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@manifatturediporto #newbalance #newbalance991 #england #mensfashion #outfit #menstyle #sneakers #eastpak #travel #roadtrip #menswear #instagram #instalove #bespoktailoring #luxury #boutique #roma (presso Rome, Italy)
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Amici si, nemici mai.. #pitti92 thanks for 📸 @thousandyardstyle #workhardplayhard #sartoriaripense #sartoria #andrealuparelli #bespoke #bespokesuit #bespoktailoring #boutique #roma #labottega #menswear #menstyle #men #menfashion #luxury #lifestyle #luxurylifestyle #linen #dandystyle #dandy #mastertailor #handmade #thewolfofrome @g_annunziata @britishgq @gqstyle @gq (presso Florence, Italy)
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くせ取りです(^^) ストライプなので、めちゃくちゃわかりやすいかと思ってアップしました! 1枚目〜3枚目にかけて、直線が曲がっているのがわかりますか? 3枚目は、直線が〜〜〜の��うに曲がってますね! これがヒップにフィットするんです(^^) ここで、間違ったらダメなのが、生地を伸ばすんではなくて、いせ込んでいくですね。 ふくらはぎやお尻、胸やウエストのラインにピッタリと合わせたパンツや��ャケット、ベストになります(*´-`) #bespoktailor #bespoksuit #bespoksuits #オーダースーツ神戸 #フルオーダー神戸 #ビスポーク神戸 #インスタ映えスーツ (中山手縫製所〜RyujiHata〜) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwevvBjFpcS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12qx4proh4fvw
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Hand made bespoke, navy 2 button blazer from @lanificiocerruti oxygen wool & cashmere with heraldic metal shank buttons. #canvasbyjhcutler #canvasbespoke #handmadeinsydney #artisan #bespoktailors #timeless #sartorial #elegance #luxurytailoring #luxurybespoke #bespokejacket (at J. H. Cutler Bespoke Tailor & Shirt Maker)
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Pitti Uomo 91 Danceoff ;) #pittiwomen #stylishwomen #pitti91 #pittiuomo #kruparzeszutko #womanbespoke #bespoktailoring #arzesz (w: Pitti Immagine)
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Lady Boss: a bespoke suit in flannel for a female entrepeneur. We have about 64% female clients in our tailoring house. Ranging from a 2 year old collection fabrics for crafts class on pre-school or a lady who has created an empire of business. Many women encounter the oddities of retail, expensive clothing that does not fit in size, appearance or whatever. This has become the norm. So we can conclude most just wear what is sold to them and pay the marketing. Crazy. When you go bespoke it says that all factors that create an outfit are as you want, this in such a balance that understated confidence and sophistication is created. In this video I quickly made I show a Flannel Suit - Outfit for a lady boss. Ask yourself when 1. Manufacture, 2. Model, 3. Measures and 4. Materials are all as you want and need, would you then not have a true expression of your values. Is that not the most authentic to tell your story?
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After Lunch with Cappuccino @thefinerycompany in Rome #workhardplayhard #sartoriaripense #sartoria #andrealuparelli #bespoke #bespokesuit #bespoktailoring #boutique #roma #labottega #menswear #menstyle #men #menfashion #luxury #lifestyle #luxurylifestyle #linen #dandystyle #dandy #mastertailor #handmade #thewolfofrome (presso Sartoria Ripense)
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Classic day Porsche #workhardplayhard #sartoriaripense #sartoria #andrealuparelli #bespoke #bespokesuit #bespoktailoring #boutique #roma #labottega #menswear #menstyle #men #menfashion #luxury #lifestyle #luxurylifestyle #linen #dandystyle #dandy #mastertailor #handmade #thewolfofrome @porschepixx @porsche @porsche912original (presso Centri Porsche di Roma)
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@manifatturediporto #uniform #uniforme #tunic #cerimonial #guards #style #men #cavalry #italiancavalry #cavalleria #cavalleriaitaliana #regioesercito #italianroyalarmy #italianarmy #nobility #italiannobility #sartorial #bespoktailoring #manifatturediporto (presso Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuyI5aynd4w/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=h4f0axouecy9
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Golden Boy JOHN @johndodelande #workhardplayhard #sartoriaripense #sartoria #andrealuparelli #bespoke #bespokesuit #bespoktailoring #boutique #roma #labottega #menswear #menstyle #men #menfashion #luxury #lifestyle #luxurylifestyle #linen #dandystyle #dandy #mastertailor #handmade #thewolfofrome (presso Paris, France)
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Deux c'est mieux qu'un @maxpoux #workhardplayhard #sartoriaripense #sartoria #andrealuparelli #bespoke #bespokesuit #bespoktailoring #boutique #roma #labottega #menswear #menstyle #men #menfashion #luxury #lifestyle #luxurylifestyle #linen #dandystyle #dandy #mastertailor #handmade #thewolfofrome (presso Jardin du Palais-Royal)
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Bentornato a casa #roma🇮🇹 #sartoriaripense #sartoria #andrealuparelli #bespoke #bespokesuit #bespoktailoring #boutique #roma #labottega #menswear #menstyle #men #menfashion #luxury #lifestyle #luxurylifestyle #linen #dandystyle #dandy #mastertailor #handmade #thewolfofrome (presso Aeroporti di Roma - Roma Fiumicino)
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Londra Roma amici Italiani @egm_biz #sartoriaripense #sartoria #andrealuparelli #bespoke #bespokesuit #bespoktailoring #boutique #roma #labottega #menswear #menstyle #men #menfashion #luxury #lifestyle #luxurylifestyle #linen #dandystyle #dandy #mastertailor #handmade #thewolfofrome (presso Sartoria Ripense)
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Perfect fitting in #paris🇫🇷 #workhardplayhard #sartoriaripense #sartoria #andrealuparelli #bespoke #bespokesuit #bespoktailoring #boutique #roma #labottega #menswear #menstyle #men #menfashion #luxury #lifestyle #luxurylifestyle #linen #dandystyle #dandy #mastertailor #handmade #thewolfofrome (presso Paris, France)
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Amazing details thanks 📷 @eevasuutari magic ice @calabrese1924 #sartoriaripense #sartoria #andrealuparelli #bespoke #bespokesuit #bespoktailoring #boutique #roma #labottega #menswear #menstyle #men #menfashion #luxury #lifestyle #luxurylifestyle #linen #dandystyle #dandy #mastertailor #handmade #thewolfofrome #pitti91 (presso Pitti Immagine)
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#pitti91 #sartoriaripense #sartoria #andrealuparelli #bespoke #bespokesuit #bespoktailoring #boutique #roma #labottega #menswear #menstyle #men #menfashion #luxury #lifestyle #luxurylifestyle #linen #dandystyle #dandy #mastertailor #handmade #thewolfofrome @alessandrosquarzi #thelasttime thanks for 📷 @le21eme (presso Sartoria Ripense)
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