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#batim#bendy and the ink machine#batdr#bendy and the dark revival#bendy#bendy lone wolf#bendy: lone wolf#b:lw#bendy lw#boris and the dark survival#batds#bsotm#b:sotm#bendy: secrets of the machine#secrets of the machine
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Seeing Boris in Dark Survival and now in Lone Wolf and thinking about him back in BATIM is quite funny because these games (BATDS and LW) show that Boris is more than capable of not only venturing into the studio to look for supplies on his own but also being able to throw hands with enemies, meaning he could very well have helped and accompanied Henry with the angel's errands during CH3 of Ink Machine.
He just didn't want to.
Like, of course, those games came after BATIM, they probably never thought about the possibility of Boris doing these things back in 2017. It's just funny in retrospect, because now that we see him being able to do these things, it makes me think that, yeah, he could have helped Henry during chapter 3. Instead he's like:
"Nah, I'm good" lol.
#crookedsmile open his mouth#crookedsmile open his mouth;bendy#but yeah I'm liking what I'm seeing from LW#excited for this! couldn't come soon enough
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This should be the same safe house from BATIM Chapter 3 and BATDS but with the updated BATDR textures.
Ditto with the audio log getting updated.
Interestingly Allison narrates,
"Every day it seems Mr. Drew loses more and more interest in the project. Almost as if something else has captured his imagination."
LONE WOLF takes place between Ink Machine and Dark Revival so this might be our look at the ink beings' reactions to the changes GENT/Wilson have been making to the loop, mistaking it for Joey.
Turrets! Though we don't see them in action in the trailer, I feel like this will work similarly to Bioshock. Turrets attack you until you damage it enough till it goes offline, giving you time and access to hack it to work in your favour instead.
Self-defense mechanics! No need to keep running till you find a miracle station or just perish from no sprint!
Looks like we're going back to Bendy Land!
Ink Widows are now an enemy type!

It could be a stretch to say that this is the bad ending but could be the death animation.
Interestingly, there's a red glow emitting from the ink swallowing Boris.
This is now the second instance of Red in the Bendy series, the first being in a screenshot of The Cage. We could see this further explored and explained there.
Traps! Noticeably in the second pic, Lord Amok's symbol is on the trap. There could be 2 different types of traps, one being placed by Boris and won't damage and one is a environmental type that damages us.
Quality of life update, you can now change your perspective!
We might be able to find materials in lockers to either upgrade or build new weapons and MAYBE more lore.
Boris animatronic enemy! Seeing as we're adventuring through Bendy Land, we might also encounter the Bendy animatronic and possibly an Alice as well.
This is either a new addition to our spawn hub like other rooms in previous updates of Dark Survival OR an arcade room you can find in one of the levels (or both)
The sledgehammer Boris wields earlier in the trailer came be seen next to Butcher Bash so this might be where we find that after playing it as a mini game.
(small note: look at all of them in plush form!)
And of course, the new Ink Demon model. Sad to see the BATIM Ink Demon go but hopefully we also see a new mechanic or two with this new one.
An official still of Alice can be found in the LW Press Kit on the JDS Website, Sammy is in the gif in the description of the steam page and website.
Don't tell Pastra, Alice's model looks updated here! Way more polished and detailed than BATDR, love it.
Sammy and his banjo!
#batdr#bendy and the dark revival#bendy and the ink machine#bendy#batdr theory#Bendy Lone Wolf#Boris the wolf#ink demon#sammy lawrence#Alice angel#batds#boris and the dark survival
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What can we expect from Boris: Lone Wolf?
I have some questions about Boris: Lone Wolf.
For those unaware, in Bendy: Secrets of the Machine, one of the secrets is a poster that seems to indicate that Boris and the Dark Survival is getting a rebrand to Boris: Lone Wolf. We had some inkling that this might be the case. A couple months ago, a trademark for Lone Wolf was found, the trademark for BATDS was left to expire, and to top it all off, the devs were cryptically referring to BATDS as "the Boris game" in a number of tweets, but there wasn't anything 100% factual we could garner from that. Just speculation. But now that we have a poster with Dark Survival crossed out and Lone Wolf written on it, it feels like this is the direction things are going in. And I'm not opposed to a rebrand, that's certainly not a bad thing. There's a lot of fun to be had here! But I have some questions about how it's going to be implemented and what to expect from it.
One of those questions is pretty expected coming from me: what do we tag this new thing as? I'd rather no one be spoiled unless they consent to being spoiled, and given we have no idea when this thing is releasing, it'd be nice to have that ironed out sooner rather than later. Like do we tag it as Lone Wolf, do we still tag it as BATDS, is it LW, like, what will the fandom agree upon for its tag? I think I'm gonna go with just Lone Wolf, but I'd love to hear some thoughts on this.
The rest is a bit more complex. How significant of a change is Lone Wolf going to be from what we've come to expect of BATDS? Like, when you go as far as to change the name of your product, I'm expecting something pretty substantial. I'm hearing through the grapevine that the naming convention of the games is changing so that titles with "and the" are easily distinguishable as mainline entries while the rest are side content? And maybe that's all that this is, maybe it's just to make this game fit with that naming scheme. But I get the sense it's more than that.
