#benedict x sofie
frost-queen · 2 years
Sickness upon you /A ae (Reader!Sibling x Bridgertons)
Requested by: Anon, Forever tag: @missmelodramatic, @theletterhart, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly, @denkisclown, @automaticbakeryfreakshoe, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @october-leaves, @luvlyencanto,  @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @idkwhatmyusernam,  @subjecta13-thefangirl  @kazbekkarluvbot, @freyathehuntress​
Summary: Alternative/ alternative ending (so a third ending) Letters have been send out but no response comes. Thinking it is only Hyacinth wanting attention. R dies all alone having want nothing more than to hug her siblings. Once funeral invitations have been send out the Bridgerton family is overcome with grief and guilt. < Read beginning & (happy) ending here!, Sad ending in company here! >
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Letters had been send out, arriving at the right destination. Benedict stood behind a painting, paint brush in his hand. Sofie reading a novel in the armchair before him. There was a knock on the door. – “My lord, letters have arrived.” – the butler said with a bow. Benedict pointed with his paintbrush at a small table. – “Lay them there, I shall see to them later.” – he spoke turning his attention to the painting once more. The butler placed the letters down taking his immediate leave. Sofie looked up from her novel to the interesting letters. After half an hour she wondered when he might read them. – “Are you not going to read them?” – she asked from behind her book. Benedict sighed soft. – “In a moment, I am trying to perfect your pretty face, Sofie.” – he answered making her smile briefly. 
“You already have a million portraits of me, Benedict.” – she responded. Benedict dapped his brush in white paint, letting the brush stroke against the canvas. Sofie glanced up to the letters, her curiosity getting the better of her. She shut her book, placing it beside her. Benedict moved his hand up as she had gotten up. – “I was nearly there.” – he protested with a soft groan. Sofie had been butchered to stay in place for over an hour now. She walked up to the letters picking them up. – “Do not fond yourself over meaningless letters love.” – Benedict spoke hoping his dear wife would return to pose.
Sofie moved the letters behind one another to go through them. – “Benedict love.” – she said laying the other letter back down, just one in her hand. – “This one is from your sister Hyacinth.” – Sofie turned to him, presenting the letter to him. Benedict placed his brush down as well as his painting pallet. He took the letter from her. – “As I said meaningless letters.” – he spoke laying the letter down with the others. – “It might be important?” – Sofie insisted. – “And it might not.” – Benedict answered cupping her cheeks. – “My dear Sofie, my sister is known to write letters when she feels lonely. Although she isn’t.” – He kissed her forehead as she exhaled long. 
“I still believe you should read it.” – Benedict sighed loud at her words. He turned around returning to his unfinished painting. – “What if it is not? What if something is amiss?” – Sofie called out. – “Sofie, Sofie nothing is amiss at home. I promise you.” – he said to reassure her. Sofie turned to look away, crossing her arms. – “Everything is ever so perfect at home.” – Benedict told her motioning for her to sit down once more. Sofie sat back down, yet not with the pleasing smile she did before.
Violet’s eyes fluttered awake at the morning glow seeking a way through the curtains. She seated herself better in the chair, feeling her back ache. She had fallen asleep in an unfortunate position. Taking a deep breath, she urged herself to get up on her feet. You were shivering as Violet walked up to the bed. Placing the bedsheets better on you, tugging you back in. Then she went with her hand over your face down to your cheek, feeling the clamminess. You were still pretty hot compared to normally. Violet settled down on the matrass with you. A small groan of back pain escaping her lips. She turned her head to stare at the water bowl on your nightstand for a moment. Her expression dull and lifeless. Weary she picked up the cloth urging herself to take care of you. 
Even when she found it hard to do so. Water dripped down from the cloth back into the bowl when Violet gave it a soft squeeze. She placed her hand on your shoulder, turning you onto your back. Placing the wet cloth on your forehead to ease your temperature. Your body was shivering under the sheets, a clear disturbance on your face. Eyes closed but she could see the tension bothering you in your sleep. Violet lifted her chin up to the window, staring at it. A gentle knock on the door made her turn her head. The door opened revealing one of the maids. – “Lady Bridgerton, I brought you, your tea.” – she said with a curtsy.
Violet thanked her, gesturing at her to place it down. – “Are… are my children awake?” – she asked. The maid nodded. – “Good… tell them I will meet with them in a bit.” – The maid nodded once more taking her leave. Violet got up leaving you alone for the first time in many hours. She went down the stairs to share breakfast with her remaining children. Knowing they needed her care too.
The duke and duchess sat at the table. Simon laid his napkin down receiving a great deal of letters. Daphne quirked her eyebrow up, sticking a fork in her mouth. Simon looked through the letters furrowing his brows at a letter from Hyacinth. – “Daphne, you have a letter.” – he said holding the letter out. – “Me?” – Daphne answered placing her fork down. She licked her lips clean, taking the letter from Simon. – “Hyacinth?”- she said quietly. Simon continued to look through his letters questioning which was of more importance to open first. Daphne opened the letter, reading the note. – “Is… is something the matter?” – Simon asked seeing the clear baffled expression with her. 
“I don’t know… Hyacinth is not one to write a great deal of information.” – she answered with a polite smile. – “I shall have to speak with her about proper letter writing when I meet her again.” – Daphne said folding the letter. – “What… what did it say?” – Simon was curious having seen her reaction. – “Nothing out of the ordinary.” – Daphne responded picking up her fork one more. – “Hyacinth misses us dearly that is all.” – She responded haven taken a bite. – “Perhaps you could pay her a visit? It has been awfully long, hasn’t it?” – Simon spoke. – “It has Simon, but we have been awfully busy. I will simply write a letter when I find the time.” – Daphne replied closing the discussion.
Deep inside your throat you felt it brewing up. A thickness wanting to come out. You sat up head bend over coughing loudly into your hand. The intensity made your body shudder. Limbs shaking as you continued to cough. It barely gave you any room to breathe. Nearly choking on your own cough. The muscles in your neck contracted trying to keep up with the flow of coughs. Then your eyes widened feeling a sudden wetness on your palm. You moved your hand back with a tremble. Red dots splattered across your palm. You touched your under lip with the tip of your middle finger. It felt wet as well. Looking at your finger it was stained red as well. 
