#benefits of a crystal water bottle
the-slim-crystal · 2 years
Slim Crystal Reviews [Updated] - User Exposed Truth! Must Read
Losing weight is something a lot of us have a hard time dealing with. Most of us know we need to exercise and eat right, but we probably need help understanding exactly how to do that. This Slim Crystal Reviews article can help you avoid items that can hinder your personal weight loss goals.
A vital step in weight loss success is understanding portion sizes. Get in the habit of reading the nutrition label before you eat or drink anything. Although the carbs and calories may look fine at first glance, you will often be surprised to find that there are two, three or more servings in that one bag or bottle.
One way to encourage yourself to lose weight is to keep a pair of cute jeans that are just a little too small in your closet. They don't even have to be one size too small, just a little too snug to be able to wear out of the house. Try them on at least once a week. You will be happy when your diligence pays off because you will look smokin' in your "new" old jeans.
A great way to help you lose weight is to join Weight Watchers. Weight Watchers is great because they have people on site and on-call that are there to support you if you need it. They also offer services such as one that ships healthy meals right to your doorstep.
Do not ignore your cravings. Ice cream or cookies are fantastic treats. Cravings for junk food can be extreme while you diet. Work on staying strong, but you do not need to always deny yourself. Alternatively, you can choose a healthy snack to eliminate your hunger.
In order to lose weight and keep it off you need to make dining pleasurable. Besides eating delicious, healthy food, you need to create a relaxing eating experience. Turn the television off and sit at the dining room or kitchen table. Eat with other family members. Use regular plates and flatware, even if you are having pizza. Take your time eating and your body will learn that there is more to meals than the volume of food you eat.
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Eating at a restaurant should be seen as a treat, so try to eat most of your meals at home. The fact is that you are more likely to eat foods with higher calories and fat if you are eating at a restaurant. Save the restaurants for a once in a while treat.
A great way to help you lose weight is to pour a protein shake over a bowl of dry oats. When people think of oatmeal, they probably think of cooked oatmeal, but that's not the only way to eat oats. With a small protein shake poured over oats, you'll have yourself a healthy meal.
Alcohol is one of the worst things to consume when trying to lose weight. Not only is each drink loaded with calories, when people get a little intoxicated they tend to eat more. Don't allow yourself to go out drinking often, and when you do, it is important not to overdo the drinking so that you don't loose sight of your weight loss goal.
When embarking on your weight loss goals, try adding cinnamon to your diet. Not only does cinnamon have health benefits such as lowering LDL cholesterol, it has also been proven to relieve joint pain. This will give you the strength to exercise on a regular basis, which will help you drop the pounds.
Some people turn to unconventional avenues in order to find weight-loss support and in today's culture, there are many places you can look when you need a swift kick in the pants. Just check out one of those celebrity weight-loss shows or those prime-time boot-camp-style dieting dramas. If they don't motivate you to change, perhaps nothing will.
Going out for a night on the town with your friends after losing some weight is a great way for you to receive some validation and motivation, plus you could probably use the fun. The reason is simple: Since you see yourself every day, you can't really tell how much weight you're losing. But other people who haven't seen you in a while will definitely notice.
When trying to lose weight, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to go into this journey with a friend. Have a support system that you can lean on when you are getting fat reduction discouraged. Having someone who is going through it at the same time is so helpful, and you can also learn some new tips.
Diet is very important when trying to lose weight. One of the best ways to watch your diet is to eat what is healthy for 6 days, and then one the 7th day, don't worry about being on a diet. Allow yourself to have the food that you craved but couldn't have all week.
If you are serious about losing weight, keeping a record of your progress is very valuable in achieving success. It's not as difficult as it may sound. Simply use a sheet of graph paper to plot both positive and negative results in your weight-loss journey. By joining the weight entries with a line, it is easy to visualize the amount of progress you have made. To keep consistency in these weight measurements, always weigh yourself at the same time of the day and always wear the same garments.
If you want to lose weight, make sure to eat plenty of fiber. Fiber naturally fills you up and keeps you full longer. It also has important health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol. Try to get both soluble and insoluble forms of fiber into your diet daily.
Increase your fiber intake. Fiber can help you feel fuller throughout the day. To add fiber to your breakfast, be sure to eat whole wheat toast. There are many high-fiber cereals available, such as Raisin Bran. You can also get fiber from eating fruit that has the skin on, such as apples.
The tips you just read hopefully have given you some useful ideas as well as some new information. Apply what you've just learned, and soon you will begin to realize your weight loss and fitness goals.
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luveline · 7 months
HII BABE can i request miguel x spidergirl!reader where reader shows miguel how to do her skin routine before bed in a shared apartment?
Miguel tongues at the inside of his cheek. “You can't be serious,” he says eventually. 
You smile at him, hope in your eyes. “It'll look cute. You'll love it.” 
Miguel considers what you're saying. You shift from one foot to the other, your fuzzy socks bumping his with every step. 
He scratches a little crystal of missed toothpaste from your bottom lip. You wait patiently, and it's that patience that melts the last of his reluctance. 
“Fine,” he says, dropping his arm back to his side. 
You beam and bring your hands up to his hair, raking it back from his face, a headband slipping down your wrist to hang in the crook of your elbow. “It's for your benefit, anyway, not mine,” you say, grabbing the headband to stretch carefully over the top of his head. He's impossibly tall, and even on tiptoes you struggle. He slouches imperceptibly to help you. “This is messy business.” 
“I've washed my face before.” 
“Not like this, babe.” 
You coerce the headband around his neck before pulling the front back up over his face to push his hair back. It's tight around his ears, and when he looks in the mirror, it is with an incredible amount of self disdain. 
“Good kitty,” you praise. 
Miguel adjusts the white cat ears to be central, relieving a little of the pressure from behind his own ears, but not enough. “Can we hurry this up?” 
You make sure your own face is clear and grin. “Let's do it.” 
You wet your faces with handfuls of hot water. Miguel's skincare routine consists of nothing more than showering and using a mild facial soap before bed; yours feels rather mammoth in comparison. First is an oil cleanse. You pour honey-coloured facial oil into his hands from a stout bottle, and he follows your lead without needing instruction, dedicating himself the skin surrounding his nose and between his brows  
“Wash it off with water,” you say, “I'm gonna do it a bit longer.” 
“It's supposed to pull the gunk out of my pores.” 
“What about my pores?” he asks. 
You rub circles into your nose. “Who said I care about your pores?” 
Miguel doesn't bother rolling his eyes, bending to wash the oil from his face. Next is regular face wash, white suds gathering in your brows and under your nose as your elbows fight for room at the sink basin. You win (he lets you) (or that's what he likes to think), rinsing the soap off and patting your face dry with a small towel. 
The sink gurgles as he turns off the faucet, water running down the line of his neck and his arms to his elbows. You pat him dry. 
He likes that, the simple intimacy of being looked after unconsciously. You obviously don't think about drying his neck and hands for him, you just do it. 
“What next?” he asks quietly. Softly, some might suggest. 
“Come on,” you say, taking his hand. 
Miguel has seen you do it all many times now, but doing it with you is different. He lets you pull him into the bedroom, where you pick through bottles of serums and toners and tubs of pads to grab a red bottle. 
“Dragon blood?” he asks, eyeing the label of your face mist in distrust. 
“Not really. Close your eyes.” 
You spray your mist over his face, and he doesn't flinch, barely moves an inch, until you put a hand gently to his chest and crane your head up to kiss him while he's unsuspecting. 
He admits defeat. He loves you, he can't hide it much longer. “Is that everything, mi querida?” 
“That's not half of it.” You rub his tacky cheek adoringly. “Would you?” 
He takes the bottle of mist from your offered hand, waiting for you to close your eyes. When they're shuttered tight, he leans down to kiss you thrice in quick succession, lest you feel the curve of his smile on your lips and think he's having fun. 
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everywitchway · 4 months
Routines and Rituals
Though our routines are usually only jokingly referred to as "daily rituals", I see no reason we can't make the colloquialism a reality. Injecting a little magic into our consistent actions can bring a deeper connection to one's craft- and own body and lifestyle!- through mindful repetition... And possibly create other benefits through simple cause and effect... or via magical focus. Is this not using will to shape reality? ;)
Beverages and Hydration
Anything that can be safely imbibed orally can be considered a potion. Any tea? Potion. Apple Juice? Sure, it's a potion, too. A Sparkling Water Beverage? People before carbonation's invention wouldn't know what to call that but a potion of some sort. I almost tried to justify in my mind that water or juice couldn't be potions alone, but potion ingredients... But each ingredient generally does have its own property on its own, and can be used alone, can it not? Water seems, to me, to be the great carrier, and somewhat analogous to clear quartz in application.