With this week's SOTM update including a new image with Boris holding a frying pan while wearing a hard hat, and a recent tweet from theMeatly showing that the box is planned to open, those are two things we can reasonably assume will be in Lone Wolf. But what will the frying pan do? Is there some sort of combat element where we smack enemies with it? I mean if Sammy could knock out Henry with a dustpan, why couldn't Boris have a turn? Maybe it's some sort of cooking element, like a minigame, or health restoration on-the-go as like an emergency reserve?
As I was writing this, we got another tweet from theMeatly that talked about this game having "rogue like" elements and a story conclusion? I'm a little surprised, I thought BATDS had a story that came to a conclusion already. It set us up to foreshadow BATDR, that's all it really needed to do. What else could they possibly tell us here? Not sure what to make of "rogue like" gameplay, but that potential combat thing seems a little more likely? Also, once again, as I was writing this we got something new about permadeath on higher difficulties? What is the deal with that? Are we going to be able to select the difficulty we want to play on? That would be a nice quality of life update, not gonna lie, I'm down for more choices in gameplay.
Here's what I wanna know in the present: how are they going to implement this change? When Lone Wolf comes out, are they going to change the Steam page for BATDS to be updated into Lone Wolf, or is it going to be an entirely new Steam page for Lone Wolf that requires us to purchase it as a new product? I have a feeling it's going to be the first one, and if it is, I have a follow-up question: is Steam going to require that I update to the new game? With SOTM, it did not let me open the game unless I had the most updated version. If I own BATDS already, am I going to have a choice about whether or not I update to Lone Wolf? I paid for BATDS, that is the product I knowingly gave my money to, not Lone Wolf, so I want to have a choice to keep the product I chose to spend money on. If I make the choice to update and try it, on the chance don't like it, will I be able to downgrade to a previous version, or is that off the table? I would like to have some management of expectations on this matter, it would give me some peace of mind. I don't need to know anything else about this game until it comes out, I would gladly forgo any other news or information if that was confirmed for me. And that's saying a lot, you know I love keeping up with this series. Those are the things I want to know: what can we expect to happen when this update rolls out?
Given this tweet about how we likely won't get to keep our save files, I'm guessing this is a complete overhaul, or pretty close to it, on the back end. And admittedly...I'm kind of sad about that. Not about the not keeping of save files, no, I expected that given what happened with all of BATIM's updates. What I'm sad about is that it feels like Lone Wolf is going to feel significantly different from the game that came before it, despite being a rebrand of it. And I think, hearing that from me is likely going to surprise a number of you. If you've ever talked to me about Bendy, you'll know that I'm fascinated by how these games have changed over time. I delight in telling people who weren't there from the beginning how parts of BATIM moved around, the Sammy Lawrence getting shoes story is amongst my favorites just because it's so funny. And the thing is, most of the changes made to these games have been for the better, not just from a quality standpoint, but from the perspective of getting closer to the devs' vision for this story. And as someone who wants all creatives to achieve their visions and make things that make them happy, of course I'd want to celebrate that. So shouldn't I be happy that this game is supposed to be getting a number of improvements?
That being said...I'm also sentimental. Boris and the Dark Survival was released four years ago at the start of the pandemic. This game was one of the few things I had to look forward to at that point in time. It was how I ended up meeting a number of people that are still extremely good friends, people I cherish having in my life. I still think back to the note that used to be in it when the Butcher Gang was added in.
That's one of the most human things in this series. It's not in the game anymore, it went away when Sammy and the bathrooms were added in. But I've held onto it.
I'm...not ready for BATDS to change. I expect a game to change when it's getting a remaster decades after the fact, or if it's an online/multiplayer experience that's in need of patches to balance it better. I expect games to stop being playable when their hardware or software can't be run anymore, or the tech they're on physically breaks. But this game? I didn't expect this, and that makes the change feel big and scary. It feels like this came out of nowhere, like it's too young. I think...I'm not ready to let go of BATDS or BATIM, I don't want to see changes to either one, even if they're the best changes in the world, because they're so near and dear to my heart. I spent so much time with them, they got me through some of the most difficult moments in my life. I mean I just got done with a whole video essay on it. I don't want to come back and see that they've become something drastically different from the old friend I knew. I want them to stay the way they are and then have whatever comes next be the new stuff that's different.
