#beloved mutuals please gently bully me
homoeroticgrappling · 3 months
I need someone to hold me accountable for sitting down and finishing writing fics because I just checked and I'm at a total of 113k words if I combine all my WIPs so I need to actually finish and post them
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skelebonecentral · 3 years
Hothouse Rose chapter 6
Gotta get that last Fell boy into shape!
(words under cut) And remember, the pictures for the Lust boys are all six up on my main undertale blog.
Whip stared at his brother.
“cause ya ain’t actin’ like part of the family anymore and I wanna know why.” Spice was leaning back against Whip’s door, blocking all exit. “ever since baby doll came, you’ve been sulkin’ and hidin’ from’em and I don’t appreciate it. I know ya ain’t a coward, so what is it?”
“I know that.” Spice was unmoved by this aggressive display. He was not afraid of his baby brother. “I’ve done my research on what gettin’ my shop going up here would entail, an’ it wasn’t pretty. but bro, just cause it’s private for them don’t mean they ain’t capable of openin’ up. just gotta work harder for it.”
Whip’s hands were gripped into fists, and even though he was looking down, Spice noticed his gaze was on the floor next to him, not on himself, “AND WHAT HAPPENS WHEN ONE OF THOSE FRIVOLOUS OTHERS FALLS FOR THEM? OR GETS THE INTEREST FOR A ROMP, HM? WHAT THEN?”
“apparently that already happened today. Boa. Baby doll got embarrassed but they’re still pals.”
Whip flinched hearing that, his glare getting more intense, “SO YOU’RE SAYING THEY AREN’T GOING TO TURN ON US? THAT I’M BEING RIDICULOUS?”
“no, I’m sayin’ you don’t need to try an’ protect yourself so hard.” Spice sighed and rubbed a hand down his face, “bro, you usually aren’t closed off like this with people you don’t trust. You’re good at making them think you like’em so they slip up. why are ya actin’ like a frightened cat? All puffed up and angry?”
Whip’s sockets were filling with red magic, “BECAUSE AT LEAST IF I KEEP THEM AWAY IT WON’T HURT HAVING TO LEAVE.”
“there’s the issue,” Spice walked over to where Whip was shaking in place, quickly putting his arms around him, “ya do like ‘em, then?”
“YES.” The answer was wet and miserable, “THEY’RE EVERYTHING PAPYRUS SAID, AND EVEN WITH SUGAR BEING CAUTIOUS, I CAN’T FIND A REASON NOT TO. SANS…” Whip slowly collapsed to his knees and held Spice tight, “I’ve…I’ve never been so close to someone who actually met my standards. They’re kind, and they care about our alternates, and they’re smart, and funny and beautiful and…Sans, I’m so scared to let myself go because we’re going to lose them.”
Spice rubbed his back gently, “I know, bro. but that’s why we gotta try an’ enjoy it, right? when we’re back in that shithole, we gotta have memories to get us through. Cause what good is it pushin’ away good things just cause they won’t last? Just means you spend more time bein’ sad than ya had ta.”
“I don’t know if my soul can take it, though,” Whip whined, hiding his sockets against Spice’s shoulder. “You know how lonesome it was at home and finding someone like y/n here…it’s not fair. It’s not fair that I found an angel and have to give them up.”
“y’know I understand that, probably better than most,” Spice gave his back a pat, making him let loose so he could sit down, “bro, I get it, but like I said, enjoy it while we can. cause once it’s gone, we ain’t gettin’ another chance.”
Whip sat next to him on the bed and leaned over, head on his shoulder, “You’re right, as usual, brother. I just…I’m used to causing pain, not feeling it. It’s difficult to manage.”
“yeah. but you can do it. I know ya can. cause I’ll be right with ya the whole time.”
After a while, just the slow hum of Whip’s computer and the breeze outside, Whip asked, “What did it feel like when you got to hold them, Sans?”
“real nice,” Spice purred a bit, “their whole body is soft, bro. hair, skin, hands, all pillows. Ehehe, they’d be mad if I said that to’em, though. they’re workin’ with their buddies and pap to get in shape. Spend half an hour outside every afternoon with’em in their leggings and sport top. Nice ta watch.”
Whip nodded, “And do they mind flirtations too much?”
“they’re gettin’ better about it, but you still have ta be careful how far ya go. don’t get all out explicit, but suggestive is fine. They actually shot one back at Sugar yesterday, even if it was kinda weak.”
“Good.” He took a deep breath and sighed as he let it out, “I’m going to try to amend my mistake of avoiding them, but it’ll take some time. Please keep me from making an ass of myself anymore.”
“I’ll try, but I dunno much about donkeys,” Spice quipped, only to get pushed onto the bed as Whip got up in irritation. “ehehehe, sorry, bro, but you walked inta that one.”
You were in the kitchen, eating breakfast after waking up late on a rare Friday holiday when Whip walked in. Normally, he’d instantly walk back out looking frustrated, but today he stayed.
It was weird, and you watched as he walked to the fridge, got a bottle of a chocolate protein drink, and sat down near you.
“HUMAN, I….HMGH,” he started, picking at the wrapper on the outside of his drink till he could get the lit loose, “Y/N. I’VE BEEN…COLD TO YOU, TO SAY THE LEAST.”
“Yes.” Where is he going with this?
