#best budget wireless headset
gadgetst3 · 2 years
The Best Budget Gaming Headset in 2023
The best budget gaming headset with a microphone in 2023 is an article about the best budget gaming headset that has been released for the year.
The best budget gaming headset with a microphone in 2023 is an article about the best budget gaming headset that has been released for the year. So you’re looking for a great budget gaming headset for your PC, but you don’t know where to start. Don’t worry, we’re here to help. In this article, we’ll take a look at the best budget gaming headsets currently available, and we’ll also give you a few…
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digitaltrendscloud · 2 months
The Best Headsets of 2024: Top Picks for Every Need
Choosing the perfect headset can be challenging with the plethora of options available in the market. Whether you prioritize noise cancellation, budget-friendliness, or superior sound quality, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a detailed look at the best headsets of 2024 across various categories. 1. Best Overall: Sony WH-1000XM5 The Sony WH-1000XM5 headphones are our top pick for 2024, offering…
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crazydiscostu · 6 months
EKSA Telecom S30 Open Ear TW Headset
Finding the right headset that combines comfort, functionality, and performance can make all the difference in your audio experience especially when it comes to working environments. Today we’re looking at the EKSA Telecom S30 Open Ear TW Headset, a true wireless marvel that promises to revolutionize your audio encounters. (Product supplied for review purposes) EKSA S30 The EKSA Telecom S30 TW…
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worldnewsspot · 1 year
Skullcandy SLYR Pro Gaming Over-Ear Wireless Headset
In the ever-evolving world of gaming peripherals, Skullcandy has once again managed to raise the bar with its latest innovation: the Skullcandy SLYR Pro Gaming Over-Ear Wireless Headset. Designed to provide gamers with an unparalleled audio experience, this wireless headset promises to take your gaming sessions to a whole new level. Packed with cutting-edge technology and an array of impressive…
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psiroller · 1 month
youre like the pam to my jim (preview)
im on my office romcom au bullshit folks. itll be a oneshot and basically pwp but here's the lead in to wet ur whistle.
dunmeshi/chilaios/dom!laios/eventual bdsm club shenanigans/2.2K
cw: blue collar blues, language, not so unresolved sexual tension, questionable workplace romance between a superior (chilchuck) and his subordinate (laios). this is not used for leverage (laios is actually the dom in this scenario, inverting the power imbalance) but i thought id mention it. they keep it professional on the clock (USUALLY)
Though he’d rocked up to the office less than an hour ago, Chilchuck’s workday had already run long. All the printers had gone offline, and he had to spend a few hours troubleshooting with Kuro how to get them operational; there had been a software update, apparently, that rendered the very outdated inter-office network unusable. Of course, this meant an hour on the phone with the district manager trying to get their network updated to the company-wide standard, something that had been blown off for a year and a half; the way she reacted to his request, Chil might as well have asked her for her firstborn. All he could get for his trouble was a tepid “I’ll look into it”. This meant running around handing out USB sticks like holiday cards so his employees could get something done, and lots of lines at the printers into the foreseeable future, and naturally their budget for office supplies had been cut, so it all came out of his pocket.
The whole department was behind on their calls, but Chilchuck fought back the urge to go around crabbing at people to catch up. It served him well, as Marcille approached him in the afternoon and informed him that the phone lines were down, and the voice mailbox wasn’t functioning, and there were angry customers on the line. Another call to Kuro, who was really stretching the limits of his contract, and it turns out that the phones had also been pushed a software update that made them incompatible with the inter-office network, and they would have to take every call in two rings or they would be automatically parked on a line that no longer existed and be summarily hung up on.
Mr. Tims announced he would be taking a lunch. He blasted a cigarette in the parking lot and returned to his desk to sulk, face in hands, dreaming of days when their lines were all directly connected and they didn’t have to go through the song and dance of software updates, firmware updates, network security updates, OS updates, wireless headsets, broken wireless headsets, lost wireless headsets and keycards and lost keycards and broken keycards and daily performance numbers and corrective action reports and work smartphones with keylogging software in them and mouse movement monitoring and—
Chilchuck went back to work. He used his personal cell to call up the DM and informed her of the raging clusterfuck that had become his department—and probably the whole branch—now that the office network was effectively obsolete. She sounded on the verge of tears—apparently her other branches had also fallen victim to the endless onward march of the digital millennium, and she was at her wit’s end trying to fix them all at once. Every stress-deadened neuron in his withering brain proclaimed: serves you right. If you had fixed this when I first asked, we’d all be stressed out at the usual operating baseline. He wished her the best and hung up. He stared blankly at his desktop calendar, seeing that the next district meeting was in three days. His vision briefly fuzzed over and he fantasized about leaping onto the table and screaming, just screaming until his throat was raw and his face was purple and they had to have the orc from the main branch’s operational compliance department drag him out.
 Chilchuck went for coffee. He was risking time theft, but his DM had bigger problems, and there wasn’t much he could do. The frantic calling died down, Marcille having performed some kind of forbidden ritual to pacify their frothing customer base. During his walkaround he saw most of the floor taking calls, even folks who normally ducked phone duty, so she must have gone around recruiting people to her cause. Chilchuck made a note of that; he’d have to compensate her somehow for taking on what should have been his job.
Laios, however, was nowhere to be seen. This rankled Chilchuck; Laios rarely missed a day except for the handful of times Chilchuck had to send him home for being deathly ill, so of course the day he had to miss, there was catastrophe. His cubicle was empty, he wasn’t in the break room, he wasn’t in the parking lot putting out an engine fire on his piece of shit motorcycle, not at the watercooler. Nothing. He checked with Marcille if he’d called out, and she quirked an eyebrow up at him.
“No? He’s in the server room, with Kuro.”
“Yeah, he said he went to help.”
Mr. Tims ground his teeth. “That’s not his—I’ll go talk to him.”
