#best general contractor in Northern California
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General Contractors
This article by Extreme Epoxy Coatings will highlight the top 5 things to look for in the best general contractor in Northern California!
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xistential-thought · 2 years
Quotes from The Code:
“If you had technical brilliance, it didn’t matter where you came from or how you behaved. Arrogant jerks got a pass, as long as they built and delivered greatness.
That’s how you got to the engineer and the sheep. ” P 115
“[Bob Widlar] He didn’t believe anyone over thirty could design anything worthwhile”
“His lack of an engineering degree became an advantage as he acted as translator and mediator, explaining the tight little world of young chip companies to the broader universe beyond it. You needed to educate customers, building share in existing markets and discovering entirely new ones. You needed to tell compelling stories about the tech coming out of the tilt-ups, and about the personalities who made it.” P 116
Ch 7 The olympics of capitalism
“The guys back in New York and D.C. call this place ‘Silicon Valley,’” a couple of visiting sales managers informed Hoefler over lunch one day. Short, memorable, and a little jokey—silicon was built on sand, after all—the name was exactly what the reporter needed to describe this laid-back, entrepreneurial slice of Northern California to his readers. “Silicon Valley, U.S.A.,” blazed Hoefler’s header on the cover of Electronic News’ January 11, 1971, issue. The name turned out to be a keeper.” P 117
“The charismatic personalities and intensely competitive culture of the semiconductor industry made for great copy, and America certainly needed some new heroes.
The Wagon Wheel was a good place to find them. As big contractors and aerospace companies up and down the West Coast went into their post-Vietnam tailspin, the chipmakers boomed.” P 118
“Wall Street analysts had no interest in following the semiconductor industry (“The computer industry is IBM,” one coolly informed Regis McKenna), and The Wall Street Journal refused to write about any company that wasn’t listed on the stock exchange. Making Silicon Valley more illegible to the wider world was the fact that its firms sold to other electronics companies, not to consumers. An Intel chip might be inside the computer down the hall or in the calculator on your desk, but you wouldn’t know it.” P 119
“Marketed as “a computer on a chip,” the Intel 4004 made its public debut with an ad in Electronic News in November 1971, less than a year after Hoefler’s giddy series gave Silicon Valley its name. Only a few months later, Intel followed on with the release of the twice-as-powerful 8008, followed by the 8080 in 1974” p 120
“ But their blueprint for making microchips at scale wasn’t the mass-production assembly line of Henry Ford. It was the franchise model of McDonald’s hamburgers. Manufacturing grew by building small-to-medium fabrication plants across the country and, increasingly, overseas.8
Within headquarters, chip executives grouped their employees into small teams that competed against one another to develop the best product. “Big is bad,” Bob Noyce declared in a keynote address to a group of businessmen in December 1976.” P 121
“ Intel avoided hiring people over age thirty. But this wasn’t a search for anti-establishment rebels—it was a quest to find people with ambition to create a new industry.” P 122
“If you are a capitalist—and I am—you graduate to the Olympics of capitalism by starting new businesses,” one Silicon Valley executive told Bylinsky.” p 122
“The hiring habits set in place by the semiconductor companies continued over the Valley’s successive technological generations. By the end of the 1990s, dot-com-era firms were filling close to 45 percent of engineering vacancies by referrals from current employees. By the 2010s, software giants were throwing “Bring a Referral” happy hours and offering up free vacations and cash bonuses to employees who helped snag a successful hire. It made sense: topflight engineering distinguished great tech companies from the merely good”p 123
“Everyone knew who came in early and snagged the best spots by the front door. Everyone saw whose car lingered in the parking lot long after dark”p 123
“translated into business organizations where work overtook family life, unvarnished criticism was the norm, and self-doubt was a fatal weakness.” P124
“If we include you, then we need to include all the spouses.” Why is that a problem? she asked. “Well,” he said matter-of-factly, “we only go to these offsite meetings so we can spend our evenings with prostitutes.” Hardy marched off to CEO Tom O’Rourke to complain. The organizer disappeared. Hardy wasn’t sure what happened to the prostitutes.15” p 124
“The organization charts of these growing companies looked a lot like those of typical “old economy” corporations. They featured all the requisite support functions (sales, marketing, human resources) that had become critical to doing business in the modern era. Yet they differed in important ways. For one, they moved through product cycles far more quickly than other kinds of manufacturing,” p 124-125
“Atari took California casual to a whole new level.” (Game company that took off) p 125
“Atari’s products were exactly the right diversion from inflation-wracked family incomes and oil-embargoed hours spent waiting in line for gas.”p 126
“And while all of American society was utterly saturated in politics, the Silicon Valley crowd appeared remarkably (and to many, reassuringly) unconnected to the political. Their politics was an ideology of working hard, building great technology, and making lots of money along the way.”“Nearly all of them were transplants from somewhere else, their loyalties and social bonds all lay with the industry that brought them there, and they remained remarkably untouched by the local political culture.” P 127
“Democratic-led, with a growing minority population, and a strong labor union presence. The political mobilization of its white middle class was limited mostly to pushing for growth controls and land conservation measures that would limit the pell-mell development in the flatlands from creeping up the coastal hills.19” p 127
“From where they sat, common backgrounds strengthened common purpose, and success entailed immersive focus on building the best possible product.
The first generation of tech titans who rose up in Fred Terman’s penumbra in the middle of the century—Dave Packard, especially—later became deeply involved in regional civic and political affairs. Packard chaired the Stanford Board of Trustees, founded a regional economic development group, and was a donor and mentor to a generation of state and local politicians” p 128
“To be sure, the men and women of the postwar electronics scene mobilized politically when it came to issues with a direct impact on their homes and neighborhoods.” P 128
“The volatile high-tech era demanded new agility, and Boston didn’t have it. The horizontal networks of Silicon Valley—a webbing of firm and VC, lawyer and marketer, journalist and Wagon Wheel barstool—did.” P 131
Chapter 8: Power to the People
“To change the rules, change the tools.” This was Lee Felsenstein’s mott”p 133
“Building a tool for a Fortune 500 company would tend not to fulfill me,” he declared. “Building tools that people use to make Fortune 500 companies irrelevant—that’s more my style.” ”“He spent the next few years bouncing back and forth across the Bay between Berkeley and the newly christened Silicon Valley, continuing to pursue his dream of building technical tools that would allow people to escape the establishment’s clutches, and possibly overthrow the system altogether.” P 135
“On top of it all, American schools remained civil rights battlegrounds, as continuing integration struggles had given way to fiercely contested court-ordered busing. These measures prompted some white parents to violently resist, and many others to opt out of public school systems altogether. Alternative schooling movements like Montessori and Waldorf spiked in popularity.” P 137
“But Loop’s lack of formal training in computing ultimately became an asset, enabling her to push past technical jargon and explain to ordinary people—kids, teachers, and especially girls and women like her—how computers could become part of their lives.” P 138
“Many were like Lee Felsenstein: Sputnik-generation boys with science-fair ribbons who’d collided head-on with the cultural liberation of the Vietnam era. They proudly called themselves “hackers,” relentlessly future-focused, suspicious of centralized authority, pulling all-nighters to write the perfect string of code. They demonstrated superior technical talent by infiltrating (and sometimes deliberately crashing) institutional computer networks. Overlapping their ranks were the renegade “phone phreaks” who discovered how to use high-pitched signals to break into AT&T’s networks and enjoy long-distance calls for free”“But a good number were also like Liza Loop: baby boomers drawn to computers by a passion to change the way society worked, especially in how it educated a new generation.” P 138
“Knowledge is power and so it tends to be hoarded,” exhorted Nelson. “Guardianship of the computer can no longer be left to a priesthood” who refused to build computers that could be understood by ordinary people” p 139
“Such technophilia also made this change-the-world movement oddly conservative when it came to disrupting conventional gender roles, reckoning with society’s racism, or acknowledging yawning economic and educational inequalities.”p 140
“For some of these technologists, a singular focus on computing was an escape from identity politics. For others, tech was an answer to social inequities. The overwhelmingly white and middle-class group had faith that “access to tools” would fix it all.” P 140
“We are simultaneously experiencing a youth revolution, a sexual revolution, a racial revolution, a colonial revolution, an economic revolution, and the most rapid and deep-going technological revolution in history.” P 142
“He talked about how electronic communications would enable a splintering of mass culture into thousands of different, specialized channels where everyone could get their own, specially tailored news. He talked of how inundation by information would reduce attention spans and increase skepticism toward expert authority. He pointed out how much the U.S. already had shifted toward a service economy, and how information technologies accelerated that shift.” ““Americans had understood technology as a big-organization tool to solve large-scale problems—war, famine, poverty, education, transportation, and communication.”P 143
“he wrote. “Raw data are now extracted in much the same way teeth are pulled: either under the ether of uninformed consent or ripped out by the roots.” “Programmers might not yet know what to do with all this data, but accelerating computer power indicated that they soon would. As Paul Baran of RAND reminded one inquiring journalist, “Behind all this creating of records is the implicit assumption that they will someday be of use.”P 145 “Congress hurriedly bundled together a flurry of legislative proposals to pass the Privacy Act of 1974” p 145
“But all were pushing the same message: the power of the computer came from its user” p 147
Chapter 9: The Personal Machine 
“For nine days in April 1969, several hundred students occupied the Stanford Applied Electronics Lab, demanding that the university put an end to classified research. Soon after, university administrators cut ties with SRI and its controversial portfolio of classified projects. ” p 148
“As the cash rolled in, Xerox decided to follow the example of its more venerable predecessors like AT&T, and set up a stand-alone research facility. And where better to do it than Palo Alto? Top electronics firms had been setting up labs in Fred Terman’s orbit for two decades by then, and no other place could match the combination of Class A real estate, Class A engineering talent, and Class A weather.” P 150
“Xerox had assembled an all-star team. But its Palo Alto facility first entered the broader public consciousness as a looser” p 151
“It was unlike nearly every other computer in existence, in that you did not need to be a software programmer to use it.” P 152
“If work is to become play,” the spread proclaimed at the top, “then tools must become toys.”
