#best assignment help in zimbabwe
24business-news · 2 years
Pawan Hans Sale: Cayman Islands company in winning bid allegedly fronted for notorious businessman from Zimbabwe
On 16 May, these reporters published in The Wire and NewsClick an article investigating the antecedents of a consortium of three companies that came together to set up Star9 Mobility Solutions Private Limited, which was announced as the winner of the auction to acquire Pawan Hans Limited, the public-sector helicopter service provider. The article pointed out that little information was available in the public domain about the Cayman Islands registered Almas Global Opportunity Fund (AGOF), the largest stakeholder in Star9 Mobility.
Described as Zimbabwe’s “Queen Bee,” Tagwirei is an adviser to Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa and is said to be close to the ruling ZANU-PF (Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front). In a report in the Daily Maverick, a South African newspaper, former Zimbabwean Finance Minister Tendai Bitihas described Tagwirei as a person who controls that country’s food industry, 60% of its gold mines, two of its largest banks, and its sole gold refinery. Announcing the imposition of sanctions on Tagwirei in August 2020, the then US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo described him as a “notoriously corrupt businessman” who had assisted “senior Zimbabwean government officials involved in public corruption.”
How Almas Global acted for Tagwirei
From 2019 onwards, Sotic International Ltd, a Mauritius-registered trading company, went on a “mine-buying spree” in Zimbabwe, reported the Financial Times. Sotic was Tagwirei’s holding company where his accumulated wealth was allegedly hidden. In July 2021, The Sentry, a US-based anti-corruption not-for-profit organisation, released a report on Tagwirei’s alleged illegal activities (including money laundering), in which AGOF’s role has been elaborated on. According to The Sentry and various reports published by Bloomberg and the Financial Times in 2021, AGOF holds the majority stake in Sotic on behalf of Tagwirei.
The Sentry reported that Capital Horizons, a Mauritius based financial advisory firm with Magalingam Reddy and Shaan Kundomal at its helm, advised and helped Tagwirei create a complicated corporate structure to avoid scrutiny by banks and regulators. On the advice of Shaan, in October 2019, Sotic issued 9,000 convertible debentures to AGOF. Capital Horizons then arranged a subscription agreement and an assignment deed between Tagwirei and AGOF, which then sent $8.4 million to Sotic to acquire a 65 per cent stake in the company.
The chart above has been extracted from the report by The Sentry. It describes AGOF’s links with Sotic International.
AGOF’s representative refused to comment on the transaction to Bloomberg and stated: “As per the legal obligations which the fund has to abide, it cannot comment on any of its relationships in any manner whatsoever. We can confirm that the fund is committed to being responsible in all its legal and compliance obligations as a financial entity and adheres to all local and international laws.”
Interestingly, this is the same stand that AGOF took in the National Company Law Tribunal while refusing to disclose its source of funds and its subscribers or actual beneficiaries, which was elaborated on in our earlier article. In a subsequent email response to Bloomberg, AGOF said it has investors from the Persian Gulf, Latin America and India but refused to disclose their identities citing legal restrictions.
Amardeep Sharma, the managing director of AGOF, responded to the Financial Times, stating: “There is no relationship between the subscriber and the investee company in fund investments, and the fund cannot assign assets to individuals. To the best of my knowledge, does not control Sotic.”
AGOF supported Tagwirei even after US sanctions
On 5 August 2020, the US government sanctioned Tagwirei for utilising “his relationships with high-level Zimbabwean officials to gain state contracts and receive favoured access to hard currency, including US dollars.” In turn, Tagwirei allegedly “provided expensive cars to senior government officials.” An audit report prompted a parliamentary inquiry in 2019, which revealed that the Zimbabwean government had failed to account for about $3 billion disbursed under agriculture programmes championed by President Mnangagwa and largely financed by Sakunda Holdings. Soon after the US sanctions, the government of the United Kingdom also imposed sanctions on Tagwirei.
After sanctions were imposed by the US government, Tagwirei and the Zimbabwe government made various moves. The Sentry has disclosed a letter sent by Sotic in August 2020 to the directors of AGOF and another entity called Pfimbi Limited (that holds Sotic’s 35% of shares) to consider a proposal to set up a Zimbabwe-based subsidiary that would hold Sotic’s mining assets. The letter added that this was on account of the “negative press” received and because of the “increased international scrutiny” on Sotic.
In December 2020, the Zimbabwean government announced the formation of a public-private partnership company, Kuvimba Mining House Limited, that would hold some of Zimbabwe’s most valuable gold, platinum, chrome and nickel mines. The revenue generated by this firm was to be used to revive the country’s moribund economy and create a “safer platform” that would avoid the effects of the US sanctions.
Shareholding Pattern of Ziva Resources, Published by the Sentry
The Zimbabwean government-owned Herald quoted the country’s Finance Minister saying that the government holds 65% of Kuvimba through various government funds and other entities, while 35% is with Ziwa Investments, the Zimbabwean subsidiary of a Mauritius-registered company named Quorus. The government in Harare vehemently denied that Tagwirei had any involvement with Kuvimba.
The Sentry report noted that, surprisingly, the name of Kuvimba did not appear in the company registry of the government of Zimbabwe. Ziwa Investments, too, did not appear in the company records of the Mauritius government. However, an entity named Ziwa Resources did appear in the Mauritius government’s records. Interestingly, 65% of Ziwa Resources was owned by Almas Global Opportunity Fund, and the rest was in the hands of the Zimbabwe-registered Pfimbi Resources, whose directors were Tagwirei and his wife. It also turned out that Quorus and Ziwa Resources had the same directors, and they were closely associated with Tagwirei.
Infographic published in The Sentry’s report explains AGOF’s connection with the US sanctioned businessman in 2021.
In October 2021, the Financial Times quoted AGOF’s representative saying that Tagwirei doesn’t own shares in the fund anymore and that Almas was trying to get out of its investments in Zimbabwe. In a detailed recorded interview to this reporters on 27 May, Amardeep Sharma said that AGOF is still trying to exit its investments in Zimbabwe.
How much did the Indian government know?
On 16 May, the day we published our investigation into the antecedents of the buyers of Pawan Hans, various publications and websites reported that the privatisation of Pawan Hans had been “put on hold” by the Indian government. The reports added that the Department of Investment and Public Asset Management (DIPAM) in the Ministry of Finance was conducting a legal examination of an adverse order against AGOF by the NCLT (National Company Law Tribunal) that our previous report covered in detail and that the “letter of award” to the winning bidder, Star9 Mobility, would be issued only after the examination was concluded.
On 18 May, it was reported that AGOF would challenge the NCLT order in the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), saying that the NCLT order was “abrupt and a bit premature.” The Economic Times quoted the fund’s spokesperson as saying, “AGOF is a fund with a pristine reputation.”
Almas Global’s reputation, however, may not be as pristine as it claims
This is not the first time a disinvestment exercise of the Government of India has come under scrutiny after completion of the process because of allegations against the reputation of the winning bidder. In January this year, the government had pulled the brakes on the privatisation of Central Electronics Limited (CEL) after its employees’ union moved court against the sale of the company to a little-known firm.
Did the government violate its own norms?
There are two government documents that suggest that allowing the sale of Pawan Hans to Star9 Mobility would constitute a violation of government rules.
The first is in an Office Memorandum issued by the Government’s Ministry of Disinvestment in 2001 (the ministry was shut down and merged into the Finance Ministry in 2004 as an independent department, which is now named the Department of Investments and Public Asset Management or DIPAM). The memorandum, which is included as a part of a DIPAM document titled “Guidelines for Qualifications of Bidders” applies generally to all disinvestments of government owned enterprises.
