#best neuro physician in Bangalore
sugunahospital1 · 3 days
Spine Surgery Hospitals in Bangalore | Best Spine Surgeon in Bangalore 
Find exceptional spine care at Suguna Hospital, one of the leading spine surgery hospitals in Bangalore. Home to the best spine surgeons, we offer advanced treatments and personalized care for your spinal health
visit Spine Surgery Hospital in Bangalore | Best Spine Surgeon in Bangalore
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unitedhospitals123 · 1 month
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Navigating Neurological Care: Finding the Best Neuro Physician in Bangalore
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In Bangalore's bustling healthcare landscape, finding the best neuro physician to address neurological concerns can be daunting. Whether you're seeking treatment for migraines, epilepsy, or a complex neurological disorder, the expertise and experience of a skilled neuro physician are indispensable. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to navigating neurological care in Bangalore and finding the best neuro physician to meet your needs.
Understanding Neurological Care:
Neurological care encompasses the diagnosis, treatment, and management of conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and muscles. From common ailments like headaches to rare neurological disorders, consulting a neuro physician is crucial for accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plans.
Criteria for Choosing the Best Neuro Physician:
When selecting a neuro physician in Bangalore, consider essential factors such as qualifications, credentials, experience, and specialization in specific neurological conditions. Look for neuro physicians affiliated with reputable hospitals or healthcare institutions known for their neurological expertise.
Spotlight on Leading Neuro Physicians in Bangalore:
Bangalore boasts a pool of highly skilled and experienced neuro physicians renowned for their expertise in various neurological specialties. Dr. Ganesh Veerabhadraiah, Dr. Sumana B Pallegar, are among the top neuro physicians in Bangalore, known for their exceptional patient care, diagnostic acumen, and treatment outcomes.
Importance of Communication and Patient-Centered Care:
Effective communication and compassionate care are integral components of neurology practice. Choose a neuro physician who listens attentively, explains medical conditions and treatment options clearly, and involves you in decision-making regarding your neurological health.
Access to Advanced Neurological Services:
Seek neuro physicians practicing at hospitals equipped with advanced diagnostic tools, cutting-edge treatment modalities, and multidisciplinary teams. This ensures comprehensive neurological care tailored to your specific needs and condition.
Tips for Seeking Neurological Care:
When seeking neurological care in Bangalore, schedule consultations with multiple neuro physicians to compare their approaches, expertise, and compatibility with your preferences. Seek referrals from trusted sources, such as primary care physicians, family members, or friends who have undergone neurological treatment.
Finding the best neuro physician in Bangalore is essential for optimal neurological care and treatment outcomes. By considering factors such as qualifications, experience, communication skills, and access to advanced services, you can navigate neurological care with confidence and find a neuro physician who meets your needs and expectations. Remember, your neurological health is paramount, and choosing the right neuro physician is the first step towards achieving well-being and quality of life.
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akshayahospitals · 3 months
Best Neuro Hospital in Bangalore is Where Certified Neuro Surgeon Treats the Neurological Disorders!
You can start your research by consulting with your primary care physician or seeking recommendations from family, colleagues or friends who may have had experiences with neuro surgeons in Bangalore. Additionally, medical directories and hospital can provide information about neurosurgeons in Bangalore. Once you have shortlisted the potential neuro surgeons, you can schedule consultations to discuss your specific needs and concerns before making a decision. However, Bangalore being a major city in India, likely has several well known neuro surgeons.
Tips to find the best neuro surgeon
To find top neuro surgeon in Bangalore, you should opt for the hospital that has the best neuro surgeons appointed at the facility and they have strong reputation in the medical community. You can check reviews patient testimonials, and also the referrals from other health care professionals. Consider the experience of the neurosurgeon, including the number of years in practice, success rates with specific procedures and specialization in certain areas of neuro surgery. The hospital has advanced neurosurgical facilities and a good track record in patient care. The neuro surgeon is board certified and has the necessary qualification and completed hands on training program from the reputed institutions. You can identify and select the top neurosurgeon in Bangalore who best meets your needs and preferences.
