#best place a mother can be is on the back of a sofa <333
inhidingxoxo3637 · 2 years
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Ah Toprak in his maternity shoot era
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feartheoldblog · 2 years
• Valtr and Yamamura have a lovely suburban home, a fairly healthy marriage and a pet fish. They had a spare bedroom so I decided to put Brador in. He started pissing everywhere and I ended up locking him in his room for like 90% of the time. I felt a little bit bad so I made Henryk and Simon and let them live in the basement so he had friends that did not randomly fuck on the living room sofa (wicked whims woes sorry). Henryk and Simon decided to start fucking so now Brador is back to square one 👍
• Originally I had 8 BB characters living in a house together. They are all now in separate homes (you can imagine how it went).
• Gilbert the Sick Man is a total cunt. He literally has the good trait as well as other nice traits but he’s got beef with half the town. He’s also why I had to separate the house. He basically pissed off Maria by insulting her, she got angry, Gehrman tried to comfort her, she got angry at him, then Gehrman got sad and Micolash got angry at him and they ended up fist fighting next to the barbecue and are now total enemies.
• Micolash lived alone in a house but I let him adopt a baby and now he is married to the babysitter (and tried to flirt with the new babysitter, their marriage is in shambles- he does not have the romantic trait)
• Gehrman (Micolash’s worst enemy) showed up at his wedding as a caterer and set the kitchen on fire
• Gilbert hated everyone so he lived alone, then decided he liked Vicar Amelia so now they’re living together. However, he fancies Smough but Smough finds him extremely unattractive. Ranni wanted to shag him but refused romance from him……… it’s complicated
• Iosefka has shagged like 60% of the town’s population. I support her in her endeavours 👍
• Radahn and Artorias are married and look after the two accidental babies that have been created. The best dads in the entire place 10/10
• Quelaag got knocked up by a random sim (one of the Rahrtorias kids) so I got werewolf Brador to kill him but I didn’t have the kill mod enabled so he basically just turned Quelaag’s baby daddy into a werewolf (and got his ass beat)
• I can’t remember who the other baby’s mother was but it’s being looked after any way ig
• Gascoigne got sad bc he had the family trait but no family so I made him adopt kids but he neglected them and Alfred had to look after them
• Logarius lives in a house with Godfrey and they both hit the gym together
• The Doll and Chapel Dweller are best friends <333
• I decided to be evil and make Arianna and Adella live together but they’ve ended up being best friends despite their opposing traits????
• Lucatiel and Emerald Herald are girlfriends- they would be married by now but they keep arguing sometimes so their relationship does not improve it is merely maintained
• Smough, Ornstein and Solaire all live together happily in the mansion of that one goth family i evicted
• Me and my partner’s BB OCs are chill as hell, married and do nothing wrong. Literally the only normal people
• Pate and Creighton live together and kinda despise each other but it’s fine
• Juno, Diallos, D, Corhyn and Rogier all live together but I stopped playing Sims because my mental health improved so I never got to see what would happen with them
• I forgot that Djura and Henryk were married with kids but Djura needs to move in with Brador so I’m gonna make them divorce and Henryk can live alone with the children
• Everyone that can give birth has been put on birth control. I learned my lesson 👍
• Also everyone wants Gascoigne carnally. Man cannot catch a break.
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leviiattacks · 4 years
I loved Ceo Levi so can I request Ceo Levi comforting the reader because she’s in financial trouble? Idk the plot it’s up to you but that sort of idea. I hope it’s not too much of a bother!! Also happy birthday ❤️
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author note :: very rushed and not that great at all but i hope it’s enjoyable anon !! also thank u for the birthday wish <333 if you’d like for me to idk expand on this request you can always request again my ask box is open !! <33333 word count :: 1.5k
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levi’s worried about you
like super worried
ultra worried
mega, super, ultra worried?????
all the synonyms for large aren’t enough to explain how distracted he is whilst he stares at you from across the table.
the entire team meeting today you’ve sat down with a glazed expression, you’re clearly out of it and don’t want to be present
on a few occasions he notices you gnaw at your lips anxiously and your eyes shift everywhere showing you’re clearly uncomfortable
team meetings are normally two hours long on a monday to discuss production plans extensively but levi can’t even make it to the thirty minute mark before he’s dismissing everyone
“we’re ending early i don’t feel well.”
mr ackerman letting the team leave early again... it’s the second time he’s done it now but HEY, the employees have no complaints!!
levi knows something’s bothering you when you don’t move an inch from your seat
you probably haven’t even heard what he said about leaving because you’re so zoned out
now,,,,levi’s never really been big on physical contact and he’s not great at comforting or using words either but he still double checks the door is locked so he can speak to you privately
you start sobbing as soon as the sound of the door clicks
“y/n, what’s wrong?” he’s cautious in his approach but places a hand on top of yours gently to test the waters
but you only start crying even more ?!?,!,
which panics him because oh my god what did he do...???,?.
did he do something wrong???
you know what, he’s just going to copy what people do in the movies and hope it goes well
your sobs echo through the room and he thanks himself that the cement walls are definitely thick enough for you to not be heard by your colleagues
slowly but gradually you get a grip and it almost looks like you have to force yourself to a halt midway just to wipe the tears at your eyes
it’s at times like these that levi thanks you for having an expressive face because he would hate to not notice you felt this horrible
“i suggest you carry on if you haven’t got it all out yet. from personal experience it’s better when someone sits with you.”
levi’s warm words embrace you and you look at his arms then his heat pressed suit. he’s in a completely different world compared to you and a feeling of sickness soon overpowers the warm feeling in your chest
why are you sitting here and crying like a pathetic fool in front of your boss??
ok, maybe he’s a little more personal than a boss you aren’t sure what he really is but that doesn’t matter
“y/n, i have something to say.”
FUCK. this is it. you’ll be fired for being unprofessional and improper. this is IT. the end of your professional career.
you want to run out of this room at full speed and hurl yourself out of one of the windows never to be seen again...
but,, you won’t do that, that’s embarrassing
instead you steel yourself and look at him with as much courage as you can muster (which to be clear is not very much)
“if you ever need to take a day off for mental health reasons you’ve always been allowed to so please feel free to take the rest of the day off if you’d like.”
he’s... not firing you?
