#ben and gaws
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Ben & Gaws - Silos are an essential part of modern food production, as they help to store and preserve food for later use. Silos also help to reduce the amount of waste that is produced during food production. This is because silos help to contain different types of grains and other materials, which can be used in a variety of ways. In this blog, Ben & Gaws Legal will explain the reasons why silos are important in food production.
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Ben And Gaws Legal - Indian Steel Fabrication Market Size And Forecast in 2023
Ben & Gaws Legal - India is one of the largest steel producers in the world and the steel fabrication market is an important component of the country's infrastructure and manufacturing sector. Steel fabrication involves the process of cutting, bending, and shaping steel to create finished products such as pipes, beams, plates, and girders. These products are used in a variety of industries such as construction, automotive, aerospace, and defense.
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@luther0ne continued from X
"Oh my Gaw-hohod!"
Klaus whinnies a laugh and flings himself upright.
"Why do you assume that my, my....." He gestures fruitlessly. "My errant n' erstwhile youth means I have no culture?"
A wheezing sigh, another laugh mixed in there somewhere, incredulous yet tickled.
"Jesus on a Vespa, Looth! I was readin' Kafka n' shit when I was fourteen! Mostly cause I was fucked up about Ben, but ...let's noooot, hey, no, let's noooooooooooot....!"
He squishes the Ken-doll's jaw in his cupped left hand.
"Let's not pivot and dwell on sad shit. Bitch, d'you wanna go to the library? My good dude, d'you wanna be blown away by some Claude fuckin' Monet? Then get up! Let's do it!"
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Senin, 24 Oktober 2022
Malam itu masih dengan ujaran yang sama, dengan ucapan kalimat yang sama, kata2 yang terus diulang.
“Butuh duit pinten mas?”
“Pean punya hutang siapa?”
“Adik smean cek ya”
Setelah perbincangan ditelpon tentang dimana, sedang apa, dan “jangan lupa”, seperti biasa aku melegakan nafas untuk rehat. Hari sudah malam dan obrolan di ruangdaring di tutup dengan “pon mboten pak, mas ajar dadi wong gak pinginan”.
…Kata itu tertulis dari ketikan jariku, 18.30
Selasa, 25 Oktober 2022
Pagi waktu subuh. Suara telpon (dari Lik Umi) membangunkanku…
Aku pergi membangunkan Akmal …
Aku menghubungi Huda …
Aku pergi menjemput Hanif …
Aku menghubungi Ibuk …
Semua terjadi begitu saja …
Mimpi yang terus dan akan terus selamanya menghantui akhirnya terjadi …
Saat itu …
Untuk pertama kalinya, aku menangis mendekap Hanif sangat erat.
Untuk pertama kalinya, aku menangis dengan suara ibuk yang lembut.
Untuk pertama kalinya, dan selamanya Bapak Pergi …
Perjalanan pulang terpanjang selama hidupku.
Aku berlari dari mobil ke dalam rumah
Aku menangis berteriak lemah, jatuh, bersimpuh sujud didepan jenazah.
Merangkul ibuk dengan tumpahan air mata tiada henti
Hingga kini, semua ingatan tentang apa, siapa, kapan, dan apapun pada hari itu terus dan akan selalu aku ingat. Hari dimana mimpi buruk itu terjadi. Semua air mata yang jatuh. Dan doa yang selalu hingga kini kusampaikan
Innalillahi wa innailaihi rojiun
telah meninggalkan dunia, Husnul Asrofi bin Abdul Manaf. 25 Oktober 2022 di Jombang.
Pak, aku pengen wisuda pean tekani
Pak, hanip wes ate kuliah
Pak, enek akeh obrolan sing pengan tak omongne
tapi yo pie wil ….
Pon samean leren2 mawon. mboten sah kluyuran nandi2 moleh isuk tangi awan.
Pon mboten usah kuatir ambek mas, ambek adek.
Pon ibuk ben mas karo adek sing njogo.
ora ate ngrungokno opo jare koncone pean, opo jare lik umi, opo jare ibuk. samean tetep Bapakku!!
mboh ibuk ate rabi maneh, mboh sing nguber samean akeh, mboh dulur2 royokan lemah e sampean gak ngorosss. sampean tetep Bapakku!!!
