#best printing calgary
artechprinting · 21 days
Best Print Shop in Calgary - Local Print Shop near Calgary - Artech
Artech Printing & Signs offers custom design services, high-quality printing techniques, a wide range of services, and a commitment to customer satisfaction, the best printing shops in Calgary are equipped to meet all your branding and marketing needs. Whether you’re looking for a local print shop near Calgary or searching for the best print shop in Calgary to handle your projects, the options available will ensure your business stands out in a competitive market.
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sunblindsyyc · 2 months
How Printed Blinds In Calgary Can Transform Your Office Space: Design Tips and Trends
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Printed blinds in Calgary have the power to transform your office space, boosting both function and style. Here's how you can use this design element to create a more vibrant and professional setting:
1. Add a Personal Touch to Your Workspace
Printed blinds give you a chance to add character to your office. You can pick patterns that showcase your company's brand or soothing designs to encourage a productive mood. These blinds can be customized to match your office's unique identity.
2. Make Your Space More Appealing
Window coverings aren't just plain anymore. Printed blinds can bring lively colors and patterns making offices look more interesting and less boring. Choose geometric shapes or abstract designs to make a strong impression.
3. Boost Privacy and Control Light
Printed blinds in Calgary don't just look good - they're useful too. They help manage daylight keeping your workspace bright without causing glare on screens. They also give you privacy without sacrificing style.
4. Keep Up with Trends
Today's office design trends showcase custom window treatments to spruce up interiors. Printed blinds match many design styles, from simple patterns to nature-inspired designs helping your office stay current with modern trends.
5. Boost Employee Morale
A well-designed office space has a positive impact on employee morale and productivity. Printed blinds add creativity and comfort to your surroundings making the workplace more pleasant and interesting.
Adding printed blinds to your Calgary office design enhances its looks and creates a practical and inspiring workspace. Use these design tips to get the most out of this flexible decor choice.
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How to screw up a whistleblower law
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me THIS WEDNESDAY (Apr 17) in CHICAGO, then Torino (Apr 21) Marin County (Apr 27), Winnipeg (May 2), Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), and beyond!
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Corporate crime is notoriously underpoliced and underprosecuted. Mostly, that's because we just choose not to do anything about it. American corporations commit crimes at 20X the rate of real humans, and their crimes are far worse than any crime committed by a human, but they are almost never prosecuted:
We can't even bear to utter the words "corporate crime": instead, we deploy a whole raft of euphemisms like "risk and compliance," and that ole fave, the trusty "white-collar crime":
The Biden DOJ promised it would be different, and they weren't kidding. The DOJ's antitrust division is kicking ass, doing more than the division has done in generations, really swinging for the fences:
Main Justice – the rest of the DOJ – promised that it would do the same. Deputy AG Lisa Monaco promised an end to those bullshit "deferred prosecution agreements" that let corporate America literally get away with murder. She promised to prosecute companies and individual executives. She promised a lot:
Was she serious? Well, it's not looking good. Monaco's number two gnuy, Benjamin Mizer, has a storied career – working for giant corporations, getting them off the hook when they commit eye-watering crimes:
Biden's DOJ is arguably more tolerant of corporate crime than even Trump's Main Justice. In 2021, the DOJ brought just 90 cases – the worst year in a quarter-century. 2022's number was 99, and 2023 saw 119. Trump's DOJ did better than any of those numbers in two out of four years. And back in 2000, Justice was bringing more than 300 corporate criminal prosecutions.
Deputy AG Monaco just announced a new whistleblower bounty program: cash money for ratting out your crooked asshole co-worker or boss. Whistleblower bounties are among the most effective and cheapest way to bring criminal prosecutions against corporations. If you're a terrified underling who can't afford to lose your job after narcing out your boss, the bounty can outweigh the risk of industry-wide blacklisting. And if you're a crooked co-conspirator thinking about turning rat on your fellow criminal, the bounty can tempt you into solving the Prisoner's Dilemma in a way that sees the crime prosecuted.
So a new whistleblower bounty program is good. We like 'em. What's not to like?
Sorry, folks, I've got some bad news:
As the whistleblower lawyer Stephen Kohn points out to Russell Mokhiber of Corporate Crime Reporter, Monaco's whistleblower bounty program has a glaring defect: it excludes "individuals who were involved with the crime." That means that the long-suffering secretary who printed the boss's crime memo and put it in the mail is shit out of luck – as is the CFO who's finally had enough of the CEO's dirty poker.
This is not how other whistleblower reward programs work: the SEC and CFTC whistleblower programs do not exclude people involved with the crime, and for good reason. They want to catch kingpins, not footsoldiers – and the best way to do that is to reward the whistleblower who turns on the boss.