The memorandum (No. 6/4/2001-DD-II dated 13 July 2001) states that “any conviction by a Court of Law or indictment/adverse order by a regulatory authority that casts doubt on the ability of the bidder to manage the public sector unit when it is disinvested, or which relates to a grave offence” would disqualify a bidder in the disinvestment of a public sector enterprise. The memorandum adds that an appeal against such an adverse order would not overturn the disqualification as long as the appeal is pending.
On this ground alone, the order by the NCLT appears to fit the criteria of being an adverse order by a regulatory body that casts doubt on the ability of Almas Global to manage Pawan Hans. That Almas Global has announced that it will appeal the order before the NCLAT should not affect its potential disqualification. According to the procedure laid out in the memorandum, the government has to send a show-cause notice to Almas Global asking why it should not be disqualified from bidding for Pawan Hans.
Then comes the issue of financial eligibility. The government has not yet clarified whether Star9 Mobility was an eligible bidder before it was declared the winning bidder. The preliminary information memorandum for inviting expressions of interest in the “strategic disinvestment” of shares of the government of India in Pawan Hans stated that “Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) registered with (the Securities and Exchange Board of India) SEBI as per SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 are eligible to participate in the bid provided the concerned AIF has obtained “all statutory approvals” from the relevant ministry in the government of India, the Foreign Investment Promotion Board, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, the Reserve Bank of India and so on.
An excerpt from the Preliminary Information Memorandum of Pawan Hans Limited. The document lists the eligibility criteria for the IBs
An additional criteria for AIFs is the definition of its net worth. While the bid conditions demanded that the collective net worth of the winning bidder be more than Rs. 300 crore, in the case of the Star9 Mobility Consortium, the net worth requirement had to be entirely covered by Almas Global’s net worth, as we detailed in our previous article. In clarifications that have appeared in the media quoting anonymous government officials, it has been reported that Almas Global provided documentation of its net worth being Rs. 691 crore.
However, the eligibility criteria state that in the case of an AIF, “net worth shall be substituted by maximum permissible investment limit for that particular AIF in a single investee entity.” This limit would be “considered as per independent chartered accountant/statutory auditor’s certificate not older than 3 months” from the date of the issue of the preliminary information memorandum.
Almas Global Opportunity Fund claims to be an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF). However, as of the night of 26 May, Almas Global’s name cannot be found in SEBI’s list of registered AIFs. How then did the government allow a non-registered AIF to participate in the bid? How did the government arrive at a figure for Almas Global’s maximum permissible investment limit? Who was the independent chartered accountant/statutory auditor that issued a certificate of this investment limit for Almas Global? Was the “statutory auditor” determined based on the statutes of the Cayman Islands (where Almas Global is registered), or as per India’s statutes?
As of 26 May 2022, Almas Global Opportunity Fund is not among the registered AIFs on the SEBI’s website
We sent ten questionnaires by email at noon on 25 May to the following individuals for a response:
Union Minister of Civil Aviation Jyotiraditya Scindia
Secretary, Civil Aviation, Pradeep Singh Kharola
Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs Nirmala Sitharaman
Minister of State for Finance and Corporate Affairs Pankaj Choudhary
Finance Secretary Dr TV Somanathan
Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari (who, along with Sitharaman and Scindia is a member of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs that approved Star9 Mobility’s bid for Pawan Hans)
Secretary, Department of Investment and Public Asset Management, Ministry of Finance, Tuhin Kanta Pandey
Captain Sanjay Mandavia of Big Charter
Sumit Sawhney of Maharaja Aviation
Amardeep Sharma of Almas Global Opportunity Fund
Response from Amardeep Sharma
At around 4 pm on the same day, Amardeep Sharma, who is based in Dubai, responded by contacting one of the authors over the phone. Sharma said that Almas Global Opportunity Fund has received the necessary regulatory clearances for the Pawan Hans deal, and that the fund has nothing to do with Tagwirei of Zimbabwe. Sharma added that he is confident of acquiring a controlling interest in Pawan Hans Limited, and that he would make it into a better company and employ many more people. Sharma said being from a small town in India (Korba, Chhattisgarh), he is a patriot, and wants India to receive foreign investments.
In a subsequent written response Sharma added the following statements :
“Almas Capital Limited is the 100% management shareholder and the Fund Manager of Almas Global Opportunity Fund. Almas Global Opportunity Fund has around USD 550 million worth of assets under management, and it has invested across the globe including exposure in the Indian markets. It has a substantial amount of liquid assets (market securities). I would disagree ,..Almas Global opportunity fund is more than 4 years old, a broad-based, well-diversified fund, and has invested across the globe in multiple asset classes, which has huge exposure in India.
I am not part of Almas Capital Limited or Almas Global Opportunity Fund anymore. Almas Global Opportunity Fund has two directors as required by the Cayman Islands. Almas Capital Limited manages the Fund. Vishal Rana is the director of Almas Capital Limited. AGOF has no relationship with Mr Kudakwashe Tagwirei, as he is not a subscriber of the Fund. The Fund has stringent compliance and code of conduct policies for its subscribers. We are in the process of exiting from Ziwa resources. We have not and cannot disclose the subscribers’ names as such information is confidential. We are a private fund. We are not a Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) company or fund, so we don’t have to be registered with SEBI. The Foreign Portfolio Investment Companies get registered with SEBI.”
After his written response, Sharma consented for an interview via video-conferencing. The full edited transcript of our interview with Sharma will be published shortly in The Probe.
Ministry of Civil Aviation seeks response from DIPAM
While we did not receive any answers to the questions we sent to government officials and ministers, at around 10:20 am on May 27, one of the authors was CC-ed on an email sent by an official in the Ministry of Civil Aviation to officials in the DIPAM and to employees of SBI Capital Markets. (SBI Capital Markets has been appointed as the transaction adviser for the entire process of disinvestment of Pawan Hans) The email forwarded to the DIPAM and SBI Capital Markets officials has the questionnaire sent by one of us to the secretary of the ministry of civil aviation and read:
“Reference trailing email, it is requested to furnish requisite information on the questionnaire…urgently”
No information was furnished by DIPAM or by SBI Capital Markets until publication. This article will be updated as soon as we receive further responses.
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smilestravelandtour · 2 years
Zanzibar Safari & Beach Tour for a laidback holiday experience
Zanzibar is a peaceful, beach paradise for an unspoiled Indian Ocean get-away in Africa, in the midst of delicate, white sands and the sparkling turquoise waters spotted with pleasant conventional fishing dhows. For a colorful African island experience with a distinction, you can't turn out badly with a Zanzibar holiday. Visits to Zanzibar consolidate laid-back beach accommodation with bounty of activities and magnificent areas to offer a socially rich yet super-relaxed vacation.
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Many individuals pick a Zanzibar visit that joins the island's best beaches with exemplary safari destinations - it truly is the ideal finish to a Kenya or Tanzania safari. Once in Zanzibar, make sure to investigate the Spice Island and its varied culture by including one of our day tours as a component of your island itinerary.
Experience the Zanzibar Safari & Beach Tour Packages
This tour will allow you an opportunity to visit all of the well known national parks in the northern circuit of Tanzania at a decent cost and a decent speed. In eleven days, you will visit Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, and the renowned Serengeti Plains. You will likewise get an opportunity to visit Zanzibar Island toward the finish of your safari. The tour will incorporate all accommodation, meals, and transportation as per schedule.
