#best doctor for gynaecological problems in Siliguri
drvinayakdas12 · 4 months
Common Gynecological Disorders And Its Effective Management Strategies
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Experiencing sexual and reproductive health issues can interfere with your daily lifestyle hugely. This is why women must prioritize gynaecological health to enjoy a stable social, physical, and mental state. Irregular bleeding, severe pelvic pain, pain during intercourse, weight gain, mood swings, and infertility are some of the early signs of gynaecological disorders. If you experience any such symptoms then you must book an appointment with the best doctor for gynecological problems in Siliguri.
Early diagnosis, lifestyle changes, management techniques, and medical assistance at the right time can resolve most gynaecological conditions effectively. Herein, you must know that it is also important for you to schedule regular gynaecological check-ups to stop the progression of the gynae issues to an advanced stage. 
Explore The Common Gynecological Conditions And Ways To Manage Them
Vaginal Infections 
Vaginal infections or vaginitis can be caused due to any infection or severe inflammation in the vagina. This a common gynaecological condition causing distressing symptoms such as increased vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, spotting, and pain during intercourse. 
You can manage this condition effectively by wearing loose and cotton underwear or by applying creams. The doctor can also prescribe antibiotic medicines to reduce the symptoms. 
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
If you’re suffering from irregular periods and the doctor has identified polycystic ovaries during ultrasound then it can be caused due to PCOS. PCOS is another common condition which is caused due to hormonal imbalance during the reproductive years. 
Excessive production of androgen and insulin resistance are the probable causes of this condition. Taking the prescribed medications, being physically active, and maintaining a healthy body weight can manage PCOS. 
Uterine Fibroids
Women often suffer from abnormal growths in the uterus which is known as uterine fibroids. These non-cancerous growths often vary in size and number but can cause severe pelvic pressure, heavy menstrual bleeding, constipation, and frequent urination. 
It is pivotal to contact a renowned gynae doctor in Siliguri to learn about the best management strategies that may include medicines, watchful waiting, or surgical interventions to remove the fibroids. 
Menstrual Irregularities 
Any problematic symptoms experienced during your periods can be caused due to menstrual disorders. Some of the common types of menstrual disorders are absent periods, premenstrual syndrome, heavy periods, and painful periods. 
You must know that these issues can be developed due to various underlying medical conditions such as endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease. Herein, hormone replacements and birth control pills can help you to manage menstrual irregularities. 
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 
If you are exposed to any sexually transmitted bacteria that have travelled to the fallopian tubes, uterus, and ovaries then it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease. 
Some early signs of this disorder that you should never ignore are unusual vaginal discharge, pain in the pelvic region or lower abdomen, fever, and painful urination. Temporary abstinence and antibiotics are the best treatment options to manage this infection. 
One of the most painful gynecological conditions is endometriosis which develops when tissue lining similar to the uterine lining starts growing outside the uterus. Pain during bowel movements, painful periods, infertility, and excessive bleeding can be the probable signs of endometriosis. 
In most cases, doctors recommend hormone therapy or pain medications to manage the issue. If the endometriosis tissues have spread in many areas then a conservative surgery is required.  To reduce the risks of permanent infertility associated with reproductive disorders, you need to contact the best doctor for gynaecological problems in Siliguri immediately. Herein, the doctor may curate a personalized treatment plan for you or recommend lifestyle modifications such as practicing safe sex, maintaining hygiene, and adopting a healthy diet to prevent gynae issues in the upcoming days.
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shantinursinghome · 2 years
Your Best Gynaecologist To Cure Uterine Prolapse
Throughout the women’s lifespan, they suffer from numerous health conditions that affect their lifestyle massively. Not every condition affects them massively, but it is advisable to look after your body from a young age so that you can avoid many conditions from occurring. Choosing the right place for your treatment is key for your health betterment.
