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thephotostoryofmylife · 6 years ago
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I’m rather taken with these bell-like flowers in the #pieris in our front communal garden, and not because they look like #bells #bellnerd #bellgeek 🔔😂 The fiery red #leaves are pretty special too ❤️💚 #pierisflamingsilver #pierisjaponica #flamingsilver #nofilter (at Surbiton) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwAZj27A2m2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wreoy7z5yh2e
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thephotostoryofmylife · 6 years ago
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A #bellringing rite of passage - my first ‘Dove’s guide for church bell ringers’ (the 11th edition has just published; for those not in the know, it’s the book which lists churches, rings of bells and practice nights all over the world, with @ordnancesurvey grid references!) My tutor has handed down her way of marking up the towers she has rung at so I’m doing the same (underlining the church) but I’ve added a date and a tick for good measure. I’ve only been ringing for a year so only have 15 churches to mark off. My tutor has over 3000 and it takes her a fortnight of two hours daily to complete (mine took 20 minutes!) I also keep a book where I list my ‘notable’ rings and practices, and all my bell ringing visits (it’s a @robryantown @robryanstudio’s notebook with bells on the #endpapers 🔔) There’s an app which is convenient for being on the move but there’s nothing like a book to flick through and dip into 📚 #bellnerd #bellgeek #ringing #bells #churches #booksarenotdead #publishing #doveguide #doveguideforchurchbellringers (I’m also writing out #plainhunt so that I can learn the theory first #homework #practicemakesperfect) (at Surbiton - Greater London) https://www.instagram.com/p/BujuAo1HdKH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kw7g48gar72f
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thephotostoryofmylife · 6 years ago
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It’s near impossible to take a still from my little part in the Save the Whitechapel Bell Foundry film by the talented filmmaker, @gavinkingcome, where I’m not making a funny face 🤪 Watch the film (link in my bio) and then write a letter to register your objection! Thank you very much! #lovelondon #bellringing #bellnerd #bellgeek #bellringinggeek #savethewhitechapelbellfoundry — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2XwtbR8
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thephotostoryofmylife · 7 years ago
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#ringingrembers #bellringing @_bigideas
Erm, I woke up early this morning and confessed to @jumokef on @bbcradiolondon that I stroke bells (my brother asked if he heard that correctly 😂; the pic shows evidence, but I defy anyone not to touch, they are beautiful! 🔔)
Thank you @jumokef for being a fab host and for not making me sound too silly (I sound like a #bellnerd #bellgeek🤓), and please do come and ring with us soon - it’s such fun! @jamsinton @_bigideas #ringingremembers.
The link is here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p001d7dj You might have to sign in to iplayer; scroll to 1:24:47.
I also like that I was introduced just with my first name, joining the ranks of legendary greats like #beyonce and #madonna 💃🏻👊🏻🔔
#lovelondon #bells #bell #allsaintschurchkingston
Photo one copyright: Jumoke Fashola Instagram
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thephotostoryofmylife · 3 years ago
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Last post on the #hemisphericalbells at St Matthew’s Church, Surbiton I promise! 😂 #bellgeek #bellnerd 🔔 Slide to see the marks made by @johntaylorbells_ @lborobelltrust when they retuned these #bells #stmatthewssurbiton #stmatthewschurchsurbiton #ellacombechimes #hods #kingstonheritage #kingstonheritagefestival #surbiton — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3k2TiJZ
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thephotostoryofmylife · 4 years ago
