel miller x f!reader, friends -> enemies -> lovers (kinda)
summary: your tempestous relationship with joel was put to the test after a fuck up on patrol that left you embarrassed and overly defensive. despite every urge to exacerbate the problem, you tried your best to make the most of the situation and get along....mostly.
word count: 7.5k
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Despite the ear-splitting gnashing of teeth next to your face and the painful clawing at the raw skin of your décolletage, you couldn’t help that in the back of your mind all you could think was: You fucking moron, you’re going to die in the most embarrasing way possible. Even fear seemed to have left you, as you struggled in the choking grip of the runner in front of you that was desperately trying to sink its teeth into the soft flesh of your neck. All that remained was adrenaline, humiliation, and the sinking feeling that if you were to meet your demise in this moment, it would be Joel Miller, of all people, that found your torn apart frame on the floor. Joel Miller, who had expressly warned you to stay where you were until he returned from checking the back of the building for intruders. Joel Miller, who somehow always made you feel like an incompetent child. 
When you had first approached the roadside gas station and small bait shop that was the destination for your current patrol route, both of you had slowed down and pulled out your weapons at the sight of a beat up pick up truck haphazardly parked across the verge separating the gas pumps from the road. This was new, not having been reported by the previous patrol duo. Joel quickly assumed the position of the team leader.
“Stay here. I’ll check the back entrance,” Joel muttered as quietly as he could, still ensuring that he could be heard over the whistling wind from the snow that had been picking up speed since you first departed from the Jackson gates. As the snow crunched under his boots with each receding step, you were seething. 
The audacity of this man who had spent the last ten months ignoring you to immediately try and give you orders, you brooded silently. You weren’t even supposed to be here, for God’s sake. It was the unfortunate result of poor scheduling over the Christmas holidays, as well as the skilled persuasion by your closest friend, Maria, that you were even stuck on this patrol to begin with. Sure, it was one of the shorter journeys for patrol pairs, one that only required travel on foot, but that was still a miserable three hours with Joel Miller. Three whole hours of curt answers and second-guessing your decisions. So, the instant he was out of sight, you tucked away your gun into your waistband and folded your arms across your chest, rubbing your ungloved hands against the sides of your arms to try and create some warmth.
The natural instinct in you to piss him off outweighed any logic that you’d previously believed you’d been in abundance of, as you made that decision to ignore his instructions so flippantly as soon as he had turned his back to you. Besides, the truck was clearly empty, the store shutters were undisturbed, and there were no tracks to be seen in the snow that had persistently been coating the floor for days now.
The irritation that only Joel Miller seemed to inspire had clearly blinded you to your next bad decision, as you spotted something through the windshield of the truck. A perfectly intact Spider-Man bobblehead, right there for the taking on the dashboard. Ellie would love that. You exhaled hot air into your icy hands to warm them up as you plodded along to the car, already picturing the teens’ excited face at the impromptu gift. The next few moments seemed to pass in bullet time as you heard it within seconds of leaning into the enclosed space of the front seat. The wind was no longer able to muffle the pained guttural groans.
Grotesque and dripping with congealed blood was an emaciated looking runner, face sunken in and ghoulish. It practically scampered up towards you from the floor of the backseat, moving in jerky convulsions while its teeth bit at the empty air in anticipation. You jumped back from where you had been leaning into the car, arm outstretched for the bobblehead, and your heel promptly made contact with a patch of ice. Your ass hit the ground, shooting a sharp pain through your tailbone that you had no choice but to ignore as you attempted to scramble back up to your feet. 
The runner dove head first out from the backseat, the snapping of its jaw seeming to lead its body faster than any of its limbs, giving you the opportunity to send a hard kick directly into its head. Stumbling back up, you were able to grab the handle of your trusty switchblade in the few seconds it took for the beast to reorient itself. 
With a quick dart forward, you plunged the knife into the closest spot that would have any sort of impact on its mobility: its kneecap. At least some of your survival instincts were still in place. You made sure to wrench the knife from side to side, a visceral squelching sound being emitted from the tearing ligaments. In a different life the sound probably would have turned your stomach, but now you were just flooded with gratitude that you actually remembered to sharpen the old blade before leaving.
“Jooooeellll!” You felt the scream for help rip out of your throat, and immediately regretted it despite the dire situation. He would not exactly be thrilled at your blatant disregard for his instructions.
The continued effort to stumble back while avoiding any more patches of ice was proving to be successful, until you felt your back slam painfully against the cold metal store shutters behind you. Fuck. You had miscalculated your distance and had nowhere to turn, despite the monster hobbling towards you being slowed down by its new injury. These creatures didn’t feel pain, so regardless of the fact that you could see the white of bone jutting out from the torn flesh of its knee, it continued to progress forward.
Desperately trying to lift your knife from your side while holding the full weight of the beast back with one arm, you were unable to stop yourself from thinking about what Joel would think of you for your mistakes. The blustery air did nothing to cool the heat in your cheeks as you continued to struggle, hating yourself for even thinking of someone like Joel in the face of literal death.
As you were beginning to lose hope, arms shaking from the effort of holding the runner back, strong hands suddenly appeared from behind its shoulders to drag it straight to the ground. You heard a sickening pop as the partially torn leg finally gave out after being heaved backwards at such a strange angle. You were practically hyperventilating, finally feeling time speed up again as you watched Joel take his boot and slam it into the head of the runner, over and over and over again, until all that was left was a puddle of viscera under his foot. The creature was clearly fresh, still more human than mushroom, and pieces of bone and brain matter decorated the floor. You stared, unable to tear your eyes away from the haunting sight. 
Joel was breathing heavily as he finally ceased his brutalisation of the corpse, seemingly having decided that what was left of the zombie would probably not be able to get back up. He slowly looked over at you, undisguised rage clouding his handsome features, and he clamped his jaw shut.  Any embarrassment that you were still feeling morphed into pure, unbridled shame under the weight of his disdainful look.
“I told you one fucking thing.” Is all he deigned to say. You were glad as you could barely hear him over the pounding in your ears, anyway.
Refusing to give you a second look, he shifted the entirety of his attention to unlocking and lifting the metal roller blocking the door, making it apparent to you that there had been no other threat in the area.
Something like anger and sadness both bubbled up in you simultaneously, and you kept your eyes trained on the ground as you walked to avoid giving him the satisfaction of seeing you upset. As he locked the door behind you both and began looking around the store shelves for something, you pressed your freezing fingers against your face as subtly as you could, trying to physically cool off the burning sensation in your cheeks. 
You weren’t a child. You weren’t an idiot. The judgement of this man should not have been hurting you as much as it was, but as much as you insisted that you hated him, some semblance of respect and even care for the man still existed deep within you.
A quick glance up to where he was standing reminded you of something that you had somehow spotted outside, despite the carnage. His boots. Green laces. You were the one to find them for him, ten months ago.
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His incessant muttering and pacing were really starting to piss you off. Fine, you made a mistake. Fine, you technically could have died. You were already mortified because of it. Did he really have to keep exhaling so dramatically and making as much noise as possible with each empty crate he moved in his not-so-subtle attempt at finding the supplies that he should definitely know the location of? All you wanted was for him to cease his incessant pacing around the dusty shelves, especially since he started to make deliberate eye contact with you over them to send you withering glares.
“Are you done?” You found yourself asking sarcastically from where you were perched on the long disconnected chest freezer pushed against the right wall. You had been fidgeting restlessly with your fingers since you took your seat, trying to calm the slight shake in your hands from the leftover adrenaline.
He lifted his head up from where he now stood, flipping through the worn pages of the log book on the counter. As annoyed as you were, it was hard to deny the way something in your chest still jumped with each brief moment of eye contact.
“Excuse me?” He asked with an exasperated tone, almost as if each word he spoke was physically exhausting him.
“I said,” You finally hopped down from where you were sitting and watching him sulk, and slowly started to take a few cautious steps towards him. A loud creak reverberated out from the rickety old wooden floorboards with each step as you closed the distance between the two of you.
“Are you done? You know, with the whole I'm Joel Miller, I’ve never made a mistake in my life act.” You drawled with an exaggerated Texan accent in your poor imitation of him, feeling emboldened by his increasingly frustrated look. “I fucked up, I know that. You can go right ahead and relax, you’ve already made it very clear that you disapprove.”
He straightened up in one swift movement and threw the pen down against the counter, hands coming down to rest on his hips. Suddenly you felt like a child about to be reprimanded by a teacher.
“Y'know, you’re bein’ awful ungrateful for someone that I could’ve just left there to die.”
It was so typical of him to insinuate that you weren’t as capable or strong as he was, despite the fact that when Joel first arrived in Jackson, you had been the one to show him the ropes. That is, of course, before Joel summarily decided that he no longer wanted to take instruction from you.
It had been a long ten months since that day, and your relationship had become practically non-existent, if not tense and uncomfortable in the few situations you were still forced to interact in. The bond you had built with Ellie meant that there were many days that you had to see him during mornings when you promised to walk her to the schoolhouse. Joel would be sure to give you a polite nod, his Southern manners enduring regardless of the change in your relationship, to which you would roll your eyes or just simply ignore him.
Maria, your closest friend in Jackson, would regularly invite you to dinner with her and Tommy, usually choosing not to warn you that the older Miller brother would be making an appearance. It would take all of your strength to suppress the urge to cuss Joel out at the slightest infraction, knowing that Tommy would be disappointed at how quickly your friendship had disintegrated. 
Truthfully, you were well aware of just how petty and immature you were being. You just couldn’t help yourself when you thought about how good things had been before he made his choice to rebuff you. Your friendship had been easy, and caring, and you had even started to feel…things that you hadn’t ever felt for someone before. Pettiness made it easier to shove those feelings away, even if you knew it wasn’t exactly helping your case that you were definitely, totally, unaffected by his rejection.
You had reached the cracked acrylic counter separating you, and you tried to ignore the way his gaze remained trained onto your face as you approached. The quiet anger was visible in his eyes, like he couldn’t even believe your defensiveness when it was so obvious that you were in the wrong. You slammed a fist straight down on the counter, effectively shutting down the part of your brain that would always lose focus at the mere sight of his deep, brown eyes, angry or otherwise. The sharp pain radiating through your hand acted as the physical reminder you needed to keep your anger burning for him to see, rather than letting it falter under the power of his eyes studying you.
“Please,” you rolled your eyes dramatically, “I had the situation firmly under control. I mean, thank you, obviously, it’s not like swooping in like that didn’t help, but don’t act like I wasn’t a second away from killing that thing myself.”
Joel continued to watch you with an incredulous expression across his face, before he chose to merely scoff in response. 
“Whatever you say, doll," he said in that low, dismissive tone that you were well acquainted with, before picking the pen back up to continue writing his note in the logbook. 
The trait you had grown to hate the most in him was his dismissiveness. As if you weren’t even worthy of his anger, like you were just an incompetent child that he could be done with whenever he chose. It was a trait that was apparently reserved just for you. No matter what you would say to push his buttons, to even get a negative reaction from him, his response was to shut you down and not engage. It exasperated you that that hurt more than if he just yelled at you.
“God, you are the fucking worst, Miller. I’m not just saying anything, alright? I think most people would agree that it was an accurate assessment of the situation. What, do I need to be so fucking touched by your heroism that I’m on my knees with gratitude?” You paused before starting to stammer as you realised the unintended double meaning of what you just said. He clearly also heard the innuendo, if the tightened grip on the pen in his fist was any indication. “I-I mean, like, you’re not a God or…whatever… where I would need to beg for forgiveness at your feet! I fucked up, and you helped, but I would have been fine either way!”
His face betrayed no emotions, just letting you rant at him. You were running out of steam quickly from his lack of response, and your mouth grew dry as you realised that he really had no intentions of participating in your little outburst. It left you, as always, to be the one making a fool of themselves. 
“Well, say something!” You insisted, shoving the book out from under his hand, in an attempt to get him to look up from where he was staring. “Say what you really think of me Miller, say why you always have to make me feel like I’m a fuck up.”
He finally moved to slowly close the logbook and place it back under the counter where it belonged, letting you stand there with your chest heaving in anger that was probably disproportionate to the situation. Joel finally looked back down at your face.
Something in his eyes took you off guard. It felt different to how he had ever looked at you before, almost heavy. In your peripheral vision you could see his hand shift across the counter top, gently tracing his index finger across one of the cracks in the acrylic while his eyes slowly scanned over your facial features. They finally settled on your eyes, and you could tell that any trace of visible anger you had in your face had faded away in anticipation for what he was about to say.
‘You could have died. Y’know that right?’ His tone seemed somehow defeated for even having to say the words.
You shifted on your feet uncomfortably as his eyes remained locked on yours, as if he was trying to make you understand something he was saying, something deeper than just the few words he had used. Your fingers fidgeted with the hem of your slightly torn shirt as you looked for words. Why did he seem almost…hurt at the thought of something happening to you? Anger or even disappointment would have been explainable, but this was indecipherable to you.
A loud crack echoed through the room suddenly, as some debris outside clanged against metal shutters from the wind. The spell was broken, as you both jumped in place at the disturbance. You decided to take the opportunity to take a small, stabilising, step back.
The only conclusion that you were able to come to about his statement was that he felt guilty. Maybe he thought that you were under his responsibility while you patrolled together, and that he somehow failed? You immediately balked at the thought of Joel somehow feeling responsible for you, as if he thought you couldn’t handle it outside of the walls by yourself.
“I know that I could have died”’ You swallowed bitterly. 
You tap the hand still on the counter against the grimy plastic a few times, deliberating whether you should add something else but deciding against it at the last second.
And yet, as you finally walked past him into the staff room at the back of the store, it slipped out anyway.
“As if that would even matter to you.”
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Pushing open the door with some effort, thanks to the rusted hinges, you were greeted with the sight of the supplies that Joel had been working oh-so-diligently at finding, sitting in plain sight on one of two metal storage shelves. The old ham radio that was the reason for you entering the room sat on the small table that took up the corner of the room. 
Before reaching to grab the mic, you paused for a second and leaned back against the shut door, taking in a few deep, calming breaths that evaded you earlier. You hated how easily he was able to bring you to anger, how quickly your face would burn with indignation while he was able to remain as unaffected as always. Whatever you had done to inspire this distaste for you must have been unforgivable, given how it seemed to persist enough that he wouldn’t even be able to spend the effort to argue with you. 
As you gathered yourself you couldn’t stop your thoughts from drifting back to your somewhat brief, yet impactful friendship with Joel.
He had shown up just over a year ago, Ellie in tow, and you had immediately accepted them with open arms. You were one of the lucky ones, finding Jackson with your two siblings while you were still in your mid twenties. Having almost ten years of safety and community was enviable to many of those who showed up in Jackson. It was your awareness of this fact that encouraged you to work harder and longer hours than the vast majority of those tasked with the safety of Jackson. It was the least you could do, after all,  and if you were able to do anything that would spare the added trauma for those that had barely scraped their way into safety, you would do so with a smile. 
Joel and Ellie weren’t the first to arrive at the gates  hardened and traumatised at the brutality beyond the gates, and you pitied them. It didn’t come from a place of patronization. They were both clearly strong, physically and emotionally, for surviving what they had. But watching the weary look in their eyes at the comforts you had begun to take for granted had you wishing that the world had been kinder to them. 
By the end of the first week, Tommy insisted that you take Joel on as a patrol partner. He felt that Joel making a friend could soften him up a bit, maybe even break down a couple of the walls that locked out everyone but Tommy and Ellie. Besides, he teased Joel, who else was patient enough to teach an old man like him the proper way to do things? 
You soon found yourself spending all of your spare time with him and Ellie. Between instructing Joel about how to most effectively utilise their horses when facing small groups of raiders, to lounging on their couch as Ellie demanded that he let her get a tattoo for the millionth time, the two became fixtures in your life. As always, Joel’s answer would be a firm not until you’re eighteen to which Ellie would stomp off to the garage, leaving you both chuckling in her wake. 
Joel appeared to like your presence. The one-word answers he had given you at the start or your relationship quickly shifted into full conversations. He always furrowed his brow with put-on disapproval when you tried to teach him your lesson of the week, before, like clockwork, admitting that your methods weren’t too shabby. He even regularly took your advice when it came to Ellie, valuing your input that Ellie was old enough to rebel a little bit. 
Ellie had been so grateful when he finally allowed her to resume hanging out with her new friends following the weed incident, that she gave both of you a huge bear hug. The smile gracing Joel’s face for the rest of the day made your knees feel weak, especially whenever he directed it at you in gratitude for your advice. The embarrassed laugh that followed when you teased him about his own teenage years, courtesy of a drunk Tommy babbling at you one evening, resulted in you needing to grip onto the kitchen counter next to you for strength. 
The third month of your friendship brought with it disapproving shakes of the head from Maria everytime she caught you looking at him for a second too long. You would promptly shrug and make a confused face to indicate that she was the one being weird for even implying that you might have been getting attached.
