#bela haven
horeformilfs · 8 months
Sacrifices in the Name of Love
Alcina Dimitrescu X Fem!Reader
TW: Death, Grief, Suicide, Afterlife
In the dimly lit library of the imposing castle, Alcina Dimitrescu and Y/N sat with their daughters, wrapped in an atmosphere of warmth and love. The crackling of the fireplace echoed the coziness that enveloped the family. Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela, the adoring daughters, reveled in the presence of Y/N, a figure they cherished beyond words.
Five years of togetherness, a year and a half of marriage—their bonds were woven into the very fabric of their existence. Y/N, with the extraordinary ability to shapeshift into various animals, brought a unique enchantment to their lives. Yet, little did they know that this enchanted evening would soon unravel into a heart-wrenching tale.
The tranquility shattered when news reached Alcina that an intruder, Ethan Winters, had breached the castle's defenses. Panic etched across her regal features as she made a fateful decision. "Bela, Cassandra, search the castle," she commanded, concern shadowing her face. Daniela, the youngest, was to remain in the library—a sanctuary now marred by impending danger.
As Alcina and Y/N locked the library door behind them, a silent understanding passed between the two. Y/N, determined to protect her newfound family, insisted on aiding the search. Alcina's protests fell on ears attuned to a different calling. "I'm not just a human," Y/N whispered, conviction in her eyes, a testament to the depth of her sacrifice.
They parted ways, promises of a reunion in two hours hanging in the air like fragile threads. Alcina watched Y/N disappear into the labyrinthine corridors, her heart heavy with worry. The castle, once a haven, now echoed with the haunting uncertainty of what awaited them.
As time trickled away, the library stood witness to Alcina's silent vigil. The crackling fireplace no longer whispered tales of warmth; instead, it mirrored the flickering hope in Alcina's eyes. In the looming darkness, the pages of their family's story turned, uncertainty etching its narrative, and the once blissful haven transformed into a poignant waiting room for the unknown.
The echoes of the castle seemed to taunt Alcina as she ventured into its cold, stone corridors. Panic clung to her like a suffocating shroud, the seconds ticking away like the beats of an anxious heart. Desperation etched her regal features as she searched for any sign of Y/N or the intruder who threatened their sanctuary.
Meanwhile, Y/N's search led her to the grand dining room, where the opulence of the setting clashed violently with the impending tragedy. As she prowled through the room, a sudden gunshot pierced the air, sending shivers down her spine. The ominous sound drew her towards the kitchen, where an unthinkable sight awaited her.
The once pristine kitchen now bore the scars of a violent struggle. Bela, noble and fierce, clashed with Ethan Winters amidst shattered glass. A broken window allowed the biting winter air to invade, casting an icy chill over the scene. Bela, weakened by the cold, succumbed to the inevitable, her form crystallizing into delicate remains that glistened in the pale light.
Y/N's heart shattered as she witnessed the loss of one of her beloved daughters. The air seemed to freeze around her, mirroring the unbearable grief that gripped her soul. She knelt beside Bela's crystallized form, her hands trembling as she reached out, a futile attempt to undo the irreversible.
Through tear-streaked eyes, Y/N whispered to the frozen remnants of Bela, words heavy with sorrow. "I'm so sorry, my love. I failed to protect you." The cold silence of the kitchen became a haunting backdrop to the lament of a grieving mother, a requiem for a life extinguished too soon.
Ethan, finally noticing Y/N, made a hasty retreat, leaving chaos in his wake. Y/N, shock still etched across her face, felt a surge of rage coursing through her veins. In that moment of anguish, she transformed into a sleek black panther, a manifestation of the darkness that consumed her soul.
The castle corridors reverberated with the haunting growls of the panther as it pursued the fleeing intruder. Y/N's once-human eyes now gleamed with an untamed ferocity, fueled by a mother's fury. The shadows embraced her as she raced through the labyrinthine passages, guided by an insatiable thirst for vengeance.
Amidst the darkness, Alcina continued her desperate search, unaware of the tragedy that had befallen one of their own. The castle, once a haven of love, now echoed with the anguished cries of a mother and the relentless pursuit of justice in the form of a vengeful panther, lost in the shadows of sorrow and revenge.
In the desolate corridors of the castle, Alcina's frantic search persisted, the weight of each footfall echoing her growing despair. Shadows clung to her like ghosts, haunting her every step as she traversed the cold expanse. Unseen and unheard, she pressed forward, her heart entwined with a mother's fear, an ominous premonition of impending loss.
Meanwhile, Y/N moved through the dimly lit halls, urgency propelling her towards the armory—a once sacred space now marred by the imprints of tragedy. As she entered, the scene unfolded before her like a macabre play, and the air thickened with a sense of foreboding.
Cassandra, the second of their cherished trio, fought valiantly against the unrelenting onslaught of Ethan Winters. Y/N's heart raced as she rushed to intervene, a desperate attempt to shield her daughter from the looming threat. However, in the cruel ballet of combat, Y/N found herself on the receiving end of Ethan's aggression.
Pain lanced through her, both physical and emotional, as the clash continued. The armory, once a bastion of protection, now witnessed the unraveling of familial bonds. Y/N's attempts to protect Cassandra ended in her own injury, the searing pain a visceral manifestation of the sacrifices made in the name of love.
In the midst of the struggle, Ethan, driven by a relentless determination, succeeded in breaking open a section of the castle wall. The frigid air rushed in, a harbinger of doom reminiscent of the winter's frost that claimed Bela and Cassandra's sister. Cassandra, weakened by the biting cold, succumbed to the same icy fate.
Y/N, her gaze fixed on Cassandra's crystallized form, felt the cold tendrils of grief tighten around her heart. Another daughter, full of strength and vitality, stolen away by the merciless hand of death. The echoes of Cassandra's struggle faded into the haunting silence of a life extinguished too soon, leaving Y/N to confront the suffocating void that now enveloped her.
Cassandra, in her final moments, summoned a defiant declaration that would etch itself into Y/N's shattered soul. "You won't escape. You're my prey," she declared, a testament to the unyielding spirit that defined their familial bond even in the face of tragedy.
Ethan, satisfied with his ruthless victory, departed, leaving Y/N alone in the cold, lifeless armory. In the depths of her grief, Y/N shapeshifted back into her normal form and approached Cassandra's crystallized remains. The air hung heavy with sorrow as Y/N gently touched the frozen surface, a futile attempt to convey love and warmth to a daughter now lost to the cruel embrace of eternity.
"Cassandra, my fierce, brave girl," Y/N whispered, her voice a fragile melody in the emptiness of the armory. Tears flowed freely as she cradled the crystallized form, the icy surface serving as a bitter reminder of the warmth that had been stolen away. In that moment, the castle seemed to echo with the haunting wails of a mother's grief, a sorrow that transcended the confines of stone walls and reverberated through the desolate corridors of their fractured family.
The library, once a sanctuary of familial joy, now stood as a silent witness to the unraveling tragedy that had befallen the Dimitrescu family. Y/N, heart heavy with grief, returned seeking solace, only to find that the tendrils of despair had reached even the sanctity of their haven.
Daniela, the youngest and the last flicker of hope, stood at the entrance, a determination etched across her delicate features. In the dim light, Y/N could see the spark of vengeance in her eyes as she pursued Ethan, the intruder who had stolen the warmth from their family.
With a frantic urgency, Y/N rushed after Daniela, the echoes of their footsteps resonating through the corridors like a somber drumbeat. As they approached the confrontation, the air thickened with tension, a palpable manifestation of the impending tragedy.
Ethan, sensing the pursuit, reached a lever that controlled the castle's roof. With a cold determination, he pulled it, the mechanisms groaning as the roof began to open. The moonlight spilled into the room, casting an eerie glow over the impending confrontation.
In a swift and calculated move, Y/N shapeshifted into the black panther, a creature of darkness and ferocity, and leaped at Ethan, a desperate attempt to protect her last remaining daughter. The clash of forces echoed through the library as Y/N fought to shield Daniela from the looming threat.
The battle between Ethan and Y/N raged on, each blow a painful reminder of the losses suffered. Yet, in the cruel ebb and flow of the confrontation, Ethan managed to subdue Y/N, leaving her weakened and helpless. With a sinister grin, he turned his attention to Daniela, a defenseless prey caught in the cruel machinations of fate.
Y/N, injured and restrained, watched in helpless horror as Ethan approached Daniela. The air turned colder, the moonlight casting an ethereal glow on the scene. Daniela, the last vestige of their once vibrant family, pleaded for mercy, her voice a fragile melody of desperation.
"I don't want to die," Daniela whimpered, her eyes wide with fear as the frost of impending doom gripped her. Y/N, unable to shield her daughter from the inevitable, felt the weight of despair settle like a heavy shroud.
Ethan, unmoved by the plea, carried out the final act of cruelty. Daniela's form slowly crystallized, the frost enveloping her in an icy embrace. In the deafening silence that followed, Y/N's heart shattered into irreparable fragments. The library, once filled with laughter and warmth, now echoed with the haunting stillness of a mother's grief.
As Ethan fled the scene once again, leaving behind a trail of shattered lives, Y/N, battered and broken, made her way to Daniela's crystallized form. The moonlight cast a melancholic glow on the frozen figure as Y/N spoke in a voice choked with sorrow.
