#benefits of kadha
green-sun-wellness · 2 years
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Fight Winter Cold And Cough With Black Pepper
What Is Kali Mirch Black Pepper?
Even while we enjoy the crisp winter winds, the sudden shift in seasons has caused a lot of individuals to become ill with the unwelcome flu. As the winter progresses, our immune systems tend to worsen, which is why many northern households start preparing early. Most Indians use ghee to keep their bodies warm. Several winter spices are also known to boost immunity in a manner similar to this. One illustration is pepper with black spice. Numerous Ayurvedic kadhas that have been shown to naturally heal colds and coughs and enhance immunity use the potent spice black pepper.
Black pepper's abundant antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help to stop infections while reducing pain. In addition, black pepper is rich in vitamin C, which is a potent antimicrobial and natural immune system booster. For the greatest benefits, peppercorns should be crushed. Black pepper is known for clearing nasal blockages and relieving chest congestion. An inherent cough suppressant exists in honey. Honey and black pepper are hence common tonics in Indian households. Kali mirch is easily accessible online or at your local retailer. So why wait? Buy kali mirch online by Divine Herbals.
One of the best Indian masala manufacturers, Divine Herbals, sells premium blended masala. Organic black pepper is available from Divine Herbals.
Nutrients Content of Black Pepper:
Let's examine the black pepper dietary information. Potassium levels in black pepper are high. Potassium supports the regulation of heart rate and blood pressure. Black pepper, which is high in iron, is useful for preventing low blood pressure.
Black pepper possesses an antioxidant enzyme, is high in manganese, and helps make red blood cells. Additionally, it contains large amounts of zinc, riboflavin, thiamine, and other vitamin B elements.
One of the numerous foods high in calcium is black pepper, which is good for elderly people. They have easy access to enough calcium for their bones. Black pepper is a rich source of vitamin K as well.
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Important Health Advantages Of Black Pepper:
Helps with digestion:
Black pepper benefits digestion when eaten raw because it stimulates the stomach to release hydrochloric acid, which helps break down proteins. The hydrochloric acid that black pepper releases help with digestion and the treatment of gastrointestinal conditions.
A potent remedy for constipation:
Constipation, colon cancer, diarrhea, and other bacterial diseases are prevented when black pepper is routinely consumed.
A respiratory system's wintertime support system:
Colds and coughs can be treated with this spice by mixing it with herbal tea and drinking it twice daily. Because it aids in clearing bodily mucous from the lungs, black pepper is beneficial in the winter. The combination of black pepper and honey helps prevent chest congestion. One can mix a few drops of eucalyptus oil with some black peppercorns and warm water to ease chest congestion by inhaling the steam.
Reduces body weight:
Black pepper aids with weight loss. The reason is that black pepper contains a lot of phytonutrients, which promote the body's metabolism and help burn down extra fat.
Very effective at treating depression:
Black pepper can be used to cure depression. When one consumes raw black pepper, the brain releases a chemical that improves mood and makes one feel peaceful and relaxed.
Eases joint aches:
Use black pepper to prevent arthritis and joint soreness. Thanks to black pepper's medicinal properties, gout can be avoided. It is beneficial for those who experience joint and spinal discomfort.
Supports the body's detoxification process:
This enchanted spice promotes urination and perspiration. It aids the body's natural sanitization process.
A great treatment for hair loss:
Black pepper can be used to cure dandruff in the hair. Curd and crushed black pepper should be applied to the scalp. Wait 30 minutes before washing it off. Black pepper can burn the scalp. Thus it should not be used excessively.
Blood circulation is aided :
Start using black pepper in your diet to avoid skin imperfections like wrinkles. Consuming black pepper, whether raw or cooked, also prevents the development of dark spots and premature aging. Eating black pepper improves blood circulation to various parts of the body.
Purchase Buy black pepper from Divine Herbals, one of the best spice brands in India.
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sonal135 · 18 days
Have You Tried Kadha for Throat Infection Relief? Here's What You Need to Know
Throat infections are a common ailment, causing pain, discomfort, and difficulty swallowing. While over-the-counter medications and antibiotics can offer relief, natural remedies like kadha have been used for centuries to soothe throat irritation and promote healing. This blog delves into the world of kadha for throat infection relief, exploring its benefits, ingredients, preparation methods, and how it compares to other throat infection remedies.
