talesfromnatea · 5 years
I love just scrolling through your blog and finding interesting bits of information for writing and world building...
Hhhhh I’m so happy!!!!!!!
Have some tidbits of information about my own worldbuilding
- My mum’s cousin (who we see often) told me I can’t have a goddess as the deity of monotheistic Beobyra because women should protect each other and are generally more pacifist. But that is all cultural and if I want my most warring people to worship a Goddess of War then goddamn it they will.
- There is also no sexism or lgbtq+-phobias in Natéa because I don’t care about that shit at all. Literally half my reasoning when creating this world was “why the fuck is there always sexism in worlds where people can create storms with their minds???)
- The Mother Goddess has a pet Wolf (with capital W), and wolves are sacred. Doesn’t mean people can’t kill wolves if they’re a danger to their livestock or if they’re in desperate need of warm fur so they won’t freeze to death, though. The Beobyrians are a practical people. Survival comes first.
- The common people of Peosana (and Drahenport) view the Sanath - Peosana’s monarch - as a god on earth. The more educated view them “merely” as the Voice of the gods. The Sanath is spoken to with the honorific “Your Holy Majesty”. 
- Therefore, Peosana is a theocratic monarchy.
- Drahenport, on the other side, is ruled by a council of merchants.
- The people of Trima actually often wear trousers and skirts that only reach their knees, since they often work in or by the Grey Sea and it’s more practical. This has given them a… reputation as promiscuous. 
- There’s one country, which does not yet have a name, where magic is outlawed. There were huge streams of refugees escaping it when that law was taken into effect, to avoid execution.
- The people of Beobyra like executions far too much. Honestly. They need to stop.
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odderancyart · 6 years
Bingo-request by @kyuko-chan:  Okay, consider this: Love at first sight AU with HSAU(ish) Blackcherry; the two meet because of an exchange programm, IE they are from different countries and then meet because one visits the other country
Did I do this right?
When Razz stepped out of the city train outside the city hall, the entire yard was already full of people. All sorts of them; she’d never seen so many different kinds of fashions and species in the same place before, and Thyragård wasn’t a monocultural city in any way. A flood of people followed her out of the train, chatting and laughing. They sounded excited. When she stepped into the city hall’s garden, however, she did so with a sigh. The many birches and maples and other trees filling it were turning red and orange and yellow, and the ivy climbing up the building itself was just as colourful as the sun danced over its leaves. It was lovely, but it didn’t change the fact that Razz was preparing herself up for scornful gazes when people realized what family she belonged to.
Once upon a time, her ancestors had been powerful and glorious, and she was proud over being a Valkyria. Some of them had also, however, been tyrants. The last Valkyria ruler, her great grandfather, had been completely horrible even to Beobyrians. But that was over a hundred years ago, long before she was born, and she was so fucking tired of people blaming her – a high school student. Yeah, she didn’t want to be here. But her parents had forced her, too concerned with their reputation to care about her protests.
Her stiletto-heeled boots clicked against the paved path as she made her way into the crowd. Into the city hall itself. Throwing her blonde braid over her shoulder, she looked around. Where did one announce one’s presence? A sign sat over the reception, telling her exactly where in Beobyrian runes as well as every language and alphabet she knew, and then some.
“Excuse me,” she muttered as she made her way through the crowd, yelping as she almost tripped over a naga’s tail. Yellow eyes glared at her, and she gave them an apology before hurrying past.
The receptionist, a green-haired Fae with bright red skin, smiled at her as she handed over her ID. Their smile widened as they glanced down at it. “Welcome! To the first Former Empire Exchange! We’re very happy to have you here, Razz Valkyria.”
Razz forced a smile as they handed her a name badge, and she signed the paper she was handed, promising to do anything she could to make her guest feel welcome. “Thank you. I am glad to be here.”
Sliding the ID back into her phone case, and then her phone into the pocket of her leather jacket, she stepped into the crowd. It was probably for the best to attempt socializing; that way she would have a chance to find someone who wouldn’t immediately judge her by her ancestors. Her eyes glazed over the people there. Everyone wore their country’s flag on their name tags, so it was easy to know who she was supposed to talk with: which people were non-Beobyrians.
She smiled pleasantly at a group of sapients she assumed were selkies, before turning around. Her heart skipped a beat from surprise. Close by stood a water tank, and on its edge, a merperson lounged. Their long hair was turquoise and purple, their scales a dark pink, and their skin desert dark, and they leaned over it to talk to a humanoid below. The Beobyrian words sounded strange on their tongue: the sea’s languages were very different from those on land.
Realizing she was staring, she tore her eyes away, and went to search for someone to talk to. At first, a satyr wearing Trima’s blue flag approached her, but once their eyes flitted down to her name tag, their face hardened and they immediately turned around. Razz ignored the pang in her chest and went the other way, toward the edge of the crowd. Outside, again. The sun immediately heated up the leather, and she sighed in pleasure. Her skirt flitted around her leggings-covered legs in the breeze.
Next to a fountain depicting the first president of Beobyra, two humanoids stood, chatting with each other. They were far away, but as Razz narrowed her eyes, she thought she could see them both wearing pale flags. They weren’t half-red, at least, and so, not Beobyrian. Clenching her fist in determination, she straightened her back and marched over to them.
As she came closer, she got a better look at them. Both had black hair and dark skin, and both were dressed in some of the most colourful clothing she’d ever seen. The taller wore black jeans and a leather jacket, but her crop top was yellow with an intricate pattern in pink and black and her sandals were pink, and the other was dressed in a turquoise t-shirt and dark red trousers. When she came even closer, she found they looked pretty similar, as well, with the same wide noses and squared jaws. They were speaking a language she didn’t understand, and apparently hadn’t noticed her approaching.