"I've lost all of my girls," Y/N whispered, the words carrying the weight of a thousand tears. "In a matter of minutes, everything changed. I couldn't protect any of you."
The library, a silent witness to the tragedy, held the remnants of a family that had been torn apart in the span of a night.
The castle, once a haven of love and laughter, now stood as a desolate monument to tragedy. Y/N, bearing the scars of a shattered soul, sought Alcina, only to discover that her beloved had morphed into her formidable mutated form. The weight of despair pressed upon Y/N's heart as she ascended to the castle roof, compelled to witness the unfolding calamity.
The scene that greeted her was one of chaos and sorrow. Alcina, in her mutated magnificence, clashed with Ethan Winters, the intruder who had become the harbinger of their destruction. The moon hung heavy in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the impending battle.
The clash between Alcina and Ethan felt eternal to Y/N, each blow resonating through the depths of her heart. The castle roof became a silent theater of agony, the air thick with the unspoken fear that their family's fate hung in the balance.
As the battle reached its crescendo, Ethan, relentless in his pursuit, gained the upper hand. Y/N, helpless in her distant observation, felt the tightening noose of despair. In a final act of cruelty, Ethan fired a bullet that found its mark in Alcina's majestic form. The once indomitable matriarch plummeted from the sky, a tragic descent that mirrored the crumbling of Y/N's world.
Heart pounding, Y/N ran to the spot where Alcina's body lay, a crystallized testament to the brutality of their assailant. The air was charged with grief as Ethan, having claimed victory, departed into the night. Y/N's eyes, swollen with tears, traced the crystalline outline of Alcina, her once powerful presence now reduced to a cold, lifeless sculpture.
Amidst the crystalline stillness, Y/N's trembling voice broke the oppressive silence. Kneeling beside Alcina's frozen form, she whispered words of heartache as if the cold sculpture could still hear her.
"Alcina," Y/N's voice quivered with a mixture of sorrow and longing. "I never imagined a world without you. How do I go on when everything that matterd crumbled around me?" Her fingers traced the icy contours of Alcina's face, a futile attempt to bridge the gap between the living and the crystallized memory.
Tears blurred Y/N's vision as she continued to pour her grief into the empty air. "Our daughters, Alcina, were the light of our lives. Now, they're gone, and I'm left here alone, surrounded by the remnants of a love that once bloomed so beautifully."
The castle, usually a grand and imposing structure, felt like a tomb encasing Y/N's agony. Her words hung in the air, carried away by the chill wind, a lament for a family torn asunder. The moon, a silent observer to the tragedy, cast its indifferent light on the broken tableau.
Y/N's hand rested on Alcina's crystallized heart, a futile hope that warmth might return to the lifeless form. "I don't know how to bear this emptiness, Alcina. I keep waiting for you to open your eyes, to tell me that this is just a nightmare. But the silence mocks me, and I'm left here drowning in the echoes of our shattered dreams."
The pain etched on Y/N's face deepened as she spoke, her words a raw confession of the unbearable loss she now carried. "I failed to protect them, Alcina. I failed you. And now, I'm left with nothing but the remnants of a love story that ended in tragedy."
As Y/N's sobs echoed through the desolate castle, a haunting answer resonated in the silent chambers—a love story, once vibrant and enduring, now reduced to the fragile threads of memories and frozen tears. The moon cast its indifferent glow over the scene, a celestial witness to the unraveling of a once-majestic love, now entombed in the cold embrace of crystallized despair.
The castle, now draped in the shadows of desolation, echoed with the haunting symphony of Y/N's grief. Alone amidst the crystallized remnants of her family, she felt the weight of sorrow crushing her spirit. The air, once vibrant with love, now hung heavy with the scent of despair.
Kneeling beside Alcina's frozen form, Y/N's tear-streaked face pleaded with the lifeless sculpture. "Alcina, my love, I don't know how to live in a world without you and our daughters. The emptiness is suffocating, and I can't bear the echoes of our shattered dreams."
The moon, a silent witness to her torment, cast an indifferent glow on the castle roof. In the oppressive silence, Y/N's decision crystallized—a desperate resolve born from the unbearable weight of grief.
She ascended to the roof, each step heavier than the last, as if the castle itself conspired to anchor her to the agony below. The cold wind whispered through the stone corridors, carrying with it the final lament of a soul pushed to the brink.
Alone on the desolate roof, Y/N gazed into the abyss below, the depths mirroring the void in her heart. She spoke, her voice a broken whisper carried away by the night. "Alcina, I hope you find peace wherever you are. I can't bear to live in a world without you and our precious daughters. I hope... I hope I see you again."
With those words, Y/N stepped to the edge, the precipice of her despair. The moonlight cast a mournful glow on her tear-streaked face as she looked into the abyss below. The chilling wind seemed to echo the finality of her decision.
A silent plea escaped her lips, a desperate hope that she might find the family she had lost. "I'm sorry," she whispered to Alcina, as if seeking forgiveness for what she was about to do.
In that moment, the castle, once a sanctuary of love, bore witness to the heartbreaking choice of a shattered soul. Y/N, her heart consumed by grief, let herself fall into the void below. The cold night swallowed her, and as she descended, she felt a fleeting sense of weightlessness—the burden of loss momentarily lifted.
But in that fleeting moment, regret mingled with the wind, and the abyss claimed her, leaving the castle roof as empty and desolate as the shattered remains of a once-beautiful family. The moon, still indifferent, cast its light on the vacant space, a witness to the tragedy that unfolded in the shadows of a once-grand castle.
In the surreal embrace of the afterlife, Y/N found herself in a realm that transcended the boundaries of the living. As she opened her eyes to an ethereal landscape, a gentle calm washed over her, replacing the oppressive weight of grief with an unfamiliar tranquility.
Walking through the otherworldly expanse, Y/N felt an indescribable sense of serenity. The air seemed to echo with the whispers of departed souls, and the surroundings bore a dreamlike quality. In the distance, she spotted familiar figures, and as she drew closer, her heart skipped a beat.
Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra, radiant and full of life, stood together as if untouched by the events of that fateful night. The warmth of their smiles mirrored the love that once defined their family. In an instant, Y/N's eyes welled with tears, and she felt an overwhelming surge of emotion.
Daniela, the first to notice her presence, turned with a gleeful exclamation. "Mamă!" A sweet melody that echoed with the joy of reunion. In a heartbeat, Daniela was followed by Bela and Cassandra, their laughter filling the air.
They enveloped Y/N in a joyous embrace, their presence a balm to the wounds of her grieving soul. The afterlife had bestowed upon them the essence of their former selves—their laughter, their warmth, and the unwavering love that had defined their familial bonds.
Tears streamed down Y/N's face as she held them close, the echoes of their laughter weaving a tapestry of solace around her. "My darlings," Y/N whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I'm so happy to see you again. I've missed you more than words can express."
The girls, their eyes reflecting the purity of love, responded in unison, "We missed you too, Mamă."
In that ephemeral moment, the boundaries between grief and joy blurred. Y/N, surrounded by the embrace of her daughters, felt a profound sense of peace. "I'm so sorry," she confessed, the weight of guilt resurfacing. "I couldn't protect you. I failed you."
Bela, the eldest, touched Y/N's cheek with a gentle hand. "Mamă, there's nothing to be sorry for. We know you loved us with all your heart. That's all that matters."
Y/N's heart swelled with a mixture of gratitude and remorse. As they stood together, the wounds of the past night seemed to fade into insignificance. The girls, resilient in their love, reassured Y/N with their unwavering presence.
Y/N's heart fluttered with a mixture of joy and trepidation as she caught sight of Alcina in the distance. The reunion felt like a dream, yet the warmth that surged through her was undeniably real. Alcina, adorned in her regal grace, turned to face Y/N, and a flicker of surprise crossed her features.
The girls, sensing the need for a private moment, gracefully stepped away, leaving Y/N and Alcina alone in the otherworldly expanse. Y/N, overwhelmed by emotions, ran towards Alcina, and the moment their eyes met, the world seemed to fade into the background. Alcina's gaze held a mixture of astonishment and adoration as Y/N wrapped her arms around her.
For a moment, they simply held each other, the ethereal landscape bearing witness to a love that defied the boundaries of life and death. Alcina, her voice a soft whisper, uttered Y/N's name like a sacred hymn, "Dragă mea."
Y/N, feeling the familiar touch of Alcina's fingers gently caressing her cheek, looked into those familiar, mesmerizing eyes. Time seemed to stand still as Alcina, overcome with emotion, leaned in and kissed her with a tenderness that spoke of a thousand unspoken words.
Breaking the kiss, Alcina, her eyes searching Y/N's, questioned with a gentle urgency, "What did you do, my love?"
Y/N's gaze fell, the weight of her actions bearing down on her. She hesitated, reluctant to share the painful truth. Alcina, sensing her distress, gently guided Y/N's face to meet her gaze again. "Tell me, Dragă mea. What did you do?"
With a heavy sigh, Y/N admitted, "I did what was necessary."
Alcina, a furrow forming on her brow, persisted. "What do you mean, 'necessary'? What have you done?"
Y/N, her eyes clouded with sorrow, finally spoke the painful truth. "I did what I had to do to be with all of you again."
Alcina's eyes widened with realization, and she asked with a sinking dread, "You didn’t...?" She couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence.
Y/N nodded, the weight of her confession hanging in the air. "Yes, Alcina. I couldn't bear the grief. I saw our daughters die, and I saw you fall. I couldn't find a reason to keep going without all of you."