This isn't a new idea! It's in the venerable False Claims Act, an act that signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln. As Kohn says, making "accomplices" eligible to participate in whistleblower rewards is how you get people like his client, who relayed a bribe on behalf of his boss, to come forward. As Lincoln said in 1863, the purpose of a whistleblower law is to entice conspirators to turn on one another. Like Honest Abe said, "it takes a rogue to catch a rogue."
And – as Kohn says – we've designed these programs so that masterminds can't throw their minor lickspittles under the buss and collect a reward: "I know of no case where the person who planned or initiated the fraud under any of the reward laws ever got a dime."
Kohn points out that under Monaco, the DOJ just ignores the rule that afford anonymity to whistleblowers. That's a big omission – the SEC got 18,000 confidential claims in 2023. Those are claims that the DOJ can't afford to miss, given their abysmal, sub-Trump track record on corporate crime prosecutions.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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lgihtspeed · 3 months
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SONG OF THE SUMMER is the debut EP of fictional pop group LIGHTSPEED. It was released physically and digitally on JUNE 20, 2024 by C ENTERTAINMENT. The group promoted title track LEFT RIGHT for four weeks: two weeks on Korean music shows and two weeks on American television. Their American promotions were followed by live shows in a few of the cities the members are from, including Los Angeles, New York City, and Calgary.
The album covers were designed by ASH. The physical release comes in three versions: SUN, MOON, and STAR. 
They also released six member versions of CD-only jewel cases. Shortly after the album’s initial print, they released a limited-edition vinyl, all of which were signed by one or more members.
TRACK 001. LEFT RIGHT Written by Ash Jang, Constance Im, Ev Sharpe, LABYRYNTH Composed by LABYRYNTH Arranged by LABYRYNTH
TRACK 002. GOT IT LIKE THAT Written by Ash Jang, Seo Sejun, LABYRYNTH Composed by LABYRYNTH Arranged by LABYRYNTH
TRACK 003. HAMSTERBOY Written by Constance Im, RHYTHMAGIC Composed by RHYTHMAGIC Arranged by RHYTHMAGIC
TRACK 004. BUZZING MELODIES Written by Seo Sejun, Constance Im, Ash Jang Composed by RHYTHMAGIC Arranged by RHYTHMAGIC
With lyrics entirely in English, most of the songwriting is done by the group members rather than their Korean producers. CONSTANCE and ASH quickly emerged as the group's most prolific songwriters. Production was done by C Entertainment’s new in-house producer duo RHYTHMAGIC and by elusive producer LABYRYNTH, best known for his work with Lightspeed’s label mate, SEJUN. To fans’ surprise, Sejun also made a few appearances as a lyricist, keeping with his tendencies to write songs for everyone except himself.
The era’s styling was entirely in shades of black and white and gray. The outfits were inspired by TECHWEAR—coincidentally one of the many themed dance practices—as well as the CYBERCORE and Y2K FUTURISM aesthetics.
They were clowned to hell and back for the album title. They also made a disgusting number of “Did I just write the song of the summer?” TikToks, which did not help their case. The only one that went viral was the one of Ev deadpanning the script alongside his signature stiff peace sign ending fairy pose.
The music was well-received and that made the title slightly less egregious. Then Tyler and Mia went on the record and said they didn’t like it and everyone went back to clowning it.
The division between the people with more media training (Violet and Mia) and the people with less media training (everyone else) became obvious very early on.
There were three not-quite-but-almost-there PR disasters. The first happened not long after their debut: Tyler finally deactivated his controversial Twitter account. He probably should have stopped tweeting after he passed the first IGNITE! audition but he didn’t. The fan response was split between those who supported this decision, because idols shouldn’t be tweeting shit about their peers, and those who thought maybe it’s time an idol got to talk his shit. Three days after his account was deactivated, it was reactivated again, causing, in the nicest way possible, a shitstorm on Luminosity Twitter. C Entertainment finally did a bit of damage control by releasing a statement saying that multiple people had access to the account, which no one believed.
The second one occurred during a DIY karaoke livestream where Constance was taking song suggestions from the audience and someone asked for a boy group song. She singled out the commenter, and took a leaf out of Violet’s book by responding she “couldn’t care less about boy groups” and anyway, the people in her stream should just “listen to Lightspeed instead of men.” Never mind that there are men in Lightspeed. 
The third and final close call happened in an off-handed comment Ash made. While they were discussing their favorite and least favorite moments from IGNITE!, he remarked about how poor of a representation their profile pictures were. Having recently re-edited and posted his pictures to Instagram, he had to keep going and mention that ever since he graduated from college, he doesn’t have access to legal Adobe products. Everyone else sat in silence after he revealed that until Violet forced the conversation to move along.
