#bernard phelan
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basilepesso · 2 years ago
Il y a des décennies que les infos sont claires quant à l'Iran...Soral, Dieudonné et Meyssan ont réussi à manipuler une masse bien plus grande que l'on croit (des millions, voire plus de 10 millions) de Français (principalement) sur un certain nombre de points dont la fascination pour ce régime criminel. Basile Pesso, 13 mai 2 023 (Fb) >>>> "Il a été libéré "de bonne foi" ce mois-ci, en compagnie de Bernard Phelan - un autre otage français -, dans le cadre d'une action humanitaire", a déclaré le ministère des Affaires étrangères iranien.
"Le retour à une vie normale va être long et certainement difficile", explique la famille de l'ancien otage. Selon elle, le trentenaire qui avait fait une grève de la faim pour protester contre sa détention est "très affaibli". "Il est, comme nous tous, soulagé, apaisé, et essaie de réaliser qu’il est bien là, avec nous. Il est cependant très affaibli, physiquement et moralement, mais il est aujourd’hui entre de bonnes mains", indique sa famille dans un communiqué cité par Le Parisien". Artricle du Midi Libre : “"Soulagé", "très affaibli"... la famille de Benjamin Brière donne des nouvelles de l'ex-otage revenu en France“
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alaturkanews · 2 years ago
No quid pro quo to Iran’s release of French prisoners, says minister
France’s foreign minister Catherine Colonna said her country didn’t pay anything for the release of Frenchman Benjamin Brière and Franco-Irish Bernard Phelan, who had both been prisoners in Iran. Asked by a France 2 reporter on Tuesday whether there had been any quid pro quo to the release of the two, who were freed on 12 May from a prison in the northeastern city of Mashhad, Colonna said that…
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nordnews · 2 years ago
Paris - The family of a Frenchman who was released this week after being imprisoned by Iran said on Saturday he was "relieved" to be back in France. On Friday, Benjamin Briere, w...
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oelnet · 2 years ago
Les otages français libérés d'Iran sont "à bout de force" - RTL
Les otages français libérés d’Iran sont “à bout de force”  RTL Iran : les coulisses de la libération de Benjamin Brière et Bernard Phelan  Europe 1 Libérés par l’Iran, les otages français Benjamin Brière et Bernard Phelan sont arrivés à Paris affaiblis et malades  Libération Iran : les otages français Benjamin Brière et Bernard Phelan ont été libérés  Le Parisien Libération de deux Français…
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jogallice · 2 years ago
Annecy Journée : vendredi 13 mai 2023.
See on Scoop.it - JamesO
Aujourd’hui, samedi 13/05/23, Journée internationale des musées, Journée mondiale de l'ingénierie pour l'avenir et Journée mondiale du commerce équitable 👌⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
  Sans oublier la 19e Nuit européenne des musées 🌃
  L'association Donner des Elles à la santé a dénoncé hier le sexisme ambiant que subissent les femmes en milieu hospitalier. Plus de 8 femmes médecins sur 10 se sont déjà senties discriminées dans leur parcours du fait de leur genre, selon une étude 😱
  Les jeunes de plus en plus touchés par la solitude, avec des appels des moins de 14 ans en augmentation de 40 %. Les sujets d’avenir sont une source importante de mal-être, selon le baromètre de SOS Amitié publié hier. L'association souligne une « évolution inquiétante » 😢
  Benjamin Brière et Bernard Phelan, deux Français détenus arbitrairement en Iran, ont été libérés, a annoncé hier le Quai d'Orsay. Cinq autres ressortissants français restent toujours emprisonnés ou retenus arbitrairement dans le pays, pour certains depuis bientôt trois ans 👍