Alcina's expression shifted from realization to profound sadness. She cupped Y/N's face, a mixture of love and sorrow in her eyes. "Dragă mea, you didn't have to do that. We could have found a way to be together again."
Y/N shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "I couldn't endure the pain, Alcina. I needed to be with you all, even if it meant sacrificing myself."
Alcina, holding Y/N close, whispered words of solace. "Dragă mea, our love is eternal. You didn't need to go to such lengths. Now, we're together, but at what cost?"
"In my heart, Alcina," Y/N said, her voice filled with a quiet resolution, "I wouldn't have changed a thing. The pain was unbearable, but the thought of an eternity without you and our daughters was even more excruciating. I'd make the same choice again, even knowing the price."
Alcina, her eyes reflecting the melancholy of their circumstances, held Y/N tighter. A realm of both reunion and reckoning, became the stage for a love story that defied the limitations of time and mortality. In the embrace of eternity, Y/N and Alcina navigated the delicate dance between joy and sorrow, their hearts entwined in a bittersweet symphony that echoed through the ethereal expanse.
"I wish you hadn't felt you had to bear such a burden alone, Dragă mea," Alcina whispered, her voice a soft lament. "We could have faced the challenges together, found another way."
Y/N, tears glistening in her eyes, met Alcina's gaze. "Alcina, the pain was consuming me. I couldn't fathom a future without all of you. The grief, the guilt—I needed to escape it."
Alcina, understanding the depths of Y/N's torment, kissed her forehead gently. "But at what cost, my love? Our eternity together marred by the sacrifice you made."
Y/N's voice wavered with emotion. "I thought the pain would end if I could be with you again. I was wrong, Alcina. The pain lingers, but at least I have you now."
Alcina's eyes bore the weight of shared sorrow as she spoke, "Dragă mea, our love is eternal, but the wounds you carry... I wish I could have spared you from this pain."
Y/N nodded, her tears falling freely. "Alcina, I would endure a thousand lifetimes of pain to be with you and our daughters. The love we share transcends everything, even the darkness that brought us here."
Alcina, caressing Y/N's cheek, spoke with a tenderness that echoed through them. "My love, you mean everything to me. I would traverse the realms of existence to be with you, to shield you from the burdens you carried alone."
Y/N, leaning into Alcina's touch, whispered, "And I would find a way back to you, no matter the obstacles. Our love is a force that defies the boundaries of time and space."
Alcina's eyes shimmered with unspoken affection. "Dragă mea, you are my eternal flame. No matter the trials we face, we will endure them together."
In the embrace of paradise, where love transcended the boundaries of time and mortality, the familial reunion continued to unfold. As Y/N and Alcina exchanged tender words, the ethereal landscape witnessed the return of the three beloved figures who had once again become an inseparable part of their shared eternity.
Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra approached with an otherworldly grace, their eyes reflecting the joy of being reunited with their parents. In a scene that mirrored the warmth of their past family gatherings, they enveloped Y/N and Alcina in a circle of love.
Y/N, overwhelmed with emotion, gently reached out to hold Bela and Daniela close, one in each arm. The girls, in turn, pressed themselves against Y/N, a collective hug that transcended the physical and embraced the boundless depths of their connection.
Alcina, standing beside Y/N, extended her arms to encircle both Y/N and Cassandra. The afterlife became a tableau of familial love—a tapestry woven with the threads of joy, sorrow, and an eternal bond that defied the passage of time.
In the tender embrace, Y/N kissed the heads of Bela and Daniela, their presence a balm to the wounds she once thought were irreparable. The soft murmur of love filled the air as Y/N spoke, her voice carrying the weight of their shared journey.
"I never thought I'd hold you both like this again," Y/N whispered, her eyes glistening with tears of gratitude. "I missed you more than words can say."
Bela and Daniela, in the comforting embrace of their parents, felt the warmth of love that transcended the trials they had faced. A sanctuary for their eternal reunion, echoed with the melodies of a family made whole once more.
Turning to Alcina and Cassandra, Y/N continued, "And you, my loves, are the pillars of my existence. I promised myself that I'd never let you go again. We're a family, bound by a love that defies even the boundaries of life and death."
Alcina, holding Y/N and Cassandra close, spoke with a solemn tenderness, "Our family is eternal, and nothing can tear us apart. We've faced the darkness, and now, we embrace the light of our enduring love."
The Dimitrescu family shared a moment of profound unity. Y/N, surrounded by the warmth of her daughters and Alcina, felt the echoes of grief dissipate, replaced by the timeless embrace of love. The afterlife, once a realm of solitude, had become a haven for their eternal reunion—a sanctuary where the threads of familial love were woven into the very fabric of existence.
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savethegrishaverse · 21 days
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Back to Grisha School: we present our new physical mail campaign, in tune with the beginning of school year enthusiasm that every wizard student awaits!
There is seldom a fantasy fan that at the beginning of autumn isn’t nostalgic about all things magic, whether it be about brewing rare potions, escaping to a secret abode in the middle of the woods or invoking the spirits of the ancestors’. But nothing quite encompasses this cozy sense of belonging like a school of magic.
When for Grisha there was no safe place, Aleksander promised that There will be. When Grisha scurried fearfully across the lands, no haven in sight, the Darkling vowed: I will make one. And that’s how The Little Palace came to be.
So pick up a pen and tell Netflix how the Grishaverse has made you feel included or how the fandom is a space of belonging for you, just how The Little Palace is for the Grisha and how at the start of autumn you can’t help but long to be a new Grisha enrolling or a new student at Ketterdam University. Remind them that this fan beloved theme - the school of magic - is right there among their adapted stories, awaiting continuation!
Use the following Mailing Address to send a letter or postcard to Netflix:
Sunset Bronson Studios
ATTN: __________
5800 W. Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Choose one of the names below for ATTN:
Bela Bajaria: Chief Content Officer
Cole Galvin: Director of Original Series
Jinny Howe: VP, Original Series
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belartvenus · 2 years
Fanfic Rec - Horror/Mistery Fics
Aqui está uma lista de recomendação de fanfics bottom louis do gênero terror, suspense ou mistério no ao3.
Where you'd rather be by Itsmotivatingcara
Louis dirige a melhor escola de busca e resgate canino em Augusta, Maine, que treina cães para rastrear pessoas desaparecidas. Ele vive uma vida idílica em Togus Pond, onde construiu sua carreira do zero. Ele tem tudo o que poderia querer, uma bela casa, amigos que adora e um cachorro que ajuda seus alunos em seu treinamento. Os envolvimentos românticos nunca estiveram no topo de sua lista de prioridades.
Isto é, até que ele tropeça em um corpo na floresta. Uma mulher foi brutalmente assassinada e jogada em sua porta. Não ajuda que o detetive do caso seja diabolicamente bonito e na medida certa de ninhada.
O detetive Harry Styles tem um assassinato para resolver, ele acabou de sair de um relacionamento de longo prazo e certamente não está procurando outro. Independentemente dos olhos azuis do homem que comanda a unidade SAR brilharem com promessa e sentimento de pertencimento. Algo que ele pode ou não ter procurado por toda a sua vida.
Shadow dances by Itsmotivatingcara
Louis Tomlinson tem um dom relutante, ele é capaz de se comunicar com os espíritos dos mortos. Muitas vezes contra sua vontade, e quase sempre nos momentos mais inconvenientes.
Ele e seu parceiro, Zayn Malik, trabalham para uma divisão secreta do New Haven Federal Bureau of Investigations. Eles ajudam em todos os tipos de casos, embora seus talentos residam no obscuro e insolúvel.
É quando um novo caso estranho cai em suas mesas que eles ficam questionando a extensão de suas habilidades e se eles já estiveram realmente sozinhos.
Harry Styles foi trazido para o FBI não apenas por suas habilidades, mas por sua capacidade de mitigar o influxo de espíritos em torno do médium de língua afiada evasivo e irritantemente irritante para o qual ele foi designado. Louis fica sob sua pele, ele é impulsivo e um risco para a equipe de acordo com Harry.
No entanto, eles precisam encontrar uma maneira de deixar de lado sua história sórdida e sua atração relutante, para rastrear o assassino que assola sua cidade costeira.
Halfway home by Itsmotivatingcara
Harry Styles e Louis Tomlinson eram amigos de infância improváveis, para desgosto de Harry. Eles ficavam juntos todo verão quando Harry era forçado a visitar o rancho do avô de Louis em Black Hills, Dakota do Sul. A cada ano que passava, sua amizade desabrochava em algo mais. Quando as trilhas se transformaram em beijos roubados e as tragédias se transformaram em confissões, até que não puderam mais negar a atração inevitável que sentiam um pelo outro.
Embora a vida e seus planos futuros logo os coloquem em caminhos diferentes.
Dez anos depois, Louis é o orgulhoso proprietário do Halfway Home Wildlife Refuge. Harry retorna ao rancho para escapar dos perigos de seu passado em Londres, e embora suas memórias ainda assombram Louis, ele não vai deixar que isso o impeça de seus objetivos. No entanto, alguém está de olho no refúgio, e possivelmente Louis especificamente, e o retorno de Harry pode ter desencadeado mais do que apenas velhas paixões. Há um caçador à espreita nas Colinas, alguém que decidiu que já esperou tempo suficiente.