They filmed a dorm tour that went viral because their dorm is a house. With six bedrooms and two kitchens and a second floor. In Seoul.
Between the two centers, Mia was clearly the favored one. She was the center of every chorus and the center of every OT6 photo and styled slightly differently from the rest of the group. 
Ev’s songwriting credit on “Left Right” came from a competition the group members minus Ash and Constance held to write the second verse of the song. To almost everyone’s surprise, Ev won. He was the only person unsurprised, revealing that his university major prior to IGNITE! was English Literature.
The “Left Right” line distribution was surprisingly bad. Constance, Mia, and Tyler sang most of the song, and the rest of them were left with crumbs. #LetEvSing trended on Twitter after their album release, especially because he wrote part of the song.
ASH X TYLER (ASHLER) — One of the most popular ships from IGNITE! for their past friendship. Every single publicly available pre-IGNITE! interaction—all five of them—are also subject to intense scrutinization. Haters will say they can't possibly be dating because they dap each other up too much.
MIA X TYLER (MYLER) — The two centers! They were paired together for everything. Their shared dance break in a “Left Right” special performance had a ridiculous amount of chemistry, and then they covered Trouble Maker’s “Trouble Maker.” Absolutely no moving on from that.
CONSTANCE X MIA (CONIA) — According to their shippers, Constance doesn’t look at the Mia in the same way she looks at everyone else. The evidence is in clips of the two of them making eye contact slowed down to 0.5x speed. Also, they were roommates for the entire last half of IGNITE! (Oh my god, they were roommates.)
ASH X CONSTANCE (ASHSTANCE) — They wrote almost every song together, but more importantly, in vlogs showing off the time they spent in New York, the two of them sat next to each other in every restaurant they ate at. Their alternate ship name is Cash.
TYLER X VIOLET (TYLET) — Similar to the above pairing, Tyler acts in a noticeably different way with Violet than everyone else. He’s usually easygoing and quick to laugh with everyone else—especially Mia—but he froze up in all of the one solo conversation he had on camera with Violet. Which is clearly enough to make a ship.
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jessicanjpa · 1 month
Maria's first impression of the Cullens when she "visited" in Calgary. An excerpt from this 1950 outtake. She and her two yearling soldiers have been scouting around Canada and have just caught Jasper's scent.
I paused again, taking in the air. Two more scents were tangled in Jasper's: one was a sickeningly adorable blend of honey, lilac and sunshine. The other scent was a more respectable, woodsy aroma reminiscent of pine sap. Both scents smelled about as stale as Jasper's.
I grumbled to myself, torn between anger and an embarrassing sense of possessiveness. It was one thing for Jasper to be out here, free and lonely and miserable. It was another for him to be making friends and enjoying that undeserved freedom. I wondered for a second if he might have created these two, but I seriously doubted it. Self-control was hardly one of his finer qualities. Who had he given his allegiance to? A mate? But then who was the third? Or maybe the other two were a pair…
"What?" Paul griped, stopping beside me.
"There are two more with him," I said tightly.
Carlos stood taller and stuck out his massive chest. "We can handle it." Paul nodded his assent, not willing to be outdone. Well, that was easy.
"Of course we can," I agreed lightly. "We'll just have to be more careful. If they're all together, keep your distance. I'll do some talking first, and we'll attack when, and only when, I give the signal. Remember, I want to bring him back without a fight if at all possible. Got that?" They nodded grudgingly. It was time for a little inspiration.
"This is it," I announced, turning around to face them with a dazzling, promising grin. "Things are about to change. We'll make our way back down to northern Mexico and start rebuilding the army immediately. We should be ready for battle before three months is out, what with Jasper…" Running things again? That wasn't what they needed to hear. "…there to help us. I'll set him to work managing the wilder newborns at first; his gift is good for that sort of thing.
"Paul, you'll be in charge of teaching strategy to those who can handle it. Carlos, you'll be in charge of discipline and reinforcing essential skills on a nightly basis." I blabbed on, filling their ears with whatever I thought would help. If Jasper gave me a hard time, I might need to keep them alive for a while. It might be helpful if Jasper's two new friends could come along for the ride… I didn't want any divided loyalties, but on the other hand killing them probably wasn't the best way to regain his goodwill. Why did he have to complicate this?
We picked through the woods more slowly and quietly now, following the three scents. I finally found a footprint—a shoed print, of all things—which told us we were heading in the right direction along the scent trail. It looked to be about Jasper's size, too. We picked up the pace after that; Carlos and Paul were getting worked up as my flattering speech got more and more ridiculous. I was just in the middle of inventing an official title for each of them when the wind changed and stopped us in our tracks. There weren't three of them.