Under the guidance of an experienced gynaecologist in Siliguri, you will receive the best-in-class treatment facilities for your all-around treatment. It is necessary to stay under the consultation of a reputed doctor so that you receive the finest facilities to handle various complications that may arise at different points of your life.
Without the right treatment in place, your current situation can deteriorate into something more complicated from which getting back to your older self can become a pretty hectic task. Thus when you are suffering from a delicate gynaecology issue, it is recommended not to waste any time before you take a consultation with a reputed doctor.
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What is Uterine Prolapse?
The condition of uterine prolapse occurs when the pelvic muscles get stretched and weakened and fail to provide support to the uterus. As a result, the uterus slips down its position. The condition can occur to any woman but mostly, women who have encountered menopause encounter this condition.
Although not every case will cause you harm, in some cases, women will experience massive complications that can largely affect their regular life schedule. To resume your daily life activities, you need to consult with your leading doctor as early as possible so that you can recover from your situation quickly.
Symptoms of Uterine Prolapse
·         Sensation of Pelvic Muscle Pull
·         Issue related to Bowel Movement
·         Urinary Issues
·         Pelvic Heaviness
·         Intercourse Problems
·         Sitting Issues
These are primary repercussions that patients mostly suffer from. Aside from them, there are other conditions that can occur to patients suffering from uterine prolapse. And it is advisable to look for a quick solution to resolve the issue completely.
The key to getting recovered is to seek treatment as early as possible. Based on the diagnosis, your doctor will proceed with the treatment procedure according to the requirements. Thus managing your condition under a reputed doctor is key and you should not delay your appointment irrespective of the severity of your repercussion.
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With an expert’s supervision in place, your situation will gradually get recovered. And thus it is highly recommended to look for treatment as early as possible so that you can start off the treatment procedure at an early stage. You should make sure you are making an appointment with a leading doctor in the best hospital in Siliguri so that you never find any difficulties throughout the treatment.
The key is to seek early treatment so that you can avoid further complications in your body. By preventing this situation, you remain in a better place to handle your health and get back your life schedule together effortlessly.
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urvashiela-blog · 5 years
Best IVF Centre in Siliguri  |  Elawoman
Best IVF Centre in Siliguri
What is IVF?
The term In vitro fertilization, IVF, truly implies fertilization "in glass" and alludes to the procedure where a lady's eggs are prepared outside of her body in the lab. The resulting developing lives are then transferred once again into the uterus a couple of days after the fact.
Who is IVF reasonable for?
IVF is explicitly recommended for ladies with missing, blocked or harmed fallopian tubes. It is additionally frequently utilized in instances of unexplained infertility, sometimes of male factor infertility and can be utilized in combination with ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) in instances of serious male factor infertility.
What does IVF involve?
There are four general advances involved in an IVF cycle:
Incitement of the ovaries to energize improvement and development of the eggs.
Recovery of the eggs
Fertilization of the eggs and culture of the developing lives
Transfer of the developing lives over into the uterus These means are portrayed all the more completely underneath:
Incitement of the ovaries to support improvement and development of the eggs Under the consideration of an expert gynaecologist, the lady is given fertility drugs to invigorate her ovaries to deliver numerous follicles. Follicles are the little liquid filled structures which create on the ovaries, every one of which will ideally contain an egg. The number and size of the developing follicles are estimated by transvaginal ultrasound filters. The careful number of follicles which create changes among patients, however, the normal is around 10. The final planning for egg recovery involves a hormone injection which imitates the regular trigger for ovulation. Egg recovery will occur 36-38 hours after this injection.
Recovery of the Eggs Egg recovery is a minor theatre procedure which is done on an outpatient premise under neighbourhood anaesthesia. The transvaginal ultrasound test is utilized to picture the ovaries and a needle connected to the test is gone through the vaginal divider into the follicles. The liquid within every follicle is suctioned and after that examined in the IVF research centre for the nearness of an egg. After ID, the eggs are washed and transferred into the uncommon culture medium in Petri dishes in an incubator.