Echoes & Omens by Itsmotivatingcara
Ecos dos mortos vêm em muitas formas. Suas impressões para sempre ligadas àqueles que os mataram.
Louis Tomlinson é capaz de rastrear os mortos usando seus ecos, eles o chamam. Ele usou esse dom para ajudar a Scotland Yard em suas investigações, com a esperança de estudar Criminologia na Universidade de Cambridge. Ele viveu uma vida de privilégios e boa sorte como um marquês, filho do falecido duque Tomlinson, com sua vida mapeada desde o primeiro dia.
Até que duas terríveis verdades sejam reveladas.
Um, ele é adotado. Dois, seus pais biológicos são os assassinos em série mais notórios de Londres.
Contra a vontade de sua família, Louis viaja para Chicago para descobrir a verdade de seu encarceramento. Para seu desgosto, o advogado de sua mãe biológica, Harry Styles, quer aceitar seu caso. Juntos, eles trabalham para descobrir o que realmente aconteceu todos esses anos atrás, mas talvez seja revelado mais do que eles jamais poderiam ter previsto. Presos em um turbilhão de presságios e presságios, Louis e Harry se veem confrontados com um inimigo que não previram.
Just a flicker in the dark by falsegoodnight
Louis é um bruxo desesperada para provar a si mesmo depois de mais um desastre mágico e encontra um chamado na casa assombrada do cliente Niall Horan. As coisas ficam mais complicadas quando ele recebe um parceiro de caso: o aclamado médium e ex-namorado, Harry Styles.
Once upon a dream by thedeathchamber
Louis é vidente e é pego no meio de uma investigação de assassinato liderada pelo agente especial do FBI Harry Styles.
Gentle autumn rain by creamcoffeelou
Louis Tomlinson mudou-se para Londres com um grande coração e um grande sonho. Harry Styles mudou-se para Londres, recém-saído da academia de polícia, com a esperança de ajudar o maior número de pessoas possível. Quando um alfa perturbado força seus caminhos a se cruzarem, suas ideias do que deveria ser nunca mais serão as mesmas.
Fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die by tolerantlarrie
Louis comprou uma casa antiga que está no registro histórico e precisa de muito trabalho. Ao descobrir seus anos de uso e abuso, ele encontra mensagens nas paredes que aparecem e desaparecem, mesmo sendo o único morando lá. Ele pede ajuda a um faz-tudo próximo (Harry) para decifrar o mistério e o romance segue.
Close to nowhere by angelichl
“Eu vou te matar enquanto você dorme,” Louis ameaçou enquanto rapidamente tirava seu jeans.
"Eu não acho que isso funcionaria muito bem, baby, já que você fala com pessoas mortas o tempo todo."  “Eu vou te matar enquanto você dorme e ignorar seu fantasma. E não me chame assim.” 
Louis e Harry são médiuns que meio que se odeiam. Eles vão para o Tennessee para investigar uma assombração.
Derail the Mind of Me by pleasinglouis
A Unidade de Análise Comportamental é chamada para ajudar o departamento de polícia de uma pequena cidade a encontrar o assassino deixando para trás uma série de vítimas com uma assinatura particularmente chocante. O perfilador do FBI, Harry Styles, deve trabalhar com sua equipe para descobrir o suspeito responsável por uma série de assassinatos horríveis e pode descobrir seus próprios sentimentos ocultos pelo analista técnico da BAU, Louis Tomlinson, ao longo do caminho.
Til' the darkness softly clears by reliablyimperfect
Alguma coisa bate por perto, e Callie se senta na cama, os olhos ainda embaçados pelo sono. Ela boceja e esfrega os olhos, procurando pela sala a origem do barulho. Quando ela não vê nada, ela bufa baixinho. Deslizando para o chão, seus pés a levam em direção à porta. À porta, algo volta a perturbar o silêncio: o som distante de passos. Callie prende a respiração e sai da sala. No patamar, ela fica na ponta dos pés para espiar por cima do corrimão. Ela pode ver a porta da frente e, do lado de fora, pelas janelas de cada lado da porta, ela vê uma sombra passar. Ele caminha para um lado, depois desaparece de vista por um segundo antes de se virar e voltar para a frente da porta. Os olhos de Callie se arregalam e ela sai de vista quando a figura para de andar diretamente em frente a uma janela. Lentamente, ele se vira e parece olhar pela janela, diretamente para ela.
Boa leitura!
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tragcdysewn · 2 years
@mcrcki​ asked: 4.  SURPRISE :  for one muse to come home and find the other already inside. (bela and daniela)
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“i’m not even surprised you managed to get in." she was sure she’d left every window and door sealed tightly, her home remaining a safe haven against the cold. “what’s up, dani?”
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golfspain · 6 months
Unveiling the Allure of Golf in Lisbon: Courses, Resorts, and Beyond
With its picturesque landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture, Lisbon is not only a captivating tourist destination but also a haven for golf enthusiasts. Nestled along the stunning coast of Portugal, this charming city offers a remarkable golfing experience that combines world-class courses, luxurious resorts, and a wealth of attractions. In this blog post, we will delve into the allure of golf in Lisbon, exploring the top courses, resorts, and other exciting opportunities that await avid golfers in this enchanting region.
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Lisbon's Premier Golf Courses:
Lisbon boasts a splendid collection of golf courses, each providing a unique and unforgettable golfing experience. Here are some of the premier courses that deserve a spot on any golfer's bucket list:
a) Belas Clube de Campo: Set amidst rolling hills and lush greenery, this championship course offers a challenging yet rewarding game. Designed by renowned architect Rocky Roquemore, Belas Clube de Campo provides breathtaking vistas and impeccable course conditions.
b) Quinta da Marinha: Located in the charming town of Cascais, this course is a true gem. Combining stunning coastal views with undulating fairways and strategically placed hazards, Quinta da Marinha offers an exhilarating golfing adventure.
c) Oitavos Dunes: As one of Europe's top-ranked courses, Oitavos Dunes is a must-play for golf enthusiasts. This links-style course, nestled within the Sintra-Cascais Natural Park, showcases the natural beauty of the region while providing a challenging and memorable round of golf.
Luxurious Golf Resorts:
After a day on the fairways, golfers can indulge in the luxurious amenities and accommodations offered by the golf resorts in Lisbon. These resorts provide the perfect blend of relaxation, entertainment, and world-class golf facilities. Here are two renowned resorts that epitomize the epitome of luxury:
a) Penha Longa Resort: Situated in the Sintra Mountains, Penha Longa Resort offers a serene and idyllic setting. The resort features two exceptional golf courses, including the championship-worthy Atlantic course, designed by the legendary Robert Trent Jones Jr. With its luxurious spa, gourmet dining options, and exquisite accommodations, Penha Longa Resort ensures an unforgettable golf getaway.
b) Troia Golf Resort: Located just a short ferry ride from Lisbon, Troia Golf Resort is a true paradise for golfers. The resort boasts an 18-hole championship course designed by Robert Trent Jones Sr., offering breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean. Additionally, Troia offers a range of leisure activities, including a casino, marina, and stunning beaches, making it an ideal destination for both golf and relaxation.
Beyond Golf: Exploring Lisbon's Attractions:
While golf takes center stage in Lisbon, the city also offers a plethora of attractions and experiences to complement your golfing adventure. Take some time to explore the historical neighborhoods of Alfama and Baixa, visit the iconic Belém Tower and Jerónimos Monastery, and immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the lively Bairro Alto district. Indulge in the local cuisine, sample the famous pastéis de nata (custard tarts), and savor the renowned Portuguese wines.
Planning Your Golf Trip:
To ensure a seamless and memorable golfing experience in Lisbon, it is essential to plan your trip in advance. Consider the best time to visit, taking into account the climate and peak seasons. Research and book tee times at your preferred golf courses and secure accommodations at the luxurious resorts in the region. Additionally, consider hiring a local golf tour operator who can assist with transportation, itinerary planning, and other logistics to make your trip stress-free and enjoyable.
Lisbon stands as a captivating destination for golf enthusiasts, offering a blend of breathtaking courses, luxurious resorts, and a rich cultural tapestry waiting to be explored. Whether you seek a challenging round of golf, a leisurely golf getaway, or a mix of golf and sightseeing, Lisbon has it all. Immerse yourself in the allure of golf in Lisbon, and create unforgettable memories as you tee off against the backdrop of stunning landscapes and immerse yourself in the city's vibrant charm.
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seoplassy · 11 months
Top Preschool Franchise in India - Bela Mente Preschool
Hey there! Welcome to Bella Mente, the ultimate haven for budding intellects. In the ever-expanding world of preschools in India, we're not just a choice; we're the beacon guiding your child's journey to success.
Why Bella Mente? What sets Bella Mente apart as the go-to preschool franchise in India? It's not just our curriculum; it's the art of cultivating a comprehensive development experience. We don't just teach; we inspire curiosity, ignite creativity, and instill a genuine love for learning.
Quality Education: At Bella Mente, we're rewriting the rulebook on education. Our curriculum isn't a mere syllabus—it's a carefully crafted masterpiece by seasoned educators. We're all about interactive and play-based learning, ensuring each child gets a personalized touch to unlock their unique potential.
Innovative Teaching Methods: Education at Bella Mente isn't about textbooks; it's an adventure. From hands-on activities to immersive learning, we're at the forefront of innovative teaching methods. We believe in making every day a thrilling chapter in your child's educational journey.
