motherovernature · 11 years
"What's going on little one?" Bella asked, watching the girl in her arms and giving her a squeeze
"Being responsible Mother Nature and being scared to death of it, I'm not good with people anymore...after a few thousand years of not socializing, being amongst social-able communities... I'm terrified... and I think I screw up a lot... cause I already have... thousands years worth..." she sighed and shook her head. "I'm just an infant... thats what I act like... feel like... I have to be anyways... I'm sorry"
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everheardofasnowday · 11 years
"At least you live a less complicated existence," she pointed out, floating upside down and watching the human. "It's hard to be immortal."
"That doesn't mean it's not hard being mortal, though," Jackie insisted.
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browneyedtrickster · 11 years
Cool! Shall I start?
Go right ahead~
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the-last-pooka · 11 years
"Is everything okay?" she asked, tilting her head curiously at the guardian from his lap. "I hope you're alright, did something happen?"
The pooka nodded, lifting his head to ruffle her hair.
"M fine, Bella, just got m’self busy, y’know? Jaime -y’know Jaime, right?- he convinced Sophie t’call on me, an’ he dragged me ‘long t’this movie thing out of doors. Still dunno what the film was called, but there was all these giant machines an’ glowy critters an’ the designs were amazin’!"
He reached over, picking up a finished egg to show off. It was a wonderful soft cobalt color, with angular slashes of crimson and gold.
"Got me thinkin’ of all sorts’a new designs I could use."
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motherovernature · 11 years
bellalightningbug replied to your post:“I have been alright”
I DONT KNOW!!!! DX >.> one of my XKit extensions is being a butt... it's tagging you know though o.0 wtfudge?
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everheardofasnowday · 11 years
The spirit nodded at Jack's answer, tilting her head at the girl. "You are human?" Bella asked, floating over Jackie and watching her with a curious expression. "What is it like?"
Jackie paused to think.  "What's it like?" she repeated the question.  "Honestly, it's pretty boring.  And uneventful.  And not cool.  At all."
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browneyedtrickster · 11 years
I'm okay, missed everybody when I was off on the other corners of Tumblr. Think we can start an RP up again?
I'd love to~ :3
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the-last-pooka · 11 years
"It's been like, forever!" she laughed, snuggling into his warm fur and holding him close.
Bunny chuckled, happily returning the embrace and nuzzling his nose into the lightning spirit’s hair as she nestled into the thick fluff of his chest fur.
"Well, then, ‘m sorry ‘bout that. Gotten all kinds’a distracted as of late…"
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command-er · 11 years
ooc AH thank you friends
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motherovernature · 11 years
I have been alright
"That is good." she hummed softly and sighed “Things have been tough but… I’ve going through some… I suppose improvements… doing things and such."
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everheardofasnowday · 11 years
"Lightning personified," she commented, crossing her arms over her chest and turning her head slightly to get Jack in her peripheral vision. "Why is she following you?" Bella whispered, eyeing Jackie closely
"A greyface said she has to for three days," Jack explained, the annoyance of the situation etched into his expression. 
Jackie frowned lightly and turned away.  She was starting to feel uncomfortable about this; slightly unwanted.  "Y'know, I would leave, but I kind of can't, right now," she muttered.
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browneyedtrickster · 11 years
hey YOU! *snuggles* How're you???
I'm good! How are you? :)
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the-last-pooka · 11 years
The lightning spirit flew over and hugged the Pooka, making sure to be careful of the egg in his hand. "Hi!"
Bunny quickly set down his egg and the wet paintbrush, just in time to catch the flying projectile Bella had made of herself.
"Ahaha~ Ello t’you too! Blimey, it ain’t been that long, ‘as it?"
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