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ms-demeanor · 1 year
One thing that I keep seeing whenever I make posts that are critical of macs is folks in the notes going "they make great computers for the money if you just buy used/refurbs - everyone knows not to buy new" and A) no they don't know that, most people go looking for a new computer unless they have already exhausted the new options in their budget and B) no they don't make great computers for the money, and being used doesn't do anything to make them easier to work on or repair or upgrade.
Here's a breakdown of the anti-consumer, anti-repair features recently introduced in macbooks. If you don't want to watch the video, here's how it's summed up:
In the end the Macbook Pro is a laptop with a soldered-on SSD and RAM, a battery secured with glue, not screws, a keyboard held in with rivets, a display and lid angle sensor no third party can replace without apple. But it has modular ports so I guess that’s something. But I don’t think it’s worthy of IFixIt’s four out of ten reparability score because if it breaks you have to face apple’s repair cost; with no repair competition they can charge whatever they like. You either front the cost, or toss the laptop, leaving me wondering “who really owns this computer?”
Apple doesn't make great computers for the money because they are doing everything possible to make sure that you don't actually own your computer, you just lease the hardware from apple and they determine how long it is allowed to function.
The lid angle sensor discussed in this video replaces a much simpler sensor that has been used in laptops for twenty years AND calibrating the sensor after a repair requires access to proprietary apple software that isn't accessible to either users or third party repair shops. There's no reason for this software not to be included as a diagnostic tool on your computer except that Apple doesn't want users working on apple computers. If your screen breaks, or if the fragile cable that is part of the sensor wears down, your only option to fix this computer is to pay apple.
How long does apple plan to support this hardware? What if you pay $3k for a computer today and it breaks in 7 years - will they still calibrate the replacement screen for you or will they tell you it's time for new hardware EVEN THOUGH YOU COULD HAVE ATTAINED FUNCTIONAL HARDWARE THAT WILL WORK IF APPLE'S SOFTWARE TELLS IT TO?
Look at this article talking about "how long" apple supports various types of hardware. It coos over the fact that a 2013 MacBook Air could be getting updates to this day. That's the longest example in this article, and that's *hardware* support, not the life cycle of the operating system. That is dogshit. That is straight-up dogshit.
Apple computers are DRM locked in a way that windows machines only wish they could pull off, and the apple-only chips are a part of that. They want an entirely walled garden so they can entirely control your interactions with the computer that they own and you're just renting.
Even if they made the best hardware in the world that would last a thousand years and gave you flowers on your birthday it wouldn't matter because modern apple computers don't ever actually belong to apple customers, at the end of the day they belong to apple, and that's on purpose.
This is hardware as a service. This is John Deere. This is subscription access to the things you buy, and if it isn't exactly that right at this moment, that is where things have been heading ever since they realized it was possible to exert a control that granular over their users.
With all sympathy to people who are forced to use them, Fuck Apple I Hope That They Fall Into The Ocean And Are Hidden Away From The Honest Light Of The Sun For Their Crimes.
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evvieseunoia · 4 months
Reiji Sakamaki Childhood HCS
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I think because vampires age differently, Shuu would have been physically around 5 or 6 years old when Reiji was born.
Reiji was born on an uncharacteristically cold, August morning.
Shuu was ecstatic when his mother told him he would be a big brother. He helped to paint the nursery room for Reiji’s arrival, wrote in his journal about his excitement, and cried for hours when he couldn’t be in the delivery room.
Reiji, against popular belief, was the worst crier between the two- already grieving the neglect of the years to come.
Shuu was the only one who could stop Reiji from crying. Beatrix could always find Shu laying on the floor, building wooden castles for his baby brother.
Reiji’s bitterness began when he once asked Beatrix if he could take lessons with Shuu, to which she responded with a very firm, “No.”
At meals, he sat across the table from his mother, with Shuu at the head. His portions were significantly smaller.
His favorite subject to study as a preteen was ancient literature. He imagined himself as the hero in every story. Traveling far, far away from home, being celebrated by thousands, being king...
As he grew up, he cringed at the realization that he would never be the main character in the story, and he began to favor alchemy.
Along with core subjects, he and Shuu practiced fencing. Reiji trained until his hands call0used and his knuckles bled, but he could never best his brother.
When Reiji learned of the human holiday of Mother’s Day, he went all out in an attempt to win Beatrix’s favor. He took over cooking and cleaning for their household for the day and served all of Beatrix’s favorite dishes. He annotated a special edition copy of her favorite book. All to no avail as she said he should focus on performing these duties in the future, as Shuu’s right-hand man.
The first time Reiji notices Shuu and Edgar, he watches from far away. After dinner that night, Reiji asks Shuu if he may join them the following morning. With Shuu’s no, Reiji’s heart truly begins to blacken towards humanity.
In the days leading up to his arson, Reiji makes several attempts to reconnect with Shuu.
He covers for Shuu when his mother asks his whereabouts, has their tailor repair a tear in Shuu’s blue sweater, uses his pocket money to buy him new rosin.
When he tells Shuu of all he’s done for him, Reiji can only see his mother’s reflection in his older brother’s eyes. Shuu hardly gives him a second glance, before leaving to play with his newfound village friend.
How could his brother, his blood-bound friend, abandon him for a human?
How could a mother, when written about in stories as women with fountains of unconditional love, show such disdain for him?
Shuu comes home one late September night complaining of a disagreement he and Edgar had had over their shared snack of apples earlier that day. Reiji, living vicariously through Shu, and with no friends of his own, clung to his brother’s every word. If Edgar had upset him enough, would Shuu come back to be Reiji’s friend again?
In a final attempt to win both the affection of his mother and the friendship of his brother, Reiji burns Edgar and his village to the ground.
I would love some feedback on these!! Feel free to send asks if you want to see any more.
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inadaydream99 · 1 year
Even When You Were Invisible
Based on the movie The Princess Diaries (2001)
NCT Dream Jisung x fem reader, fluff
A/N - so I recently rewatched The Princess Diaries and just had to write this into a oneshot. This focuses more onto the budding romance side-plot of the film, so I’ve taken some liberties and adapted the narrative a bit. This is also unedited for now - please excuse any spelling/grammar mistakes!
Disclaimer: I have used a direct quote from the film which is in italics. I am not trying to replicate the film, just use the plot as inspiration. I do not take any credit for this plot. This does not represent any of the members in real life and is for entertainment purposes only. Jaemin’s character does not reflect him and is purely to fulfil the shallow character he plays. Mild use of language (like 5 swears, maybe??)
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“How’s my baby?” You gleam at Jisung, catching him off guard from where he’d been so focused on tinkering around with the car engine in front of him. He bolts upright beside you, quickly grabbing hold of the car bonnet and slamming it down before reaching into his pocket to pull out the rag he uses to wipe off the engine oil from his hands.
“All good.” His voice comes out strained, watching as your smile somehow grows wider. He observes the way your hand smooths over the shiny baby blue metal of the car, gazing into the way it reflects your loving expression.
“Well, she looks amazing.” Your eyes flicker up to meet his, watching the way his Adam’s apple bops. “Thank you, Sungie.”
“Oh, it was really no problem…” he gushes, playing down all the turmoil your precious car has given him over the last few weeks. Not that Jisung ever plans on telling you about all the extra hours he’s spent fixing up your car for you. He doesn’t mind at all. He spends most of his free time at the garage anyway because his band is also allowed to practice there in return for Jisung helping out repair some cars.
It’d be a dead giveaway to all of the feelings he has towards you and he also knows you’d insist on paying him extra for his time if you knew when you’ve already put every penny of your savings into repairing the car you’d worked so hard to get.
Besides, with the way you look at him now, radiating so much adoration, Jisung feels it’s more than enough compensation for his hard work.
“You’re the best!” You reach out to ruffle his hair the second he ducks his head shyly from your compliment. Whispered giggles tumbling from his lips as his cheeks burn. “Can I pick her up tomorrow after school?” You shine those big doe-like eyes at him.
“No problem.” Jisung nods, smiling warmly. And he watches you skip out of the garage with so much excitement, shouting a “see you at school!” over your shoulder. Just as you have left his line of sight, Jisung is called over by his band mates for practice. And while they spend the rest of the evening playing their songs, Jisung continues to replay your interaction over in his mind. Damn, he’s down bad for you.
You reach home quicker than usual, thanks to the spring in your step from Jisung’s amazing work with your baby. You’re so unbelievably excited to finally be able to drive your dream car. You’ve wanted a baby blue mustang since you can remember, so you’d scraped all of your savings from your part time job together to buy the old beaten up car and payed the garage where Jisung works to make your car dreams come true.
“That you honey?” You hear your mom call as you walk further into your house. She sends you a smile over her shoulder when your bag clatters onto the kitchen table. Picking up an apple from the fruit bowl as you watch her refocus on the painting before her.
“Did you get another commission?” You speak through half-chewed apple.
“Uh-huh.” You mom hums, placing down her brush carefully onto the tray beside her easel before turning to you. “Who knew posting my art online would rake in so much work?”
“I did.” You tease, taking another bite of your apple.
Your mom shakes her head at you while rinsing her hands in the sink. All the while, you push yourself away from the counter, grabbing your bag to begin heading to your room.
“(Y/N), wait!” Your mom calls just as you reach the stairs. “Your grandmother called today. The live one.” Your mom adds upon seeing your shock.
“The one I’ve never met?” You tilt your head in confusion, bushy eyebrows furrowing. “What would she suddenly want?”
“She said she wants to have tea with you after school tomorrow.” Your mom explains. “Something about important news she needs to share with you.”
“Oh, I was supposed to pick up my car tomorrow… but I guess I’ll have to rain check.”
That was two weeks ago now and little did you know at the time how much your life was about to change.
The following afternoon, when you’d arrived at your estranged grandmothers house - or should you say mansion - you’d had your world flipped upside down.
“A-a Princess-” your mouth hangs agape, unable to comprehend the situation at hand. Your eyes dart around the room, looking from your grandmother to her staff, then the security, before finally landing back on your grandmothers perfectly calm expression. She’s not joking. “No no no nonononono." You shake your head.
“You’ve got the wrong person. I’m the furthest thing from a princess. Look at me!”
As it turns out, they did not have the wrong person. Your father, who you’d never met, had been heir to the throne of the small European country you’d never heard of and after his death, that left you - his only child - next in line.
You’d come to an agreement with your grandmother that, before anyone made any rash decisions, you’d give it some time to try out the role of Princess. And so commenced the ‘Princess training’ every day after school with your grandmother. You’d learn how to walk, talk, sit, stand and live like a true Princess within the agreed trial month between this life altering news and the annual independence ball.
Sworn to secrecy, you’d not told a soul about your new informed identity. So, while your private life has somehow changed in every single way, your school life has not budged an inch. From the hours of 8-3 you’re the same invisible girl, with your two bestest friends since kindergarten, Jisung and Chenle.