Safe and Supportive Environment: We get it, your little one is your world. That's why safety is our top priority. Bella Mente preschools are designed to be more than just classrooms, they're havens of security. Our staff isn't just trained, they become the extended family your child didn't know they needed.
Franchise Opportunities: Ever dreamed of making a mark in early childhood education? Bella Mente is offering you the chance. Our franchise opportunities in India are the gateway to becoming part of a well-established brand that's synonymous with excellence in education.
Conclusion: In the dynamic realm of preschool education in India, Bella Mente isn't just a choice; it's the embodiment of excellence. Choose us, and witness a future where every child's potential is not just recognized but celebrated. At Bella Mente, we're not just unlocking doors; we're opening up a world of brilliance for your little ones. 🚀
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travels11 · 1 year
Best beaches in porto Alegre
When one thinks of Brazil, pristine beaches often come to mind, and while Porto Alegre may not be directly on the coast, it is surrounded by some of the country's most breathtaking beach destinations. Located in the southernmost part of Brazil, Porto Alegre serves as an excellent gateway to the beautiful beaches of the Rio Grande do Sul state. In this article, we will explore the best beaches in the Porto Alegre region, offering you a guide to soak in the sun, splash in the waves, and immerse yourself in the coastal beauty of this unique corner of Brazil.
Hence, to enjoy a classic holiday, book your cheap flights to  Porto Alegre, and make sure eot carry your beach wardrobe.
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Praia de Belas
While not a traditional ocean beach, Praia de Belas is a delightful urban beach located along the Guaíba River. Here, you can relax by the water, enjoy the sunset, or take a leisurely stroll along the boardwalk. The beach also hosts cultural events and outdoor activities, making it a popular spot for locals and tourists alike.
Tramandaí is a popular coastal town located just a couple of hours' drive from Porto Alegre. It's known for its wide, sandy beaches and a relaxed, family-friendly atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and beach sports. The town itself offers various dining options and shops for beachgoers.
Cassino Beach
Cassino Beach, located in the city of Rio Grande, is famous for its immense length, making it the longest beach in the world, stretching over 157 miles. This beach offers a unique coastal experience, where you can drive on the sand, go kite surfing, or explore the Lighthouse of Albardão. Its endless expanse provides a sense of tranquility and escape from the bustling city life.
Explore the incredible attractions of Porto Alegre, and make your trip worthwhile. Also, book your flights from Chicago to Porto Alegre, with Lowest Flight Fares to avail impressive deals.
Laranjal Beach
Laranjal Beach, situated in the town of Pelotas, is known for its tranquil waters and extensive sand dunes. The beach is ideal for families, as the calm waves create a safe environment for swimming and playing. In the evenings, you can witness the mesmerizing sunset over the Guaíba River, casting a warm and golden hue over the landscape.
Mostardas Beach
Mostardas Beach, found in the town of Mostardas, is part of the Taim Ecological Reserve, making it a haven for nature enthusiasts. This pristine beach is home to diverse flora and fauna, and it's an excellent spot for birdwatching. Mostardas Beach provides a unique experience, offering a glimpse into the untamed beauty of Brazil's coastline.
Capão da Canoa
Capão da Canoa is another popular beach town, known for its bustling atmosphere and vibrant nightlife. The beach itself is well-maintained and perfect for swimming and sunbathing. It's a fantastic place for socializing, with many beachfront bars, restaurants, and shops to explore.
Torres Beach
Torres is a picturesque beach town characterized by its unique rock formations, including the famous Morro das Furnas. The beach is a favorite among surfers and paragliders due to its ideal wind and wave conditions. If you're looking for outdoor adventure along with beach relaxation, Torres is a must-visit destination.
Cidreira Beach
Cidreira Beach is a tranquil and less crowded option compared to some of the more popular beaches in the region. This serene coastal gem offers a peaceful environment, making it perfect for those seeking relaxation and solitude.
Hermenegildo Beach
Hermenegildo Beach is known for its rugged beauty and remote location. It's a haven for surfers, offering some of the best waves in the area. The untouched natural surroundings and sense of isolation make it a unique destination for those who crave a quieter, more wild beach experience.
Patos Lagoon Beaches
The Patos Lagoon is a massive coastal lagoon that stretches along the coastline of Rio Grande do Sul. It is surrounded by several smaller towns and beaches. The lagoon's calm waters are perfect for water sports like windsurfing and kayaking. Some popular beach towns along the lagoon include Tavares, São Lourenço do Sul, and Palmares do Sul.
While Porto Alegre itself may not be on the coast, its proximity to some of the most beautiful beaches in the Rio Grande do Sul state offers travelers an incredible opportunity to experience the diverse coastal beauty of Brazil. From bustling beach towns with lively atmospheres to remote, unspoiled stretches of sand, there's a beach for every type of traveler in this region. So, whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or a bit of both, pack your sunscreen, beach towels, and sense of exploration and head to the stunning beaches around Porto Alegre for a beach vacation like no other.
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spyfoxbawkosy · 1 year
Vazio.../ Void
Em um mundo de emoções em desalinho, O vazio se instala, sem destino ou caminho. Não sei o que mais sentir, a alma entorpecida, Um coração em silêncio, sem batida.
As cores das emoções se desvaneceram, E no peito, um vácuo profundo cresceram. Um sorriso outrora brilhante, agora oculto, Como uma estrela tímida, no céu sepulto.
Será possível renascer o sentimento perdido? Abrir novamente o coração, mesmo ferido? Um porto seguro anseio encontrar, Para, enfim, minha alma acalentar.
A ambição pelo sucesso é como um farol guia, Mas será o bastante, se a solidão se anuncia? Alcançar o topo, mas a solidão carregar, É como triunfar nas sombras, a se afogar.
Nas entrelinhas do destino, quem sabe aguarda, Outra alma nikkei, onde a paixão se guarda. Um amor que preencha o vazio, que cure a dor, Onde ambos se amem, sem receio, com fervor.
Que a jornada pela vida encontre um sentido, E o vazio dê lugar ao amor vivido. Que o sorriso retorne, mais brilhante que antes, E a felicidade dance, como nas mais belas danças.
Assim, busque na jornada por sucesso e abrigo, A chance de um amor, puro e antigo. Que a vida se encha de cores, emoções a transbordar, E no encontro com o amor, possa enfim se encontrar.
In a world of emotions, in disarray, The void settles in, without a clear way. I don't know what to feel, my soul numb and still, A heart without rhythm, a silent thrill.
The colors of emotions have faded away, And in my chest, a deep void holds sway. A once radiant smile, now concealed and unseen, Like a shy star, in the sky's vast routine.
Is it possible to rekindle the lost emotion's flame? To open the heart again, despite past pain? A safe harbor I long for, a haven to find, To soothe my soul, ease the turmoil in my mind.
Ambition for success is like a guiding light, But will it suffice if loneliness takes flight? To conquer the summit, yet carry solitude's weight, Is to triumph in shadows, drowning in a sea of fate.
Within destiny's whispers, perhaps there lies, Another Nikkei soul, where passion belies. A love that fills the void, healing every ache, Where both hearts entwine, no reservations to make.
May life's journey find purpose and grace, As love replaces the void, its warm embrace. May the smile return, brighter than before, And happiness twirl like dances on the floor.
So seek in the quest for both success and embrace, The chance for a love that time won't erase. May life be a canvas of colors and emotion's art, And in love's tender arms, may you find your heart.
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cocktailsfairytales · 2 years
𝑺𝒂𝒗𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝑷𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒍 ( 𝘏𝘢𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘓𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬 #1 ) by @ryanahunter23 is #NOWLIVE & #AVAILABLENOW ON #KU✨
🖤 ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ᴀ ᴅᴀʀᴋ, ᴇɴᴇᴍɪᴇs ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴠᴇʀs, ᴍᴏɴsᴛᴇʀ ʀʜ, ᴛʜɪs ᴏɴᴇ ɪs ᴀʙsᴏʟᴜᴛᴇʟʏ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ! - ɢᴏᴏᴅʀᴇᴀᴅs ʀᴇᴠɪᴇᴡᴇʀ
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▪️ 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐑𝐁 ▪️
Val's fate had already been decided. Ever since that fall night five years ago, nothing mattered. She just waited to die. The problem was, no one else seemed to understand that. Until she met Dev, he wanted freedom too and cared about her despite her evil actions. Maybe it was because he was a demon, or perhaps it was because he was her twin flame.
At least that's what she believed until she was transferred to a different unit at Forest Haven. A unit filled with monsters. Death should have been simple surrounded by creatures, but that's when things got complicated and Val wasn't so sure that her death was the only answer.
She didn't have powers like the others, the only common link was she was a killer too. A different kind of monster. The twins, Gideon and Ren, watched every move she made, but she didn't know if it was because they wanted to befriend her or get rid of her. The secrets Dev kept made her uncertain if she could still trust him and her new psychic friend Bela assured her that Dev only did things to benefit himself.
Val's plan for death or escape seems impossible and forces her to make choices that will destroy any chance of redemption.