To be entirely sure you licked your lips. There was no denying it now. The taste of blood very strong in your mouth. This was not a sign of improvement. Rather the opposite. Your head turned to the door, hearing loud voices come in the hallway closer. You reached for the cloth quickly wiping your hand and lips clean. Just as the door opened, you were able to hide the blooded cloth under your pillow. – “Good morning, Y/n!” – Gregory and Hyacinth said entering your room. Gregory shut the door as you made room for them in your bed. Hyacinth jumped in as Gregory joined a bit later. – “How are you feeling Y/n?” – Hyacinth asked curious, sitting on her knees in front of you. – “Much better.” – you lied with a faint smile.
Gregory furrowed his brows. – “You look a bit pale Y/n. Are… are you sure you are feeling better?” – he said. You nodded. – “I do.” – you reassured him, sticking to your little lie. In truth you weren’t sure if you would ever become better. But you could not get it over your heart to tell your brother that or even your twin sister. – “I hope so!” – Hyacinth said taking your hand. You smiled fainty at her. Gregory placed his hand over Hyacinths. Three hands united in one. – “I have written letters to the others, if you don’t mind Y/n.” – your sister said. You shook your head. – “Soon they will be here, so mama doesn’t have to carry the burden alone.” – she added. – “You will get better will you not Y/n?” – Gregory said with saddened eyes. 
You placed your free hand over your entangled hands, giving it a gentle shake. – “We will always be together.” – you said softly. – “Promise me.” – Gregory insisted. You blinked confused, taken back by his firm words. – “Promise me Y/n! I need you to promise me!” – he repeated wanting to hear those exact words. You looked over to Hyacinth feeling a thickness settle down your throat. – “I promise.” – you answered. Gregory eased up, taking a deep breath. He let go of your hand, throwing his arms around you. – “Do not leave us yet…” – he whispered into your ear. You laughed with tears in your eyes. Finding beauty through the pain. Hyacinth joined the warm embrace between siblings.
Eloise laughed loud holding up a letter. Philip quirked his eyebrow up in confusion. – “What is the matter, Loise?” – he asked seeing her approach. Eloise let herself fall into the sofa with him. Her feet plopping up from the ground. She took a loud and deep breath. – “A letter from my sister.” – she moved it over to Philip, holding it in front of his nose. Philip swallowed nervously taking he letter from her. He read it quietly when Eloise took a loud breath, her hands on her stomach. – “It sounds rather serious…I…I’m afraid I cannot find the laugh in this?” – Philip answered unsure to what Eloise might be laughing at. 
Eloise took the letter from him once more. She turned towards him, waving with the letter. – “This is a clear sign of desperation of my sister. One of her tricks to have us all return home just for the sake of nothing.” – Eloise said. – “Is… is that so?” – Philip answered nervously. – “It is my dear Philip.” – Eloise gave him a playful nudge. – “I do have to praise her for her attempt.” – Eloise sighed turning back to look up to the ceiling. – “And you are certain it might not be an actual call for help?” – Philip asked hovering over her. Eloise shook her head. – “I know my sister. It is not.”
You exhaled long and tiring. Eyes closed you wiped your lips clean once more. The blood hadn’t stopped. Pulling the covers from over you, you slipped your feet over the bed. Getting up, you walked slowly over to the window. Outside the sun was shining bright. Gregory and Hyacinth sitting down in the grass. You smiled faintly touching the glass. From underneath came Francesca in sight, joining them. She sat down with them. They seemed to share a heartly conversation. Your knees shuddered, hand shooting up to your mouth as you coughed loudly. Blood staining your palm once again. Taking a deep breath you straightened your posture. – “I am alright Anthony.” – you said, pressing your blooded hand against the glass for support. 
Your hand slid down leaving blood stripes on the window as you turned around. – “Nothing new Benedict.” – you added smiling at your empty bed. You returned to your bed, crawling in. You sat on your knees admiring your pillows. One of them had slid down a bit. You took it, seating it better. – “Oh Daphne ladies do not slouch.” – you said to the pillow. You plucked at the pillow beside the one that you referred to as Daphne. – “Colin don’t give me that weak smile.” – you said. You crawled under your covers, snuggling against the pillows that surrounded you at each sides. – “Come home.” – you whispered. Closing your eyes a single tear escape, rolling down the side of your face. You took a long and deep shuddered breath. All you ever wanted was in your final moments to hug your siblings. To hold them once more.
You felt it. Death was close and you had to face it all alone. Alone with an imaginary family of pillows because your siblings never came. They never responded to Hyacinth’s letter. One should be angry at them. Hate them for it, but you didn’t. You forgave them despite it all. Despite laying here all alone with the warmth of pillows as you slipped into the final stage of death. A wave of coughs overtook you. You clamped onto the pillows, holding onto five or six as you kept coughing. Coughing as blood spewed out. 
Even a thin line of blood running out of your ear. You couldn’t stop as there was little room to breathe. In the end you choked. Laying still in your bed, pillows under your arms, a tear stained on your cheek as the light had left your eyes. In the end you were alone. Your eyes opened once more adjusting to the light. You stood in a meadow, a figure not far from you. – “It’s you.” – you spoke recognizing him. – “And it’s me.” – you added with a crackling voice as he extended his hand out to you. – “It’s us.” – Edward said warmly.
A maid found you, calling upon the lady of the house. Violet gasped loud, slamming against the door in shock. Shaking her head she couldn’t believe it. Gregory, Hyacinth, and Francesca had slipped in as well. Hyacinth dropped to her knees taking in a deep breath before screaming her lungs out. Screams of agony that ended up in floods of tears. Gregory ran up to the bed, gripping onto the sheets. – “No! no!” – he called out, tears running down his cheeks. – “I hate you for leaving me!” – he screamed as Francesca had to pull him away. – “You promised… you promised…” – he said breaking down against Francesca. Francesca sobbed loud barely containing herself. The maid covered you up with a sheet as another maid guided them back downstairs. They all sat in the parlor in silence. 