Like so much of what appeared in the PCC, the Tom Swift article wasn’t just a set of engineering specs. It made a pitch for a new political philosophy. ” p153
“As Illich had put it, “Changes in management are not revolutions.” The inequities of society stemmed from the industrial mode of production, and they wouldn’t end unless the platform itself changed.”p 154
“Felsenstein summed up the philosophy in a nutshell: “You don’t have to leave industrial society, but you don’t have to accept it the way it is.” “Despite outward appearances, the generation was remarkably different from that of their parents, continuing on its search for personal fulfillment and freedom from the conformity of their youth. They practiced yoga, retreated to Esalen, and attended EST seminars. They came out of the closet, got out of the kitchen, and marched for women’s rights and the Equal Rights Amendment” P 155
“Liza Loop wanted to demystify computers, not glorify them. In her view, human teachers remained central to the success of the computer-aided classroom. “The computer is only a medium of communication between teacher and student,” she told the classes she visited. “It can never replace the teacher.” P 157
Chapter 10: Homebrewed
“While high-intensity hackers dominated the Homebrew scene, the stunningly rapid ascent of personal (or “micro”) computing—and the enduring legend of the Homebrew Computer Club—had a lot to do with the Liza Loops: people who weren’t necessarily lifetime hobbyists, but evangelists passionate about the computer’s possibilities and able to translate the insider language of tech to bring the story to a wider world” p 161
“The impact of the personal computer will be comparable to that of a gun,” he remarked. “The gun equalized man’s physical differences, and the private computer will do the same for his intellect.” P 162
Chapter 11: Unforgettable 
“The Valley had its silicon capitalists of the semiconductor and computer hardware industries as well as its distinctive club of venture investors on the hunt for the next big thing. Certainly, the chipmakers had many other things on their minds in 1975 and 1976. Their big customers were the old-school mainframe and minicomputer makers as well as the car companies, watch manufacturers, and other kinds of companies putting microchips”p 163
“ In short order, the hobbyists in garages morphed into entrepreneurs.”p 166
“Apple was the first personal-computer company to join the silicon capitalists” p 170
“The result was the Apple I, a simple wooden box that looked like it came out of a tenth-grade shop class, encasing a circuit board of supremely elegant design”
“On April Fools’ Day, 1976, the two Steves and a third partner, Ron Wayne, started Apple Computer Co. The first logo, designed by Wayne, had the retro-hippie design beloved by techie newsletters like the PCC and Dr. Dobb’s. It featured Isaac Newton sitting under a tree, surrounded by words uttered not by Newton, but by William Wordsworth: “A mind forever voyaging through strange seas of thought—alone.” The inaugural sales flyer was similarly loopy, with a typo in the first sentence” p171
“Jobs persuaded Paul Terrell at the Byte Shop to buy fifty units of the Apple I, which Terrell agreed to do under one condition: no kits. The machines needed to be fully assembled. In a move that Apple’s marketers later made sure to burnish into company legend”
“These two founders were very young and kind of strange, but the Valley was full of strange tech people, and the Apple II was exciting” “ By December 1976, Regis McKenna had taken on Apple as a client and drafted a comprehensive marketing plan, recorded in tight cursive in a narrow-ruled spiral notebook.” “The people we were trying to reach was very specific,” McKenna explained. “The hobbyist looking to the next level, affordable computer, people who had programming skills and built their own computers from kits.” Yet the Apple II was also for those who weren’t already homebrewing: “professionals such as teachers, engineers, or people who would put in the time and effort to learn how to use this new computer.” P 173
“Despite the proliferation of new entrepreneurs, the first Faire had a program and a vibe that was more Whole Earth Catalog than Wall Street Journal. Panels focused on the change-the-world potential of computing, with titles like “If ‘Small is Beautiful,’ is Micro Marvelous? A Look at Micro-Computing as if People Mattered” and “Computer Power to the People: The Myth, the Reality, and the Challenge.” There were sessions on computers for the physically disabled, and four panels on using personal computers in education (Liza Loop appeared on one of them). Novices were welcomed with their own panel on “An Introduction to Computing to Allow you to Appear Intelligent at the Faire.” Business uses were rarely mentioned, aside from considering “Computers and Systems for Very Small Businesses.” For $4, attendees could buy an official conference t-shirt that read, “Computer Phreaques Make Exacting Lovers.” P 174
“By the time Homebrew began and Dr. Dobb’s published the code for Tiny BASIC, it was common understanding that personal-computer software was to be shared, “liberated” from corporations, and given away for free.”p 176
“he two had decamped from Boston to Albuquerque, and Traf-O-Data had a new name: Micro-soft” “The young entrepreneur was furious, and fired off the angry note that would go down in tech history as “The Gates Letter.” In it, Gates drew enduring battle lines in the tech world. On the one side, there were the people who believed information—software—should be proprietary data, protected and paid for. On the other side were those who believed in a software universe like Homebrew: where people shared and swapped, iterated and improved, and didn’t charge a cent”.p 179
“The microcomputer might have remained a funny little toy if it hadn’t been for the educators and evangelists and marketers who showed how it could work in the classroom, in the office, and as home entertainment.” “America and Western Europe were awash in data, and increasingly distrustful of the institutions and experts who managed that data. The personal computer held the promise of reclaiming control.”P 180
CH 12: Risky Business
““If tech companies were job creators, then Washington must act to fix the horrible climate for venture investment. ” p 187
“Even though business lobbying was surging in the 1970s, WEMA had only just hired its first Washington representative. Headquarters remained in Palo Alto, three thousand miles away from the corridors of power”p 188
“The tech community sent its lobbying efforts into overdrive. The Californians beefed up WEMA into a national group, rebranding it as the American Electronics Association, or AEA.”“The energetic platoon bombarded the Hill with white papers. They testified at hearing after hearing that high taxes on tech were “killing the goose that lays those golden eggs.” P 193
“The venture capitalists and the Valley could not have found a better spokesman. With heartland credentials and friends across the Hill, Steiger was earnest, methodical, and knew how to land a political punch. He also grasped that the tax issue was as much an issue of psychology as it was of economics. “Capital gains taxes are even more important as a determinant of investment decisions than they are as a producer of revenue,”p 194
“Importantly, Democrats, who’d long considered these tax breaks as something that unfairly benefitted the rich, began to buy into the narrative. One Washington Post op-ed in support of the bill did a clever retake on New Deal rhetoric by calling the American investor “today’s ‘forgotten man.”p 195
“said one analyst. “People want to keep taxes on investments low in case they strike it rich themselves someday.” “It’s obvious,” observed the Post’s editorial board that June, “that there has been a profound change in basic opinions about the tax structure—particularly among Democrats.” P 195
“The White House had to back down. In the autumn of 1978, Carter signed a sweeping tax reform law that looked very different from the populist package he’d introduced only months earlier. And there within it was the work of Bill Steiger: a capital gains tax cut to 28 percent.” P 195
“The same players continued to lobby an even lower capital gains rate throughout the 1980s” ““And the personal computer finally reached the technological and price point that made a large consumer market possible.”p 196
Excerpt From
Code : Silicon Valley and the Remaking of America
O'mara, Margaret
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justbrooklyn · 2 years
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alecbangkok · 5 years
WeLearn & Why I do What I do
When I wrote this, I was trying to figure out my response to people who ask me “What is this WeLearn thing you’re involved with anyway?” and I think I’ll start by describing why I became involved with, and believe in, WeLearn.
To know a little bit about my background is probably necessary to understand my response, so here goes:
When I was in third grade, my parents moved me from my rather traditional (mid-1970’s) elementary school to the Riverside Open School, an experimental public school in my hometown of Schenectady, New York.
I had always been identified as gifted, and placed as such in all of my classes, and things went well in Grades K-2, when I had teachers who were relatively young and dedicated to their students’ growth, and weren’t afraid to try new-ish things (again, for the time) to keep us engaged. However, my first teacher in Third Grade was not of the same mold. She was “old-school,” and didn’t like independent-minded students. We did not get along. Complaining to my parents did her no good. My father was himself a relatively young and dedicated, progressive-minded high school physics teacher in a neighboring district, and my mother was the product of fairly liberal parents herself. Both understood that education was not achieved through obedience and rote memorization, and didn’t appreciate my teacher trying to turn us into little robots. Thankfully, my second-grade teacher was also teaching third grade that year, and my parents were able to get me switched back to her, so that year looked to be salvaged. Still, there was no doubt that fourth grade would bring me into contact with Robot-Lady, which led to my parents exploring alternative options to keep me engaged with my education. That’s when they found Open School, and, after some research, transferred me there.