That was not what you expected as his reasoning. Pride, specist thoughts, a general dislike of new people, something like that, but not…this. “I do understand your reference, but I’m still kind of shocked you’re even talking to me at all right now.”
“How about,” you hold out your hand, smiling, “we start over? Hi, my name is Y/n. I’m Sans and Papyrus’ datemate and I’d like to stay in the house for the foreseeable future.”
He looked at your hand, then his shoulders relaxed and his sharp smile turned soft, “MY NAME IS WHIP, IT’S A PLEASURE TO MEET YOU AT LAST.” He shook your hand, “I’D BE HAPPY TO HAVE SOMEONE SO BELOVED BY MY COUSINS STAY WITH US.”
A pool of warmth dropped into your chest at the relief you knew was a mutual experience. You no longer had an enemy in your home, and the comfortable silence as you both enjoyed your respective sustenance was very rewarding.
“Sugar, please,” Charm rubbed his sockets, “I’m trying to plan a fun night out for us all, and your pessimism is ruining it.”
“no, I’m seriously worried. Have you not felt the energy change? Somebody’s doing something and it’s none of us.”
“I felt it and I know exactly what happened, but I’m not telling you because it’s none of your business.” Charm kept clicking from one page to another, looking at options.
“You heard me. You do realize there is a loving trio in this house, yes? That it’s not just us and the others from similar universes?” Charm swiveled his chair and looked fully at his brother, “Sans, sometimes your anxiety makes you act like a prick.”
Sugar winced, deflating. “oh. yeah. guess I overstepped again.”
“Yes, you did.” Charm pushed his chair over and poked Sugar in the chest, “but I will remind you again. I love you. I want what is best for everyone here. And I am not some babybones who is naïve about the complexities of relationships. It’s just things are tilted differently here, and yes, that was hard to get used to, but it can be done. And besides,” He smiled, “We’re all going out for Halloween. I need to make sure we go somewhere fun since it’s Y/n’s favorite holiday and Papyrus’ birthday.”
Sugar sighed, “okay. okay, maybe you’re right. and sansy’s been trying to get me to lighten up too, so…” He sat on the floor before laying out like a star, “if sweet-pea can trust them enough to cuddle again, I guess I can try to, too.”
“Bully for you!” Charm smiled, going back to his computer. “And Sweet-pea will be here at the house with our candy bowl, so he will get a costume as well.”
“he’s actually going to greet the trick or treaters?”
“Yes! He’s been doing very well since he started opening up more.” Charm double clicked something and absently scanned the text that popped up, “He’s started sitting on the deck with us while we do our yoga and Sansy is seeing if he can set up video chat conferences with a therapist for him. Apparently, humans get this kind of anxiety too. It’s called agoraphobia.”
Sugar nodded, kind of surprised. Sweet-pea was going outside? Willingly? That was definitely a good thing, no arguing that, and…well, he was getting tired of being jumpy about the human all the time, if he was being honest.
You were a little shy about it, but Boa and Sweet-pea were both bustling around you in Sweet-pea’s room. They were re-taking your measurements to make sure they were accurate for your costume. You hadn’t had a good idea for a costume, but Papyrus had proposed it being a surprise that they chose for you. Sweet-pea had volunteered to make the design, and you’d been excited to see what he’d do. So far, he’d made you a nightgown that made you feel very ethereal any time you wore it, but he’d been too busy with commissions and orders to do anything else till now.
“I take a break every October,” he told you, sketching away, “it lets me have down time to recover and do whatever things I’d like otherwise.”
Boa was very fast with the measuring tape, barely touching it to your body as you stood in a shirt and shorts.
You felt the goosebumps going over your scalp as they worked, just like at the doctor’s office, and felt that strange far away feeling that went with them.
“Pumpkin,” Boa spoke, standing with his tape, “have you ever been fitted properly for your foundations?” He seemed puzzled as he looked you over. “I just want to make sure you’re as comfortable as you can be. Bad support can cause back pain, you know.”
You hadn’t known. “No, I haven’t. What would you have to do?”
Sweet-pea looked up, “just measure around your chest do some more close measurements of your pelvis area. It doesn’t take long. Last time he fitted someone it only took him two and a half minutes. But…uh… you will have to undress. Dunno if you’re up to that or not.”
Boa blushed, but nodded, looking away. “It’s up to you. You’re going to look ravishing either way, but it’s just been bugging me since we went shopping that first day. You deserve to be comfortable…”
It took a moment, as you thought it out. Two and a half minutes, hm? And you trusted them both, at least as much as you trusted the classmates you’d changed in the bathrooms with at choir competitions in high school. Quite a bit more, now that you’re thinking about it, “I think we can do it. It would be nice to know for my next shopping trip.”
Both of them perked up, and you steeled yourself as you undressed down to nothing. Boa’s eye lights shone bright and wide, and you saw the glow start at his throat, but he shook his head and smiled, “I’ll be quick. Thank you for letting me help you!”
True to his word, Boa went fast, around your chest, from your collar to your nipple, and around the area under your breasts. “That’s that, thirty-four triple d, Sweet-pea.”
“thought so.” The younger brother wrote it down somewhere on his sketch pad, but he was still going, “I know someone who would kill for that size for her bleach cosplays.”
You tilted your head and he smiled, “Somebody I know at home. She’s almost as bad as Alphys about anime, but likes JUMP stuff more.”
