#best compression bags for travel
elbeetbetak · 5 months
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Pack of compression vacuum storage bags for comforters, blankets and clothing storage
Multi-use: Our vacuum storage bags are essentials for both household space saving and travel organization. Function as storage bags for clothes and compression bags for travel.
Durable protection: With the triple-seal turbo valve & double-zip seal design, our vacuum bags get the air out in the suction process. Can be used repeatedly.
Hand Pump Included for Easy Use: Works with standard vacuum cleaner. Simply put the items in our storage vacuum bag, seal the zipper, suck out the air, close the lid. You can also use the pump included to easily vacuum storage your items. “Buy now and enjoy a shopping experience that oozes quality and comfort!”
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lucysarah-c · 10 months
No, 'cause… traveling with Levi is like traveling with an obsessive controller mixed with a dad, lmao. He would come up to you one day, "Let's go on vacation," and you agree, only to find out he meant it seriously and he had EVERYTHING planned.
Remember that scene from the manga where Levi complains that Erwin is always late, and the MPs will arrive before him? Well… this man, THIS MAN. He's NEVER LATE. And don't you DARE to ruin his schedule. He would be one of those who want to have all the time in the world to do the check-in at the airport. Don't ask me why, but he knows EVERYTHING; he has EVERYTHING. Your passport? He has it. Plane tickets? He has them. Luggage bags? He's carrying them, and he has already weighed them at home, closed them up, and used those compression bags to make sure everything is secure and optimizing space. The BOARDING DOOR? HE KNOWS WHICH ONE and WHERE it is.
Levi's conception of vacations is making sure that you two are SQUEEZING each FREE SECOND you have to enjoy. He wants to leave early, and he has all the places, locations, and activities you're going to do.
"I'm carrying your sunscreen, the water bottles, the different types of hand sanitizer, an umbrella if it rains, a cap to protect from the sun. And those cereal bars you like because your blood sugar always drops close to midmorning, let's go,"
Just TURN off your brain, okay? This man basically has everything. You've got to be the biggest passenger princess ever. Like it or not, so you better enjoy it.
"I think I-" you would say while tapping your pockets.
"Forgot your keys inside, yes, I picked them up for you," Levi finishes your sentence.
When I say he's the biggest "dad," like, you'd be on the street corner of this new city checking the Google map to be sort of "helpful," and he's there admiring the street and suddenly says "that direction, we take subway A intercept with the D and get down on the fourth station, let's go,"
You offer to check out a place to eat, and he has his "list of places per day" after he did an extensive research of which are the best places, etc. To the point that you're sitting down at this expensive restaurant, private table, best view of the city.
"I can't believe we got a spot here," you would say all mesmerized by the place.
Levi would look at you across the table, dead eyes, and say "can't believe? I put a reservation here over 7 months ago,"
And let's not even mention those wild nights at the hotel; he's prepared for everything. He brought your favorite lube, toys, condoms, etc. I told you, he's going to squeeze each second of that holiday to enjoy the most, and that includes squeezing each inch of your skin too, obviously.
Tag!: @humanitys-strongest-bamf @nube55 @nmlkys @jimoonbeau @fictiondrunk @notgoodforlife @justkon Wanna join my tag list? here!
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irisfixation · 2 months
knights getting mindbroken. you agree. enjoy
"She's just ahead. Let's get ready." It wasn't difficult to make it this far. The palace was left in ruins decades ago, and the few guards still under her spell were little more than shambling corpses, easily dispatched by your party. You expected a little more, to be honest: some final bastion of opulence at the place's heart, as it were. But no - here it is, the throne room of the "empress of ruins"'. Once a feared tyrant, now little more than prey to be put upon your sword. If she's anything like her guards, you doubt it'll be harder than any other job.
She doesn't look like the stories. Once, she might have been adorned in all her fineries, hair tied back and dress magnificent. Now, though, she's little more than a haggard, scrawny wretch. You can see the bags under her eyes all the way from the boss door, let alone the rags and stolen traveler's attire she's wearing. One of your party members can barely stifle a giggle.
"Hold it," another commands. "She'll see us if we draw any closer. We should prepare." A tedious task, really, given how easy the journey thus far has been. Still, you acquiesce. One hireling takes a detour in search of something that piqued her interest, another sets about marking spell-circles into the earth beneath, a third makes camp and begins preparing your rations, and so on, and so forth.
You - you scout out at the thresholds of the gate, watching the once-empress as she lays unmoving. You rehearse battle stratagems in your head, reflect on the research conducted by previous adventuring parties, the whole nine yards. "She'll get desperate when she's wounded enough-" you recall, "so conserve your strength until then". You'll cover for the rest of the party to start, and then-
Her glare snaps you back to the here and now. Oh, shit. The tip of your boot has crossed the ruined threshold; you can just make out where the microfilament runes across its border intersect with your foot. She knows you're here.
That's fine, you reassure to yourself. The rest of the party should be ready soon enough - and besides, you're the best of the bunch. You'll hold her down until then. Your armaments gleam in stark contrast to her sorry state as you step forwards.
She lurches forwards, a slow and dreary movement. Fine by you. You take your stance, and call out with sheer heroic might in your voice. "Give it up, would-be empress! Today, your feeble reign finally comes to an en-"
In a blink, she is upon you, barreling with the speed of a starving and maddened wolf. You barely have time to call to your allies and attempt to swing your sword before-
A single outstretched finger presses upon your forehead. Her hand is gnarled and dust-caked, but the point of the nail is pristine as crystal. You watch as the frantic charge of your allies slows to a crawl, then freezes entirely. Time magic? No, it's more like your mind's been trapped within a single moment - like the compressed moment of time spent trying to catch something in mid-fall, magnified hundredfold.
You recoil. And as you do, you feel something worm its way out of you, plucked from your skull. It twists and gravitates towards her, gossamer-thin filament of gold and scarlet, wrapping around her finger like a ring or snake.
The shock of the moment ceases. She's barely two feet from you, and as frail as the dust upon her kingdom - your hands clench upon cold steel, your blade moves to seek her head -
Your body seizes up, arms and muscles pulling to a taut rictus. You can't even bring yourself to fall over in defiance - you feel your limbs pull into the closest approximation of a bow they can manage. She looks at you with icy eyes, and you realize your comrades aren't doing anything. Are they even there? You cannot hear their breaths, cannot turn to look-
"Kneel. Goodness, you were easier than I expected."
"What in hell's name did you- take from me-"
"Your ability to disobey orders," she says, her voice low and measured. She's clearly enjoying hearing herself talk, which sickens you all the more. "The only thing keeping the 'self' from being consumed by the 'other' - your soul. Your free will. You really didn't even expect this much?" "The kingdom," you sputter, "will have your head for this-"
"Silence." Your tongue is stilled in your own mouth; your own breath feels too there, too physical upon your throat and lips, like breathing and swallowing smog.
"The -kingdom- will arrive here too late, if at all," she rebuts. "I never needed anything more than a singular doll to rewrite, after all." She lifts your head to meet her gaze; her smirk does not reach their depths. "And would you look at that - a cocky, self-assured knight, delivered right into my lap. But of course, I only let you down here in the first place because of your incompetence."
Fuck. No wonder the journey had felt so easy, that all the actual moments of drama and risk just happened to work out in your favor. Had she engineered every last one of them? Just for - what, this?
"If I was -actually- worried, I would have vanished before you even arrived here. Unlike you, I actually take my position -seriously.- Now! Beg for me, please."
"of course my goddess please i am yours i am yours forever i'll serve you to the day i die please use me however you wish" The words spill from your mouth before your conscious mind has a say in the matter. "my life is yours it always has been nothing else matters" You try and bite them back, to deny them, but they sear something into you: your mind conjures images of a parasite tunneling down through brain matter.
"Exactly. And I'll keep doing this, one pitiful would-be hero at a time."
She looks down at you again, and you witness her wreathed in a halo of eyes; each reflecting a vision of your life, your loved ones, your family, your life, your memories. A million different reflections of how they could be snuffed out if you dared disobey your new Empress - of how much you possibly have to lose, more than you could ever truly understand-
"There's nothing your little 'kingdom' can do about it. Certainly nothing you could."
She's right. Of course she is.
"Now, please go to sleep for now-"
(the end! for now, anyhow)
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dira333 · 1 year
Winter - Kageyama x reader
It’s unbearably hot here, so of course I thought about winter and therefore Kageyama.
words: 1156 , fluff
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For some, winter is the best time of the year.
The soft white blanket of snow covers every surface, changing their appearance as if a magician had danced through the streets at night. The air is crisp and cold, painting the skin a rosy red wherever it can reach with nimble fingers. 
There’s a beauty to winter that is so different from other seasons, ethereal in its kind. Spring and summer are like children, prancing and dancing around you, inviting you to play. Fall is a moody teenager, one day eager to entice you, the other dreading to see your face.
But winter, winter would make you shiver with delight if only you could enjoy its beauty the way it seems to want you.
To you, winter is a time of pain. 
You don’t remember when it started first but you remember when it lasted. The constant ache in your joints, how going to school became first trouble and then almost impossible.
But even in this, winter has never disappointed you. It would be so much easier to hate it if it were different.
When the cold settles in your aching bones and you feel like you’ll never be warm again, winter offers you a welcome distraction with warm cocoa, a hot fire, and another blanket wrapped around your body.
It’s the time when family draws closer, even voluntarily so, seeking the warmth of an hour spent together.
Winter cares for you, even when it leaves you shivering.
And you suppose, for all the thinking you’ve done about the matter, that Kageyama Tobio is just like winter.
There’s an ethereal beauty about him that you’ve noticed the first time he stepped in front of you. He doesn’t dance around you like Hinata or Bokuto, Summer and Spring. He’s not moody like Sakusa who would do good to incorporate some fall colors into his clothing instead of that gaudy greenish yellow of his High School days. 