Family dinners and boozy evenings in the Tipsy Bison continued on a regular basis. Joel was still himself. Gruff and slightly mean towards anyone that wasn’t Ellie or Tommy, but he would laugh at your jokes. Really laugh, in a way that made warmth radiate through your chest and into your fingertips. The elbow nudges that Tommy would give to you in response were a lot less accusatory than Maria’s looks, merely appreciating that Joel had somebody to make him laugh. Ellie had been the one to change him, letting Joel give himself permission to feel joy again, but damn if it didn’t make Tommy relieved to see Joel allow himself that with other people too.
Whenever you would find small things outside the wall that you thought he could use, he would accept with a small smile, rather than immediately rejecting it with a short “I have everythin’ I need.”
Even on days that he wouldn’t be on patrol with you, you would find him at the stables, just coincidentally with an extra thermos of coffee in hand despite his insistence that he just had to check in with the stable workers.
It was these small moments that made you realise that you were falling for him. As much as you wanted to shy away from those feelings, wanting to avoid the potential awkwardness of rejection, you had almost convinced yourself that he was starting to feel the same way. There was something about the way his hand lingered when he boosted you onto your horse, or when he would wrap an arm around you for warmth the second you dared to shiver in his presence.
This delusion came crashing down one summer evening five months into your friendship, as you entered the Tipsy Bison and were immediately pulled aside by Tommy, before you even had a chance to raise a hand in a wave at the table where Joel sat with Ellie and her friend, Cat. Tommy quietly explained to you in the corner of the room that you were no longer patrolling with Joel, effective immediately. He grimaced at your attempt at protest, and even more so when you asked when he was going to tell Joel. The immediate suspicion at this reaction was quickly confirmed when you looked over Tommy’s shoulder at Joel, who was watching the pair of you intently before quickly shifting to look back at the teens sitting in front of him. His face said it all. This was his choice.
You decided to let Tommy off the hook with a quiet, “I understand,” before stalking out of the bar, shoving past the multiplying crowd that tried to funnel inside. 
After a few days of trying and failing to catch him alone between shifts on patrol, you were finally able to grab Joel by the arm and physically pull him aside on his porch as he tried to enter his home late one evening. His refusal to even look at you acted as the fuel you needed to begin your aggressive diatribe.
‘What the fuck, Joel?” You asked, unable to stop your leg from bouncing while you stood. 
“Did you need something?” Was his curt response, face hard and so deeply unlike the way he would typically look at you.
“Why did you want to switch partners? Did I do something wrong?” The wobble in your voice betrayed the hurt you had tried to tuck away inside of you, and you suddenly felt incredibly silly for confronting him. “Why wouldn’t you just tell me? I was having dinner with you and Ellie literally the night before. And you’ve been avoiding me since then.” 
He seemed to think through his response carefully before speaking. The warm brown eyes that you were accustomed to were almost black, and his brows were tightly furrowed as he spoke. “Thought it’d be easier to get Tommy to pass the message along. He’s always been the more cordial type. Didn’ think it needed to be a whole thing.” 
He started to unlock his front door, back turning to you as he continued.
“I jus’ felt that things were getting a little too cosy over here. I know what I need to know when patrolling, and I sure as hell don’t need any more hand holding from someone who’s barely known a life that wasn’ all…soft and easy.”
The door opened to the dark hallway and he stepped in and grabbed something from the console table by the door. It was your purple fleece blanket, the one that you, Joel, and Ellie had been sitting under just a few nights ago while watching one of Joel’s favourite westerns. He shoved it towards your hands. “There, been meanin’ to get that back to you. No need to drag this out any longer.”
Your jaw clenched as you stared at the blanket, quickly snatching it from him as the embarrassment flooded your body. How could you have let yourself think that he actually wanted you here with him? 
“Y’know what, Joel. Fuck you.” You said with a sniff. You quickly turned and walked away, refusing to give him an opportunity to respond. 
After throwing the soft blanket in the coat closet of your home haphazardly, you decided to head straight to the Bison for a strong drink. The first good looking man with brown eyes and broad shoulders that you saw ended up taking you home, in the first of your many attempts to extricate your feelings from Joel.
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A scraping noise from the other room brought you back, reminding you that you had a task at hand, and with a click of the button on the small handheld mic, you spoke.
“Jackson, this is the bait and tackle shop, checking in.” While you waited for a response from Jackson, you sat on an old stool and angrily picked at the loose threads hanging from the ripped hem of your shirt. Stupid Miller, making you feel inferior and indebted to him. Not even giving you the decency of fighting with you. 
At least a conversation with Alfred, the kindly old man who took the late shift for the radio office in Jackson, always made you feel better. His old war stories of encrypting and sending radio signals got you through many lonely evenings at the Tipsy Bison, and he had become sort of a grandpa-like figure to you.
“Hey there, birdie, we hear ya.” You heard some paper moving, as he shuffled through to find the appropriate area map. “Snow’s getting pretty bad out here, it’s looking like you’re going to need to buckle down and wait it out for the morning. It’ll be a longer walk than usual with the way the wind is whipping up the snow.” No, no, nope. Not happening.
You bolted up and leaned over the table with the radio, as if it was possible that you had merely heard him wrong and getting closer to the speaker would fix things. 
“No, Alf, it’ll be fine, I can’t stay here overnight with-’’ You cut yourself off, suddenly aware of how loud you were talking and let out a long suffering sigh. “It’s just. The snow’s not that bad, we’ll probably be fine walking back.”
Alfred makes some deliberation noises, unnecessarily keeping his mic on the whole time as if he thought it would make you feel better that he was actually considering it, before finally responding.
“I don’t know, kid…I would feel guilty if you froze to death out there. I know you don’t get along too well with that Miller boy.” Alfred hesitates once again, before sighing. “I’m sorry, dove, I can’t let you walk in this weather.”
You groaned dramatically into the microphone, rubbing your spare hand across your eyes wearily. With a quick peek at the shut door in front of you to check for shadows through the frosted glass that might indicate that Joel is listening, you lowered your tone to what seemed like a sufficiently quiet level, and continued. 
“I just. I fu-”  you paused, remembering the old man's dislike for sailor talk. “I made a mistake. Everything's fine, no one is hurt! Just. He's doing that thing where he makes me feel like an idiot. And it just sucks because it’s like I proved him and his stupid doubts about me right. I hate when he’s right.”
“Birdie, you know that you're not an idiot. You do the same job as him, and I can tell you from experience that you don't call back to Jackson with any more issues on the road than he does. Who cares what that silly boy thinks about you? More importantly, are you going to let it get in the way of doing a good job?”
You let a small smile pass onto your face. He knew you well, and your bruised ego for the earlier mishap was already painful enough without adding any more unprofessionalism into the mix. People in Jackson relied on you, and you wouldn’t let a man who clearly didn’t think about you more than he needed to to get into your head.
“You’re right, Alf. If you say we need to hang out here overnight, we can do that.” You made sure to shake off any remaining angst that had uncharacteristically been plaguing you since you first got given this job, and tried to become the person that people in Jackson knew you as. “Just to confirm, we will be utilising the emergency supplies here, so please note down that the food, water, and oil for the lamps will need replenishing by the next pair out.”
You could practically hear the smile on the old man’s face, “Will do, dove. Good night. Don’t kill each other.”
After placing the receiver back in place you take in a deep breath, preparing yourself for what you were about to do. The herculean task of thanking Miller sincerely and being amicable for the rest of the evening was daunting. It practically made you shudder, but you would be lying if you didn’t acknowledge that there was a part of you excited at the prospect. You missed him, as absurd as that was given your history.
With an armful of sleeping bags, a lamp, a couple of pouches of jerky, and a glass bottle labelled ‘Pete’s- Hands off!’ you exited the staff room, trying to appear as confident as you would be on a typical, Joel-less day. You plopped the items down on the counter unceremoniously, looking up to find him now sitting on an old camping chair in the darkness. Barely any moonlight made it through the thin gaps of the shutters, so you focused your attention on lighting the lamp, ignoring the weight of his stare on your form as you did so.
“Heads up,” you called out a moment later, quickly grabbing and tossing a pouch of jerky at him. The trajectory of the throw was mostly aimed towards his hands, but you did use a careless flick of the wrist that would have absolutely resulted in it smacking against his body if his reflexes weren’t annoyingly good for his age.
The lit lamp that you placed on the floor between you and Joel brought the room into a softer state, and you could see that the earlier anger on Joel’s face had at least partially subsided. You dragged an old crate that once held fishing lures and flipped it, sitting down to his left hand side, before opening your own pouch of jerky and digging into the stale meat. 
"So," You began hesitantly, lifting your eyes from the floor to where he sat, feeling a pang of an emotion you didn’t want to identify when you found him already looking at you. "I guess I just wanted to say thank you. Properly. For saving me, or whatever. I shouldn’t have approached the car without backup."
If it hadn’t been so awkward, you probably would have been laughing at his incredulous face, eyebrows lifted upwards in shock at your sudden attempt at sincere appreciation. When it became clear that you weren’t waiting to attack again, he finally spoke up.
"It’s alright. Could have happened to anyone, I suppose." He seems almost unsettled at your sudden shift in attitude, but also doesn’t seem to want to provoke you again.
You bit back any part of you that wanted to emphasise that it really could have happened to anyone, even with experience, and instead focused on chewing the tough meat. It was surprising to say the least, when Joel was the first one to speak again. 
"Why did you, though? Tommy say something about needing another vehicle?" Joel’s tone was hesitant, as if he felt he shouldn’t be continuing the conversation any further. 
"Oh. Um. No, I wasn’t going to check on the car. I just saw a bobblehead on the dash. Spider-Man. I thought Ellie might have liked it." Your eyes narrowed as you looked at Joel, expecting him to start on you again. What you didn’t expect was the short laugh that followed. It was nice, and you couldn’t help the small smile in return at your own expense.
"Spider-Man, huh? What a reason to risk getting bit." He passed you the final stick of jerky from the pouch he was holding as he spoke. A peace offering. With a wipe of his hands against his jeans, he continued. "Y’all are still close, aren’t you?" He asked, already knowing the answer.
Your leg bounced at the use of the term ‘still.’ As in, despite everything between us. You batted that thought away quickly. The friendship between you and Joel had crashed and burned after he decided that he couldn’t work with you anymore, but Ellie had only seemed to latch on tighter. Whenever you pointed out that he didn’t seem to think you were worth getting to know, Ellie would roll her eyes at you.
"Yeah, I guess we are. Is that a problem?" You said while shifting in your seat, knowing that he probably would be well within his rights to tell you to stay away from his child. "Because I can tell you right now that despite her insistence, I’ve refused to teach her how to throw knives, at least not until she turns sixteen-" 
"What? No. Should I be concerned?" He cut you off with a concerned look on his face.
Realising that you may have just given Ellie up, you fake a laugh that Joel could have believed if he hadn’t heard your real laugh so many times before.
"No, of course not. That was just a hypothetical." He continued to stare you down, resulting in you giving in more quickly than you were proud of. "Don’t….tell her I told you that."
He gave you an actual laugh at your desperate plea, a sound you hadn’t heard for almost a year. That familiar warmth in your chest and fingertips returned at the sound, and you found yourself chuckling too. Thoughts of all of the times that he would begrudgingly break when you teased him, despite insisting that you weren’t funny rushed through your mind. And how he would threaten to sic Ellie on you whenever you teased him for his achy knees. And how tight your chest would feel when he would look at you over from on his horse while you rode beside each other. As if…No. Nope. Those memories had been securely tucked away in the back of your mind for months now, and you sure as hell were not going to let them out after a year of getting nothing from him. 
You forced the smile off of your face in an instant and stood up somewhat abruptly.
"I-uh, found something in the supplies!" The broad grin you plastered on was an attempt at masking your strange behaviour, but, frankly, a smile from you aimed at Joel was strange enough in of itself. 
Joel watched as you grabbed the glass bottle and lifted it into the air with a little shake to show it off.
"It’s fucking cold in here. This’ll warm us right up!" You said as you uncorked the bottle and immediately tossed back a healthy swig of the mysterious clear liquid. Yep, definitely moonshine. And yes, definitely strong.
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A couple of drinks in, and things had already become so much easier between you two. Not only were you both warmer, in spite of the blizzard on your doorstep that was making your breath visible in the air, but you were both laughing freely. 
"And then, he takes the shot and the bullet whizzes by, easily fifteen feet from the deer! The way that smug look dropped off of his stupid face…" You trailed off, cheeks slightly reddened from the alcohol that was far stronger than even the typical homemade stuff back at the Tipsy Bison. Whoever brewed this batch clearly anticipated the need for the strongest shit possible in a bottle small enough to fit in an emergency supply cache, and for that you were appreciative. 
You were sitting on the floor,, one knee up and your back against one of the empty shelves that once held fishing rods. The crate you had been sitting on now held your winter coat, inadvisably discarded due to the sudden heat you felt. Joel sat back in his chair, a far sight more relaxed than he was a mere hour ago. He was chuckling at your mockery of Emmett, your current patrol partner who was definitely a beginner at hunting.
Joel’s shadows danced across the dark room as he lightly shook from the laughter, illuminated by the cheap oil lamp that sat in front of you, and you watched with a dazed grin. His presence used to be a comforting one for you, and seeing his shape fill up a room again made you feel strangely at peace. With the gift of alcohol in your system, it was easy to ignore the painful familiarity that came from being with him like this. You bring your chin over to rest on your raised knee as you look up at him while he speaks.
"That boy definitely has too big of a mouth for his own good. I heard him out in the Bison a week or so ago, going off at a couple of the other guys about how he’s always pullin’ all these different ladies." He shook his head in disapproval while bringing the bottle back up to his lips, taking a generous drink.
"Oh yeah? He say anything about me?" You couldn’t help yourself from asking with a teasing grin. Just the previous week you had to turn Emmett down after he insisted that he could show you a good time. He was a handsome young man, but his age and his use of the term ‘older ladies’ when describing his type made it clear that he would be too annoying to even spend one night with. Besides, you were only in your early thirties, and the thought of being with someone that considered that ‘older' made you physically cringe.
Joel’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "You into him? I didn’ take you for the type that would want a…pretty boy." He says derisively while picking at the label on the bottle.
You were momentarily distracted by the flex of his calloused fingers against the bottle before snapping out of it to respond, "Eh, I guess you don’t know me that well, then do you, Miller?"
His fingers froze in place and he looked at you humorlessly, causing you to awkwardly laugh and acquiesce "Nah, of course not. He just keeps pulling stupid shit to try and impress me. I had to finally put my foot down the other day and tell him that him wasting ammo on trick shots wasn’t gonna let him into my pants."
Joel let out a small breath that sounded sort of like a laugh but not quite, as he resumed picking at the crumbling label and confirming "I s’pose that means you aren't the cougar he was seeing, then?"
A dramatic gasp escaped your lips. "That son of a bitch! Oh, I am going to give him hell next week. No wonder his little buddies have been givin’ me weird looks recently."
Joel laughed for real that time and you were unable to help yourself from relaxing back against the shelf at the sweet sound.
"I don't know why they would partner you with someone like that," he chuckled, reaching over to finally pass you the bottle that he had been holding. 
As you grabbed the bottle, your fingers briefly brushed and you sensed him tense slightly. This action, combined with his previous statement, made your stomach feel weird. The alcohol bypassed the part of your brain that was screaming at you to shut up, things are going well! and you found yourself saying, "Well, I guess they did that so I could teach him a coupl‘a things. Some people benefit from a little hand holding, I guess." 
You trained your stare into Joel’s eyes, feeling a sick sense of satisfaction at the way his face fell at you directly addressing how you were once partners.
Quiet taps of your fingernail against the side of the cool glass bottle resting in your hand fill the room while he seems to look for words. Something about your statement caught him off guard, as if he somehow didn’t think that you would remember or care about his words. Realising this unsettled him, and you revelled in the glimpse of vulnerability that appeared across his face. 
"I s’pose that makes sense." He finally acknowledged, looking deeply uncomfortable at the way you continued to stare at him bitterly.
"I guess it does."
A few more beats passed in silence as you waited with bated breath for anything, an acknowledgment, an apology, hell, even another insulting explanation for his choices, anything, but it didn’t come. You let out a quiet sigh, placing the bottle on the floor as you stood and dusted off your pants.
"I think I’m gonna call it a night, Joel."
He nodded without a word, eyes remaining stuck at the point on the ground where you had been sitting. Rather than waste your time waiting for anything else from him, you turned and grabbed one of the thin sleeping bags that sat on the counter, walking over to the side of the room furthest from where Joel was still sitting and rolling it out in one quick move. 
Now that you were far away from the heat he naturally seemed to radiate, the cold suddenly felt a lot more biting against your skin. You crawled into the sleeping bag, rolling to face the wall and pressing your eyes shut in a desperate attempt to just fall asleep and get this confusing evening over with. The last thing you heard before you dozed off was a quiet, defeated sigh from the opposite side of the room.
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a/n: nobody look at me rn okay, i'm juST TRYING SOMETHING OUT!!!!! okay. well. this the first fic i've written and it's looking like it's gonna be 3 parts. please give me any kind of feedback!!!
also a huge collosal thank you to @sinsofsummers for helping me SO MUCH and generally being the most incredible human angel creature to walk the earth with endless patience
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wooataes · 9 months
Pretty Coincidences (Part One)
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Pairing: Yoon Jeonghan x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.8K
Warnings: Strangers to ??? AU, angst, mentions of cheating, mentions of plane crashes, swearing
Summary: Choosing to run away from your problems on an impromptu trip to Italy may be the best decision you’ve made in your life thus far.
