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khaledabdul1990 · 1 year
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snowellness · 2 years
Choose our Popular and Reputed Psychiatrist Clinic for Better Mental Health
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Our psychiatrist clinic in abu dhabi is one of the reputable and reputed clinics that cater for the best solutions. Everyone is neglecting their mental health. They consider bad mental health a disease you cannot discuss with anyone. You are struggling with mental stress, trauma or bad life experiences.
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maudsleyhealth · 3 years
You Shouldn't Ignore These 11 Eating Disorder Symptoms
What is the definition of an eating disorder?
Eating disorders are more widespread than many people realize. Lady Gaga, Zayn Malik, and Demi Lovato are just a handful of famous people who have struggled with eating disorders.
Recognize the signs and symptoms
Some eating disorder symptoms are obvious: significant weight loss, unwillingness to eat, and long lengths of time spent in the restroom after meals. Anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder, on the other hand, manifest themselves in subtler ways. 
How do you know if a family member or acquaintance is in danger? Because persons with eating disorders show a wide range of symptoms, there is no guaranteed way of knowing. (Not to mention personal characteristics: Eating disorders, which were historically virtually exclusively connected with adolescent girls, are now seen in younger children and adults as well.) 
These easy-to-overlook symptoms, on the other hand, may help you detect an eating disorder or a disorder in the making, earlier.
Body image issues
According to Cynthia Bulik, PhD, an eating disorders specialist at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, negative or obsessive thoughts about body size, a critical element in all eating disorders, can emerge very early in the disease. 
Negative self-talk ("I'm so fat," "I have no self-control") and misinterpreting other people's comments are both warning signals of poor body image. "Comments like 'My, you've filled out well' can be misinterpreted as 'You look big," according to Bulik. 
She goes on to say that young girls' body insecurities might emerge or worsen when they compare themselves to idealized figures like Disney princesses and supermodels.
Excessive exercise
Excessive exercise behaviors, often known as "exercise anorexia," can accompany disordered eating and appear to be on the rise, according to Bulik. It can be difficult to define "excessive" exercise, especially when dealing with athletes or highly active young individuals. (Female athletes had a greater rate of eating disorders than non-athletes, 14 percent against 3 percent, according to a 2013 study of high school students.) 
Here are a couple of red flags: Does the individual become anxious if they miss a day of exercise? Is he or she a gym rat who works out even when wounded or sick? "These are really excellent indicators," Bulik argues, "that things have gone too far."
Fear of eating in front of others
Feeling uncomfortable or self-conscious about eating in public might be linked to body image concerns; for example, a person may believe that others are observing and judging them. 
However, it could simply indicate that eating has become stressful in general. "For someone with an eating disorder, eating can be extremely anxiety-provoking," explains Bulik. "Doing it in public only adds to the magnitude of the task." 
Although not wanting to eat in front of other people is a defining feature of anorexia, it can also be a symptom of other eating disorders. "Even persons with binge eating disorder would eat very little amounts in public and binge when they are alone," adds Bulik.
Fine Body Hair
People who have been starving their bodies for a long time acquire soft, downy body hair that resembles a thin film of fur on their arms and other regions of the body. Lanugo is a physical adaptation to the dangerously low weight and loss of body fat that some persons with anorexia experience. 
According to Bulik, author of The Woman in the Mirror: How to Stop Confusing What You Look Like with Who You Are, "it is a symptom of malnutrition and [an] attempt by the body to keep itself warm."
Preparing extravagant meals for other people
Even though persons with anorexia may avoid food themselves, they are often eager to watch others eat, and will go to great lengths to arrange sumptuous dinners for friends and family. This may be a type of vicarious enjoyment, or eating "through" others. 
The renowned Minnesota Starving Experiment, which took place in the mid-1940s, revealed similar results. Semi-starved volunteers who lost more than 25% of their body weight became fascinated with food and eating. Several of the males became cookbook and recipe collectors, a habit that has also been observed in anorexics.
Dry Skin
Dehydrated skin that is dry and blotchy can indicate chronic anorexia or bulimia. "Regular purging and laxative use might dehydrate you severely," Bulik warns. In persons with eating disorders, dry skin isn't the lone sign of dehydration. 
Dry lips, sunken cheeks, and eyes, as well as severe electrolyte imbalances, are all possible side effects. The formation of calluses on the knuckles is another skin modification that is a telltale indicator of bulimia. 
These lesions are known as Russell's signs (after the psychiatrist who first reported them), and they are created by continuously rubbing the back of the hand against the teeth while vomiting.
Feeling cold
Feeling chilly is more commonly related to anorexia than bulimia or binge eating disorder, as it is a sign of malnutrition and low body fat. People with eating disorders are more likely to complain about being cold or to wear sweaters and other heavy garments even in warm weather. 
Body fat conserves energy and protects the body from the elements. People with too little body fat may struggle to maintain their body temperature, and in some situations, hypothermia may result. 
Cheeks Swollen
According to Bulik, swelling along the jawline is most commonly related to bulimia, although it can also occur with any eating disorder that involves purging. (Some anorexics purge to maintain their weight.) People with bulimia, unlike those with anorexia, are frequently of normal or even above-average weight.) 
The enlarged salivary glands cause puffy cheeks (parotid glands). According to Bulik, edema can occur at any stage of the sickness and is dependent on the person and how often they purge. 
Getting fixated on'safe' food
The hallmark of the condition known as orthorexia is a fixation with foods thought to be "safe" or "healthy." According to Bulik, orthorexia can occasionally be a stepping stone to full-blown anorexia nervosa, even though it is not an official diagnosis. 
Although those with orthorexia focus on food quality while those with anorexia focus on quantity, the two illnesses can sometimes overlap. Anorexics, for example, have an extremely restricted diet and prefer to consume the same items over and over again. "Cutting out things they used to like, or even entire food groups, is one of the early indicators of people developing an eating disorder," Bulik adds.
Rituals in eating
Eating disorders can cause compulsive behaviors similar to those seen in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Food can be sliced into tiny bits or arranged in certain patterns as part of these so-called rituals. 
They're most commonly connected with anorexia (which frequently coexists with OCD), but they can also be an early indication of binge eating disorder. According to Bulik, rituals are "both a tactic not to eat and an element of the obsessionality connected with anorexia nervosa." "When eating disorders first emerge, people often try to make it appear as though they are eating by chopping things up and rearranging food on the plate to hide how little they are eating."
Unusual food combinations
Binge eaters are noted for combining unusual ingredients in recipes like mashed potatoes and Oreo cookies, or potato chips with lemon, pork rinds, Italian dressing, and salt. People who make their own food concoctions are more likely to binge than people who simply overeat, according to a recent study. 