“Woah, he’s so dreamy.” You gush, resting your chin in your palm as you watch Jaemin walk past your lunch table. Jisung simply rolls his eyes at the way you simp over the most popular guy in school, like always. He doesn’t get the hype around Jaemin. So what if he’s the captain of the football team, extremely lean and always seems to have perfectly shiny hair? Anyone could have all of those things. Jisung could have all of those things…
Despite the fact that he’s almost flunking gym class because of his terrible hand-eye co-ordination in football.
Jisung feels his only consolation is that Jaemin is dating Nina, the head cheerleader.
“Anyway…” Chenle speaks a little louder, “as I was saying before (Y/N) let her hormones take away from the crisis at hand. How am I going to get another guest for my show on Saturday?”
Ah yeah, you were trying to console Chenle on his last minute drama. His school curricula radio show, Talking with Chenle, had finally been getting more than three listeners a week. And ever since his audience has started to slowly grow, he’s been putting more and more pressure on himself to promote the topics he cares about with guests.
“Dude, chill. You still have four days to find a replacement.” Jisung grumbles from beside you. He looks a little like he’s sulking, although you have no idea what could have possibly made him so annoyed within the last thirty minutes that you’ve been sat at your lunch table.
“So much help you are.” Chenle fires at the grumpy Jisung on your left as he stands from the table, slings his bag over his shoulder and storms off.
You turn your attention to said grump, frowning.
“That wasn’t nice Sungs.” You watch as regret consumes his face, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder as he mumbles a muted apology.
“So, are you collecting your car from the garage tonight?” Jisung finally builds up enough courage to ask you. He’s been battling in his mind for the last few days on how to bring this up, so he’s a little nervous, but tries his best to suppress the shyness that wants to win over.
“Oh I can’t.” You guiltily grimace. You feel terrible putting him off again, especially when you were meant to pick up your baby weeks ago. But, since you’ve been having your ‘Princess lessons’ everyday, you’ve had no time. “I’m seeing my Grandmother.”
“Again?” Jisung regrets how quickly the word slips out of his mouth. But you don’t seem offended, nodding yes in response.
“How about Saturday?” You quizzically raise a brow, biting down onto the corner of your bottom lip in anticipation.
“Saturday works…” You let out a breath in relief upon Jisung’s agreement. “…and maybe you can stay for a bit, hang out?” Jisung suggests.
“…it’s just my band are practicing that afternoon in front of a few people and it’d be great to have a bit more of an audience…” Jisung trails off, cutting off his word vomit just in time to notice the way your smile reaches your eyes.
“Sounds perfect.” You beam, just as the bell rings for class.
You were beyond nervous. Petrified, if you’re completely honest. Yesterday evenings ‘Princess lesions’ with your grandmother had turned out to be a head-to-toe makeover and you’d come out the other end of the evening looking like someone entirely different. Some may even say, like a Princess. Gone were your glasses, bushy eyebrows, your hair had been cut and the frizz tamed. To you, you look almost unrecognisable. To Chenle, you look amazing. But to Jisung, you look like the very thing you’d always swore you’d never want to be - a popular - and it scared him.
While you liked your new look, you felt like a bit of a sellout for complying with the makeover to look more ‘regal’ - as your grandmother had described it. So you’d walked into your first class of the day wearing a grey bucket hat, so as to cover as much of your new look as possible.
Jisung had to do a double take when you entered the classroom and took your usual seat beside him. He’d always thought you were beautiful before, but wow, you’d somehow managed to ascend to another level quite literally overnight. From under the hat, he could see your bright eyes and long lashes. The neat shaping of your eyebrows and the plumpness of your lips, accentuated by the baby pink lip gloss you’d applied. Although, he’s unsure of why you’re wearing a hat on such a warm summers day, especially when you’re inside.
“Okay class, simmer down.” Your teacher, Mr Sums enters from the back of the room, hushing all of the excited chatter in the room as he places down his bag on the front desk and begins to set up for the class. “Yes, Nina?” He acknowledges without so much as glancing in her direction.
Nina sat in the seat behind you, perfectly poised and ready to strike. She’s the head girl in your grade for a reason, with her off-scale intelligence, popularity and cunning attitude. She will take down anyone who gets in her way. Which, right now, is your hat covered head that’s in her line of vision to the front of the class.
“Mr Sums. Isn’t there a rule about no hats allowed?” You can feel her smirk on the back of your neck, letting out a concealed huff as you try to prepare yourself for what you know is going to happen next.
“You’re right Nina.” Mr Sums sighs, “(Y/N), please could you remove your improper dress coded attire?” He glances at you and your mortified expression, watching as you gulp down your nerves while simultaneously reaching up to reluctantly slip your hat off.
Out tumbles your perfectly smooth hair as it cascades down past your shoulders. Jisung’s eyes almost pop out of his head from beside you. Not that you notice, too busy being consumed by the gasps from your classmates.
“Oh wow.” You hear Nina laugh, “Look who’s trying to fit in now?”
Her sickly-sweet tone only makes your cheeks burn deeper and you try to sink into your chair.
“Well, I think (Y/N) looks stunning, actually.” Your head whips towards Jisung, grateful for him sticking up for you. You send him a thankful smile as class begins and everyone’s attention is turned away from you. For now.
“So what’s the deal with your sudden change of appearance?” Chenle questions as he shovels his salad into his mouth. His words come out slightly muffled between the half-chewed lettuce and Jisung just rolls his eyes.
“Nothing.” You try to shut down the topic, bowing your head into your own lunch.
“It’s clearly not nothing.” Chenle deadpans, before narrowing his eyes at you. “You’re hiding something.”
“Am not.” You grumble into your sandwich.
“So you’ll be coming to my baseball game after school then, like we agreed weeks ago?”
Shit. You’d completely forgotten about Chenle’s baseball game and you know for certain you can’t get out of seeing your grandmother.
“I can’t.”
“See!” Chenle drops his fork into his salad, folding his arms as he turns to Jisung for support. “What? Are you just bored with us now? Don’t want to be friends anymore?”
“No, that’s not even close!” You cry in distress.
“Then tell us what’s so important that you keep dropping us (Y/N).”
You bite down on your jittering bottom lip, your worried eyes casting from Chenle’s unimpressed expression to Jisung’s concerned one.
“I’m not allowed to tell…”
Upon this half-confession, Chenle drops his attitude and leans across the table to speak quieter.
“Are you in trouble? Being blackmailed again? Do we need to beat someone up?”
“No!” You shut down his conspiracies, hands flying up in surrender.
You know you shouldn’t tell anyone. But you also know that if you don’t spill it all to them now, you’ll risk loosing the only people keeping you sane. Heaving a deep sigh, you know what you have to do.
“Okay. You have to promise me you’ll keep this strictly between us.” You point between your two intrigued friends, encouraging them to lean into the table so you can whisper. “I’m serious. The repercussions if this gets out-”
“Just tell us.” Chenle rolls his eyes.
To other students, it simply looks like your gossiping like any other group of high schoolers. But if they were to look closely enough, they’d notice the way both Chenle and Jisung’s eyes blow wide and how the colour seems to drain from Jisung’s face faster than lightening.
“You’re a what-” you cover Chenle’s mouth before he has a chance to shout anything further, covering it with a “Shhhhh.”
“Promise this stays between us.” You stick your pinky finger out for them to link, watching as both of your friends entangle theirs around yours.
“Damn. Wish I could be a…” Chenle begins to mutter.
Walking into school the next morning feels a little more unnerving than usual. You’re barely through the threshold of the gates when someone spots you and shouts “that’s her!”.
Everything’s a blur from that moment. With a frenzy of people shouting “Princess!”, a crowd of students swarm you in seconds, phones and cameras are flying in front of your face as they all take pictures and videos. You feel nauseous from being elbowed and shoved in the midst of the unfolding chaos. However, just when you think your about to spew your guts from the motion sickness, you feel a pair of hands find your waist and clutch onto you, wrapping you into the taller frame of your saviour and using their body as a shield until you’re safely out of the crowd.
“Follow me.” Your saviour moves you away from their hold, clutching onto your hand and forcing you to run as you’re dragged along behind them to a place of refuge. You’re pulled into the main building and twisted through the narrow corridors until there’s no one on your tail.
It’s not until you’re hidden inside a janitors closet that you’re able to look at the person before you and realise it’s Jisung.
“How do they know!” You rush back into his chest, wrapping your arms tightly around his torso and burying your face. Jisung is winded a little from the impact, tumbling a few steps back with you before he regains his balance.
“It’s ok. Everything’s going to be ok.” He whispers into the top of your head, fluttering his eyes shut as he inhales the floral scent of your freshly washed hair.
Of course, Jisung has no idea how your secret had gotten out, or what to do next. All he knows right now is how perfectly you fit in his arms and how much he wants to protect you.
“I want you to know, it wasn’t me.” You pull away from Jisung, peering into his worried eyes. You’d never once doubted it would have come from him and there’s nothing more in the world you want right now than to let him know that. Cupping his cheek, you brush your thumb over his soft skin.
“I’d never even consider that being a possibility.” You soothe.
Jisung drinks in every drop of affection you give him as though he’d been traversing the desert for days on end without water. Knowing you never could have accused him rehydrates him and makes his heart feel like it could burst.
“It wasn’t Chenle either. I was with him all evening after his baseball game.”
“I don’t doubt him either.” You reassure. “This feels bigger than just some school gossip.”
After cooling down in the janitors closet for a while, you’d managed to sneak out and into your first few classes of the day without too many people bombarding you. Your principle had made an announcement to not cause another commotion and all staff were on patrol during lesson changeovers and breaks.
“Wait, (Y/N)!” You turn to find Chenle forcing his way to the front of the cohort of students following you, instantly linking his arm with yours as you continue to uncomfortably make your way to class surrounded by your new admirers. “You’re an overnight sensation!” He beams, loving the attention on you both.
“Tell me about it…” you mumble, juxtaposing Chenle in every way. Unlike your friend, you’re not made for the limelight. You don’t like all the attention on you. Not now, not ever.
This was one of your biggest fears about people finding out you’re a Princess.
“So, you’ll be my special celebrity guest on Talking with Chenle this Saturday, won’t you?”
Your mouth gapes, finally making eye contact with him and ready to outright refuse. Until, you see how hopeful he looks.
Damn it. There’s no way you can turn him down.
“Sure…” you sigh, unable to hide the small smile that forces its way onto your face when he jumps in excitement.
“You’re awesome!”
You’re just closing your locker when you hear your name, your heart picking up pace from the unmistakeable voice of your caller.
Spinning around, you find none other than Jaemin, smiling at you with his signature smile and staring at you with those heart melting eyes.
“How are you holding up? Been a bit of a crazy day…” He leans one arm on the locker beside you, standing so close you can smell his earthy cologne.
“Just a bit.” You giggle sweetly.
It’s amazing how Jaemin can have such an affect on you. One word and your mind has gone to putty and you’ve forgotten how to act like a normal person.