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Neurosurgery is done at the multi specialty neuro hospital
The top neuro hospital is a multi-specialty hospital with strong focus on neurology and neurosurgery. The hospital has a dedicated neuroscience center equipped with advanced technology, high end equipments and a team of experienced neurosurgeons and neurologists. As the hospital is the best neuro hospital in Bangalore, it has world class facilities and expertise in various medical specialties, including neurosurgery and neurology. The hospital offers treatment options and advanced diagnostic for neurological disorders. The hospital is having prominent health care facility in Bangalore and also known for its best services.
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chaoticbreadengineer · 4 months
Best multispecialty hospital in Bangalore
We offer exclusive care as a Pain Specialist in Bangalore as per your need.
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Cashless Facility
Our hospital is tied up with many insurance companies that give you a hassle-free cashless hospitalization. Clear your hospital bills directly through the insurance company.
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Intensive Care Units
All the departments are equipped with the finest diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. The hospital has separate Intensive Care Units for each department for post operative care like Medical ICU, Pediatric ICU, Neuro Surgical ICU ,Intermediate Care ICU
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Operation Theatres
The O.Ts are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment like C-arms, operating microscopes, blood gas analysers, thermoelastrograph, anaesthesia machines, Cuza machines for GI/Transplant/Neuro etc., ultracisors, etc.
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Emergency Care
Emergency may happen anytime. And that’s why we (best spine specialist in bangalore) are there all the time. Nurses, physicians, and other emergency health specialists in our Emergency Departments provide 24×7 care to people who are severely ill or have suffered life-threatening injuries. The Intensivists are available 24X7 in house specialists give back up round the clock.
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Department of Laboratory at Axon Speciality Hospital is accredited lab which provides 24/7 diagnostic services, with a primary focus – ‘patients come first’, by facilitating clinician-sin early diagnosis and treatment. Axon hospital Laboratory has a dedicated team comprising of doctors, trained technical and support staff.
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Cosmetology & Plastic Surgery
Axon Speciality Hospital (best cosmetology clinic in bangalore) is at the forefront of plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery. A complete array of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic surgery treatments is available at Axon best hospital in bangalore india facility, including facial rejuvenation, Hair transplant, body contouring, breast augmentation and reduction. 
Our Team of Doctors
Meet our group of certified and experienced Pain Management Specialist Doctors
Our Departments
Every department is equipped to assure the best quality health care service as the best Multispeciality Hospital in Bangalore.
Our Location​​
321, 6th Main Rd, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560038
Email Address
Phone Number​​
080 4334 6333
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purnea-neuro-clinic · 7 months
Choosing the Best Neuro Clinic in Purnea |Purnea Neuro Clinic
Purnea Neuro Clinic
Expert in handling intricate neurological conditions, Dr. Shantanu Shubham is a Neurology Doctors in Purnia with keen clinical judgment. He received his training at the best medical school in India, the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), in Bangalore. With a background in MBBS, KEM HOSPITAL MUMBAIDM NEUROLOGY, he has extensive experience treating the most challenging cases that are referred from all over India. Patients like him because of his diagnostic skills as well as his polite demeanor, compassion, and openness to listening. He has worked as a neurologist in the Neuro physician in Purnea for more than five years, having previously practiced in Darbhanga and Kolkata.
In addition to being among Best Neurologist in Purnia, he is renowned for his expertise in treating conditions like dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, epilepsy, headaches, and strokes.
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Exceptionally patient-focused consideration for individuals with neurological conditions, as well as their families and supervisors
To advance the development of new medications and shed light on disorders of the mind and nerves via basic, clinical, and translational research
To demonstrate to the next generation of medical professionals and other wellness experts the artistry and research of neurological consideration
To support our foundation, Indian citizens, and local, national, and international organizations that fight sensory system infection
Obtain recognition from the public for leading the way in personalized patient care, training exceptionally skilled and compassionate physicians, pursuing innovative and practical research initiatives, and taking the initiative to influence the future of neurology in Purnia.
The fourth most prevalent neurological condition worldwide is epilepsy. Epilepsy sufferers may experience recurrent seizures due to spikes in brain activity. We can assist you in learning everything there is to know about epilepsy and your options for treating it. Dr. Shantanu Shubham was a Best Epilepsy Doctor in Purnea.
Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative brain disease that worsens with time. Changes in the brain that result in the deposition of specific proteins are its defining feature. The brain shrinks and brain cells eventually die as a result of Alzheimer's disease. Dementia is characterized by a progressive loss of memory, thinking, behavior, and social skills; the most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer's disease. A person's capacity to function is impacted by these changes. Discuss it with our Best Dementia Doctor in Purnia.
