#best tips on cheap holiday
cy-cyborg · 6 months
How your disabled character's allies react to their disability can make or break the representation in your story: Writing Disability Quick Tips
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[ID: An image with “Writing Disability quick tips: How your character's allies react to their disability matters” written in chalk the colour of the disability pride flag, from left to right, red, yellow, white, blue and green. Beside the text are 2 poorly drawn people icons in green, one is standing with their hand up to the face of the other, who is in a wheelchair. /End ID]
Something I brought up in my big post about Toph Beifong was how the other characters reacted to Toph pointing out that things were not accessible to her and setting boundaries regarding her disability, which were ignored. I had more to say about it than I thought I did, as it turns out (when isn't that the case lol) but I feel like this is an important aspect of disability representation that is all too often over looked.
You can write the best, most accurate portrayal of a specific disability ever put to screen or page, but it won't mean much if all the other characters, specifically those we're supposed to like and empathise with, treat your character terribly for being disabled and having needs relating to said disability, especially if the story justifies their behaviour.
You see this most often with autistic characters and especially autistic-coded characters. The character in question will be given a bunch of autistic traits, most often traits relating to not understanding certain social dynamics or sarcasm, and when they get it wrong, the other characters we are supposed to like jump down their throat, tease them or outright abandon them. Autism isn't the only disability that gets treated this way, but it is one of the more common ones that get this treatment. It doesn't matter if you do everything else right when creating an autistic character if the other "good guys" constantly call them annoying, get angry at them or laugh at them for the very traits that make them autistic, or for advocating for their needs.
Likewise, if you have a leg amputee character who is otherwise done well, but is constantly being criticised by their allies for needing to rest their legs or taking too long to get their prosthetics on, it undermines a lot of the other work you've done. Same goes for having a wheelchair user who is accused of being a bore or a stick in the mud because they point out the places their friends want to go to on a group holiday have no wheelchair access, or a deaf character who is accused of being entitled for wanting their family to learn to sign, or anything else.
This isn't to say you can never have moments like these in your stories, but its important to remember that a) people with the same disability as your character will be in your audience. If you spend a whole season of your TV show shaming your autistic character for real traits that real autistic people have, they're not exactly going to feel welcome and may not want to hang around. b) it's going to very, very heavily impact people's perceptions of your "heros" who do this, especially in they eyes of your audience members who share the character's disability or who have had similar experiences. This isn't like calling someone a mean name or being a bit of a dick when you're sleepy, it's going to take a lot to regain audience appeal for the offending character, and depending on exactly what they do and how frequently they do it, they may not even be able to come back from it at all. And finally, c) there should be a point to it outside of just shaming this character and saying the other guy is an asshole. Like I said before, you're character is criticising real people's real disabilities and the traits or problems that come with them, things that they often have no control over, it shouldn't be used as a cheap, quick way to establish a quirky enemies to lovers dynamic or show that one guy is kind of an ass before his redemption arc. If you really must have your characters do this, be mindful of when and how you use it.
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servantofthefates · 8 days
Life-Changing Money Manifestation Tip 💰
This is not a technique I learned from books, or a principle my elders taught me. It is simply something I have observed to be unfailingly effective.
I know it might seem counterintuitive, impractical, and perhaps even downright foolish. But it has been consistently true for me and the people around me.
The tip is: Never ever be frugal with money.
Even when you're afraid you won't have enough, be open-handed with your spending. Spend on your needs, spend on your wants, spend on others who deserve your generosity. Just. Keep. Spending.
The fuck, right? What if you already don't have enough to begin with?
Well, you know how they say, "Love is infinite" or "There's enough love to go around" or "Love multiplies, it doesn't divide"?
The same is true for money.
Money is energy. It just happens to have physical manifestations like coins, bills or gold.
Love too is energy. It just happens to have physical manifestations like kisses, words or gifts.
And it is common knowledge that if we wish to be loved, we must first love ourselves, and give love freely to those who are worth it. We must let love flow through us.
Same with money. If we want to have it, we must first spend it on ourselves and give it freely to those we deem worth it. We must let money flow through us.
And flow it will.
Just as it is nearly impossible for a cold-hearted person to invite love, it is also very hard for a stingy person to invite money.
I have seen this first-hand many times.
This man owned a boutique advertising agency. He gave out bonuses and free international trips to his team the way corporations give out cheap pizzas to their employees. And back then, this man's business thrived. Some months, he made more than global agencies did. And the awards were pouring in too. He was on top of the world.
Suddenly, his elderly mother got terribly sick, and he panicked. He knew he had to spend a fortune on her medical bills, and his fear got the best of him. So he cancelled the free trips. He stopped giving bonuses. Eventually, he even cut down salaries and moved to a smaller office.
One year later, his business went bankrupt. Because all his talented employees left. And with that, the trust of his clients dried out. His business — which had the potential to become an empire — ended up becoming just a TikTok trend.
Because he held on to money too tightly... money felt suffocated and walked out on him entirely.
The opposite example is me. No, I do not also own an ad agency. But I have learned to never worry about money. And since then, money has never disappointed me.
Last year, someone dear to me had been praying for a MacBook, but her parents couldn't afford it. I too couldn't afford it. Not without digging into my savings. So I did. Because I know money will always come back to me. And it did.
Two days after I placed the order, I received an email from Shareworks that my stocks were ready to be withdrawn. The amount? Double what I paid for the Mac. These stocks are released yearly, so I tend to forget about them. But they came at the right time.
And it is like this every time.
I buy a Louis Vuitton bag with money meant for my holiday. Suddenly, a friend invites me to go with them on a fully paid trip to the same country I was planning to visit.
I buy a bunch of tarot decks with a week's worth of transportation costs, and my company announces we're working from home for a week while they repair some rain damage.
I buy a box of Patchi chocolates when I'm already short on my monthly budget, and my salary gets released early because it's the holidays, and the CEO is feeling friendly.
I know life is not always as sweet as I described it to be. Sometimes, it's not about Louis Vuittons and Patchis, but about diapers and cough medicine. I am perfectly aware some people are struggling — not about holidays and tarot splurges, but about keeping the electricity on and putting food on the table. I will not pretend to know the solution to their hardships.
What I do know is there are people who are considered poor in my community who are seriously way happier than me. And I know I have had bosses who made thrice as I did who were far more miserable than me.
And that tells me that despite our different stations in life, energy is energy. And it's always best to let it flow freely.
So I repeat... never ever be frugal with money.
When it knocks on your door, say, "Hey, nice to see you!" When it leaves your house, say, "See you again soon!" And when it finally seems to be making itself at home, do not lock it in the basement. Cook dinner with it. Invite your friends over. Watch a movie. Do karaoke. Look money in the eyes and say, "I'm glad you've decided to stay."
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gojoscloset · 10 months
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Coward pt. 2
Gojo Satoru x Reader angst
Warnings: Angsty , not proof read, written at work, sexualized themes / NSFW
Continuation of Coward pt. 1
Please read before we continue:
Hello Angels it’s been a long long time I know I know I’m really sorry! Every time I get my creative juices flowing the world brings someone into my life that only wants to fuck with my emotions and then I stray away from creative things and yada yada it’s a never ending cycle honestly! Originally the chapter was going to be a lot longer but I felt bad that I’ve been leaving some of y’all hanging without a hint or context so I split it just to give you guys something for now and hopefully I’ll bring more to the table next chapter! (^: I’ve actually been reading hella fanfic so it’s gotten me back into my zone and I know I always say this but hopefully I’ll get back into the swing of things! Much love, hope you all have a good day and enjoy! Also if it applies, happy holidays ❤️
Let’s continue shall we?
“Here you go baby, this one’s on the house. You look like you could use a little pick me up.”
You snapped out of your thoughts and watched the waiter as she placed a to-go cup of coffee in front of you.
“Also, we closed a few minutes ago, but take your time darling, no rush.” She gave you a knowing smile and left you alone to return to your thoughts. You managed to thank her before she headed to the back, assuming she was finishing up her cleaning duties before going home.
You finally looked up and around the diner, it was empty and quiet with the exception of the soft music playing in the background and sounds of cooks and servers cleaning up in the heart of the house. You arrived around midday, but the sun set long ago, how long have you been there?
You gathered your things and cleaned up your booth a little, placing a nice tip underneath a ketchup bottle before walking back home. Moments like these were not unfamiliar to you, well at least not anymore. You thought about all of it on your way home and how the lines blurred drastically after Gojo left. Your days felt meshed together and it was hard to separate the happier emotions from the negative. Everything that normally felt good felt plain. Bland. Numb. To say Gojos absence shook your world was an understatement.
The world continued to spin but your world felt like it was falling apart for weeks now, yet You were forced to live life normally when all you wanted to do was lie down for a long long time and let flowers bloom from your chest. But of course, this was real life, and the show must go on.