Marcille smirked. “Sure you will.”
Chilchuck glowered at her, but Marcille faced his evil eye with insufferable smugness. He remembered all too soon that she saved his ass this morning, and he had to close his open mouth and walk away.
“We’re even now,” he growled.
“Nope! Still getting that Starbucks gift card!”
She was right, but he wouldn’t be admitting it. Chilchuck stormed out of his department and down the hall, sliding smoothly into a closing elevator with a few other disgruntled employees, taking a frankly infuriating number of stops at basically every floor until he could ride it all the way down into the basement. When the doors parted, hot, stuffy air flooded in. Chilchuck winced and loosened his tie and waistcoat as he stalked the rows of servers, the heat only getting worse the longer he lingered, until he found Kuro kneeling with his arms in the guts of the worst cable management imaginable, Laios helping him separate out the lines to keep track of each spaghettified clump of wires.
“Chil!” Laios said, getting a growl from Kuro that probably meant be quiet in Western Kobold. “Oh, uh, sorry. Mr. Tims! How is it up there?”
“Bad,” Chilchuck ground out. “Of course. We could really use a hand with the calls up there, you know.”
“Oh, are the lines working again?”
“Enough to receive them, but not enough to park them, so it’s a disaster for customer satisfaction,” Chilchuck said, trying to manage his volume. “So what are you doing down here? I don’t recall you being in IT.”
Laios slopped some sweat off the back of his neck with the palm of his equally sweaty hand. His dragon-patterned tie had been loosened enough to nearly slip off his neck, just enough to stay in code, and he’d tucked the end of it into his pocket to keep it out of the way, having forgotten his clip again. The heat in their dilapidated, poorly ventilated server room made his business casual button-up cling nicely to the curves of his chest and solid core, the one bright point in Chilchuck’s day so far.
“Oh, well, I wasn’t getting anywhere with my work… I mostly had a bunch of bills to print and mail out today, so naturally that was going nowhere. I had my personal USB on me, so I tried to get it done manually, but Namari was hogging it for her shipment printouts because apparently their system is kaput in the warehouse… and when I checked again everyone was using it. Some of the newer printer models don’t come with USB ports, so some of the more up-to-date departments were mooching off ours.”
“I thought the lines seemed a little excessive,” Chilchuck grumped. “I don’t think I’ve seen those things used more rigorously than they have been today.”
“Yup, that’s why. So I caught Kuro running between the floors trying to troubleshoot his latest Band-Aid fix, so I’ve been doing all the stuff that doesn’t require a tech degree, heh.”
“Laios okay with software,” Kuro chimed in. “Break hardware.”
“Yeah,” Laios said with a frown. “But the part was replaceable!” He beamed, cutting off a lecture. “Good thing Kuro hangs onto spare parts.”
Chilchuck’s eyes narrowed, and he turned to the real IT technician of the pair. “Is he actually helping, Kuro? Or are you humoring him?”
“Nice to have extra hands.” His tail wagged loosely, bushing the cuffs of his slacks. “He runs up to other floors. Checks employee access and network strength in offices. Saves time.”
“Alright then. Keep up the good work.” Chilchuck met Laios’ eye. Laios winked at him. Chilchuck blushed and ignored him, heels clacking on the cheap linoleum as he walked away.
Chilchuck hopped on call duty, having found everyone in their place and doing what all could be done. His customer service voice got a workout that left him feeling tense and jittery, every call opening with a frustrated sigh or straight up yelling. After a few quick resolutions and a handful of longer, 20–30-minute stretches of troubleshooting and over-the-phone customer cocksucking, the landline made a happy little beep, the flashing lights next to every line dying out one by one as they were parked. A dialogue box popped up on his PC: Connected to HP-5669964.
“Hey, Chil!”
Laios strode into Chilchuck’s office, startling his boss for a second as he rounded the desk in a few long strides. A big hand clapped down on Chil’s shoulder, jostling his arm and spilling coffee on the crisp collar of his shirt. Chilchuck grimaced.
“We fixed it!”
Chilchuck eyed Laios suspiciously and set his mug down.
“How the hell did you…?”
“Don’t get too excited, it’s a temporary fix,” Laios chuckled. “But we narrowed down the problem to some kinda software incompatibility. Shuro rolled back the servers to an earlier restore point, so it’s like the update never happened! Of course, the update’s going to get forced on us again once the clock rolls over, but we can just do that tomorrow, too. If you want, I can come in early to-“
Mr. Tims raised a finger. “No. We’ll take care of it tomorrow when we usually punch in. Not everyone’s a morning person like you, Laios. It’s going to be 10 AM before anyone’s awake enough to do any work, so that’ll cover the time it takes for the servers to spin up.”
Laios leaned forward on the desk, hanging over Chilchuck’s high-backed ergonomic chair, one he had to shill out for himself. “What?” Chilchuck hissed, glowering up at him.
“I’m not hearing a ‘thank you’.”
Chilchuck scoffed. “For doing your job? You’re not doing this just for me. You’re being paid.”
Laios’s cupped Chilchuck’s cheek, hand engulfing half his face, which flushed and burned in Laios’ palm.
“Watch it, Touden,” he growled, arms crossed. Laios’ thumb stroked his cheekbone; Chilchuck didn’t swat him away. “We’re both on the clock.”
“Chil,” Laios said, in that honey-sweet tone that meant Chilchuck was about to be nagged. “You’re burnt out.”
Chilchuck blinked up at him, dark eyes shadowed by dark rings that Laios traced, up to his subtle, deepening crow’s feet. “Huh? No I’m not. This has just been a frustrating—” Laios’ fingers pushed into Chilchuck’s hair, shaking it out, raking blunt nails against his scalp. “—day. I’m not… you don’t have to…” He slumped into Laios’ big, warm palm, calloused but gentle in handling him. “… what was the question again?”