There were seven of them.
Jasper had gotten himself an army.
We were upon them soon enough. We paused again as soon as we were within visual range, scanning the steamy forest for escape routes before moving forward. It was unsettling to find them ready and facing us in formation: three mated pairs standing frozen in an organized line with Jasper alone out in front. That was an interesting arrangement.
Everyone, including Jasper, wore fine clothes that fit them perfectly. Every hand except Jasper's wore a small band of polished gold that glittered in the sun alongside with their skin. Wedding rings—props for conducting their hunts in the human world?
And were they newborns or not? I drew forward a little more, signaling for Carlos and Paul to follow as I squinted to see the eyes of Jasper's new friends.
No, not newborns. At least their eyes didn't glow with the telltale brightness of infancy… But as I drew closer, my instincts shivered. Something wasn't right here. A few more steps and I was sure: their eyes weren't red at all, they were yellow. And something was wrong with Jasper's eyes, too. They were red enough, but something seemed off. Almost an orange tint… what the hell?! What was wrong with these people, and what had they been doing to Jasper?
But first things first. I looked down the line again, sizing everyone up. A tall, skinny redheaded male stood on the left, nervously clutching his mate's hand. As if killing her would be worth the effort. She was even skinnier, and so tiny she made Peter's mini-mate Charlotte look like a ready soldier. The girl's awful haircut was an interesting feature, though… maybe a deserter like Jasper, though she didn't have any visible scars.
Directly behind Jasper were an older pair— older physically, anyway—and the male's eyes were an even sicklier yellow than the others. But there was no mistaking the seriousness in those eyes, and the threat; he was the leader. No doubt about it. Jasper's position out in front was a ruse. And if they so obviously wanted me to think Jasper was in charge... that meant he wasn't. And since no one was brand new, that meant that Jasper could very well be the newest, lowliest addition to this group. Good to know.
Off to the right was an imposing couple. The female was blonde and tall, dressed like she had just stepped out of a fashion magazine, but the danger in her posture told me what I needed to know. And her mate… well, I'd let Carlos handle that one if it came to it. He was enormous, and I could just tell he was aching to put those huge muscles to good use. This pair had potential on the battlefield, if they could be persuaded to come along with Jasper. Then we could get rid of Paul right off the bat, and see if Carlos was worth keeping or not.
The scents were too muddled to tell which two had been Jasper's companions up to the northwest, where we had first found his scent. That might be useful in sorting out who trusted him and who didn't, and vise versa.
"Hello, Maria," Jasper said. He held himself loose but ready. His expression was neutral. No new scars, and no gold ring, but like the others he was clean and wore fine clothes and shoes. His hair was even combed.
He looked ridiculous.
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Stats 2: Electric Boogaloo
Our 256 works are comprised of.... 132 paintings, 36 drawings / digital artworks / comics, 26 installation pieces, 20 sculptures, 11 buildings, 11 public artworks, 10 photographs, 4 prints, 3 cave arts, 2 textile arts, and 1 thing I classified as a collage instead of anything else!
More stats below!
Most popular city: New York, with 13 pieces, followed by Paris with 8, and Chicago is third with 7! Washington DC has 6, Florence, Madrid, and London all have 5, Philadelphia has 4, Dublin, Edinburgh, Mexico City each have three, and all the following cities have two: Boston, Cairo, Calgary, Cordoba, Helsinki, Houston, Jerusalem, Los Angeles, Munich, Ottawa, Prague, Vienna, Warsaw
Most popular museum: somehow the Art Institute of Chicago has the most with 6 pieces! Followed by the Museum of Modern Art with 5 pieces! The Museo del Prado has 4, the Philadelphia Museum of Art has 3, and the Ateneum, Louvre, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museo Dolores Olmedo, National Gallery of Canada, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Tate Britain, Tretyakov Gallery, and the Uffizi Gallery each have 2! In addition, the single works are spread out amongst 16 city level galleries (ie the Phoenix Art Museum), 5 state/provincial (ie Queensland Art Gallery), 25 national (ie National Gallery Prague), 8 museums named after benefactors (ie the Hirshhorn Museum), 7 museums dedicated to a specific artist (ie the Van Gogh Museum) and numerous other institutions! Churches, palaces, increasingly specific museums, museums that are named after their location rather than their governmental level... and of course a whole lot of private collections and pieces we were unable to find the location of!
