#best luxury car india
manualwheel · 2 years
BE Rall-E concept based on the BE.05
Mahindra says the concept highlights the off-road capability of INGLO .No details revealed on the concept's powertrain
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882848 · 1 year
Involve Your Senses, the ultimate premium car perfume brand that brings luxury and fragrance to your driving experience. Immerse yourself in a world of captivating scents and elegant designs as you transform your car into a sensory sanctuary. With carefully curated fragrances and long-lasting formulas, Involve Your Senses ensures a delightful aroma that withstands any weather conditions. Enhance your mood, create a serene atmosphere, and make every journey a pleasurable sensory adventure. Choose style, sophistication, and convenience with Involve Your Senses car perfumes. Elevate your driving moments and indulge in the art of scent.
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rehabsindiablog · 7 months
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raghusharma11 · 2 years
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pchautoworld2022 · 2 years
Porsche Cayenne Diesel 2014, The Performance SUV
PCH Autoworld: One of the Best Auto Dealers in India deals with used premium cars and used luxury cars in Delhi - NCR, Mumbai, Kolkata and other parts of India. PCH’s used luxury cars are of premium range including used Mercedes Benz, used Porsche, used BMW, and used Audi, used Bentley and all the other range of second-hand used luxury as well as premium cars. PCH Autoworld is the best place to sell high end cars. PCH works with 100% transparency in dealing with second hand luxury cars in Delhi NCR.
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khwxbeeda · 10 months
The Almost Wedding: Ch. II
Krushna had passed the limit of “fashionably late” a long time ago, and the limits of giving a fuck an even longer time ago.
The news of Tanishka agreeing to marry Chaitanya had been making the media rounds for the last two months without any signs of becoming old news— the eldest child of a film mogul and the younger brother of a famous Indian-European actress was the match of the year for the young generation of India, and the public had been going crazy over the two of them being seen holding hands and going on dates.
Three weeks ago, Krushna had been sent an invitation for an event being held to introduce Chaitanya Kulkarni to Arjun and Tanishka’s extended family with a postscript from Arjun that said he had to come whether he wanted to or not. Krushna had replied with an affirmation of his attendance, curious to get to know the man that had managed to meet the high standards of his best friend’s older sister.
He was regretting that right now.
Why did the event have to be on the day before Christmas, and why did it have to be in the evening? The celebrations were in full swing all throughout the city, and the traffic of Pune had been horrific. He had spent half an hour being stuck in the same place on the way to the venue, simply because the traffic had refused to bloody move forward. It was the insipid icing on the unpalatable cake that was the entirety of today. He was tired and drained and had nowhere near enough energy to deal with more than three people right now, but here he was, stepping out of his car after an hour of suffering through traffic and nodding in thanks to the valet for opening the door.
He took a deep breath in and released it as his chauffeur drove away and out of sight, and lifted his chin to rake a gaze over the expansive, beautiful building.
The Ritz Carlton, Pune.
He remembered first coming here for a formal event with his sister and mother three weeks after it had been opened to the public, sitting awkwardly wearing a suit he did not feel comfortable in, listening to Rukmini and Aai talk with various business associates that had smiled at him condescendingly while asking him how his school was going. The second time he had come here, it was a few months ago with his friends from Milan to celebrate his own twenty-fourth birthday, and that had been one of the best experiences ever.
Now here he was for the third time, celebrating the betrothal of a woman he did not particularly like. Curse his curiosity— Arjun had talked about the Kulkarni siblings and their out-of-this-world beauty so often that Krushna was now very interested in meeting Chandan Kulkarni.
His phone chimed, and Krushna blinked out of his reverie, letting out another exhausted sigh. He unlocked it, and opened IM. Inadvertently, a soft snort climbed up his throat at the text.
Satan and his Gucci Gang
desi regina george
wheres the hot piece of ass 7:37 P.M.
Aharya Jadhav— Arjun’s cousin of the same age, a lawyer, a fashionista, and one of the most chaotic people Krushna knew, second only to Arjun himself. Two people began typing, one of them Arjun, but he raised his eyebrows at the other one. He had been reliably informed that Sarthaki would not be attending the event, having used her broken leg as an excuse to escape the torture. No doubt the annoying little shit was lying on her bed with a bag of chips and a pizza, having fun commenting about them having to suck up to Arjun’s family.
He began walking as his idiots continued to type, through the doors into the luxurious lobby and towards the lifts without bothering to talk to the staff members or check the Events notice board. He already knew where to go.
scared of apples
idfk man he should have been here like two hours ago 7:37 P.M.
bakwaas dictionary
are you seriously calling krush a hot piece of ass?? 7:38 P.M.
Krushna bit his lip to hide his smirk and stepped into the lift, hand rising to press the button for the eighteenth floor without even having to look at it. His thumb flew across the screen of his Samsung, firing off a reply that he knew would piss Sarthaki off.
aal izz well
i mean… arent i 7:39 P.M.
scared of apples
i mean… isnt he 7:39 P.M.
desi regina george
i mean… isnt he 7:39 P.M.
bakwaas dictionary
stfu and go back to your lame party losers 7:40 P.M.
Krushna stifled a laugh as the doors of the lift slid open on the eighteenth floor, right into the entrance for the rooftop bar. He arranged his face into a polite, charming smile and tucked his phone into the pocket of his trousers, checking his reflection in the mirror on the far wall for a second. Makeup was in place, hair was pulled back into a purposely messy half up half down style, and the piercings in his ears gleamed brightly, perfectly matched to the silver brocade of his black kurta.
Good enough.
He straightened his back and stepped out onto the balcony.