“Hello,” she greeted, and both immediately turned to her, obviously surprised. She got a look at the flags they were wearing: grey with a golden oak. Peosana. Her shoulders dropped in relief. Oh, good. Peosana and Beobyra had been on relatively good footing for centuries. Her eyes glazed over their names and pronouns. For the taller, the one with their long hair in a ringlet bun, Fell Arya, she/her, and for the shorter, sturdier one, Red Arya, he/him. She held out her hand. “I’m Razz-”
She trailed off. ‘Red’ had met her eyes, and his own were the most beautiful shade of brown she’d ever seen, gleaming like gold in the sunshine. Her heart skipped a beat, her breath catching in her throat. He had short, messy hair that framed his face, and suddenly, she felt an urge to pull her fingers through it. Razz almost lost her balance, a blush rising to her cheeks. He stared back, mouth half-open as though he’d been about to speak.
Then she blinked, shaking her head, and managed to finish. “-Valkyria. Razz Valkyria.” Her voice was shaky, and she felt her face heat up as he grasped her lower arm, and she, his, in a shake. Oh, he was handsome.
“Red,” he replied, and his voice was dark and smooth. “Red Arya.”
“And I am Fell, his twin sister,” the second of them interrupted, a grin stretched wide over her face. Amusement shone in her eyes, which were the exact same shade of lovely brown. “A pleasure to meet you.”
Forcing herself to let go of Red, she turned toward her, grasping also her arm in greeting. “Same.”
Fell’s eyes flickered between the two of them, and then she huffed, grin growing even wider. “I’ll go talk to someone else.” She hit her brother lightly over the head. “Behave, asshole.”
“Yeah, yeah, you too,” he muttered without looking at her. Then she was gone, lost in the crowd. Red smiled lopsidedly, sitting down on the fountain before gesturing for her to follow suit. Taking a deep breath, Razz did. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, but she finally managed to get rid of the heat on her cheeks. “So. Valkyria, eh?”
“Yeah,” she replied, dragging her fingertips over the cold stone of the fountain. “You’re from Peosana?”
If he noticed the quick change of subject, he didn’t comment. Only raised a bushy eyebrow, and oh, that looked good, and grinned. “Sure am. From the land o’ sun and spices.”
She smiled back. “Tell me about it.”
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kyuko-chan · 7 years
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Tag yourself- shitty natéa countries edition
Basically, the semi-joking tl;dr of this
I’m Waeldé, and you?
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talesfromnatea · 6 years
Y’all know what’s great about worldbuilding?
I get to decide what sort of compliments they have.
I mean
“And you look great in that uniform. Like you could take out an army single-handedly.” 
I’d swoon if a guy told me that, but unfortunately that’s not the most common thing to tell a girl here. It absolutely is what you tell people you like in Beobyra though
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odderancyart · 7 years
Hundla - recipe
The Princess’s favorite The Queen’s favorite!
Only serve it for smaller meetings.
Prepare a 26-er tarte tin for this recipe [[A/N: a 26cm wide round cake tin works for this as well]]. Heat up the oven to medium high heat. [[A/N: translates to 180°C]]
For the crust:
200g white wheat flour
100g white beet sugar
100g cold cow milk butter (Haldor’s note: don’t fucking use goat milk butter ever again, the prince was outraged)
1 whole medium sized chicken egg (H/N: look I don’t know which eggs are the medium sized ones, the former chef cook just told me it are supposed to be medium sized chicken eggs for the entire recipe)
Mix all ingrediences quickly with the hands and then press it into the tin. Let it sit in a cold room while preparing the filling.
For the filling:
200g blanched milled almonds
100g white beet sugar
100g bee honey
75g white wheat flour
4 whole medium sized chicken eggs
200g soft butter
Mix the butter with the sugar and honey until it’s creamy.
Add the flour, then the eggs, then the almonds. In that order! (Shelby’s note: Why in that order?) (H/N: Ask the chef)
Spread the filling evenly on the crust and then smooth it out. Aditionally, you can sprinkle some vanilla sugar onto the filling, it will caramalize nicely while it’s cooking.
Bake for 30-40 minutes until it’s finished. Let cool completely before serving.
[[There it is! The recipe for the Hundla.
Both Odd and I have baked it before and it’s a good cake, trust me.
And pardon the particially weird descriptions of the ingrediences; there are many, many kinds of sugar, eggs, milk, and honey traded across Natéa, so I wanted the recipe to be as authentic as possible. Which is also why I added the small notes from the different cooks. They’d scribble all over the recipes and then rewrite them once the pages get too cluttered.
Also, don’t worry too much about the ingrediences. You can use different kinds of flour, sugar, and even use margarine instead of butter, as I did. And you don’t even have to use blanched almonds. Just use whatever you have at hand. The cooks are all just really franic about that because it has to be perfect for the royal family.
Thank you for reading! <3]]
Submitted by @kyuko-chan because she’s making recipes for the different nations and they’re all great. This is a very, very tasty cake.
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odderancyart · 7 years
The Countries of Natéa
I got the suggestion to do this, so, for those who are curious, here’s a list of the countries in Natéa as well as some facts about them. Well, those who are invented, at least. There’s many countries left on my map.
Under cut due to lenght
Beobyra – Founded about a thousand years ago by the legendary Queen Thyra of dynasty Valkyria who came to find a new place to live for her people. Where she and her people came from is unknown, but they arrived where the capital Thyragård now lies. After hand, the realm expanded, eating up many smaller other countries along their borders who now may or may not remember that they once weren’t Beobyrians.
Ever since the realm’s first days, it has been ruled by the Valkyrias. A family of powerful warrior witches, who are said to be blessed by Beobyra’s great deity; the Mother Goddess.  They’re said to be chosen by Her, and therefore have unquestionable right to the country and its people. At least mostly unquestionable; there has been rebellions, but they have always been dealt with fast and mercilessly. No survivors.
The religion, known in the rest of the world as the Mother’s Temple, and with it the culture of Beobyra is mainly based on the belief that one day a great war between the lost gods and their own goddess will come. It will be the End Times for Natéa. And when that time comes, they will be ready to fight for Her. Therefore, they prepare themselves by warring other nations, by learning how to conquer, and are therefore the rulers of a huge part of Natéa. Battle is very important, because only the bravest, most skilled, most loyal warriors are allowed entrance into the Mother Goddess’ Blessed Lands after death. Everyone else will cease to exist.
 This post have moved to another blog, continue reading here!
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odderancyart · 7 years
We’re writing introductions for inaugural speeches in English class now. 