💜𝐀𝐝𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬: https://bit.ly/3SYZ7q5
🖤𝑱𝒐𝒊𝒏 @peachykeenas Masterlist: https://bit.ly/PeachyKeenML
#SavagePetal #RyanaHunter #Author #Reader #RomanceAuthor #WhyChoose #DarkRomance #PossessiveMen #MonstersInstitution #ReverseHarem #RH #Readers #Romance #PeachyKeenas
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portalagrovida · 2 years
As cabines mais aconchegantes do Airbnb
Realmente não fica muito melhor do que uma cabana particular no meio do Colorado. Graças ao Moose Haven Cabin em Airbnb, os hóspedes podem aproveitar ao máximo as noites estreladas e as trilhas privativas para vivenciar ao máximo esse estado de tirar o fôlego. No entanto, se você estiver procurando por acomodações mais luxuosas, talvez queira procurar em outro lugar. No Moose Haven Cabin, os hóspedes devem ir ao banheiro de compostagem, que fica a cerca de 20 pés de distância da cabine real. Há também uma casa de banho que fica a uma curta distância também. No entanto, entre as vistas e a reclusão, há muito poucas experiências que podem ser comparadas. Além disso, animais de estimação podem participar! Com dois quartos diferentes e três camas disponíveis, esta cabana rural é capaz de acomodar até cinco pessoas para uma fuga divertida e cheia de aventura. Se você estiver interessado em andar de trenó, andar com raquetes de neve ou esquiar, os anfitriões deste Airbnb exclusivo fornecem todo o equipamento e dicas necessárias para se divertir. Além disso, com mais de 60 trilhas e 70 lagos na vizinha Zirkel Wilderness, os hóspedes certamente tirarão belas fotos e criarão memórias inesquecíveis. Source link
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theforgottenfandoms · 3 years
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Teofin in Bela Haven auf Bela Haven.
Nur komisch das ihn die alten Worte in Vin Lu nicht gestört haben. O:-)
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thewnchstrs · 3 years
Season Three
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The yellow-eyed demon is finally vanquished, but at a terrible price: releasing hundreds of demons from Hell into an unsuspecting world, costing Sam his life.
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The Magnificent Seven: Sam, Dean and Ellie realize they have an enormous task: hunting down the hundreds of demons that escaped from the Devil’s gate.
The Kids Are Alright: Ellie pressures Sam and Dean into travelling to Cicero, Indiana, so Dean can visit an old flame named Lisa, with whom he had a short relationship nine years ago.
Bad Day at Black Rock: Sam, Dean and Ellie answer a call on their father’s old cell phone, alerting them that someone has broken into their dad’s secret storage room in New York.
Sin City: Sam, Dean and Ellie investigate a rash of violent deaths in Elizabethville, Ohio, a once-sleepy town that has become a haven for gamblers and drinkers.
Bedtime Stories: Sam, Dean and Ellie investigate a small town that has been plagued by a number of strange murders mimicking fairy tales.
Red Sky at Morning: Sam, Dean and Ellie investigate the mysterious demise of drowning victims who were nowhere near water at the time of their death.
Fresh Blood: Sam, Dean and Ellie capture a female vampire named Lucy who claims to have no knowledge of how she became a vampire.
A Very Supernatural Christmas: it’s Christmas time, and Sam, Dean and Ellie investigate a series of murders where the victims were pulled up through chimneys.
Malleus Maleficarum: Sam, Dean and Ellie travel to Sturbridge, Massachusetts and discover a coven of witches that has killed two people.
Dream a Little Dream of Me: when Bobby falls into a coma and can’t be awakened, Sam, Dean and Ellie race to his side. *coming soon 
Mystery Spot: while Sam, Dean and Ellie are investigating the disappearance of a man from a tourist location, Dean and Ellie are shot and killed. *coming soon 
Jus in Bello: Sam, Dean and Ellie break into Bela’s apartment in order to get the Colt back, but she has tipped off Agent Henriksen to their whereabouts. *coming soon 
Ghostfacers!: Sam, Dean and Ellie stumble into starring roles on a gritty reality show called “Ghostfacers” which chronicles the pursuit of the paranormal. *coming soon
Long-Distance Call: Ellie is stunned to receive a phone call from her dad. *coming soon
Time is on My Side: the siblings head to Erie, Pennsylvania to investigate a possible zombie case. *coming soon
No Rest for The Wicked: in a battle to the death, Sam, Dean, Ellie and Bobby take on Lilith and all her demons. *coming soon 
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wyrdsistersofthedas · 4 years
DA4 Behind the Scenes and Reading Between the Lines, Part 1
We’ve calmed down enough here at Wyrd Sisters Central to put together a few thoughts about the art and game scenes from today’s BIoWare update.
Here is what we’re thinking so far...
Rivain Revealed?
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After doing some checking, we are thinking that these egg shaped domes are likely representative of Rivaini architecture (World of Thedas Vol. 2, p. 134).
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This particular picture is interesting, as it seems to be a blending of another architectural style as well, (likely Antivan, as it is Rivain’s only neighbor by land).  
Meaning this particular city would likely sit between the two countries. Looking at the map, a significant city that fits this description is the city of Ayesleigh. Ring any bells? Ayesleigh is actually the site where the elven hero, Garahel, slew the Archdemon of the 4th Blight, Andoral. 
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Could this be another view of Ayesleigh? It looks to be the same building (and mountain) but from the other side.
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And here we have what is likely (in our opinion) one of the major cities in Rivain. Could it be Dairsmuid? Or possibly the island of Llomeryn?
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This image from World of Thedas Vol. 2 (p 129) is not captioned, but certainly has design elements that resemble the city we see in the concept art.
And speaking of Rivain and the Rivaini...
Bela in the Sea
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We have a very Isabela looking swimmer present here!  And some other interesting folks as well!
Possible Dorian sighting here?  Whoever he is looks to be wearing armor like Zevran’s Black Shadow costume, who by this point might have formed his own gang to take down the Crows. If it isn’t Dorian, this character owes both Dorian and Zev royalties for his sweet style!! You also have to wonder why developers would make two characters so similar in design, but this is still early in the development process. 
And ummmmm....did y’all see the skeleton in the corner doing a swan dive into the ocean?  We would be so happy if this turned out to be Audric from “Down Among the Dead Men” in Tevinter Nights!
Assassins in the Street
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Speaking of our beloved Zevran, it sure looks like the man himself “Black Shadow-ing” up behind the man in the blue, green, and gold robes. It seems Zev’s people (or our people ^_^) have business with the lady in the litter. The architecture here looks (possibly) Antivan from what we’ve seen illustrated in the comics.  Tiled roofs seemed to be a hallmark of Antivan architecture and that can be glimpsed here in the top left corner.
Who is the fellow smirking at the front of the litter with Zev and his Qunari lady friend?  He has some traits in common with the fellow pictured here on the left...
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Are these pretty people new companions?  Associates of Zev’s?  We seem to see possible variations of them in several pictures.  
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Decima would really like the Qunari man on the far left to be our beloved Arishock, the warrior formerly known as Sten, but who knows? Also, the guy in the front-center could be the underwater Dorian-knock-off again. If so, his style is becoming more distinct, and very HANDSOME! 
This heavy stone architecture looks much more Teviter. The triangles on the building in the background as well as the robed figure and their guards also suggest this is the Imperium.
Other Exotic Locales
We were also excited by how many locations were featured in the concept art and game preview.  Lots caught our eye, but here were some that really stood out to the Sisters today.
The Wardens at Weisshaupt
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Weisshaupt in the Anderfels, am I right? I mean, the arid, desolate landscape? The huge gryffon carving? The tall-ass building you could fly a griffon off of? It’s gotta be Weisshaupt! YAY!
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Could this be an inner chamber of Weisshaupt Fortress?  Notice all the Grey Warden banners and the Wardon-y looking fellow. The table, however, has echoes of the war table at Skyhold. 
And holy shit! Is that a freakin’ rift opening up outside the window? We knew there was trouble brewing in the Anderfels, but that would be a devastating development.  Especially without an Inquisitor on hand.  ;)
Not so “Stark” haven?
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Okay, going out a limb here, but we really want this to be Starkhaven. Yeah, yeah. We know we saw Starkhaven in the Knight Errant comics, but let’s face it...not everything in the comics is canon (or Alistair’s eyes would be blue). 
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We were disappointed with how small, and rather ugly, Sebastian’s hometown was in the comic. What gives us hope that this could be Starkhaven is the waterfalls (which are vaguely represented in Knight Errant #3) and Genitivi’s description of the place. 
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Also, if Sebastian's armor was a city, wouldn’t it look like this? ;-) 
There was so much to examine in the DA4 Behind the Scenes update, that we need to break this post up.  
Stay tuned for more meta in Part 2.  We’re putting the “Air” back in aravels,  finding fine Dwarven Crafts definitely not direct from Orzammar, and your friendly neighborhood Titan Boi!
-Decima and Morta
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asphyxiateher · 3 years
Only Monsters Come Out at Night
Chapter 3: Addicted to the Way You Hurt Summary: Desdemona is scheming her way out of the castle but a one on one conversation with Bela Dimitrescu shakes up her world.
Desdemona could not quite recall how long it had been since she had been brought down to the cellars of Castle Dimitrescu nor did she care. She had been escorted to a vast open chamber with a high vaulted ceiling, antique cast iron braziers lined the walls offering a dim light that caused shadows to flicker every which way. An archaic chandelier comprised of rusted metal swayed back and forth above her head and it was the only thing Desdemona could focus on as she lay on the ground with her hands clasped together behind her head. The only source of her comfort came in the form of the dank and moldy rustic stone flooring beneath her and that was not saying much.