Arjun and Aharya descended on him like a flock of vultures amidst the blinding flashes of the paparazzi’s cameras, wrapping themselves around each of his arms and giving him identical sweet smiles that immediately sent alarm bells ringing through his head. He groaned under his breath as they dragged him towards the bar.
“Fuck, please tell me you two chuckleheads didn’t murder someone,” he murmured under his breath, “I do not have the energy to help you hide a body tonight.”
Arjun let out a strained chuckle.
“Nahi,” he gritted out between clenched teeth, a stiff smile stretched over his glossy lips. He looked good, with contour and highlighter accentuating his bone structure and wearing a royal blue silk kurta with matching trousers. The bi flag bead bracelet Krushna had gotten for him when he had first come out was in place as it always was, and it rattled ominously when Arjun dug his fingers almost painfully into Krushna’s biceps. “But I’m extremely fucking close to snapping Tanu Tai’s pretty little neck.”
There was a Marathi phrase for the situation that Tanishka and Arjun were in. Chhattis cha aakda. It literally meant “the number thirty-six”, and implied that three and six would always be at odds with each other due to being complete opposites. Arjun and Tanishka were not entirely different— they were both good looking, frighteningly smart and shared a number of little quirks— but they were always at each other’s throats about literally everything, and it was a 24/7 source of entertainment for their friend group.
“What did she do now?” Krushna asked, leaning back on the bar and turning to give Aharya a chaste kiss on the cheek. She looked beautiful, dressed in a pearly white saree with silver zari and matching blouse, a sterling silver choker around her slender throat and hair piled into a stylish bun with a silver and pearl hairpin. Her makeup was flawless, with glimmering silvery white eyeshadow, white highlighter and soft pink lip gloss. “And Aharya jaan, you look fabulous as always.”
“Thank you, my love. Tanu Tai is showing off her arm candy,” she replied with a roll of her eyes, accepting the glass of champagne that Arjun handed her and leaning back against the bar. “Chaitanya— that’s the husband to be— is pretty and smart, and Arjun has dealt with enough of her bragging about it.”
Arjun scoffed, extending a black glittery cocktail towards Krushna, who took it gratefully. After the day he had just gone through, drink and gossip was the perfect pick me up. He took a sip and hummed in surprised approval at the explosion of blueberry on his tongue.
“And like, I get it okay,” Arjun said, raising his own glass of some violently pink concoction to his lips, “the man is ridiculously pretty and he’s studying physics because he actually bloody likes it, the weirdo.” The last two words are said with affection, and Krushna suddenly remembered that Arjun had spent a lot of time with this mysterious to-be-fiancé of Tanishka’s since the beginning of September. “He deserves to be shown off a little. But god damn can you shut up for like three seconds?”
Aharya stifled her snicker behind her glass, and Krushna grinned.
“He’s approved by both of you?” he said with exaggerated shock, placing a hand to his chin. “This is a tremendous occasion, I simply must meet this mystery man now.”
Arjun and Aharya rolled their eyes as one, already used to his theatrics. “He’s out of Tai’s league, honestly,” Arjun muttered. “I don’t know what he saw in her that he agreed to a marriage, but we all know he’s way out of her league.”
Krushna raised an eyebrow, an amused smirk curling up the edges of his lips. Arjun saying something was out of Tanishka’s league was routine, and so was Krushna and Aharya taking turns to pour gasoline on the dumpster fire that was Arjun and Tanishka’s relationship. “Well, then,” he drawled, “someone, introduce me to this man— what did you say his name was?”
“Chaitanya,” Aharya supplied, dark brown eyes glittering with the same amusement that Krushna was sure he himself was showing. “Chaitanya Kulkarni. I think you might have met his older sister somewhere at your modelling gigs— Charita Kulkarni, that actress who’s based in France.”
He nodded, taking a sip of his cocktail. “Yeah, I worked on that campaign for UNICEF with her two years ago. Excellent woman, and very intelligent. I had no idea she had a sibling.”
“She has three,” Arjun said. “Two brothers and a sister. And all of them are bloody fit. Seriously, it’s actually frustrating. Shame the oldest is married, or I’d have hit on him.”
Krushna and Aharya burst out laughing, attracting the attention of nearby tables before they remembered where they were and toned down the noise.
“You won’t believe the number of times this dude has gone on and on about Chandan, I swear,” Aharya snickered, and Krushna laughed harder, patting her on the shoulder.
“Oh, darling,” he gasped, “I’ve literally been dealing with it every day since the day Tanishka met that fiancé of hers. The first thing he did was call me and whine about how it’s ‘such a shame that Chandan is happily married’ and how he would ‘climb him like a tree if given the chance’, never mind that the man is almost forty.”
Arjun glared at him, and the fact that there was definitely a blush creeping up his neck under all his makeup had Krushna burying his face in Aharya’s shoulder to stop himself from cackling louder.
“I do not whine,” the shorter man grumbled, looking like he was seconds away from stomping his foot. “I do not!”
Krushna could not stop laughing. He leaned against Aharya with an arm wrapped around her waist for support, both of them giggling uncontrollably, stomachs starting to ache with how hard they were trying not to laugh too loud. Arjun groaned through gritted teeth, and folded his arms across his chest and glared at them, leather shoes tapping on the floor.
“Look, do you wanna meet Chaitanya or not?” he asked impatiently.
Krushna sucked in a deep breath and nodded, forcing himself to stop laughing. He elbowed Aharya in the stomach and gave her a look that said shut up, and turned to Arjun with the most demure expression he could manage, making him snort derisively.
“Alright,” he muttered, grabbing his drink to throw the last of it back and setting the empty glass down on the bar. “Come on, Tai has dragged him along for her rounds. Find her, and we find him.”
