#benny kopus
bennykopus · 3 years
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𝙳𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜? 𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜.
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rykeranders · 3 years
Hartsville Residents
Optional Task 205 - June 15, 2021
1.) Who owns Cozy Treasures?
Sadie Montgomery
2.) Who is a performer at Mid-Night Rooster?
Roxy Matthews
3.) Who is a waitress at the Kraken & Grill?
Sage Everheart
4.) Who is the assistant manager at Half Price Books?
Alexis McQuillen
5.) Who owns Darling Buds?
Bowie Zeppelin
6.) Who is the co-owner of Taco Express?
Honey Abernathy
7.) Who are the 4 radio hosts at Sirius XM?
Zach Caldwell, Benny Kopus, Natalie Harrison, Sam Barnes
8.) Who owns Country Strong Western Club?
Hanna Hamilton aka town brat and drunk
9.) Who is our town sheriff?
Conall Kincaid
10.) Who owns the Sweet Pea Bed and Breakfast?
Peyton Morris
11.) Who works for the City of Hartsville as an emergency dispatcher?
Kolly Drew
12.) Who owns Hideaway Sports Bar?
Alice Williams
13.) Who is the supervisor at Eve's Garden?
Grace Anders
14.) Who is a trauma surgeon?
Natalie Harrison
15.) Who is a lifeguard at Neptune Island Waterpark?
Zach Caldwell
16.) Who owns Tea Leaves?
August Snowden
17.) Who owns the Trucks and Cars Dealership?
Ezra Hamilton
18.) Who is a kindergarten teacher?
Abigail Waters
19.) Who owns What The Fork food truck?
Ryker Anders
20.) Who owns Bubbles & Go?
Maia Collins
21.) Who owns the Family Business Brewery?
Levi Nash
22.) Who volunteers at Haven For Horses?
Bailey Hart and Summer Sinclair
23.) Who owns Fit With Fi?
Fiona Clark
24.) Who is a tattoo artist at Forever After Tats & Piercings?
Knox Dunn
25.) Who owns Blossoms Vineyard?
Jaxon Hart
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bennykopus · 4 years
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Devil’s Tramping Ground is located in a wooded area of Chatham County in North Carolina. It is a forty foot in diameter circle. It is said that any object that is placed in the circle will mysteriously disappear or move outside of the circle. No vegetation will grow inside the circle. This bizarre phenomenon was first discovered in the 1800′s and it is believed by many that Satan paces around this circle. Boy Scout troops have tried camping on it and wake up in their tents a few miles away. Some guys tried to stay up all night in a tent on the spot and later reported that a soft, soothing melodic voice lulled them to sleep and they too woke up a few miles away. Along with countless other reports, this spot was what intrigued Benny the most. It was the place Benny wanted to visit the greatest. Being so close to Halloween, it gave Benny the urge to do it. He had some days off work and thought it was the perfect opportunity to do something to cross it off his bucket list. Located in Bear Creek, NC, it wasn't too far from Hartsville. A simple weekend trip would be enough to gather information on the area and see if the rumors were true. He packed up his camping gear and headed off, he debated on asking someone to tag along--but who would say yes? Getting there, the sun was beginning to set. He got a late start and by the time he set up his tent and started a fire, the sun was nearly gone. Now he would wait. Watch the fire, eat some snacks, and just enjoy nature. The nice chill in the air-kissing his cheek in delight, the crackling fire placing a warm blanket over him. It was a perfect, clear night with the full moon shining down to give it a beautiful ambiance. Time passed, he didn't know how quickly, but before he knew it he could hear footsteps approach. A sharp inhale, crystal blue optics scanned the area, toward the origin of the noise. His pulse quickened as his heartbeat pounded hard against his chest. "Hello?" He dared to call out to the unknown, unsure if it were an animal, a person, or something else.
