alesodiabo666 · 17 days
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cerebella ᵎ ᵎ ₊˚
collab drawing but im alone yet
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murcis-gallereon · 5 years
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BeoBella -- Skullgirls sprite-edit
Remember when Bowsette was everywhere for what felt like 3 months?  Yeah, this is that, but with Vice-Versa and Beowulf.  Reupload because of some stupid nonsense with Tumblr.
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macabreturtle · 6 years
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I was lurking @icey-skullgirls-edits blog when I saw a post about Beowulf wearing Vice Versa like the Super Crown which gave me an idea to make a quick sketch on my take on BeoBella 😂
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whitemamba · 7 years
I've been thinking about this one forest werewolf au I had for beobella once since yesterday and i cant get it out of my head i need this to top i cant let this couple take control of my brain before i finish the OW stickers pls have MERCY......
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fortunate-feline · 9 years
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xelectrosplash · 9 years
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rad-gamer-dude · 9 years
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shoopuf Is this what Beo would look like during a night with Cerebella?
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whitemamba · 7 years
i just finished ffxv and i have two things to say (spoiler free):
-okay fine this game is good and the story made me emotional and honestly fuck u square enix but also thank you
-that last scene was so extra literally who cares about luna fuck.
-Chapter 8 forward made me love Prompto and Ignis suddenly idk what happened but they’re bae.
-Not enough aranea honestly. Not enough girls H O N E S T L Y. Luna doesn’t count cause she’s plot device.
-i just checked and i didnt know the whole game that noct is 20 and iris is 15 and i’m so distressed cause i was shipping them cause i thought everyone was 17 years old bc square enix always makes everyone 17 years old anD HONESTLY WHY DIDNT I CHECK THEIR AGES BEFOREHAND DID BEOBELLA TEACH ME NOTHING??????? those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it is what i’m saying
- at least my back up ship prompto/noct is aight i guess
thats more than two things but fuck i have so much to say but yeah this game is aight
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cryptid-clowns · 9 years
Beobella is such a cute ship though
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madamlunar-blog · 9 years
you know exactly which couple i want u to do that meme for
Who cried when they brought their child home for the first time: Beowulf, 100%, Bella had to take the time to calm him down cause he was a blubbering mess.
Who would wake up in the middle of the night to check on the kid(s): They’d take turns doing this tbh, tho Beo is all for making sure his little pup is alright.
Who changes the kid(s) diapers: For the longest time Bella was on her own with changin diapers cause lemme tell you Beo struggled, even after taking one of those silly classes and everything.
Who makes the bottles: Bella makes the bottles, Beo feeds, Teamwork!
Who stays up late at night to rock the kid(s) to sleep and sing them lullabys: omdsmsmfkdm oH GOD Beowulf for sure, he doesn’t have the sweetest sounding voice, but he tries his damnedest, and it works pretty much every time!
Who is guilty of spoiling the kid(s): Beowulf, Beowulf, Beowulf all god damn day. Whether it be getting them a toy or getting them a triple scoop of their favorite ice cream he’s on top of it.
Who would give the kid(s) cookies in the middle of the night: Beowulf, tho he gets scolded by Bella for feeding the kiddo sugar so late at night.
Who always takes the kid(s) side: Beowulf, again. He just cannot say no to their precious little baby face.
Who would wake up early to make breakfast for the kid(s) before school: Both, it’s a team effort (specially if/and/or when they have more kids)
Who gets the kid(s) ready for school in the morning: Bella, why? Cause Beo, being one who doesn’t like being told what to wear would let the kid go out in just about whatever they wanted to.
Who takes the kid(s) to school: They take turns on this one too, whoever isn’t super busy that day takes em, same with pickin em up.
Who goes to parent teacher conferences: Both, and Beo’s always the one who gets all gloaty when the teacher gives even one good report.
Who will be the first to suggest to have ‘the talk’ with the kid(s): Ohhh boy, tbh I like to think they got caught in the midst of doin the do one night so they kinda had no choice but to sit and talk about it cause they weren’t lettin go of the fact that their dad was on top of their mom like that y’know.
Who would choose their child(s) prom outfit: Bella, she hooks em up real good too, giving her daughter all these tips about how to be cute and tellin her what to do if her date tries anything behind their backs hehe.