— — —
Chaitanya stuck his free hand in his pockets and exhaled through his nose, making sure the smile on his face did not look as done-with-this-shit as he felt. Tanishka had her hand tucked into his left elbow, and was smiling charmingly at one of the many old ladies that he had been introduced to and promptly forgotten the names of.
Gods, this was too many people in too little time. He wanted to leave.
He had nothing against Tanishka and her family, of course— they were wonderful people for the most part, except for that one aunt who had asked outright if he was planning to live off of his family’s wealth since the M.Sc in Physics was obviously not of any use— but he really did not have the social capabilities to be dealing with such a large crowd. He had run out of things to say twenty minutes ago, and was simply smiling and nodding along to whatever Tanishka was talking about, not bothering to pay attention to anything.
Chandan, the traitor, was ensconced with a socialite at one of the tables at the corner, deep in conversation about something or the other. Charuta was in Delhi, having left two months ago for her work, and Charita was… nowhere to be seen. Chaitanya furrowed his brows and cast a glance all over the place.
Where’s Ritu Tai?
He scanned the entire place, but no. There was not a single hint of the eye-catching hot pink cocktail dress his sister was wearing. He frowned harder and tapped Tanishka’s arm so she would loosen her grip, and turned around, only to catch Arjun’s eye.
The boy in question grinned and waved, beckoning Chaitanya to join him. Chaitanya shrugged and tilted his head towards Tanishka, who had an iron grip on his elbow and was still talking to the lady. Arjun’s eye roll was visible even from across the pool, and Chaitanya suppressed a grin. He liked Arjun— the boy was hilarious, openly bisexual and an absolute riot. He was what Chaitanya supposed he would have been if he had not been such a bloody introvert.
A few seconds later, Arjun came to a stop right next to him just in time for a couple flashes of blinding white light to go off, reminding him of the presence of the paparazzi. The other boy was accompanied by two people— a pretty woman whose name he could not remember, and the most beautiful man Chaitanya had ever seen in his life.
His eyes were a startlingly bright grey, almost silver in the lights of the restaurant, made even brighter by the silvery smokey eye makeup and diamond sharp winged liner. He was almost a head taller than Chaitanya, with long black hair pulled back into a half up half down style that accentuated his sharp, contoured cheekbones, and full lips covered in transparent glitter gloss. The black kurta with gold brocade that he wore only served to show off his broad shoulders and thick biceps, and his ears were covered in piercings— two standard lobe piercings, a helix on the left ear, and an industrial on the right— gold to match the rest of his outfit.
Krushna Mahajan.
Chaitanya recognised him, from a couple of photos his sister had shown him from that one UNICEF camp again she had done a few years ago, and from a few posts on Instagram that he had seen on his FYP. He was a model and owned his own fashion brand based here in Pune, if Chaitanya remembered correctly.
“Good evening, Tanishka,” the man greeted with a deep, honey-smooth voice, full lips pulling into a smile that was just so on the wrong side of polite that was completely at odds with his pleasant tone, taking in Tanishka’s outfit with the classic Up and Down. “I see you’ve cleaned up nicely.”
There was a ‘for once’ implied at the end of the sentence. Chaitanya raised a brow and looked at Arjun, who winked and silently gestured with his eyes for him to keep watching. He suppressed a smile and acquiesced.
“Krushna,” Tanishka greeted with a ramrod straight back, much less polite. “I don’t remember sending you an invite.”
Chaitanya turned to her, blinking slowly in shock. That was the bluntest he had seen her speak today; she had even been polite to that one aunt Arjun had told him she had loathed since she was a child. Had she suddenly forgotten all her manners? Granted, the man had probably snuck into the party without an invite, but that was no reason to be unpleasant in full view of the guests and cameras. The old lady she had been playing nice with a few moments ago was less than three feet away, for fuck’s sake!
“Actually, Tanu Tai,” Arjun interjected, the promise of chaos written all over his too sharp, too smug smile, “I sent him an invite because you forgot to. After all, he’s practically family, isn’t he?”
Behind him, the beautiful woman smirked and raised her champagne glass to her lips, narrow-eyed gaze focused predatorily on Tanishka. Chaitanya was starting to think that this was an ambush, and that he just had the unfortunate luck of being caught in the crossfire.
Beside him, Tanishka clenched her jaw, plum-painted lips pursing dispassionately. She looked beautiful today, with a deep purple co-ord kurta and palazzo set that matched the tie Chaitanya was wearing, but that prettiness sharpened into something terrifying the moment she glared at Krushna. He decided it was best if he interfered, and hastily stuck a hand out towards Krushna with a small, polite smile.
“Good evening,” he greeted in the most amiable tone he could muster, “it’s nice to meet you. I’m Chaitanya Kulkarni. Tanishka’s boyfriend.”
Krushna’s intense silver stare fixed itself onto him, and the slow, charming grin that curled up his full, glossy lips was positively swoon-worthy. “Oh, they weren’t lying,” he murmured under his breath as he took the offered hand and shook it firmly. “You really are ridiculously beautiful. Hello, Gorgeous. I'm Krushna Mahajan.”
A red hot flush bloomed across Chaitanya’s cheeks, and he squashed down the urge to squirm, ducking his head and letting out an honest to God giggle. He was pretty sure he resembled a tomato, and silently cursed his pale complexion for flushing so easily. “Ah, um,” he stammered, an awkward smile curling up his lips, “not— not really. I’m just⁠― I’m just wearing a bit of makeup.”