Explore the Jozani Forest Reserve
Jozani Forest Reserve was assigned as a safeguarded region during the 1960s. Stowed away in the core of Zanzibar, covering 50 square kilometers of mind blowing natural beauty is the Jozani Forest Reserve, a should visit on your visit through this Indian Ocean Island. Because of its foundation, the intriguing and endangered Kirk’s red colobus monkeys have gotten another rent of life and are gradually recuperating from the verge of termination. Choose Zanzibar Safari & Beach Tour Packages.
Visit the best beaches in Zanzibar
Various shorelines in Zanzibar offer various things and ought to be thought about while arranging your trip. The East shore of Zanzibar is fixed with significant length of powder-white beaches. Most beaches have an exceptionally shallow slope and subsequently, the tide goes out far, making it challenging to swim straightforwardly from the beach.
Let Zanzibar Safari & Beach Tour Packages help you explore the best!
The South-West Coast has fewer places to stay and a portion of the island's best marine experiences. The South-West doesn't have the notorious stretches of powder sand beaches, yet guest numbers are lower.
On the North Coast, sea swimming is substantially less powerless to the tides. Smooth beaches and whites and make for astonishing days in the sun. Here the beaches are a lot more occupied. There are an enormous number of visitor houses, bars, shops and restaurants. The setting and the beaches are beautiful; however it misses the mark on peacefulness of different pieces of the island.
Don’t forget to check out Zimbabwe Safari Tour Packages, Kenya Safari Tour Packages, Zambia Safari Tour Packages and Botswana Safari Tour Packages.
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Why digital literacy
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I remember it as it was like yesterday when my father was trying to convince me to apply for Computer Science at the University Of Zimbabwe (UZ). His argument was that the field of Computer Science was advancing and usage of computers was going to rise since computers are now a part of our lives and one is guaranteed a job by studying Computer Science. At that time I was not interested I wanted to study medicine and I applied for Physiotherapy since I was 3 points short to take Medicine. To cut the story short, I ended up studying Computer Science at Midlands State University even though I was accepted at UZ. Looking backwards and connecting the dots l feel like I was meant to do Computer Science so that I will preach this gospel of digital literacy. To be honest at first I wasn’t really into digital literacy but the fact that I was jobless after graduating it made me think of ways I can contribute and create opportunities for myself and others around me. As i was pursuing my studies I realised the advantages of computer literacy, internet literacy  and digital literacy. Although I owned my first laptop after l turned 18 years I noticed I had an advantage over some of my fellow classmates because I was exposed to computers when I was doing form 1 and 2 at Mweyamutsvene and my elder brother Teeray later brought this dell desktop at home which was used by everyone at home. One weird thing is we were only 7 students doing Computer Science and although i knew my around a computer only one of us had a good background with computer science and that was none other than the controversial Lionel Masimba Siduna. But the rest were clueless, we did not even know what is computer science and even now I can’t really explain what computer science is but I have an idea , what a waste of money! I noticed how big our situation was because of the lack of exposure to computers and the lack of knowledge we had about computers. I remember reading that people like Mark Zuckerberg started early and at 12 he could develop real programs that could be used. If we are ever going to compete and not remain as aliens to technology, not understanding how technology works we have to change and start taking bold steps ferociously to implement digital literacy programs for the rest of the world, especially Africa . 
The reasons why I love digital literacy is because I was literate and  life became easier for me when I started college. Since I was literate I was able to type my own assignments at school, do my research for assignments online, downloading programming tutorials and teaching myself how to make websites even before we were taught HTML & CSS at college. I bumped into sites like W3schools and tutorialspoint because I knew how to search for information online. I started following my heroes like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Mark Zuckerberg, and Robert Kiyosaki because I had internet access and I knew how to access information. Being exposed to my heroes changed me and it has made me the person I am today.
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If my personal experiences are not very convincing for you why we need digital literacy let’s take a look into what others are saying. I once read this article by Darrell M West with the heading “Digital Divide: Improving Internet Access in the developing world through affordable services and diverse content”. Although the article was talking about the digital divide Darrell M. West research was pointing out that access to the internet in developing nations could lead to economic growth and improved health, education and governance. He mentioned that improved internet access would promote economic growth and more large numbers of people out of poverty and according to a deloitte study 28% in the long run productivity and the resulting economic activity could generate $2.2 trillion in additional GDP and 140M jobs. The value of internet leads to increased investment, creates jobs for high-skilled workers in the developing world e.g. Rwanda. The role of digital literacy is to help individuals make the best use of connectivity and technology they have to the best of their ability. Business man can trade online, musicians can make use of YouTube to spread their content.
In part two of this blog post I will clearly point out the reasons why we need digital literacy.
We are not going to capitalize on these benefits that Darell M West points out if most Zimbabweans or Africans still think Internet is only WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Why not use these platforms to market talents, create digital content, and learn from our mentors and market our businesses online. 
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illuminatiafirca · 6 years
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checkoutafrica · 4 years
Ananya; Zimbabwe’s next star
At this moment in time, if I could switch roles with anyone in this. life, it’d have to be Ananya, this girl is literally living my dream life. Currently living in NYC – the city where dreams come true, studying fashion at one of the most prestigious fashion colleges in the world – Parsons and on top of that she recently topped the charts last month in SA and Zim with her hit single Marble eyes.
Fun fact; at the mere age of 20 Ananya writes and produces her own music. A true creative and an inspiration to so many people like myself her age. Although this was my first time, listening to her music, it’s so nostalgic to me and reminds me of the early 2010s when life was good! Her vibe, her sound, everything about her is really a 10/10 and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for her.
How do you juggle a music career with being a fashion student?
Well, definitely at this point in time since I am going into my last year at uni, it’s always going to be studies first, so I kind of doing everything I can to get these assignments done, then once that’s done, everything is just music. I am just really grateful that fashion and music do come hand in hand, there are ways where I am able to connect the two and that’s really great for me. I am very passionate about them both so it helps to know that when I have a deadline “I need to get this done” and then it’s all music.
What is the story behind marble eyes?
So, it is about a summer romance, kind of whirlwind romance, up and down and everything, the fear of falling back into it when you know you shouldn’t, so you’re kind of telling this person “hey, next time can you stay away from me because I don’t trust myself to interact with you��
How would you say fashion and music are intertwined?
Okay, so I think that fashion can be used as a tool of expression, it’s almost like a safety blanket and then music is also another form of self-expression – except, it’s more personal. Music, unlike fashion, connects all on a level that’s indescribable – I mean everyone has that one song that they can relate so strongly to and that they never get sick of listening to. So they are both forms of expression but I think fashion helps the visual for music, that’s the best way to put it – as an artist, you want to create your own images, your own identity and you use fashion to do that by creating this visual that people won’t forget, like for example; grace jones. She is an icon but if people don’t know her music, they know her image, her aesthetic, the way she dresses etc.
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A post shared by Ananya (@ananyamakesmusic) on Mar 11, 2020 at 11:51am PDT
What do you love most about studying in NYC?
The spirit – it’s loud, energetic, it’s encouraging. You go out and people are getting things done and it’s motivating because you want to be like one of those people who is getting things done. You have no time to slack, it really pushes you!
How would you say growing up in Zimbabwe helped your creativity?
I think Zimbabwe is an inspiration in itself, as well as the people in Zimbabwe – they are the most incredible people I have ever known. And I think as Zimbabweans, from the minute we’re born we learn to improvise; like if you can’t do that “we’ll make a plan”. To this day if something comes up, I always say to myself “I’ll make a plan, it’s fine” because I grew up in Zim
It’s amazing because there is so much creativity in Zim and I notice it more and more every time I come back, it breeds creativity.
What can we expect from you next in terms of music? An ep, an album or a few more singles?
I think for the time being, since I am doing a lot of this on my own there is still so much that I need to learn about the industry so I am taking it day by day and hopefully just singles atm, that’s what I feel most for. Hopefully one day there will be an album or ep but for the time being I can only promise singles.