A/N: a belated birthday fic for the beautiful Jeonghan and also a belated birthday fic for my fave Carat friend Zan 💜
Part Two?
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To say you were heartbroken was an understatement.
You feel almost dead inside as you sit in the backseat of your Uber, unshed tears tempting you to break the flood gates. How the fuck did you get here, in an Uber on the way to Incheon Airport running away from your responsibilities and problems?
The answer was Geumjae.
Forty eight hours ago, you were happy. You were happy and in love with your seemingly loving boyfriend of four years, Geumjae, in the talks of buying an apartment together and Geumjae planning to pop the question to you this coming Christmas in front of both your families. That was, until, you decided to take the afternoon off from your office job, feeling unwell and in all honesty, wanted the comfort of your boyfriend and your bed.
Instead of finding your loving boyfriend making soup for you in your apartment, you were greeted to the sounds of aggressive lovemaking coming from your personal bedroom. That scumbag was using YOUR bed in YOUR apartment to sleep with other women?! No fucking way.
Now, you’re not a pushover or a pussy. On the contrary, you proved to yourself that you’re the opposite; storming into your bedroom and throwing out your new ex boyfriend and his flimsy little side-piece, who you vaguely recognized as your now ex-best friend, who was trying to stammer some sort of apology. You didn’t hear her as she spoke though, only throwing both him and her out of your apartment with nothing but the clothes on their backs, which at that moment, was none at all, leaving them to rush to his car as quick as possible without being seen, as you curled up on the living room floor in hysterics.
After a long night of tears, a whole tub of ice cream, half a bottle of wine and burnt clothes, photos and bedsheets, at the ripe time of 2:43am, you feel the sadness within you seep into a seething anger.
Screw this guy! You don’t need him! You can do a lot better and deserve someone who will love and treat you right! Who else can treat you better than yourself?
In a half-tipsy wine drunk state, you grab your laptop and start typing travel options in your search bar.
You had always dreamed of wanting to go on a trip to see Italy ever since you met Geumjae, and for four long draining years, your requests were always rebuffed with a ‘I can’t afford it’ or ‘why don’t we try local?’ Well screw that. You’re newly free and have the funds saved, as well as PTO from your job. After sending a long and misspelled message to your boss, you rise from your spot on the floor to march into your room to pack your bags.
Forty eight hours later, you were miserable, angry and betrayed by two of the closest people you know, but you also felt surprisingly free, as if a weight had been lifted off your chest as you stepped inside Incheon Airport to make your way to your flight to Italy.
You settle into your seat with a tired sigh. For once, you’re actually happy you got seated in an Emergency Exit row. You’re not as enclosed as the others which means more leg room, and instead of having two people beside you, you only have one. Double win. The less people you have to interact with, the better. You hope that the unlucky person who was destined to be sat beside you isn’t a talker; hopefully they are just as tired and done with the world as you.
You take a quick glance at your reflection from your front facing phone camera, wincing at the miserable girl you faced. Your hair is pulled back into a ponytail, several strands having found their way out of the loose hair tie securing your locks and falling over your shoulders haphazardly. You have massive bags under your eyes, which isn’t surprising since you have barely slept since you found your trash ex. You hope that you’ll be able to catch up on your sleep during the twelve hour flight to Italy.
After heaving another sleepy sigh, you lift your head to the side to see a hooded figure placing a bag into the overhead locker before sitting down carefully beside you and pulling his hood back to ruffle his fluffed up hair out of his eyes. Your cheeks tinge a dusty pink as you take in the mystery man’s handsome good looks, suddenly feeling self conscious at your appearance. After giving the gorgeous man a small smile in greeting, (which he returns without hesitation) you shrink slightly into your seat, your brain beginning to work overtime as you feel an overwhelming urge to apologize about your half assed looks. The man is in an almost identical outfit to yours, but you can’t help but resent your new seatmate at how much better he looks than you. Then again, he probably hasn’t had his heart ripped out of his chest and then stomped on by his ex-girlfriend within the last two days. You were so consumed in your own self deprecating thoughts you didn’t notice the pretty man looking at you expectantly.
“Sorry, did you say something?” You blink, eyes wide.
“That’s okay.” The man smiles. You blush. Dang, why did he have to be so pretty? “I was just asking if you had enough room there.” He gestures to the armrest between you both. “I can scoot over a little bit if you need.”
“O-oh.” You stutter, shaking your head quickly. “No, you’re fine, really.”
“Are you sure?”
“Mhm.” You nod, giving him a little smile. “I will apologize in advance though, I am 100% going to sleep for this flight.”
“Damn,” he sighs dramatically. You tilt your head in questioning. “You’re going to sleep and let me be the only one to have to save the plane and all these passengers if a disaster happens?”
You’re caught off guard as a giggle passes your lips, your smile growing as the man chuckles with you. You didn’t know how badly you needed to have a laugh.
“I do apologize,” you hum. “But getting my beauty rest is more important than the well-being of the plane.”
It’s the stranger’s turn to laugh along with you, and you feel relieved that the joke lands.
“Hmm, I’ll keep that in mind.” He nods thoughtfully. “Did you need to be woken from your beauty rest when the meals come by?”
You blink in surprise. How thoughtful. “Uhh.. if it’s no trouble?”
“None at all.” He’s surprisingly chirpy at this hour of the morning. “We are the backbone of this flight. We need to keep our strength up.” He winks at you and smiles as you laugh again.
“Fair point.” You nod gently as you fasten your seatbelt, the flight crew beginning to prepare you for takeoff.
You wait for a moment to see if Pretty Man will continue the conversation, but when he settles in and starts looking for movies on his tv, you let your eyes flutter shut, sleep taking over you before you even feel the plane take off.
You feel yourself being shaken gently an hour later as you stir, rubbing at your eyes with a little yawn. Pretty Man is smiling warmly at you.
“Hey.” He mumbles. “Sorry, they’re giving out breakfast.”
“S’fine.” You yawn again, smiling politely at the flight attendant as she passes your meal over. “Thanks for waking me, uhh..”
“Jeonghan.” Pretty Man - Jeonghan offers, and you nod with a little smile. “You’re welcome…”
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Your eyes open slowly, yawning out as you start to take in your surroundings around you, the PA system announcing that the descent into Rome will begin within the hour. You sit up slightly and run at your eyes tiredly. Your eyelids still feel heavy, but after having slept for a solid 10 hours, only having been woken up from Jeonghan to eat in between with minimal conversation, you feel like you’ve rested enough.
“Did you manage to keep the plane in one piece while I slept?” You joke, Jeonghan chuckling in response.
“Only barely.” He sighed dramatically, hand on his chest. “I think you owe me for the next flight.”
“I think I do.” You humor him as he laughed.
“So, what brings you to Italy?” He asks after a moment of silence as you glance out the little window beside you.
“Mid-life crisis?” You offer with a laugh. Jeonghan only raises his eyebrows in concern. “Long story short,” you start fiddling with your fingers, nibbling your lip. “Just got out of a long term relationship and I’m long overdue for a holiday. So, I just packed up and left for Rome to forget about the real world for a while.” You wince, not even looking at Jeonghan to know that he’s giving you a look of pure pity.
“Wow, I’m sorry to hear that.” He frowns.
“Ah, it’s fine.” You shrug. It wasn’t. Not in the slightest. “Was probably for the best.” You’re lying, you know you are. “What about you?”
“Ah,” he rubs at the back of his neck. “A friend of mine offered for me to go on a trip here with him. He flew out a few days ago, so I’m meeting him here.”
“That sounds exciting.” You smile as he hums in agreement.
“Definitely.” He smiles back. “Well, I hope that Rome treats you well.”
You hope it does too. “You too.”
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It could just be your excitement, but you truly think that the Italian air is just as healing to you as the place itself. After parting ways with Jeonghan and making your way to your hotel right in the middle of the bustling city of Rome, you think you can feel the cracks in your heart begin to heal, if only slightly.
You take in a deep breath as you walk along the pavement that runs through the city of Rome, taking in the sights of small local stalls selling jewelry and knickknacks, a content smile on your face. You’ve been here for only a day but you feel more like yourself than you have been for the last four tiring years. You adjust the strap of your handbag over your shoulder, fixing the sleeve of your flowy floral dress as you let the sunshine warm your body. Your phone has been left behind in the hotel room, having been blown up since you have landed in the foreign country from your ex. The messages were deleted as soon as they were received and the numbers have been swiftly blocked by you, only providing updates to your parents and your boss that you arrived safely and you will contact them if anything new happens.
You lift the disposable camera that sits around your neck by a strap up to your face, snapping a quick photo of a gelato stand on the corner, your smile growing as your stomach rumbles. You could use something sweet.
“Buongiorno,” you speak quietly, stepping up to the man behind the gelato stand. The man smiles back at you as you take a nervous breath. “Uhh… vorrei un gelato piccolo in cono, per favore.” You smile hopefully, hoping that you didn’t just accidentally insult him.
You release a breath as the man smiles happily at you, leaning down as he begins to take out a cone and ice cream scoop, making your gelato with precision.
“Grazie!” You beam as you pass him your money, taking the cone gratefully. You bow your head in thanks to further show your appreciation, and the man chuckles, bowing his head back.
As you turn, you let out a yelp as you run into a body behind you, almost causing you to drop your new cold treat. Luckily, you’re able to compose yourself quickly and bow your head just as fast.
“I’m so sorry!” You pause before your brain catches up. “U-uhh.. m-mi scusi!”
“Y/N? Is that you?” A soft voice responds, and you freeze.
You lift your head quickly to the owner of the voice, your eyes widening as you see an all too familiar face smiling excitedly at you. His chestnut brown hair is pushed back, his bright smile being just as blinding as when you first met him all those years ago in middle school, who went on to be your good friend for five years before life caught up with you and you naturally drifted apart.
“Seokmin? Lee Seokmin?” Your smile grows with him as he almost immediately scoops you up into his arms, spinning you around in circles. You squeal out a laugh, your free hand holding onto his shoulder. “Yah!”
“What the heck?!” He laughs with you, squeezing you tight once he places you back onto the ground. “What are you doing here?!”
“I could ask you the same thing!” You giggle happily.
“I’m on a trip with a hyung of mine! We both had some time off and wanted to go somewhere warmer.” He chirps, looking you over with a smile. “What about you? Where’s Geumjae?”
You freeze at the mention of his name, biting down on your lip. “Um.. I’m here alone, actually.” You attempt to smile, but it looks more like a grimace. “We broke up. Not too long ago actually and messy. So, I guess this is my way of coping.” You shrug.
“Oh no, I’m sorry I brought it up.” He pouts, rubbing your arm comfortingly. “So you’re here alone?”
“Yep.” You pop the P with a little smile. “But it’s only my second day here and I’m happier than I have been in the last four years, so that’s a plus.”
“I’m glad.” He smiles warmly at you as you nod.
“Dokyeom-ah!” A second voice enters the conversation. “What’s taking so long?”
You turn your head and take a step back with wide eyes as you come face to face with Pretty Man; Jeonghan. He looks more put together than you both did at the airport; now sporting a pair of black skinny jeans with a plain white t-shirt and a leather checkered jacket. He looks just as surprised as you do, taking in your outfit.
“Sorry hyung,” Seokmin smiles, his arm wrapping around your shoulders as you hold your cone now with both hands. “I ran into a friend from school! Hyung, this is-”
“Y/N. The one who left me to fend for myself to save the plane all on my own.” He sighs and places his hand on his chest.
“That was you?” Seokmin gasps.
“Yah!” You glare playfully. “You said it was okay!”
“I only said that to make you feel better about the fact that you willingly let me save us all.”
“It was one bout of turbulence.” You huff before Jeonghan smirks playfully at you. “I won’t keep you guys, you probably are waiting to get some gelato.”
“What? Are you sure?” Seokmin frowns. “You can tag along with us if you wanted, I’m sure hyung wouldn’t mind?”
“No, it’s okay, really.” You give him a little smile. Jeonghan frowns. He can see right through it.
“You’re just going to walk around by yourself?”
“You say that like I haven’t done it before, Min.” You laugh.
“I mean, yeah, you did it on campus but… you’re in a whole new country. I think I’d feel a lot better if you had at least one friend to keep you company.” He insists.
You hesitate, biting down on your lip. He does make a good point.
“How about this,” Seokmin offers. “You don’t have to spend every day with us. Why don’t we meet up once a day? I can take some great photos for your Instagram to show Geumjae that you’re thriving without him.”
“Geumjae?” Jeonghan tilts his head. Your face turns red.
“The Ex-boyfriend.” You hum, looking down.
“He never deserved you.” Seokmin rubs at your shoulders comfortingly as he sees the dismay on your face.
“Ah, thanks Min.” You smile. “I’ll take you up on that offer, only if it’s okay with you and Jeonghan. I don’t want to intrude.”
“You could never. You’re always welcome. Right, Hyung?”
“Of course.” Jeonghan nods with a smile at you.
“Thank you guys.”
“It’s no sweat, really! The more the merrier!” Seokmin beams. “We’re going to the Trevi tomorrow if you want to meet us there?”
“Sounds good.” You hum, waving your hand. “I’ll message you?”
“Sure.” He nods as you begin to walk away.
“See you then.”
As soon as you’re out of sight, Seokmin turns towards Jeonghan with raised eyebrows.
“Ohh Dokyeom-ah,” Seokmin mocks Jeonghan. He starts to blush. “I swear I made her laugh. She was just too cute.”
“Shut up.” He grumbles, glaring at the younger man.
“I can’t believe my school pal is the Cute Girl from your flight.”
“I said shut up.” He hissed. Seokmin just smirked at him with a giggle.
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morallyinept · 6 months
JET SET CHRISTMAS - A Dieter Bravo Christmas One Shot
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Summary: Dieter is flying away for a tropical filming schedule over Christmas, and you find a way to give him some First Class Service on his flight.
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x F!Reader (No name or physical description of reader. It’s you, bub.)
Word Count: 5.6K
Scoville Smut Rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️ "You tell me I'm doing well, and then, you try to kill me."
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here.
Warnings/triggers - Unprotected PIV (wrap up, folks)/tit wank/oral M receiving/drug usage/Dieter is a mess, as always.
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ. ☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned.
If this story isn't for you, that's fine. Just slip quietly out the back door. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Author’s Note: I really enjoy writing for my sweet, messy Dieter. And Christmas Dieter is no exception. 😎
Enjoy & Happy Holidays! 🎄🖤
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Fun fact; approximately eighty-seven and a half million passenger’s travel through LAX airport in a given year. And each year that number steadily increases.
To put it mildly, it’s a damn fucking busy airport, capiche?
It is the world’s fourth busiest airport and the United States’ second busiest airport after Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta.
LAX holds the record for the world’s busiest origin and destination airport, since relative to other airports on this blue marble floating in the universe, many more travellers begin or end their trips in LA, rather than use it merely as a connection onwards to somewhere better and less congested. It's also the only airport to rank among the top five U.S. airports for both passenger and cargo traffic.
And considering approximately two-hundred and thirty-nine thousand odd passengers flow through this airport during any given day, being singled out and spotted amongst the hordes is always as surprising as it is annoying.
Dieter is used to people shoving their phones in his face and snapping away at him as he takes a massive bite of a vegan chilli burrito, or as he’s pissing over a fire hydrant whilst high on LSD; it kind of comes with the territory of being an actor whose notoriety precedes him.
You’d think you would be able to remain inconspicuous as you trundle on through the swilling crowds of holiday makers and businessmen in their fancy, Armani suits, wheeling your suitcase beside you.
But oh no, that’s asking too fucking much, right?
He’s not bitter about it; more of a casual acceptance that this circus is his life now, as absurd as it all seems when he falls back to Earth to try and keep his feet on the ground with a sharp shunt. And the mishaps keep on mishappening, even though he tries.
He tries so fucking hard sometimes.
But, at times like this, when he’s simply doing what everyone else is doing in the airport for the most part, it’s somewhat irritating to have fans and paparazzi stalking his every move around the terminal like poachers waiting for their chance to capture an endangered species.
Look, there he is, buying wired earphones! Get him!
Keeping his head down, masked behind large Rayban sunglasses, Dieter makes his way towards the private lounge near his gate. Only stopping when he’s accosted, seemingly at gunpoint, by over enthusiastic admirers of his work and surly attitude alike, begging for a selfie.
He tries his best to feign a smile for them, after all they buy all the cheaply manufactured shit with his face on, but more often than not it comes out as a less-than-impressed blank look about his prominently exhausted features.
Eyes that seem dull, peer out lifelessly at the screens through puffy sockets, and fuzzy scruff peppered across his jaw line grazes around his weak smile that is almost non-existent. 
(He would read later online, that he was on drugs, hence the tiredness straining around his bloodshot eyes. And they would be fucking right about that.)
Although truth be told, Dieter hasn’t really slept much at all, which is to blame for his current deer-in-headlights appearance.