  Plusieurs arrêtés publiés hier, cinq rassemblements d'extrême droite et d'ultra droite interdits aujourd'hui et demain à Paris. La réunion publique planifiée par l'Action Française, une organisation royaliste et nationaliste, ainsi que plusieurs manifestations de l'ultra droite sont interdites 👏
  Pathaan, premier film indien projeté dans les cinémas du Bangladesh en 50 ans. Les productions indiennes n'étaient plus projetées dans le pays depuis près d'un demi-siècle. La diffusion de ce film indien a rencontré hier un grand succès 📽
  Un nouveau siège et de nouveaux espoirs pour le Centre International de Recherche sur le Cancer. Le CIRC a inauguré hier son nouveau siège dans le quartier de Gerland à Lyon. Le site comprend 15.000 m² de laboratoires dernier cri et accueille 350 chercheurs internationaux. Un nouvel outil synonyme d’espoir pour la prévention, la recherche et le contrôle de la maladie 🙏
  La deuxième phase de vente de billets pour les Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024 a très bien démarré. En moins de 36 heures, il n'y a déjà plus de places dans une vingtaine de disciplines ou sports 🏃‍♀️
  Publication de 12 infos programmées de 3h à 21h 📣
  Bon sixième jour de la semaine à toutes et à tous 🛼
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Liberati francesi detenuti in Iran,sollievo di Macron
 Il cittadino francese, Benjamin Brière e il cittadino franco-irlandese, Bernard Phelan, che erano detenuti nella prigione di Mashhad, nel nord-est dell’Iran, sono stati liberati: è quanto annunciato dal ministero degli Esteri della Francia. “Liberi, finalmente.    Benjamin Brière et Bernard Phélan potranno riabbracciare i propri cari. E’ un sollievo. Voglio rendere omaggio alla loro liberazione.…
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businesspr · 2 years ago
Iran Releases 2 French Citizens From Detention
Benjamin Brière and Bernard Phelan had been accused of spying, which they denied. They had protested their captivity with hunger strikes, and their families had fought for their release. source https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/12/world/europe/iran-french-citizens-release.html
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stnews24 · 2 years ago
France says 2 citizens held in Iran have been freed from prison, are on way to Paris
PARIS — Two French citizens imprisoned in Iran have been freed, French authorities said on Friday. Benjamin Briere and Bernard Phelan, who both had been held in a prison in Mashhad, in northeast Iran, were heading to Paris, a statement from Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna said. “Free at last,” President Emmanuel Macron tweeted. “It’s a relief.” Macron and the minister “thanked all those who…
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automotiveamerican · 2 years ago
What’s Fact and What’s Fiction in Ford v. Ferrari - Matthew Phelan @Slate
The racing movie plays fast and loose with the facts, but some of its most unbelievable details are straight from the record books. Christian Bale and Matt Damon in Ford v Ferrari and Ken Miles with Carroll Shelby. Photo illustration by Slate. Photos by Merrick Morton/20th Century Fox and Bernard Cahier/Getty Images. To say that Ford v. Ferrari plays fast and loose with the facts is arguably to…
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art-now-germany · 4 years ago
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Quiff,, Wolfgang Schmidt