Your immediate friends and family knew about the situation, (albeit not in detail). They tried their best to get you into better spirits. Invitations to outings, being forced out of your home for drinks and the occasional club.You knew they meant well with all the drinks and parties and outings, but god you hated it. You hated having to get ready, and hated when you would have to re-blend your makeup, or redo your lashes because you started to cry halfway through.
Or when you would constantly remind yourself not to unfocus your eyes and dissociate in front of your friends. Or when someone would say something funny and you had to fake laugh and fake match the energy your friends were putting out so you wouldn’t accidentally let it slip how bad you were actually doing.
Pretending to fix your hair or makeup in the restroom just so you could look at yourself a little longer in the mirror. Well rather the shell of you.You tried your best to mask it all, but everyone knew the look, heartbreak was a universal thing. You could cloak your sadness with alcohol and cheap thrills but everyone knows at some point the party has to come to an end.
In other words your friends knew, and you knew they knew. How could they miss it when you yourself would look in the mirror and see a fake bitch looking back at you? You felt just as fake as the man who did this to you. You had the same lifeless look in your eyes, you looked just like him.
“Everything alright?” A voice called to you from the bottom of the steps of your complex. It was your neighbor, Jun, casually smoking what looked like a USB port.
‘Damn, when did I make it home?’ You thought but smiled at him
“Yeah, um I was thinking about work, but I’m doing alright, thank you .”
“Positive? Because I haven’t seen you or the tall one in a while. I don’t hear y’all laughing when I walk my dog anymore.”
You cleared your throat, temporarily getting rid of the lump forming, just enough for you to speak without sounding like you were going to cry.
“Ha….yeah …Let’s just say he’s not in the picture anymore.” There was an uncomfortable moment of silence after you said that.
“He didn’t deserve you anyway” Jun had no idea what the situation was, but you could always tell he was for the girls, apparently having been raised in a house full of women. (Information gained after knowing him since the day you moved to these apartments.)
You fake laughed and shook your head. “It is what it is, I suppose. But you know, life continues.” You gave him another smile and watched him take another hit of his vape.
“True. But also” he exhaled the smoke blowing it away from your direction. “You don’t have to pretend with me. Breakups aren’t easy, especially when you’re alone. I won’t pry, but if you need to talk about it, like really talk about it, you know where to find me.”
You actually ended up accepting Jun’s offer a few nights later. It was another one of those days where you had the mighty strong urge to drastically change some part of your life to feel like you were in control. You suggested going bald. Jun, however, suggested you look for another job, one that ‘wasn’t remote so you could interact with other people, rather than being locked in your home for days at a time.’
You also mentioned to Jun how you felt like you were going crazy constantly thinking about Satoru. How he would plague your mind 24/7 and you felt like a psycho for always thinking of him.
“We’ll if you feel like you’re going crazy, do something crazy. But obviously not something that will hurt you or others. But whatever you choose, get out of your comfort zone.”
And that you did.
If someone told you a few months ago you quit your remote job to work as a bartender at a bar that caters mainly to the ‘male gaze’ you would probably look at them crazy and offer them a number to a hotline, yet here you were
“Frozen or on the rocks?”
Working your charm at the bar, something you hadn’t done since before you moved to Japan. It was a leap of faith, and a damn good one if you do say so yourself.
Despite it being a very risky decision, to you this has been one of the most refreshing decisions you’ve made in a while. Sure you hated going to places like these with your friends in efforts to forget about Satoru, but it was different when money was involved. You finally felt like you paved a way to healing, everything felt great, for the moment.
You knew the few shifts a week would turn into being scheduled for the whole week. But you didn’t mind, the burnout felt good as hell as it was a socially acceptable form of self harm. But what you liked the most was you rarely had time to think about Satoru. It was always Wake up, get ready for work, work, go home, sleep,repeat. There was no time to think of boys, only time to think about what drinks were next in queue.Ticket after ticket, tip after tip the money came fast, and you spent it slow. Sure, sometimes you would be tired,or you would have to miss events you were interested in, but when the money talks, you listen.
Working at the bar had its perks financially, sure however there was something else you slowly grew a liking to, one that unfortunately motivated you just as much as the money.
You swore up and down that you were only doing it for the money. That your flirtatious choice of words were simply to sway your customers for your own gain, but there was much more behind your coquettish behavior.
It definitely made you feel guilty at first, like you were still somehow tied to him. Nonetheless you talked sweet to men because you knew you attract more bees with honey, and you were your sweetest if they were handsome, or if they looked like they could hand-some money over. Money was cool for a while but the validation?The attention that you gave to other men? It did something to you.
Secretly, the flirting and constant attention was a form of revenge for you. One you felt was harmless but actually had consequences.
In the moment where you knew you had someone around your finger your thoughts moved to Satoru. For a split second you would think about how much it would hurt him if he knew, and it felt good even if it was just for a few seconds. What you didn’t know was revenge actually releases dopamine, something you’ve been lacking for a while now which is why it was easy to get hooked on this rebound behavior in attempts to fill the void money stopped filling. The desire also influenced your appearance, having you invest in a number of things from Acrylics to lashes and tattoos, to expensive perfumes and hair extensions. Small things that made a big difference in how men treated you, and how they tipped you. You saw the difference it made, and you wanted more. The flirty conversations at the bar top soon turned into heated (but safe) one night stands with whoever you chose, continuing to fuel your petty reasoning.
Shamefully when the alcohol hit and things got nasty you would daydream about Satoru walking in on you and whoever you were with so he could see what he left behind, so he could hurt like you were hurting.
Even if you knew this was all in your head.
It was one of the busiest nights at the Bar, nothing you weren’t used to. The music blasted in the building putting you in the zone, like you were on autopilot.
You timed and coordinated everything to ensure a good shift, you organized the drinks, socialized with the customers and made sure everyone was happy, it was your job after all.
On top of everything it was a themed night at the bar, lingerie night to be exact. The girls wore their best lingerie, nothing that would have their bits all on display, but pretty damn close! And you were no exception, you wore your best embroidered lace set, tight ribbons squeezing your torso and thighs to give your figure the ‘squishy’ look. You knew they were a sucker for lace and ribbon. You did a darker western makeup look this time, something sexy and bold to stand out a little more.
Two tall figures approached the bar top, and you turned to them, multiple beers pressed against your chest and you popped them open back to back quickly “hey babes! I’ll be right -“ you froze in place and almost dropped everything in your hand.
You made eye contact with Geto and smiled, shaky but it counted. You didn’t even have to look at the other man to know who accompanied Geto, the two were attached at the hip, but you did so anyway, catching a glimpse of the face you’ve been trying to forget. But how could you forget a face like his? A face that was proof that God does in fact have favorites.
“I’ll be right with y’all!” You smiled again and turned to the other side of the bar, tossing coasters in front of the gentlemen like frisbees. You placed the beers down, your hands and feet ran cold, fingers shaking slightly. Your heart was definitely in your ass by the time you placed the last beer on the coaster, you cleared your throat and tried shaking it off mentally bracing yourself for impact.
“Hey, how ya doin’? What can I do for you boys ?” You smiled, focusing your gaze on Geto, trying your best to look at Gojo as little as possible without being rude.
But of course he was the first to speak, pointing at the menu.
“Which one do you recommend? I’m more of a sweet over bitter kind of guy?” He looked at you through his shades and gave you HIS smile. Then it hit you. They either probably had no idea who you were or they were pretending. But Gojo wouldn’t pretend in a scenario like this.
“Hmmm, anything from this particular page is good, and the first three are our top sellers!” You flipped his menu a page over and pointed a shaky finger at a boxed area containing the bar's popular sugary drinks.
You could smell his cologne when you got closer to take a look at the menu in his hand. Satoru was a man with expensive taste, and he never chose scents everyone else had and as hard as it was to admit, he smelled delicious. Your body remembered his scent, and you had to take a small step back to gather your bearings.
“What about you handsome, what can I get for you ?”
You turned to Geto, using him as a way to get away from Gojo momentarily. You could feel the heat rise to your face and the familiar lump in your throat coming fast, momentarily things felt like they were moving fast but nothing was happening at all.
“Hmm I’m not sure, do you mind if I continue to look?”
“No go ahead, take your time babe! I’ll be back in a sec to check up on y’all.” You smiled and quickly made your way around the bar.
Many tried to flag you down while walking out of the bar area, but you ignored them, it’s not like you could see them anyway, everything was in tunnel vision.
‘No no no no no’ the interaction made your whole body cringe, everything felt dreamy, as if this was an out of body experience and not in the good way.
“Kagi.I have to go. Like right now right now.” You spoke into your head set letting the manager for the night know you were about to dip. Quickly unclasping the headset from your hip and wrapping the wire around the walkie talkie, just in time for you to hear a static “Locker room” from the other end. You quickly rushed to the Locker Room and grabbed your items from your assigned locker, Kagi walked in not long after, approaching you as you frantically put your sweatpants and hoodie on over your outfit.
“Hey what’s wrong?”