Krushna chuckled, smooth and deep and unfairly attractive. “Makeup is not the only thing that makes someone beautiful,” he replied, gazing intently into Chaitanya’s eyes.
The sound of a throat being cleared broke the moment, and he realised Krushna still had a firm grip on his hand. He pulled away with another awkward laugh and turned towards Tanishka, who had her eyes narrowed at Krushna. Her fingernails dug into Chaitanya’s elbow till it was bordering on painful, and he winced, shifting a little so the pressure lessened.
“Ah, my apologies,” Krushna said, his voice very apologetic but the way he narrowed his eyes back at her very much not. “Congratulations on the betrothal, Chaitanya. Tanishka, I’m very happy for you.”
Arjun made an aborted sort of sound, hiding it by turning away, and Chaitanya blinked at him in confusion. Tanishka’s glare focused on her little brother, and the man in question raised his hands with a shrug and a badly hidden shit-eating grin. Chaitanya felt like he was missing about several hundred extremely important details, and he looked at Krushna with a raised eyebrow. The man simply shrugged back, and he felt himself unconsciously tracking the movement of the broad line of his shoulders before turning away and catching the eye of the woman in pearly white.
She winked at him. Chaitanya pursed his lips, feeling his flush return full force, and he blinked, trying to look anywhere except Krushna or the woman.
“Come, Chaitanya,” Tanishka gritted out, adjusting her clothes and tugging on his elbow, almost making him lose his footing. “We have other guests to meet. Arjun and Aharya can keep Krushna entertained.”
With that, he got dragged away before any of them could reply, throwing one last apologetic look back at the three friends.
“Tanishka,” he began, but the woman did not even bother to look at him, and continued to pull him towards whatever part of the restaurant she had her mind on. He sighed and ripped his arm from her grip as gently as he could, exceedingly aware of the cameras on the edges of the room that were eager to click away at any perceived unrest or drama, and gently grabbed her shoulders to turn her around. “Tanishka. Tanishka, wait.”
She glared at him, and he bent down to press a soft kiss to her forehead, and cheered internally when she leaned into the touch instead of pulling away like he was half afraid she would.
“What happened back there?” he murmured, and she shook her head minutely, the look on her face telling him to drop it. He ignored it. He wanted answers. “I’ve never seen you be that rude to anyone— hell, you were nice to that bitch who spilled her coffee on you the other day.”
Tanishka’s lips twisted up, features scrunching up into a poisonous look aimed over his shoulder, and he had an inkling that it was aimed at Krushna. “It’s nothing,” she said curtly. “Don’t concern yourself with it.”
Chaitanya sighed and dragged her closer for a hug, clenching his jaw when he saw a flash go off from the corner of his eyes. He turned them around so the cameras could not get a glimpse of Tanishka’s face, and leaned down to place another kiss on her forehead. “I just wanna know if there’s something I can do to help,” he said softly, running a soothing hand up and down her back.
Tanishka shook her head.
“No,” she whispered, closing her eyes. When she opened them again, Chaitanya was alarmed to see them swimming with mushed tears. He pressed her closer to himself, casting a panicked eye around for Charita. Bloody woman kept disappearing right as he needed her the most.
“Krushna and Arjun go way back,” Tanishka said after taking a second to control herself, words coming out haltingly like she was trying not to choke on her tears. “And they’ve made it their mission to ruin anything and everything for me. They hate me, and they make it known. It’s been like that since I was fifteen.”
Chaitanya stared at her, not knowing how to respond to that. Sure, Arjun had an unusual love for pushing Tanishka’s buttons, and guessing from what he saw right now Krushna was probably not her biggest fan, but that could not possibly mean they hated her. Hell, he and Charita still heckled the eldest two siblings to their limits, but that did not mean they did not love each other.
“I’m sure that—” he began, but Tanishka glared at him and shook her head.
“Let’s not talk about this,” she said, and before he could stop her, she extracted herself from his hug and walked away, the soft jingle of her paayal lost to the sounds of the party. Chaitanya stared after her for a couple seconds, unsure of how to react to this situation.
He exhaled, and ran a hand through his hair.
Maybe it was best that he focused on looking for Charita, rather than whatever sibling rivalry was going on between Tanishka and Arjun, and Krushna.
Tag list: @kanha-sakhi @musaafir-hun-yaaron @orgasming-caterpillar @natures-marvel @yehsahihai @h0bg0blin-meat @mad-who-ra @girlatreus @krisnosura (lmk if you want to be added/removed)
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thesamsaraholidays · 3 months
Unlock the Wonders of Jammu and Kashmir: Customized B2B Travel Packages
Discover the Enchanting Landscapes and Rich Cultural Heritage of J&K
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Jammu and Kashmir, the northernmost union territory of India, is a true gem waiting to be explored. Whether you're planning a corporate retreat, a team-building adventure, or a strategic business meeting, our carefully curated B2B Packages for Jammu and Kashmir offer the perfect blend of breathtaking natural beauty, vibrant cultural experiences, and seamless logistics.
Explore the Top Attractions in Jammu and Kashmir
Srinagar: Cruise along the serene Dal Lake, marvel at the magnificent Mughal Gardens, and immerse yourself in the enchanting Shikara boat rides.
Pahalgam: Venture into the lush green meadows, go for a thrilling pony ride, and witness the awe-inspiring Betaab Valley.
Gulmarg: Ride the world-famous Gondola cable car, enjoy snow sports in the winter, and embrace the breathtaking vistas of the Himalayan peaks.
Leh-Ladakh: Embark on a spiritual journey to the iconic Monasteries, explore the captivating Nubra Valley, and marvel at the enchanting Pangong Tso Lake.