I got permission to write one of a fictional country, because my teacher knows I write stories. So I am now writing the inaugural speech of Beobyra’s first president. I am having a great time.
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talesfromnatea · 5 years
So I’m writing a new story and one of the characters is a pureblooded faerie named Maddox. He’s got pastel-pink hair, he’s miserable, and showed up out of nowhere one day and started drinking away his problems (whatever those are, he won’t tell anyone), and I love him
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talesfromnatea · 6 years
The Countries of Natéa
Beobyra – Founded about a thousand years ago by the legendary Queen Thyra of House Valkyria who came to find a new place to live for her people. Where she and her people came from is unknown, but they arrived where the capital Thyragård now lies. After hand, the realm expanded, eating up many smaller other countries along their borders who now may or may not remember that they once weren’t Beobyrians.
Ever since the realm’s first days, it has been ruled by the Valkyrias. A family of powerful warrior witches, who are said to be blessed by Beobyra’s great deity; the Mother Goddess.  They’re said to be chosen by Her, and therefore have unquestionable right to the country and its people. At least mostly unquestionable; there has been rebellions, but they have always been dealt with fast and mercilessly. No survivors.
The religion, known in the rest of the world as the Mother’s Temple, and with it the culture of Beobyra is mainly based on the belief that one day a great war between the lost gods and their own goddess will come. It will be the End Times for Natéa. And when that time comes, they will be ready to fight for Her. Therefore, they prepare themselves by warring other nations, by learning how to conquer, and are therefore the rulers of a huge part of Natéa. Battle is very important, because only the bravest, most skilled, most loyal warriors are allowed entrance into the Mother Goddess’ Blessed Lands after death. Everyone else will cease to exist.
However, not only war matters to the country. They’re Natéa’s biggest iron miners, the western and northern borders being completely covered in iron-rich mountains - the Iron Crests, as well as skilled smiths, and has a lot of agriculture. Especially since huge parts of the country is covered in meadows; there is only one single forest in Beobyra, on the border to Aellwyn. The rest of it is smaller mountains, and most of the cities are built on top of these to make them easier to defend.
The climate is cold, due to being as far north as anyone but the bravest adventurers can get before the invention of helicopters. There is a land on the other side of the mountain range, but no one has yet returned from venturing there. Nevertheless, there are a few weeks every year during summer which are very hot (in northern standards, at most 30o C). These are the laziest weeks of the year among the denizens who can afford to be lazy. Most Beobyrians appreciate the cold far more, although the incredibly cold winters (in the northernmost parts of the country the temperature sometimes goes below -30o C) ensures that even the poorest must prioritize proper winter clothing directly after food.
Aellwyn – Beobyra’s closest neighbour, one of the smaller countries around. They lie at the very tip of the Northern Peninsula, and might at one point have been a part of Beobyra. Historians differ on the subject. They have their own royal family, although they’re mostly ruled by their bigger neighbour, and are a part of the Beobyrian Empire. They have so been since the birth of the Empire, being the first conquered country, which did not become an actual part of Beobyra. They share a lot of Beobyra’s culture, however, speaking both Beobyric and worshipping the Mother Goddess.
However, their version of the religion is slightly less violent. They do not believe that you must’ve fought in war to be granted access to the Blessed Lands, instead believing smaller ways of fighting – sometimes just surviving – is enough. Their beliefs lay ground for the modern day general way of worshipping the Mother.
This country is known to be a crime den. Full of corruption and even the royal family is said to be ruled by those with the most money. Especially the smaller coast city Draumarre by the is a favourite place for the darker parts of society. Which is why it’s more known by the name of Pirate’s Port.
Other than crime, they’re surprisingly good at art. Many famous artists of all kinds – painters, authors, dancers – are grown up in Aellwyn. This can supposedly come from the multiculturality of the country. Both criminals, entertainers, and merchants flood into both the port towns and the capital, Seothra, since profit is always good.
In modern days, Seothra is also Natéa’s fashion capital.
Waeldé – A country which is basically a huge forest. Their capital lies in the deepest part of the forest, and the main part of the population are forest sprites and hybrids such as satyrs and centaurs. The country is a couple hundred years old, and was founded by the first people who dared venturing deep into the thick forests.
They’re famous for their natural sciences, such as medicine. Their forest is full of useful and/or deadly herbs, and they know almost all of them. They’re also experts at nature-friendly construction. Many of them live in the trees, with elevators and bridges everywhere to help those who cannot climb for one reason or another to travel among the tree crowns. Other than this, they’re also major wood exporters, obviously.
Their climate is warmer, their winters rarely going beneath -5o and summers often lying on 30o. They pray to their forest, believing it to be the home of spirits even more in contact with nature than the dryads. Their forest is their source of life, after all, and they wish to show it proper respect. It gives them food (plants and animals both), shelter, medicine, and everything else they could possibly need.
Also they are ruled by royalty; a family of satyrs – House Desroches – sit on their throne. However, they’re not owners of the forest like the Valkyrias are the owners of Beobyra. They were chosen by the people rather than by any deity at the beginning of Waeldé and can therefore be replaced.
A hundred years ago they became a part of the Beobyrian Empire, as one of their most treasured subordinate countries, and the Waeldéans are very content with this. They receive protection against both internal and external threats and good business in exchange for taxes and certain non-independence.
Trima – Neighbour to among other countries Waeldé. Trima is a thin but long country, which follows the coast and only goes a few miles away from it. The clear majority of Trimins live along the coast, only a few farmers and craftsworkers taken up the grounds away from the sea. Trima is one of the older countries in this part of the world, even though it has grown the past hundred years.
Their main source of income and necessities is fishing. Almost all Trimins work in the seafood industry, be it as fishers, as fish merchants, at seafood restaurants, or with crafts such as making fishing nets. The few farmers do not suffer any need, being able to sell as much potatoes and carrots and apples as they want. The climate is about as warm as it is in Waeldé, except for the colder winds coming in from the sea. Due to the warmer climate, despite being other-side-of-the-bay neighbours with Beobyra, they can work in the water most parts of the years without risking frostbite.
