#best NCLEX preparation in Canada
sure20226456 · 1 month
Excelling in NCLEX: Top Online Classes in Calgary | SureSuccess Nursing Hub Ltd
Looking for the best online NCLEX classes in Calgary to ace your nursing exam? Look no further! SureSuccess Nursing Hub Ltd offers top-tier courses tailored by Canadian Registered Nurses (RNs) who understand the intricacies of the RN designation. Gain clinical knowledge, sharpen judgment, and enhance critical thinking skills with our expert teaching. Fulfill your dream of becoming an RN in Canada with our comprehensive support. Contact us at +1 613-316-9285 to start your journey to success today!
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edumind · 1 year
Resources You Need for Effective NCLEX Test Prep
Have you registered to take the NCLEX exam? If you have graduated from nursing school, you must pass this exam to be registered with your state's nursing board. This exam tests everything you have learned in nursing school to determine how prepared you are to apply your knowledge to real-life situations.
Anyone that has done it before will tell you that NCLEX test prep is no small feat. Because of the broad scope of the exam, preparing can be overwhelming. However, with an effective study plan and the right resources, you can pass the exam and be on your way to becoming a registered nurse.
Essential Resources for Effective NCLEX Test Prep
When preparing for the NCLEX exam, it is vital to ensure that you have the right resources. Your resources will guide your study and provide the information you need to pass the exam. You should ensure you have the following basics for effective NCLEX test prep.
1.       The NCSBN Test Plan
If there is one thing that is necessary for every nursing graduate to have during the prep for the NCLEX exam, it is the NCSBN Test Plan. The NCLEX exam's scope is so broad that the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) provides students with a test plan. The NCSBN is the board that oversees the NCLEX for both PN and RN candidates in the US and Canada.
The test plan provided by the NCSBN is available for download. It provides a comprehensive guide on what areas the exam will be testing. It describes the content, how the exam will be administered, and the writing exercises you can expect. Download the latest test plan version and read it carefully before beginning your exam prep.
2.       Lecture notes and textbooks
Textbooks and lecture notes are necessary for studying the concepts on the exam. Registering for a good NCLEX test prep course will give you access to comprehensive lecture notes. These notes will guide you in preparing for your exam. These notes will provide a focused approach to preparing for the exam and cover relevant topics for passing the exam.
You may also request recommendations for textbooks from your instructors. Experienced instructors in NCLEX test prep courses can help you identify the best books to guide your preparation.
3.       Practice questions and exams
Practice questions and exams expose you to the type of questions you can expect to encounter in the exam. You will find out which exam areas you must review more. Answering practice questions will help you take the exam with greater confidence.
If you are registered to take the NCLEX, seek out the resources listed above for effective NCLEX Test Prep.
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ledenews · 1 year
Trinity School of Nursing Achieves 100% on 2022 NCLEX-RN Exam
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Only One of Two Programs in Ohio Obtain Rating Trinity Health System School of Nursing (TSON) is very proud to announce that the Class of 2022 has achieved a 100 percent pass rate on the NCLEX-RN exam. The National Council Licensure Examination Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) exam is “the world’s premier licensure exam and uses computerized adaptive testing (CAT) technology to deliver the exam, ensuring a valid and reliable measurement of nursing competence.” In order to be licensed as an RN in the United States and Canada, nursing students must pass the NCLEX-RN exam. Out of 123 Nursing Programs in the state of Ohio, the Trinity School of Nursing (TSON) is one of two programs to obtain this impressive achievement. Furthermore, Trinity Health System is the only local program to receive this rating. Melissa Hassan, MSN, RN, Dean of the School of Nursing Dedicated faculty create a quality program Melissa Hassan, MSN, RN, Dean of the School of Nursing, attributes the program’s success to the dedication and commitment of the Board of Trustees, hospital administration, nursing staff, and a master’s-prepared faculty. “I am blessed with an experienced and dedicated faculty whose primary goal is to assist students in achieving their goal of becoming a Registered Nurse,” she said. “Nursing and healthcare are constantly changing; delivering safe nursing care through best practices is the faculty’s number one priority. Due to the rigor of the program, students work diligently to achieve the educational and career goals we set before them.” Since the pandemic, TSON, along with many other nursing programs, has struggled to educate future nurses. Pass rates across the nation have declined over the past five years. The 2022 national pass rate was 79.9 percent, with Ohio’s rate being 75.83 percent. “Being a hospital-based diploma program, there is a focus on increased clinical hours and hands-on experience,” Hassan said. “Although simulation is a valuable learning tool, nothing can replace caring for human patients. We try very hard to keep our faculty-to-student ratios low, and the faculty are responsible for both didactic and clinical student experiences. We do not utilize adjunct faculty for clinical, which allows for optimal correlation between theory and clinical.” An example of this is found in the final nursing course, Transition to Professional Practice. Senior nursing students work with preceptors in the hospital setting to learn time management and prioritization of patient care in meeting the comprehensive needs of the patients they serve. Program’s reputation attracts students Hayley Stamps, RN, Trinity Health System Intensive Care Unit (ICU), and a 2022 graduate of TSON, chose to attend the school because of her mother’s experience with the program. “My mom is an alumnus of the program, and she always talked about Trinity School of Nursing being the best nursing program around,” Stamps said. “Pursuing nursing was not the first course I went to college for, but when I started my job as a nurse’s aide and began school at TSON, it all made sense as to why I was there.” Ryan Maple, RN, Trinity Health System ICU, 2022 TSON graduate, said he also enrolled in the program because of the alumni testimonials. “I could not have asked for better instructors,” Maple said. “In my opinion, the instructors made the whole experience great, from lectures to clinical. The friendships that I made with classmates were also incredible. We were always pushing each other to work toward our goal of becoming RNs.” Stamps agreed, adding that instructors also encourage 1:1 review and frequent academic adviser meetings. “Prepping for the NCLEX