“What am I to do now?” – Hyacinth said as her voice broke down. Violet rushed over to her, burying her own sadness to give comfort to her daughter. She cherished her in her embrace, rocking her like she once did when she was but a baby. Francesca stared in front of her, hands on her lap. – “I don’t know what to do with it?” – she said with tears in her eyes. – “With what?” – Violet asked quietly. – “All the love I have for her.” – Francesca answered softy sniffing loudly. – “I don’t know where to put it.” – Gregory approached her as she let him sit on her lap. – “You put it in your heart.” – Violet said. – “You bundle your love for her and let it warm a nest inside your heart where it can never leave.” – She stroked Hyacinth’s hair while saying this.
New letters have been send out. Black one’s this time. – “Anthony…” – Kate said holding the black letter in her hand. She turned slowly to Anthony who widened his eyes at the letter. He shook his head with a trembling notion. Kate swallowed opening the letter. She read it out loud that young miss Y/n Bridgerton had passed away. Anthony fell to his knees, mouth open as no sounds came out. His screams bundled up in his throat as he couldn’t find the strength to out them. Breathlessly grasping for his chest. Kate ran over to him, kneeling beside him. She moved her arms around him while Anthony rocked himself like a little child. A loud sob escape his mouth allowing him to finally scream his terror out. Kate pressed his head against her chest while he cried out his heart.
“Eloise.” – Philip said with a saddened smile. Eloise dropped her luggage, eyes staring grand at the black letter. – “Hyacinth?” – she whispered. Philip shook his head. – “Your sister Y/n.” – he answered. Eloise teared up in seconds moving her hand over her mouth to deafen out her cries. Philip ushered towards her, holding her. – “I…I should’ve gone… I laughed it away…” – she cried out in guilt. Philip shushed her, stroking her back. – “What kind of a monster am I?” – Eloise panicked. Philip could only hold her as he could not cure her guilt. The guilt of not believing a word Hyacinth wrote that requested for them to come home. It was urgent and now she understood why… too late.
Benedict received the black letter as he stumbled against the door. – “Everything alright my dear?” – Sofie asked having heard the loud noises. She gasped seeing the black letter in his hand. – “Oh poor Hyacinth.” – she said. Benedict’s eyes widened as it had not occurred to him, yet it could be her. He opened the letter reading it. His hands trembling. – “It is not Hyacinth.” – he said blinking the upcoming tears away. – “Is it not?” – Sofie asked confused. – “It is Y/n.” – he answered with a crackle in his voice looking up to her. Sofie ran up to him, throwing her arms around him. Benedict embraced her, crying loudly over her shoulder. – “I loved her so… so much… and now she’s gone… I never got to see her again.” – Benedict cried with guilt. 
He let go of Sofie storming into the parlor where his unfinished barely finished painting was. He grabbed it smashing it against the ground. – “Benedict!” – Sofie said frightened. Benedict screamed it out, slamming the painting again and again against the ground. Breaking it as it reminded him off his lack of care. If it was not for the painting, he might have read the note and went home to be there by your side. Perhaps things could’ve ended differently. The canvas was ripped, the edges broken off as Benedict projected his anger to his paint. He swayed his arm over the table yelling in grief. The paint fell onto the ground leaving smudges as he could care less. Sinking to his knees he let his head fall into the palms of his hand.
Colin sobbed loud finding comfort in Penelope’s arms. – “Why… why has someone as innocent as her been taken?” – he asked with a loud sob. – “Tell me!” – he screamed out, body trembling at the intensity of his raw emotion. – “I do not know…” – Penelope said hugging him. – “I do know that the one’s we love will never leave us. They will be with us for as long as we are here.” – she answered kissing his neck. – “They never leave us Colin… She will always be with you in here.” – Penelope pressed her hand onto his chest. – “Why does it hurt so much?” – he asked sucking in a sharp breath. – “Because she was a part of you.” – she responded quietly whilst soothing him.
Simon pushed the door open finding a screaming Daphne. Screaming loud as she did everything in her power to out it. Her entire body shuddering, fists beside her body. She stomped and kicked around. Jumping in a fury to get the grief out of her. She threw books against the wall, screamed in pillows. Finally she pressed her hand against the glass, worn out from outing her emotions. Simon walked in hugging her from behind. He kissed her neck as Daphne let her hands slide over his arms. She sobbed loud, Simon holding her firm, or she would crash down.
Grief can take us in many forms. A memory, anger, guilt, silence. No matter how one may show their grief they all share the same in common. The loss of one dear to them. Plucked from their life as their existence is wiped out from this earth. The one’s who stay behind can only learn to live with it, knowing they would meet again in another lifetime. Beyond the veil where lost one’s wait to be reunited once more.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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frost-queen · 1 year
The burden you carry (Male!Reader & Bridgerton siblings)
Requested by: anon ,Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
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When does it end?
The burning question igniting each time it happened. Each time it occurred you wondered when does it end? The pain… no the torment. The excruciating pain shooting through your head. Countless of times you had endured it. Countless of times you thought you had gone through the worst one yet.
Yet there was always another episode that caught you by surprise. Bypassing your previous feeling so strong. Each time it felt worse then before. Sometimes it made you wonder why you were even alive. Tormented with this curse that seemed uncurable.
Many physicians you had seen come and go. Each with their own remedies. Most of them were questionable liquids. It was when one of the more alternative physicians proposed shock therapy, that your family drew the line.
You felt it come up while sitting in the parlor. Hyacinth was practicing the piano with Colin. Sitting side by side as Colin talked encouraging to her as her fingers tickled the keys. Gregory sat closest to you eating a biscuit. The crumbs falling down on the little plate he was holding close under his chin when taking a bite. Anthony and Kate sat in front of each other by the small table.
Kate enjoying a nice cup of tea. Anthony reading the newspaper. Tilting your head a bit, you tried to ignore the stinging pain in your head. Feeling as if the muscles in your head contracted together. A pulsating beat of pain came up. It made you touch your forehead slightly. Hoping you could press the pain back by setting pressure on it.