There’s actually a new single I have coming out in July, it’s quite sassy, it has more of an attitude than the other ones and it’s a song where the girl isn’t actually a victim this time, like the other ones, shes kind of standing up for herself and she’s strong! It’s exciting and it’s called a shy boy!
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A post shared by Ananya (@ananyamakesmusic) on Aug 20, 2019 at 11:16am PDT
What are your plans after graduation? Are you going to pursue fashion? Music? Are you going to stay in New York?
It’s quite stressful, I actually haven’t thought that far ahead, I know it’s so close because it’s only a year away. I don’t know, it’s scary to think of but again, they come hand in hand, so it would b really cool to do something that combines the two or honestly, at the end of the day, I just want to be doing what I am passionate about, what I enjoy doing so if in a years time that’s fashion, then it’s fashion – if it’s music, then its music. Just kind of sticking to doing what makes me happy.
What are your dream travel destinations and why?
I have so many dream travel destinations but one place I am dying to go to is Japan – the fashion scene there is incredible, I’m dying to see the cherry blossoms, the architecture. I feel like there is so much to see and so much to learn in Japan.
Which fashion designer has influenced you the most?
My favourite fashion designer, that’s so hard because It’s always something that’s changing but atm it Jaqceumes – he’s so inclusive about how he shows his clothes and who wears them. There are so many brands who say kind of claim that you have to look a certain way to wear their designs but he doesn’t – I mean, he did a campaign with his grandmother! It’s just beautiful.
Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
I kind of had an answer to this question, until coronavirus happened – it taught me that you never actually know what’s coming because no one planned for corona snd everyone’s world was flipped. So honestly, I am trying to take it day by day and work to the next ting, then from there, I can see where I can take it. But then again in 10 years, I hope I will have released more music that people can feel for and continue doing what I love and following my passions.
Listen to Marble Eyes;
The post Ananya; Zimbabwe’s next star appeared first on CheckoutAfrica.
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justnicksocialll · 4 years
Entry 1 - About Me
Hi, my name is Nicky and this page is for you to know a bit more about myself. Firstly, I am an international student from Zimbabwe, 2 years ago I decided to Move to Australia specifically Melbourne as it is known as the sport capital. My goal here is to complete my bachelor’s degree in sport business at Holmesglen as I have previously completed a diploma of sport development and events management.
Being a sport enthusiast and coming from a small sporting community is the reason why I chose to study these courses. Throughout my studies I have gained academic and practical skills relevant to this exciting field here in Australia.
To build on that I’ve volunteered as a junior coach and become a member of the club committee at Youlden Parkville cricket club, I have gained experience working within a diverse community and being a faster learner and always willing to help out to the best of my ability helped with the club.
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As part of an assignment from my course. I have worked with Prahran Football Club to develop a marketing and social media strategy for the club. The club was struggling to gain a sponsor that would sponsor them continuously so myself and two other classmates came up with strategies to help retain their sponsors. One of the major tasks we performed was to come up with a new sponsorship proposal that has recommendations on what the club could offer their sponsors, for example advertising their sponsors on more visible boards, Guernseys or even naming functions after them.
My aspirations for the future would be to become a sport development coordinator. So basically, the role is to develop grass root sport in schools and sports clubs as well as implementing ideas to grow the development of sport.
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Some of my strength and weaknesses would be that I’m a bit shy with new situations, I like to listen before I speak so sometimes people may think I have nothing to say, it’s just that I allow myself to listen but because I know I have a job to do I then speak out and ask questions and present ideas.
I would say I am a creative person, very imaginative based on the projects I have done before also running programs at Youlden Parkville has shown how much organisational skills I have as these programs have lead to an increase in participation rates. I work well within teams and can step up to leadership roles if possible, to help stay on track.
As i get ready to start my Internship program and i feel i have learnt a lot about sport which I never imagined. I expect that everything I have learnt will help me during my Internship, I believe its going to be fun working in the real world and hopefully secure a job.
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edusoftgenius · 4 years
Best School Management Software for African Countries- Genius Edusoft!
In most African countries primary education is required for all children until they reach a certain age. In many places, however, only about half of the students who attend primary school finish the entire course of study, and in some areas more than 90 percent of primary school students repeat at least one grade. The World Economic Forum accessed 140 countries, including 38 African countries, to rank the best education systems based on skill development. The report looks at the general level of skills of the workforce and the quantity and quality of education in each country. Factors considered include: developing digital literacy, interpersonal skills, and the ability to think critically and creatively.
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Insights of Genius Education Management System:
We are a 16 year old and leading company in School ERP because we provide user-friendly and customized school management system as per the needs and demand of clients. Our software is Angular JS based Cloud application i.e. real time application as well as Web based software. We provide our service to every kind of entity whether it is School, Institute, Training centres or Colleges irrespective of the size of organization, big or small. We have a fantastic set of clients using our system which makes us understand on daily basis the strengths and loopholes if any.
Our software is designed with a tag-line“Enhanced Education system with limited cost”. We assure 100% safety & security to each of our clients relating to their data. Our software is for every person working with the entity; teachers, students, Principal, Admin, Parents and even other employees as they are heart of any organization.
Why should African schools use ERP software?
With the help of School management education software’s the next level demand arising in the education field rising in today’s scenario can be met with ease as compared to traditional education systems. As we see the history of education in African countries they are not able to satisfy their client needs because of some barriers and to overcome them they need a robust school management education system which is exactly our Genius Education software is currently which will help them to improve their competitiveness and business in the market as well meeting their strategic objectives. Every organization whether small or big needs an automation in its education system because traditional methods are not able to satisfy all the requirements. This is where our Genius Edusoft comes into picture to help in every possible way to enhance the education system and its management in African schools, colleges, and every organization providing education by improving their internal processes, cutting down their operating costs and help them to improve their relation with customers which indirectly helps the organization to improve their decision making capacities.
Challenges faced by African countries to implement ERP software?
Implementing an ERP software for a school, college, institute or any educational training entity is not an easy task because lot of spoon feeding has to be done to employees of the entity to get used to it and update on daily basis the needed information. On the other hand African countries has lot of limitations like other developing countries like low economic capacities, limited human skills and limited infrastructures therefore there can be lot of difficulties in implementing the ERP in African context. Many a times implementation failures also occur when there is a lack in updates, maintenance, consultation and training for the same.
How Genius Edusoft helps African countries to improvise their education system by overcoming the challenges!
As discussed African countries have limitations in many aspects; Genius Edusoft overcomes this loophole easily as our system is likely to work on atomization which is covered under various modules of our ERP like our Attendance management module where if RFID system is installed in the school the student can scan the QR code while entering in the campus and attendance will be fetched into the system easing the daily hustle of class teacher to manually take the attendance.
Even the long long queue that creates a lot of waste of time of school management to collect the fees of students has been reduced by our Admission module as parents can directly pay the fees through an online token through our payment gateway.
Even the circulars that piun or any school boy used to come with for any event, picnic, sports day news or any such event is now automated by our academic module where admin or teachers can directly upload circulars for important announcement for which notification will be received by the parents/students on their mobile app.
Even our Exam management module is a great work as our education software is designed with a tag line “Enhanced Education System” where in teachers can add manual exam assigning scores and ranks to students. Even students can take online examination created by teachers by accessing their login credentials
Even now cost of getting ID cards designed can be reduced with the help of our ID card generator in software as it can be managed from our software wherein institutes just need to integrate their printer with our system & get Id cards printed for students as well as employees
Genius Edusoft Verdict
From this article you might have got a better understanding of how our real time based software helps African countries including Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, Madagascar, Rwanda, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Tunisia, Malawi, Botswana etc by enhancing their education system efficiently by reducing their costs with different modules designed effectively keeping in mind general as well as special needs of every training centres like schools, institutes, colleges etc. 