He stares at you with crisp blue eyes until your cheeks burn, reminding you again and again of the cold chill of a winter's morning.
And just like winter, he brings pain.
You’re not allowed to have a relationship with one of your athletes. 
There are days where you catch yourself longing to be with him, enjoying the time with him like you used to as a teenager, longingly gazing out the window onto snowy fields, wishing you could run and slide and roll around but unable to do so.
You wrap yourself in more layers of self-control and he breaks through them. 
And where at first you thought he didn’t know what he was doing, you soon realize that Kageyama Tobio is like the winter in a lot more ways than you had known.
Beyond a thick layer of snow and stony silence, lie the secrets of a caring man.
There’s an extra pair of compression gloves on your desk one morning right after you’ve ripped your good pair. A travel mug of hot chocolate waits on the bench every morning instead of the bitter coffee that almost every other member of the team drinks - except Kageyama, who prefers plain milk, and the chaotic duo of Spring and Summer that are not allowed around coffee.
When the Olympia week starts he claims the seat next to you on the ride, pulling a book out of his bag.
“I’ve noticed you like to listen to audiobooks on your rides.” He tells you calmly while glaring holes into the pages. “I thought without internet you might want to read something. I could read it to you.”
“That’s a lovely idea.” You fall asleep to his smooth voice pulling the words from the page and setting them gently in your lap like one would do with sleeping kittens. 
When you wake up, your head is gently deposited on a pillow that rests against his upper arm.
“I am too tall.” He explains softly when you ask. “We’d both get a stiff neck if you’d slept on my shoulder.”
Kageyama never explains why he’s got a pillow handy in the first place. You’d rather not ask.
Only when your time with the team ends does he wait for you after training.
He’s a shadow from where you sit, his figure not that clear through the frosted glass but your mind can fill in the missing pieces just fine.
You wonder if he’s going to ask you out. You wonder if you should say yes.
If winter hadn’t been your favorite season when you’d grown up, you would have suffered less when you realized your health had stolen it from you. Every piece of it that you can enjoy you’ve fought for, just like with Volleyball, a sport you’ve once been able to play yourself. 
Can you live off that forever?
There are parts of Kageyama that will leave you in pain, parts of you that will hurt him too. How you’re unable to walk some days or unable to use your hands on others. You get cranky when you’re in pain and rather not talk to anyone when it’s cold outside and you can feel the chill in your bones.
But, as you open the door for him, all shy eyes and stolen glances, winter has always cared for you in some way, the least you can do is care for him.
“I’ve got an offer for Italy.” He says, pulling the contract from his bag. A travel pillow and a dog-eared book fall out as well and he blushes as he stows them away.
“That’s good. Do you want me to read over it?”
“Yes, please. I requested the addition of a personal assistant.”
“That would certainly be a good idea. How’s your Italian?”
“Terrible. How’s yours?”
You look into his eyes, wide and blue like a frozen lake.
“Why do you ask, Tobio?” He shivers at the use of his first name.
Words spill out of him like snowflakes from the clouds, thick and heavy and meaningful.
“I’ve got an offer for Poland too, Ushijima put in a word, but I wanted Italy because it’s warmer there and your condition gets better in a warm climate. I put in a request for Brazil as well but they didn’t want me anyway.”
“You want me to come to Italy with you?” You try to rephrase his thoughts like you’ve come accustomed to.
He swallows thickly, his eyes not leaving yours. He’s trying to tell you without speaking the words but his lips quiver and he mumbles them anyway, their meaning dropping off his lips like honey.
“I want to go wherever you want to go.”
For all he’s worth, Kageyama has never been one to do things halfheartedly. 
You shouldn’t be surprised that he’s not asking you on a date, he’s asking you out for life. 
When you speak the answer into his lips, you’re not surprised at all.
He tastes like winter.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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vpjdrums · 26 days
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Tomtoc Navigator-T61 Rolltop Backpack 20L Review
I Recently ordered a backpack after years of using shoulder bags. I still like my briefcase/shoulder bags for client meetings or office scenarios, but they’re just not convenient for travel or out in the field work. I didn’t need a backpack specifically for cameras because I use a Sony point/shoot camera and/or a small Sony camcorder, so no extra lenses or flashes are needed to be packed. But, I definitely need something that can protect my MacBook and other gear/necessaries.
That’s when I discovered @tomtocbags a relatively newer designer/manufacturer of laptop sleeves/bags/backpacks and gear cases. I really like the modern and sleek designs of their offerings. I also like their sustainability features: Manufactured with at least 50% recycled materials, manufactured at facilities that protects the rights and health of workers, and made with chemicals safer for people and the environment. They seem to be going for the market taken up by more expensive bag manufacturers like Timbuk2. Tomtoc was a refreshing and pleasant finding.
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What I like about this backpack:
Modern, sleek, sustainable, and durable design.
Ample room for gear, clothes, and other necessities. Especially when rolled all the way up. Nice padded protective pockets for both a laptop and tablet, and slots for additional gear/tech.
Water resistant materials and waterproofed front pocket and back access zippers.
Expandable side pockets that can easily accommodate larger water bottles.
Quick access back zipper for laptop/tablet pockets, luggage strap on back, and a nice key hook/strap inside front side pocket.
Comfortable back padding and padded shoulder straps (no sternum strap, which I don't mind) with three carabiner loops on each side.
Price points that are much less than what companies like Timbuk2, Stubble&Co, and Wandrd are charging.
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My wishlist for Tomtoc:
Side mount/compression straps to secure a longer umbrella, taller water bottle/thermos, and/or tripod would be nice. The backpack does have two top loops on both sides of bag that a carabiner paracord (see 1st above photo) or something like a Think Tank Photo Disguise Strap could be attached to.
I would have liked the inner lining to be orange, bright yellow, or lime green for visibility when searching for things inside.
I would have liked the bag to be a little larger at least aesthetically. I’m taller/larger (6’ 1” over 200lbs) so when not fully rolled up it looks a little small on me. Not an issue when the backpacks fully packed and rolled up (expands from 17 to 20L) though. However, I can see the size being a benefit when traveling by plane or when getting around in a city environment.
Though not that big of a deal, waterproofing the top and front side zippers like the front pocket and back access ones would be a smart move going forward.
Along with the carabiner loops, I wouldn't mind seeing a D ring on one of the shoulder straps in the future. But, nothing that a carabiner paracord (see 2nd above photo) wouldn't solve.
Final thoughts:
The Tomtoc 17-20L Navigator Roll Top Laptop Backpack definitely strikes a nice balance between great quality and affordability, making it one of the best minimalist roll top backpacks available at this price range. Not only is it constructed with durable materials, but the inside is ample enough for clothes and gear perfect for both short leisure and business trips, and also daily commutes and onsite work. Definitely recommend this backpack. Looking forward to checking out more of their products.
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Update: I attached an 8Link Quick Release Magnetic Sternum Strap. Helps when I’m carrying more than usual and especially while traveling/away.
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dilf-din · 1 year
When All the Ash Settles: Chapter 2
A Rogue One Story
Pairing: Jyn x Cassian
WC: 3550
Warnings: canon typical violence, language, blood mention
A/N: I had fun worldbuilding with this one! The crew they traveled with in this one will show up in subsequent chapters. This was a little less fluffy than I normally lean, but there’s more in store. Enjoy my little rebels 🫶🏼
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“Tell me where your bases are,” the officer demanded again. His cheeks were flushed a hideous shade of pink and his thin lips puckered as if he had just taken a bite out of a lemon. His stiff uniform made him look like a thin, grey line in front of cassian.
“Fuck you,” Cassian deadpanned, spitting a mouthful of blood into the floor to the left of him, not even bothering to look his interrogator in the eye.
The imperial officer knelt to grab his chin roughly with a gloved hand, lifting it to look him straight on. His name was Graves, Cassian thought. He had said it at some point during his failed intimidation monologue.
“You will tell me,” he hissed.
“I won’t be here long enough for you to drag anything out of me,” Cassian smirked, somehow still shooting back cheeky responses despite his condition.
Commander Graves raised an eyebrow, and one of the troopers took a strong knee to Cassian’s ribs. A sickening crack shuddered through him with the impact. Cassian sucked in a breath through his teeth.
“Would you like some water, thief?” Graves asked taking a metal pitcher off of the table behind him and pouring a long draw of water into a matching metal mug.
Cassian tried not to look weak, but a dry patch in his throat betrayed him and sent him into a coughing fit.
“Oh, poor thing,” Graves said with an exaggerated pout before throwing the contents directly into Cassian’s face. He shook his head and sputtered, trying to dislodge the chunks of his hair now plastered to his forehead.
“Now you won’t have to take a bath later, rebel rat,” the commander said with disgust, turning to exit the cell with the troopers on his heels.
Cassian knew exactly how this game would go. They’d come back in a few hours, feigning sympathy for him, offering him the chance to betray his friends for his own freedom. In the meantime, he would do his best to get some rest. He’d slept through worse. He tried to let his mind detach from the worn bag of bones strung up in this cold, black cell. Hopefully, if he didn’t think too hard, he wouldn’t be able to pinpoint what would hurt the most in the morning when he rolled out of bed after a visit to the medbay. His head lulled to the side as he tried to prop it on the shoulder of his blue jacket, but it was just out of reach. He slipped in and out of consciousness, breaths coming with a struggle as his weight was being pulled forward, compressing his rib cage. He tried to shuffle his knees under him to correct his posture even a little bit, but his legs were on pins and needles from being stuck in the same position for so long.