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bennykopus · 4 years
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bennykopus · 3 years
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𝙇𝙚𝙩’𝙨 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙣𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙮! sexual questions with Benny _______________________________ 01.) Is there any one of your friends that you would ever consider having sex with? Absolutely! 02.) Sex in the morning, afternoon or night? Anytime is good with me, though, can't go wrong with morning sex ;). 03.) What side of the bed do you sleep on? Left.   04.) Have you ever taken your clothes off for money? No. 05.) Have you ever had sex in the shower or the bath? Clean sex is nice. 06.) Do you watch/read pornography? Who doesn’t? 07.) Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed? I like being in charge, but a woman who knows what she wants isn't bad every once in a while. 08.) Do you love/like anyone in your phone? I do. 09.) Would you choose love or money? Love, but I don't know if I will be able to get that lucky. 10.) Your top three favorite kinks in bed? Sharing is caring, but a mystery keeps things interesting. ;) 11.)  Has anyone ever gone beyond your personal line of respect sexually? Not very many people respect me as a person, they can't all respect me sexually either. 12.) Where is the most romantic place you have ever had sex? Uh, I'm not sure. The beach? 13.) Where is the weirdest place you have ever  had sex? In a graveyard, don't judge. 14.) Have you ever been caught having sex? Yes. 15.) Ever been to a bar just to get sex? When I was really drunk, yes. 16.) Have you ever kissed or had sex with someone of the same sex? Yes. Kissed many men - mostly on a dare. Had sex with one, one drunken night. 17.) Had sex in a movie theater? No, surprisingly. 18.) Had sex in a bathroom? Who hasn't? 19.) Have you ever had sex at work? My boss will kill me, but yes. 20.) Bought something from an adult store? A little something to spice up the bedroom isn't a bad thing. 21.) Does anyone have naughty pics of you or are you on film? Oh, yes. 22.) Do you think oral sex constitutes as a form of intercourse? Oral sex is great, for both parties. ;) 23.) What’s your favorite sexual position? I like every position, but cowgirl has a wonderful feeling~ 24.) Have you ever had sex with more than one person at a time? Yes, I have. 25.) What was your high school sex fantasy? Sounds cliche, but with one of the playboy bunnies, anywhere. 26.) Where have you always wanted to have sex, but are scared to? On a tour bus, you know who you are and why I said this. ;) 27.) What’s your most memorable sexual experience and why? Definitely the first time with that special someone. 28.) Have you ever been hit on by someone who was too old? I like me a cougar. 29.) Do you like getting hickeys? Only on the secret places ;) 30.) Would you ever skinny dip? I enjoy skinny dipping, with anyone!
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bennykopus · 3 years
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[ flashback memory, ft. grace anders. ] (x)
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bennykopus · 3 years
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[ flashback memory, ft. grace anders. ] We never realize the value of something in o u r life until, it becomes a memory. A memory of us forever i m p l a n t e d in my mind. (click here)
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bennykopus · 4 years
Save Me // drab
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  // This drabble was inspired by the goodbye letter left by Thea Kopsu--Benny's little sister. This drabble is a co-drabble written by the writer of Thea Kopus and Me. This is very emotional. . . fair warning. Song posted with this drabble is "Save Me" by Jelly Roll. Benny was just getting off a 30-hour shift from the hospital, pulling into his driveway and turning off his vehicle. He decided it was too cold for the motorcycle. He felt his phone begin to vibrate and smiled when he noticed it was his darling sister, Thea. Answering the phone, his smile turned into a frown at the seldom look upon her features. "Thea? Is something wrong?" “Hi big brother,” She croaked as she tried to clear her throat. “I’m not doing so good Benny. Remember how I said I thought I had the flu? Turns out it’s Covid and I’m not getting any better. And I’m scared. And I’m alone. And I need you, Benny.” She cried on the phone, making Benny's heart sink. He was walking up to his door as she spoke, his heart stopped when she told him what was going on. His body froze, looking down at the screen he held in his hand. He locked eyes with his little sister as fear began to swell inside him. "Don't worry, sissy, I'm on my way. You gotta send me the address and I will book a flight as soon as I can." He rushed into his home and began to immediately pack his belongings--getting his affairs in order. Over the next four hours--after getting the name of the hospital--Benny had packed, told his work that he was heading out of town for a while, and booked a flight. The flight only took two hours, but with traffic and the crowded airport, it took a