I want to see Bendy grow and change, I want to see this series try new things. I want the team behind it to create something that they're proud of. But I also don't want the old to be adjusted for the new anymore. I'd rather we just move on, make the new things to be the best they can be, let the old exist as it is, and let everyone keep the parts that they loved all throughout. BATIM and BATDS are not perfect by any means, but they don't need to be perfect. They did what they needed to do, they did what they could with what they had at the time, and sometimes, that has to be enough. Sometimes you have to let the old be there so you can look back at it and see how far you've come. If I went back to every old art project I'd made to remake it, I would never have time to be innovative and play with new ideas in the present. Bendy should be allowed to change without getting stuck on the past. I may not love every single change that comes along, but let's be real, who does when it comes to stuff like this? I don't have to love all of it in order for it to be valid and enjoyed by the fandom as a whole. There's a lot to be excited for with Bendy in the near future. There's so many cool things to play with, so much potential for these stories, and there's several parts I am looking forward to. Silent City is probably the biggest source of excitement for me personally, but there's a lot to be curious about with the other recently announced projects too. That's what I want: to be able to be excited for the new and still cherish the old as it is at the same time.
I think, give me time, and I might be able to warm up to Lone Wolf. I might be ready for that change if I know I have the option to go back to the old. Or if I don't have that option, tell me in advance so I can mentally prepare for it and make peace with it first. I'd really appreciate some time to process on my own before the update comes out (especially since we have no idea when it's coming out), that way maybe I can work my way up to celebrating the good of the new with my fellow fans. Our fandom gets really loud and caught up in the rush, and I know myself. I need a heads up to be able to self curate and step away, that way when the fun begins, I can be there cheering everyone on. That's all I ask, my good puppet sir. Meatly, I don't get the sense you browse Tumblr, but on the chance you are, please, we really need more management of expectations when it comes to the future of Bendy. I get it, your whole thing is doing the unexpected, and I respect that. I love so many of the twists and turns you've put in here. I just feel the unexpected works best when it's mostly in the games/media and not in the stuff surrounding it. I want to be pleasantly surprised by what comes next. Please, I could really use some hope right now that things are gonna be okay.
#bendy secrets of the machine#bendy secrets of the machine spoilers#sotm#sotm spoilers#bendy sotm#sammy lawrence#bendy sotm spoilers#boris lone wolf#boris lone wolf teasers#boris and the dark survival#batds#long post
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bueno, olii, me llamo taylor, soy transboy, me gusta dibujar (bastante) y m gustaria empezar a subir mis dibujos aca, avr si recibe algo d apoyo, yy, nse, antes d todo, queria aclarar algunas cosas - soy style, bendy y bunny shipper soy multishipper, asi que no me molesta ningun ship, y los respeto todos (el unico q no me gusta es el kyman, y los comship)
-DNI si eres comshipper, ped0filo, o cosas asi. - me gusta south park, murder drones, ramshackle, the promised neverland, y tda la saga de lacey's flash games :pp
-tengo 13 años, cumplo el 28 de noviembre
-tengo novio, le digo ale :33
-quiza no suba mucho aca, soy nuevo en tumblr, y no se muy bien como funciona, aparte no hago muchos dibujos digitales
-plis hablenme, necesito amigos :'v
-tengo apego ansioso (no soy cmo piensan gente, lw juro :'c)
-uso caras cmo ":3" ":c" ":v" y escribo mal aproposito ironicamente, es mi zona de confort :33
-se bastante ingles, lo basico, asiq no se preocupen si m ven hablando ingles d la nda o usando cosas tipo "ikr" "tsym" "lmfao" etc:pp
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my ship tags by media
Akagami no Shirayukihime = ans ships, Beastars = beastars ships, Bleach = bleach ships, Boku no Hero Academia = bnha ships, Code Geass = cg ships, Death Note = dn ships, Full Metal Alchemist = fma ships, Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun = gsnk ships, Jo-Jo’s Bizarre Adventure = jjba ships, Kimetsu no Yaiba = kny ships, Kuroko no Basuke = knb ships, Naruto = naruto ships, One Punch Man = opm ships, Otome Game no Hametsu Flag...= hamefura ships, Ouran High School Host Club = ohshc ships, Sailor Moon = sm ships, Shingeki no Kyojin = snk ships, Spy x Family = sxf ships, Studio Ghibli = sg ships, Tokyo Ghoul = tg ships, Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches = ykatsw ships, Yu Yu Hakusho = yyh ships,Yu-Gi-Oh! = ygo ships, Zankyou no Terror = znt ships
Bendy and the Ink Machine = batim ships, Bravely Default = bd ships, Catherine = catherine ships, Corpse Party = corpse party ships, Dangan Ronpa = dr ships, Final Fantasy = ff ships, Fire Emblem = fe ships, Life is Strange = lis ships, Nier Autonoma = na ships, Persona 5 ships = p5 ships, Pokemon = pokemon ships, Resident Evil ships = re ships, Rune Factory = rf ships, Soul Nomad & the World Eaters = sn ships, The Legend of Zelda = tloz ships, The Letter = tl ships, Yandere Simulator = ys ships
MOVIES: Any other movie ship = movie ships
Star Wars = sw ships, The Lord of the Rings = tlotr ships, Titanic = titanic ships.