You shook your head in response while closing your locker.“ I can’t talk right now, but I really need to leave. Please split my tips amongst the girls and tell them I said I’m so sorry” you zipped up your backpack and made a b line to the door. Kagi had questions, but she let it slide only because this was very out of character for you, she figured it must’ve been urgent and would ask questions later. You pushed Past the doors and past the guests, catching a glimpse of the Snow White hair amongst the crowd once more before rushing out the exit.
It was evident you longed for Satoru, yet you found yourself at the doorstep of one of your favorite Booty calls. The door clicked open and he smiled down at you, confused but it was always good to see your face since he knew what you wanted and he knew exactly what to give you. You wasted no time, crashing your lips against his, you needed to feel something, something other than that heavy feeling you constantly carried in your heart.
It was messy and rough. This was probably the nastiest you’ve gone with him, and the roughest he’s been with you. Aggressively grabbing at your body, leaving his markings on your neck,wrists and chest. You did the most in his bed, putting on a show like you would for Satoru, but instead for a man you knew didn’t deserve to see this side of you, but it didn’t matter in that moment. You did it to forget, and to ease the pain away, even if it wasn’t helping. Of all the millions of trillions of things you could think about, all you thought about was him. How easily he seemed to forget about you, and how easy it was for him to give beautiful smiles to others.Things you weren’t jealous of before burned your insides at the thought. You wondered why out of all the bars he chose that bar in particular, though you had no right to judge him when you worked there.
The ride from his place to yours was silent. You managed to catch the last train before the stations shut down for the night, and thankfully you were alone.
You took a good look at yourself in the reflection of the windows ignoring the familiar scenery that whizzed by to get a gander at your physical form. You knew you were looking at yourself but even you couldn’t recognize the person in the reflection. You honestly felt like you shouldn’t even be surprised that Geto and Gojo didn’t recognize you back at the bar.
You were quite disappointed in yourself to say the very least. You have been practicing in your head for months what you would say and do if you ever came across him again and clearly it didn’t go as planned. The script you wrote in your head was thrown to the wind, the same wind that blew your cover. You weren’t a hot and sexy ‘boss bitch’. You were overworked and over sexualized, utilizing male validation as a form of escapism.
You turned your head revealing the deep purple bruises all across your neck in the reflection. You grabbed the strings of your hoodie and pulled them tight, hiding the marks as best as you could, you didn’t want to see them, they made you feel disgusted.
The train arrived at your destination and you quickly made your way back home to your apartment. You climbed up the stairs , mentally wishing Jun was home so you could talk your feelings out , but alas he usually worked nights on the weekends, so no luck there.
You pulled your keys out as you reached the last of the steps, wanting to just go home and shower everything off, but you halted immediately when you looked up and saw the devil himself, nonchalantly leaning against your door.
“There you are…. I’ve been looking for you”
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gatheringfiki · 9 months
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The following ficlet was written by @lazysaturdayonthebeach​ based on this photoset.
Britchell, Rating TBC
You might also be able to read this story on AO3.
If you’ve enjoyed this story, please leave a comment either in replies or on AO3. :)
A Very Happy Christmas
Christmas Day was always spent at the Johnson family holiday barbecue. Hosting rotated, but Mikkel always manned the grill and Anders stocked the cooler and had some sides catered. Olaf usually brought his special cookies. Axl and Zeb brought cheap beer. Ty brought Dawn and cupcakes for dessert. Whatever current squabbles upset the brothers’ relationships were forgotten or at least ignored.
Christmas Eve belonged to Mitchell and Anders alone. Anders had made reservations at a 1930s themed restaurant atop a fine hotel in downtown Auckland. He also reserved a room for the night. None of the brothers would know where they were. They would turn off their phones so no one could interrupt them. Only Mikkel, as Ullr, would be able to find them if there was that big an emergency.
The whole evening almost ended before they left the apartment. Anders was chatting with the goldfish and feeding them for the evening when Mitchell walked out of the bedroom in a new burgundy suit. He stopped talking and just stared.
Mitchell smirked.
“Nope! None of that. You have to wait.”
Anders almost cried.
John picked up both bags and headed for the door. If they kissed, the night would be over. Maybe a quick smooch in the car on the way to the hotel would be safe. Probably not. Best to wait until they went to bed.
The club was beautifully decorated in art deco style. Bold geometric designs and bright colors harmonized with chrome and ebony. Mitchell compared it to his memories while they dined. Both started with clams and scallops, eschewing the roasted asparagus. They sipped wine and held hands while awaiting their lamb with cabbage and parsnips. Mitchell suggested that it might be a little better with potatoes.
A band started playing while they awaited dessert: spiced pineapple for Anders and cheesecake for Mitchell. Their first song was Cheek to Cheek and was smoothly followed by How Deep Is the Ocean. Mitchell smiled dreamily during Night and Day.
While The Way You Look Tonight played, Anders checked his watch. They had half an hour before their Uber arrived for Midnight Mass. He started to suggest that they leave, but As Time Goes By, from Casablanca, started playing and he pulled Mitchell to the dance floor instead. They danced close and slow.
Anders' phone beeped just after the song ended, letting him know that their Uber was on the way to pick them up. He had turned it on, briefly, just for this necessity. He memorized the driver’s name and turned the phone back off. He whispered to Mitchell, paid the bill, and they walked out hand in hand.
In the Uber to St Paul’s College Chapel where Anders had found a traditional latin Mass. Still, Anders questioned taking a god to an important Catholic celebration.
Mitchell frowned at him, “Can any of you create something from nothing?”
“Then maybe someone created you.”
Mass went as expected. Mitchell remembered all the old responses. Bragi helped Anders understand the language.
The same driver waited outside when Mass ended. They cuddled happily on the way back to the hotel. Perhaps in response to the generous tip Anders had added to the payment, the driver made a few detours so they could see Christmas lights and decorations displayed throughout the city.
Back in the hotel, Anders quickly divested Mitchell of the suit that had tormented him all evening. Mitchell kissed him with all the passion that they had been holding back since he emerged from the bedroom back at the apartment. The sex was desperate and quick. So much pent up anticipation and passion just refused to go slowly.
The aftermath was just the opposite. The two men relaxed, naked and sated, in the soft nest of their hotel bed. There was cuddling and slow kissing, talking and laughter. A second round of slow passionate love-making ensued.
Anders called for housekeeping to change the sheets while they took a long steamy shower.
Presents were exchanged.
Anders gave Mitchell a virgin cruise through New Zealand’s fjords. It was twelve nights from Auckland to Wellington to Timaru to Dunedin, where he hoped they would see the southern lights, around Dusky, Doubtful, and Milford Sounds, then on to Hobart, Melbourne, and Sydney. He whispered so softly that even with vampire hearing, Mitchell wasn’t sure he heard, “It could be a honeymoon if you want.” Anders would barely admit in public that they were a couple and here he was proposing .
Mitchell gave Anders a miniature that he had been sneaking off to pose for all year, and a yes.
He was terribly self-conscious about it, but he had hundreds of pictures of Anders. Anders loved it and was deeply touched, though he would never admit it to anyone else. Mitchell determined to get the same artist to do their wedding portrait.
They lay tangled together discussing wedding plans until sunrise. It was nearly six o’clock. They had time for a long nap before going to Mikkel’s at noon. Both turned their phones back on and made a last minute bet about who would wake them and when.
Dawn texted Mitchell five minutes later to ask how his proposal went. He replied with a happy face and “Shh.”
Anders mumbled about winning and snuggled closer, already asleep.
Mitchell kissed his fiancé’s forehead and whispered, “Happy Christmas.”
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tortoisebore · 1 year
what do u think sirius’ favourite makeup products would be?
ooooooooo🤩💕🫶💖✨💞💫💓 ((this is just going to be 100% me projecting you’ve been warned))
first off i think he’d do very little in everyday life but go all out for nights out and parties and holidays. he’s a blueprint cool winter so he doesn’t do much bronzing bc it always just looks orange on his skin, every once in a while he’ll do a cool-toned contour but he really doesn’t even need it, those cheekbones speak for themselves.
but like bottom line is cool-toned skin like his just begs for silver jewelry and shimmery pearl highlight and pink blush and plum lipstick.
he’s always starting with two layers of sunscreen bc that skin is paper pale & he’s not trying to get sun damage. but for a more casual moment he’s just doing a bit of concealer under the eyes so he doesn’t look like a walking corpse, maybe a bit of blush on his cheeks & nose if he’s particularly pale that day. just a very subtle brush of highlight at the high points of his cheeks & the tip of his nose, the inner corners of his eyes if he’s feeling fancy. just enough to make him look more awake and give his skin a good glow. throw on some tinted lip balm and he’s good to go, perfect gorgeous stunning. maybe he’s born with it maybe it’s maybelline ((it’s elf & rare beauty))
but on nights out he’s doing a little more. first up is the elf liquid eyeshadow in the shade disco queen, it’s especially shimmery if you do two or three layers and goes a little blue under the right light. he’s doing that as highlight at the very tops of his cheeks too, like that skin is glowing even when the room is dark. he’s doing his regular rare beauty liquid blush in the shade encourage, but a little more than normal, a bit of the fenty contour stick in soft amber to make it all the more dramatic. but the real kicker is the smudgy black liner, he’s laying it on thick and smudging it out and up with a brush, then brushing the excess onto the lower lash line. real haphazard real messy. it makes his eyes look fucking insane in combo w the cool-toned glitter, like it’s almost creepy, they look like contacts. then to top it off he’s doing some cheap non-waterproof mascara bc his lashes are already thick & black and he doesn’t really need it ((but it smudges easy & runs so pretty when he cries &……,u just never know what’s going to happen in the bathroom of a dingy club……when remus is across the room watching him dance in a crop top & fishnets.,……so like…..best be prepared & throw the cheap mascara on just in case……rly it’s just being responsible….& he’s sooooo responsible………,))
throw on either a soft pink or mauve lipstick and a little gloss over it and it’s go-time babyyyyyy
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acaseforpencils · 10 months
A Case for Decorations.
