#bella's inbox
happyhealthycats · 3 months
To the folks asking me if their pets names are "unique enough"
Your pets name must:
-Be at least 12-14 characters long -Contain at least one capitalized letter -Contain at least one lower case letter -Contain at least one number -Contain at least one special character -Be changed every 30-90 days
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yes-bella-no-moved · 2 years
doot doot
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stuckinapril · 3 months
Don't you hate it when Arab women get plastic surgery to look white. Bruh they be Changing their whole face I just saw a pic of bella hadid before surgery and i threw up in my mouth. What's with arab women's obsession with looking white
”what’s with Arab women’s obsession with looking white” what’s with your racist generalization of Arab women? Also—Arab people are incredibly diverse and don’t fit the stereotypical print you probably think of. Pale skinned blonde Arabs exist (my mom is one of them, and was just born this way. Are you gonna castrate her for looking stereotypically white??? Lmao).
Bella Hadid is a strange example considering she’s half Dutch to begin with. Everyone in Hollywood gets plastic surgery. I’d argue all surgeries she got (fox eye surgery, full lips etc) are not stereotypically white features. They are just what’s in right now. And basing all Arab women off Bella Hadid is also ???????. The anti Arab racism and misogyny reeking off this r genuinely so sad
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sunny-and-the-flowers · 6 months
hey, remember that conversation we have about what boomer listened to. Do you think he listens to man at work because i saw a lot of edits of him with that song and i think it suits him.
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hb-writes · 9 months
Just a Joke
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Summary: When Mia gets hungry and tries to make herself dinner, her clumsy nature gets the best of her causing Edward and Esme to step in.
Characters: Esme Cullen, Edward Cullen, Bella Swan & Mia Cullen (OC)
Request (from anon): Hello! For June requests how about, “Don’t worry, I got this.” & “Come on, take my hand.” For Twilight pretty please 💜
Content Warnings: N/A
Twilight Masterlist
Please take a moment to tell me what y'all think! Reviews and comments are always appreciated. 😌❤️
Mia glanced up from her book as her stomach rumbled, the sound audible to her, and likely to her brother, but not to her brother’s girlfriend settled at the other end of the couch.
They had been sitting there on the couches in near silence ever since school let out, devouring their respective books for hours as Edward practiced piano in the next room over. Since the rest of Mia’s siblings left for Denali straight from the school parking lot, they’d been left entirely undisturbed. It was a rare gift, that, and Bella hadn’t pulled her eyes from the book since settling, completely absorbed in the pages before her.
Edward probably should have been with the others in Denali. He needed to hunt just as much as the rest of them, but he’d elected to stay behind, something he was doing more and more often these days—trading his lengthier hunting trips with the others for short stints that allowed him to remain only borderline satiated, but far closer to home. 
Mia loved her brother, and there was a time when being apart for any significant portion of time had been difficult, but she wasn’t entirely certain if Edward’s near-constant presence these days was a gift or not, though she supposed it divided her parents’ attention a bit. The presence of Bella gave her parents someone else to fuss over, too. 
Esme had gone out shortly after they arrived home, giving the kids their space as she often did, but Mia knew she would return soon. Carlisle would be back from his shift at the hospital any time now, too, and Mia was certain it was only a matter of time before the parents descended, soliciting their opinions on dinner, ready for the rare opportunity to cook for two rather than one.
Mia couldn’t remember the last time they’d let her cook anything for herself, so rare was it that they gave up the opportunity to dote. The opportunity to engage in something so entirely human as cooking. Mia liked to joke that she'd never survive on her own since they let her do so little in the kitchen. It wasn't far from the truth.
Mia watched Bella for a moment, trying to decide whether or not to interrupt the girl's reading, the only sound between them Edward's piano and another rumble of Mia's stomach.
“Bella,” Mia whispered, nudging the girl with her foot when the whispering didn’t provide any result other than a shift in Edward’s playing to something quieter and slower in tempo. 
Mia rolled her eyes, glaring at her brother through the wall for his nosiness. 
“Hmm?” Bella asked after a moment, finally pulling her eyes from the book as she finished her paragraph. She blinked as if she'd forgotten where she was. As if by pulling her eyes from the words on the page she was suddenly somewhere else entirely.
“Are you hungry?” Mia asked.
Bella glanced back to the book for a moment before meeting Mia’s eye, a grimace on her lips. “Starved, actually.”