Countries! 50 pieces are in the US! 13 in France! 12 in Spain! 7 in England, 6 in Canada and Italy, 5 in Russia, 4 in Ireland, Mexico, and Australia, 3 each in Germany, Austria, and Scotland, and 2 each in China, the Netherlands, Israel, Finland, Wales, Poland, Japan, Egypt, and India, and 1 each in Portugal, Ecuador, Thailand, Singapore, Belgium, Argentina, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Norway, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, and the Vatican!
Demographics! I revoked John Singer Sargents American status for these because he was born in Europe, and spent most of his life travelling around Europe. I tried my best to track down the correct numbers but honestly some of these are likely to be slightly off. I went with easily publicly available information like Wikipedia and where that failed the author's website. I also tracked people's birth countries in addition to where they lived / worked for most of their lives. Anyway! We have 74 pieces by American artists! 27 French, 22 English, 14 Russian, 13 Spanish, 11 Canadian, 9 Italian, 8 Chinese, 8 German, 6 Irish, 6 Polish, 6 Mexican, 5 Greek (four of those are Ancient Greece), 5 Ukrainian, 5 Japanese, 4 Australian, 4 Belgian, 4 Indian, 3 Serbian, 3 Armenian, 3 Dutch, 3 Austria, 3 Latvian, 3 Swedish, 2 each from Finland, Scotland, Malaysia, Cuba, the Czech Republic, and Norway, and one each from Israel (specifically), Portugal, Ecuador, Thailand, Switzerland, Denmark, Iran, Colombia, Chile, Estonia, and Egypt (albeit Ancient Egypt)
Including the one Israeli artist, we have 7 Jewish artists represented, as well as 4 Black, 6 Indigenous (one is half Kichwa, one is Sami, one is Haida, one is Ojibwe, and two are Australian Aboriginals. One of those is Kokatha and Nukunu, and the other one was a group project with eight artists who did the majority of the work, and 6 of those are from Erub Island but the articles did not specify further except that at least one of the eight is non-Indigenous), 1 Chicana, and 1 Asian-American (which I am specifying because I felt very stupid adding tallies to an Asian column when I already said there are 8 Chinese artists and 5 Japanese and 2 Malaysians and....). We also do have 16 artists that publicly identify as queer in some fashion! I have listed 9 works by gay men, 2 works by lesbians, and 5 that have chosen to use "queer" instead of other labels.
And on that note.... we have 155 works by men, 51 by women, and 2 by nonbinary artists!
Most represented artists! Frida Kahlo and René Magritte tied with four works each! Félix González-Torres, Francisco Goya, John Singer Sargent each have three! And the artists that have 2 artworks each are... Claude Monet, Dragan Bibin, Edmund Blair Leighton, Francisco de Zurbarán, Gustav Klimt, Holly Warburton, Hugo Simberg, Ilya Repin, Ivan Aivazovsky, Jacques-Louis David, Jenny Holzer, Louis Wain, Pablo Picasso, Sun Yuan & Peng Yu, Victo Ngai, Vincent van Gogh, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Leonardo da Vinci (although the second is debated attribution)! That means that 205 of the works are not by any of the above! Some have unknown artists (we've got THREE CAVE ARTS) but most are just... really varied!
And lastly, years painted (as sorted by year finished and not year started). Who else loves when something is listed as "13th century"?? Not me, that's who. This is going to be a lot of numbers, and there's no real way to make it more readable. so..... feel free to skip!
The oldest two submissions are from circa 40,000 years before present, and 30 to 32 thousand years before present! Six more artworks came to exist before 0 (CE or AD depending on who you're talking to), and 7 before 1000! 2 from the 1200s, 6 from the 1400s, 8 from the 1500s, 3 from the 1600s, and 5 from the 1700s! Several of those already listed were started in a previous ....age category (for instance, one has no specified date other than 7300 BC to 700 AD) but once we hit 1600, everything is usually finished in a relatively short timespan. 6 are from 1800-1850, 9 from 1850-1880, and the 1880s are extremely busy. 1 from 1881, 3 from 1882, 1 from 1883-1885, 5 from 1886, and two each from the next four years (1887-1890)! 6 from 1891-1895, and 5 from 1896-1900!