Hi everyone! I realize it's been a second since the last interview was posted on here—I've been taking a break from Case (hopefully, I'll get back to it after the holiday season!), but I haven't been taking a break from working on little projects. I have been having so much fun making holiday crafts, that I thought I'd share some of my work, and give some tips in case anyone else was interested in making their own little treats!
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I had been coveting gingerbread houses that I had been seeing at places like HomeGoods, but wasn't feeling the prices. However, I saw plain wooden LED houses at Michael's for $4.99, and I had already been making little gingerbread ornaments, so I figured I could easily make my own gingerbread house, for relatively cheap! I first layered on brown acrylic paint, followed by a glittery acrylic paint top coat. After that all dried, I used a hot glue gun to build up the larger areas of "frosting." Then, I used puff fabric paint to cover the glue and do the more intricate designs.
The gingerbread tree (far right in the picture) is a florist's cone that I got with a 60% off coupon at Joann Fabrics. That required a lot of layers of paint, even though I used a sealant before hand! I already owned the mini plastic candy canes from a previous project, but I could see being able to make them with hot glue and paint!
With this project, I found that you should never try to do the fine details when the paint bottle is more than half full, if you want more control. I also recommend doing multiple houses at once, because you want to allow half the house to dry (which takes hours!) before doing the other sides. I had originally intended to do three, but it didn't seem quite like a village, and my mom kindly gave me two more of the houses, which was a treat!
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These little metal ornaments were fun and fairly simple to make! I had been seeing dozens upon dozens of cool little folksy ornaments being made out of scrap metal (such as pie tins), and had to try it myself! All you need is metal, something like a knitting needle (to draw designs), scissors, and an ornament hanger! I used hot glue to put together the flower. I really enjoyed this project, and hope to make more sculptural projects with metal soon!
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So for my birthday in October, I asked my twin brother for a gift card to Michael's, which has fueled a great many of my holiday projects! I saw these snow globes that you can fill yourself, and decided to make a holiday terrarium! You can make your own for very cheap—buy some holiday stems at Joann's or Michael's (or wherever you can find them), find a cheap glass receptacle at Goodwill, and add a short length of led fairy lights (with a timer setting of course) and you will have a beautiful centerpiece for less than $10!
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I found all sorts of blank wooden ornaments for decorating for 79 cents at Joann Fabrics, so I I have been having a lot of fun painting them. i designed my dream wreath, though it might be a bit expensive if I were to make it full size!
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I have always loved dried oranges, so I decided to make them in my oven this year! Word to the wise, they take FOREVER, so don't start them at 7pm on a weekday if you are hoping to get them done before 1 am! I attached them to a garland that I got at Joann Fabric's for ~$3 during their holiday sale this weekend!
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I had been seeing wreaths similar to this for years, but the ones I liked best seemed to be over $200, so I thought I'd take a crack at it myself! The little houses I had bought a while back, as Christmas tree ornaments, but I thought I'd paint them (with an extra glittery top coat), and use them on this wreath instead! Many of the trees I purchased at The Dollar Tree. The base of the wreath (not visible!) was less than $5 at Michael's (though I attached snowy boughs to cover it). If you find yourself with bare spaces, use cotton battiing (with glittery acrylic paint on top) to cover them up for a fun snow effect!
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I had made a gingerbread garland out of felt and fabric paint last year, and still had plenty of materials, so I decided to make a fun wall piece with what I had left over. The spoon was my mom's idea (a baking sort of thing)!
I hope to make more little holiday crafts in the upcoming weeks, and recommend you do the same. A lot of times, artists make a lot of art for others, but I think (if you can find the time!) that it's important to make little keepsakes for yourself, that you'll get to cherish for years to come. I was thinking about how holiday decorating is often not just something you do for yourself, but a way to bring joy to others as well. I can't tell you how many times I have seen a house with beautiful lights that just made my day!
I know that this hasn't been the easiest couple of months for most people, but I hope things brighten up soon, and that everyone has a happy holiday season! I've been doing this blog for close to ten years now, and I really appreciate your continued support! I plan on working on some cross-stitching next—you can keep up with me on my Instagram here!
If you enjoy this blog, and would like to contribute to labor and maintenance costs, there is a Patreon, and if you’d like to buy me a cup of coffee, there is a Ko-Fi  account as well! I do this blog for free because accessible arts education is important to me, and your support helps a lot! You can also find more posts about art supplies on Case’s Instagram and Twitter! Thank you!
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laurenkmyers · 1 year
i'm heading to thailand in a few weeks and it's my first time so i was wondering if you have any tips for a first time traveller? i also want to try and see some of the bl actors - how did you manage to see so many? help?
First of all can I just say how incredibly envious I am you're going to Thailand soon. I'd give literally everything I have to be back there. I hope you have the best time. Because it was a fucking dream holiday for me.
I do have a few basic tips for you:
1.) Download the Grab app (Thailand's version of Uber). Trust me when I say it's going to be your best fucking friend. @bestillmyslashyheart and I had every intention of using public transport when we were there but the Grab app was so fucking cheap and it was generally the easiest/quickest option to get to all our intended destinations.
If you're a solo traveller I recommend the Grab Bikes, they're your best option for beating the truly HORRENDOUS Bangkok traffic at peak times and they barely cost more than 150 baht for journeys no longer than an hour (if you're from the UK that's about £3.50 per journey- truly wild)
Also, another note on travel, if its raining or between the hours of 3pm-8pm and grab tells you it will be a 40 minute journey, double it, Bangkok traffic is no fucking joke. Gridlock city centre.
You should also download the BKK app if you do plan to use public transport.
2.) Always carry cash on you. Most places in the city take credit/debit cards but there is usually a fee and having cash if you're in the more rural areas of Thailand is a must. We learnt that the hard way.
3.) Learn basic thai phrases. I made a list before we went and they came in so handy. If you want my list feel free to ask but here is a few we used a lot. Sawadee ka/krub (polite hello) Kop khun ka/krub (polite thank you) Kor tord ka/krub (polite sorry) Hong naam? (bathroom?) If you can't handle spice, like my white ass, you might want to learn the phrase for "no chilli" which is: Mai Sai Preek or "not spicy" which is: Mai Ped
4.) 7-Eleven will be your saving grace. There is a 7-Eleven on every fucking street. No word of a lie. They're everywhere. And they're so fucking cheap. You need a quick snack to keep you going before lunch? Go to 7-Eleven. 10/10 recommend their toasties. Also a great place to stock up on water. 6 baht (13p) for their branded water. Also, if you're a BL fan they have a lot of the BL branded items from the shows in there. It's where I found the Kinnporsche sex bread, the kp helicopter bj nose inhaler, the between us green tea drink, the bad buddy seaweed snack etc.
5.) If you're planning to visit the temples you need to be super respectful of their culture. The main thing to be aware of is wearing the appropriate clothing. It's really important to be respectful and cover yourself when you're visiting these sacred places. Also most temples you have to take your shoes off before you enter, so I suggest wearing easily slip on/off shoes for your temple days. My crocs were a godsend.
6. Icon Siam is a very fucking overwhelming place. If you don't do well in crowds or you struggle to navigate, I'd say avoid Icon Siam. It's Bangkok's biggest and busiest mall for a fucking reason. And trying to get a pick up from any of the malls is a literal nightmare. The smaller but no less impressive malls I recommend are Siam Paragon and Central World (only 5 mins walk from each other).
7.) If you go during rainy season (which you are) always have an umbrella or poncho to hand and wear weather appropriate shoes. because let me tell you when that rain hits, it hits hard and it hits fast, and those streets are flooded within minutes.
I think that's all for the basics. But I can go into more depth if you have any specific questions. My dms are always open.