The sound of blaster fire pulled him out of his dazed state. He craned his neck to try to pick out the details of the fire fight in the hallway his cell was on. He knew what the ruckus was though. It had been about a day and a half since he was seized on a recon mission gone wrong. He and Jyn had headed up a special team whose sole purpose was to assimilate into imperial spaces and gather intelligence. Of course, they had been caught a time or two, but they always came out on top in the end. Over the past two years, they had completed dozens of missions and discovered countless secrets vital to winning the war. Cassian’s clever nature coupled with Jyn’s quick thinking made them a near perfect team. They worked in tandem wordlessly, understanding each other and reworking each hitch in their plans with just one look.
When the door to his cell slid open, he didn’t even look up. He knew it was her, come to his rescue again.
“Cass,” she murmured with urgency, dropping to her knees to assess the damage.
“Just undo my cuffs, I’ll need a few minutes for my circulation to come back to normal before we can make a run for it,” he grunted out painfully, sweat pricking his paling skin.
Jyn nodded and unlocked them with one quick turn from the keys she plucked off of the corpse of the guard trooper. She held one of his arms steady as he fell forward without the force of his restraints to hold him up any longer. Jyn helped him to a sitting position, his face twisted in pain.
“What hurts?”
“Everything. My ribs. I’ll be fine, just need a second to catch my breath,” he huffed in relief, leaning fully back against the wall and taking some of the pressure off of his abdomen. “How many are you?”
“Just the four. Jax piloted. Jayna and Briggs are with me,” her hands were gently rubbing up and down his forearms to try to help his blood flow return to his sore limbs. He wiggled his feet, clutching his toes through his boots with tingling fingers.
Briggs poked his head through the door.
“If you’re done making out, we’ve gotta run,” his voice gruff, but his eyes twinkled with mischief. He was a Zabrak, the broadest one Cassian had ever seen. His orange skin stood out against the dark halls of the base they were hidden away on.
Jyn offered her hands to him and pulled him up carefully. He winced at the motion of his arm going up above his ribs, giving him away.
“Here,” she draped his arm around her small frame and led him through the door as quickly as they could go.
“You don’t have to carry me.”
“I’ve done it before.”
He made a noise somewhere between a scoff and a quick chuckle.
They followed Briggs down the hall as he took down the remaining troopers stationed on their way back to the hangar.
“Where’s Jayna?” Jyn called ahead to the wall of muscle clearing their path.
“She said she had forgotten something back on the ship.”
The three of them raced ahead, following the directions of Jax who was directing them via comm link from the ship.
“You got eyes on your sister?” Jyn asked, pressing her comm close to her mouth.
“She’s coming up the ramp now,” Jax called back.
“Be there in a second,” Jyn responded. Her legs were starting to burn from the weight of Cassian pulling down on her. The doors to the hanger were only about a hundred feet off, so with the end in sight, she was able to power through. Their ship sat, engines roaring, and ready to disappear into hyperspace. A shower of blaster fire rained down from them as soon as they breached the hanger doors.
“Go! I’ll cover you!” Briggs barked, aiming his pulse rifle at the troopers lining the catwalks above them. They disappeared into clouds of ash one by one while Jyn hurried up the ramp.
Jayna met her at the top and helped drag Cassian inside.
“Kriff, Andor. Didn’t put up a fight this time?”
“You should see the other guy,” he smiled, leaning against the wall and letting his good eye slide shut.
Briggs barreled up the ramp, and Jax pulled the ship up and out of the hanger with ease.
“Get ready for a bumpy ride. There must’ve been a dozen tie fighters in there,” Briggs said through gritted teeth.
“About that,” Jayna said slowly, pulling a remote out of her cloak pocket and pressing the center button, detonating the charges she had placed on their entire fleet. A bright smile flashed across her umber skin, glowing under a sheen of sweat as the entire hanger disappeared in a cloud of smoke and rubble behind them.
“Nice touch,” Jyn said with raised eyebrows.
“Well, since the plan seemed to only focus on getting Cass out, I figured someone needed to cover our asses.”
Briggs laughed and shook his head as Jax skillfully climbed through the atmosphere and back into open space.
Jyn settled in next to Cassian, allowing him to lean his weight into her. His head nestled into her shoulder, and she nuzzled his hair with the tip of her nose. His hand crept over hers and clasped it lightly.
“I knew you would come back for me.”
“Shhh, rest,” she murmured, closing her own eyes as well.
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Cassian woke to bright lights above him, squinting and raising his hands to cover his eyes. His fingers brushed over the previously swollen skin of his right eye to find it barely tender to the touch. It opened without a strain now. Bacta, he thought to himself.
“Cass,” he heard Jyn’s voice call. She was by his side in an instant, “How are you feeling?”
“Sore,” he grimaced, propping himself up on his elbows, “But better.
She lifted the hem of his shirt to look at the bruising of his ribs. The deep purples and blues now faded to a mottled collection of yellows and greens. She dragged her pointer finger down the curve of his lowest rib sending a chill down his spine.
“I was worried about you,” she almost blurted out, hurriedly pulling his shirt back down and turning away from the cot he was on.
“Hey,” he took her hand, pulling her back to him, “I’m here.” He lifted her hands to his cheeks and locked eyes with her to find her own filled with tears.
“Jyn, breathe with me,” he urged softly. He guided her hand to his heart where the neck of his shirt dipped down into a v-cut.
Her breaths were coming quick and short, but soon evened out with his quiet instruction. The two sat with eyes locked, no sound but the sweet tenor of Cassian’s voice whispering reassurances. There were hurried footsteps and the sound of metal clinking just outside the door, but in the safety of these four walls, it was just them.
“I knew you would get there in time.”
“But what if I didn’t?” she snapped.
“I knew you would,” Cassian responded calmly, “That’s what we do, Jyn. We always show up in time.”
Finally, a smile quirked across her lips. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, holding her cheeks steady in his hands.
“Let’s get out of here,” he said, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.
“You haven’t been cleared to go yet. I told them not to wake you.”
“I’m clearing myself. I’m hungry and tired, and I’m going to go sleep in my own bed,” he said matter of factly.
Jyn chuckled and followed him out the sliding door.
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Jyn and Cassian’s life on Endor was simple but busy. They spent most mornings scavenging for new merchandise to clean up and sell. In the afternoons, Cassian often left to meet clients for trades, blaster in pocket and a clench in his jaw. He would kiss Jyn on the cheek, promising to return soon.
Most days, Jyn would stay behind tinkering with the smaller pieces that she knew how to fix up, soldering wires and cleaning off years of decay. Today though, they were in need of a few things from the market. When Cassian pushed back from his desk, he sighed, placing his glasses down next to the swivel light that accompanied him late into the night when he couldn’t sleep.
“I’ve got to head out a little early. Rylick is sending someone to pick up those transponders today instead of tomorrow. I’ll see you at dinner?”
Jyn nodded, her nimble hands carefully threading two wires together. “There, that should do it. I’m going to head to the market soon. Do you need anything?”
“We need soap,” he called over his shoulder as he pulled his jacket off of a hook on the wall. He ran his hands through his hair to smooth it into place, and knelt down to give Jyn a quick kiss.
“Be safe.”
“I’m always safe,” he said with his hands raised, feigning innocence.
Jyn raised an eyebrow and shook her head, “See you tonight.”
She heard the heavy footfall of his boots descend the stairs and lead him out the front door. Looking around at their work space, she decided to straighten up a bit before heading out. She emptied the growing trash pile of rusted springs and bits of metal, organized the pile of nuts and bolts that were scattered across the floor, and wiped down some of his greasier tools with a solvent that took the layers of grime right off. Once pleased with the now more organized space in front of her, she grabbed her cloak off of the hook that hung next to Cassian’s and made her way downstairs.
Tucking some credits into a small pack on her back, she made her way out the door and to their speeder. Cassian had fashioned a basket that attached behind the seat for Jyn’s trips to the market. It clicked in place, and she swung her leg over the seat, powering it on.
The ride was smooth, a long dirt road with winding curves, all obscured by the towering trees of the forest they called home. Jyn had grown to know every inch of the earth beneath her. She knew each turn of the path. She could find her way to the trickling creek with her eyes closed. When she was a few minutes out from the small town, she pulled the speeder over to gather the mushrooms she knew grew behind an overturned tree. She wedged herself between the massive roots, pulling herself up to swing to the other side. There were dozens of mushrooms poking their bright heads through the rich soil, some grey with white spots, and some a deep golden color. Jyn filled her bag almost to the brim with them before squeezing herself back through the wooded opening to complete her short trek.
At this time of day, there likely wouldn’t be much foot traffic around the small booths. They sat in a large clearing arranged in a spread out circle, crude wooden stalls topped with faded fabric awnings where the purveyors sold their goods. Jyn stopped by Gerim’s booth first. He and his elderly wife made beautiful soaps and candles with flowers and herbs mixed in. Jyn picked two of Cassian’s favorite bars of soap and placed them in the basket that she had detached from the speeder.
“Tell Leeda I’ll have to stop by for a game of cards soon,” she smiled as she handed over a few credits to to the white haired man. She was returned with a warm smile obscured by a thick mustache.
“I think she would like that.”
Jyn nodded and carried on down her path. Next, she picked two large fish that they would prepare for dinner tonight. She placed the paper wrapped packages next to the soap. After getting a container of eggs and some sweet rolls for tomorrow morning’s breakfast, she made her last stop. She always finished at the vegetable booth, having found a particular kinship with the woman who ran it.
“Hello, Rhoda,” she smiled brightly.
“My Jyn, what have you brought me?” the plump woman beamed eagerly as Jyn drew the pack off her shoulders. She opened the clasp to allow Rhoda a peek in.
“Told you they’d start growing again soon.”
Rhoda scooped them out eagerly into a large container she had pulled from under the counter. Jyn kept a few of the grey ones for Cassian, knowing he liked them in his omelets.