Understanding Throat Infections
Throat infections typically occur due to viral or bacterial infections. Common symptoms include:
Sore throat
Difficulty swallowing
Scratchy or hoarse voice
Swollen tonsils
Conventional Throat Infection Remedies
Over-the-counter medications like pain relievers and lozenges can provide temporary relief from throat pain. In cases of bacterial infections, antibiotics are prescribed to fight the bacteria and clear the infection.
Kadha for Throat Infection Relief
Kadha is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal decoction made with a blend of spices and herbs known for their medicinal properties. It's a popular home remedy for various ailments, including throat infections.
Benefits of Kadha for Throat Infections
Anti-inflammatory: Many herbs and spices used in kadha possess anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce swelling and pain in the throat.
Antibacterial: Certain herbs in kadha have natural antibacterial properties that can help fight bacterial infections in the throat.
Soothing: The warm liquid and steam from kadha can soothe a sore throat and ease discomfort.
Hydrating: Staying hydrated is crucial for throat infection recovery. Kadha helps promote hydration and keeps the throat moist.
Boosts Immunity: Some herbs in kadha can help strengthen the immune system and aid in fighting off infections.
Popular Ingredients in Kadha for Throat Infections
Ginger: Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting agent. It helps soothe a sore throat and reduce inflammation.
Tulsi (Holy Basil): Tulsi has antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help fight throat infections. It also helps soothe irritation and reduce inflammation.
Black Pepper: Black pepper helps clear congestion and promotes mucus drainage.
Cloves: Cloves have antibacterial and anesthetic properties that can numb a sore throat and fight infections.
Honey: Honey is a natural humectant that helps soothe a sore throat and promote healing. It also has antibacterial properties.
Lemon: Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system and fight infections.
Preparing Kadha for Throat Infection Relief
Making kadha is a simple process:
Gather your chosen herbs and spices.
Crush or grind the dry ingredients.
Add the ingredients to a pot of water and bring it to a boil.
Simmer for 10-15 minutes.
Strain the liquid and add honey or lemon for taste.
Drink the kadha warm, several times a day.
Kadha vs. Other Throat Infection Remedies
While kadha offers a natural and effective way to soothe throat infections, it's important to understand its limitations
Mild to Moderate Infections: Kadha is most effective for mild to moderate throat infections. In severe cases, consulting a doctor and taking prescribed medication is crucial.
Complementary Therapy: Kadha can be used alongside conventional treatments like antibiotics to enhance recovery.
Individual Allergies: Some herbs or spices used in kadha may cause allergic reactions in certain individuals. It's essential to be aware of any allergies before consuming kadha.
Additional Tips for Throat Infection Relief
Gargle with salt water: This can help loosen mucus and soothe a sore throat.
Get plenty of rest: Rest allows your body to focus on healing.
Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids, especially warm liquids like herbal teas and broths.
Use a humidifier: Humid air can help loosen mucus and soothe a sore throat.
Avoid irritants: Avoid smoking, alcohol, and spicy foods, which can further irritate the throat.
Ayush Kwath (kadha) is a time-tested natural remedy for throat infections. Its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and soothing properties can effectively relieve pain, discomfort, and promote healing. While not a substitute for medical treatment in severe cases, kadha can be a valuable addition to your throat infection relief strategy. Remember to consult a doctor if your symptoms worsen or persist for more than a few days. By combining natural remedies like kadha with healthy lifestyle habits and proper medical care, you can effectively overcome throat infections and maintain optimal throat health.
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solshop · 5 months
Ayurvedic Kwath Kadha | Sol Shop
Get ready to enter the world of wellness with Ayurvedic Kwath Kadha! This natural super-solution is here to ensure your overall health and well-being stay in tip-top shape, even during the turbulent times. Advised by the ministry of Ayush ayurveda during covid times, our time-tested and natural super-solution is an amazing blend of herbs that offer a myriad of benefits.
Why drink this tea?