However, this conduct frequently occurs in private and provides yet another source of shame for the individual with the illness. According to the study's authors, guilt and disgust might intensify the illness.
Maudsley Health Eating Disorder Service
At Maudsley Health, what services do they provide?
Maudsley Health an Eating Disorder Treatment Clinic in Abu Dhabi believes in providing gold-standard, evidence-based care, and all of the therapies they provide follow the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) 2017 recommendations. 
Dr. Victoria Mountford, our Joint Head of Eating Disorder Service, has spent the last 20 years specializing in eating disorder research and treatment in the UK and has been involved in the development of both CBT-ED and MANTRA (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy – Eating Disorder) (Maudsley Anorexia Nervosa Treatment for Adults). Our experts will discuss with you which treatment will best fit your needs during your assessment.
Family-Based Interventions for Young People with Anorexia Nervosa
They work with the young person and their family to help overcome anorexia utilizing family therapy combined with expert eating disorder knowledge, based on the Maudsley Model Family Therapy – Anorexia Nervosa (FT-AN) created at the Maudsley Hospital in London. They look at how the sickness has affected family life as well as behavioral changes. 
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy – Eating Disorder (CBT-ED)
CBT-ED can be used to treat any form of eating issue. It entails creating a tailored therapy plan that tackles any harmful thinking patterns, emotions, or behaviors that have emerged. It can also help with issues including low self-esteem, perfectionism, and having a negative body image. CBT can also be used to treat ARFID in children, adolescents, and adults.
Maudsley Anorexia Nervosa Treatment for Adults (MANTRA)
MANTRA is a modularized treatment for anorexia with a workbook to go along with it. It focuses on anorexia and explores sustaining elements such as emotional and relational challenges, problematic thinking habits, and parts of identity. 
What can I do if someone in my family has an eating disorder?
We understand how scary and difficult it can be to have a son, daughter, partner, or another family member with an eating disorder. You may be concerned about what to say or do at home as a result of your eating issue. 
Parents are sometimes concerned that they will be blamed. Families, we believe, do not create eating disorders, but they are critical to rehabilitation. We like to include family members or carers in the therapy process whenever possible (working with you and your loved one to decide how best to do this).
What can I do as a teacher or school counselor?
Because eating disorders usually begin in adolescence, teachers and school counselors may be in a good position to identify and raise concerns. Eating disorders can make it difficult for a youngster to focus and study, as well as participate fully in school or university life. 
They may isolate themselves and avoid mealtimes. People do not recover from eating disorders on their own, according to research, and the sooner they seek help, the sooner they can begin to recover.
Where can I learn more?
Maudsley Health will be delighted to discuss the next steps with you. Please call (+971) 2610 7777 to schedule an appointment to discuss your options.
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americancenteruae · 3 years
ACPN has some of the best psychiatrists in UAE providing premium psychiatry treatments including anxiety disorder treatments and trauma related disorder
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uaeu01 · 3 years
https://www.uaeu.ac.ae/en/Clinical guidelines and protocols define the quality of patient care for people suffering from a range of conditions all over the world. It is therefore essential to make sure the underlying literature reviews and analyses are as complete as possible. That way, we can ensure that research and clinical decision making is funded on the best possible available evidence. In evidence-based medicine, comprehensively conducted systematic reviews and meta-analyses are considered to provide the highest form of evidence support for clinical practice. The only limitations to this type of research are time and expertise. To conduct a really good systematic review on a medical topic, a large team of researchers can often take 18 months or more and review tens of thousands of scientific articles gathering evidence of practical clinical experience and scientific findings from different parts of the world. The relevant scientific literature is found through scrutinising a range of electronic databases of data published in journals, conference proceedings, books, protocols, guidelines, and case studies. Consequently, the planning phase is very important as review articles have to follow a strict standardized and pre-defined research methodology. Careful planning will also determine how many people are needed to conduct the review, how much time it will take, and where the end-result should be published. Librarians are highly trained in the skills of scientific literature-based research by systematic construction of complex search strategies designed to maximise the quality of the resulting review article.
National Medical Library Director, Linda Östlundh talks to us today about how the changing role of professional librarians means they are increasingly becoming integrated research partners. Linda originally comes from rural Western Sweden where she earned a bachelor’s degree and a master’s in library and information sciences. Her career as an academic  librarian has taken her to Agder University on the Southern tip of Norway, a nuclear research institution and to several institutions in the Middle East. Linda has spent over 20 years training and supporting research organisations including spells at the world-famous Alexandria library in Egypt, Weill Cornell University, the University of Boraås – Sweden, and for the last 4 years she has been in the United Arab Emirates, where she is currently Director of the National Medical Library at UAEU. 
According to Ms. Östlundh, the optimum multidisciplinary team required to perform such painstaking reviews and analyses include clinical specialists, scientific researchers, and library and information professionals. Indeed, the Institute of Medicines Standards for Systematic Reviews and the Cochrane Handbook for Systemic Reviews and Interventions now recommend incorporating professional medical librarians in the team to design and perform the searches. The resulting improved search precision, documentation transparency, and reproducibility means that increasingly librarians are being asked to co-author systematic reviews with the research teams. Ms. Östlundh, who has presented at conferences in Europe and the Middle East on this topic points out the “additional benefit of bringing in the professional librarian is their knowledge of the publication cycle, how long it takes certain publications to review and publish, their ability to select the best journal to maximise visibility and readership, expertise in bibliometric analysis and in research productivity tools that can streamline the research process.” At UAEU, Ms. Östlundh has been involved in over 60 systematic reviews of which 12 have now been published, including one in a Scopus top 1% journal, while the others are at various stages of the writing, peer review, and publication process. 
Ms. Östlundh developed expertise in the field of bibliotherapy during her master’s degree and wrote her thesis on the topic. Bibliotherapy is a creative therapeutic technique used by therapists, psychiatrists, librarians, teachers and other health professionals with people in a variety of clinical scenarios or as support for various types of emotional distress or difficult life situations. “It can help very ill or disoriented people, those with communication difficulties, and people with problems created by isolation,” said Ms. Östlundh. “With bibliotherapy, people can use fiction stories to relate to others through character association and deflect direct references to their own situation, they can use non-fiction to compare with other people’s situations, popular scientific literature to understand certain conditions, and fiction and poetry for escapism and distraction.” 