Aku Bangga due bapak Sampean
Tepat Setahun
Pak, sakjane mas rodok ragu. iso pogk yo …
yo iso i, masio rodok legrek awake. jebol ndas uteke. Ruwet sembarange. Tapi mben ate sambat mesti keling sampean. Yakopo sampean berjuang tekan saiki. Wildan durung sepiro iki isin nek ate porek. Nek pas aras2en eing sampean. Pas ketemu hanip eling sampean.
Pak, awkdewe terakhir ktemu ngobrol pas aku turu. nang mimpi. sampean ngomong jare “ng kene wil sembarang kalire guedi-gedi.. iyo”. samean ketok mesem. pon pengen jane ketemu pean maneh nok mimpi turu. 😞
Pak, akeh sing dadi aku ngerti, oalah ngene a. oalah ngene bakne. bismillah yo pak. siji siji. aku titip salam gae koncoku nggih pak, Elma.
Ora keroso, wis setahun samean gk enek. Kabeh perubahan, kabeh situasi, dan kabeh iki kenyataan. Aku alhamdulillah jek kuat pak ☺️
Wis wayae mas mlaku alon, mlayu ngejar opo sing bien samean karo mas cita2 no. dongakno yo pak
Mas jek akeh ngelarani uwong, jek akeh gawe salah, temen jek guoblok amcen sing jenenge wildan. Sepurane yo pak. Inshalloh mas apene dadi uwong sing apik, koncone akeh, kuat gendong adik karo ibuk, gak due mongso, pengan mbanggakno samean yg surgo. dongakno yo pak isok dadi koyok sampean.
Uakeh sing jane ate tak sampekno, mben ae nggih pak nek ktemu nok mimpi indah.
Ya Alloh Ampunilah segala dosaku, dosa kedua orang tuaku, dosa adik dan semua kerabatku, dosa teman sahabat dan semua orang yang kami kenal sayangi. Berikanlah kami kekuatan kesehatan dan kebahagiaan. Jauhkanlah kami dari masalah, godaan, dan api neraka. Semoga kami semua dipertemukan bersama disurga kelak. Alfatihah, Amin
Ahsanul Wildan bin Husnul Asrofi
“Detik Tak bergerak”
25 Oktober 2022
25 Oktober 2023
Bapak telah pergi untuk selamanya, sampai bertemu disurga, Pak. Adios…
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akeh jowone ga mau n-translate
Tadi malam aku ngerasa jengkel sama diri sendiri, kok ramadhan yo gur ngene-ngene ae. Pingin pulang. Kalau disini vibe ramadhannya ga kerasa. Pas tarawih pun ga sabar pengen selesai, baru denger ceramah aja udah kusak kusuk, resah, pingin gek bar. Sambil batin, sik ceramah jaaaaan suwi tenan mbokya gek ndang gek uwis, mosok 20 menit :( Makin jengkel ketika pengen beli yoghurt ke alfa bentar tapi portal kompleks udah ditutup alhasil muter, ngos-ngosan, kringetan sampe kosan. Tambah makin sebel. Sampe aku mbatin, aku ki gek yo ngopo PMS ora, lagi ramadhan, isih wae nduwe hawa gedhe pengen marah-marah.
Mau ngaji wis ga masyok karena pikiran muk garap-garap terus tapi soyo digarap kok rasane ga rampung-rampung. Tiba-tiba eh engga aku njawab pesan temenku pake stiker terus kepikiran scroll ke atas dan nemu kalau dia bilang,
"Iya aku pengen ngistiqomahke kebiasaan sik apik, sik selama iki gaiso tak lakoni nek ra ramadhan"
Nggak sampai disitu, aku juga terngiang-ngiang ceramah sik aku pengen ndang dirampungke, "lawan kita ya diri kita sendiri sama kebiasaan buruk kita"
Ya Allah, mosok arep ngrasakke ramadhan we ndadak njaluk mulih. Neng omah yo sholat neng kene yo sholat, neng kene yo ngimani Gusti Allah neng omah yo hooh. Jebule sik kurang ki aku, bukan tempat ini, bukan penceramah itu. Aku aja yang ga bener ngeliat.
Hmmm kebiasaan apik ki opo yo sik kudu tak lakoni. Setelah coba berpikir : scrolling hal sik manfaat e ra akeh koyo twitter IG yo dikurangi nek misal rung iso dilereni. Itu yang buat hatimu, pikiranmu keiisi hal-hal werno-werno. Dan garap ki ga usah ngoyo-ngoyo, rampung yo uwis, wayah e kerja ya digarap nek bengi leren waktune dinggo liyane. Ben hawane ga susah terus.