One unusual thing with Trima is their fashion; due to their long workdays in sometimes waist-high water, the Trimins wear much shorter skirts and even shorts than what is deemed decent in most of the world. Often, they only reach their knees. It is for practicality, but because of this there’s certain stereotypes and rumours going around in other countries about the citizens of Trima all being harlots.
The Trimin worship three goddesses; the Goddess of the Moon, the Goddess of the Sea, and the Goddess of the Sky. These three are said to be wives, and whenever it storms it is because they’re having an argument. Therefore, the Trimin often pray for their goddesses’ marital happiness. There are multiple temples spread across the coast, and a few away from it, for worship, but three main temples. One for each goddess. These are among the oldest buildings in Trima, from before the country was advanced enough to create such a thing on their own. Therefore, they imported architects; the Sea Temple is designed by Peosanira for example.
The country is a theocracy, ruled by a council of each Temple’s High Priest or High Priestess, and not yet a part of the Beobyrian Empire although the Empire seems to have plans to change this.
The Northern Widths - On the other side of the Iron Crests lies the Northern Widths. It is impossible to get here without a helicopter. The sea outside its coasts is too stormy, and the mountains too dangerous to cross. The country is snowy ten out of twelve months, and full of both mountains and plains. Here lives a people of nomads, who mainly works with reindeers and similar animals for a livelihood. Not much is known about it. No one has ever crossed the mountains on foot and lived to tell the story.
Drahenport – On the other side of the Grey Sea lies the Western Continent. The first country you will meet, would you sail from Aellwyn or Beobyra to the closest landmass, is Drahenport. A small country, bordering only to Peosana. Probably it was once part of its neighbour, although this is mostly assumed due to its size, and the fact that they speak Peosàn and worship the deities and spirits mostly known as the Peosani pantheon.
Drahenport is Natéa’s first democracy, and is ruled by a council of chosen representatives. Most of them are retired merchants. Its people – the Draheni – are mainly merchants and crafts workers who do not produce much raw materials of their own. Neither do they grow much of their own food. Most of their resources are imported from Peosana and the rest of Natéa, and they travel over almost all the world on a regular basis. Drahenport’s capital, Drahen, is Natéa’s trade capital.
As earlier mentioned, the Drahenira speak Peosàn – Peosana’s language – and they worship Peosana’s pantheon. This also means that many of them lives after the laws decided by Peosana’s Sanath, despite being in another country. However, while this is the religion most them believe in, the country is full of temples from many, many belief systems. Both for the sake of foreigners and because during their travels some Drahenira have converted.
Peosana – On Drahenport’s southwestern’s side,you’ll find Peosana. The country is a former part of the Beobyrian Empire, but due to a rebellion Beobyra decided they weren’t worth to keep and are now independent once again. Peosana is an incredibly old country, supposedly over two thousand years. Of course, the country hasn’t always looked like today, and has grown and shrunk since its founding. But the name of Peosana can be found in scriptures since that time.
The realm is of a humid, tropical climate, yet somehow sports an enormous oak forest. The Peosanira claims it is because of the spirits preferring this kind of tree, for an unknown reason. This forest is known as Tamyr, and is Peosana’s most holy place. It was after almost they were forced by the Beobyrians to cut it down and then burn the remains the Peosanira rebelled against the Empire, and was left on their own devices.
Their cuisine is full of spices, and they have some of the strongest foods in Natéa.
The realm is ruled by the Sanath, who has supreme power and right over both the country, people, and religion. Peosana is a monarchical theocracy, and the Sanath is believed to not only be chosen by the deities to rule, but is also the High Priest/ess of the religion. The only one wandering the mortal plane who has direct contact with the deities. Therefore, their power is never questioned. If one did that, it would be questioning the deities themselves. For that part, the Peosani pantheon is enormous and has more deities than anyone knows. There are the big ones, such as Zanã and Zalû – the Sun and Moon, and Alith, God of Baking. There’s also ones specific for one area. The River Goddess Salina mostly stays in the City of Salena, which she is the patron deity of. And many families have their own deities. It is a complicated religion, which is sometimes mocked among non-believers just because they have deities for most everything.
Outside of deities, the Peosanira also believes in the spirit world. The entire world is full of spirits stronger than the ones on the mortal plane (such as dryads, ghosts, naiads), and they’re worshipped just as much as the deities. Then there’s the Pravannala – the ancestors – which is an integral part of Peosani culture. Family is the most important thing in life, after serving the Sanath, and even after death it is believed that the ancestors stay around to protect their descendants.
They’re also known for having an impossible amount of festivals and carnivals. Due to their enormous pantheon and spirit world, there is some sort of feast nearly every day in Peosana. However, not all feasts are celebrated everywhere and by everyone, of course. Only the biggest feasts, such as Carai Zalû, Carai Zanã, Valhanha (the harvest feast), and Elinya (Midwinter celebration) are nationally celebrated. But if one goes to Peosana for a vacation, do look through the guide book to see where they’re going to have a festival and go there – if it is open for non-believers, of course. It is the party of a lifetime.
Peosana’s biggest sources of income is agriculture, oak wood, and diamonds. Along their western border toward Elawain enormous mountains rise. These are filled with diamonds. Or they used to be, at least, before Beobyra decided to empty them.
Elawain – Peosana’s frenemy of a neighbour. While there are differences, these two are also quite similar. However, they have been fighting over where the border goes among the mountains for centuries, and that does make friendship harder.
They prefer sweet foods, using a lot of sugar in it. Their architecture is quite unique, since they build only half of their buildings above ground; the parts where people live and cook often lie underground to keep the worst heat out and to get closer to the underground water reserves. Partially due to this, they have developed slightly lighter skin (those who have skin at least) than the Peosanira. It is also a result of covering up their bodies with cool fabrics whenever they leave their homes. This has become cultural by now, and is no longer only for convenience, resulting in the Elawaini doing it even when they’re in colder countries.