“Well, I just wanted to apologise for Nina this morning…”
“Huh?” You furrow your brows, feeling yourself come back down to earth.
“She was the one who shouted when you entered the gates and made everyone swarm you?” Jaemin’s tone comes out unsure, not realising that you weren’t aware when you let out a light “oh.”
“I just wanted to let you know that I do not condone that at all. In fact, I broke up with her because of it.”
“You did?” You gush, surprise written all over your face.
…and you’re off in space again.
“Yeah, it was totally not cool.” Jaemin nods. “Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the end of school beach party with me this Saturday?”
Oh my gosh! Na Jaemin just asked you out!
“Yes!” You blurt. “I-uh I mean, yeah” you swallow, “sounds cool.”
“Cool.” His smile reaches his eyes. “I’ll see you Saturday.”
You watch dreamily as Jaemin walks away to join his group of friends at their lunch table. You’re only pulled back into reality when you spot Jisung perched on the edge of the fountain across the courtyard.
“Guess who just asked me to go with him to the beach party this Saturday!” You park yourself next to Jisung on the ledge of the fountain. “Jaemin!” You squeal your answer when Jisung simply raises an inquisitive brow at you.
“But, what about seeing my band practice?” Jisung tries to not sound depleted.
“Well, I was hoping we could reschedule? I just, I’ve been wanting to go out with Jaemin since forever and you’ll have other band practices, right?”
“Oh, yeah, right.” Jisung forces a smile, feeling himself deflate the second you’ve squeezed him in a tight hug before skipping off to get some lunch.
His attention flickers over to the table where Jaemin sits. How could Jisung ever compare? He’d always felt you were unattainable to him because of how he was too shy to express his feelings. And that was before your new look and title. But now? He has no shot.
You’re a Princess for goodness sake. You belong with the most popular guy in school. Not a shy keyboard player in a band that sings in the local garage like him…
“Oh, thank goodness you’re here!” Your grandmother rushes to you as you arrive for your ‘Princess lesson’ of the day. She takes you by your shoulders and peers at you intently.
“Now,” she exhales a deep breath. “We’ve got the press under control with the looming promise of the annual independence ball, so long as they keep a little distance for now.”
You nod in understanding.
You were honestly a little nervous about seeing your grandmother this evening. You’d been worrying about her reaction to this all getting out, even though she is calm and has dealt with an unimaginable amount of trials and tribulations during her many years of reign. She is also strong willed and has made it clear to you that - even though you have yet to make the choice to accept your title and duty - the expectation of this trial period would be as though this is your future.
“And we’ve found that the leak was from the stylist we’d hired.”
There’s more relief in knowing your Grandmother knows it hadn’t come from you than there is from the culprit being found out.
“And we’ve got him doing a formal apology to the press this evening.”
Saturday rolls around quickly and before you know it, you’re on your way to the beach party for your date with Jaemin. Everyone who’s anyone is there; dancing, sunbathing or cooling off in the ocean as the sun begins to set.
You feel a little awkward as you walk down the beach to join the other party-goers. It seems like it’s well underway already and you’re not typically one to mix with the crowd in attendance.
“Welcome to paradise.” You almost jump out of your skin upon hearing Jaemin’s voice from your side. You had been so engrossed in your awe of the scene in front of you, you didn’t notice he’d walked over. “I got you a drink.”
You accept the plastic cup, your fingers brushing accidentally with his. Chuckling a flustered thanks before taking a sip, you try not to be affected by his amused grin. He thinks you’re so adorable. How had you been kept so hidden before?
“C’mon.” You feel Jaemin’s hand slip into yours, gently tugging you along with him to head further into the crowd…
“Hello, welcome to Talking with Chenle.” Chenle professionally introduces when his fellow producer Mark signals they are live. “On todays show, we have a special interview with the newfound Princess and close friend of mine, (Y/N).” Mark hits the applause button.
“But, before our main guest’s appearance, we have a short segment on the upcoming senior class projects, presented by our very own Mark.”
Mark jumps in with his pre-written script, listing out the upcoming events for the semester. Meanwhile, Chenle checks his phone to see if you’ve tried to contact him about your whereabouts. Nothing. You should have been here 30 minutes ago…
Back at the beach party, you’re having the time of your life dancing with Jaemin. Uncontrollable laughter tumbling from your lips as he takes your hand and spins you around.
“Who knew you were such a good dancer?” You teasingly glance up at Jaemin as he leads you out of the crowd of dancers and to the side for some much needed air, your hand still firmly in his.
“Well, who knew you would make such a great dance partner.” He praises back, succeeding in making you flustered.
You cast a shy glance up at him through your lashes, still unable to believe that this is reality. You really are here with Jaemin, hand in hand in front of everyone. You feel like you should pinch yourself, just to double check your not dreaming all of this.
That is, until reality comes crashing down in a burning rage. What you’d simply brushed off as a plane flying above you, turned out to be a helicopter filled with paparazzi. It lowers, the wind from the propeller cutting off the party and almost knocking everyone off their feet as multiple cameras flash at you, trying their best to get a good snapshot.
You panic, a million questions buzzing around your mind. What should you do? How do you get away? But most of all, how did they know you’d be here?
“Quick, follow me!” Jaemin pulls you, both of you running towards the lifeguard shack at the back of the beach.
Once inside, Jaemin bolts the door shut and silence and darkness settle around you.
“I’m so sorry.” You plant your face into your hands as you fall into the chair behind you. Being chased by paparazzi - all shouting Princess at you - was not a part of your imagined date with Jaemin. And it’s mortifying to know that’s the reality.
“Hey.” You hear him whisper, his larger hands coercing yours away from your face. In the time you’ve been wallowing, Jaemin had made his way over to you and knelt down to your level so the first thing you see are his eyes and the way they catch the moonlight that filters in through the crack in the curtain covered window. “It’s not your fault.”
His sincerity mesmerises you and washes away your humiliation. How does he do it? How does he seem to know the exact right thing to say?
Meanwhile, Chenle’s radio show is crashing and burning live on air. The last forty-five minutes have been filled with Marks terrible jokes and ramblings and it’s all because of you.
“Alright, I’m off.” Chenle sounds defeated, taking off his headphones and making a stand from his chair the second the ‘live’ light goes dim.
Mark doesn’t respond, nodding his understanding as he watches his friend walk away. He knows it’s not his fault. Heck, Mark did everything he could to act on the spot and make the best out of the shit situation. Chenle is grateful for Marks loyalty and perseverance.
But damn, he still wishes you’d showed… they both do.
“Ok, I think they’ve given up.” Jaemin asserts, peaking through the curtain to find a dark and empty seeming beach. The relief that fills you has you following Jaemin out of the lifeguard shack without thought.
“Thank you for sticking by me, it means a lot.” You timidly smile at Jaemin, allowing him to take your hand in his as you begin to walk up the beach.
Before you have time to register, a bright flash snaps in front of you, the momentary blindness giving time for multiple lurking paparazzi to spring out from their hiding places and surround you both.
“Princess! Who’s your date?”
“Is this your boyfriend?”
“Princess, give him a kiss!”
The crowd shout as you panic, looking around to try and find an escape route.
You spot a slither in the sea of bodies and pull on Jaemin’s hand, but he doesn’t budge. Instead, he complies to the crazy demands of the privacy invading press and scoops your body into his. His lean arms make your desperation to get away worthless and before you know it, he’s cupped your cheek and forced you to look at him.
With one final deer-in-the-headlights look at him, Jaemin crashes his lips to yours.
It takes you a few seconds to register what he’s doing, before you muster up the strength to shove him away and force yourself out of the circle.
You can’t believe he just did that.
“It’s really not that bad.” Jisung tries to console you.
You’re flopped over the table, head in your arms as you try to block out every piece of reality. After Saturday’s kiss fiasco, the picture had been posted everywhere. There was no escaping the horrifying image of your first kiss with Jaemin. No less because you’d always dreamt your first kiss with Jaemin would be magical, like something out of a fairytale. And while you may be a Princess, this feels nothing close to those magical Disney princess movies you adored so much growing up.
For starters, where is your fairy godmother? You could really use one of those right about now…
He can’t lie, Jisung’s a little heartbroken seeing the picture of you kissing someone else posted everywhere. He’s upset for you, knowing how much you hate the situation. But, selfishly, he’s more gutted for himself. That should be him in Jaemin’s place. In fact, if he’d been lucky enough to kiss you, the image wouldn’t have existed because he never would have done it in front of the cameras. Knowing that Jaemin used you to get his 15 minutes of fame angers him too. The first time he saw the picture online, his fists had clenched so tightly from the rage that bubbled up in his stomach his nails had left little crescent moons in his palms. And yet, he can’t bring himself to not look at the grainy image.
“Not that bad?” You retort. “Any hope I had of being Princess has gone down the drain.” You begin to sob.
“What’s my grandmother going to say?”
Jisung doesn’t realise how stern his face had been until he finally looks away from the picture to find your eyes peaking out from their hiding spot. His gaze softens in a heartbeat, his hand reaching out to instinctively rub your back.
From your peripheral, you recognise the group passing by and tear your gaze away from Jisung’s to find Jaemin and his friends snickering as they walk past.
“Hey (Y/N), great kiss.” Jaemin puckers his lips mockingly.
You’re not sure what hurts you more, having reality shred the mask to uncover his true, obnoxious personality to you or knowing how many years you spent pining over someone so shallow.
“Ugh.” You bury your face back into the safety of your arms, blocking out all daylight and - you hope - reality.
After a lot of pep-talk from Jisung, he finally managed to coax you into going to your next class. But it’s not until final period, when see Chenle enter the classroom, that you realise you hadn’t seen or heard from him since last week. You send him a smile when he makes eye contact, feeling confused when he frowns back before taking a seat on the opposite end of the room.
You find yourself casting glances in his direction throughout the class, hoping to catch him looking over at you at least once. But nothing. Not even a peep is sent your way.
“Chenle,” you chase after him. Barely five seconds after your teacher had dismissed class, Chenle had been out of the door and down the corridor. You’d had to sprint through the throngs of students just to get to him before he got out of the building. “Why’d you not sit with me?”
But your question is met with the biggest eye roll you’ve ever seen as Chenle continues to make his way out of the school grounds.
“Did I do something?” You press.
“Did you do something?” Chenle fires back at you, narrowing his eyes vehemently. “Try what you didn’t do!”
You’re dumbstruck.
“I have no ide-”
“My radio show Saturday?” Chenle sasses. Thank goodness you’re down the street by the time Chenle finally stops walking and begins exploding on you. “I had to listen to Marks lame jokes for an hour.”
“Oh my god! I’m so unbelievably sorry.” Your eyes go wide, mortified at how you’d completely forgotten about being Chenle’s guest. “I’ll make it up to you next time, I swear!”
“There won’t be a next time.” Chenle scoffs, turning away once again. “Oh,” he stops himself to mention one last thing. “and, just so you know, just because you a Princess now, doesn’t mean the only thing that matters is you.”