With the current and ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, large sections of the population have been and expect to continue to experience movement restrictions. Some elderly and vulnerable people have endured quarantine or have been confined in ‘lockdown’ which places practical and emotional challenges on them and their families as they await the long-anticipated vaccine. Meanwhile, front-line health professionals who are exposed to a high risk of infection and a stressful work environment which has been shown to increased stress, suicidal thoughts, and depression. They can also benefit from certain forms of bibliotherapy that help them manage the stress connected with their work during the pandemic. Ms. Östlundh teamed up with UAEU psychiatrists, Prof. Emmanuel Stip and Dr. Karim Abdul Aziz to write about the benefits of bibliotherapy to those affected by COVID-induced isolation and emotional distress. In an aptly titled article, ‘Bibliotherapy: Reading OVID during COVID’ the authors reviewed the history of bibliotherapy and found that the therapeutic benefit of reading was first identified by the ancient Greeks including Aristotle and Diodorus Siculus. More recently, the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and the neurologist Sigmund Freud referred to Aristotle's idea of catharsis when describing how literature can have a therapeutic effect on negative emotions. The paper includes a list of 22 suggested titles designed to help people reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and stimulate emotional intelligence
Clinical evidence developed with the weight of knowledge found in carefully selected recent scientific publications improve clinical guidelines for healthcare professionals that affect all of us. Deeper, thorough reviews of existing scholarly literature, even sometimes including ancient texts can provide the contemporary clinician with clinical solutions to modern challenges. And reading carefully selected books can help vulnerable people through the stress of COVID lockdown. The central theme to all of these public health improvement stories is the integration of professional librarians into scientific research teams, and Ms. Östlundh is a fine example to follow.
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P.O. Box 15551,
Al Ain, Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates.
Undergraduate Admissions: +971 3 713 5816, 6756, 4270, 4273
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sleemo · 7 years
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do
What is cooler than one multibillion-dollar box-office hit? Two multibillion-dollar box-office hits. 
British actor Daisy Ridley is about to have both to her name as she returns as Rey in the next instalment of Star Wars. Emma Brockes meets her as she prepares for superstardom. — ELLE UK, December 2017
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A few weeks after the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Daisy Ridley, who plays Rey – Jakku scavenger, desert-planet survivor and feminist hero – went on holiday to an island off Croatia with friends from the crew. The actor, who was 23 at the time, had been warned that after the release of the movie – number seven in a franchise that has made more than $42bn (£33bn) – her life would dramatically change, and she was terrified. This was, after all, her first big-screen role. 
In restaurants, she scrutinised waiters to see if they were being too nice to her; she wondered if she’d ever be able to use the tube again. On holiday, her friends started calling her Linda, ‘as a jokey alias’, she says, ‘and then they started calling me Paranoid Linda’ when she became convinced a man was following them around and wondered if he was a private detective employed by the studio.
Two years later, 25-year-old Daisy is sitting opposite me at a restaurant in downtown Manhattan, dressed in a shirt and capri pants in clashing blue-and-white prints, her hair still wet from the shower. She’s brimming with the kind of enthusiasm that reads on screen as charisma, and that helps to explain her meteoric rise from stage-school graduate with a few TV credits to her name to one of the most recognisable young stars on the planet. Paranoid Linda still makes an occasional appearance, she says, but mostly she has managed to adjust to life after two Star Wars movies.
Daisy clings to the fact that fame doesn’t need to have a warping effect. It also fits in with her belief that the best way to survive the pressures of high-voltage exposure is to try enjoying it. Everything is ‘amazing’ in her world and everyone is ‘remarkable’, ranging from her mum (‘a great person’) to Barbra Streisand, with whom she recorded a song in 2016 (‘a fantastic woman’), Harrison Ford (‘awesome’) and ‘Colly’ – Olivia Colman to you and me – who she starred with in Kenneth Branagh’s Murder on the Orient Express and who she found ‘incredible’, naturally. There is no hint of sycophancy here; it appears that Daisy is simply joyfully happy.
This cheerfulness has acted as a useful screen to hide behind during the years since she made Star Wars. Now her character, Rey, is back for The Last Jedi, the new Star Wars movie, directed by Rian Johnson. But Daisy found this one to be much more pressure than the first movie. ‘I suddenly felt a much bigger sense of re- sponsibility,’ she says. ‘I didn’t think I was good in the first film, and I was struggling with that.’
This is no humble brag. Daisy’s candour when it comes to her own performance is kind of startling. As a child, her general inability to disguise her feelings occasionally sent her into scatter-brained overdrive, an impulse that her loving London-based family: Mum, who works in internal communications; Dad, who’s a retired photographer; and two sisters – a model and a musician.
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Daisy sometimes reads as posh – there is a certain ringing tone to her accent. In fact, she says, her family is more bohemian than posh. The accent, meanwhile, probably comes from boarding school. Aged eight, Daisy went to board at Tring Park School for the Performing Arts in Hertfordshire – not, she says, from any desire to be an actor, but because a friend of hers had gone to boarding school and it sounded like fun. ‘I was such a grumpy child,’ says Daisy, smiling at the implication that she can still, now and then, throw a big wobbler. ‘I used to get super-distracted – once I’d done my work, I would be annoying to everyone else – and my mum thought if I was busy, I’d be less distracting. I always sort of felt like I didn’t fit in.’ This anxiety wasn’t just a result of being a bookish teenager, but a feeling of unreadiness to go out and meet the world as an adult. ‘At 12 or 13, I didn’t know how to do make-up,’ she says, ‘and I still don’t know how to do my hair. And people wore high heels at that age!’
Even now, Daisy retains some small sense of herself as an outsider looking in. How could she not? Her CV at this point is extraordinary: as well as Star Wars, the actress has starred in Ophelia opposite Naomi Watts, and shot Murder on the Orient Express alongside Judi Dench, Penélope Cruz, Sir Derek Jacobi and Olivia Colman. It was on that last set that Daisy finally cracked. ‘I turned to Ken, wiped away a tear, and said, “I can’t believe I’m here, thank you so much.”’ Daisy adds, only half-jokingly: ‘“Did someone make you cast me?”’ (No, he said.) The self-deprecation is real. It’s not just the burden of fame or lame faux humility. There have been times in Daisy’s life, most notably after the first Star Wars movie was released, when she was literally uncomfortable in her skin.
At 15, she was diagnosed with endometriosis, a painful condition of the uterus lining that, along with other symptoms, can result in severe acne that is exacerbated by stress. You know, the kind of stress that comes when you find yourself the star of the biggest-grossing film of all time. ‘I was in my flat going nuts, and then my skin got really bad with the stress of it all, and I hadn’t been well – I had holes in my gut wall and stuff – and we were trying to figure out what to do with that because I’d felt poorly.’ She did what she always does in times of stress and turned to her family, moving first to her sister’s house, a few streets from their parents, then to a flat she rented on her own in the same west London neighbourhood.
Still, says Daisy, it was scary. It is difficult to think of a more in- tense introduction to Hollywood than winning a big role in a new Star Wars movie, nor a bigger professional leap than Daisy’s jump from small parts in the usual roster of UK dramas and long-running soaps – Casualty, Silent Witness, Mr Selfridge – to the first day of filming The Force Awakens in Abu Dhabi. She had only turned up to the audition when a friend mentioned she was going, too, and now here she was, on day one of the shoot, with a production assistant holding an umbrella over her to keep the sun off while she looked around and ‘freaked out’. And then JJ Abrams, the director, yelled ‘action’.