“What can I get you today?” Rhoda asked in her husky voice.
“Gossip, if you’ve got any,” Jyn said with a wiggle of her eyebrows. She picked out a handful of pinkish carrots along with some peppers and a few potatoes, nestling them all carefully in the basket, before setting it by her feet.
Rhoda leaned forward and waved with her hand as if to draw Jyn in. In a hushed tone she began, “Now, I didn’t see it with my own eyes, but Shui said he seen some troopers marching through here this morning.”
“Troopers?” Jyn asked incredulously, “Wh-what do you mean troopers? How many? Where were they going?”
“Two of ‘em. He said they was headed in the direction of the ship yard,” she said gravely, pulling back to right herself on her stool.
“Cassian,” Jyn murmured, green eyes flitting down the path she knew he had walked to meet his contact. If there were any two people the dregs of the Empire would want to find and do in, it was the two of them. “Rhoda, I’m so sorry, I’ve got to run. I’ll stop by for a longer chat soon.”
Rhoda nodded her farewell as Jyn practically sprinted to the speeder to race towards Cassian. With the speeder swiftly bumping down the road, she could feel the tip of her blasting pressing into the bottom of her spine from where it was tucked into her belt, cursing herself for not wearing her thigh holster today. Once or twice, she thought about pulling out her comm link to check in with him, but was afraid of giving him away. So with fear hanging on her like a lead weight, she sped towards him, hoping with every ounce of her body that she would find him safe.
Pictures of him flashed in her mind that she tried to shake off. Memories of the two of them being detained and beaten. But in these memories, she couldn’t picture that fire in his eyes. It had been stamped out. He had been stamped out. Sweat started beading all over her body while her heart drummed like a stampede in her chest. Every second that passed might be a second too late.
As soon as she saw the port come into sight, she skidded the bike to a halt and ran the rest of the way on foot, stumbling when she leapt to the ground. Most of the landing pads were empty, save Cassian’s and two other ships she didn’t recognize. In the spaces of the moon not covered by the canopy of trees, the grey skies cast an eerie glow on everything below. It was the kind of light that usually happens right before it rains, but it was an almost everyday occurrence on Endor. A sickening wind whipped through the open space, sending Jyn’s hair flying into her face. She drew her blaster and crept up the ramp to Cassian’s ship, being careful to walk on her toes so as not to make any sound. She heard his voice coming from the hull followed by another she didn’t recognize and rounded the corner, aiming her blaster in their direction.
“Jyn? What are you doing? Is something wrong?” Cassian’s voice cut away from the two men standing in conversation with him. He held up a hand as if to ask for a pause as he approached the trembling girl with a hardened look on her face.
“Jyn?” he asked carefully and her eyes filled with tears involuntarily.
“I, I’m sorry. Rhoda said they saw troopers headed this way earlier today, and I just thought the worst. I thought they had come for us. Come for you,” her voice trailed off. “I’m sorry. I interrupted your sale.”
“We were done, just shooting the shit,” Cassian smiled in the direction of the two men once more.
They took it as a cue to leave and approached the ramp.
“Thank you once again, Rylick will be in touch about the other one,” the taller one said. They all exchanged handshakes before retreating out of the ship.
Jyn had a knot in her stomach at the thought of messing up Cassian’s day. She was toeing a scuff on the floor with her boot when Cassian jogged back up the ramp.
“I’m sorry,” she started again.
“Jyn, darling, I’m not mad,” he said earnestly, “Why would I be mad about you checking in on me? If I heard there were troopers here, do you know what I would do?”
She raised her eyes to meet his, trying and failing to swallow down her shame.
“I would come find you. And nothing in any world could stop me.”
“I know, I just feel silly.”
“For what? For loving me?”
“No,” she smiled back at the ground.
“Come on, let’s go get dinner started. I’m all done out here for the day.”
“I might’ve cracked the eggs on the way here.”
Cassian laughed fully, “We can get more eggs if we need them.” He draped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side as they stepped back onto the dark earth.
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Taglist: @castiellover77
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otomehoneyybearr · 26 days
Act 12
Episode 12: Preparing For A Trip
Working w/ Maybelle Lace
Note: As you read, you will see that some sentences highlighted in a different color, this is what they indicate. Pink: Flashback Blue: Characters are acting
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Sakura: Mr. Sakuya, let's do a puzzle together!
Kaede: Let's play this game!
Tsubaki: Let's play house!
Kasumi: Come on, it's time to go to bed.
Sakura: No way! I'm not sleepy yet!
Kasumi: If you can’t wake up tomorrow morning, you won't be able to see Sakuya off.
Kaede: Aw!
Tsubaki: Oh no!
Sakuya: Okay then, let's go to bed after reading this picture book.
Sakura: Okay!
Tsubaki: Got it!
Kasumi: Huh? Did they go to sleep already?
Sakuya: They all did as soon as they laid on their futons.
Kasumi: They must have had a blast playing with you today. Sorry and thank you.
Sakuya: No, no, it's my pleasure. And I should be the one apologizing for the trouble I’ve caused you.
Kasumi: Oh, don’t worry about that! You’re welcome to stay here for as long as you want!
Sakuya: Thank you. However, I've already decided where I'll be going next...
Kasumi: Well then, take this. It’s a compression bag for clothes. It’ll make your luggage much more compact.
Kasumi: Also this! It doubles as a footrest, so it’ll make traveling by train or plane much more comfortable.
Sakuya: I didn't know such products existed!
Kasumi: Also this too! It’s a foldable laundry rack with clothespins! They come in handy when you're doing laundry while traveling.
Sakuya: I see! Thank you so much.
Kasumi: I hope you have a good trip.
Sakuya: Yes. Everyone else in the troupe wished the same thing for me, so I'm sure it will be.
Kasumi: Wasn’t everyone worried?
Sakuya: Actually, it’s my first time being away from everyone in the company for so long since I’ve joined, and they were worried I might get homesick.
Sakuya: I can always stay in touch using my phone, but somehow, that doesn't feel like traveling alone...
Sakuya: I wish there was some other way I could let everyone know that I'm doing well...
Kasumi: Oh! In that case…
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Izumi: Phew...
Izumi: (Now that I think about it, it's been a long time since I've eaten dinner alone...)
Izumi: (The dormitory is so empty, it looks like a different place. It's a strange feeling.)
Izumi: (Welp, I had to do what needed to be done...)
Izumi: (For the Mankai Theater, I decided to secretly plan the repairs for the theater by asking the contractor that Kamikizaka introduced me to.)
Izumi: (As Sakuya said, there is no doubt that it would be best to resume performances at the Mankai Theater.)
Izumi: (Whether we can or not, we will do our best to make it happen.)
Izumi: (I was a little worried when the manager said he would be in charge of repairing the theater himself...)
Manager: "I'm still the theater manager here!"
Izumi: (After all, he's been protecting this theater for a long time.)
Izumi: (And although the performance tickets will be refunded, Sakyo, being in charge of accounting, is taking care of it.)
Izumi: (It'll be tough, but he should be able to handle it.)
Izumi: (He said that he would also ask the Ginsenkai family to investigate the criminal organizations that are connected to Amadate...)
Izumi: (I will consult with a lawyer about the forged contract and fight back to prevent the dorms from being seized.)
Izumi: (Kamikizaka will search for information regarding Amadate...)
Izumi: (I won’t let things go the way Amadate wants them to...)
Izumi: (But there’s one thing bothering me…)
Izumi: You aren't able to reach K?
Reni: Yes. I've tried to contact them, but I haven't received any response.
Reni: I don't think Amadate would harm his son, Kabuto...
Reni: But it is possible he is in a position where he cannot make any moves.
Izumi: So, you're saying we can't rely on K's data anymore.
Reni: I will continue to try to contact K, but it would be best to think of another means to corner Amadate.
Hiro: He's the one who made our theater look like that.
Zen: Not just once, but twice.
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Kasumi: We won't allow him to do the same things he did to us again. We have to protect the new generation.
Reni: I will find a way to get more clues. I will never give up until Amadate is served justice.
Izumi: Thank you. I wish you the best.
Izumi: (We should do what we can do for now and believe in Mr. Kamikizaka and the others.)
Izumi: (I hope the day will come soon when everyone can return to the dorm safely...)
Izumi: ?
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Kazunari Miyoshi☆: cat emote 'Hey'
Kazunari Miyoshi☆: Kamekichi emote 'Hey hey'
Kazunari Miyoshi☆: Sorry for the sticker spam!
Kazunari Miyoshi☆: The chocolate afternoon tea at the café in front of the station was delicious!
Kazunari Miyoshi☆: Izumi, let's eat there together next time.
Muku: Looks delicious!
Kumon: Sounds nice!
M.U: I want to go with Izumi.
M.U: Izumi and I will split the cake in half, and I'll also give my portion of the chocolate to her.
M.U: After that, we'll eat curry at the restaurant next door and return home together.
Itaru Chigasaki: That’s quite the fantasy.
Chikage Utsuki: Having curry right after afternoon tea is a bit of a contrasting food combo.
Izumi: (LIME being louder than usual helps make it feel like everyone is still here in the dormitory.)
Izumi: (Maybe they're trying to make sure I don't get lonely.)
Izumi: (But I still want to see everyone's faces, not just their LIME messages.)
*Phone Rings*
Izumi: (Huh? It's Sakuya.)
Izumi: Hey, what's up?
Sakuya: "Oh, Izumi, are you okay?"
Izumi: Yeah. Did you forget something at the dorm?
Sakuya: "No! There’s just something I want to ask you..."
Sakuya: "Earlier, when I left the dorms, everyone was concerned about me, so I thought I'd send postcards to everyone from my trip to let them know I'm alright."