little longer than he wanted. Before he knew it, he was outside the room number that she had told him. He felt as though he was floating--as if everything going on around him was just a nightmare that he wanted to wake up from. Before he could get any closer to the door, he was stopped abruptly. His fist clenched as he was ready to strike anyone who was going to stop him from seeing his sister, but as soon as he saw it was a doctor, he stopped himself. “Sir, you can’t go in there without authorization or proper protection.” She said sympathetically. "Get me the proper protection, please. I need to be with my sister." She nodded to him and walked back to the desk. Another team of people came around to get him fitted with the helmet and the disposable gown to put over his clothes. The doctor came and handed him a form to fill out. “You need to sign this that you’re ignoring medical advice and cannot hold the hospital liable.” It was the only way she would be able to let him in the room. He got fitted into the proper protective equipment and immediately grabbed the form to sign. He didn't hesitate--all that mattered was being there for Thea. When everything was completed he was allowed into the room. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door and walked into the room. "Hey, sis." He approached her bedside, looking down at his precious little sister who was hooked up to machines and breathing tubes. He absolutely hated seeing his sister in this condition. Something about it made him think the worst. She had to get better--she could, he felt it in his bones. Having him there with her would surely lift her spirits and help her fight. Approaching the bed, he reached his hand out to grab hers--feeling how weak she really was. He frowned. "I'm here, sissy." Over the next few hours, Thea got worse and worse. She explained to him why she went to New York and how frustrated she was that she was two days away from coming home before she got sick. Benny gave Thea an iPad that he brought from her home--something she requested he bring before he left Hartsville. Then she called Joel to talk to him and their daughter, Lovette--Benny sat there quietly, only talking when the iPad was facing him and Lovette was waving at him. Thea had just gotten off the phone with Joel--saying her goodbyes--something Benny didn't want to hear. “My daughter deserves to be raised in the truth and not a lie. And she’s going to need her uncle Benny as she gets older and she wants to know more about her mom.” Thea's eyes swelled in tears. “I’ve always been the one who kept you both going. I don’t know who's gonna look after you and him when I’m gone.” Benny's eyes widened when she began to talk about her not being there for Love, and it made his heart sink. "Thea, don't talk like this. You gotta keep fighting. . . I don't want to lose you. . ." Tears began to swell in his eyes. “I don’t wanna go.” She said shaking her head as she tried to sit up. Clutching her chest in pain as she gasped for air. Her blood pressure rising on the monitors, alerting the nurses who came rushing in. Benny stepped back as the nurses came rushing in to help his sister get stable once more--tears swell in his eyes as he fought the urge to cry. They helped get Thea comfortable in her bed before getting her back on the oxygen mask. When the nurses were gone, Thea looked at Benny. “I can feel it in my soul. The only way I’m leaving this hospital is in a body bag. I’m trying to fight so I can hold my daughter, but my body is giving up.” He hated seeing his sister like this and wanted to take her pain away. He would switch places with her in a heartbeat if he could. "I really want you to hold her again, too. . ." His voice broke. Thea patted the bed beside her as she laid against the bed trying not to move too much and conserve her energy. He immediately crawled into the bed beside her as she gestured for him to get on the bed. He did it slowly so he didn't hurt her, and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. Holding her hand tightly as she spoke, the tears began to fall. “My sweet brother,” she smiled taking his hand into hers. “I love you so much. You grew up because you had to raise me. And now it’s time for you to do the same with Lovette.” She said unable to hide the tears anymore. “Every time I close my eyes I’m afraid I’m not gonna wake up. So I need to say this alright? You’re gonna go to a dark place if I don’t wake up and I don’t want that for you. You have so much more living to do. And if you’re not gonna do it for you. Then do it for me.” Benny couldn't stop the flow of tears that streamed down his face. "I don't know if I can, sissy. . . We've never not been together. We've never been apart. You are my reason for living and I don't know what I'm going to do if I can't see your smiling face or you help me with advice. . ." His voice cracked, trying to keep his breathing steady. “You’ll have everybody who loves me--they are gonna wanna be there for you. I don’t want somebody else living in my house, so it’s yours. You can keep it for Lovette or for yourself.” She said as she looked up at him. “I’m so scared Benny.” She kept giving up and it was killing him--he couldn't stand her saying all this and it