“Hey Sungs.” You mournfully approach where Jisung finishes polishing your car. The garage is oddly quiet, no music or clatter sounding in the usually busy space. No. Instead, it seems like it’s just you and Jisung here. “Thank you for taking such good care of my baby.”
“No problem.” Jisung sends you a half-smile as he hands over the keys. “She’s all yours.”
“You don’t know how much this means to me.” You warmly smile, but feel your mood drop when he doesn’t reciprocate like he usually does. There’s a silence that fills the space between you. You’ve never felt so awkward with Jisung before.
“Well… I better get going…” you try not to sound too deflated, jangling your keys in the air as you go to open your car door.
You watch as Jisung takes a step back from the car, his hands stuffed awkwardly in his pockets as he wordlessly watches you.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” You timidly look at Jisung, stopping yourself from clutching the car door handle in front of you. “You don’t think I think the only thing that matters is me, right?”
There’s a timidity to your tone that makes Jisung gulp. He knows all about the argument because Chenle had ranted down the phone to him for a hour after school and he can tell Chenle’s words have gotten to you. At the same time, however, he feels a little dumbfounded that you seem to only realise this now, after you’d had someone shout it in your face. It’s even more ironic you only ask Jisung of his thoughts when you are just about to take the finished car home. The very one that you’ve been stringing him along with for weeks. He knows he has to be honest with you.
“There were times when I would say I agree, yes.” Jisung nods. “I mean, you dropped me for Jaemin in a heartbeat and he’d never once given you the time of day before your Princess glow-up.”
“Right. I really should go…” you voice comes out hoarse. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Jisung feels terrible as you spare no more time getting into your car and starting the engine. It revs to life and roars as you drive away, leaving him alone once again. But the it sinks in how much you’d made him feel used. You’d chosen to walk away from the truth when you’d asked him for it. And Jisung can’t help but feel disappointed.
Walking through the halls the next day you feel so insecure. Groups of students stop their conversation to stare at you as you pass, their expressions unreadable, leaving you unable to tell if they are judging you or just fascinated.
Reaching your locker in the courtyard, your eyes light up in hope upon seeing Chenle a few doors down at his locker. You watch him until he notices you, forcing a meek smile his direction when he does. But instead of him smiling back and making his way over to you, he frowns and slams his locker shut before walking the opposite direction.
You self-consciously peer around, hoping no one had witnessed that rejection and your eyes light up when you spot Jisung.
“Jisung!” You call as he walks past. But he doesn’t even acknowledge you. Instead, he picks up his pace and your eyes follow him as he catches up with Chenle. You turn back to focus on getting the right books out of your locker, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to spill.
How had you managed to mess up so bad that your friends won’t even acknowledge you…
With tears still in your eyes, you enter your next class with your head hanging low. You can’t bear to look up and see your two friends, knowing they won’t speak to you. Instead, you rush to the back of the room and take the seat furthest in the corner.
But when you do eventually look up towards the front of the classroom, you catch Jisung glancing your way. He turns back to face the front a split second after. But there’s as hope that flows through you from catching the longing in his expression.
Maybe there’s still a way to win them back.
It’s taken a few days to figure out, but you think you know how to get your friends to forgive you. Starting with Chenle.
First you have to sneak up on him so he doesn’t get away when you try to talk to him, which from his avoidance of you the past week, has proven more challenging than you thought. But you do manage to corner him in class as everyone leaves for lunch.
“Chenle, I want to make it up to you.” You plea. “I just want everything to be right between us again.” While you’ve technically been successful in talking to him, he’s still refusing to look at you. “Tell me what I can do…”
This piques his interest.
“Stop being a Princess.” He flatly states. If only he knew…
That was actually something you’d been working on, deciding days ago that you don’t think you’re cut out for accepting royal duty as a Princess. You’ve already spoken to your grandmother about this and, despite her reluctance and assurance that you would be more than capable for the role, you’d come to a mutual agreement to make no public announce until the evening of the ball.
You wish you could tell Chenle, but you can’t break your promise to your grandmother. You’re done breaking promises you’ve made.
“Well, I was thinking more along the lines of attending the independence ball this Saturday?” You send him a hopeful beam.
You take his blank expression and lack of a quick response as a good sign and continue to persuade.
“It’s invitation only…”
Chenle sighs. Damn him and his weakness for exclusivity. Plus, he’s always wanted to go to a ball and he doesn’t know when he’ll get this type of opportunity again.
“Fine!” He caves. “You’re forgiven.”
You squeal, jumping into him to squeeze him in a hug. You feel his chest vibrate with laughter and look up to finally see him smiling.
“I missed you.” You gush as you pull away and begin walking down the hallway together.
“I know.” Chenle laughs heartily when you shove him and roll your eyes.
You finally feel like you’re on the right track. If you can get Chenle to forgive you, then you’re pretty certain Jisung will too. Now you just need to find him.
“Wassup bro.” Chenle greets Mark as you join his table for lunch. You’re familiar with Mark because he helps Chenle out with his radio show and you’ve always found him really bubbly and sweet on the few occasions you’ve spoken.
“Sup guys.” Mark greets you both warmly. “I see you’re back on speaking terms.”
“Yep.” Chenle responds through a mouthful of food.
“Yeah, I’m really sorry about all of that.” You grimace towards Mark. “But I heard you’re on your way to becoming a comedic genius.”
“I think I’m good with sticking to the pre-scripted topics.” Mark laughs loudly.
“Oh, hey Jisung!” Chenle’s sudden shout almost makes you jump out of your skin.
You turn your attention to where Chenle looks to find Jisung casting an embarrassed side glance over to your table while trying to continue his conversation with one of his band mates Renjun.
You don’t really know Renjun, other than what you’ve observed. Even though he’s part of Jaemin’s popular group, he seems like a nice guy and there’s always been a part of you that’s been curious to know how he ended up with friends like Jaemin, Jeno and Donghyuck. All so loud and attention loving in comparison.
You watch as he bids Renjun goodbye and approaches, stuffing his hands into his pockets once he’s reached your table. It’s clear he doesn’t want to hang around…
“Aren’t you gonna join us for lunch?” Chenle snickers at his friend, his tone mocking at the way Jisung acts so hesitant.
“Actually, I-uh have,” Jisung gulps. “I have last minute band practice.”
“But you just said goodbye to Renjun?” Mark furrows his brows.
“Gotta go!” Jisung takes off as quickly as he can. He doesn’t look back when he hears you call after him, instead only ducking his head lower and picking up more speed. You have to run to catch him. Damn him and his long legs. You hate running.
“Jisung.” You pant, catching him by the arm and using all of your body weight to slow him down. He lets out a defeated sigh as he stops, knowing there’s no escaping having to talk to you now. “Please talk to me…” you beg, pleading with the best, saddest puppy eyes you can muster.
“What is there to say?” His voice comes of quieter than he wanted it to. He’s so hurt and upset with you and he wants to be able to express that. He usually can when it’s towards other people. But when it’s you on the receiving end, there’s just something that stops him. No matter how much you broke his heart.
“Look, I’m sorry about yesterday. I shouldn’t have run away from what you’d said.”
Theres something in your words that makes him wake up and finally realise that he’s been running away too. Not just now. But for way too long. Jisung’s been running away from telling you how he really feels about you. For so long he’s talked himself into waiting for you to fall in love with him, to wake up and finally see that the person you should be with has been by your side the whole time. His feelings have been repressed and he’s forced himself to be invisible for too long. But he’s done with that now.
“Sungs, are you ok?” He blinks back into reality, not having realised he’d gotten caught up in overthinking for too long.
You watch him, wide eyed as he stands up straighter, determination written across his face.
“Actually, I have something I need to say.”
You nod, waiting intently.
“I’ve been an idiot for too long.” And… you’re confused. “I’ve let you walk all over me for years because I’ve been so in love with you.”
“Heck,” Jisung laughs at himself. “I even let you off when you ditched me for Jaemin because I kept telling myself that I wasn’t good enough for you.”
You feel your heart break knowing Jisung had been putting himself down like that. Any and every emotion courses through you as you try your best to take in the weight of his words.
“I-” you begin, but Jisung cuts you off before you have a chance to say anymore.
“I know you don’t feel the same… it’s ok.” Jisung forces a smile. “I just need some time apart.”
You feel like you’re suffocating, unable to voice anything as you watch Jisung walk away. Chocking on sobs as the weight of the world hits you like a ton of bricks.
You just wished you’d realised sooner. Because if you had, then maybe you wouldn’t have lost your best friend, you wouldn’t have hurt him for so long and maybe you wouldn’t have had your heart smashed to pieces like you just have.
“Can’t you just have someone do the speech for me?” Your voice is muted by the duvet that you insist to remain under. Your mom perched on the side of your bed as she encourages you to at least go downstairs to eat something.
It’s the morning of the annual independence ball and you’ve not left your bed since you’d gotten home the day before.
You’d had many home truths and realisations from Jisung yesterday. But cocooning yourself inside your duvet has really helped you process a lot. Like the fact that you love Jisung too… and not in just a platonic way. He’s always been there for you and you’ve taken that for granted.
You’ve been so dumb to your feelings for so long, brushing infatuation off as excitement or just that you really care for Jisung, when reality is that your heart doesn’t flip every time he smiles just because he’s your best friend. It flips every time he smiles because his smile is one of your favourite things in the world. It eases your worries and brightens your day.
Just being around Jisung makes you feel like everything’s going to be ok. He’s always so supportive and soft-natured. He takes care of you not because he’s a good friend but because he loves you.
You know that if he were to be here today, you’d be able to get through your speech this evening, facing crowds of people and answering to them why you are abdicating your royal duties. With Jisung by your side, you can get through anything.
Without him you’re lost.
Similarly, Jisung has been trying to drown out reality since he confessed to you by focusing all of his energy on his band practice and fixing up cars. He went straight from school to the garage and worked through the night to try and get his mind off of you.
Which is why he jolts awake to Chenle shouting in his ear for him to “wake up!”
“Why!” He cries, rubbing his sore neck from the poor posture of his sleep on the couch by his band’s equipment.
“You seriously slept here last night?” Chenle doesn’t hold back any judgment, raising his brow at Jisung as he grumbles out unintelligible remarks under his breath.
“I get you’re heart broken or whatever, but that doesn’t mean you should give up now.”
“Well, what else should I do?” Jisung, still sat in the chair he’d slept in, sulks like a child.
“Uh, I don’t know, go after her?” Chenle retorts like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“But she doesn’t feel the same, I’d just be making a fool of myself…”
Chenle scoffs. How does he not see it?
“Of course (Y/N) feels the same. It’s so obvious.” Chenle leans down to place his hand on Jisung’s shoulder. “Trust me. I’ve had to watch you both almost every day for years.”
He’s not joking. He really has. All the times he’s rolled his eyes at the way you both act so soppy towards the other. You’ve both been too wrapped up in either convincing yourself that you have no shot, or mistaking your feelings to notice.