was a lot easier with the resources from the school and the help of the instructors,” she said. Beyond the clinical setting, TSON encourages students to participate in community events, such as cancer screenings and the Juneteenth festival, where Stamps said they had a tent set up to take blood pressures and blood sugars and of course, distribute free swag. “It is such a refreshing feeling to give back in any way you can,” she said. “I am thankful that TSON presented me with these opportunities.” Many students remain at hospital after graduation Maple and Stamps are examples of how TSON students often end up working within Trinity Health System. “My favorite experience was my clinical rotation in the ICU,” Maple said. “It was then when I decided I was going to work in the ICU. ” Hassan said at least 50 percent of each class elect to work at Trinity Health System upon graduation from the program. “The graduates are familiar with the hospital’s electronic health record (EHR), policies, and procedures, making their transition into professional practice a more comfortable and confident fit,” she explained. “Furthermore, the core values of Trinity Health System are intertwined within the School of Nursing curriculum.” TSON’s legacy is over a century old For more than 100 years, Trinity Health System School of Nursing has been a formidable educational staple in the community. Since its inception in 1912, the School has educated 2,466 Registered Nurses. Trinity School of Nursing is a two-year diploma nursing program that boasts a strong, nursing-focused curriculum. The School of Nursing has achieved a 100 percent pass rate on the NCLEX-RN four out of the past six years and has consistently exceeded state and national pass rates. “Nursing school is going to be hard, that’s a given, but you will walk out of there feeling like it was all worth it,” Stamps said. “You will feel confident in your skills and knowledge when you start working in the nursing profession. As a student, you are seen and heard. I would recommend this program to any and everybody.” Additional information about the School of Nursing is available at www.trinityson.com or by calling 740-266-1230. For those looking for a way to finance their education without loan debt, Trinity Health System offers students an optional scholarship that covers or reimburses the tuition and fees for the entire program and concludes with a full-time RN position in Trinity Health System upon licensure. Read the full article
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Nursing Education
The term "nursing education" describes formal instruction and preparation in the field of nursing. This comprises the tasks and responsibilities involved in providing physical care for patients as well as a concoction of other disciplines that both hasten and support the patient's return to health.
The theoretical and practical instruction given to nurses with the aim of preparing them for their responsibilities as nursing care providers is referred to as nurse education. Nurses with expertise and other medical professionals who are competent or experienced for instructional activities generally deliver this education to nursing students in nursing schools.
The main goal of nursing education is to inform medical professionals about efficient patient care delivery methods. It instructs nurses on how to examine patients, provide various medications, and provide the best care possible. The advancement of the nursing profession is the goal of nursing education.
The professional function should be made clear as one way to encourage progress. The majority of tacit information is used to impart the notion of the nursing function. A distinct and well-defined nurse position is necessary for the professional development of the nursing profession. The stated objectives of professional nursing schools do not include all of the tacit knowledge. Recognition of a professional standing along with a distinct and well-defined job are necessary for overall development.
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UCG Committee invites authors to submit abstracts for the CME/CPD accredited 12th International Nursing, Healthcare & Patient Safety Conference, scheduled on 25-27, July 2023 in Dubai, UAE.
Submit here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/
Scope of Nursing Education:-
Direct patient care is provided by all staff nurses.
The nursing care management of a ward or unit falls under the purview of the nursing supervisor.
A nursing assistant superintendent oversees the nursing care for multiple wards or units.
Hospital nursing services are under the control of the nursing superintendent.
Nursing services and nursing education fall under the purview of the director of nursing.
The reproductive child health programme is the area of specialty for community health nurses (CHNs).
In nursing, there are clinical educators, tutors, lecturers, professors, and readers.
Nurses can become commissioned officers in military nursing.
High administrative roles are available in the nursing field, including those of nursing advisor to the Indian government and deputy director of nursing at the state level.
Topical instruction is part of nursing education. These include nursing diagnosis, nursing care planning, and nursing assessment. Nursing students in the US receive their education through conventional classroom and lab instruction. Throughout their education, nurses also participate in clinical rotations and simulations to hone their clinical reasoning and care planning skills. Nursing students in the US and Canada must take and pass the NCLEX (National Council of Licensure Examination) in order to practise after completing their education.
UCG Committee invites authors to submit abstracts for the CME/CPD accredited 12th International Nursing, Healthcare & Patient Safety Conference, scheduled on 25-27, July 2023 in Dubai, UAE
Register here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/registration/
Nursing Specialities:-
Nurses canspecialise in a wide range of fields, and they may decide over the course of their careers that they wish to become certified in one or more specialties. Adult nursing, paediatric nursing, mental health nursing, and learning disability nursing are the four basic subspecialties of nursing. Following is a list of some of the possible nursing specialties:
Addiction Burn Nursing Care
Cardiology Nursing (heart) Nurse
Clinical Community Health Nurse
Nurse Continence
Diabetes Education for Nurses
 District Nurse
Dialysis Nurse
Emergency Nurse
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UCG Committee invites authors to submit abstracts for the CME/CPD accredited 12th International Nursing, Healthcare & Patient Safety Conference, scheduled on 25-27, July 2023 in Dubai, UAE
Register here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/registration/
In order to complete temporary tasks for nursing personnel abroad, travel nurses may choose to accept short-term assignments instead of working in one permanent location. As a nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, educator, researcher, or manager, they can even hold important elected and government posts.