Gregory must have noticed it as you received a nudge on your elbow from him. Blinking yourself aware, you turned to look at him. Gregory’s expression concerned; mouth still stuffed with cake. You forced a smile not wanting to alarm him. – “All fine Gregs.” – you whispered to him, poking him in the side. Your touch made Gregory squirm and chuckle loud. It caught Anthony’s attention. Lowering his newspaper to look at the both of you.
You kept poking Gregory in the side, making him laugh even louder. He sunk down in the couch, his legs moving up on your lap. You kept teasing him till a strike of pain hit your brains like a hard snap. It made you stop, flinching at the pain with a soft groan. Hyacinth missed a key. The sharp note chiming loud through the parlor. Stinging loud in everyone’s ears. – “Sorry.” – Hyacinth apologized feeling a bit ashamed. Colin brought her attention back to the piano.
“Let us try that again, sister.” – he said. You swallowed when Anthony kept a close eye on you. He always did. Sometimes it bothered you, but mostly it showed you how much he cared and loved for you. Gregory’s plate had fallen during his tickle session with you. He bend down to pick it up and pluck some crumbs off the carpet. Kate raising her eyebrow at him.
Making him smile sheepishly at her in return. The door to the parlor opened as Sofie walked in. Benedict following moments later. Anthony got up instinctively giving his seat away to Sofie. Kate smiled welcoming her over. – “I am worn out.” – she sighed out sitting down on Anthony’s previous seat. Kate turned to look at Benedict.
“If you keep setting her up like an object any longer she might turn into stone.” – Kate commented knowing off the painting Benedict was working on. Benedict moved his hand to his chest, smiling teasingly. – “Your cold looks might just do the trick.” – he joked knowing Kate would not be offended by such a tease.
She smiled sarcastically back at him before smiling purely at his delight. Gregory ran with the plate and picked up crumbs to the table, setting it down by Kate and Sofie. He then wanted to run off when Anthony cleared his throat loud. – “What?” – Gregory asked. Anthony pointed at the plate making Gregory groan loud. He walked back to the plate picking it up.
Sighing deep he went further through the parlor giving the plate to one of the maids. She accepted it with a curtsy, heading for the kitchen afterwards. While your siblings and their spouses were conversating, increased the pain. Head throbbing. A dull pain behind your eyes. The pain was sickening as you weren’t sure how much longer you could stand the noise.
Touching your forehead you bend forwards. Wanting to cancel out the pain and noise. Hyacinth’s piano tunes where the drop as the noise was overwhelming. An orchestra of pain and noise banging loudly in your head. Your ability to carry the pain slowly tumbling down.
When does it end? You got up abruptly. Heading for the hallway, leaving the parlor. Anthony furrowed slightly his brows till it came to him that you had left. Turning his head to the door you just went out. Immediately he went after you. – “Y/n!” – Anthony called out in the hallway seeing you hasten your way for the stairs. – “Not now Anthony.” – you replied more agitated then you anticipated. Your answered alarmed him in an instant.
Anthony rushed to the stairs wanting to go after you. As he set the first foot on the first step had Kate, Sofie and Gregory rushed into the hallway. – “Is he alright?” – Sofie asked concerned. – “I shall fetch the cold compress.” – Kate said determined already moving towards her destination. – “No!” – Anthony called out firmly. – “I…allow me.” – he said going a few steps up. – “Anthony let us help. If it is as severe as before we can assist.” – Kate replied.
“He’s my brother!” – Anthony shouted frustrated, startling Sofie. Kate swallowed in her pride knowing not to comment snarky at this given moment. – “I…I have to do it.” – he sighed out losing a bit of his frustration. – “We all care for him, Anthony.” – Kate answered pleadingly. – “I know… I know…” – he said pinching his nose bridge. – “We will be here when you need us.” – Sofie interfered wrapping an arm around Gregory. Anthony smiled thankfully at her before heading up the stairs.
You had stumbled into your room. Head throbbing, veins pulsating as you felt like losing your balance. You sunk down to the ground by your bed’s end on the floor. Knees up to your chest, cowering in pain. Sweat dripping down your neck. The pace of your breathing increasing by every inhale. When does it end? Were you ever able to experience a life without pain? Countless times you had endured it.
Each time thinking you couldn’t bare it no more. Perhaps today was the day you finally had lost all your strength to carry it. No more of it could you burden it. No more of it you wanted. The tears rolled down your cheek, panting at the excruciating pain in your head and eyes. The walls seemingly pulsating as if a vibration was leaving your body.
A sickening overwhelming you, making you want to throw up. Heavy footsteps stomped in the hallway. The door creaking open in one firm motion. Anthony rushing into your room. – “Brother.” – he called out dropping to his knees beside you.
He wanted to touch your shoulder. Not wanting it, you slapped it away. – “Keep your pity!” – you shouted at him. Anthony stared hurtful back at you. – “Leave me.” – you sobbed out. He didn’t move. – “Leave!” – you shouted trembling with emotion. Not meaning one bit of your words.
Anthony took a deep breath, wrapping his arms tightly around you. You tried fighting him by moving your shoulders. Wanting to push him off, but his embrace was strong. – “I will not let go Y/n.” – he said pressing his cheek onto your shoulder. Still resisting you finally gave in. Your muscles weaking under his grip. Anthony held you tighter in his arms. – “Please…” – he said softly to himself. – “give it to me. Give his pain to me, I beg you. Give it to me, my brother has suffered enough. Let me take it from him.” – he spoke pleading with anyone Godly listening.
“I shall hold onto you Y/n.” – he took your head between his hands, bringing your forehead closer to his. – “Let your pain be mine.” – he whispered closing his eyes. You removed your head from against his, falling into his embrace. Sweat breaking out. Shivering at the immensely pain. Head pressed against his chest; you moved your arms around his body.