Jisung springs to his feet. With the way Chenle remains so serious, he knows he must be telling the truth.
“I need to win her back!”
You frantically pack, shoving everything you can into your bag before anyone catches on to what your about to do. You feel so hopeless, like a complete failure and you know you can’t face the crowd of influential people and reporters to decline your role of Princess. So you’re running away.
You’d managed to convince your grandmother to not send a limo because your mom wanted to take you to your first ball. And you’d also lied to your mom, telling her that your grandmother had organised a limo to pick you up.
As soon as your mom had left, the race against time had begun and you’d been flying around your room packing.
You pick up the embossed faux-leather diary your grandmother had gifted you when you’d first met and found out you were a Princess, stilling when it slips from your grasp and falls open to reveal a letter that had been tucked in between the pages.
Carefully picking it up and unfolding it, you realise it’s from your father before he passed away.
His heartfelt words bring tears to your eyes as he expresses all the love he has for you and his country as soon to be King. But the final line strikes something within you that makes you rethink everything you had planned to do.
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all. From now on you’ll be travelling the road between who you think you are and who you can be. The key is to allow yourself to make the journey.”
Helping Jisung come up with a plan to win you back is easy for Chenle. With the independence ball being that evening, nothing could be more perfect than Jisung turning up, declaring his love and sweeping you off your feet. Just like a true Prince. So he’d offered the plus 1 you’d given him to Jisung.
Waiting in the grand hall for your arrival feels like an eternity. Everyone seems to be here except you.
“Have either of you seen (Y/N)?” Your mom rushes up to Chenle and Jisung in a slight panic. Both of them shrug, shaking their heads no in response. “She told me a limo was picking her up, but apparently she told her grandmother I was bringing her.”
Shit. There’s something in Jisung that springs into action upon the possibility that you could be in danger.
“Stall until I get back.” Jisung directs Chenle.
“Where are you going?!” Chenle shouts back, but it’s too late. Jisung’s already run off.
“Oh no no no…” you whine as your car conks out, the heavens pouring down on you and pooling in your hatch-back. “Is this what I get for messing everything up!” You shout at the sky, flopping back into your seat and sobbing your heart out.
You don’t blame the universe for this payback. You deserve it after all your selfishness. But you have been trying to make amends, to right all of your wrongs. You have every intention to go to the independence ball to share your decision in person. It’s the least your families country deserve. It’s the least your family deserve. But, right now, you’re failing. Failing at getting to the ball on time just like you failed at making amends with Jisung.
Gosh, even when you’re trying to do something else it’s still seems to end up on Jisung…
Just as you’re giving up all hope, a car horn jolts you up in your seat with a gasp. The headlights blind you momentarily as they round the corner, until the car has stopped beside you.
“Need a ride, Princess?” Your mouth hangs agape as the window rolls down to reveal Jisung in the drivers seat.
Although you can only see the top half of him, you’re heart summersaults from his attire. There he is, coming to your rescue, dressed in a black tuxedo and bow tie. He looks just like Prince Charming.
“How did you find me?” You remain in your car, unable to move from the shock… and the cold. You look like a drowned rat as the storm continues to shower down on you.
By this point, Jisung had gotten out of his car, into the pouring rain and rushed over to help lift you out of your vehicle to transfer you into the warmth and shelter of his own.
“Lucky guess.” He smirks from the drivers seat, twisting the keys and bringing the car to life again, before racing through the dark deserted streets.
You watch him from the passenger seat as he remains focused on the road, mesmerised by the steady focus of his eyes and his tight jaw, the way his hair - now wet from your rescue - drips little droplets of water onto his forehead and nose, down his cheeks to his perfectly plump lips.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You’re caught off guard by his question as it breaks the silence that had settled. You hadn’t even realised you’d been staring that long, or the fact he’d noticed.
“I was… just looking.” You blush, turning to look out your window. You’re just thankful it’s dark right now.
A few seconds go by and you begin to recognise the street just as the car pulls into your grandmothers driveway and stops at the entrance.
“Wait!” You clutch onto Jisung’s arm as he goes to open his door. He freezes from the touch before slowly twisting back to look at you. “Thank you.” You whisper.
“It was no problem.” Jisung sends you a tight lipped smile.
“No. I mean, thank you for always being there for me.” You elaborate, moving your grip down his arm until you get to his hand, entangling your fingers with his. “For loving me.”
Jisung’s breath hitches. He’s not sure what to say. It’s like all the air has been sucked out of his lungs. And the way you continue to stare at him makes him feel so warm and fuzzy and loved.
“(Y/N), I-”
“I know you said you wanted space.” You cut him off. “But I’m so lost without you.”
“Why me?” He whispers.
You slowly reach up to cup his cheek, drawing him in closer and closer until your noses touch. Your eyes flutter shut as you breathe in his signature piney scent. The familiarity makes you feel like you’ve arrived back home and gives you the courage to utter your next words ever so breathily.
“Because you saw me when I was invisible.”
The next thing you know, Jisung’s lips are smashed against yours. You’re unsure which of you initiated it, not having had your eyes open in fear of his rejection. His lips are just as soft as you’d imagined they’ve be and you feel yourself unable to suppress the smile that explodes across your face, causing Jisung to smile into the kiss too.
Everything seems to fall into place again. Who knew kissing your best friend could feel so right?
Pulling apart breathlessly, you both continue to smile at each other, idiotically in love.
“We really should get inside and put Chenle out of his misery.” Jisung chuckles, only imagining the chaos he’s cause by trying to stall.
“I guess…” you trail off, sending Jisung a sheepish smirk. He knows exactly what you’re thinking. “…Or we could kiss some more?”
“We can do that later. But first, you have to tell your country you will be their Princess.”
~ bonus ~
“How’s my baby?” Jisung rolls his eyes.
“I told you to stop calling me that.” He deadpans, failing to hide the blush that tinges his cheeks from the way you smirk at him.
You know he loves it really.
“But it’s cute!” You continue to tease, laughing as you speak.
“Whatever you say Princess.”
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gadgetrevive · 2 months
Ever wondered if your smartphone repair is in good hands? Our phone repair shop is here to tell you it is. We're not just fixing gadgets; we're fixing your connection to the world. You can find us at Shop No. 20 A Kensington Village Shopping Centre, 8 Sovereigns Ave, Bray Park QLD 4500. We're the go-to smartphone technicians you can trust.Since starting in 2012, we've earned a solid reputation for our expertise and making customers happy. We've helped people in Annerly, West End, and Gladstone1 too. Our skilled team is ready to fix your phone 24/7, from simple screen fixes to complex battery problems1. We promise your device will get the best care, whether it's a quick fix or a big repair.We use top-quality parts and clear pricing. This means you get a fixed device, a happy smile, and peace of mind.Key Takeaways We offer reliable phone repair services tailored to meet your needs. Our technicians are available 24/7 to resolve your device issues promptly. Conveniently located for easy access to our expert services. Committed to using quality parts for every repair. Transparent pricing ensures no hidden costs for our services. Why Choose Our Reliable Phone Repair ShopChoosing our phone repair shop means you get quality and speed. We're proud to offer an expert handset repair service for all your needs. Our team knows a lot about different phones, so we can fix your device right.We work fast, often fixing phones the same day you bring them in. This means you won't be without your phone for long. Our shop is in the community, and happy customers often share their good experiences with others2.Fixing your phone is usually cheaper than buying a new one. Prices for screen repairs are between $80 and $2003. We also care about the planet by reducing waste from old phones, making a greener future for everyone4.We aim to give you a personal service, building trust with our customers. We use top-quality parts and stand behind our work with warranties. This shows we're reliable and you can trust us with your phone4.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8muMM9KUX4Expert Technicians You Can TrustAt our trusted phone repair shop, we know how crucial reliable service is. That's why our expert technicians offer top-notch mobile device fixing services just for you. They're well-trained and can quickly find and fix any device problem.Skilled Phone Diagnostics for Accurate SolutionsOur experienced technicians use the latest tools and methods for detailed diagnostics. This ensures they can spot and fix your smartphone issues right. We've fixed over 40,000 devices since starting, showing our technicians' dedication to quality and making customers happy5.Professional Mobile Device Fixing Across All BrandsOur team knows how to fix a wide range of brands like Apple, Samsung, and LG. Whether it's a phone or tablet, we work fast, often in just an hour, to get you back on track6. We use genuine parts for repairs, making us a top choice for fixing mobile devices in the area.Comprehensive Services Offered at Our ShopOur phone repair shop is known for its wide range of services. We fix everything from phone screens to batteries. Our team is skilled in providing fast, efficient, and high-quality repairs. We aim to make sure you can trust us with your device needs.Dependable Phone Screen ReplacementOur phone screen replacements start at just $89, making it affordable for everyone7. We use genuine parts for the best quality and performance. You'll get your phone back in no time, in about 15 minutes8.Every repair comes with a lifetime warranty8. This means you can relax, knowing your device is well taken care of.Fast and Efficient Battery Replacement ServicesWe also offer quick battery replacement services. For iPhones, this usually takes about 30 minutes8. You won't have to wait long to get back to your day.Our team can work on many devices, like iPhones and Samsung Galaxy phones8. Visit our website to learn more and book your repair today!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYldzpaAR4UConvenient
Location and AccessibilityOur reliable phone repair shop is at Shop No. 20 A Kensington Village Shopping Centre, Bray Park. It's easy for locals to get to us. We have plenty of parking and a friendly atmosphere for a great visit. You'll get top-notch repairs and service that meets your phone repair needs.We also have a spot at 4/28 Elizabeth St, Acacia Ridge QLD 4110, Brisbane. This lets more people in the area get our quick and expert repairs. We're all about being a go-to phone repair shop, focusing on making customers happy and easy to reach.As we build our standing in the community, we continue to ensure that our locations remain easily reachable for all customers.Need a screen fix, battery swap, or something else? Come see our quality service at either spot. Our team aims to give you a great experience every visit to our phone repair shop. For more details, check out Gadget Kings. Location Address Operating Hours Kensington Village Shopping Centre Shop No. 20 A Kensington Village Shopping Centre, Bray Park Mon-Fri: 9 am - 6 pm, Sat-Sun: 10 am - 5 pm Acacia Ridge 4/28 Elizabeth St, Acacia Ridge QLD 4110 Mon-Fri: 9 am - 6 pm, Sat-Sun: 10 am - 5 pm 9Transparent Pricing and Quality AssuranceAt our repair shop, we're all about transparent pricing and top-notch quality. We make sure customers know the cost of repairs upfront. This way, they can make choices without worrying about surprise fees.Understanding Our Repair CostsWe're big on clear communication about repair costs. We take the time to explain what you'll be paying for our expert handset repair service. Costs vary by device and service type. We give you a detailed estimate so you know exactly what you're paying for. This approach builds trust and avoids any confusion.Lifetime Guarantee on Screen RepairsWe stand behind our screen repairs with a lifetime guarantee. This shows we believe in the quality of our work and gives you peace of mind. Using top-quality parts means your repairs will last, backed by our transparent pricing that fits different budgets.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXt_wRpep08Our dedication to quality has earned us high customer satisfaction. If you're looking for reliable repairs, check out our services. We offer everything from iPhone motherboard repair services, showing our skills1011.Customer-Centric Approach to ServiceAt our reliable phone repair shop, we focus on making sure every customer gets top-notch service. Our trusted smartphone technicians work hard to give you quick and effective service. They make sure they meet your specific needs.Fast Turnaround TimeWe know how much you depend on your devices. So, we make fixing them fast a top priority. Most common problems get fixed the same day, so you can get back to your life quickly. Our team works fast, often fixing your device while you wait, to get it back to you fast12.Personalised Customer SupportWe aim to give you a service that feels personal. We listen to what you need and explain the repair process clearly. We want to make sure you feel welcome and that the repair is easy for you. This shows our commitment to putting you first13. Learn more about our services.Top-Rated Cell Phone Service in the AreaWe're proud to be known as a top cell phone service in the area. Our customers often give us great feedback. They love our quick repairs, excellent customer service, and good prices. This has built a strong group of clients who trust us with their devices.Our focus on quality shows in our repair work. We offer various services, including a detailed 50-point inspection used by top repair shops. This ensures we're open and thorough in all our services14. We know the usual problems with phones, like cracked screens and charging issues. So, we work fast to fix these problems for our clients15.Some repairs can be done in just 30 minutes, showing how committed we are to making things easy for our clients.To find out more about what we offer and to book a service, please visit our official website.