Genius Education Management Software
Address: 331-332, 3rd floor, Patel Avenue Nr.Gurudwara, S.G. Road, Thaltej, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Contact: 8320243119, 9328151561
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s4g2seo · 4 years
Why You Need An Effective Digital Marketing Agency
When you need to hire a digital marketing agency, you may not be aware of the process or that there are so many different agencies out there. The truth is that a digital marketing agency is a great investment and can really help your business to grow and be recognized in a way that you would have never imagined.
The secret to success when working with a digital marketing agency is how they interact with you. They must know exactly how to set up a meeting so that you will feel at ease with them. This is very important because the more relaxed you feel, the more business you will get.
Once you have an idea as to what your needs are when it comes to digital marketing, you can begin to search for a digital marketing agency. There are a few things that you can do in order to find the right digital agency. To start, you can ask family, friends, and even your spouse to search for digital marketing agencies that they might know of.
There are a lot of advantages to this approach, since a lot of people have friends and family in common and are familiar with each other. The other advantage is that you will be able to make recommendations on what they are doing if they do not have a digital agency.
Another good place to go is your employer or college campus. Find out what is being done in your building. Many businesses use digital agencies when they want to get their name out there and have them build websites, provide content, as well as advertising and marketing campaigns.
You may be able to find a good online source to find the best digital agency. With today's technology, finding an online source is very easy. Some companies offer free membership to their online resources so that you can look around and find the best online source for digital marketing.
You may also want to find out where the best companies that provide digital services are located. In doing this, you can compare and contrast what different companies are offering.
When you find a digital agency to work with, you should expect to be given thorough information about their capabilities. When you work with a digital marketing agency, you will be asked questions about your goals and what it is that you want to accomplish.
A digital marketing agency should be able to take this information and plan your campaign with specific goals. You will be given specific assignments and expect to meet these tasks on a regular basis.
Once you have a digital marketing agency that is established and reliable, you can begin to see results from this form of marketing. The success of your marketing campaign depends on the time and effort that is spent by the agency to ensure the company's success.
Many companies are reaping the benefits of digital marketing and would not be successful without it. It is much easier to target a specific group of people with digital marketing than with traditional marketing techniques.
Companies can use digital marketing to connect with their customers and gain recognition with their brand name. With the competition for business, it is crucial that the right digital marketing agency is found in order to create a company that will continue to succeed in the market.
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robertbryantblog · 5 years
How Email Hosting Zimbabwe
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The post How Email Hosting Zimbabwe appeared first on Quick Click Hosting.
from Quick Click Hosting https://quickclickhosting.com/how-email-hosting-zimbabwe/
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biofunmy · 5 years
Puja Patel’s Pitchfork Work Diary: ‘Our Staffers Decidedly Own the Dance Floor’
Puja Patel listens to a lot of music. The volume has gotten so overwhelming since she was named editor in chief of Pitchfork, she’s had to create a system to manage it all. “I’ve decided to keep my new vinyl purchases to things that I know I’ll keep for the rest of my life,” Ms. Patel said. She puts unreleased albums into a folder on iTunes and streams everything else on Spotify. She also acquired an old iPod Touch to use solely for work, but that turned out to be fruitless when she learned it wasn’t compatible with the latest MacBook.
Pitchfork, with its authoritatively decimalized album ranking system, is one of the most influential music publications in the United States. A favorable rating has the power to propel a below-the-radar artist into the mainstream, while a negative one can sink a well-known performer’s latest effort. “As someone who was obsessively reading the site in college, to imagine running it one day was absurd,” Ms. Patel, 33, said. “And now that I’m here, it feels extremely powerful and correct.”
A child of immigrants — her father was from Zimbabwe and her mother is from India — Ms. Patel worked for a number of outlets, including Fader, The Village Voice and MTV, before joining Pitchfork. “My specialty was really showing that music was about community,” she said. “And how music is an immediate reflection of the tensions of a city, whether that be political or social, or even the way that tech was changing and inducing the way a genre moved.” In 2016, she was named editor in chief of Spin — becoming one of the few women to lead a large music publication — and she reveled in the opportunity to push its boundaries.
Pitchfork was founded in 1996 and acquired by Condé Nast in 2015. The Pitchfork Review, the site’s quarterly magazine, was shut down two years later, and last September Condé Nast asked Ms. Patel to take over from Ryan Schreiber, Pitchfork’s founder and longtime editor. We spoke in March, as she was producing the publication’s first “digital cover.”
6 a.m. I have this obnoxious tendency to wake up early in the morning and beat my alarm. I couldn’t sleep because I was thinking about our digital cover story, which I was up late editing with our features editor. It’s about the singer Sky Ferreira. I eventually open up the story to see what tweaks were made and do some tweaking of my own. It covers some sensitive subject matter — like her friendship with Michael Jackson when she was a kid — so I think all of us are trying to take some care with how we deliver that.
7:30 a.m. Log into Slack and see that the singer Scott Walker has died. I talk to a news editor and assign an obit. As a music fan, I think one of the really difficult parts of the job is tabling your sadness and grief to be able to react and inform your readers as quickly as possible.
10:30 a.m. Staff meeting. We talk about Scott Walker, and our managing editor updates us on what to keep an eye out for today. I bring up our launch party, which is on Wednesday night, and gently remind the staff to be on their best behavior. I like these meetings — it’s useful for the staff, and it’s nice checking in with everyone, since we have so many sprawling parts of the magazine and all that comes with Condé Nast.
1:30 p.m. More party prep. I’m answering all kinds of questions like: Is this person on the guest list? What artwork should we display? Can you approve these finances? Can we get approval on this partnership thing? These things pop up all day, and I forget how much time they take up. It comes with the territory of being the editor.
3 p.m. I realize I haven’t written my editor’s letter, which is set to run tomorrow at 8 a.m.
4:30 p.m. I started blocking off this hour on my calendar without telling everyone why. I let everyone believe I’m in a meeting so I can do things like write my letter or check up on emails.
9:30 p.m. Running on fumes and finally writing my editor’s letter. (I take breaks to cook dinner, chat with my cousin and try on some clothes that I had ordered online.) The question I get most frequently from reporters and friends is what it feels like to be a woman in charge of a publication that’s been helmed by men until now. I try to speak to that in my letter.
12 a.m. Everything has been filed, typos and final copy-edits have been made. It’s time for bed.
6 a.m. Woke up before the alarm again. Text my mom and brother good morning, and scroll through my international family WhatsApp group thread. There are 30-plus people on it, and it regularly shifts from family updates to Gujarati or Hindi memes or videos.
7 a.m. Make scrambled eggs and check in with editors to make sure we’re set for the cover story rollout.
8 a.m. The cover story is live! I’m so happy that it’s finally out. I’m honestly a little emotional and very proud of how so many people, who hadn’t previously worked together, collaborated to make this come to fruition. Big projects like these always create trust and excitement about what else we can do as a staff — it’s a good sign of what’s to come.
12:30 p.m. I pop in to say hello to Vanity Fair editor Radhika Jones and ask about a Condé meeting scheduled for later today. (We moved floors recently and now share our space with her magazine and Wired.) We end up chatting for 30 minutes.
3:30 p.m. One of two weekly reviews meetings, where we go over our album review schedule, scoring, Best New Music designations and assignments. This is usually the easiest or knottiest meeting of the week, depending on the releases and how strongly the editors in the room feel about them. We try to have at least four people on staff listen to every album reviewed before landing on a precise score. Today, two editors have differing opinions on the score of a smaller album, and we talk about some existential issues with scoring against the legacy opinions of Pitchfork past.