Sincerely to: Andy Hall, Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Paul Allen, Edythe L. and Eli Broad, Rosa and Carlos de la Cruz, Patricia and Gustavo Phelps de Cisneros (Venezuela and Dominican Republic), Donald and Mera Rubell, Steven A. Cohen, Theo Danjuma, Maria Baibakova, Adrian Cheng, Ingvild Goetz (München), Victoria and David Beckham, Leonardo Dicaprio, Alan Lau, Camilla Barella, Ralph DeLuca, Arthur de Ganay, Ramin Salsali, Moises Cosio, Pedro Barbosa, Monique and Max Burger, Joaquin Diez-Cascon, Luciano Benetton, Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova (Russia), Robbie Antonio (Philippines), Hélène and Bernard Arnault (France), Maria and Bill Bell (United States), Peter Benedek (United States), Debra and Leon Black (United States), Christian and Karen Boros (Germany), Irma and Norman Braman (United States), Peter Brant (United States), Basma Al Sulaiman, Marc Andreessen, Laura and John Arnold, Camilla Barella, Swizz Beatz, Claudia Beck, Andrew Gruft, Robert and Renée Belfer, Lawrence Benenson, Frieder Burda (Germany), Richard Chang (United States), Kim Chang-il (Korea), David Chau and Kelly Ying (China), Pierre T.M. Chen (Taiwan), Adrian Cheng (China), Kemal Has Cingillioglu (United Kingdom), Nicolas Berggruen, Jill and Jay Bernstein, Ernesto Bertarelli, James Brett, Jim Breyer, Christian Bührle, Valentino D. Carlotti, Edouard Carmignac, Trudy and Paul Cejas, Dimitris Daskalopoulos (Greece), Zöe and Joel Dictrow (United States), George Economou (Greece), Alan Faena (Argentina), Mark Falcone and Ellen Bruss (United States), Amy and Vernon Faulconer (United States), Howard and Patricia Farber (United States), Larry and Marilyn Fields (United States), Marie Chaix, Michael and Eva Chow, Frank Cohen, Michael and Eileen Cohen, Isabel and Agustín Coppel, Anthony D'Offay, Hélène and Michel David-Weill, Antoine de Galbert, Ralph DeLuca, Amanda and Glenn Fuhrman (United States), Danielle and David Ganek (United States), Ken Griffin (United States), Agnes Gund (United States), Steven and Kathy Guttman (United States), Andrew and Christine Hall (United States), Lin Han (China), Henk and Victoria de Heus-Zomer (Holland), Grant Hill (United States), Maja Hoffmann (Switzerland), Erika Hoffmann-Koenige (Germany), Tiqui Atencio Demirdjian, Beth Rudin DeWoody, Eric Diefenbach and JK Brown, David C. Driskell, Mandy and Cliff Einstein, Rebecca and Martin Eisenberg, Ginevra Elkann, Tim and Gina Fairfax, Dana Farouki, Michael and Susan Hort (United States), Guillaume Houzé (France), Wang Jianlin (China), Dakis Joannou (Greece), Alan Lau (China), Joseph Lau (China), Melva Bucksbaum and Raymond Learsy (United States), Agnes and Edward Lee (United Kingdom), Aaron and Barbara Levine (United States), Adam Lindemann (United States), Eugenio López (Mexico), Jho Low (China), Susan and Leonard Feinstein, Nicoletta Fiorucci, Josée and Marc Gensollen, Alan and Jenny Gibbs, Noam Gottesman, Florence and Daniel Guerlain, Paul Harris, Barbara and Axel Haubrok, Alan Howard, Fatima and Eskandar Maleki (United Kingdom), Martin Margulies (United States), Peter Marino (United States), Donald Marron (United States), David MartÍnez (United Kingdom and Mexico), Raymond J. McGuire (United States), Rodney M. Miller Sr. (United States), Simon and Catriona Mordant (Australia), Arif Naqvi (United Kingdom), Peter Norton (United States), Shi Jian, Elton John, Tomislav Kličko, Mo Koyfman, Jan Kulczyk, Svetlana Kuzmicheva-Uspenskaya, Pierre Lagrange, Eric and Liz Lefkofsky, Robert Lehrman, François Odermatt (Canada), Bernardo de Mello Paz (Brazil), José Olympio & Andréa Pereira (Brazil), Catherine Petitgas (United Kingdom), Victor Pinchuk (Ukraine), Alden and Janelle Pinnell (United States),Ron and Ann Pizzuti (United States), Michael Platt (Switzerland), Miuccia Prada and Patrizio Bertelli (Italy), Howard and Cindy Rachofsky (United States), Mitchell and Emily Rales (United States), Dan Loeb, George Lucas, Ninah and Michael Lynne, Lewis Manilow, Marissa Mayer, David Mirvish, Lakshmi Mittal, Valeria Napoleone, John Paulson, Amy and John Phelan, Ellen and Michael Ringier (Switzerland), David Roberts (United Kingdom), Hilary and Wilbur L. Ross Jr. (United States), Dmitry Rybolovlev (Russia), Lily Safra (Brazil),Tony Salamé (Lebanon), Patrizia