Best Time to Visit Jammu and Kashmir
The ideal time to visit Jammu and Kashmir for B2B travel packages depends on your specific interests and requirements. The region offers year-round attractions:
Spring and Summer (April to September): Enjoy the lush greenery, blooming flowers, and pleasant weather perfect for outdoor activities.
Autumn (September to November): Witness the stunning fall foliage and explore the region's vibrant cultural festivals.
Winter (December to March): Revel in the snow-covered landscapes, indulge in winter sports, and experience the cozy charm of the region.
Estimated Travel Cost
The approximate travel cost for a B2B package in Jammu and Kashmir, including transportation, accommodation, and essential activities, can range from ₹30,000 to ₹50,000 per person, depending on the package duration, group size, and level of luxury.
Book Your Unforgettable B2B Journey in Jammu and Kashmir Today!
Embark on a transformative B2B travel experience in the enchanting land of Jammu and Kashmir. Contact us now to customize your perfect corporate getaway package.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is the best way to reach Jammu and Kashmir?
Ans. Jammu and Kashmir can be accessed by air, rail, and road. The major airports are in Srinagar, Jammu, and Leh, with well-connected domestic flights from major Indian cities.
Q. Is it safe to travel to Jammu and Kashmir?
Ans. Jammu and Kashmir is generally safe for tourists, especially when traveling with reputable tour operators. However, it's essential to stay informed about the latest travel advisories and follow local guidelines.
Q. What is the currency used in Jammu and Kashmir?
Ans. The Indian Rupee (INR) is the official currency used in Jammu and Kashmir. Major credit cards are widely accepted in most tourist areas.
Q. Do I need a special permit to visit Jammu and Kashmir?
Ans. A special permit (called an Inner Line Permit) is required to visit certain restricted areas in Ladakh and the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. Our team can assist you with obtaining the necessary permits.
Q. What are the must-try local cuisines in Jammu and Kashmir?
Ans. Jammu and Kashmir is renowned for its delectable Kashmiri cuisine, including dishes like Rogan Josh, Yakhni, Gushtaba, and the iconic Kashmiri Wazwan. Don't miss the opportunity to savor these culinary delights.
Q. Can I combine my B2B trip with leisure activities in Jammu and Kashmir?
Ans. Absolutely! Our B2B packages can be customized to include a perfect balance of business and leisure activities, allowing your team to experience the best of Jammu and Kashmir.
Q. What are the top adventure activities available in the region?
Ans. Jammu and Kashmir offers a wide range of adventure activities, such as trekking, hiking, white-water rafting, skiing, and snowboarding, depending on the season and location.
Q. Is the infrastructure in Jammu and Kashmir suitable for B2B travel?
Ans. Yes, the region has a well-developed infrastructure, including modern hotels, conference facilities, and transportation options, catering to the needs of corporate travelers.
Q. Can I extend my B2B trip to explore other parts of India?
Ans. Certainly! Our B2B packages can be seamlessly integrated with travel plans to explore other captivating destinations across India, creating a truly comprehensive and enriching experience for your team.
Q. How can I book a B2B package for Jammu and Kashmir?
Ans. You can contact our dedicated team of travel experts, who will work closely with you to design a custom B2B package tailored to your specific requirements and budget.
Jammu and Kashmir, with its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and well-equipped infrastructure, is an ideal destination for B2B travel. Our carefully crafted packages offer the perfect balance of business and leisure, allowing your team to forge stronger connections, boost productivity, and create lasting memories. Embark on an unforgettable journey with us and unlock the wonders of this enchanting region.
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ghumindiaghum · 3 months
Mandawa Travel Guide 2024: All You Need To Know
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About Mandawa
Welcome to your ultimate Mandawa travel guide for 2024! Mandawa sits in the heart of Rajasthan’s Shekhawati region. This town is known for its grand havelis, which are historic mansions adorned with frescoes and murals. Wealthy merchants built these havelis in the 18th and 19th centuries, and they now offer a glimpse into the past. Walking through Mandawa’s narrow lanes, you will see stories from history painted on the walls around you.
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Best time to visit
The best time to visit Mandawa is from October to March. During these cooler months, the weather is pleasant for exploring the town and its attractions. Winter, from December to February, is especially enjoyable with temperatures between 10°C and 25°C. Avoid visiting in summer (April to June) when temperatures can exceed 40°C, and during the monsoon season (July to September) due to humidity and occasional heavy rains.
How to reach
Reaching Mandawa is easy, with several options available:
By Air
The nearest airport to Mandawa is Jaipur International Airport, about 180 kilometers away. Jaipur is well-connected to major cities in India and abroad. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to Mandawa. The drive takes around 3 to 4 hours.
By Train
Mandawa does not have a railway station. The nearest major railway station is in Jhunjhunu, about 30 kilometers from Mandawa. Jhunjhunu is well-connected to Delhi, Jaipur, and other key cities in Rajasthan. From Jhunjhunu, you can hire a taxi or take a local bus to reach Mandawa.
By Road
Mandawa is well-connected by road. If you’re driving from Delhi, the distance is about 250 kilometers, and the journey takes around 6 hours. From Jaipur, it’s a 3 to 4-hour drive covering about 180 kilometers. State-run and private buses also operate regular services to Mandawa from major cities like Jaipur, Delhi, and Bikaner. We would always suggest you to get in touch with the best tour operator in delhi for a smooth journey.
Where to stay: Hotels in Mandawa
Castle Mandawa
Castle Mandawa is a heritage hotel in a 240-year-old fort. The hotel features grand architecture, decorated rooms, and courtyards. You can enjoy a swimming pool, spa, and in-house restaurant serving Rajasthani cuisine.