was terrifying him. "I love them, sissy, but they aren't you. You have always been that constant in my life, no matter what. Even in my darkest moments, you brought me back to the light. I can't do this without you, Thea. . ." He held her tight, the tears beginning to flow down his cheeks. "I'm scared, too, sissy. . ." “I’ll always be with you,” She said as she slowly began to fall back asleep. It seemed that’s all Thea did. The next day the lawyer came and Thea got her affairs in order. Benny barely got any sleep over the few days he stayed in the chair by her hospital bed--each day her spirit was getting weaker and weaker--shutting down much like her body was. Benny stayed in his protective gear, as uncomfortable as it was, he only left to use the restroom and to shower. It felt like he was living in the hospital now, and the amount of sleep he was getting was unhealthy for him--but he just couldn't risk leaving her side. By the fourth day, Thea had taken a turn for the worst. The doctor had warned Benny that morning. “Hi babe,” she said as she gasped for air when Joel answered the call. Oxygen mask firmly on her face to help her breathe. “I ... love ... you.” She staggered to say as she looked at him. “Don’t be sad,” she said trying to smile as she pulled at the oxygen mask. “Kiss our little wolf for me,” she said as she cried, putting the oxygen mask back on. “I don’t want you to see me go, so you gotta hang up okay? You gotta let me go, baby.” She cried harder which only made her wheeze more. “I’ll always be with you.” Benny sat there quietly as Thea spoke to Joel on the phone--hating that she was saying her goodbyes. With each passing moment, his heart broke more and more, shattering into a million pieces that he felt wouldn't be able to be put back together. He didn't want this--he wanted to go back in time and stop her from ever leaving Hartsville. Or he should have gone with her, something to help her. Maybe he could have prevented the worst from happening. He felt like such a failure as a brother. He should have been there for his little sister--like she had always been there for him. He was supposed to be her protector, the one that always kept her away from harm. Yet here she was, dying right before his eyes. "I love you..." Joel said trying to fight back the tears that were unstoppable at this point. He shook his head "Baby don't leave me. Don't leave us." He said as he cried harder as she told him he had to hang up, that he had to let her go. "You always be in my heart," he said through his sobs, forcing himself to hang up the call once and for all. Silent tears cascaded down his cheeks as Joel cried on the other end of the line--before the line was disconnected. When the call ended, Thea took a slow breath as she looked at Benny. She was circling the drain. She was beyond scared but her body was done fighting. Her eyes wide as she looked at Benny confused about what was happening now. It was like a domino effect, as soon as she said her goodbyes to him it was like her body was ready to go. Finally feeling as if it was time. It wasn't fair to him. He felt selfish, but he wanted more time with his sister. He wanted to do things with her--share happy memories. Have her go out with laughter--not this. Not in pain and scared and lonely. Yes, he was there, but he knew more than anything that she wanted to be surrounded by people she cared about. All her friends--her daughter. He wanted to hear her laugh, see her smile, full of life. Most of all, he didn't want to be left alone. After Thea--he would be completely alone. Yes, he had Love, but she would be a constant reminder of his best friend. His heart. His world. It was going to be painful. He sat at the edge of his seat--reaching his hand out to grasp onto hers. "Don't be scared, sissy. . . I am right here. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." The monitors around the room beeped steadily, Benny sat on the bedside of his little sister as she battled the sickness inside her. She was talking to him normally--he hadn't left her side since he first arrived in New York. He felt his heartbreaking the worst she got--fearing that he was going to lose his sister. How was he going to be able to continue on without her? Even when she left Hartsville without a word to anyone, they still stayed in contact. Growing up it was just the two of them. Their mother passed when they were little and their father wasn't usually around--he focused on work until his own death. It had always been Thea and Benny--she was his best friend. She was his world. To even think about a world without her in it--it was too much to bear. Thea grasped his hand. Her breathing shallow as she held on as tightly as she could. “I. . . love you.” She said as a tear fell from her eye. She didn’t want to leave her brother. He needed her. Her grip slowly easing as she faded away. “Dad is waiting for me,” she smiled as her eyes closed. It happened suddenly, he looked away for a moment and that was all it took. The monitors began to beep rapidly, panic ensued as he stood up--pushing back the chair he was sitting on. "Thea!" He called out, crystal blue optics scanning around the room for anything that would help. Before he knew it, there were