“but before that, would you like to let me know what’s happened? can i maybe help?”
you purse your lips feeling the premature humiliation
he can help, anyone with as much money as him can but you don’t want him to aid you. the guilt would eat you away
but you do want to confide in him and tell him what’s wrong
you want to tell someone about it at least
“i’ve been evicted from my apartment” your voice is barely above a whisper and levi just looks at you mouth agape
he pays you enough to live comfortably
how could you be getting evicted?
“i have to pay for my mother’s medical expenses so it’s stressful i send most of my earnings hom-”
levi shushes you with his input. “i’ll pay off the debt so you don’t be evicted and i’ll also give you a pay rise.”
at that you’re just pure shocked
is he even thinking right now???
because this isn’t the strong willed strategic business man you know
“no??? i can’t leech off of you??”
“you’re not leeching. i am investing in you.”
you’re a little lost now but choose to hear him out
“you work for me already and i greatly value your work. now you’re in a tough position. correct?”
you nod your head in response
“and for you to still work for me you’ll need a home. correct?”
again you nod
“so allow me to pay off the debts. it’s for both of our benefit.”
that however really isn’t levi’s reasoning at all. he couldn’t care less about that, he just doesn’t want to see you shoulder the pain and stress of it all alone
staring at him teary eyed you sniffle
“would you-” your voice cracks and you cough “really???”
you look so desperate and vulnerable and levi feels frustrated for not spotting the warning signs of your struggle any sooner
you had been coming to the office looking more restless, you had been drinking more coffee and despite the excessive caffeine consumption he still caught you dozing off at your desk at least four times
he places a hand on the centre of your back and pats you three times as if you’re members on the same ship
“yes i mean it, take it easy.”
his simple sentence is enough to cause all of your rational thinking to jump away and you drag him in by the neck into a tight hug
you’re ugly crying and you know you’ll look back on this in embarrassment but your mind works on impulse, you’re unable to stop it
usually levi doesn’t like anyone messing up his suits but he can make an exception for you. he’s sure your tears have left a moist patch but he’s not mad. hell, even if you get snot on his expensive dress shirt he’ll be okay with it
“is there any way i can pay you back mr ackerman?”
he winces at the formality of your tone
“call me levi.”
your brows raise at the request
“that’s what i want in return. for you to call me levi.”
that’s all???
“oh, well thank you levi. i’m grateful...”
his name rolls off your tongue awkwardly the first few times and even he regrets asking you to call him by his first name
but three days later you’re walking in breezily. a pen is tucked behind your ear and you’re double checking levi’s spending sheet with a calculator in your hands.
levi literally STOPS breathing because you look so refreshed today and the colour is back on your face. you look your best when you’re stress free.
and then you say it
“levi, do you think you could spend a bit less on tea bags because OH MY LORD???”
he notices there’s no longer an air of discomfort to his name and his chest swells happily
“y/n, give me ONE good reason to not spend my money that way??”
you notice how he easily he says your first name with an airy chuckle and you could almost... ALMOST... swear the two of you are flirting
to anyone observing with no sound he looks as nonchalant as normal but really the tone of his voice is implying the suggestive nature of conversation
“maybe you should spend your money on other things you like?” your suggestion is thrown back in your face when levi scoffs choking back a laugh
“i already am spending my money on other interests of mine.”
turning to face him and to hand him a file of paperwork you look him right in the eyes
“and what interests would those be?”
levi’s gaze meander down to your lips before shooting back up to your eyes and you swear you feel a tingle in the pit of your stomach
“i’ll let you figure that out on your own. you’re smart enough.”
you’re gaping at that reply because how are you meant to know???
but, the answer to your question is far more obvious than you think.
and it’s only after work whilst you’re eating dinner that you’re able to connect the dots
he was, talking about...you??
gasping you flush bright pink and bury your face into one of your sofa’s pillows
no way, there’s no way that happened
oh no, but there really is a way
and that way is levi ackerman ;-)
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citydreamgrls · 4 years
they were roommates - part four
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a weasley twins x fem!reader fic
summary: she had nowhere to go, fleeing home to pursue something along the lines of freedom, so being welcomed into the entrepreneurial twins life was a whole world of new experiences waiting to happen.
an: thank you for all the lovely messages i’ve been getting lately, everyone has been overwhelmingly sweet it’s great, love u always <333
words: 4,456
“Are you sure you’ll be okay here?” George asked the girl, who was taking a well-deserved rest on the sofa with a magazine propped up on her knees.
“Yes, you don’t need to worry. I’ll let you know if anything happens.” She chuckled, seeing how nervous they were about leaving her, even if it was just for one evening.
“Do you really want to be left all alone?” Fred seemed concerned, “With the ghosts?” He teased.
“Stop it freddie,” She groaned, knowing better than to believe him, but fully aware that every noise would spook her now. “Now, go. Both of you,” She swotted the man’s shoulder as George joined him in the living room. “And say hi to Ginny for me, tell her I miss her.”
“God, anyone would think you like her more than us!” They huffed, taking their place in the fireplace with handfuls of floo powder.
“Well-” She started, seeing the men’s faces drop in unison. “I’m kidding, I could never.” The girl grinned, waving goodbye as they announced their family home and left for the night.
Suddenly the loft felt very empty, and spooky. Maybe Fred was telling the truth about the ghosts?
The twins landed in their mother’s fireplace, dusting off their smart jackets with a sniffle. It always was a hassle to use the floo line home, that damn chimney was blocked up with all sorts that clogged their noses.
“Darlings!” Mrs Weasley called out, dragging them into a room and yet another hurried hug as she had no time to spare with dinner ready in only a few minutes.
“Sorry we’re a bit late.” Fred apologised, smacking Ron on the back of the head lightly as he walked past.
“Wanker,” His little brother mumbled, ignoring them.
“That’s okay, as long as you’re here.” Molly replied, using her wand to direct a multiple of bowls onto the table before them.
Ginny sat in between Harry and Hermione, who had made it a habit of theirs to join in on family dinners at the Weasley’s. Not that anyone ever complained, the more the merrier eh?