Neuropathic Pain
If something is wrong with your sensory system, it can lead to neuropathic pain. Any level of the sensory system, including the cerebrum, spinal rope, and fringe nerves, can cause agony. The focal sensory system is made up of the cerebrum and the spinal cord combined. Visit our Best Doctor in Purnia Dr Shantanu Shubham.
Click here to Contact Our Neurologists in Purnia
Contact No. : - 9905790259
Email ID: - [email protected]
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marvelhospital · 11 months
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Best Neuro Physician in Bangalore
Marvel Multispecialty Hospital offers you the BEST NEUROSURGEON IN BANGALORE. Neurosurgeons also have thorough training in the tests needed to diagnose and treat neurological conditions. They’re skilled at operating and analyzing the testing of machines like CT scans, MRI Scans, PET Scans, and EEG Scans. Our best NEUROPHYSICIANS & NEUROSURGEON deals with Brain Tumors, Chronic neck, and back pain problems, and many more NEURO-related issues.
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safeenaposts · 1 year
Neuro Sciences
Best Hospital For Neurology Bangalore
Neurosurgeons at Altius Hospitals are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that affect your brain, spine or other parts of your body. They offer a full range services from general neurosurgery to tumour surgery for those who need it most.
One of the most experienced and comprehensive neurosurgery departments in Bangalore, Altius Hospitals’ neurosurgeons are the top experts in the field of neuroscience in the country.
Our Specialized Team Of Neuro Physician
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
Tips to prevent brain stroke
What steps would you be able to take to keep away from a stroke? Having a mother, father, or other direct relation who has had a stroke makes us more powerless to having one.
Despite the fact that you can’t travel back in time or change your family ancestry, you can handle numerous other stroke hazard factors in case you’re mindful of them. Information is an incredible asset. You can find ways to alleviate the impacts of a danger factor that is disrupting your wellbeing and inclining you to a higher danger of stroke in case you know about it.
What is a stroke?
At the point when blood dissemination to the mind comes up short, a stroke, otherwise called a “cerebrum assault,” happens. Decreased blood stream and the subsequent absence of oxygen can cause synapses to pass on. Strokes can be separated into two sorts: those brought about by a blockage in blood stream and those brought about by seeping into the mind. Ischemic stroke, or a blockage of a vein in the mind or neck, is the most well-known reason for stroke, representing about 80% of all strokes.
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The development of a coagulation inside a vein of the cerebrum or neck, alluded to as apoplexy; the development of a coagulation from one more piece of the body, like the heart, to the mind, alluded to as embolism; or an extreme narrowing of a course in or prompting the mind, alluded to as stenosis. The second sort of stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, is brought about by seeping into the mind or the spaces encompassing the cerebrum.
In short, When the blood supply to a piece of your mind is removed, a stroke happens. A coagulation or something different impeding the stream is the most widely recognized reason. Ischemic strokes are what they’re called. Draining in the mind is answerable for about 20% of the cases. Hemorrhagic strokes are what they’re called.
Avoidance of a stroke:
Lower your pulse
Strokes are most regularly brought about by hypertension. For the greater part of them, this is the explanation. Pulse readings of under 120/80 are viewed as typical. In case yours is reliably higher than 130/80, you might have hypertension, otherwise called hypertension.
Hypertension can make you 4-6 times bound to suffer a heart attack in case it isn’t as expected oversaw. This is because of the way that it can thicken conduit dividers, causing cholesterol and different fats to develop and shape plaques. In the event that one of these breaks free, it can remove the blood supply to your mind.
Hypertension can likewise debilitate conduits, making them more inclined to explode and bringing about a hemorrhagic stroke.
Work with your primary care physician to keep your circulatory strain in a solid reach on the off chance that you have hypertension. Prescription and way of life changes, like ordinary exercise and a sound eating regimen, might be valuable.
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Quit smoking
In the event that you smoke, you increment your odds of having a stroke by twofold. Tobacco smoke contains nicotine, which raises pulse and carbon monoxide, which lessens the measure of oxygen your blood can convey. In any event, breathing in recycled smoke can expand your danger of suffering a heart attack.