Sandretto (Italy), Eric Schmidt (United States), Alison Pincus, Heather Podesta, Colette and Michel Poitevin, Thomas J. and Margot Pritzker, Bob Rennie, Craig Robins, Deedie and Rusty Rose, Stephen Ross, Alex Sainsbury, Alain Servais (Belgium), Carlos Slim (Mexico), Julia Stoschek (Germany), Budi Tek (Indonesia), Janine and J. Tomilson Hill III (United States), Trevor Traina (United States), Alice Walton (United States), Robert & Nicky Wilson (United Kingdom), Elaine Wynn (United States), Lu Xun (China), Muriel and Freddy Salem, Denise and Andrew Saul, Steven A. Schwarzman, Carole Server and Oliver Frankel, Ramin Salsali, David Shuman, Stefan Simchowitz, Elizabeth and Frederick Singer, Jay Smith and Laura Rapp, Jeffrey and Catherine Soros, Jerry Yang and Akiko Young (United States), Liu Yiqian and Wang Wei (China), Anita and Poju Zabludowicz (United Kingdom), Jochen Zeitz (South Africa), Qiao Zhibing (China), Jerry Speyer and Katherine G. Farley, Susana and Ricardo Steinbruch, Kai van Hasselt, Francesca von Habsburg, David Walsh, Artur Walther, Derek and Christen Wilson, Michael Wilson, Owen Wilson, Zhou Chong, Doris and Donald Fisher, Ronnie and Samuel Heyman, Marie-Josee and Henry R. Kravis, Evelyn and Leonard Lauder, Jo Carole and Ronald S. Laude, Francois Pinault (France), Udo Brandhost (Köln), Harald Falckenberg (Hamburg), Anna and Joseph Froehlich (Stuttgart), Hans Grothe (Bremen), UN Knecht (Stuttgart), Arendt Oetker (Köln), Inge Rodenstock (Grünwald), Ute and Rudolf Scharpff (Stuttgart), Reiner Speck (Köln), Eleonore and Michael Stoffel (Köln), Reinhold Würth (Niedernhall), Wilhelm and Gaby Schürmann, Ivo Wessel, Heiner and Celine Bastian, Friedrich Karl Flick, Monique and Jean-Paul Barbier-Mueller (Genf), Christa and Thomas Bechtler (Zürich), David Bowie (Lausanne), Ulla and Richard Dreyfus (Binningen und Gstaad), Georges Embiricos (Jouxtens and Gstaad), Friedrich Christian "Mick" Flick (Hergiswil and Gstaad), Esther Grether (Bottmingen), Donald Hess (Bolligen), Elsa and Theo Hotz (Meilen), Baroness Marion and Baron Philippe Lambert (Genf), Gabi and Werner Merzbacher (Zürich), Robert Miller (Gstaad), Philip Niarchos (St. Moritz), Jacqueline and Philippe Nordmann (Genf), Maja Oeri and Hans Bodenmann (Basel), George Ortiz (Vandoeuvres), Graf and Gräfin Giuseppe Panza di Biumo (Massagno), Ellen and Michael Ringier (Zürich), Andrew Loyd Webber, Steve Martin, Gerhard Lenz, Elisabeth and Rudolf Leopold.
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Foam offers way to manipulate light
There is more to foam than meets the eye. Literally. A study by Princeton scientists has shown that a type of foam long studied by scientists is able to block particular wavelengths of light, a coveted property for next-generation information technology that uses light instead of electricity.
The researchers, integrating expertise from materials science, chemistry and physics, conducted exhaustive computational simulations of a structure known as a Weaire-Phelan foam. They found that this foam would allow some frequencies of light to pass through while completely reflecting others. This selective blocking, known as a photonic band gap, is similar to the behavior of a semiconductor, the bedrock material behind all modern electronics because of its ability to control the flow of electrons at extremely small scales.
"This has the property we want: an omnidirectional mirror for a certain range of frequencies," said Salvatore Torquato, professor of chemistry and the Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials. Torquato, the Lewis Bernard Professor of Natural Sciences, published the results Nov. 6 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, with coauthors Michael Klatt, a postdoctoral researcher, and physicist Paul Steinhardt, who is Princeton's Albert Einstein Professor in Science.