I was extremely fortunate; my family didn’t have much money (high school teacher father + stay-at-home mom with major health issues = limited resources to say the least) and wouldn’t have been able to afford a private Montessori or Waldorf school. The fact that there was a public school that embraced a similar philosophy and was located in Schenectady, NY, was almost miraculous. That it was a perfect fit for me, even more so. My two and a half years, from the middle of Grade 3 through the end of Grade 5, were far from utopian, but they were wonderful. I still experienced the feeling of “otherness” that I would feel for the rest of my school years, not to mention adulthood, and had to deal with that, but being treated as an individual, rather than a strangely-shaped cog that didn’t fit into the existing machinery according to the instruction manual, meant that I was mostly accepted by both the teachers and the other kids, even if they didn’t understand me sometimes.
Some learning was done at least partially as a class, differentiated for the different levels of understanding, but much of what we did was project-based learning. Keep in mind that this was the mid-to-late 1970s, and both PBL and differentiation are only now beginning to creep into U.S. public school classrooms 40 years later, and you’ll understand just how progressive this school was for its time. Still, not perfect. I didn’t succeed at everything I tried, and my independence still crossed a threshold that sometimes made me a pain in the ass for those around me, but each failure and/or difficulty was treated as an opportunity to learn for the next time. My teachers communicated regularly with my parents, as they did with all parents, who also were part of many activities both in and out of our classrooms, creating a feeling of community. To that extent, my education was very much what it should have been. If only it had continued that way.
Schenectady’s school system divided grades on a Middle School model, meaning that Elementary was K-5, Middle School was 6-8, and High School was 9-12. Open School was an Elementary school, which meant that once Fifth Grade was complete it was time for Middle School, and there was no counterpart to Open School for upper grades. Luckily for me, I would be attending Woodlawn Middle School with all of my friends from my neighborhood, so I wouldn’t be coming in as a stranger without a social structure. I think I handled the division of learning into subjects pretty well, and generally had good teachers in my classes. I was back to being separated out of the pack into the GT group, which had both benefits (learning how to perform a Japanese Tea ceremony, for example) and costs (magnified “otherness” at the same time we all started going through puberty and I began to discover some extra “otherness” that I didn’t quite yet understand). So overall it was a big switch, but not life-shattering. That would happen the following school year.
While I was going through Sixth Grade, my father was granted a sabbatical year from his school district which he used to complete and defend his doctoral dissertation. This resulted in his receiving his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, which in turn resulted in his looking for jobs where we could pull ourselves securely into the middle class. Ultimately, the job he found was with a defense contractor in Santa Barbara, California. We were mostly excited about the change and the cross-country road trip, and my dad was especially excited about being able to do interesting research for a living.
We arrived, found a house, and I began school at Goleta Valley Junior High, in a new place, with a new culture in which kids were considerably less sheltered, knowing no one and realizing more clearly than ever that I was far more attracted to the other boys than the girls, which I dared not mention let alone think of. Without the safety net of kids with whom I had been friends for the better part of my lifetime, my “otherness” made me an outlier worthy of notice to the other kids in school. This was not a good thing. I did everything I could to be the same as everyone else (in Junior High School, this is a matter of survival as much as anything else), but there was always something that made me noticeably “other,” and, therefore, a target.
Add to this the school itself, which looked like a prison (I could never tell whether the high chain-link fences topped with barbed wire were to keep bad people out or us in), as well as teachers who valued uniformity over interest, and I felt like I was in hell. Honestly, I can remember teachers from all of my K-12 years except for the two years at GVJH. It’s not a matter of positive or negative; they were all so unmemorable that I can’t see more than my Seventh Grade English teacher’s skunk-like hairdo. But I do remember some of my fellow students and how they treated me. Fortunately, I was able to make friends with some of the other nerds, and that provided the partial security of safety in numbers, but even with them I spent a lot of time feeling “other,” and still felt isolated despite my best efforts. This was not helped by my developing severe allergies and asthma, which meant that when I got sick, it was rarely just a cold. I would spend weeks at a time home sick; weeks that were stretched considerably longer than they needed to be as a result of my feelings toward school.
Apart from contempt, familiarity breeds peer groups of a sort, and even if I spent a lot of time feeling “other,” at least I had people I could hang out with by the time high school rolled around. That, plus the acquisition of our first home computer and its included word processor, made things a bit less miserable. Why a word processor? Because it showed me that writing could be accomplished without the physical pain and graphite-smudged fingers us southpaws tend to endure. Once I realized this, I started to enjoy writing and realized I was actually pretty good at it, despite my Tenth-Grade English teacher who thought purple hair made her edgy even though she couldn’t tolerate a lack of servile conformity in her students.
I mention my Tenth-Grade English teacher and her purple mane to illuminate the stifling atmosphere that was high school. Again, with the exception of scattered teachers such as my 11th Grade English teacher Peg Harris, whose passion for writing helped shape my own, it was a lot of assembly-line providers who diminished my passion for learning with every passing period. Band, orchestra, then choir when I’d had it with the clarinet, and Junior Statesmen of America, were the only things that kept me interested. By the time 12th Grade rolled around, and we moved to Virginia, much of my love for learning and creative fire had been stifled by subjugation.
High School in Northern Virginia was a mixed bag. On the bright side, I discovered theater and had a new outlet for self-expression, if only for a short time. I lost weight, made friends relatively easily, and was just happy not to be in SoCal any more. I still felt “other,” but that was kind of drowned out in a school where I was one of roughly 5,000 students. My graduating class was close to 1,000, so I guess people were too wrapped up in their own groups to spend too much time harassing outliers. Either that, or with numbers that large we had someplace to hide. However, Fairfax County Schools took themselves really seriously (I think they were #1 in the country at that point), which in the late ‘80s meant really pushing students hard to achieve the district’s desired outcomes (not necessarily the student's). This, in turn, meant making sure everything and everyone conformed to the standards they felt led to those desired outcomes. NoVA is the home of, among other things, the Pentagon, so as you can imagine conformity was a pretty big deal with so many parents who were current or former career military officers. That meant that I went from a lot of dual-credit college classes with adult students to The Land of Educational Robotics. To give you an idea, when the admissions decisions for the service academies came out, the suicide rate spiked…significantly.
I’m not going to get into college and grad school because this is about my elementary and secondary years and how they relate to WeLearn.
I honestly didn’t think I’d be writing quite so much backstory. I guess there must be some therapeutic value in cataloging all of this educational nonsense…which leads to why I’m involved in WeLearn, as well as what we do that makes me so excited about it.
I don’t want one more student to need to find therapeutic value in cataloging educational nonsense. I want to create a student-centered educational environment, that is process-focused rather than outcome-driven, that educates instead of indoctrinates. I want students who feel “other” to embrace their “otherness” rather than fear the results of it showing, because, to some degree, there’s “otherness” in all of us. Education should be about inspiring discovery; first and foremost the discovery, exploration, and focusing of each student’s passion. At the same time, students need to learn the skills that will make them good human beings: collaboration, an ethical compass, leadership, conceptualization, emotional literacy, and a continued love of learning no matter their chosen subject or field. Maybe a fanatical devotion to the Oxford Comma. It’s a given that we really have no idea what jobs people will be doing twenty years from now - automation and AI have seen to that - so I want students to have the tools to mold an unknowable future.
I think the best way to do that is to build a community of learners, using the best tools, technological and otherwise, that are available to us. Give the community a space where they can explore those tools to learn holistically, to make their passions conflagrations rather than having them snuffed out of existence. Give them what they need to learn how to shape the future rather than be victimized by it. I believe I’ve found a team of visionaries who share what I see for the future, so it’s not just what I want; it’s what we want.
We don’t just want them to be learners; we want them to be WeLearners!
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Demand For Electric powered Car Chargers Is Climbing
Think about the income savings if you never had to fill up your fuel tank yet again. This is 1 of the primary positive aspects of an electric motor vehicle. However, this wonderful comfort will come with two key downsides: an incapacity to journey long distances and long charging instances. Even however general public stations refill your battery at a significantly a lot quicker price than those developed for non-public use, many folks find putting in electric powered vehicle chargers at residence and plugging in right away is much more convenient. Even though a majority of rechargeable car homeowners will demand at their properties, community charging stations can really increase a car's day-to-day travel assortment by enabling drivers to electrical power up during functioning hrs. In purchase for fleet motorists and consumers to successfully charge in public, Electric vehicle chargers these amenities should be integrated and contemplate the common driving habits of every day commuters. To bolster the EV industry, workplaces and general public locations will require to employ electric powered car chargers. Recently, a proposal was submitted in California to create twenty five,000 of these service areas across northern and central California. Household customers would only spend 70 cents for each thirty day period to go over the costs of this software from 2018 to 2022. If accepted, this will certainly be the greatest deployment in the region. California currently prospects the market for plug-in cars, housing six,000 stations. Charging times fluctuate, dependent on the variety of battery, how a lot vitality it holds, and how depleted it is. Charging time can assortment from 15 minutes to hrs, all dependent on these aspects. At the moment, the U.S. Section of Power is implementing plans and tasks nationwide to deploy place of work and other infrastructure charging stations. They understand these ought to be situated in locations of hugely concentrated vehicles in which the automobiles continue being parked for extended periods of time, this sort of as parking garages, lodges, purchasing centers, airports, and firms. The prospective to allow drivers to boost their batteries even though at function could double their every day possible commuting range. The draw back to this choice is that undertaking this throughout peak hrs could improve electric power desire, major to greater electrical power payments for the facility managers. For firms electing to incorporate electrical automobiles into their fleet functions, thought have to be taken when preparing for these. Driving routes and availability of off-web site public charging stations are all elements to take into account when selecting on the volume, spot, and varieties of electrical car chargers. These firms can perform with each other with metropolis planners, installers, and utility organizations to determine the very best places. Zoning, code enforcements, and regional parking ordinances all enjoy individual roles in marketing EV-readiness in our communities. Until general public charging is broadly recognized, here are a number of guidelines for obtaining all around in your rechargeable car. - Before embarking on your route, make use of a cost-free discovering device to locate networks along your way so you are fully well prepared ought to you need to have to recharge. - There are currently about two,000 cost-free stations across the country. You can track down these using location resources as nicely. - Some companies use the expression "station" loosely, figuring out an person charger as a station. This location will only have the ability to cost a single vehicle at a time. Make sure you are prepared to transfer on to the next locale in the event this solitary place is taken. Business Name: Zonetric Electrical Contractors Ltd Address: 20-22 Wenlock Road, London N1 7GU Email: [email protected] Phone Number: 02036031240
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Top 5 Things to Look For in a Northern California General Contractor
For a construction project to be successful, it is essential to find the right contractor who can help turn a vision into reality. However, this can be challenging for businesses and homeowners considering there are a ton of general contractors available in both Northern and Southern California. Luckily, this article will highlight some of the key things that you should look for to find the best general contractor in Northern California!