Fertilization of the eggs and culture of the incipient organisms While the egg recovery is proceeding, the sperm is additionally arranged. A semen test is given by the male partner and, in the Research Centre, a concentrated readiness of the best motile sperm is removed from the semen test. This sperm readiness (containing roughly 150,000 sperm) is added to the readied egg and after that is left for fertilization and after that is set into the patient.
Newlife Fertility Centre
Newlife Fertility Centre is an IVF Clinic situated in Sevoke Street, Siliguri. The centre offers a progression of infertility treatments which includes General restorative counsel, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Surrogacy, Preimplantation hereditary finding (PGD), Preimplantation hereditary screening (PGS) and Blastocyst culture procedures. The centre has the best infrastructure in the human services segment. This encourages patients to get quality administrations at the centre. The restorative and non-therapeutic staff individuals at the centre are striving hard to become one of the top centres in Siliguri. The patients visiting the centre can benefit the administrations at the centre whenever of the day. Dr. Shefali Bansal Madhav and Dr. Prasenjit Kr. Roy practice at New Life Fertility Centre. Both of the gynaecologists and obstetricians have their skill in Obstetrics care and Infertility treatments. They have magnificent experience of multiple and a half decades in treating patients with obstetrics care and infertility treatments.
New Life Fertility Centre is an eminent IVF Clinic situated in Sevoke Street, Siliguri. The fertility clinic is likewise a standout amongst the most patients engaged and guaranteed IVF in the whole North Bengal. The centre offers a progression of infertility treatments which includes General restorative meeting, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Surrogacy, Preimplantation hereditary conclusion (PGD), Preimplantation hereditary screening (PGS) and Blastocyst culture procedures. The Centre has the best infrastructure in the human services area. This causes patients to get quality administrations at the emergency clinic. The therapeutic and non-medicinal staff individuals at the Centre are striving hard to become one of the top Centres in Siliguri. The patients visiting the Centre can benefit the administrations whenever of the day. It offers a nurturing, perfect and healing condition to guarantee the prosperity of patients. The rooms are likewise roomy and well-outfitted for the comfort of patients. The fertility clinic houses a comprehensive fertility treatment Centre with committed and experienced IVF masters, advanced secluded IVF research facility, profoundly gifted, trained and well-experienced embryology group, devoted and well-trained nursing staff, committed procedures territory, and comprehensive demonstrative administrations. Dr. Shefali Bansal Madhav and Dr. Prasenjit Kr. Roy practice at New Life Fertility Centre. Both of the gynaecologists and obstetricians have their mastery in Obstetrics care and Infertility treatments. They have a superb experience of multiple and a half decades in treating patients with obstetrics care and infertility treatments. Snap on the guide to find the headings to achieve New Life Fertility Centre easily.
Genome The Fertility Centre Siliguri
Genome The Fertility Centre is an Infertility and IVF Emergency clinic situated in Uttorayon, Siliguri. Genome fertility Centre was established in the year 2005 and has been steady in providing the best of its administrations in the field of infertility treatments with the assistance of Assisted Reproductive Advancements (ART, for example, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). Other administrations accessible at the fertility Centre are Solidified Developing life Transfer (FET), Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), Preimplantation Hereditary Analysis (PGD), Endometrial Receptivity Exhibit (Time), Incipient organism Cryopreservation procedures. GENOME's Main goal is to help and encourage the procedure of origination through Assisted Reproductive Advances (ART) for couples facing Fertility Related issues and to further the reason for Fertility Administrations by method for implementing broad Exploration, Training and Improvement practices in this field. GENOME's Central goal is to help and encourage the procedure of origination through Assisted Reproductive Advancements (ART) for couples facing Fertility Related issues and to further the reason for Fertility Administrations by method for implementing broad Exploration, Training and Improvement practices in this field. The medical clinic is a famous association which is expertly overseen, has a group of devoted and profoundly qualified doctors to serve the community. The group of doctors and attendants is well-refreshed with the most recent advancements in fertility treatments and convey the information alongside great communication and fantastic usable aptitude. The emergency clinic is a prestigious association which is expertly overseen by a group of devoted and exceedingly qualified doctors to serve the community.