We've got 3 from 1901 or 1902, 4 from 1903, two each from 1906 and 1907, and one each from 1908 and 1909! 3 from 1910-1915, 3 from 1917, 2 from 1918 and one from 1919! 6 are from the Roaring Twenties, three of them specifically from 1928! 4 from 1931-1935, and only 3 from the latter half of the 30s! There's 3 from WWII, and 4 from 1946-1949, 5 from 1951-1954 but only 3 from '55-'59. 5 from the sixties, 7 spread out through the 70s, and 10 from the 80s, two each from 81, 82 and 84. The 90s have a lot of duplicate and triplicate years, totaling 20 overall! 11 are from 90-95, the other 9 are 96-99. 7 from 2001-2005, and 8 from 2006-2009. 9 from 2010-2014, 3 from 2015, 6 from 2016, 5 from 2017, 1 from 2018, 3 from 2019, 5 from 2020, 1 from 2021, 4 from 2022, 11 from 2023, and 3 ongoing projects! Whew! If anyone wants it listed By Year instead of in groups like this, that'll be most readable in like... list form and that's way too long for a stats post.
Congrats on making it to the end! If you got this far, uh, let me know if you want to see the spreadsheet after the tournament, I guess. I'm very proud of it.
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nerdytextileartist · 25 days
The Cursed Photo
Rick Tyler:  Hey, Roy!  Jess and I were going through some old photos.
Roy Harper:  For the Infinity Inc. reunion?
Rick: Yeah.
Rick pulls out a newspaper clipping and hands it to Roy.
Roy, reading the clipping: “Villains, Vigilantes Clash at Calgary Conference”.  Nice to be able to look back and laugh at the time you thought you killed a guy.
Rick:  Check out the picture.
Roy looks at the faded picture printed in the article, which features Injustice Unlimited*.
Roy, amused: Holy crap.  People say crooks today are stupid for filming and posting their crimes on Facebook.
Rick: I know.  Wizard just made a guy come over, set up his camera, got everybody to pose and say “cheese”.
Roy, laughs:  Oh, they look great-
Roy looks a bit closer.
Roy: Is The Shade wearing a gimp suit?!
Rick, laughs: With the top hat!
Rick and Roy erupt with laughter, not noticing a pitch black shape forming behind them.
Roy: Where did he get it, Dr. John’s?
The Shade: It was a Gambi, actually.
Rick and Roy immediately stop laughing as The Shade leans over between them and snatches the clipping.
The Shade, inspecting the picture:  I had it commissioned after Barry took the mantle.  It was the style at the time.  Not one of Paul’s best, but I was pleased.  Looking at it now, it really didn’t leave much to the imagination.  It’s a wonder that we didn’t get any complaints from parents.
Rick and Roy continue to say nothing as The Shade looks at them both and forms a rather “Joker-esque” smile on his face.
The Shade: And how are you doing today, gentlemen?
*see Infinity Inc. (1984) issue 35, page 5.
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
listen, seriously: if you have recipes that are like, important to you and your family/friends in ANY way, whether that's culturally significant or just your favourite or just your like, middle child's favourite, or just something you make by default all the time when you don't know what else to make...
Like every major holiday, dad comes to me and says "so I remember your grandma making this thing....I think it's called [childhood nickname]? Idk how she made it I was never in the kitchen but maybe if you use Google...."
and then I have to google, and show him recipes, and he's like, "no...no she didn't put that in it...no it was more like this..." and/or just pick a recipe and get endlessly critiqued of my thing vs his childhood memories of his mother's cooking.
Dad has been on about some bread called "baba" that my grandma made every Easter "but I don't know if it's specifically for Easter...."
Best I can determine is he meant this:
Except he insists my grandma didn't make it with saffron (no shit, I doubt it was widely available to a housewife in fucking Calgary, trying to feed 4 kids in the 60s, at least not at a price she could justify) and says "it just tasted like normal bread". I'm going to make this recipe tho bc a) The Kitchen Magpie is from the same basic ethnic background as my dad and he's liked her other recipes, thank ye gods for her for running a recipe blog even if the ads are atrocious, and b) I have saffron to use up so it's fucking going in the bread. Fuck it.
Also...do you know how MANY cultures have a bread called babka or baba???? LIKE ALL OF THEM. But I'm 90% sure he meant this, and not Jewish or Polish babka (though a lot of his remembered favourites from my grandma are vaguely Polish, I think there's some cultural overlap, maybe her stepdad was Polish??).
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spine-buster · 1 year
I don't remember if I've asked this before but does Effie write a cookbook?
There is a 1D fanfiction from like a decade ago where Harry falls in love with a girl from Tennessee who loves to bake and she opens her own shop and has a few cookbooks and I always think that Effie would feel so proud to see Effie Tkachuk in print with a cute acknowledgment to the man that introduced her to tomahawk, candy and true love.
She never writes a cookbook, but she keeps a pretty active Instagram page that becomes quite popular around Calgary. She posts her recipes and tips & tricks on there but everybody always comments that it never comes out the same because Effie's bread is the best bread in Calgary. Matthew is featured on the Instagram! Everybody knows he bought Effie her first stand-mixer.