Doctor Who = drw ships, Friends = friends ships, Merlin = merlin ships, The Big Bang Theory = tbbt ships, The Vampire Diaries = tvd ships
Avatar: The Last Airbender: atla ships, Castlevania = castlevania ships, Class of the Titans = cott ships, Codename Kids Next Door = cknd ships, Danny Phantom = dp ships, Disney = disney ships, Dreamworks = dw ships Futurama = futurama ships, Kim Possible = kp ships, Kung Fu Panda = kfp ships, Miraculous Ladybug = mlb ships, Nijiiro Days = nd ships, Pixar = pixar shipsRWBY = rwby ships, Scooby Doo = sd ships, Total Drama = td ships, Totally Spies = ts ships, W.I.T.C.H = w.i.t.c.h ships, Winx Club = wc ships
DC = dc ships, Marvel = marvel ships
Harry Potter = hp ships, Little Women = lw ships, Percy Jackson & the Olympians = pjo ships, Septimus Heap = sh ships, Twilight = twilight ships
DRAMA SHIPS = drama ships (any jdrama or kdrama ships)
Mainly from: Flower of Evil, Goblin & Faith
CROSSOVER SHIPS = crossover ships
Mainly: Jack x Elsa, Kuzco x Chel, Hades x Eris
MISC. SHIPS = misc. ships (any other ship basically):
Gomez x Morticia, Roger Rabbit x Jessica Rabbit, Merlin x Snow White, Veronica x Jughead, Nega Wanda x Nega Cosmo, Cam x Brandy, Nadia x Lucio, Jack x Rose, Anastasia x Dimitri, Shark Boy x Lava Girl & others.
GENERAL = shipping (tag about ships/shipping in fandom
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@therubberhose warners ovo)/
my first post is for this blog
i love a lot warner ^v^) no more anon :3c
all so cute <3
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transgenderer: okay so you know the trope where when you get too much eldritch knowledge and suddenly you start seeing giant monsters everywhere that are invisible to everyone else? that’s what being a trans woman is like.
this cluster of abilities keeps being instrumentally useful to model for reasoning about transfems. promethea and bendini independently talked about this:
[08:56] Bendini: This sounds like parody, but with californians it is difficult to tell
[image of fb post:
Daniel Powell: That report claims both that all entrances were blocked and also that a police vehicle entered and exited the camp; was that because the police vehicle was capable of offoad movement that typical vehicles are incapable of? My heart goes out to the kids on the high course who were subjected to unjustifiable physical pain or mental suffering as a result of seeing people in Guy Fawkes masks, and all the people who had their personal liberty violated.
Like Reply 11h]
[09:02] Bendini: also this is a lot less credible if you haven't forgotten what happened with Brent
[09:02] Bendini: regardless of whether Anna is secretly a transphobe
[09:03] Bendini: rather than just scared of one particular trans person
[09:03] Bendini: the same sort of defence was trotted out for brent, and he was guilty
[09:05] Bendini: yeah, ziz is crazy and a lot of stuff posted is just ramblings
[09:06] Bendini: but I can see the model of everyone being sufficiently cowardly that the crazy bring forward the accusations before the courageous do
[09:23] promethea: gotta love how nobody can quite agree exactly how the people involved are Bad and Evil but people are nonetheless confident that they are schizophrenic/narcissistic/abusers/violent and must be confined and put on chemical mind control
[image of fb post:
Romeo Stevens: I'd recommend whomever has comparative advantage to familiarize themselves with the narcissism/bpd/aspd cluster, more evocatively called energy vampires. Such people are not stable and can grow violent when they are deprived attention they believe they are entitled to. The book Character Disturbance is fairly good for a start. It is a known falilure mode for communities of people who have faced their own social isolation to fail at filtering. To be clear, such people deserve compassion, but they need professional help. They don't benefit from a bunch of people whose time is valuable (one of the reasons they are attracted to such people because more validation) paying attention to their narratives.
9h Edited]
[09:24] promethea: there's been an awful lot of "not saying, but just saying" of a type that screams of monkeyball hysteria and attacking any characteristics that can be painted as vulnerabilities open for attack
[09:26] promethea: (also Ben the reason why you find Ziz's blog full of "just ramblings" is that you have a particular neurotype that is very... I don't have a good value-neutral way of expressing the difference but maybe "mundane" as opposed to "eldritch")
[09:35] Bendini: yeah the idea of someone saying get professional help is a strong sign they have not thought through what they are saying
[09:36] Bendini: like, a quick glance at what professional mental health treatment looks like in the US (therapy in the UK is afaik good for low hanging fruit, but not much else)
[09:37] Bendini: "these people should be reported to the mental health authoritities to be dealt with"
[09:37] Bendini: "Uhhh, I mean get the compassion they need"
[09:38] Bendini: I have to say, you would be the first person in the history of ever to call my neurotype mundane
[09:39] Bendini: I see what you are getting at
[09:39] Bendini: but it is like, how many standard deviations of weirdness are you on
[09:39] Bendini: and I said most, not all
[09:40] promethea: I think it's more like what direction your weirdness is in; "grounded" or "basic bitch" were other words I considered
[09:40] promethea: it's similar to the difference between EAs who want to find out how to best help the global poor, and the ones who get very preoccupied over whether insecticides are causing catastrophic suffering
[09:43] Bendini: "tethered to reality, somehow" would be an alternative
[09:45] Bendini: I think it's due to having like 50% really normie emotions
[09:45] promethea: "tethered to consensus reality" is how I'd adjust that phrasing
[09:46] promethea: it may be something to do with a sense that the world is fundamentally sane but just really bad at its job, vs the world being fundamentally insane and only aligned with the actual reality by little more than grace of gnon
[09:49] promethea: and probably some kind of a fundamental unshakeable-to-barely-shakeable prior rather than something that responds to ordinary reasoning
[09:50] Bendini: what do we mean by fundementally sane vs insane here?