Dhurin – More known as the Desert of Dhurin, or Dhurin desert. On another part of the Western Continent lies the enormous desert Dhurin. It’s more than twice the size of Beobyra, which is a big country already. Not much is known about it; its residents - the Dhurinei - do not like foreigners. It is inhabited by tribes of nomads, who spend a lot of their time warring between each other. In the middle of the desert, an enormous city lies. Dhurinelle is it’s name. However, it is mostly empty. It is the place all the tribes gather for meetings or when they feel they’re threatened from the outside. It is incredibly rare anyone dares attack them, though. When someone tries, all the tribes will leave their differences behind and gather into one single army to protect their desert.
A second city exists, but it is abandoned. No one sets their foot inside, and it is believed to bring incredible misery if someone does. Too much pain have been inflicted on the Durinei in there. Only Death lives there now. They call it The Lost City, it’s real name long forgotten.
There’s also a couple tribes of merchants, who are never involved in conflicts outside of selling goods to the warring tribes. They have free access to all parts of the desert, and are highly appreciated among the other tribes. These are the only ones to, although very rarely, leave Dhurin.
Most of the tribes worship the Sun Goddess.
Sdahri - At the northernmost part of the Western continent, lies Sdahri. A relatively big country in size, although it is not very organised. No cities exists, instead its inhabitants all live in thousands of villages spread across the country. Every village is led by a village elder, or a few village elders, who rule the country together through a Council of Elders. Where they meet vary, and it is rarely in the same village twice.
Dolls have a significant meaning in their culture. It is believed they have souls, and must be treated as people; they’re dressed, washed, fed, talked to. How they look change greatly among the different villagers, but all share one trait; red pearls as eyes. This is for luck. It is also believed that a doll which looks like someone else will affect the Sapient, so one better treat it kindly.
It is a quite rocky, barren land. For many, it is pretty grey. Nonetheless, it is a popular place to travel to due to their many hot springs. A perfect place for a relaxing vacation.
Faerie - Is said to be north of the Western continent? The home of the Fae, where their rulers and Courts are said to be. According to myths, it’s possible for anyone to go there, but only the brave or foolish would ever try. If someone’s reached it, they haven’t come back. Only the faerie actually knows if this place is real, however, and none of them would ever tell anyone the truth. Nevertheless, most scholars have concluded that this place does in fact not exist, but who knows?
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talesfromnatea · 6 years
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So! Finally I can answer this with a big Y E S
It’s a couple thousand years after actual NRS takes place. The Beobyrian Empire has spread out over Natéa and they’re no longer content with this, but have colonized space. Crown Princess Erika is on a star cruiser on her way home to their home planet, Natéa - now known simply as Beobyra, the Crown of the Empire of a Thousand Stars. But the trip home is not as peaceful as expected, and the cruiser is attacked!
Some-fucking-how, this smaller rogue spaceship full of space pirates manage to defeat the cruiser - this makes more sense when they’re travelling with actual ships than with spaceships, I must say - and Erika is taken prisoner.
So now she’s held hostage at a small spaceship far far away from her home galaxy, with a bunch of  s p a c e  p i r a t e s  who are the descendants of the Natéans who left their planet centuries ago to find somewhere else to live, away from the Beobyrians and their empire.
Of course they’re gonna get stuck in a asteroid belt and go to That One Planet where all the criminals go for a drink, and probably hear some slimy space woman sing swing like in Star Wars while Erika watches in disgust because the place has No Class at all. Surprise surprise, since it’s full of space criminals. That’s also where we find Bluebell, my darling, whose backstory might be a bit more like (Star Wars: The Force Awaken’s) Rey’s this time, with parents leaving and running after the spaceship as it disappears. Which is funny because Rey is his middle name, and has been for months so that isn’t something I just made up if anyone thought that.
It’d be glorious and honestly I’d kill to see this drawn. Anything of it but especially them in a space tavern
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talesfromnatea · 6 years
World-buliding sounds really cool. What part of it did you like working on most? ;00
Ohh difficult question.
Beobyra is my favourite country in Natéa, much because it’s a country that’s based on my own history: the vikings. I absolutely love studying the vikings and getting to create my own Norse-inspired realm with my own twist has been super fun. 
Peosana is also such a lovely place and I just. Find it fascinating. Their culture is basically the complete opposite to Beobyra and I have absolutely adored exploring it. Plus it’s just so damn pretty. The name was created before they had a culture, but as soon as I had the name I just knew this country was going to have Aesthetic™. Because the name is so pleasing to me, really soft and elegant, and the culture had to match this.
Then of course there’s all these mythological beings in Natéa that must fit into the culture and physics, which is incredibly interesting as well. How do faeries and hulders and rocs and nagas fit into the same world - a world where they’re just as normal as a human or a rabbit? So interesting. And how does this change the culture and humanity’s way of living? Even more interesting. I love culture.
In the end of the day though, I think my favourite part is the religions. I am fascinated with religion in real life - got all A’s in Religious Studies - and building up new ones is incredibly fun. Monotheistic or polytheistic? Who is/are the heads of the religions? What kind of deities are they - almighty, more “human” with flaws and preferences? This will also shape the culture which is incredibly important: compare Beobyra’s war-loving Mother Goddess with Peosana’s huge pantheon of different deities + their beliefs in the spirit world, or Waeldé’s worship of the forest spirits to Trima’s Three Goddesses, and you have so much to do and explore!!!
The most difficult part, however, is the naming process: there’s so much that need names. Countries, cities, oceans, mountains- The list is endless. I wouldn’t have survived this part without @kyuko-chan, she’s been an absolute star. With all of the worldbuilding, not only the naming of things.
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odderancyart · 6 years
Okay for the new prompt can you do Space AU with Accidental Marriage with Erica and Rahil?
The future empress of the Empire of a Thousand Stars has left her homeplanet to meet a possible future spouse in another solar system, but on the way there’s huge technical problems with her spaceship and they crash on an insignificant planet where people live in small villages instead of cities, or spread out across the planet’s surface. The only thing special about it is the view; it has the most magnificent star sky, which is so very visible due to that the planet’s citizen do not use modern technics to light up, but instead use camfpires and torches to get light. Only two people survive; you guessed it, Erika and one of the mechanics; Rahil.