Sakuya: "Can you tell me where everyone is staying?"
Izumi: Of course! Postcards are a great idea.
Sakuya: "I'll also send you one too, Izumi."
Izumi: I look forward to it.
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Amadate: How is the situation with Mankai Company?
Subordinate: All their performances have been canceled due to the theater fire and ticket refunds have been announced.
Subordinate: It appears that all the troupe members have moved out of the theater dormitory.
Subordinate: According to the incoming information, it appears that they have decided to disband after some discussion...
Amadate: Is that true?
Subordinate: There has been no public announcement, however affiliated companies that are associated with the theater company have been privately informed of the disbandment, so it’s likely true.
Amadate: I see... Let’s wait and see what happens for now.
Subordinate: Yes, sir!
Amadate: How is my son doing?
Subordinate: He is currently under house arrest in his apartment. There were protests that the treatment was unfair, but now he seems to be taking it easy.
Subordinate: We have searched his residence and personal spaces within the theater, but currently, no evidence of information leaks or changes have been found.
Amadate: He’s probably just hiding it… Well, it doesn’t matter.
Amadate: I want to make it clear that if anyone attempts to contact individuals from Mankai Company in the future, I won’t hesitate to erase them from the theater world, even him.
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feverishly-kpop · 2 years
Beomgyu & TXT - Sick on Tour
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“You’re being unfair hyung,” Beomgyu said with a huff as he fell back into his pillow. They had arrived in New York City the night before and headed straight to their hotel, looking forward to a couple of days to sightsee and explore before their concert. At least, that was the idea before Beomgyu woke up with a sore throat, stuffed up nose, and ugly cough.
Concerned about his current roommate’s condition, Soobin had Beomgyu stay in bed as he texted a manager, requesting some medicine for whatever Beomgyu had come down with. Despite knowing that he always had his best interest at heart, Beomgyu still found himself directing his frustration toward Soobin, the person who seemed to be standing between him and a fun day in the city.
“I know, Gyu, I’m terribly unfair” Soobin responded, sitting on the edge of Beomgyu’s bed, laying the back of his hand on his little brother’s forehead. “You feel warm” he added, much to Beomgyu’s dismay.
After a few minutes, their manager was knocking on their door, equipped with everything Soobin had asked for, a few boxes of tissues, decongestants, ibuprofen, and a thermometer. Soobin thanked him and returned to Beomgyu, who immediately grabbed a box of tissues from him, opening them just in time for a sneezing fit.
Soobin sighed, putting the paper bag on the bedside table to serve as a waste bin for Beomgyu’s tissues.
“I’m sorry, hyung” Beomgyu said weakly. Regardless of how much he wanted to join the rest of the group on their adventures that day, he knew he wasn’t at all well enough and wouldn’t be able to if he tried.
“You’ve got nothing to apologize for” Soobin responded, tearing open the thermometer’s packaging. “All of this traveling is tough, could have happened to any of us. But I know how much you were looking forward to being here.”
Out of all the cities on their tour, Beomgyu was most excited to be back in New York City. There was just something about the city that he found to be exhilarating. But, at this rate, he’d be laid up until their concert two days later.
Having finally gotten the thermometer out of the packaging, Soobin gently slid it under Beomgyu’s tongue. “It’ll be okay, Gyu” he said softly, ruffling Beomgyu’s hair as he got up to fill a glass of water. He knew that nothing he could say would make the situation less any awful.
As the thermometer beeped, Soobin grabbed it from Beomgyu, in turn handing him the medicine and water. “It says 102.5°” Soobin said, pulling his phone out to convert the reading to Celsius.
“What does that mean?” Beomgyu asked, coughing lightly.
Soobin frowned as he typed the numbers in to his phone. “It means you’re running a fever” he replied, turning the screen toward Beomgyu, who let out a groan.
Just as Beomgyu swallowed his tablets, resigned to his bed-ridden fate, a knock sounded on the door. Soobin opened it, revealing Yeonjun, Taehyun, and Kai. All three were dressed and ready to explore, which made Beomgyu feel even worse. While he could hear the other members speaking in low voices, he wasn’t able to make out what they were saying, but he could certainly feel their eyes on him as they looked on in pity. Frustrated, Beomgyu turned his back to the door, closing his eyes in an attempt to make himself forget the situation at hand.
After a few minutes he felt somebody sitting down on the edge of his bed. Beomgyu rolled over to find Yeonjun next to him with a bottle of water and a cool cloth that he carefully draped over Beomgyu’s forehead. Beomgyu let out a soft whine at the sudden change of temperature, followed by a handful of painful coughs.
“Oh, Gyu,” Yeonjun sighed, realizing how poorly Beomgyu was feeling. “Can one of us stay with you?” He asked quietly, stroking Beomgyu’s cheek with his thumb.
“No, no” Beomgyu replied, trying to sit up suddenly, sending the cool compress flying to the side and prompting a coughing fit. Yeonjun rubbed his back until the fit passed before forcing Beomgyu to take a few sips of water. Once he had calmed down, Beomgyu added, “there’s no reason for anybody else to miss out. I’ll be fine.”
Yeonjun made eye contact with Soobin across the room as he placed his palm against Beomgyu’s forehead before replacing it with the compress.
“You need rest, Gyu,” Soobin said firmly. “We have a concert in two days and, right now, you’re in no condition to perform. Promise you’ll stay in bed and sleep if we leave you here alone?”
Beomgyu nodded, honestly too exhausted to consider anything besides sleep right now.
“Think of MOA” Kai added cheekily, getting a small smile from Beomgyu as his eyes fluttered shut.
“And call one of us if you need anything” Taehyun called from the doorway.
“I’ll be fine” Beomgyu responded, already drifting off.
After a couple hours of sleep, Beomgyu woke not feeling much better. He was so congested that he felt like he was struggling to breathe, and his cough was unrelenting. He reached for the bottle of water that Yeonjun had left him only to find it empty. Beomgyu groaned, slowly climbing out of bed, which, in his current state, felt like an Olympic sport, internally praying that he’d find something to drink in the room’s mini fridge. Much to his relief, another bottle of water was waiting for him with a note attached that read: “Make sure to stay hydrated! -YJ.”
“Thank you hyung” he muttered under his breath as he collapsed back onto his bed, taking a few sips to calm his cough before setting it on the bedside table before falling back to sleep.
He wasn’t sure how long he had been asleep for, but the next time Beomgyu woke up, he truly felt like he had been tossed into the deepest inferno of hell. He picked up his phone, noticing a text from Soobin, but he was far too disoriented to even attempt to read it. And, like clockwork, the cough started again, wracking Beomgyu’s entire body painfully. He reached out for his water with a shaky hand, twisting off the cap, only to spill it down the front of himself and all over his bed.
Under typical circumstances, this would have put Beomgyu over the edge, but given the way that his head felt like it was swimming, Beomgyu chuckled to himself. “I’m swimming, now I’m wet!” He said out loud, continuing to laugh. And with that, Beomgyu fell backwards, head hitting the pillow just in time for him to be pulled back under into a feverish sleep.
“Don’t you think it’s weird that he hasn’t responded?” Soobin asked, glancing once again at his phone expectantly.
“He’s sick, he’s probably sleeping, so no, not weird” Kai responded as they continued toward the next shop. They had been in and out of shops on Fifth Ave all day but Soobin continuously found his mind wandering back to Beomgyu.
“I don’t know, I texted him two hours ago, I feel like he would have woken up by now…maybe I should call him?” Soobin added, more so thinking out loud than actually directing it to any of the other members.
“Soobin,” Yeonjun said firmly, pulling Soobin from his thoughts. “Let him rest.” Soobin nodded, allowing himself to be pulled into the next store.
But after another hour without a response from Beomgyu, Soobin had had enough of looking at bags and sunglasses.
“I’m sorry,” he blurted out abruptly, startling the rest of the members. “I’ve gotta go back to the hotel. I’m sorry.”
“We’ll come with you” Yeonjun responded. Truthfully, he had been picking up on Soobin’s rising anxiety since he texted Beomgyu earlier without response.
“No, it’s okay, just enjoy the rest of the afternoon.” Soobin assured with a forced smile, ducking out of the door as he texted his manager for a ride back to the hotel.
As Soobin opened the door to their hotel room, he was relieved to find Beomgyu fast asleep. For a moment he allowed himself to consider that maybe he had been overreacting. That is, until he heard a painful cough and groan coming from the bed. Sighing, he had a seat on the edge of the bed next to Beomgyu, brushing his hair from his forehead.
“I’m freezing, hyung” Beomgyu whispered sleepily in a voice that make Soobin’s heart sink.
“I know” Soobin said calmly before asking Beomgyu if he had taken any more medication, getting just a few harsh coughs in response, until Beomgyu was able to catch his breath.
“It’s too cold to swim” Beomgyu then said randomly, catching Soobin off guard.
“What was that, Gyu?” Soobin questioned as he placed his palm on Beomgyu’s forehead, coming to the realization that maybe his concern had not been misplaced. Beomgyu was burning up.
“Swimming…” Beomgyu said with a yawn, trying to doze off again, but Soobin wasn’t having any of it, swiftly pulling the blankets off Beomgyu in a panic, finding his dongsaeng and his bed soaking wet.
“Hey, bud, you’ve gotta get up for a second” Soobin said, trying to remain calm as he helped Beomgyu sit up. “Gyu, are you sweating?”
Beomgyu let out a chuckle at that as if Soobin had said the funniest thing he’d heard all day. “No, my head was swimming, then…” he coughed and reached under his pillow, pulling out an empty water bottle. “I told you, swimming.”
Soobin wasn’t sure if he should be relieved that Beomgyu hadn’t sweated through his clothes and bedding, or if he should be concerned that he had been soaking wet for, well, who knows how long.