She shifted uncomfortably to her side and sighed when she realized it was not going to get any better than this. It had taken awhile to adjust to the dark and dismal environment of her new accommodation, but Desdemona currently preferred the desolation over the company of the maniacal sisters who were currently enjoying the life of luxury above ground. At the thought of the chaotic personalities that belonged to Lady Dimitrescu’s daughters, Desdemona shivered and shut her eyes to assuage her fears. If they left her alone, she felt safe in this prison. The surviving Hawthorne twin groaned when she felt immense hunger pangs gnawing at her again, her thirst making itself known once more and she briefly wondered if this was how she was going to die. Gray eyes open in a flash and a familiar dread begins to creep in.
‘I don’t want to die, not like this.’ Desdemona thinks to herself, tears prickling in her eyes as the painful memory of Desmond’s death replays repeatedly in her mind. “Good morning, Little One. Did you sleep well? I could not stop thinking about you sleeping all alone in our cellar. You poor pretty thing, mother thought it best to leave you in here after all that commotion from before.” The voice came from outside the wooden door that kept her locked in the chamber, and Desdemona immediately sat up when she heard the terrifying sound of insects dispersing into what was supposed to be her temporary haven away from all the madness.
Long, dirty blonde hair was the first thing she noticed, and Desdemona’s anxiety spiked when she realized it was Bela Dimitrescu who decided to pay her a visit. From how fondly Alcina spoke of Bela, she was clearly the second in command and that made her incredibly dangerous. Self-preservation began to kick in and Desdemona knew that she had to use her words carefully if she wished to survive this potentially fatal encounter.
“…Bela, if I may address you as such, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” Desdemona carefully asked as she slowly backed away from the sadistic killer. Bela surprised the smaller girl when she didn’t laugh at her question but instead offered a small smile in response. “You’re so polite, I almost find it unusual but it’s…pleasant. I can see why mother decided to keep you and I am thankful she did. You’re the best gift she’s ever bestowed to me.” Bela replied, giggling at Desdemona’s reaction when she steps closer to her.
Desdemona’s back hits the wall and Bela’s face is now inches away from hers, shrewd golden eyes now assessing the state of her prey. The blonde firmly cups Desdemona’s chin and forces fearful gray eyes to meet her gaze.
“Please don’t kill me.” Desdemona whispers quietly, her hands instinctively reaching upwards towards her chest. Bela quirks an eyebrow at the request but does not laugh, which throws her human prey off guard considering how she behaved towards her the other day. She quickly wraps a hand around Desdemona’s wrist and tugs her closer, their noses barely touching and Bela’s eyes roll to the back of her head when she inhales the other woman’s scent.
“There are many things I want to do to you, Little One, but killing you is not one of them. You are different and I am trying to figure out how. I yearn to be around you for reasons other than your blood and it’s…frustrating.” Bela admits quietly as she looks away.
Desdemona is shocked to see Bela’s demeanor suddenly change, annoyance quickly replacing her uncertainty in that moment.
“I can see that you’re malnourished. I will send for a maiden to deliver you food as soon as possible. Your blood smells less appetizing when you humans neglect your health. Ugh.” Bela growls as she pushes Desdemona back against the wall and away from her.
Bela twists around and begins to walk towards the exit when she notices Desdemona’s dirty backpack splayed on the floor, strange and unusual curiosities spilling out of it. Her mother had thoroughly searched through the contents of her bag in case she was hiding anything dangerous but was generous enough to leave most of the contents inside alone. Bela being the inquisitive creature that she was glanced over to Desdemona before kneeling on the ground to look through her pretty little pet’s personal items.
Desdemona let out a breath that she didn’t realize she had been holding and decided to take advantage of the peculiar scene unfolding in front of her. She cautiously took a step forward and when she concluded that Bela was not going to attack, Desdemona circled around her and quietly observed the dangerous woman prying into her personal life.
Bela tilted her head in confusion when pulled out a slim device with a cracked screen from the front pocket of her backpack and when she pressed the small circular button to see if it would do anything, the screen flashed on and it made Bela jump. Desdemona did not know whether or not she should laugh in fear for her safety, so she rolled her lips to maintain a neutral facial expression.
“What is this wretched thing and what is its purpose?” Bela demands as she struggles to make sense of Desdemona’s lock screen wallpaper, which was an image of a lone wolf. ‘Is she seriously trying to make conversation with me right now? What the fuck?’ Desdemona asks herself. She knows deep down that she should feel a deep hatred for the woman in front of her, but she didn’t want to anger her and cause her to lash out violently. Desdemona wanted to live a little while longer thank you very much.
“That’s a cell phone, like uh, a mobile telephone you can take everywhere with you and make phone calls. The biggest difference between the landline phone your mother has, as I’ve noticed, and mine is that I can play music, games, and share pictures on here. Crap, my battery is just about dead though.” Desdemona replies, trying ridiculously hard to hide her disappointment when she noticed there was still no signal anywhere in this castle.
Bela’s face lit up when Desdemona mentioned pictures and giggled madly at the prospect of seeing more of this resplendent creature wherever she went. “This bloody thing needs to charge in order to remain powered? I’ll have to ask mother about it, she’s more knowledgeable about modern technology as my sisters and I have no need to know about these things…well, at least until now. Show me where to find your pictures, pet!” Bela exclaims excitedly, her energy quickly swirling and improving the dark atmosphere that surrounded them both.
Desdemona fought valiantly to keep a neutral expression on her face but Bela was making it difficult to hate her when she was this endearing about wanting to learn more about her. When Desdemona made her phone easily accessible to Bela, she showed her where to find her photo albums and she nearly jumped out of her skin when the eldest daughter squealed with absolute glee. It took a great deal of effort not to blush and smile when Bela regarded her with what appeared to be admiration as she compared her appearance from how she looked in the photos to how she looked now.
‘You’re supposed to hate her, Desdemona. They killed your twin brother or have you already forgotten that?’
This strange and unusual moment she was sharing with Bela was all in the name of self-preservation and if giving the other woman her phone meant prolonging her life, then she would gladly give these women anything if it meant she could get out of here alive.
“These photos of you…they do not do you justice. You’re more beautiful in person, you know.” Bela murmurs quietly, a tidal wave of emotions washing over in an instant the moment she says this, and Desdemona is finally able to figure out why the other woman snapped at her earlier.
Bela was lonely, a trait she found in common with Lady Dimitrescu’s eldest daughter. She may have had her sisters for company for whoever knows how long but she could easily see how a sudden wave of isolation would wash over them from time to time. They craved companionship outside of the family and wanting to form an intimate connection with other people made them the way they are now. Desdemona related to that very well but on a level that did not send her on a murderous rampage. Perhaps she could use this to her advantage later; she could manipulate her way into the fold by making them think she cared about them and eventually use their weaknesses against them. It was all too tempting of an idea.
“Bela, you can have my phone and if you’re that to determined to learn how to use it, I’ll give you my charger if your mom can help you with that. Consider it a gift, you’ve been so… lovely and kind to me so far.” Desdemona said through nearly gritted teeth, wondering how long she could keep up with the façade. Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters had been everything but kind to her and lying wasn’t in her nature.
There is an uncomfortable quietness for a split second before Bela tears her eyes away from the phone and leers at Desdemona with an unmistakable look of hunger in her eyes. Desdemona swallows hard, wondering if she had gone a touch overboard but she couldn’t think on it any longer when Bela unexpectedly leaps at her with teeth bared.
Bela pushes her frightened victim hard onto her back and laughs wildly with her head thrown back before she leans over and attempts to capture her prey’s lips in what she thinks is supposed to be a kiss. Desdemona gasps into Bela’s mouth but that quickly turns into a whine the moment she feels teeth gnashing against her dried, chapped lips in a manner so rough, it felt as though Bela intended to rip out her mouth.
‘Oh fuck, this lunatic is going to rip your mouth off of your face; do something! Do whatever it takes to survive but for fuck’s sake, don’t let her rip your mouth off!’ Desdemona’s frantic thoughts spurred her into action, the taste of her own blood already coating her tongue.
Desdemona summons enough strength to shove Bela away from her face but not off of her, her hands shakily keeping Bela in place atop of her hips. Bela, for the most part, looks furious at being rejected and she’s ready to punish her plaything for fighting back until she speaks again.
“I-if that’s what you c-call a kiss, you’ll need to do better than that, Bela. If I don’t have any lips to kiss you back, what would your sisters about say about that? Wasn’t it you that accused them of breaking me faster than you ever could? Don’t you want to savor every inch of me?” Desdemona ventures playfully, testing the waters to see if she could invoke any kind of reaction that would somehow calm Bela down. It seemed to work as Bela’s eyes widened in surprise, her hands flying up to cover her own mouth as if she were ashamed of her actions.
“You’re right, Cassandra and Daniela would never let me hear the end of it if I tore any part of you off before they get a chance to. It would be too humiliating!” Bela says as she unmounts herself from Desdemona.
Desdemona slowly begins to lean back on her arms as if to get up and the movement does not go unnoticed by Alcina’s eldest daughter. Bela grips the back of her head and forces her off the ground, her eyes slowly going over the entire length of Desdemona’s body once more. Desdemona feels her breath hitch the moment Bela tugs her closer to her body so now that their breasts were touching.