Our easy process and focus on doing things right make us a top choice for many.“The service was quick and very professional! Highly recommend them.”Looking back, it's clear our customers value us for keeping our promises and setting high standards in every repair1415.Our Commitment to Using Quality PartsAt our reliable phone repair shop, we are committed to using top-quality parts for repairs. This ensures your device works well after repair and lasts longer. We use genuine components whenever we can to make our services more reliable.Benefits of Genuine Parts in RepairsUsing high-quality parts in repairs boosts your device's performance and makes it last longer. Millions of unused mobile phones are sitting in Aussie homes, highlighting the need for effective repair and recycling. Our shop has fixed over 1 million devices, proving our reliability and repair skills16. We fix common issues like broken screens, battery problems, and water damage. Choosing us means your device could be fixed the same day, reducing your wait time16.Ensuring Durability and Reliability of RepairsWe offer a wide range of services focused on quality. Our technicians are always learning about the latest repair technologies to ensure top standards17. We aim for fair prices without cutting corners on part quality17. Our no-fix, no-fee policy builds trust with customers and supports a greener future by promoting repair over buying new16. Repair Service Estimated Time Quality Assurance Screen Replacement Under 1 hour Lifetime Warranty Battery Replacement Same Day High-Quality Parts Water Damage Repair Quick Turnaround Expert Technicians Camera Repair 1-2 hours Long Lasting Convenient Repair Options: Walk-In and Mail-InOur phone repair shop offers easy repair options for everyone. You can either drop by for a quick fix or send your device to us. This way, we meet all your repair needs with walk-in and mail-in repair services.Our skilled technicians can fix many issues quickly. For example, they can fix a cracked screen or replace a battery in about 30 minutes18. If you choose mail-in repair, just send your device to us, and we'll take care of it with great care.Our walk-in service is great for getting your phone fixed the same day, for brands like Apple and Samsung19. Or, if you're busy, our mail-in option is just as good. You can trust us to use top-quality parts for repairs that last, with a warranty too. Screen repairs usually take about 25 minutes. 180 days warranty on screen repairs gives you peace of mind18. Our mail-in service is quick and doesn't cut corners on quality. For more details on what we offer, visit our website. Whether you like to come in or prefer mail-in repair, we're here to assist you.ConclusionWe're proud to be a top phone repair shop with skilled technicians. We make sure you get the help you need, like screen fixes, battery work, or full checks. Our services are quick, saving you time and money, and we use real parts for the best results2021.Getting to us is easy, with walk-in options available. We keep your data safe during repairs and work fast so you don't wait long. Most repairs are done in one to two hours, getting your device back to you quickly21.Come visit us at one of our easy-to-find locations or contact us for more details. Let us fix your device for you. With us, you get the best in phone repair, making your device last longer and supporting our local area while helping our community.FAQWhat types of devices do you repair?We fix many brands, like iPhones and Samsung phones. We also repair a variety of mobile devices.How long does a typical repair take?Most repairs are done quickly, often while you wait. We work fast without cutting corners.Do you offer a guarantee on your repairs?Yes, we give a lifetime guarantee on screen repairs. This shows our work is durable and top quality.Can I get a quote before repairs?Definitely! We give detailed quotes and upfront cost info. This way, you know what to expect.Where is your phone repair shop located?Our shop is at Shop No.
20 A Kensington Village Shopping Centre, Bray Park, QLD 4500. We also have a spot in Acacia Ridge.Are your technicians qualified?Yes, our techs are well-trained and know a lot about top brands. They give precise fixes and high-quality repairs.What payment methods do you accept?We take many payment types, like cash and cards. It's easy for you.Do you offer mail-in repair services?Yes, we offer both walk-in and mail-in services. This is for your ease and flexibility.What types of warranties do you offer on spare parts?We use top-quality parts, sometimes genuine ones. All parts come with our assurance for lasting repairs.How can I contact you for further information?You can call us at +61 450753672 or email [email protected]. We're here for any questions or concerns.
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daveg65 · 7 months
294 - Dave’s all Taylor Swift Apple Music Replay unexpected Playlist - With Jeff Gamet, and Ben Roethig
The latest In Touch With iOS with Dave he is joined by Jeff Gamet, and Ben Roethig. Apple Increases iPhone 15's Advertised Battery Lifespan and we discuss this and how to manage your iPhone battery life.  iOS 17.4 Beta 4 was released this week and it's looking like it will be released in March.Have you Ever wondered how to free up space on iCloud drive? We give some great tips.There was a Massive AT&T cellular outage on 2/22/24 we discuss how vulnerable and dependent we are on cellular networks. Apple introduced their very own Sports app and is it ready for prime time compared to other great sports apps. As well as we give Jeff some sports education.Plus more news
The show notes are at InTouchwithiOS.com

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Beta this week. iOS 17.4 Beta 4 was released this week. 
Apple Seeds Fourth Betas of iOS 17.4 and iPadOS 17.4 to Developers [Update: Public Beta Available]
Apple Seeds Fourth Beta of watchOS 10.4 to Developers
Apple Seeds Fourth Beta of tvOS 17.4 to Developers
  Apple Releases Third Beta of visionOS 1.1
iOS 17.4 is coming next month: Here's everything new so far
iPhone battery life is always a topic everyone wants to know how to get the most of it. 
About Optimized Battery Charging on your iPhone
iPhone Battery and Performance
Batteries - Maximizing Performance
Apple Increases iPhone 15's Advertised Battery Lifespan 
Ever wonder how to free up space on iCloud drive? We give some of these tips The Best Ways to Free Up Space on Your iCloud Drive 
New security protocol for iMessage this is big.
Apple Announces 'Groundbreaking' New Security Protocol for iMessage
Massive AT&T outage on 2/22/24 we discuss how vulnerable and dependent we are on cellular networks.This Map Shows Just How Bad the AT&T Outage Was | Cord Cutters News
Apple introduced their very own Sports app and is it ready for prime time compared to other great sports apps. As well as we give Jeff some sports education. 
 App Store Preview Apple Sports
'Apple Sports' App Announced With Personalized Scoreboards and More 
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Microsoft shies away from bringing Xbox titles to the iOS platform, cites monetization concerns
First ever iOS trojan discovered — and it’s stealing facial recognition data to break into bank accounts 
Amazon Prime Video drops Dolby Vision and Atmos unless you pay extra 
Duo That Defrauded Apple Out of 5,000 iPhones With Repair Scheme Will Spend Up to 20 Years in Prison 
Pair found guilty of trying to defraud Apple of more than $3 million
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MLS Season Pass returns with Multiview and more Messi 
Top 7 Best-Selling Smartphones Last Year Were All iPhones
FDA blood glucose statement doesn't mean we won't see it in an Apple Watch
Our Host
Dave Ginsburg is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users and shares his wealth of knowledge of iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and related technologies. Visit the YouTube channel https://youtube.com/intouchwithios follow him on Mastadon @daveg65, and the show @intouchwithios
  Our Regular Contributors
Jeff Gamet is a podcaster, technology blogger, artist, and author. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s managing editor, and Smile’s TextExpander Evangelist. You can find him on Mastadon @jgamet as well as Twitter and Instagram as @jgamet  His YouTube channel https://youtube.com/jgamet
Ben Roethig Former Associate Editor of GeekBeat.TV and host of the Tech Hangout and Deconstruct with Patrice  Mac user since the mid 90s. Tech support specialist. Twitter/X @benroethig  Website: https://roethigtech.blogspot.com
Here is our latest Episode!
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marley39 · 10 months
Fitbit Versa Watch Battery
The battery and my Fitbit watch will last about 4 to 5 hours. I tried Best Buy and a computer repair shop and none of them will touch it or replace the battery. Overall, I liked those watch until now.
Any suggestions on where to have the Fitbit battery replaced?
I found the answer, it’s called the Apple Watch
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thebigphonestore · 10 months
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Excellent Value: Refurbished Apple Watch
Welcome to The Big Phone Store, the UK's leading source for low-cost, high-quality Apple watch refurbished. Because we have the best combination of quality and pricing, these cheap Apple Watch deals are a perfect choice for consumers who want to get the most for their money. Let's take a look at why purchasing a used Apple Watch from us is a good approach to save money while still receiving a good wearable experience.
So, why should you go for a cheap Apple Watch?
A used Apple Watch is just as good as a new one, but it is less expensive. Our carefully repaired timepieces are examined and repaired to the highest standards. Most refurbished Apple Watches come with a 12-month warranty, so you have nothing to worry about when you buy one. There is no degradation in quality.
The buyer's trust and transparency
The Big Phone Store UK believes in being upfront and honest with its customers. Apple Watches that have been serviced are labelled as Like New, Pristine, Very Good, Good, and Fair. Each grade includes a completely functional timepiece with varying signs of wear on the outside. It covers watches from "Like New" to "Good" for a year. A 3-month warranty ensures that timepieces in good condition with minor technical problems will function properly.
Where to Buy a Refurbished Apple Watch
The Big Phone Store is the greatest location in the UK to acquire a refurbished Apple Watch. Our primary objectives are quality, client happiness, and a pleasant purchasing experience. That is why we have high Trustpilot ratings, free UK shipping on orders over £30, and a customer service team that only works in the UK. At https://www.thebigphonestore.co.uk/smartwatches/apple-smartwatches, we provide great, dependable, and low-cost service for used Apple Watches.