Radhika Haveli Hotel
Radhika Haveli Hotel is a restored haveli that blends traditional charm with modern amenities. The hotel’s rooftop terrace offers stunning views of Mandawa.
Hotel Mandawa Haveli
Hotel Mandawa Haveli offers a heritage stay with intricately painted walls and ceilings. The hotel has well-appointed rooms and a restaurant serving local delicacies.
Vivaana Culture Haveli
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Vivaana Culture Haveli is a restored 19th-century haveli that now serves as a boutique hotel. The hotel offers luxurious rooms, a spa, a swimming pool, and an in-house museum showcasing the region’s history and culture.
Best places to explore | Mandawa Travel Guide
Mandawa is full of historic and cultural landmarks. Here are some of the best places to explore:
1. Murmuria Haveli
Murmuria Haveli features frescoes that depict historical events and European influences. The haveli showcases paintings of trains, cars, George V, and other notable figures.
2. The Harlalka Well
The Harlalka Well, also known as Baoli, reflects the architectural brilliance of the past. Located near the Hanuman Prasad Goenka Haveli, this well is a perfect spot for photography.
3. Gulab Rai Haveli
Gulab Rai Haveli features beautifully painted walls that showcase scenes from Hindu mythology and daily life. The haveli’s intricate artwork is a testament to Mandawa’s artistic heritage.
4. Open Air Art Gallery
The entire town of Mandawa is like an open-air art gallery. As you walk through the streets, you’ll see havelis adorned with stunning frescoes and murals.
5. The Chowkhani Haveli
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The Chowkhani Haveli showcases the grandeur of Mandawa’s past with intricate carvings, beautiful frescoes, and a charming courtyard.
6. Nawalgarh
Nawalgarh, about 30 kilometers from Mandawa, is known for its grand havelis, including the Poddar Haveli and the Aath Haveli complex.
7. Dundlod
Dundlod, around 30 kilometers from Mandawa, is famous for its fort and havelis. The Dundlod Fort, built in the 18th century, offers a glimpse into the region’s history.
8. Fatehpur
Fatehpur, about 25 kilometers from Mandawa, boasts several stunning havelis, including the Nadine Le Prince Haveli, which has been converted into a museum.
9. Goenka Double Haveli
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The Goenka Double Haveli features two havelis built side by side. The havelis are adorned with beautiful frescoes depicting scenes from mythology and daily life.
Must-try food | Mandawa Travel Guide
A trip to Mandawa is incomplete without trying its local cuisine. Here are some must-try foods:
Dal Baati Churma: A combination of baked wheat balls (baati), lentil curry (dal), and sweet crushed wheat (churma).
Gatte Ki Sabzi: Gram flour dumplings cooked in a spicy yogurt-based gravy.
Ker Sangri: A tangy and spicy vegetable preparation made from dried beans and berries.
Laal Maas: A fiery mutton curry cooked with red chilies and spices.
Rabri: A traditional dessert made from thickened milk, flavored with cardamom and saffron, and garnished with nuts.
Day Trip Options from Mandawa
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Jhunjhunu, about 30 kilometers from Mandawa, is known for its historic sites and temples. You can visit the Rani Sati Temple, known for its architecture and religious significance. The town also has several havelis with beautiful frescoes.
Sikar, located about 75 kilometers from Mandawa, is another town worth visiting. It features several grand havelis and temples. The Laxmangarh Fort offers panoramic views of the town.
Churu, around 85 kilometers from Mandawa, is known for its impressive havelis and temples. The Kanhaiya Lal Bagla Haveli and Surana Haveli are must-visit attractions for their unique architecture and frescoes.
Alsisar, about 30 kilometers from Mandawa, is home to the Alsisar Mahal, a stunning palace converted into a heritage hotel. The town also has several havelis and a beautiful stepwell.
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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) | Mandawa Travel Guide
Q: What is Mandawa famous for? A: Mandawa is famous for its historic havelis adorned with intricate frescoes and murals. It is often referred to as the Open Art Gallery of Rajasthan.
Q: How far is Mandawa from Jaipur? A: Mandawa is approximately 180 kilometers from Jaipur, and the drive takes around 3 to 4 hours.
Q: What is the best time to visit Mandawa? A: The best time to visit Mandawa is from October to March when the weather is pleasant for exploring the town.
Q: Are there any luxury hotels in Mandawa? A: Yes, Mandawa offers several luxury heritage hotels, including Castle Mandawa and Vivaana Culture Haveli.
Q: What are some must-try foods in Mandawa? A: Some must-try foods in Mandawa include Dal Baati Churma, Gatte Ki Sabzi, Ker Sangri, Laal Maas, and Rabri.
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evokeholidays · 10 months
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Mahabaleshwar: A Weekend Getaway from Mumbai
Mahabaleshwar is a hill station located in the Sahyadri mountain range of Maharashtra, India. It is a popular tourist destination, especially for people from Mumbai, which is only about 220 kilometres away. Mahabaleshwar is known for its lush green forests, stunning mountain views, and its famous strawberries.
How to get to Mahabaleshwar
The best way to get to Mahabaleshwar from Mumbai is by car. The drive takes about 4 hours. There are also buses and trains that run from Mumbai to Mahabaleshwar, but they take longer.
Where to stay in Mahabaleshwar
There are many hotels and resorts to choose from in Mahabaleshwar. If you are looking for a budget option, there are many guesthouses and lodges available. If you are looking for a more luxurious experience, there are many five-star hotels to choose from.