6:30 p.m. Left the office earlier than usual because I need to eat dinner and figure out what to wear to tomorrow’s party. Make a salad and throw a quarter of my closet onto my bed, land on two or three things that could work and kick myself for always procrastinating on shopping.
8:30 p.m. Meet up with an old music friend at Zablozki’s in Williamsburg. We talk about the surge of reporting on sexism and assault in music — the journalist’s duty to the story, and then how women at labels and PR firms do their own reporting and assessments from within.
9:15 p.m. Head across the street to National Sawdust to see Yves Tumor, an experimental electronic musician who has played an after-party for Pitchfork Paris and our Chicago Midwinter event, a music festival in partnership with the Art Institute of Chicago.
9:45 p.m. Pitchfork is hosting an event with Tidal down the street at Music Hall of Williamsburg for Women’s History Month. I drag my label friend with me with the hopes of seeing the duo Girlpool, but we miss them, unfortunately.
10:30 p.m. In a cab home, texting with Pitchfork’s publicist. She tells me an on-camera interview scheduled for tomorrow got moved. I’m thrilled — one less thing to think about.
7 a.m. It’s a normal morning, which means I can spend the first few hours of my day listening to music and albums we’re slated to review.
1:30 p.m. My weekly meeting with Anna Wintour, the creative director of Condé Nast. Anna is a sounding board on anything big or small. We talk about everything: new developments on major editorial plans for the site, design updates, artists who are releasing new music, ideas around covers, the staff, navigating every kind of business change or hurdle while being true to the site’s spirit and point of view.
3:30 p.m. Head out of the office early to meet my mom and brother, who are in town from Baltimore. I spend the travel time going over the syllabus and reading materials of a New York University journalism class I’m speaking at tomorrow.
4:15 p.m. My mom and I get blowouts for the party. I lost my dad to lung cancer a little over a year ago, which was unexpected and sudden and has been very hard on all of us, especially my mom. Sometimes I wonder if I stay so busy so that I don’t let my mind wander into the deep sadness that comes every time I think about him. I miss him every day, and especially during times of celebration.
6:20 p.m. Arrive at Kinfolk for the party. The venue is covered in images and video from the cover shoot and it looks amazing. Events like this always move in a blur, but some highlights: Nancy and Rayna from LCD Soundsystem DJ. Anna Wintour chats with my mom for a while, and it brings me so much joy to see these two singular women in my life in conversation. Sky Ferreira and I talk about the release of her new single and what it feels like to have something new out after so long. The band Empath and two of our staffers decidedly own the dance floor.
9:30 p.m. The staff moves down the street to the Turkey’s Nest after the party. Everyone has their biggest smiles on. I want to take a snapshot of the moment and commit it to memory forever.
12:30 p.m. My mom and brother come to our office at 1 World Trade Center for lunch. It’s nice to be able to show them what I do and where I work, especially since online media is an unconventional career path in some ways. The view from the office helps, too.
3 p.m. Weekly senior editorial meeting with team leads.
7:30 p.m. At N.Y.U.’s Bobst library to speak to students at the Clive Davis Institute about “Race, Gender, and Music Writing” for a class on writing about popular music. The students are great. They’re avid readers of Pitchfork and big music fans, and they ask sharp and very specific questions about our editorial process and where we fit in the digital media landscape. This is my favorite part of the day, easily. It reaffirms that, in a different life, I’d like to be a teacher.
9:15 p.m. The professor of the class is the executive editor of Billboard and a friendly acquaintance. We decide to grab some sushi at Lure Fishbar and catch up on industry gossip and media news before calling it a night.
12:30 p.m. Meeting with our design director, art director and photo director to discuss the big-picture styling and timeline of some new visual projects.
1:30 p.m. Our video lead tells me that Conor Oberst and Phoebe Bridgers are on their way to the office studios to shoot for our “Over/Under” series. Last week we ran into the “Queer Eye” cast in the cafe and taped them for the series, too. It’s one of my favorite franchises because of how genuinely funny and random it tends to be.
5 p.m. A label rep and friend of the staff comes in to play new music from the U.K. rapper Slowthai in our Listening Room. You can tell when the staff are especially excited to hear something, because they all try to cram into a room made to seat eight. The music leaks into the hall and through the walls and is welcome next to the usual sounds of typing.
8:45 p.m. My friend Jia comes over to my apartment in Williamsburg with a bottle of wine. We became friends years ago when we were both bloggers and now she’s part of a close-knit group of women I don’t know what I’d do without. Another writer friend stops by, too. We listen to Solange and Jessica Pratt and eventually let Spotify take over as we recap our weeks and hang. When I go to bed, I don’t bother to set an alarm.
Interviews are conducted by email, text and phone, then condensed and edited.
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illuminatiafirca · 6 years
http://illuminatichurchpower.webs.com #illuminate Powerful Ring's make's Money @~^Miracles +27611644700 Pretoria Botswana Namibia, South Africa Pretoria Bloemfontein Cape Town South Sudan Cape Town Juba Sudan Khartoum Swaziland Mbabane Tanzania Dar es Salaam Dodoma Togo Lomé Tunisia Tunis Western Sahara Zambia Lusaka Zimbabwe Harare.SUPER POWER MAGIC RING OF WONDERS Call or WhatsApp me +2611644700 THE ring was brought by the spiritual powers of long time ago and this ring helps to give people like pastors, preachers powers so that they can be above all others and healing The ring also gives money or richness to people who are hopeless and adding special powers to people who have their business with little customers, things are not going well in business or at work This ring will help you to have extra powers in that when you put it even your bosses will listen to you and adding on your salary. The SUPER POWER RING contains all powers of spirits ,ancestors and special work to everyone who is in need, some thing in his life to order for ring Get loved and attracted ULTIMATE POWERS FOR Leadership, preachers(fellowships) Prophets, Apostles, Pastors, /sangoma's , Psychics, Spiritual healers, it help to get more powers. MEN/WOMEN LOVE ATTRACTION AS WELL AS ALL ASSIGNMENTS: Work interviews, School exams, Soccer Interviews Every where just use that ring TO BECOME RICH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE AND BE FAMOUS IN WORLD OR YOUR COUNTRY ORDER NOW on CONTACT OR WHAT'S +PROF BANGI GILBERT JOIN THE BROTHERHOOD FAMILY TODAY (ILLUMINATI) Are you business man/woman, politician, musician, soccer player or student and you want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Illuminati. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish It's optional to join the most powerful secret society in the world Illuminati, Order Accepted Worldwide or call the agent on +27611644700 you will be guided through the whole process and be helped on how to join the occult. you are welcome to the illuminati kingdom where all heart desires is been grated and put in to reality with the power of the illuminati the great gods of the universe ....... join the illuminati organization and get rich, famous, wealthy , flourish, successful, prosperous , enlightenment, protection and well popular, in every area of your life . it's a promise if you can really get your self involve in this kingdom. you we be among the best in the world so if you are really interested to be a member of this house hold carefully. Visit: marriage-spells-with-money-spell- CHURCH,POWER,MONEY,FAME,REALLY #WORKS IN #>#[[[PROF,BANGI#,+27611644700]]]]#ILLUMINATI #SECRET #SOCIETY #ProfBangi #+27611644700 #Bloemfontein #Bray #WitBank #Kimberly #Mier #Garies #Mabopane #Klerksdorp #Stella #Mamikeng/Mafikeng #Rustenburg #Capetown #Helderberg #Eden #WestCoast #Johannesburg #Pretoria #WestRand #Capeflats #NorthSuburbs #Overberg #DurbanCity #midlands #Pietermaritzburg #Welkom #Winburg #Giyani #Misina #Phalaborwa #Polokwane #boloemhof http://www.bizcommunity.com/Profile/PROFBANGI Of @SOUTH.AFRICA http://www.pinterest.com/traditionalilluminatisociety66/bangi-gilbert https://twitter.com/Haebarlist https://za.linkedin.com/in/profbangi http://www.bizcommunity.com/Profile/PROFBANGI http://illuminatichurchpower.webs.com https://powerilluminatibangigilbert.wordpress.com/blog http://illuminatifame.webs.com [email protected] +Prof Bangi +27611644700WhatsApp http://illuminatichurchpower.webs.com/ http://illuminatichurchpower.webs.com http://web.facebook.com/bangi.traditional https://web.facebook.com/bangi.spells https://plus.google.com/112832301547505770106 https://www.pressreader.com/@Illuminati https://27611644700-mzansi-celebs-usa-uk-accused-being-illuminati.webnode.com http://www.jobspace.co.za/company/illuminati_666_church/2778376 https://medstro.com/profiles/prof-bangi-gilbert https://za.enrollbusiness.com/BusinessProfile/3120129/PHYSIC-HEALER-PROF-BANGI-ILLUMINATI-POWER-Pretoria-Gauteng-2000 http://www.jobstoday.co.za/Jobs/The-ILLUMINATI-SATANISM-27611644700-PROF-BANGI,Pretoria-Gauteng-6420
