benandreyship · 4 years
Ben and Rey Ship- Chapter 1 - Exegol
The story picks up right after Rey has been given Ben’s life-force, and they share a kiss on Exegol.
Rey and Ben share a long awaited kiss. As their lips touch, their skin seems to burn, and the flames blaze throughout their bodies. Their connection through the force strengthens and sings, and a vision takes hold of them. They’re on an island. Ben and Rey are sleeping, wrapped in each other’s arms. Ben’s hands caress her growing belly. On the side of their bed lay a small raven haired girl sleeping on a trundle bed. Suddenly, the vision darkens and dissipates. They break away from the kiss, and smile at one another. Ben has finally cast away Kylo Ren and the darkness. Rey knew she would perish when she faced Palpatine, and was astonished to still be alive. She grinned at Ben, so incredibly happy that he had finally chosen the light. Suddenly, their force-bond connection falters, and goes black. Ben falls to the ground, his life-force has been completely drained. Rey stares at his lifeless body, uncomprehendingly. “Ben?!” She places her head on his chest, and hears only silence. “BEN! Ben what happened? Ben! Wake up!” She shakes him. “Ben…” Tears fill her eyes and spill over onto her dust smudged cheeks. “Ben, no….It can’t happen this way…We’re meant to be together…Ben…” She places her head back on his chest, and hugs him to her. Her tears fall onto his cold chest. She couldn’t bear to lose the man that meant the world to her. Was one kiss all that they would ever get a chance to share? Rey abruptly lifts her head and stares at Ben. Understanding fills her. She had died after she had defeated Palpatine, and Ben had brought her back. Both of them were so weak already, Ben had given her the last of himself. “And I can do the same…” She thought. She wiped back the tears from her face, and placed both hands on his stomach. She closed her eyes, and reached out with her feelings. She felt the force running through her, and what little life existed on this planet. She knew there was not much left for her to give in order to live herself, but she hoped it would be enough. She channeled the force into Ben. She felt her life-force draining into him, and felt weaker and weaker. Her heart skipped a beat. Then another. She knew if she gave anymore, that she would die. She removed her hands, as dizziness overcame her. She grasped Ben’s hand as her body swayed. She thought she still felt warmth in them. Her vision darkened, she didn’t feel herself fall, but she was suddenly staring at the falling final order ships burning in the sky. She kept hold of Ben’s hand, and her vision went black.
Finn, Poe, and Chewie arrived back at base. Everyone was celebrating. As they left the ship they were met with cheers, and hugs. Finn began searching among the crowd, looking for her. He saw Commander Connix, and gave her a smile and a hug. “Hey, have you seen Rey? If she back yet?” Connix shook her head.
“No, I haven’t seen her arrive. I hope she’s all right.” They both stared worryingly up at the sky, hoping to see her ship arrive any moment.
Ben slowly opens his eyes. He stares up at the millions of stars above him, slightly obscured by the smoke from the burning final order ships. All was still and quiet around him. He felt so weak, he could barely move. He wondered how long he had been lying here, his muscles felt stiff and painful. Suddenly, he remembered, “Rey.” He whispered. He turned his head, and saw her lying next to him. Her hand was still in his, but there was no strength in the grip. “Rey?” When she didn’t respond, panic seized him. “No! Rey! I saved you! Please don’t be dead…Please don’t be dead…” He painfully rolled onto his side, grunting with the effort. Her eyes were closed, and a layer of dust lay upon both of them. They must have been lying here for days. He closed his eyes, and reached out with his feelings. He felt her. She was alive! But for how long? He felt her heart falter, and knew she didn’t have long. “What happened?” He thought. He knew he would die once he transferred all he had left to her, so how was he still here? Why was she so close to death? It didn’t matter now, he had to get her help before it was too late. He achingly got to his knees, and stood up. He swayed, and felt dizziness overcome him. He steadied himself with the force, and waited for it to pass. He glanced around at the ruins of the Sith throne room. Bodies of the Sith followers lay in the rubble. A sense of great pride in Rey touched his heart. She was so brave, and strong. She overcame one of the most powerful and evil beings in the galaxy. She paid for it with her life, but he knew she would do it again. And he would save her again. He glanced down at her, and warmth and happiness filled him. This feeling felt so foreign. He had not felt anything like this in so long, all he wanted to do was grasp this feeling and never let it go. This woman meant more to him than anything else he had ever known. He was too weak to carry her, and he needed something to get her out of here. He looked around the great broken cavern, and inspiration hit him. He stumbled over to where the fallen Sith followers lay. He took cloaks from two of them, and attached them together. He made his way back to her, and knelt down. He placed the cloaks on the ground, and slowly rolled her onto them. He grasped the arms of a cloak, and started pulling her towards the elevator. He prayed that the elevator was still functional. He fell several times, and saw black spots in front of his eyes. Sweat dripped down his face with the effort. He closed his eyes, and felt the force flowing through them both. There was so little left in her that the panic grew stronger. “Come on Rey…Hang on.” He made his way back to his feet, and channeled the force to help him drag her across the rocky, uneven floor. He finally made it to the elevator, and luckily it was mostly still intact. A few chunks had broken off of the edges, so Ben carefully placed her in the middle. The elevator didn’t respond. The power that Palpetine had channeled here must have been the power source. He closed his eyes and screamed in frustration. He wanted to destroy something. He honed in his anger, and took slow deep breaths. No, he thought. This anger does not belong to me, it belongs to Kylo Ren. He breathed deeply once more and let the anger go. He reached out to the force and channeled some power into the elevator. If this didn’t work, he didn’t know how he was going to get her out of here. He heard a hum coming from underneath them. It was working. The elevator feebly lifted a couple of feet off the ground. It could not go any further without more power. Ben surged more of the force into it. It slowly began ascending, and wobbled to and fro, threatening to fall at any moment. Ben got to his knees and placed his hands on the floor of the elevator. He shook with the effort, and was drenched in sweat. Finally, they reached the top floor. He knew that as soon as he stopped channeling the force energy into it, it would fall and crumble. His breathing was heavy, and the dizziness was overwhelming. He got back to his feet, and slowly dragged Rey off of the elevator platform. With a sigh of relief, he cut the elevator off from the force. He heard the giant piece of stone crash to the floor below. Suddenly, the spots before his eyes returned, and blackness took him.
  Several hours later, Ben awoke from a nightmare. His heart was racing, his skin was damp, and his breaths were coming fast and hard. His surroundings were disorienting, until he remembered where he was. He glanced to his left, and saw Rey, still there on the Sith cloaks where he had left her. He reached out with the force, and felt her, she was still alive. He let out a breath of relief. He slowly and painfully rose to his feet, grasped the cloaks and continued to pull her back to the ship. He made it to the two ships that they had taken to come here. He gave his ship a look of pure disdain, and pulled Rey towards Luke’s X-Wing. There was only room enough for one, he would have to hold her. Ben climbed into the cockpit, and used the force to lift Rey into his arms. He stared at her beautiful face for a moment, and lightly placed his fingers on her cheek. He smiled, and a few tears of happiness escaped him. He then positioned her in a sitting position between his legs, and started up the engine. Her head lolled against his shoulder, and he placed a hand on her midsection to steady her. He then took flight, and they left the horrid planet of Exegol.
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