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nabeelarasheeda · 1 year
Discovering the Best Online Electronics Stores in the UAE
Today, technology is an integral part of our daily lives. Therefore, staying connected and up-to-date with the latest developments in technology can give you an edge. Whether it be smartphones, laptops, speakers, or home appliances, customers are always on a quest to find the best available product to fit their budget. 
But lately, the trend of electronic shopping has shifted towards online electronics stores in the UAE. Online shopping has become a blessing to tech lovers worldwide, especially in the UAE. In this article, we will dive into the world of online shopping for gadgets.
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Tips for Online Shopping for Electronic Gadgets
If you are still a beginner in online shopping for electronics, here are a few tips to make the process smooth and hassle-free.
The first step in using any product is to comprehend its features thoroughly. To make an informed decision, read internet reviews and compare pricing. For example, you might acquire the greatest Apple iPhone prices in Dubai by doing so. 
Being scammed online is a common occurrence. Before you share your personal information, please use verified and safe websites. 
Only use secure payment options or cash on delivery. To avoid problems, make sure the payment gateway is safe.
Before purchasing anything online, always verify the warranty and return policies. This will make it easier for you to return or repair the product at no cost if necessary.
Recheck Shipping Information for the shipping address and other information. Check the time it would take to be delivered and how much it would cost.
 Benefits of Online Shopping for Electronic Gadgets
Online shopping has many advantages over traditional shopping, especially when it comes to electronic gadgets. Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy:
Convenience: Dealing with traffic, parking, and crowds is the hardest part of shopping. Online shopping has been a blessing for homebodies who can now purchase from the comfort of their homes.
Accessibility: You won't need to nag your loved ones who live abroad to send you that one device that is no longer sold in your country. Thanks to online purchasing, a wide variety of products are now easier to get. You may buy Samsung phone online in Abu Dhabi without even visiting a dealership. 
Cheapest Prices: Purchasing electronics is expensive. Online stores are always the finest places to shop for these devices. You can find the most reasonable costs for your preferred gadgets through special offers, seasonal discounts, and other promotions. Online shopping has become more cost-effective thanks to the availability of EMIs and various payment options.
Testimonies: You are no longer deceived by the fabricated claims made concerning the item you purchased. You can read frank consumer evaluations and comments on the goods you want to purchase. 
Comparisons: Make quick comparisons by opening a few tabs on your buying site, watching a few YouTube reviews, and reading internet reviews. This can assist you in a better understanding and side-by-side comparison of the features, attributes, and costs of a variety of products. 
Online electronics stores in the UAE offer you a world of tech possibilities, from Samsung phones in Abu Dhabi to Apple iPhones in Dubai. You can enjoy the convenience, variety, and competitive online shopping prices while following some essential tips to make your electronic gadget purchases smooth and easy. Upgrade your tech game and stay ahead in the digital age with the UAE’s online electronic wonderland.
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Now in theaters:
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Jules--Ben Kingsley plays Milton, a widower pushing 80. A mild-mannered guy, he putters around his small Pennsylvania hometown, making inane proposals at city council meetings, tending the flowers in the backyard of his beautiful home, and resisting the efforts of his fretful daughter (Zoë Winters) to make him get a checkup.
Then one day Milton finds that a flying saucer has crash-landed in his backyard, wiping out his azaleas and shattering his birdbath. Soon the craft's silent alien occupant, dubbed Jules, is staying in the house, watching TV and eating apple slices between shifts repairing the saucer.
Initially, Milton doesn't make a secret of any of this. He calls 9-1-1; they think it's a prank. He mentions it to the guy at the supermarket (while buying apples) and it gets back to the daughter, who assumes it's a sign of early onset dementia.
That's the best joke in this wistful, extremely low-key sci-fi comedy--the idea that elderly people are so ignored in our society that an alien visitation could go unnoticed if it happened among seniors. Eventually two ladies (Harriet Sansom Harris and Jane Curtin) from the council meetings learn about and befriend Jules, and advise Milton to secrecy, but there's little urgency to the situation.
Kingsley starts out very deadpan and reserved; it may be that Milton is being careful to hide a cognitive decline. But the performance opens up as the story progresses, and both Jules and the two ladies draw out Milton's perceptive, hospitable warmth.
Harris and Curtin are both lovable as lonely, bored women who know they are, just by virtue of longevity and experience, a resource that's being wasted. Curtin even gets to sing "Free Bird." Under the prosthetics, stuntwoman Jade Quon brings a stoic gravity and woebegone sweetness to the bluish-white, earless, hairless, black-eyed Jules. Standing next to the saucer, wearing an old Spuds Mackenzie t-shirt, this visitor is an absurdly endearing figure.
Director Marc Turtletaub and screenwriter Gavin Steckler seem to have a little trouble figuring out how to end the movie, the last few scenes have a fitful, uncertain quality. But overall, this is a small gem--sort of an E.T. for the other end of the life span.
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Apple Watch Update: What's New at Repair My Phone Today
Repair My Phone Today, a leading smartphone repair service, is excited to announce the latest update for Apple Watch owners. With the constant advancements in technology, it's crucial to stay up to date with the latest software updates for your devices. In this blog post, we will explore the new features and improvements brought by the latest Apple Watch update available at Repair My Phone Today.
1. Improved Performance:
One of the key highlights of the Apple Watch update is the improved performance. The update brings a smoother and more responsive user experience, allowing users to navigate through apps and menus effortlessly. With enhanced performance, you can now enjoy seamless and efficient usage of your Apple Watch.
2. New Watch Faces:
The update also introduces a range of new watch faces for Apple Watch owners. These watch faces offer increased customization options, allowing users to personalize their device to reflect their style and preferences. Whether you prefer a sleek and professional look or a more vibrant and colorful appearance, there's a watch face to suit every taste.
3. Enhanced Fitness Tracking:
For fitness enthusiasts, the Apple Watch update at Repair My Phone Today brings exciting enhancements to the fitness tracking capabilities of the device. With the new update, you can now track a wider range of activities accurately. Whether you're running, cycling, swimming, or practicing yoga, the updated Apple Watch will provide you with detailed insights into your workouts, helping you achieve your fitness goals more effectively.
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4. Expanded Health Features:
Apple Watch has always been a reliable companion for monitoring health-related metrics. The latest update introduces even more health-focused features to help you take better care of your well-being. With the update, you can now measure your blood oxygen levels, track your sleep patterns, and monitor your overall heart health more comprehensively. These additional health features empower users to become more proactive about their personal health and well-being.
5. Easier App Installation:
With the Apple Watch update available at Repair My Phone Today, installing apps on your device has become easier than ever. The update streamlines the process of discovering and installing apps directly from your Apple Watch, eliminating the need for constant interaction with your iPhone. This convenience allows you to quickly access and enjoy a wide range of apps on your wrist.
We understand the importance of staying up to date with the latest software updates for your Apple Watch. The latest update brings a host of new features and improvements that enhance the overall user experience, making your Apple Watch even more powerful and reliable. Visit Repair My Phone Today to update your Apple Watch and unlock the full potential of this remarkable device. Stay connected, stay productive, and stay ahead of the curve with Apple Watch.
📞 Contact: Repair My Phone Today
📧 Email: [email protected]
☎️ Phone: 01865 655 261
💻 Website: www.repairmyphone.today
📍 Address: 99 St Aldates, Oxford OX1 1BT, UK
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idocrepair · 1 year
Buy Attractive Looking Mobile Phone Cases in South Yarra at Affordable Prices
Nowadays, many stores offer attractive mobile phone cases in South Yarra so customers could simply pick their favourites and uplift overall look. Usually, they provide cases for all phone makes and models so every customer could find their fit easily. According to research portals, experts offer different sizes, styles, designs and graphic cases that will satisfy the needs. The high quality cases would protect the phone from scratches, glass breakage and other potential dents.
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Why is it Necessary to Opt for Screen Restoration Services?
Generally, well-known stores offer phone glass repair for all type of android and apple models so they could use it with ease without any vision blur concerns. Moreover, they also assist with water, crack, chipped and dent damages while providing immediate tailored solutions. Skilled specialists are well-trained and capable enough to change screens if necessary in order to avoid major investments while saving time.
According to verified portals, many stores initially inspect smart phones to detect issues and provide immediate solutions for improving operations. This will increase phone’s life expectancy while limiting unnecessary expenses every now and then. Professionals are well-equipped with advance tools and methods that will restore glass within minimum downtime. They also provide safeguards for protecting the screens from potential dents or scratches in the future.
Basically, skilled specialists highly recommend repairs above replacing glass screens if there are minor scratches or dent concerns. Additionally, they also assist with ipad and tablet screen restorations so customers could find all the solutions at once.
Advantages of Opting for Comprehensive Phone Repair Services:
Established stores offer repair services for apple watch, computers, laptop, Macbook, android smart phones, and other gadgets.
The code of conduct provides gorilla glass protection that will save the screens from major cracks and scratches as well as save from unnecessary expenses.
In-addition, they also provide warranty packages so customers could simply opt for maintenance services in case something goes wrong with the smart phone.
Skilled specialists also provide high quality replacement buttons so one could easily operate without any discomfort.
One should contact with the best company if they are interested in purchasing phone cases and screen protection glasses.
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barsha1234 · 1 year
When buying an Apple Watch, here are some things to look out for:
Compatibility: Make sure the Apple Watch you choose is compatible with your iPhone model.
Size and style: The Apple Watch comes in different sizes and styles, so choose the one that fits your wrist and personal style.
Display: Consider the display size and type of the watch, as well as the level of brightness and clarity.
Battery life: Check the battery life of the watch and ensure it can last for an entire day of use.
Health and fitness features: If you plan to use the watch for fitness tracking, check the available sensors and apps that support your preferred fitness activities.
Connectivity: If you need to use the watch for cellular communication, make sure it has cellular connectivity.
Storage: Consider the storage capacity of the watch, especially if you plan to store music or other files on it.
Price: Apple Watches come in different price ranges, so choose the one that suits your budget.
Customer reviews: Read customer reviews to get an idea of the watch's performance and user experience before making a final decision.
If you need any Apple Watch Repairs Adelaide ,Daddys Phones will be your best choice.
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ozmobilesblog · 1 year
The Difference Between Apple Watch And Samsung Smart Watch
 The constant release of new smartphones and the constant need to upgrade has led to increased electronic waste worldwide. As a result, the environmental impact of smartphones has become a significant concern. However, there is an alternative to buying new smartphones, and itÕs buying refurbished phones. This article will explore the benefits of refurbished phones on the environment and how they can be a more sustainable option.
Reducing Electronic Waste
One of the main benefits of buying refurbished phones is reducing electronic waste. Each year, millions of smartphones end up in landfills, where they can release toxic chemicals into the environment. Buying a refurbished phone keeps these devices out of landfills and reduces the demand for manufacturing new devices. Additionally, refurbished phones are also a way to prolong the life of a device and prevent it from ending up in a landfill.