Staying up into the wee hours of the morning reading through the script, still trying to decide if he actually wants the part or not, despite contracts being signed well over a few months back, with what felt like a gun to his back.
Dieter Bravo is reduced to doing fucking romcoms now.
Damage control, his agent had dutifully warned him.
Punishment for his latest screw up is some stupid romcom set in the Bahamas, with filming scheduled over Christmas, and his wardrobe will consist of jazzy floral shirts for the next few months.
His phone is chock full of voice notes reciting the lines of his character Mateo in different accents, that he’s still not happy with as he listened to them on repeat, whilst strolling through the terminal, until his earphones gave out, and he queued in line to buy some more at the Duty Free.
Mateo. He’s playing a fucking character named Mateo. He grinds down so hard on his teeth he dislodges a filling. 
He’d survived the night on coffee to get him through; his frantic night owl tendencies over taking him to the point that he decided to just stay up anyhow and indulged in a blunt or two whilst watching porn, despite his dick pulling limp after a few tugs. Something that happens more often than not as of late.
Well, at least Christmas alone in the Bahamas beats spending it alone in rehab. Again. 
But the caffeine and weed is starting to wane and filter out of his system, leaving him slugging like a zombie as he trudges through the airport.
He passes a giant Christmas tree, its twinkly bokeh lights bleeding into the back of his retinas as he squints under the sunglasses. 
Dieter makes his way through the terminal with lazy strides after leaving the prowlers behind; the wheels of his suitcase squeaking against the shiny flooring, that at times, feels like navigating an ice-rink.
Once he arrives at the Private Boarding lounge, reserved only for super important executives, or washed out, coke-head movie stars on their last chance, he approaches a woman behind the desk who appears to have been using the self tanner a little too enthusiastically.
“Good morning, sir.” She chirps away happily through an obscenely orange face.
A security officer takes his case and bag, and lifts them up on the belt to be scanned as Dieter empties his pockets and takes off his Rolex and rings. They plink into the tray the officer holds out for him.
The colour of her skin stops him in his tracks as he peers at her over the top of his shades incredulously.
Meh, he’d still fuck her if given half the chance. Yeah. He could do with a nice blow job or something right about now. 
Her smile is unrelenting, revealing stark white gnashers that gleam and glare through bright red lipstick. How anyone can be this jaunty at this time of the morning is beyond Dieter’s scope of understanding, but he throws a ghostly smile back at her trying not to stare at her face, bemused, as he’s scanned and patted down.
He hands over his passport and notices she won’t stop touching her hair.
She scrutinises his credentials and looks back at him and smiles even wider; a jaw full of white piano keys, her teeth seemingly unable to fit inside her mouth fully, with a massive overbite going on for dessert.
He hastily rethinks the possibility of a blow job. 
“Can I just say, I really loved you in Cliff Beasts…” She gushes, leaning forward to him over the desk. 
Dieter gets a whiff of her perfume like a suckerpunch to the jaw; overpowering like she’s doused herself in gasoline. It almost knocks him out like Novocaine. But the flash of cleavage more than makes up for it as his nostrils flare and itch.
“Oh yeah?” He says, elbow on the desk and sliding his sunglasses down the bridge of his aquiline nose with a grizzly smirk. 
“Yeah. My son really loved it too.” She finishes, fluttering her eyelashes at him.
He ignores her swooning compliment and smiles thinly through gritted teeth. He instantly pushes his shades back up. He has enough baggage to check in, he doesn’t need more.
“You played Gary right?”
“Gio.” He corrects. 
“Right. Gio. He likes Gio. Would you sign this for him?” She pushes him a piece of paper and he takes her pen and scrawls his John Hancock over it without any resistance, despite yelling no, fuck off! Loudly and repeatedly inside of his sludge brain.
“Thank you so much, that’s amazing!” She exclaims at him in a high pitched voice that makes his ears bleed.
“No problem, honey.” Dieter replies in a heavy voice as he puts his watch and rings back on.
“Did you pack your bag yourself, Mr Bravo?” Orange face asks, suddenly remembering she has a job to do despite being immensely star struck by this handsome, yet incredibly hungover, enigma standing before her. 
He nods once.
“Have you been approached by anyone asking you to carry anything for them?”
“I have twelve kilos of cocaine in my carry on.” Dieter remarks sardonically as he scratches under his chin, as he eyes the security officer who doesn’t find it funny.
She laughs however, and taps away on the keyboard happily with her nails, stealing glances at him as he frowns glumly. This whole charade is already starting to grate. 
She hands him back his passport, and he’s blinded again by the searing light from her mouth as she wishes him well on his journey. 
“Merry Christmas!” She calls to him and he responds by throwing his fist up in the air, dragging his case and bag as he walks away. 
Once in his First Class seat on the plane, he orders two whiskeys neat from the gnarly looking steward who eyes him scathingly, and dutifully reminds him that drinks won’t be served until they're in the air, no matter who he is. 
Dieter’s phone vibrates in his hand, and it's his agent wishing him a happy holidays, or some shit.
He replies with the middle finger emoji, before switching it to airplane mode. 
Sulking, Dieter slumps into his spacious booth seat throwing the complimentary, soft fleece blanket over his head. 
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Dieter wakes a few hours later into the flight, the crick in his neck at breaking point and his bowels about to vacate all over the seat unless he goes right now. 
He passes the same steward and asks if they have anything natural for a dicky stomach, and she scoffs at him like he’s the self-entitled prick she assumes him to be. 
He’s not sure why he’s got the shits like lava coming out his ass; he hasn't eaten anything substantial in the last forty-eight hours as he grips onto the toilet seat with vigor.
Once the stomach cramps subside, and he feels like he won’t shit himself on the way back to his seat, he leaves the confines of the bathroom sheepishly and looking somewhat worse for wear. 
Biting back a growl, he sinks into his seat forlorn and weary. 
That is until you approach him and touch his shoulder gently. 
“Here,” you say to him. “I couldn’t help but overhear you're not feeling so hot.”
“Um, yeah.” Dieter says, pulling his sunglasses off completely to get a better look at you.
You, in your neatly pressed uniform and scarf coiled around your neck. You, with your fluttery, kind eyes and a smile that literally steals the breath from his lungs in a quick snap. So much so that he almost chokes.
You, leaning forward into his personal space to put down a bottle of Fiji water and some Imodium in a box you fish from your pocket. 
“Any chance of a diazepam in there?” He asks and you smile. 
“Fraid not. Nervous flyer?”
He shakes his head. “No. No.” He reaches for the box with shaky fingers. “Thank you, honey. You’re really sweet.” Dieter compliments. 
“Dieter, please.” He slaps his hand over his heart, possibly an attempt to mask how hard it’s beating right now.
“You need anything else Mr Bravo, you just ask me, okay?”
He peers at your name tag and looks up at you smirking. 
“Feel better, Dieter.” You wink at him and carry on down the aisle. 
He watches you go, his head poking out, neck craning like a Meerkat as he zones in on your ass.
“Well, shit.” He mumbles to himself and the passenger inside the seat across from him snorts in agreement. 
“Merry fucking Christmas, right?” He says to Dieter, and Dieter can only but raise his cool bottle of water in agreement. 
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“Oh. Easy. Here comes Medusa!”
Dieter snorts, trying to hold his whiskey in his mouth. 
“Well, we’re going to do one of those things at least.” Dieter smirks.
“I think she thinks we’re going to get drunk and cause a riot. Get our dicks out and piss everywhere. Maybe open some airlock doors for shits and giggles.” The passenger opposite him whispers, chortling as the stony faced steward walks past them, giving them a careful stink eye.
They both burst out laughing like little boys as soon as she’s out of earshot.
He can already feel his head getting fuzzy and floaty; well on his way to boarding the train at crunkered-town. Mix that in with hardly any sleep and you’ve a recipe for a drooling, comatose mess right there.
“Did you know it’s absolutely impossible to do that? Open the airlock door mid-flight, I mean? Air pressure and all that shit, man.” The passenger twists the cap off his small wine bottle and pours it out into his plastic tumbler.
“It’s not like the movies.” Dieter agrees.
“No. You’re all a bunch of fucking liars, making us believe that shit. Fucking shame on you, man.” 
“What’s your favourite movie?” Dieter asks. 
“Well it ain’t that Cliff Beasts shit.”
Dieter wheezes as he laughs. 
“Seriously man, what were you thinking?”
“I was high for most of it. Stuck in some fancy British hotel during lockdown.”
“You ever screw that Carol Cobb? Man, I’d love to get me a piece of that ass.”
“Nah. Not my type.” Dieter says, sucking against his teeth and trying not to remember the clusterfuck of his quick divorce from Anika - who seemed exactly his type - after their quick wedding in Vegas.
Turns out she wasn’t an angel at all. More like a crazed, obsessed demon whose PMS tantrums were worse than the Devil’s. Dieter shudders as he literally feels his balls recoil.
“Oldboy.” The passenger says, sipping his wine after a few minutes contemplating.
“Classic Korean viewing for budding serial killers. Are you a budding serial killer, David?” Dieter asks with glassy eyes.
“Depends on what day of the week it is, my friend.” David states. 
They both laugh manically again.
Dieter flops back in his seat; his body turned into his head rest, glancing down the aisle, as he and the stranger, David, who over the last hour or so he’s learned is on his way to a conference, talk and drink merrily. 
Dieter spots you further down the aisle, tending to another passenger when you look up and smile at him.
“Shit man, I gotta take a piss.” Dieter announces, standing up on wobbly legs. 
“Yeah, whatever.” He notices David put some wireless buds in his ears. 
“Shouldn’t use them things, man. EMF.” Dieter says.
“Pffft.” David retorts and waves him off. 
Dieter follows you as you retreat to the galley and smile again before pulling the curtain closed behind you. 
Inside the bathroom, Dieter slaps his face and talks to himself in the mirror.
“Just fucking talk to her, man. Say hello. What, you don’t know how to say hello to anyone? No, that’s fucking stupid… Hello. Hey. Hi. Hi. Hello? Helloooo…? Who the fuck are you man, the Queen? Jesus.” 
After washing up, he retreats out of the bathroom and glances down the aisle where the cabin is slowly dimming as the oncoming night swallows the plane; most people are already catching Z’s.
He glances at the drawn curtain and takes a deep breath. 
Behind the curtain you’re tidying up the galley, when a head pokes through the middle of it, floating there with unkempt fluffy hair and slightly dilated eyes. 
“Mr Bravo.” You greet, with a coy smile. 
“Helloooo.” He says, and then chuckles. 
“Hello.” You repeat back. “Can I help you with anything?” You query as he stumbles through and tries to straighten himself up. 
“I’m good. I’m good.” He looks around the galley. He scratches under his scruffy facial hair, his earring catching the light above, and twinkling at you. “This is a nice place you’ve got here. I like what you’ve done with it.”
You lean against the galley, watching him as he strokes down the shiny metal of the galley doors.
“Are you feeling alright?”
“Who? Me? Never better, honey.” 
“How big are your hands?” You ask, looking at them as he gesticulates wildly with them.
Dieter looks down and makes a fist with his hand before letting it free into a wide, stretched out palm. Silver rings adorn his pointer and pinky.
“Pretty big, I guess.”
“You know what they say about men with big hands...” You remark. 
“What do they say?” He grins.
“Makes their dick look really small.” 
Dieter grins and then wheezes again into a laugh. "God, I fucking hope not."
“Let me see those bad boys.” You reach for his hands and he regards you carefully as you step closer to him.
You hold your hands up to his and he rests both palms flat against yours; his fingers towering over yours ridiculously, and you chuckle, amazed. 
Dieter hooks his fingers over the top of yours and squeezes, smirking.
“You know, I really can’t fucking stand long haul.”
“Yeah?” You ask as you drop your hands.
“Yeah. Loathe it. I suppose you’re used to it though, right?”
“Yeah, I do it a lot. I don’t really notice it that much now.” You shrug.
“Yeah, me too.” He says and you snort.
You busy yourself pouring him some water and place the plastic cup in his hand.
“I’ve enjoyed it this time, though. I suppose I have you to thank for that.” Dieter gasps as he gulps back the water and wipes his lips on the back of his hand. “Sorry, sorry. That sounded so weird."
“No, it didn’t.” You reassure.
"I'm not creepy." He assures, scratching behind his ear.
You smile at one another for a few moments, just starting at each other’s faces quietly until Dieter hiccups. Loudly. 
“You’re kinda cute when you’re drunk.” You say, taking the empty cup from him. 
“Cute enough that you'd want to have sex with me?” He asks, brazenly. 
You scoff and laugh and then look at him biting your lip. “Are you drunk enough that you can’t get it up?”
You watch as he shoves his hand down the front of his pants and gives himself a squeeze. Oh yeah. He’s hard. “Not yet.” 
“So come on then.” You tempt him.
“Here? Right here?” He baulks as he watches you pull your panties down from under your skirt and tuck them in his pocket. “Fuck!” 
“Why not, it's kinda hot, right?”
“Fuck yeah it is-” He’s silenced mid-sentence by your lips pressing onto his, and taking him by complete surprise.
He simply leans forward and plants one on you; his body in the driving seat, and he can only look on from the back seat as he careens into you, right through the windshield.
Dieter pulls away, hovering in front of your face, groaning as your hand cups his cock over his pants, and biting his bottom lip as he pants hungrily.
You kiss him again with a slick smile, and his big hands find their way onto your face. His fingers stroking delicately and feeling your skin under the pads of them and trying to convince himself that you’re real. 
“You are real, right?” He gasps as you suck on his bottom lip. His lips are soft and inviting and so full - especially that damned bottom one. Squidgy like marshmallows, so wet and juicy.
“I’m as real as you want me to be, baby.” You growl sucking his lip harder.
“Mmph, fuck…” He gasps. "It's just, this one time, I got really high and fucked a woman that lived in my mirror. This is happening, right? We’re going to have sex?”
“Yes, Dieter. We’re going to have sex. And I don't live in your mirror.” 
“And you definitely want to have sex with me?” He checks. “You’re not drunk, are you?”
“No,” you giggle. 
"Good, good." He kisses you again, groaning wildly.
It suddenly gets extremely hot, like the plane has just dive bombed right into the sun and Dieter feels it on the back of his neck and down his back. 
You can hear murmuring behind the curtain and it’s the familaral snark of the stony faced steward. You quickly take his hand and seal you both inside the nearest toilet cubicle.
You flick the latch to lock the door behind you; his hands are reaching for your waist as you kiss him hungrily on the lips.
You both clatter backwards; the back of your calves hitting the base of the toilet and him keeping you steady as you lose your balance for a second.
You’re both gasping around your kiss; you’re tugging at his oversized cardigan, and running your hands up under his t-shirt, feeling his paunchy stomach underneath your fingers as they run amok over his skin.
His hands are doing the same, squeezing around your hips and under the back of your shirt before he comes to the front and begins to unbutton it slowly.
You break away from his lips; looking down at his fingers shaking profusely as he does it, his tongue out concentrating on the task.
“Are you okay?” You ask, tilting his chin up to you.
“Yeah. Um…” he drops his hands and sighs. “It’s just, you’re so fucking hot. And I'm... not.”
"Yes you are."
He shakes his head. "I'm a mess, baby."
"A hot mess." You say.
He looks as if he’s about to cry when he stares at your chest as you open your shirt to reveal your bra to him.
Imagine his excitement when it’s one that hooks together in the front and not the back. 
“Oh my God, your tits are fantastic!” Dieter wheezes from the back of his throat, beside himself. “May I?”
You nod, giggling, as he gulps and runs his hands all over your breasts, squeezing and massaging them, before slipping his fingers around the clasp and freeing you.
He begins feeling out your nipples that are wide awake under his rough fingertips; pinching them and twisting them gently. Teasing them and causing the utmost carnage between your legs as he does it.
He can only stare like a dimwit as they heave out; the teenage boy in him having a fit as though he’s seeing mammary glands for the first time in his life.
Look, Dieter. Boobies... heheheee!
You gasp and throw your head backwards as his digits run amok over those erect buds, and he kisses and nips at your neck avidly like a hungry vampire.
You reach out your hand and steady yourself on the sink as he kisses down your collarbone towards your cleavage. He sucks on one of your nipples and you can see him doing it in the grimy mirror too.
Dieter Bravo has my fucking nipple in his mouth! Jesus Christ…
His mouth is suckling enthusiastically, as he groans and pants, and the pull of it, his tongue flicking against it, feels incredible, like electric tingles pulsing through them as he nips on them gently between his teeth.
A delicious throbbing begins to take place inside your clit, making it ache profusely, and your pussy is having a panic attack and breathing into a brown paper bag - completely over-hyped and overwhelmed.
“Mmm.” You whine.
“Are you enjoying that?” He asks, eagerly. "Is it nice?"
“Yeah, baby. Feels so good when you play with my tits.” 
“Fuck,” he gulps, giddy and starts to grin. 
You smirk, biting your lip. 
"What else can I play with?" Dieter asks, giddy somewhat.
You run your hands through his already messy hair, tugging it lightly, as he does the same heinous act to the other nipple, and looks up at you with blown mesmeric eyes as he murmurs contentedly around your nipple. 