“You are driving me wild with lust, Desdemona Hawthorne, and it is dangerous for you should you dare toy with me. I mentioned earlier that you’re different from all the other maidens we interact with here in our home. The other women scream at the very sight of us! When we play, they bleed and cry for help, they fight back and run away only to find that there is nothing they can do to stop us. They don’t communicate with us, they only weep and beg for mercy and it is so very tiresome. Their blood was beginning to sicken me to the point that I thought all women’s blood was disgusting…until you came along that is.” Bela tells her in an unusually quiet tone, her grip on Desdemona’s thick tresses of hair loosening.
Desdemona licks her lips, a motion Bela follows with interest, and she sucks in a mouthful of air as she tentatively places a hand on top of Bela’s. She exhales when Bela’s fingers curl around her hand possessively.  
“Disobedience begets punishment and the maidens that dare fight back and run from us find out that my mother’s wrath comes in many unpleasant forms. You’re lucky if you’re brought down here to die, but the others…let’s just say they eek out a living in abandoned parts of my mother’s home with nothing but the memories of what they were before and now their only purpose in life is to consume the living.” Bela brings up Desdemona’s knuckles to her lips and kisses them. She forces one of Desdemona’s fingers into her mouth and moans as she sucks on the tip, immensely enjoying the other woman’s reaction to her lewd action.
Desdemona was breathing heavily now, an unsettling chill washing over her in what she assumed was fear. She could not believe what she was hearing yet Bela telling her all this so casually meant that harassing and tormenting maidens was the norm for Lady Dimitresu and her daughters. It sounded like they either fed off of the poor maidens that worked in the castle or Lady Dimitrescu herself experimented on or killed the disobedient ones.
“Where do I fit in all of this?” Desdemona asks. “Mother has seen it fit to keep you alive as my pet and I can do whatever I want with you yet you don’t fight back, you speak to me in a respectful tone and you’ve given me a gift. You have clearly declared your utmost love and devotion to me. I must keep you alive and away from my sisters so neither of them can see what you mean to me. You are my beloved!” Bela declares confidently as she reaches out to pet Desdemona’s head affectionately.
Desdemona freezes in place as her mind tries to absorb what is being said to her. She figured that Bela was lonely but that she was also the wisest and more mature of her sisters so she expected her to have a stronger notion as to what love entails. Desdemona should have known better to expect more from monsters who have known nothing but the horrors of sacrifice, torture, and murder in this hell house.
Bela grew slightly impatient at Desdemona’s continued silence and startled the younger girl by slapping her across the face.
“Well, do you have anything to say after I poured my heart and soul out to you or are you just toying with me? Mother and I do not tolerate the games you humans like to play.” Bela growls out menacingly as she towers over her prey, her hand reaching for the sickle that was strapped to her side.
Although she was momentarily stunned, Desdemona’s survival instincts kicked right back into gear.
“I-I understand, I apologize for my quiet demeanor but that’s how I am. I’m not used to sharing my thoughts with other people, so please bear with me, Mistress!” Desdemona begins, her hands reaching out and clutching at Bela’s hooded dress. She looked up and could see that Bela was clearly pleased with the title of ‘Mistress.’
“You’ll find that I prefer that you share your thoughts with me more often, my love, since you’ve so freely given yourself to me. I will go inform mother of our developing relationship and quickly send a maiden down here for food, you poor thing. I can hear your stomach growling and it is so pitiful to see. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll leave you to recover but don’t fret for too long. I’ll be back to see you soon.” Bela turned to leave but there was another question in the back of Desdemona’s mind that demanded an answer so she hurried over to Bela’s slowly disintegrating form and gripped her shoulder in order to stop her.
 Bela raised a brow at the action but when turned around, she couldn’t help but melt at the sight of Desdemona’s pretty puppy dog eyes looking up at her in love and adoration.
“Before you go, I have to know what happened to my best friend, Veronica. The loud-mouth your mother dragged around in chains. Is she…is she still alive?” Desdemona asked, unsure if she really wanted to know the answer but if she were still alive, at least she wouldn’t be alone and in miserable in Castle Dimitrescu.
 Bela smirked knowing exactly what plans her mother had in store for the other screeching woman-thing. The way Desdemona was looking at her, however, made her bite her own lip and relent. She normally kept her mother’s word and did not discuss such plans with outsiders but this was the woman who threw herself at Bela’s feet and declared her love for her.
“Mother is teaching her a lesson about obedience. She will not kill her if your friend plays her cards right, but your friend is stubborn and mother likes to beat that out of our servants. That’s all I will say on the matter, does that satisfy you?” Bela asked as she cupped Desdemona’s chin and gazed into her unfathomably deep gray eyes.
Desdemona holds back a choked sob and simply nods in response, sighing in relief when Bela finally transforms into a massive ball of insects and leaves the dungeon.
 She curls up into a ball and brings her knees tightly against her chest, tears now running freely down her face. Desdemona cries for what seems like an eternity but when she begins to calm down, a small amount of hope swells in her chest. Veronica was still alive. If they could reunite, they could come up with a plan to escape this castle without alerting Lady Dimitrescu and her demented daughters. There’s absolutely no way they could fight their way out of here, no matter how much Veronica would want to go out in the most violent way possible.
Just on the other side of the chamber’s door and down the dimly lit and gloomy hallway, Bela was on her way to see her mother when she glanced down at the strange device her beloved Desdemona had given her. Her heart was consumed by a strange, fluttering feeling that made her feel light-headed and it would have annoyed Bela if the picture on the screen wasn’t so damned tempting. It was a picture of Desdemona wearing absolutely nothing and she was posing so provocatively that it made Bela want to go back and have her way with the beauty she was looking at on screen. She had been messing around with the photo albums Desdemona showed her and found something that read ‘Hidden’. She must have clicked it by accident, and mother forgive her, she was ever so glad that she did.
Bela sighed and clutched the phone tightly to her chest, not wanting this strange sensation of desire to leave her body. She was absolutely certain that she was in love with Desdemona Hawthorne and nobody was going to take that away from her.
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redoqs · 3 years
how would the dimi sisters react to a zombie apocalypse? im thinking of like the (left 4 dead 2) zombie apocalypse, how would the daughters react to each of the special infected and their abilities? also i really love your stories they get me in such a good mood <333
Hold up, this is gonna be a long one
Bela is gonna be the one who thinks she knows what she’s doing when in reality she’s planning as she goes because she just wants to protect her mother and sister, even if that means throwing herself in stupid positions go save them. One day she was out looking for some food and she came across this weird ass looking zombie, like…why is its tongue nearly touching the ground? The zombie didn’t notice her but it’s coughing and blowing out smoke??? Damn, was it a smoker when he was alive? Bela knew his lungs were as black as tar and instead of engaging and wasting bullets she just makes a wide circle around them but you know homegirl steps on a twig because why not? Great, now that wack zombie is coming towards her but Bela aint no casual. She already has the shotgun ready and BLAM!!!! RIGHT IT ITS FUCKING FACE!!!!! the thing died and a bunch of smoke comes out of it. Ew okay. Bela continues to look for food before it gets too dark.
Cassandra? Lord, this was her moment. You already know that she has something planned and she’s gonna be the one who survives till the end. She’s smart and she’s someone who (unless she’s with her family) would prefer to be alone because she don’t have time to be worrying about someone else like girl why are you crying? Your man died twenty minutes ago it’s time to move on🙄 anyway she was out checking on her snares and why did she find this big ass fucking zombie just chilling near the campsite? Like, this thing was HUGE like bro what have you been eating and why are you being stingey and not tell Cassandra where it’s at???? Bro was as big as a tank and of course it had to see Cassandra. The thing howls and makes it’s way towards her and you know Cassie isn’t gonna back down from a fight. She grabs her flamethrower off her back, steps back and blasts this motherfucker with flames! Andddd….hes walking through it he doesn’t give a fuck about them flames but it’s all cass has! She’s back up cmon the flames gotta be doing SOMETHING!!!! After about thirty seconds the thing falls to the ground, crispy and burning! Haha! That’s Whatchu get for tryna fuck with Cassandra!!!
Daniela is capable of traveling on her own but she’s not someone who wants to be alone, especially not in a situation like this, because what the hell? Why would you wanna be alone during this? But this time her sisters are sick and her mother told her to stay there while she went out to look for some medicine but Bela and Cassandra are getting sicker. She can just watch them die she needs to do something. So she grabs her bow and arrow and goes on her own exploration, checking nearby houses and cars trying to find SOMETHING that’ll help her sisters. Now, Dani isn’t the quietest, she ends up stepping on nearly everything and crunching all kinds of leave like girl cmon you gotta be quiet! She actually gives herself away and suddenly she’s being tackled to the ground by a…WHAT THE SHIT IS THAT!?!?!,! This thing literally charged into her and took her to the ground. Now here’s the thing about Dani: she’s fast and is a quick thinker, she didn’t leave her safe haven unprepared. She’s holding the charger with one hand (yeah she’s strong) and reaching to her waist with the other to unclip a grenade. She pulls the pin with her teeth and shoves the whole thing in its mouth. The thing is confused and Dani uses that split second to push it away and run a safe distance because 3…2…1…the fucker explodes into a million pieces! That’s what the fuck you get!! But now Dani’s gotta hurry because more zombie will come. She checks the nearest car and thank goodness! Medicine!!! She looks and sees that it’s the good shit! Awesome!!! Now let’s get the fuck outta here!!!
I’m glad the little stories put you in a good mood!
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