 Important Information:
Conference Name: 12th International Nursing, Healthcare, and Patient Safety Conference
Short Name: 12NHPSUCG2023
Dates: July 25-27, 2023
Venue: Dubai, UAE
Email: [email protected]   
Visit: : https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/     
Call for Papers: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/  
Register here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/registration/ 
 Call Us/WhatsApp Us: +12073070027/ +442033222718
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sarithamsali91 · 3 years
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Nursing Career Advancement Program (NCAP) for National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) Global is a preparatory course which enhances the nurses’ theoretical and professional knowledge and helps them to prepare for NCLEX-RN examination for registration in USA, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and in Australia.
NCLEX- Global will build on the foundation of your professional knowledge and skills in nursing to help you carry your practice in different parts of the world.
IHM’s faculty includes highly skilled, well experienced Registered Nurses who help students understand the foundation of nursing and nurture them to strive for the best. With immense knowledge and experience, IHM has formulated this course to help nurses globally to advance registration processes and gain additional expertise.
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ieltscoachphil · 2 years
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LOOK: TLC's online student far exceeds IELTS band requirements for US nursing, attains nothing below 7.5!
IELTS Academic results for the USA:
Wow, just wow, Ms. Keith Madarang! To say you and your test run are amazing is an understatement. Up next for you: NCLEX success then America soon. Now that's Galing TLC IELTS Review PH and Tatak IELTS Coach Phil. Congratulations and all the best!
So why choose TLC for your online IELTS preparation? Well, we've got dozens of reasons why. And when we say IELTS bands 7.0 to 9.0, we're not kidding. With above average band scores in all IELTS components and making waves and creating ripples across the country and around the world, these achievers—plus dozens and dozens of others—are #TatakTLC!
Diverse destinations:
🇦🇺 Australia
🇨🇦 Canada
🇮🇪 Ireland
🇳🇿 New Zealand
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
🇺🇸 United States
One origin:
👉 T L C
THE TLC IELTS 7 UP CLUB (As of July 2021)
(Our top scorers, with nothing below 7.0)
Name | Destination
IELTS Module | Listening • Reading • Writing • Speaking • Overall Band Score
1. Anna Dominique Berbano | New Zealand
AC | 9.0 • 9.0 • 7.0 • 8.0 • 8.0
2. Ashley Lasam | United States
AC | 9.0 • 9.0 • 7.0 • 7.5 • 8.0
3. Aiden Marie Cendaña | United Kingdom
AC | 9.0 • 9.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 8.0
4. Kenneth Louis Galiza | United Kingdom
AC | 9.0 • 9.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 8.0
5. Lhota Neilsen Dumatog | Canada
GT | 9.0 • 9.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 8.0
6. Victor Mercado, Jr. | Canada
GT | 9.0 • 9.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 8.0
7. Philip B. Caguioa | Australia
AC | 9.0 • 8.5 • 8.0 • 8.0 • 8.5
8. Anamarie Velitario | United Kingdom
AC | 9.0 • 8.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 8.0
9. Hilario Cristobal | United Kingdom
AC | 9.0 • 8.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 8.0
10. Marife Hernandez | New Zealand
AC | 9.0 • 8.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 8.0
11. Philip B. Caguioa II | Canada
GT | 9.0 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 8.0 • 8.0
12. Raquel Duncombe | United Kingdom
AC | 9.0 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 8.0 • 8.0
13. Golda Aguon | United States
AC | 9.0 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 8.0
14. Lorelie Tumbali | Canada
GT | 9.0 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 8.0
15. Yvanna Celine Maningas | United Kingdom
AC | 9.0 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 8.0
16. Mariane Tejano | Australia
AC | 9.0 • 7.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 8.0
17. Paul John Diezon | The Netherlands
AC | 8.5 • 9.0 • 7.0 • 7.5 • 8.0
18. James Barasi | United States
AC | 8.5 • 9.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 8.0
19. Ma. Karla Ocampo | United Kingdom
AC | 8.5 • 8.5 • 7.5 • 8.0 • 8.0
20. Keith Madarang | United States
AC | 8.5 • 8.5 • 7.5 • 8.0 • 8.0
21. Emmy Dianne Dayag | Canada
GT | 8.5 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 8.0
22. Jasmine Eduarte | United Kingdom
AC | 8.5 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 8.0
23. Michelle Giron | United Kingdom
AC | 8.5 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 8.0
24. Rheca Jessica Munar | United Kingdom
AC | 8.5 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 8.0
25. Rosario Ramirez | United Kingdom
AC | 8.5 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 8.0
26. Sheryl Bansag | United Kingdom
AC | 8.5 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 8.0
27. Carmela Luyun | Canada
AC | 8.5 • 8.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
28. Ezra Yesamin Pablo | United States
AC | 8.5 • 8.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
29. Julie Ann Villanueva | United Kingdom
AC | 8.5 • 8.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
30. Karen Joice Baylon | United Kingdom
AC | 8.5 • 8.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
31. Ma. Charissa Camille Delgado | United Kingdom
AC | 8.5 • 7.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.5
32. Hyacinth Castillo | United States
AC | 8.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.5 • 7.5.