“Mmm, Dieter.” You mouth to him. “I need you to fuck me.”
“Mm, I need to feel your big, fat cock fill me up, baby.”
“Want me giving it to you?”
“Yeah. Want everyone to hear you make me scream as you pump me full. Let me go back out there with your come dripping down my legs.”
“Oh… Shit. You're naughty, aren't you?" He grins.
"Bad to the bone, sweetie." You smirk.
He then kisses slowly up your clavicle like a snake slithering towards you, hypnotising you in the process with wide pupils and a crooked grin, heading back towards your mouth where he swamps you again.
“I-I need a minute.” Dieter says, pulling back.
You reach down and grope his swollen cock over his pants, rubbing and jerking slowly as you swallow his moans that intensify around your tongue as you pump.
He whines, shuddering, hips bucking into your grip enthusiastically before stalling with a heavy grunt.
“You okay?” You query, bemused.
“Yeah I just… I might’ve…” he looks a little sheepish and embarrassed. 
“Did you just come?” You ask, stroking through his greying, fluffy hair and he pushes his forehead to your chest and groans loudly. 
“Hey, it's alright. It’s kinda hot actually.” 
“Is it?” He winces. 
He pulls his pants down and his thick cock is sticky and covered in himself. He's still half hard and you can work with that. 
You push him back gently so he’s sitting on the toilet, seat down. “Show me.”
"Show me the mess you've made." You prompt.
“I’m sorry… this doesn’t usually happen.” He lies. It happens all the time, especially when he’s half cut. Which is, you know, all the time. 
“Sssh, baby. Let me take care of you.” You crouch down between his legs, pick up his softening cock and place it between your tits.
"Can I suck it?" You ask licking your lips.
“Jesus Christ…” He groans, watching as you pump him with your breasts.
It squelches, his creamy ejaculate in the deep trench of your cleavage as his flush cock is massaged slowly back to life by your mounds.
"Fuck..." he groans, watching you.
"Oh, I would love you to, baby." Dieter gasps.
He holds his crumpled t-shirt up, revealing more of his soft tummy spread and slotted belly button, as you run your tongue up the hard length of him.
He whines out as he slides fully into your mouth. His hands are thrown up on the back of the wall behind the toilet, pressed flat as you hoover up his cock with intense grit.
He grunts out a fantastic noise that gives your scalp prickles as he fills your whole mouth with his length and girth, fully hard again.
His rolling eyes search up to the ceiling as his hips move in time with you as you slurp him up and down.
You’re taking him in further with each suck, and he can feel himself at the back of your throat, tickling against your uvula and gag reflex.
“Okay, we need to fuck or I’m going to come again.” He pants. “Please.”
“You’re cute when you beg, Dieter.” You say, tonguing over his head.
“I’ll get on my fucking knees on this filthy piss stained floor if that’s what it takes!" 
You pull him up on his feet as the intense, wondrous feeling travels the length of his cock.
He slips his hand between your legs and slides his fingers across the slit of your pussy; feeling how wet you are before he pushes two of them up inside you. Although, wet is an understatement; it’s like a tsunami has just hit. 
Swirling his thumb over your clit, you gasp, feeling those fingers, thick and wriggling, in the slick oil inside your fleshy walls. You moan out as he begins sucking on one of your nipples again.
“Fuck, you’re soaking all over my fingers.” He groans as he pushes them in you deeply.
"Mmm, it's all you, Dieter." You see him blush and it makes you soar. "You're so hot."
"I am?"
"Yeah. So fucking hot."
The feel of his fingers furrowing inside you makes you dizzy and weak. You reach for his cock and pump him slowly inside your hand.
His mouth is like an engulfing vortex that you’d happily dive into, and be cast off into oblivion forever. A deep choking is felt in your throat as you gasp out around his pert lips, struggling for breath.
"Let me fuck you, how shall we do it?" He whines.
You smirk and simply sit him down on the lid again, straddling him and sliding down onto that bulging cock of his.
You both groan out as you slip yourself over him and begin riding him slowly and deeply.
He utters out a deep, guttural groan inside your ear.
Despite him being a bit of a mess, his cock is impressive as you feel it bottom out.
“Fuck, Dieter!” You gasp as he utterly fills you up to the point that you’re the fullest you’ve ever been. That feeling you get when you’ve had way too much fucking pie and if you move you might split and spill out the sides. 
"Damn, you have a big cock, baby." You grin at him.
“Oh God, this pussy is so tight.” Dieter whines.
You’re snug, tight fitting around him; pinching slightly, but you will yourself to sit all the way down on him - wanting every inch of him - and rocking your hips around him in a steady rhythm. Round and round, and up and down…
“Shit…” He puffs and you can see him clench.
“Don’t come, Dieter.” You warn gently. You’re nowhere near close yet. 
He blows out through his cheeks. “I… fuck. Feels too good.”
“Don’t. Come. Dieter.” You repeat, working a little harder, feeling your clit rub deliciously in the bundle of fuzzy hairs at the base of him. 
“Please…” He whines. 
You shake your head as you whine. 
“Please baby, let me fill you up.” 
Dieter utters out a small groan again to you through his puffy lips. You can’t abnegate yourself away from biting down hard on the bottom one, and sucking it between your lips.
“Not yet. Hold onto it.” You instruct.
"I can't, fuck-"
You pinch his nipples, hard. "Yes. You can. Hold it, Dieter."
“Ah, ow!” He whines as you feel his fingers dig into your hips. 
He smirks at you as you kiss him again as you wind yourself up and down on him whilst he grabs and gropes at your ass and moves you around on him too.
The sounds from the wetness of your cunt sliding up and down on his cock can be heard around the toilet cubicle like fine music, your mutual gasps leading the vocals.
“Does that feel good?” Dieter croons to you as you whine and mewl around him. “My cock inside you, hmm? Am I doing good, baby?”
You nod and smile at him. “So fucking good.”
He kisses your breasts again as you lean back; your hands on his broad shoulders fisting inside the wool of his cardigan. His own large hands supporting your back.
After a few minutes, he stands up with you and sits you on the cold metal sink, pushing his dick up into you faster.
“Aah fuck, Dieter!” You cry out and then realise that it’s probably too loud and wonder if anyone in the cabin has heard it, as you both enrol in membership at the Mile High Club.
Dieter fucks you harder; moving in and out of your pussy with the rolls of his hips like he's winding a hula hoop around his waist; looking down and watching himself do it too. Seeing your sticky juices coating his dick in a slick honey and making it squelchy good.
“Fuck me harder, Dieter. Don’t come.” You rasp to him.
“You want it hard?” He wheezes. “Turn around, baby.”
He’s pushing you forward as far as the confined space will allow you to go over and enters you from behind. 
“Oh shit!” You pant as he fucks you harder at your command.
“Like that? Is this how you want it?"
You can feel yourself soaring; that intense, pleasurable moment where all the building reaches its peak and starts to spill over. Unwinding like a coil, snapping back like an elastic band; a nuclear bomb destroying a small city. 
He can see your face in the mirror; lips parted through your pants, eyes staring back at him as he fuck you into high Heaven. At thirty-seven odd thousand feet, you’re not that far off from it, to be fair. 
"Oh God... fuck, baby! I can't hold on much longer!" He pants. "Your pussy feels too good."
“Ah yeah!” You mewl through a long, drawn out gasp, coming hard as fuck. “Come for me, Dieter!”
Dieter’s orgasm face is legendary; eyes rolling so far into the back of his head like he’s been possessed by demons. His mouth is making a small O as he sucks in hisses and breathes out grunts slowly through his bliss.
“Fuck, I’m coming, baby!” He splashes out inside of you, filling you up with that hot, salty goop, and it’s already beginning to drip out the sides of your pussy as you come around him. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"
Waiting for the delicious cream pie when he slides out of you and watches as his ejaculate sluices down your cunt.
A few slow thrusts and twitches as he empties out, and Dieter leans forward and trails tired kisses up the side of your neck; coming down from the high and feeling that his legs are now shaky, unsteady stalks.
“We just had sex,” you can hear him smirk and chortle inside your ear.
“We did.” You agree. 
“We just had fucking hot sex in the sky.” He sighs and his weight feels heavier against you. 
You giggle as he nuzzles into you.
"You're really beautiful, fuck..." he says, gazing at your reflections in the dull mirror.
He reaches into his pocket for your panties after you clean yourselves up.
"So are you." You kiss his scruffy cheek as he blushes.
"No. Really?"
You nod. "A beautiful disaster."
He hums into your shoulder and plants a row of smooches there to bloom into something pretty.
“Keep them. Early Christmas present.” You say. 
He kisses over your face eagerly and growling as you giggle again.
"I like that sound." Dieter says into your face.
"I like some of the sounds you make, too." You smile, kissing on his nose.
“Ladies first…” He gestures to you after a few more minutes of canoodling.
“You just want to look at my ass.” You whisper to him as you unlock the door.
“It’s like you know me so well already,” Dieter remarks, smirking.
He simply grins at you, and you’re not wrong. He remembers squeezing those cheeks as you rode on his cock and it makes him giddy at the recall.
Dieter slips back into his seat breathing out and relaxing.
You slip out of the toilet cubicle first, making sure the coast is clear, before he follows a few minutes afterwards. Taking some time to adjust his messy hair in the mirror and smirking to his own reflection.
You called him beautiful, and he can't stop his pink cheeks from pulling tight into a jaw aching beam.
“Must’ve been some fucking piss, man.” David says from the adjacent seat. 
Dieter simply grins wider. 
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The plane touches down at Lynden Pindling International Airport in the Bahamas a few hours later, with a bumpy landing that rattles Dieter’s stomach to the core.
He’s slept a little, and that makes him feel worse somehow. At this point, he certainly looks like he’s been snorting drugs all night as he blinks through wretchedly dry eyes.
With his bag, he makes his way down the aisle towards the open cabin door, but lingers as he spots you in the galley.
You turn to see him, bent over as you zip up your case and he’s staring at your ass smirking, knowing that your panties are still bunched up in his pocket. 
“So…” He says, sunglasses back on and fumbling around his words. 
“So.” You echo, standing upright. “Don’t be weird, Mr Bravo.” You muse and he laughs. 
“I’m not. Sorry. Sorry.”
After a few, heavy lingering moments you speak first. “I guess this is goodbye, then?” You say. 
“I guess.” Dieter says, with a frown brewing, adjusting his bag on his shoulder and pouts.
“Listen, this is dumb and I’m expecting you to say no, but I have a two day layover before I have to fly back and I’m staying at-”
“Yes!” Dieter interrupts.
You baulk.
“I mean, carry on.” He says, smiling. 
You laugh. “I was going to suggest maybe you’d wanna buy me dinner?”
“Well, we can start with dinner. And more sex.” You clarify. 
“Sure. I’d like that.” Dieter nods, smiling. “I’d kinda do anything for you right now.” He mumbles bashfully. 
"Anything, huh?" You quip with a smile.
"Anything." He reiterates, nodding.
“Fuck. Yeah. Definitely more sex.” He nods like his neck is broken and can’t stop. 
He walks down the steps off the plane after you, and Dieter spots another Christmas tree twinkling in the terminal, and thinks that this might be a good fucking Christmas after all. 
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thefangirlfever · 6 months
Updated Fanfiction Masterlist
Started: 22/9/23
Updated: 17/6/2024
Total work: 43
Most of these fanfictions are Across the Spider-Verse related and revolve around the character of Miguel O'hara. I will update this masterlist as much as possible.
SFW fanfiction:
The Nightmare: Miguel has a nightmare and reader comforts him (angst)
The Monster : Miguel is hurt after a fight and he needs some help, something he usually refuses, because he is ashamed of his features. (angst)
In this lifetime: When Miguel had jumped into an other dimension to replace his variant, he had not expected life to be so different… (angst, romance, fluff)
NSFW fanfiction: (MDNI)
Trapped in a web : Miguel and reader are two spider-people in a relationship. They both know this relationship is impossible since they don’t belong in the same universe, but that doesn’t stop them from loving each other.
Workaholic : You and Miguel are both Spider people and you might be more attracted to one another than you acknowledge it. Things take an interesting turn during one night in his office...
Trick or Treat : One of your friends throw a Halloween Party and you meet a seducing masked guest. You both end up doing the monster (s)mash.
Four walls : You and Miguel are dating while working in the same company. What could go wrong when you are both needy, frustrated and find each other alone in an elevator?
A new beginning : Miguel and you are married for more than a year and life has been kinda hectic with all your work. One day he comes home and after seeing Peter B. Parker with Mayday all day, Miguel has only one thing in his mind… Getting you pregnant.
The unknown destination : Miguel found himself lost in the multiverse. He ends up in an alternative dimension filled with strange flowers.
Good morning : Since you and Miguel had been married, he’s been rocking a dad bod, not that it bothers you…
Control freak : Miguel is a control freak but there might be one place where he lets you take control…
Let me keep you warm : What would happen if the two of you spend the night in a cabin during a snow storm?
180 Degrees : A very self-indulgent piece of smut involving Miguel...and Peter.
The first time : Reader and Miguel have their first time together. (FTM Miguel)
Merry Christmas : You usually despise coming back home for the Holidays. You either get unwanted comments or questions about your job, you appearance, your love life… But this year, things are different. Your boyfriend is here with you and he is going to make you feel good.
Miguel O'hara! firefighter: the cute firefighter you're dating hid from you that he took part to a steamy photoshoot for a firefighter's calendar.
Halloween headcanons: SFW, fluff
Boyfriend Miguel helps you relax after your finals: fluff and smut
Miguel O'Hara and bimbo's girlfriend: SFW, a bit suggestive, fluff
Miguel O'hara! firefighter: the cute firefighter you're dating hid from you that he took part to a steamy photoshoot for a firefighter's calendar.
Dad bod! Miguel imagine: smut, suggestive
The Nanny serie: part 1 (fluff, domestic fluff and angst), part 2 (smut, suggestive), part 3 (fluff, suggestive), part 4 (smut)
DBF! Miguel:
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
headcanon 1,
headcanon 2
headcanon 3
Smut headcanon
Stress Relief: (18+, NSFW)
Part 1: Sometimes the best way to relax is a good drink, a bath, your favorite toy...and your boyfriend...
Part 2: When your boyfriend has to travel for his job, you both have to find an other way to relieve all the tension…
Part 3: a date night with Miguel turns heated when you bring out a special board-game...
Other characters:
Into deep waters, NSFW, Jacob Holland (18+)
~~I also take requests.
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kkginfo · 2 years
Puri Ratha Yatra: Today is Jagannath's Ratha Yatra. | KKG INFO
Puri Ratha Yatra: Today is Jagannath’s Ratha Yatra. | KKG INFO
Jagannath Ratha Yatra is a very popular Hindu festival in Puri, Odisha. This festival is held on the second day of Shukla Paksha every year in June or July. This year the festival falls on 1st July. A large number of devotees from foreign countries had come to participate in this Ratha Yatra. Puri Ratha Yatra: The famous Ratha Yatra festival of Jagannath, the holy place of Puri in Odisha, is to…
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crissiebaby · 7 months
Nursery Alone
DISCLAIMER: This story contains humiliation, diaper usage, inappropriate language, and other ABDL themes. I hope you all have a very merry Criss-Mas!
“Merry Christmas to me. Ho ho ho.”
With a trash bag full of perfectly wrapped presents slung over his shoulder, Nick was certainly no saint. It wasn’t his fault that so many families decided to travel on Christmas Eve, leaving a houseful of goodies completely unattended. Tossing the bag into the back of his van, he quickly hopped in the driver seat and sped off into the night toward his next big score.
“Alright, 117 Sycamore Street, you’re off the list,” said Nick, biting the cap of a Sharpie and crossing a line through the second to last house on his list. Having only one house to go, he was foaming at the mouth to get home as soon as possible. After all, with so many presents, he was ready to have the best Christmas morning ever.
Parking a little over a block away, Nick was cautious to make sure that his car was never seen near the scene of the crime. As much as he resented the extended walk through the brisk night air, it was a necessary evil. Running through the backyards of several houses, he finally arrived at his destination.
1387 Chestnut Drive. This was the house that he was perhaps the most excited about. It was an old Victorian house that had been preserved to the point where it looked damn near brand new. Anyone with enough money to blow on a vanity project had to be loaded. Sprinting to the side of the house, he made sure the coast was clear before launching into step one of his plan: breaking in undetected. After casing the neighborhood for several weeks, he knew no one was home but it never hurt to be cautious.
Looking up at the side of the house, Nick spotted the perfect entry point. There was a double window half a story up from the driveway with only a simple wedge lock keeping it close. One quick swipe of his pocket knife and he’d have that lock open easily. Stepping up onto a nearby trash can, he brandished his knife, ready to bust that lock wide open.
*CRASH!!* Suddenly, the lid of the trash can broke out from under his feet, sending him straight down into the half-full canister. In his panic to escape, the trash can tipped over onto its side, causing the incredibly squishy contents of the garbage pail to spill all over him. Crawling out of the trash, he was finally able to see what had made for such a mushy landing. Dozens of yellow and brown diapers, all perfectly wrapped up to hold the messy loads inside.