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cherrydolyshirt · 21 days
Calgary Flames In Memory Of Johnny Gaudreau August 29, 2024 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt
Calgary Flames In Memory Of Johnny Gaudreau August 29, 2024 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt When I brought my clothes into proper shape (as far as possible), I began to slowly move Calgary Flames In Memory Of Johnny Gaudreau August 29, 2024 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt the shore. The straps of a T-shirt and a bra were the first to emerge from the water, as expected. The last ones lay on the sides on my shoulders and went under the T-shirt only closer to the cups. I adjusted them by hiding them under the straps of my T-shirt, but to be honest, this didn’t help much to make them less visible. In general, this was the problem with my whole bra: it was just black under an almost transparent white t-shirt. Did anyone expect otherwise? That’s why I didn’t even plan on getting it wet, but ended up leaving it because of the wet jeans. I was hoping my T-shirt print would cover it up a bit.
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Among my duties was to keep seasonal decorations up to date. In this huge store that meant everything from designing window murals on glass to puppet displays in the Official UNC Basketball Rameses Carolina Mascot Painting t shirt and decorations hung from the ceiling. That year I decided I wanted to have Santa having a beach Christmas as a new thing- I had not seen it done before. The signpainter and I sat down and designed a scene where Santa’s sleigh was drawn by kangaroos and koalas sat on the sand with waves in the background. This was for the huge front windows. Well the signwriter went away and came back with stencils he’d cut of the scene and asked me if he could use them for other clients. I said yes, that year Santa on the beach became very popular!
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Astra Business Centre | Calgary (587) 327–7272 | Top 10 Benefits of Choosing a Coworking Space for Your Business
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the traditional office model is becoming less appealing. Entrepreneurs, freelancers, and even established businesses are seeking more flexible, cost-effective, and collaborative working environments. Enter the coworking space—a modern solution that's transforming the way we work. If you're based in Calgary, the Calgary Business Centre offers exceptional coworking space options. Let's explore the top 10 benefits of choosing a coworking space for your business.
1. Cost-Effective Office Solution
One of the most significant advantages of coworking spaces is the cost savings. Traditional office leases in prime locations can be prohibitively expensive. In contrast, coworking spaces provide flexible membership plans that suit various budgets. At the Calgary Business Centre, you can choose from daily, weekly, or monthly plans, ensuring you only pay for what you need.
2. Networking Opportunities
Coworking spaces are melting pots of creativity and innovation. Sharing a workspace with professionals from diverse industries provides ample networking opportunities. You can collaborate, share ideas, and even find potential clients or partners within the same environment. The community events at the Calgary Business Centre foster connections that can lead to valuable business relationships.
3. Flexibility and Scalability
Coworking spaces offer unmatched flexibility. Whether you're a solo entrepreneur or a growing team, you can easily scale your workspace up or down based on your current needs. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for startups and small businesses that may experience rapid growth or fluctuating team sizes.
4. Enhanced Productivity
Working from home can be riddled with distractions, from household chores to family interruptions. Coworking spaces provide a professional setting that encourages focus and productivity. The Calgary Business Centre is designed to minimize distractions and create an environment conducive to getting work done efficiently.
5. Access to Premium Amenities
Coworking spaces like the Calgary Business Centre come equipped with top-notch amenities that may not be affordable for individual businesses. High-speed internet, modern meeting rooms, printing services, and fully stocked kitchens are just a few of the perks. These amenities enhance your work experience and ensure you have everything you need at your fingertips.
6. Improved Work-Life Balance
Balancing work and personal life can be challenging, especially when working from home. Coworking spaces provide a clear separation between your work and home environments. This separation helps you maintain a healthier work-life balance, reducing the risk of burnout and improving overall well-being.
7. Professional Image
A professional business address and access to well-appointed meeting rooms can significantly enhance your business's image. When meeting clients or partners, having a professional space like the Calgary Business Centre can make a positive impression, boosting your credibility and reputation.
8. Collaborative Environment
Coworking spaces are designed to encourage collaboration. Open layouts, communal areas, and regular community events create opportunities for spontaneous interactions and idea-sharing. This collaborative environment can lead to innovative solutions and new business opportunities.
9. Work Anywhere, Anytime
Many coworking spaces offer 24/7 access, allowing you to work on your schedule. This flexibility is ideal for night owls, early birds, and anyone who needs to accommodate clients in different time zones. The Calgary Business Centre provides round-the-clock access, ensuring you can work whenever it suits you best.
10. Reduced Operational Hassles
Managing an office comes with numerous responsibilities, from maintenance to utilities and security. Coworking spaces handle these operational aspects, allowing you to focus solely on your business. The Calgary Business Centre's dedicated staff takes care of everything, providing a hassle-free work environment.