“You won’t have to go through this alone.” – Anthony told you keeping you close in his embrace. Suffering against him, he remained by your side, helping you through your pain. Through the cluster headaches you have been feeling since you were but a young boy. A pain that was never going to leave. As him. As your family who was never going to leave your side.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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frost-queen · 17 days
Have you all seen the new tease for Sofie??? Oh my gosh she is so perfect. Yerin Ha you are going to be magical as Sofie 🥰🥰🥰
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frost-queen · 17 days
Sofie is georgeous😍🤩 i need season 4 asap
🎶 can we skip to the good part🎶 & see ya in 2026
btw question for future, would u be comfortable wrighting benedict x sofie x reader? lol🫢🥰
She is stunning 😍😍😍 I already love her ❤️ I need her to come and take her man or I will 🤭
For the future you mean as in for the three of them together? Normally I don't like polygamie but who knows 😆 I do look forward to write more for one of my fav Bridgerton boys and Sofie if you all desire her 😉
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frost-queen · 2 years
Do you have any theory’s on Bridgerton season 3???
Not much actually but that Sofie at least appears once or twice otherwise i'm not sure how they will make the connection to Benedicts story that should've come first. Idk how they are going to do the lady whistledown part since it kind of made her look like a villain. I mean I disliked Pen for a while for writing about Eloise when she is her best friend. Idk Colin being a dumb boy where he might realize it at the end. I think it is going to be a slow season since Colin did not look like falling in love with her in 1 2 3 steps so... maybe they might add some background activity with Kanthony & Daphne x Simon ??? Just to keep it interesting.
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frost-queen · 3 years
Sickness upon you (Reader!Sibling x Bridgertons)
Requested by: Anon & Anon with simular requests ^^ Forever tag: @missmelodramatic, @theletterhart, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly, @denkisclown, @automaticbakeryfreakshoe, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @october-leaves, @luvlyencanto​
Summary: Reader is Hyacinth’s twin & get’s very ill with the flu. Everyone would be worried sick, especially Anthony who would monitor you at all times (Between book 4 or 5 so lot’s of people out of the house) Note: I haven’t read the books yet, but know at least who married who ^^)
Read the alternative ending here! (Sad ending) & heartbreaking ending here!
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“What do you say about that.” – said Hyacinth, placing her card down. You hummed loud, peeking inside your own cards. – “I say this!” – you took out one of your cards, laying it on top of Hyacinths. She gasped loud that your card was better then hers. Gregory who sat in the sofa, leaning with his chin against the railing sighed loud. – “I’m bored.” – exclaimed he. Hyacinth and you both looked at him, giggling softly. Gregory sighed again, tapping with his finger on the railing. – “Gregory is right.” – answered Hyacinth, placing her cards down, revealing them to you. – “I don’t even like playing cards anymore…” – confessed she. You laid your cards down as well. – “I miss everyone.” – sighed Gregory out, making little circles with his finger on the fabric. You exhaled deep, knowing it was true. 
The house used to be so lively. Now… every day was the same. Yet quieter and less active. The festivities were gone with all your elder siblings out of the house. They had a household to run on their own, duties to one another to uphold. While the younglings, like yourself staid behind. – “We could play outside?” – suggested you, looking at your twin sister. She smiled for a moment, her smile then fading away with the shake of her head. – “I don’t feel like playing outside.” – mumbled she out, letting her hand rest on her chin. – “You are right…” – replied you, leaning against your hand as well. Your mother entered the parlor, looking quite surprised and shocked to see the three of you so lifeless.
Hyacinth and you each sighed out loud for her to hear. – My darlings what might trouble you?” – asked she, stepping towards the table Hyacinth and you still sat on. She came standing beside you, swiping her hand over your forehead as you came leaning against her body. Hyacinth looked saddened down at her own hands. – “I miss Colin…” – mumbled Gregory out. Violet widened her eyes for a moment, suddenly realizing what this was all about. She knew the day would come eventually that the house was thinning out. She just hadn’t thought about the effect it had on those left behind. Hyacinth stared at the seat Anthony would always sit in. – “I miss Anthony…” – sighed she out, playing with her hair. She imagined herself when they were younger, laying against Anthony while he would stroke her head. 
Telling her stories whenever she felt alone or sad. She sighed again, knowing it would never happen again. – “Mother…” – whispered you out, looking up to her. – “I miss them so… so much.” – your voice crackling a bit. Violet wrapped both her arms around you, squeezing you closer to her body. – “Me too… darling… me too.” – Hyacinth got up from her seat, running over to mother. She wrapped her arms around her as well, hugging her.
“I know you miss them children, they will visit again when they have the time.” – you removed yourself from her grip. – “They don’t have the time for it! They never have.” – called you out. Violet gaped at you. You got up, running out of the parlor with tears in your eyes. If they cared they would’ve visited a long time ago or send a letter. None of them had. Not even dear Daphne, who promised that she would. There hadn’t been letters for months now. Not when all your elder siblings were off. It was just Francesca, Gregory, Hyacinth, and you. Would there truly come a time that you would be all alone. With tears in your eyes ran you outside. Seating yourself down in the grass, stared you at the blue sky. 
The world felt a bit dizzy to you, making you lay yourself down. A fog misted through your mind, making you feel loopy. Laying down in the grass, closed you your eyes. Suddenly there was a prickling in your throat. Like someone was tickling it with a feather. You pulled yourself up, coughing loud. Once you coughed, you couldn’t tone it down. You kept coughing, feeling your lungs sting. You slowly pulled yourself up to head back inside. Clearing your throat, the coughing had stopped for a moment.
You collapsed to the floor; the dizziness having taken over. – “Y/n!” – called Hyacinth out, running over to you. Gregory stood frozen in the door opening. – “Don’t just stand there, call mother!” – shouted Hyacinth at him. He quickly nodded, turning around. – “Y/n can you hear me?” – asked your sister, wiping some hairs out of your face. You breathed out deep and slow, a doziness over you. – “Hyacinth…” – whispered you out. Hyacinth bit her lip, touching your forehead with the back of her hand. Gasping loud, pulled she it away. – “Y/n you are burning up.” – stated she. 
Gregory arrived with Violet by his side. – “Stand aside.” – hissed she out, motioning Hyacinth out of the way. Violet pulled a piece of her skirt up, kneeling beside you. – “Mother, she feels warm.” – Violet felt your temperature for herself. – “Help me get her on her feet.” – demanded she, urging Gregory to come closer. Gregory took a hold of your arm, pulling you up. Hyacinth had her arms wrapped around your waist, hoisting you up. The three of them struggled to get you up the stairs and towards your bed. One of the staff was already waiting by your bedroom. She joined the chaos that had overcome everyone, taking over from Hyacinth.
