#belly mujinga
quillandrapier · 2 years
Posting here because posting any trans stuff on twitter these days is asking to be harrased.
Tw// trans death, transphobia, hate crimes, child death, racism, anti-black death, knife crime. //
I need to get this out but...
I'm honestly really devestated Brianna Ghey death. The pain truly hit when I realised she was born in 2007. She was so young.
But if i express this despair in front of peo, ple I know as a young Londoner I can already feel the apathy and confusion over my pain.
I've heard stories of children dying for years due to knife crime and I feel the pain and sadness then. I feel people I know will point to that and diminish the tradgey that has taken place. Why care about her, nobody cares about us. Which yes is an issue but we can care about multiply things. Also the trans community is a dispersed and connected despite not knowing each other in person. And I know for a fact when a black person is killed for being black the community mobilises. I grew up in the shadow of Stephen Lawrence, the New Cross Fire, Mark Duggan, Belly Mujinga and more. I know we move when our own face injustice, can't you see trans people are doing the same?
Despite what the police say, this was a hate crime. And even it it wasn't, Brianna will face indignity in death due to being misgendered by the state and media. Trans people who talk about it will be harrassed, attacked online and treated like shit.
Yet I feel even now cis people I know will agree that its sad but will not care more than that. It will be just dagger reminding me how little cis people care about the injustice trans people are currently facing.
I hope that I am wrong, however I doubt I will be.
I need more people to fight for trans rights, not just support them as they are under attack right now and trans children are being caught up in the crosshairs.
Being part of multiple minority groups means you'll constantly be dismiss by one group and treated as a traitor by another.
I'm just tired and heartbroken and wish only love and protection for trans people right now and those who loved and knew Brianna in life.
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socialistworld · 1 year
Black workers and combating racism - a fighting trade union movement needed!
Black workers and combating racism - a fighting trade union movement needed!
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Racism in the workplace is a sad reality for many workers. One recent prominent example was the case of Belly Mujinga, a transport worker, in London, Britain, subjected to racist spitting during Covid, who died […]
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mysharona1987 · 4 years
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hearteyesjeremiah · 3 years
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Belly Mujinga was killed due to blatant racism. A white assailant decided to cough on her one day at work while he knowingly had Covid-19.
Let’s get Justice for Belly Mujinga 💖
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galina · 4 years
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[Image and words @warmhealer: ‘anti-racist action is essential’]
This is not a call to activism, this is a call to do the absolute bare minimum. If you ever wondered what you would do in a historic period of change––like stonewall, like abolitionism, like the miners’ strikes, like the battle of lewisham, anything where people fought against injustice and for what was right––this is your moment. Speak up and loud for the right for black people not to be killed at the hands of police forces or white people. it is literally the very least we can do. it is crucial not to be silent now. For those asking what to do: I’ve shared a lot of different resources over the last few days over on my instagram and I have collated and continue to collate as much as I can. The link is below. 
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burninglights · 4 years
I'm just... [deep weary black sigh].
People are still defending the Metropolitan police, and the government's push to ban protests under the guise of """Covid Laws""" and I have had enough.
As a black woman, it is so exhausting to have to fight every day for the right to exist and access to justice, which we are so often denied (see; Breonna Taylor in the US and Blessing Olusegun & Belly Mujinga here in the UK) . No woman is safe, and this is doubly do for trans women, LGBTQ folks, people with female-aligned gender identities and women of colour.
Sarah Everard, God rest her soul, was a woman in a place of relative social privilege who did ALL THE RIGHT THINGS that you get taught to do for your safety as a woman — bright recognisable clothing, sticking to a well lit main road with CCTV coverage and letting loved ones know her whereabouts — and still got murdered by a policeman.
If Sarah Everard wasn't safe as a white woman afforded a better place in society, then white women as a whole aren't safe. Women of colour and LGBTQ women were never safe with the police in the first place, so that means no woman can be safe.
And people still want to bootlick the police and support the tories in their quest to suppress the righteous outrage at this?
The fucking cheek of the British institution to call the global south uncivilised, as if they're not proving themselves entirely complicit in paving the way for femicide to happen. I am so tired, yo.