What Should I Look For in a Good Contractor?
Building a new home or office space can be an exciting remodeling experience, but it is important to find someone whom you can trust and rely on throughout the entire process. When looking for a contractor, consider the following factors:
Licensed, Bonded, and Insured
Before you hire a contractor for your project, you need to make sure that they are licensed and insured. Having a license will prove that they are qualified to carry out the work while having worker’s compensation insurance ensures that you will be covered in case of an accident or any other unforeseen circumstances. Always read their contract carefully to ensure that their license and insurance are up-to-date before signing anything. Of course, we can never predict the future, but having this peace of mind for your building can help put you at ease!
Experience Is Key
Building construction projects can be complicated, which is why it is important to hire a professional who has the necessary experience and expertise to make the project run smoothly. If you plan to remodel your kitchen or bathroom, for example, make sure that your contractor has plenty of experience in these areas. They should be knowledgeable on what materials and techniques work best for each building project, as well as have a good understanding of proper safety procedures!
Ask For Referrals
You may ask for examples of building construction projects they have recently completed, as well as past customers that you can speak to. Doing so will give you an idea of how well they are in their profession. Additionally, do some research online and ask for referrals from your family, friends, and other trusted sources about the company!
Solid Team of Subcontractors
Whether you’re working on your house or business, you want to make sure that you’re hiring a reputable company that has a solid group of sub-contractors. Sub-contractors are the people who will actually carry out the physical labor, such as electricians, plumbers, painters, carpenters, and so on. The completion of a successful building construction project depends on the quality of your chosen team, as well as their availability to get the job done in a timely manner!
Transparent In All Things
When it comes to pricing, make sure that the professional is transparent and upfront with their rates. They should be able to provide you with a breakdown of the labor costs, including any fees or tax charges that may apply. San Francisco bay area, San Diego, and other major cities in northern California are home to a number of companies, but not all of them are reliable. Some may try to cut corners or lowball their estimates, which is why it is always important to do your research and get multiple quotes from different companies before hiring them for your home or business building!
Will Always Communicate
Lastly, make sure that your construction contractor is someone who will always keep you informed and in the loop on the progress of your building construction projects. If they take too long to reply or don’t respond to your text messages or calls, then it is probably time to look for a new team!
What questions should I ask a general contractor?
Questions you should ask include:
What is your experience in construction projects?
Do you have references I can follow up with?
Are you licensed and insured, and do you have any recent certifications or accreditations?
Can you create a detailed, itemized estimate of the costs for the projects?
What is your schedule for completing the job?
What documents should I ask for when hiring a contractor?
You must have three crucial documents prior to hiring an independent contractor:
A W-9 form that shows the person’s contact information as well as taxpayer ID number!
A resume to help verify the person’s qualifications!
A written contract outlining the terms of your agreement with the independent contractor!
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orbemnews · 4 years
Jessica McClintock, 90, Dies; Dressed Generations in Lace and Satin Jessica McClintock, a fashion designer whose romantic, lacy confections dressed generations of women for their weddings and proms, died on Feb. 16 at her home in San Francisco. She was 90. The cause was congestive heart failure, said her sister, Mary Santoro. In 1969, Ms. McClintock was a newly divorced mother and had been teaching science and music to sixth graders in Cupertino, Calif., when she invested $5,000 in a San Francisco dress business called Gunne Sax. (In creating the name, the founders, Eleanor Bailey and Carol Miller, had riffed on the idea of a “sexy gunny sack,” according to Vogue magazine.) Soon after, Ms. McClintock became the sole owner, designer and saleswoman. She had no design training, but she could sew. Inspired by those she called San Francisco’s “flower children,” she began making calico, lace and beribboned pastiches known as granny dresses. It was a style — a little bit Victorian, a little bit prairie — that hippies in the Haight-Ashbury section had popularized by putting together the wares of vintage clothing stores. Gunnes, as Ms. McClintock’s dresses were known, became a cult item, and Gunne Sax became a wildly successful business. By the mid-1970s, the dresses could be found in department stores across the country. For just over $50 (the equivalent of about $250 today), you might score an ankle-length, cinched-bodice Victorian number at the Dillard’s at your local mall. That is what a 27-year old Hillary Rodham did for her wedding to Bill Clinton in October 1975 at their home in Fayetteville, Ark. She had completed her work for the House Judiciary Committee on the impeachment case against President Richard M. Nixon and had moved to Arkansas to be with Mr. Clinton while he ran, unsuccessfully, for a House seat. They both found work teaching at the University of Arkansas School of Law. (He had proposed to her twice before and had twice been refused. The third time he asked, in early October, she relented. As she recalled in a phone interview, “Bill said, ‘Let’s hurry up and do it next week before you change your mind.’”) Mrs. Clinton thought she would just throw on a dress from her closet, but her mother, Dorothy Rodham, said no way: She had to wear something new for her wedding. They headed to Dillard’s. “I saw this dress and fell in love with it,” Mrs. Clinton said. “I felt acutely that it was meant to be. I couldn’t have done better if I’d been looking for a month. It fit my aesthetic and my sensibility. It was a kind of hippy Victorian, I loved the whole look of it, and I felt like the wedding gods were with me when I went shopping with my mom.” Mrs. Clinton is not the only political figure or celebrity Ms. McClintock dressed for a special event. Another is Representative Jackie Speier, who serves California’s 14th District, in the Bay Area. Ms. McClintock designed a wedding dress for her. (Ms. Speier called her “the fashion designer for Democrats” because of her inclusive price points, though Ms. McClintock was a registered Republican.) Vanna White, who has made a career out of elegantly flipping the letters on the game show “Wheel of Fortune” clad in satiny sheaths, did so for a time in Jessica McClintock gowns. But Ms. McClintock’s bread and butter was also in gussying up young women for their proms and quinceañeras and even elementary school graduations, particularly in the heyday of the 70s, as they danced to Fleetwood Mac or Peter Frampton, their hair done in Dorothy Hamill-style bobs. As the decades marched along, so did Ms. McClintock’s styles, from pale Victorians and Great Gatsby-esque satins in the 1970s to poofy silk taffeta in the ’80s to more streamlined dresses in iridescent silk in the ’90s and beyond. In 1999, when her business, a private company, turned 30, sales were at $140 million, according to Women’s Wear Daily. She operated 26 stores around the country, marketed a fragrance, Jessica, and had licensing agreements for handbags, jewelry, china, eyeglasses, bedding and home furnishings. Jessie Earl Gagnon was born on June 19, 1930, in Presque Isle, in northern Maine. Her father, Rene Arthur Gagnon, was a salesman; her mother, Verna (Roberts) Gagnon, was a beautician. They divorced when Jessie was 2. Her mother, before she became a hairdresser, baked cookies and played the piano in movie theaters to make ends meet. Jessie learned to sew from her maternal grandmother, who cared for her for a time. She was attending Boston University when she met Alston Frank Staples, a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After they married, Mr. Staples found work near San Francisco developing a metal used in rocketry, and Jessie earned her degree in education at San Jose State University, taught in Cupertino and had a son, Scott, with Mr. Staples. The boy was just 8 when Mr. Staples was killed in a traffic accident. She married his best friend, Fred McClintock, an Eastern Airlines pilot, and moved back East, but when the marriage failed she returned to California. Mr. McClintock had always called her Jessica, and the name stuck. Ms. McClintock became the focus of a bitter labor dispute in the early 1990s. When a former contractor for her company went bankrupt and did not pay its seamstresses’ wages, labor activists declared her company morally liable for their work, organized a boycott of her brand and took out an ad in The New York Times with the headline “Let Them Eat Lace.” The boycott lasted more than three years, and Ms. McClintock received death threats, said Ms. Santoro, her sister, who was the company’s director of sales. The boycott ended in 1996, when Ms. McClintock signed an agreement with Asian Immigrant Women Advocates, a community organization, to promote fair labor practices and establish an education fund for garment workers. In addition to her sister, Ms. McClintock is survived by her son. Her longtime partner, Ben Golluber, who was chief financial officer of the company, died in 1998. Ms. McClintock retired from the day to day management of her company in 2013, only to return a year later. Since the early 1980s, the company headquarters were in a commercial building in San Francisco’s Potrero Hill neighborhood, but Ms. McClintock sold the space in about 2016 and thereafter ran the business from her home office. She lived in a Queen Anne Victorian house in Pacific Heights, which she bought from the filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola. With a decorator’s help she turned it into a romantic fantasy, with Venetian chandeliers, billowing pink satin curtains, inlaid marble floors and Aubusson carpets — just the right backdrop for the Old World fashions she favored. “I have a romantic feeling about life,” Ms. McClintock told a reporter in 2007. “I like Merchant-Ivory movies and candlelight and beautiful rooms. I like the patina of age.” Source link Orbem News #Dies #dressed #generations #Jessica #Lace #McClintock #Satin
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balonlionardo1992 · 4 years
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Legal information - Lawrence Insurance
Legal information - Lawrence Insurance, LLC, is a licensed insurance agency with offices in San Antonio, Texas and Austin, Texas. Give us a ring at (800) 924-3350 or reach us at (888) 939-3636. Our agency does business in all states except New York, where we are independent contractors. The following list of services are provided in accordance with California and Texas law: The service we provide is provided by our insurance company. Service for your automobile insurance is provided in accordance with applicable insurance laws. The service you receive is provided by our insurance company and not others. For a quote, you can reach out to us or write to us directly with your insurance company. If you have good credit you should definitely consider purchasing your insurance from a large insurance company. The insurance companies and agents do not represent the insurance companies of California or California’s insurance market, so be sure to discuss your needs with a reputable source. California’s Department of Insurance (DOR) works.