Mia nodded, standing up from the couch and depositing her blanket and book. “Then I’ll make us something.” 
Mia strode across the floor and through the next room where Edward had already stood to meet her.
“What do you want?” he asked. “I’ll make it.” 
Mia waved her brother off. “I can cook for myself, Edward.” 
Edward raised an eyebrow. "Since when?"
"Since I can," she answered, pushing him out of her path. “Don’t worry, I got this.” 
Edward followed after her. He was poised to argue, poised to insist that his sister take up his offer, but Bella cleared her throat from the threshold of the living room, giving him a pointed look. 
“Leave her alone, Edward.” 
“Yeah, Edward, leave me alone,” Mia echoed, throwing a smirk at him as she then gave a grateful smile to Bella. Edward raised his hands in surrender and Mia turned away, practically skipping to the kitchen.  
Mia skid to a halt as she entered the pristine kitchen. The cabinets and refrigerator were fully stocked, or as fully stocked as the family ever dared to be considering it was only Mia who ever actually ate anything. She was feeling snacky, uncertain that she had enough patience in her to cook an entire meal when her stomach already felt so empty, but she diligently looked to the paper where Esme had already planned the meals for the week anyway. Spinach lasagna—one of Mia’s favorites—was next on the docket, but that would take well over an hour to prepare and cook.
As hungry as she was, Mia wouldn't last that long, and yet she strived to make a point.
She was capable of cooking for herself.
Capable of following a simple recipe.
Mia moved around the kitchen, pulling one of the cookbooks out as she headed to her favorite cabinet—the snack cabinet—grateful that there was still something satisfying and snacky left there, some healthy version of a chip that Mia had come to like at a certain point because it wasn’t as if her family was going to allow actual junk food into the house.
She poured out a portion into a bowl before walking to the living room where Edward and Bella were seated on the couch, in a vaguely respectful position, though Mia hadn’t missed the flush of Bella’s cheeks and the awkward positioning.
She had given them plenty of notice, walking with purpose and making certain that her steps were able to be heard. 
“Appetizer,” Mia announced as she set the bowl on the coffee table before walking back to the kitchen.
Mindlessly snacking on her own bowl of pseudo-chips, Mia flipped through the book and found the lasagna recipe. She had seen the process probably hundreds of times, settled at the counter while she watched her mother or father or one of her siblings putting the meal together for her. 
There were times when her family went through the process of making the pasta by hand. There were times when the noodles came from a box. Mia knew without a thought that she would be doing the latter. 
Wiping the chip dust on her hands off on her jeans, Mia moved around the room, pulling out the necessary ingredients. The noodles, the sauce ingredients, the cheeses, the spinach. Mia mixed the ricotta mixture together and started the sauce on the stove before she started searching the cabinets for the glass baking dish. 
She searched the bottom row of cabinets twice before deciding it wasn't in its usual spot. Biting her lip, Mia surveyed the upper cabinets. Two cabinets in, she spotted the dish on the top shelf, clearly put away by one of her brothers.
Mia reached out for it, but it was just out of reach even when she leaned on the counter, lifting up onto the tips of her toes. She could get a good grip on it if she got up on the counter, but Mia knew better. She was clumsy and it wasn't safe and she had no interest in visiting her father in the emergency room on a Friday afternoon.
So Mia refrained, instead pulling a pair of tongs from one of the nearby drawers. She just needed to pull it down a few inches and then she could catch it in her other hand.
Mia set about it, standing on the tips of her toes once again for a little extra height. She reached out, setting her tongs around the glass handle of the dish. She eased the dish towards the edge, all of her focus there until she heard the gentle click of the door to her left.
She pulled her eyes from the dish to see her mother standing there, back from running her errands in town. 
Mia flinched as dish tipped from the shelf. She let out a scream as the glass shattered around her upon impact, shards littering the floor at her feet.
Edward was there in the doorway less than a second later, soon enough to witness Mia’s fear shift to annoyance as she cursed under her breath. 
“Come on, take my hand,” Esme said softly, extending a hand to guide her daughter safely through the field of glass littering the kitchen floor. “We'll clean this up and Edward will get you another dish so you can finish cooking,” she said, nodding at Edward and then to the cabinets. 
“It smells delicious,” Esme told Mia as she gathered her daughter to her side, an arm around her shoulders. 
Edward was unable to stop himself from snorting as he crossed the room, easily stepping around the glass. He was sure it smelled fine to a human, but to him…and to his mother…whatever his sister was putting together smelled nothing less than abhorrent.