Laios chuckled. “Nothing. I got it handled.”
Chilchuck snapped back into reality and bit into the meat of Laios’ thumb to try to get him to unhandle it. Laios took it like a champ, pulling his hand out of Chilchuck’s mouth and cradling the whole of Chilchuck’s head in his palm, raking it back and forth, mussing up his hair, which Chilchuck reached up to fight off; his arms disobeyed him, flopping around like limp noodles until he gave up and relaxed into it.
“I can see you through your office windows, y’know. You looked like you weren’t having a great time. So I figured I’d help take care of it, ease your mind a little.” Laios’ smile had a sad quirk to it. “You look a little pale. You didn’t have cigarettes for lunch again, did you?”
Chilchuck grimaced. “None of your business.”
Laios sighed. “That’s a yes.”
“It’s just a rough week, Laios,” Chilchuck said. “I’ll be alright.”
Laios’ hand trailed down, framing Chilchuck’s chin with his thumb and forefinger.
“You’re coming home with me tonight,” Laios said, meeting Chilchuck’s eyes with that relentless force, gold boring into him. Sometimes Chilchuck wondered if Laios’ eyes ever got dry; he hardly ever blinked.  “We’re getting food into you, and a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow, we’re going to the club to work some of that tension out of you. Understood?”
Chilchuck’s pupils blew wide. His thick eyebrows pinched and he grimaced, unable to look away. Laios’ body curled over him, blocking out the office, the noise, the chaos. Chilchuck sighed, dropped his arms into his lap, and let Laios carry the weight of his skull.
“Oh, right,” Chilchuck realized, his eyes bright. “It’s Friday.”
Laios grinned and patted Chil’s cheek. “See? The fact that you forgot means you’re burned out. See you at six.”
Chilchuck threw paperclips at Laios until he left his office. At 6 PM, they met up on top of the hood of Chilchuck’s old Mustang; his tongue tasted like black coffee. Laios smiled, making it hard to kiss him deeply; Chilchuck got impatient and started biting. Marcille speedwalked past the car and neither of them noticed or cared.
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jaaduse · 5 months
Welcome to Jaadu Se : Shop the Latest, Mobile Phones, Smartphones, Apple Products, iPhone , iPad , Watch & Premium Accessories
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thessalian · 11 months
Thess vs Ticket Issues
Anyone who thinks that nerds are childish and somehow lacking in adulthood because of their hobbies and interests really needs to watch us arrange a convention sometime. I'm not even talking about the money required to go to a convention. I'm talking logistics. Travel time, organisation of activities for every given day, sorting the souvenir budget. And that's just if everything goes right.
See, my mother booked a physical ticket when she bought me my weekend priority entry to MCM Comic Con this year, and it arrived on Friday. My stepfather brought it Sunday when he finished programming the new heaters (well, one of the new heaters; today's the other one, fixing a hole he made in a wall, and sorting out the boiler ... theoretically, anyway). The first thing I thought was, "Ooh, pretty". The second thing I thought was, "...wait, why does this only say Sunday Priority instead of Weekend Priority?" I mean, the envelope was opened, and Mum and David had already had a look, but they don't understand how any of this works, and anyway probably stopped looking particularly closely when they saw MCM on the flier inside and knew it was technically mine. So they obviously didn't catch it. I, however, did, and it's my ticket, so I was going to have to sort something out.
At first I thought, "Well, maybe it's only the physical ticket that says the wrong thing and the QR code is fine" ... but I was deluding myself because the card is honestly more like a gift card you can get for various shops than anything else, and that probably means that there's just a batch of tickets with QR codes on them for specific days pre-printed and sent out as appropriate, and I just got the wrong one. However, I did want to confirm, so I downloaded the app for the convention (entire conventions have apps now, which I'm sure is helpful but still will not stop being weird) and begin the process of activating my ticket, just to see what happens. I eventually get the text boxes for confirming individual day tickets and weekend tickets. Try my confirmation code in the Weekend Priority Ticket box ... before I even hit submit, it's telling me that the code is invalid. Put the confirmation code for Sunday in? No such message. So they sent me the wrong ticket. Well, fuck.
First thing I did was check to see if that had happened to anyone else. If it has, it isn't a huge deal on the places people complain about such (like, for instance, Reddit), at least not even under the best search terms my black belt in Google-fu could generate. Now, there was the option to email the con runners, but ... well ... much as I hate and despise it, sometimes you just have to talk to a human being for some peace of mind. So I called the line for queries.
Surprisingly, I got an actual person on the line right away. A person in a really shitty wireless headset who I could only partly understand, but an actual person. So I explained the issue, gave him the QR code on the physical ticket and the confirmation ID on the confirmation email my mother forwarded to me, and now all I have to do is go to the query desk with my confirmation ID on my phone and it'll all get sorted. And I had to go to the query desk anyway for an accessibility lanyard, so that's okay. I mean, I'm going to bring my physical ticket just in case they want to see it, but that's only because decades as a secretary has taught me to cover your ass and have all even potentially relevant documents to hand when you're dealing with an issue. Better overprepared than having to fumble for things.
So that's my spark of adrenaline for the day - I actually had to ring customer service and sort out a problem. Because seriously, Marion's coming for the whole weekend and my autographs are booked for Saturday, so going only on Sunday is not an option, even if my mother hadn't spent just over £100 for the ticket, the delivery of physical ticket that they screwed up anyway, and a souvenir pin badge that I also have to pick up at the query desk. Or at least a query desk.
Anyway, look, I adulted my ass off to sort out the mess the people sending tickets made of my con information. Nobody gets to tell me that going to a comic convention makes me less than adult.
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Hey not bts related but I was wondering what set up do you have for gaming? I’ve been looking for a new gaming headset and I was curious what you use or if there’s any brands you’re a fan of and why.