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," as they say... especially if it's one of the ways you start off on a magically mindful foot.
Lunch is the mid day respite from- or peak of- our daily energy. A good energy for magical lunch is usually one of recooperation and regeneration. It may also be a time for socialization if you go to school or work, so creating communicative and relative energies may assist in comfortable interactions with others.
Snacks are little blessings to our bodies throughout the day, and can be celebrated as such with small ritual actions. From small mental notes to full gestures and prayer, quick acts of magic can boost the impact of your snacks and pick-me-ups
Dinner is (usually) the largest meal, and (usually) the time we re-center after a long day. Grounding to the home is important, and I can't think of anything better for that than a hearty meal. If living with others, this is a great time to reconnect with your housemate(s), partner(s), family member(s), pet(s) etc. Many connections have been formed around a dining table, and this has helped humanity share with and get to know each other for as long as it has been.
Dessert is a great magical option for celebration and for special occasions. It can also be a reward for oneself after accomplishing a goal, magical or otherwise. Perhaps it's an act of self care and self love, a treat to lift the spirit.
Self Care
Brushing our teeth and washing our faces are cleansing activities, I think we would all agree. Cleansing with a shower or a simple wash of the hands can be a magical action of its own when done mindfully. Hand sanitizers come in a wide variety of scents and varieties, and these can be used with common magical correspondences quickly, on the go... maybe even on a keychain or in a spray or foam form! Face washes come with different bases and organic/botanical additives, and in various strengths and applications. (Be mindful to care for your skin, and if anything feels or looks not okay, see a dermatologist.) Body washes, bubble baths, bath bombs, and more can be viewed through the lenses of correspondences, too... the applications and possibilities are endless!
Moisturizers and Lotions are great applications for spells as invisible sigils, while coming in a variety of bases and scents and sorts that can be viewed with correspondences. If you're cleansing your face, be sure to do something to moisturize it as well!
Perfumes or scented oils can be utilized magically via scent correspondences, and crystals or herbs can sometimes be inside the jar or bottle. Some are even roll-on, and can be used to draw sigils or choose specific points to apply to. Dab-on perfumes and oils and such can be used perfectly just as well.
Make up can be a perfect way to apply some variety of glamour spell, even if one does not do much. Color correspondences are great for this, and the same magical approach can be used when painting one's nails or dying one's hair. Especially effective with nails are mindful choices: shapes, sigils, patterns, accents, etc that mean something. Hair styling can also imply a lot, energetically, and impact us just as well; as a hair stylist myself, I have a lot I want to say on the subject... but this is not the time nor place. This post is already quite long.
Anything you do regularly, big or small, can be made into a quick charm or spell with a bit of mindfulness. Walking a regular route daily can become a meditative experience with the right music and mindset... or perhaps a spell casting experience with the right incantation (internally or aloud) or charm. A regular drive can become a charging-up experience on your way to work or school with the right soundtrack and approach. Cleaning your room or taking out the trash is cleansing. You might wish to ground in the garden after dinner every night. You could do something less frequent, weekly visits to a nearby park to connect with nature... Something even less frequent, monthly outings with more purpose... Perhaps an annual big thing, if you like. The possibilities are endless.
The long and the short of it is: Anything can be made magical. Mindfulness can surround us with magic if we will it and live it. What do you already find yourself doing regularly? What don't do you do regularly that you should? Can a little magic help? If not, what blockages are you facing? It's okay to struggle, even when trying desperately to be mindful. The important thing is to start anew at every chance you can. The "I've blown it for the week/month" mindset that we(I?) get with planners or goal-work isn't an option; every day/moment is another chance to check in with ourselves, take a breath, forgive ourselves, and try again.
We all struggle, but I believe in you; thank you to anyone reading this who is still believing in me. I'm working every day to take a breath, do the same, and try again.
Love, Health, and Safety to Everyone!
EveryWitchWay (5Y2Y6Y)
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Helping Hands
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TW: Smut. Language. Masturbation. 
SUMMARY: The revelation is made to JJ that you’ve never experienced the pleasure of self gratification. Because of this, he makes it his mission to rectify the situation…
Helping Hands
“I’m just saying that I don’t know if it’s all that…’ The confession left your lips as Kiara and Sarah looked at each other before then devoting their focus back to you, “I can’t get into the groove of it…it’s like it’s not exciting when you have to do it yourself-”
“So you’ve NEVER? Like even tried?” Kiara questioned, curiosity rearing its head as a blunt came to her lips. A soft shrug leaving your shoulders supplying an answer as Sarah leaned just a bit closer to you. 
“Maybe it’s because you just don’t have proper motivation…I mean you can’t just sit there and start doing things without having someone in mind-” Your cheeks blushed immediately as your mind flashed to a specific someone you HAD in mind. The same someone whose dastardly dimples and coquettish friendliness had been that very motivation on the night in question. 
“It’s part of the fun…living out that fantasy for a moment…”
Kiara nodded. “But then you don’t have to worry about stroking their ego afterwards by lying and saying they ‘were the best you’d ever had’, or ‘they were bigger than everyone else’.” Sarah nodded in genuine agreement as your cheeks flushed. 
“And there are a TON of health benefits to it too…sometimes it can help you sleep-” As the girls began to list the reasons for what appeared to be an attempt of convincing you, you weren’t aware of a perky set of ears having picked up on the entire conversation.
“Either way…I prefer the real thing.” You winked, tearing yourself off of the hammock, teasing the infrequent yet deceptively satisfying interactions with those you’d rather forget, and making your way back into the chateau. Pulling open the fridge for a libation to quench your drying palette from this day’s particular summer heat, you were startled to rise and find JJ leaning against the side of the kitchen. Only, he eyed you as if you were an alien standing before the refrigerator, not one of his best friends. 
“You good?” His question made you chuckle as you lifted up the bottle of water before offering a ‘cheers’ motion. 
“All good-”
“You’re not…tense?” Your eyes narrowed, your mind having not made the connection between the conversation with Sarah and Kie and the fact he could have heard you as you believed the boys had remained asleep from the previous night’s fire. 
“Just thirsty.” Your chosen word left him scoffing as you moved past him, somewhat confused as his treatment of you as it was usually full of banter not…whatever the hell that was. But before you could return to the girls, a sudden hand at your arm pulled you back on the interior side of the swinging door left in motion in your attempts. 
“I heard what you said…” Your eyes pulled tight in study. 
“What I said?”
“You’ve never…” His eyes descended the space between you as your expression changed from humored to mortified. 
“I just think it’s sad…” He spoke genuinely, a sense of pity worn behind his crystal blue eyes consistently darkened with mischief-or possibly even lust. 
“I can assure you, I’m fine…I can take care of myself-”
“Not from what it sounds like…” He muttered as you tried for an escape yet again before being forced to whip at him for his remark. Usually his utterances would leave you in half chuckles or on the other half of an entertaining form of banter. But never had those conversations consisted of a topic so…personal. 
“Believe me, I don’t have any complaints, J…And whatever you heard…It doesn’t have anything to do with you…okay? So just…drop it…” Your attempts to leave had him pull you back to him again. Only this time, he stood before you in a way you’d never witnessed before-at least not directed towards you. It was in a way that he had to keep you at an impossibly close proximity, his eyes focusing more on your lips than your eyes, but still flickering upwards to ensure he held your attention, and the final detail of this change having been the way his lips came to part as if imagining how yours would feel against his, even if only in this moment. 
“What I’m trying to say is you deserve to feel good…”
“I want to show you…” Your eyes widened as you looked at the direction of the girls only a few meters away, completely unaware of this offer that left your heart raging against your chest and your thighs pressed together at the mere thought. 
“Show me what?” You asked more nervous than confident as he took one step closer to you. 
“To cum when you think of me.” His words were sincere, as if he was well aware you had this interest in him and yet either too indifferent or arrogant to act on it. But in the way you tried to defend yourself against him, he interrupted your scoff before you had the chance. 
“There’s no shame in it, you know…it’s a perfectly healthy way to find a release…” He cocked his head to the side, his fingers running down the sides of your ribs before stalling at your hips, teasing the denim of your chosen shorts. 
“N-no- '' He only smirked at your labored response. 
“Seems to me like I’m affecting you there, sweetheart…” His voice was low, almost a whisper, as he was even closer to you, “I mean, we’re friends…and what kind of friend would I BE if I knew a way to help you and I didn’t do it?” He was now teasing you, drawing your eyes into slits of scrutiny. 
“Yeah, we’re friends, J…It would make things weird…”
“It’s only weird if we make it weird…”
“Plus, there’s that rule-’No pogue on pogue mackin’’. “ He rolled his eyes. 