Daisy will never forget that first scene, in which she had to dismount from her Speeder bike and walk a short distance with BB-8 while saying something like, ‘We’re going to get you home.’ Is it true that, after delivering her line, JJ called her acting ‘wooden’? Daisy laughs. ‘It is true! After the first take, he goes, “Just a bit... wooden”, and then we carried on. But JJ is the kind of person who before a scene says, “Don’t fuck it up.” So he said, “Just a bit wooden”, and I was like, “Oh my God.” But it got better.’ She is still laughing at the discrepancy between how bad it sounds (quite bad), and how bad it was. ‘It’s only because that word “wooden” is so loaded. But it was just tense. And I thought, “OK, loosen that shit right up and it’ll get better.”’
In fact, Daisy found JJ Abrams and the rest of the production crew to be incredibly nurturing, to the extent that she was rarely aware of the Star Wars ‘ma- chine’. It was a friendly set, she says, where she mostly hung out with John Boyega, the 23-year-old Brit who plays Finn, and with whom she had the greatest number of scenes, although her best friends were among the crew. JJ Abrams had deliberately hired hair and make-up for Daisy from the team who had worked on the Harry Potter franchise because, she says, ‘aside from the fact that they’re amazing, he knew that they had looked after Emma [Watson], Daniel [Radcliffe] and Rupert [Grint] for however many years. I felt very well taken care of.’
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Harrison Ford, meanwhile, reminds her of her dad – ‘They both have an earring and are fucking awesome,’ – and the first time she shot a scene with him, he gave her a hug and said, ‘She’s so adorable’, and she felt right at home after that. (Mean- while, when her real dad visited the set, he went up to Mark Hamill and, in classic dad fashion asked, ‘So, who do you play, then?’) 
In fact, the most difficult thing about the whole Star Wars experience has been reconciling the terrible warnings she received about how life would change with the reality of what actually happened – that, and the anxiety of shooting the second film. In the first instance, ‘Everyone asked me, “Are you ready for your life to change?” And that gets into your mind.’ Throughout this period, she tried to hang on to a piece of advice given to her by the late Carrie Fisher – not to shrink away from the success, but to enjoy it – ‘And that was wonderful.’ Beyond that, she threw herself back into work. ‘At work, you’re normal, you’re not the anomaly, unlike in other situations.’ 
Surely she has occasionally been starstruck herself? ‘Absolutely not,’ she says. ‘I’ve never idolised anyone, really. I never had a crush thing. So when I met Barbra Streisand, for example, I was blown away, not because of her work, but because she’s a fantastic woman.’ It was JJ Abrams who recommended Daisy to Barbra, who was looking for a young star with a good voice to feature in Encore, her album of 2016. Daisy ended up singing with her on the song At The Ballet from A Chorus Line, and finding a new role model for herself. ‘I went to her house and we talked about [psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl] Jung because my dad loves Jung, and we were talking about dreams, and I left and got super emotional, not because she’s famous, but because she’s amazing. Part of her reputation comes from being a woman. If it was a man being “controlling” about his career, people would just say he knows what he wants.’
One of the things Daisy has struggled with in the wake of grow- ing fame is the responsibility of being told Rey is a role model for young girls. She has been asked about feminism and has had to scramble, on occasion, to form an opinion, not because she is bland or apolitical, but because everything she now says has the potential to come back and haunt her. For someone struggling with self-doubt, this can have a paralysing effect, and it is testament to Daisy’s seriousness that she has the sense to acknowledge it.
Of course, whatever kind of attitude you have, being a beautiful young woman in Hollywood means you are exposed to constant scrutiny. Daisy, like Anne Hathaway and Jennifer Lawrence before her, will have to weather the salacious interest that undercuts anything she has to say and, if she seems less confident than her peers, it’s not only part of her charm but also, paradoxically, speaks to some deep-seated security that one assumes comes from Daisy’s family; it can take greater courage to admit to one’s weaknesses than to cover them up with bravado or a fake kind of self-confidence.
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She has also learned to sit back and relax a little, although shooting the second Star Wars movie, in which she had fewer scenes with her pal, John Boyega, made her briefly very stressed. ‘It’s not this big adventure that I’m on with John [unlike in the first movie]. I was thinking I did the first one because I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into and I was having loads of fun, and suddenly I’m realising what this actually is, and I can’t fucking do this.’
She says all this with a smile to acknowledge how neurotic this was. ‘I’m highly dramatic – so it’s all “oh my God”. And [director] Rian [Johnson] just said, “We’re going to do this, and these are the scenes, and this is how it’s going to work,” and finally I was like, “Oh yeah, this is working.” The fact is sometimes you’re not good at your job, and sometimes you’re better at your job.’
Having that kind of experience helps, but Daisy still has moments when she has to check herself to make sure it’s all real. There was one night on the set of Murder on the Orient Express when she found herself sitting around playing cards alongside Sir Derek Jacobi, Olivia Colman, Penélope Cruz and her husband Javier Bardem, who had come to support his wife. (Judi Dench had retired early to bed.) The next day, she and Sir Derek sat around doing the crossword. Even Paranoid Linda couldn’t worry the fun out of that one.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi is out on 14 December.
— ELLE UK, December 2017
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thekolsocial · 4 years
Dubai: Explore The United Emirates of Art
New Post has been published on https://thekolsocial.com/dubai-explore-the-united-emirates-of-art/
Dubai: Explore The United Emirates of Art
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[vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” content_text_aligment=”” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]
Dubai: Explore The United Emirates of Art
In a city best known for shiny skyscrapers and superlatives discover Dubai’s arts and culture scene.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”26px”][vc_single_image image=”20771″ img_size=”1200 x 641″ add_caption=”yes”][vc_empty_space height=”26px”][vc_column_text]
Dubai is a city built on vision and ambition. Literally rising out of the Arabian desert, Dubai has metamorphosed from a fishing and pearl diving hub to a sprawling metropolis in only 49 years.
In 1971 the seven emirates (Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Fujairah, Umm Al Quwain and Ras Al Khaimah) unified and became one nation, the United Arab Emirates. From those beginnings the bold ambition of the Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, has helped put Dubai on the map. The emirate is now a sophisticated, futuristic and popular destination where visitors can land in the world’s largest airport terminal, visit the Burj Khalifa the world’s tallest building, shop at one of the world’s biggest shopping malls, and stay in the world’s tallest hotel. In fact, Dubai has so many records that it has set the record for the city with the most world records – 224 and counting.