Who would cry when the kid(s) go off to college: oH NO OH NO. Both, but Beo would be a lot more… Pathetic about it. He’d be sobbing about how he didn’t wanna see his baby go and Bella would only end up cryin along with him as she’s tryin to comfort him.fuckfugck they’re so cute.
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whitemamba · 8 years
Ok but consider this: One of Beo and Bella’s daughters grows up to be flat chested, and Cerebella jokes one day that she probably got that from Beo’s side of the family.
Beowulf harrumphs, offended and places his hand right in between his pecs and goes “Excuse me? Have you ever seen a rack this sweet?? Please.”
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whitemamba · 9 years
Beobella new years headcanons?
honestly my beobella new years aesthetic is Bella getting drunk af because I love tiny drunk Bella and I love Beo having to deal with her dirty old man ways. Also I love the idea of her hurrying him up so they can go home and get laid only to pass out on the bed and wake up an hour later, still tipsy and going “WAIT... DID WE DO IT?” and Beowulf gently pats her head and goes “Yeah... yeah we did, we had lots of sex. Lots of it! Lots of it, so go back to sl--”
And bella blinks then squints her eyes and goes “... You sure?”
“Yea--You, uh, you were great. So go back to sleep, your head’s gonna kill you tomorrow if you stay up”
Bella just gives him a silly grin and nods: “Yeah, thought so... I’m always great.”
And then she just drops her head back down on her pillow and Beo snickers while he covers her up with blankets.
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whitemamba · 9 years
Any beobella christmas headcanons?
OKAY SO i was thinking about this for several days and i first i figured I’d cook up a funny, sexy idea but then something came to mind.
Close to christmas, they’re out buying tons of presents with Feng. Beo doesn’t particularly like christmas because like most people he’s not a big fan of having to look for presents (and he also has a hard time figuring out what the perfect present for each person is since he ain’t too perceptive) Cerebella’s like HELLA into it though, and it’s kind of contagious so in the end he’s like aight i’ll go with you and help you carry the 93849482 gifts you gotta buy for everyone at the circus.
After a really busy morning, the three of them have pretty much all their presents sorted out and while they’re eating ice cream, Beowulf jumps up–He forgot to buy something for Bella. So he directly asks her what does she want–No need to beat around the bush.
Bella just shakes her head, though. She doesn’t want anything. Beowulf huffs–She has to want SOMETHING, I mean she loves christmas this much she must be expecting presents too, right?? But Bella insists she doesn’t want anything and Feng warns him to not push her anymore, that she’s always been like this. Beo huffs again, he WANTS to give her something though…
As Bella walks away to go to the bathroom telling him one more time that she doesn’t want anything, Feng explains to him that when she was little, when they asked her what she wanted for Christmas once, she said she wanted to find out what had happened to her parents. Troubled, everyone told her that wasn’t possible because no one really knew, so she had to ask for something else. Bella refused to ask for anything else, though, since that was what she wanted more than anything, and ever since then, she didn’t take any presents she was given. She had tried to find out the truth by herself once she was old enough to investigate, but found no information whatsoever. Feng confesses that she thinks the Medicis had intervened and purposefully kept the truth from her–It’s just impossible for someone to disappear like that in the city without them knowing something about it.
Beo frowns and nods, and decides that he knows what he’ll give her for christmas, then: The truth about her parents.
The thing is, he isn’t really the smartest guy for the job, y’know. So he gets Annie to help him since she’s way smarter and also knows how to stay off the Medicis radar.
They both investigate (well more like Annie investigates and Beo follows her to look angry and scary in case they need to interrogate someone) and eventually they’re led to Big Band, who is known for having a grudge against the Medicis so he’ll have no problem leading them down the right path if he knows anything about Bella’s parents’ disappearance. He tells them it’s an old case, though, and that unfortunately he can’t help them. He offers them to talk to Irvin instead since he still has access to the police archives and also doesn’t particularly like the Medicis so he’d be willing to help them without alerting them.