“Well that’s only if we kiss-” He now leaned close enough to you to tease that very thing-your mouth coming apart as if in anticipation-a detail he noticed that only inflamed his ego that much more. 
“Unless you don’t think you can control yourself…”
“You really think THAT highly of yourself don’t you?” You couldn’t help but tease as he shrugged, pulling back just enough to still remain close and keep his effect over you. 
“Never had any complaints before…Unless “Oh God!” and “Don’t stop!” count…then nothing but…” He smirked, making further note of the way you were suddenly unnerved by his words. 
“Okay…” The single line of agreement was delivered before you could retract it. His brows lifted in surprise before he collected your hand and led you to the room located furthest within the chateau. But the second it closed behind him, you began to regret the fact you’d agreed to begin with. If not for the nerves than for that damned smile across his face. 
“First thing, you want to get comfortable…” He began, wasting no time getting down to his business while bypassing the pleasantries of words of comfort or care. But you were a mix of eagerness and anxiousness, leading your steps towards the bed as you laid at a slight incline, watching him take a seat at your side. 
“Would you feel better keeping these on?” He asked, the hand resting on your thigh thumbed beneath the bottom of your shorts as you nodded. He almost seemed relieved by this before agreeing and bringing his hand to the button of your bottoms. 
“Are you horny?” You couldn’t hide your blush at his blunt vulgarity. 
“It’s gonna hurt if you try and you’re not…” He laughed at your reaction as you studied him for a moment, curious how he knew so much about your body without you being none the wiser. 
“I’m fine…” You confessed, hoping he was unaware that this had been because of him. 
“Here…” He took your hand quickly to the air, direction three fingers behind his lips and sucking them wet, before giving a teasing shrug. 
“Just to be sure…” He smirked, aware from the hitch of your breath that he was the reason behind your arousal. 
“This is the fun part…you get to decide where to begin…” His eyes were on fire with lust. 
“But I think we need a quick anatomy lesson…” Before you could object, you watched him take his middle finger into his lips before taking it within your shorts, over your clothed bundle of nerves as your body reacted immediately. 
“Your clit…it’s arguably the most sensitive. You can pull it, flick it…rub it…” He explained while performing such motions, your eyes coming closed at the actions sending shots of electricity from the tips of his fingers and onto each and every nerve within your body. 
“Your folds…finding out how wet you are…” His voice was a near growl as he gathered your slick before lowering the short distance to your entrance. 
“You…Penetration…start with one finger…work your way to two and even three…depending on how full you want to feel…” You shuddered at the thought as he simply teased your core, smirking as you behaved so sinful beneath his touch. 
“Shit…you’ve really NEVER done this, have you?”
You shook your head back and forth in a collection of desperate shakes as he moved even closer to you. 
“I’ll take care of you, sweetheart.” A soft moan left your throat as he bit his bottom lip at the sound, a sound he never believed he’d hear come from you-especially by his hand. 
“I’m gonna show you how to move your fingers and then I’m gonna have you do it-” You nodded, disappointed at the thought of his absence, but clinging to the thought of having him touch you. 
“I’ll go slow…” And he did, penetrating you with his middle finger as it curved immediately into you, his hand beginning to thrust as he became distracted from his lessons and focused more on the way your hand gripped around his wrist and your hips rose to meet him. When he accepted this distraction, his lips pulled apart to view the sight of your chest rise and fall in desperate breaths as his thumb now made circles over your clit. 
“God, you’re so sexy…” He groaned as you didn’t care about the aftermath of what either of your words or actions mention-you were too desperate for him to continue. 
“Oh my God!” Your eyes strained into a close as his second hand moved to your breast, moving beneath its cropped fabric as he would feel your lace bra beneath his touch. Yet, he continued still, taking your nipple between his fingers before twisting and pulling it into a kind fondling that strengthened the pleasure twisting in your stomach. 
“JJ! Fuck…” You whined as his touch suddenly retreated as your motions quickened to a close release. 
“Your turn…” He spoke in explanation to his cruel abandonment as you remained shy until feeling his hand collect yours. 
“I want to watch you…” He licked his lips, this having been enough of a motivation, as you slipped your fingers beneath your shorts, no need for further lubrication, before mirroring how he touched you. 
“Fuck…” He breathed, the sight of you pleasuring yourself in front of him, even more erotic than he’d ever imagined, his own hand palming the new development beneath his shorts, a distracting ache being his only other thought while watching you arch your back directly in front of him. 
“Are you thinking of ME?” You nodded, no need to play coy as you were aware he already knew. 
“Good…” He continued to breathe heavily; “Think about my fingers…touch yourself how you want me to-”
“I want you to…” You spoke through clenched teeth, eyes pulling open to plead with him. 
“That’s not fair to look at me like that…” He explained, the soft doe eyes effecting him as his dimples held a reaction for you. 
“No…Keep looking at me…I want to KNOW you’re thinking of me…” You struggled to fight the blush from your cheeks as your eyes locked onto his. The slip of your fingers beneath your panties, taking note of the lesson of his finger inside of you, curving it just as he had, sent your expression to contort in a way that was almost too much for him. 
“Goddamn!” He exclaimed, his own lips pulled apart in a hunger for more. 
“JJ! JJ!” You pleaded in repetition as he moved his hand over your mouth. 
“They’re gonna hear you, sweetheart…”
“I don’t care…” You whined. “I want you to touch me-please, J…I need YOU.” He breathed almost a chortle as he pulled towards him. 
“No…I want to watch you cum…in MY bed…saying my name…” He leaned over you, hand to your breast, fondling you as his breath teased a kiss to your lips. 
“Go a bit faster, baby…Make it feel REAL good…Just like you know I would…” You moaned into his hand, the vibration reverberating back to you as you watched over his touch that he was drinking in every reaction his lessons were now paying off for him. 
“Two fingers…” He directed, his lips now taking your breast within his mouth, still keeping that fragile rule unbroken, but desperate to make some form of connection to your skin. 
“My God, you’re shaking..” He chuckled into your chest, looking up from his kiss to your skin, before those eyes darkened in a way you’d never witnessed before. Not in anger. Not in sadness. In pure, unbridled, and necessary lust. 
“Faster.” He ordered as you obliged, the feeling of his thumb welcomed to your body, your hips bucking to meet his touch. 
“FASTER.” He spoke behind clenched teeth. “I wanna feel you through your panties, sweetheart…Come on…you can do it…”
“Let go, baby…oh god, I want to hear you cum for me…” 
“I’m gonna cum…I’m gonna-OH FUCK!” Your plea came against his palm, weakening to a fault at your side, eating into the sheets beside you as you released a silent orgasm for what took over you completely. Your fingers wrapped around his strong arms, tense to your touch taking him close enough to feel those very ripples through your entire body. His nose resting against yours, taking in your breath as his own, as he watched you attempt to breathe beneath him. 
“How did that feel?” You paused, gluttonous to feel it again. “Did I change your stance on it?” But you shook your head as he pulled upwards, slightly insulted. 
“Are you kidding me? You just shook the entire bed with how hard you came and you-”
“JJ-my stance was that it’s better with the REAL thing…” He cocked his jaw, the remembrance bringing his head into a nod of agreement. 
“I prefer you…” 
“Is that so?” His eyes now lowered to the space between you, your gaze following how he was painfully aroused for you. 
“I think I do too.” He teased as your hands came to the belt of his shorts before he collected your wrist, your name spoken in warning as you interjected over him,“I want to…I need to…” 
“You can’t look at me like that…it’s not fair, sweetheart…”
“But it gets me what I want….” You spoke in validation while pulling down his shorts enough to expose him to you. His impressive shaft, a feat for your small hands as you began to twist him within your grasp. Even if you weren’t knowledgeable of your own gratification, you were well aware how to please a man…
“FUCK-” He grunted to the air over you as you manipulated him unti he was now resting half upright within the bed, your hand working his cock with the trophy of your skillshet shown on the set of precum of his angered head. That was when you licked your lips, trying to intensify his release by what would have been your lips, before feeling his hand wrap around the back of your neck to keep you upwards. 
“I want to cum in your hand-not your throat-not this time…” Your heart leapt at the thought of ‘next time’, as you slowly nodded. 
“Touch me, J…Please…” You whimpered as his hand came to your breast, as you shook your head. 
“No…here…” You led his hand back between your legs as he breathed heavily once again. 
“Shit, you’re fucking soaked-” You nodded against him, your breath resting at his ear as you could feel his skin chill beneath your chin to your motions. 