“Ah, okay.” You were focusing on anything other than Boa being between your legs with his tape, going quickly over your thighs, around your butt, and gently pressing the end of the tape to your core and going up a ways before snapping back and listing off his findings. “Well, that was fast.”
“three minutes. A little slower, but we’ve never measured a human before.”
Boa nodded and handed you your things, “We have everything we need to make you the best costume and find the best things on our shopping trips now.” There was blush on his cheekbones, and his smile was very soft, making your own cheeks heat more.
“Thank you for being fast with it. I’m not exactly used to being naked in front of other people.” You hurry to get your clothes back on, even as you hear something in an almost electronic voice. “Huh?”
Boa blushed, “Um, sorry. I slipped into Wingdings for a moment. I ah…I was saying we were lucky to get a glimpse at such a rare treasure as your body.”
Sweet-pea snorted and giggled, “that’s what he said literally, but wingdings is a monster language, so you don’t get any of the cute undertones and intents that went with it in English. you do look nice, though.”
“You boys are going to be the death of me. I’m going to die of flattery,” You had scrunched up your face from how hot it got, and huffed as you pulled your shirt back on, “and then Papy and Sans will be widowers.”
“You’d have to marry them for that,” Boa smirked a bit.
“smartaleck” you stuck your tongue out at him and walked to the door, “You’re both lucky I love you.”
“we love you, too, y/n.” Sweet-pea poked Boa, who just waved at you.
You shake your head and leave.
As soon as the door shut, Boa’s whole skull exploded in color and he jerked his scarf off as the jewel below burst into brilliant light. “Oh my stars, I’m going to keel over! Humans smell so different and it’s GOOD and they’re so amazing already and then just! Naked right in front of me! ack!”
Sweet-pea chuckled, blushing a bit, “they were lovely. And those hips….gosh, I know kids aren’t the end all be all up here but they look like they could carry so well…”
“I know!” Boa groaned, rubbing the heels of his hands into his closed sockets, “How does Papyrus just have them as his datemate and not keep them in the bedroom all day?”
“He’s just not turned like us, bro,” Sweet-pea sighed, “but I’m glad they’re at least happy with each other. You could smell him on them as soon as the layers came off.”
Boa finally seemed to calm down as the glow in his gem dimmed, “That was reassuring. Now we’re sure they’re not hurting themselves with repression or anything.”
“pretty sure it’s only us that need that regular release for health,” Sweet-pea mumbled. “humans don’t get heats, much less be in one all the time.”
“That still is amazing to me. And there’s so many of them even so! But then again, they are mammals that care for their young a long time. it’s only natural most of their offspring live.”
Sweet-pea laughed, “you should never have dropped out of zoology, bro. you’d have been a great professor.”
“I’ll be a better guardsman slash radio host!” Boa shot back, getting up. “Now, as soon as you have the design ready, bring it to me. We’re going to make the others drop their jaws to the floor.”
“and all in a human-friendly fashion. Gonna be fun,” Sweet-pea waved his brother off, and got down to work. He was going to make the rest of the world see exactly what Y/n was to their household.
Whip was uncomfortable. Not because he didn’t participate in the pillow cuddling normally, because he had before the human had come. No, it was because said human had chosen to sit beside him in the pile. He was still jumpy around them, even if he knew they were on much better terms after his apology.
It didn’t help that Spice was on their other side and snoring so loud he could hardly hear.
“No, Whip, don’t wake him. He’s actually not trying to fluster me when he’s sleeping,” says the human, looking fondly at Spice. Well, they did have a point. “Here, let me try shifting him a bit.”
Interested, he watched as you gently shifted Spice’s head back, and his brother’s raucous snores quieted to gentle, soft vibrations.
“Snoring in humans is caused by some weird blockages in the throat. I figured, if he’s snoring because of his ecto always being on, maybe doing what helps a human would help him.” You continue to intrigue him in the most unexpected ways.
Boa had been almost giddy in his sexy nurse costume when he handed you a bundle on Halloween at noon, “Here, Pumpkin, it’s your costume. Go put it on, hurry!”
Sweet-pea was behind him, a very normal looking scarecrow costume decorating his form, beaming in pride, “if you need help, just holler.”
Curious, you went to back into your room (you’d been leaving it to ask about just this) and opened the bundle. A beautiful Grecian dress, creamy white with golden clasps, lay in a cloud of feathers with a set of very soft, cottony underwear. The ease with which those went on surprised you, and the lifting of the weight of your chest from your back made your eyes widen. “Oh.” Boa had been incredibly accurate in that the wrong underthings could make you hurt.
The dress slipped on, as did a pair of delicate sheer white hose, and some golden sandals. The feathers, you realize, are wings that loop onto the clasps on your shoulders and attach to the golden rope around your waist. You actually get them on yourself, and when you pick up the little harp and halo that were hidden underneath, you grin. “An angel, huh?”
Everything fit like a glove, comfortable but flattering as you exited and came down the stairs. Charm saw you first and gasped, “Oh! Sweetheart, that’s gorgeous, but here, come with me.” He had that sneaky look when he was going to try and goad you or Sans and Papyrus into doing something romantic, but instead of taking you to them, he took you to a room under the stairs that you’d never bothered to investigate. It was like a dressing room in a theater, with lights and make up and wigs of all kinds.