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Independent Contractor Or Employee? Uber & Lyft, Inc. Try To Bypass The Courts
By Marshall Comia, University Of California Davis Class of 2021
October 12, 2020
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In the upcoming general elections, California voters will have to decide whether or not to pass what has become the most expensive ballot measure in California history, Proposition 22.[i] This proposition would alter the criteria that determines what classifies an employee from an independent contractor.[ii]More specifically, this proposition will determine whether or not “app-based rideshare and delivery companies[, such as Uber, Lyft, Instacart, and Doordash,] can hire drivers as independent contractors.”[iii]Distinguishing between these two worker classifications are important for a company because unlike employees, independent contractors don’t receive standard benefits and protections from their company; these include, among others, health care benefits, unemployment insurance, and workers’ compensation. By taking this expensive legal fight to the ballot box, these app-based companies are trying to bypass the courts.
In 2019, Assembly Bill 5 (A.B. 5) was passed through the California legislature and signed into law. This bill effectively mandated that app-based rideshare and delivery companies classify their workersas employees instead of independent contractors, aswell as treat these workers appropriate to their new classification. A.B. 5 does this by codifying the case of Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court of Los Angeles (2018) (Dynamex). In the Dynamex decision, the “ABC” test, which is “utilized in other [California] jurisdictions in a variety of contexts to distinguish employees from independent contractors,”[iv]was used again to make the worker distinction. Under the ABC test, a worker is considered an independent contractor and not an employee if “the hiring entity establishes:
“(A) that the worker is free from the control and direction of the hirer in connection with the performance of the work, both under the contract for the performance of such work and in fact;
“(B) that the worker performs work that is outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business; and
“(C) that the worker is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, or business of the same nature as the work performed for the hiring entity.”[v]
If any one of the three criteria cannot be adequately established by the hiring entity, then the hiring entity can’t classify the worker as an independent contractor; they have to classify the worker as an employee. In a case where a court rules that the ABC test can’t be applied, A.B. 5 says that the test from the case S. G. Borello & Sons, Inc. v. Department of Industrial Relations (1989)(Borello) that determines employee or independent contractor status should instead be used. The Borello test weighs a myriad of interrelated factors that can be weighed differently to principally decide “whether the person to whom service is rendered has the right to control the manner and means of accomplishing the result desired.”[vi]Despite the passage of A.B. 5, Uber and Lyft Inc. aren’t following it.
In May 2020, Uber and Lyft Inc. were sued by the Attorney General of California for continuing to violate A.B. 5 after it took effect January 1, 2020, by “misclassify[ying] their ride-hailing drivers as independent contractors rather than employees” in the case People v. Uber et al (Uber et al.).[vii] The People also tried a motion “for a preliminary injunction enjoining Defendants from classifying their drivers as independent contractors;”[viii] meaning that the court would order Uber and Lyft to immediately comply with A.B. 5 unless another court says otherwise. In this California Superior Court decision, Judge Ethan Schulman ruled that Uber and Lyft Inc. misclassified their workers as independent contractors and should be classifying their workers as employees because defendants Uber and Lyft, Inc. fail the B prong of the ABC test established in Dynamax (“that the worker performs work that is outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business.”).[ix]Uber tried to argue that their companyis a technology company rather than a transportation company, that “operate[s] as ‘matchmakers’ to facilitate transactions between drivers and passengers”[x] and their actual employees are the tech workers who do the “engineering, product development, marketing and operations ‘in order to improve the properties of the app.’”[xi]Therefore, Uber tried to make the case that Uber drivers are “outside the usual course” of the work that Uber employees do. Uber’s shot down argument was seen by the courts as a “classic example of circular reasoning: because it regards itself as a technology company and considers only tech workers to be its ‘employees,’ anybody else is outside the ordinary course of its business, and therefore is not an employee.”[xii] Uber has made this argument beforein the case O’Connor v. Uber Technologies, Inc. (2015). In this case, “Judge Edward Chen of the U.S District Court for the Northern District of California found this argument ‘flawed in numerous respects’…‘fundamentally, it is obvious drivers perform a service for Uber because Uber simply would not be a viable business without its drivers.’”[xiii]As opined, the decision in Uber et al. to classify Uber and Lyft, Inc. drivers as employees has been seen in many other court conclusions, such as Cunningham v. Lyft, Inc. (2020), Namisnak v. Uber (2020), and Crawford v. Uber Technologies, Inc. (2018).[xiv]
The defendants of Uber et al. also made two other main arguments to defend their evasion from complying with A.B. 5. Defendants first argued that A.B. 5 doesn’t apply to them at all “because they are not ‘hiring entities’ within the meaning of the legislation.”[xv] The court noted that in a previous case, Uber argued that “AB 5 targets gig economy companies and workers and treats them differently from similarly situated group,”[xvi] yet in Uber et al., Uber was trying to argue that the same piece of legislation that unfairly targeted them didn’t apply to them at all. The court decided that they couldn’t “take seriously such contradictory positions”[xvii] and ruled the defendants as subject to A.B. 5.
The second main argument that defendants made was that if they reclassified their drivers as employees in compliance with A.B. 5, they would suffer “two categories of harm: (1) the costs and other harms associated with the restructuring of Defendants’ businesses in California; and (2) the harms to Defendants’ drivers, including the risk that some may [be] unable to continue earning income if Defendants do not offer them continued work as employees, and the risk that their reclassification as employees jeopardize their eligibility for emergency federal benefits available to them as self-employed workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.”[xviii] In response to the first category of harm, the court acknowledged that the compliance to A.B. 5 will be costly because defendants “will have to change the nature of their business[es] in significant ways.”[xix] But, the court points out that defendants’ argument “at root, is fundamentally one about the financial costs of compliance.”[xx]
In response to the second category of harm, the court opined that if compliance to the People’s demands of A.B. 5 were far-reaching,
“they have only been exacerbated by Defendants’ prolonged and brazen refusal to comply with California law. Defendants may not evade legislative mandates merely because their businesses are so large that they affect the lives of many thousands of people.”[xxi]
The court points out that since Defendants’ ridership is currently lower than it’s ever been, now “may be the best time (or the least worst time) for Defendants to change their business practices to conform to California law without causing widespread adverse effects on their drivers.”[xxii]Overall, the Defendants are trying to drag out litigation until after the November 2020 election, where Uber and Lyft can become exempt from A.B. 5’s requirements through the passage of Proposition 22. Despite the motions that Defendants have made attempting “to delay or avoid a determination whether, as the People allege, they are engaged in an ongoing and widespread violation of A.B. 5…Defendants are not entitled to an indefinite postponement of their day of reckoning. Their threshold motions are groundless.”[xxiii] The court ordered that defendants are “restrained from classifying their Drivers as independent contractors.”[xxiv]
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The contributors supporting Proposition 22 have raised over $184 million, with Lyft, Inc. and Uber as the top two contributors.[xxvi] The contributors opposing Proposition 22 have only raised around $7.5 million. In a Berkeley IGS Poll of likely voters, 39% would vote yes to Proposition 22, 36% would vote no, and 25% are undecided.[xxvii] As shown by the Proposition’s tight poll numbers, the fight for whether app-based rideshare and delivery companies will classify their workers as independent contractors or employees is going to be a close one.
[i]“What Were the Most Expensive Ballot Measures in California.” Ballotpedia. Lucy Burns Institute. Accessed September 29, 2020. https://ballotpedia.org/What_were_the_most_expensive_ballot_measures_in_California.
[ii]“Qualified Statewide Ballot Measures.” Qualified Statewide Ballot Measures :: California Secretary of State. California Secretary of State. Accessed September 29, 2020. https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/ballot-measures/qualified-ballot-measures.
[iii]“Proposition 22 [Ballot].” Legislative Analyst's Office. Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC). Accessed September 29, 2020. https://lao.ca.gov/BallotAnalysis/Proposition?number=22&year=2020.
[iv]Dynamex Operations W. v. Superior Court and Charles Lee, Real Party in Interest,4 Cal.5th 903, 416 P.3d 1, 232 Cal.Rptr.3d 1 (2018).https://boehm-associates.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Dynamex-Operations-West_-Inc.-v.-Superior-Court_-4-Cal.pdf
[vi]S. G. Borello & Sons, Inc. v. Department of Industrial Relations 48 Cal.3d 341 (1989).