“JJ…I want you to cum…I want to make you cum-” You bent forward, using your saliva over his swollen dick to ensure he wouldn't find pain within your grasp as he nearly bucked into you, soft moans and whimpers validating how you were as talented as he had been with his hands. 
“FUCK-FU-YES! OH yes! So fucking good…OH…” He belted, a hum of satisfaction coming behind his tensed jaw. A series of slow kisses climbed up his neck as he withdrew the hand from your breast to wrap it within your hair, taking your lips to break that damned rule. 
“But the rule-” You teased. 
“Fuck. The. Rules…Don’t stop-please don’t fucking stop…” You nodded, agreeing as his fingers quickened into you. 
“Oh shit, baby…oh fuuuckkk…” He drew out his final curse. 
“You’re gonna make me cum-I’m gonna cum-oh shit, shit-ahh…” Silence left his lips as you felt his fingers pause within you, favoring his climax to that of your own in this moment as you knew you had delivered just as you had received. Your name spoken in relief from his breath as he turned to face you. 
“Get on top of me-”
“I’m not gonna fuck you-not yet…But I want to feel you…” To this, you obliged as you stood, his fingers making quick work of your shorts and panties, leaving you naked from the waist down as he positioned you into a straddle. But his cock wouldn’t tease you as you had come to expect. Instead, he used his fingers in place-directing two immediately while the other remained on the back of your neck to guide his depth. 
“I’m gonna need you to cum for me again-”
“JJ-” You warned, your sensitivity almost too great to follow through with his request, if not silenced by the need to do so. 
“I know you can…I know you want to, you’re clenching me so tight…I know you need this…let me…”
“I want you!”
“I’m yours…I’m here…” You nodded, nails digging into his naked shoulders as he kissed your lips again, keeping your forehead to his with his fingers now in your hair. 
“Come on sweetheart…do whatever you need to to cum-”
“Then fuck me…” You whined. “I want you inside of me, JJ…” He clenched his teeth, managing to exchange his fingers for the tip of his cock in a single thrust as you gasped sharply. Licking his lips apart, he sheathed into you, the pain of his stretch quickly remedied by the way he guided you to bounce over him. 
“Fuck, sweetheart! You’re so tight for me…” You nodded, only able to respond in moans as he smiled in victory beneath you. 
“I’m gonna go a bit faster-” You agreed. 
“Yes, JJ! Please! Please, faster!” His smirk widened as he hammered up into you, the squelch of arousal echoing between you, before you were suddenly pulled upwards and left onto your back. Before you could adjust to this position, he held a dangerously sharp grip at the comforter behind your head, pulling it in desperation as your nails left lines of fresh blood along his back. 
“SHIT! Cum for me! Right now, baby-I can feel it…Cum-CUM!” He kissed you through your high, the buckle of reservation shattering to his demands, the clench of this very release sending him into his own. 
“FUCK-” Your name spoken in unison to his release brought him to collapse at your side as you remained in silence for a moment, torn between relishing this moment and mortified for what would follow. And yet the way he pulled you into him, arm at rest behind your head as you found comfort above his pounding heart, validated the words that weren’t necessary. You were his. And he was yours. The pleasant buzz of dual orgasms surging through you both as you grinned into rest over his chest. 
After all, what were friends for?
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets
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creatrixcymraes · 9 months
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! then, send to your last ten people in your notifs (anonymously). you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity <3
1. The sugary crust on the top of a lemon drizzle cake
2. The feeling in the air when it stops raining just before sunset
3. When my baban is going to sleep and he softly softly strokes my arm as he drifts off
4. Being in The Hole (the corner of my corner sofa) with a hot water bottle under my back and a big fluffy blanket
5. The sun shining through my hallway window and hitting all my hanging crystals and disco balls
Diolch for asking, sorry it took me literal months to respond x
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@dynamoprotocol sent: 💕Clarissa and Rick back when they were dating ,,uwu,, Ship meme: in-depth edition || Selectively accepting !
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How did they meet? ~ "O-One night we ran into each other a-at this random seedy pub in space. I-I guess that we bonded over having had a shitty day an-and a shitty life in general."
Who flirted with who first? ~ "I-I think it was me, that very same night, b-but shit, we were both so drunk. I-I don't fuckin' remember. I-It would track. S-She was a beautiful, witty, available woman, w-why the fuck I wouldn't have flirty with her, i-if she had let me?"
Was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance? ~ "D-Definitely a fuckin' slow burn...even if not that slow. W-We started off as drinking buddies, an-and it didn't took much to get to friends with benefits. A-As for the romance part...tha-that took a while. T-The feelings were there, b-but...neither of us though tha-that dating was a good idea...u-until we decided that we didn't care."
Did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic? ~ "A-As I mentioned it was a long road to the dating stage, s-so...yeah. I guess you could say tha-that we've been friends first."
What was their first date? ~ "I-I took her out on the beach, o-on this planet tha-that's basically made of crystals. T-Thinnest emerald sand, f-fuckin' spectacular amethyst waters an-and three suns setting. I-I wanted to go all out b-because...she had made me feel alive for the first time since...i-in a very long while. W-We went for a swim, had a picnic, danced under the stars...an-and had a real wild night of sex there too."
What are their favourite things to do on date nights? ~ "W-We usually go out to drink or-or I take her to concerts and parties. I-If we're not not in the mood for a crowd, w-we take my ship and go for a drive. I-I know a lot of cool places, i-in different dimensions, and...I-I want to share them all with her. I-If we do something more 'domestic', w-we stay in for some shitty soap opera an-and booze or I go to her place an-and we work on our projects."
Do they still go on dates after being together for a while? ~ "O-Of fuckin' course! W-Why the hell would we stop j-just because we've been dating a while? Tha-That's demented. D-Dates and sex are the most fun shit in a relationship. I-If I have a say in it, w-we'll never stop having on dates."
What is their love language? ~ "W-We don't...you know, say shit out aloud. O-Or well, I don't, Clarissa is a little more...vocal. B-But I think we show it by spending time with each other. An-And being there to offer a sympathetic ear an-and share a bottle of liquor a-after one of us had a shitty day. I-I get her random presents too, sometimes. Y-You know, the 'this made me think of you' sort."
Who kissed who first? ~ "I-I did. As soon as she showed that she was interested, I-I cornered her against a wall an-and kissed the hell out of her."
Who started the relationship? ~ "Uh, t-that was her. S-She said...the words first. I-I didn't say it back, I-I wasn't ready, but...I asked her if it meant tha-that she was my girlfriend now an-and that's how we made it official."
Monogamy or Polyamory? ~ "M-Mandatory fourth wall break for this one, pffffft. W-We never openly said that we were exclusive back when we dated, b-but we still didn't sleep with anyone else. I-In a universe where there's both her an-and Rick...Damn. P-Poly would be the fuckin' best choice."
Are they/do they plan on getting married? ~ "A-Absolutely no. After...I-I will never marry again. I-I haven't even told her that I-I had a wife. I-I mentioned during a drunk talk tha-that I don't believe in marriage. B-But that's the only time the subject had come up."
Who proposed? Was it a yes or no?
Do they want kids? Who brought it up first? ~ "W-We've never talked about it. S-Shit, our relationship is a whirlwind. An-And our lives are a fuckin' mess, f-for a lot of reasons. K-Kids wouldn't fit in it. An-And I don't want any. I-I doubt that she does."
Do they already have kids, together or from previous relationships? ~ "...I-I had a daughter. C-Clarissa doesn't know, I-I haven't told this either. An-And I'm not planning to."
Do they have any routines/rituals in their relationship? ~ "K-Kind of? I-I mean, shit, we both live pretty messy lives, s-so it happens that we don't see each other for a while. An-And we don't live together an-and we both have our own shit to take care of, s-so...routine isn't really our thing. B-But I make her breakfast if she stays the night, an-and we always bring each other a bottle w-when we pop in for an unannounced visit. An-And we sext when we can see each other for a few days."
How do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt? ~ "W-We...don't. Not really. I-I guess we're both stubborn that way an-and we'd rather deal with it on our own. B-But I got her some alien medicines an-and painkillers a few times an-and she kicked me to bed and kept me there a-after I had caught a bad case of Atlaxian flu. S-So I guess that we're willing to stick around an-and take care of each other, b-but we do only when the other allows it."
How do they like to spend time together? ~ "D-Doing all the stuff I mentioned. G-Going out, drinking, making out an-and fucking, working on shit, exploring a little. I-I take her with me when I need a hand o-on adventures. An-And sometimes she takes me along to break into...s-some facilities or shit. I never ask. I-It's fun, I get to blow up shit, an-and that's all that matters to me."