Supercharge your immune system with a potent blend of Tulsi, Amla, Giloy, and Ashwagandha. Shield yourself from common illnesses and enjoy a robust defense against pathogens. Unlock your body's natural protection with this immune-boosting tea. Ayurvedic Kwath Kadha
Experience the remarkable anti-inflammatory properties of Turmeric, Ginger, and Licorice. Liberate your body from chronic inflammation during cough & cold and embrace a vibrant, pain-free life. Rediscover your zest for life with the soothing benefits of this anti-inflammatory tea.
Unleash the digestive power of Ginger, Black Pepper, and Licorice for ultimate relief. Banish bloating, gas, and indigestion, and savor every meal without worries. Discover a world of culinary freedom and digestive harmony with this tea. Ayurvedic Kwath Kadha
Embrace serenity and conquer stress with the harmonizing magic of Ashwagandha, Tulsi, and Licorice. Reclaim your inner calm and experience the tranquility that elevates your well-being.Find your sanctuary in a cup, and let this tea become your daily escape.
Awaken your senses to the antioxidant power of Amla, Turmeric, and Cinnamon. Safeguard your cells against the ravages of time, and revel in a youthful glow. Unlock the secret to radiant vitality with this antioxidant-rich tea. Ayurvedic Kwath Kadha
Amla, Giloy / Guduchi , Turmeric, Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Cinnamon, Ginger, Black Pepper, Licorice
Brewing Instructions
Water should be heated to a temperature of 99 Degrees Celsius, and then add the tea to it and brew for 4-6 minutes.
Recommended Dosage
Try this tea for a regular period of 60 days and see the transformation yourself. 2-3 cups per day is sufficient.
Best enjoyed in hot form
Tasting Notes
Warm Aroma and Earthy Flavour
Tight-lid cylindrical containers for loose leaves and sachets for tea bags are used to store teas after they have been vacuum-sealed in Matellised Packaging, which protects the teas from air and light while also preventing them from absorbing aromas and deteriorating over time.
ORDER Ayurvedic Kwath Kadha
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ayurvedaconsultant · 5 months
Buy Ayurvedic Tonic for Hyperacidity
Sandu Bhunimbadi Kadha: Ayurvedic remedy for Hyperacidity. Explore the benefits of bhunimbadi kadha for pain & burning sensation in the stomach
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tansukhherbals · 9 months
Buy Tansukh Varunadhya Kadha Online - Natural Relief from Renal Calculi
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Tansukh Varunadhya Kadha: A Natural Solution for Renal Calculi
Are you seeking a natural remedy for renal calculi? Look no further than Tansukh Varunadhya Kadha. This herbal formulation is meticulously crafted to provide effective relief from kidney stones.
Treat yourself today
Key Benefits:
Natural Ingredients: Tansukh Varunadhya Kadha is made from a blend of potent herbs known for their efficacy in kidney stone management.
Renal Calculi Support: This kadh a works to dissolve and expel renal calculi, providing much-needed relief from the associated pain and discomfort.
Urinary Wellness: It promotes healthy kidney function, supporting overall urinary tract health.
Gentle on the System: Tansukh Varunadhya Kadha is gentle on the body, offering a natural alternative to harsh chemical interventions.
Usage Instructions:
Mix the recommended dosage with warm water and consume as directed by your healthcare provider.
Experience the Power of Nature's Remedies! Buy Tansukh Varunadhya Kadha Online Now!
Get the look
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herbalsjoy · 10 months
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Health benefits of kadha"
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cherise54 · 1 year
Advantages Of Having Cherise Tea Vending Machine At The Office
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In today's fast-paced work environment, the availability of fresh and hot tea or coffee is not just a perk, but a necessity. A hot cup of tea or coffee can work wonders for employee morale, productivity, and overall well-being. That is why the Cherise Tapri tea and coffee vending machine is an ideal addition to any office. 
The Cherise Tapri Vending Ecosystem is an inclusive smart and innovative vending machine with complete care and service along with wide range of flavourful hot and cold beverages. It offers a touch screen based interface with a simple pay-per-cup model, Wi-Fi/Cellular connectivity, and cloud-based IoT technology allowing users to dispense the beverages of their choice in seconds. The Tapri machine offers you multiple instant beverage options, like hot and cold beverages, soups, tea, coffee, black tea, green tea, iced beverages and ayurvedic kadhas. With Cherise your employees and guests can enjoy delicious and refreshing beverages anytime.