“Welcome to my studio! On of the things I learned from my bestie underground is that half of an outfit is made by your make-up. Let me take you from a ten to an eleven.” He sat you down and gently removed the golden circlet of your halo, setting it down on the vanity. “Now, monster make-up is a lot different than human in that it doesn’t take five hours to do! So, I’m going to turn you around, and in thirty minutes you’ll be the belle of the Halloween ball.”
You only had a brief glimpse of your reflection (thankfully) before the chair was turned and Charm got to work. Smooth, cool creams were dabbed onto your face by his clearly practiced hands, having taken of his gloves to do this. It was kind of hard to keep from laughing, as he’d already made himself up and was wearing a rainbow afro and a red nose on top of his pure white face, blue eye circles, and big red mouth decorations. He was a very colorful clown, and the first clown you’d ever been happy to see.
Charm had his tongue stuck out while he worked, and you just couldn’t help yourself. You reached up and poked it with your finger. “Boop.”
He squinted his sockets and made a short noise that sounded like laughter, then gently told you off, “Don’t boop the beautician, sweet thing. It’s not polite.”
“But you’re my bestie first,” you point out, and his smile grows.
“I know.” He brushes his teeth against your forehead gently, “Now let me work my magic, quite literally.”
You giggle quietly, and he hums, using a puff to place powder over the creams.
He then goes around you and gently begins coming through your hair, adding some things to it as well, “When this is done, sweetie, it’s going to just be you with some polish. You’re always this lovely to us, it’ll just be enough magic to let others and you see what we see every day.”
“Are you sure?” Yes, you’d been pleased with the little bit of change you’d seen in your clothes since starting your daily yoga, but you still felt…gross.
“Oh, I’d put my soul on it.” He squeezed your shoulder gently before returning to his work on your hair, “Papyrus and Sans think you hung the moon, Y/n. And I’d put money on Boa thinking the same. Sweet-pea trusts you more than he’s trusted anyone outside the family, ever. Whip even let his pride go and started to get to know you. That means something.”
“And you and Sugar? Spice?”
“Oh Y/n, I can’t even put into words what you mean to me.” His voice was so soft and full of love, you couldn’t even imagine what his expression was, “and my brother is slowly letting go of his fears. He’ll understand your magnificence when he does. “ A snort of wry laughter, “And Spice would have you be his own private teddy bear if it was up to him.”
You giggle thinking about that. Since he’d gotten over your mutual miscommunication, Spice had been the ultimate cuddlebug when he felt he could be. Which was most of the time. Not that you minded, he was warm, and the thick ecto he always wore was soft and comfy. Plus, you liked his voice. It was different than the others, like Whip’s in that it was gravelly, but smoother underneath, carrying a sweetness you liked.
“Let me paint your nails, and then we’ll be done.” Charm squatted in front of you and took a bottle of what looked like clear nail polish out. He thought for a moment, then nodded, a zap of pink magic infusing the bottle and turning the polish inside gold. “That should be the right color. A touch of Midas, hm?” He beamed at his reference, and you nodded.
You used the time to talk about a movie you saw once, of people trying to gain an item related to King Midas, and Charm suggested you find it online and the family could watch it next weekend. After all, after your group returned from the Halloween carnival, you all would be watching Halloween themed cartoons and family movies (because Papyrus, Sweet-pea, and Boa preferred not to watch horror films) while eating whatever candy remained after the trick-or-treaters.
Looking at your fingernails, not only were they shimmering as if they were covered in liquid gold, but they were perfectly shaped and the cuticles that were normally rough were smoothed down. “Wow! How did you do that with just polish?”
“It’s the magic in the polish.” Charm finished your toes and returned the brush to the bottle, “The polish is just there to change color according to my intent. I needed it gold, and I wanted your nails to be healthy and beautiful, so the magic did the rest. Even after we take the polish off, you’ll still keep the healthy nails underneath. Also, it’s instant dry, too.”
He looked you over one last time and nodded, “Alright, are you ready?”
When you said yes, he placed the halo back on your head and turned you around. You almost burst into tears right there. Your hair was laying around your face in elegant waves, framing it perfectly and without frizz for the first time in your life. And your face, it was exactly what Charm had said. It was you, but your skin was evenly colored instead of blotchy, the texture was smooth and uniform, every pore was clean and tiny. Your eyelashes and brows were present instead of faded out like they usually were, and all signs of the flaky dermatitis that had plagued you since your teenage years was gone from them.
“I’m…..Charm, you did…” you just looked over at him, the water dripping out of your eyes without you even blinking to free it. “It’s wonderful.”
“Just a little MTT Beauty Butter and the intent to clean and heal. The rest is all how your body naturally wants to be. It loves you, just as we do, and wants you to be happy and healthy. It just needed a little boost, now and again, is all.” He helps you to your feet, taking a nearby box of tissues and using them to gently dry your tears. “Now you can see yourself as the angel we know you are.”
You just hug him, far beyond words.
He strokes your head gently, waiting for you to recover before saying, “Now, we should get to the living room to meet up with the others and head for the carnival.”
You felt like you were walking on air as he led you out of the make up room and down the hall to the living room.
Entering, you saw Papyrus dressed as Superman, cape and spandex in red, blue, and yellow, and Sans was wearing a black, cat-ear headband taped to his skull, with black whiskers drawn on his cheekbones sloppily, all with his normal clothes.