What are their favourite non-sexual forms of intimacy? ~ "I-I don't know about Clarissa, b-but mine is laying my head in her lap an-and just stay there. S-Sometimes she feeds me popcorn or shit, i-if we're watching TV, o-other times she plays with my hair. I-It feels...quiet. I-In a good way."
What are some of their favourite things about their partner? ~ "S-She's one of the most headstrong people I know. S-She's smart, witty, bold. I-I like that she doesn't mince words, an-and that she isn't scared to say what she thinks. I-I like how she can play me, an-and that she knows exactly how to make me do what she wants. S-She's just...her personality is fuckin' electrifying, an-and yeah, that's on purpose. An-And she's gorgeous. A-A hot hothead, damn. S-Sign me up."
How do they comfort the other when they are upset? ~ "W-We mostly sit with each other and drink. S-She never asks me to talk about it, an-and neither do I. I-If we feel like talking, w-we do, otherwise...we just keep each other company."
Who buys the other spontaneous gifts? ~ "I-It's mostly me. A-As I said, I get her shit I find around w-while I'm doing my thing. S-She doesn't always like them, b-because, well...s-some stuff is objectively disgusting, b-but hey, I find it cool."
What position do they sleep in? ~
Do they bathe/shower together? ~ "F-From time to time. U-Usually the morning after we slept together or-or after a messy outing."
Do they do anything else in the bath/shower other than wash? ~ "F-Fuck yeah, lots of other things. ~ An-Add we take our time, i-if neither of us has to run."
In the bedroom - Vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af? ~ "S-She can literally make electricity. W-What do you think?"
For applicable ships - who tops/bottoms? ~ "W-We switch. I-If I have some particular craving, I-I let her know, but I mostly go with whatever she's in the mood for. A-As long as she makes sure to shock me at least a bit e-every time we fuck."
For applicable ships - who is more dominant/submissive? ~ "S-Same as the top/bottom thing."
What is their favourite sex position? ~ "S-Shit that's a tough one. I-I think it's a tie between me lifting her up, p-pressing her against a wall and fucking her like that, an-and she is fucking me while keeping me pinned down."
Do either of them enjoy bringing sex toys into the bedroom? ~ "H-Hell yeah! Y-You should see the stuff I find around, s-some people out there are goddamn crazy. A-At times in a really good way. W-We don't try everything I-I bring back, but Clarissa is pretty adventurous, s-so...let's say that we have a lot of unconventional fun.~"
Favourite place to have sex? ~ "F-For me? The back of my ship. I-It's messy and there's not much room, b-but it's intimate. An-And I just love how hearing the echoes o-of the sounds she makes."
Most adventurous place they’ve had sex? ~ "N-No gravity chamber. I-It's trickier than it looks, trust me."
How often do they fight? What about? ~ "W-We do, but not too much. U-Usually is about random shit, l-like if I touch something of hers I shouldn't touch or-or if she presses some subjects too much. B-But it's never big fights. M-Maybe we give each other the silent treatment for a day, an-and that's it. T-There was this one time we fought over our hair, pfffft. I-I don't even remember what I said, b-but she got offended an-and she mocked me for my bald spot."
Have they ever broken up? ~ "A-Again, fourth wall break...Y-Yeah, we did. An-And we didn't see each other for eight years after that."
Messy breakup, amicable split, remain friends, ride or die or til death do us part? ~ "C-Calling it 'messy' is a fuckin' understatement. I-It was ugly, almost violent. T-The worst break up I've ever had. W-We hurt each other so badly tha-that we still feel it, e-even after all those years."
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kengensprings · 1 year
Enhance Your Home's Water Quality with a Premium Water Filter System in Dubai
Are you concerned about the quality of water in your home? With the rising awareness of water contaminants and their potential health risks, investing in a reliable home water filter system has become crucial. In Dubai, where water quality may vary, it is essential to ensure that your family has access to clean, safe, and great-tasting water. That's where Kengen Springs comes in.
Kengen Springs offers an exceptional range of home water filter systems designed to meet the unique needs of Dubai residents. With their advanced filtration technology, we guarantee the removal of impurities, such as chlorine, sediment, heavy metals, and harmful microorganisms, ensuring your family's well-being.
By installing a Kengen Springs water filter system in your home, you can enjoy numerous benefits. Firstly, you'll have peace of mind knowing that your drinking and cooking water is free from harmful contaminants. The system's superior filtration process provides crystal-clear water that not only tastes great but also retains essential minerals for your health.
Moreover, We offer convenience and cost-effectiveness. Say goodbye to the hassle and expense of purchasing bottled water or constantly replacing filter cartridges. With Kengen Springs, you'll have a long-lasting and reliable solution that saves you money in the long run.
Make a wise choice for your home's water quality – choose Kengen Springs. Visit our website today to explore our wide range of water filter systems and start your journey towards cleaner, healthier water for your family.
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looye29 · 1 year
Product Name: SLIMCRYSTAL - The World's Only Slimming Crystal Water Bottles! [ad_1] Click here to get SLIMCRYSTAL - The World's Only Slimming Crystal Water Bottles! at discounted price while it's still available... All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. SLIMCRYSTAL - The World's Only Slimming Crystal Water Bottles! is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked. Description: Drinking 2-3 liters of water from our SLIMCRYSTAL bottles each day is a great way to support healthy weight loss, maintain healthy digestion and high energy levels, and can support your health and long term youthfulness amongst many benefits. The unique combination of crystals is so powerful that it has been used for decades by crystal healing experts in order to help thousands of men and women change their lives for the better, and now it's your turn to try it. Order your SLIMCRYSTAL bottle TODAY!Each of our SLIMCRYSTAL bottles contain 9 types of natural crystals inside them. Experts claim that they can provide amazing health benefits to the the human body. And when you start drinking water that has been revitalized with our SLIMCRYSTAL's powerful combination of natural crystals, your body gets these benefits. All our clients say that drinking water from our bottles helped them lose weight naturally and become happier, and that's why they love them so much!Start drinking water only from our bottles, and you may experience amazing benefits!"After my second pregnancy, because of a very stressful job, I gained 24 pounds...I had such a low energy that it took me over 30 minutes to get out of bed each morning... Plus I felt tired all day long, with no energy for my kids.So I decided to start working with the healing energy of crystals in order to keep stress under control, and to increase my energy level, and that's how I found the SlimCrystal bottles.After just a few months of drinking water from my SlimCrystal bottle, I feel that my life has completely changed.I am able to manage stress way better, and my energy is back, as I am overflowing with energy all day long!It took me only 3 and half months to get rid of all the access weight I accumulated in the last 2 years, and I am back to a size 8! I recently turned 43, but I feel young again! Thank you SlimCrystal for giving me back my youthful energy and my old body!"Jenna Michaels, Miami, FLI’m so confident you’ll love our bottles that I’m prepared to back up your investment with a 100% satisfaction guarantee for the next 60 days. Start using our bottles when you receive them at your home - in just a few days. Drinking water from SLIMCRYSTAL bottles will make your weight loss journey a lot easier and more enjoyable. Your order is fully secure, encrypted and safe. It’s also covered by a rock solid 60 day guarantee. If at any point during the next 2 months following your order, you are less than satisfied with your results, contact us using the links at the footer of this page and we will refund your order.This is an advertisement and not an actual news article, blog, or consumer protection update. Copyright 2021For Product Support, please contact the vendor HERE.For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE.If you want to contact us, feel free to get in touch via email HERE and we will get back to you as soon as possible.*It's important to know that results are not typical and that your results may vary greatly and are not guaranteed. Individual results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are real women, and may not reflect the typical purchaser's experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.
Every person has unique experiences, exercise habits, eating habits, and applies the information in a different way. Thus, the experiences that we share from other people may not reflect the typical users' experience. However, these results are meant as a showcase of what the best, most motivated clients have achieved. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products. Each client can receive a full refund within 30 days if he/she returns our product to our warehouse within 30 days from purchase date. For more details, please read our Refund Policy HERE! ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products. The website's content and the product for sale is based upon the author's opinion and is provided solely on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols or products presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank's sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product. All the content of this website is based on information that has been found online on the internet and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the FTC. Clickbank cannot be held responsible in any way for the statements from our website. All name used in testimonials and content on our website are pen names. Crystal healing should be used with the understanding that it is part of a holistic treatment plan. It is not meant to take the place of standard medical or psychological treatment, but to accompany & work alongside it. The information contained herein is metaphysical in nature & does not claim to heal or cure. Whereas these tests have been made under certified conditions, results have varied. At times the pH value has even stayed unchanged. This is due to the fact that not two gems the same. Applying scientific measures on natural products almost necessarily leads to varying results.   LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: By reading this website's content, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that our company or Clickbank , cannot be held responsible in any way for the use of the information or the products recommended on our website. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding your health and well being if you intend to apply any of our information or use the products recommended here. In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding your health or well being as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information.