[09:51] promethea: good catch, that's a nightmare to unpack
[09:53] promethea: a lot of the early LW stuff is comparatively eldritch in this sense, especially for the context of not having had LW yet
[09:56] promethea: in an environment where being trans isn't normal trans people have a certain inherent eldritch-ness, but a person fitting neatly into a third gender social role in a culture where that has always been a thing is not eldritch in that way
[09:57] promethea: it's the difference between "other people are trying their best even if their best isn't that good" vs. "other people are systematically gaslighting you about everything until proven otherwise"
[10:01] Bendini: ah
[10:02] Bendini: I'd put the difference down to people being really really crap at explaining things because the message is in there but it's between the lines
[10:02] Bendini: not intentionally, but because they don't know how else to do it
[10:03] promethea: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/sYgv4eYH82JEsTD34/beyond-the-reach-of-god this is probably the most explicit work by EY on what I've been calling the eldritch
[10:04] Bendini: and if you don't have enough of the fuzzy experience knowledge to do it, following what they are saying will be experienced as gaslighting
[10:04] promethea: and specifically, Beyond the Reach of God is trying to shake a component of the fundamental sense of security and move people towards the eldritch side
[10:05] Bendini: this sounds like the fundamental autist experience which cleaves into paranoia or extreme submissiveness to authority
[10:08] promethea:
I'd put the difference down to people being really really crap at explaining things because the message is in there but it's between the lines
not intentionally, but because they don't know how else to do it
and if you don't have enough of the fuzzy experience knowledge to do it, following what they are saying will be experienced as gaslighting
I'm thinking more of the thing about "seek professional help"
[10:09] Bendini: the yud post does not
[10:09] promethea: a mundane interpretation is "professional help isn't actually that helpful but I don't know that" while an eldritch interpretation is like "these people should be reported to the mental health authoritities to be dealt with"
[10:09] Bendini: as I'm rereading it
[10:10] Bendini: I do not believe the world is just
[10:10] Bendini: or that things will work out fine in the end because they always do
[10:11] Bendini: given, y'know, that I used to be a prepper
[10:15] Bendini: also I may have figured out how to reconcile "anna is a transphobe and admitted it outright" with what has been said
[10:16] Bendini: which I suspect pete knows based on what he said, but he doesn't say it outright
[10:18] promethea: "eldritch" isn't about just-world beliefs, it's closer to "a quality that makes one faster to disalieve things like just-world or other aspects of consensus reality"
[10:21] Bendini: I think there's some conflation between beleif in verbal consensus reality and belief that you can anticipate what other people will do probabalistically
[10:22] Bendini: I do not beleive in the former, but I think I had enough natural talent at the latter to reach a kind of escape velocity
[10:24] Bendini: i.e. have enough to build on/enough peices of the jigsaw put in that I could keep filling it in
[10:26] promethea: it's not about "eldritch means you can't model other people"
[10:29] promethea: if anything, mundane models are the ones that are sacrificing modeling ability
[10:30] promethea: ...seeing patterns where people insist is only noise but that noise just so happens to be awfully conveniently shaped...
[10:30] Bendini: if I am defined as the non-eldridch side, this sounds like something that could be falsified
[10:31] promethea: I'm feeling like this is a beautiful meta-level illustration of the difference between the neurotypes but way less useful on the object level or to someone who doesn't already have an unspeakable sense of what the difference is
[10:33] promethea: I don't know how to get the qualia across to someone who doesn't already have the thing and be thus able to possibly grok it from what I'm vaguely gesturing at
[10:34] Bendini: is there a way to demonstrate information transmission between 2 eldridch people?
[10:36] promethea: ziz's blog has a lot of content that makes perfect sense to people who have a quality that's probably strongly aligned with eldritch, but apparently looks like ramblings to people who don't
[10:38] promethea: some things are just ordinarily difficult to understand in that they require a lot of work, while others are actually mind-bending to properly comprehend, and eldritch minds are more bendy in that way?
[10:41] promethea: which also increases vulnerability to infohazards, cognitohazards, overfitting, demonic possession and generally going nuts, but the idea that eldritch is inherently less sane only applies to socioculturally mediated definitions of sanity
[10:42] Bendini: my immidiate reaction to "socioculturally mediated definitions of sanity" was "yes, and creditworthyness is a social construct"
[10:43] promethea: if reality is less well-matched with consensus reality then the bendiness of eldritch minds means that they can more easily construct accurate maps of the territory
[10:44] Bendini: can you think of a way to compare viewing that map to the territory?