Hyacinth was panting, needing to catch her breath. Violet motioned with her hand to your bed as Gregory let go of you and pulled the covers away in one swift motion. The maid and Violet placed you down on the bed, seeing that you had started to sweat. – “Is she going to be alright mother?” – questioned Hyacinth, afraid to walk in your room. Violet turned to her daughter, trying to crack a smile. – “Don’t worry darling, she will be.” – said she to reassure her. – “Gregory come on!” – said she, hurrying him to her side. He was staring with wide eyes at you, seeing you squirm in your bed. Violet grabbed Gregory by the shoulders, pulling him against her chest. – “I need water and towels!” – ordered Violet at the maid in a hushed tone. 
The maid curtsied, rushing downstairs. Violet pushed Gregory out of the room. – “Mother!” – said Hyacinth, seeing her mother close the door before her. Violet dared not to look at her children as she shut them out. Shielding them from your illness. – “Mo-mo-mother…” – stuttered you out, hearing her immediately comforting shushing. Violet seated herself down on the bed with you. – “It’s alright, my dearest child.” – Violet wiped some sticky hair out of your face, feeling how clammy you felt. There were sweat drops on your neck, rolling softly down till your chest. The door got swung open as Violet caught a glimpse of her two children still at the door.
The maid came running in, having called for some reinforcement. The door closed again, shutting Gregory and Hyacinth out again. Violet motioned to the towels, a maid handing it over to her. Violet gently tapped the towel against your collarbone and neck. – “We need to get her out of that dress Lady Bridgerton.” – suggested one of the maids. – “Indeed.” – said Violet, holding the towel out behind her. A maid grabbed it, stepping back. The maid who had suggested the idea, helped Violet carefully undress you into your nightgowns. It was easier for you to move around in or breath. Your dress felt damp from sweating as the maid laid it out over a chair. One of the maids came sitting on your other side, pushing a piece of cloth in the water. She then brought it to your face, gently wiping your face clean from the sweat. – “Should we call for a physician, Lady Bridgerton?” – Violet took a hold of your hand, gripping onto it. – “Not yet… I have survived many illnesses with my children.” – The maid bowed her head in respect. – “Mother…” – breathed you out, feeling every muscle in your body ache.
You coughed loudly, your throat sore and prickly. Like little blades were cutting through your skin. Violet helped you sit up so that you wouldn’t suffocate in your coughing. Rubbing your back, shushed she you in a calming way. – “I shall remain here for the night.” – said Violet out loud. – “Can you please ensure my children are well taken care of in my absence?” – requested she of her staff members. – “We will Lady Bridgerton.” – Two of them staid behind for a little longer, helping Violet monitor your fever. You were laying down, sleeping as you were exhausted. Violet sat down in a chair, staring lost in the distance. She was alone in the room, alone with her thoughts and worries for you. That night took you a dangerous turn. 
Violet had fallen a sleep for a moment, waking up to your loud coughing. You kept coughing, hardly breathing as it worried Violet. You shot up, feeling terrible. You felt warm like an oven, boiling from the inside. Violet rushed to your side, rubbing her hand over your arm. The coughing came from deeper as you were gaging. – “I need help in here!” – shouted Violet loud. No answer came to Violet’s cries as you kept gaging, trying to keep it all together. Violet got up, swinging the door open. She picked up a light from your vanity that provided her little light. – “I need help! Please! Help me!” – shouted Violet out from the top of her lungs. – “Please…” – cried she out, tears rolling down her cheek in a desperate matter.
Her calling had been answered as members of the staff came running up. All in their night wear. Violet urged them into your room. Hyacinth ran into the hallway, having heard her mother’s cries for help. She gasped loud, seeing everyone run around in a state of panic. Things were being shouted out loud as Hyacinth couldn’t separate the voices. – “What’s the matter?” – asked she, running up to your room. Francesca and Gregory came out as well. Hyacinth was able to reach your door, looking inside as it was wide open. She gasped loud at the sight of you vomiting. A maid was holding out a pot in front of you, just in time. Your stomach pulled together as it projected everything out of you. You were crying, begging for it to stop. Francesca stood behind Gregory, holding her arm around him as she was silent. 
Violet noticed Hyacinth in the door opening, urging her to leave. This was not a sight she wanted for her to see. – “Mother is she going to be alright? Should we call for aid?” – questioned Hyacinth as Violet came standing before her, forcing her to step back out of the room. – “Mother say something.” – cried Hyacinth out. She could feel your pain. Her heart aching as you were in pain. – “I ask of you to go back to bed.” – Said Violet. – “Mother.” – spoke Francesca stepping forwards. – “Are we going to lose her?” – Gregory turned around, running back to his room, wiping the tears of his face. Hyacinth gasped in utter shock, unable to think about it. – “We are not going to lose her. Y/n will get better!” – hissed she at Francesca.
Violet asked a maid to remain with her children and keep them calm. Violet then rushed back inside, closing the door. Two maids were already collecting your sheets as they had become dirty. Another one was cleaning your face as you finally had stopped vomiting. – “Mother!” – cried you out, desperately wanting her. Violet seated herself down on your bed, holding your head against her chest. She rocked you with her calming humming voice. You were shivering whilst your entire body felt like it was on fire. – “Am I dying?” – asked you, a maid quirking her eyebrow anxiously up. – “No my dear Y/n you are not…” – whispered Violet out, still rocking you. – “Not if I have a say in this…” – You had calmed a bit down, laying asleep with no sheets. 
Violet sat back in her chair, reading you a story even when you were asleep. It kept her awake. She wanted to stay by your side no matter what. – “Lady Bridgerton?” – asked one of the maids, still present as she closed the windows. Violet hummed loud to acknowledge her. – “Should we call for a physician?” – Violet sighed deep, the signs of her exhaustion finally showing. – “Call for him early in the morning.” – the maid bowed her head, leaving Lady Bridgerton alone with you. Not many people slept that day. Hyacinth not for sure. She was sitting at her vanity, sniffling her tears away whilst trying to write letters.