Choosing a coworking space like Astra Business Centre can offer numerous benefits for your business. From cost savings and networking opportunities to enhanced productivity and a professional image, coworking spaces provide a versatile and dynamic working environment. Embrace the future of work and experience the advantages of coworking for yourself.
Whether you're a freelancer looking for a professional setting, a startup seeking scalability, or an established business aiming to reduce overhead costs, a coworking space in Calgary can meet your needs. Explore the possibilities and take your business to new heights with the flexibility, community, and resources that Astra Business Centre offers.
Astra Business Centre 638 11 Ave SW #200, Calgary, AB T2R 0E2, Canada (587) 327-7272 https://astrayyc.ca/
Astra Business Centre Astra Business Centre Astra Business Centre Astra Business Centre Astra Business Centre Astra Business Centre
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This day in history
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The Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers’ Workshop summer fundraiser is almost over! I am an alum, instructor and volunteer board member for this nonprofit workshop whose alums include Octavia Butler, Kim Stanley Robinson, Bruce Sterling, Nalo Hopkinson, Kameron Hurley, Nnedi Okorafor, Lucius Shepard, and Ted Chiang! Your donations will help us subsidize tuition for students, making Clarion — and sf/f — more accessible for all kinds of writers.
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Capturing Precious Moments: A Guide to Newborn Photography in Calgary
Newborn photography is a cherished way to preserve the fleeting moments of a baby’s earliest days. In Calgary, this art form has become increasingly popular among new parents eager to capture the innocence and beauty of their newborns. With its stunning natural backdrops and a host of talented photographers, Calgary is an ideal place for Newborn Photography Calgary. Here’s what you need to know about capturing these precious moments in this vibrant city.
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Choosing the Right Photographer
Selecting the right photographer is the first and most crucial step in newborn photography. Calgary boasts a wealth of skilled professionals who specialize in this delicate art. When searching for a photographer, consider their portfolio, experience, and style. Some photographers excel in natural, candid shots, while others may prefer posed, studio settings. Ensure that the photographer you choose has experience with newborns, as handling such delicate subjects requires specific skills and a gentle touch.
Timing is Everything
The timing of your newborn photography session is essential. The best time to photograph a newborn is within the first two weeks of life. During this period, babies are generally more sleepy and flexible, making it easier to capture those adorable, curled-up poses. It’s advisable to book your session well in advance, ideally during your pregnancy, to secure a spot with your chosen photographer.
Preparation Tips for Parents
To ensure a smooth and successful session, a bit of preparation can go a long way. Here are some tips for parents:
Keep the Baby Comfortable: A well-fed and comfortable baby is more likely to be calm and cooperative during the session. Feeding your baby right before the shoot can help them stay content and sleepy.
Dress Appropriately: Simple, soft clothing is best for newborns. Avoid outfits with too many accessories or tight fittings. Many photographers also provide adorable props and outfits, so inquire about what’s available.
Maintain a Warm Environment: Newborns are sensitive to temperature changes. Keeping the room warm and cozy can help the baby remain calm and relaxed throughout the session.
Embracing Calgary’s Natural Beauty
One of the unique aspects of newborn photography in Calgary is the opportunity to incorporate the city’s stunning natural landscapes. From the breathtaking Rocky Mountains to the serene Bow River, Calgary offers numerous picturesque locations for outdoor newborn photography. However, due to the city’s variable weather, it’s important to have a backup plan for indoor shoots.
Safety First
The safety of the newborn should always be the top priority during a photography session. Professional newborn photographers in Calgary are well-versed in handling infants safely and will take all necessary precautions. Parents should also feel comfortable voicing any concerns and ensuring that their baby’s well-being is never compromised for the sake of a photo.
Cherishing the Results
The final images from a Newborn Photography Chestermere session are more than just pictures; they are treasured keepsakes that capture a fleeting moment in time. Many Calgary photographers offer packages that include prints, digital images, and even custom albums. These photographs make wonderful gifts for family members and are cherished memories for parents as their child grows.
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artechprinting · 4 months
Custom Sign Shop in Calgary: Your Quality Signage Solutions
The best custom sign shop in Calgary. Enhance your brand with quality signage solutions from Artech Printing & Signs.
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seriousflyers1 · 4 months
Flyer printing services Calgary
Serious Flyer offers the best options for Canada Post flyers. We regularly provide effective and actionable ideas and ensure visible progress through implementation. Flyer printing services Calgary has evolved and there are now a variety of flyer services available. The websites we build are successful for our clients because we always take the time to understand their business, goals, and target audience.
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