Nurture Advance Fertility Center
A devoted clinic for catering to the necessities of a great many infertile couples in the North East is at your administration.
At 'Nurture' we trust Infertility is an altogether unique medical problem and should be tended to with delicate consideration.
A great many people attending an infertility clinic will be comfortable with the way that one in six couples experience issues achieving a pregnancy. At 'Nurture' we have one point – to offer the most astounding guidelines of patient consideration and comfort for couples and individuals seeking infertility treatment.
Nurture Advance Fertility Center is an IVF Clinic which is arranged in Burdwan Locale, Siliguri. The administrations offered at the Centre includes Advanced Laparoscopy Medical procedure, Gynecological issues treatment, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Sperm and Egg contributor programs, Obstetrics care, Typical vaginal conveyance procedures, and Repetitive unnatural birth cycle treatments. Nurture Advance Fertility Centre is enrolled with the National Art Library. Dr. Sima Roy, an Obstetrician and Gynecologist serve this emergency clinic in a refined way. She has an encounter of more than two decades in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology. Dr. Sima Roy serves a scope of social insurance administrations, for example, Infertility appraisal, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Antenatal Consideration, Gynecology Laparoscopy medical procedure, and Polycystic Ovarian Issue (PCOD) treatment.
Family Clinic
Family Clinic is an IVF Centre which is situated in Sevoke Street, Siliguri. The clinic serves the various number of offices, for example, General discussion, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Gynecology Laparoscopic medical procedure, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), and Pregnancy care and the executives. The Centre got its grant from National Accreditation Board for Medical clinics and Medicinal services Suppliers (NABH) and Joint Commission International (JCI). It has likewise gotten its accreditation from the National Committee for Quality Confirmation (NCQA). Family Clinic pursues the guidelines of Indian Board of Therapeutic Exploration (ICMR). Dr. Kavita Mantry, an IVF specialist and a Gynecologist conveys his skill at this clinic. She has a skill In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Antenatal Consideration, Advanced Endoscopic Medical procedure and Incipient organism Freezing procedures. Snap on the guide to get instructions to achieve Family Clinic effectively.
New Ramkrishna Seva Sadan
New Ramkrishna Seva Sadan is a notable IVF Centre situated in Nazrul Sarani, Siliguri. It is the chief Nursing Home in Siliguri devoted for consideration of Gynecological, Maternity, Neonatal and Pediatric, Orthopedic, General Medical procedures and patients of different other diseases. Outfitted with ultra-present day machinery and infrastructure.
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anupsingh11-blog · 6 years
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment that includes setting sperm inner a lady's uterus to encourage instruction. The objective of IUI is to construct the amount of sperm that scopes the fallopian tubes and for this reason increment the shot of treatment.
IUI offers the sperm favorable position with the aid of giving it a head start, but at the same time requires a sperm to reach and fertilize the egg all alone. It is a less intrusive and extra low priced preference in evaluation with in vitro fertilization.
When is Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) used?
The most commonplace reasons for Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) are a low sperm be counted or reduced sperm motility in men. IUI might be chosen as a fertility treatment for any of the subsequent situations also:
Unexplained infertility
Cervical mucus hassle, consisting of the adverse cervical circumstance
Cervical scar tissue from past procedures that could avert the sperms’ capacity to enter the uterus of a woman
Ejaculation dysfunction
For which sufferers Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is not recommended?
Women with slight to extreme endometriosis
Women who have severe sickness of the fallopian tubes
Women with a records of pelvic infections
How does Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) paintings?