“Y/n says she misses you,” George whispered to his sister, not wanting the bombardment of questions about their houseguest until a little bit later.
“Tell her I’ll have a day off soon, hermione and I will swing by and we can go shopping or something.”
“You’ve told Hermione about her?” Fred chimed in, obviously a bit worried.
“Well of course I have, she can’t wait to meet her.” She gushed, excited to share her new friend with her oldest friend.
“Oh great well that means Ron will-”
“So... who’s y/n?” Their youngest brother asked from beside the twins, wide eyed with innocent curiosity, catching everyone in the room’s attention.
Mrs Weasley whipped her head  around.
“A girl? Have one of you got a girlfriend, why didn’t you tell me?” She started up on her assumptions, knowing that her sons were awful at telling her about their lives.
“Thanks a lot, idiot.” The twins groaned at Ron, who seemed just as confused as ever.
“Well, which one of you?” Molly continued, taking her seat at the other end of the table to Mr Weasley, who beamed silently. Wanting to hear the gossip as much as his wife did.
“Y/n isn’t a girlfriend mum, she’s staying with us for a while.” George took charge, keeping a straight face as he explained the facts to the rest of the family.
“What do you mean staying with you, where did you find her.”
“She’s not a stray dog mum!” Ginny laughed, taking a spoonful of roast potatoes and lumping them onto her plate.
“She used to work with Neville and his wife Hannah, you remember her right?” Fred joined in.
“Oh yes, lovely lady, beautiful hair!”
“Well, they couldn’t afford to keep her on. And she was living there until she could find somewhere more permanent to live,”
“What about her parents, surely they wouldn’t leave her homeless?” Molly asked, pouring herself a much-deserved glass of wine before passing the bottle around.
“Well, a-about that.” George started, but he seemed unsure on how to explain it to his family without giving out the girl’s private information.
“All we know is that she ran away from home because she needed to.”
“And you trust that!” Ron scoffed, earning a kick from Ginny and a glare from Hermione.
“She’s lovely, and yes she can be trusted- how else would she have gotten a job with neville if not?” Their sister came to her defense, shutting the youngest brother up with one breath.
“Thanks Gin,” George whispered.
“Well, I think that’s a lovely thing you’ve done boys.” Molly chirped up, “I’m proud of you both for being so charitable.”
“Yes, very good.” Mr Weasley mumbled, urged on by his wife’s awaiting gaze. “Just be careful, she is a stranger after all.”
“I think it’s y/n who should be careful around these two.” Ron chuckled, earning a harsh kick from his fiance under the table.
The family chatted all the way through dinner, telling stories of their work and their friends until all the food was gone and Harry helped Molly to clear up while the rest settled in the living room, next to a roaring fire.
“Your mother has been begging him to visit for weeks now, but he’s been tied up at the bank with yet another break in.” Arthur explained to his kids, telling them about Bill’s recent absence.
“Have they not updated their wards? Gringotts is the hardest to get into, it doesn’t make sense?” Hermione frowned, shaking her head.
“Luckily nothing was stolen, I think whoever did it got scared off before they made it to the vaults.”
“That’s odd, if anything vaults are easier to break into.” Ron was just as confused as his counterpart.
“Well yes, you lot would know wouldn’t you.” fred teased, squeezing Harry’s shoulder who sat by the fire in front of him.
“We could do a better job.” The boy with glasses chuckled.
“Just be careful, if these thieves are in the alley then there’s a chance they could target the shops next.” Mr Weasley warned them, knowing their business was known to be the one doing the best in diagon alley.
The twins nodded in response, sharing a small worry for the girl they had left behind in the loft. Fred thought about bringing it up to his brother, but decided against it the second everyone’s conversation topic changed.
“We won’t stay too long then.” George whispered to him, assuring him that he too was concerned about leaving y/n alone with the risk of someone breaking in. But even as the family laughed over stories, old and new, Fred couldn’t help but grow restless.
The longer they were there, comfortable and happy, the longer the girl was alone and vulnerable. He knew if he mentioned it again that George would grow suspicious of his feelings for the girl, whom he blatantly presumed could defend herself by the way he accepted yet another drink from his father.
If he hadn’t been such a wimp about it, he could have just put George in his place and been open about the way he liked the girl. But now he had to keep quiet, for his own sanity.
Another hour or so later the twins finally said their goodbyes, promising their mother that y/n would come along with them next week so everyone could meet her, and left the burrow to return to the loft where y/n had already fallen asleep on the sofa.
George chuckled, creeping over to her while Fred was distracted by the sight of her face yet again and picked her up into his arms.
“I’ll take her downstairs, Freddie, can you turn all the lights off up here?” He asked, letting the girl fall into his chest.
Fred hated how perfect they looked together, how George hadn’t even hesitated to hold her himself, how she slotted into his arms so simply. He hated that all of this bothered him, that he was pitting himself against his double, who hadn’t even shown any signs of wanting her.
Still he watched them leave, disappear down the steps and into the darkness. He considered waiting, with the hope that he could listen in on any conversation but realised that might be a bit much and sloped away to his bedroom, mumbling a quick “nox” as he went.
The more days that passed, the easier y/n fitted into the twins’ day to day life. She was a saint in the shop, and loyal customers got to know her and like just as quickly as the two men had done so.
Her little room was a godsend on her back, but in the evenings she stayed up in the loft with them, very rarely wanting time alone unless she was particularly exhausted. Which only made things harder for Fred, who seemed to grow more and more jealous around the girl.
He hadn’t realised how bad it had gotten, however, until Bill graced them all with his presence one afternoon while they were shutting up the shop. He had, of course, heard news of their guest from Ron and decided to find out all he could for himself while he wasn’t busy.
“She’s not here right now, we just sent her to the shop for dinner,” Fred told him, cashing up the till with a concentrated look. His older brother leant on the counter, still dressed in his fancy bank suit, having come straight from work.
“Not sure what she’s cooking, no doubt it’ll be good though,” George chuckled, stacking more things onto the shelves nearby.