Tobacco is additionally liable for :
1.    Increase the measure of fatty oils in your blood.
2.    Reduce the measure of “good” HDL cholesterol in your body.
3.    Your blood will become tacky and bound to clump thus.
4.    Increase the probability of plaque development
5.    Blood vessels thicken and slender, making harm their linings.
6.    Consult your PCP about stopping smoking. Nicotine fixes and advising might be of help. In the event that you don’t succeed the initial time, don’t surrender.
7.    Manage your heart
A few strokes are brought about by blood clusters and are brought about by an unpredictable heartbeat called atrial fibrillation (AFib). AFib makes blood pool in your heart, representing a thickening danger. In the event that that coagulation goes to your cerebrum, it can cause a stroke. You can have AFib in view of hypertension, plaques in your supply routes, cardiovascular breakdown, and different reasons.
Your heart can be returned to an ordinary musicality with the assistance of prescriptions, operations, and medical procedure. Counsel your primary care physician in case you don’t know whether you have AFib however are encountering heart shudders or windedness.
Control your diabetes
A stroke is 2-4 times almost certain if your glucose is high. Diabetes can cause greasy stores or clusters in your veins in case it isn’t as expected oversaw. This can limit the ones in your cerebrum and neck, possibly removing the mind’s blood supply.
In the event that you have diabetes, try to check your glucose levels consistently, accept your meds as coordinated, and visit your primary care physician like clockwork so they can screen your levels.
A stationary way of life can prompt corpulence, elevated cholesterol, diabetes, and hypertension, which are all danger factors for stroke. So will work. You are not needed to run a long distance race. It is adequate to practice for 30 minutes five days per week. Before you start working out, counsel your PCP.
Get legitimate eating routine
Smart dieting can assist you with getting thinner and decrease your danger of suffering a heart attack. Consistently, eat a lot of new foods grown from the ground (broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and mixed greens like spinach are great). Pick food varieties that are high in fiber and lean proteins. Trans and immersed fats can obstruct your courses, so keep away from them. Lessen your salt admission and avoid prepared food sources. They’re every now and again high in salt and trans fats, the two of which can raise circulatory strain.
Blood thinners are prompted in ailments like stent in heart and neck vessels(angioplasty) and after sidestep a medical procedure of heart and so forth You might be encouraged to oversee blood boundaries accurately. Blood thinners resemble two sided deal. In the event that you don’t take effectively additionally cause issue, on the off chance that you will not take/oversee blood boundaries appropriately likewise causes issue. If it’s not too much trouble, follow specialists exhort accurately – helps in stroke anticipation.
Neuro Wellness spine and mind care focus does Advanced Stroke treatment in Bangalore with the best consideration. The experts guarantee practical and effective treatment.
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Best Neurosurgeon in Bangalore well-equipped neurosurgery dept., to treat Stroke or Epilepsy or Parkinson’s & Movement Disorders, Paediatric Neurology, Neuro Critical care, Neuro Muscular Disorders, Various Spinal Disorders etc. Neurosurgery demands extreme patience, undivided attention to detail and an ideal blend of confidence and caution. These are the qualities that I strive to realize while caring for all my patients before, during or after surgery. As a patient, you’ll expect to be treated with utmost respect, empathy, and love that i think that each patient truly deserves. Best Neurosurgeon in Bangalore is a fanatical center for neurosciences with an exclusive & highly professional team performing on brain & spine related problems. Designed by Best Neurosurgeon in Bangalore as per NABH specifications, it’s our endeavor to worry for our patients through team work and quality service at a reasonable cost.
With state-of-the-art technologies specialized in neuroscience and our motto of “Care that puts the patient FIRST” our patients are often rest assured of excellent medical practices & a healthy recovery. Best Neurosurgeon in Bangalore offer comprehensive treatment and look after brain and spine related issues through our dedicated multidisciplinary team of specialized surgeons and physicians. Best Neurosurgeon in Bangalore bring the newest medical technologies and equipment to make sure speedy recovery and health of all those that seek intervention for brain and spine disorders. Best Neurosurgeon in Bangalore place great importance on placing the interests of our patients first and foremost and supply excellent surgical care to revive their health and well-being. Dedicated team-work combined with quality service at a reasonable cost is our motto and Best Neurosurgeon in Bangalore convey the reassurance of being the simplest choice for those seeking medical help for his or her health problems.