Read more.
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geometrymatters · 5 years ago
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Foam offers way to manipulate light
In a combination of physics and materials science, Princeton researchers found that a type of foam can selectively block light, which is important for next-generation devices that compute with light instead of electricity. A computer model of the foam, above, shows the energy density of light as it passes through the foam.
The researchers, integrating expertise from materials science, chemistry and physics, conducted exhaustive computational simulations of a structure known as a Weaire-Phelan foam. They found that this foam would allow some frequencies of light to pass through while completely reflecting others. This selective blocking, known as a photonic band gap, is similar to the behavior of a semiconductor, the bedrock material behind all modern electronics because of its ability to control the flow of electrons at extremely small scales.
"This has the property we want: an omnidirectional mirror for a certain range of frequencies," said Salvatore Torquato, professor of chemistry and the Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials. Torquato, the Lewis Bernard Professor of Natural Sciences, published the results Nov. 6 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, with coauthors Michael Klatt, a postdoctoral researcher, and physicist Paul Steinhardt, who is Princeton's Albert Einstein Professor in Science.
Credit: Princeton University
More on phys.org
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arun-pratap-singh · 2 years ago
Iran - Q&R - Extrait du point de presse (02.02.23)
Q – J’ai une question sur les otages, la semaine dernière, vous aviez fait référence à Bernard Phelan, dont l’état était très inquiétant. Est-ce que vous avez des nouvelles ? R – Nous continuons à marquer notre extrême préoccupation s’agissant de la santé de Bernard Phelan. Vous savez que la ministre avait eu elle-même l’occasion de l’exprimer à son homologue M. Abdollahian. Notre ambassade reste…
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donnietsolano · 4 years ago
Fixtures | Everton Football Club
Everton play - List of Everton F.C. players - Wikipedia
Pat Jennings. Andy Johnson. Tommy Johnson. Robert Jones. Andrei Kanchelskis. Tony Kay. Moise Kean. Michael Keane. Joe Kendrick. Everton play Keown. Kevin Kilbane. Joshua King. Davy Klaassen. Bill Lacey. Brian Labone. Bob Latchford. Shayne Lavery. Tommy Lawton. Joleon Lescott. Tie Li.
Anders Limpar. Tobias Linderoth. Gary Lineker. Romelu Everton play. Harry Makepeace. Cuco Martina. Neil McBain. Stuart McCall. James McCarthy. Alex McCartney. Jim McDonagh. James McFadden. Aiden McGeady. Mick Meagan. Joe Mercer. Yerry Mina. Kevin Mirallas. Joe-Max Moore. Thomas Myhre. Steven Naismith. Gary Naysmith. Lucas Neil. Phil Everton play. Pat Nevin. Keith Newton. Oumar Niasse. Alex Nyarko. Eamonn O'Keefe. Robin Olsen.
Jimmy O'Neill. Henry Onyekuru. Leon Everton play. John Oster. Bryan Oviedo. Costa Rica. Alex Parker. Charlie Parry. Mark Pembridge. Gerry Peyton. Terry Phelan. Fred Pickering. Jordan Pickford. Steven Pienaar. South Africa. Aubrey Powell. Tomasz Radzinski.
2020-21 Prem Standings
Kevin Ratcliffe. Peter Reid. Mikel Arteta. Steven Everton play. Andy Hinchcliffe. Nick Barmby. Thomas Gravesen. Romelu Lukaku. Tim Howard. Joseph Yobo.
List of Everton F.C. players
AD CC Audio description available. Cookies on PremierLeague. Breaking down Kai Havertz's 'best game' in a Chelsea shirt Is Pulisic or Havertz more likely to leave Chelsea this everton play Laurens left bemused by poor Premier League officiating Nicol: Liverpool go from bad to worse in Merseyside derby Guardiola: What Ancelotti has produced everrton exceptional Goals Assists.