“Apparently Ginny likes her, is that true?” He asked them, to which they both nodded. “Wow, she must be great then- never met anyone else with better character jugement, well except myself of course.”
Fred rolled his eyes at Bill, always one to be humble.
“She’s pretty great.” He assured, ignoring George’s weird look.
“Shame I missed her, guess I’ll have to find out for myself at dinner on friday.”
“You’re coming to the burrow?” George laughed, amazed that he finally had time.
“Yeah well, we haven’t had much progress with these break ins so there’s no point trying to force it. The aurors have taken over as it is, we’ve done all we can.”
“Which reminds me, I need to update our wards Georgie.”
“Again, I only did it a couple days ago!”
“No point taking chances, what dad said was right- they could easily target other businesses next.” Fred huffed, his brother accepting defeat.
Their attention was caught by the sound of the front door tinkling open, a jingle of keys telling them that y/n was finally back.
“Here she is!” Bill announced, greeting her with a charming smile and confident tone. The girl seemed surprised, her smile awkward and a little confused.
“This is our big brother, Bill.” Fred explained, offering to take the heavy bags from her. She smiled, making sure to lock eyes with him as he stepped back again.
“Hello Bill, it’s lovely to meet you.” Now she was more relaxed, her shoulders dropping as he spoke to her and asked her plenty of questions about herself, all the while leaning suavely against the counter.
Fred wanted to go over and drag her away, tell her that bill was way too old for her. But all he could do was stand and watch as she giggled away at every other comment he made, her eyes scanning him all the time that he was there.
“I better take this all upstairs-” She reached for the bags that were in his hand, but he stepped up onto the stairs.
“N-no it’s alright, I’ll go.” At least he wouldn’t have to hide his anger around them much longer.
Only a couple minutes later she joined him in the loft, her cheeks rosy and her eyes sparkly as she smiled at him in the kitchen.
“You okay?” Fred asked her.
“Yeah, George is saying goodbye to your brother. I said I’d come help.” She grinned, setting up a chopping board right beside him.
“You didn’t have to.” He nudged her shoulder playfully, making her giggle, the same way Bill had done.
“I wanted to, silly, plus I feel like I barely saw you all day- it was weird.”
Maybe liking her wasn’t off the cards after all, she wanted to be with him, she felt weird when she didn’t see him. Hell, she even left big-shot Bill downstairs just to be in the same room as him. George could have been wrong, she could want him back after all.
“Do you mind if I take a quick shower?” She asked the taller man beside her, looking up with those hopeful eyes.
“Yeah sure,” “I’ll be back in ten to help, okay?” “Don’t fall!” He called out as she rushed off, hearing a faint giggle as the bathroom door shut. Fred smiled to himself, liking how much more comfortable they were getting around one another.
“Need help?” George asked, poking his head round the kitchen door.
“Can do, y/n’s just showering.” He directed his twin to the vegetables that needed peeling.
“By the way, Bill was asking about her-” His stomach tensed. “He wants to ask her out, I told him it’s fine… you know since you said you were just drunk when you told me those things.”
Fred’s heart stopped. Of course, just as things showed the smallest sign of getting better his hope was crushed by the weight of one sentence. He nodded, trying to pay as little attention to what nonsense George spewed out as they cooked, but he couldn’t help hearing how Bill had been taken in by the girl’s beauty.
The man wanted to yell out, he wanted to snap and explain that he’d liked her first. It all seemed so childish, he’d been jealous of one brother and now another one had swooped right in and charmed her. There was no way she would deny him, either, he’d seen her blush.
All through dinner, George asked the girl what she thought of their older brother, most likely at Bill’s request. But it made Fred feel sick, to see her so excited to talk about him, all that he could do was stay silent and eat his food. Not that either of the others noticed, too enthralled in their riveting conversation.
George was as bad as his mother for gossiping, together with y/n’s childlike excitement, he decided he couldn’t take much more and quietly dismissed himself so he could run off to his room and let out the breath he’d been holding onto all evening.
This was going to be harder to get over.
That Friday night, the three of them apparated to the burrow, wanting to show the girl a different way to travel as she had never been taught how to do it when she lived at home. The moon was bright out that night, and shone done over the field as they landed, both men having to keep her stable as she giggled.
“That was fun!” She squealed, jumping up and down and looking around, amazed that she had never experienced such a exhilarating thing before.
“I gotta be honest, I was expecting you to vomit.”
“We both were,”
“It’s practically tradition at this point.”
“Maybe on the way back, after dinner.” The girl teased, stomping her boots over the long grass that led towards the house.
She had found her nicest pair of big blue jeans and used some of the little money she had on her to buy a new top when Ginny had taken her out with Hermione. It was white, with thin lace sleeves and a corset waist, which had reminded her of the dresses her mother used to wear whenever her father took her out for a special occasion. Before they grew apart, of course.
Fred had gulped when he’d seen her wearing it, presuming that she’d been swayed by Hermione’s elegant style over Ginny’s punk-princess dresses. And while he loved seeing her wearing clothes that made her look like an angel, as she did that evening, everything the girl wore seemed to make him want her more and more.
“Y/n!” His little sister cried out from the front door, having spotted them from the front window, making the girl run even faster to greet her. They flew into each other’s arms like best friends, they most likely were that close by now, given both of the girl’s addictive personalities.
All of them were quickly ushered inside, where Ron and Harry awkwardly stared at her while she talked with their fiances. George nudged their shoulders.
“You guys look like creeps, have you really forgotten how to talk to girls other than those two.” He scoffed.
“Oh, we’re just worried.” Harry explained, looking as white as a sheet.
“About y/n?” Fred sneered, “She’s a softie, come on.”
“Ginny and ‘Mione are great, but when they’re together they can be-” “They’re brutal.” Ron finished his friend's statement bluntly. “And your little project will turn into one of them if you’re not careful.”
“She’s not a project Ron-” “Yeah, shut up Ron.”
Mrs Weasley wiped her hands of cooking and rushed over to the new face in her house, immediately dragging the girl into a hug.
“It is so lovely to meet you y/n!” She exclaimed, her children’s kindness so evidently learnt from her. “Ginny has told me so much about you,” The girl blushed before her, unknowing of a parent so welcoming.