In addition, for all intents and purposes you agree that our content is to be considered "for entertainment purposes only". Always seek the advice of a professional when making any type of decisions....Refund Policy Shipping Policy Affiliates [ad_2] Click here to get SLIMCRYSTAL - The World's Only Slimming Crystal Water Bottles! at discounted price while it's still available... All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. SLIMCRYSTAL - The World's Only Slimming Crystal Water Bottles! is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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sacleanwaterblog · 17 days
Enjoy Crystal Clear Water with Whole House Filtration Systems from SACleanWater.com 💧🏡
Are you concerned about the quality of water flowing through your home? At SACleanWater.com, we specialize in providing top-of-the-line whole house filtration systems that ensure every drop of water in your home is clean, safe, and pure.
 From drinking and cooking to bathing and cleaning, our filtration systems provide peace of mind by delivering high-quality water throughout your entire household. Discover how our comprehensive solutions can enhance your home’s water quality and improve your family’s health and well-being.
Key Features:
Comprehensive Filtration: 🌊 Our whole house filtration systems effectively remove contaminants such as chlorine, sediments, heavy metals, and other harmful substances, ensuring clean water for all your needs.
Advanced Technology: 🔬 Utilizing the latest filtration technologies, our systems provide superior performance and durability, guaranteeing long-lasting and reliable water purification.
Customizable Solutions: ⚙️ We offer a range of customizable filtration systems tailored to meet the specific water quality needs of your household, addressing unique concerns and preferences.
Easy Installation and Maintenance: 🛠️ Our expert technicians ensure seamless installation and provide maintenance services to keep your filtration system operating at peak efficiency.
Eco-Friendly Options: 🌱 SACleanWater.com is committed to sustainability, offering eco-friendly filtration systems that conserve water and reduce environmental impact.
Healthier Drinking Water: 🚰 Enjoy fresh, clean water straight from the tap, free from contaminants that can pose health risks to you and your family.
Improved Skin and Hair Health: ��‍♀️ Filtered water is gentler on your skin and hair, reducing irritation and dryness caused by harsh chemicals and impurities.
Protects Appliances: 🛡️ Whole house filtration systems prevent scale buildup and corrosion in your plumbing and appliances, extending their lifespan and improving efficiency.
Better Tasting Water: 😋 Experience the pure, refreshing taste of filtered water for drinking and cooking, enhancing the flavor of your meals and beverages.
Cost Savings: 💰 Reduce the need for bottled water and lower maintenance costs for appliances, saving money in the long run with a reliable filtration system.
Water Quality Testing: 🧪 We provide thorough water quality testing to identify the specific contaminants in your water supply, allowing us to recommend the most effective filtration solution.
System Installation: 🔧 Our professional technicians handle the entire installation process, ensuring your whole house filtration system is set up correctly and efficiently.
Maintenance and Support: 📞 Regular maintenance services and expert support keep your filtration system functioning optimally, providing ongoing clean water for your home.
Filter Replacement: 🔄 Timely filter replacement services ensure your system continues to operate effectively, maintaining the highest water quality standards.
Custom Solutions: 🏠 We design and install customized filtration systems tailored to your home’s specific water quality needs and preferences.
Why Choose SACleanWater.com:
Expertise and Experience: 👨‍🔧 With years of experience in the water filtration industry, our team possesses the knowledge and skills to deliver top-notch solutions and services.
High-Quality Products: 🥇 We use only the best materials and technologies to ensure our filtration systems provide superior performance and durability.
Customer Satisfaction: 😊 Our commitment to exceptional customer service means we work tirelessly to meet and exceed your expectations.
Affordable Pricing: 💲 We offer competitive pricing on all our filtration systems and services, making high-quality water purification accessible to everyone.
Sustainability Commitment: 🌍 Our eco-friendly filtration options help conserve resources and protect the environment, promoting a healthier planet.
Contact Us
Don't compromise on water quality for your home. Contact SACleanWater.com today to learn more about our whole house filtration systems and how we can help you enjoy pure, clean water throughout your household.
🌐 Visit us at SACleanWater.com for more information about our services and to get in touch with our team. For inquiries and appointments, call us at 📞 +27 83 295 3819. Let SACleanWater.com provide you with the pure, clean water you deserve! 💧🏡✨
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sonag · 26 days
Reclaim Your Well-being: Desk Job Survival Guide with Wellness Tips, Crystals, and Essential Oils
The modern office environment can be a double-edged sword. While it offers opportunities for collaboration and career growth, the reality of a desk job can often lead to a sedentary lifestyle, fatigue, and increased stress. But fear not, desk warriors! By incorporating simple wellness tips, alongside the power of crystals and essential oils, you can create a more mindful and balanced work experience.
Wellness Tips for Desk Job Workers:
Move Your Body: Don't let your chair become your throne. Set reminders to get up and move every hour. Stretch, take a short walk around the office, or even do some simple desk exercises.
Embrace the Power of Posture: Sitting with good posture is key to preventing aches and pains. Invest in an ergonomic chair and adjust your workstation to ensure proper back and neck support.
Hydration is Key: Dehydration can lead to headaches and fatigue. Keep a reusable water bottle at your desk and aim to drink water consistently throughout the day.
Nourish Your Body: Pack healthy lunches and snacks to avoid relying on unhealthy vending machine options. Balanced meals with fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will fuel your body and mind throughout the workday.
Embrace Natural Light: If possible, position your desk near a window to benefit from natural sunlight. Natural light can boost your mood and improve energy levels.
Digital Detox Breaks: Schedule regular breaks to disconnect from your computer screen. Step away from emails and social media to allow your eyes and mind a rest.
Mindfulness Matters: Integrate short mindfulness practices into your workday. Try simple breathing exercises, meditation apps, or even mindful walks to reduce stress and improve focus.
Prioritize Sleep: A good night's sleep is crucial for overall well-being. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine to ensure you get the rest you need.
Explore 10 Simple Wellness Tips For Staying Healthy If You Have A Desk Job
Crystals for Emotional Wellbeing:
Crystals have been used for centuries to promote well-being and emotional balance. Here are a few crystals to consider for desk job workers:
Amethyst: Known for its calming properties, amethyst can help reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a more peaceful work environment.
Citrine: Citrine is a stone of optimism and abundance. It can help to boost your mood, increase motivation, and promote a sense of creativity.
Carnelian: This energizing stone can help combat feelings of lethargy and tiredness. Carnelian can boost your energy levels and improve focus, allowing you to tackle your workday with renewed enthusiasm.
Clear Quartz: Known as the "master healer," clear quartz can amplify the properties of other crystals. It can also promote clarity of thought and enhance your ability to concentrate.
Read More About  - Top 5 Crystals for Stress Relief and Emotional Wellbeing
Remember: Crystals are a complementary wellness tool. While they can offer energetic support, they should not be a substitute for professional medical advice.
Essential Oils for a More Mindful Workspace:
Essential oils, extracted from aromatic plants, can offer a natural way to enhance your workday environment. Here are some essential oils to consider:
Lavender: A well-known stress reliever, lavender oil can promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. Diffuse it into your workspace or apply a diluted solution to your temples for a calming effect.
Peppermint: Peppermint oil is known for its invigorating properties. It can help boost alertness, improve focus, and combat afternoon slumps.
Lemon: Lemon oil has a refreshing aroma that can uplift your mood and promote mental clarity. It can also help to purify the air in your workspace.
Frankincense: Frankincense oil is known for its grounding and calming properties. It can help reduce stress and promote feelings of peace and tranquility.
Important Note: Always use essential oils safely. Dilute them properly with a carrier oil before applying them topically. Consult with a healthcare professional before using essential oils if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have any existing medical conditions.
Embrace a Holistic Approach to Wellness:
By incorporating these wellness tips, crystals, and essential oils into your daily routine, you can create a more mindful and balanced work environment. Remember, creating a well-being routine takes time and experimentation. Find what works best for you, and enjoy the journey to a healthier and happier you!
Bonus Tip: Many offices offer wellness programs or resources. Take advantage of these offerings, such as yoga classes, meditation sessions, or on-site gyms, to further enhance your well-being at work.
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luxurybeautyreviews · 1 month
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gokleenkochi · 1 month
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A clean and organized car not only looks great but also contributes to a more enjoyable driving experience. However, with our busy lives, maintaining a tidy car can sometimes feel like a daunting task. Fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore practical tips and tricks to help you keep your car sparkling clean and impeccably organized, ensuring a comfortable and stress-free ride every time. Discover how to maintain a sparkling clean and impeccably organized car with our Car Cleaning in Kochi.
