#beryl sword of convallaria
doctorburgers · 1 month
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happy sword of convallaria global release! shoutout to the. swords
no text + original meme
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fishjellyr · 20 days
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I'm playing the pretty pixel gacha and I like Beryl she's a gremlin
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redgemwink · 26 days
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barbieb0y · 1 month
with a snap of the fingers.
day 6 already!! we're in the final stretch!!!!
for today, i went with a comfort unasked for yet welcomed ! and a wall of snow keeps us hidden kinda
this one is definitely more elaborate than my previous work ... bc this one's a fantasy au!! ive had this vivid image of paper cut and joe being a mage and a blacksmith respectively and them being kinda neighbors in a village. but it kinda extended to other characters too so you may see them here. also i used my actual name here bc paper cut doesnt sound like it'd fit in a fantasy setting 😭 and also his personality here is kinda inspired by a character named beryl from a game called sword of convallaria! here hes a really skilled mage whos kinda cocky but ultimately still a socially awkward dude who doesnt go out much. lol
if i have time, i'll expand on this au a little more! but for now, aside from what i said above, this au has sonetto as the "main character" or the hero who keeps coming back to the village from dungeon raiding (bc i cant see vertin doing it despite her technically being the protag in re99). kinda like dungeon meshi (<- read like 5 chapters of dunmeshi)
i love roguelikes so the idea of the hero reviving after dying in an always shuffling and changing dungeon appeals to me. so that happens to sonetto in this au
SORRY FOR THE WORD VOMIT i just enjoyed writing this a lot. anyways
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Safar hates to admit it but he is very much snowed in.
Usually he wouldn’t mind the blizzard causing it - hell, sometimes he’d celebrate - but he needed to go out to get some potions from Sotheby across the village. It’s just misfortune after misfortune for him this winter season.
He can only mumble complaints under his breath as he instructs various (previously) inanimate objects to tidy up the place. It’s a rare occasion as he can be… quite the disorganized individual, despite having the convenience of magic literally at his fingertips. Though the process itself isn’t as magical, ironically enough.
Everything comes to a stop when he hears a banging on the door. His complaints double as he stomps over to the door. He quickly casts a translation spell, just to throw a warning to whatever monster threatens to break into his house.
“Get the hell out, you freaks! Do not piss me off!”
Instead of growling and howling, he is instead met with some coughs. Very humane coughs (or at least, humanoid). His temper subsides slightly at the possibility that annoying winter monsters finally got the hint after many, many years.
“I have no idea what you’re saying but it’s me, Joe! Y’know, the blacksmith next door?”
The big, tough guy next door? The sole source of all the sound pollution that made Safar soundproof his walls? Well, at least it’s a human. They’re supposed to be good at reasoning with other humans. At least, the mage hopes so.
Even then, it’s strange that the blacksmith is out there during a literal blizzard. Like it or not, the mage has to let the tough guy in, lest he dies out there. The snow-drenched blacksmith stumbles in, which helps with the mage’s attempt to open and close that front door as quickly as humanly possible.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
The host spouts the moment he slams the front door. It’s a genuine question asked sort of out of concern but the mage has to admit he didn’t want any kind of visitor, monster or not. Thankfully, his little inanimate servants managed to clean up the place in time for the unexpected visitor.
“I was on my way home but then the snow got super heavy and well. Your place is nearer and my balls are freezing.”
Safar can’t argue with that. He can interrogate where he was from once they settle down. And so the mage surrenders to his fate with a sigh, making his way towards his shelves flowing with ingredients of many varieties. Making the blacksmith feel right at home will be a piece of cake.
“I do not want to hear about your freezing balls. Sit down over there, I’ll make some tea. Or are you more of a coffee guy?”
Out of habit, the mage starts throwing out everything he’s not looking for. Joe is oblivious to this despite all the noise he’s making and simply enjoys himself on the very comfortable couch, right beside a very cozy fire.
“I’m fine with anything.”
The blacksmith begins to lay down on the couch. Safar knows well that Joe has the luxury of being a guest and it’s common courtesy for him to treat the guest well but he can’t help but think for someone so big and tough-looking, he sure as hell seems content to not put those muscles to use.
Well, whatever! He’s a mage for Pete’s sake! He has the convenience of using supernatural powers to aid him in his daily activities! And moving things around with magic is child’s play for the best mage in this village!
He proves this point by snapping his fingers, which drops a whole tea set (with cookies on the side) on the coffee table in front of Joe. The guest jumps from the sudden movement, though the self-pouring kettle remains unfazed.
“And anything you will get.”
The host smugly proclaims as he struts towards his guest. With another snap of his fingers, lanterns illuminate the living room. He looks around the room, pondering if there’s anything else that needs some finger-snapping. Ultimately, his gaze lands on the fireplace. He sneaks a glance at Joe.
“Is the fire warm enough?”
Increasing the heat of the fireplace requires more effort than just finger-snapping but the extent of it just consists of the inconvenience of having to grab an extra ingredient from his stuffed shelves. Yet Joe only smiles at the host, as warm as the flames that lick the smooth stone.
“Yeah. The perfect temperature actually.”