Here are some advantages of having a Cherise Tapri vending machine in your office: 
Increased Satisfaction: 
A cup of tea or coffee not only provides a much-needed break from the monotony of work, but the experience, ease and quality of the beverage helps to increase job satisfaction. With Cherise Tapri vending machines, employees can enjoy their preferred beverage, without the need to leave the office premises. The Cherise machines come with multiple beverage options in a single machine and RFID, Fingerprint sensor could be used to dispense beverages with ease. The machine can even dispense beverages contactlessly with the help of the Cherise App. Now keep your employees happy and satisfied with high quality and instant beverages in office. 
Improved Productivity:  
A Cherise Smart Vending Machine with a freshly brewed cup of tea or coffee can help employees stay alert and focused during long work hours. Having a Cherise Tapri machine in the office makes employees happier and healthier, as well as gives them more energy to work hard.
Reduced Time Wastage:
The process of making tea or coffee can be time-consuming, especially in a busy office environment. Cherise Tapri vending machines are designed to provide a cup of tea or coffee in just a few seconds, eliminating the need for employees to wait in long lines at the pantry or spend time brewing their beverages. This results in reduced time waste, allowing employees to focus on more important tasks.
Improved Employee Relationships:
A shared cup of tea or coffee can be a great way for employees to bond and connect. With Cherise Tapri vending machines, employees can gather around the machine and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee together, leading to improved interpersonal relationships and team building. The Cherise Tapri machine comes with a wide touch based display which can also work as an info-entertainment system in the office pantry area. 
A Cherise Tapri Machine can be a cost-effective option for companies, as it eliminates the need for a dedicated employee to prepare and serve tea and coffee. This can lead to cost savings in terms of employee salaries and benefits.
With a Cherise tea and coffee maker machine in the office, employees can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee at any time of the day or night. This can be especially useful for employees who work late shifts or have irregular work schedules. The vending machine provides 24/7 access to freshly brewed tea and coffee, making it a convenient option for all employees.
Installing a Cherise Tapri Kiosk vending machine in your office is a simple and hassle-free process. Here are the steps to follow
Installing a tea vending machine for the office is a great way to offer your employees a convenient and hassle-free way to get their daily dose of tea or coffee. The installation process is relatively simple, and all you need is a few things to get started.
The first requirement is a 230V 16 AMP 3 Pin Socket. This is a standard power socket that is found in most office spaces. You will need to ensure that there is a socket close to the area where you plan to install the vending machine. This socket will provide the necessary power to the vending machine, and it is important to ensure that it is functioning properly before you begin the installation process.
The second requirement is a 20 Ltr. Water Jar or RO Connection. This is necessary to provide water to the vending machine for making tea and coffee. If you do not have a 20-liter water jar, you can also connect the vending machine to an RO system. An RO system is a water purification system that is commonly used in offices to provide clean drinking water. Connecting the vending machine to an RO system ensures that the tea and coffee made by the vending machine are made with clean and purified water.
Once you have the requirements, you can begin the installation process. The first-time set-up time for the vending machine is approximately 45-60 minutes, so it is important to set aside some time for this.
Finally, you will need to configure the vending machine settings using the mobile app-based control. The vending machine comes with a mobile app that allows you to configure various settings such as the amount of sugar, milk, and water used for each cup of tea or coffee. Once you have configured the settings, you can start using the vending machine.  Overall, a Cherise tea vending machine is a great investment for any office looking to boost productivity, reduce time wastage, increase employee satisfaction, improve employee relationships, and promote corporate wellness. If anyone wants a tea coffee machine for the office, then you can check Cherise Tapri Vending machines on all leading e-commerce platforms will definitely give good benefits.