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thousandtinywaves · 4 years
Belly Mujinga was working at Victoria station when a man spat on her and a female colleague after saying he had Coronavirus.
Within days, both women fell ill and Belly died just 3 days after being admitted to hospital. She leaves behind her husband and 11 year old daughter.⁣
Belly pleaded with her bosses not to work outside of the ticket office as she had respiratory problems that made her particularly vulnerable. Despite this, they put her on the concourse and asked her to go back after the assault even though she was still shaking from the trauma. Belly reported the assault straight away to her bosses but they failed to contact emergency services. The suspect has still not been found 7 weeks later. ⁣
52 transport workers have now died from Covid-19 and time and time again these workers have warned their bosses of how vulnerable they are in the work environment; from a lack of protection to staff abuse. This is no isolated incident. (www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-england-london-52650110)
Govia Thameslink Railway knew of her condition and yet still put her on the frontlines during a pandemic. This is criminal negligence on every single level and her death and the death of dozens of workers is not inevitable. They were killed. ⁣
Justice for Belly and for the hundreds of workers who have died and will die because of bosses and a government who think their lives aren’t worth protecting. ⁣
May she rest in eternal light and peace. 💛
You can donate to support her family here:
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ai-yo · 4 years
All this people arrested for spitting on police but nothing gets done about Belly Mujinga???? Whether man had covid or not spitting is still assault and he needs to be arrested fuck off
I am glad people will be protesting I can't because I live with vulnerable people but will donate to her family.
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unconditionaldrarry · 4 years
British Accent: All coppers are bastards
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karolinium · 4 years
part I
Google Doc Resource List (community bail funds, memorial funds, educational resources etc.
Letter From A Region In My Mind, 1962, James Baldwin
What you can do
FOR THE UK: Write to your MPs, MP Letter Template
Don’t Know Where To Start? (Instagram)
In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda
How To Talk To Your Family About Racism
Campaign Zero: Data About Policies To Decrease Police Violence
Long term reading
10 Books About Race in America
Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism - from Ferguson to Charleston
[german] Exit Racism Audiobook
Master List of Black Revolutionary Readings
[ger] Was weiße Menschen nicht über Rassismus hören wollen
America is Failing Its Black Mothers
The Coronavirus Was an Emergency Until Trump Found Out Who Was Dying
For White People Who Want to Attend Black Lives Matter Protests
[ger] Interviewpodcast: Alice Hasters, was sollten weiße Menschen über Rassismus wissen?
Poor People’s Campaign (United States History)
You Are Already an Abolitionist
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plaguegirll · 4 years
sign this petition as well guys
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wordsofsilences · 4 years
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Never been prouder to be a Brightonian
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puredramione · 4 years
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I will not be posting anything other than this today.
Black Lives Matter
The Bail Project
Liberty Fund
Stand Up to Racism UK
SARI (Stand Against Racism & Injustice)
Show Racism the RED Card
Reclaim the Block
Justice for George Floyd
Justice for Ahmaud Arbery
Justice for Belly Mujinga
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highlight-blr · 4 years
How to donate to BLM (even if you have no money!)
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If you can afford to, you can donate to these GoFundMes:
-George Floyd: gofundme.com/f/georgefloyd -Ahmaud Arbery: https://www.gofundme.com/f/i-run-with-maud -Breonna Taylor: https://uk.gofundme.com/f/9v4q2-justice-for-breonna-taylor -Belly Mujinga: https://www.gofundme.com/f/rip-belly-mujinga -BLM Donation: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019 If you can’t afford to donate, you can donate by watching the ads on these youtube videos. Even if you don’t want to watch, play them in the background and don’t skip the ads:
Sophdoeslife: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrdPeEjn0fU Zoe Amira: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCgLa25fDHM hannahleeduggan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HTgJzZAYnE Connor Krystyn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifpS6vvNO3Q Please share and add any other links if you find any!
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merelygifted · 4 years
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UK anti-racism protesters defy calls to avoid mass gatherings | World news | The Guardian
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twilightfansofcolor · 4 years
justice for belly mujinga: sign the petition 
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