I use this light weight mesh-like gaming mouse and I feel like it’s almost too small because when I play for a long time my hand gets “gamer claw”. Then again I probably just need to take more breaks.
Full disclosure I don’t DOTA or LOL. I’m a good old fashion basic Overwatch/Fortnite hoe.
Thanks for your help! 🫶🫶🫶
I use the Logitech G733 K/DA edition headset. I'm actually a Razer bitch but I admit they're slightly overpriced just for the RGB lighting (but I like pretty lights *0*). The HyperX Cloud series headsets and Logitech headsets are solid options - they're usually what I recommend unless you wanna dish out the Razer money.
Mice info under break!
For mice, although it sounds better to have a heavier one, you just have to think about how often you make small movements. Lighter mice put less strain on your hand because you're moving around less weight. Although, for best ergonomics, you should use your whole forearm to move the mouse and your hand to loosely hold it (no wrist movement). Easier said than done though hahaha, so I recommend a wrist brace or copper compression sleeve for preventative measures. If you find yourself gripping your mouse too tightly (causing tension in your hand) I would say do stretches in between matches. Flex your fingers during queues, look up stretches on YouTube, correct your posture, etc. I do stretches even when I'm doing nothing, whenever I remember, because every little bit counts.
There are mice with interchangable weights that you can add or remove, good if you think you're sensitive to that. I had a Logitech one; Logitech are the best bang for your buck and they have options for all budgets. I always go back to Razer lol (they're expensive but I like the matte texture and pretty lights). Truth is that if you click a lot, you'll go through mice anyway. So I recommend going to a tech store and literally holding all the mice to see which one molds to your hand best (bring hand sanitizer lol). Everyone's hand is different. For best ergonomics, you should have a relaxed grip but I know that if you have habits they're hard to break XD
I always go for wired for best response time, but wireless options are now fine too (tech advances, heh). At the end of the day, be mindful of stretching whenever you can and try to keep good posture / correct it in between queues. Take care of your health! Prevention goes a long way. :)
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fastechinfo · 1 day
The Best Home Video Conferencing Equipment for Seamless Communication
One of the most crucial components for a home video conferencing setup is a high-quality webcam. While most laptops come with built-in cameras, they often offer poor resolution and performance, especially in low-light conditions.
Top Pick: Logitech C920s Pro HD Webcam
The Logitech C920s Pro is widely regarded as one of the best webcams for video conferencing. It offers 1080p HD video quality, autofocus, and light correction features, ensuring your video looks crisp even in challenging lighting. It also includes a privacy shutter, best home video conferencing equipment allowing you to cover the lens when not in use, which adds an extra layer of security.
For those looking for a premium option, the Logitech Brio Ultra HD Pro offers 4K video quality, HDR, and enhanced lighting adjustments.
Clear audio is just as important as video quality, Sharing Video With Audio on Teams if not more so. Background noise, echoes, or poor sound quality can ruin the entire experience, making it hard for participants to focus on the discussion.
Top Pick: Blue Yeti USB Microphone
The Blue Yeti is a standout in the world of home conferencing microphones. It delivers clear, studio-quality sound and offers different pickup patterns, making it versatile for various settings. Whether you're in a one-on-one meeting or a group discussion, the Blue Yeti ensures your voice is heard clearly.
For those seeking a more compact solution, Professional Live Streaming Services the Rode NT-USB Mini is an excellent alternative. It offers excellent sound quality and is more portable, making it ideal for smaller workspaces.
If you work in a noisy environment or need to block out distractions, a headset with an integrated microphone is a must-have. It allows you to concentrate on the conversation without external sounds interfering with your call.
Top Pick: Jabra Evolve2 65
The Jabra Evolve2 65 is a wireless headset designed for professional use. It provides exceptional noise cancellation, a comfortable fit for extended wear,Audio Conferencing Software and a high-quality microphone that ensures your voice is captured clearly. With its long battery life, it’s perfect for long meetings and frequent calls.
For a more budget-friendly option, the Plantronics Blackwire 3220 offers excellent audio quality with a wired connection, making it a reliable choice for those who don’t mind being tethered to their device.
Good lighting can dramatically improve your video quality, making you look more professional and clear on screen. Poor lighting can make even the best webcam perform poorly.
Top Pick: Lume Cube Video Conference Lighting Kit
The Lume Cube Video Conference Lighting Kit is designed to provide soft, adjustable lighting for video calls. It attaches easily to your monitor or laptop and offers brightness and color temperature adjustments, ensuring that you look well-lit in any environment.
For those on a budget, the Neewer Ring Light Kit is a great alternative. It provides adjustable light settings and comes with a stand, giving you more flexibility in setting up your workspace.
External Monitors
While not essential for everyone, having an external monitor can be a game-changer for video conferencing, especially if you frequently multitask during meetings.
Top Pick: Dell Ultrasharp U2721DE
The Dell Ultrasharp U2721DE is a 27-inch monitor with excellent resolution, vibrant colors, and plenty of screen space for multitasking. It’s perfect for those who want to keep their video call on one screen while managing documents or presentations on another.
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alltrade · 3 days
Freedom of Wireless: The Ultimate Bluetooth Headset Guide
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In today’s fast-paced world, being tied down by wires is a thing of the past. Enter the Bluetooth headset — a game-changer for those seeking convenience, quality, and style. Whether you’re on the go, working out, or simply enjoying your favorite playlist, a Bluetooth headset can make all the difference. At Alltrade, we bring you the best selection of Bluetooth headsets to suit all your needs. But what makes these headsets so essential? Let’s dive in!
Why Choose a Bluetooth Headset?
Wireless Freedom No more tangling wires or being physically tied to your device. With Bluetooth headsets, you can move freely, whether you’re at home, commuting, or exercising. This wireless freedom adds flexibility and convenience to your everyday activities.