Establish a Routine
Consistency is key when it comes to keeping your car clean and organized. Set aside regular intervals for cleaning sessions, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on your schedule and usage patterns. By making car maintenance a habit, you’ll prevent clutter and dirt from accumulating over time.
Declutter First
Before diving into the cleaning process, take a few moments to declutter your car. Remove any unnecessary items, such as old receipts, empty water bottles, or loose change. Invest in storage solutions like car organizers, bins, or seatback pockets to keep essential items neatly stowed away.
Trash Management
Combat litter buildup by designating a small trash bin or bag specifically for your car. Empty it regularly to prevent odors and maintain cleanliness. Encourage passengers to dispose of their trash responsibly, reinforcing the importance of a tidy vehicle environment.
Invest in Cleaning Supplies
Arm yourself with the right tools for the job. Stock up on car-specific cleaning products such as interior cleaners, glass cleaners, upholstery wipes, and microfiber cloths. Consider investing in a handheld vacuum cleaner to tackle crumbs, dirt, and debris effectively.
Start with the Interior
Begin your cleaning regimen by focusing on the interior of your car. Vacuum the floors, seats, and floor mats to remove dirt and debris. Use a mild interior cleaner to wipe down surfaces such as the dashboard, console, and door panels. Pay special attention to high-touch areas like steering wheels, gear shifts, and cup holders.
Don’t Forget the Windows
Clean, streak-free windows not only enhance visibility but also contribute to the overall aesthetics of your car. Use a quality glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth to wipe down the interior and exterior windows, ensuring a crystal-clear finish.
Organize Storage Spaces
Maximize available storage spaces within your car to prevent clutter. Utilize glove compartments, center consoles, and door pockets to store essential items such as sunglasses, tissues, and car documents. Consider installing car organizers or caddies to keep smaller items neatly contained.
Regular Exterior Washes
Maintaining a clean exterior not only preserves your car’s appearance but also protects its paint and finish. Wash your car regularly using a gentle automotive shampoo and a soft sponge or microfiber mitt. Pay attention to areas prone to dirt buildup, such as wheel wells, grilles, and undercarriages.
Protect Against Mess
Prevent spills and stains by using protective covers such as seat covers, floor mats, and trunk liners. Invest in spill-proof containers for beverages and snacks, minimizing the risk of accidents while on the road. Stay Consistent
Lastly, consistency is key to maintaining a clean and organized car. Make it a habit to tidy up after each trip, removing any trash or clutter before it accumulates. By incorporating these practices into your routine, you’ll enjoy a clean, clutter-free car year-round.
A clean and organized car not only enhances your driving experience but also reflects positively on your overall lifestyle. By implementing the tips outlined in this guide and staying consistent with your car maintenance routine, you’ll enjoy the benefits of a tidy vehicle for miles to come. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your cleaning supplies, and embark on the journey to a cleaner, more organized car today! Take advantage of GoKleen’s Doorstep Car Wash Service Kochi to ensure your car stays consistently clean and protected.
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vaiwaii · 1 month
Unveiling Fiji's Pristine Water Aquifer: A Jewel Beneath the Pacific
Nestled in the heart of the South Pacific Ocean lies Fiji, a tropical paradise renowned for its crystal-clear waters, lush landscapes, and vibrant culture. While Fiji's picturesque beauty often steals the spotlight, beneath its surface lies a hidden gem – its pristine water aquifer. Blessed with some of the purest natural water sources on the planet, Fiji's aquifers play a crucial role in sustaining life on the islands and beyond.
Fiji best Water Aquifer are primarily found in its volcanic rock formations, which act as natural reservoirs for rainwater and underground springs. These geological formations, combined with Fiji's abundant rainfall and porous soil, create ideal conditions for the replenishment and filtration of groundwater. As a result, Fiji boasts a network of aquifers that yield water of exceptional quality, prized for its purity and taste.
One of Fiji's most renowned aquifers is located on the main island of Viti Levu. Beneath the rugged terrain of the highlands, vast underground reservoirs store rainwater that has percolated through layers of volcanic rock over centuries. Protected from external pollutants and contaminants, this water remains untouched and naturally mineral-rich, making it a sought-after resource for both locals and visitors.
The purity of Fiji's water is further enhanced by the absence of industrial pollution and extensive human development in many parts of the islands. Unlike densely populated urban areas where water sources are often compromised by pollution, Fiji's aquifers remain pristine due to the relatively low population density and stringent environmental regulations.
Fiji's water aquifers not only provide essential drinking water for its inhabitants but also support various industries, including agriculture and tourism. The fertile soil nourished by groundwater allows for the cultivation of a wide range of crops, from tropical fruits to root vegetables, contributing to Fiji's agricultural economy and food security. Moreover, the abundance of clean water sources enhances the appeal of Fiji's tourism industry, attracting visitors from around the world who seek rejuvenation and relaxation in the island's natural beauty.
In recent years, Order Fiji Water in Bulk has gained international recognition for its purity and quality. Bottled water sourced from Fiji's aquifers has become a global phenomenon, prized for its crisp taste and perceived health benefits. Brands like Fiji Water have capitalized on the pristine reputation of Fiji's aquifers, exporting bottled water to markets worldwide and showcasing the natural abundance of the islands.
However, the exploitation of Fiji's water resources has also raised concerns about sustainability and environmental impact. While the extraction of water for bottling provides economic opportunities for local communities, it must be managed responsibly to prevent overexploitation and depletion of aquifers. Additionally, the carbon footprint associated with bottling and shipping water from Fiji to distant markets underscores the need for sustainable practices within the industry.
To safeguard Fiji's water resources for future generations, concerted efforts are underway to promote responsible water management and conservation. Government agencies, non-profit organizations, and local communities are working together to implement measures aimed at preserving the integrity of Fiji's aquifers while meeting the needs of a growing population and economy.
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Crystal Clear Solutions: Exploring the Benefits of Water Purification Services
Water purification services are essential for ensuring access to clean, safe, and high-quality drinking water in homes, businesses, and communities. Whether you're concerned about contaminants, odors, or taste issues in your water supply, water purification services offer comprehensive solutions to improve water quality and promote health and well-being. Let's dive into the myriad benefits of water purification services and how they can transform the way you access and consume water.
Removal of Contaminants: Water purification services utilize advanced filtration and treatment technologies to remove a wide range of contaminants from water sources, including bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, chemicals, and microorganisms. By eliminating harmful impurities, purification services ensure that drinking water meets stringent safety standards and is free from potential health risks.
Improved Taste and Odor: Water purification services enhance the taste and odor of drinking water by removing unpleasant flavors, odors, and impurities that can affect water quality. Whether it's chlorine, sulfur, or organic compounds causing off-flavors and smells, purification technologies such as activated carbon filtration and reverse osmosis effectively neutralize contaminants, resulting in fresh, clean-tasting water that is enjoyable to drink.
Health Benefits: Access to clean, purified water is essential for maintaining optimal health and well-being. Water purification services help reduce the risk of waterborne illnesses and diseases by removing pathogens, bacteria, and parasites from drinking water. By providing safe and reliable access to purified water, purification services contribute to improved hydration, digestion, and overall health for individuals and families.
Environmental Sustainability: Water purification services promote environmental sustainability by reducing the reliance on single-use plastic water bottles and minimizing the environmental impact of bottled water production and distribution. By encouraging the use of reusable water containers and promoting tap water as a safe and eco-friendly alternative, purification services support conservation efforts and reduce plastic waste in landfills and oceans.
Cost Savings: Investing in Sewer Lining & Repiping can result in significant cost savings over time compared to purchasing bottled water or relying on disposable filtration systems. By providing a long-term solution for accessing clean, purified water at home or in the workplace, purification services eliminate the need for recurring expenses associated with bottled water purchases, delivery fees, and filter replacements, saving money in the long run.
Convenience and Accessibility: Water purification services offer convenience and accessibility by providing on-demand access to clean, purified water whenever and wherever it's needed. Whether it's installing a whole-house water purification system, a point-of-use filtration unit, or a water dispenser in the office, purification services ensure that clean water is readily available for drinking, cooking, and other household or commercial uses.
In conclusion, water purification services offer numerous benefits, including the removal of contaminants, improved taste and odor, health benefits, environmental sustainability, cost savings, convenience, and accessibility. Whether you're concerned about the quality of your tap water or looking to reduce plastic waste, investing in water purification services provides a reliable solution for accessing clean, safe, and great-tasting water that promotes health, sustainability, and peace of mind.