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illuminate Powerful  Ring's make's Money @~^Miracles +27611644700 Pretoria Botswana Namibia, South Africa Pretoria Bloemfontein Cape Town South Sudan Cape Town Juba Sudan Khartoum Swaziland Mbabane Tanzania Dar es Salaam Dodoma Togo Lomé Tunisia Tunis  Western Sahara Zambia Lusaka Zimbabwe Harare.SUPER POWER MAGIC RING OF WONDERS Call or WhatsApp me +2611644700 THE  ring was brought by the spiritual powers of long time ago and this ring helps to give people like pastors, preachers powers so that they can be above all others and healing The  ring also gives money or richness to people who are hopeless and adding special powers to people who have their business with little customers, things are not going well in business or at work This ring will help you to have extra powers in that when you put it even your bosses will listen to you and adding on your salary. The SUPER POWER RING contains all powers of spirits ,ancestors and special work to everyone who is in need, some thing in his life to order for  ring Get loved and attracted ULTIMATE  POWERS FOR Leadership, preachers(fellowships) Prophets, Apostles, Pastors, /sangoma's , Psychics, Spiritual healers, it help to get more powers. MEN/WOMEN LOVE ATTRACTION AS WELL AS ALL ASSIGNMENTS: Work interviews, School exams, Soccer Interviews Every where just use that ring TO BECOME RICH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE AND BE FAMOUS IN WORLD OR YOUR COUNTRY ORDER NOW on CONTACT OR WHAT'S +PROF BANGI GILBERT JOIN THE BROTHERHOOD FAMILY TODAY (ILLUMINATI) Are you business man/woman, politician, musician, soccer player or student and you want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Illuminati. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish It's optional to join the most powerful secret society in the world Illuminati, Order Accepted Worldwide or call the agent on +27611644700 you will be guided through the whole process and be helped on how to join the occult. you are welcome to the illuminati kingdom where all heart desires is been grated and put in to reality with the power of the illuminati the great gods of the universe ....... join the illuminati organization and get rich, famous, wealthy , flourish, successful, prosperous , enlightenment, protection and well popular, in every area of your life . it's a promise if you can really get your self involve in this kingdom. you we be among the best in the world so if you are really interested to be a member of this house hold carefully. Visit: marriage-spells-with-money-spell- CHURCH,POWER,MONEY,FAME,REALLY #WORKS IN #>#[[[PROF,BANGI#,+27611644700]]]]#ILLUMINATI
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linabrigette · 6 years
Africa Needs Open Currency Competition. It Needs Cryptocurrency
Terence Zimwara is a cryptocurrency enthusiast and economic analyst from Zimbabwe, with firsthand experience of his country’s record hyperinflation. Terence also likes to share his views via his blog.
The following is an exclusive contribution to BTC News Today’s 2018 Year in Review.
As digital currencies gradually gain traction, a counter narrative emerged as the year progressed: central banks that belatedly acknowledged the value of cryptocurrencies now want to launch their own.
However, some want the prerogative to issue this currency assigned to them and only them, because central banks ‘enjoy the confidence’ of the public. Speaking at a Brookings Institute organized discussion event, Agustin Carstens, General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements, boldly declared earlier this year that technology cannot substitute for all what central banks do to make trustworthy currencies.
This kind of pushback against cryptocurrencies has long characterized the debate on bitcoin, blockchain and digital currencies. At the core are two fundamental issues, control and freedom to choose. Central Banks naturally want to perpetuate the status quo because of the obvious advantages this comes with that status.
Yet, cryptocurrency’s popularity stems from the ease with which it enhances commerce, and the insulation it offers to investors’ value when financial markets hit turbulence. Perhaps banks would not gripe as much as they are doing now, if bitcoin did not threaten to shred the currency-issuing monopoly they presently enjoy.
The power that comes with monopoly over creation of money is unmatched and that is why virtually all central banks insist on having the sole rights to print money. On the other hand, blockchain technology is a natural reaction to years of this unjust state of affairs. Blockchain technology is an attempt to force sweeping reforms to the global financial system.
Therefore, it is also important to keep the latter perspective when discussing the pros and cons of cryptocurrencies. When central banks say they want to issue their own digital currencies, we have to invoke the context we have just explained above. In fairness, central banks in advanced economies across the EU, the U.S. Federal Reserve, Bank of Japan etc, sometimes do genuinely try to protect their respective citizens from hackers, fraudsters or from any other undesirable elements that may want to do harm.
Central banks also claim their presence helps to infuse trust into financial systems. For instance, banks do not normally trust each other, so the intermediary role played by central banks ensures the smooth flow of transactions between them. In other words, central banks build and maintain confidence in financial markets.
It is on this basis that Carstens doubts if any new technology will substitute for all these centuries of creating good practices, which in a way generates the trust that society has on the currency that we know today.
Risks and advantages
However, this assessment is incomplete, if not disingenuous, because it dodges the central theme of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general – ending unfair currency issuing monopolies.
Privately issued digital currencies come with risks but equally, they come with important advantages and one such advantage is competition or choice. Competition makes free markets efficient and when a market is deprived of this, a waste of resources often follows and customers become worse off.
Already, the cryptocurrency market is endowed with a growing number of digital currencies aside from bitcoin. The choice of such “altcoins” ranges across ethereum, litecoin, XRP, bitcoin cash and many more, and each is an attempt to give the holder a unique advantage that they cannot get elsewhere.
There is no monopoly here: different players have been allowed to issue cryptocurrencies but still the market continues to grow. When a central bank issues a currency, you have no choice but to accept that currency, even if you have some misgivings about the currency or the process of issuing it.
Laws have been passed to preclude private entities from printing national currencies because, apparently, competition is not preferred when it comes to money creation. So even when you know that the issuing party is incompetent or corrupt, you have no choice but to abide.
Times of crisis
To Illustrate, Zimbabwe’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) pursued what became known as quasi-fiscal activities between 2004 and 2008. The RBZ ran parallel expenditure activities, which many blamed for the hyperinflation, which peaked at 500 billion percent and the ultimate collapse of the Zimbabwe dollar.
