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Quantum Of Love выпускница питомника Benavill. 🤗
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amjj88 · 5 years ago
L'Hôpital de Bénaville.
L'Hôpital de Bénaville, un spot plus intéressant qu'il n'y paraît...
Connu littéralement de tous, et pour cause, cet ancien Hôpital est autant intéressant pour son histoire rocambolesque que pour sa puissance graphique, malgré son état de ruine.
Suivez le guide !
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mulababyyy · 7 years ago
Written Response #7
in the article “People for Sale”, Skinner first began to use pathos by the title. People for Sale isn’t pleasant. By the title the audience will know that in the essay people are being sold which would lead them to think of slaves which opens up another can of worms on the history of slavery. 
As the story develops he gives the visual of buying a ticket to Haiti to buy a slave.He gives great detail about his encounter with the trafficker Benavil. He says he and other traffickers “lure these children from desperately impoverished rural parents with promises of free schooling and a better life” (Skinner 105). He’s appealing to the audience by not only talking about child slaves but by how they are lured because they want a better life for their families and go to school.These children are innocent and are lured for wanting a better life and to learn.
The use of Pathos continue when Skinner barters with the life of a child with Benavil. Benavil haggles with the author to sell a child for $100 but Skinner asks if he could lower the price which he does for $50. He sold a 12 year old girl for $0 like it was nothing.He also got excited when Skinner asked if the child could be a partner and a worker. He even offered ages 12,11,10. The audience will be disgusted with Benvali selling underage children into slavery in front of a barbershop like he isn’t selling people’s lives. 
Skinner also tells the story of a man Gonoo whose entire family was enslaved to pay off “debts”. He described his hands as “covered in calluses and his fingertips worn away” (107). By describing Gonoo’s story in great detail the audience can’t help but feel for this poor man working off to pay a debt that he doesn’t owe with his family working right alongside him.
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samonejackson-blog · 7 years ago
10/23 Written Response
Pathos is a play on the reader's emotions using: 
examples or stories involving kids as victims
personal and relatable experiences
phrases or words with value
word choice that provokes emotion
The first time E. Skinner uses pathos in People for Sale he paints a picture in our minds of how easy it is to “get a person”. Slavery has affected human history from all over the world so his audience can relate to this a lot easier if they are of a particular race.
When Skinner mentions the kind of work that Benavil, a courtier/employment agent does. Two-thirds of his employees are child slaves. Skinner has caught the attention of all parents as he uses this example of kids as his victims. Most importantly, women. He also describes how slaves can not only come in the form of sex but also labor.
Next, Skinner uses the example of Haitian children being in bondage in their own country, who are forced, and unpaid to work in captivity. He uses these words of value for the reader. Here, he can attract the attention of Haitians. He uses the phrase captivity to describe how the children are being forced. This intense use of vocabulary makes the reader think of slaves or even animals trapped in a cage. He continues to play on the emotions of the people of Haiti by including economic issues going on in Haiti. Skinner procedes to use powerful words as he reports the research of slaves in Africa and South Asia who have been tucked away for generations or can’t leave their situation until their debt has been repaid. He describes how few people in the world realize the enormity of modern-day slavery. Not only does he use examples from Haiti, Africa, India, and Asia, but the United States as well when he states “the United States liberated only about 2 percent of its own modern-day slaves. As many as 17,.000 new slaves continue to enter bondage in the United States every year.” He refers to sex slave as revolting and how some people make their money by enslaving entire families and how every single man, woman, and child in Lohagar Dhal is a slave paying off debt.
The author then includes dialogue between Benavil and one of his customers discussing the price of a child slave, as if the child is property. Benavil asks the customer if he wants the child to have sex with his as well, or just clean. The customer says both and then complain of the child's age when Benavil tells him that the child is 13. This story is a play on emotion has it again paints a picture in the mind of the audience as to how easy it is a purchase a child, and what that child is about to endure when he or she is captured and sold for 50 bucks.
Skinner uses a personal experience when he describes how he was offered a mentally handicapped girl in exchange for a used car. 
Skinner concludes his work by describing slavery as a crime and that those involved should be prosecuted, no matter the form of slavery.
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Фото привет от куколки Мерседес из города Тайшета. 🥰😍🤩
Mercedes выпускница питомника Benavill. 🤗
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Benavill Sultan собрал свой чемоданчик. 💼😻
Султанчик просто красавчик, просто сладусик, просто ласкуша и просто покоритель сердец. 🤩👨‍👩‍👧‍👦❤
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Игрулька и мурчалка Нильсон, ждёт свою семью. Очень ласковый и общительный котик.
Порода Скоттиш Страйт, окрас - красное мраморное серебро, возраст 4 месяца. 💜😻
Benavill Nielson, male, SCS, ds 22, born 02.03.2020
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Наши вечерние игрища и ночные скачки. 😻🙀❤😹😽
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Мои маленькие комочки счастья уже не такие уж и маленькие, малыши открыли глазки и познают мир. 💝💘💞💋💕
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Озорная и очень милая девчонка Benavill Quantum Of Love (Микроша) собрала свои вещи в чемоданчик и поехала с мамой Светланой в свой новый дом, в котором о ней давно мечтали. 🥰💘😻
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Милашка Benavill Quiet Beauty (Бибигоша) собрала свои вещи в чемоданчик и поехала с мамой Татьяной в свой новый дом, где её очень ждут двойняшки Витя и Анюта. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💗😻
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Фото привет от Марса и Тиши, парни провожают лето. 🔥😍😘
Выпускники питомника Benavill. 🤗
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Пупсик Benavill Oscar (Оскар) собрал свои вещи в чемоданчик и поехал с мамой Кристиной, Илюшей и папой Андреем, в свой новый любящий дом, где его ждёт самая счастливая и лучшая жизнь! 💜💜💜💜💜
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Милота знакомится с махалочкой. 😂😍🤗
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Фото-привет из нового дома от малышки Benavill Julia. ❤
Маленькая шкодинка покорила сердца всей семьи! 😻
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Пупсики на букву "О" трапезничают, всем чав 😉
Фолд/Страйт Мальчик/Девочка - 2/2 😍
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