doctors and nurses swarming the room and pushing him back to get to his little sister. Everything began to slow down--going in slow motion as his eyes stayed locked on the motionless body of his sister. He felt his heart sink into his stomach--tears began to swell in his eyes. His fear coming to life and taunting him like a sick game. Somehow he ended up in the hallway, and the realization hit him like a freight train. "No!" He began to move his way into the room, only for a few nurses to push him back--as if he could hold him. "No! I have to be in there!" He escaped their grasp, and it was then that a couple of security guards rushed to the scene--grabbing onto him and pulling him back. "Please!" He cried out, tears of sorrow and anger falling down his face like a waterfall. He twisted his body and punched one of the security guards, sending him flying to the hard floor. He acted out of pure adrenaline--unthinking of the consequences of his actions. The only thing on his mind was getting to Thea. "Sir, you have to calm down, please don't make us escort you outside." Those words resonated in his mind and brought him back, a nurse looking at him with worry as the other security guard put him in a Full Nelson hold. Benny looked at the woman, tears flowing from him as his voice began to call out--croaking with each word that escaped his lips. "Please, I have to be next to her, I have to be the last thing she sees. She can't leave this world and think I wasn't there until the very end. I can't do that to her, please!" He cried out, his heart shattering within his body. "I don't want her to leave this world feeling scared and alone. . ." He paused, as the nurse nodded and motioned for the security guard to let him go. Once released he adjusted himself, situating the protective equipment that he wore in a better position. "Thank you. . ." He spoke barely above a whisper as he began to walk back into the room--calmer as to not capture the heat of the security guard once again. The doctors knew she was going to be taking her last breath soon, it was inevitable. His words resonated with them--and they allowed his wishes. He reached the bed and took his sister's hand in his for what felt like the thousandth time. His heart shattering with each moment that passed. "S-Sissy. . . Can you hear me?" He leaned near the edge of the hospital bed, his vision blurry from the tears that he tried to hold back. He reached his hands out to grasp her cold, lifeless hand--hoping that the warmth he radiated off him would somehow help. "I-I want you to know that it's okay. . . You can go see dad. You can hug mom for me. Tell her I wasn't a complete screw-up, okay?" His lip shook as he tried to keep his breathing steady--but he was failing. "Love is going to grow up knowing what a strong, amazing woman you are. You hear me? I promise. . . I. . ." Loud sobs escaped his mouth, tasting the salt that his tears produced. "It's okay, I'll be okay. . ." The heart monitor flatlined as the doctors and nurses stood by. There was nothing they could do. Thea had signed a DNR. "Time of death. . ." Sobs of sorrow and heartbreak got louder as he buried his face into his sister's body, clinging onto her lifeless body--as if letting her go would somehow be the end of him. The words of the people around him faded into the background as he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. Doctors and nurses surrounded him and let him grieve in peace before a nurse finally placed a hand on his shoulder. "Mr. Kopus. . . It's time. . ." He wanted to object but his body refused--he was weak. A nurse guiding him away from his sister--looking back one last time to see her in such a peaceful state. She was no longer hurting, she was free. And he felt himself grow numb at that moment--leaving his heart in that room with her. Before he knew it--he was in a New York hotel room, sitting silently on a chair as he let the past few days replay in his mind like a nightmare. He couldn't move, he didn't want to eat, he felt as though his happiness was gone. His best friend in the entire world was now no longer in it. How could he possibly go on without her? He didn't want to. He felt cold, alone, and wondered if this was how she felt as she passed. It had only been a short few hours since he left the hospital but it felt like an eternity. He felt all motivation to move obsolete as he just sat there in that dark room--bottle in hand. "I miss you. . ."  
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bennykopus · 4 years
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bennykopus · 4 years
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bennykopus · 4 years
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1. Pony by Ginuwine. 2. No Diggity by Blackstreet. 3. Shake That by Eminem. 4. Ass Like That by Eminem. 5. Ignition (Remix) by R Kelly. 6. Purple Pillsk by D12. 7. My Band by D12. 8. Get Low by Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz ft. Ying Yang Twins. 9. Shots by LMFAO ft. Lil Jon. 10. Wiggle by Jason Derulo ft. Snoop Dogg. BONUS 1. Low by Flo Rida ft. T-Pain. BONUS 2. Gas Pedal by Sage The Gemini ft. IamSu.
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bennykopus · 4 years
Vegas Questionnaire.