Safar’s smug smile turns into a genuine one. He has to admit – the guy’s energy is contagious. Having his mood lifted up slightly prompts him to join his guest near the fireplace as he quite literally lifts himself up off the floor, hovering in midair in a cross-legged sitting position. Joe pretends to not be impressed but the mage can tell he’s stealing glances.
It’s easy for the mage to forget certain tricks up his robe’s sleeves are unthinkable for other people, especially for a regular human such as Joe. Some think the mage can be a little too boastful for his own good but Joe isn’t part of that crowd - he deserves to be boastful. He’s the most skilled mage in the village! That much can be seen with the huge certificate that’s pinned up right above the fireplace. The words “BEST MAGE IN CHARLESTON VILLAGE” in the mayor’s crude handwriting swell with pride.
“...Reminds me of my forge back home.”
The blacksmith comments on the warmth of the fireplace, but it also alludes to the fact that he has a certificate in his workshop too - except it says “BEST (AND ONLY) BLACKSMITH IN CHARLESTON VILLAGE”. He always chooses to ignore the words in the parentheses.
Joe lets his eyes wander around the small establishment. It’s a simple little house, the only doors there being the front door and the bathroom door. Everything else is open-ended and connected, with only some half-walls partitioning specific rooms. The place is both tidy and messy. He doesn’t even have to try to feel right at home. Maybe he already is.
…Or not, because Safar is basically a stranger to him.
“Oh yeah, where were you going before the storm hit anyway? I thought you didn't go out of your smithy?”
Right when he thought to start up a conversation, the mage had that handled. Even the blacksmith himself forgot he was out and about still when the storm hit. He racks his brain at the interrogation.
“Sonetto just finished another dungeon run and managed to bring back some good metals for me to mess with and uh… I got excited.”
Safar can never understand Sonetto’s insistence on making her way down that cursed dungeon. But he supposes that strong sense of justice is the reason why she’s The Hero. Bestowed with powers of reincarnation, she’s basically immortal. He can’t help but feel a bit bad for her though.
He never understood why so many yearn for eternal life. Initially he believed that those people merely have an innate desire to be remembered forever which then translates into desire for immortality. Yet he doubts Sonetto is one of these people, despite being The Hero. She’s… really just a good person at heart.
The mage tries to illustrate the image of both Sonetto and Joe in the same room. Hm. A little too full of sunshine for his liking. But no doubt it’d be a delightful room to be in all the same.
“Probably should’ve stayed put then, dude. There’s a reason why people say patience is a virtue.”
The mage comments as a cup of tea makes its way towards him. He downs all of it in one gulp.
“Don’t remind me. I’m impatient as hell.”
The host has to give it to him, he is self-aware at the very least. Safar laughs at his response, Joe pouting at the former’s reaction. The mage then offers a sincere smile. “I get it. Why do you think I use magic for everything?”
He has to admit it too. The mage can be a very prideful person in front of others but behind that closed door, he yearns for a lazy life just as any tired person does.
“Lucky. All I got are these awesome muscles.”
Joe flexes his left arm, bicep bulging boastfully. The mage finds himself entranced by the display. It’s a reminder of his preferences for people to stare at. His gaze is a little too shameless.
“Like what you see, don’tcha?”
Blood rushes to Safar’s face almost immediately at his comment. He would respond but he knows the words that’d leave his lips will stutter. So instead he turns towards the fireplace, attempting to be enchanted by the flames’ dance instead.
“...This is nice. We never really had the time to get to know each other.”
To his relief, Joe changes the topic just as quickly as he was to tease Safar. The latter says nothing for a while.
Joe was definitely an uninvited guest but Safar would be lying if he says that his presence is not comforting. And for the time being, the blizzard outside will keep them hidden from the outside world for a little while. More than enough time to forge a friendship.
And it’ll be easy as snapping your magical fingers.
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magical-regical · 2 months
Been playing Sword of Convallaria.
Gameplay? Amazing. Especially if you like fire emblem. Character design? Immaculate. Gacha rate? A bit weird but I've been getting lucky (pulled Dantalian, Beryll, and LilyWill so far).
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Fuck this stage specifically. It's like an escort mission but worse because instead of running away the NPCs will try and 'attack' the enemy which sucks because every fucking enemy has counter which means they're just doing more damage to themselves.
Like girls, know your fucking strength. You might as well be pissing on the armored man with DMG REFLECTION 3 when all of you are archers with the defense of a wet paper towel.
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redgemwink · 1 month
it kinda fucks me up when i think abt how universally bad my gacha luck is. i get screwed in literally every gacha i play hhhh how have i lost every 50/50 in hsr. how did i get 10 ny lethes and not a single ny peony on the first double special banner in feh. how did i reroll for 3 days straight in cinderella girls and never see any of the charas i was rerolling for. but most importantly, HOW did i go to pity on both hiiro and marika's navigation banners and miss BOTH of them all the while getting only one ur on hiiros banner and 0 on marikas. and now im already off to an unlucky start with sword of convallaria sfdkdsfk i just need to know why my luck is the worst possible in every gacha i play when will i ever find one where i'm actually lucky
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