33. Monica Agpaoa | United Kingdom
AC | 8.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
34. Chanda Marie Favor | United States
AC | 8.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
35. Diana Rose Cabang | Australia
AC | 8.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
36. G-nnel Delector | United States
AC | 8.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
37. John Balisi | United Kingdom
AC | 8.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
38. Joseph Kevin Tabugay | Canada
GT | 8.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
39. Katrina Macaballug | United Kingdom
AC | 8.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
40. Isaiah Jerome Trinidad | Australia
AC | 8.5 • 7.0 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 8.0
41. Irish Jibran Evangelista | New Zealand
AC | 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5 • 7.5
42. Janna Marie Agarpo | United States
AC | 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5 • 7.5
43. Jamille Pearl Macatuggal | United Kingdom
AC | 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
44. Karen Te | Ireland
AC | 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
45. Kimberly Jose | United Kingdom
AC | 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
46. Monica Ting | Australia
AC | 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
47. Christan Cepeda | United Kingdom
AC | 8.0 • 9.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 8.0
48. Arianne Marie Calubaquib | United States
AC | 8.0 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.5 • 8.0
49. John Patrick Bumatay | United Kingdom
AC | 8.0 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.5 • 8.0
50. Arlette Ganab | Australia
AC | 8.0 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
51. Elaiza Joy Claravall | Ireland
AC | 8.0 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
52. Ralph Pagauitan | USA
AC | 8.0 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
53. Bryan Dexter Madriaga | United Kingdom
AC | 8.0 • 8.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
54. Ace Cortez | United Kingdom
AC | 8.0 • 7.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.5
55. Arvin Neil Lim | United Kingdom
AC | 8.0 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
56. Jessie Binuya | Ireland
AC | 8.0 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
57. Pamela Christine Lim | Canada
GT | 8.0 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
58. Cathie Velasco | United States
AC | 8.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5 • 7.5
59. Lorinette Vea | Ireland
AC | 8.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5.
60. Melody Alistaire Santos | United Kingdom
AC | 8.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5.
61. Janus Dominic Suyu | United Kingdom
AC | 8.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
62. Jorge Sabado | Ireland
AC | 8.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
63. Kim Genuine Uy | United Kingdom
AC | 8.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
64. Nomer Escano | United Kingdom
AC | 8.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
65. Oriento Galingana | United Kingdom
AC | 8.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
66. Pia Laura Laguitao | United Kingdom
AC | 8.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
67. Ralph Domingo | Canada
GT | 7.5 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
68. Angie Lyn Ponce | United Kingdom
AC | 7.5 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
69. May Loraine Mora | New Zealand
AC | 7.5 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
70. Ma. Antonia Lauigan | United Kingdom
AC | 7.5 • 8.0 • 7.5 • 7.5 • 7.5
71. Paul Anthony Uy | United Kingdom
AC | 7.5 • 8.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
72. Andrea Furigay | New Zealand
AC | 7.5 • 7.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.5
73. Jenny Rosales | United Kingdom
AC | 7.5 • 7.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.5
74. Von-Ar Pagulayan | United States
AC | 7.5 • 7.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.5
75. Mae Kathrine Balisi | Canada
AC | 7.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 8.0 • 7.5
76. Jimmy Angelo Soriano | United Kingdom
AC | 7.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
77. Jobelle Balisi | United States
AC | 7.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
78. Ma. Teresa Sales | Australia
AC | 7.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
79. Mars Cacacho | Australia
AC | 7.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
80. Vivian Alma Banayos | New Zealand
AC | 7.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
81. Marian Paguirigan | United Kingdom
AC | 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5 • 7.5
82. Jalvin Maramag | United Kingdom
AC | 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0
83. Judith Fronda | Canada
GT | 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0
84. Jay-nard Dela Cruz | United Kingdom
AC | 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0
85. Nikka Pastor | United Kingdom
GT | 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0
86. Bob Alvin Jaspeo | United Kingdom
AC | 7.0 • 8.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5
87. Mary Julie Mateo | Australia
AC | 7.0 • 7.5 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.5
88. Reybie Isabella Calub | New Zealand
AC | 7.0 • 7.5 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0
89. Karen Calagui | United Kingdom
AC | 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5 • 7.0
90. Ma. Louisa May Dela Fuente | United Kingdom
AC | 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.5 • 7.0
91. Ma. Iris Pamittan | United Kingdom
AC | 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0
92. Samuel Temporal | United Kingdom
AC | 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0 • 7.0
You could be next. Contact us to join our virtual IELTS preparation sessions and begin your journey to test and overseas success today.
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resoveitech · 3 years
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We offer healthcare consultancy services to medical practitioners to build their careers to the next level. Our institution is well–established and provides one of the best and quality services to the deserved candidates. We have our branches all over India, and we show you the right path at the right time to develop your standards. The medical professionals who are dreaming to work in the Gulf countries must follow certain rules and regulations governed by the particular country. The government has enacted certain licenses based on the countries, and if the person is willing to work in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Saudi, Qatar, Oman must obtain the licenses called DHA, HAAD, and MOH & PROMETRIC. There are two sectors available private and public, the aspirants willing to work in the government sectors must possess the MOH permit, and with this license, the person is eligible to work anywhere in the UAE.