For the BL specific events, you should absolutely be following all of the big production companies on either insta (where I got most of my info from), facebook, or twitter. Most of them post the artists schedules a week or two in advance so keep your eyes peeled for those updates and check your availablity- lots of the events happen in the malls.
I would also personally recommend getting to the event a few hours beforehand to scope out the best area to place yourself. The main trick is to follow the obvious fanclubs. They're always posting about where they are and always have light up signs of the actors name on them. And if people are sitting in groups by barriers, that is where you need to place yourself. Most of the events are very well organised and will have barriers already in place fo the best views.
Don't be afraid to ask. Some of the fans won't speak English, but a large majority do. There's no harm in asking if you're in the right place.
And also on that note, if you see girls running in one particular direction- follow them. They're usually headed to the event you're headed to and they know the way better than you do. It'll save so much time and you'll end up with a much better spot.
I think that's everything! Hope this helps! Let me know, and please come back and share your experiences! I'd love to hear all about it!!
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aleena-malik · 5 months
Best Travel Country for Vacation in May 2024
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While selecting the ideal holiday spot might occasionally feel stressful, planning a trip is always an enjoyable experience.
You want to make sure you choose a location that offers fantastic weather, breathtaking sights to view, and unforgettable experiences, especially if you plan to travel in May 2024.
In the process of choosing the ideal destination for your May 2024 vacation, let's examine some commonly asked questions and break down the selection process.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Travel Country
It's important to think about a number of variables before focusing on any one country, as they may affect your choice:
1. Weather and Climate: In many regions of the world, May is a month of transition. While some countries are entering summer, others are either in the process of moving from fall to winter in the Southern Hemisphere, or from spring to summer. Think about the weather conditions that you like for your vacation activities.
2. Tourist Attractions: Which attractions and events are a must-see for you? Make sure the nation you select gives the experiences you want, whether they are natural wonders, historical sites, or exciting cities life.
3. Safety and Security: Traveling safely is of the utmost importance. Examine the safety conditions at prospective trip locations, taking note of any travel warnings that your government or respectable foreign organizations may have issued.
4. Budget-Friendly Options: Although traveling can be costly, there are methods to travel on a tighter budget. Search for nations where you can get more for your money in terms of meals, accommodation, and transportation.
5. Cultural Events and Festivals: Plan your vacation to coincide with festivals or other cultural events taking place in your destination to fully immerse yourself in the local way of life.
Top Travel Countries for Vacation in May 2024
After discussing the crucial elements to take into account, let's look at some of the best places to visit for your May 2024 vacation:
1. Greece
Weather and Climate: Greece is most pleasant in May, and tour to greece attractions is always relaxing. When there is an abundance of sunshine and pleasant temperatures. It's ideal for taking in mouthwatering Greek cuisine, relaxing on gorgeous beaches, and touring historic sites.
Must-See Attractions: Don't miss famous locations like Delphi's ancient sites, Santorini's breathtaking sunsets, and Athens' Acropolis.
Safety Information: While most travelers find Greece to be safe, be on the lookout for thieves in crowded areas.
Budget-Friendly Tips: If you're looking for less expensive hotel and dining options, think about traveling to less visited islands like Milos or Naxos. Also there are world luxurious hotels that are cheap and comfortable.
Cultural Events and Festivals: Take in the lively mood of the Greek Easter celebrations, which frequently continue into May with customary feasts and events.
2. Japan
Weather and Climate: With pleasant temperatures and gorgeous cherry blossoms that are still in bloom in some areas, May is a great time to visit Japan. Discover the peaceful temples of Kyoto, the bustling streets of Tokyo, and the breathtaking scenery of Hokkaido.
Must-See Attractions: From the recognizable Mount Fuji to the ancient streets of Kyoto's Gion neighborhood, there are plenty of traveler attractions in Japan. Started with Tokyo National Museum,
Safety Information: Japan is considered by many as a safe travel destination due to its low crime rate.
Budget-Friendly Tips: Choose low-cost places to stay like guesthouses or capsule hotels, and take advantage of the cheap meals at neighborhood restaurants and food sellers.
Cultural Events and Festivals: In Japan, May symbolizes the beginning of Golden Week, a period of national celebrations marked by fairs, parades, and other cultural activities all throughout the nation.
Interesting fact: There are more than 6,800 islands in Japan! That's a lot of opportunity for beach selfies right there. 🏝️📸
3. Costa Rica
Weather and Climate: Costa Rica's green season, which spans from May to June, offers gorgeous scenery, less tourists, and cheaper costs. Tour to Cosata Rica attractions savor the remarkable diversity of the nation, ranging from gorgeous shores to lush rainforests.
Must-See Attractions: See animals in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, relax on the beaches of Manuel Antonio National Park, and hike up the Arenal Volcano.
Safety Information: While travel to Costa Rica is typically safe, keep an eye out for small-time theft, particularly in popular tourist locations.
Budget-Friendly Tips: Benefit from cheap hotel choices such as eco-lodges and hostels, and enjoy authentic and reasonably priced meals at neighborhood cafes (small eateries).
Cultural Events and Festivals: Enjoy the festive Fiesta de los Diablitos events in the native towns of Rey Curre and Boruca.
When selecting the ideal destination for your May 2024 trip, While most people dream of traveling to an exotic location for their fantasy vacation, very few really accomplish this. Most struggle to decide where and how long to spend our valuable vacation time.
Too many people end up stuck in this process of consideration and opt to visit the same spot year after year. While there are numerous considerations when picking a vacation spot, cost is always the primary one. 
Luckily for you, if you've read this article, the only thing left to worry about is obtaining enough scheduled time off to visit all of these reasonably priced locations.😀
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invisibleraven · 9 months
Haunted Holidays
December 24: Fairy Lights <-AO3 link!
“I know you’re disappointed, I am too,” Julie said down the phone line. “But the ticket prices are just way too high to afford coming home this year.”
“I’m more than happy to pay mija, you know that,” Ray replied.
“No, I can’t ask you to do that,” Julie chided. “Look, I know it sucks that we’ll be apart for Christmas, but that means I have months to save up and come home for the whole summer next year, okay?”
“Are you sure I can’t convince you to come?” Ray asked. “I don’t want you to spend the holidays alone.”
“I won’t be alone,” Julie assured him. “Reggie is stuck here too, and we’re going to have a nice, quiet Christmas together. But we’ll video chat for presents on Christmas morning, and it’ll be almost as good as me being there, okay?”
“You try telling your tia that,” Ray grumbled. “I’m sure she’ll call you later telling you to come home too.”
“Next year, I promise,” Julie vowed. “Te amo papi.”
Ray repeated the sentiment, and Julie ended the phone call with a sigh. Reggie offered her a cup of coffee, which she took with thanks. “Your folk take it any better?” she asked.
The tips of Reggie’s ears burned. “Oh um, I wasn’t planning on telling them? They don’t care if I come home or not-this will be one less thing to fight over. I usually spend the holidays with my MeeMaw, but she gets that the flights aren’t cheap. I’ll see her over spring break if I can.”
Julie flung her head back with a groan. “Man, why does everything have to be so expensive?”
“Fuck Capitalism!” Julie proclaimed. Reggie bumped fists with her at that, and then they looked around their barren little apartment. “Won’t be much of a Christmas, but at least we’re together.”
Reggie hummed. “I’m sure we could go find a few cheap decorations and a second hand tree if we looked.”
“I unfortunately have a shift in an hour, so I can’t help with that,” Julie replied. “But feel free to look around, and if you find anything decent, let me know how much I owe you.”
Reggie gave a mock salute, and soon saw her off to work while he decided to hit the thrift stores. He had honestly never really cared about Christmas, but he knew it stung Julie to not be able to spend the time with her family, so for her, he was willing to go all out.
The next few days were rinse and repeat, with them working, and Reggie finding them decor, while Julie agreed to handle the food. It wouldn’t be anything fancy, but it would be better than nothing.
The morning of Christmas Eve, Julie rushed out of the apartment, with Reggie promising it would be fully decked when she came home. She had volunteered to pick up a shift today , since the tips would be good, and she could add them to her going home fund for next year. Or maybe pay Reggie back because she knew he spent more than he was admitting to on the holiday decor.
Of course the day dragged on, and Julie swore no amount of tips made it worth it-even if she could now swing by the bakery and pick up a tray of pastry for dessert. Plus a Santa cookie, just because.
Julie rushed home, almost giddy to see what Reggie had done with the space, and to have a few days free. Sure, it sucked not to be going home, but she had to make the best of a bad situation right? She kicked her boots off at the door, calling out “Reg! I’m…home?”
The space was filled with fairy lights, strung from the ceiling, the cupboards, around the windows. “Oh wow.” There was a tree in the corner, decked out with little decorations of red, purple, and gold. A laptop was set up at the coffee table playing a crackling fire, with soft music coming from it. There was garland and tinsel and holly everywhere, but in a tasteful way, not just flung over every surface.
“Hey, you like it?” Reggie asked, grinning from beneath a ridiculous pair of antlers he was wearing on a headband, a small red dot painted on the tip of his nose.