Unfortunately, this planet is one of the few around not conquered by the Empire, and its people is very hostile against Beobyra. If they found out its future empress is on their planet, things would end badly. But of course the two can’t stay in hiding forever - partially because there’s nowhere to hide. No caves or anything. Desperate, they make up a story: they’re newly married and have come here for their honeymoon to watch the stars. And of course neither is from Beobyra, no no. They’re both from a small town on the planet Alloria. 
So they nervously approaches one of the few inns on the planet and asks to stay there until the next space shuttle arrives in a few days. Unfortunately, as they’re claiming to be married, they get a room with a single double bed. Rahil sleeps on the floor, he’s gonna get an achy back, poor guy. 
They spend all of the week together, avoiding to talk to people, especially as the news of the Crown Princess’ disappeared space ship reaches them and the planet is celebrating. As much as they can, they are outside stargazing because they don’t wanna be around the inhabitants of this world and as they do, they start to talk of course, and get to know each other really well, and woah look at that they might be falling in love?
Then the space shuttle comes and they escape home to Beobyra, but as they talk about what happened, they find out one small detail they hadn’t counted with. According to the planet’s laws, claiming you’re married is enough to make you married. And according to interplanetary law… well those laws have to be honoured, and since divorces ain’t really a thing for Beobyrians unless it’s absolutely necessary… 
That’s the story about how a mechanic accidentally became the emperor of a multi-galaxian empire.
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odderancyart · 6 years
Bingo-requests: Can you do Summer Sports Event AU with the HSAU characters?
(Dammit I forgot “summer” but have sports event with HSAU. Also I am very happy this AU got requested?!)
The sun shone warmly as Razz made her way through Thyragård’s narrow streets. Trees and ivy seemed to embrace the streets, and as autumn approached, the leaves were turning red and orange, shining in the sunshine. Marmalade snorted, throwing with her head beneath her rider. Her steps quickened, threatening to go straight from walking to a gallop, and Razz held her as a city train silently passed by. Through the dark windows, she could see faces press against the glass, staring at her and her horse. Then they were gone.
She took a deep breath, attempting to calm her pounding heart. Anxiety coiled in her stomach. Before her, Thyragård’s great arena towered, its stone walls covered in ivy and grapevines. The solar cells on the roof powered the whole building this time of year. To the winter, it would need support by the city.
Hundreds of students gathered outside, and she saw two horse trailers around a corner on the way to the stables. Marmalade danced to the side. Sighing, Razz leaned forward to pet her, tell her to calm down. She was perfectly capable of handling crowds, now she was just being silly.
A group of teens in the forest green uniforms of Desroches had gathered in front of the entrance to the main arena. The knot in her stomach tightened. Quickly, she looked herself over, biting her lip hard. Her black boots were polished, shining in the sunlight. Her black breeches were clean and elegant, and her traditional red shirt was as well. Marmalade and the equipment were spotless. There was no reason, no reason, for her heart to speed when she saw the uniforms. For her throat to tie up, making it hard to breathe. Sweat gathered in her palm as she clenched the reins, reaching back to ensure her bow and quiver were perfectly positioned on her back.
The shout made her turn around just in time to see Blue, Fell, and Red step off the train. Blue was waving wildly as she pulled Fell along, and Red strolled after, grinning widely. Razz’s heart slowed, just a tad, and she let out a breath of relief. Dismounting Marmalade, she took the reins in one hand and braced herself for when Blue would reach her. Just in time. She stumbled backwards as Blue threw her arms around her neck, hugging her tightly. With a chuckle, she hugged back. 
“Mother, I haven’t seen you in ages!” Blue let her go, grinning widely at her before she started petting Marmalade. Fell was already doing it, running her fingers through her mane. Razz had considered braiding it, but mounted archery didn’t seem a proper occasion for braided manes. “How have your practice been? Do you think you’ll win? I know I have a great feeling about the football! And Red’s going to own the wrestling!” She slapped her hands together in excitement.
Much to Razz’s delight, a pale blush lit up Red’s cheeks as he rubbed his neck. “Shut up, Blue,” he mumbled, averting his eyes.
“It’s only been a week,” Razz replied. Lilypond had parted the students into groups as they practiced for today. As Blue and Fell both were in the football team, they’d been at the school, while Razz and the other equestrians had been around the Thyragård stables.
“But it felt like months.”
Chuckling, Razz turned to Fell, who just smiled at her as Marmalade buffed at her side, searching for treats. Fell stuck her hand into her pocket, fishing up some hard bread which she held out to the horse. “Shall we go then?”
Razz placed a hand on Marmalade’s neck, burying her fingers in her fur. Slowly, she nodded. Red took goodbye, leaving to go prepare for his own competition. Turning around was a challenge, but she did, and she ignored the Desroches students as she and her friends made their way past them, to the grass meadow inside the building. Her entire body felt tense, although it did help to have her friends with her. Pursing her lips, which were painted with dark purple lipstick, she glanced over toward the Desroches-student who’d compete for her old school. This was the biggest youth sports-tournament in the city, every school participated.
Within a few seconds, she recognized the girl in Desroches-green. Freydis af Dreyma, the granddaughter of Viscount af Dreyma. Her blood grew cold. Freydis met her eyes. For a moment, she held hope she wouldn’t be recognized; she did look different now. But then the other smirked, handing the reins of her horse over to another. Razz inhaled slowly, straightening, as Freydis began walking toward them. Fell gave her a confused gaze.
Closing her eyes briefly, Razz steeled herself. A scowl settled on her face as when she opened her eyes, finding Freydis only meters away.
“Razz!” Freydis sang. Adrenaline rushed through Razz when she heard that familiar voice, and she seized up. “Didn’t expect to see you here! How are you doing at your new public school?”
Turning until she was completely facing her, Razz glared. “Just fine,” she replied stiffly. “A thousand times better than I did in your hellhole of a school. Leave me alone.”
“Aw don’t be rude.” An arm over her shoulders. The familiar weight had her flinching away, ducking out of reach. Freydis looked unimpressed. “Did you dye your hair? And purple, of all colours. Trying to impersonate Fae to feel special?”
“Hey!” Blue’s exclamation was so sudden Razz twitched. Suddenly her friend was in-between her and her former classmate, glaring at Freydis.