[10:44] Bendini: as in, not being able to show the map is a given
[10:45] Bendini: but the outputs of the map
[10:47] promethea: seeing power, seeing prejudice and bias, seeing other things polite society pretends aren't real...
[10:49] promethea: and it's polite society all the way down
[10:49] Bendini: that's not really what I meant
[10:50] Bendini: I mean for example, using the ability to see those things to predict other things in a way that can be isolated from fuzzy confirmation bias
[10:51] Bendini: like I can very much believe ziz's blog is relatable and intuitive to you
[10:52] Bendini: and you have to do less interpretive labour to get a true insight from it
[10:53] Bendini: but the thing I'm pointing at as ramblings is seperate from that
[10:58] promethea: would it make sense if I rephrased it as "less cognitive filtering"? being able to see more signal in noise, especially where the signals are something you aren't supposed to be seeing for some reason or another, but at the cost that you're more likely to see signals where there is only noise
[11:02] Bendini: that makes sense
[11:03] Bendini: but it assumes that all people who don't do the eldrich thing can't go down the abstraction ladder
[11:04] promethea:
can't go down the abstraction ladder
can you elaborate?
[11:04] Bendini: what is salient to someone isn't completely a choice
[11:05] Bendini: but what you notice is based on what you've learned is useful to pay attention to
[11:07] Bendini: I could say something about forests leaves and trees
[11:07] Bendini: but it would be a bit cliche
[11:08] Bendini: something that might sink in would be more like someone paying attention to what is going on at the binary level as bits are moving between the hard drive memory and cpu
[11:09] Bendini: yes, it is useful to know what is going on so you understand other things
[11:10] Bendini: but hyperfixating on that while you are writing code on a much higher level of abstraction
[11:10] Bendini: in a sense, you are "seeing things that others have been trained not to see"
[11:10] Bendini: or don't understand
[11:10] Bendini: but doing that on a frame by frame level rather than an intutive "you know what's up" kinda level
[11:11] Bendini: is going to result in glaring errors from the stuff you aren't paying enough attention to
[11:15] promethea: it's not autism except possibly to the degree that autism weakens one's priors
[11:16] Bendini: agree, there are plenty of basic bitch autists
[11:17] Bendini: but like, the autistic catgirl cluster
[11:18] Bendini: it is a recurring pattern that some of them obsess over social reality in the way ziz does, yet keep getting into abusive relationships which were predictable from the outset
[11:18] Bendini: which idk, maybe this is a bit of a basic bitch take here
[11:19] Bendini: but this seems like the opposite of what should happen if they had reached the higher plane of knowledge that cannot be explained in words
[11:20] promethea: I'm not expecting all men to be able to do twenty pull-ups just because testosterone improves upper body strength
[11:22] promethea: the "eldritch" neurotype might also be called "psychoticism" but in the sense of a personality trait like extroversion and not in the sense of mental illness
[11:22] Bendini: no, but if those men claim to be much stronger because they have the magical testosterone elixir
[11:22] Bendini: and they keep getting beaten up by 5ft anorexic girls
[11:23] Bendini: at what point do you say "no, you do not have the thing you claim to have"
[11:30] promethea: no what I've been trying to say is that there appears to be a neurotype-level difference in how people process some types of information with predictable (in terms of not requiring loads of epicycles) upsides (having an easier time making accurate models where they contradict consensus reality) and downsides (having an easier time making inaccurate models where they contradict consensus reality)
[11:30] Bendini: the psychotiticism framing does help explain part of it
[11:31] Bendini: but that feels like the motte
[11:31] Bendini: it's the bailey I have trouble with
[11:31] promethea: I can't comment on the precise situation with the Bay catgirls because I'm not familiar enough with it to feel comfortable making non-obvious inferences
[11:33] Bendini: okay
[11:33] Bendini: I wonder how my experiences with psychedelics map into this though
[11:34] promethea: a bit of a shitpost-y formulation might be that high psychoticism-as-a-personality-trait is like having the safety guards off the [insert power tool that best fits the analogy] of your mind; it makes it easier to make some cuts that you'd otherwise struggle with, but it also makes it easier to cut things you wouldn't actually want to cut like yourself
[11:34] promethea: psychedelics would be expected to increase psychoticism-as-a-personality-trait
[11:35] Bendini: you'd expect them to do it while on them though
[11:35] promethea: both temporarily (very strongly) and permanently (from what it seems)
[11:35] Bendini: I seem to get neither in some important ways
[11:36] Bendini: like certain kinds of art and music
[11:36] Bendini: it was a sanity check of sorts
[11:37] promethea: (this also fits with my experience that when my dopamine levels are increased I get better at the thinks but also more likely to be overconfidently wrong, and that most antipsychotics are dopamine antagonists, etc.)