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“Fair Lady Pineapple, Say the bells of Whitechapel” - @campanista “Where is my pineapple, Cry the bells of Whitechapel“ - @celiastanworth My very own pineapple bell made by @iamacrylic for their #ismacrylicdreambauble competition 🔔🍍 - I love it 🤩 Thank you Ruth and Brendan for making my bauble dream come true! 🎄Thank you for the generosity too. They couldn’t decide on 10 winners so decided to make all the design entries (31 in total!) Go look at their account and the #iamacrylicdreambauble hashtag for all the other designs. They are all so lovely! 😍 And the reason for my design? Well, I bought a gorgeous ‘Oranges and lemons’ bell necklace from them in the summer, and when I sent the pic of my necklace to my sis, she just saw the fruit (rather than realising the significance of the bells and the nursery rhyme, Oranges and Lemons) and knowing how much I love pineapples (I am a #crazypineapplelady) she asked if I should change the fruit. So I thought for my bauble, I’d ask for my pineapple! And my Instagram bellringing chums wrote these two lines that are at the top of this caption for me. I love them! 🔔🍍🔔 🍍 My Christmas tree is a little small so it’s going on my beloved #peachtree on my #balconygarden #thegardeninggoodlife (the other pineapple decoration is my Chinese New Year decoration from Singapore from @susanchua 🍍) #christmasbauble #bauble #bellnerd #bellgeek #orangesandlemons #orangesandlemonssaythebellsofstclements #orangesandlemons🍊🍋 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/34GF0Xj
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thephotostoryofmylife · 4 years ago
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My entry for the @iamacrylic design your own bauble competition #iamacrylicdreambauble. I took inspiration from my lovely beloved #iamacrylic #orangesandlemons necklace and because it’s Christmas, asking for my Christmas wish of a double-sided pineapple bell bauble, please! 🧞‍♂️🍍🔔 You might remember that I bought this in the summer and when I sent the pic to my sister to tell her that I was getting this necklace, knowing I love pineapples, she asked if I could change the fruit! I thought since it’s Christmas, I might ask for my wish to come true! You did ask for difficult and intricate shapes to challenge Brendan! It’s surprising how hard it is to draw a good bell 😂 Took inspiration from my new to me #vintage #bell #christmasdecorations (from @linalovesvintage), @robryantown’s #savethewhitechapelbellfoundry #papercut bell and my woodcuts. I really do love pineapples and bells #crazypineapplelady #bellgeek! And the glass I used to draw a circle is my lovely @fishseddynyc #charleyharper #midcenturymodern #turtle glass. Other ideas for baubles which my family would love but I can’t draw is: penguins for my nephew 🐧; owl for my sister 🦉; peace ☯️ and love ❤️ for my brother. And I’m sure the ringing community would buy your bell baubles if you made them in the future! — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2JjIAyX
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thephotostoryofmylife · 5 years ago
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Seething Wells bell - apparently this #clocktower on what was called #electricparade (now #brightonroad) in #seethingwells housed a #globe on top but was damaged in #worldwartwo and was replaced by this #bell 🔔#worldwar2 bellgeek #bellnerd #bell #seethingwells #lookup #bluesky #clouds #fluffyclouds #surbiton — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2Cplpzv
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thephotostoryofmylife · 5 years ago
Stephen posted a video to Instagram: Can any #bellgeeks/#bellnerds identify this church from listening to this short burst of rounds and my video of the #tower #belltower? #bellringing I’ll be impressed if you can! 🔔 #lovelondon #church https://ift.tt/3am49H1
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thephotostoryofmylife · 6 years ago
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Splicing - this is definitely #bellnerd or #bellgeek alert, but right up my street! 🔔 An example of some new #splicing #ropesplicing on our number 2 #bell’s #rope #bellrope I think it looks really pretty, and a lovely bit of #craftsmanship #allsaintschurchkingston #bellringing — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2QpIrc3
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thephotostoryofmylife · 6 years ago
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I got a book about #bellringing for my birthday ( thank you @ausimon8 and @sakanda7) so I’ve spent a lovely afternoon on my #balconygarden in the #sunshine being a #bellgeek and #bellnerd 🔔 I was delighted to see the tower I ring at (@allsaintschurchkingston) in the index and I like that the mention is for an all-women band ringing a #peal in 1984! #girlpower I’m going to have a look for the #pealboard next practice night. I am rather intrigued to find out more about the #bikini-clad #ringers in 1981 in the preceding sentence too!👙#allsaintschurchkingston #kingstonuponthames #ringingworld (from Bellringing: The English art of change-ringing by Ron Johnston, Viking 1986) — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2wYEtyW
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