A surprised chuckle. “Oh? Who’s this? Razz?”
Fell stepped forward, crossing her arms over her chest. With her tall stature, she made for an intimidating picture. “Razz’s friends. Her best friends. And she obviously doesn’t want to talk with you why don’t you go the fuck away.”
“Finally found some buds, huh?” Freydis mocked, though she did recoil a step. Her smile was overweening as she threw her braid over her shoulder, turning her back to them. “Or perhaps you paid for them to pretend?”
Blue opened her mouth to reply, but before she could, Freydis left. Razz sagged as the other two turned toward her. “Yeah,” she said. “Pretty obvious why Slim and I changed school, huh?”
As they stared at her, she bit her lip hard. Please don’t pity me. She couldn’t handle it if they did. Holding her breath, she waited.
A few seconds later, Blue’s expression hardened. She glared at Freydis, who was now back with her horse. “Razz. You’re going to destroy her in mounted archery, alright? Or I’ll beat her up myself.”
A laugh full of disbelief escaped Razz. Stroking Marmalade’s hairline, she nodded. “I’ll try.”
“No.” Fell narrowed her eyes. “You will, Razz. Fucking disintegrate her.”
The knot in Razz’s stomach eased, and she smiled. The bad feelings were still there, but as she watched her friends, they felt considerably easier to bear. “You’re right I fucking will.”
The arena was silent. Not a sound outside of the snorting of horses and the bows being prepared. The crowd gathered was enormous; everyone wanted to see Beobyra’s national sport. Razz’s heart pounded in her chest as she watched the latest competitors leave the field, dismounting their horse and downing a bottle of water. She breathed through her nose, and Marmalade danced beneath her, impatient to get started.
“Last out,” the speakers called, “is Razz Valkyria and her horse Marmalade, from Lilypond.”
Pressing her calves against Marmalade’s sides, the steered her horse out on the field, where targets lined the walls. Marmalade threw with her head, muscles working beneath her rider, prepared to at any time break into gallop. Razz stretched the bow string, triple-checking everything was in order. The starting signal rang. Applying gentle pressure, she had Marmalade in gallop over the field, snorting loudly in joy.
In one smooth movement, she pulled an arrow from her quiver, placed it on the string, drew the bow, and released. It hit its target with a thump. Without checking how well it hit, she drew another arrow. And another. Another. Her heart pounded in her chest, but her breathing was calm, controlled. The targets flashed by, and she rose in the stirrups for one shot. The targets and Marmalade’s movements was the whole world.
At the end of the field, she leaned to the side in the saddle, and Marmalade did a full turn before continuing back from where they came from. Razz released another few arrows, and they went over the finish line. Leaning back, she had Marmalade breaking into trot before she stopped. A loud cheering rose through the arena. Grinning, she petted the horse’s neck, and dismounted as Blue and Fell came speed-walking. Blue threw herself into her arms.
“That was amazing! It was so fast and you’re so good at this Razz it was incredible!”
“It was indeed adequate,” Fell said, though she was grinning just as widely as Blue.
Marmalade neighed softly, buffing at Razz’s arm. With a chuckle, she produced a piece of horse candy which she gave her. “Good girl.”
Now they only had to wait for the results.
“Third place…” A breathless atmosphere laid over the field as they waited. Fell squeezed Razz’s hand, and Razz clenched onto Marmalade’s mane. Sitting relaxed on the horse was hard, she wanted to scream. But she couldn’t, obviously. “…is Freydis af Dreyma and Desroches!”
It felt like all air had gone out of her. Biting her teeth together, Razz watched Freydis ride on the field, smiling triumphantly. Hate flashed through her, and she forced down the tears.
Blue glanced up at her. “Hey don’t give up yet. You did amazing. Perhaps you won.”
Without answering, Razz glared up at the skies. She didn’t believe in the Mother Goddess, but if she did exist, she seemed a cruel parent. Not that she knew much about good parenting. Blue’s dads were pretty nice, but that was about it.
“Second place…” said the speaker, though Razz was only half listening, “…is Razz Valkyria and Lilypond!”
For a moment, she couldn’t process. Blue’s squeal woke her up, and she straightened, staring wide-eyed at the speakers.
“Go,” Fell commanded, and automatically she obeyed. It wasn’t until she and Marmalade stood next to Freydis she realized, and she couldn’t help but grin as she saw Freydis’ furious expression. Razz didn’t hear who got the first place, and she didn’t care. She didn’t recognize them as they showed up next to them.
As they cantered the victory lap, she saw Fell and Blue cheering, and by their side was both Slim and Red now, cheering as well. Her heart soared.
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odderancyart · 6 years
And to finish my ask spree, 23& 40 with ErikaxRahil
23. Performer AU
40. Almost Kiss
And I am adding on Modern AU myself
Alright so it might be a little different from most Performer AUs? Because neither Rahil nor Erika is the performer - it’s Fiya. Fiya, with her heavenly voice, managed to sing them out of the orphanage they’d grown up in since their legal guardians lived on the street, and got taken in by a famous singer in Cherlian, and taught the craft. 
Flash forward a few years, and she’s famous. And now I mean really famous, because her singing is amazing and she both sings traditional Peosani songs and writes her own, and is just overall a charismatic, kind individual. Plus she’s been in multiple magazines because people wanna talk about how she managed to go from homeless prostitute’s daughter to superstar, yanno?
And so she’s invited to sing at a charity gala in Thyragård to raise money for the countries who still have problems from either a) being in the Beobyrian Empire, or b) being forced to take care of themselves as the Empire was disbanded (because that’s a thing. Many countries thrived under Beobyra’s protection, just like other countries suffered.) Of course her loyal twin brother comes with her, since they rarely leave the other’s side.
Among the guests is Erika Valkyria, descendant of the ancient family who ruled Beobyra for 1500 years before the Revolution. Ms. Valkyria is one of the country’s best businesspeople (since she legally couldn’t become a politician, being a Valkyria) and one of the most important investors in the cause of healing the remains of her ancestors’ empire. 