Nick nearly gagged as he brushed away any of the dirty diapers that clung to him. To his dismay, while he’d avoided getting any major stains on his clothes, his shoes were utterly destroyed thanks to the urine-filled diapers that he’d unwittingly squashed. Quickly, he picked up the diapers that had fallen out, holding his breath the entire time, and pushed the trashcan back into place, hoping to recover from this minor annoyance.
The soles of Nick’s shoes squelched with every step as he rounded the back of the house searching for another way in. Luckily, he found his solution in the form of a thin basement that lined the ground. Sliding off his dampened shoes, he pushed the window open as wide as it would go and crawled in head first.
*SNAG* However, as Nick pulled his stomach through, he found that his black jeans had gotten caught on a sharp piece of bent metal, leaving him caught between a rock and a hard place. Groaning, he reached back and unbuckled his pants, falling forward as he slid out of his trousers.
Mercifully, Nick’s landing was a soft one as he fell onto a plush mattress. He quickly stood up, hoping to retrieve his pants, only to discover that they were torn and covered in melted snow and mud. Wearing them inside at this point would leave more evidence of his presence, forcing him to abandon them with his shoes. “Guess that makes me the underwear burglar,” he said under his breath, chuckling at how ridiculous his misfortune was.
Looking around the basement, Nick was shocked to find himself standing in a crib in the middle of a baby nursery. From his research, the owners of this place didn’t have any kids. Maybe they were expecting? But then how would that explain the used diapers? Pushing his curious thoughts aside, he decided not to care and press onward.
Climbing up onto the side of the crib, Nick found that it was surprisingly taller than he would’ve guessed, requiring some extra effort. As he straddled the top white bar, he let out a sigh. With as much trouble as this house was giving him, it had better be worth it.
*creeeeeeeak* *CRASH!!*
In the few seconds that Nick had been perched on the crib bars, his weight had managed to snap the thin, wooden block that kept the bars in place, forcing them downward abruptly. He toppled to the ground, landing hard on his back and forcing the air out of his lungs. “Ooh, my hip,” he moaned, recoiling in pain.
As Nick recovered on the floor, an interesting development was happening just above his head. The shaking that had been brought on by his sudden fall had also caused the neighboring dresser to rattle. Stationed on the edge of the dresser was a bright pink pacifier, which wobbled back and forth for a few seconds before tipping off the side and falling directly into Nick’s open mouth.
“MMMMMF!” shouted Nick from behind the large, rubber nipple that gravity had shoved between his lips. He instantly spit the binky out before wiping his mouth off on his sleeve, leaving behind an odd aftertaste of artificial strawberries. “Fucking nasty. Anything else wanna go wrong tonight?” He got to his feet, his anger steadily rising with each misfortune.
However, before Nick could put the binky nonsense behind him, his mouth began to tingle most strangely. Spotting where the pacifier had previously been positioned, he noticed a bottle of clear liquid sitting next to it with a label that read, “CrissBaby Paci Lovers Gel. Strawberry Flavored.” It didn’t take a genius to figure out what that meant.
Nick may not have been one of those weird diaper lovers he’d seen popping up in the news but he knew enough about the CrissBaby Diaper Company to know how dangerous their products could be. Case and point, the reaction that was currently happening between his ringing teeth. With each second that passed, the craving to suck on something, anything grew stronger. In a desperate attempt to stem the oral buzzing, he dropped to his knees and shoved the pacifier back into his mouth. The relief he felt was massive, at least until the realization of his actions kicked in.
Letting out a painfully long breath of air through his nose, Nick glared at the bottle of pacifier gel that had brought on this oral fixation. This was no longer just some random house anymore. This was personal. With the paci between his lips, he got back to his feet, ready to rob this place blind.
Moving toward the staircase, Nick made his way upstairs where he expected a vast array of presents to be waiting for him. However, as he planted his foot on the second step, he made contact with a doll that had been left out of the toy box, causing him to twist his ankle and fall backward. As he fell, his long-sleeve black shirt caught on the edge of the railing, ripping it off of his body in one swift motion. 
“AGGGGHHHHH!!!” Nick screamed, forgetting where he was for a brief moment as he mourned over his aching ankle. Hobbling to his feet, he moved to retrieve his shirt only to find it more shredded than his pants were. The torso was torn through completely, rendering it useless.
Now only in his underwear, Nick knew he couldn’t expect to carry out the rest of the robbery completely nude. He needed to find a set of clothes to change into and pronto. Side-stepping the stupid doll, he bolted upstairs, slamming the door to the nursery basement behind him.
As he searched for a bedroom, Nick passed through the living room, where he was reminded of why he was here in the first place. Mountains of presents stacked taller than him were scattered around a grand Christmas tree. His mouth watered at the prospect of pilfering so many carefully wrapped gifts. Specifically, it was the massive one that was as large as a motorcycle that caught his eye. While he wasn’t certain it could fit in the van, he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to try.
Putting aside his material wants, Nick knew that sunrise was only an hour or so away. There was no time to waste. Moving to the second floor, he managed to find what had to be the master bedroom and went straight for the walk-in closet. To his dismay, all he found in the closet were women’s clothes, petite women’s clothes at that. Well…almost all of the clothes, at least.
Hung up in the back corner of the closet was a small selection of girly adult baby clothes that were perfectly his size. Initially, Nick pushed the idea of wearing something so ridiculous out of his mind. However, the moment he felt a cool breeze send a chill down his spine, he knew he couldn’t make it back to the van in just his undies. Quickly sifting through the collection, he winced as he picked out what he deemed to be the least babyish and least girly: a powder blue fleece onesie with long sleeves.
Pulling the onesie up his legs, Nick hated how nice the warm, soft fleece felt on his frigid, bare legs. Yanking the onesie up to his thighs, he quickly slipped his arms into the fuzzy sleeves and zipped up the back, sealing himself inside. As soon as he took one step in the gaudy outfit, he knew something was off. Lo and behold, there was a cloth waddle spreader that had sneakily been sewn inside the seat of the onesie, forcing his legs apart as if he were wearing an actual diaper. With more time and more marbles, he would’ve put something else on. But seeing how the night was progressing, he just didn’t care anymore. “Are you happy? I’m a baby now,” he said mockingly to the heavens as he looked down at his pathetic attire.
Returning to the living room, Nick marched right up to the ginormous present he’d set his sights on earlier. As humiliating as this final house had been, it was all going to be worth it. Crouching down, he placed his arms around the giant gift and tried to lift it, discovering that it was much too heavy to move. “Oh no, you don’t!” he said, influenced by his own sunk-cost fallacy. Putting his back into it, he gave one last attempt at moving the centerpiece present.
Accidentally using a little too much strength, the paper wrapping shredded as Nick pulled upward, causing him to fall back on his padded rump. “Owwie…c’mon,” he grumbled, rubbing his sore hiney. Shaking off the minor fall, he turned his attention back to the task at hand, only for his jaw to drop upon discovering what the massive present really was.
“The CrissBaby Walker Pro?” said Nick, reading the label on the side of the device. He balled up his fists as his rage hit a boiling point. Shrouded in tattered wrapping paper was a first-of-its-kind, adult baby walker, brought to you by the CrissBaby Diaper Company. For those in the ABDL community, it was the hottest ticket item of the holiday season. For Nick, though, it was a shrine to how horribly this final caper had gone.
Moving to the other presents, Nick tore into several of them, finding that all of them were filled with adult baby crap. “Oh, for fuck sake!” he yelled in a blind fury. After everything he’d been through to get to this point, to realize it had all been for nothing was the last straw. He kicked a large stack of presents like a spoiled child, sending them flying across the room before proceeding to demolish as much of the festive decor as possible.
Stepping up to the Walker Pro one last time, Nick attempted to flip the machine onto its side, hoping to damage it to the point of breaking. Unfortunately, the device was still too heavy for him to lift, resulting in an embarrassing display of failed bravado. As a last resort, he swung his foot at one of the metal legs, hurting his ankle again in the process.
A robotic voice echoed out from the mechanical device, causing Nick’s heart to drop. “Oh no,” he mumbled, knowing deep within his soul that this could not end well.
Before Nick had time to react, a set of robotic arms sprouted out from the sides of the Walker Pro, tearing away the last of the wrapping paper in the process. The arms quickly locked onto Nick’s position and converged on him, snatching him off of his feet with ease. “Lemme go, you stupid machine! I’m not a real baby!” he screamed to no avail. 
The Walker Pro plopped Nick inside its springy basket, forcing him up onto his tippy-toes as he bobbed up and down. He grabbed onto the edging, hoping to hoist himself out immediately. Sadly, the arms of the Walker Pro were ready for that, latching onto his wrists and nudging him back into his seat.
Stuck within the Walker Pro’s steely clutches, Nick was helpless to do anything more than suck on his pacifier and wait for whoever owned this house to return. Folding his arms across his chest in a huff, he felt his stomach start to gurgle ominously, reminding him of the bean burrito he’d eaten a few houses back. Hopefully, whoever owned this place showed up before he turned the fake diaper he was wearing into a real one. “Merry Christmas to me…ho ho ho…”
Heyyo! If you enjoyed last year's Christmas special, please consider subscribing to my brand-new SubscribeStar! We have over 300 exclusive chapters, stories, and art pieces available at subscribestar.adult/crissiebaby 💕💜
Edited by AllySmolShork
SubscribeStar: subscribestar.adult/crissiebaby pixivFANBOX: crissiebaby.fanbox.cc All CB Links: linktr.ee/crissiebaby
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BeelzeDerBock BlossomBitchDolly BlushyBen Exminister Gun1242 LittlePissy PrincessKittenLizzi Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca & One Anonymous Investor
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“don’t forget to like and subscribe!”
genshin youtubers au
characters included: childe, xiangling, nahida, 5wirl (aether, venti, xiao, kazuha & heizou), & kaeya
Childe (can be read as platonic or romantic)
100% a sweaty gaming streamer
he unironically owns a minecraft themed bed im SORRY
is really sweet to the fan artists in his community and hypes them up IMMENSELY
would wear a maid dress for a sub goal
i feel like his community would be like medium size with people who donate a LOT of money and subs
mainly on twitch, uploads complications from streams on youtube but no original content
streams late at night or super early in the morning even though he has nothing to do during the normal hours of the day, his neighbors hate his guts
would definitely be the type to show you off to chat
if you’re dating this man say goodbye to a normal sleep schedule you’re never getting it back
would unironically give you his merch for christmas
posts the worst takes on twitter, for the love of all that is sacred take control of his main account
unironically has called you his little pogchamp
Xiangling (platonic) 
has a really cute cooking channel with a cute like animated chibi intro. gouba is the channel mascot and the design on every piece of merch
has the most aesthetic kitchen and posts a new tour/tutorial whenever she renovates it
occasionally posts videos from the kitchen of her dad’s restaurant and/or videos with her dad and they’re the most wholesome thing ever
being her friend or roommate instantly means being in at least one video to taste test
if you can’t cook she definitely tests out tutorials on you and asks for your advice on how to explain stuff
and if you can cook she definitely asks you to participate in friendly cooking competitions or challenges with her (her food is always better but she’s a sweetheart about it)
Nahida (platonic)
wholesome toy review channel
in my soul she has a hyperfixation on toy production so despite her young age her reviews are lowkey mad informative and oddly insightful
especially favors puzzle games and those fake pet toys (i had one of a cat growing up and i loved mr whiskers with my heart and soul)
tries to edit her videos herself, but eventually her big sibling (you) edits them while she watches and makes suggestions
you manage the ‘business’ side of the channel, like helping decide which toys to review and where to get them and manage any sponsorships and explain what those mean (she picks it up real fast though)
i imagine teucer also has a two review channel so the two would become friends while reader & childe are jokingly in a rivalry (or at least reader takes it as a joke, child is very 50/50)
Aether (romantic or platonic)
wholesome travel blogger who people keep trying to beat in subscriber count before deciding to become his friend
i imagine the abyss is like a company that tried to sponsor aether but he refused because the company was against his morals, and like the fauti are another company that has the same situation going on
enjoys showing people the best places to go in different countries and how to save lots of money while doing so
paimon is definitely his younger sister or like close enough friend that they’re basically siblings who goes with him and is really good with languages so she helps aether out
didn’t really have a set house anywhere and would just edit in hotel rooms or friends’ houses until he formed the youtube group 5wirl and they live together in a big house
people were worried about what his content would be during quarantine so he switched to making content with 5wirl and playing variety games while also still making content about how he plans his next destinations and stuff
definitely plays geoguesser he’s been everywhere he’s a god at it
literally collabs with everyone he’s so friendly, being with him would be a bit frustrating because at least before 5wirl you’re always going to be moving around but he treats you like royalty
most aesthetic instagram feed in the UNIVERSE, has to be convinced to post rare pictures of himself
venti (romantic or platonic)
first member of 5wirl! he’s a cover channel and his wind spirit form is his channel icon
either does the most beautiful cover you’ve ever heard or the most cursed parody in existence it’s always a toss up
LOVES fan artists and always commissions different artists to do the thumbnail for his covers and they’re gorgeous
another person to take twitter away from he only posts when he’s drunk
keeps forgetting to post when he’s about to go live so update accounts have to do it for him and his stream always crashes from the sudden influx of people
does drunk streams with kaeya and has a separate vods channel
chat first finds out about your existence during a drunk stream and you just awkwardly come in like “hi” 🧍🏻
first interaction with aether was when aether raided him on twitch and eventually they exchanged discords and became friends
dvalin is venti’s editor who remain anonymous
if you even jokingly mention you want venti to sing/play a song he’ll drop everything to do it for you
only plays any sort of video game on stream or in a video with xiao
xiao (romantic or platonic)
was convinced by venti to join 5wirl
xiao & venti first interacted with each other at a convention like vidcon and venti made up an intro song to go with his starting soon screen and they started to talk more
the first youtube person xiao would talk about you to is venti but he doesn’t let venti talk to you until he has to convince venti you’re real and not just an excuse to not hang out or call-
mostly plays horror games on stream, literally nothing startles this man he’s always sitting there like :| while venti is screaming his lungs out
he used to be in a youtube group with the other yakshas but they all decided to quit doing youtube or streaming and therefore xiao was super hesitant to join 5wirl but you & venti worked together to convince him to give it a shot
fucked up sleep schedule, has a really cool stream setup
kazuha (romantic or platonic)
1/2 of a buzzfeed unsolved true crime style channel with heizou, the two joined 5wirl at the same time
it’s a little different of a format, basically heizou does research of unsolved cases and presents his theories while kazuha does research on solved cases and heizou tries to figure out who the culprit was
likes to play music games as well, i headcannon that he has perfect pitch so he likes to do perfect pitch tests on stream (he has ‘beef’ with venti because they both have perfect pitch and do perfect pitch contests on stream and shit)
very aesthetic instagram, he occasionally collabs with aether to do some travel style stuff every once in a while to take a break as to not get burnt out from just doing the same content style
does solo content on the shared channel with heizou where he plays survival style games and shows off his fencing skills
kazuha has a fucked up sleep schedule but it wouldn’t affect you since he’s always mindful of his volume
tomo used to be the channel editor until he decided to go to film school and didn’t have anymore time so kazuha & heizou take turns editing with your aid
likes to play animal crossing on stream with you or team survival games like raft and always makes sure that if only one of you can survive it’s going to be you
likes to play minecraft on stream but only with other people, prefers survival to creative
heizou (romantic or platonic)
1/2 of shared channel with kazuha, it was originally his idea and he brought it up to kazuha because they were friends in highschool and thought at the very least it’d be a nice way to reconnect
when kazuha is on break for solo content he likes to play murder mystery games or invites you, xiao & venti (since heizou & aether are out filming travel content) to play clue with him. does he always win? yes. but it’s still really fun since venti likes to get very into his assigned persona/character and you do the same :)
also likes to do quizzes on the internet of like reading facial/body language and is INSANELY good at it
gets easily distracted from researching unsolved cases so you always help him stay focused and do research and he’s eternally grateful for that
doesn’t particularly enjoy playing jackbox games or any group variety stuff unless it’s with you & anyone from 5wirl
doesn’t really collab with sara but the two are friends and hang out at cons
always ropes you into acting in videos with kazuha that give people tips to remain safe in any sort of situation and not get taken advantage of
kaeya (romantic or platonic)
when not doing drunk streams with venti and occasionally rosaria he’s a fashion youtuber 100%
loves roasting subscriber outfits and also covers the history of trends
lovingly makes fun of his friends’ fashion sense but it’s all in good fun
makes sure whenever you go with him to cons y’all are the best dressed
the knights of favonius are a talent/management agency and aether is called an honorary knight because while he’s not part of the agency he does collab with a lot of their members
most stylish and lowkey youtuber merch
claims to be diluc’s brother, no one believes him and think he only says that so dawn winery can sponsor him and send him wine
usually has a good sleep schedule, but all his drunk streams are always at like 2 am so good luck with dealing with his hangover
the morning after drunk streams are always hell for the both of you
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snowblossomreads · 2 years
Mistletoe Miracle
Summary: In where [Y/n] takes her chance in conveying how she really feels. (Prompt 5 Mistletoe and Secrets)
Pairing: Colonel Brandon x FemReader
Warning(s): age gap, one paragraph of angst at the most, and probably terrible old English dialogue but you know :D!