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The candidates must undergo certain requirements like eligibility criteria, every individual must have two years of work experience after their diploma/degree and three years of work experience after a Master’s degree. We offer to license support to the applicants and them in the process of dataflow which is also known as certificate verification. The particular authority verifies the documents of the candidates through email or phone and sends the report within 45 – 60 business days. Later, we help the aspirants to apply for the eligibility number which is very important for the aspirants to take their examination. The individuals, who are willing to keep their clinical practice in Australia, must get registered with the Australian Board of Council to work as registered practitioners. If the competitor is interested to work in western countries like New Zealand must undergo the IELTS test before taking the Doctors exam in New Zealand, and we help you by providing training, references, and materials to develop your learning skills. In the UK, the applicants must obtain their work permits from the General Medical Council to have their career in that particular country.
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  Our highly talented mentors provide coaching to the candidates both online and offline at their convenience. The examination is conducted online and it will be in the form of multiple-choice questions and no syllabus provided. We provide training for around 2 – 3 hours for two months, and our tutors give competitive tasks for the aspirants and prepare them to take the assessment. The physicians willing to migrate into Australia must get registered with the concerned authority, and obtain the permit right. Resolve Itech Corp provides reference books and mock questions for the UK Prometric examination for the Dentists at an affordable cost. The assessment will be conducted in the metro cities of India, and the applicants can book their exam dates after their dataflow process is over. We have our fully furnished classrooms and guide the candidates with both practical and theoretical knowledge.
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The allied professionals willing to make their career abroad must undergo some processes like documentation, examination, permit rights, etc. Nurses interested to work in foreign countries must pass the IELTS exam and proceed with the qualifying examination. The countries like Canada and Europe require passing the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX PN examination to work as Registered Nurse. The Nurses or Mid Wifery must get registered Nursing Council to have their career over there. The medical competent must take the PLAB or IELTS test to work in the UK, and we help them through the registration process, and exams. The eligibility criteria for the aspirants must be two years of experience after GNM/B.Sc Nursing and three years of experience after M.sc Nursing. We support them in all the ways and help them out to build their future bright.
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nclexexamination · 5 years
Studying the NCLEX-RN
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As the first year of Canada’s new entry-to-practice exam, the NCLEX-RN, draws to a close, preliminary results are disconcerting for nursing students, educators and regulators.
In 2011, the Canadian Council of Registered Nurse Regulators (CCRNR) announced that the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. (NCSBN), an American organization, would begin offering NCLEX as of Jan. 1, 2015. Canadian nursing graduates in every province and territory (except Quebec) need to pass the NCLEX as a requirement for registration and licensure.
“Canada’s RN nursing regulators made the decision to move to the NCLEX-RN using a RFP process,” CCRNR president Anne Coghlan says. “The NCLEX-RN met all of our requirements for an entry-to-practice exam. In addition, extensive research that compared Canadian and U.S. entry-level nursing practice found that practice was similar.”
NCLEX is a computer-adaptive test (CAT), which is an electronic system that adjusts to each test-taker’s ability as questions are answered. As exam writers answer questions, the system assesses them on how well or poorly the test-taker performed before generating the next question. No two exams will be the same. According to NCSBN’s website, CAT generates less “easy” items for high-ability candidates and less “difficult” items for low-ability candidates to avoid having candidates guess on items that are too difficult, which can skew results.
“The number of questions a person answers is determined by how long it takes for the CAT algorithm to confirm that the writer has responded consistently above the passing standard,” Coghlan explains. “The fewest number of questions it takes to determine this is 75; the maximum number of questions a writer will be asked is 265.”
During the three years between announcing the change and launching the exam, CCRNR and NCSBN worked with educators and provided access to several resources to give them the information they needed to prepare students for the exam, Coghlan says.
However, those who wrote the exam in the first half of this year feel differently about how the change was implemented. “We were told in second year that we would be writing the NCLEX and I honestly think some of the professors were as surprised as us,” Alberta graduate Christine Blacquière says.
“For the past four years, we were all taught a curriculum based on the [old exam] and at the last minute we were given a different test developed by a different country with different curricula,” says B.C. graduate Nikki Doherty. “When we pointed out glaring issues arising from practice exams, we were told that when it came to the loads of specialty content we were being asked and hadn’t been taught, we were outright told to give it our ‘best guess.’”
Doherty said prep material included information about U.S. government branches and health-care legislation and questions about private insurance, interpreting EKGs, biological warfare, cultural care related to larger American minority groups, pharmacology, and specialties, including maternity, pediatrics and oncology.
Coghlan disagrees with critics who call NCLEX an American-centric exam, saying Canadian and American regulators, educators and nurses worked together to develop the current exam. “The NCLEX is not an American exam, nor is it a Canadian exam: it is a nursing exam. It does not test the writer’s knowledge of a particular health-care system, history, or legislation. It tests whether an applicant to the nursing profession has the knowledge, skill, and judgment needed to provide safe care to the public.”
Less-than-hoped-for pass rates
On Sept. 1, Canada-wide and provincial/territorial breakdowns of the exam results for the first six months of the year were released. The national pass rate was 70.6 per cent — more than 10 percentage points below the Canadian pass rate in recent years and eight points below the American pass rate.
source: https://www.nclexexamination.com/post/studying-the-nclex-rn
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mantramnursing · 5 years
Best Coaching Institute for Oet, Nclex, Nursing Entrance in Chandigarh
Staying in Chandigarh, are you the one who is looking for the Best Coaching Institute for Oet, Nclex, Nursing entrance in Chandigarh for yourself or  your relatives, friends and near and dear? Now you don’t want to look further for the coaching institute for entrance as here we have a perfect result for you.
Mantram Nursing Academy is one of the best institutes in Chandigarh who provide the top quality education facilities to aspirants in terms of special books, Study material, useful teaching facilities, individual attention, good quality classes and above all the competitive environment where the aspirants can understand exact perspective.