[11:38] Bendini: if I cannot see mediocre art as anything more than mediocre art while I'm hallucinating, it really isn't a case of me not being open to it
[11:39] Bendini: it's a case of wine in expensive bottles
[11:40] Bendini: I do think I have had some changes though
[11:40] Bendini: more sympathy to points of view people cannot express verbally
[11:46] promethea: I don't think "finding deep meaning in mediocre art" is any kind of a necessary characteristic of increased PAAPT (psychoticism-as-a-you-know-what), especially given that "mediocre art actually has deep meaning when on drugs" is the social reality
[13:28] Bendini: I mean more the ability to be open minded and see the beauty in things
[13:28] Bendini: because I could totally see the beauty of a brick wall
[13:28] Bendini: just some girl showed me her pretty mediocre drawings
[13:29] Bendini: and I was pretty speechless because the mediocrity was the salient characteristic
[13:30] Bendini: I find it suspends judgement for a longer period
[13:31] Bendini: but when my mind speaks out to me my concience is much louder
[13:32] Bendini: this does not seem to be the standard reaction to psychadelics
[13:32] Bendini: the basic bitch lurks deep in my lizard brain
(dont agree with all of promethea's characterization of the phenomena; but its clearly seeded from looking at the same phenomena that i am. bendini does not get whats going on at all here.)
ive referenced leveraging this to do what seems impossible or unpredictable to normies as creepy transfem mind powers. then people are like 'saraaah ccc somni said trans women have creepy mind powers thats crazy talk right?' and sarah c's like 'well yes its true trans women have a high iq'.
but this is kind of eliding over different kinds of intelligence as neurotypes and collapsing it all into "iq". transfems and ashkies arent just generically "intelligent" theres specific neurotypes behind the inteligence. like for ashkies the sort of things that get recorded in metrics are high "verbal" iq and "math" iq and average "spatial" iq. thats a specífic signature.
see: http://web.mit.edu/fustflum/documents/papers/AshkenaziIQ.jbiosocsci.pdf
"high intelligence" can look like hyperlexia and it can also look like dissociative mind powers that let people see through the matrix and be unnervingly good at reasoning over embeddings of yourself.
like as intelligence increases, general capacity at solving problems increases. but maybe you shunt symbols instead of rotate objects to solves a problem. which affects what kinds of problems you can easily solve, given some are more amiable to one approach over another. there are many instances where visual proofs without words are much shorter than doing lots of algebra and vice-versa.
these specificities allow high-inteligence subpopulations to collude within neuroclades along these lines of similarity. downstream of this is that a lot of ppl accuse both jews and transfems of conspiracy and being "friends" with each other when a lot of mutual information comes from neurotype similarity not meeting and deciding on a plan. (thats not to say, you know, that there are never meetings about how to take over the multiverse...)
its amusing how like transfems will talk with each other about stuff and then ppl will be like "arghh!!! my eyes! this writing is painful static! its an infohazard!! its a glitch in the matrix!! AIEEEEGYRGHLSMERGLEGLunk pshhhur" and then say they dont understand what you are saying but it probably means you are a creepy violent misogynistic deeply sick male who is experiencing a psychotic break or something. give me tokens of submission to prove me wrong. if you were really prosocial youd drop this act right now and "act like a human".
part of the reason im writing this is reading things like:
<<promethea: gotta love how nobody can quite agree exactly how the people involved are Bad and Evil but people are nonetheless confident that they are schizophrenic/narcissistic/abusers/violent and must be confined and put on chemical mind control>>
has a healing quality. like i independently derived this. people keep trying to erase these simple shapes of how things fit together. try to destroy peoples ability to build common knowledge and talk with each other. the authoritarians dont usually try to give good excuses about why they pretend its wrong besides saying "its absurd". when you are in a prison planet surrounded mostly by people who have decided to be cops or submit to them, reading this is like:
you have to fractally reason through warpy things like people distantly noting "patient appears to be suffering from delusions of persecution'. and people trying to tell you that you are psychotic when like hi im writing this and not "psychotic". and you dont even have the social reality of people doing actual info-processing and at the end saying "well yeah its pretty obvious you arent suffering from a psychotic break, weird that anyone would claim that".
what you have is people giving you strange looks and acting like what youve written is a tear in the fabric of reality releasing trillions of shrill screams from a place beyond time.
its not because they dont understand, its because they have chosen not to. with different social groups of humans, different things elicit this response. like in a plural server i joined i talked about maybe there could be something in between being plural and being a singlet and they acted like id spoken static until someone said "oh thats [short handle for this concept]" and then everyone relaxed and stopped acting as if they couldnt understand what i was saying because there was no longer any local social threat to dynamically processing this information in front of other humans. they learned from the exclaimer that it was a Thing in their culture.
when people cant anticipate a priori where dynamically processing information in front of a lot of people will land them wrt the local overton window, as a solution they will just refuse to do this. one way to refuse to do this is to say "im sorry i dont understand what you are saying its like painful static. ack! stop trying to explain i dont want to understand it might turn me evil or something!!" which is an accurate assessment if they were coerced into using the words good and evil to mean alignment and disalignment with local social consensus respectively.