Crystal Clear Audio With advancements in Bluetooth technology, you no longer have to compromise on sound quality. Many Bluetooth headsets now offer high-definition audio, ensuring that you enjoy every note and word, whether you’re listening to music, podcasts, or phone calls.
Hands-Free Convenience Whether you’re driving, multitasking, or simply on the move, Bluetooth headsets provide hands-free convenience, allowing you to take calls without reaching for your phone. With features like voice assistants, you can control your device with simple voice commands.
Comfort and Style Bluetooth headsets are designed with comfort in mind, making them perfect for extended use. From sleek, minimalistic designs to ergonomic ear cups, you’ll find a variety of options that suit your style and provide maximum comfort.
Key Features to Look for in a Bluetooth Headset
Battery Life A long-lasting battery is essential for anyone using a Bluetooth headset regularly. Look for headsets that offer at least 8–12 hours of usage on a single charge, so you’re not left searching for a power outlet in the middle of your day.
Noise Cancellation Active noise cancellation is a must-have feature if you’re looking for uninterrupted listening. Whether you’re in a noisy office or a bustling city, this feature will help you focus on what matters most — your music or conversation.
Connectivity Range The best Bluetooth headsets offer a range of up to 30 feet, allowing you to move freely without losing connection. Look for a headset that maintains a stable connection, even at a distance.
Durability If you lead an active lifestyle or travel frequently, you’ll want a durable Bluetooth headset. Water and sweat-resistant models are ideal for workouts or outdoor use, ensuring your device can keep up with your routine.
Built-in Microphone Clear communication is vital, especially for professionals. A high-quality, built-in microphone with noise reduction technology ensures that your voice is heard loud and clear during calls.
Choosing the Right Bluetooth Headset for Your Needs
For Sports Enthusiasts: If you’re into fitness or outdoor activities, opt for a lightweight, sweat-resistant Bluetooth headset with secure ear hooks or adjustable ear tips. Look for models that offer noise isolation for uninterrupted workouts.
For Professionals: For office use or working from home, choose a Bluetooth headset with excellent sound quality, a reliable microphone, and noise cancellation. Models with multi-device connectivity can be a plus, allowing you to switch between your phone and computer seamlessly.
For Music Lovers: Audiophiles should go for Bluetooth headsets that emphasize sound quality. Look for features like deep bass, clear highs, and aptX codec support, which enhances audio streaming over Bluetooth for a near-lossless experience.
Why Buy Bluetooth Headsets from Alltrade?
At Alltrade, we understand that each customer has unique needs when it comes to audio solutions. That’s why our range of Bluetooth headsets is carefully selected to offer the best in performance, design, and affordability. Whether you’re after the latest tech or a budget-friendly option, we have something for everyone.
With fast delivery across the UAE, secure payment options, and an easy return policy, Alltrade makes online shopping for Bluetooth headsets a hassle-free experience. Explore our collection today and find the perfect Bluetooth headset to match your lifestyle.
Conclusion A Bluetooth headset offers unparalleled convenience, freedom, and functionality. Whether you’re working, exercising, or simply enjoying some downtime, investing in a quality Bluetooth headset can transform your day. Visit Alltrade today to discover our diverse range of Bluetooth headsets and take the first step towards a wire-free life!
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techgeeksite · 11 days
The Best Headphones for Steam Deck in 2024
Get the best from your Steam Deck with some decent headphones for your portable gameplay. Whether you’re looking to talk in multiplayer or just enjoy the music, there’s a pick for you. Razer Razer Barracuda X Wireless Gaming & Mobile Headset Best Bluetooth Headphones for Steam Deck Overall Corsair Corsair HS65 Surround Best Budget Headphones for Steam Deck Razer Razer Hammerhead True…
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ghader1579 · 12 days
How to Choose the Best Gaming Headset: A Complete Guide for Gamers
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A good gaming headset can elevate your gaming experience by providing immersive sound, clear communication, and long-lasting comfort. Whether you’re into fast-paced shooters, strategy games, or expansive RPGs, a quality headset allows you to hear every detail and communicate effectively with your teammates. With so many options on the market, choosing the right gaming headset can feel overwhelming. In this guide, we’ll walk through the key factors to consider when selecting the best gaming headset for your needs.
1. Sound Quality: The Heart of Your Gaming Experience
Sound quality is the most important feature of any gaming headset. You need clear, immersive audio to fully enjoy the game’s world and pick up on important in-game details like footsteps, gunfire, or approaching enemies.
Surround Sound: Many gaming headsets offer 7.1 virtual surround sound, which provides an immersive 3D audio experience, giving you a better sense of direction and distance. This is especially helpful in competitive games like first-person shooters (FPS).
Stereo Sound: If you don’t need surround sound, stereo headsets can still offer great audio quality, focusing on clarity and balance between highs, mids, and lows.
Drivers: Larger drivers (50mm and above) generally produce better sound, delivering deeper bass and clearer highs. However, sound quality can also depend on the tuning of the drivers.
2. Microphone: Communication is Key
In multiplayer games, clear communication is essential for teamwork. A good gaming headset will include a high-quality microphone for voice chat.
Noise-Cancelling Microphone: Look for headsets with noise-cancelling mics, which filter out background noise so your voice comes through clearly to your teammates.
Detachable or Retractable Mic: If you plan to use your headset for both gaming and casual listening, a detachable or retractable microphone adds versatility, allowing you to remove or hide the mic when not in use.
Mute Controls: Some headsets come with a mute button or flip-to-mute function, making it easy to quickly mute your mic during gameplay.
3. Comfort: Play for Hours Without Discomfort
Comfort is crucial, especially if you game for long periods. An uncomfortable headset can lead to headaches or strain, affecting your performance and enjoyment.
Ear Cushions: Look for memory foam or soft fabric ear cushions that mold to the shape of your ears. Leatherette cushions may feel premium but can trap heat, while breathable fabric cushions offer better comfort for long sessions.