Mantram Nursing Academy, a leading coaching institute in Chandigarh for Oet, Nclex, Nursing Entrance. OET preparation in Chandigarh has been planned to develop four OET testing areas reading, listening, speaking and writing that will make you willing for the OET examination. OET examination is an international English Language test intended for the healthcare sector. It assesses the English Language skills of the healthcare specialists who wish to index and training in an English speaking environment. And, Mantram institute provide the best class of OET Coaching and you can easily clear the exam.
Another one, NCLEX-RN or The National Council Licensure Examination is a test for nurses who want to work in the USA or Canada. The mainstream of NCLEX items is multiple-option but there are other presentations as well. The NCLEX is intended to test knowledge, skills and capabilities vital to the safe and actual practice of nursing at the entry level.
Mantram Nursing Academy in Chandigarh is the top of Coaching for Oet, nclex, B.Sc. Nursing Entrance. The academy has a mission - to provide to the area of worries of the aspirants to their approval. The academy offers the aspirants with the appropriate study material, plus book, and keep them modernized on the approaching entrance exams/outcomes/ jobs etc. We also deliver selections from the theme consultations on the earlier years’ exam outlines and other apprises for the profit of the applicants.
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bemaxacademy · 5 years
This video Explains about NCLEX-RN Exams for nurses who wish to migrate to USA and Canada as a Registered Nurse..It consist a detailled explanation of NCLEX Exam and tips to tackle the correct answer. Bemax Academy is the most trusted and widely acknowledged coaching academy in India .We have achieved more than 10000 satisfied candidates in our five-year service history. We are proud to say that Bemax Academy garnishes the first and best in India among professionals those who are preparing for DHA, HAAD, UAE MOH, PROMETRIC, NCLEX,CBT,BLS,ACLS licensing exams and various languages training courses such as IELTS, OET, PTE and TOEFL. Vast provision of resources and highly experienced faculties are the hallmarks of our institution. We never compromise on our quality and trust any other measures. We are the only institution in Kerala providing coaching for Doctors, Dentists, Radiographers and Physiotherapists. We are proud to explore the reality for the last five years that we have achieved 100% results in all specialties, thus making us the best coaching centre in Kerala. Apart from coaching, our services have extended to Placement and Manpower, Migration and Study programs, Dataflow Services and Exam Registration, ACLS and BLS, HRD and Embassy Attestation. We are ensuring a fastest process at lowest cost with a 24 X 7 customer support. Bemax Placement Assistance wing has paved the way for many students to reach their destination places for free of cost. Customer care :+91 9544 8898 90 Exam & Service Hotline : +91 9544 8878 54 Website: https://bemaxacademy.com/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/bemaxacademy/ OnlineShop : https://bemaxacademy.com/shop/ by Be Max Academy
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knowledgeicon-blog · 6 years
NCLEX- RN Coaching Institute in Jalandhar
Many graduates of nursing profession have a desire to settle in U.S.A and Canada. As, both these countries provide great opportunities to them. For this, great hard work and dedication is required. U.S.A and Canada are the leading countries of the world and are providing an opportunity to nurses with the help of NCLEX-RN exam.
This exam consists of maximum 265 multiple choice questions based on the whole nursing syllabus. However, to apply for this exam person should be patient because the procedure is very long. It takes around 1 year to complete the whole procedure.
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The people who want to go abroad with the help of this exam have to fulfill all the requirements of the state board of nursing. Many states require English proficiency test results with all the documents of the nurses who are from some other countries like India, Europe etcetera.
So, the candidates who want to pursue their career in these developed countries can prepare for this exam from well reputed and best coaching centre in JALANDHAR which provides the great knowledge with the help of their trained and professional faculty. Knowledge Icon provide Best NCLEX-RN Coaching  in Jalandhar.
For more details please log on to our website
Contact: +91-98555-51177/90412-22444.
Address: SCO 408-410, 4th Floor,
AGI Business Centre,
Near Bus Stand, Jalandhar.
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sure20226456 · 5 months
Best NCLEX Preparation in Canada
Sure Success Nursing stands out as the best NCLEX preparation in Canada, offering a comprehensive and tailored program to ensure success for aspiring nurses. Our online course integrates expert-led instruction, cutting-edge resources, and personalized support to enhance your understanding and confidence. We understand the unique challenges of the Canadian NCLEX, and our curriculum is meticulously designed to address these specifics. Engage with our practice exams, interactive modules, and real-world scenarios to refine your skills. With Sure Success Nursing, you're not just preparing for an exam; you're preparing for a rewarding nursing career in Canada. Join the countless successful candidates who have trusted our program to navigate the NCLEX with ease. Let us guide you through the best NCLEX preparation in Canada, setting you on a path to professional excellence and making your dreams of becoming a registered nurse a reality.
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bestnclex-blog · 6 years
Best NCLEX exam preparing centre
NCLEX stands for national council licensure examination. NCLEX is an across the country examination for the authorizing of medical attendants in the United States and Canada since 1994 and 2015, separately. There are two composes, the NCLEX-RN and the NCLEX-PN. After completion of graduation from a nursing school, one takes the NCLEX exam to get their nursing permit. A nursing permit gives an individual the authorization to work on nursing, conceded by the state where he or she met the necessities. NCLEX examinations are produced and claimed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. Some institution provides the NCLEX easy review which helps the student to clear the exam in first attempt.