“Reggie… this is magical!” Julie said, setting her things down so she could hug him, whooping as he spun them around. “You didn’t have to go through all this trouble!”
“Yes I did,” Reggie assured her as he set her down. “I know you’re bummed you couldn’t get home, so I had to make your holiday season as amazing as you.”
“Well I love it!” she declared. “Let me get my stuff off and I’ll start cooking, we can put on a movie, have a good snuggle.”
“Sounds like a perfect Christmas to me,” Reggie said. “As long as we can wear our holiday jammies too.”
“Well d’uh.”
Julie hadn’t gone all out for the food for tonight-just some fish tacos, but she had a small chicken for the two of them for tomorrow. Plus it would last days, so they could survive on leftovers for a few days. They ate quickly, then met back up with cocoa to snuggle while watching Love Actually-a favourite of Julie’s, and only because she had won the thumb wrestling match and narrowly beat out Reggie’s choice of Gremlins.
“At least you didn’t suggest Die Hard,” Julie said.
“I mean, it is a great movie, but it’s not a Christmas movie,” Reggie said. “You should be more happy I didn’t suggest the Star Wars Holiday Special.”
“Ugh nope!” Julie declared. “I’ve seen enough clips of that to ban it from our home.”
“What if I tickle you into agreeing?” Reggie asked with an arch of his eyebrow before pouncing, making Julie squeal as he assaulted her sides with his fingers, making her cackle with laughter.
“Stop! I give!” Julie declared, breathing heavily, flat on her back on the couch, Reggie perched over her, smiling down and a little winded. The fairy lights everywhere gave him such a golden glow, and Julie reached out, tucking some of his hair back. Sucking in a breath as he caught her hand, kissing the centre of her palm.
Eyes met, and there was no more need for words, as Julie pulled him down for a kiss-a real, passionate, fiery kiss that had Julie whimpering into it and Reggie’s toes curling in his festive socks. A kiss that ramped up and then slowly petered off as they needed to breathe, pulling back with wide eyes and racing hearts. “Wow,” Reggie whispered. “Didn’t even need to break out the mistletoe.”
“You never needed mistletoe with me,” Julie promised him. “I never needed any of this.”
“I swear if you quote Mariah Carey at me,” Reggie fake threatened, but grinned as Julie pulled him in close once more, nipping at his ear, which made him gasp.
“I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know…” she purred.
“Oh darlin’, I swear, I’ll make all your wishes come true,” Reggie declared, scooping her up from the couch. “Just lead the way, and I’m yours.”
“My room then,” Julie declared, laughing as Reggie trotted them off.
Sure she hadn’t gotten to go home to her family that year, but Julie didn’t really care at that moment, because she finally got what she really wanted for Christmas all along. And the next year, she got to bring him home with her, and every year after that as well.
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wanderfulescapes · 1 year
Tips to find the lowest airline tickets 💻🌅How to avoid mistakes when booking cheap tickets 🎫 🛫
Planning a trip is always exhilarating, but the excitement can quickly give way to stress when it comes time to book flights and transportation. With varying ticket prices, seemingly endless fees, and complex booking platforms, sorting through travel ticket options can be overwhelming. Where do you even begin to find an affordable fare without spending hours searching every airline website? When is the best time to purchase airfare or train tickets for the lowest possible price? What factors into pricing and availability? In this guide, I'll walk through the key considerations for booking both domestic and international travel tickets. You'll learn insider tips on finding deals, dodging extra fees, timing your purchase, and maximizing flexibility. With strategic planning and research, you can master travel ticketing and lock in the best value seats for your next big journey or quick getaway. Let's explore how to take control of travel booking and make ticketing a breeze, not a burden.
Here are some tips on when plane tickets tend to be cheapest:
- Tuesday and Wednesday mornings are generally when airlines release sales and cheaper seats. Set fare alerts for midweek mornings.
- Tickets are usually cheapest 1-3 months in advance of travel dates, when airlines are trying to fill seats. Avoid buying last-minute.
- Flying on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays tends to be cheaper than high-demand days like Friday and Sunday. Flexibility helps.
- Traveling during shoulder seasons when weather is transitioning (spring/fall) is cheaper than summer and winter peak times.
- Red eye and early morning flights are often cheaper than midday and evening. An inconvenience for savings!
- Holiday periods like Christmas, New Years and Thanksgiving lead to price spikes. Avoid traveling a few days before/after major holidays.
-If you're open to it, check if there are alternate airports near your destination. Sometimes flying into a nearby city and then taking a short train or bus ride to your final destination can save you money.
Protip: consider looking for tickets in incognito mood to see the real prices of tickets. Otherwise, the price will go up everytime you visit the same site.
Being flexible on dates, willing to take red eyes, flying midweek, and searching extensively can lead to great flight deals. Signing up for price alerts and newsletters from airlines can help find the cheapest tickets.
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japan-tourists-spots · 10 months
Tips and Advice for Budget Travelers in Japan
Travelers may think of Japan—known for its breathtaking scenery, vibrant culture, and mouthwatering cuisine—as an expensive vacation. However, traveling to Japan on a tight budget is not only feasible but also quite fulfilling if you prepare ahead of time and make wise financial decisions. In this blog, we will provide you with valuable tips and advice for making the most of your Japanese adventure without breaking the bank.
Let's read it out:
Plan Your Trip During Off-Peak Seasons
Traveling in shoulder or off-peak seasons might result in substantial savings on lodging and transportation. To avoid major holidays and the busiest travel times, think about visiting Japan in the spring or fall.
Use Japan Rail Pass
For a set fee, the Japan train Pass provides unrestricted travel throughout the vast train network of the nation. Make the most of your pass by planning your itinerary; using a pass might be an affordable way to visit several locations.
Enjoy Affordable Dining Experiences
Good and cheap meals may be found in convenience stores, local restaurants, and Japanese street food vendors. For inexpensive culinary excursions, check out your local markets, sample "bento" (boxed meals), and enjoy the casual pub eating culture of "izakayas."
Select Low-Cost Accommodations
Japan has a range of affordable lodging choices, including guesthouses, hostels, and capsule hotels. Particularly in well-known tourist locations, do your homework and reserve well-reviewed inexpensive lodgings in advance.
Use Local Transportation Options
Use the subway, trams, and city buses in addition to the Japan Rail Pass to navigate around cities. To reduce transportation expenses, think about getting regional transport passes for particular regions.
Low-cost and Free Attractions
Japan has a plethora of free or inexpensive activities, such as parks, hiking trails, temples, and shrines. Look into and plan an itinerary that combines these less expensive attractions with more well-known locations.
Learn Basic Japanese Phrases
Gaining some knowledge of basic Japanese words will improve your trip, particularly when interacting with locals at restaurants and stores. To facilitate conversations, familiarize yourself with standard greetings and courteous language.
Shop Smart for Souvenirs
In specialist stores and local markets, Japan provides reasonably priced and distinctive keepsakes. Shop for souvenirs at local markets and booths to avoid tourist traps and upscale retailers.
Think about Cultural Exchange Initiatives
A more in-depth cultural experience and possible financial savings are provided by several programs that provide the opportunity to stay with a Japanese family. Examine credible possibilities for cultural interaction and peruse feedback from past attendees.
Accept and Value Onsen Culture
It's possible to have a pleasant and reasonably priced experience in traditional Japanese hot springs, or "onsen". Seek for public baths or onsens in the area that you may enter for a fair price.
Budget travel in Japan doesn't have to entail a lower standard of travel. It's possible to take advantage of everything Japan has to offer without breaking the bank if you prepare ahead, make wise decisions, and are open to learning about local customs. These pointers and recommendations can help you plan affordable, unforgettable trips to the Land of the Rising Sun. After reading this post now if you are looking for the best Japan tourist spots you can connect with us here we have a professional team to offer you the best travel experience.
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the---hermit · 2 years
It's 3. something am but my brain is full of ideas and holidays are closing in by the second maybe on how to gift a journal or some kind of useful stationery for like folks who enjoy this form of art.... cuz let's be honest here this is art and its so damn personal I've never ever seen journals that look alike.
Hello! To do a very specific gift ideas post I would need more time to look for things and more references I think, and I wouldn't have enough time now (I am annotating this on my bujo for next year), but I can write down a few tips on here in case someone needs last minute help!