Her mother used to be like this, if she remembered far enough, she would invite all their friends over and treat other’s children as their own. Always with a bright, beaming smile, one that had been lost as the years went one, but one that she no doubt inherited herself.
“Why don’t you go sit with the boys, dinner won’t be long.” She smiled, keeping Ginny and Ron behind to help her finish up. She followed the twins, who seemed too tall for their own home as they ducked beneath archways and low hanging lights.
A fire was lit in the next room, surrounded by sofas and armchairs that looked even comfier than her own bed. Mr Weasley sat, facing the doorway, having a conversation with someone who had their back to the trio as they entered.
“Hi dad, evening Bill.” George smiled, slumping down on a sofa comfortably.
Bill turned round, expectantly, his smirk rising when he saw the girl stood before him, looking much more made up that she was the other day after a long shift.
“There she is,” He said, smoothly, relishing in the way she blushed nervously in his presence.
She politely greeted Mr Weasley, before sitting down in between the twins who were her pillars of safety as they talked over her head. Even as Bill conversed with his father about matters that she struggled to catch up on, his gaze burned upon her body like a flame.
Fred noticed it, the way his brother watched over her like a hawk and the way she lapped it up. It was sickening to see her fall under his spell so easily, he didn’t even need to try. Bill always got what he wanted, everyone knew that.
When Mrs Weasley called them all in for dinner, Fred certainly didn’t miss the way his older brother whispered into her ear and all but dragged her over to the table so he could ensure they would be next to one another. He just let it happen, who was he to stop them, a hopeless romantic… that’s all.
“So y/n, where did you go to school?” Arthur asked, thinking nothing of the question. But her face fell a little, not that anyone but Fred saw it happen from across the table.
“Uh- I was actually homeschooled, but there’s still a lot I don’t know.”
“Well I hope the boys have been teaching you lots, it’s good to know as much as you can.” Mrs Weasley beamed, rubbing the twin’s heads as she passed by with glasses for everyone.
“They’ve been extremely helpful, in more ways than I can thank them for.” She smiled sweetly, catching Fred’s eye as everyone started up their own conversations.
That was the last time she looked over at him that night, as Bill started telling her all sorts of things that made her giggle and smirk and blush and fidget. It was obvious to anyone that watched the two of them that Bill had made up his mind about her.
It was the scar tour which finally made Fred roll his eyes, no one seeing but his twin.
“You alright?” George said, with a confused chuckle.
“Oh yeah, fine.”
“Bill’s a right show off isn’t he, wonder where he’s gonna take her on their d-a-t-e.”
“We’re not dogs you know, we can spell.” Ginny hissed from the other side of him, leaning over behind him so she could talk to Fred directly.
“Is it true?” She asked him, hushed.
“Is what?” He whispered back, praying that George hadn’t spoken of his drunken confession.
“Bill’s gonna ask her out?”
“Well- I guess so, he said he would.” He sat up straight again, wanting nothing more to do with that conversation if he could help it. He was already forced to watch the two of them as if he was front row at a particularly excruciating play.
The whole night seemed to drag on for hours and hours, as it seemed like Ginny and Bill were fighting over the girl’s attention. Fred finally gave up on trying to bear the whole situation and slipped out the back door when no one was watching, hoping to have a few minutes alone in the night’s cool air.
But not even thirsty seconds of silence later, the door opened behind him, and someone came to join him.
“You alright Fred?” Hermione’s voice sounded over to him, as he sat slumped against the stone wall. He nodded, not minding her company over any of the other’s. She at least knew how to be quiet when it was necessary.
The brunette took a seat beside him on the grass, crossing her legs and taking in a fresh breath of air. He was always happy that Hermione was the one friend of Ginny’s to actually join the family, he’d never been a fan of the other’s as most of the time they would bother him and George.
“You like her, don’t you?” Hermione asked, dragging him from his vacant thoughts.
“Y/n. You like her, and you haven’t said anything.”
“Hermione, I don’t-” ‘I’m not going to tell anyone, I hate gossip.” She scoffed, and he knew it was true.
“It’s a tricky one, okay.” The man finally said, after she let him think over his answer for a few moments.
“I bet, and now Bill’s got his sight on her.”
“Yeah well, I’m not him-” He sighed. “Doesn’t mean you can’t like her.”
“It’s too late, she’s gonna say yes to their date and then they’ll be together and I’ll have to watch them be happy and shit, all the while I’m gonna be miserable.” “She might say no,” “Bullshit will she say no, have you seen the way she acts around him?” “Not really.” Hermione admitted.
“Well, it’s obvious she likes him- that’s all.”
They fell into silence again, the stars in the sky not even settling Fred’s growing rage over how stupid he’d been to hide how he truly felt.
“Either way, you should tell her.” Hermione said, standing up and brushing off her legs before giving him a sympathetic smile and heading back inside.
The twins headed back outside, getting ready to leave, when y/n called over to them with a giggle. Bill’s hands were wrapped around her waist, begging her to stay as she cutely tried to get away.
“I’ll just be a moment you guys!” George nodding, waving bye to his brother and heading back into the field to give them a bit of privacy. Fred followed, with no other choice. He could still see their figures through the tall grass, holding one another like they were already lovers. When Bill’s head dipped down he just turned away, seeing George watching him with squinted eyes.
“What are you doing freddie?” He asked him.
“Nothing, jus- nothing.” He grumbled, kicking up the ground beneath his feet as they waited patiently.
When the girl finally bounded over, full of giddy excitement, he wanted to be far away from her. He swore he could feel Bill’s presence all over her, just by the way she took his hand to apparate back to the loft.
The whole time that she spoke his head was in a daze, as if he felt there was no use in listening to anyone anymore. No matter how much advice he was given, or however nice he was to her. If she didn’t want him, then there was nothing he could do.
“Goodnight freddie!” She called, when he silently left the other two in the dark shop and climbed up to the loft. He didn’t say anything back, in truth he didn’t take in that she had spoken to him and then by the time he had done so, he didn’t trust his voice to not crack under pressure.
“Is he angry?” The girl turned to George, who was just as confused about his twin’s odd behaviour.