Lower Carbon Footprint
Another benefit of buying refurbished phones is the reduction of carbon footprint. The production of new smartphones requires a significant amount of energy and resources. Buying a refurbished phone reduces the demand for new devices to be manufactured and thus reduces the carbon footprint. Additionally, refurbished phones also require less energy to be transported, as they are already in the market, reducing the emissions that come from transportation.
Energy Savings
Buying refurbished phones also result in energy savings. The production of new smartphones requires a significant amount of energy and is also a resource-intensive process. Buying a refurbished phone reduces the demand for new devices to be manufactured, thus reducing energy consumption. Additionally, refurbished phones require less energy to be transported and distributed, reducing energy consumption.
Materials Savings
Refurbished phones also result in material savings. The production of new smartphones requires a significant amount of materials, including metals, plastics, and minerals. Buying a refurbished phone reduces the demand for new devices to be manufactured and thus reduces the need for these materials. Refurbished phones also require less packaging, reducing the materials used.
Affordable Option
Another benefit of buying refurbished phones is that it is an affordable option. Refurbished phones are available at a fraction of the cost of a new device. This makes it a great option for people on a budget or those looking for a cost-effective way to upgrade their devices. Refurbished phones also come with a warranty, giving you peace of mind that you are protected in case of any issues.
In conclusion, buying refurbished phones is a more sustainable option that can significantly impact the environment. It reduces electronic waste, lowers the carbon footprint, saves energy, reduces the need for materials, and is affordable. If youÕre looking for the best place to buy refurbished phones in Australia, OzMobilse is the best option. They have a wide range of refurbished phones at competitive prices, focusing on customer satisfaction and quality products. They ensure that all their refurbished phones are thoroughly inspected, tested, and repaired and come with a warranty, making them a reliable and trustworthy option.
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milli-moi · 1 year
Sad times. Very sad times. 😥
Story time:
I began drawing digitally on my phone about three years ago. It wasn’t easy and I only really imported line art and used the software to colour and make it fancy. I decided after deliberating a lot that it made sense to get an iPad and Apple Pencil. I got some of it paid for Christmas and I paid the rest. Since getting my pencil and iPad my drawing has transformed. I am able to create better things which take longer and would be much harder to create without the layering tools. I have also become used to using reference images to trace the line work which is probably not the best idea but it opened up a lot of things I otherwise wouldn’t be drawing. I’ve barely drawn on paper for a while now, again probably not the best but it helps set the stage.
Despite a case and a tempered glass screen protector my iPad screen got a crack right across it. I thought the crack was in the screen protector only to find when I went to change the protector that it actually had cracked the screen. I was devastated, obviously drawing on the screen would add pressure to the crack and eventually cause permanent damage. Apple suggests using one of their specific repair places but a screen repair from them would cost almost as much as getting a new, older generation iPad (£270).
I eventually followed my dad’s advise and got a new screen put on from a phone/iPad repair place which had very good reviews etc. It cost me £80.
I was so happy to get my iPad back, so relieved that I was going to be able to carry on with the art I have had in progress for a while and just to have the ability to work the same way once again.
Then I discovered the pencil no longer worked properly. After some research I discovered that the only way that an iPad could have a screen replacement which didn’t effect the pressure sensors for the pencil was if the screen was ‘cannibalised’ from another iPad. So it basically would be a bit dodgy.
My Mum, understanding how devastating this is for me at the moment, has agreed to do the same as I did with my first iPad, allowing me to buy half of it and she will pay the rest for my birthday but I wouldn’t have to wait for my birthday to get a new one. It would of course be cheaper this time as the pencil is perfectly fine and I will sell my original iPad as it works perfectly for someone who doesn’t need the pencil capabilities.
However I am in limbo at the moment, I can’t exactly ask my parents to speed up the process of getting me a new one as this is partly a present and they are being really nice in agreeing to do this. But I feel so lost and sad without my iPad.
I have plans to make a calendar, which I also hope I will be able to sell, but of course I would need to have the art all ready to go by probably late October in order to get the word out and get them selling. The plan was to do a modern more MCU- like take on the marvel swimsuit edition of many years ago. I also planned to try and sell the calendar as a physical copy and also as a pdf so that people would not have to pay for shipping etc if they didn’t want to.
I am simply a sad bean until I get it back and am having my eyes open to how much I have come to rely on my iPad for drawing more so than games/watching stuff/random video making etc. Having both Dyspraxia and ADHD (and asd but those two are the most relevant here) I am very accustomed to breaking stuff, no matter how important it is to me anything I own is at risk by clumsiness and forgetfulness combined.
Regardless of all of my sadness in this post I thought I might share some of my almost finished images for the calendar to try and get some people interested (maybe) and to cheer myself up.
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iCloud Unlock Service - How to Remove the iCloud Activation Lock From Your iPhone Or iPad
iCloud Unlock Service is an online tool that helps to remove the iCloud Activation Lock from your iPhone or iPad. Currently, it works on most iOS devices, including iPhone 6s and newer models.
It has become a widespread practice but has its share of controversies. This is why using a legitimate, safe, and code-based unlocking service is essential.
Introduction to iCloud Unlock Service
The iCloud lock is an important security feature that prevents your Apple device from being activated without the authorization of its original owner. It has become an essential component of iOS devices.
However, sometimes you may need help with your iCloud-locked iPhone or iPad. Regardless of the reason, you can find many ways to unlock your device.
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One of the most common solutions is using this online iCloud Unlock Service to remove the iCloud lock from your iPhone or iPad. These services are convenient but have drawbacks, including privacy threats and malware infections.
Another way to remove the iCloud lock is to use an offline service. Offline services are usually more reliable because they have no hidden fees and good customer support.Despite these benefits, some users have complained about using online unlocking services. The main issue with these services is that they tend to steal their users’ information and money.
the legal background of using iCloud Unlock Service
Using an iCloud unlock service to bypass your device's activation lock is not illegal. However, you should be aware of the risks of such a procedure.Aside from the obvious concerns, unlocking your device can also lead to data loss and void your warranty. Hence, we should trust only an experienced professional to perform such a feat.
The iCloud unlocking craze has caught on in a big way. It has become a popular service on repair shops' websites, and many independent repair shop owners on Motherboard spoke with worry about the dark side of this industry.
While the iCloud Unlock Service has its merits, there are still plenty of scams and unproven claims. To get the best deal possible, research all your options thoroughly. The key is to choose a reputable company with proven track records and customer reviews. Besides, you should be aware of the small print before you sign up. That's the only way to ensure you use time and money effectively.
What is the main reason for using this Tool?
iCloud Unlock Service is a tool that helps you unlock any iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch model. It is fast and straightforward to use and has a high success rate. It is also very affordable and can be used by anyone on a budget.
Activation lock is a feature that Apple introduced to protect users from being able to access their devices without entering their Apple ID and password. Quality is a security measure that can help prevent devices from being stolen, but it can be a hassle for people selling or buying appliances.
Many iPhone owners who have purchased second-hand devices are surprised when they find the device is connected to the previous owner’s Apple ID. This means the device can no longer be used as a regular phone.
Thankfully, several online services can help you unlock your iCloud device. However, it is essential to remember that not all of them are reliable and offer a high success rate. Some of them may also try to steal your personal information and money.
More about iCloud Unlock Service
Apple’s iCloud activation lock is an excellent security measure that limits access to your information on a specific device. This feature is available on all Apple devices, including the iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch.
But, this feature can be problematic for some users who want to use their iCloud account on other devices. They might be worried about exposing their iCloud password to anyone who can access their device.
Fortunately, several online services help you unlock your device without jeopardizing your privacy or security. These services are safe and affordable and have helped thousands of people.They also don’t require personal information like your IMEI number or payment method. However, it would help if you were careful with free iCloud to unlock tools on the internet, as they may have viruses and spyware that can harm your device.
Aside from these, you should also choose a reliable service with a money-back guarantee. This will ensure that you don’t lose your money or device.
Advantages of using iCloud Unlock Service
An iCloud lock is a security feature that is built into Apple devices. It prevents people from using your iPhone or iPad if you have forgotten your iCloud password.However, this can be an issue if you have purchased a second-hand device that has been locked because the previous owner forgot their iCloud account password. In this case, the iCloud unlock service can help you eliminate this lock and restore access to your device.
This is a widespread problem among people who buy pre-owned smartphones. Luckily, there are several ways to remove an iCloud activation lock.One way to do it is by visiting your local Apple Store and requesting that they unlock the iCloud on your device. They will need proof of ownership, such as the original receipt.
Another way is to contact the carrier that you bought your phone from. These carriers often have a program to remove iCloud from phones returned as part of a phone upgrade or insurance claim.
However, this process can be very time-consuming and costly. If you are looking for a quick and easy solution, an online iCloud unlock service is a great option.
Unlock iOS 16.3.1 using iCloud Unlock Service.
iCloud is a cloud storage server that stores photos, videos, documents, music, apps, and other files. You can access these files from any device connected to the same iCloud account using Apple ID.
Moreover, your iCloud account has a higher level of security than other cloud servers. However, if you forget the password or email of your iCloud account, you will be locked out of the iCloud account.
To overcome this, you can use iCloud Unlock Service to help you unlock any iOS device. This service is safe and secure, and it is based on the IMEI number of your device.
In addition, this iCloud unlocking service is also easy to use and requires no software installation. You have to enter your IMEI number and the model of the device, and it will unlock it within an hour or two.
This service works with almost all iPhone and iPad models and even supports Apple Watch. But you must have a clean and not blacklisted device to use it.
Conclusion on iCloud Unlock Service
Buying an iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch will have a feature that prevents someone else from using your device unless they have your Apple ID and password. This feature, called the iCloud Activation Lock, is designed to protect your devices from theft and unauthorized use. It is a great feature but can also be annoying.
Thankfully many iCloud unlocking services on the market will help you unlock your device. However, choosing a service that offers a money-back guarantee and has good customer support is essential.
The best iCloud unlocking service will not only remove the iCloud Activation lock from your device but also allow you to use your phone with any carrier. It is one of the quickest and most convenient ways to unlock your device. This iCloud unlocking service is a little expensive, but it is worth the money if you need your device opened quickly. It is also easy to use and has a high success rate.
Finally, on iCloud Unlock Service
The iCloud Unlock Service is a tool that can remove all the restrictions preventing you from using your iPhone and iPad. You can download it for free, and it is straightforward to use. It also requires no skills; you only need to enter your device's IMEI number, and it will do the rest for you.
This online service has an excellent reputation, and you can easily find its download link on the internet. It has an excellent success rate and works with almost all iPhone models.In addition, it is fast and can be used to unlock your Apple Watch as well. It also lets you pay for unlocking using different payment methods, such as credit cards or PayPal accounts.
If you have an iPhone or iPad that is locked and want to remove all the barriers preventing you from using your device, iCloud Unlock Service is the best option for you. It is a tool that will allow you to call your friends, text them, find new games or apps on the App Store, surf the internet, and do more.
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