[vii]People of the State of California v. Uber Technologies, Inc., A Delaware Corporation et al. https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/7032764/Judge-Ethan-Schulman-Order-on-Lyft-and-Uber.pdf.
[viii]Id at 2.
[ix]Dynamax, 4 Cal.5th at 908
[x]People of the State of California v. Uber Technologies, Inc., A Delaware Corporation et al.https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/7032764/Judge-Ethan-Schulman-Order-on-Lyft-and-Uber.pdf
[xvi]Lydia Olson et al v. State of California et al, 2:19-cv-10956, No. 52 (C.D.Cal. Feb. 10, 2020) (available at https://www.docketalarm.com/cases/California_Central_District_Court/2--19-cv-10956/Lydia_Olson_et_al_v._State_of_California_et_al/52/)
[xxv]“What Were the Most Expensive Ballot Measures in California.” Ballotpedia. Lucy Burns Institute. Accessed September 29, 2020. https://ballotpedia.org/What_were_the_most_expensive_ballot_measures_in_California.
[xxvi]“November 2020 General Election.” California Fair Political Practices Commission. Accessed September 29, 2020. http://www.fppc.ca.gov/transparency/top-contributors/nov-20-gen.html.
[xxvii]DiCamillo, M. (2020). Tabulations from a Mid-September 2020 Survey of California Likely Voters about Four of the Propositions on the November 2020 Statewide Election Ballot. UC Berkeley: Institute of Governmental Studies. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/1p22n9ws.
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conconow · 7 years
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The Conco Companies is seeking an experienced Safety Director to provide safety leadership to over 1,200 employees for our Northern California, Southern California, Washington, Oregon and Colorado locations.   The individual will be responsible for helping to minimize and manage the legal and financial risks associated with an integrated subcontracting construction company.  The job includes overseeing Conco’s OSHA Compliance, our Fleet Safety Management, and Environmental Compliance.  
In terms of our OSHA Compliance, Conco’s Safety Director will be responsible for developing and communicating policies and procedures in compliance with OSHA as well as federal, state and local rules and regulations.  The Director will also assist the estimating department with pre-bid safety planning, pre-bid qualifications, and development of corrective action plans.  He or she will participate with project teams on pre-construction safety coordination planning, and then put together a pre-project hazard assessment.  
Conco’s Safety Director is also in charge of developing and effectively implementing safety strategic planning initiatives as well as leading executive, regional and divisional safety committees.  Additionally he or she will plan and implement company and site specific policies for construction safety and general industry facilities and other duties as stated on our job posting.    
Along with OSHA Compliance, the Fleet Safety Management responsibilities include continuous improvements to the company’s fleet safety program to ensure compliance to D.O.T. regulations and company policies.  As our Safety Director you will develop, audit and improve, and implement driver safety training as well as maintain our fleet safety manual and more.  
The Environmental Compliance aspect of the job requires applicants to have a QISP. A QSD or QSP is preferred and experience with the CERS program is also preferred.  
The position’s minimal requirements include requiring a CHST; and ASP, CSP, CIH are preferred, along with 10-15 years of safety experience.  Candidates should be capable of identifying known potential exposures and recommending the corrective actions.  We prefer that applicants have a Bachelor’s degree in safety management or a degree in a related field.  Please see Conco’s website for the complete job description and information on how to apply.  
The Conco Companies are a leading supplier of concrete services for the Western U.S.  We got our start in the Bay Area in 1959 by offering clients the best value on a wide range of concrete services and products.  Since that time, we have taken a leading role as one of the top concrete contractors in the region. We have four regional offices serving California, Nevada, Washington, Oregon and Colorado.
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architectnews · 4 years
International Architecture Awards 2020 Winners
International Architecture Awards 2020, IAA Winners News, Building, Architect
International Architecture Awards 2020 Winners
3 Sep 2020
International Architecture Awards 2020 Winners
Greek architects award over 125 new buildings and urban planning projects from 38 nations in this year’s 15th edition of the 2020 international architecture awards
Announcing the Oldest and Largest Global Awards Program Featuring the World’s Most
Prominent Architecture Firms to be Officially Celebrated at “The City and the World”
Exhibition and Gala Reception in Athens, Greece on September 11
A new corporate headquarters building by Morphosis
Architects in South Korea, a new museum by Mecanoo in Taiwan, a new bridge and passenger
clearance building by Aedas and Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners in Macao and Hong Kong, the
world’s largest urban park by Omrania and Henning Larsen Architects in Saudi Arabia, four new
skyscrapers by Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, a stunning urban design by ASPECT Studios/Kengo
Kuma in Sydney, a restored museum by Frank Gehry, a new Miami High-Rise by Herzog & de Meuron,
a New London Tower by SOM, two new bridges by WilkinsonEyre, a new mixed-use building by
MVRDV in Amsterdam, innovative residential architecture by NADAAA and Christ.Christ. associated
architects, a sleek tower by Pininfarina, a new house in Russia by J. MAYER H. und Partner, three
innovative projects by Trahan Architects in the USA, 3XN Architects’ Olympic House in Lausanne,
Switzerland, and a new McDonald’s restaurant in Chicago by Ross Barney Architects head the list of
this year’s awarded projects for 2020.
The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for
Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies are delighted to announce the 2020 International
Architecture Awards as the global architecture award for the world’s best new buildings and urban
planning projects from over 38 nations.
Founded in 2005, these Awards for International Excellence demonstrate how buildings and urban
planning projects worldwide stretch the boundaries of architecture, irrespective of style, complexity, and
size of both scheme and budget.
The Awards are regarded internationally as the world’s most important global mark of excellence, recognizing the best international architecture practices, as well as the hundreds of corporate clients, developers, state and local governments, institutions, and general contractors that produced them.
“We are thrilled to recognize and celebrate architectural excellence across the globe,” states Christian Narkiewicz-Laine, Architecture Critic and President of The Chicago Athenaeum.
“It is our intention that these awards uncover the world’s most innovative and visionary architecture and their professional practices, as well as spark local and global debates about the positive impact that well-designed buildings and places can have on local communities and the environment.”
“Each year, we discover how architecture is reacting to and resolving issues posed by the changing demands of a global community.”
“These awards set a standard by which to assess and promote design excellence on a global scale.”
Out of a record number of projects that were entered in 2020, over 400 submissions were shortlisted.
“These successful projects demonstrate the world’s best visionary and innovative thinking and excellence of execution by a global design practice, along with developers and clients,” continues Narkiewicz-Laine.
This year’s selected buildings and urban planning projects are from 38 nations including: Albania, Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Japan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Latvia, México, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tibet, United Kingdom, The United States, and Vietnam.
The 2020 Jury for Awards was held at Contemporary Space Athens and consisted of the following Greek architects, critics, and architecture educators:
• George Tsolakis, Architect, National Technical University of Athens
• Giannis Giannoutsos, Architect Engineer, National Technical University of Athens
• Iro Nikolakea, Architect, Head of Exhibition and Cultural Events, National Museum of
Art (EMST), Athens
• Konstantina Siountri, Architect, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Athens
• Manolis Vourakis, Architect, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – University of Leuven
• Marianna Athanasiadou, Architect, schema architecture & engineering, Athens
International Architecture Awards 2020 Shortlist
The 125 plus awarded projects for 2020 include:
Felix Fischer Architekten – Tram Schwabinger Tor, Munich, Germany
Marcy Wong Donn Logan Architects – Richmond Ferry Terminal, Richmond, California, USA
Aedas in Joint Venture with Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners – Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and Hong Kong Port Passenger Clearance Building, Hong Kong, SAR
Aedas – Hong Kong West Kowloon Station, Hong Kong, SAR
WilkinsonEyre – CF Toronto Eaton Centre Bridge, Toronto, Canada
WilkinsonEyre/Urban Agency – Lille Langebro, Copenhagen, Denmark
Peter Kuczia Architects – Solar Activation of Footbridges for Beijing, Beijing, China
Marcy Wong Donn Logan Architects – Center Street Garage, Berkeley, California, USA
IMO Architecture & Design – Xiafu Activity Center, New Taipei City, Taiwan
3andwich Design / He Wei Studio – Stone Nest Amphitheatre for Community Activities, Weihai, Shandong Province, China
Mobile Architectural Office – The Albert Schweitzer Community Centre in Dammarie les Lys, Dammarie les Lys, France
Ferrier Marchetti Studio – Grand Central Saint Lazare, Paris, France
Di Vece Arquitectos – Estudio-Galería Di Vece Arquitectos, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Ross Barney Architects – McDonald’s Chicago Flagship, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Morphosis Architects – Kolon One & Only Tower, Seoul, South Korea
Takenaka Corporation – Asahi Facilities Hotarugaike Dormitory KAEDE, Osaka, Japan
