amos-whoisleft-blog · 5 years
indifference / benjy & amos
Flyers everywhere. Again.
Over the years, Amos had gotten used to the outraged speeches coming from a certain Ravenclaw Muggleborn in his year. He’d brushed off the organised protests that Benjy had helped set up, he’d managed to block out the various political rants that occurred throughout the year. It had become a thing now, a normality. Somewhere, in some capacity, Benjy Fenwick was making a fuss about the mistreatment of Muggleborns. And Amos was usually just fine with that.
But after a hideous thirty minute sleep, followed by double Potions, Amos was in no mood to deal with anyone. So when he went into the Great Hall for lunch and found flyers placed on every free bit of table, he felt undeniable annoyance. Not anger, it was a free place after all. But his irritation was obvious, picking up a few of the flyers at the end of the table and chucking them carelessly on the floor. He sat on the bench, rolling his eyes at the sheer volume of the things. He did not care to read them, it would no doubt say the same thing.
With a frown he reached over, picking up some food ready to eat when he felt the presence of someone next to him. He cast a glance over his shoulder, spotting the very same man who he supposed was responsible for the mess around them. Amos hummed in acknowledgement, “If you’re planning on redecorating the Hall, I’d say have a more yellowy tone.” He remarked with a large grin, pulling some food onto his plate. “Are you rallying again? If so, I’m afraid I’m busy that day. Whatever day it is.”
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emmeline-whoisleft · 5 years
ways to prepare | benjy & emme
The Ravenclaw Common Room was often a peaceful place, where Emmeline felt remarkably at ease. While she never liked the stereotypes that came with the houses, she did notice the main living space did often play host to mostly studying students rather than fiendishly loud games. She’d been guilty of that more than a few times, especially when she went through her obsession with Exploding Snaps. Merlin, the glares she got for playing that in the Common Room were something she wouldn’t forget any time soon.
It was quieter than usual, with it heading into the later hours of the evening and most students either already in their dormitories or grabbing the last amount of scraps they could from the Great Hall. Emmeline had set herself up a small area to overlook the grounds of Hogwarts. She surrounded herself with notes and books, in an effort to finish off her last bits of study. Instead, she’d settled into a good book by the Muggle author, Susan Cooper. It was always interesting to read fantasy novels, especially with their disillusioned belief as to what witches would be like.
Honestly, Emmeline had barely been paying attention to her surroundings, but heavy footsteps caught her attention. Coming through the portrait, looking utterly exhausted and worse for wear was Benjy Fenwick. Immediately, Emmeline panicked. Was he hurt? Did he get into a fight with another Pureblood? Memories of how malicious some of them could be flooded through her, and her palms grew clammy.
But he was wearing a faint smile, it seemed, and her racing heart began to slow. He didn’t look injured, just very sweaty. She raised her free hand above her head and waved to get his attention. When she finally got it, she smiled widely, trying to push away her previous anxiety for him. “Have you been running? Or did you maybe take a dip in the lake?”
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lily-evans-wil · 5 years
Passed in Potions class across a couple rows while working on Everlasting Elixirs
Hey Potions Expert,
Say I slipped a bit of ammonia into my potion—two steps from the end—how much trouble would you say I’m in? It’s started glowing orange, and can you smell that? That’s me.
Stirring with one hand, scribbling with the other, a focused Lily is clearly less covert about her note passing than usually. 
I would say do a bit of a prayer unless you have something with vinegar. That might help neutralize it, but hard to say this late on. My Elixir isn’t looking too everlasting over here, so I wouldn’t call me an expert by any means.
Hope it helps -LE
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