“No, sweet, he’s probably just tired.” He whispered, giving her a reassuring hug. “So, when’s Bill taking you out?”
“Tuesday night.” “Oh. How romantic.” The man scoffed, which earned him a light slap on the arm.
“Stop it you, he said he didn’t want to wait until next weekend- I think it’s sweet.”
“You would missy- you’re in love!” He teased.
“I wouldn’t call it love… yet.” She grinned.
“Go on you, get to bed.” He chuckled, giving her yet another hug and letting her skip off to her room which was covered in fairy lights.
George wasn’t even going to bother talking to Fred that night. Whatever was up with him, he could take a wild guess on and probably hit the jackpot. But that meant he was upset, beyond compare, and most likely needed some time alone. So George gave him that time and just went up to bed himself. Hoping that things would look up in the days to come.
Little did he know that, when it came to love, Fred held grudges.
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juminss-cat · 6 years
Ummm... Can i request Rfa + V reacting to a MC who got disowned for being gay (it dosen't matter if It's female or male mc) It's super okay If you don't want to do this, i'm just gay and live for angst :) (Also i love your blog
This is a long one oh my gosh. I hope this is okay, nonny, and I really hope this didn’t happen to you!! My inbox is always open and, as a bisexual myself, I am a huge supporter of the LGBTQ+ community. I kept the MC gender neutral although the relationship with the characters is perceived as romantic!
⭑ He’s honestly offended as fuck. You’d been dating for awhile now and, while you’d warned him that your parents may not accept it, he wasn’t expecting this.
⭑ “Get the hell out of our house,” your father snapped, pointing at the door, face stern and your own face blanched.
⭑ “Dad, please just hear me out,” you plead and his face remained hard and closed off, the only emotion showing being anger. Yoosung’s arm around your waist tightened into your skin just shy of painfully in his own anger.
⭑ “MC, please, just go,” your mother said at least having the right to look somewhat dejected about kicking their own child out of their house.
��� “You’d kick your own child out of the house just because they’re gay?” Yoosung asked incredulously, violet eyes blazing with barely contained rage and how your parents were treating you. You placed your hand on his chest in an attempt to placate him, knowing him getting angrier would only complicate things further.
⭑ “I don’t have a child. Not anymore,” your father snapped and startled tears fell down your face. Yoosung’s jaw clenched as he pulled your further into him, walking the both of you towards the door. He tried his best to remain vaguely civil, to not yell and scream at your parents for the way they were treating you. He slammed the door shut behind you both and held you in his arms.
⭑ “MC,” he murmured, brushing away your tears with his thumbs, liquid pooling in his own eyes. His usual cheerful, youthful exterior was gone, replaced by a sincerity you’d rarely seen him show, the seriousness of the situation ageing him. “I’m so sorry, MC. What—what can I do?” He asked, biting his lip and frowning when you shook your head.
⭑ “Take me home,” you whimpered and he nodded, leading you to the car and starting it up. He kept both hands on the wheel, he was a nervous driver, but kept sparing you glances, asking if you were okay, if there was anything he could do. Your sobs intensified once he pulled into a parking space outside of your shared apartment and he broke.
⭑ “MC, come here, come on, let’s get you inside, yeah?” He asked, helping you to your feet and out of the car, all but carrying you through the front door. The minute it was shut you collapsed into him, sobs wracking your body and tears staining his shirt.
⭑ “I’m sorry. I wanted them to accept me, to accept us,” you apologised and he’s shushing you, pulling you to the sofa and bundling you up in his arms tightly. His hand in your hair is a comfort and it momentarily distracts you from the pain in your chest that’s spreading throughout your body. You try to relish in the contact but it brings back your parents’ angry faces, the disappointment, the lack of hesitance before they completely disowned you.
⭑ “MC, come on sweetie, it’s okay!” He said, trying to keep his voice upbeat and reassure you despite knowing that it wasn’t, in fact, okay. You knew as much and his attempts at calming you did nothing but make you cry harder. With every tear that dripped from your eyes his rage grew as did his own sorrow.
⭑ In the end he called for a pizza and lined up your favourite movies. He knew nothing he could say would help in the moment, you were beyond consolable, but he could try and take your mind off of things, if only for a little while. He did everything he could to make you laugh, cracking silly jokes and even telling you he’ll stop playing LoLoL if you smiled just a little for him.
⭑ He ran you a bath after the pizza and movies were finished and crouched next to the tub, running his hands through your hair and rubbing your scalp gently as you leaned into his touched. He washed you tenderly and dried you off carefully, pulling an old t-shirt over your head as you put on a pair of underwear.
⭑ “I’ll always be here, MC. I could never leave you, and I’ll always be your family.”
♪ He gets it. Boy does he actually bloody understand it. He knows the pain of having your family disapprove of you for things you can’t control, he knows what it’s like to be shunned and disowned. His own pain is fresh in his mind when he watches your parents kick you out, yelling at you about how you’re a disgrace, how all they wanted was a good child, a child who could make them proud.
♪ It was all he could do to not punch your father in the mouth as he spewed insults in your face while shoving you out of the door. He settled for spitting a ‘fuck you’ in his face before slamming the door shut and pulling you into his arms, running his hands up and down your back and comforting you as best he could.
♪ He knew there was nothing he could do or say to make the pain stop, he knew all too well that it’s a wound only time can heal. So he settles for holding you up as you almost sink to the pavement and carrying you to the car, whispering mumbled reassurances and adoring words.
♪ “Jagi, come here,” he murmured, opening his arms once he was sat in the driver’s seat and you awkwardly clambered into his lap, your head falling onto his shoulder as tears dampen the collar of his shirt. You feel his sighs, the way his body is tense with anger and you cry harder, clinging to him as if he’s your lifeline.
♪ His chin comes to rest on the crown of your head, words whispered against your hair, blowing the strands out slightly and you sniff, trying your best to quell the sobs rising in your chest. He holds you as you fall apart, strong harms holding the broken pieces of you together while they try their best to break completely. He holds you while you sob and scream, in both anger and utter despair. He holds you until your tears have run dry and your voice is hoarse. He holds you until you pull back.