Sugar, as a sexy witch, is standing with his broom in a corner, laughing behind his hand next to pirate-captain Spice, long coat sweeping his brown boots and black hat sporting a big maroon feather. Whip was dressed as a classic Devil, though he’d exchanged the red onesie for a bright red business suit. Boa and Sweet-pea were on the couch, chatting.
Charm cleared his throat and that got everyone’s attention, and you were feeling quite small as they all looked at you.
Whip’s eye lights went out, and you noticed a bright glow in the left leg of his pants. Oh no…oh no you’d made him uncomfortable. “I-I didn’t pick this out but…I’m sorry.”
Spice came over, taking your hands in his (where did he find all those rings?), “don’t apologize, baby doll. You’re beautiful. Sweet-pea an’ Boa done good. you too, charm, cause I know baby doll don’t do make-up like that.”
“no buts,” Sans shortcutted next to you and beamed, “you look perfect. We’re going to be the envy of everybody. Though, as an angel, you probably don’t like that, do you?” He winked and you smiled. You couldn’t help yourself if Sans was making jokes.
Papyrus strode over and knelt in front of you, making everyone step aside for him, “AS A SUPERHERO, I WILL WORK VERY HARD TO DO GOOD, SO THAT I MAY GET VISITS FROM THIS UNEARTHLY VISION OF LOVELINESS AGAIN!” He was sparkling -literally-, cheeks flushed orange, as he looked up at you.
“Papyrus, you can see me anytime.”
Sugar flounced over in the short skirt and tights that were wrapped around his bones, “ooh, our little y/n has graduated from pretty to gorgeous.”
Charm rolled his eye lights, but Boa and Sweet-pea rushed over before he could fire back at his brother.
“Oh, Y/n, it’s absolutely perfect. I was worried about the top of the dress but it’s laying fabulously,” Boa cooed, proud of his work.
“you look just like I thought you would,” Sweet-pea gave a small laugh, “though, turns out real life is better than imagination in this case. Thanks, charm, for finishing off the look.”
“Oh it was my pleasure, believe me,” Charm actually honked his nose, revealing it to be a prop horn, “I might be a clown tonight, but I am a chivalrous guard first and helping our dear Y/n shine their brightest is the least I could do.”
You were blushing so hard, but Papyrus gently scooped you out of the crowd, “NOW LET’S GET GOING TO THE CARNIVAL. I WANT EVERYONE TO ADMIRE OUR ANGEL BEFORE THEY GET TOO FLUSTERED AND MUSS THEIR MAKE-UP!”
There was a murmur of agreement, and as you left the house, you waved goodbye to Sweet-pea, who was beaming as he closed the door.
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taejinpurple-blog · 6 years
Fluffy Romantic Story about two guys who became friends and blossomed into something more.
*Mature Scenes later on.*
Trigger Warning: Speaks about sexual abuse in later chapters.
I did my best with editing. Sorry in advance if there are any mistakes. But I really tried to make sure there were not many. Please enjoy
Previous Chapter: https://hopeless-taejinstan.tumblr.com/post/172522302350/artistic-beauty-of-love-chapter-6
Jin impatiently tapped his fingers on the table. Youngsoo sipped his rum while holding his youngest daughter. Haneul smiled watching his older grandchildren sing to him.
Jin poured himself a glass of rum and cola.
“Where’s your friend?” Youngsoo asked.
“I don’t know Mom said Noona wanted him to wear something she designed.” He shrugged. He honestly couldn’t image Tae wearing anything else besides overalls. He cleared his throat trying to contain his laughter.
Haneul looked at his youngest son. “Tell us more about your girlfriend.”
Jin took a sip of his drink. “She’s a senior at the college I go to, she’s majoring in accounting and she’s the daughter of Tang Korain.”
“Oh Tang Korain! I know him very well, Youngsoo and I been doing business with him for the past six months now. He’s a swell guy.” Haneul smiled as Jin mentally rolled his eyes. He just hoped his relationship with Miyeon didn’t turn into a business transaction.
“For Christmas, she invited me to meet her parents and I guess after Christmas you can meet her.” Jin took another sip of his drink.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” Chunhei sang. Jin turned around and his eyes hit Tae. He sucked in his breath making his drink go down the wrong pipe. He began coughing. Haneul patted his back as Youngsoo raised his eyebrows in awe.
“Hyung, are you alright?” Tae ran up to him.
Jin cleared his throat and couldn’t help but stare at him. The last time he seen him without his glasses was when he drew the picture of him. Even though he thought Tae was good looking then, he couldn’t even put into words how looked now.
Tae’s bang was trimmed slightly and parted to the left. His hair was combed neatly with a tad bit of gel to hold it in place. He had on a button cream colored shirt that was tucked in a pair of black slacks. He looked down at the shiny black shoes. He noticed how small Tae’s waistline was. He almost looked like he belonged to a wealthy household himself.
Tae tilted his head. “Hyung?”
Jin shook his head regaining his composure.
“I’m fine, you look handsome.”
“Thank you.”
“You definitely do Taehyung,” Haneul said. “You’re a very good looking young man.”
Youngsoo nodded his head agreeing and Tae’s cheeks turned red.
“Thank you.”
“Alright let’s eat,” Mihi said. “And please don’t hold back at all.”
After dinner and dessert, Jin gave Tae a tour of his brother’s home. Tae’s eyes stayed glued to everything artistic bit in sight. Jin, on the other hand, couldn’t keep his eyes off Tae. He really couldn’t believe how handsome he was. His features almost made him seem unreal a bit.