Paginya dituturi Gus Ghofur Maimoen.
Wong ati iku perkoro paling lembut, kita sendiri tidak bisa membatasi gerak hati. Tiba-tiba bisa kemana-mana, kok iso Gusti Allah ki ngerti?
Tak kandani yo sik gawe menungso iku Gusti Allah, menungso nduwe Ati itu karna Gusti Allah. Lha sik nggawe ati iku Gusti Allah mosok Gusti Allah ga ngerti opo sik neng njerone.”
Wahuwallatifful khobir
Gusti Allah iku Maha Lembut, lembut iku kebalikan seko kasar seko tebal ( yang tipis, yang lembut). Ilmu-ilmu yang lembut Allah itu memiliki namanya Lathif, dalam hal ini ilmune Gusti Allah iku lembut. Hal-hal yang detail Gusti Allah tahu. Al-latif itu juga maknanya adalah memberlakukan seseorang dengan lemah lembut. Mangkakno ono doa:
“Ya Allah perlakukan kami dengan lemah lembut, Njenengan tau detail kami, perlakukan kami dengan cara yang lembut tidak dengan kasar”
Terus nek khobir, asal katanya khobar yang artinya berita. Hal-hal yang bisa diberitakan pokokke opo wae sik iso diberitakan Allah yo ngerti
Allah tahu butuhmu itu bukan pulang biar ramadhan jadi ada "rasa"nya, tapi butuhmu itu mbenerke atimu Mbaaaa.
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Aku di sanjangi ibuk katah, ibuk weruh kene boncengan
Aku di sanjangi ibuk ken jogo perasaan e mba nila
Bien nate di sanjangi ibuk ben ga cedak" saman
Ibuk kuatir, aku seh cilek seh kuliah,
Doso seng ta lakoni di tangung ibuk barang
Bedo meneh beauk nk wes kerjo
Ibuk kuatir nek kuliah kaleh keluarga ku dilalike mergo awor saman,
Ngapuntene nggeh buk,
Aku tetep ngusahake saman di tompo teng keluargaku, tapi mboten sakniki, mba nila teseh dereng wonten seng nyedaki,
Perasaan e mba nila mesti loro, meati iri, weruh aku kaleh saman, kados mba asti, tapi niki luweh, mergo mba nila dereng gadah pasangan, mungkin porsi lan carane kene gawe ibuk ga seneng, "dereng apa apa ne ko wes ngoten zina jengene, nek di jak mangan enak langsung mangkat," ibuk sanjang ngoten, masio niatku mboten ngoten, tapi ngapuntene buk, dereng saget ngenalke sama teng ibuk, dereng saget ngejak samn dolan omah, aku pengen mba nila wes gadah rien, nembe saman ta kenalke ibuk,
Ngapunten, aku mengarep e ga ngepost saman paling, aku wedi nek Sanjang sakniki saman ga di terimo, masio ibuk bapa sampun ngertos, tapi aku dereng nate cerios kaleh ibuk bapak, mergo tangepane ibuk mesti langsung meneng, kados ga merhatike ceritaku, aku seh luru wektu seng tepat
Ngapuntene buk, garai saman pikiran moco niki,
Ntah, aku kadang mikir, pripun carane ben pak Iwan bu rini saget kepangih bapak salim kaleh ibuk nasifah, ben bapak ibuk ngertos, nek keluarga ne saman sae, aku gur saget dongo mawon,
Matursuwun sanget buk, saman sampun sabar ngancani kulo, masio dereng ceto, ngapuntene dereng saget maringi kepastian kelurgane kulo, ancen aku seng salah, berlebihan teng saman, ngapuntene buk
Sakwuse maos niki ampun mikir adoh" diskusi kaleh kulo, ben sami sami ngertos
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Iki lo tak wenehi tips ben slamet pas mudik, utamane gawe pengendara. "kami berharap perjalanan bapak/ibu selamat hingga tempat tujuan untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga tercinta", amiiin ya rabbal 'alamin
@rasirosakorlantas @ditlantaspoldajatim @polripresisi @rtmcjatim @ntmc_polri @polisi_indonesia @dikmaslantaspolri @roadsafety_policing @subditlakaditgakkum_korlantas
©2023 Satlantas Polres Trenggalek
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Nyambut gawe relayout area case, pianica, solder, assembling, plating
Halooo Jul... Wkwkwk molai 3 wulan wingi sekitar bulan desember, ruwetmu ga mari mari sampe tanggal sakmene relayout mu ga mari2, ketambahan temuan seng onok ae laahh wkwk, mene iku genap 2 tahun mu kerjo cikk😂 yo ancene seh ga kroso wes oleh 2 tahun wkwkwk.... Piye2 saiki???