“Yeah, maybe if you like dirt,” he said, earning a sharp glance from Esme by way of reprimand. 
"Ah, yes. Of course." Mia pulled out of her mother's hold. “Because you prefer the entrancing scent of blood. I can step on a piece of glass if that would be—”
Mia stretched a bare foot out towards the glass, barely making it within a few inches before a pair of deceptively strong arms lifted her from the floor.
“Hey! Put me down!” Mia complained as she hung draped over Esme’s shoulder. It looked ridiculous, the woman holding the teenaged girl in such a position when she was barely five and a half feet tall.
"Please?" Mia added, but Esme made no effort to let her down.
“Not in my kitchen,” Esme answered as she carried Mia to the edge of the room. "You’re officially banned."
“Mom, it was just a joke, I swear,” Mia said, her arms gesturing to accompany her words even as she dangled upside down. “Look, Edward’s even laughing.” 
Esme twisted to glance at her son, and the look she gave alone wiped a bit of the smirk from Edward's face.
He wasn't laughing at his sister's "joke." Truth be told, Edward hadn’t found it particularly funny either, but he couldn’t help but chuckle at the image of Esme swinging his sister over her shoulder and carrying her around. Even as Esme looked at him, the grin on his face grew once again. He couldn't help it, but then he met Esme's eye once again.
As Edward’s face sobered a bit further, Esme lowered Mia to the floor in front of her. 
“Well, you’ll both have to excuse me for not finding the notion of my daughter slicing herself open very funny,” she said, frowning at her daughter and then at Edward. “I don’t believe your father would find it very funny either.” 
“I know, I know.” Mia sighed, forcing herself to take a breath before she gave a proper response. Even if it was only a joke, she knew her parents could be testy about that sort of thing, her father especially. “I’m sorry. There’s really no need to revoke kitchen privileges. I promise I wasn’t actually going to—”
“Maybe it’s for the best, Mia,” Edward interrupted from where he now stood at the counter, his nose wrinkling as he hovered over the lasagna components. “This really does smell like—”
Esme opened her mouth to interrupt—to chastise, but she simply rose an eyebrow at him instead. 
“It was just a joke,” Edward answered. 
“Not a very funny one,” Mia answered. 
“Alright,” Esme said, stepping back in front of Mia, meeting both her and Edward’s eyes in turn before continuing. “That’s enough. Both of you take your jokes and get out of my kitchen.” 
Mia was poised to complain…poised to continue making her case for being allowed to stay and finish up her dinner, but Edward was too quick and too strong, and he swept his sister up in his arms before she could say another word. 
Esme only rolled her eyes fondly as Edward carried a complaining Mia away. While the sound of children arguing may have frayed the patience of some mothers, Esme found she didn’t mind the sound of Edward and Mia teasing. Just as she didn't mind the opportunity to finish putting together dinner for Mia and Bella. 
Even if Edward was right. 
The lasagna did smell like dirt.
Twilight Masterlist
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chosenimagines · 4 months
Edward Cullen in Hoodie
When Emmett is mad at Edward
House sorting riverdale, shadowhunters, twilight by bookaddictedhufflepuff
Masterlist of Masterlists Taglist (doesn't exist yet, but hmu if you wanna be on it)
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liamlawsonlesbian · 4 months
Sansa is probably the worst character in GoT( and the worst acted)
what is with my anons today 😭 anon, as you know because you sent me this ask, I disagree!! Sansa is a really interesting character to me and I love the way she grows into her political savvy; and, in my opinion, Sophie Turner gives one of the best performances of the last couple of seasons of Thrones
But like…I’m not going to argue with you on the internet about it. If you hate Sansa, that’s your prerogative 🤷🏼‍♀️ like….ro is my best friend in the whole world and we lowkey hate some of each other’s favorite movies, this is the joy and pain of pop culture
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tinogiehd · 4 months
do you know those videos of rescued kittens that have to be bathed bc of fleas and they are so mad and hissy? i always imagine that's you
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helenofblackthorns · 1 year
two of my mutuals just sent me asks back to back about the same thing & this might be the funniest thing to ever happen to me on this app 😭
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jessicanjpa · 1 year
Hello! I've been reading your blog and have working my way through your stories for a while now and I love everything so far.
I wanted to hear your thoughts on this: why do you think Alice and Edward are so close? I think it's interesting that out of all his siblings, Alice seems to be the one he's closest to.