When they find Irvin, he offers his help but unfortunately finds nothing about the case, not even a missing persons’ report. He does have something, though: During the time period when her parents disappeared, there was a known murderer who worked for the Medicis, doing their dirty jobs until he got on their bad side and they decided to toss him to the police to get rid of him. Since then he’s been rotting in jail but soon he would be executed as he killed a prisoner recently in a riot. He doubts he knows much or if he did it at all, but if he knows something he’ll probably spit it out since he has nothing to lose anymore.
Beowulf and Annie go visit the man in question, escorted by Irvin to not raise any suspicions. Just like he said, the man has seemingly given up on life and doesn’t really react to any banter, only raising his head when Annie mentions the Medicis. He smiles like he misses those times--He was given free range, free to take whichever life he wanted as long as it didn’t go against the Medicis plans. Trying to hide her disgust, she asks him if he knows anything about the disappearance of two people, the mother and father of a child who owned a hat-like parasite named Vice-versa.
The man’s eyes shine.
“Ah... the woman with the hat.”
Beowulf and Annie look at each other in confusion, because Bella was a baby back then, not a woman. The man explains that her mother wore the hat before her, and that the Medicis were interested in it and wanted her to sell it to them. She refused, though, and even explained to them that the hat didn’t work with anyone but herself and her daughter, as she had recently discovered. Vitale then offered her to work with them instead as their hitman, but she refused to involve her beloved with something so dangerous. Tensions grew until Dahlia proposed to simply kill the parents and keep the girl.
He casually confesses that killing them was difficult, since he had to wait for a moment where Vice-versa was not in use so it didn’t know what happened to its owners, but it was fun nonetheless (Annie has to grab Beowulf’s arm to stop him from jumping on him), and that getting rid of their bodies was easy. Taking care of the baby was the hard part. It cried so much, he felt tempted to kill her, but Dahlia arrived just in time to stop him.
By this point Beowulf’s just furious and lunges forward only to be stopped by Annie and Irvin (with Irvin whimpering and feeling like he’s trying to stop a truck from moving lmao), hollering about how can he be so calm about killing two innocent people like that--Bella’s parents--that he should KILL HIM INSTEAD AND SEE HOW HE LIKES IT...
The man just shrugs, listless, and asks him to go ahead. He’s already dead, anyway.
It takes a while for Annie to calm Beowulf down so he doesn’t end up in jail for murder himself. When he finally recovers his composure, the man stands up and walks to his bed, picking up a box. It’s filled with random trinkets, and Irvin whispers: 
“They’re trophies. His last wish was to be able to look through the box again.”
“Ah... yes. Her mother was wearing this that night.”
He hands Annie a beautiful white hair pin. It isn’t really expensive, but it still shines like it’s made of diamonds.
“Keep it. It’s nothing but garbage now.”
After leaving the cell and thanking Irvin for all his help, they walk away in anguished silence. After half an hour of walking without saying a word to each other, Beowulf finally grumbles:
“I guess... I guess I should tell her.”
“Should you?”
Annie looks up at him with a frown.
“What is that going to accomplish, exactly?”
“Uh, I dunno, but.. it’s the right thing to do, right?”
“Beowulf, for once in your life, think. What’s going to happen to her if you tell her that the family who raised her and that she loves so dearly was the reason she’s an orphan? That the man she loved so many years orchestrated her parents murder just so he could use her as a tool?”
“... I’ll... break her heart.”
“But... the truth is always something good to know, isn’t it?” He mutters, naively. “And I--I can’t lie to Bella. I can’t do that to her--I can’t...”
“Beowulf.” She’s in her stern mother persona now. “This is going to break her. Who knows what she’ll try to do? Either of us can agree that anyone in these circumstances will not react well.”
“But she has to know the truth about her family! Or are we gonna let her keep believing those bastards are good people!? She still refuses to believe they had anything to do with Grendel’s death--So this...!”
“Listen, I’m not saying that we should let her continue living her life with a blindfold, but this is not the way to reveal her the truth! It’s too much, Beowulf! Who knows if she’ll even believe us! We have to start with something smaller, not with the murder of the people she loved the most!”
Beo frowns deeply, struggling with his basic instinct to always do the right thing, always do what a hero should do, and the fact that what Annie says does make sense.
“I can’t force you to keep quiet. But just... think about it.”