RicharlisonEverton play 6 Matches 25 Assists 3. Lucas DigneD 6 Matches 21 Goals 0. Gylfi SigurdssonM 4 Matches 27 Goals 4. Goal Difference 3 10 th.
Goals Scored 41 10 th. Official site 28 10 th. Goals Conceded 38 Tied th. John Hurst. Everton play Davies. Henry Newton. John Connolly. Mick Lyons. Mike Bernard. David Lawson. Dave Jones. Andy King.
Mark Higgins. John Bailey. George Wood. Billy Wright. Alan Irvine. Kevin Everton play. Gary Stevens. Kevin Sheedy. Everton play Evwrton. Alan Harper. Neil McDonald. Gary Ablett. Matt Jackson. Barry Horne. Graham Stuart.
Andrei Kanchelskis. Michael Ball. Kevin Campbell. David Weir. Alessandro Pistone.
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oelnet · 2 years ago
Iran : libération des otages français Benjamin Brière et Bernard Phelan - Libération
Iran : libération des otages français Benjamin Brière et Bernard Phelan  LibérationVoir la couverture complète sur Google Actualités
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years ago
Week 11 Wrap: The Dallas Cowboys show signs of fantasy football life
Dallas Cowboys vs. Minnesota Vikings
The Cowboys emerged from their bye with a wholesome Andy Dalton and a way more competent offense, together with Ezekiel Elliott recording his first 100-yard speeding sport of the season in the course of the crew’s 31-28 upset win. The Vikings’ protection had been enjoying significantly better of late, but Dalton’s return resulted in as many touchdowns earlier than halftime (two) that Dallas had scored in complete since Dak Prescott went down in Week 5.
Elliott had nonetheless been battling hamstring points all through observe this week however appeared higher after the bye, though Tony Pollard recorded Dallas’ longest run of the season throughout his 42-yard landing … CeeDee Lamb had a very nice TD catch, and Dalton Schultz must be a weekly viable possibility now in a weak tight finish group. Nevertheless, the Cowboys’ schedule doesn’t look tremendous straightforward down the stretch, so whereas Dalton’s return helps, it stays unlikely the crew can hold three vast receivers’ fantasy values afloat as everybody hoped getting into the season.
Dalvin Cook dinner misplaced a fumble however shook off a tough hit and continues to appear like the perfect again within the league proper now, whereas Kirk Cousins entered main the NFL in Passer Score in the course of the fourth quarter after which added one other two TD tosses within the sport’s last 15 minutes. Cousins leads the league in YPA this season (and ranks second in CPAE) and has now thrown a whopping 14 touchdowns over 5 residence video games.
Adam Thielen entered because the NFL’s chief in end-zone targets and added one other two landing grabs, whereas Justin Jefferson entered with essentially the most receiving yards within the league since Week 3 (and averaging the third-most receiving yards per sport ever as a rookie) and scored Sunday as nicely. Jefferson is one more spectacular rookie receiver this yr, as he truly leads the NFL in yards per route run, though he had a drop that helped finish Minnesota’s last drive. The Vikings stay one of many league’s largest enigmas, as this was their first loss since Week 6 (once they had been additionally sizable residence favorites).
Story continues
Philadelphia Eagles vs. Cleveland Browns
Climate was an element for the third straight sport in Cleveland, though Carson Wentz is working out of excuses with one other tough efficiency. The primary-place Eagles appear reluctant to bench Wentz, who has essentially the most turnovers and sacks taken within the NFL, however Jalen Hurts must be rostered in Superflex leagues … Miles Sanders additionally disillusioned in opposition to a protection lacking Myles Garrett, dropping a fumble at Cleveland’s five-yard line … Kareem Hunt obtained a goal-line TD, however Nick Chubb was as soon as once more Cleveland’s finest working again, as he leads the NFL in YPC after contact by a large margin … The Eagles are the one crew that’s allowed extra speeding touchdowns than passing TDs this season. The 7-Three Browns now go on the highway 4 of their subsequent 5 video games.