Gae awak ku sing moco saiki, ilingo ruwetmu jaman pas nulis iki wkwkwkwk hampir gila kau di koyak koyak pekerjaan😂... Sabarrr yaa wkwk, wes hubungan mu lagi di uji.. Ketambahan ruwetmu kerjoan HAHAHAHAHAHA, wes pokok e iling2 en moment 3-5 bulan wingi🤣 awakmu kerjo ne ruwett+hubunganmu ambe de e lagi ga jelas dan korat karit🤣 HANCIK WES ANCENE😂 lek jare arek jaman saiki Quarterlife Krisis... Anjaayy...
Heee awak ku seng saiki..... Piye kabarmu?? Wes rabi opo durung?? Sido ambe arek farmasi wingi ta?? Lek sido berarti Alhamdulillah... Soale awakmu sing biyen pas lagi nulis iki, sedang giat2 nya mendoakan arek e, semoga mau menerima dan menikah ambe awakmu wkwk... Celengane wes siap ta?? 😂 lek ga sido InsyaAllah oleh sing luwih apik..... Semangat yoooo.... Lek lagi down.. Iling2 o masa awakmu nulis iki... ben iling awakmu memperjuangkan de e kyk opo dan menyemangati diri ben tetep giat kerjoo... Wkwkwk wes yaa byee
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Dari suatu kejadian dihubungkan dengan kenyataan dan mencoba menarik kesimpulan kenapa harus terjadi???
Ternyata bener, ben aku sadar nek aku sakiki ra duwe opo2 dan hurung pantes gawe sopo2.
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Ben & Gaws - Silos are an essential part of modern food production, as they help to store and preserve food for later use. Silos also help to reduce the amount of waste that is produced during food production. This is because silos help to contain different types of grains and other materials, which can be used in a variety of ways. In this blog, Ben & Gaws Legal will explain the reasons why silos are important in food production.
#ben and gaws#ben & gaws#ben and gaws legal#ben & gaws legal#Ben and gaws reviews#Ben & gaws reviews
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Ben & Gaws Legal says, The Indian steel fabrication market is highly fragmented, with several small and medium-sized players operating in the market. The market is dominated by local players due to the high transportation costs and the need for customization of steel fabrication products based on customer requirements. However, large international players such as Tata Steel, JSW Steel, and ArcelorMittal have a significant presence in the market.
#ben and gaws#ben & gaws#ben and gaws legal#ben & gaws legal#Ben and gaws reviews#Ben & gaws reviews
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I'm realizing that Tumblr is kind of a terrible medium for this sort of thing, but it's what I've got, so I'm rolling with it.
Post-Dubhe dialogue below the cut
Sunday 19:00 Daichi's Worth
Shinbashi SL Plaza
After the fight with Dubhe...
Io: We beat it…? Yes! I think we won!
Yamato: Ha… We were chasing down Dubhe, but I did not expect to find this. So you defeated Dubhe… Impressive.
Joe: Whoa, what's going on?
Yamato: You've changed personnel. Did the other young man die?
Io: Daichi! Is Daichi… dead?
???: H-Hey! Don't write me off just yet!
Io: Daichi!? Where are you?
Daichi: Over here!
Joe: Hahaha! Hey, Daich! What'cha doing up there?
Daichi: I jumped out before the truck went over, you idiot! I did it to save your lives!
Io: He's safe…!
Daichi: That's true, and great, but… I can't get down. Don't just stand there gawing! Help me, Hibiki!
Hibiki Kuze: - Sheesh, fine. - Hold on.
Yamato: Sako, go assist that boy.
Daichi: Whoa, not you guys! You're gonna lock me up! I'm actually fine up here, thanks!
Yamato: Hahaha! Don't worry. Any doubts we may have had about you are now cleared. You all defeated Dubhe… even if it was by coincidence. Your actions are commendable.