“Alright, let’s get you into some dry pajamas,” Soobin said, helping Beomgyu off the bed and into a pair of pajamas that he had found in his suitcase. He couldn’t help but notice how Beomgyu hadn’t stopped shivering as he helped him back to bed, this time into Soobin’s warm, dry bed.
“Aish Gyu, you’re really sick” Soobin said under his breath, grabbing the thermometer off of the bedside table. “Open.”
Despite how disoriented he felt, Beomgyu cooperated with Soobin and opened his mouth, allowing Soobin to take his temperature.
When the thermometer beeped, Soobin’s concerns were confirmed.
“Am I better? I’m feeling way better” Beomgyu said hazily between coughs.
“Not so much” Soobin said, looking at the reading on the thermometer-103.2°. “Your fever is up a bit, let’s get you some more medicine.”
Beomgyu nodded and extended his hand, ready to accept the tablets from Soobin.
“You must be feeling really sick, this is way too easy” Soobin thought to himself. For Beomgyu to be this agreeable to being taken care of, well, it certainly wasn’t something the rest of the members were accustomed to.
Once Beomgyu had taken his medicine and had a few more sips of water, Soobin helped him lay back down, tucking the blankets around him, before laying down next to him on the other side of the bed and drifting off to sleep.
Soobin was woken by a soft shake of his shoulder a few hours later.
“Hyung” Beomgyu whispered. Soobin rubbed his eyes. The room had grown dark since they had fallen asleep.
“What’s up Gyu, you okay?” Soobin asked, his voice still laced with sleep.
“I’m okay” Beomgyu responded with a sniffle. “Is there any more water? I’m thirsty.”
Soobin nodded, grabbing a bottle from the mini fridge and handing it to Beomgyu. “Maybe try and drink it this time instead of going swimming in it” he added with a grin, feeling Beomgyu’s cheeks and forehead. Still warm but nothing compared to when he arrived back at the hotel.
“What?” Beomgyu questioned quietly. “Swimming?” Clearly he didn’t have much if any recollection of his earlier delirium much to Soobin’s surprise.
“Goodnight Beomgyu” he replied simply as Beomgyu laid back down, knowing that this would make a great story once Beomgyu was back on his feet again.
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dayiifayoutdoors · 1 year
What are the advantages of a rolling waterproof duffel bag?
Get ready to pack your belongings swiftly and confidently with these exceptional waterproof duffel bags. A waterproof duffel bag is a remarkably versatile companion that accommodates various adventures, whether it be air travel, camping, hitting the gym, embarking on lengthy motorcycle journeys, or practically any activity you can imagine. It stands tall against challenging weather conditions and shields your precious items from getting soaked. This is precisely why investing in a waterproof duffel bag is an excellent decision. Crafted from waterproof materials and fortified with features like welded seams, these bags ensure that moisture remains at bay, safeguarding your belongings.
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So, if you're on the lookout for a multi-purpose waterproof duffel bag that caters to all your needs, here are my top selections: First up, we have the Best Roll-Top Waterproof duffel Bag.Designed specifically for water sports enthusiasts, this dry bag boasts an airtight and waterproof construction, making it the perfect companion for your boating escapades.
While most dry bags rely on a roll-top closure, they often take the form of simple tubes that resemble rolled-up camping tents. This design can make it challenging to locate your belongings within the bag.
However, the High Roll Luggage Bag Dry Bag breaks the mold by introducing a roll-top closure design tailored for luggage bags. This innovation ensures hassle-free packing, effortless carrying, and utmost protection for your gear, keeping it dry and secure.
With a generous capacity of either 50 liters or 80 liters, this bag offers ample space to accommodate your essentials. The waterproof fold-over seal, conveniently situated on the side of the bag, allows easy access to the main compartment without compromising its watertight properties.
Furthermore, this bag is constructed using robust PVC material as its outer shell, guaranteeing durability and longevity. It also features two compression straps that ensure an extra-tight seal, offering peace of mind during your adventures.
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However, it's important to note that while this bag ranks among the sturdiest airtight luggage bags available, it is not designed to withstand prolonged submersion. With that in mind, does this waterproof luggage bag capture your interest?
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jillianglenn · 1 year
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Sundergarments and Shapewear Solutions.
Summer unders. I cannot overstate the value of a well-placed nipple cover or being able to sit (or stand) comfortably at a hot and humid wedding ceremony without sweat dripping in awkward crevices like your inner thigh. There are indeed quite simple and available solutions to ensure you feel perfect in your killer new dress.
This topic has been covered, to say the least, but I'm looking at it from our post-covid lens (you know the one where we actually just want to be comfortable.) The idea is less about squeezing in to an uncomfortable gown that is too small to begin with, that you didn't get altered (more on that next week), and not eating a single morsel for the entire evening just for the sake of pulling off a 12th century badge of suffocating your organs... 
but rather... 
pulling on a soft cooling pair of boy shorts under your skirt so you can sit comfortably without your legs sweating and having to peel yourself away from the chair. Even better - get this: the evolution of undergarments and shapewear is such that some of these particulars you can just wear around the house and fall asleep in. Yep. They are, like, comfortable and soft. 
After we finished all the design adjustments for our Emerson Jumpsuit - and there were many - we were suddenly intrigued by the versatility of the garment. You could dress this puppy way up or just normal spectactular, and you could wear it all day and into the night. There was something familiar about the one-piece jumpsuit fit and then I realized when I was packing my daughter's swim bag, the familiarity was from childhood when we just threw on our overalls or one piece terry jumpers. Aha moment!
So that all being said, when we design our collections, we take into account whether we would wear the pieces ourselves - two active, professional women with careers and mothers to a collective four kids. Some items are more forgiving than others, but strap and zipper placement, ease through the legs and loose jackets are all part of the mix.
Back to the aha moment, there is huge potential to increase the wearability of your closet just by wearing the right items underneath. Some benefits are obvious: compression and smoothing of your body under your clothes, slimming your figure and reducing wrinkles and folds in your ensemble. Less obvious might be how under-attire protects your prize wardrobe piece from the oils, lotions and perspiration of your skin. As it's the death valley of summer heat while I write this, i'm thinking primarily of dripping sweat and sticky skin mitigation, but I wore a super soft bodysuit in various styles from Everlane during a busy winter travel schedule to the Northeast and it was game-changing. 
Bottom line: there are many winner brands and undergarments in our research. The best, however, are the garments that fit YOUR body best. Try them all. Don't force yourself into something that is too small. Buy several styles in both light and dark colors. 
Specifics that we love & what to wear them with:
Honeylove "Super Powershort." $89
True shapewear but just the right amount of compression and ease with movement. Our more petite models raved about this fit. Pairs well with all dresses and skirts.
Commando "Classic Control High-Waisted Short." $72
Light compression, and we love the range of neutral colors. The raw edge hems are right up our style alley and these shorts stay put. Pairs well with all dresses and skirts.
Commando "Ballet One-Shoulder Bodysuit." $108
Light like a feather, slim and stretchy, not controlling. Great with the Burke Dress, Rhys Tank and Knox Tunic.
Thigh Society "The Staple." $39
One product wonder here, but we wore these all day in our office with a tee. Less compression here, this is for comfort and coverage under really any piece, pants to skirts and dresses. Several lengths available. We tried the staple in several lengths, but more options abound. Side note: I even wore the black pair on a run! Pairs well with all dresses and skirts.
Skims "Fits Everybody One Shoulder Cut-Out Bodysuit." $62
Found this as we were looking for just the right item for our asymmetric Burke Dress and Rhys Tank. Real good. As is the Seamless Sculpt Bandeau. And the Cotton Rib Onesie. No secret Skims is having a moment - yay - but drawback is many items sold out and colors are limited. Pairs well with the asym garments like the Burke Dress, Rhys Tank and Knox Tunic.
Everlane "Cutaway Tank Bodysuit." $40
Supima Cotton, sustainably sourced, soft. So versatile - under a blazer, under anything, visible or not, highly recommend, just wish they had more colors. Available in both bikini and thong. This is a favorite for sure and the item I wore all winter under ever darn thing. Pairs well with suiting sets under the Hollis Blazer with Sloane Pant, Livvy Pant. 
Lululemon Ribbed Nulu Asymmetrical Yoga Bra. $58
Smaller chested winner! Sizing is confusing with this item, helps to start with measuring your band size just below your breasts. Pairs well with the asym garments like the Burke Dress, Rhys Tank and Knox Tunic.
Emily Marie Apparel Power Bra. $28
One-shoulder with removeable pads. We love the inclusive intention behind this brand and this bra works perfect with our asymmetric pieces. Comfy AF! Pairs well with the asym garments like the Burke Dress, Rhys Tank and Knox Tunic.
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@worldly-diversity asked: They had been exchanging the occasional letter during the school year, but with the easter holidays coming upon them, Night Raven College would be allowing its students to return home for two weeks. Riddle, who would normally remain at the school to oversee the dorm and more importantly keep well away from his mother, had different plans this time. A beautifully embossed letter with impeccable penmanship and smelling faintly of roses would be delivered to Artemis shortly, announcing Riddle's availability to travel alongside the suggestion that he take this opportunity to visit the other once more. It had been far too long after all, and part of him was rather looking forward to reminding the rest of Abarith of the Queen of Hearts' power.
Telling Eric he needed to go pick a friend up from the Train Station, caused his son to look at him with frightful alarm. Especially since Artemis was in the tiny compressed form and dressed rather fancy. He had checked his appearence at least ten times before finally grabbing his bag and the corpse doll, skipping down the steps of the Manor and right outside. Truly, he doesn't think that Riddle met Eric yet, nor does he rememeber explaining Eric to him. It was going to be an interesting conversation, he'll need to get Riddle's age from him. He's fairly certain his friend can't even drink.