Rahil somehow manages to get seated by her side, and yeah, he’s still not exactly fitting in perfectly with the elite even if he has better manners in this AU? But he’s charming as hell when he wants to be and Erika can’t help but feel drawn toward him. They talk all night, and Fiya sings like never before.
She’s disappointed to part with him? She’s only known him for a night and yet she wants to continue their discussion she had fun. Making a lightning fast decision, she invites the two to the little dinner she’s hosting in two days - to make them feel welcome in Thyragård, of course, and because she’s really used to be pleasant to foreigners since some hold her ancestry against her (she IS very proud to be descended of kings and queens, of Queen Thyra herself, but sometimes it’s hard). 
They dine, and despite her best efforts to be polite with everyone she finds herself mostly talking with this Rahil Koiree. After dinner it’s socializing, and somehow she ends up taking a walk with Rahil through her garden in the moonlight (personally I’d bet Fiya distracted the other guests because she noticed her brother being enarmoured with this Beobyrian and she has never seen him having a crush before - because he’s greyromantic so he literally hasn’t).
They stop by the fountain, sitting down and having a chat, and they lean into each other’s body warmth in the chilly night. The only light comes from the star sky, and the faint lights from inside her city manor. A wind blows by, and he shivers, unused to the cold, and she leans in closer without thinking, and they’re gazing into each other’s eyes. Their hearts are pounding and they lean in closer, and Rahil has taken her hands and their lips are almost touching-
And Murdermallow comes running, shoving herself in-between them and staring suspiciously at Rahil. A staffmember is soon out, apologizing profusely, and the moment is over as Erika stand, brushing off her suit and telling them not to worry, and “Mr Koiree, I believe we should go inside to the other guests again.”
As they go in, Rahil hides his hands in his pockets, and she clenches hers, to avoid reaching out for the other again.
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talesfromnatea · 6 years
How about 4,5 and 7!?
4: physically strongest/most fit?
Oh. Hard question. I can easily say who is the weakest, but strongest? Well.
It must be Rahil, honestly. He’s very used to hard work, fighting, and also has the advantage of being male. So yes. Rahil it is.
5: What scars/birthmarks do your OC(s) have?
All the scars! Though seriously, except for Bluebell everyone is very scarred. Bluebell only has a few of those miniature scars you can get from sewing needles. Everyone else… well. The most noticeable one is the long scar running by Erika’s left eye. 
Other than that, everyone’s got hundreds of little ones. They’re all used to fighting and working hard, and in Beobyra scars are actually seen as badges of honour, so whenever Erika or Vali have been hurt during battle training, the healers do their best to let the scars remain. Rahil, Samiha, and Fiya all just have received a thousand scars from their dangerous lives.
7: Gives the best hugs?
Rahil! Because he has soft belly and strong arms! He will give you bear hug! It’ll be very great and cosy and safe!
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talesfromnatea · 6 years
I was listening to Hamilton-songs and really wanted to start a revolution. But because I can’t do that, nor have any characters who can rebel, I wrote this instead
The sky was grey. Impenetrable by sunlight. Everything was silent as Erika steered her horse forward. With her brother by her side, she rode past the lines of soldiers, a solemn expression on her face. The wind was warm against her cheeks. Beneath Marmalade’s hooves, the dry grass crackled. She could feel the soldiers’ gazes on her, following her every moment.
“At attention,” Vali commanded. There was a loudness at their precise movements, when they all acted together. Not as individuals, but as a unit.
Marmalade threw with her head as they stepped closer to the army. Erika stood in the stirrups, and the army held its breath. A few sunbeams had broken through the cloud cover, and her armour shimmered. She smirked. Placing her hand on her sword grip, she spoke.
“The battle is approaching,” she declared. The words carried far over the silent meadow. A few strands of escaped baby hair tickled her face, having fallen out of her updo. “It is going to be the final one. Today we defeat these rebels once and for all. Today we take back what is ours. Today, we crush our enemies.”
She drove Marmalade forward a few steps, watching the army closely. No one moved. “It will be dangerous. They’re desperate. Many of us will not return home, but instead leave for the Mother’s Blessed Lands. Those will be honoured, both here and in the Lands. And the those we meet on the battlefield -“ her voice darkened, but her eyes shone. “-they will all face the Nothingness. When we return to Beobyra, it will be with honour. We will have secured the Empire’s borders.”
With her heart pounding in her chest, Erika grinned widely. An image of her home flashed through her mind. Of Rahil and their children, waiting at home. Waiting for their return. The sound of metal against leather was loud as she unsheathed her sword, raising it above her head. At her left, Vali followed. The army copied their general, and thousands of swords and spears glittered in the sunshine which had overpowered the clouds. An ocean of steel.
“In honour of the Mother, and for Beobyra, on this day we will fight.” Determination shone in her eyes as she watched her soldiers. “And we will win. The blood of those who dare oppose us will water these lands. May we destroy them as swiftly as we have every time before!”
At her exclamation, a roar rose from the soldiers. They cheered for their queen, for the victory which awaited them. It signalled their bloodthirst, their readiness for battle. Erika sat down in the saddle, a grin covering her face. Good.
Vali’s horse stepped forward. At his signal, a drummer hit his drum twice. Immediately, everyone quieted. Awaited orders from their general or their queen. “The Allorian army is approaching quickly,” he said. “We have chosen our battlefield. Ready to march!”
With the infantry in the middle, and the cavalry units at the sides, the march began. The sound of thousands of soldiers and horses, moving in unison, in perfect synchronization, must be audible for miles. Which was exactly what they wanted. Let the Allorians know how many they were. How small a chance they stood. Let their soldiers cower in fear when they saw them.
Adrenaline rushed through her veins as she and Vali rode side by side at the front line. Her grin widened as the sun completely broke through. A sign from the Mother, surely. In the corner of her eye, she glanced at her brother. His expression was calculating but he, too, was grinning.
“How hard will they fight?” Erika asked, letting out a quiet laugh.
Vali chuckled, turning in the saddle to watch their army before looking at her. “Desperately, but they don’t stand a chance. According to my spies, most of their forces have been lost in earlier battles. This? This is a last, hopeless attempt.”
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