♪ “I wanna go home,” you croak and he nods, eyes big and round and sad, looking up at you with sadness reflected in his ruby irises. He helps you into the passenger seat and straps you in, keeping one hand on your knee the entire time he drives, moving it only to change gears or indicate. His thumb rubs gentle circles into your skin, doing what he can to calm you in the short drive home.
♪ He carries you into his apartment, keeping your body cradled against his as he lays you onto the bed, sitting next to you and taking your hand in his own, thumb rubbing your skin as you stare at the wall blankly. He knows talking won’t help but he also knows that comfort can.
♪ “MC? Can I hold you?” He waits for you to nod your consent before slotting his body behind you and pulling you into him, your back pressed firmly against his chest. His hands card through your hair, fingers gently grazing against your scalp as he peppers kisses to the nape of your neck and shoulders.
♪ “I’m sorry,” you whispered and he shook his head, pulling you even closer towards him and lacing his hands over your stomach, burying his face in the nape of your neck and inhaling your scent. “I wanted them to approve of us. I—I know your family doesn’t approve of you and I hoped that mine would but I—” you trailed off, fresh tears cascading down your cheeks as you choked on the words and hushed you, letting you roll over and bury your face in his chest.
♪ “Jagi, it’s alright,” he murmured, voice strained as his own misery spiked up upon seeing yours. He inhaled deeply before sighing, propping his chin on your head. He thought for a moment, thoughts turning over in his head while he mulled each one over. “We can always make our own family, MC.”
♨︎ Since her parents died when she young, she doesn’t have much experience with familial things. She wasn’t aware that they wouldn’t accept the both of you until you were shoved out of their house after visiting them and revealing the extent of your relationship. You were both too dumbfounded to even try to fight, angry and betrayed tears springing to your eyes.
♨︎ The evening air was cold, the feeling of frost dancing on the wind and you shivered from both the chill and emotions as the door was slammed in your face. Jaehee stood blinking at the door for a moment, surprise coursing through her before she came to her senses and turned to face you. Your face was pale and eyes wide, mouth slightly parted.
♨︎ “MC…” You stumbled forward into her arms, face pressed against the junction of her neck and shoulder, skin warm in the cold night. Her arms came to wrap around you, hands just rubbing your back as you closed your eyes and tried to steady your breathing. Your chest was tight, throat thick with emotion and her arms did little to quell the shaking in your body. “Let’s get you home,” she murmured, ushering you into the car and strapping you in before taking the wheel. The drive home was silent, pierced only by your sniffles and occasional sobs and her heart broke every time she heard them. Her hand fumbled for yours halfway through and you clutched onto it tightly, your fingers shaking.
♨︎ The apartment was dark and empty, the cafe below it shut up, and she set to work turning on the lights and getting you settled on the sofa. She sat down next to you, pulling you into her embrace once more and stroking your hair. She was warm and comfortable, she smelt like coffee and home and love and you snuggled further into her, seeking refuge from your emotions. Her arms tightened around your shaking frame as she pulled you closer to her, sighing softly into the dim light of the living room.
♨︎ “I—I’m sorry,” you apologised and she pulled back, confusion plain on her features as she regarded you with wide eyes.
♨︎ “You’re sorry?” She asked and you nodded, looking down at the blanket covering you, picking at a few loose threads on the material. You blinked back some tears and cleared your throat.
♨︎ “I wanted us to have a family. I know your parents are—I wanted mine to accept us,” you stuttered out, tears falling from your eyes and down your cheeks. She sighed and pulled you back against her, pressing her forehead against yours. She remained silent for a moment more, curling the strands of your hair around her finger, your breath mingling together, her eyes slipping shut in contentment. She steadied herself before saying,
♨︎ “MC. As nice as it would have been to have your family’s approval, we can be our own family,” You sniffed, closing your eyes and breathing in her scent. Our own family. You liked the sound of that.
₩ Boy is so confused. He’s not used to not being liked and being disliked by your parents is not one of his worries. It doesn’t even occur to him. So when they kick you both out of their house after a visit, spitting hateful words at the both of you and telling you to never come back, he can do little else other than blink and try to sort out the situation in his head.
₩ Your shaking frame and sobs break him out of his thoughts and his eyes widen slightly, hands reaching out and pulling you against his chest, his heartbeat thumping steadily in your ears. He engulfs you in his arms and holds you while your sob, his normally calm grey eyes turning stormy, anger rearing its head inside of him. He has half a mind to storm back into your house and give your parents a piece of his mind but he refrains. Aside from it having repercussions to you, it would be also highly unprofessional.
₩ “I’m so sorry,” you sobbed and his arms tightened around you, face burying into the crown of your head, your hair tickling his skin. He shook his head, pressing gentle kisses to your scalp until your sobs turned to hiccups and your tears ran dry. You refused to lift your head from his chest, his scent and heartbeat being your only lifeline as of now.
₩ “My darling, what do you need?” He asked, hands rubbing your back gently, voice tender and soft. You asked him to take you home, to bring around the car and he nodded, taking his phone from his pocket and dialling for Driver Kim.
₩ If Driver Kim was surprised to you in such a state, he didn’t show it. He remained as professional as ever, opening the door for both you and Jumin before once again sitting behind the wheel, starting the car engine with a hum. He did offer you a small, comforting smile in the car’s mirror and you returned it as best you could, ear still pressed against Jumin’s chest.
₩ The trip home was long and silent, punctuated by your sniffles and Jumin’s occasional sigh of frustration. Never in his life had he felt so helpless before. He was still shocked as to how your parents could outright disown you, spit such harsh words and all but shove you out of the door. It made his blood boil and his heartbreak.
₩ You must’ve fallen asleep at some point, the emotional exhaustion taking a toll on you as, when you woke up, it was to the rhythmic steps of Jumin as he carried you inside, your head lolling on his shoulder and his arms under your legs and back. You hummed contently, momentarily forgetting what had transpired earlier. He smiled down at you, leaning to press a kiss against your forehead as one of his guards opened the penthouse door for him.