Atlanta Falcons vs. New Orleans Saints
Taysom Hill appeared like a cell Drew Brees in a formidable efficiency that included one other 57-yard TD go referred to as again by penalty (and a uncommon Michael Thomas drop). Hill obtained 10.1 YPA whereas turning into simply the third quarterback in NFL historical past to make his first profession begin at 30+ years previous, and he’s now a weekly fantasy starter given his speeding capacity (Hill led the Saints in speeding yards Sunday and added two scores on the bottom) … It was a good matchup, however Hill additionally confirmed a very good reference to Michael Thomas, whose fantasy managers can breathe a giant sigh of reduction … Matt Ryan watched Julio Jones depart early and his o-line get overwhelmed, leading to eight sacks and 0 offensive touchdowns for Atlanta … Alvin Kamara scored in opposition to a Falcons protection that’s been stingy versus fantasy backs, however his one goal is completely regarding shifting ahead given the QB change.
Detroit Lions vs. Carolina Panthers
P.J. Walker had a few unhealthy picks however was loads competent in any other case, making the most of a good matchup to assist hold all three Carolina receivers related. Matthew Stafford, however, struggled badly whereas enjoying via a sprained thumb and with out Kenny Golladay, Danny Amendola, and D’Andre Swift. Stafford has dramatic splits with/with out Kenny G this season, and Sunday he had a 51-yard TD to Marvin Jones referred to as again by an inconsequential five-yard penalty, because it’s been a tough season for the Lions … In a main matchup and with Detroit lacking many items on offense together with Swift, the once-promising Kerryon Johnson nonetheless completed with fewer carries and yards than 35-year-old Adrian Peterson … Why not goal T.J. Hockenson extra?
New England Patriots vs. Houston Texans
Cam Newton switched it up and threw for 365 yards however added simply six speeding yards with no rating on the bottom, whereas Deshaun Watson continues to hold Houston’s offense, serving to the Texans win in the course of the oldest teaching matchup in NFL historical past. Watson now sports activities a good 61:Three TD:INT ratio within the red-zone throughout his profession, and whereas he clearly gained’t get any votes, he’s performed like an MVP this season … Duke Johnson is doing his finest job of constructing David Johnson look first rate, whereas Jakobi Meyers went from rating #1 in WOPR over the past three weeks to in some way seeing simply three measly targets Sunday (that additionally featured a Donte Moncrief sighting!) … Damien Harris entered getting 5.5 YPC regardless of dealing with the very best common variety of defenders within the field this season (he is additionally Alabama’s all-time chief in YPC) however managed simply 3.9 YPC in opposition to a Houston run protection that entered ranked final in DVOA. Nonetheless, Harris added a landing and noticed his first goal in November, and Sony Michel was a wholesome scratch, so it wasn’t all unhealthy.
Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Jacksonville Jaguars
Props to Jacksonville for trying an onside kick after going up 3-Zero early, as huge underdogs ought to improve variance like that, though one might argue giving the ball again to Jake Luton (15.5 Passer Score) wouldn’t improve the crew’s win likelihood … Ben Roethlisberger obtained 5.Eight YPA in opposition to a Jaguars protection that entered permitting an NFL-high 8.6 YPA, and James Conner as soon as once more obtained faraway from the goal-line, disappointing some fantasy managers in a extremely favorable matchup. After all, Pittsburgh gained by 24 factors anyway, because the crew improved to 10-Zero for the primary time in franchise historical past … Diontae Johnson noticed a whopping 16 targets, together with this highlight-worthy seize, whereas Chase Claypool grew to become the primary participant within the Tremendous Bowl period to report 10 TD catches within the first 10 video games of his profession.
Chase Claypool simply continues to impress. (AP Picture/Phelan M. Ebenhack)
Cincinnati Bengals vs. Washington Soccer Group
Joe Burrow suffered a severe harm, as Washington continues to be essentially the most harmful place for quarterbacks’ legs. Burrow definitely impressed throughout his rookie season, which isn’t surprising to see finish prematurely given all of the hits he was being subjected to whereas main the NFL in go makes an attempt. Ryan Finley is a giant downgrade for Tee Higgins, Tyler Boyd, and Gio Bernard … Antonio Gibson has extra touches over the past weeks than he had carries all through his faculty profession, and he’s lapping Jonathan Taylor, Clyde Edwards-Helaire and all different rookie backs not named James Robinson in fantasy worth proper now.