Makoto: Come with us. Tomorrow morning I can assign some JP's agents to take you to your homes. It's late. We'll provide you with food and shelter, so you can get some real rest.
Io: Thank you very much, Makoto.
Joe: That's lucky! Good things do happen to good people, after all.
Daichi: Uh, hey! uh… Can somebody get me down? Please…?
This is a shorter scene since it's directly after a battle, but it's also one of my favorites in the game. I really love the English cast a lot. Daichi is a real standout here. You can tell Ben Diskin is seriously giving it his all. His delivery of 'I'm actually fine up here, thanks' is exquisite and makes me laugh every single time I hear it.
I also love that it makes Yamato laugh too. The little chuckle he gives in response to that line makes me swoon, not gonna lie. It also amuses me he doesn't want to go help Daichi himself, he just tells Makoto to do it and then immediately peaces out of the scene after his last line. He doesn't even stick around to make sure anyone helps get Daichi down. I love him.
I'll also say that Yamato's helpfully expository first line when he shows up cracks me up. Who is he saying that to? All his agents know what they're doing there, and I feel like Hibiki and the Gang™ can probably safely assume as much too. He's just politely letting all of us know what he's doing there so we're not confused.
Yamato is amazing.
Yamato Hotsuin's Recordbreaker Dialogue
While I replay Devil Survivor 2: Recordbreaker, I thought I'd take the time to record Yamato's dialogue. I don't know that I've found a complete transcript, so I figured I might as well make one for myself and have it exist as a reference for anyone else who might like it!
Dialogue below the cut 👇
Sunday 17:30 Tokyo Branch
Nagata-cho Diet Building
You arrive at Nagata-cho, led by Makoto…
Makoto: We're here.
Io: This is…?
Hibiki Kuze: - The Diet Building, eh? - Of course.
- The Diet Building, eh? Io: Yeah… that means Makoto must be in the government?
- Of course. Daichi: Huh…? Oh, I guess that means Makoto's in the government?
Makoto: Very perceptive. I belong to an organization which answers to the government. It's not much further now, keep up!
Makoto leads you into the underground levels of the Diet Building…
Makoto produces an ID card to authorize herself at the terminal…
A huge facility spreads before your eyes…
Daichi: This is what's under the Diet Building? You've gotta be kidding me!
Daichi is looking wildly around…
Daichi: Hey, did you see that logo a moment ago? How do you pronounce that? J, P, apostrophe…?
Hibiki Kuze: - I have no idea. - "Jips," I guess?
- I have no idea: Makoto: "Jips." Now be quiet. I'd like to avoid any trouble.
- "Jips," I guess? Makoto: Correct, "Jips." Now be quiet. I'd like to avoid any trouble.
Before Makoto finishes speaking, a man appears up ahead…
???: You're late, Sako… Who are they?
Makoto: Chief, these children signed up for Nicaea.
You detect a slight tension in Makoto's voice…
Chief: Why are they here?
Makoto: I thought they might have intel on the summoning app, Sir. They have firsthand combat experience against the demons, so I thought we could use them…
The "Chief" holds out a hand, stopping Makoto…
Chief: That's rather presumptuous, Sako. They're just civilians. Debrief them and have done with it.
Makoto: Understood, my apologies.
The "Chief" looks at you coldly…
Chief: I'm grateful for your cooperation, but this facility is off-limits. I must insist that you leave as soon as possible. Dismissed.
The "Chief" nods to you and leaves…
Daichi: What a jerk…!
Makoto: Don't talk like that…! That man is Yamato Hotsuin, Chief of JP's.
Io: Chief…? He's your superior, Makoto?
Makoto: That's correct.
Daichi: H- Him? He's probably even younger than us! He's that high up?
It seems Daichi has recalled something…
Daichi: By the by, M-Makoto, did you say you're gonna get intel from us? Are we gonna be interrogated!?
Makoto gives a slight smile and turns towards Daichi…
Makoto: No, of course not. That was just a pretext. I'd never get away with bringing a civilian here just to treat a sprain.
Daichi: Oh… Hahaha! Good one. Had me going there.
Daichi seems relieved…
Makoto takes Io to a room to treat her sprained ankle, they talk about Nicaea and the summoning app, Makoto leaves, and Daichi decides he has to pee immediately.