Gift ideas/tips for people who love journaling:
my top idea is to go in local stores, try to avoid super big chains of stores, this way you might find something unique that the person you are shopping for wouldn't have otherwise found. There's plenty of places with very cool journals, both handmade or just of smaller brands that you don't see everywhere.
if you know well the person you are getting a gift for you can go two ways: either get them something you know they use A LOT, or go the opposite and get them something totally out of their comfort zone. This could be a great challenge for them to try new things, sometimes we need a little push to try new stuff, and that's a gift itself in my opinion.
a personal favourite of mine are highlighters so I could never not recommend getting a nice pack of new highlighters to someone, I am particularly fond of pastel colours because they are amazing both for journaling and for school notes and book annotations.
maybe a nice pencil case could be a nice gift too, there's so many options out there you will surely find something for everyone's taste
a less common thing could also be a journal sleeve, there's book sleeves online that are super cool and protect your book covers from being damaged in your bag/backpack. You could pick one up with the purpuse of protecting the journal of the person you are shopping for.
this is more on the bookish side of things, but it was really appreciated by my best friend last year. I created for her a book annotating starter pack, to go alongside the custom reading journal I made her. I got her a nice pencil, an highlighter, some colorful post it notes and tabs and a tiny additional notebook to write all her favourite quotes on. I got everything in the same colour so it looked really thought out, but it was a quite cheap but effective gift.
going back to journaling, one thing I m considering for this same friend this year is a journaling prompt jar. You could also do this in another format, but it can be nice to just write down very random journaling prompts on pieces of paper for when your friend is out of ideas. You could do a themed thing, like self care prompts with a self care journal maybe.
talking about a self care journal, this is something you could do for a friend with very little effort. You get a pretty journal whatever you prefer, and then you can create different sections for your friend. Write in for them self care ideas, write inspiring quotes in it, create a spread in which they can write down compliments people give them so that they are "forced" to practiced a bit of self worth. When I created one in the past for someone who was really struggling at the time I had also wrote down a very random list of small things to appreaciate in life even in bad days, like the feeling of getting home when it's cold outside, all these little things you tend to forget about when your mental health is not at its best. There's plenty ideas for a self care journal (in the future I could do a specific post, although I don't keep one myself).
one last tip is to just go around stores without a clear idea and see what artistic tools make you think of this person. You see a nice set of pencils in coulours that remind you of them? Get that. Whatever you see that makes you think of this person is probably a good idea, in my opinion some of the best gifts are the most randm. And again always keep in mind that whatevr you get for this person you can probably custum in very easy ways to make it perfect for them. I personally really like to make things as much as I can instead of buying them because I think the time I put into crafting these things for people shows how much I care for them, it does not have to be perfect, in fact it has to be made with love and than believe me it will be perfect.
These are all the ideas that came to my mind right away, I hope it might be helpful for someone. I might do a more researched and structured post next year. If you need help with more specific things send me an ask and I'll do my best to help!
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bookandfly · 4 days
The Best Days and Times to Book Cheap Flights in the U.S.
With so many alternatives, choosing a flight for your next trip might be difficult. Knowing when to book can make all the difference, whether you’re visiting the bright lights of Las Vegas or the political epicenter of the country, Washington, DC. We’ll go over the best days and times to get low-cost flights to Las Vegas and Washington, DC, in this guide, so you can save money on your next trip.
The Best Times to Reserve Washington, DC Flights
The vibrant city of Washington, DC, is well-known for its monuments, political significance, and rich history. Whether you’re going on a work or pleasure trip, making wise reservations will help you locate reasonably priced accommodations.
1. Book Flights to Washington DC in Advance
Making reservations in advance is the easiest method to find cheap flights to Washington, DC. The majority of specialists advise scheduling domestic travel at least three to four weeks in advance of departure. This can guarantee that you have a wide range of opportunities and help you locate cheaper airfare to Washington, DC.
2. Last-Minute Flights to Washington DC
Finding last-minute tickets to Washington, DC, is still a possibility for impulsive travelers. Even though they are usually more expensive, occasionally there are deals available. When the departure date approaches, keep an eye out for any flash bargains or exclusive offers that the airline may have.
3. Compare Washington, DC flights
Always check prices on different platforms for flights to Washington, DC. To compare several airlines, departure times, and itineraries, use comparison tools. This can assist you in locating the most convenient and reasonably priced airline tickets to Washington, DC.
4. Best Days to Fly to Washington DC
Flying during the week, particularly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, usually results in the lowest fares. Reduced airfare for flights to Washington, DC, can also be achieved by making reservations for flights during off-peak times, such as early mornings or late at night.
Best Times to Book Flights to Las Vegas
Las Vegas is a top destination with its world-class resorts, vibrant nightlife, and entertainment. If you’re planning a business or leisure trip to Las Vegas, knowing when to book will help you save money on flights.
1. Compare Flights to Las Vegas
Finding cheaper airfare to Las Vegas requires researching airlines and travel schedules, just as finding cheap flights to Washington, DC. Analyze flights to Las Vegas using comparison tools to get the most affordable tickets.
2. Book Flights to Las Vegas for the Right Time of Year
Peak seasons, which include significant holidays and huge events (such as New Year’s Eve or sizable conventions), are when flights to Las Vegas are most costly. Try booking your trip in January or September, for example, if you want to get the cheapest flights to Las Vegas.
3. Last-Minute Flights to Las Vegas
You may be able to find last-minute flights to Las Vegas if you’re very fortunate. As the plane is about to take off, airlines will occasionally reduce the price of the remaining seats. You can uncover a fantastic discount if you keep an eye out for special offerings.
4. Business Class Tickets for Flights to Las Vegas
Business class tickets for flights to Las Vegas are a good option for those looking for comfort. If you book early or during promotional seasons, you can obtain reductions even if these may be more expensive. All pricing ranges of airline tickets to Las Vegas are available, so you may select the degree of luxury that best fits your needs whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure.
General Tips for Booking Cheap Flights in the U.S.
These basic booking recommendations will help you save money on your next trip, wherever you’re flying:
Go Midweek: Tickets are frequently less expensive on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Set Alerts: To get alerts when airfares to your preferred destination decrease, use airfare tracking tools.
Steer Clear of Peak Travel Days: To get the greatest airfares, try to avoid scheduling your travel around the weekends and significant holidays.
Flexible Dates: To compare costs on various days and identify the most affordable solutions, use flexible date search tools.
Whether you’re searching for flights to Las Vegas or Washington, DC, making advance reservations and using smart booking techniques will help you save money. You can locate the greatest prices on airline tickets to Las Vegas or Washington, DC, by using these suggestions and comparing flight alternatives. Get ready for a hassle-free and reasonably priced journey to two of the most fascinating cities in the United States by starting your search now!
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moonazanzibartours · 6 days
Which Zanzibar Travel Agency is the Best for Zanzibar Tours?
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Find the best Zanzibar travel agency for unforgettable Zanzibar tours. Explore affordable Zanzibar tour packages, including snorkeling, beach adventures, and historical tours. Book your dream vacation today!
In this blog, we will explore some of the best travel agencies in Zanzibar. We will also talk about the different Zanzibar Tour Packages, including budget-friendly or Cheap Zanzibar Tour Packages. So, if you are planning a cheap holiday tour to Zanzibar, keep reading to find out how to find the right Tour Operator in Zanzibar for your dream trip.
Why Visit Zanzibar?
Zanzibar is a tropical paradise with something for everyone. From historical tours through Stone Town to stunning Zanzibar Snorkeling Tours in the Indian Ocean, this island is a dream destination. Here are a few reasons why you should visit Zanzibar:
Beautiful Beaches: Zanzibar is known for its pristine beaches. Whether you want to relax in the sun or enjoy water sports, the beaches here are perfect.
Diving and Snorkeling: Zanzibar has some of the best snorkeling and diving spots in the world. You can explore colorful coral reefs and swim with marine life.
Affordable: You can find many cheap Zanzibar tour packages that make it affordable for budget travelers.
What Should You Look for in a Zanzibar Travel Agency?
Choosing the best Zanzibar Travel Agency can be a bit overwhelming. There are many options available, and each one offers different services. Here are some key things to look for when choosing a Tour Operator in Zanzibar:
Experience: The best travel agencies in Zanzibar have years of experience. They know the island well and can offer you insider tips on where to go and what to do.
Range of Services: The best agencies offer a variety of Zanzibar Tour Packages to fit your needs. Whether you want a luxury experience or a cheap holiday tour to Zanzibar, they should have options for every budget.
Reviews and Ratings: Always check reviews and ratings online. A well-rated Zanzibar Travel Agency is more likely to offer good service.
Personalized Service: Some tour operators offer personalized tours. This is great if you want a tailor-made experience that fits your preferences.
Types of Zanzibar Tour Packages
When planning your trip, you will come across many different Zanzibar Tour Packages. These packages are designed to offer you the best experience based on your interests and budget. Here are some popular options:
Beach Tours: Zanzibar is famous for its stunning beaches. Beach tour packages usually include visits to top beach destinations like Nungwi, Kendwa, and Paje. These packages often come with beachside accommodations, snorkeling, and diving experiences.
Historical Tours: If you are interested in history, choose a package that includes a tour of Stone Town. You will get to visit historical sites, old forts, and even learn about Zanzibar’s spice trade history.
Snorkeling and Diving Tours: Many Zanzibar Snorkeling Tours take you to beautiful coral reefs where you can see colorful fish, sea turtles, and more. This is perfect for anyone who loves the ocean and wants to explore the underwater world.