His mouth opened to say something until Tae gasped and ran over to a painting on the wall.
“They have a painting by Sobong Namkyu-nim! So this is what his professional paintings look like. Amazing! It’s far better than I could remember.” He clapped his hands excitedly.
Jin looked at the painting. It was a landscape painting of a sunrise at the beach. He had to admit it was a warm painting. If he remembered correctly Chunhei got the painting last year some time.
“You know the person who painted this?”
Tae nodded his head vigorously.
“Sobong-nim was my art teacher and mentor during high school. He wrote a great recommendation for me to use for college.”
“You knew him throughout high school?”
“No, I took art only in the twelfth grade.”
“R-Really?!” Jin gapped at him. “But you’re so good! I thought you would’ve been an art student since grade school or something.”
Tae chuckled. “I drew a lot during my free time but other than that I was always hanging out with my friends, playing video games and shopping for clothes.” He shrugged. Jin’s eyes widened and Tae covered his mouth. He didn’t mean to let that slip, he hated when rambled sometimes.
Jin turned to face him. “What made you change so drastically like that?” He asked, and Tae looked down.
“I just remembered I didn’t call my mom. I’ll be in my room if you need me.” He ran down the hall.
“Taehyung wait!” Jin called out. Tae closed his eyes and ran faster. Jin sighed placing his hands on his hips. “Babo, you’re going the wrong way, you’re room is this way!”
Tae stopped once he was down the hall and turned back around. He walked back towards Jin.
“I knew that.”
Jin gently bopped him on the head. “I swear, what am I gonna do with you?”
“Okay Tae, I just miss you so much, honey. I want to see you for Christmas at least. I love you and be safe. Okay, bye.” Minju hung up the phone as Jihun ran to her.
“Mom was that Hyung? Is he coming home?” He asked feeling hopeful.
“Not this time, but he said Christmas he would come home.”
“I miss him.” He sighed dejectedly.
“I do too. Anyway, let’s set up the table. Your aunt and uncles should be here soon.”
The front door opened and Jihun ran to the door smiling.
“Hey honey.” Minju smiled. “You’re finally home.” She giggled. Yeong kissed his wife and hugged his stepson.
“Sorry, my job held me up but they also gave us some stuff as an apology. We got pumpkin pie, fruit cake, and a small turkey.” He said looking in the box he had on the floor. Yeong then looked around. “Where’s Taehyung?”
“He had to stay because he was taking extra classes.”
“He’s such a hard worker. I’m proud of him.” Yeong smiled taking the box in the kitchen.
“I’m proud of him too.”
“I’ll wash up before the others get here.” Yeong left out the kitchen and headed upstairs.
“Hey Dad, you’re finally home.” Hyeon smiled.
He placed his hand on his son’s shoulder. “Finally, I’m gonna wash up before the others come.”
“Where’s Taehyung?” he asked walking downstairs and looking around.
“He’s coming for Christmas,” Mijun said.
“Oh I see …do you need help?”
“Sure, can you set these plates please dear. Jihun, take the cups.”
“What a shame I was hoping to see Taehyung. I wanted to tease him about school. I hope he’s doing good.” Hyeon said while licking his lips.
“Don’t worry, he is.” Mijun smiled patting his back and walking away.
Jin sat next to his mother who was in the indoor patio while drinking chai tea. She looked at him.
“What’s wrong?”
“I feel stressed.” He moaned slouching back in the chair and letting his long legs stretch.
“Why?” She gave him her full attention, it wasn’t every day that he opened up to talk.
“It’s Taehyung.” He began. “I don’t get him, he’s so confusing. The way he acts and the things he says doesn’t always add up. Like he just told me before he got into art he was a regular teenager, hanging with friends and playing video games and shopping for clothes. You look at him now you would swear he doesn’t own one mirror in his room or house. How can a person go from caring about their appearance to not even putting a comb through their hair at least once a day? I don’t get it and the way he looked tonight …I feel like that’s how he used to look.”
“Jin, do you have feelings for Taehyung?” she asked and his eyes widened.
“F-F-Feelings? Like how?”
She shrugged. “However.”
“Not romantic feelings but I do care and worry about him a lot. I don’t want anything to happen to him and actually, I don’t think I would ever let anything happen to him. That is why I brought him here with me when I found out he wasn’t going home.”
Mihi smiled softly. “So he’s truly your dongsaeng?” He nodded. “It seems you two have mutual feelings.” Jin tilted his head. “I asked him if he had feelings for you.”
“Of course you did.”
“I will tell you this …” He looked at her. “if you’re gonna continued to be Hyung to him then stick to it. He really cherishes his relationship with you.”
“Why would I change?” He shrugged.
“You have a girlfriend and women get jealous easily.”
“One Taehyung is a guy and two Miyeon already knows how our relationship is and she’s fine with it.” He said making his mother laugh. “What?”
“Anyway, as far as Taehyung goes …just protect him. He’s been through something major.”
“Major? How do you know?”
She sipped her tea. “I’ve only been a counselor for abused and battered victims since Youngsoo was three.”
His cheeks heated up from his silly question.
“When you say major …major like what? Was his family abusive? Was he bullied in high school?”