You lead Daichi to the facility hallway…
Daichi: Urgh… Hurry! Can't… hold it.
Hibiki Kuze: - You're going to have to. - Just go here. - Shhh, listen.
- You're going to have to. Daichi: Unngh… So cruel…
- Just go here. Daichi: I would, but… that doesn't seem right.
- Shhh, listen. Daichi: Argh! Not so loud! I'm at my limit here!
You hear people talking further down the hallway…
Makoto: …They're just civilians, Sir!
Yamato: How can you be positive they won't misuse the summoning application?
Makoto: They cooperated with me, they helped reseal Coordinate K. I don't think they'll abuse it.
Yamato: When a man grows accustomed to power, he is more likely to abuse it. Isn't that right, Sako?
Makoto: S-Sorry, Sir.
Yamato: We're finished here. Take them to a cell.
They seem to be talking about you…
Daichi: D-Did he just say what I think he said?
Hibiki Kuze: - A cell… - We're going to be imprisoned…! - Sorry, I wasn't listening.
- A cell… Daichi: This is bad! Real, real bad! They're gonna lock us up!
- We're going to be imprisoned…! Daichi: This is a disaster! They're gonna catch us and throw us in jail! I'll nver see the sun again!
- Sorry, I wasn't listening. Daichi: You moron! They're gonna toss us in prison!
Daichi: Let's get outta here, man! We need to get to Io before they do!
You return with Daichi to where you left Io…
So this is Yamato's introduction, and on the whole, I think it's a really interesting scene. It's our very first look at JP's and at Yamato himself, and right off the bat, we're establishing some important things about the characters. Yamato is cold and dismissive and in the leadership role, and Makoto is loyal to and defensive of him while also being completely willing to lie to him and disobey his orders on behalf of people she doesn't know at all.
There are also some really choice moments that are ridiculously funny to me, namely Makoto calling Hibiki and his friends 'these children' when she's talking to Yamato even though Yamato is younger than every single one of them. Even Daichi clocks immediately that he's younger than they are, so it's canon that he looks his age. I'm kinda glad they told us that, because the art makes it hard to tell. Either way, I have to wonder what Yamato thought about that.
I also kind of love that Makoto tells them to shut the fuck up so she doesn't get in trouble just seconds before Yamato rolls up onto the scene and immediately gets her into trouble. He had to have been close by, since he appeared before she'd even finished her sentence, so that's really unfortunate for her.
I also can't help but wonder what made him change his mind about locking all of them up. The whole scene takes place within thirty minutes, so it couldn't have been that long between him telling them to fuck off and then telling Makoto to chuck them in a cell instead. He would have been totally screwed if she'd actually listened to him the first time and kicked them out instead of taking them to a room to treat Io's sprain.
Also, can we talking about Daichi's response if you tell him to go on the floor????? What do you mean, "I would, but...?" WHAT DO YOU MEAN, DAICHI
Anyway, while I was recording this, the thing that stood out to me the absolute most is how many fucking ellipses there are. Oh my god. I've played this game a ton of times (at least 200 hours worth according to my save files), and I never actually noticed that literally every line of narration ends in an ellipsis until I started recording this transcript. I think from now on I'm going to leave them out, because they are slowly driving me insane, but I left them in there this time so you have to suffer with me. I'll never unsee that.
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Okay but what about.....THEM
#cahir#witcher netflix#ben wiggins#doppler#adonis#yes they gawe them name#omg#cahir mawr dyffryn aep ceallach#they are course of my lifetime#eamon farren
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Arep tak wehke sliramu wingi, ncen sengojo tak gawe saiki ben turah kangenmu kangge teko dino iki, slebewwwww
@rasirosakorlantas @ditlantaspoldajatim @polripresisi @rtmcjatim @ntmc_polri @polisi_indonesia @dikmaslantaspolri @roadsafety_policing @subditlakaditgakkum_korlantas
©2023 Satlantas Polres Trenggalek
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Ben: Cap
Simon: Elder Flowers
Larry: Humphrey, or that guard who is like “gaw I love that one”
Jim: Marlow
Martha: “I turn your feet to lettuce! And other un-footlike vegetation!” Witch
Mat: William Shakespeare
I have a question for everyone. If you had to choose, who's your favourite character that each of the idiots have ever played? Like, your top favourite Simon character, your top favourite Ben character, etc?
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