₩ It wasn’t until he settled you down on the sofa, the last remnants of sleep ebbing away, that what had happened hit you like a brick wall. Fresh tears rolled down your face and Jumin’s face contorted briefly before it smoothed out once more. He sat down next to you, pulling you into his side as he played with your hair.
₩ “MC,” he started, pressing a kiss to your temple, “I know you’re upset and rightly so, but please try to refrain from blaming yourself.” You stopped, wondering how he could see through you so well, as if the walls to your heart and soul were mere glass to him.
₩ “I can’t. It’s— I should’ve known. I should’ve kept it to myself and—and—” You broke off into a sob and he’s highkey thinking about calling for his doctor to see if he can ease your pain. It’s a shame, he muses idly, that emotional pain is not as easily fixed as it’s physical counterpart.
₩ “It is obvious that your parents do not deserve to have a child as loving and perfect as you. It is truly their loss.” You closed your eyes and turned your face into his chest, inhaling his scent and trying to take refuge in his heartbeat. “Besides, I think this just shows that it is time to start our own family and make sure to not repeat the same mistakes.”
☾ He understands damaged families all too well. He knows how much it hurts to have parents who don’t care about you, how much it rips you apart when they want nothing to do with you. When the two of you are angrily shoved out of the door, harsh words being spat after you, his own heart breaks for you.
☾ His hurt turns to anger as you collapsed into his embrace, tears streaming from your wide eyes, pain etched into your beautiful features. You have to grab ahold of his arm to stop him from storming back in through the door and ruining your parents with angry words and insults. The fight drains out of him as you plead with him, words broken by your sobs, and he shushes you, pulling you back against him.
☾ Luckily his car is parked close by and he walked towards it with you, keeping his arm tightly around your shoulders, his lips pressed to your temple. He unlocked the door and ushered you in before sitting himself in the driver’s seat, allowing you to clamber into his lap. It was uncomfortable, the steering wheel digging into your back and your legs cramped on either side of him, but you were too upset to care, too distraught to register the pain. You clung to him, fisting his shirt and crying into the crook of his neck as he blinked back his own tears.
☾ “MC, hey, it’s gonna be okay,” he murmured, trying his best to comfort you with words that he knew had little impact on your current mental state. You continued to cry into his neck, your tears dripping down your face and onto his skin, pooling in his clavicle.
☾ “I just—I wanna go home,” you hiccuped and he nodded, prolonging the embrace for a few more seconds before he helped you back to your seat, strapping you in and taking hold of your hand as he started to drive, fingers gripping yours, trying to provide as much comfort as he could.
☾ He rambled as he drove, talking about nothing and everything, about old jobs, childhood memories, pranks he wanted to play on Yoosung. His voice was a comfort and you clung to it, fingers shaking around his as you tried to choke back the still rising tears.
☾ You weren’t read to face Saeran and possibly Vanderwood. You were in such a state, tears crusted on your face and eyes red and puffy. You were a mess and you didn’t want anybody to see you as such. You told him so through your muffled sobs and he nodded, telling you to stay there. The car locked as he left and you sniffed, grateful to have a moment alone to try and steady out your breathing. You assumed he was making sure the coast was clear for you to enter the bunker, but what you didn’t expect was for him to come back into the garage five minutes later, blankets and pillows stacked high in his arms, a carrier bag in the crook of his elbow.
☾ He opened the boot with some struggle, arms being full and all, and set them inside. You had never realised that his boot was essentially a crater, a small circle hollowed out inside. He beckoned you out of the car and you wiped your eyes, looking at him quizzically.
☾ Within a few minutes, he’d arranged the blankets and pillows inside and helped you in, draping a blanket over the car boot and the ground to make a makeshift den. It was warm and private, his arms tightly around you, limbs tangled together somewhat awkwardly.
☾ “I love you, MC, so, so much. We don’t need your parent's approval to be a family.”
☼ He ushers you out of the house before your parents can say anything worse. His protective mode kicks in full force and you’re in his arms, his body shielding you from the cold air as you cry into his chest. The moon is low in the sky and you can only see the glint of tears in his own eyes when you look up, blue hair reflecting the silver glow.
☼ He doesn’t ask you any questions, doesn’t even talk, just holds you close as you cry, hands rubbing gentle circles on your back, pressing the occasional kiss to your hair, nuzzling his nose against your temple. There’s no need for words at the moment, just him, you and the pain throbbing through your veins in the moonlight.
☼ “Do you want to go home?” He asked when you started shaking from the cold, voice a quiet whisper into the night air, breath clouding in front of his face. You nod into his chest, sniffing before slowly pushing away from him. He captures your hand in his own bigger one, running his thumb over your knuckles to try and supply some warmth, some comfort.
☼ The heating is on full blast as he drives the both of you home, the roads quiet and dark, the silence only punctuated by your sighs and his fingers drumming a vague rhythm against the steering wheel. Your heart aches, pain coursing through you, eyes stinging and throat burning. It hurts like poison in your veins, like your bones have been frozen. It is cold and it excruciating, taking over your mind and body and replacing them with a sense of loneliness and abandonment.
☼ “We’re here, angel,” he murmured and you jumped, not realising that the car had come to a halt, its headlights beaming onto the walls of the house. It took you another couple of moments to compile yourself to get out of the car, another to put one foot in front of the other. His hands never left some part of your body, radiating comfort and heat to your own as best he can.
☼ “I wanna go to bed,” you sniffed, voice cracking over the words as they fall from your lips. He nodded and guided you up, letting you use him as support, leaning your weight against his taller frame. He got you settled under the covers, putting a pillow behind your back and shoulders to prop you up. You sank into it, letting your eyes slip shut. The thoughts were still barging into your mind, wreaking havoc and the pain was there to stay. They didn’t want you. It stung.
☼ A mug was pressed against your hands and you blearily blinked open your eyes, breaking out of your solitude. Tea. You smiled at him as best you could, the energy it took to muster a small twitch of your lips draining you completely. He held you against his chest, his heartbeat echoing in your ears, grounding you, his breath tickling your head as he whispered reassurances into your hair, his own teal strands mixing with yours.
☼ “I promise you, MC, that we will be a family, with or without your parent's approval. I’m not going anywhere, love, ever.”
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