While a trip to Dubai is not complete without the obligatory visit to the Burj Khalifa, which is an elegant and remarkable feat of structural engineering in its own right, on first appearances it may seem that Dubai does not have much to offer the travelling aesthete. But when you step away from the flashy lights and the lure of the dancing fountains, you will discover that there is indeed a deep rich history and a burgeoning and bright arts scene in the city and beyond that can inspire and delight as much as any record-breaking building.
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”26px”][vc_single_image image=”20770″ img_size=”1200 x 641″ add_caption=”yes”][vc_empty_space height=”26px”][vc_column_text]Start with a wander around Bur Dubai, Dubai’s Old Town, an area to the north of the city which is steeped in heritage.  Here is where the beating heart of the city was long before the foundation of a single skyscraper was laid. Head to Dubai Creek and the Al Fahidi Historical Neighbourhood for a glimpse of traditional Emirati living. Al Fahidi is one of the oldest communities in Dubai, with its sandy houses and wind towers (known as barajeel), the area is characterised by its winding network of narrow alleys or sikkas.  The area was once the home of Dubai’s wealthy merchants, and reflects the way of living that was typical in Dubai from around the mid 19th century to the 1970s, and is awash with culture at every turn, from the 18th century Al Fahidi Fort and Ruler’s Divan to the recently opened Al Shindagha Museum.
A trip to Dubai Museum at Al Fahidi Fort provides visitors with a historical context to the pioneering city around them, showing that the emirate’s desire for development and ambitious ascension is rooted in a heritage of trade, natural resources and industrious peoples.
Another highlight of the neighbourhood is the XVA Art Hotel. Here, traditional architecture meets modern design. Entering the Art Hotel from the narrow sikka, visitors are transported to an art-filled oasis and are welcomed by a charming tree-shaded courtyard.  Part hotel, part gallery, XVA showcases contemporary works from across the Arab world, Iran and the Sub-continent with a roster of exhibitions which focus on works by the region’s foremost artists as well as those emerging onto the scene. To stay at XVA is to experience the beauty and simplicity of traditional Arabic architecture as each of the 15 rooms with cool stone floors and courtyard views are uniquely decorated and designed with regional art.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”26px”][vc_single_image image=”20788″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes”][vc_empty_space height=”26px”][vc_column_text]The UAE is a Muslim nation and a common misconception is that female voices are not heard in this society, their stories, faces and experiences untold and hidden behind abayas and burqas. But one special place challenges this narrative, the Women’s Museum. Created and established by Professor Rafia Ghubash, the first Emirati psychiatrist and the first Emirati woman to receive a professorship in psychiatry, the museum is situated across the Creek in Deira- a bustling district full of souks selling spices, textiles, gold, meat and fish. Getting to the museum requires navigating the Old Gold Souk in Deira, so explore the markets and haggle for bargains on your way.
The Women’s museum is built within Bait Al Banat, meaning The Girls House. The exhibition space takes visitors through a lovingly curated journey that shows the roles and impact of Emirati women, recalling the daily lives of women living in the UAE from as early as the 1950s. The museum also houses two exhibition spaces, one dedicated to temporary exhibits of female artists from across the Emirates, while the other is home to a body of work called Zayed Empowering Women, which highlights the late President of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan and his contribution to women in the UAE. The Diwan Ousha Bint Khalifa Al Suwidi Room is a striking embodiment of the work of the Emirati poet, known also as ‘The Girl of the Arabs’. Ousha is regarded as one of the finest Arabic poets and the exhibition charts her experience.
Dubai has around 50 art galleries and being a relative new player in the global arts industry has not stopped it from creating distinct visual and experiential spaces for artists and aficionados alike. Alserkal Avenue is one such place. A cultural district of contemporary art galleries, non-profit organisations, and homegrown businesses in the Al Quoz industrial area of Dubai. Al Serkal Avenue is spread across 500,000 square feet and is not only a centre of art but a vibrant community of visual and performing arts organisations, designers, and artisanal spaces that have become an essential platform for the development of the creative industries in the UAE.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”26px”][vc_single_image image=”20766″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes”][vc_empty_space height=”26px”][vc_column_text]Alserkal Avenue has its own gravitational pull, attracting acclaimed artists from all over the world to its district of warehouse style art galleries. Alserkal has had collaborations with UK galleries such as The V&A, The Hayward Gallery and Whitechapel Gallery. The art-loving traveller can spend time wandering the lanes of galleries and studios, watch an arthouse film, pick up an original artwork or simply browse and enjoy an artisanal coffee roasted on site.
Dubai’s theatre and performing arts lovers used to have to make do with productions in conference halls with acoustics that were not designed for the vibrato of a philharmonic orchestra. That was until Dubai Opera opened in 2016, becoming the city’s first purpose-built multi-format performing arts theatre. Though the city does not have a theatre district like London’s West End, Dubai Opera has played host to stunning productions of West End shows such as Les Misérables, The Nutcracker and The Kite Runner, and the stage has been graced by the biggest names in opera such as Placido Domingo, José Carreras and Katherine Jenkins.
If you are looking for vast visual spectacle then this year’s Expo 2020 Dubai, from 20 October 2020 to 10 April 2021, promises to offer the greatest show on Earth. With six months of innovation, arts and technology in hundreds of unique country pavilions for visitors to marvel at. At the time of writing, despite the global Covid-19 crisis, Expo 2020 Dubai is still scheduled to go ahead.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”26px”][vc_single_image image=”20777″ img_size=”1200 x 641″ add_caption=”yes”][vc_empty_space height=”26px”][vc_column_text]Dubai is not the only emirate with artistic attractions. The UAE’s capital, Abu Dhabi, also has a wealth of art and heritage to explore too, but if you only see one thing, see the Louvre Abu Dhabi. Around an hour’s drive away from Dubai Marina, Louvre Abu Dhabi is a testimony of the UAE’s commitment and appreciation of art past, present and future. Located on Saadiyat Island, surrounded by the tranquil waters of the Arabian Gulf, Louvre Abu Dhabi is an island of awe and art. The intricate 590-foot-wide dome shaped museum was born out of a partnership between the UAE and France and houses some 600 masterpieces in its four wings. From adorned Egyptian sarcophagus from 900BC through to Basquiat’s Cabra, the Louvre Abu Dhabi illustrates how the Middle East is intrinsically connected to the world.
Do not expect to see too many billboards on the buses or tube inviting you to ‘Discover Sharjah’ (the emirate has one of the strictest decency laws in the UAE and alcohol is almost entirely forbidden), but for the culture loving traveler, a day trip to the emirate is worth skipping happy hour for. Sharjah is the third largest of the seven emirates, bordering Dubai it is approximately 20 minutes drive from Dubai International Airport. The emirate has established a reputation for its commitment to art, culture and history –  Sharjah was recognised as the UNESCO cultural capital of the Arab World in 1998 and has hosted the Sharjah Biennial since 1993.