She had no urge into explaining it in the letters. She thought perhaps they wouldn’t come home. Perhaps it was just a minor thing to them. It was not uncommon for people to get ill. Certainly not from something so common. Yet it felt so surreal with you. It didn’t feel like a normal flu with you. So Hyacinth kept it brief but straight onward. With her tears staining the piece of parchment wrote she her words down. ‘Come home, it is urgent.’ she wrote the amount of letters for each of her siblings that had left the house. She then went downstairs on her bare feet. She encountered one of the door men on her way. – “Can you make sure these are delivered with urgency.” – said she, wiping her nose dry. The man bowed to her, reassuring her he would. 
Hyacinth then returned to her room, not being able to catch sleep. No one at the house did as it was a long and painful night to endure. Violet had not slept after your little incident, worrying that you might choke in your sleep. The staff was up and about, making sure things were in order for another episode. The morning sun came creeping in as Violet fluttered her eyelashes exhausted. She looked down at you, seeing you lay curled up in a ball, coughing quietly. Your entire body twitching from the movement. Violet got up, feeling the tiredness in her legs to come and sit in the bed with you. Water was dripping down into the bowl when Violet squeezed the cloth she was holding. She brought it to your forehead, stroking you. She exhaled deep and exhausted, seeing you had lost a bit of color in your cheeks.
Letters were delivered and there was a call for the physician. You were awake, laying against your mother’s chest, in her arms. She was reading to you whilst brushing her fingers against your forehead. A calming gesture that eased your headache. – “Mother…” – forced you out with a sore throat. – “Do you need some water darling? Some soup? A blanket?” – You shook your head, rubbing it against her. You breathed out deep, warming up again. You swallowed, sweat drops forming in your neck. Everything hurt. Your head, your muscles. You were warm and shivering at the same time. Your throat was dry and sore. Your stomach hurt from vomiting last night. 
It was like a never-ending nightmare of pain. You wondered who you had angered for this to happen to you. – “You can sleep if you like…” – said you, knowing how exhausted she was. You could tell she hadn’t slept one-bit last night. Violet smiled, giving you a kiss on the top of your head. – “I’ll watch over you.” – added you with a clearance of your throat. – “It’s alright darling…” – whispered she out, moving her arms better around you. – “I’m not sleepy.” – answered she with a heavy heart. A faint smile on her lips as she stared in front of her.
The doorman opened the door revealing a desperate Anthony who barged in. Kate his wife followed behind, more composed then him. – “It was urgent! What’s happening?” – asked he, sweating like a pig from worriedness. He waved the letter in front of the doorman, demanding an answer. – “Anthony!” – Called Hyacinth out, running down the stairs. Anthony met up with her. Hyacinth wrapped her arms around him, not being able to control her tears. – “What’s wrong Hyacinth?” – asked Kate, coming to stand beside Anthony. Hyacinth sniffed loud, wiping her cheek dry. – “It’s Y/n.” – Anthony widened his eyes at the mention of your name. – “She’s sick.” – added Hyacinth. Anthony and Kate looked worriedly at each other. 
Kate nodded as she pulled Hyacinth towards her. – “Shall we make ourselves a cup of tea?” – suggested she whilst Anthony was running up the stairs. He almost ran over a maid who was carrying an empty bowl of soup. Anthony barged into your room, finding his mother and you in bed. – “Anthony?” – called Violet out confused. She got up, coming to stand before you. – “How… how are you here?” – wanted she to know. – “Hyacinth wrote to me!” – said he, trying to look beyond his mother to catch a glimpse of you. – “How ill is she?” – begged he to know. Once he heard you coughing, pushed he his mother aside.
“Dear God!” – called he out, looking at the state of you. You saw Anthony quickly rolling over as you didn’t want him to see you like this. Curling up continued you to cough. – “Have you called for a physician yet?” – Anthony turned back to his mother, seeing her nod. She sat down in the chair, exhaling deep. Anthony finally noticed how exhausting his mother was. He came kneeling before her, resting his hand on her knee. – “Now you can rest mother. I will watch over her.” – She smiled relieved, taking her son’s hand. Giving it a little squeeze. 
Anthony removed himself from his jacket, revealing only his white undershirts. – “Has she eaten already?” – questioned Anthony. – “Some soup.” – informed Violet him. He nodded, walking around your bed. – “Y/n.” – he knelt down, laying his sweaty hand on your lower side. It frightened him to see how pale you looked. He immediately brought his hand to your forehead. Inhaling sharply, knew he enough. – “Y/n are you in pain currently?” – asked he of you. You slowly nodded, squeezing your eyes shut to keep yourself from crying. You coughed again, shivering at the pain. Anthony brought his hand to your cheek, letting it rest there. – “You… you are here….” – said you with a crackling voice. Anthony smiled faintly at you. – “Yes I am.”
Downstairs opened the door again. A hasty Daphne and Simon entering. Kate met up with them in the hallway, holding Hyacinth’s hand. Daphne knew that meant Anthony was already here. – “Hyacinth! What was so urgent?” – asked Daphne. – “It’s Y/n, she’s ill.” – informed Kate, knowing Hyacinth had not the heart to tell them. Daphne and Simon shared a glance, heading upstairs. In the corridor encountered they Gregory, his eyes puffy from crying all night. – “Oh, Gregory!” – called Daphne out, opening her arms to him. Gregory bumped against Daphne, crying in her embrace. – “Francesca said she could die.” – Daphne bloated her cheeks, infuriated that she would say such a thing. 
Simon knelt down to him, taking his arm. – “That is not going to happen, Gregory.” – Daphne nodded, reassuring him as well. – “You haven’t heard her last night. She could hardly breath.” – cried Gregory out. Daphne patted her little brother on the back. – “It’s alright.” – said she. Meanwhile had Colin and Penelope arrived as well. Penelope staid by Kate her side and Hyacinths. Colin rushed up the stairs, announcing himself in your room without notice. Anthony quirked his head up at the sight of his brother.