Mihi looked down sadly before looking at her son. “He did tell me …but it’s not my place to tell you. He has to tell you when he’s ready and seeing that he didn’t want to talk about his change after his junior year of high school shows he’s not ready to talk to you yet. Don’t push the issue anymore, it will come up when the time is right and believe me you’re his beloved Hyung, he will definitely tell you.”
Jin slowly nodded. Tae was so innocent and naïve, he couldn’t begin to imagine what could have happened to him that made him want to change so much. Either way, it didn’t matter he was going to protect him.
Tae sat at the vanity staring at himself. Memories of high school came to mind, he was the most popular boy in the school with tons of friends and crushes. Everything was good until … until …
Tears swelled in his eyes. He removed his contacts and pushed his hair in front of his eyes. He couldn’t be that beautiful person he used to be. He would never feel comfortable in his skin.
There was a knock on his door and Jin walked inside. Tae looked up at him through his bangs and Jin hugged him without asking anything.
“Do you wanna sleep in my bed tonight?”
“Can I?”
Jin nodded. “Change into your pajamas and come into my room after you’re done. Keep ya head up and just know you’re not alone. I’m always here for you.” Jin patted his back before walking out the room.
Tae wiped his tears and smiled softly.
Next Chapter: https://hopeless-taejinstan.tumblr.com/post/172567570555/artistic-beauty-of-love-chapter-8
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taejinpurple-blog · 6 years
Fluffy Romantic Story about two guys who became friends and blossomed into something more.
*Mature Scenes later on.*
Trigger Warning: Speaks about sexual abuse in later chapters.
I did my best with editing. Sorry in advance if there are any mistakes. But I really tried to make sure there were not many. Please enjoy
Previous Chapter: https://hopeless-taejinstan.tumblr.com/post/172521580885/artistic-beauty-of-love-chapter-5
Jin impatiently tapped his fingers on the table. Youngsoo sipped his rum while holding his youngest daughter. Haneul smiled watching his older grandchildren sing to him.
Jin poured himself a glass of rum and cola.
“Where’s your friend?” Youngsoo asked.
“I don’t know Mom said Noona wanted him to wear something she designed.” He shrugged. He honestly couldn’t image Tae wearing anything else besides overalls. He cleared his throat trying to contain his laughter.
Haneul looked at his youngest son. “Tell us more about your girlfriend.”
Jin took a sip of his drink. “She’s a senior at the college I go to, she’s majoring in accounting and she’s the daughter of Tang Korain.”
“Oh Tang Korain! I know him very well, Youngsoo and I been doing business with him for the past six months now. He’s a swell guy.” Haneul smiled as Jin mentally rolled his eyes. He just hoped his relationship with Miyeon didn’t turn into a business transaction.
“For Christmas, she invited me to meet her parents and I guess after Christmas you can meet her.” Jin took another sip of his drink.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” Chunhei sang. Jin turned around and his eyes hit Tae. He sucked in his breath making his drink go down the wrong pipe. He began coughing. Haneul patted his back as Youngsoo raised his eyebrows in awe.
“Hyung, are you alright?” Tae ran up to him.
Jin cleared his throat and couldn’t help but stare at him. The last time he seen him without his glasses was when he drew the picture of him. Even though he thought Tae was good looking then, he couldn’t even put into words how looked now.
Tae’s bang was trimmed slightly and parted to the left. His hair was combed neatly with a tad bit of gel to hold it in place. He had on a button cream colored shirt that was tucked in a pair of black slacks. He looked down at the shiny black shoes. He noticed how small Tae’s waistline was. He almost looked like he belonged to a wealthy household himself.
Tae tilted his head. “Hyung?”
Jin shook his head regaining his composure.
“I’m fine, you look handsome.”
“Thank you.”
“You definitely do Taehyung,” Haneul said. “You’re a very good looking young man.”
Youngsoo nodded his head agreeing and Tae’s cheeks turned red.
“Thank you.”
“Alright let’s eat,” Mihi said. “And please don’t hold back at all.”
After dinner and dessert, Jin gave Tae a tour of his brother’s home. Tae’s eyes stayed glued to everything artistic bit in sight. Jin, on the other hand, couldn’t keep his eyes off Tae. He really couldn’t believe how handsome he was. His features almost made him seem unreal a bit.
His mouth opened to say something until Tae gasped and ran over to a painting on the wall.
“They have a painting by Sobong Namkyu-nim! So this is what his professional paintings look like. Amazing! It’s far better than I could remember.” He clapped his hands excitedly.
Jin looked at the painting. It was a landscape painting of a sunrise at the beach. He had to admit it was a warm painting. If he remembered correctly Chunhei got the painting last year some time.
“You know the person who painted this?”
Tae nodded his head vigorously.
“Sobong-nim was my art teacher and mentor during high school. He wrote a great recommendation for me to use for college.”
“You knew him throughout high school?”
“No, I took art only in the twelfth grade.”
“R-Really?!” Jin gapped at him. “But you’re so good! I thought you would’ve been an art student since grade school or something.”
Tae chuckled. “I drew a lot during my free time but other than that I was always hanging out with my friends, playing video games and shopping for clothes.” He shrugged. Jin’s eyes widened and Tae covered his mouth. He didn’t mean to let that slip, he hated when rambled sometimes.
Jin turned to face him. “What made you change so drastically like that?” He asked, and Tae looked down.
“I just remembered I didn’t call my mom. I’ll be in my room if you need me.” He ran down the hall.