Adjustable Headbands: A good gaming headset should have an adjustable headband that fits securely without causing pressure on the top of your head. Some premium models feature suspension headbands that distribute weight evenly.
Weight: Lighter headsets tend to be more comfortable for extended use. However, some heavier headsets are well-padded to compensate for their weight.
4. Connectivity: Wired vs. Wireless
The choice between wired and wireless gaming headsets depends on your preferences for convenience, performance, and budget.
Wired Headsets: Wired headsets are often preferred for gaming because they don’t experience latency (audio delay) and generally offer consistent audio quality. They also don’t need to be charged, making them more reliable for long gaming sessions.
Wireless Headsets: Wireless headsets provide more freedom of movement, especially if you tend to move around during gameplay or sit far from your console or PC. However, make sure the wireless model has low latency to avoid sound delays.
Battery Life: If you opt for a wireless model, check the battery life. Some wireless headsets offer 15-20 hours of playtime on a single charge, while others may last even longer. Many models can also be used while charging.
5. Build Quality and Durability: Made to Last
A good gaming headset should be built to withstand heavy use, especially if you’re a frequent gamer.
Materials: High-quality materials like metal frames or reinforced plastic can increase the durability of your headset. Avoid flimsy plastic that may break after a few months of use.
Detachable Cables: If you go for a wired headset, detachable cables can increase longevity, as they’re easy to replace if they become damaged.
Warranty: Check the manufacturer’s warranty, as some brands offer extended warranties that can protect your investment if something goes wrong.
6. Platform Compatibility: What Will You Play On?
Make sure the gaming headset you choose is compatible with your gaming platform.
PC: Most gaming headsets work seamlessly with PCs, especially those that connect via USB or 3.5mm audio jack. Some high-end models even offer additional features like surround sound and customizable audio profiles through software.
Console (PS5, Xbox, Switch): For console gaming, you’ll want to ensure the headset is compatible with your platform. Many headsets are cross-platform, but some may offer specific optimizations for certain consoles, like Sony’s Tempest 3D Audio for PS5 or Xbox’s Dolby Atmos support.
Mobile: If you plan to use your headset for mobile gaming, look for one that works with smartphones and tablets. Bluetooth headsets or wired models with a 3.5mm jack are ideal for this purpose.
7. Additional Features: Enhancing the Experience
Many gaming headsets come with extra features that can improve your gaming experience:
Customizable EQ Settings: Some headsets offer customizable sound profiles, allowing you to adjust the equalizer (EQ) settings for a more personalized sound experience. This is useful if you prefer more bass or need to tweak the audio for different game genres.
RGB Lighting: For gamers who want a visually striking setup, some headsets come with customizable RGB lighting, which can be synced with other gaming gear for a cohesive look.
Software Integration: Some high-end headsets come with software for adjusting sound settings, mic sensitivity, and other customizations. Brands like SteelSeries and Razer provide software that allows users to fine-tune their audio experience.
8. Price: Finding the Right Balance
Gaming headsets come in a wide range of prices, from budget options to premium models. Here’s what you can expect at different price points:
Budget ($50-$100): Basic wired headsets with decent sound quality, comfortable design, and a noise-cancelling mic. These headsets may lack advanced features like surround sound but are solid options for casual gamers.
Mid-Range ($100-$200): Headsets in this range offer better sound quality, more comfort features (like memory foam ear cushions), and wireless connectivity. You’ll also find models with virtual surround sound and more durable construction.
Premium ($200 and above): High-end headsets provide top-tier sound, build quality, and advanced features like active noise cancellation (ANC), superior wireless performance, and customizable software. These are ideal for competitive gamers and audiophiles.
Final Thoughts: Picking the Best Gaming Headset for You
Choosing the best gaming headset ultimately depends on your preferences, gaming habits, and budget. If you’re a competitive gamer, look for a headset with surround sound and a high-quality mic to give you a competitive edge. If comfort is your priority, focus on headsets with lightweight designs and memory foam ear cushions. For gamers who need flexibility, wireless models are a great option, provided they offer low latency.
By considering these factors, you’ll be able to find the perfect gaming headset that enhances your gaming experience and provides hours of comfortable, immersive play.
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bestgamingitem · 4 months
Elevate Your Gaming Experience: A Comprehensive Guide to the Best Gaming Items
In the world of Best Gaming Items, having the right gear can make all the difference in your performance, comfort, and overall enjoyment. From peripherals like keyboards and mice to accessories like chairs and desks, every aspect of your setup contributes to the immersive gaming experience. In this guide, we'll explore a wide range of gaming items, highlighting the best options available to enhance your gaming setup.
Gaming Keyboards
Gaming keyboards offer customizable features, tactile feedback, and faster response times, crucial for competitive gaming. Options like the Corsair K95 RGB Platinum, Razer BlackWidow Elite, and Logitech G Pro X provide programmable keys, mechanical switches, and RGB lighting for an enhanced gaming experience.
Gaming Mice
A gaming mouse with high DPI, customizable buttons, and ergonomic design can improve accuracy and precision during gameplay. Consider mice like the Razer DeathAdder Elite, Logitech G502 Hero, and SteelSeries Rival 600 for their advanced sensors, adjustable weights, and customizable profiles.
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Gaming Headsets
Immerse yourself in the game with a high-quality gaming headset featuring surround sound, noise cancellation, and comfortable ear cups. Options like the HyperX Cloud II, SteelSeries Arctis Pro, and Corsair Void RGB Elite Wireless offer superior audio performance, clear communication, and long-lasting comfort for extended gaming sessions.
Gaming Monitors
A high-refresh-rate monitor with low response time and crisp resolution is essential for smooth gameplay and reduced motion blur. Consider monitors like the ASUS ROG Swift PG279Q, LG 27GL850-B, and BenQ Zowie XL2411P for their fast refresh rates, adaptive sync technology, and vibrant colors.