Things to do in Mahabaleshwar
There are many things to do in Mahabaleshwar. Here are a few suggestions:
Visit Venna Lake: Venna Lake is a man-made lake that is located in the heart of Mahabaleshwar. It is a popular spot for boating, fishing, and swimming.
Go strawberry picking: Mahabaleshwar is known for its strawberries. During the strawberry season, which is from December to March, you can go strawberry picking at one of the many strawberry farms in the area.
Explore the surrounding hills: There are many hiking trails in the area that offer stunning views of the surrounding hills. Some popular hiking trails include the trek to Arthur's Seat, the trek to Kate's Point, and the trek to Wilson Point.
Visit the Mahabaleshwar temple: The Mahabaleshwar temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Mahabaleshwar
Tips for visiting Mahabaleshwar
The best time to visit Mahabaleshwar is during the winter months, from December to March. The weather is cool and pleasant during this time.
If you are planning on doing any hiking, be sure to wear comfortable shoes and bring plenty of water.
If you are going strawberry picking, be sure to wear long sleeves and pants to protect yourself from the sun.
Mahabaleshwar is a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. It is a beautiful place with plenty to see and do. Whether you are looking for a relaxing weekend getaway or an active adventure, Mahabaleshwar has something to offer everyone.
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revvcarrentals · 1 year
Want the best car rental company in Delhi ? Look no further than Revv.
Come and discover the national capital in your own way with the best car rental company in Delhi at Revv Car Rentals!
At Revv, you can choose from a diverse range of best car rental options in Delhi, starting from small hatchbacks to high-end sedans and even larger vehicles such as Innova and tempo travellers for group travel. We specialise in luxury and outstation rentals. Our cars are all equipped with air conditioning, maintained regularly, kept clean and sanitised to ensure top-notch service quality.
Revv is India’s fastest growing shared mobility platform, providing both self-drive car rental and subscription services to its customers. Revv currently operates a fleet of 3500+ cars in 22 cities within India since the past 8 years with over 9 fleets running in the Delhi-NCR region.
The booking with us is quick and easy. You can make a booking through our Revv app (android or iOS), website or by giving us a call at +91–9045450000. Just select your city, date and time of your trip, key in your location and choose the type of car you want. Then enter your payment details, confirm payment and you are all set to go!
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Now see how easily you can download the app on your phone and even enter the details for car rental services. Go ahead, opt for the great places to be seen and adventures to be taken. Choose Revv- the best car rental service in Delhi today!
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manualwheel · 2 years
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taxi-cab-service · 2 years
Taxi Service in Uttarakhand
Have you ever been stuck in a situation when you urgently need a reliable and safe taxi service in Uttarakhand to take you to your destination? Finding a dependable taxi service in Uttarakhand can be quite daunting, especially if you don’t know what to look for. Aayan Tour and Travel brings Uttarakhand’s best taxi service.
We’ve got you covered. We’ll tell you why we are the best taxi service in Uttarakhand and tell you when and how to use them. So whether you’re in Dehradun, Haridwar, Rishikesh, or another city in Uttarakhand, we’ve got you covered. From our experienced drivers to our luxurious cars, this company offers an unbeatable service that will make your ride smooth, comfortable and memorable. With no hesitation, you can trust this taxi service to take you to your destination safely and on time. So, if you’re looking for a reliable, comfortable and safe way to get around in Uttarakhand, then Aayan Tour and Travel is the service for you.
Top Cities to Visit in Uttarakhand
Uttarakhand, also referred to as Devbhumi, is a beautiful state in India. Uttarakhand is famous for many ancient cities, temples and landscapes. Explore Uttarakhand with the best taxi service in Uttarakhand – Aayan Tour and Travel. Our Uttarakhand cab booking services are available in cities like Dehradun, Haridwar, Rishikesh, Haldwani, Rudrapur, Roorkee, Kashipur, Nainital, Udham Singh Nagar, Mussoorie, Guptkashi, Pithoragarh, Ramnagar, Almora, Pauri Garhwal, Tehri Garhwal, Gopeshwar, Srinagar, Uttarkashi, Rudraprayag, Bageshwar, Vikasnagar and Lansdowne.
What Is the Best Way to Book a Taxi in Uttarakhand?
When you’re looking to book a taxi service in Uttarakhand, there are a few different ways you can go about it. You can either call our taxi service or use our online booking platform.
The advantage of using our taxi service is that you can get a ride from anywhere at any time. All you need to do is call us and our taxi will be there to pick you up.
An online booking platform is a good option if you want to book in advance. This way, you can be sure that there will be a taxi available when you need it. Plus, you can often get a discount if you book online.
Cab booking service in Uttarakhand has never been this convenient. Book with the best taxi services provider in entire Uttarakhand.
We also provide car rental services in Uttarakhand. Enjoy your travelling with family without interruptions by using our Uttarakhand Car Rental Service.
You can check our BOOK NOW section and fill up your booking dates and other details or simply give us a call at +91 81719 99200.  
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bt-car-delhi-ncr · 1 year
Explore Delhi with BT Car Rental - The Best Self-Drive Car Service in Delhi
Delhi is a fascinating city that offers a fusion of tradition, modernity, and culture. Delhi offers something for everyone, whether you wish to explore the grand monuments, the vibrant bazaars, or the peaceful parks. But getting around the city may be a real challenge, particularly if you are unfamiliar with the traffic and roads.
The greatest alternative for you is a self-drive automobile service in Delhi because of this. You can rent a car of your choice and drive it yourself in Delhi with a self-drive automobile service, providing you with the freedom and flexibility to explore the city at your own leisure.