Thank you so much and keep up the great work!
Hey there, thank you for loving Tale of Years! 😊
Edward and Alice's friendship definitely got a head start since Alice saw that they would be close and/or decided she needed them to be close. Edward never stood a chance of being anything but her BFF.
But even without that element, I think they would still be just as close because of their gifts. They just... get each other in a way that no one else does. Nobody else hears voices that aren't there or sees things that aren't there—they both have a whole other world inside their minds that they have to juggle with the real word around them. They both know lots of secrets about everyone, even when they don't want to. They've devised a whole secret way of talking to each other without saying a single word out loud. They're the first line of defense for the family, always on the lookout for potential dangers.
And gifts aside, they're just a good match friendship-wise. The height difference is fun, Alice's sharp wit can always soften Edward's bad moods, and they look out for each other. Their balance of merciless teasing and comfy alliance is made even sweeter by the balance in their personalities and their attitudes toward life in general. Then you add their gifts back in and now the cute BFFs are also a secret club.
So where does this leave poor Jasper? He's gifted too, and in some ways he bears the same burden as the others: all three of them no doubt wish they could turn off their gifts sometimes, and they all have to deal with the fact that their gifts are invasive of everyone's privacy. But he's also keenly aware of Alice and Edward's closeness and feels left out sometimes. That had to be difficult at first, even if his gift 100% reassured him that Alice and Edward had only sibling-y love for each other—especially since he had Alice all to himself before joining the family (minus time with Peter/Charlotte, though not in Tale of Years, oops—but even that was with another couple). It also probably made him feel like more of an outsider at first since Alice's gift allowed her to settle into the family so quickly, especially with Edward.
I imagine it's rarely a problem these days, though there could be an occasional conflict over it. Once Jasper got used to the weirdness, his unease probably just settled into envy that Edward can be intimate with Alice in a way he can't. Eventually, even that became normal.
At least he can hang out with Bella now when Alice and Edward are off in their own little mental world. But now Jasper is envious in a new way because Bella has already learned how to let Edward into her mind, whereas there's nothing that will let Jasper into Alice's.
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bellysoupset · 5 months
Hi i know you’re pretty swamped with requests but I’ve become obsessed with Wendy Bell and Leo I’d love any fix where one of them is the one suffering 🫣
Hey there! Worry not, next fic is Wendy as the whumpee 😉
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sappymix1 · 6 months
how to we knoww they tinakitogether?? :o
someone on twitter saw them getting cookies
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sherylmeyer · 7 months
In regards to the new Rainbow High lines, do you think it's possible that later in the run, we might get the reboot version dolls of Poppy and Bella? since we saw a bit of Poppy's new look from the new season, and Bella has and will be in new lines already, and they're also both still on the website when everyone else is gone. I just wanna hold out some hope Poppy will still be here, cause it doesn't make much sense to me to give her a new look in show and keep her on the website if they're not going to do anything with her.
i heard poppy was originally going to be a part of the rebrand launch, but they axed her later on, explaining why she still has a design in the series
i certainly hope we see both of them return in full force, but there's no telling atm
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ask-ame-n-bella · 8 months
hi there? sorry if this is late lol. anyway, Bella, why did you decide to become an actress. How did you feel duchess when she left home?
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💎: But I've let go of that feeling nowadays. I was an immature young lady at the time for feigning my jealousy as a sisterly instinct. I'm the jewellery business' sole hope, after all.
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planet-marz1 · 1 year
Pixel daddy incoming as requested 🤍
Love you. 🫶
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BELLA i asked for pixel daddy and you DELIVERED 😩🫠
second to last...yeah
I don't even have words for that one
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tinogiehd · 2 years
dnf were going through it and had the worst mental health because it was taking so long to meet and they knew they would be miserable again if they had to separate long term after meeting. like they literally put their life and health on pause because they knew how much their life would improve once they met and could stay together. they’ve openly talked about how much the other has changed their life and how personal/emotional it was meeting and etc etc. dnfers can see their huge emotional bond and it couldn’t be more different than how multi shippers talk about these CCs.
dnf clearly have a much different bond that they do with anybody else. dream loves sapnap, but it's different because he calls him his brother. george loves quackty, but it's different because he left after meeting him. that's so evident in like any of their content and it's not weird or invasive to acknowledge that but it IS weird to go to every single length to deny it
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