Gaming Chairs
Invest in a gaming chair that provides ergonomic support, adjustable features, and durable construction for long hours of gaming comfort. Chairs like the Secretlab Titan, DXRacer Racing Series, and Herman Miller Embody offer superior lumbar support, reclining options, and premium materials for a luxurious gaming experience.
Gaming Desks
A spacious and sturdy gaming desk with cable management options and ergonomic design can improve organization and comfort during gaming sessions. Consider desks like the Arozzi Arena Gaming Desk, ApexDesk Elite Series, and Autonomous SmartDesk for their ample surface area, adjustable height, and sleek aesthetics.
Gaming Controllers
For console gaming or PC gaming with controller support, a high-quality gaming controller can provide precise control and responsive feedback. Options like the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2, PlayStation DualSense Wireless Controller, and Nintendo Switch Pro Controller offer customizable buttons, ergonomic grips, and wireless connectivity for seamless gameplay.
Gaming Accessories
Enhance your gaming setup with accessories like gaming mouse pads, wrist rests, RGB lighting, and cable management solutions. Products like the Corsair MM300 Extended Mouse Pad, Razer Ergonomic Wrist Rest, NZXT HUE 2 RGB Lighting Kit, and CableMod Cable Management System add style and functionality to your gaming space.
With the right gaming items, you can create a gaming setup tailored to your preferences, maximizing comfort, performance, and style. Whether you're a casual gamer or a competitive esports enthusiast, investing in high-quality gaming gear can elevate your gaming experience to new heights. Explore the diverse range of gaming items available and choose the best options to suit your needs and budget. Happy gaming!
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electronic-devices · 6 months
Laptop HP | Windows 11 Home in S mode | Lightweight
Laptop HP, The HP Stream 14" Laptop, features an Intel Celeron N4120 processor, and 4GB RAM. And also Windows 11 (S Mode) for optimal everyday computing.
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The HP Stream 14" Laptop is a reliable and affordable computing solution catering to productivity and budget needs.
It features a pink powerhouse, model number 14-cf2112wm, with Windows 11 in S Mode and a 1-year subscription to Office 365.
This device is designed to meet the demands of both users and businesses.
Now for $169.00 instead of $229.00 on Walmart that makes you save $60.00. Click here to buy.
The device is one of the best-selling products at Walmart.
The device has a rating of 3.7 out of 5 stars. As it is shown in the picture. The five-star rating is the highest.
Here is a review from someone who rated the product with five stars compared to another person who rated the product with one star.
Laptop HP Specifications
Design and Build
Light, Vivacious, and Ready to Travel
The HP Stream 14" is a lightweight device with a striking pink chassis. Perfect for mobile users, students, or professionals on the move.
Its primarily plastic construction contributes to its lightweight profile, weighing just over 3 pounds.
That makes it an ideal choice for those who appreciate aesthetics and portability.
Crisp and Clear, Despite the Budget
The HP Stream laptop features a 14-inch diagonal HD SVA BrightView WLED-backlit display with a resolution of 1366 x 768.
Providing adequate real estate for everyday tasks like document drafting, internet browsing, and media streaming.
However, power users or graphic designers may prefer a device with higher resolution and more screen detail.
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Laptop HP Performance
Handling the Basics with Grace
The HP Stream is powered by an Intel Celeron N4120 Processor, a quad-core CPU with a 1.1GHz speed.
It bursts up to 2.6GHz, suitable for daily computing tasks. It comes with 4GB DDR4 RAM.
Making it ideal for web browsing, email management, and light productivity tasks.
The 64GB eMMC storage capacity of a laptop may seem limited compared to higher-end models.
But it's sufficient for the operating system and essential documents.
Additional storage can be achieved through cloud services like OneDrive integrated with Office 365 subscriptions or external storage solutions.
Click here to buy.
Operating System
Streamlined Windows 11 (S Mode) Experience
The HP Stream 14" features Windows 11 (S Mode), a security and performance configuration that only allows applications from the Microsoft Store.
It requires Microsoft Edge for browsing, making it a safe environment for younger users and internet-savvy individuals.
Users can switch from S Mode to the regular version of Windows 11. Providing them with more flexibility and access to a wider range of applications and utilities.
Laptop HP Connectivity
Staying Connected and Productive
The HP Stream offers excellent connectivity with various ports like USB 3.1, USB 2.0, and HDMI.
A multi-format digital media card reader. And wireless connectivity through Realtek Wi-Fi 5 (1x1) and Bluetooth 4.2 combo, ensuring reliable internet and device pairing.
How to clean headset, Click here to learn more
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Battery Life
Empower Your Day Without the Charger with Laptop HP
The HP Stream boasts an impressive battery life of up to 11 hours on a single charge.
Providing enough power for a full day of work or classes without needing a power adapter.
Making it particularly beneficial for those frequently working on the go.
Click here to buy.
A Suite of Productivity at Your Fingertips
The HP Stream offers a 1-year Office 365 subscription. Providing users with access to the latest versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, enhances productivity.
It also features Windows 11 in S Mode. That makes it a reliable computing platform for work and personal use.
Laptop HP is a Trustworthy Entry-Level Contender
The HP Stream 14" Laptop, model 14-cf2112wm, is a budget-friendly, essential computing device that excels in daily tasks.
Its striking pink color, robust build, and generous software bundle make it a popular choice for students, and home users.
Also, professionals seeking a secondary device, are not ideal for heavy gaming or multimedia editing.
The HP Stream 14" Laptop is a practical and efficient device that offers a streamlined Windows 11 experience.
Its S Mode option allows users to switch out of default settings. Providing flexibility for those who may feel limited by default settings. Overall, it is a reliable companion for daily digital life.
Thus, we have provided you with a comprehensive idea about the HP Stream 14" Laptop.