1.) Who are you rooming with while in Vegas? — Benny booked a room that is adjacent to Finn's, he told Juli he would keep an eye on him. Then Waverly showed up complaining that she forgot to book a room, and she didn't give him a choice in the matter that she was now going to crash in his hotel room with him. 2.) What do you plan on doing during the Vegas nightlife? — Drink, hit the casinos, maybe see some strippers. There are many things Benny could do while in Vegas. 3.) What's 1 thing on your Vegas to-do list? — Benny really wants to do the Emerald Cave Kayak Tour on The Colorado River from Las Vegas. 4.) What drink do you plan on having in your hand at all times? — An Old Fashioned, because Benny likes the classics. And of course, coffee. 5.) What's your favorite Vegas activity? — Hitting the casinos, of course. Gotta try and win as much money as Benny can. 6.) Do you prefer to play the slots or sit at a poker table? Do you count cards? — Benny likes doing both. The slots and playing cards. He is no cheat though, so no counting cards. 7.) What 1 celebrity would you like to run into while at the casino? — Paul Rudd, because man does that guy seem like a good time. 8.) What are your top 5 Vegas essentials? — Wallet, money, coffee, identification, and a plan just in case he ends up in jail. 9.) What's the craziest moment you ever experienced in Vegas? — Does getting into a fight with some drunk at the bar count? Shouldn't have been disrespecting a woman in front of Benny, especially a woman he knows and cares about. 10.) Would you ever elope in Vegas? If so with who? — He'd say no, but Etta is keen on finding Benny a stripper to get married to by Elvis. 11.) If you hit a jackpot would you give Zach any money? If so how much? — Since Zach is always doing amazing things for Benny, he would surely give Zach money to repay him. Zach is one hell of a dude and deserves to be told that! 12.) If you owned a casino in Vegas what would you name it? — The Big Ben Casino, because why the hell not? 13.) What is your Vegas lucky charm? — The silver ring Benny usually has on his right hand, ring finger. 14.) How many hours straight will you stay up in Vegas? — If he drinks plenty of coffee and stays on his adrenaline rush, he could stay awake for 72 hours. 15.) What sin do you plan on committing in Sin City? — Getting as fucked up as he possibly can: due to drinking, drugs, partying, one-night stands, gambling. The words.
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bennykopus · 4 years
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Dear young Benny, What can I say to you that would make a difference? You are too stubborn for your own good, but that stubbornness is what pushed you on in a lot of hard situations. You are seventeen, almost done with school. You are going to go through a lot of changes right out of high school, you are going to join the Army with your friends. You are going to meet your squad and do wonderful things while doing your tour. You were born to be a soldier. However, some events occur and it puts you in a dark place--a really dark place. You get fucked up from the situation, and you witness some twisted shit that causes nightmares. These aren't just any nightmares, they are memories. Things you saw happen, things you went through. They happened to you and your squad, it broke you. Shattered you into a million pieces that you are still trying to pick up to this day; as a 29-year-old. I know things seem bleak, if I knew then what I know now, would things be different? Probably not. But don't worry. It gets a little easier each day. Do the nightmares stop? No. But the people you surround yourself with help. They are like a cushion, protecting you from the hardest blows. They wrap you up like a warm blanket, and you honestly wouldn't be here without them in your life. Your little sister has a baby girl, her name is Lovette. Love is what you call her. She is your world. Thea is your world. Your friends are your world. It may not be easy every day, you suffer through PTSD, depression, anxiety, night terrors. You have horrible claustrophobia from what happened... but don't give up. Don't you ever give up! Because you are beginning to get happy, and as scary as that seems, it's all worth it. I want to see, to feel, what happiness is. So, give us a chance, yeah? Sincerely, older Benny
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bennykopus · 4 years
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1. Free Fallin' by Tom Petty. 2. What I Got by Sublime. 3. The Joker by Steve Miller Band. 4. No Rain by Blind Melon. 5. Tribute by Tenacious D. 6. The Rockafeller Skank by Fatboy Slim. 7. Yuve Yuve Yu feat. From Ashes To New by The Hu. 8. Wolf Totem feat. Jacoby Shaddix by The Hu. 9. My Name is Human by Highly Suspect. 10. Sober by Bad Wolves. BONUS. Campfire Song Song by Spongebob Squarepants.
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bennykopus · 4 years
There is nothing wrong with telling someone you like them. If you are real friends nobody will get hurt. If people have put their heart on the line for you in the past, you should. An easy thing to do is send an anonymous comment or confession, and see who responds to it. Or write a cryptic message only the person you like will understand then it’s not completely on the line.
Maybe sometime in the future. I’m just not ready for it yet.
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bennykopus · 4 years
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