The guards and workers at the station grow alarmed when he skips inside. Artemis spares them not even a glance as he climbs into one of the chairs at the station. He swings his legs back and forth, creepily playing with his doll, as he waits. And waits. Because if there is one thing Artemis is, it's patient.
After a while he hears the sound of the tracks, the clicking of the rails, the sound of breaks and the train finally arrives at Abarith's station. He tucks his doll into his arms, slides down from the seat and makes his way over toward the gates. More waiting, more patience, and then finally he spots the familiar sight of red hair in the small crowd of those actually exiting the train here.
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Artemis waits just long enough for them to get through the gates before he's attaching himself to the other. Arms looping around his neck and clinging to him tightly. Their friend that likes to make heads roll. Their friend who was a stickler for the rules. Their friend that Artemis had the best time with at Night Raven College. Artemis had spent a lot of tiem at the college, it was Riddle's turn to spend time in Abarith. More than he got to.
"Did you make any heads roll on your way here?" He asks excitedly. He of course appreciates Riddle's way of doing things. The way of making anyone who opposes them drop.
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penandpaper25 · 12 days
Are Duffel Bags Better Than Suitcases - A Comparison
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Duffel bags in Sri Lanka are large, cylindrical bags typically made of cloth, canvas, or other durable materials. It usually has a top closure with a zipper and can be carried by hand or over the shoulder using a pair of handles or a strap. Such hand luggage prices can vary according to brand and materials, as well as features.
Common Uses of a Duffel Bag:
Travel: Duffel bags are popular for short trips or as carry-on luggage because they are spacious and flexible, making them easy to pack and stow in overhead compartments.
Gym or Sports: Many people use duffel bags to carry workout clothes, shoes, and other gym essentials. Athletes also use them to transport sports gear.
Outdoor Activities: Duffel bags are ideal for camping, hiking, or other outdoor adventures because they can hold a lot of gear and are usually made from tough, weather-resistant materials.
Military Use: The term "duffel bag" originally comes from a town in Belgium where the fabric used to make the bags was first produced. They were widely used by the military to carry soldiers' belongings due to their durability and capacity.
Everyday Use: Some people use smaller duffel bags for everyday activities like going to the office, school, or as an alternative to a backpack.
Duffel Bag Vs Suitcase: A comparison
When choosing between a duffel bag and a suitcase, the best option depends on the nature of your travel, the amount of gear you need to carry, and personal preferences. Here is a comparison to help you decide:
Duffel Bag:
Easy to carry, especially with a shoulder strap or as a backpack-style duffel.
Lightweight and can be carried over the shoulder, across the body, or by hand. You can add or repair straps, handles etc through suppliers of luggage accessories in Sri Lanka.
Can be more comfortable to carry over short distances or in crowded places.
Usually comes with wheels and a retractable handle, making it easier to roll over long distances.
Ideal for navigating through airports or on smooth surfaces.
Not as convenient on uneven terrain or in crowded spaces where lifting is required.
Capacity and Flexibility
Duffel Bag:
Typically, more flexible in terms of packing; it can be stuffed full, accommodating odd-shaped items.
Larger duffel bags can hold more than similarly sized suitcases due to their flexible structure.
Easier to fit into tight spaces, such as car trunks or overhead compartments.
Rigid structure provides more protection for your belongings, especially fragile items.
Often has organised compartments, making it easier to separate and organise clothes, shoes, and accessories.
Limited flexibility when it comes to overpacking; once it is full, there is little room to expand.
Duffel Bag:
Made from tough materials like canvas or nylon, they are generally durable but may not offer much protection against impact.
Less protection from the elements (rain, snow) unless made from water-resistant materials.
Hard-shell suitcases offer excellent protection against impacts, water, and rough handling.
Soft-shell suitcases are durable but might not protect against severe impacts as well as hard-shell options.
Style and Use Cases
Duffel Bag:
Casual and versatile, ideal for weekend trips, gym visits, or outdoor adventures.
Great for travellers who prefer a more relaxed, less structured packing style.
Suitable for trips where mobility and flexibility are important.
More formal and professional, better suited for business trips, longer vacations, or when travelling with delicate items.
Suitable for travellers who prefer structured packing and the security of hard-shell protection.
Often required for longer trips where more items and organisation are needed.
Duffel Bag:
Easy to store when not in use, as it can be folded or compressed to take up less space.
Ideal for people with limited storage space at home.
Takes up more storage space when not in use due to its rigid structure.
Some suitcases are designed to nest inside one another, reducing storage space, but they still remain bulkier than duffel bags.
Duffel Bag:
Generally, less expensive than suitcases, although high-end brands and specialty duffel bags can be pricey.
A good option if you are looking for a budget-friendly travel solution.
Often more expensive, especially hard-shell and branded suitcases.
The price reflects durability, security features, and sometimes, brand prestige.
Are duffel bags better than suitcases?
Whether duffel bags are better than suitcases depends on what you prioritise in your travel gear. Each has its own strengths, and the "better" option will vary based on your specific needs. Here is a breakdown to help you decide:
When Duffel Bags Might Be Better:
Flexibility: Duffel bags are generally more flexible in terms of packing and can be squeezed into tight spaces, making them ideal for situations where space is limited, like in a car trunk or an overhead bin on a plane, and they make great travelling luggage bags in Sri Lanka.
Portability: They are lightweight and easy to carry, especially if you need to move quickly or navigate crowded areas. Many duffel bags come with shoulder straps or backpack-style straps for easier transport.
Versatility: Duffel bags can be used for various activities beyond travel, such as going to the gym, sports practice, or camping. Their casual style also makes them a good all-around bag.
Storage: Duffel bags are easier to store when not in use, as they can be folded or rolled up, taking up minimal space.
Quick Packing: If you are in a hurry and need to pack quickly without worrying about organisation, a duffel bag allows you to throw everything in without much fuss.
When Suitcases Might Be Better:
Organisation: Suitcases often have compartments, pockets, and straps that help keep your belongings organised and in place. This is especially useful for longer trips or when you need to separate different items.
Protection: Hard-shell suitcases provide superior protection for fragile items and are better suited for air travel where your luggage might be handled roughly. Soft-shell suitcases also offer some protection, though not as much as hard-shells.
Ease of Transport: Suitcases with wheels and a retractable handle are easier to manoeuvre over long distances, especially in airports, hotels, or urban areas with smooth surfaces.
Professional Appearance: If you are travelling for business or need a more formal appearance, a suitcase can offer a more polished and professional look.
Whether a duffel bag is better than a suitcase depends on your travel style and the specific circumstances of your trip.
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sofiaalice · 25 days
Bags vs. Boxes: What’s the Best Choice for Packing?
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When it comes to packing for a move, trip, or storage, the debate between using wholesale paper food bags or packaging boxes often arises. Each option has its own set of advantages and drawbacks, depending on the context and specific needs of your packing situation. In this article, we will explore the benefits and limitations of both bags and boxes, helping you make an informed decision on which method is best for your packing needs.
Benefits of Using Boxes for Packing
Structural Integrity and Protection Boxes offer superior structural integrity compared to bags. Their rigid form provides excellent protection for fragile items, such as glassware, electronics, and delicate collectibles. Boxes can also be easily reinforced with packing tape and cushioning materials like bubble wrap or packing peanuts to ensure that contents remain secure during transit.
Stackability and Organization One of the key advantages of boxes is their stackability. Boxes can be neatly stacked on top of one another, making efficient use of space in a moving truck, storage unit, or closet. This organization also helps in optimizing space and keeping items organized. You can label each box with its contents, making it easier to find specific items later.
Customizability Boxes come in various sizes and shapes, allowing for customized packing solutions. You can choose the right box size for different items, reducing the need for extra padding and minimizing movement within the box. This customizability can help prevent damage and make packing more efficient.
Ease of Handling Boxes with handles or flaps can be easier to carry, especially if they are filled with heavier items. They provide a more stable grip, reducing the risk of dropping or damaging the contents.
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Drawbacks of Using Boxes
Bulkiness Boxes can be bulky and take up a significant amount of space, especially when empty. This can be problematic if you have limited storage space or need to pack items into tight spaces.
Potential for Damage While boxes are generally sturdy, they can become damaged if they are not handled properly or if they are overfilled. Moisture can also weaken cardboard boxes, making them less reliable in humid or wet conditions.
Time-Consuming Assembly Boxes need to be assembled before use, which can be time-consuming. Additionally, they may require additional packing materials to ensure that items are protected and secured.
Benefits of Using Bags for Packing
Flexibility and Versatility Bags, particularly soft-sided ones like duffel bags, backpacks, and tote bags, offer greater flexibility. They can easily conform to the shape of their contents, allowing you to pack irregularly shaped items more efficiently. This flexibility also means that bags can be more versatile for various uses, from travel to storage.
Lightweight and Space-Efficient Bags are generally lighter than boxes and can be more space-efficient. They can be folded or compressed when not in use, which saves storage space. This is especially useful for travel or when you need to pack and unpack frequently.
Quick and Easy Packing Packing items into bags is often quicker and easier than dealing with boxes. You don’t need to assemble or tape up bags, and they can be easily stuffed into tight spaces or crammed into a vehicle.
Reusability and Portability Many bags are designed to be reusable and can be used for various purposes beyond packing. They often come with handles or straps for easy carrying, making them convenient for transporting items.
Drawbacks of Using Bags
Less Protection Unlike boxes, bags offer less protection for delicate or fragile items. The lack of structure means that items inside a bag can shift around, increasing the risk of damage during transit. For valuable or breakable items, additional padding may be required to prevent damage.
