#bernard bensaid
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latribune · 1 month ago
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llamaswitch82-blog · 7 years ago
Bernard Bensaid, one of the pioneers of electronic management.
It was in the mythical 2000 that Bernard Bensaid developed a subsidiary associated with his team DocteGestio, a "small company" with the ambition to become one of the first international operators in neuro-scientific sanitary and medico-social, as well as in the sector of specialized institutions to aid home care inside France. Doctocare came to be from the team DocteGestio to ensure the well being profession of the company. It is also under the amapa manufacturer that surgery in the medico-social tend to be known. DocteGestio swiftly became a major player within the social and also solidarity economic climate, based on the practice of five careers with Five,000 staff, operating Two hundred and twenty establishments and generating 300 million pounds in revenue.
It is using a vision which is more international than multidimensional in which doctocare is committed to meeting several major challenges related to medical care field, in a stressing context of getting older of the population, irregular access to healthcare and the treatment and territorial desertification with the traditional associates of medicine. These issues are not the only kinds and the group is also interested in chronic ailments and polypathologies, plus decompartmentalization between the clinic and the city. These issues could affect the entire populace, throughout their life or in the course of their life. This is why doctocare could not think "small" and hang up a good ambitious improvement policy as soon as it was designed to face these kinds of exciting however urgent problems. The group provides set by itself the numerous objective of being the coordinator regarding health with all the world of medico-social, to take together the various care platforms by hooking up them and so to be able to create the mapping from the real as well as virtual trip of individuals, to optimize their support and offer these the best quality which everybody has the directly to expect. Click here www.bernard-bensaid-doctegestio.over-blog.com/ to get more information about bernard bensaid.
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bernardbensaid56-blog · 8 years ago
Essential Details For Docte Gestio - The Facts
DocteGestio Group is for taking up over 32 health care establishments in Paris, a type of business which has made its mark. There has also been for possessing around 5000 workers records that this company had began its works with approximately 426 employees and has now made its mark. A group known to be founded by Bernard Bensaid, the group is marked for possessing the capability to provide many employments from all possible sectors which includes social, market, health care and more. When making research on the academic background of Bernard Bensaid, it's been found that a number of his schooling years were in Lycee Lyautey which had earlier been known by the name Louis le Grand which is a name for Math Superiors and Special Math. Later on Bernard Bensaid switched to Paris VII University where he is proven to have finished his studies in mathematics and therefore after which he had finished his economics in Paris I University. While founding DocteGestio, Docte Gestio had in mind to make certain the complete care of the customers, The primary goal if founding this group was also to make sure that the companies are being linked to the territorial and wellbeing associations in order to provide the capacity to link its recognition in each department while taking steps for providing service for the elderly, home for assistance, lodging, nursing and leisure. In the year 1999, he was nominated for the Prize of the Very Best Young Economist of France then which he's known to have stopped the research and embarked on the creation of a company which is often thought of as the DriectGestion which he previously founded. It was marked as the first Internet property manager in France. He further moved on in making many new developments which may be seen in the development of generalist Property Company dealing with trade, home and office. It's been marked that DocteGestio Group, in which Bernard Bensaid is thought to be the creator have made enormous developments on recent years. It has gained a mutual organization of around 32 health centers, dental facilities, optics and audio prosthesis facilities. This group is an enormous success whose main aim is for the welfare of the general mass.
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bernard-bensaid-blog · 7 years ago
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bernard-bensaid-blog · 8 years ago
Bernard Bensaid et le groupe DocteGestio
Bernard Bensaid, spécialiste en sciences économiques, est connu pour ses recherches dédiées au développement de l’économie. Il est le fondateur de DocteGestio, une société spécialisée dans le secteur d'activité de l'administration d'immeubles et autres biens immobiliers.
Cursus professionnel et prix
Bernard Bensaid, né en 1961, à Casablanca (Maroc) est un professeur et chercheur français, travaillant en France, il est connu pour ses travaux en sciences économiques.
Il a été lauréat du prix Gaëtan Pirou de la Chancellerie des Universités en 1990 pour sa thèse sur « les mécanismes d'incitation ». Cette recherche a généré le développement de nouveaux projets et ouvert la voie à l’étude des indices monétaires.
Il dirige l’association mosellane de prise en charge des personnes âgées ou en perte d’autonomie (Amapa) et est Président Directeur Général de DocteGestio, entreprise spécialisée dans la gestion locative.
Il travaille en étroite collaboration avec des équipes de recherche et de formation des universités, travaillant dans le domaine des sciences humaines et sociales sur le thème du développement.
Bernard Bensaid a également enseigné à l'Institut d'études politiques de Lille. En tant que professeur-chercheur, il a continué ses investigations sur la théorie économique et a animé diverses conférences. L’avancée de ses recherches et son expertise reconnue lui ont valu d’être nominé au prix du Meilleur Jeune Économiste de France en 1999.
Les progrès de ses recherches ont apporté des résultats prometteurs au niveau du développement des PME et multinationales. Aujourd’hui à la tête de DocteGestio, il investit dans la gestion d’hôtels, de résidences et dans les secteurs médico-sociaux et sanitaires.
Le groupe Docte Gestio, un projet d’envergure
C’est dans les années 1999, avec l’avènement d’Internet, que le professeur se lance dans le monde des affaires. Il crée d’abord Direct Gestion, une entreprise de gestion locative en ligne. La société s’appuie sur ses compétences issues de la banque d’affaires, des métiers de l’investissement et de l’asset management immobilier.
En 2010, elle change de cap et de nom, et est rebaptisée DocteGestio qui signifie gestion savante en latin. Elle s'inscrit dans une nouvelle dynamique en vue de conquérir des parts de marchés des secteurs médico-sociaux et sanitaires. Ses valeurs s’inscrivent autour de la bienveillance, la solidarité, l’ouverture et l’agilité.
Entre 2007 et 2014, les acquisitions de Bernard Bensaid se succèdent et le groupe rachète des centres de santé, des cliniques et une association d’aide aux personnes âgées. Il reprend également toutes les activités thermales de Plombières-Les-Bains.
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bernard-bensaid-blog · 7 years ago
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bernard-bensaid-blog · 7 years ago
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bernard-bensaid-blog · 7 years ago
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bernard-bensaid-blog · 7 years ago
(via Bernard Bensaid)
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bernard-bensaid-blog · 7 years ago
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(via Interview de Bernard Bensaid, Président de la société DocteGestio)
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bernard-bensaid-blog · 7 years ago
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(via Bernard Bensaid : Entrepreneur de l'Economie Sociale et Solidaire - Blog)
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bernard-bensaid-blog · 7 years ago
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(via Bernard Bensaid, pionner du groupe DocteGestio - infos-societes.org)
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bernard-bensaid-blog · 7 years ago
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(via Bernard Bensaid, une référence dans le monde des affaires - net-people.fr)
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bernard-bensaid-blog · 7 years ago
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(via Bernard Bensaid, un passionné des sciences sociales - de-nobis.fr)
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bernard-bensaid-blog · 7 years ago
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(via Bernard Bensaid, un spécialiste des sciences économiques - web-profil.fr)
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bernard-bensaid-blog · 7 years ago
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(via L’homme d’affaires Bernard Bensaid)
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