Best Neurosurgeon in Bangalore offered: • O.P. (Monday to Saturday) • 24/7 Neuro Emergencies • Well equipped & staffed IP wards categories of patients. • Well-equipped Electrophysiology Dept. for EEG/ENMG/EVOKED POTENTIALS
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Top Neuro Physicians at Hyderabad - Neurology Doctor Near Me
Neuro Surgeon in Hyderabad – Star Hospitals
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These are some best Neuro physicians in Hyderabad City:
1. Dr. G.V.Subbaiah Chowdhary
Consultant Neurologist
- With extensive training in the multitude fields of neurology, Dr.GVS Chowdary is a specialist in handling neurological cases of varying kinds.
- Trained in electrophysiology and neuropathy in NIMHANS, Bangalore and also attended the mayo clinic in Florida regarding the same
- Participant of the EEG and Epilepsy observer ship program in Sri Chitra Institute of Neurological Sciences, Trivandrum
2. Dr. P Venkataswamy
Consultant Neurologist
17 years
- A Specialist in dealing with drug refractory epilepsy stroke
- Specializes exclusively in epilepsy and other epileptic problems
3. Dr. Bala Rajasekhar Yetukuri
Consultant Neurosurgeon
Ms, Mch, (PGI Chandigarh) 
7 Years
- A specialist in minimally invasive spine procedures, cervical spine fixation, various lumbar and dorsal spine instrumentation procedures and spine tumours
- Also, a specialist in surgeries of and relating to Epilepsy
- Other areas of specialization include Paediatric Brain Tumours, Pituitary tumours, brain tumours, vascular anomalies and endoscopic procedures
- Well trained in various advanced neurological procedures
If you are searching for the
Best Neurologist Doctor
, Brain Surgery in Hyderabad, Neurosurgeon, Neuro Physicians  in Hyderabad, then STAR Hospitals is one among the top
Neurology Hospitals in Hyderabad
. It has a lot to offer considering the state-of-the-art infrastructure, facilities provided and treatments offered providing comprehensive care for a wide range of neurology conditions.
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Dr. Manjusha | Elawoman
Best IVF Doctors in Lucknow
Below are the Best IVF Doctors in Lucknow with options to book your first appointment FREE. Check Reviews, IVF Cost, IVF Success rates, Fees, Address, Contact Number for all treatments they offer. Find details to affordable test tube baby costs.
1. Dr. Manjusha
Dr. Manjusha is an acclaimed Obstetrician & Gynaecologist based Gomti Nagar, Lucknow. She is highly recommended by hospitals in the state as she has gathered 2 decades of experience in this field and has helped a countless number of women and couples having infertility issues. She has vast specialization in Gynecological Problems, Normal Vaginal Delivery, Pregnancy Consultation, Obstetrics Problems, and Menopause Care. Dr. Manjusha was brilliant in her academics as well. She attained her MBBS degree from Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi in 1991 and went on to complete his MD from the University of Delhi in 1996. She passed his MD with first-class results and went on to train in the best hospitals in the city. 
She also a proud Member of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, London and the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India). She has the skills and the knowledge to identify, diagnose and treat a wide of reproductive health problems. She excels in providing skilled care to women in accordance with the latest technological advancements, coupled with compassion and humanity. Her 'woman-centered Approach' enables her to provide the most optimum medical, minimally invasive or open surgical procedure, best suited to the needs of individual women.
2. Dr. Pratibha Sachan
Dr. Pratibha Sachan is a Gynecologist who hails from the metropolis of Lucknow. She has completed her MBBS from GSVM Kanpur and later did her DGO from the identical college wherein she secured the primary role. She is an expert in Male and Female Infertility having more than a decade of experience in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
She has been bringing a smile to individuals who are stricken by infertility, PCOS or high-risk being pregnant. She is a seasoned with regards to Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD), Operative Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy, Excessive Bleeding and Women wellbeing. She owns and runs C N S Multi-Speciality Hospital in Indira Nagar, Lucknow and is the pinnacle of the Obstetrics and Gynecology department. You can get her touch details on www.Elawoman.Com.
Dr. Pratibha Sachan, Gynecologist changed into born and taken up in Lucknow, after finishing her research from GSVM Kanpur and crowned in her DGO.