Sharjah’s historic Art and Heritage Areas houses the Sharjah Art foundation (SAF), the artistic centre fo Sharjah. Book a ticket to the Rain Room (main image) and wander through an immersive installation that invites you to walk through a dark shower of continuous rain without getting wet, exploring our relationship with nature and technology.
Dubai’s art scene may not be as obvious as its glittering skyline but seeking it out will paint the city in a different light.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”26px”][vc_single_image image=”20773″ img_size=”1200 x 641″ add_caption=”yes”][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/3″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row inner_container=”true” padding_top=”20px” padding_bottom=”20px” border=”all” content_text_aligment=”” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” bg_video=”” class=”” style=””][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”20792″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes”][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]
Author: Benita Adesuyan
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”26px”][vc_column_text]Benita Adesuyan is a Londoner living in Dubai where she has been delving into the city’s cultural scene for over six years. She is a freelance writer and PR professional with over 10 years of experience and has crafted features for Time Out Dubai, Women’s Health and the Sunday Express Magazine. Benita is also a certified personal development coach working with professionals to turn their talents into strengths. When she’s not travelling, writing or helping businesses develop their people and their content, you can find her sweating it out at a pilates class or on the hunt for the city’s best G&T. Follow her on Twitter @BAdesuyan[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/3″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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Almost half all men within the UAE say they're too embarrassed or do not have enough time to see a health practitioner. Surveys, completed via Cleveland clinics this month, discovered that greater than 40 keep with cent of men haven't been for a trendy health check-up except caused by using signs. 
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Additionally quite half of men, 57 keep with cent, said they might simplest attend a doctor if that they had been suffering from a critical infection. the most reasons given for averting the physician become thanks to the very fact guys said that they had been either too busy, scared or not concerned approximately their health.
The results of this survey align with what we see hebdomadally on the sanatorium,, a urologist in sharjah at Cleveland Clinic . “Some men’s reluctance to urge ordinary check-united states of americaor talk fitness issues can imply that illnesses move undetected and issues left to extend . “Early detection of ailment saves lives and that we hope this marketing campaign encourages citizenry to possess everyday check-ups.
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The first survey requested the perspectives of 1 ,000 ladies and men approximately their attitudes closer to visiting a medical doctor, while the other survey requested 1,000 guys approximately their most latest attend to a health practitioner and therefore the quite fitness problems they're trying to seek out . 
Men had been more likely to mention they were too embarrassed to travel to the health practitioner than girls, 12 in line with cent as compared to six per cent. Fewer than half the lads surveyed, 49 consistent with cent, said they might talk their health with all folks else. 
Men tend to sense a terrific burden in reference to fitness troubles to psychiatrist in sharjah is strain to measure up to the thought of being robust, unbiased and to fill the function of issuer and protector in their circle of relatives. “In exercise, this means they shy away from mentioning health problems till they do not have any different preference.” The survey became performed as a part of the health center’s
He frantic pace of lifestyles within the UAE and emotions of embarrassment are preventing an excellent big variety of men from paying right attention to their health, in line with new studies discovered today.
 A survey on attitudes to men’s fitness has discovered that extra than forty% of men have by no means been for a classy fitness checkup with a medical doctor after that they had been not already experiencing symptoms. additionally , extra than 1/2 of men (fifty seven%) replied that they could best attend a medical doctor if they notion they need been affected by a significant contamination. 
The survey, which become commissioned by way of Cleveland find a doctor as a neighborhood of its marketing campaign , surveyed the attitudes of greater than 1,000 people dwelling inside the UAE
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The outcomes of this survey align with what we see hebdomadally on the clinic. Some guys’s reluctance to urge normal checkups or discuss health concerns can suggest that illnesses pass undetected and issues left to broaden. Early detection of disease saves lives and that we hope this campaign encourages people to possess normal take a glance at-up orthopedic doctor  at Cleveland Clinic. 
Asked why they'll be reluctant to hunt advice from a health practitioner approximately their fitness, guys replied that they are too busy (23%), scared (21%) or that they're surely not involved approximately their health (15%). The survey additionally determined that men are twice as probable to be too embarrassed to travel to the health practitioner as ladies, with 12% of fellows reporting embarrassment compared to easily 6% of women .
 Reflecting the truth that guys have a bent to take care of their health troubles private “Men have a bent to feel a excellent burden in reference to health troubles. there's pressure to measure the maximum amount because the concept of being strong, independent and to fill the function of provider and protector of their circle of relatives .
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 In exercise, this means they shy away from citing health problems till they do not have the other preference,” Cleveland clinicsi is walking a marketing campaign to inspire guys to be greater open approximately their health. The clinic is encouraging guys who enjoy signs and symptoms to to a medical doctor. The campaign is geared toward getting men to interrupt the silence about their health and obtain everyday take a glance at-ups, helping them discover fitness issues before they cause further complications
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Living with Diabetes in... the United Arab Emirates
New Post has been published on http://type2diabetestreatment.net/diabetes-mellitus/living-with-diabetes-in-the-united-arab-emirates/
Living with Diabetes in... the United Arab Emirates
Welcome again to our ongoing series about living with diabetes around the globe. We're very excited to bring you this special account of life in the United Arab Emirates by Aisha AlQaissieh, a 25-year-old native of Abu Dhabi, the capitol of the country, where she works at her family's business. Aisha was diagnosed with type 1 at age 12 and struggled with her diabetes for a few years before becoming a patient at the UAE's Sheikh Khalifa Medical City Diabetes Center, where she has found the support and guidance she needed in her diabetes management.
The United Arab Emirates has recently become a hotspot in the diabetes epidemic, with 20% of the 8 million citizens now having diabetes! In contrast, most countries have diabetes rates of about 5% of the population. Experts believe the economic success of some Middle Eastern countries have led to an increase in fast food and less exercise, which has negatively affected public health.
Despite the huge burden of diabetes on her country, Aisha has seen advancements made in diabetes care in the UAE. She has written a lovely post expressing her gratitude to the UAE's healthcare system and the folks who work at the Diabetes Center. It's certainly not something you hear very often from patients — certainly not in this country.
A Guest Post by Aisha AlQaissieh
Thirteen years ago, after suffering weight loss and awkward moments while constantly excusing myself to the restroom, I was laying down paralyzed with abdominal pain and watching other kids playing around and the elders fancy-dressed for Eid, one of the two most holy celebrations for Muslims. It's pretty much like a three-day Halloween for the kids with new outfits instead of costumes.
Eid is very special to me and I didn't want to spend it at the hospital. Despite the pain, I told my mother that I could wait till the morning. "Just please don't take me to the hospital tonight," I begged.