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blondebeautyz · 13 days
SlimCrystal Australia Reviews: Is SlimCrystal Safe? 
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This SlimCrystal reviews will guide you in selecting the perfect hydration companion that not only keeps you hydrated throughout the day but also offers various health benefits. SlimCrystal water bottles have recently become a subject of widespread discussion and interest.  They have sparked considerable conversations across different platforms. I conducted an in-depth investigation into the SlimCrystal water bottle to determine whether the buzz around it is just hype or has merit. Continue reading for our comprehensive analysis of the SlimCrystal water bottle. 
Overview of SlimCrystal 
The SlimCrystal Bottle is a special kind of water bottle with nine different natural stones inside. These stones are Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Moonstone, Citrine, Carnelian, Sodalite, Red Agate, Red Jasper, and Green Aventurine. People say these stones can help you lose weight in a healthy way, keep your digestion going well, and keep you feeling energetic and young.  You should try to drink 2-3 liters of water from this bottle every day to get the best results. This way, you get the good stuff from the stones and also help your body stay healthy and youthful over time.  Click To Access The Official Website Of SlimCrystal
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Overview of SlimCrystal
How Does SlimCrystal Work in Your Body?  
SlimCrystal is a water bottle that uses the old idea of using crystals for health in a new way. It has nine different natural crystals in it that mix with your drinking water. Drinking from this bottle could make your body work faster to burn calories, helping you lose weight without having to follow tough diets. This bottle isn’t just nice to look at; it’s filled with a special mix of crystals that are picked to help you lose weight. Drinking this special water could boost how fast your body burns food by a lot. The idea is that these crystals give their energy to the water. When you drink it, you might feel more energetic, younger, and closer to the body shape you want. In short, SlimCrystal gives a new twist to the old practice of using crystals for health. The stones in the bottle help control how much you eat and cut down on extra snacking. It’s a natural way to help with your health and losing weight. Visit the SlimCrystal Official Website & Place Your Order!
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How Does SlimCrystal Work in Your Body?
Is SlimCrystal Safe? 
SlimCrystal is designed with the goal of helping people lose weight safely through the method of crystal healing. This unique water bottle is not only aimed at assisting with weight loss but is also considered beneficial for people struggling with obesity. The selection of crystals in SlimCrystal works together to enhance the water's nutritional and healing properties. This special water is said to support effortless weight loss, improve digestion, and boost energy levels. By incorporating SlimCrystal into your daily routine, you could potentially shed unwanted pounds and lead a healthier, more comfortable life. According to the manufacturer, the crystals within the bottle have the ability to purify the water, contributing to your weight loss efforts. Additionally, this enhanced water is believed to nourish your digestive system and help you look younger for longer.
Benefits of SlimCrystal in Weight Loss 
SlimCrystal features a collection of healing crystals, each bringing its own set of advantages to aid in weight loss and overall well-being: Red Agate Crystal: Recognized for its healing effects, it can soothe various ailments, including easing menstrual pains, which indirectly supports weight management by reducing discomfort-related stress and overeating.  Amethyst: Acting as a natural tranquilizer, it wards off negative energies and fosters a sense of peace. This reduction in stress can help prevent stress-induced eating, contributing to weight loss.  Colorless Quartz: Known to boost memory, focus, and energy levels, this crystal also strengthens the immune system, supporting the body's overall health and aiding in an active lifestyle.  Green Amethyst: Encourages equilibrium, diminishes stress, and enhances energy, facilitating a more balanced and energetic approach to weight loss and health.  Carnelian: Boosts mood, enhances circulation, and clears the mind, which can contribute to better decision-making about food and exercise.  Moonstone: Improves both physical and emotional strength, while also alleviating stress, creating a more favorable environment for weight loss.  Citrine: Increases creativity and the drive to exercise, making it easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle and pursue weight loss goals.  Green Aventurine Stone: Often associated with prosperity and love, this stone is also celebrated for its restorative properties, which can contribute to a more positive and motivated mindset for losing weight.  Sodalite: Helps in curbing hunger and boosting metabolism, supporting adherence to a healthy diet and facilitating more efficient weight management.  (BIG DISCOUNT) Click to Buy SlimCrystal for the Lowest Price
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Benefits of SlimCrystal in Weight Loss
SlimCrystal Reviews: What Do Customers Say After Use? 
Many users of SlimCrystal report significant improvements in their self-perception after incorporating the bottle into their daily routines. They share stories of achieving personal and professional goals, feeling a surge in motivation to tackle challenges they once thought were beyond their reach. Customers highlight the ease and subtlety of the weight loss journey with SlimCrystal, noting that it doesn't feel like a traditional diet. On average, users experience a loss of 20 to 40 pounds over a span of three to six months, showcasing the gentle yet effective nature of this approach. Another notable benefit mentioned by users is the stabilization of blood sugar levels. Individuals with previously high sugar levels report a return to normalcy, suggesting that SlimCrystal may play a role in enhancing metabolic functions and helping the body operate more efficiently. This product is celebrated not just by its users but also by professionals in the health and wellness industry, including doctors and chiropractors. The consensus among these groups is that SlimCrystal offers a safe and beneficial opportunity for self-improvement and the achievement of health-related goals. With no reported negative effects, SlimCrystal comes highly recommended as a positive addition to anyone’s lifestyle, aiming to enhance well-being without adverse impacts.
Price of SlimCrystal 
For those interested in purchasing the SlimCrystal water bottle, the official website offers attractive discounts, potentially saving buyers up to $200. There are a variety of package options to choose from, catering to different needs and preferences: A bottle of SlimCrystal costs $117 plus shipping and comes with a free bonus. Available in a pack of two bottles for $197, with free shipping and 2 bonus bracelets To make this purchase even more appealing and secure, SlimCrystal comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. This policy ensures that if you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you have the option to contact customer support within 60 days of your purchase to request a full refund. This guarantee makes trying SlimCrystal a risk-free investment in your health and well-being.  (DON’T MISS OUT) SlimCrystal Best Deal Yet – Click to Buy
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Price of SlimCrystal
Can I Buy SlimCrystal in Australia? 
Yes, SlimCrystal is available for purchase in Australia. Interested buyers can acquire the SlimCrystal water bottle directly through its official website. This unique water bottle is crafted to aid in healthy weight loss by enriching water with the energy of crystals. While browsing, customers in Australia may come across various package deals and might also find special discounts or promotions applicable to their purchase, making it an attractive option for those looking to integrate this innovative approach to weight loss into their daily routine.
In conclusion, our SlimCrystal reviews explored the innovative SlimCrystal water bottle, highlighting the combination of hydration and natural crystal healing. This product emerges as a beacon for those seeking to enhance weight loss and improve well-being effortlessly. Through examining its advantages, customer feedback, and the principles of crystal healing, SlimCrystal emerges as not just a hydration tool, but a step towards a healthier, more balanced existence.  We invite your feedback! If you've experienced SlimCrystal or are intrigued by crystal-infused hydration, share your journey with us. Your stories contribute to our community and encourage others to pursue wellness.  Explore more with Blonde Beauty's extensive range of health, beauty, and wellness content. Our blogs offer further insights, reviews, and tips to help you lead a more vibrant life. Discover more with Blonde Beauty and continue enriching your body, mind, and soul.  Read the full article
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healthhubforyou · 2 months
**SlimCrystal Water Bottle: Your Partner in Healthy Weight Loss**
**SlimCrystal Water Bottle: Your Partner in Healthy Weight Loss**
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Welcome to SlimCrystal - the revolutionary water bottle designed to accelerate your weight loss journey naturally. Say goodbye to fad diets and hello to a healthier lifestyle with our innovative product.**
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Why Choose SlimCrystal?*** **
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Effortless Weight Loss:** Our water bottle is infused with natural crystals and minerals that help boost metabolism, suppress appetite, and promote fat burning.*
**Hydration Reinvented:** Stay hydrated throughout the day with our stylish and convenient water bottle. Proper hydration is essential for overall health and weight management.
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* **Sustainable Wellness:** Unlike harmful weight loss supplements, SlimCrystal harnesses the power of nature to support your body's natural processes. No chemicals or artificial additives here!
* **Eco-Friendly Design:** Our reusable bottle is made from durable materials, reducing waste and supporting environmental sustainability.
**Features & Benefits:*** Crystal-Infused Water: Enjoy the benefits of crystal healing with every sip.
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* Portable & Stylish: Take SlimCrystal with you wherever you go - to the gym, office, or on-the-go.*
BPA-Free & Leakproof: Made from high-quality, non-toxic materials for your peace of mind.*
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