Then she motions for him to give her his hand and she places the hair pin on it..
“And think it fast.”
Confused, he looks at her and realizes she’s looking behind him. He turns around, and sees Cerebella walking towards them happily. She stops on her tracks when realizes the gloomy atmosphere around them.
“Geez, what’s up with you guys? Did somebody die?”
They both flinch. Haha oh boy. Annie fakes her best happy smile and shakes her head, assuring her that everything is fine. She says goodbye to both of them, giving Beowulf a meaningful look before walking away, and Bella holds onto his arm.
“Alright, something’s going on here.”
“Annie’s a great actress, but you? You just suck--Worst fake smile I’ve seen, and not only on TV.”
“Hey, now.” He can’t help but grin a little at the insult, but it’s true--The grin soon drops down into a worried expression instead.
“... Something is really wrong.” Now she’s worried, too. “Did you... did you find anything about my parents?”
Beowulf does a double take. “H-how...!?”
“Feng told me about your idea. She wanted me to talk some sense into you, but I guess I found you too late.”
“... Yeah.”
“So? Did you find anything?”
Beowulf swallows, the hair pin in his hand reminding him of Annie’s words.
“Nope. Found nothin’ at all.”
Bella chuckles. “Thought so! I’ve been looking for info for years, ya know. And I’m a pretty good sleuth--But I couldn’t find a thing. I guess they really disappeared into thin air--Maybe they were magicians!”
She’s trying to sound cheerful but Beowulf knows she’s not. He just does. He knows her well enough to hear the sadness in her tone of voice. She presses her cheek to his arm, smiling gently.
“Don’t be so sad. I’m alright, really. I have you, and Vice-versa. I have Feng, I have Dahlia, the cirque des cartes and the Medicis. I’m alright.”
Beowulf doesn’t even try to force a smile anymore. He just looks up and inhales to try and calm himself down.
“What is that in your hand?”
He finally looks down and open it. The hairpin looks so tiny in his hand, yet Bella still gasps at how beautiful it is.
“Is it for me?”
“... I... uh...”
“... Or is it for you?”
Beowulf snorts, and manages to joke: “Dunno. I don’t think white really suits me. I could buy a pink one one of these days, though.”
“Snrk. Idiot.”
She takes the hairpin and puts it on, then looks a him expectantly. Beowulf smiles.
“It looks great.” She snickers and grabs his hand, making him cup the side of her face. “But I though you didn’t take christmas gifts.”
“Hm... I’m thinking maybe I’m too old to keep doing that. Maybe I’ll change the rules a little.”
“Change the rules?”
She smiles.
“I’m okay taking christmas gifts from family like you.”
Beowulf freezes up for a moment, his throat tight. He never thought in his life that words could make him feel so happy and sorrowful at the same time, jesus. Before Bella can see his expression, he hugs her tightly and she giggles on his chest, her voice muffled.
“Merry Christmas, champ.”
He swallows one more time as if to push the truth down his throat, and nods.
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whitemamba · 9 years
Beobella :3c
THATS EXACTLY THE COUPLE I WANTED YALL TO ASK ME FOR im so happy i havent talked about them for a while
1) Which one picks the other up like a lost puppy under the rain
I’m not really sure what this means but when it comes to picking up Beowulf does it to Bella a LOT since she’s so tiny and light and it’s kinda hard to resist the urge to princess carry her everywhere (Except when she’s being difficult so he just carries her over his shoulder while she protests)
2) Which one washes the other’s hair
Cerebella definitely washes Beo’s hair and he enjoys the scritch scratchies so much he lets out a low growl like a really happy wulf.
3) Which one does the other’s nails
Bella does Beowulf’s when they’re both bored af. Beo does try once but it’s a total disaster because it’s not like he’s the best at being delicate and accurate.
Bonus: They discuss the option to maybe paint Grendel’s nails once but decide against it as Bella doesn’t have that much nail polish.
4) Which one pulls the other out of bed with the blankets when they are really late
Bella does it with Vice-Versa’s help, I mean they’re both pretty hopeless but Beo’s the worst of the two so she always gets the job to drag him out of bed.
5) Which one picks in the other’s plate without thinking
Cerebella. Not like Beo notices, with how much he eats smh.