She has a huge revel in in Obstetrics and Gynecology in diverse famend hospitals. As her place of hobby being female & male infertility, she has undergone various schooling packages for the same.
Dr. Pratibha Sachan is passionate for innovations and experimenting along with her new thoughts and as a result lots of labor is being carried out by means of her and her team within the place of infertility to carry smile on the faces of childless parents.
She is correctly going for walks "Centre for Neuro Sciences and Trauma"(CNS) and doing all Obstetric & Gynecological surgical procedures together with laparoscopic procedures. The health facility is thought for state-of-the-art strategies and committed nursing team of workers.
Taking a breakthrough in the area of healthcare, Dr.Pratibha has set up the "Well Women Clinic" and"Adolescent Clinic"a hospital which capabilities on each first Sunday of the month, for tracking the fitness of women thru exceptional ranges of life.
3. Dr. Saraswati Patel
Dr. Saraswati Patel is an IVF specialist who specializes in lараrоsсору and hуstеrоsсору and gуnесоlоgісаl fасіlіtіеs rаngіng from аntеnаtаl care, normal and cesarean deliveries, hіgh rіsk рrеgnаnсу, antenatal care and infertility trеаtmеnts. Dr. Saraswati pursued MBBS and MS in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Dr. Saraswati Patel has an impressive ехреrіеnсе, and has worked at one of the bеst mеdіcаl establishments of India and has served 1000 раrеnts coming from each strаtа of sосіеtу. She is currently practising her experience at Sarthak Test Tube Baby Center, Kanchan Market, Lucknow.
Saraswati Clinic is an Internal Medicine Clinic in Karol Bagh, Delhi. The health facility is visited through pediatrician like Dr. Dinesh Laroia and Dr. Anil Vardani. The timings of Saraswati Clinic are: Mon, Wed, Fri: 17:30-19:30 and Tue, Thu, Sat: 17:30-21:00. Some of the offerings furnished via the Clinic are: Consultation and Pediatrics and so on. Click on map to find directions to reach Saraswati Clinic.
4. Dr. Sipra Bagchi
Dr. Sipra Bagchi is a Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist at Dr. Bagchi's Gynecology & Infertility Center in Lucknow. She is specialized in Infertility Evaluation / Treatment, IUI, IVF, Endoscopy Surgery, High-Risk Pregnancy Care and Gynae Problems. She is an endoscopic physician too, particularly do fertility enhancing endoscopic surgical procedures. She has completed MBBS & MD (OBS & GYN) both from the distinguished King George's Medical College lucknow.She is trained and skilled in all styles of infertility treatment which include IUI and IVF.
She changed into trained in IVF at Sir Ganga Ram Hosp. New Delhi and FOGSI known centre Vapi Gujarat. Dr.Sipra Bagchi took schooling in laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries beneath the grasp of this field Dr. P. G. Paul from Cochin ,Kerala. Dr. Sipra Bagchi believes in moral exercise and owns a completely pleasant persona. Though committed to her paintings ,she is pleasant in nature and listens to her patients’ issues very patiently.
Dr Sipra Bagchi is a particularly certified gynaecologist, a professional surgeon, green obstetrician and moreover experienced infertility specialist . She is an endoscopic health practitioner too, particularly do fertility improving endoscopic surgeries. She has carried out MBBS & MD (OBS & GYN) each from the prestigious King George's Medical College lucknow.She is educated and experienced in all varieties of infertility treatment together with IUI and IVF. She become skilled in IVF at Sir Ganga Ram Hosp. New Delhi and FOGSI regarded centre Vapi Gujarat.
Dr.Sipra Bagchi took schooling in laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries under the master of this area Dr. P. G. Paul from Cochin ,Kerala.
She believes in moral exercise and owns a totally pleasant personality. Though committed to her work ,she is friendly in nature and listens to her patients’ problems very patiently.
5. Dr. Niharika
Dr. Niharika is an Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist hailing from Lucknow. She is having an enjoy of more than half of a decade inside the area of fertility and Gynecology. She has finished her graduation in MBBS and is also a Masters in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She is understood for treating complex infertility cases and has a great IVF and IUI success charge. She is presently working towards physician at Sarthak Test Tube Baby Center that is a Surrogacy and IVF center positioned at Kanchan Market, Lucknow. You can get her contact information on www.Elawoman.Com.