The NCSBN directs these examinations in the interest of its part boards which comprise of the boards of nursing in the 50 expresses, the District of Columbia, and four U.S. regions, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands and the Virgin Islands. The nclex review center in ASIA and MIDDLE EAST are many but some are best so if you are looking for nclex review centre, then go for the best because it is not a easy competition. The teaching of institute must be effective and understandable to the students. The nature and the environment of institute must be supporting and the teachers are supposed to giving good guidance to the students towards their preparation of nclex exam.
The NCLEX-RN is utilized for alumni of enlisted nursing programs, and the NCLEX-PN is utilized for pragmatic and professional nursing graduates. The base number of inquiries for the NCLEX-RN is 75 and the most extreme is 265, while the base for the NCLEX-PN is 85 and the greatest 205. At the season of distribution, the application charge for each test is $200. Institute of LVN and RN NCLEX exam and review assistance provide the best teaching. With the great ability, strategies and techniques the review centre will support student strength and include their best to give their best to the student. Review with centre will take you to the good result in nclex.
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sure20226456 · 5 months
Best NCLEX preparation Canada
Sure Success Nursing stands as the beacon of excellence in Canada, providing the best NCLEX preparation canada for aspiring nurses. With a proven track record of success, our comprehensive program is meticulously designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to ace the NCLEX exam.
Our online platform delivers top-notch lectures, practice exams, and interactive modules, ensuring a dynamic and engaging learning experience. The expert instructors at Sure Success Nursing are dedicated to guiding students through every aspect of the NCLEX, fostering confidence and competence.
Joining Sure Success Nursing means gaining access to a supportive community, personalised guidance, and a wealth of resources aimed at your success. As you embark on your nursing journey, trust Sure Success Nursing for the best NCLEX preparation Canada, setting the stage for a rewarding and impactful career in healthcare. Don’t just pass the exam; excel with Sure Success Nursing. Your success is our priority.
For more information visit now https://suresuccessnursing.com/
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nclexexamination · 5 years
Top 10 Tips: How To Pass The NCLEX The First Time
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Graduating from nursing school is an enormous accomplishment. Nursing students have proven their competency in the classroom and clinical setting. They are at the verge of beginning a lifelong career in nursing. There’s just one small hurdle to overcome before officially becoming a Registered Nurse.
To earn licensure as a Registered Nurse, nursing school graduates must pass the NCLEX-RN (National Council Licensure Examination-Registered Nurse). This standardized, computer-based test is offered year-round in the US and Canada. The state in which you choose to sit for your test determines which nursing board will issue your first active RN license upon passing.
With the right preparation, passing the NCLEX is absolutely attainable for every nursing school graduate. That being said, the test should be taken seriously. Earning straight A’s or 4.0 GPA in nursing school does not predict success on the NCLEX.
To pass the NCLEX, students should plan to spend a minimum of 1-2 month studying – effective and targeted studying. If for whatever reason, the test-taker does not pass, it is possible to retake the NCLEX after a 45 day waiting period. Each exam attempt costs $200, so it’s in the best interest of nursing graduates to make their time and money worthwhile by passing the first time.
Here are 10 tips to pass on your first attempt:
The NCLEX uses CAT format, or computerized adaptive testing. Meaning that no single exam is identical. During the course of the exam, the computer algorithm produces each new question based on the performance from previous questions. The test bank is comprehensive and comprises of different question styles and topic content.
The test will produce a minimum of 75 questions, and a maximum of 265 questions. A candidate passes the test when the tester has answered enough questions correctly to stay above the pass line with 95% confidence interval. The candidate will fail the test when they do not rise about the pass line with 95% confidence.
Think of it this way – there is a horizontal line on an axis and we will call it the “pass line.” Anything above it is passing, and anything below it is not passing. You start exactly on the line at question zero, and with each correct and incorrect answer, you get bumped up a notch and down a notch, respectively. With each correct answer, the computer will give progressively harder questions, to determine your peak knowledge.
To pass, you must ultimately rise to a point above the pass line that demonstrates competency with marginal doubt. The test can end at any point when this determination is made, between questions 75 – 265, or at the maximum time allowance (6 hours).
It is not useful to try to self-evaluate as you test. Don’t assume that because you got a few “easy” questions in a row that you are below pass level. Just focus on the questions at hand. What seems easy to you, might be challenging to someone else. Every question is as important as the next.
This exam is all about endurance. Prepare to sit the full time and then you won’t stress in the chance that you need to.
For all of the nervous test-takers out there, don’t worry. There are ways to manage your stress. Test anxiety is a real thing, but you made it through nursing school, so just continue to prepare in whatever way worked for you in the past. Even if you don’t typically have test anxiety, there is a chance that you will be nervous just from the pressure of such an important test.
There are a couple key ways to keep stress at a minimum.
First, prepare for the exam seriously but don’t make studying your life. It’s important to still keep a balance in the weeks and months leading up to the exam.
Allot time in your days for exercise, proper sleep, and whatever you do for fun! By keeping a balance, your mind won’t build up the test moment to anything bigger than it actually is.
Also, when it comes time to actually take the NCLEX, do not study or cram information the day of. Take the morning before test to calm your mind. Focus on something that helps you stay grounded – cooking a nice breakfast, listening to music, going on a run, whatever works for you.
Ultimately, the best way to abate your nerves is to study appropriately. When you feel confident and prepared, the NCLEX doesn’t seem all that scary.
We all have slightly different learning styles, and you probably know yours by now. If you understand concepts well with visual representation of information, it might behoove you draw out rough sketches of cardiac chambers, color-coded medication classes, etc. If you are an auditory learner, there are plenty of YouTube lectures online and podcasts that cover NCLEX. If you learn best through discussion, be sure to create a study group to talk through concepts together.