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1. What is Self-Drive Car Service in Delhi? Delhi offers a self-drive automobile service that enables you to rent and operate a car on your own without a driver or chauffeur. Depending on your needs and tastes, you can select from a large choice of vehicles, including hatchbacks, sedans, SUVs, and luxury vehicles. Additionally, you can select the rental’s term, whether it be for a few hours, a day, a week, or longer. 2. Why Choose BT Car Rental? Choose BT Car Rental because… BT Automobile Rental is one of Delhi’s most reputable and reliable self-drive automobile services. It has been giving its clients top-notch service for more than ten years. BT Automobile Rental is the top self-drive automobile service in Delhi for the following factors, among others:
• Wide-ranging Vehicle Fleet: BT Car Rental has an expansive and varied vehicle fleet that can meet every need. You can select a car to fit your needs and budget whether you’re travelling alone, with family, or with friends.
• Clean and Well-Maintained Vehicles: BT Car Rental takes care to keep all of its vehicles in good condition. To make sure that its cars are in top shape, it does routine inspections and servicing. Customers may drive safely and comfortably thanks to this.
• 24/7 Customer Support: BT Car Rental provides round-the-clock customer support to its customers. You can contact them anytime for any queries or assistance. They also provide roadside assistance in case of any breakdowns or emergencies.
• Affordable Pricing: BT Car Rental provides its customers with competitive pricing alternatives at an affordable price. You can select a vehicle that is within your price range and take advantage of Delhi’s self-drive car service.
How to Explore Delhi with Self-Drive Car Service in Delhi? You have the opportunity to tour Delhi at your own pace when you choose a self-drive automobile service in Delhi. You can plan your own route and travel to the locations that interest you.
There are no set schedules or tour guides that you must rely on. Additionally, you can avoid the inconvenience of hailing a cab or taking public transportation. Here are some of the locations in Delhi that you may explore with a self-drive automobile service:
•Red Fort: The Red Fort is among Delhi’s most recognisable monuments. Shah Jahan constructed it in the 17th century to serve as his home and administrative centre. It displays numerous halls, gardens, museums, and mosques and is a wonderful example of Mughal architecture.
• Humayun’s Tomb: The earliest garden tomb in India is Humayun’s Tomb, another masterpiece of Mughal design. As a memorial to her husband, Humayun’s wife Haji Begum constructed it in the 16th century. Numerous more Mughal rulers and nobles were also buried there.
• Chandni Chowk: One of Delhi’s oldest and busiest markets is called Chandni Chowk. It serves as a centre for trade, culture, and gastronomy. Everything from clothing and jewellery to spices and sweets may be found here. Here, you may also have some of the well-known Delhi street foods including parathas, chaat, jalebis, and kulfi.
• Lodhi Gardens: Located in the middle of the city, Lodhi Gardens is a tranquil sanctuary. Numerous tombs and structures from the Lodhi and Sayyid dynasties are located in this large park. Additionally, it’s a well-liked location for yoga, birdwatching, jogging, and picnics.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the ideal method to explore this magnificent city in Delhi is with a self-drive automobile service. You may easily enjoy your vacation to Delhi thanks to reputable self-drive automobile service providers like BT Automobile Rental, who offer a selection of well-maintained vehicles at reasonable costs. So, the next time you plan a trip to Delhi, think about choosing a self-drive car service to enjoy the thrill of exploring this energetic city at your leisure.
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Tempo Traveller Hire In Pune, Tempo Traveller On Rent In Pune, Tempo Traveller Hire Rental Services, Pune, India
Tempo Traveller, Mini Bus, Luxury Buses, Volvo Coaches On Hire Rental Services Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Government Inter State Taxes, Toll Fees and Parking will be charged extra as actual.
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Our Customers can enjoy a smooth and hassle free travelling experience by 13/16/17/20 Seater Tempo Traveller on Rent service.
Our Customers can enjoy a smooth and hassle free travelling experience by 13/16/17/20 Seater Tempo Traveller on Rent service from Neetabus Shubhyatra. We are one of the renowned tour operator and Transport Company 13/16/17/20 Seater Tempo Traveler on Rent in Pune offer rental services with best and cheap transportation. Our 13/16/17/20 Seater Tempo Traveler is mostly use for family and group tour packages and tempo is best option for comfort and safety journey. Keeping in mind, the comfort and convenience of the clients and also the different budgets, we provide many affordable options and also luxury options for the various clients.
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13/16/17/20 fully reclining seats
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Individual seat belts (as per availability)
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Abundant leg space
Both Ac and Non Ac available
Digital LCDs (as per availability)
Stereo systems
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Ample space for luggage
Neat, clean and hygienic seat covers
Well trained and experienced Driver and helper in uniforms
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Classic Tourist Taxi Service Pune 411 001, Maharashtra, India.
Reservation Desk
Classic Travel Services Pune 411001 Maharashtra India
Cell: +91 93 70314751 / 52
Cell: +91 77 20079131 / 32
Branch Offices: Aurangabad, Shirdi, Nashik & Mumbai
Business Associate: All Over India
24 Hrs Help Line: +91 93 70314751
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pchautoworld2022 · 2 years
The Sleek, Sophisticated and Gorgeous Audi A3 Cabriolet is Available at PCH PCH Inventory
PCH Autoworld: One of the Best Auto Dealers in India deals with used premium cars and used luxury cars in Delhi - NCR, Mumbai, Kolkata and other parts of India. PCH’s used luxury cars are of premium range including used Mercedes Benz, used Porsche, used BMW, and used Audi, used Bentley and all the other range of second-hand used luxury as well as premium cars. PCH Autoworld is the best place to sell high end cars. PCH works with 100% transparency in dealing with second hand luxury cars in Delhi NCR.
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