As for purchasing the product, we leave you the freedom to choose. But whether you will buy it or not, leave us a comment.
Click here to buy.
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askthebests · 7 months
Top Best Gaming Headphones Under 5000
When it comes to the world of gaming, a few milliseconds can make a major difference in an online match. Wireless technology always adds a certain degree of latency when it comes to computer and smartphone accessories. This latency can only be completely removed using wired peripherals like a wired mouse or a wired keyboard.
If you are a professional smartphone gamer then you need to be on the search for some low-latency audio options. This is why we have a list of the best gaming headphones under 5000 for you to consider according to your budget and requirements. 
1. Yinyoo KZ EDX PRO Earphones
Now you can Immerse yourself in the rich audio experience of the Yinyoo KZ EDX PRO Earphones. This Boasts a 10mm dynamic driver for HiFi sound with bass. These wired in-ear headsets consist of a resin-inlaid metal design that includes style and functionality. The oxygen-free copper wire makes sure of low impedance and high sensitivity, while the ergonomic design and memory ear hooks offer comfort during extended use. It also comprises a detachable cable and gold-plated 2-pin connectors.
2. HyperX Cloud Earbuds
HyperX Cloud Earbuds are well-known for handheld mode on Nintendo Switch. These earphones comprise of comfortable tangle-free cable and a travel case for portable gaming. These are available in three sizes of silicone ear tips and provide signature HyperX comfort during lengthy gaming sessions. Enhanced bass and crystal-clear audio make sure of an immersive gaming experience. 
3. PTron Boom Ultima 4D
PTron Boom Ultima 4D Dual Driver gaming wired headphones comprise of surround stereo sound and deep bass. With an in-line remote control, mic, and volume control, these earphones make sure of convenient controls. The dual-driver design enhances sound separation, thus offering a superior audio experience. 
4. RPM Euro Games Gaming Earphones
RPM Euro Games gaming earphones offer superior stereo sound along with 4D noise-canceling technology to immerse you in a virtual gaming experience. This Feature is a dual microphone design and a detachable mic thus making sure of comfort. The soft rubber earplugs offer a comfortable and prolonged gaming session without causing any discomfort.
5. Cosmic Byte CB-EP-05
The Cosmic Byte CB-EP-05 wired gaming earphone is a perfect choice for gaming and multimedia. It comes with a dual microphone design and offers convenience for both gaming and calls. The in-line microphone can be activated by removing the external one. This Features a 10mm driver unit, it delivers clear high, medium, and low-frequency sounds.
So, there you have it friends, these are some of the top-rated products recommended by the experts for all your needs and requirements. 
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discount-technology · 7 months
Unveiling the Best Cheap Gadgets for Savvy Shoppers
In today's fast-paced world, staying ahead in the tech game doesn't necessarily mean breaking the bank. The realm of gadgets and gizmos is ever-expanding, with a plethora of affordable options catering to every need and budget. Whether you're a gadget enthusiast looking to expand your collection or a budget-conscious consumer searching for quality tech without the hefty price tag, the market has something for everyone. In this article, we delve into the realm of cheap gadgets, uncovering hidden gems and must-have devices that won't cost you an arm and a leg.
The Rise of Affordable Tech
Gone are the days when cutting-edge technology came with exorbitant price tags. Thanks to advancements in manufacturing, increased competition among brands, and the democratization of innovation, consumers now have access to a wide array of affordable gadgets without compromising on quality or functionality. From smartphones and wearables to smart home devices and entertainment peripherals, there's an affordable option for every tech-savvy individual.
Exploring the Budget-Friendly Universe of Gadgets
Smartphones on a Budget: Who says you need to splurge on the latest flagship smartphone to enjoy a seamless mobile experience? Many budget-friendly options offer impressive features, decent performance, and reliable cameras without costing a fortune. Whether you're into gaming, photography, or productivity, brands like Xiaomi, Realme, and Motorola offer a diverse range of smartphones that punch above their weight class.
Wearable Tech for Less: Fitness trackers, smartwatches, and wireless earbuds have become indispensable companions for modern-day living. Fortunately, you don't need to empty your wallet to embrace the wearable revolution. Affordable alternatives from brands like Amazfit, Huawei, and OnePlus deliver essential features such as activity tracking, heart rate monitoring, and wireless connectivity at a fraction of the cost of premium offerings.
Smart Home Essentials: Transform your living space into a connected oasis without breaking the bank. From smart plugs and light bulbs to security cameras and voice-controlled assistants, budget-friendly smart home devices offer convenience, security, and energy efficiency without the hefty price tag. Brands like TP-Link, Wyze, and Amazon's own range of Echo devices make home automation accessible to all.
Entertainment Galore: Enhance your entertainment setup with affordable gadgets that deliver immersive experiences without draining your savings. From streaming devices and Bluetooth speakers to gaming peripherals and virtual reality headsets, there's no shortage of budget-friendly options to cater to your entertainment needs. Explore offerings from Roku, JBL, Logitech, and Oculus for quality entertainment at unbeatable prices.
Where to Find Cheap Gadgets
While the market is flooded with options, finding reliable sources for cheap gadgets can be daunting. Fortunately, platforms like Discount Technology make the hunt for affordable tech a breeze. With a curated selection of budget-friendly gadgets ranging from smartphones and accessories to home electronics and beyond, Discount Technology ensures that you can stay up to date with the latest tech trends without overspending.
In conclusion, the world of cheap gadgets is brimming with innovation, offering consumers access to cutting-edge technology at prices that won't break the bank. Whether you're on the lookout for a new smartphone, wearable device, smart home accessory, or entertainment gadget, affordable options abound. With platforms like Discount Technology providing a convenient and reliable avenue for snagging budget-friendly tech, there's never been a better time to embrace the world of affordable gadgets. So why wait? Explore the possibilities today and elevate your tech game without emptying your wallet.
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