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description When you are fighting an invisible enemy , your immunity is the only knight in shinning armour that can protect you. OOSH brings you a range of immunuty boosting products ready to be consumed without any hassel of chopping, grinding, straining or boiling. Skip all the how to make Ayurvedic Kadha or Golden Turmeric milk recipe videos and simply hit our 'Buy' button! OOSH Golden Turmeric Milk Latte How to Use Golden Milk is based on the traditional Ayurvedic recipe that has been savored for centuries and used to support the mind and body in a number of ways. Golden milk is a delicious drink loaded with antioxidants that may provide an array of health benefits, ranging from a healthier brain and heart to stronger bones, improved digestion and a lower risk of disease. It is vegan and gluten-free with no GMOs or soy. Golden Milk is a convenient modern spin on a revered ancient drink. Making Golden Milk is easy. Follow these basic steps to make this Turmeric-based beverage Serves: 1 | Prep Time: 1 min | Cook Time: 5 min MilkOOSH Golden Turmeric Milk Latte Simply heat 1 cup of your favorite milk.Whisk in 1 tsp OOSH Golden Turmeric Milk LatteHeat, stirring often, until mixture is quite warm but not boiling.Remove from heat, then pour into a cup and savor immediately.You can also stir in honey and additional herbs as desired.For a vegan option, you can substitute non-dairy milk and raw or coconut sugar.In Ayurveda, milk is traditionally boiled to promote absorption and digestion, and around bedtime, warm milk is considered soothing and soporific. Helps to Reduce Inflammation Could Improve metabolism Can help with improved immunity [ad_2]
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ayurvedamegastore · 1 year
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Benefits of Leading an Ayurvedic Life
Boosting Immunity and fighting novel diseases that keep popping up. Immunity boosters such as tulsi (holy basil), black peppers, dried ginger, munakka (raisin) etc. are concocted together in specific ratios to form herbal teas and kadhas that help our white blood soldiers to defend the body against foreign pathogens.]
Cleansing the body and reducing inflammation can be done easily using Panchkarma- annayurvedic practice of eliminating bodily toxins through oil massages, bloodletting and intake of herbal concoctions.
Ayurvedic diets and herbs such as triphala, shilajit, guggul help in lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the blood pressure if taken regularly.
Healthy hair and glowing skin can be achieved with consistent use of amla, coconut oil and various other organic ayurvedic products.
Ayurveda has the power to improve every aspect of our life. It enhances our physical, mental, emotional as well as spiritual wellbeing. This traditional art of healing can miraculously change the track of our lives if we incorporate it into routine regularly. Ready accessibility to Ayurveda in Canada is a bonus opportunity for everyone to perk up their health since the bottom-line is: health is wealth and this is the best way for you to invest.
Explore more Why Choose the Ayurvedic Way of Life
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fredsmith1765 · 2 years
5 Benefits Of Drinking Ayurvedic Kadha At Home
Ayurvedic Kadha, the traditional Indian drink, is a very pleasant drink. It has many health benefits that make it more popular and attractive. People of India drink this water regularly, especially in winter. Its name means ‘water’ in Sanskrit and has been used since ancient times.
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griffinzane · 2 years
5 Benefits Of Drinking Ayurvedic Kadha At Home
Ayurvedic Kadha, the traditional Indian drink, is a very pleasant drink. It has many health benefits that make it more popular and attractive. People of India drink this water regularly, especially in winter. Its name means ‘water’ in Sanskrit and has been used since ancient times.
It is believed to have been the drink of the Vedic Rishis and is still very popular in some regions. It is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties.
Here are the 5 benefits of drinking Ayurvedic kadha at home.
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1. Promotes overall health
This is an excellent drink that has been practiced by Indians for a long time. It is believed that this drink reduces the cholesterol levels in the body and prevents the risk of many diseases. It is the best drink for the skin and digestive system.
This drink is helpful in weight loss and keeping overall health. It is also considered to be good for the lungs and the central nervous system. It is also good for keeping the mind, eyes, and digestive system healthy. It promotes hair growth and healthy joints.
This water is known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It helps in cleaning the blood vessels, which prevents a stroke. It helps in the treatment of some conditions and diseases. This water is also known for giving relief to those who suffer from skin disorders, dry lips, and dry eyes.
2. Helps in weight loss
It is believed that drinking kadha is an excellent weight loss measure.
As kadha has the property of purifying the blood, it helps in fighting obesity and other weight-related problems. It has a high amount of potassium and minerals, which are needed for weight loss. It reduces hunger by balancing the hunger hormones. It keeps your body's metabolism working and keeps you safe from diseases related to obesity.
It is believed to make your food digest more easily. This helps in weight loss.