Before intrauterine insemination, ovulation-stimulating medicinal drugs is probably applied, in which case cautious checking may be vital to determine when the eggs are mature. The IUI technique will then be achieved across the fine time of ovulation, most usually round 24-36 hours after the surge in LH hormone that indicates ovulation will show up as soon as possible.
A semen check could be washed through the lab to isolate the semen from the unique liquid. A catheter will then be utilized to embed the sperm at once into the uterus. This method maximizes the wide variety of sperm cells that are set inside the uterus, consequently increasing the possibility of idea.
success rate of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)?
The success charge of IUI is predicated on few elements like if a couple has the IUI technique accomplished each month, success charges might also reach as high as 20% for each cycle contingent upon factors, for example, girl age, the cause for infertility, and whether fertility tablets had been used, among other variables.
While IUI is a much less glaring and greater inexpensive choice, pregnancy fees from IUI are decrease than those of the IVF. In the event which you assume you might be looking forward to IUI, communicate along with your physician to talk about your alternatives.
Medica Clinic Beckbagan
Medica Clinic Beckbagan, are a tertiary care sanatorium with present day centers in Cardiology and Cardiac surgical treatment Medica Clinic Beckbagan is one of the best IUI center, Gastroenterology & GI Surgery, Kidney Diseases, including Nephrology, Urology & Transplant Surgery, ENT and Breast Diseases, and one of the u . S .’s largest and maximum advanced Dialysis facilities, among a number of all other help services below the identical roof.
This health facility become designed retaining in thoughts the needs of sufferers and their spouse and children seeking out specialized treatment, as an quit-factor of their look for excellence in clinical services, atmosphere, team of workers behavior, and at a price low cost to all. Medica Clinic Beckbagan intention is to offer excellence in healthcare at the doorstep of Kolkatans, and make it needless for them to journey to north or south India for specialised treatment. We strive to build in transparency in our sports and increase strong doctor-patient communication and relationship. Medica Superspecialty Hospital, Kolkata serves because the hub for our chain of hospitals in Ranchi, Siliguri & Rangapani (North Bengal), Patna (Bihar), Kalinganagar (Orissa), and Tinsukia (Assam).
Services : Medical Termination of Pregnancy Laparoscopic Surgery Normal and Cesarean Delivery Breast Problems
Location : Park Circus, Kolkata
Rating : 2.6 / 5
Dr. Ranjana Tibrewal
Dr. Ranjana Tibrewal is a Gynecologist, Obstetrician and Infertility Specialist in Jodhpur Park, Kolkata and has an enjoy of 15 years in these fields. Dr. Ranjana Tibrewal practices at Dr. Ranjana's Chamber in Jodhpur Park, Kolkata, Medica Clinic, Beckbagan in Park Circus, Kolkata and Medica Super Speciality Hospital in Mukundapur, Kolkata. She completed MBBS from Calcutta National Medical College in 2002 and MS - Obstetrics and Gynaecology from Medical College, Kolkata in 2009.
She is a member of Bengal Obstetrics and Gynecology Society and govt committee member ISOPARB (Indian Society of Perinatology and Reproductive Biology). Dr. Ranjana Tibrewal is an Infertility professional, Obstetrician and Gynecologist based totally in Kolkata. She has an enjoy of extra than a decade. She graduated as an MBBS from Calcutta National Medical College inside the 12 months 2002. Next, she did her MS in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from Medical College, Kolkata within the yr 2009. She is an expert in treating ladies who face bizarre vaginal bleeding, breast issues, and other related Gynec troubles. She holds unmatchable information in Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD), IUI Intrauterine Insemination, Menopausal Care, Caesarean Section (C Section) and so on.