A while after I vomited, and my parents rushed me to the hospital. I was almost unconscious, and I can barely recall what happened. I went back to sleep and then woke up to my parents, brothers and sisters by my side, and it was at that moment when I was introduced to diabetes.
My father struggled to explain diabetes. The words made my mother cry and saddened my father, but they put me at ease.
"Daughter, God has given you a gift. A type of gift that is only given to the people God loves. You see my little girl: Diabetes is called a friendly disease because it becomes your friend if you take care of it and your worst enemy if you neglect it. And as you go through some changes, we are all by your side, as long as you always take control, because in the end my dear, if you don't take care of yourself all that people can do is pity you. Don't fall for the mercy of others when you have the choice. As our Prophet Mohammed (S.A.A.W) taught us, know that Allah loves you and gave you diabetes as a test. You shall always be grateful it isn't anything else, always be grateful that Allah is always beside you even when you just prick your finger, and show your gratitude by taking care of yourself."
For the past 13 years, I have recited those words almost every day. Those words opened my eyes to diabetes. Today, I don't consider myself the weak person on the hospital bed, and my parents are not agonized about me being a diabetic. I've got an elder brother who looks up to me, and two sisters and a younger brother that consider Diabetes a 'norm.'
The moment that changed our lives wasn't me becoming diabetic; in fact, it was the words my father used in reaction to the situation.
Interestingly enough, a few years after my father shared, "I wasn't much aware of Juvenile Diabetes at that time; your mother and I only thought of Type 1 Diabetes to be hereditary. We still believed that it was a misdiagnosis, but that day we insisted to set you on a solid track. Just in case."
It was during my week stay in the hospital that I learned how to deal with diabetes and was prepared for a new life. On the other hand, my parents were focused on finding every information possible about Type 1 diabetes and were prepared to welcome me to a "modified" life.
For years I have struggled adapting with diabetes, and the main reason was me misunderstanding the extra attention I got. I sometimes forgot my father's advice on being grateful and I started to act like a spoiled child. I was proud of being "different" but believed that I was too special to worry about managing blood sugar levels.
Four years after being diagnosed, my parents took me abroad for diabetes treatment, because they believed that treatment abroad was somewhat more advanced, and because there wasn't an actual Diabetes Center in our country when I was first diagnosed. According to my father's research, Germany had advanced treatment that was convenient in terms of location, since it was almost 7 hours away by plane, rather than the United States, which is an almost 14-hour flight.
My parents took me to a German doctor in Munich where I spent a week. Impressed by the doctor, my parents decided to start shipping my insulin from Munich and stayed in touch with the doctor when I was back home. For about two years, I sent my logbooks to Germany and got a reply on the results and what to do next. Even though I maintained my BG levels, not being able to interact with the doctor or meeting another diabetic in Abu Dhabi made me feel something was not yet complete.
It wasn't complete until late 2005, when we found out that the General Authority for Health Services in Abu Dhabi officially opened the Diabetes Centre on November 14 (World Diabetes Day) that year. This was different than the other Diabetic Clinics at the time because it was under the Health Authority supervision and was the first specialized center for Diabetes in Abu Dhabi. Hoping for a diabetic community and a sense of belonging, I made an appointment right away.
My mother accompanied me the first time, just to make sure that they were at least somewhat knowledgeable about diabetes. The doctor explained that The Health Authority in the Emirates provides diabetics with their necessary treatment and care with no charge at all. He explained that the United Arab Emirates doesn't put a price on health, therefore anything additional was also provided!
The healthcare system in the Emirates offers free treatment and medication for locals, for diabetes or any condition. For expats, they have insurance that covers most treatments, or requires them to pay just a tiny amount. My health card is also the insurance card which I could use in the country, or outside the country as well. If I traveled abroad for treatment, my country will cover the payments.
The Diabetes Center encourages the patients to visit at least once a month, since the doctor, consultant, dietitian, and all medical staff are highly involved with the patients. I tend to visit the Center every other week, even when I do not have an appointment. But usually my appointments are almost every month.
The care in the Center is outstanding. None of the medical staff would ever treat a diabetic as just a another numbered patient. Instead they let us feel as if they genuinely care about us, in terms of diabetes and also life. The person I see most is a consultant nurse that follows up with everything. I visit the endocrinologist every 2 to 3 months for followups, but the nurses are those who are mostly involved with diabetics. They also arrange appointments with the pediatrician, dietitian, eye doctor, blood works, health educators, psychiatrists, and other medical staffs that a diabetic could need, which are all available at the Clinic.
As we left the Clinic that first time, I remember thinking how grateful I am for being a diabetic in the Emirates, yet I seemed very ungrateful. Why didn't it occur to me that my country would have the best healthcare? The Emirates always strives to offer the best standards for everything. As I sat in the car looking out the window and seeing all this greenery, skyscrapers, all those facilities, even the sky, I asked my mother, "Is it possible to call the Emirates my 'Diabetic Parent'? I know the Emirates has offered us much more than healthcare, but to me as a diabetic, my country is providing me with what you and father have provided for me all those years." I wasn't sure what my mother's smile meant, but she looked at me and said, "As long as you honor that name" and she explained how this was a new start with special motivation.
One of the main ongoing programs is 'The Insulin Pump Program' which started in 2005. A group of fellow diabetics and I decided to go on the pump in 2006. The insulin pumps were already provided by the Diabetic Clinic, however in order to be eligible, we must first be well educated about everything in relation to the pump. The program has the doctors, psychologists and dietitians highly involved in the first phase mainly, and then monthly followups. Also, the nurses (along with everyone in the program) are certified Insulin Pump Trainers and are available 24/7 for any type of support.
Today, the Diabetic Center has the largest insulin pump program in the Middle East.
The capitol, Abu Dhabi, now has many institutions that offer information and treatment for diabetics. Along with the Diabetic Center, the Ministry of Health focused on the importance of growing the Diabetes Health Care facilities by opening the Imperial College London Diabetes Center as a specialized clinic for diabetics in Abu Dhabi 2006. Not to mention the annual budget the UAE spends on treating Diabetes which ranges between US$100-200 million. This assures that the country has not only provided the UAE Nationals with free healthcare, but it has succeeded in obtaining the latest information/technology and providing the optimal care for diabetics.
However, the society is still facing some sort of barrier against making the best use of the information and treatment. I hope that one day diabetes will be more acceptable than it is today. I truly believe that the diabetes care in the Emirates is optimal, and what touches me with pride is that the Emirates still strives for the best and latest. I just hope that society would make the best use of what the country is offering and allow the 'care' to be mutually beneficial.