Less Organization Bags are less conducive to organization compared to boxes. Without the rigid structure and labeling capabilities of boxes, it can be harder to keep track of what’s inside each bag. This may lead to confusion and difficulty finding specific items when unpacking.
Limited Stackability Bags generally cannot be stacked as effectively as boxes. This can lead to inefficient use of space, especially if you have a large number of bags to pack. They are more prone to tipping over or becoming disorganized when stacked.
Which is Better for You?
The choice between bags and boxes largely depends on your specific packing needs. Here are some considerations to help you decide:
For Moving: Boxes are generally the better choice for a move. Their rigid structure, stackability, and ability to be labeled make them ideal for packing and transporting household items. They provide better protection for fragile items and help keep everything organized.
For Travel: Bags are often more practical for travel. They are easier to carry, more flexible, and take up less space when not in use. For personal items, clothing, and other travel essentials, bags offer convenience and versatility.
For Storage: The choice between bags and boxes for storage depends on what you’re storing and how long it will be stored. Boxes are excellent for long-term storage of items that need protection, while bags are useful for items that need to be easily accessible or that don’t require as much protection.
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In summary, both bags and boxes have their own unique advantages and limitations. Boxes are ideal for their structural integrity, stackability, and organization, making them suitable for moving and long-term storage. Bags offer flexibility, portability, and ease of packing, making them better suited for travel and items that don’t require as much protection. Understanding your specific needs will help you choose the right packing method for your situation
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hamptapasstrek · 28 days
Hampta Trek: Perfect for Thrill Seekers!
Hampta Trek……….
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The Hampta Trek is a thrilling adventure that beckons to those seeking a blend of challenge and breathtaking natural beauty. Located in the heart of Himachal Pradesh, this trek offers a diverse experience with dramatic landscapes ranging from lush green valleys to stark, high-altitude deserts. 
The Hampta Trek is renowned for its exciting trails, stunning vistas, and the exhilarating crossing of the Hampta Pass at an altitude of 14,100 feet. Perfect for thrill seekers, it promises an unforgettable journey through some of the most captivating terrain in the Himalayas.
Manali to Hampta Pass Distance: A Trekker’s Guide
Understanding the Hampta Pass distance from Manali is vital for planning your trek. The trail begins at Jobra, a short drive from Manali, making it easily accessible and a great starting point for your adventure.
As you embark on the trek, the Manali to Hampta Pass distance becomes significant. The journey from Jobra to the pass involves traversing through stunning landscapes, with the overall trek covering the route to and from the pass. This combination of accessibility and scenic beauty makes the Hampta Pass trek a memorable experience for all trekkers.
Manali to Hampta Pass distance is approximately 35 to 40 kilometres, depending on the exact starting point in Manali and the route taken. 
Affordable Hampta Pass Trek Package by Universal Adventure
Explore the Hampta Pass trek package starting from Manali for just ₹5499 per person, or opt for the 5 Nights & 6 Days package with travel from Delhi at ₹7499 per person. Universal Adventure offers an affordable and unforgettable trekking experience.
Hampta Pass Trek Best Time: Ideal Seasons for an Unforgettable Adventure
The Hampta Pass trek best time is from mid-June to September. During this period, the trail is accessible, the weather is favourable, and the landscapes are at their most stunning, with lush greenery, blooming flowers, and clear skies. Whether you're a seasoned trekker or a beginner, these 
months offer the perfect conditions for the Hampta Pass trek.
Essential Gear for the Hampta Pass Trek
1. Trekking Boots:
Sturdy, waterproof boots with good grip are essential. They keep your feet dry and provide stability on varied terrain.
2. Backpack (40-50 litres):
A well-fitted backpack with a rain cover is crucial for carrying your gear comfortably. It should have padded straps and multiple compartments for organisation.
3. Sleeping Bag:
Choose a sleeping bag rated for temperatures below freezing. It should be lightweight, well-insulated, and compressible for easy packing.
4. Waterproof Jacket and Pants:
These protect you from rain and wind. Opt for breathable materials to stay comfortable during adverse weather conditions.
5. Insulating Layer:
A fleece or down jacket is necessary for warmth in colder temperatures at higher altitudes.
6. Trekking Poles:
Poles provide stability on uneven and steep terrain, reducing strain on your legs and helping with balance.
7. Water Bottle/Hydration System:
Carry a water bottle or hydration system. Consider including a water purifier or purification tablets to ensure you have access to clean drinking water.
8. Sunglasses:
With UV protection, sunglasses are essential to shield your eyes from the glare of the sun and snow.
9. Sunscreen and Lip Balm:
High SPF sunscreen and lip balm protect your skin and lips from sunburn and chapping, especially at high altitudes.
Hampta Pass Trek: The Perfect Adventure
The Hampta Pass trek is a thrilling adventure that combines stunning landscapes, diverse terrain, and a sense of accomplishment. With its moderate difficulty and breathtaking views, it offers an exhilarating experience for thrill-seekers and nature enthusiasts alike. 
Whether you're traversing lush valleys, rocky paths, or snow-covered passes, the trek provides unforgettable moments and a true test of your trekking skills. Prepare adequately with the right gear, and you're in for an extraordinary journey through one of the most scenic trails in the Himalayas.
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newsssc · 1 month
Best-Selling Compression Bags for Traveling Lighter | Lifestyle | Shop
We won’t deny it, traveling is one of those pleasures in life that become more than an expense, it becomes an investment, since the experiences and moments lived in each adventure are unique and unrepeatable. In order to enjoy each trip to the fullest, it is essential to carry the appropriate luggage, but even more so, the save space in our travel backpack with accessories such as suitcase…
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kuppar · 2 months
The Ultimate Luggage Brand Showdown: Comparing Features, Price, and Style
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Choosing the right luggage is essential for a seamless travel experience. With so many options available, it can be challenging to find the perfect balance of features, price, and style. This ultimate luggage brand showdown compares the top brands, helping you make an informed decision for your next trip.
Whether you're a frequent flyer or an occasional traveler, having reliable luggage can make all the difference. From durability to design, the best luggage brands offer a variety of options to suit different needs and preferences. Let's dive into a detailed comparison of some of the leading luggage brands on the market today.
Key Features to Consider
Before comparing specific brands, it's essential to understand the key features that make great luggage:
Durability: The ability to withstand rough handling and harsh conditions.
Weight: Lightweight luggage is easier to carry and maneuver.
Storage: Adequate space and compartments for organizing your belongings.
Maneuverability: Smooth-rolling wheels and sturdy handles for easy transport.
Security: Built-in locks and sturdy zippers to keep your items safe.
Style: Aesthetic appeal and design that suits your personal taste.
Top Luggage Brands
Durability: Known for its robust construction using polycarbonate and ballistic nylon.
Weight: Offers lightweight options like the Samsonite Winfield 3 DLX.
Storage: Multiple compartments and expandable designs.
Maneuverability: Spinner wheels for 360-degree maneuverability.
Security: TSA-approved locks and secure zippers.
Style: Modern and sleek designs in various colors and patterns.
Price Range: $100 - $400
Style Note: Samsonite offers a balance of classic and contemporary designs, making it a versatile choice for different travel styles.
Durability: High-strength aluminum and polycarbonate shells.
Weight: Lightweight despite its sturdy construction.
Storage: Efficient internal compartments with dividers.
Maneuverability: Multi-wheel system for smooth and effortless movement.
Security: TSA-approved locks and a patented lock system.
Style: Iconic grooved design with a luxurious finish.
Price Range: $500 - $1,200
Style Note: Rimowa is synonymous with luxury and sophistication, perfect for travelers who prioritize style and prestige.
Durability: High-density nylon fabric with DuraGuard coating.
Weight: Lightweight, especially in the Maxlite collection.
Storage: Spacious interiors with multiple pockets.
Maneuverability: Smooth-rolling spinner wheels and telescoping handles.
Security: TSA-approved locks and strong zippers.
Style: Professional and functional designs, often favored by pilots and flight crews.
Price Range: $100 - $300
Style Note: Travelpro combines functionality with a professional look, ideal for business travelers.
Durability: High-quality polycarbonate shells.
Weight: Lightweight and easy to carry.
Storage: Thoughtful interiors with compression systems and laundry bags.
Maneuverability: 360-degree spinner wheels for easy movement.
Security: TSA-approved locks and durable zippers.
Style: Minimalist and sleek designs available in a range of colors.
Price Range: $225 - $475
Style Note: Away is known for its modern, minimalist aesthetic, appealing to younger travelers and those who appreciate simplicity and functionality.
Durability: Premium materials like ballistic nylon and aluminum.
Weight: Generally heavier due to robust construction.
Storage: Well-organized interiors with plenty of compartments.
Maneuverability: Smooth, multi-directional wheels.
Security: Advanced lock systems and RFID-blocking technology.
Style: Sleek, sophisticated designs with a professional appeal.
Price Range: $400 - $1,200
Style Note: Tumi offers a blend of luxury and practicality, making it a top choice for discerning travelers.
Briggs & Riley
Durability: High-performance nylon fabrics and strong frames.
Weight: Generally lightweight for ease of travel.
Storage: Expandable compartments and well-thought-out interiors.
Maneuverability: 360-degree wheels for effortless movement.
Security: TSA-approved locks and self-repairing zippers.
Style: Classic and understated elegance.
Price Range: $300 - $700
Style Note: Briggs & Riley focuses on timeless designs with an emphasis on functionality and durability.
Choosing the right luggage involves considering factors such as durability, weight, storage, maneuverability, security, and style. Each of the leading brands—Samsonite, Rimowa, Travelpro, Away, Tumi, and Briggs & Riley—offers unique advantages. By understanding your specific travel needs and preferences, you can select the perfect luggage to enhance your travel experience. Whether you prioritize luxury, functionality, or value, there’s a brand and model that fits your requirements perfectly.
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