Tennessee Titans vs. Baltimore Ravens
Lamar Jackson was OK throughout a matchup most had been hoping for an eruption, because it doesn’t seem Baltimore’s offense will probably be fastened anytime quickly. It was good to see Mark Andrews so concerned, as was seeing J.Okay. Dobbins emerge because the Ravens’ obvious new lead again, however Marquise Brown’s nightmare season bottomed out with three catchless targets that included one ugly drop in opposition to a Titans protection that entered permitting the second-most fantasy factors to vast receivers. Is Dez Bryant actually going to have extra fantasy worth down the stretch? … Derrick Henry’s second additional time landing of the season was additionally the 50th TD run of his profession, actually handing the Ravens an L.
Miami Dolphins vs. Denver Broncos
Drew Lock was higher after an early choose, however he largely struggled but once more and had his last numbers aided by this bizarre 61-yard completion on the sport’s last play … Tua Tagovailoa failed throughout his try and change into the primary rookie QB since Ben Roethlisberger to win his first 4 video games, as he took six sacks whereas getting simply 4.2 YPA earlier than being benched within the fourth quarter. It appears unlikely, however it will be excellent news for DeVante Parker if Miami turned again to Ryan Fitzpatrick … Salvon Ahmed left at one level Sunday however returned and continued to dominate Miami’s backfield, together with seeing six targets, so his arrow continues to level up regardless of the poor field rating. Matt Breida’s return didn’t matter, and the Dolphins’ schedule actually eases up now, so the one concern can be Myles Gaskin returning … Melvin Gordon scored two touchdowns and almost had a 3rd, solely to lose a fumble proper on the objective line.
New York Jets vs. Los Angeles Chargers
Justin Herbert’s 277 passing yards within the first half had been the second-most within the league this season, and the rookie completed with one other three scores whereas making it look straightforward (and it’s not his fault the Chargers make successful so tough). Joe Flacco countered with one of many worst pick-sixes you’ll ever see … Frank Gore scored a landing sooner or later after his son hit pay dust, which definitely appears extra essential than auditioning La’Mical Perine for the longer term … Kalen Ballage fought via an early harm however disillusioned throughout his revenge sport given the matchup and 9 targets … After all, that’s nonetheless 10 fewer than Keenan Allen’s 19 (!) appears … Breshad Perriman had video game-like exercise metrics for somebody his measurement, so he’d be fairly attention-grabbing if issues ever broke proper … He’ll be straightforward to miss in a loaded rookie WR class and due to the Jets’ scenario, however Denzel Mims has actually impressed throughout his brief time on the sphere this yr … The Jets have twice as many roughing the passer penalties (10) as every other crew within the NFL, which is further spectacular contemplating they’re among the many backside groups in QB pressures … Simply once we thought 2020 couldn’t probably get any stranger, Chris Herndon caught a landing.
Inexperienced Bay Packers vs. Indianapolis Colts
The Packers scored 28 factors within the first half however had been held to simply three within the second half, which included an additional time possession that abruptly ended with a Marquez Valdes-Scantling softly-lost fumble (such an MVS transfer). The odd sport additionally included a ton of holding penalties and a sequence late that noticed the Colts run simply 1:41 off the clock over 14 snaps … Sunday morning reviews instructed Nyheim Hines (six carries, two yards) may take over Indy’s backfield, nevertheless it was Jonathan Taylor who dominated the work with 26 touches. Taylor entered ranked bottom-five in YPC after contact and elusive score, so this was definitely an encouraging growth. The rookie had a 20+ yard TD run referred to as again by a penalty as nicely, though admittedly the maintain helped … Michael Pittman Jr. must be seeing greater than three targets.
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