Diabetes is unfortunately something that still worries people in the Emirates as much as around the world. When you research on the Internet for the word "diabetic," you receive horrific images and advices on how to "avoid diabetes." People in the Emirates relate it to Type 2 diabetes, since elders are mostly diagnosed with it and elders are very important in our society along with family bonds. As a diabetic, I constantly get pity and sympathy from people. This comes from a lack of effort in learning about diabetes, as well as sincere concerns; people tend to react to diabetes as something challenging and difficult to live with.
I may have not portrayed the lives of every diabetic in the Emirates, but facts are the country has put so much effort and money to care for diabetics and strives to have the latest updates, medications, information and everything related to diabetes.
I decided to follow in my country's footsteps and contribute to diabetes awareness. My efforts can never measure up to what the Emirates has done for diabetics, but this is my humble way of thanking my "Diabetic Parent." I shall forever be in debt to my country, my family and the Diabetic Clinic for guiding me to reach a point where I consider diabetes such bliss, and offer my well-maintained health as a token of appreciation.
Thank you, Aisha, for sharing this very unique perspective!
Disclaimer: Content created by the Diabetes Mine team. For more details click here.
This content is created for Diabetes Mine, a consumer health blog focused on the diabetes community. The content is not medically reviewed and doesn't adhere to Healthline's editorial guidelines. For more information about Healthline's partnership with Diabetes Mine, please click here.
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Acquire the best child and adolescent therapy and couples counselling in Abu Dhabi 
Mental health is as important as physical health. However, people hardly focus on their mental health. Having a peaceful and calm mind is important if you want a healthy life. A stressful mind never leads you toward a healthy life. However, a stressed mind increases the negative thoughts, anxiety, stress and anger. Therefore, quickly connect to our mental health care team and get the best treatment for a healthy and happy life. We have therapy from child and adolescent therapy services to adult therapy.
Our work is to help patients tackle their trauma and stress in the best and non-harmful ways for long-term results. Anxiety, depression, anger and stress are not only for adults; kids are also undergoing bad mental health that leads them in a bad direction. Our wellness centre is fully equipped with all the best tools used to treat mental health. Moreover, all our team members are highly experienced and well-trained in every therapy. So, you can choose us for the best medical treatment. Our child and adolescent therapy services is highly effective and cater for the best service. 
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Therefore, contact our support team if you want more details about our services. Our team is available 24*7. Book an appointment with us for the best mental health care. We do not want to risk anyone. We are open to all. Couples who fight a lot but can’t live without each other. We provide couples counselling abu dhabi and help couples in resolving their issues. Consult with our medical expert and get the best solutions.
Our psychiatrist clinic in abu dhabi is popular and recognized for the best mental health care. However, many people neglect their mental health. However, this leads to them in huge trouble. If you are stressed and unable to find mental peace, consult our medical expert to get the best treatment. Mental health encourages a healthier and more peaceful life. So, if you want the best mental care treatment, book an appointment with us to get the best treatment.
We are a reliable mental care centre popular for top-class solutions. Having a healthy and peaceful mind entices positivity in life, so enjoy the best mental care treatment. We follow the top and most effective mental therapy that helps patients ease their trauma and stress. 
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You are searching for couples counselling abu dhabi. Then our well-centre is the best place to cure all your mental health. We offer the best mental health care services to all our clients. Our wellness centre provides the top-notch and best therapy for mental health. Our focus is to help clients to live peaceful and healthy life.
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snowellness · 2 years
Fix your Mental Health, Visit Anxiety Psychiatrist Abu Dhabi
Our experts here at Sno Wellness are aware that psychological health is equally as necessary as outer health, and also that the human connections in our lives are the driving force behind our overall sense of wellbeing.Our objective is to provide our clients with the assistance and support necessary to realise their dreams in a manner that is friendly, compassionate, and free of judgement. People who have taken our services know that we provide the best anxiety psychiatrist Abu Dhabi services.
We have a mission to create a relaxing surrounding and offer services that are holistic and wellness-focused, with the goal of enabling both adults and children to address issues related to their socio - emotional development as well as mental health difficulties. In order to accomplish this goal, we need to demonstrate that we are Superior, Delicate, and Trustworthy. This is the fundamental tenet upon which Sno Healthcare was founded.
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Sno Wellness is a devoted mental health and wellbeing clinic that brings together a balanced group of mental health professionals, including psychologists and psychiatrists, counsellors, nurses, and diagnostic support personnel educated in the prognosis, treatment, and strategic planning of physiological and emotional obstacles.
We provide solutions to our customers by giving them a good experience and cultivating trusting relationships, which enables them to achieve their objectives in a setting that is secure, friendly, compassionate, and devoid of judgement.
Talking about our plans, we offer therapy sessions to both children, teens, and adults too. Under the children’s & teens plan we have various activity sessions like art & play therapy, Parenting support, assessments, etc. Under the adult’s program, we have couples therapy, individual therapy, psychiatry services, assessment, and parenting support.
Talking about the Parenting support therapy Abu Dhabi, it’s normal for families to face issues at some point of their lives. At the parenting support therapy, support related to various topics is provided. For example, miscarriage support, single parenting troubles, postpartum depression, new baby, losing a close person, etc. We recommend you to join us, and say hello to a life with good psychological health.
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snowellness · 2 years
How parenting therapy helps children with psychic problems
The world of psychiatry and psychotherapy was created to address mind related issues. The therapy is multifaceted and different types of psychiatrists or counselors are required to each type of psychic problems. It is for all ages and parenting support therapy Abu Dhabi is meant to address problems related to parents whose children need psychic advice and treatment for various psychological problems faced by their children. It is a specialized treatment method where parents are involved to help children. The therapy not only helps children suffering from psychic problems but also makes parents to understand their own shortcomings and present and past experiences which are significantly blocking the communication and understanding with their children. .
Parenting therapy
Parents will have to face difficult situations when their child is being treated by a psychotherapist and the parent therapy will help them to connect better with their partner. It is important that both parents sit together and talk about the various niggles that significantly hamper communication between them and their child. This short coming may be obstructing the way they relate to their children and the parenting therapy will help them to unite and communicate with their disturbed child. In a therapy session parents are given judgment-free zone where discussions related to tough moments they have come across their life while parenting. By going through parenting therapy they will be able to improve on their approach to their children’ needs and use better language, gestures and emotions that will connect them with their kids. After parenting therapy you are likely to provide better care and attention to your child and behave in the most ideal way possible with children.
You have to find the best wellness or well centre Abu Dhabi. It is always better advised to find a psychotherapy clinic that has psychic treatment for all branch of psychiatry for both adults and children. In UAE you have the best psychotherapy clinic for all sections of psychiatry. In Sno Wellness, Abu Dhabi you have the best for all kinds of psychiatry counseling and treatment. You can make an appointment with them on phone number +971 2 493 6700.
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