The public lost confidence in this institution and the banking system in general, as evidenced by the nature of deposits mobilized by most banks after the hyperinflation period. It is quite natural that many people now question the legitimacy or importance of this institution.
So, when the same institution announced that it planned to issue a so-called surrogate currency back in 2016, there was a predictable outcry, with many fearing it was an attempt to bring back the worthless Zim dollar.
Cryptocurrencies give a choice to those opposed to a national currency, as was the case in Zimbabwe in November 2016, when bond-notes became legal tender. Unfortunately, ignorance levels were, and still remain, very high – ordinary Zimbabweans did not realize they had an option to switch to cryptocurrencies.
Now, a few years later, bond-notes appear to be on their way out, as they are losing value quickly and ordinary people will be hard hit again. So, it is quite perplexing to hear the likes of Carstens assert that people have confidence in central banks. Which central banks? There are obviously better corporate governance standards in Europe where Mr. Carstens hails from. There are also strong institutions that help to keep central banks in check, something absent in many developing countries.
Competition is healthy
It is unfair that powerful figures from rich and advanced economies want to stifle an innovation, which could uplift societies across the continent, just because the innovation is not “international best practice.”
Africa has had its unfair share of currency crises, from Mozambique to Zambia, from Nigeria to Zimbabwe, and it is apparent the central banking system does not always work well. On the other hand, cryptocurrencies offer an exciting alternative, which we must be allowed to explore. Privately launched cryptocurrencies must be allowed to compete with currencies issued by the continent’s central banks.
This competition will help central banks on the continent to improve and reform.
African nations must also resist attempts to adopt the Venezuela model, where the state reportedly banned others from issuing digital currencies before it launched its own – the petro.
No one can really predict what will happen to cryptocurrencies in the coming years, yet that should not stop us from dreaming about the future. Often new technology changes lives in many ways that even those creating the technologies could not have imagined. Now is the time for open minds and not fear.
Zimbabwe dollars image via Shutterstock
The post Africa Needs Open Currency Competition. It Needs Cryptocurrency appeared first on BTC News Today.
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click2watch · 6 years
Africa Needs Open Currency Competition. It Needs Cryptocurrency
Terence Zimwara is a cryptocurrency enthusiast and economic analyst from Zimbabwe, with firsthand experience of his country’s record hyperinflation. Terence also likes to share his views via his blog.
The following is an exclusive contribution to CoinDesk’s 2018 Year in Review.
As digital currencies gradually gain traction, a counter narrative emerged as the year progressed: central banks that belatedly acknowledged the value of cryptocurrencies now want to launch their own.
However, some want the prerogative to issue this currency assigned to them and only them, because central banks ‘enjoy the confidence’ of the public. Speaking at a Brookings Institute organized discussion event, Agustin Carstens, General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements, boldly declared earlier this year that technology cannot substitute for all what central banks do to make trustworthy currencies.
This kind of pushback against cryptocurrencies has long characterized the debate on bitcoin, blockchain and digital currencies. At the core are two fundamental issues, control and freedom to choose. Central Banks naturally want to perpetuate the status quo because of the obvious advantages this comes with that status.
Yet, cryptocurrency’s popularity stems from the ease with which it enhances commerce, and the insulation it offers to investors’ value when financial markets hit turbulence. Perhaps banks would not gripe as much as they are doing now, if bitcoin did not threaten to shred the currency-issuing monopoly they presently enjoy.
The power that comes with monopoly over creation of money is unmatched and that is why virtually all central banks insist on having the sole rights to print money. On the other hand, blockchain technology is a natural reaction to years of this unjust state of affairs. Blockchain technology is an attempt to force sweeping reforms to the global financial system.
Therefore, it is also important to keep the latter perspective when discussing the pros and cons of cryptocurrencies. When central banks say they want to issue their own digital currencies, we have to invoke the context we have just explained above. In fairness, central banks in advanced economies across the EU, the U.S. Federal Reserve, Bank of Japan etc, sometimes do genuinely try to protect their respective citizens from hackers, fraudsters or from any other undesirable elements that may want to do harm.
Central banks also claim their presence helps to infuse trust into financial systems. For instance, banks do not normally trust each other, so the intermediary role played by central banks ensures the smooth flow of transactions between them. In other words, central banks build and maintain confidence in financial markets.
It is on this basis that Carstens doubts if any new technology will substitute for all these centuries of creating good practices, which in a way generates the trust that society has on the currency that we know today.
Risks and advantages
However, this assessment is incomplete, if not disingenuous, because it dodges the central theme of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general – ending unfair currency issuing monopolies.
Privately issued digital currencies come with risks but equally, they come with important advantages and one such advantage is competition or choice. Competition makes free markets efficient and when a market is deprived of this, a waste of resources often follows and customers become worse off.
Already, the cryptocurrency market is endowed with a growing number of digital currencies aside from bitcoin. The choice of such “altcoins” ranges across ethereum, litecoin, XRP, bitcoin cash and many more, and each is an attempt to give the holder a unique advantage that they cannot get elsewhere.
There is no monopoly here: different players have been allowed to issue cryptocurrencies but still the market continues to grow. When a central bank issues a currency, you have no choice but to accept that currency, even if you have some misgivings about the currency or the process of issuing it.
Laws have been passed to preclude private entities from printing national currencies because, apparently, competition is not preferred when it comes to money creation. So even when you know that the issuing party is incompetent or corrupt, you have no choice but to abide.
Times of crisis
To Illustrate, Zimbabwe’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) pursued what became known as quasi-fiscal activities between 2004 and 2008. The RBZ ran parallel expenditure activities, which many blamed for the hyperinflation, which peaked at 500 billion percent and the ultimate collapse of the Zimbabwe dollar.
The public lost confidence in this institution and the banking system in general, as evidenced by the nature of deposits mobilized by most banks after the hyperinflation period. It is quite natural that many people now question the legitimacy or importance of this institution.
So, when the same institution announced that it planned to issue a so-called surrogate currency back in 2016, there was a predictable outcry, with many fearing it was an attempt to bring back the worthless Zim dollar.
Cryptocurrencies give a choice to those opposed to a national currency, as was the case in Zimbabwe in November 2016, when bond-notes became legal tender. Unfortunately, ignorance levels were, and still remain, very high – ordinary Zimbabweans did not realize they had an option to switch to cryptocurrencies.
Now, a few years later, bond-notes appear to be on their way out, as they are losing value quickly and ordinary people will be hard hit again. So, it is quite perplexing to hear the likes of Carstens assert that people have confidence in central banks. Which central banks? There are obviously better corporate governance standards in Europe where Mr. Carstens hails from. There are also strong institutions that help to keep central banks in check, something absent in many developing countries.
Competition is healthy
It is unfair that powerful figures from rich and advanced economies want to stifle an innovation, which could uplift societies across the continent, just because the innovation is not “international best practice.”
Africa has had its unfair share of currency crises, from Mozambique to Zambia, from Nigeria to Zimbabwe, and it is apparent the central banking system does not always work well. On the other hand, cryptocurrencies offer an exciting alternative, which we must be allowed to explore. Privately launched cryptocurrencies must be allowed to compete with currencies issued by the continent’s central banks.
This competition will help central banks on the continent to improve and reform.
African nations must also resist attempts to adopt the Venezuela model, where the state reportedly banned others from issuing digital currencies before it launched its own – the petro.
No one can really predict what will happen to cryptocurrencies in the coming years, yet that should not stop us from dreaming about the future. Often new technology changes lives in many ways that even those creating the technologies could not have imagined. Now is the time for open minds and not fear.
Zimbabwe dollars image via Shutterstock
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