Budget or Cheap Zanzibar Tour Packages: These packages are perfect for travelers looking for an affordable way to explore the island. They may include basic accommodations, group tours, and budget-friendly activities. Even on a tight budget, you can still enjoy all the beauty Zanzibar has to offer.
Affordable and Cheap Holiday Tours to Zanzibar
If you are looking for a cheap holiday tour to Zanzibar, don’t worry — there are plenty of options. Many travel agencies offer cheap Zanzibar tour packages that allow you to experience the best of Zanzibar without breaking the bank. Here’s how you can save money on your trip:
Travel During the Low Season: Zanzibar’s low season is from March to May. During this time, hotels and tour packages are often cheaper because there are fewer tourists.
Choose Budget Accommodations: Instead of staying in luxury resorts, opt for budget hotels or guesthouses. These are much cheaper and still offer great service.
Group Tours: Group tours are often cheaper than private tours. If you are okay with traveling with other people, this is a great way to save money.
Book in Advance: Many travel agencies offer early bird discounts. Book your Zanzibar Tour Packages well in advance to get the best deal.
Look for Discounts: Keep an eye out for special promotions and discounts offered by travel agencies. You can often find last-minute deals that save you a lot of money.
Best Tour Operators in Zanzibar
Now that you know what to look for and what kind of tour packages are available, let’s talk about some of the best Tour Operators in Zanzibar. Here are a few travel agencies that have a great reputation for offering quality services:
Zanzibar Adventure Tours: Known for offering a wide range of Zanzibar Tour including beach tours, snorkeling tours, and cultural experiences. They also offer budget-friendly options for travelers who want a cheap holiday tour to Zanzibar.
Eco & Culture Tours: This travel agency focuses on eco-friendly tourism. They offer a variety of cultural and nature tours that let you experience the real Zanzibar. They also have affordable tour packages.
Island Adventures: Island Adventures is another popular Zanzibar Travel Agency that offers both luxury and cheap Zanzibar tour packages. They have excellent snorkeling and diving tours.
Zanzibar Unique Tours: If you are looking for a personalized experience, Zanzibar Unique Tours is a great choice. They offer tailor-made tours based on your preferences, whether you want to focus on history, beaches, or wildlife.
Zanzibar Snorkeling Tours
One of the highlights of visiting Zanzibar is going on a snorkeling tour. The island has some of the best snorkeling spots in the world. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced snorkeler, you can find a tour that suits your needs.
Some of the best places for snorkeling in Zanzibar include:
Mnemba Atoll: This is the most famous snorkeling spot in Zanzibar. It’s a protected area with clear waters and abundant marine life. Many Zanzibar Snorkeling Tours include a trip to Mnemba Atoll.
Chumbe Island: Another great snorkeling spot, known for its coral reefs and underwater biodiversity.
Pemba Island: If you want to avoid the crowds, head to Pemba Island. It’s a bit quieter but still offers excellent snorkeling.
Most Zanzibar Travel Agencies offer snorkeling as part of their Zanzibar Tour Packages, so you can easily add this adventure to your itinerary.
Zanzibar is a tropical paradise that offers something for every traveler. Whether you are looking for luxury or a cheap holiday tour to Zanzibar, the right Zanzibar Travel Agency can help make your trip unforgettable. Be sure to choose a tour operator with good reviews, a variety of tour packages, and local knowledge. Don’t forget to explore the beautiful beaches, historic Stone Town, and incredible underwater world on one of the many Zanzibar Snorkeling Tours available.
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trektote · 9 days
Cheap Moving Tips: Save Money When Moving House
You may have heard or read on numerous occasions that the entire process of moving house can be a really stressful experience – an event riddled with unexpected and chaotic turns and twists that can rarely be controlled.
And to make things even more challenging than they really are, you must definitely be aware of the fact that moving all of your possessions from one home to another is also a rather expensive business to start with.
Add high moving costs to the stress of relocation and you get a dangerous combination that should be handled with much care. It is no wonder then that everyone’s desperately looking for the cheapest way to move across country.
If you yourself are moving on a budget, then you either know or suspect how difficult the road ahead of you will be. But don’t despair as the following 13 cheap moving tips, ideas and tricks have been designed with one single purpose in mind: to help you move for less and thus save hard earned money on your local or cross country move.
Ready to learn how to move cheaply?
1. Control your moving expenses
To know how to move cheaply will prove very beneficial for you when it’s time to pay up the moving bill, but the entire moving saving idea should come from the creation of a relocation budget in the first place.
A personal moving budget will help you distribute your money properly among the tasks ahead of you, and more importantly – it will alert you when a specific job requires more financial resources to be completed. This way, you will have a much better control on your spending and will be able to apply minor fixes to make sure the money you have set aside in the beginning is enough.
2. Select the best time to move out
If you have a certain amount of flexibility about choosing your moving date, then use that unique chance as one of your major cheap moving strategies. If you book your move very early, your Packers and Movers Gurgaon to Bangalore may be willing to give you a price discount for early booking. If you select your move-out day during the off-peak moving season (September-May), you’re likely to get a killer deal around 20-30% off the standard moving companies rates, or even more.
Another budget-friendly moving tip is to avoid scheduling your moving date on national holidays, weekends, and the beginning and end of a month.
3. Save time to save money - Cheap moving ideas and tricks
How much time did you manage to save when moving?
Time is money, won’t you agree? Probably the simplest cheap moving idea you can use to your advantage when moving house is to organize your time in a clever way so that you end up saving huge chunks of time. And, by freeing more time on your schedule, you’ll be able to do more work or maybe even have a deserving rest period.
Create a moving calendar to fully utilize every hour of every day so that Moving day won’t catch you unprepared. Consult regularly with that moving checklist of yours and in no time you’ll be saving money by saving time.
4. Find the cheapest rates available
There are a number of good ways to move cheaply, and the cheapest way to move long distance is to find and hire the services of an affordable cross country mover. Now, it’s no secret that that’s much easier said than done but if you do your homework right, you can do it.
Invest some time in hunting down long distance movers with excellent reputation, request accurate price estimates from each one of them, compare the moving quotes very carefully, and go with the company that has offered the best conditions in terms of price and additional services.
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mightymove · 9 days
Cheap Moving Tips: Save Money When Moving House
You may have heard or read on numerous occasions that the entire process of moving house can be a really stressful experience – an event riddled with unexpected and chaotic turns and twists that can rarely be controlled.
And to make things even more challenging than they really are, you must definitely be aware of the fact that moving all of your possessions from one home to another is also a rather expensive business to start with.
Add high moving costs to the stress of relocation and you get a dangerous combination that should be handled with much care. It is no wonder then that everyone’s desperately looking for the cheapest way to move across country.
If you yourself are moving on a budget, then you either know or suspect how difficult the road ahead of you will be. But don’t despair as the following 13 cheap moving tips, ideas and tricks have been designed with one single purpose in mind: to help you move for less and thus save hard earned money on your local or cross country move.
Ready to learn how to move cheaply?
1. Control your moving expenses
To know how to move cheaply will prove very beneficial for you when it’s time to pay up the moving bill, but the entire moving saving idea should come from the creation of a relocation budget in the first place.
A personal moving budget will help you distribute your money properly among the tasks ahead of you, and more importantly – it will alert you when a specific job requires more financial resources to be completed. This way, you will have a much better control on your spending and will be able to apply minor fixes to make sure the money you have set aside in the beginning is enough.
2. Select the best time to move out
If you have a certain amount of flexibility about choosing your moving date, then use that unique chance as one of your major cheap moving strategies. If you book your move very early, your Packers and Movers Gurgaon to Bangalore may be willing to give you a price discount for early booking. If you select your move-out day during the off-peak moving season (September-May), you’re likely to get a killer deal around 20-30% off the standard moving companies rates, or even more.
Another budget-friendly moving tip is to avoid scheduling your moving date on national holidays, weekends, and the beginning and end of a month.
3. Save time to save money - Cheap moving ideas and tricks
How much time did you manage to save when moving?
Time is money, won’t you agree? Probably the simplest cheap moving idea you can use to your advantage when moving house is to organize your time in a clever way so that you end up saving huge chunks of time. And, by freeing more time on your schedule, you’ll be able to do more work or maybe even have a deserving rest period.
Create a moving calendar to fully utilize every hour of every day so that Moving day won’t catch you unprepared. Consult regularly with that moving checklist of yours and in no time you’ll be saving money by saving time.
4. Find the cheapest rates available
There are a number of good ways to move cheaply, and the cheapest way to move long distance is to find and hire the services of an affordable cross country mover. Now, it’s no secret that that’s much easier said than done but if you do your homework right, you can do it.
Invest some time in hunting down long distance movers with excellent reputation, request accurate price estimates from each one of them, compare the moving quotes very carefully, and go with the company that has offered the best conditions in terms of price and additional services.
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