3XN Architects – Olympic House, IOC – International Olympic Committee New Headquarters, Lausanne, Switzerland
Takenaka Corporation – Kanda Holdings Headquarters, Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan
Ricardo Yslas Gámez Arquitectos – Anteus Constructora Headquarters, Zapopan, Jalisco, México
Trahan Architects – Ochsner Center for Innovation, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates PC. – 52 Lime Street, London, United Kingdom
Mecanoo – National Kaohsiung Centre for the Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
PLY Union Limited – Redevelopment of Art Museum Annex, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR
Haworth Tompkins – The Peter Hall Performing Arts Centre, London, United Kingdom
Lemoal Lemoal Architectes – Civic and Cultural Centre Gonzague Saint Bris, Cabourg, France
Aedas – Zhengzhou Cultural District, Zhengzhou, China
China Architecture Design & Research Group – Garden Art Museum, Nanning Zhuang Autonomous Region, China
Kaunitz Yeung Architecture – Munupi Arts Centre, Northern Territory, Australia
GPY Arquitectos – MIAC Castillo de San José, Arrecife, Lanzarote Island, Spain
Ennead Architects – Yangtze River Estuary Chinese Sturgeon Nature Preserve, Shanghai, China
Shenzhen Tanghua Architect & Associates Co., Ltd. – Bishan Art and Cultural Center, Chongqing, China
FXCollaborative – The Statue of Liberty Museum, Liberty Island, New York Harbor, New York, USA
Shanghai United Design Group – Qingpu Archives, Shanghai, China
Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University Co., Ltd. – Chenjiagou – ‘Impression Tai Chi’ Theatre, Chenjiagou, China
Trahan Architects – The Betty and Edward Marcus Sculpture Park at Laguna Gloria, Arrival Garden and Moody Pavilions, Austin, Texas, USA
DP Architects Pte. Ltd. – Why Green? Singapore, Republic of Singapore
MUTUO and urb—in – Boyle Tower, Los Angeles, California, USA
UNITEDLAB Associates LLC. – Cloud Forests—Pavilion for Children’s Play, Hwaseong, South Korea
EID Architecture – The Panda Pavilions, Chengdu, China
SZAD/Atelier Apeiron/Yunchao Xu – Future Exhibition Center in Baoding, Baoding/Hebei, China
Shenzhen Tanghua Architect & Associates Co., Ltd. – Tianfu International Conference Center, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Peter W. Schmidt Architekten GmbH – Annex for the Bamberg State Archive, Bamberg, Germany
EID Architecture – Medog Meteorological Center, Medog County, Nyingchi Prefecture, Tibet
IDOM – BioCruces Institute Headquarters, Barakaldo, Basque Country, Spain
StudioVRA – Day Care Center for People with Alzheimer’s Disease, Benavente, Zamora, Spain
fjmt – The Wolfson Building, John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Ventura + Partners – Nefrodouro Dialysis Clinic, Santa Maria de Lamas, Portugal
Kaunitz Yeung Architecture – Walu – Win Wellness Centre, Darlinghurst, New South Wales, Australia
NOVO Architects Ltd. – Mesong Tower, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates – Spring City 66, Kunming, China
Valdez Arquitectos – Best in Black, Puebla, México
Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates PC. – 10 & 30 Hudson Yards, New York, New York, USA
Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates PC. – Azrieli Tower, Tel Aviv, Israel
UnitedLab Associates LLC. – Round Retreat, Kurzeme, Latvia
Takashi Yamaguchi & Associates – Mogana Hotel, Kyoto, Japan
AW² – Architecture Workshop 2 – Kasiiya Papagayo, Guancaste, Costa Rica
Liminal Architecture – Coastal Pavilions Freycinet Lodge, Coles Bay, Tasmania, Australia
Raulino Silva Arquitecto – Canine and Feline Hotel, Parada, Vila do Conde, Portugal
Marge arkitekter – Naturum Trollskogen, Öland, Sweden
De Zwarte Hond/ Monadnock – Park Pavilion—The Hoge Veluwe National Park, Otterlo, The Netherlands
Stinessen Arkitektur – Manshausen 2.0 Island Resort, Nordskot/Steigen, Norway
MR STUDIO Corporation – Aida Precut Division Ibaraki Factory, Ibaraki, Japan
RDH Architects (RDHA) – Idea Exchange Old Post Office Library, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
RDH Architects (RDHA) – Springdale Library and Neighbourhood Park, Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Johnson Pilton Walker Pty. Ltd. – Anzac Memorial Centenary Project, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Manuelle Gautrand Architecture – Le Belaroïa, Montpellier, France
Shanghai United Design Group – Wuxi Institute of Quantum Studies, Wuxi, China
MVRDV – Valley, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Trahan Architects – Julia Street Mixed-Use Development, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Herzog & de Meuron – Jade Signature, Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, USA
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP. – Manhattan Loft Gardens (The Stratford), London, United Kingdom
Younghan Chung Architects – Floating Cubes, Cheongwon-Gun, South Korea
fjmt – Wonderland, Sydney, Australia
Pininfarina SpA – Sixty6, Limassol, Cyprus
Caballero Colón – Can Canyís, Capdepera, Spain
Christ.Christ. associated architects GmbH – Haus E, Wiesbaden, Germany
Ian Moore Architects – Redfern Warehouse, Sydney, Australia
Alain Carle Architecte Inc. – True North. Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
Ehrlich Yanai Rhee Chaney Architects – Spring Road Residence, Ross, California, USA |
Ehrlich Yanai Rhee Chaney Architects – Spectral Bridge House, Venice, California, USA
Sanjay Puri Architects – 18 Screens House, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
J. MAYER H. und Partner – n.n. Residence Moscow area, Russia
Chain10 Architecture & Interior Design Institute – Comfort in Context, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
81.waw.pl – Field House, Warsaw, Poland
Chain10 Architecture & Interior Design Institute – GASEA-The Cliff House, Taitung City, Taiwan
David Jameson Architect – Manifold House, Arlington, Virginia, USA
NADAAA – Villa Varoise, Le Var, France
David Jameson Architect – Vapor House, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
David Jameson Architect – Wildcat Mountain Residence, The Plains, Virginia, USA
Fernanda Marques Arquitetos Associados – Panorama, San Paulo, Spain
MIA Design Studio – Sky House, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Atelier Jun – The Boulder House, Seoul, South Korea
Grupo Zegnea – Box XL Houses, Guimarães, Portugal
A-01 (a Company / a Foundation) – No Footprint House (NFH), Ojochal, Costa Rica
Gort Scott Architects – The Rock, British Columbia, Canada
Hyunjoon Yoo Architects – Private D House, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects Limited – Smith Residence, Upper Kingsburg, Nova Scotia, Canada
Architect 49 House Design Ltd. – Veyla Natai Residences, Phang Nga Takua Thung District, Thailand
Sergio Conde Caldas Arquitetura – Capuri House, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Architects 49 (Chiangmai) Limited – Pillars House, Phrae, Thailand
Gronych & Dollega Architekten – An Steins Garten, Gießen, Germany
L’EAU design – Diaspora, Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
MHN Design Union – Double Bay Residence, New South Wales, Australia
Cherem Arquitectos – House C, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, México
Heams & Michel Architectes – Boat Users on the Port of Cannes, Cannes, France
West-line Studio – Bamboo Forest Gateway, Zhuhai National Park, Chishui, Guizhou Province, China
Kris Lin International Design – Flying, Jiangyin, China
Omrania – KAFD Grand Mosque, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Hyunjoon Yoo Architects – The Hug, Sejong-si, Korea
Chain10 Architecture & Interior Design Institute – The Green Isle, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Kris Lin International Design – Circle, Chengdu, China
Kris Lin International Design – Navigator, Tianjin, China
Gehry Partners, LLP. – Philadelphia Museum of Art Renovation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
JC architecture – JCA Living Lab, Taipei City, Taiwan
Atelier Brückner GmbH – Wagenhallen, Stuttgart, Germany
SquareWorks – #7 Southlands, Mumbai/Maharashtra, India
Kris Lin International Design – Textile, Deqing, China
WilkinsonEyre – Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology, Malmesbury, United Kingdom
Studioarch4 – Servete Maçi Primary and Secondary School, Tirana, Albania
GL Studio/Shenzhen University Institute of Architecture Design & Research Co., Ltd. – Shenzhen MSU-BIT University Student Center, Shenzhen, China
Atelier Brückner GmbH – Kindergarten, Troisdorf, Germany
CCA Centro de Colaboración Arquitectónica – Club de Niños y Niñas, Chiconaulta, Ecatepec De Morelos, Estado de México, México | 2018
Ennead Architects – Seoul Foreign School, New High School, Seoul, South Korea
Approach design (ZUP) – The Cloud Town Convention and Exhibition Center (Phase II), Hangzhou, China
Batlle i Roig Arquitectura – Scenic Path Along Igualada’s Old Gypsum Mines, Igualada, Spain
HASSELL – Collect and Connect – Resilient South City, South San Francisco, California, USA
ASPECT Studios and Kengo Kuma and Associates – Darling Square, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Orania and Henning Larsen Architects – King Salman Park, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
ENOTA – Koper Central Park, Koper, Slovenia
Hoàng Thúc Hào Architect – Jackfruit Village. Co Dong Commune, Son Tay Town, Hanoi, Vietnam
All buildings and urban planning projects can be viewed at www.europeanarch.eu or at www.chi-athenaeum.org and www.internationalarchitectureawards.com .
This elite group of buildings and urban planning projects selected by the jury will be premiered in an exhibition at Contemporary Space Athens (74 Mitropoleos Str., GR-105 63 Athens, Greece) opening September 11 and continuing through October 11, 2020.
The exhibition is entitled “The City and the World” and is scheduled to travel in Europe through 2021.
The official Awards Presentation is postponed this year, but takes place at a Gala Awards Dinner and Ceremony adjacent to the Acropolis in Athens, Greece next September 2021 due to the COVID-19 Crisis. For more information, contact: [email protected].
The buildings and urban planning projects are also published as a catalogue for Global Design + Urbanism XX (“New International Architecture”) edited by Christian Narkiewicz-Laine for Metropolitan Arts Press Ltd. and is available through The European Centre and www.metropolitanartspress.com.