You were sitting up straight, coughing loud as Anthony was rubbing your back to try and sooth you. – “Mother you must get some sleep!” – insisted Anthony, looking at his dear mother. She shook her head, walking over to you. – “My child is in pain.” – said she with a loud sob. – “As a mother I have to ease her pain.” – Violet handed you a glass of water for your thirst. Colin stood frozen in the door opening, still processing what he was looking upon. You brought the glass of water with trembling hands to your lips. Taking a few sips from it. You felt another cough come up, one that you couldn’t withheld. With still water in your mouth, spewed you all the content out of your mouth followed by loud coughs. Violet didn’t matter that she got a bit wet. – “Colin! A cloth.” – demanded Anthony, holding his hand out to his brother. 
Colin got in motion, bringing one to him. You were almost choking, holding your hand underneath your chin. Anthony wiped your mouth dry, taking good care of you. – “Colin! See if the physician has already arrived.” – Colin nodded, still under a bit of shock stumbling back out of the room. – “Mother please get some sleep!” – bit Anthony at her. He didn’t want to sound so rudely, but it was bothering him that she was not taking care of herself. Violet was a bit taken back by her son’s reaction. – “Mother…” – said you. – “It’s alright…” – you held out your hand to her. She took it, having to keep herself so strong for you. Violet nodded, beaten. She got up, leaving your side for the first time in many long hours.
Anthony carefully laid you down again. – “I…I’m sorry…” – forced you out. – “Don’t be…” – replied he, dipping a wet cloth against your skin. The physician arrived as Violet stood back in the room. Anthony decided not to yell at his mother for not listening as he understood. She wanted to know what his verdict was. Colin and Daphne were in the room as well. Their spouses just outside the door with Hyacinth, Gregory, and Francesca. Under everyone’s watchful eyes, had he come up with a conclusion. It’s the flu. A rather sickening one. He provided the family with some medicine and common tips to ease your way. There was no other solution for you then to simply endure it. You had to sick it out. The physician had just left as you felt your stomach tumble again. You knew what was coming as you didn’t want everyone to look upon it. 
Feeling that gaging come up, held you, your hand beneath you. – “Out!” – said you, dismissing them all. Anthony gasped surprised that you would even suggest so. You felt another gag come up, not sure how much longer you could hold it in. – “Out!” – called you out loud. – “Out!” – your voice scraping because of your sore throat. Violet understood what was happening as she pushed everyone out of the door. You already made the gagging sound, your entire stomach pulling together. – “That means you to Anthony!” – Said Violet to him. He refused to leave, wanting to stay by your side. – “I’m not leaving her side!” – called he out angrily. – “You are now!” – urged Violet, kicking him out. Violet had reached you just in time with an empty bowl as you filled it up quickly.
Anthony could hear your sounds from outside the door, wiping his hand intensely over his mouth. He made his way downstairs, encountering a confused Benedict and Sofie. – “Where have you been?” – shouted he out, firmly making his way over to Benedict. – “What?” – said he confusingly as Anthony took him by the arm, pulling him away. – “Y/n is ill, terribly ill.” – stated he, making Benedict widen his eyes. Sofie gasped loud, going after her husband. – “Can… can I see her?” – wanted he to know. – “Not at the moment.” – replied Anthony. Colin was there to welcome Eloise and Phillip. 
The house was full again, fuller then before. Anthony sat by your side again watching over you. You had finally fallen asleep again, still shivering in your sleep. Kate placed the blanket better over you. She then let her hand rest on her husbands shoulder. Anthony sighed deep overcome with anxiety. For the entire day was everyone monitoring you on turns. Anthony the most as he insisted to be present all the time. He felt responsible and ashamed for not letting hear from him sooner. He realized now how much he had left behind with leaving the house.
By nightfall had you one of your episodes again. You were extremely sweating. The sheets already stained. Anthony felt your forehead, pulling it immediately back. – “She’s burning up! We have to get it down.” – called he out, throwing the covers off you. – “Colin! Call for a cold bath!” – Colin nodded running downstairs to get it done. – “I need some help in here!” – Shouted he out, touching your neck to make sure he wasn’t imagining how truly hot you felt. Benedict and Daphne came barging in. – “Not you!” – called Anthony out, waving with his hand to make Daphne leave. – “Get Simon in here!” – Daphne nodded, running back to collect him. – “What do you want me to do?” – asked Benedict in a slight panic. – “Help me!” – Benedict rolled his sleeves up, taking a hold of your legs. Simon came into the room, no questions asked as he knew what he had to do.
Anthony took a hold of your upper body, picking you up. – “Benedict grab those towels!” – insisted Anthony as Simon helped him hoist you in his arms. – “The cold bath is being prepared!” – informed Colin out of breath. Anthony nodded, walking out of the room with you in his arms. Benedict, Colin, and Simon walking behind him. Anthony had to hold back the urge to run with you whilst going down the stairs. The maids were emptying the last bucket of cold water in the bathtub as they arrived. – “What… what are you doing…” – asked you, unsure of what they were doing.
“I’m sorry Y/n.” – said Anthony before laying you down in the cold water. His sleeves got wet as well as he placed you down. The moment the cold water hit your body, screamed you it out. Anthony gritted his teeth as you were splashing water all around, wanting to get out. – “Help me hold her down!” – bit he at the others. Colin pushed your legs under water as Simon and Benedict each took one shoulder, keeping you in position. You screamed with tears, the intense cold stinging like knives through your skin. – “Please…” – begged you them. – “Please…” – Anthony had to fight the urge to pull you out. He couldn’t stand to watch you in pain, but it had to be done. 
You needed to cool down. – “How much longer?” – called Colin out, getting splashing in his face from your feet splattering. – “Now.” – said Anthony moments after Colin. They hoisted you back up, Benedict letting go of you. Benedict quickly handed the towel to Anthony, looking up. Simon and Colin were looking away as well. You were still in your night gown, but it had become wet now, sticking to your body. Anthony was looking at your face, wrapping the towel around you. He then picked you up again, carrying you back upstairs. Everyone would be pleased when this was all over. It was exhausting for everyone. After a couple days showed you signs of improvement. Giving them all a breather.
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