6) Which one gets the other to watch Puella Magi Madoka Magica because they don’t want to finish it alone
Bella. She watches it bc someone at the circus recommended it and at first she was like this is way too corny where are the wrestlers but then ep 3 hits and she starts thinking about the similarities between the witch pact and the skullheart pact and eventually she makes Beo join in just so he can comment on how much of an asshole that creepy white thing is and why doesn’t Madoka just beat it to death.
7) Which one actually screams when the truth is revealed
8) Which one misplaces stuff and the other one is the only person on earth able to find it again
Beowulf misplaces shit constantly and Bella’s like oh he probably left his wallet next to the noodles again and when Feng’s like w...why she just shrugs and goes “he just does that.”
9) Which one surprises the other with an adopted puppy or kitten
Beowulf definitely would love a puppy and though Bella prefers cats she’s willing to compromise bc he looks so excited about it.
10) Which one falls asleep in front of the TV and the other has to drag them to bed
They both fall asleep in front of the TV. Annie drags them to bed.
11) Which one gets extremely corny and murmurs sweet nothings in the other’s ear when drunk
Beowulf tbh because I like to think Bella’s just a perverted drunk who smacks his ass and whispers perverted old man lines into his ear more than anything.
12) Which one buys a spinning chair and falls like a dork and the other has to try keeping their laughter inside so they don’t hurt their feelings
Beowulf buys the chair, Bella laughs at him ANYWAY, then a couple of hours later she falls also. 
13) Which one gets hyped and sing like a maniac to a band’s song passing on the radio while cleaning while the other just watches and smiles
Bella, though to be honest maybe they both would do that bc being loud is their specialty.
14) Which one screams an offensive comment in a crowd to find the other because they know they will overreact
Beowulf: (appearing suddenly sending everyone around him flying far away) WHOS INSULTIN GRENDEL I WILL SHOVE HIS FIST DOWN YOUR THROAT
Bella: there he is.
15) Which one thinks they are a professional plumber and try to fix the leaking sink, flooding the bathroom while the other calls a real plumber when they see things are getting bad
Cerebella, she’s probably in her “we gotta save money” circus mentality and Beo’s like babe why don’t we just pay for someone to do this stuff before you hurt yourself or me or the entire building probably.
16) Which one asks weird ass questions right when the other is about to fall asleep and stops them from sleeping for two more hours
Beowulf. And what’s worse, Bella finds his questions really interesting and asks more questions and they just stay talking all night.
17) Which one is so excited for Halloween and the other is horrified by the amount of time and energy (and money) wasted on their costume
Beowulf is hella excite for Halloween and Bella’s like WAS IT REALLY NECESSARY YOU BOUGHT THIS FURSUIT DUDE YOU ALREADY HAVE A PELT.
18) Which one uses the other’s shirts and sweaters as blankets to fall asleep when they’re not home
Bella. Beo can’t fit in her clothes c’mon.
19) Which one kills the bug
They both run behind it in a frenzy after betting on who kills it first.
20) Which one hides in the other’s closet when Mother Nature goes wild
What... what does this mean.
21) Which one carries the other on their shoulders when they just won’t move
Beowulf is the carrier in this relationship.
22) Which one randomly piggybacks the other/picks the other up bridal style
23) Which one puts up the nicest dinner for the other’s family because they want to be accepted
Bella, definitely. She has a huge complex with familias as she didn’t have her own, so it’s a big deal for her even when Beo tells her his mother is the chillest lady ever,
24) Which one gets very sour with the other’s family when they learn their SO survived any kind of mistreatment or comes from a very close family
None of them have this kind of family BUT if it happened I’m pretty sure Beowulf would be the one to get the most upset about it and would probably refuse to even interact with them anymore after learning that.
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whitemamba · 9 years
In the Medici AU, when Bella finally stops denying her feelings spends the night in Beowulf’s apartment he’s so happy that the next day that he refuses to let go of her and they kiss for like an hour until Cerebella chuckles and goes hey big guy we gotta eat SOMETIME….. but Beo’s like NOPE and keeps nibbling on her until finally his stomach starts rumbling and she goes Dude I told you we gotta eat something I can make us some breakfast if you let me go??