Services : Normal Vaginal Delivery, Menopause Care, Gynaecology Laparoscopy, Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
Location : Park Circus, Jodhpur Park, Lake Gardens, Kolkata
Rating : 3.0 / 5
Universal Srushti Fertility and Research Centre
Universal Srushti Fertility and Research Centre is India's main chain of fertility facilities, presenting global elegance fertility treatment at low cost expenses to its sufferers. We are constantly seeking out possibilities to partner with Leading Gynaecologists throughout India looking to department into fertility treatment. Srushti Test Tube Baby Centre-mounted within the year 1998. Successfully walking centres at Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada and Guntur in Andhra Pradesh, and in Bhubaneshwar, Orissa. Our sanatorium also affords blessings for the process holders via running the night infertility health center therefore making the treatment to be had for them. Prior appointment is to be taken earlier than consulting the doctor.
Counseling, treatment and normal interaction with the chief infertility professional with an goal of supplying better treatment and patient pride starting from the counseling, scientific management, manner and until the stop of the treatment could be performed individually.
Universal Srushti Fertility and Research Centre made heaps of couples satisfied with the fulfillment rate of 40% - 50% according to cycle at our health facility. Many folks who are more than 50 years conceived with the egg donation programme and feature taken the toddlers domestic with whole delight. Surrogacy is also made available at our centre and many cases were dealt with and made fulfillment with none complications.
Services : Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)Pre Genetic Screening (PGD)In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)TESE (Testicular Epididymal Sperm Extraction)
Location : Rajdanga Main Road, Kolkata
Rating : 4.5 / 5
Spandan Hospitals
Spandan Hospitals  year 1994 become the beginning of "SPANDAN DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE PVT. LTD" Spandan Hospitals commenced their journey in May’ 1995 with the vision to create a incorporated diagnostic centre inside the country of west Bengal in India. Since then we were providing fine diagnostic reports with the very best accuracy brought inside shortest feasible body. Delivering commendable carrier, correct reviews at affordable charges, it moved on to come to be an eminent establishment in South Bengal. In a remember of 10 years, "SPANADAN" had grown a manifold and become massive enough to launch many branches in the district and also in predominant Medical Colleges in West Bengal, which passed all expectations and been recognized the largest hospital treatment institution in and around south Bengal and it is one of the best IUI Centres in Kolkata.
Spandan Hospitals has the privilege of ISO 9001:2008 certification together with different accreditation. Spandan Hospitals also are empanelled as an permitted institution with Govt. Of West Bengal. With the help of reputed doctors, specialised paramedical staffs and esteemed corporate tie ups, we've got built a logo photo at Midnapur and different districts of West Bengal.
Services : Vaginal Infection Treatment (Yeast and Bacterial)Women's Health Services Testicular Biopsy Sperm Aspiration (TESA)Prenatal Testing & Diagnosis Services
Location : Tegharia, Kolkata
Rating : 3.9 / 5
IIH Infertility Clinic
IIH Infertility Clinic is an IVF Centre placed in Dumdum, Kolkata. It offers treatment offerings such as Infertility evaluation, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), MESA, Laparoscopy, Cryopreservation surgical operation, Menstrual Problems treatment, Semen Analysis, DNA Fragmentation test and Egg freezing tactics. Dr. Biplab Deb is the Infertility Specialist practising at IIH Infertility Clinic. Click on the map to discover the route in the direction of IIH Infertility Clinic and it is one of the best IUI Centres in Kolkata.
Dr. Anindita Chakraborty (IIH Infertility Clinic) in #23/32, Jessore Road, Dum Dum. Has mounted the sanatorium and has won a devoted purchasers over the past few years and is likewise regularly visited by several celebrities, aspiring models and other honourable clients and worldwide sufferers as properly. They also plan on expanding their commercial enterprise in addition and imparting services to several more sufferers attributable to its fulfillment over the past few years.
Services : Laparoscopy Surgery Cryopreservation and Vitrification DNA Fragmentation Test Egg Freezing
Location : Dumdum, Kolkata
Rating : 3.4 / 5
For more information, Call Us :  +91-8929020600
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