Word Count: 3.4K (How did that happen?)
A/N: Whoop whoop! A new story for Rickmas with the prompt secrets and mistletoe, and a new character that I've never written for! This is my first time writing for the sensitive soul that is Colonel Brandon so I hope this is alright. I also had a ball writing this apparently as the word count shocked me after I got done lol. Anyways happy reading!
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[Y/n] knew that her fixation on a man a decade and a half older than her was foolish and would most definitely lead to heartbreak if she tried to pursue it. Not only that, but what would the gossip in town be like if they were to become something of an item?
Would they paint him as some sort of immoral older man preying on a younger woman and her nativity or her as a money hungry seductress? And what of her dear brother? Frankly, she believed he would have a heart attack knowing his young sister was most infatuated with someone he served with in the East Indies. 
But she couldn’t help it! For heaven’s sake, who wouldn’t fall in love with a man such as Colonel Brandon? Every time he came around to converse with her brother she couldn’t help but try to listen in as his voice was most enchanting. It was low like the faraway rumble of thunder, and so dark sounding for a man that seemed to have such a sensitive soul yet it was so soothing that she couldn’t help but be drawn to him. 
And never would he dismiss her whenever she would intrude to ask him questions ranging from his travels to literature, to how the renovations were progressing at his estate. Instead, he was patient, answering all her questions, feeding into her curiosity about everything and anything that she asked about, never once seeming annoyed by it.
He had even been so kind as to gift her an early edition of a book they had been discussing as a late birthday present when he had come to visit once and found her family celebrating.
“For you Ms.[Y/n], I hope you do not think poorly of me for not giving this to you earlier. Had I known your birthday had been the same day as my visit I would have presented it to you then.”
She was sure she had fallen absolutely and irrevocably in love with him at that moment. And oh how she could just gush all day about him if it wasn’t for the fact that other than her best friend and confidant Adeline, no one else knew of her secret adoration for the colonel. She was much too afraid to admit how she felt, fearful she would be shot down and left in tears. 
But she couldn’t hide this secret for much longer, no. Not when her parents had begun to talk even more about suitors for her as she was well past the age of living with them. So when her family received an invitation from the colonel to come and join him and some friends for an early Christmas celebration at Delaford she had almost burst at the seams.
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“Oh Addie what am I to do!” [Y/n] cried desperately, laying her head on her dear friend's shoulder as they neared closer to their destination of the colonel’s estate.  “If I could simply tell him I truly feel. Even if he rejects me, at least the knowledge of my trying would comfort me if I had to wed another. But to not know, to hold it in, it has become too much I think.”
“Really it would comfort you?” Adeline questioned, her eyebrows lifting up just slightly as if she was feigning surprise before continuing with a stark, “truth be told I think you be quicker brought to tears more than anything with how much you fancy him. I still don’t understand what you see in him though [Y/n] he’s so…old.”
[Y/n] jerked back almost as if her friend had called her old and not the colonel. She felt personally offended at that as she didn’t consider Brandon old, sure he was older but definitely not old!
“He is not old! Just older, and so what? He is so wise and gentle and I bet that is what makes you assume he is old.”
“If that’s what you think.” Adeline shrugged watching as her friend swooned a little before speaking again, this time her tone taking on a much warmer and caring quality. “But truly [Y/n] if you really do adore the colonel as much as you say, which I believe you do. I would cast any caution in the wind, and speak freely, and truthfully about how you feel. You never know,” she grinned, putting a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder and nudging her gently, causing [Y/n] to smile weakly at her. “A Christmas miracle may be in store for you!”
She could hardly know how right her dear Addie would be by the end of the night as they approached their destination. 
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When they had first arrived at the estate, which had been beautifully decorated with wreaths and banners and all sorts of festive things, [Y/n] couldn’t help but admire the majesty of it all as she stepped out of the little carriage they had been in onto the snow-covered ground. The place was abuzz with laughter and chatter  as people made their way inside the home and she along with her family and friend were quick to follow to escape from the cold.
As soon as they had all entered, she immediately became separated from her family, all of whom seemed to go off in different directions to schmooze and talk with the others around. Even Adeline had left her side, saying something about how the long trip there had made her peckish while shooting off to look for whatever food there was.
On her own now, it didn’t take long until [Y/n] found herself bored with the gossiping and chit chat of the party. She had even found herself being drawn into a conversation with an older plumper woman who, as friendly as she seemed, was adamant about finding ‘such a pretty little thing’ a suitable husband by the night was over.
[Y/n] who held no interest in such a match, unless it was with the person who she had funnily enough not seen the entire night, had quickly excused herself from their exchange saying that she heard her friend calling from across the way before taking her leave. Turning heel, she moved past the crowd, wandering further and further away from the main rooms where everyone was in. 
Each step brought her away from the nosy group and further into the stillness that the rest of the home contained. This was the first time she had been in such a grand estate and she couldn’t help but stop and admire just how beautiful everything was. Even the patterns on the wallpapers in the hall were eye-catching in design. 
Curious about what else was around, forgetting that it wasn’t polite to snoop around others' property, [Y/n] couldn’t help but peek into a room whose door was open and the first thing that caught her eyes were the many large and tall bookshelves that lined the walls. From her vantage point, and from the dim light coming from the fireplace she could make out the spines of many books large and small. 
How wonderful and convenient it must be to have such a vast amount of knowledge in one room! Going to take another step inside to get a better look at it, she was suddenly jumping out of her skin when she felt a hand on her shoulder. A surprised shriek left her form and her heart felt like it had stopped as she whipped around to face the man who had been missing the entire night. Colonel Brandon. Who also seemed surprised to find the woman wandering about.
“Oh, colonel!” She sputtered out trying to find the right words for her situation of being caught roaming around where she ought not to be. He may have been a kind man but that didn’t mean she had the right to take advantage of it by meddling around where she had not been invited. “I’m so terribly sorry I didn’t mean to intrude. It’s just that I found myself having to escape from a conversation and it led me to wander about and I just couldn’t help but admire how beautiful everything is! And your library colonel it’s so wonderful, incredible really and oh my goodness I’m so sorry what am I saying I shouldn’t-”
She was going off the rails at that point, her words spewing out faster than she could think through what she was saying but before she could continue digging herself into a hole she was stopped by him.
“Ms.[Y/n],” his voice so warm, and low yet able to command her to a stop and bring her to attention. It sent a little shiver down her spine and she was glad for the dim light in hopes he didn’t see her quivering. “It is quite alright,” he murmured kindly, as he gazed at her with a relaxed expression causing her to feel a bit better. “I’m not at all upset with you and am very pleased that you find the renovations to be as wonderful as I think they are. They did take quite some time so I’m happy that there are others who would admire them.”
Giving her a sweet smile, one that had her heart, which had calmed down, begin to speed up again. [Y/n] couldn’t help but return the gesture, delighted that he didn’t seem at all mad about her roaming around. 
“Well I’m certainly glad to hear that colonel I didn’t want to ruin such a joyous night by upsetting our host. Though I,” she stopped herself correcting her word of choice and hoping he didn’t catch the slip up. “We have missed you at the gathering. I hope you haven’t had some urgent business last minute?”
She seemed to have hit the mark though as his face turned a bit apologetic at that.
“Unfortunately yes but thankfully it has been resolved you see,” he started, “I was just about to make my way to everyone in hopes no one would notice my long absence before dinner but I see you did?”
‘Of course I did, you're the reason I’m here to be honest.’
Ignoring her inner monologue as much as possible, she nodded in the affirmative trying to give him the best reassuring look.
“Well of course! I am the ever eagled eye lookout.” Her words teasing as she tried to lift the mood not wanting him to feel bad about his noticed absence. It seemed to do the trick as that gentle smile returned to his face and the little crinkles near his eyes showed up as he looked at her with a softness that had her chest constricting.
He was just so handsome, even in the dim light. And everything about him was just immaculate. Never had she held someone in such high regard. And never did she find someone so…so beautiful that every time she saw him she felt like she couldn’t breathe.
“Yes you are and a very good one at that,” he chuckled, breaking her away from her thoughts about him and offering his arm up to her, “but shall we return to the others? I will make sure to rescue you from any dull conversation to make up for my tardiness. If that is alright?” 
Looking at his offered arm and then up back at him, [Y/n] realized something that she should have thought of much earlier. It was that they were alone. Utterly alone and away from the prying eyes and ears of everyone from the party. Away from her family and from her friend. Alone. 
This had a nervous lump instantly form in her throat as she acknowledged that this may be her one and only chance to talk to him alone about her feelings. About how much she adored him and hoped that maybe, just maybe there could be something more between them. And so shaking her head ‘no’ and seeing the confusion in his eyes, she spoke softly.
“Wait, colonel, just a moment. I would like to share something with you if you would allow me.”
She did her best not to let her voice waver even though she felt as if she could pass out as he dropped his arm and gazed at her puzzled about the situation. Somehow even in his confusion she couldn’t help but think about how thoughtful and gentle he looked.
“Yes of course you are always welcome to speak freely with me [Y/n]. ”
It was now or never. She had to tell him how she felt about him or she would just combust. Never had she been so glad to be alone with someone in her life. At least if he did reject her, it would be tucked away in the shadows for no one else to see. 
Taking in a deep breath, she hesitated no longer.
“Colonel Brandon,” she started clasping her hands together and nervously looking down to avoid his gaze.“ I know this may be too forward and I understand if you may find me silly for it but for these past months, years really. I have found myself to be very fond of you.”
There it was. She couldn’t even bring herself to look up at him too afraid of the expression that he might be wearing. So she didn’t and she continued to spill everything that she had been holding in. From her longing to the quiet affection that she held for him.
“At first I thought it just some sort of passing fancy when you first came to visit my brother,” she continued, not giving him an inch to speak fearing if she didn’t say everything she would hold something back. “I couldn’t take my eyes away from how handsome you were and how gentle you seemed, from the way you spoke to the look in your eyes. Everything in this world seems to interest you and it was such a wonderful feeling when you encouraged my curiosity for things as no one had done such.”  
“Little by little my affection for you has grown and I know that what I feel for you isn’t a passing fancy anymore and it wasn’t until recently when my parents spoke to me about finding a suitor that I knew I couldn’t wait anymore to share with you how I feel. Because..because.” 
Something wet seemed to hit her cheek causing her to pause and lift her hand up to it to wipe it away. As she kept wiping it seemed that her cheeks dampened quicker before she realized tears had been pouring down her face. But she didn’t stop, she just couldn’t and so finally she looked up at him with wet eyes, a tinge of guilt in her stomach at how he must feel being cornered by her.
“Because even if you reject me at least I will have known I was able to tell you and not hide away. So please forgive me if you resent me for putting you in such a position. It was never my intention but I just could no longer hide such a secret.”
If a weight was supposed to be lifted off her chest, or clarity was supposed to suddenly drape over her it didn’t. Somehow she felt worse as she stood quietly under the stunned gaze of the older man who hadn’t said one word. 
‘Of course he didn’t [Y/n] it’s not like you gave him a chance.’
The silence was absolutely deafening and it also felt like there was a silent rejection in it. And so as to not hold either of them hostage to her feelings anymore, and to quickly get away so she could cry in peace somewhere, she just gave him a little apologetic smile that she hoped said ‘I understand’.
“I guess we should be going, right? I’m sure everyone will be wondering.” She laughed awkwardly side stepping him from underneath the door frame trying to escape the soul crushing reality of his rejection.
It shouldn’t have been surprising really. Who did she think she was that such an important person, such a regal, intelligent, and sensitive man like him, would have looked at her with the same affection she held? She should have known better and it shouldn’t have hurt as much as it did, but it did.
And she was ready to run away and had even started to do so, before she felt herself being pulled back and spun around to face him. All of it had happened so quickly that when she had registered what was going on there were already a pair of soft, warm lips upon hers.
His hands were wrapped tightly around her upper body as one of them slid to the base of her neck to stroke the sensitive skin there. He was kissing her. The man who she would wait for to visit just to be in his presence, the man who was just so gentle and patient with her.
The man who she most fervently adored. He was kissing her! And she absolutely melted into his arms. Kissing him back with the passion that had been burning deep inside her for him. They clung to each other tightly, lips pressing against one another over and over until one had to pull away to breathe due to the suffocating passion.
“Forgive me for not saying anything,” he murmured as they parted a little, noses still brushing against either as he went to peck her lips once more before continuing, “you must understand how shocked I was to hear that the person I’ve also been so fond of felt the same that it was hard for me to realize what I was hearing.”
“Christopher my sweet,” he corrected gently, unwinding his hands from around her so that he could stroke her cheek.
“Christopher,” his name rolled off her tongue with such ease and it felt like music to both of their ears as she leaned into his comforting touch. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She whispered up at him with questioning eyes. “All along I’ve been afraid that you would reject me, yet you also held feelings for me?”
“Because not once did I think I was a suitable match for you,” he confessed which brought a frown to [Y/n]’s face as she couldn’t think of anyone else who was perfect for her. He saw this and could only give her a sad smile as a response before continuing. 
“You have so much of your life ahead of you and I did not want to put you in such an uncomfortable position. Yet just as you, I found it difficult with each visit to not become fond of you, and in time the fondness grew more and more until I could not bear the thought of you being with another.”
Hearing his words, and seeing the sincere look in his eyes only had her swooning more and more. He loved her. He actually loved her and she felt over the moon knowing this. Knowing that such a perfect being like him would adore her as she adored him oh it was so good so wonderful she felt like she could burst with joy!
“Oh Christoper,” she sighed out, finally leaning up to kiss his lips softly and murmuring. “How are you so wonderful? So perfect?” 
He shook his head ‘no’, as they pulled away his warm smile returning as he offered her arm once more, this time with her taking it and beaming back up at him.
“No I am none of those things, but you my sweet, my darling, you are all those and more.” 
‘Goodness gracious can he be any sweeter!’
Her mind was an absolute happy mess at the moment looking up at him and it was only when he asked,
“Shall we rejoin everyone now?”
That she snapped out of it and answered him with a very enthused,
“We shall.”
Before walking away though something swinging above the doorframe of the library caught [Y/n]’s eyes and she turned to give it a look. Noticing her pause the colonel turned with her to look and couldn’t help the soft chuckle that left his lips.
“Mistletoe, how wonderfully placed,” [Y/n] giggled looking back up at her love who looked down at her with an equally warm look.
“Indeed very wonderfully placed,” he spoke before leaning down and pressing the most tender kiss against her lips.
A/N: Yall the way I wrote this last night like it was an essay due at 11:59pm and I had procrastinated 🤣. This is why I can't do events because life keeps smacking me but I'm like I wanna write.
ANYWAYS let me know if you all enjoyed it and of course, thank you for stopping in to read it!!! See you guys on the next prompt I'll write for ( I hope lol?) ❤❤❤🥰
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lemonluvgirl · 7 months
The Mockingjay Cries at Midnight
So, here I am again with another weird Everlark Christmas-themed story. This time I decided to go way-waaay out of the box and try a Christmas/mystery/thriller. Yeah. I know. Should be fun lol. Very festive. Hope you like the first 2 chapters.
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Chapter One: The Journalist and Slippery Slope 
The winding roads were icy and seemingly endless. Not another car was in sight on the lonely stretch of highway he was traveling.  His legs had lost feeling from continuous driving, and his fingers were starting to feel a bit numb too, but not from lack of movement. It was the seeping cold that seemed to pervade everything, despite the heater being turned up to full blast in his old Jeep Cherokee. Bing Crosby’s velvety voice was “Pa-rum, Pum, Pum, Pum,”ing along on the radio, and Peeta Mellark was humming along off-key in a desperate effort to stay awake. 
He had been driving for too long, he knew that, but he was very near reaching his destination. He was used to going to uncomfortable lengths to get the story he was after. He had done this before many times. Wisconsin for instance, he drove 9 hours in the rain to make it to Steven’s Point, and it had been hell on his back but he got there, and he got his story. They had to run second and third prints to keep up with the demand. And in Villa Ridge Missouri, he had to stake out an abandoned stretch of road for two days, but he got the story on that one too. 
This one would be just like all the rest. A little discomfort, a little lost sleep, but ultimately worth it in the long run once he printed a full expose about the mysterious murders that rocked a little no-name town fifty years ago. 
“I am a poor boy too…” His voice warbled tiredly as his eyes searched for the mile marker that would tell him where to turn, but there was a steady sleet building outside and it was getting harder and harder to see in the worsening weather. 
He was looking for number 113 and going by the map he was forced to use after he lost GPS service, it was bound to be around here somewhere. 
“I have no gift to bring, Pa-rum, Pum, Pum, Pum” He had already passed exit 18 aways back. That meant 113 was coming up any minute now. 
“That’s fit to give a—shit!” He caught sight of the reflective marker with the numbers 113 and tried to turn, half a second too late and much too sharp, but the tires couldn’t find purchase on the slick road on such short notice. 
The car started to hydroplane. 
“Fuck, FUCK!” Thinking quickly, he did what all the experts said was best, which was to turn into the spin. 