But he growls and instead picks her up and takes her to the kitchen, then he asks her to tell him what she needs and he carries her to reach for the ingredients while she giggles and rolls her eyes like this omelette is going to take me forever to make dude.
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whitemamba · 9 years
Ok, remember how I once talked about Bella and Beowulf temporarily breaking up because their relationship is affecting Beo’s career?? Well, after a while of them having this on and off thing where they try really hard to be just platonic but continue to end up acting like a couple, they finally decide it’s better if they don’t even talk anymore.
Of course this makes them both feel miserable and it only gets worse when Bella goes on a date with some random guy just because she needs to distract herself and not stay home crying while hugging vice-versa all day and Beo catches a glimpse of them and it absolutely destroys him like he just
Stands there and gulps. 
And then he quietly walks away and it’s so not like him and people around him try to approach him like hey!!! is the Hero!! But Beo’s just. Non-responsive.
Then as soon as he’s out of the bar he starts running like a madman to several minimarkets and buys as much alcohol as he can and he gets DRUNK AF.
When Annie finds him he’s passed out on his couch in the apartment and the whole place reeks of booze and she’s like god something is terribly wrong. And then she approaches him and taps his shoulder and he raises his head and his eyes are red and she opens her mouth like she’s never Beo cry she was like... sure the man was unable of such thing bc he’s always so damn happy always always how is this possible is this the skul.lgirl’s doing what is GOING ON.
So after she helps him sober up, she sits him down for some honesty time (tm). She asks him why the hell he’s doing this; and Beo just mumbles the same thing as always: His manager recommended it because his career was going down the drain because his relationship was too distracting blah blah blah, so it’s for the best.
And Annie raises her eyebrow like ok but consider this: You’re a fuck--freaking MESS DUDE. There’s no way this is the best thing for him. She tells him, like the mother duck she is, that he has to make a choice--Though she senses he’s already made it at least subconsciously. 
Beo’s like what does ‘subconsciously’ mean I don’t speak french.
The next day, Bella’s just hanging around her room with Vice-versa until she hears knocking. She doesn’t even have time to answer it when Beo just bursts in like WE NEED TO TALK.
And between the shock of seeing him and well.. the fact that her door is now unhinged and in his hand she just lets out a small “okay”.
He sits down beside her (she has to back off a bit because he’s so heavy, she ends up sliding really close to him on the mattress) and after a deep breath he goes “... Aight. I’m not good with words, so I’ll just... get to the point. We gotta get back together, right now, or I’ll go crazy--I mean, I already kinda did, I think I drank like every drop of booze I could find last night in new meridian, I just saw you with this guy--Who is he anyway? Was he tryin’ to get with you? Because I’ll beat his ass if--”
But Bella raises her hand for him to stop ranting for a minute, her lips slightly open: “You want.... you want us to get back together?”
“Yeah... Yeah, I do.”
“But--Your career! What about it? You started missing practice and stuff because we were fooling around too much... And you refused so many interviews are shows just to hang out with me. It isn’t right.”
Beo scratches his head in his frustration though, grumbling. “Us being together ain’t right.”
Bella just smiles a bit and pats his knee. “But it’s for your career. I mean, it’s really important for you, isn’t it? And I want you to be happy. You want to be the best--That’s what you should focus on.”
Beo pauses and scratches his head.
“Y’know, it's just that... I don't care about everyone thinking i'm the best anymore.”
Then, he grins.
“All I care about is you thinking i'm the best. That's all I need.”
Cerebella just stares at him until she finally has to look away, her eyes sticking to the floor.
“’You embarrassed?”
She giggles and hits his arm, her cheeks bright red. “Shut up!  How can you say stuff like that with a straight face!? It's so embarrassing!”
“I guess it kinda is.” He snickers. “But it’s the truth. I’m a bunch of things but a liar ain’t one of ‘em.”
She smiles and mutters: “I know. That’s why I love ya.”
“Damn right you do. I love me, too.”
“You are such an ASS.” She hits his arm again, laughing and Beowulf laughs along, and caresses her chin with his index finger.
“Told ya I was a bunch of things. Now you kiss me.”
“Tch. You’re lucky you’re hot.”
And this is the corniest thing I’ve ever written.
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