“Taehyung wait!” Jin called out. Tae closed his eyes and ran faster. Jin sighed placing his hands on his hips. “Babo, you’re going the wrong way, you’re room is this way!”
Tae stopped once he was down the hall and turned back around. He walked back towards Jin.
“I knew that.”
Jin gently bopped him on the head. “I swear, what am I gonna do with you?”
“Okay Tae, I just miss you so much, honey. I want to see you for Christmas at least. I love you and be safe. Okay, bye.” Minju hung up the phone as Jihun ran to her.
“Mom was that Hyung? Is he coming home?” He asked feeling hopeful.
“Not this time, but he said Christmas he would come home.”
“I miss him.” He sighed dejectedly.
“I do too. Anyway, let’s set up the table. Your aunt and uncles should be here soon.”
The front door opened and Jihun ran to the door smiling.
“Hey honey.” Minju smiled. “You’re finally home.” She giggled. Yeong kissed his wife and hugged his stepson.
“Sorry, my job held me up but they also gave us some stuff as an apology. We got pumpkin pie, fruit cake, and a small turkey.” He said looking in the box he had on the floor. Yeong then looked around. “Where’s Taehyung?”
“He had to stay because he was taking extra classes.”
“He’s such a hard worker. I’m proud of him.” Yeong smiled taking the box in the kitchen.
“I’m proud of him too.”
“I’ll wash up before the others get here.” Yeong left out the kitchen and headed upstairs.
“Hey Dad, you’re finally home.” Hyeon smiled.
He placed his hand on his son’s shoulder. “Finally, I’m gonna wash up before the others come.”
“Where’s Taehyung?” he asked walking downstairs and looking around.
“He’s coming for Christmas,” Mijun said.
“Oh I see …do you need help?”
“Sure, can you set these plates please dear. Jihun, take the cups.”
“What a shame I was hoping to see Taehyung. I wanted to tease him about school. I hope he’s doing good.” Hyeon said while licking his lips.
“Don’t worry, he is.” Mijun smiled patting his back and walking away.
Jin sat next to his mother who was in the indoor patio while drinking chai tea. She looked at him.
“What’s wrong?”
“I feel stressed.” He moaned slouching back in the chair and letting his long legs stretch.
“Why?” She gave him her full attention, it wasn’t every day that he opened up to talk.
“It’s Taehyung.” He began. “I don’t get him, he’s so confusing. The way he acts and the things he says doesn’t always add up. Like he just told me before he got into art he was a regular teenager, hanging with friends and playing video games and shopping for clothes. You look at him now you would swear he doesn’t own one mirror in his room or house. How can a person go from caring about their appearance to not even putting a comb through their hair at least once a day? I don’t get it and the way he looked tonight …I feel like that’s how he used to look.”
“Jin, do you have feelings for Taehyung?” she asked and his eyes widened.
“F-F-Feelings? Like how?”
She shrugged. “However.”
“Not romantic feelings but I do care and worry about him a lot. I don’t want anything to happen to him and actually, I don’t think I would ever let anything happen to him. That is why I brought him here with me when I found out he wasn’t going home.”
Mihi smiled softly. “So he’s truly your dongsaeng?” He nodded. “It seems you two have mutual feelings.” Jin tilted his head. “I asked him if he had feelings for you.”
“Of course you did.”
“I will tell you this …” He looked at her. “if you’re gonna continued to be Hyung to him then stick to it. He really cherishes his relationship with you.”
“Why would I change?” He shrugged.
“You have a girlfriend and women get jealous easily.”
“One Taehyung is a guy and two Miyeon already knows how our relationship is and she’s fine with it.” He said making his mother laugh. “What?”
“Anyway, as far as Taehyung goes …just protect him. He’s been through something major.”
“Major? How do you know?”
She sipped her tea. “I’ve only been a counselor for abused and battered victims since Youngsoo was three.”
His cheeks heated up from his silly question.
“When you say major …major like what? Was his family abusive? Was he bullied in high school?”
Mihi looked down sadly before looking at her son. “He did tell me …but it’s not my place to tell you. He has to tell you when he’s ready and seeing that he didn’t want to talk about his change after his junior year of high school shows he’s not ready to talk to you yet. Don’t push the issue anymore, it will come up when the time is right and believe me you’re his beloved Hyung, he will definitely tell you.”
Jin slowly nodded. Tae was so innocent and naïve, he couldn’t begin to imagine what could have happened to him that made him want to change so much. Either way, it didn’t matter he was going to protect him.
Tae sat at the vanity staring at himself. Memories of high school came to mind, he was the most popular boy in the school with tons of friends and crushes. Everything was good until … until …
Tears swelled in his eyes. He removed his contacts and pushed his hair in front of his eyes. He couldn’t be that beautiful person he used to be. He would never feel comfortable in his skin.
There was a knock on his door and Jin walked inside. Tae looked up at him through his bangs and Jin hugged him without asking anything.
“Do you wanna sleep in my bed tonight?”
“Can I?”
Jin nodded. “Change into your pajamas and come into my room after you’re done. Keep ya head up and just know you’re not alone. I’m always here for you.” Jin patted his back before walking out the room.
Tae wiped his tears and smiled softly.
Next Chapter: https://hopeless-taejinstan.tumblr.com/post/172522404705/artistic-beauty-of-love-chapter-7
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