3. Eases the breath and helps in the digestion
It helps in reducing the symptoms related to asthma and other problems. It is believed to cure many kinds of throat and chest problems, including cough, bronchitis, shortness of breath, chronic bronchitis, and other problems.
4. Good for the brain
It is beneficial for the brain and helps in preventing diseases related to the brain. It helps in giving a positive effect on memory and improves cognitive health. It is an excellent drink that helps in learning skills. This is especially beneficial for newborn babies and children. It helps in improving concentration and attention.
It is considered to be good for the eyes and improves eyesight. It helps in reducing the symptoms of many brain-related diseases such as Alzheimer, Dementia, and schizophrenia.
5. Antioxidant properties
It is considered to be a food that has antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory effects. It contains many antioxidants, which are known for their antioxidant properties.
It is beneficial for the heart, brain, and nerves. It helps in keeping the blood healthy and healthy. It contains many minerals that are essential for the brain, heart, blood, and other organs in the body.
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solshop · 6 months
Herbal Tea for Stress Reduction and Immune Health - Solshop
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Understanding the intricate relationship between stress and the immune system provides valuable insights into how our body responds to various stimuli. Stress, along with other factors, can have a huge impact on the immune system, influencing its ability to defend the body against infections and diseases.
The Stress-Immune System Connection:
Sympathetic Nervous System Activation: When the body perceives stress, the sympathetic nervous system is activated, initiating the "fight or flight" response. This response is essential for dealing with immediate threats but can become problematic when stress is chronic. The release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline can suppress certain immune functions.
Cytokine Imbalance: Chronic stress can lead to an imbalance in cytokine production. Cytokines are signalling molecules that play a crucial role in immune responses. Stress-induced alterations in cytokine levels may contribute to inflammation and weaken the immune system.
Now that we know how stress is connected to the immune system. Let's understand how it impacts our immunity.
Effects of Chronic Stress on Immune Function:
Reduced White Blood Cell Production: Chronic stress has been associated with a decrease in the production of white blood cells, including lymphocytes, which are essential for the body's defence against infections.
Impaired Immune Response: Prolonged exposure to stress can impair the immune response by reducing the activity of natural killer cells, T cells, and other immune components.
Inflammation: Stress-induced inflammation can contribute to various health issues. Inflammation is a natural part of the immune response, but chronic inflammation can be harmful and has been linked to various diseases.
Watch this video to understand more about the Stress-Immune Connection.
Herbal Teas as Stress-Relievers
Enter the world of herbal teas—a soothing and natural way to combat stress. Certain herbs contain compounds that interact with our nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing the impact of stress on the body. Here are some herbal teas that stand out for their stress-reducing properties:
Chamomile Tea: Chamomile is a gentle herb known for its calming effects. It contains apigenin, an antioxidant that binds to specific receptors in the brain, inducing relaxation and reducing anxiety. A warm cup of chamomile tea in the evening can help unwind the mind and prepare the body for restful sleep.
Adaptogenic Elixirs: Adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha, holy basil (tulsi), and rhodiola have been traditionally used to help the body adapt to stress. Incorporating these herbs into herbal tea blends can provide a holistic approach to stress management.
Boosting Immunity Through Herbal Infusions
Many herbal teas also contribute to immune health because of herbs that are rich in antioxidants, increased production of white blood cells and anti-inflammatory properties.
Echinacea Tea: Echinacea is renowned for its immune-stimulating properties. Regular consumption of echinacea tea may help support the immune system, making it a valuable addition during periods of heightened stress.
Ginger and Turmeric Blends: Ginger and turmeric are potent anti-inflammatory herbs. Combining them in a tea not only provides a comforting, warming beverage but also delivers immune-boosting benefits.
Berry Infusions: Strawberries and cranberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, making them a popular choice for immune support. 
The Healing Elixirs: SOL Teas
1. Tangerine Turmeric Tea: This blend, featuring turmeric, lemon peel, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, cardamom, and lemongrass, is a symphony of immune-boosting elements. Turmeric's anti-inflammatory prowess combines with the calming essence of ginger, offering a dual benefit for stress reduction and immune support.