The deadline for the 2021 International Architecture Awards is December 1, 2020.
Submissions for 2021 can be made on line at www.internationalarchitectureawards.com
The Chicago Athenaeum:
Museum of Architecture and Design
The Historic Fulton Brewery
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Phone: +1-815-777-4444
Fax: +1-815-777-2471
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Location: Chicago, IL, USA
International Architecture Awards
Archive to past awards:
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International Architecture Awards 2009
International Architecture Awards 2008
International Architecture Awards 2007
The Chicago Athenaeum: International Architecture Awards 2009 Winners
European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies Contemporary Space Athens in Greece
International Architecture Thesis Awards
Architecture Awards
Stirling Prize
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Mies van der Rohe Awards
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Architecture Tours Europe
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your-qualityroofing · 4 years
Our Reno Roofing Company Answers Your Commonly Asked Roofing Questions
At East Fork Roofing, we get a lot of the same questions from our clients about the condition of their roof and how to go about getting a roof replacement. Here are some of our most frequently asked questions about roofs and the answers you’ve been looking for from pricing to the repair process.
#1: What is a reasonable timeframe for the completion of a roofing job?
We typically finish our jobs in about five business days, but with larger jobs, it may take more time. There are a few things to consider when determining how long a roofing job will take, such as the area of the roof and the type of materials used. If we are working on a tile roof, it takes much longer to remove the tile than it does to remove composition shingles. Weather is another factor that determines the timeframe of a project.
#2: Do customers typically ask you for proof of license and/or insurance?
We attach our license and insurance documents at the end of our quote just in case customers are interested.
#3: Is payment expected in full before the work is done or do you start with a deposit?
We start with a deposit, which is a third of the total price. We then request the remaining balance when we finish the work. In California, the deposit is $1,000 or 10%, whichever is less, in accordance with California State Law.
#4: How long is my roof going to last after replacement?
This depends on which shingle line you choose. We offer 40 and 50-year shingles. In general, it is important to take into account the amount of wear and tear the roof will be subject to in your area. Weather conditions like high winds, heavy snows, ice build-ups, etc. will affect your roof’s longevity. Most shingles should last at least five years less than what they are rated, and if you are lucky, they may last even longer.
#5: How can you spot a failing roof?
There are a few things to look for when you are debating whether to get a roof replacement. For instance, shiny shingles, consistent shingle blow-off, and various leaks are the biggest signs. When the shingles are shiny, the little granules have fallen off, and the fiberglass is exposed. You may notice granules in your yard or gutters as well.
A roof with shingles that blow off often is usually worn and nearing the end of its life. This is tricky if you live in a high wind area where the shingles may blow off even if the roof is relatively new. However, the best thing to do when you live in a high wind area is to make sure the roofer you hire uses enough nails to hold the shingles down. We use six nails in each of our shingles to ensure they stay on for a long time.
Lastly, leaking is a sign that the roof is not doing its job. Leaking in multiple places means the roof is giving out and not sealing properly, which can lead to serious water damage. These signs and taking into consideration the age will help determine if you should consider a roof replacement.
#6: Is it common to get a roof installed in the wintertime?
It is not a common practice for all roofing companies to install roofs in winter. But, here at East Fork Roofing, we understand that moisture brings roofing concerns. We are still available and operate during the winter months. We have practices that ensure your roof will be watertight throughout the project in case weather hits.
#7: I have green and black stains on my roof, what does this mean?
Green and black stains are signs of algae growth on the roof, common in humid climates. Thankfully, Northern Nevada is a dry climate where algae is not a common occurrence, but if you notice these spots, be sure to contact a roofing specialist like East Fork Roofing to come and inspect it for you.
Connect with the Experts at East Fork Roofing – A Reno Roofing Company
At East Fork Roofing, our Reno roofing company’s contractors and roof replacement specialists complete more than 150 roof replacements a year. Connect with us today for a free roof replacement quote!
Request A Quote
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Internal Medicine Physician
We are currently actively recruiting for Full Time Internal Medicine/Family Medicine Physicians at our Napa/Solano service area, including : Sacramento, Roseville, Davis, Lincoln, Folsom and Rancho Cordova.
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barry127 · 4 years
Top 10 Solar Company in New Hampshire
The results below are strictly based on customer satisfaction. We commend these companies and the contributions they make to the solar industry.
This list is constantly updated as new reviews arrive. While these rankings are based on all-time reviews, recent reviews outweigh older reviews. Therefore, this list is an ideal representation of the best installers of the moment.
We compile these rankings for the entire US, every state and top cities.
1. Big Sky Solar
Voted New Hampshire’s best solar installation provider. Serving NH and MA with affordable, accessible, and quality Solar power. We offer to finance and can help with available tax credits.
Big Sky Solor Energy offers solar energy and lighting retrofits to commercial properties, municipalities, utilities and residences. Financing available! Visit our website to receive a free consultation. Solar energy is a great alternative for anyone who values independence and efficiency. Start using flexible, lightweight solar now. We service homes, schools, municipalities, non-profits and more. We offer services: Renewable Energy Contractors, Home, Commercial, and Municipals, Value Added and more. If you are looking for Solar Installation New Hampshire, then they are the best provider.
Contact Details:
Address: PO Box 613, Contoocook, NH 03229
Call: 603.491.2702
Web: http://bigskysolar.com
2. ReVision Energy
Maine & New Hampshire’s leading installer of solar energy and solar hot water. We help people switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy. We are a Certified B Corp and have been operating for over 10 years.
Since 2003, Maine-based ReVision Energy has installed more than 6,000 solar systems in northern New England. To ensure maximum performance and reliability in a relatively harsh climate, each solar system is designed by ReVision Energy’s in-house engineers (Brown, Dartmouth, MIT, UMaine, UNH) and installed by the in-house team of licensed and certified solar energy from the company. technicians. The company’s mission is to drastically reduce CO2 emissions by executing the social transition from a fossil fuel based economy to a sustainable, renewable energy based economy.
Service Areas
New Hampshire
3. Solaflect Energy
The same sun. More power. Solaflect develops, produces and installs high-efficiency tracker-mounted photovoltaic solar panels. Unlike static solar panels, a tracker tracks the sun across the sky in two axes, generating up to 40% more renewable energy
The same sun. More power. Since 2006, Solaflect has been developing, manufacturing and installing high-efficiency photovoltaic solar panels for customers in Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
Service Areas
New Hampshire
4. Critical Mass
Critical Mass Solar is een in Massachusetts gevestigd bedrijf dat ervaren zonnepaneelinstallaties levert tegen concurrerende tarieven. Van acquisitie tot installatie en implementatie, ons doel is om u, onze klant, te ondersteunen bij het bereiken van financiële onafhankelijkheid met betrekking tot energiekosten en tegelijkertijd het bevorderen van ecologische duurzaamheid.
Het is hierin dat we onze klanten in staat stellen om de controle over hun energieverbruik te nemen en tegelijkertijd een schonere ecologische voetafdruk te bevorderen, wat zorgt voor een beter milieu voor onze kinderen en hun kinderen.
Service Areas
New Hampshire
5. 603 Solar
603 Solar is a residential solar power provider based in Portsmouth, NH, helping homeowners get the best return on their investment with the opportunity that solar has to offer!
603 Solar helps homeowners understand their needs and how much solar production they need to offset their electricity bills. We help calculate the amount of solar energy you need, design exactly how the system will be designed, and cover all the applications and permits required to approve a solar installation. After approval, we coordinate the installation and inspection of the system and once approved, the system is ready to collect energy for you!
Service Areas
New Hampshire
6. Levant Solar Energy
We assist individuals, entrepreneurs and industrial groups with interest to go green or to be part of the clean energy movement to connect to the sustainable opportunities that are available in the solar sector worldwide. We bring together our members, social and business connections so they can find right prospects for investment.
Young and dynamic team with 30+ man years of Solar experience will successfully and effectively help the interested entrepreneurs and industrial groups to adopt Solar..
Service Areas
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
7. Neeeco
Neeeco Solar offers homeowners an affordable way to lower your energy bill. When you go solar energy with Neeeco Solar, the question is not whether you save but how much. Choose between a free lease for direct returns or own your system to save in the long term. Whichever option you choose, you will immediately save on your energy bill! And with a battery you provide extra protection against power failure. The Neeeco Solar team has been active in the solar energy sector since 2010 with over 30 years of combined experience in the management team.
Service Areas
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
8. Patriot Solar Energy
We are a residential / commercial solar energy sales and installation company specializing in roof mounted, ground mounted and Suntracker solar systems. We pride ourselves on offering our customers the absolute best systems at the best prices.
Service Areas
New Hampshire
9. Glover Plumbing-heating
Glover Plumbing & Heating Service is a family business with several generations. Owner David Glover is a submarine veteran, who was honorably discharged in December 1984 after which he started working in the plumbing. Shortly after, he had the opportunity to do a project at West Point. After completing that assignment, David returned to New Hampshire, where he and his wife raised their two sons. Today, David’s eldest son is a plumber and leads projects to a successful completion.
Service Areas
New Hampshire
10. RGS Energy
RGS Energy (formerly Real Goods Solar) has provided clean energy solutions to homeowners, businesses, schools, governments, and utilities of all sizes since 1978, when it sold some of the first retail solar panels in the U.S. With eight offices from coast to coast (and in Hawaii as Sunetric) and over 25,000 solar energy systems totaling more than 260 MW installed, RGS Energy is one of the oldest, largest, and most trusted clean energy EPC providers in the country.
Service Areas
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
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