like the strategy of people who want to contain those floricdly hemorrhaging eldritch knowledge all over the place is to have a constarnt investment of authoritarian power to suppress this:
<<Reject invest-y power. Some kinds of power increase your freedom. Some other kinds require an ongoing investment of your time and energy, and explode if you fail to provide it. The second kind binds you, and ultimately forces you to give up your values. The second kind is also easier, and you'll be tempted all the time.>>
unlike true things which will keep reforming and can be lazily evaluated from looking around you with no memory. you dont need as much energy poured into constantly refreshing the cache of who you are supposed to pretend is having a psychotic break.
the authoritarian strat loses out in the long term against anarchist cooperation between agents that have learned enough to be able to consistently exploit their knowledge of Dread Horrors of the Abyss. who no longer need to dodge bullets.
#i was going to reblog but then tumblr ate my reblog#and i OCR'd it from screenshots#which i almost always take before posting on tumblr#but then afterwards realized i wrote a post instead of a reblog
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Don't know if at the end of the day I'll actually commit to doing this,but something that has been on my mind for a while now was to write up a text/post (which I hope doesn't turn into something huge) just. going over my thoughts on both Lone Wolf and the question of Boris' identity.
Cuz since the whole thing that happened with the books last year (it's already been a year?) and the surprise revival/overhaul of BATDS,I've been wondering for a good amount of time: will Lone Wolf finally answer the "question" of Boris' identity? Are we finally going to know who was the man Boris used to be?
Because we used to have a answer in the past. Buddy was, by all accounts, the only other option for this question for the next 5 years. The one character whose entire story was told to end with him turning into Boris,it doesn't get any more straightforward than that, right? At least, one could argue that he was the most likely candidate to be THE Boris we follow in the game between the… 2 possible candidates there were. (Or not, I don't know. I've seen people who wouldn't like Buddy to be Boris before)
But thanks to the whole book ordeal of last year,this one candidate is now relocated to non-canon books,and now we're basically back to square one. Boris is still the only major character in Ink Machine whose true identity is unknown to this day. And is this fact that leads to my original doubt,could LW be finally where we figure out who this dang wolf is suppose after 8 years of Bendy? (Or alternatively,who this dang wolf is suppose to be in the game's universe,at least).
And is this doubt that I had for the past year that lead me consider some...scenarios,I think? Possibilities,based on my own thoughts,but also on what I saw other Bendy fans say in the past. Which ends up bringing me to my idea that I'm considering writing: going through each of these "scenarios" (which are 4 in total) that have crossed my mind, how likely can I see them happening, in what way would they happen, what would I think if a scenario similar to these happened, pros and cons perhaps? and so on.
The thing is, I really wouldn't call this possible post an analysis of any kind, or a theory post, or much, much less speculation (I think).
It's really just me entertaining a couple of what-if outcomes that I came up in my head for a question that I don't even know if the devs are actually going to answer one day. This whole thing boils down to: "Okay,let's assume that LW will finally answer who is Boris. If that happens,how do you see that happening,or who do you see being revealed as the identity of Boris? And assuming that did happen, how would you feel if that actually happened?"
And I proceed to do this for about 4 times lmao.
The only thing that could stop me from writing this at all is,of course,lazyness. The usual culprit haha. I'm kinda of new and shy of doing this sort of stuff,so that's something too.
Also,figuring out how to organize this text is going to be a bit of a challenge in itself considering its somewhat incoherent nature. Also ALSO the very idea of this post is kinda...laughable? Again this is no analysis or theory post,it's more closer to a "Creating problems in my head and getting upset about them" post than anything (it's not actually like that of course,but it's the best way that I can describe it).
Anyway,the only reason I'm writing this it's to just put the idea out there assuming I never end up going foward with this idea. To remember later down the line and think "oh yeah,I did though about that!". Who knows,sometimes I'm not good when it come to do and finish certain projects. It's also to see if there's like,anyone out there that would actually be interested in reading something like that.
Until then? Uuhhhh more drawings,I guess.
And if I end up NEVER doing this text post,then here's a little something that I did based on this idea.
Note: I have never seen any of the Bourne films and I only made this image because I thought the joke was good lol.
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As we know, it was brought up earlier this year that the Bendy cutouts in BATDR were apparently stolen fanart. This reached the Puppet Guy who apologized for it and said they'll fix it for Lone Wolf. Today's LW teaser has a different cutout than the one they used in BATDS, and today he (that puppet guy) responded on Twitter that they'll fix the cutouts for the BATDR update. Which is good. It's good that they're keeping their word. So I decided to take these screenshots before the update comes out. One last look at this stolen Bendy Doppelganger before the real one is added.
The third screenshot was taken in the game's prologue at ArchGate, and it is at this exact moment that I saved the game, so that when I open the game when the update goes live, I can see the change happen before my eyes.
Only 1 hour and a half left now. So close!
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