As a general rule, using mnemonic devices help most students with harder to learn concepts. Don’t just reread, rewrite, and copy old notes. Try connecting concepts. Think about what you are learning from a holistic approach and relate it to clinical experiences you had in school.
Commit to the preparation that the test deserves. Go into studying with a plan, here is an example:
Plan days to study. Set a schedule including which days of the week you will study, which days you will take off, and which you will use to take practice exams.
Make a goal before each study session. Maybe it’s to do x amount of practice questions, or master x specific content topic, but be intentional.
Studying without a plan is a waste of your time and won’t ultimately help you pass the NCLEX. It’s not about the hours you put in, it’s about how you use them. This is one exam you can absolutely not cram for – the NCLEX is a holistic test model that aims to test knowledge gained over the course of years, not days.
Unfortunately, for those of you who have previous experience working in hospitals as nursing techs or aides, the experience can cloud your ability to answer test questions. Even just from what you observed as student nurses in clinicals, it is usually apparent that many topics or clinical skills are different between textbooks and real-life healthcare.
The NCLEX is based on proven, researched-based, evidence-based practice. Even if your previous facility does something in a different way that is just as safe or just as correct, do not assume that this applies to the NCLEX. It’s important to answer NCLEX questions as if you don’t have any real-life constraints as a nurse.
Assume you have ample time and resources to perform each answer choice.
The NCLEX is just as much about knowing how the test is written as it is what knowledge it tests. Utilize test-taking strategies to eliminate wrong answers, avoid “extremes” like ALL or NONE answers, and remember to always put patient safety first.
With practice, you will notice themes in answers:
Always assess the patient first, calling the doctor right away isn’t usually the best first step, Use Airway-Breathing-Circulation approach, etc.
Use deductive reasoning even if you have no idea about the concepts behind the topic.
If all else fails, rely on that budding feeling that we like to call “nurse intuition.”
You will no doubt encounter the dreaded select-all-that-apply questions. Use the same, systematic approach to eliminate incorrect answer choices based on knowledge and wording of answers.
It is definitely worthwhile to invest in practice exam books or enroll in a classroom review course. Some examples are Kaplan, UWorld, and NRSNG. Usually, people choose their study material based on reviews, peer references, or personal preference.
All exam resource companies produce exceptional guides to prepare you for the NCLEX exam, so spend some time browsing reviews to see which guidebook style fits you best.
Practice exams are absolutely the best and most important way to prepare – HOWEVER – simply taking the practice exam questions is only half of the process.
It is just as important to:
Look up questions that you answered incorrectly. Practice question banks provide explanations as to why each answer choice is correct or incorrect, as well as outlining the particular content topic it falls under.
Jot down notes of which concepts you want to revisit, so with your next study session, you can focus on problem areas.
Practice, practice, practice. It is especially useful to take at least 1 or 2 full online mock NCLEX exams so you are used to the experience of computer testing. Go through as much of the question bank as you can before exam day and you will be miles ahead.
Be sure to sleep well the week before the exam.
Bring snacks to the center to keep in your locker in case you choose to take a break during the exam.
Arrive early to the testing center, prepared with necessary documents for testing.
Put gas in your car the night before.
Set a reliable alarm.
Bring clothes you can layer in case you tend to get cold. If you try to control your environment as much as possible, it will help you to feel comfortable and prepared for the exam itself.
Schedule your exam time with your usual preference for testing. If you are a morning person, schedule a morning test. If you enjoy slow mornings and sleeping in, then schedule an afternoon exam.
Most importantly, believe in yourself. You deserve to pass and you have already proven your potential as a nurse by graduating nursing school. This is only the final step on your exciting and new journey to being a Registered Nurse – so congratulations!
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bemaxacademy · 5 years
NCLEX-RN Tutorial Video- Be Max Academy ,Best Coaching for IELTS,OET,HAAD, DHA, MOH, Prometric This video Explains about NCLEX-RN Exams for nurses who wish to migrate to USA and Canada as a Registered Nurse..It consist a detailled explanation of NCLEX Exam and tips to tackle the correct answer. Bemax Academy is the most trusted and widely acknowledged coaching academy in India .We have achieved more than 10000 satisfied candidates in our five-year service history. We are proud to say that Bemax Academy garnishes the first and best in India among professionals those who are preparing for DHA, HAAD, UAE MOH, PROMETRIC, NCLEX,CBT,BLS,ACLS licensing exams and various languages training courses such as IELTS, OET, PTE and TOEFL. Vast provision of resources and highly experienced faculties are the hallmarks of our institution. We never compromise on our quality and trust any other measures. We are the only institution in Kerala providing coaching for Doctors, Dentists, Radiographers and Physiotherapists. We are proud to explore the reality for the last five years that we have achieved 100% results in all specialties, thus making us the best coaching centre in Kerala. Apart from coaching, our services have extended to Placement and Manpower, Migration and Study programs, Dataflow Services and Exam Registration, ACLS and BLS, HRD and Embassy Attestation. We are ensuring a fastest process at lowest cost with a 24 X 7 customer support. Bemax Placement Assistance wing has paved the way for many students to reach their destination places for free of cost. Customer care :+91 9544 8898 90 Exam & Service Hotline : +91 9544 8878 54 Website: https://bemaxacademy.com/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/bemaxacademy/ OnlineShop : https://bemaxacademy.com/shop/
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