But he was going too fast. The row of snow covered trees that lined the highway like silent guardians blurred and drew closer in his vision.  
Suddenly he couldn’t remember what was so important that he drove out to the middle of nowhere a few days before Chrsitmas to find. Surely it wasn’t this. A quick and violent end on an icy road with no one who even knew where he was this time of night. 
Only his editor knew where he was headed and she probably wouldn’t report him missing for days. 
All of these thoughts flew into his mind and flew out just as quickly, as fast as the old jeep spun out of control and headed for the treeline. 
The last thing he saw was what looked like a woman. 
A woman in a faded ruffle dress, with long dark hair, standing on the side of the road. Almost close enough to touch. Time seemed to slow-and stop altogether as she held his gaze. She had a sad, forlorn look in her large brown eyes, that were almost pleading with him.  It looked like she was trying to say something, but he couldn’t make it out. It seemed important if the desperate look she was giving him was anything to go by, and he thought that look would be impressed upon him forever should he live past this terrible night. 
Then the car made another revolution, and she was taken out of his sight. 
 Quicker than a blink everything was back to the breakneck speed of reality as the car careened completely out of control. Then there was the sound of breaking glass, the impact of wood on metal, and the sharp flash of pain that radiated through every inch of him. 
And then all was darkness. 
Chapter 2: The Angel with the Permanant Frown 
The beep-beep-beep-beeeep of her minitor almost caused her to knock over her peppermint tea. Almost, but Katniss Everdeen caught the tipping cup at the last second and righted it. She unclipped the mini-monitor on her belt loop, nicknamed ‘minitor’ for short by all the local EMT’s and held it up as the device beeped its special four note tone again. It was the tone reserved for immediately life-threatening situations and it meant she didn’t have a minute to lose. 
She grabbed her truck keys off the top of her desk, tossed on her coat, didn’t bother with her hat or gloves, and threw open the door to the office of the local quick-mart. 
“Sae! I got a call!” She hollered as she rushed past the woman ringing up customers at the counter. 
“This time of night?” The grey haired older woman asked in surprise as Katniss flew by. 
“Rules are whoever gets the call has to head to the garage! Call Darius to cover my shift if you need extra security! Or Rory if need someone to help close up!” She shouted over her shoulder as she ran out, the chime of the bell ringing loudly behind her as the door snicked shut. 
Panem county was one of the smallest counties in the continental United States. The small townships of the Seam, Hob, and Panem Town proper, or just Town, as the locals called it barely drumed up a population of 4,000 residents combined. The only EMTs the county could afford to keep were volunteer ones, and they didn’t have regular shifts or wait at the station like their big-city counter parts. When someone called 911, dispatch paged everyone within a certain radius of the emergency. Special pre-recorded tones caused their minitors to beep loudly, alerting them to the emergency. 
They had different tones for ‘urgent response’, ‘potentially life-threatening’, and ‘immediately life-threatening’ situations. The call she received was the former. Luckily everyone at dispatch knew where to find her on a Tuesday night. 
She usually picked up a couple shifts a week working security down at old Sae’s quick-mart. The nights were long and tedious and she spent the majority of them watching the security cameras in the office on the look out for shop-lifters or teens trying to buy beer with fake IDs. Nothing serious, at least, nothing she couldn’t handle with a stern look and few sharp words. 
But this—this was a not not nothing. She hadn’t had a call this serious…maybe ever. 
Working at Sae’s put her within a mile of the garage so that meant she was going to be one of the first responders to make it there. She needed one other person with her before they could leave, as per the rules. More licsenced EMTs could show up and could ride along but they would have to get there before the ambulance took off. 
Her train of thought refocused as she pulled up to the old garage that housed the only ambulance and two working fire trucks that serviced the entire county. She pulled into the closest spot and hopped out down from her truck, ice crunching beneath her boots as she hurried into the garage. 
She was indeed the first one to arrive and she busied herself with pulling on her EMT uniform, getting the ambulance ready to go, making sure the tires were inflated, and chained properly for ice and snow, and turning on the engine and checking that the tank was full-which it was, thankfully. 
Just as she had finished taking a quick inventory of the medical supplies in the backseat she heard a voice call out from the entrance. 
“Always first to answer the call huh, Catnip?” The voice of her oldest and best friend, Gale Hawthorne rang out clearly amidst the rumble of the ambulance’s engine. Of course he would be the second one to the garage. 
“Early bird, and all that yada yada,” She replied as she shut the back doors and strode out to the front. Gale was already shrugging off his old coat and pulling on his EMT coveralls. 
“Hurry up will ya? Any longer and the stragglers will start to show and then we’ll have to let them ride with.” She shouted as she tossed the keyes to the bus over to him before she pulled open the passenger side and slid in. She didn’t really dislike the other EMTs but her and Gale had been friends and partners for years. They had a system and they knew each other like the backs of their own hands. She preferred working with him if she couldn’t work alone, and adding other EMTs just complicated things. 
Gale caught the keyes smoothly, like she knew he would, and he sent her cocky grin before he followed suit and slid into the driver’s seat. 
“Didn’t think you’d be up for letting me drive.” He commented as he strapped in and adjusted the mirror to fit his above average height.
“I wanna be first out when we get on the scene.” She said quickly as she pulled on her seatbelt and then turned on the ambulance radio. It was programmed to tune into the local police frequency and there was already some chatter going on about an accident out on the highway. 
“‘Course you do.” Gale said with a shake of his head. She ignored him in favor of listening to the information the dispatcher was relaying. 
Katniss’ grey eyes narrowed as she heard more details come through.
Jeep Grand Cherokee 1998 crashed out on the highway—around mile marker 113—One driver spotted inside the vehicle—unconscious
“Hurry your ass up!” She hissed at her partner when she heard the last descriptor. Gale shot her a look, but she didn’t even glance at him. She was staring ahead at the road that waited outside the garage as if she could will herself onto it faster. Without further prodding Gale flipped the lights and the ambulance siren on with a flick of his fingers and then they were off, practically peeling out of the garage in the next second. Under different circumstances she might have chewed him out for reckless driving but the roads were practically abandoned tonight and they needed to get on the scene fast. 
Besides, she couldn’t shake the antsy feeling she had since she’d gotten the call. There was something inside of her that was telling her that she just needed to get there as soon as possible. 
The drive out to the highway usually took fifteen minutes. Gale got them there in nine. 
The ambulance finally came to a stop just a few yards past the mile 113 marker. 
Up ahead she could make out the mangled up shape of a jeep that had gone head to head with an old spruce and lost. Unfortunately they weren’t in an ideal position to get the injured party inside the ambulance unless Gale repositioned the vehicle. 
“Hey you said you wanted to be first on the scene.” Gale replied with a shrug as he moved to undo his seatbelt. Katniss shook her head at him. 
“Stay put and back this thing up properly. Doors first!” She bit out tersely as she undid her belt and cracked open her door. She hopped down and shut the door closed on Gale’s complaints, ignoring him completely as she pulled her EMT pack higher on her shoulder and started to march forward. 
Sleet was still coming down heavily, and the road was slippery under her boots but her feet pulled her forward as quickly and surely as a lodestone is drawn to a magnet. 
Before she knew it she was right outside the driver side door, looking in on the man who had been behind the wheel. His face was turned toward her and she could distinguish his featured clearly. 
He was young, maybe in his late twenties, early thirties, he had ashy blond hair that fell in waves over his forehead. She could tell one other thing about him immediately by just looking—he was damn lucky. 
The airbag in his car had properly deployed, from her vantage point she could see the steady rise and fall of his chest. He was knocked unconscious, but not dead. The airbag and the seatbelt he was wearing had most likely saved his life, even though he drove an older model jeep and that sometimes meant that air bags didn’t always work like they should. The only visible injury she could see on him was a gash on his forehead. 
She needed to get him out of the car though, so she could assess the rest of him, check his torso and legs, but he looked kind big. Not as tall as Gale, but broad and stocky, with wide shoulders that were going to be a bitch to manover out of the mashed up wreck of his car if she guessed correctly. 
She tried tapping on his window to get his attention. It would be easier to move him if he was conscious, also he could unlock the doors instead of them having to shatter the window or the windshield and pull him out. But the man in the car didn’t stir. She tapped louder, as she noticed the car’s radio was amazingly still going and it was still playing music. 
Very familiar music. 
Earth stood hard as iron
Water like a stone
Snow had fallen
Snow on snow on snow
In the bleak midwinter
Long, long ago
The version playing was a little known and even less played solo sung by a local artist. It brought back the sounds and stories of her childhood. It brought back the knife edge of pain and loss. That beautiful, effortless voice that sailed over the notes and floated down to mesh with the music was a sound so steeped in memory that for a moment she couldn’t speak, couldn’t move, she was so caught off guard. 
Then there was a pop and a whoosh, the sound of the air bag deflating, and with it the radio sputtered out and died. The disturbance finally seemed to arouse the unconscious driver. 
The bluest eyes she’d ever seen blinked open and locked on her. She stood there staring right back at him, caught up in the bizareness of the situation. 
Then her training kicked in. 
She knocked on the window again and said in her most stern but calm voice, “Sir, you’ve been in an car accident. I need you to unlock your door and roll down the window so I can help you.” 
The man stared at her, in confusion for a second, but then his left hand reached out to do as she had asked. The first thing he said to her when the window came down was not what she was expecting. 
“Am I dead? Are you an angel? Do all angels frown like that?”
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joels6string · 2 years
Home For Christmas
Joel Miller x f!reader
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Summary: Joel senses your morose as December 25th approaches and sets out to make the holiday special.
Rating: T
Word Count: 948
Content: Christmas fluff, Joel trying his best, some folks call this thing here a gee-tar
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The winter mountain chill was ruthless. Its unforgiving bite fought through the heat of the fire burning in the hearth and held you hostage, your fingers trembling as you took the kettle off the stove and poured the still-bubbling water into your mug. Joel was visible from the window, wrapped in your scarf and his jacket, leather gloves gripping the handle of a shovel as he cleared the snow that had been dumped overnight, Ellie tossing snowballs at him every so often with a gleeful shriek. 
You watched them as you sipped your tea, wanting to don your boots and join them but something was holding you back. A dark cloud that floated in this time of year as memories from decades past began to haunt you. Somehow the scene before you made it worse despite its pure, unhindered joy.
Christmas had always been your favorite time of year, the gifts, family, all the red and greens, golds and silvers, and it had all been ripped away. Your mood had begun to dampen at the start of December, only getting worse now in the week leading up to the day in question. Not even the decor of the town square was helping, so much was still missing.
“Mornin’, darlin’,” Joel greeted through numb lips, pressing them icily to your cheek, “S’just you and Ellie today, I’m headin’ out with Tommy to search the old resorts for supplies.”
All you gave him was a nod. They’d been up there countless times, how much could be left?
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“How much more do you need, Joel?” Tommy griped as they entered the old ski lodge, Joel’s destination already in mind, “Christmas is in two days.”
“One more thing,” he replied, climbing over the rubble he’d memorized the quickest path through weeks ago, “Forgot it last time.”
“Your age is catchin’ up to you.”
“Watch it now…”
The trail back down the mountainside was slow, he was looking for something. Tommy searched alongside him, yelling out potential candidates all for Joel to shoot them down. No, this needed to be perfect.
“Maria still getting them for dinner?” Joel yelled over a gust of wind, “Reckon we got another hour before we need to head back.”
“Yeah, she is,” Tommy confirmed, “What about this one?”
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You woke up to an empty bed on Christmas Eve, a heavy sigh slumping you back into your pillow as you stared at the mess of blankets beside you. Voices traveled up the stairs, Joel and what sounded like Tommy were bickering about something in your living room before the clock had struck 9 AM, at least Joel had taken care to close the door and allow you a late morning.
The smell of coffee hit your nose as you stepped out into the hallway, Joel’s flannel hanging loosely on your frame as you descended the steps.
“No, put it over here!” you heard Ellie yell, “So we can see it from the window!”
“Yeah, that’s good,” Joel agreed, out of breath and voice strained. What the hell were they doing?
With a furrowed brow you rounded into the living room, your jaw dropping as it came into view. Joel and Tommy were currently wrestling a pine tree into the left corner of the living room, right in front of the window, Ellie looking on as she directed the men to find the perfect spot. Boxes of decorations littered the furniture, and tangled strings of lights sat in piles around a free outlet, one still plugged in, its white lights glittering amidst the chaos.
“What is all this?” you asked quietly, Joel’s attention quickly snapping to you, a gentle grin settling on his face.
“What’s it look like?” he answered snarkily, abandoning Tommy who grunted at the newly added weight he was bearing to pull you into his chest.
For the first time in weeks, your smile sparkled into your eyes as you, Joel, and Ellie sifted through Joel’s collected decor, baubles and ornaments that had no pattern or reason joining the wooden beads and lights on the pine tree he’d found deep in the forests and cut down just yesterday. Ellie sat atop Joel’s shoulders to put the finishing touches on the tree, his forgotten star, the point almost touching the ceiling as they took a step back to marvel at the job well done. 
As the sun began to set after dinner had been shared, Joel gathered everyone in the living room, his newest creation set against the couch ready for its maiden voyage. Words weren’t necessary as you gathered around the space, a fire roaring once again as the tree sparkled, Joel’s fingers beginning to strum lightly over the strings of his guitar. (Play me!🎸)
The familiar notes of “Silent Night” filled the room, not a note out of tune as he hummed along with it, Ellie’s head leaning against your shoulder as the light disappeared behind the mountains, only the flames and Christmas lights setting a warm glow across the room until he was done. Ellie excused herself when he finished, bidding you both a good night softly, gratitude heavy in her voice. 
“Thank you,” you whimpered as Joel pulled you into his arms after flicking the TV on, the familiar opening scene of your favorite Christmas movie beginning to play.
“Merry Christmas, darlin’,” he cooed, never one for many words.
It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep, the steady thrum of his heart against your ear too strong to resist the effects of. You woke the next morning in your bed, his body pressed tightly behind you, arm slung around your waist, Ellie’s eager voice yelling up the stairs.
“It’s fucking Christmas!”
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Joel Miller Masterlist
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mimisempai · 2 years
Dreamling Masterlist
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The beginning of something new 
Something new but not unknown
You are the reason I will always come back
A reality sweeter than the dream
My world is always brighter when you smile
You don't have to hide your tears anymore
You are the reason I don’t want to die
You are my strength
The music of your heart heals my aching soul 
You are enough
I don't want to wait a hundred years anymore
Let's build our happiness on the ashes of our bad memories
A new dawn
My heart blooms with the touch of your love 
 I don’t want to hide what you mean to me
You are not the sum of your mistakes
See big sister, I love and I am loved 
Missing you comes in waves and tonight I’m drowning
Let me hear your deepest needs 
You're not alone anymore
Every evidence of your presence is precious
You are my only safe place
Something of you on me
As long as the sun rises, there is hope
Unforgettable, that’s what we are
My sweet Lord
You scars tell me how beautiful you are
All you have to do is ask
The one who can read me like an open book
Let our love create new memories
Even in my dreams, I still miss you
We don't need to be perfect, we just need to be happy
As if you were wearing me on you
The day you were born was the first step towards my happiness
The taste of your lips
Worth all the waiting
Your light outshines the sun's
All these little things
It feels like home
Look at yourself through my eyes and you'll know why I love you
In every form, I'll always want to save you
You’re the light in my darkest hours 
I want to grant all your secret desires
You have the heart of a poet 
Love notes written in your flesh
I miss you in ways that not even words can understand
My love for you blossoms every day
You are my favorite serendipity
Dear Hob
The destination doesn't matter if I'm traveling with you
The secret ingredient is always love
No trick, no treat, just love
Leaning on me does not make you weak
Help me to forget
Let my voice lull you to sleep
Even in your dreams, I will protect you
I want to see all of you
Mine to love and to protect
In my dreams I hear your call
You only have to let your heart speak
It doesn't matter how we were, what matters is how we are.
My favorite kiss
My favorite moment of the day
Don't stop believing in yourself
It was always there
You are my only reality
Never alone again
You have the right to grieve
You're the only one I see
Everything is new and different with you
The happiness we deserve
I don’t want to say goodbye
No matter what, I’ll still choose you
Perfect for each other
All those words I didn't tell you
Absolute trust
A new year full of promises
Even in the smallest things
We’ve come full circle
Family Bliss
The music of our hearts
Intoxicated with you
Give me everything
Whatever it takes
I want it all
The one who knows me
The best part of the day
Let me carry some of your burden
You will always be my priority
Sweet Mornings
Healing kisses
So much to live for
Proud of you
A picture of happiness
I wish you could stay a little longer 6/6 - Complete
Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
Chap 6
If it's not love, then what is it? Ongoing
Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
It's just a risk to take 2/2 - Complete
Chap 1
Chap 2
Meet me where the sky touches the sea 3/3 - Complete
Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Just because you’re you 
The one who knows me
A nectar worthy of a god
Make a wish
I know you
A match in heaven
My oath
Sometimes it only takes a few words
Since I met you, life has been smooth skating.
It's already perfect if it's with you
I will always be there for you
With a little help from our friends
My Dreamling fics on AO3
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