2. Kwath Kadha: A robust infusion of amla, giloy, turmeric, ashwagandha, tulsi, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, and licorice, Kwath Kadha embodies the adaptogenic power of ashwagandha and stress-relieving qualities of tulsi, creating a holistic elixir for well-being.
3. Blissful Berries: Pineapple, strawberry, orange peel, and cranberry intertwine in Blissful Berries, delivering not only a burst of antioxidants but also a melody of flavors that can uplift the spirit, contributing to overall immune wellness.
4. White Wizard Tea: Crafted with white tea, orange peel, rose, tulsi rama, kudzu root, rooibos, ashwagandha, mint, turmeric, and ginger, this elixir is a masterpiece of immune-boosting ingredients that offer tranquillity and fortification.
5. Calming Chamomile Tea: A blend of chamomile and lemongrass, this tea is an exquisite ode to relaxation. Beyond its calming effects, chamomile supports the immune system, creating a serene experience for both body and mind.
6. Jolly Jecur Tea: A blend of Nettle and Echnicea dedicated to cleansing the liver provides the body with the essential vitamins and minerals and helps cleanse toxins from the body. Echinacea in this tea helps to boost white blood cell production & fight off infection for a stronger immune system
In the intricate dance of stress and immunity, SOL Teas emerges as a conductor of harmony, weaving together stress-relieving herbs and immune-boosting elements. By incorporating these elixirs into our daily rituals, we not only find solace amid stress but also empower our immune system to stand resilient against life's challenges. So, let the healing power of SOL Teas be your guide, offering a melody of well-being that transcends the complexities of stress and nurtures a thriving immune system.
READ ALSO - Blog posts Green Tea: The Elixir of Health and Wellness – Solshop
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urbanayush · 2 years
Blackberry is an edible fruit with enormous medicinal, cosmetic and nutritive benefits. . Blackberry is packed with essential nutrients and powerful antioxidants such as vitamin C which help improve the immune system. . In Ayurveda, a kadha prepared from the leaves of Blackberry can be taken in between meals to help control diarrhea due to its antimicrobial property. . . #blackberry #mullberry #rubus #herbalifenutrition #herbal #organic #vitaminc #cure #immunity #immunityboost #ayurveda #ayurvedalifestyle #urban #ayush #urbanayush #ministryofayush
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alljaankari · 2 years
Learn about Cinnamon’s Importance in Ayurveda As well As Some of Its Unique Health Benefits in This Article
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Cinnamon is also referred to as “Tvak” in Sanskrit and it helps pacify phlegm while boosting Pitta doshas. It has a scorching potency and sweet-pungent taste that goes really well with apple pies. The amazing healing power of dalchini, or cinnamon, is why it’s an important part of holistic treatments like Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and old Chinese medicine. You can find out how it’s used as a powder of the bark and the Health Benefits it can bring by reading on.
1 Relieves Colds and Coughs
The peppery quality of cinnamon helps liquefy mucus or sputum (kapha), act as an expectorant, and get mucus out of your system. It’s great for coughing, colds, asthma, headaches, and tuberculosis because it’s ant tubercular. Drink kadha two to three times a day to get rid of congestion and a sore throat. It’s made from warm water, cinnamon sticks, honey, and ginger juice.
2 Reduces Diabetes Risk
The cinnamon herb is a key part of traditional Ayurvedic diabetes treatments. Cinnamon regulates insulin production, the hormone that leads to type 2 diabetes. Also, it lowers insulin resistance, so it lowers blood sugar. You can keep your glycaemic level better if you take cinnamon pills or add cinnamon to your food.
3 Pain Reliefs for Arthritis
It has potent analgesic and pain-relieving effects and helps reduce pain, inflammation, and cytokines associated with arthritis. It’s great for people with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and joint pain. Due to its natural vasodilator properties, it’s good for arthritis, muscle spasms, sore muscles, and other inflammation.
4 Treating Candidiasis
It has potent anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that can treat lots of microbiological disorders, like candida, ringworm, and athlete’s foot. In addition to helping reduce inflammation and speed up wound healing when applied topically in diluted essential oil, this spice boosts immunity against infections when consumed in tea form.
You can also get the benefits of cinnamon bark by infusing it with warm water and honey. Its essential oil calms your body and psyche.
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