Dr. Neharika  become running because the Director Clinical/Dental health practitioner with Alchemist Hospitals(dental) specialising in neuromuscular dentistry(diagnosis), She headed the dental campaign for Medanta Medicity Gurgaon being in fee as a Consultant Dental surgeon.
She additionally ran a Charitable dental health facility in Gurgaon along with her group of medical doctors concentrated on the neighboring rural regions and handled 15-20 dental sufferers a day on a median.
Dr. Neharika , who ably balances her dual pastimes of dentistry and being the quickest ladies on motorcycle  has already completed 2000 kilometers at the Buddh International Circuit having first made a pilgrimage to the tune as this cycling fanatic.
Readers will understand that Professional Biking isn't an easy sport. It demands a lot of fitness which is very difficult to preserve. Also there may be a steady chance of principal accidents inside the racing sports activities. One wishes to have a number of guts and determination so that you can do properly in this sport.
Dr. Niharika , presently Professor and Head, Department of Medicine at K.J. Somaiya Medical College, Mumbai, graduated from the T. N. Medical College and Nair Hospital in Mumbai in 1984 and finished her submit commencement in General Medicine from the equal institute in 1989 below Mumbai University.
She turned into then attached to Hinduja Hospital at Mumbai for 365 days where she in addition specialized in Rheumatology below the able steering of one of the maximum reputable and senior physicians of Mumbai Dr. V.R. Joshi. From 1990 to 1996 she worked as Assistant Professor in Medicine with unique interest in Rheumatology on the Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College Hospital at Sion, accompanied by means of a quick stint on the prestigious Hospital for Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Arthritis and Trauma(HOSMAT) at Bangalore as a representative in Rheumatology.
For more information, Call Us :  +91 – 8929020600
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marvelhospital · 11 months
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Best Neurosurgeon in Bangalore
A NEUROSURGEON is a specially trained medical doctor who diagnoses and treats conditions that affect your nervous system, your brain, spinal cords, and nerves. NEURO PHYSICIAN & NEUROSURGEON IN BANGALORE at Marvel Multispecialty Hospital perform surgery on your nervous system, but they can also provide neurological treatments. Typically, first of all, the NEUROPHYSICIANS try all the nonsurgical treatments first at the patient, like meditation, steroids, injections.
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marvelhospital · 1 year
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Best Neuro Physician  in Bangalore
We are one of the leading multi-disciplinary integrated private healthcare service providers in Bangalore, India. We are operating marvel multi-specialty hospital & marvel fertility center with focus on secondary and tertiary healthcare. We have evolved as one of the largest corporate healthcare which provides most comprehensive and most cost effective treatment for all medical & surgical procedures including infertility (IVF/ICSI) treatments.
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purnea-neuro-clinic · 2 years
Best Neurologist in Purnea, Bihar | Purnea Neuro Clinic
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What is Neurologic Disorder?
The term “Neurologic Disorder” applies to any condition that is caused by a dysfunction in part of the brain or nervous system.
All neurologic disorders involve the brain, spinal column, or nerves. Examples of symptoms include paralysis, muscle weakness, poor coordination, loss of sensation, seizures, confusion, pain, and altered levels of consciousness.
Types of Neurologic disorders
There are many nervous system disorders that require clinical care by a Neuro Physician or other healthcare professional. Listed in the directory below are some:
1. Stroke
2. Headache/Migraine
3. Neuropathic Pain
4. Trigeminal Neuralgia
5. Epilepsy
6. Movement Disorder Parkinsons
7. Low Back Ache/Radiculopathy
8. Alzheimer
Best Neurologist in Purnea, Bihar
Dr. Shantanu Shubham is a Neurologist in Purnia with sharp clinical acumen to deal with complex neurological disorders. Being trained from the top medical institute of India (MBBS, KEM HOSPITAL MUMBAI NEUROLOGY: National Institute of mental health and neurosciences (NIMHANS) , BANGALORE) he has vast experience in treating the most difficult cases referred from all over India. In addition to diagnostic capabilities his respectful behavior, caring nature, and willingness to listen have made him popular among patients. After practicing for more than 5 years in Darbhanga and Kolkata. He is serving as a Best Neurologist in Purnia at Neuroclinic.
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